Proper nutrition in breast cancer chemotherapy. Therapeutic nutrition for breast cancer chemotherapy

The plague of the 21st century has become such a disease as oncology. Currently, many people are being diagnosed with this unfortunate diagnosis. The most common is breast cancer in women. It is treated with chemotherapy. This method is based on the use of drugs that are potent and destructive to cancer. Doctors recommend during the course of treatment and after it to adhere to proper nutrition.

Chemotherapeutic treatment is difficult to tolerate by the human body, and causes various side effects.

Eating the right food during treatment helps to keep the level of white and red blood cells in the patient's blood, which improves his overall well-being.

General nutrition rules

Oncology of the mammary glands currently occupies a leading position among other cancers. Breast cancer can only be defeated with a comprehensive approach to treatment.

In order to get the maximum benefit, you need to eat right to avoid further spread of metastases. Considering the state of the woman's body at the moment, chemotherapy or surgery, the diet may change.

First of all, you should pay attention to:

  • stage of cancer development
  • course of the disease
  • the presence of a violation of mineral metabolism and general metabolism in a cancer patient
  • hormonal background of the patient
  • patient's age
  • the presence of other chronic diseases that can have a negative impact on dietary nutrition and general treatment
  • type of therapy used to treat a disease

If the patient is overweight, then the diet in terms of its calorie content should be reduced. The decrease occurs taking into account the level of normal body weight.

There are general rules that formed the basis of all therapeutic diets for breast cancer:

  • The daily dose of protein should not be higher than 20 percent, since a large amount of protein makes the kidneys and liver work hard.
  • Fatty foods should be avoided. The total fat intake per day is less than 20 percent. Here it is worth replacing fatty foods with saturated vegetable fats.
  • Complex carbohydrates should be no more than 80 percent.
  • Remove from the diet all foods and dishes that contain sugar, animal fat, spices.
  • All meals that the patient consumes must be fresh, freshly cooked.
  • Dry snacks should be excluded from the diet.
  • All consumed products must necessarily reduce the load on the liver and kidneys.
  • Preference should be given to vegetables and fruits, natural juices without sugar. It is better if most of them are eaten fresh.

Pros and cons of diet for breast cancer

Compliance with a therapeutic diet supports the body. It becomes physiologically complete, as it is saturated with all the substances necessary for recovery and healing. For example, nutrients. Also, there is a complete replenishment of energy costs and the side effects of chemotherapy are mitigated. This is an undeniable advantage of such a diet.

The disadvantages include the fact that such a diet is quite expensive and time consuming.

Allowed foods during chemotherapy

The list of foods for breast cancer chemotherapy is as follows:

  • vegetables and fruits - at least five servings a day, exclusively fresh
  • fresh juices
  • various berries
  • any legumes and gourds
  • cereals and fresh herbs
  • red fish and other seafood
  • lean meat, beef, rabbit, game, chicken
  • various unrefined vegetable oils
  • water, green tea

Wholly or partially restricted products

During the passage of chemotherapy from the diet should be excluded:

  • dairy products (milk, butter, etc.)
  • dishes with a high content of pepper, salt and other spices
  • various marinades and marinated foods
  • canned food (both store-bought and homemade)
  • fat meat
  • ready juices
  • sweet (including chocolate)
  • sparkling water
  • fast food
  • mushrooms
  • unnatural vinegar
  • alcohol, tobacco

It is these products that have a detrimental effect on the state of the body as a whole, and with oncology, the negative effect is doubled.

Diet at different stages of treatment

The main menu for the nutrition of patients with breast cancer is determined by the stage of the disease, the type of treatment and the general condition of the patient:

  • preoperative stage. The basis is a balanced diet. Calorie content in the range of 3,000 - 3,200 kilocalories. Contains all nutrients. Their number should correspond to the physiological norm.
  • Postoperative period and chemotherapy period. If there is a sharp decrease in the patient's body weight, then the calorie content of the food taken increases, which varies in the range from 4,000 to 4,500 kilocalories. The diet becomes more high-calorie.

You need to eat fractionally, often.

The number of meals reaches up to 8 times in 24 hours, mandatory snacks must also be present.

The doctor prescribes a certain type of product, and you can choose the recipe for preparing this or that dish yourself.

How much water should be consumed

During chemotherapy, the work of the urinary system, and especially the kidneys, has a strong negative effect. As a result, the kidneys and urinary system do not work properly, and many drugs remain in the patient's body and poison him from the inside. Doctors advise to drink plenty of fluids during the entire chemotherapy treatment. The amount of water consumed is equal to one and a half liters of water per 24 hours.

A positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys and urinary system is exerted by:

  • raspberry, tomato, carrot and beetroot juices
  • still mineral water
  • green tea
  • sour-milk products

If puffiness appears, then the amount of fluid consumed is reduced. If the patient thinks that the taste of water has become different, then doctors advise getting the necessary liquid when drinking soups.

Results and reviews

Below are real stories that prove how important it is to eat right and in the right quantities while undergoing treatment. In order for the body to have the strength to recover.

