Horoscope - Sagittarius. Horoscope - Sagittarius Health horoscope - Sagittarius

As the horoscope for September 2017 recommends, Sagittarius can safely take on the fulfillment of their desires and plans. Particular success awaits representatives of the sign in self-realization and career. The stressful times are over and you can look to the future with optimism. Changes also occur in your worldview. Your talents and abilities are revealed, new earning opportunities open up.

The most important thing is to make an action plan. Visualize the final successful result, this will speed up the process of achieving what you want. Stay confident in your abilities.

Sagittarians easily manage to find a common language with both close people and strangers. Your inner energy attracts people to you. Try to take advantage of it, but remain respectful and sincere.


The horoscope for Sagittarius for September 2017 does not foretell serious illnesses for representatives of the sign. Your energy level is high, but to maintain your health, you need to follow your daily routine and quit bad habits.

The organs of the gastrointestinal tract require your attention in September. Do not overuse animal products, processed foods, too spicy, fatty and salty foods. Prefer light vegetable dishes, broths, complex carbohydrates.

Walk more in the fresh air and enjoy the last warm days of September.


In September, Sagittarius will experience a career boost. You have no time to be lazy, things are urgent. Get to work scrupulously and with full dedication; in September a breakthrough is planned in your affairs.

Broad prospects open up for Sagittarius thanks to teamwork on a project. You will have to engage in active social activities and deal with organizational issues. Know how to be flexible, show yourself as a professional to your advantage.

The first half of the month will be associated with establishing business connections with out-of-town partners. The negotiations promise to be successful. The second half of September will be associated with financial issues. Possible conclusion of profitable deals.

Sagittarius - subordinates can count on an increase in position and salary. Overall, September is one of the best months for Sagittarius.


The Sagittarius financial horoscope for September 2017 promises representatives of the sign an improvement in their financial situation. Your income will largely depend on the work done in the past, as well as the profitable transactions made this month.

The end of September will bring significant expenses that will be associated with family and romantic matters.


As the love horoscope for September 2017 predicts, Sagittarius will pay more attention to his work than to his personal life. But this will not negatively affect your relationship. Your partner supports you, respond in kind. Avoid criticism. Add more warmth and care to your relationship.

Free Sagittarius will make new acquaintances, and relationships from friendships will subsequently develop into romantic ones. The stars recommend that you take the initiative.

For those wishing to formalize the relationship, the stars turn on the green light.

Family Sagittarius should pay more attention to raising children. Give them confidence in your love and support. You should not punish children if they do not meet your expectations. Accept your child as a separate, whole person, praise and encourage him.

Sagittarius Man

As the horoscope for September 2017 recommends, a Sagittarius man should actively engage in work. Then your superiors will definitely appreciate you, and you can count on a promotion. You shouldn’t talk too much about your successes; envious people are not asleep.

The Sagittarius man's income exceeds his expenses. Use caution when signing documents.

Some Sagittarius will decide to radically change their lives, change their place of residence and work.

Take care of your health. Lack of diet and rest will seriously affect your well-being. It's also time to put an end to bad habits.

Sagittarius Woman

As the horoscope for September 2017 recommends, a Sagittarius woman should work on increasing her income. At the same time, it is important that in addition to money, your profession also brings moral satisfaction. This month is great for career growth, don't miss your chance.

Business ladies will also be at their best in September.

To maintain morale and good health, organize your daily routine. Find a place in it for proper sleep and exercise.

You will not suffer from a lack of fans, but you do not always have enough time for your personal life. Go somewhere with your significant other more often.

08:00 / 21 Sep. 2017

Find out what the stars have in store for you

Try to plan more interesting things for this day. It is worth meeting people who are dear to you, but for some reason you have not seen them for a long time. Some will decide to go shopping for some soul-searching, while others just need to get some sleep and take a break.

Now, contrary to logic, you need to act first and think later. The first impulse will turn out to be correct, and the more you begin to think and analyze, the further you will abandon the right path. Listen less to the opinions of others, trust yourself more.

On this day, you need to fill your schedule to the limit with important things and pleasant meetings. Don't leave a single free minute. But do not deny yourself the pleasure of attending entertainment events. If you are not only an outside observer, but also an active participant, you can have much more fun than you expect.