Story one

Evgenia Lvovna (64 years old, Penza)

“Four months ago, during a general examination, I was given a referral to an oncologist with suspected breast cancer. As a result, a course of chemotherapy was prescribed, which I completed completely, plus a course of hormone treatment. The state of health during chemotherapy was unbearably nightmarish. I was haunted by constant vomiting, nausea. I didn’t want to eat, and I lost 6 kilograms sharply.

Once again, at the appointment with the attending physician, he warned me that if I did not start to eat normally, then they would put me in a hospital and feed me through a tube. To prevent this from happening, the doctor prescribed me a high-calorie diet. So that I do not avoid eating next to me, whoever, always was from close people. Through persuasion, threats and my tantrums, I ate, as they say, "what the doctor ordered." After some time, my general condition improved, and I began to cook and eat on my own exactly the foods that were prescribed to me by the diet. Now I hope for a full recovery. The diet really helps."

Story two

Yulia Alekseevna (41 years old, Nytva, Perm Territory)

“I will not talk about my exact diagnosis. I will say one thing! When I was diagnosed with oncology, I was in indescribable horror. After all, each of us hopes that this disease will bypass him. But we propose, but God disposes. A lot of effort, time and money was spent in the fight against this terrible "sore", up to its surgical removal. Now I say "sore" because I managed to cope and defeat her. After undergoing chemotherapy, my condition became simply unbearable. I didn’t eat anything, I was constantly tormented by headaches, nausea, vomiting.

For the next scheduled examination, my husband came with me, and after the examination, I was expelled into the corridor. My husband talked for a long time about something with the doctor and left after about half an hour with the words: “If you don’t eat, I’ll file for divorce!”. Looking at him with anger, I promised that I would burst, but I would eat, but I would not get a divorce. Arriving home, I saw that my beloved husband had changed, began to spend time in the kitchen, conjuring up another culinary masterpiece. We both sat down at the table. His plate was the same as mine. He told me that now we always eat together “spoon to spoon” and you need to eat everything. I choked, cried, but ate.

As my doctor later told me, my husband took clear advice on an anti-cancer diet and proper nutrition during his treatment for breast cancer. Now we are fine. It's been about 4 years since then. I hope this terrible disease will not return to me again. And to you, my dear women, I wish you not to get sick, and if something else happens, defeat this infection.

Is the diet different during chemotherapy and after

Diet during breast cancer treatment depends on several factors. If we talk specifically about the diet during the course of chemotherapy, then you need to pay attention to the calorie content and nutritional value of the dishes. You don’t want to eat, but you need to eat to give the body the opportunity to fight and recover.

In order to get the right and effective diet, you need to consult with your doctor and self-medication is not allowed here. It’s not for nothing that they say, “we are what we eat”! Be more attentive to yourself, to your body and to your loved ones.

The diet for breast cancer is not an independent method of therapy. But properly organized nutrition at all stages of the disease prevents metabolic disorders, exhaustion, helps the regeneration of normal tissues and reduces the risk of relapses. Having a general strengthening effect, maintaining the necessary physiological functions of the body, a balanced diet significantly improves the quality of life of women who are faced with a malignant tumor in the breast. Let's get acquainted with the recommendations of oncologists and nutritionists on the correct diet for breast cancer.

How to improve your chances of recovery from breast cancer

Oncologists warn that none of the "most correct" diet or the use of "anti-cancer" foods is able to fight back malignant formation without full-fledged drug therapy. However, a daily menu, based on the recommendations of nutritionists, can increase the chances of recovery.

It has been established that patients who adhere to the recommended diet tolerate mastectomy more easily and recover faster after it. Ignoring a specially designed diet reduces the body's resistance to infections, increases the period of rehabilitation after surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, and can lead to exhaustion of the body.

The use of certain products for breast cancer helps to reduce the risk of metastasis, remove toxic decay products of the tumor faster and improve liver function, the state of which largely determines the course of the disease and the well-being of a woman.

A complete diet rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals, combined with drug treatment, will help the body quickly come to remission and prolong this period as long as possible.

Diet Features

In women with a malignant formation in the mammary gland, the basic metabolism is disturbed and significantly changes. It depends on the stage of the disease, hormonal levels and the degree of stress on the body during treatment. These factors must be taken into account when formulating a diet. Equally important are the weight, age and general condition of the patient.

It is necessary to make adjustments to the diet, taking into account concomitant diseases. Often "trouble does not come alone" - along with oncology, the patient may have disorders of the digestive system, heart disease, blood vessels, kidneys.

In general, the diet for breast cancer is based on the principles of a healthy diet, but with minor amendments.