There is nothing bad to say about this day. You will be in high spirits and will be able to work hard and relax. Go out into nature with friends, and in the evenings take walks in pleasant company. Don't refuse to help your friends.

Don't plan anything serious. It's time to take a little break and relax. If you do not have such an opportunity, then do only the most necessary things and do not take on increased obligations. Don't avoid new meetings and interesting events. A new person may appear in your life who will change all your plans.

You shouldn't get into verbal battles now. Your ability to convince your interlocutor will disappear for some period, and you yourself may be subject to other people's influence and opinions. Do not rush to solve personal problems rashly - you may harm yourself. A time not very suitable for meetings and entertainment. It's better to wait it out alone.

On this day you will plunge into a whirlpool of events. Many interesting negotiations await you, which can bring their own, sometimes unexpected, results. But in conversations, don’t go too far, and if you feel that your interlocutor is not ready to give an answer, don’t put pressure on him. This will prove to be the most effective. Everyone has the right to a time-out.

You will look like a little light. who can not only warm those around him with his warmth, but also ignite a spark of enthusiasm and optimism in them. In love, pleasant surprises await you, and some representatives of this sign will encounter promising acquaintances.

You may find yourself in a difficult position right now. On the one hand, a lot will be successful at work, but on the other hand, difficulties will arise in relationships with a loved one. Try to avoid quarrels and be more tolerant. Take note of disturbing dreams. They may be the key to unraveling future events.

The day promises to be extremely fruitful and generous professionally. Make an action plan and start solving the problems facing you, don’t waste time, the good period will soon end. There will be a lot to do, but your persistence and hard work will give you strength, and you can easily cope with any amount of work.

This day does not prepare for negative situations. Rather, on the contrary, interesting and unpredictable twists of fate await you that can change your future for the better. Try to communicate with others as much as possible, since you will find the key to success through connections and acquaintances.

On this day, keep your nose to the wind. You will have to be active to achieve positive results. Try to establish mutual understanding with people. with whom you are interested. Avoid stressful situations and extreme sports.

Compiled by astrologer Marina Alexandrova

Sagittarius, do not be modest and be interested in the opinions of more experienced colleagues - your colleagues will be happy to share with you some professional wisdom. The second half of today is suitable for communicating with kids. Throw a party for your children or nephews - you won’t even notice how you yourself will turn into a child.

Sagittarius. Weekly horoscope from 12/26/2017 to 01/01/2017

Sagittarius, you will get a second wind so that you can take on the most important tasks. This applies to both New Year’s preparations and work that needs to be done before the holiday. Everything that happens around you will benefit you. No one will challenge your authority; everyone will immediately understand that no one can come up with, propose or do better than you. Perhaps you will face some problems, but they will not ruin your plans, but will become an additional incentive for vigorous action. Every time you encounter an obstacle, you will miraculously gain more strength, and by the New Year you will do everything you planned. You will celebrate the New Year on the move: at a party, on the way from one guest to another, on a trip, on the street.

Sagittarius. Financial horoscope for 12/26/2017 to 01/01/2017

Sagittarius, on Monday and Tuesday you will be energetically occupied with a financial issue that is of great importance to you, maybe you will grab a promising part-time job, or you will be looking for a special, very desirable thing. There will be a delay in this matter on Wednesday and Thursday. You will have to postpone plans due to the fact that the necessary documents do not arrive on time, an error in financial papers will appear, or other matters from the past will remind you of themselves. The new moon on Thursday is the best moment to leave difficulties behind and start a new life. Start it with a wealth ritual and financial fortune telling. On Friday you will be busy with small financial matters, and on the weekend you will disconnect from financial worries and surrender to the festive mood.

Sagittarius. Love horoscope from 03/11/2019 to 03/18/2019

Sagittarius, you may not be able to survive a stormy passion, but Sagittarius will definitely not be left alone. Family Sagittarians will prove themselves to be virtuosos of intimate communication; perhaps their spouses will share with them some cherished secret that is not always trusted to husbands or wives. This is not about betrayal at all, but about a delicate situation in which Sagittarius can give the right advice.