  1. The basis of the diet is balanced and complete products that will provide all the vital needs of the body.
  2. The daily calorie content of food on average should be 40 kcal / kg of body weight. With an overweight patient, the energy value of the diet should be reduced to 30-35 kcal, with a lack of increase to 50-55 kcal.
  3. The amount of fat in the daily diet should be reduced to 30%. Refractory fats (beef and mutton fat) should be excluded completely.
  4. Give preference to fractional nutrition (6-8 meals per day in small portions).
  5. Increase the proportion of protein foods by 1/3 (average 100-120 g per day.)
  6. With a hormone-dependent breast tumor, foods and plants containing phytoestrogens must be excluded from the diet menu.
  7. Follow the drinking regime. The recommended daily fluid intake for cancer patients is 40 mg/kg body weight. To restore the mineral balance, it is necessary to drink not only water, but also fruit drinks, decoctions, teas, compotes, sour-milk drinks.
  8. All products in the diet should be natural, as fresh and of high quality as possible. Fruits, vegetables and herbs that can be eaten raw should be eaten raw, the rest should be subjected to minimal heat treatment. Fried foods are banned!
  9. Do not completely refuse food even in the most difficult periods of the course of the disease. Just at this time, the body needs additional vitamin and mineral support, which is provided by healthy foods.

Only a qualified nutritionist can make up the right balanced diet for breast cancer in accordance with the individual characteristics of a woman's body. But every patient who wants a speedy and complete recovery should adhere to the basic principles of the diet.

Important foods and vitamins

Food for breast cancer should be healthy, easily digestible and varied in order to fully meet all the energy needs of the body in such a difficult period of life.

It would be ideal if 2/3 of the daily diet consisted of fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, dairy products, nuts and unrefined vegetable oils.

In the fight against a tumor in the breast, food rich in the following useful substances should prevail in the daily diet:

  • proteins;
  • vitamins with antioxidant properties (vitamins A, C, E);
  • unsaturated fats;
  • fiber.

To prevent relapses and metastasis, it is necessary to include foods that increase the level of antiblastoma resistance of the body (having anticancer activity) in food.


Protein food provides growth and restores tissues damaged by cancer cells, stimulates the immune system. Protein deficiency in the daily menu reduces susceptibility to infectious diseases, increases the recovery time after a mastectomy or drug therapy.

In some sources, you may come across information that for malignant tumors of any localization, it is necessary to exclude protein from the menu to the maximum, especially of animal origin. Oncologists categorically disagree with this opinion: protein should be at least 15% in the daily diet of cancer patients.

  • lean meat: chicken fillet, turkey, pork tenderloin, rabbit meat;
  • dairy products: cheese, cottage cheese;
  • eggs;
  • fish.

The use of soy products in breast cancer as a source of protein in the diet is still a controversial issue. Soy contains genistein, a substance similar in composition to the hormone estrogen, so it can interact with its receptors. Some scientists believe that the consumption of soy products leads to the growth of abnormal cells in breast cancer. But recent studies by researchers at Arizona Cancer University have proven soy's significant anticancer potential, as genistein has been shown to stabilize the BRCA 1 gene.

Vitamins with antioxidant properties

Antioxidants (lycopene, ellagic acid, quercetin, beta-carotene, vitamins A, C) neutralize the action of free radicals that provoke the appearance of cancer cells, increase the antitumor defense of the body.

All fruits and vegetables of red, yellow, orange color have antioxidant properties:

  • tomatoes;
  • apricots;
  • bell pepper;
  • pumpkin;
  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • citrus;
  • apples;
  • peaches;
  • pears;
  • persimmon.

Berries are also rich in antioxidant vitamins: currants, strawberries, raspberries, sea buckthorn, rose hips.

Fresh fruits, berries and vegetables must be eaten with breast cancer, and it is advisable to consume them raw.

Another vitamin with antioxidant properties that is important to include in the diet in the prevention and treatment of malignant tumors is vitamin E. Its sources are:

  • unrefined vegetable oils;
  • nuts;
  • sesame;
  • avocado.

It has been proven that the anti-cancer activity of vitamin E increases when combined with selenium. The optimal combination of these substances is found in wheat germ oil.

With a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, there is no need to take nutritional supplements in the form of synthetic vitamin complexes. Daily consumption of 500 g of a variety of fruits and vegetables gives the body all the necessary vitamins to perform vital functions.


Vegetables and fruits, in addition to the vitamins necessary for the prevention and treatment of breast cancer, also contain fiber. It is also recommended by nutritionists for breast tumors. Coarse dietary fiber helps to remove toxic substances and activates the ability of macrophages to remove carcinogenic cells.

Rich in fiber:

  • whole grains;
  • bran;
  • wholemeal bread;
  • legumes;
  • nuts;
  • seeds.

These foods should be eaten daily for breast cancer. Foods that are low in fiber cause cancer.

unsaturated fats

Omega-3 fatty acids control the growth of tumor cells, provoking their self-destruction and activate the immune system. Sources are both plant and animal products:

  • flax seeds and oil;
  • fish fat;
  • walnuts;
  • chia seeds;
  • blue fish (mackerel, tuna, sea trout, sardine, sprat).

It has been proven that women with breast cancer, whose tissues contain a large amount of omega-3, have a greater susceptibility to chemotherapy and a low rate of metastases.

Foods with anti-cancer properties

Some products contain compounds that prevent the formation and reproduction of cancer cells and contribute to their destruction. These include:

  • cruciferous vegetables (all types of cabbage, radishes, turnips, radishes): contain antitumor substances - indoles that prevent the germination of blood vessels in pathological foci, reduce estrogen levels, which affect the growth of estrogen-dependent breast cancer;
  • seaweed (brown, spirulina, chlorella): inhibit the development of the tumor, because they contain carotenoids and polysaccharides (fucoxanthin, phycocyanin, fucoidan) - powerful inhibitors of the growth of malignant cells;
  • legumes: beans, beans, lentils, chickpeas, asparagus: they contain inhibitors of protease enzymes that slow down the division of cancer cells, accelerate the elimination of toxic substances;
  • green leafy vegetables (celery, parsnip, spinach, lettuce, arugula, mustard, parsley): contain chlorophyll, which prevents damage to the cell structure, inhibits the mutagenic activity of carcinogens, and inhibits tumor development;
  • green tea - a source of catechin EGGG, which blocks urokinase - an enzyme necessary for the reproduction of cancer cells, provoking their self-destruction, stimulates the immune system to produce natural killers;
  • sesame and chia seeds: contain lignans, sesamin and sesamol, which help fight cancer cells by suppressing the NF-kB factor, which causes cells to self-destruct;
  • cocoa - can be called the most antioxidant product of all existing, since it contains oligomeric procyanidins - compounds with powerful anti-cancer properties;
  • garlic: contains alliin - an essential oil that gives a specific smell, and twenty of its derivatives with anticancer properties (S-methyl cysteine, dialyl sulfide, S-allyl cysteine ​​and others);
  • honey is a unique product containing amino acids, minerals, vitamins and enzymes; increases the body's resistance to radiation and chemotherapy, reduces the effects of intoxication of the body.

Using a certain food with a tumor in the breast, you can achieve the necessary changes in metabolic processes in cells, avoid metastases and relapses.

What not to eat with breast cancer

Some foods are carcinogenic or may stimulate tumor growth. Nutritionists, together with oncologists, have compiled a list of foods that can not be eaten with breast cancer.

  1. Refined carbohydrates (sugar, white rice, premium wheat flour products). They cause a sharp release of glucose into the blood, which stimulates the growth of malignant cells, tk. is a nutrient for the tumor. The main source of carbohydrates in the diet for oncology is cereals and wholemeal bread.
  2. Rich broths and sausages. They contain a large amount of harmful cholesterol, which not only worsens the condition of blood vessels, but also increases the activity and degree of aggressiveness of the tumor.
  3. Grilled meat. During prolonged frying on the surface of the meat, as a result of the destruction of protein, harmful substances are formed that have carcinogenic properties. It is necessary to exclude not only fried meat, but also any other dishes prepared by frying with vegetable oils.
  4. With a positive hormonal status (ER +) and the passage of hormone therapy, foods with high estrogen-like activity (soy, flax seeds, alfalfa sprouts, apricots and dried apricots, coconut oil, nuts) are excluded from the diet.
  5. Limit canned, pickled food, smoked meats, fast food. They contain trans fats and chemical additives that are harmful even to a healthy body, and are not recommended at all for cancer.

Alcohol abuse has been found to increase the risk of developing breast cancer. Alcohol must be completely abandoned!

Menu for breast cancer

  • breakfast: whole grain porridge with milk / scrambled eggs (2-3 times a week) + a slice of cheese + green tea;
  • second breakfast: natural yogurt / cottage cheese with fresh or frozen fruits / berries, a handful of nuts or seeds;
  • snack: freshly squeezed juice from fruits or vegetables + a slice of wholemeal bread;
  • lunch: borscht / cabbage soup, steamed chicken / fish cutlet, fresh vegetable salad with herbs, dressed with olive / linseed oil, 2-3 durum wheat pasta / legumes + dried fruit compote / fruit drink per week;
  • afternoon snack: a glass of fermented milk drink with bran / cottage cheese casserole with raisins;
  • dinner: baked with vegetables (potatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, eggplant) chicken breast / pork tenderloin, 3 times a week - boiled or baked fish with a vegetable side dish + herbal tea;
  • at night: fermented milk drink with a spoonful of linseed / sesame seeds.

The portion sizes of dishes and drinks from the menu are selected individually in accordance with the energy needs of the body and well-being.

Nutrition and vitamins in chemotherapy

In chemotherapy, the harmful effects of drugs extend not only to cancer cells, but also to healthy ones. During and after treatment, women develop nausea, mouth ulcers that make it difficult to chew food, sore throat, and indigestion. Changing taste preferences and sensations is also not uncommon.

During this period, it is more important than ever to support the body with nutrients, but health conditions can make it difficult to eat normally. It is necessary to change the diet, including mainly easily digestible foods rich in vitamins, minerals and phospholipids to support liver function. A huge load falls on this organ during chemotherapy.

  • mucous porridges in vegetable broths with olive oil;
  • boiled carrots, beets;
  • chicken soufflé;
  • mashed pumpkin, zucchini, artichokes with sour cream;
  • rice puddings;
  • crackers, white bread toasts;
  • fruit and vegetable juices diluted with water;
  • fermented milk drinks;
  • berry kissels;
  • compotes from apples, dried fruits.

You need to take food in small portions (100 g each), but as often as possible. If necessary, you can use baby food. Sufficient fluid intake (up to 3-4 liters per day) will allow you to quickly get rid of the toxic substances of tumor decay and drug residues.