Sagittarius. Love compatibility from 02/22/2016 to 02/28/2016

Sagittarius, do not miss the chance to build an ideal relationship with the element with which in normal times you are not very compatible - the element of Water. Now, with the support of the Stars, you can easily win the Waterman you like, or improve your existing relationship to ideal. The basis of the union will be spiritual closeness, care, sensitivity, family warmth and comfort in the little things. These qualities are the strength of Water people. Despite your fiery temperament, slow down and let your Water partner express himself. Let him set the tone in the relationship and you won't regret it!

An extremely negative day, bringing deceptions, illusions, unfulfilled hopes. The stars warn that today Aries may conflict with those people who are closest to you. For many representatives of the sign, compromise today is not something you can come to terms with. Now Aries needs a partner who can take the initiative and share their needs.

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 - TAURUS

This day will be the most favorable for peace, harmony, restoration of interrupted friendships and relationships. Now it is advisable for you to control yourself all the time and not give free rein to negative emotions. In the evening - just relaxation.

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 - GEMINI

The stars promise a great time for you to explore new horizons. If you want, be sure to find time to visit a new place, go out of town or to another city. Therefore, the love horoscope predicts a pleasant acquaintance for single women of this sign. Be open and the Universe will pleasantly surprise you!

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 - CANCER

It is better to postpone important matters for a while. Now Cancers may turn out to be incompetent in many matters or simply mistaken. On this day, Cancer women should pay attention to the new ideas that will come to your mind. It is likely that they will soon significantly affect your life. Also, do not avoid casual acquaintances, as today is a good time for useful meetings.

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 - LEO

Leos, the next day can hardly be called calm. The cycle of events will spin you in its round dance. Business, meetings, trips, bustle and turmoil - this is what awaits representatives of this zodiac sign today. But the energy of this day is high, so the main thing is not to sit idly by and act actively, then the result will not be long in coming.

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 - VIRGO

It is likely that today circumstances will force you to actively defend your principles and point of view. Today is a good day to focus on work, improving your skills, gaining new knowledge. This will bring you a feeling of satisfaction and security.

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 - LIBRA

Libra will feel a boost of vigor and energy today. This day is conducive to communication, so representatives of this zodiac sign will get along well with others. Therefore, you can make appointments, negotiate and correspond, and go on dates. Today is the day when Libra can let themselves shine!

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 - SCORPIO

Today is not the most active day for Scorpios. The horoscope recommends stepping back from actions and immersing yourself in reflection. Now you need deep inner work from which you can get a real feeling of satisfaction, and at the same time visible results.

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 - SAGITTARIUS

Sagittarius today is one of the energetically “clean” days, which is favorable for active recreation, physical activity, and walks. During this period, you should not act in a hurry or under the influence of strong emotions. Don't look for disputes, try to come to a peaceful agreement.

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 - CAPRICORN

Today is a good day to focus on work and your career progress. Review your goals, ambitions and the steps you need to take to achieve them. The stars also recommend that you listen more and express your opinion less during this period. Because for many, their language today can become an enemy.

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 - AQUARIUS

Aquarius has a favorable time for travel, learning and charity. The day will pass under the sign of wisdom, inviolability, and justice. You cannot refuse requests, show greed, or selfishness. It is recommended to donate, advise and listen to advice.

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 - PISCES

Today, Pisces’ state of mind may be far from harmonious. The discrepancy between what is desired and what is actual can lead to pessimism or an aggressive state. It is not recommended today to make calculations, lend or borrow. Physical labor is useful as it will distract you from negative thoughts.

Be sensitive to changes in the mood of your loved ones! Remember: we get from the world exactly what we give to it. Do you want others to treat you with respect and care? Behave in the same way. If someone shows aggression towards you, this is a reason to think: probably aggression has already settled in your soul. We need to get rid of it urgently! on September 21, 2017 will help you!

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 Aries

Significant changes in personal life, breaking of many connections, reorientation of likes and interests. There may be a revision and reworking of what has been started, and the need to talk again with family members on pressing issues. Your parents and spouse may impose rather strict conditions on you. The use of new methods of work will bring with it great profits, and unusual business projects and investments themselves promise great financial success. And if the activity was carried out with full responsibility, the person will be able to start new important things in his life.