When chemotherapy should be excluded from the menu:

  • spicy and sour food;
  • high-fiber vegetables and fruits (currants, cabbage, plums, peas);
  • black bread;
  • spices;
  • carbonated drinks.

Gradually, the range of foods consumed should be expanded and returned to the recommended diet for breast cancer.

Nutrition and vitamins after mastectomy

In the postoperative period after the removal of the mammary gland, it is also important to make adjustments to the diet. It should be aimed at creating optimal conditions for the functioning of the body and the speedy healing of wounds. Increased intake of useful and nutritious foods will help you recover faster.

All meals in the diet after the operation to remove the gland should be freshly prepared from natural, easily digestible products.

  • soups-puree on vegetable broths;
  • liquid cereals from whole grains (barley, barley, oatmeal are good for the prevention of constipation);
  • steamed fish and seafood;
  • meat cutlets and soufflé;
  • protein omelet;
  • fruit jelly;
  • baked apples;
  • mashed boiled vegetables;
  • kefir;
  • jelly.

In the first week after surgery, the following products should be discarded:

  • mushrooms;
  • legumes;
  • sauces;
  • coffee;
  • meat broths;
  • sweets (honey and bee products can be used if there is no allergy).

Limit salt intake, eat fractionally, in small portions up to 8 times a day.

To improve metabolic processes after surgery, nutritionists advise taking milky juice from wheat grains in the phase of milky ripeness. A good remedy for restoring the body is a decoction of wheat or oat bran:

  • Boil 200 g of bran in 1 liter of water for an hour;
  • squeeze and strain the rest of the broth;
  • drink 1/2 cup 4 times a day before meals.

After the patient's condition improves, you need to switch to the standard diet for breast cancer.

Although eating healthy foods will not cure breast cancer, proper nutrition and adherence to the recommended diet will contribute to the healing process and will be a good support for the body in the fight against the tumor.

Today, cancer is common. The most common is breast cancer. To combat it, doctors use chemotherapy drugs. They have a devastating effect on malignant cells. Doctors also insist that nutrition during breast cancer chemotherapy is correct. It is important to follow the recommendations and advice regarding the use of products.

Proper nutrition during chemotherapy is essential to keep the body in good condition. Drugs adversely affect healthy tissues and cells. There are side effects. Doctors prescribe additional medications to minimize the negative reaction. It is also recommended to follow proper nutrition for breast cancer in order to maintain the state of the body during the struggle.

Principles of a balanced diet:

  1. The amount of protein consumed per day should not exceed 20%. It increases the load on the liver and kidneys.
  2. Fat intake should also be limited to 20%. It is recommended to give preference to unsaturated vegetable fats.
  3. The daily rate of complex carbohydrates should not exceed 80%.
  4. Every day, a cancer patient needs to eat fresh fruits and vegetables for 5 r. per day.
  5. The diet should include special foods that help fight cancer cells.
  6. Grains and legumes should be added to the menu daily.
  7. Exclude from the diet foods containing sugar and fat, as well as products of animal origin.

It is necessary to abandon refined and canned foods. Drink vitamin complexes and do not forget about a sufficient amount of liquid.

Diet Rules

During chemotherapy for breast cancer, doctors give some dietary advice. It is important to keep these tips in mind:

  1. Dishes and products must always be fresh.
  2. You must follow the regimen.
  3. It is important to store food properly.

The liver and kidneys are hit by chemotherapy drugs. It is necessary to reduce the load on these organs with dietary nutrition.

Nutrition after surgery in the fight against a tumor with chemotherapeutic drugs provides not only rules. Experts identify some groups of products that are necessary for the human body with cancer.


The group is represented by nuts, beans, peas, soy products. Also poultry, pork, veal or beef. Don't forget the fish. All of these foods contain sufficient amounts of protein, iron and vitamin B. Patients with breast cancer should consume them 2 r. per day.

Fruit and vegetable

We are talking about raw and boiled any vegetables, juices and dried fruits. Patients should every day for 5 r. consume fruits and vegetables.


Particularly useful are foods that contain bifidobacteria. With oncology, patients should consume any dairy products. Ryazhenka, kefir, condensed milk, yogurt, curdled milk, cheese, butter contain a large amount of calcium, protein and vitamins. Patients need every day for 2 r. eat dairy products.

Bread and cereal

The menu should include buckwheat, oatmeal and oatmeal. Patients with breast cancer should eat bread, cereals and grains, as well as all types of cereals, cookies. All of these products are a source of vitamin B1 and carbohydrates. They are recommended to use no less than 4 r. per day.

What can't be eaten?

When undergoing treatment with chemotherapy drugs, doctors forbid their patients to strictly consume ice cream or flour products. Patients with breast cancer should avoid:

  • spicy and smoked dishes;
  • fatty foods;
  • margarine.

With stage 2 breast cancer, it is forbidden for the patient to drink store juices, there are dishes that include vinegar. The same goes for canned foods. Experts do not recommend eating even mushrooms.

It is important during the treatment period not only to reduce the load on the liver and kidneys, but also to reduce the sugar content. Patients need to remove any sweets from the diet, especially chocolate products and honey. It is necessary to eliminate bad habits, forget about alcohol and smoking, even coffee is prohibited during the period of treatment with chemotherapy drugs.

Many women gain weight after fighting breast cancer. There are certain reasons that provoke violations:

  • sedentary lifestyle and poor physical activity;
  • anxiety and depression in patients;
  • against the background of the use of steroid drugs in patients, appetite increases;
  • menopause occurs ahead of time;
  • patients eat to restore peace of mind, get rid of stress.

It is difficult to cope with extra pounds after cancer therapy. Doctors give useful advice to people who are prone to fullness:

  1. Stick to a balanced diet.
  2. Do physical exercises and gymnastics.
  3. Control the amount of food you eat.
  4. Avoid eating in front of the TV or while talking on the phone.
  5. Drink more clean fluids.
  6. Instead of fruit juice, eat whole fruits. With a strong desire, per day, patients can be no more than 1 tbsp. fresh drink.

Before eating low-fat products, you need to check the calorie content on the product packaging. You can not choose those with high parameters.

The amount of liquid consumed

The course of chemotherapy involves taking drugs that have a negative effect on the functioning of the kidneys. The functioning of the organ is disrupted, not all drugs are washed out of the patient's body with breast cancer. Doctors recommend that their patients drink more fluids during the treatment period.

If the kidneys do their job and the excretory system is normal, the amount of fluid consumed per day is not less than 1.5 liters. Patients can drink:

  • juice from raspberries, lingonberries, tomatoes, carrots or beets;
  • mineral water;
  • green tea;
  • dairy products.

For women who have edema, fluid intake should be reduced, within 300 ml. Many patients complain that the taste of water changes after taking chemotherapy drugs. In such a situation, experts recommend replenishing fluids with soups.

In most cases, chicken broth is allowed, which contains a large amount of electrolytes. These are calcium, magnesium, sodium, chloride and potassium. A side effect of chemotherapy is manifested against the background of a lack of these elements.

Foods that help fight cancer

The menu of a woman diagnosed with stage 3 or 2 breast cancer should be balanced. Provide products with beneficial substances. They allow not only to maintain the patient's body in good condition, but also help to fight pathological processes.

Anti-cancer foods include nuts, vegetables, pumpkin seeds, seafood, cereals, fruits, and green tea. Soy is recommended to be consumed during chemotherapy. The product contains substances that are structurally similar to components used in medical preparations. We are talking about Tamoxifen. A chemotherapy drug used by specialists in the fight against cancer.

There are products that can prevent the occurrence of metastases. These include any type of cabbage, bright green or yellow vegetables. The same goes for garlic, oily fish.

After a mastectomy, the diet should contain foods such as carrots and beets. It is recommended to eat them raw or prepare juice. These vegetables purify the blood.

You can lower cholesterol if you add fish, walnuts, oatmeal, avocados, garlic to the menu. The same goes for olive oil, apples, onions, buckwheat, various herbs and beans.

Vitamin C is found in currants, lemons and rose hips. It helps maintain the body's defenses. The supply of minerals and vitamins will help replenish wheat grains. They are also able to remove toxins from the body, carcinogens and heavy metals.

Patients should adjust their diet already at the 1st stage of cancer development. Use only vegetable oils for cooking.

Chemotherapy drugs do more than just help treat a person's cancer. They deal a serious blow to his body. Patients should carefully monitor their diet during therapy and after the course. This is the only way to restore the strength of the body and healthy cells in order to continue the fight against cancer.

Most cancer patients undergo chemotherapy. Women suffering from breast cancer are also prescribed "chemistry". The essence of the method is the use of medications that eliminate the affected cells in the diseased organ. It is important to maintain proper nutrition during breast cancer chemotherapy, because with such treatment, the normal functioning of many body systems is disrupted. It is important to strengthen yourself with a balanced diet.

Nutrition principles

"Heavy" anti-cancer drugs worsen the condition of the body. A woman needs to ensure that nutrition includes elements and vitamins that are important for the normal functioning of systems.

However, you should not run to the pharmacy for dietary supplements and multivitamins. Their reception is allowed not to every patient of the oncological clinic. It's not that they can harm the body. During the weakening period, they create a load on the already “tired” liver.

It is worth remembering that during treatment it is imperative to replenish the supply of calories. The list of allowed foods includes only those that meet the requirements of a special diet.

  1. Proteins should be no more than 1/10-1/5 of the main diet.
  2. The fat content should not exceed 1/10 of the menu. It is worth including vegetable fats in the diet more often.
  3. The main role is given to fruits and vegetables. They form the core of nutrition and are useful due to the content of a large amount of complex carbohydrates.
  4. It is necessary to significantly reduce the intake of glucose, animal fats.
  5. In breast cancer, the frequent use of legumes and cereals is shown.

forbidden food

During chemotherapy for breast cancer (and after it), you will have to give up certain foods. The following products are excluded:

  1. A woman is not recommended to take fast carbohydrates. Their large number is noted in pastries, sweets, sugar-based products.
  2. The diet involves a ban on the use of refined foods, as well as canned food. They contain many harmful substances, and there are practically no useful elements in such food.
  3. It is also important to completely eliminate the use of alcoholic beverages. The ban includes soda and juices with a high content of dyes and artificial ingredients.
  4. Negatively affects the body and coffee. It can cause the growth of scar tissue, which will adversely affect the condition of the woman.
  5. It is also worth excluding pickling products and salty, smoked dishes.