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 Taurus

You will feel great in the company of friends and loved ones. Such a person may be one of the relatives, or one of the parents. Do them a favor and don't ask them for absolute and complete emotional consent as well. You will not be a loser if you make a deal on this day and sign a contract. Short trips or other contacts can take a lot of your energy and take place in a tense environment, sometimes fraught with direct conflicts.

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 Gemini

You can find new happiness, or return to the old, no less attractive way to achieve success without problems. The evening will bring you the opportunity for more relaxed, original communication, or independent solitude. Hurry to communicate with the right people - in a day or two they may temporarily disappear from your horizon. Perhaps it will be you. Any studies in the field of science and technology (including scientific and technical creativity), in progressive and related fields of knowledge are successful.

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 Cancer

The first half of the day is a great time to try to get out of a critical situation in a creative and innovative way. During this time, there is the possibility of pregnancy or childbirth for women; this also applies to who he or she is dealing with, as well as the responsibility for raising children and their education. But already in the afternoon you may be overcome by belated doubts. At home, make something with your own hands or rearrange it. You can become the object of your boss’s nagging, lose his trust, or become a victim of a slander.

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 Leo

You may have more work to do during the day than usual. We must strive for a clear understanding of where they are right and where they are wrong. It will not be useless to read a novel - for example, a detective or fantasy novel - with a twisted, dashing plot. You should not strive for a strict and prim atmosphere at work. Try not to succumb to a false, excessive feeling of pity, avoid excessive gullibility.

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 Virgo

A good day to harmonize relationships in the family and with your loved one. Disputes with partners. You can become the object of your boss’s nagging, lose his trust, or become a victim of a slander. This is a good day for negotiations with your boss or other influential people. Today you can establish a rhythm for these activities that will continue to work almost without your participation.

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 Libra

Don't make Napoleonic plans. It is possible that the main reason for your luck will be your own mobility, sociability, and curiosity. Do not perform physical therapy, thermal or electrical procedures, or examinations using instruments. You can not only prove yourself as an excellent specialist in complex issues, but also earn a decent amount of money. Good luck accompanies purchases of artistic and decorative items.

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 Scorpio

If you feel the symptoms of a forgotten chronic disease, then do not rush to swallow pills and immediately run to the doctor. Eliminate flour, fatty and salty foods from your diet, eat more vegetables. The encouraging thing is that every little unpleasant thing suddenly has its own positive side. The day is very suitable for peaceful clarification of pressing issues related to household property, inheritance, insurance, including the search for acceptable alternatives for the future. If traditional methods do not produce results, you will have to decide on a non-standard step.

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 Sagittarius

Today your reaction to the behavior and requests of your spouse, parents - or to their relationships with each other - may be too sharp. Difficulties in communication are typical, especially with foreign partners. A romantic date or a walk with your child can be a great way to take your mind off your problems. It is not recommended to take your car to a car service center or purchase electronic equipment, both household and professional. A good period for teaching, research, a love date or an active winter holiday, which is very beneficial for your health.

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 Capricorn

A favorable time for professional creativity, business trips, negotiations with foreign colleagues, and obtaining education in the chosen field of activity. The desire for leadership can put you in conditions of struggle and competition. This is a good day to make yourself known among like-minded people, comrades-in-arms, who are ready not only to sympathize, but to take direct part in your plans, and for mutual benefit. At this time, you should not borrow money or make hasty decisions in the financial field. On this day you can show yourself in a favorable light in front of friends, a group of like-minded people or society.

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 Aquarius

The situation around you can cause your irritation and provoke discontent. You can easily turn what happens around you to benefit your immediate plans. In the first half of the day, you can allow yourself rest or entertainment, indulge in free creativity or finish things related to children. Elements of play will also appear on this day, as well as full of longing, hope, joy in beauty and pleasure in erotica. A person's monetary or professional affairs often relate to real estate, food, household products and services.

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 Pisces

When making a fateful decision, first try to consider its possible pitfalls in detail and carefully. It promises to be a successful loan, but preferably for a small amount. Businessmen, intermediaries, and financiers should be very careful. The course of liver diseases may improve; this is a favorable day to begin their treatment, but the examination may give a biased picture. Relationships of a contractual nature (including a marital union, a business contract, an agreement for the provision of services) will require additional attention, strict adherence to the rules, and compliance with the provisions of the current legislation.

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