What products are necessary?

The diet involves the inclusion in the diet of substances and dishes that normalize the functioning of the body during and after chemotherapy for breast cancer. It is recommended to use:

  • protein food;
  • fruits and vegetables;
  • dairy;
  • bread products;
  • cereals.

Among the products enriched with proteins, all types of nuts, beans and other legumes, and soy are noted. Among the meat dishes, it is worth highlighting chicken, pork, veal and beef. Be sure to eat fish.

All of the above products should be included in the diet, because they have an increased content of proteins and B vitamins. They should be consumed daily at least 2 times a day.

Fruits and vegetables can be eaten raw or cooked. Dried fruits are also allowed. Among fruits, various citrus fruits are the most useful.

Particularly necessary during chemotherapy are various milk based products. It is important for a woman to introduce fermented milk products (ryazhenka, yogurt, kefir, curdled milk, cottage cheese) into the diet, condensed milk can be used. Various cheeses and butter are allowed. This group of products is important due to the increased content of calcium, proteins and vitamin elements in the composition. Dairy products should be eaten at least twice a day.

It is worth monitoring the consumption of bread, cereals. A woman should eat buckwheat, oatmeal and oatmeal porridge, cookies. They contain carbohydrates and vitamin B1.

What foods help get rid of the disease

Before and after chemotherapy for breast cancer, it is important to eat foods that help eliminate the affected cells and prevent the development of metastases. Cancer treatment becomes more effective when included in the diet:

You can cook dishes by adding eggplant, tomatoes to them. Radishes also have a beneficial effect.

Soy takes an important place in the diet after. Due to the high content of special substances, it is similar in action to Tamoxifen, a drug actively used to combat breast cancer.

It is worth highlighting products that help fight metastases. It is recommended to eat:

In the period after chemotherapy for a breast tumor, it is important for a woman to maintain a normal blood composition. A diet for cleansing the blood involves the use of beetroot and carrot juice. These vegetables can be included in the diet in various forms.

It is necessary to increase immune protection by regularly taking vitamin C. It is found in currants, lemons, rose hips. They need to be included in the diet on an ongoing basis.

What can you drink?

After chemotherapy for a breast tumor, dehydration of the body is often observed. Drugs are not flushed out completely, causing the kidneys to suffer, become damaged, and do not function well. Therefore, it is important to monitor the normalization of the water balance in the body.

If a woman does not suffer from swelling, then she should drink at least 2 liters of fluid daily. Allowed to drink:

  • juices from raspberries, lingonberries, tomatoes, carrots, beets;
  • purified water.

Nutrition before, during and after chemotherapy is one of the important components of the recovery program. It is important to carefully consider the diet, including all the necessary healthy foods.

Breast cancer is a common pathology, the treatment of which is quite difficult and time consuming. Depending on the stage of the disease, various methods of struggle are used: drug treatment, chemotherapy, surgical removal of the formation. Proper nutrition is essential for breast cancer. Some products contribute to the improvement of the patient's condition, while others provide conditions for the development of cancer cells.

"We are what we eat"

Products are the source of life, as they nourish our body with useful microelements, which are so necessary to ensure metabolic processes. When eating food, along with substances important for life, those that have a destructive effect on the functioning of various organs, and also stimulate the growth of pathogenic cells, also enter.

Improper nutrition is one of the main causes of oncology. According to statistics, in 50% of women and 30% of men, the onset of the disease is associated precisely with nutritional factors.

Nutrition for breast cancer needs to be properly adjusted.

In order for the body to easily absorb food, it is necessary to eat more often, but in small portions. A number of products should be completely removed from your diet. Don't forget about calories. Their number should be in accordance with energy costs, since excess calories can cause weight gain.

Products prohibited for use in case of illness

Nutrition for breast cancer should consist exclusively of healthy foods. To reduce the likelihood of increased growth of pathogenic cells, the following should be excluded from the diet:

  • Products containing preservatives and artificial additives.
  • Alcoholic drinks.
  • Fried and fatty foods.
  • Products are not the first freshness.

Do I need to follow a diet during treatment?

It is very important to take care of the body during the treatment process. As far as possible, it is necessary to lead an active life, exercise, and also adjust the diet. In breast cancer, weight loss often occurs. Some women sharply lose kilograms, while others, on the contrary, gain them in excess. Therefore, it is very important to track the calorie content of food. The menu must contain protein, which helps to restore the general condition of the patient. The number of calories should cover the energy expenditure of the body.

Quite often, during treatment and at the end of it, patients feel tired and uncomfortable. Appetite drops sharply, and familiar dishes may taste completely different.

Side effects from treatment may include:

  • nausea;
  • sores in the mouth;
  • vomit;
  • poor appetite.

A diet for oncology is an important element that helps the body recover after prolonged therapy.

Nutrition for stage 2 breast cancer should be adjusted by the attending physician. Often, a nutritionist who has experience working with cancer patients is involved in solving this problem.

How to eat right after chemotherapy?

All people need to adhere to proper nutrition. This rule is especially true for people who have been diagnosed with cancer. If a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer, high-calorie foods should be avoided, as the treatment process can affect weight fluctuations.

Nutrition after chemotherapy for breast cancer should be under strict control:

  • During this period, it is very important to consume foods containing vitamin C. But it is better to refrain from citrus fruits, since some drugs used in the treatment process can cause the formation of ulcers and wounds in the oral cavity. A high concentration of acid will provoke irritation. According to doctors, apple sauce, peach juice, pear nectar will be an excellent substitute for citrus fruits.

  • The protein found in meat is very important for recovery after chemotherapy. But in the choice of meat you need to be careful, since not all types can be consumed with such a disease. It is recommended to eat dietary varieties: rabbit, chicken and turkey meat.
  • Seafood is very useful during the rehabilitation period.
  • Nutrition after chemotherapy for breast cancer may include not only bread baked yesterday, the patient can also eat freshly baked loaves.
  • During the recovery of the body after a long and exhausting treatment, it is forbidden to eat fried and fatty foods. Also avoid spicy foods. Overeating is very harmful, because the body spends a lot of energy on digesting food, which is so necessary for its recovery.

Food that purifies the blood

The diet for breast cancer should include foods that have the property of purifying the blood. Since this fluid is involved in multiple metabolic processes in the body, human health depends on its quality and chemical composition.

Carrots and beets have cleansing properties. Vegetables can be stewed, baked in the oven, boiled or eaten raw.

Nutrition in the postoperative period

Many women who are faced with breast resection are interested in the question: what should be the nutrition after surgery?

Breast cancer is often treated surgically, which puts an additional burden on an already exhausted body. For a quick recovery, you need to eat right:

  • If after treatment a woman is overweight, you need to reduce the amount of food intake. Never confuse reducing portion sizes with a low-calorie diet. You need to eat five times a day, but in small quantities. Completely give up sweet, spicy, fatty and fried foods. Eat more vegetables and fruits, and replace white bread with black. The menu must contain such products: fish, legumes and broccoli.
  • If a patient has noticeable weight loss during treatment, it is necessary to replenish his daily diet with high-calorie foods. Eat more cereals, fruits and vegetables. The menu must be present: lean meats, dairy products, hard cheeses. Animal fats should be replaced with vegetable fats. The patient is advised to drink more juices and mineral water.

Foods for breast cancer must be chosen carefully. The diet must be agreed with the attending physician. If the patient is allergic to any food (for example, citrus fruits or seafood), they must be excluded so as not to provoke the development of another concomitant disease.

What products must be on the menu of a cancer patient?

Nutrition for stage 1 breast cancer has almost the same recommendations as for other types of oncology.

Products should contain as many useful substances as possible: minerals, vitamins, amino acids and other trace elements. Therefore, the menu must include:

  • (chicken, rabbit, turkey);
  • red fish and seafood;
  • legumes (beans, lentils and others);
  • gourds (pumpkin and watermelon);
  • fruits and berries;
  • vegetables (broccoli and other varieties of cabbage, beets, carrots, zucchini and bell peppers);
  • various types of greens (parsley, lettuce, arugula);
  • dairy products with a low fat content;
  • cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat and corn);
  • low-fat varieties of hard cheeses.

List of products that are effective in the fight against cancer

Scientists have found that there are products, the use of which helps to effectively fight cancer:

  1. Vegetables of the cruciferous family. These plants include broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and watercress. These vegetables contain a large amount of vitamin C. It is recommended to eat them raw.
  2. Soy. This type of legume helps prevent the development of malignant cells, and also reduces intoxication caused by chemotherapy and radiation.
  3. Garlic and onion. These foods contain allicin, which is a powerful detoxifier. The sulfur-containing substance cleanses the body of various harmful microbes and carcinogens.
  4. Brown algae. The presence of iodine in this product helps to regulate the processes of blood sugar metabolism, which is responsible for the energy state. A decrease in energy production leads to the creation of a favorable environment for the development of oncology. Algae also contain a high content of the most powerful antioxidant - selenium.
  5. Fruit seeds and nuts. Almonds contain a substance that kills malignant cells. Pumpkin, flax, sunflower and sesame seeds have lignans (phytoestrogens) in the outer skin, which can lower estrogen. In excess, this female hormone stimulates the development of cancer of the ovaries, mammary glands and uterus.
  6. Tomatoes. These vegetables contain the strongest antioxidant - lycopene, which has antitumor properties.
  7. Eggs and fish are the richest source of omega-3 fatty acids, which have a depressing effect on malignant cells.
  8. Berries and citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C. Raspberries, pomegranates and strawberries contain ellagic acid, the property of which is to slow down the growth of oncogenic cells.

In the 70s of the XX century, experiments were carried out, the results of which proved that cancer remission can be achieved with the help of an immune protein - interferon alpha, which signals the body about infections. Another experiment showed the relationship of T-cell immunity and tumor reduction.

The food we eat can both promote the development of cancer and help fight malignant neoplasms. Proper nutrition will reduce the risk of pathology.

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