Rules for the provision of first aid for arterial bleeding. Maximum tourniquet application time in winter and summer - features and technology

It is necessary to distinguish the nature of vascular damage. This is necessary in order to choose the right method to stop bleeding.

  • Capillary bleeding is characterized by a low rate of blood loss, oozing from the surface of the wound in droplets or a thin stream.
  • Venous bleeding. The blood is dark in color, flows out more actively in a continuous stream.
  • When an artery is damaged, the blood is bright scarlet, it flows out in jolts. The bleeding is strong.

The application of a tourniquet for bleeding is used only in extreme cases - if a large artery is damaged.

When to apply a tourniquet

To stop venous bleeding, in most cases, it is sufficient to apply a pressure bandage using a roller. If possible, a ligature is knitted on the bleeding vessel or a hemostatic clamp is applied. The imposition of an arterial tourniquet is carried out in case of damage to the large arteries of the limbs (arms and legs). At the same time, to stop the bleeding, they first pinch the vessel with a finger or fist in order to gain time. They choose a method to stop bleeding, prepare the necessary materials, and only then apply a tourniquet.

When not to apply a tourniquet

A tourniquet is contraindicated under the following circumstances.

  • Capillary or venous bleeding.
  • Inflammation at the site of the tourniquet.
  • Do not apply a tourniquet to the lower third of the shoulder or thigh - this can lead to nerve damage.

What can be used

A standard hemostatic tourniquet in the form of an elastic rubber tube or tape is included in the package of first aid kits. A hook and a chain are attached to the ends, they serve to fix the tourniquet. May be missing. If a first-aid kit is unavailable, a tourniquet is applied using a strong rubber tube of small diameter.

Circular pulling of a limb with a twist on a stick is carried out in compliance with the principles of applying a rubber band, for this, a trouser belt, a scarf, a strip of dense fabric are used.

How to properly apply a tourniquet

The imposition of a hemostatic tourniquet is carried out above the site of bleeding, as close as possible to the wound, but without touching the damaged skin. Places for pulling a limb:

  • Mid-calf.
  • middle third of the thigh.
  • Lower third of the forearm.
  • upper third of the shoulder.
  • Limb root with fixation to the body.

A bandage or piece of cloth is placed under the tourniquet to avoid damage to soft tissues. The rubber is stretched and the first turn is applied. It should completely stop the bleeding. Further, the tension of the tourniquet is loosened by making several turns until it is possible to fix the tourniquet. If the tension of all turns is strong, this will lead to injury to the soft tissues. If weak, the tourniquet will cause venous stasis without stopping bleeding. In this case, the limb will acquire a bluish tint.

With a correctly applied tourniquet, the limb turns pale, the pulse below the place of compression is not palpable, the bleeding immediately stops.

The application of a tourniquet for bleeding can be done in different ways, depending on the site of damage to the vessel.

  • Gersh-Zhorov technique. The tourniquet is applied with the use of a spacer, while maintaining collateral circulation. On the side opposite to the location of the damaged artery, a wooden splint or piece of plywood is placed under the tourniquet. In this case, circular compression does not completely occur, the blood supply to the limb below the tourniquet is partially preserved. The application time is increased. This method is also used when the tourniquet is re-applied after it is loosened, during long-term transportation of the victim.
  • A figure-eight tourniquet is used if necessary to stop bleeding in the upper limb. With this method, the tourniquet does not slip down. In case of bleeding on the shoulder, the tourniquet is applied to the armpit, wound around the body, crossed over the shoulder girdle and fixed in the armpit of the opposite side. To clamp the femoral artery, a dense roller is used, which is fixed with a tourniquet in the region of the pubic bone. The tourniquet is circled in a figure eight around the body.
  • In case of bleeding from the carotid artery, the roller is pressed down with a tourniquet attached to the neck with the help of a counter stop made of a wooden splint applied on the opposite side. Do not overtighten the harness. In this case, the blood supply to the head is carried out through the carotid artery, protected from compression by the tire. For the same purpose, it is possible to bandage a dense roller to the artery; the opposite hand, raised up, is used as a counterhold.

In any case, after applying the tourniquet, the limb is immobilized. A note is placed under the tourniquet indicating the time of application.

For what time?

The maximum tourniquet application time is 2 hours. After this, the process of tissue death begins. For control, a note is placed under the tourniquet indicating the time of application. It is forbidden to cover the application site with clothing, a bandage or a cloth. If within 2 hours the victim was not taken to the hospital, then it is necessary to loosen the tourniquet for 10-15 minutes, while simultaneously pressing the artery with your finger. Reapply it to another place, above or below the previous one, the squeezing period is reduced to 1 hour in winter and 1.5 hours in summer.

It must be remembered that stopping bleeding in this way should only be done in extreme cases. At the same time, measures are taken to prevent injury to soft tissues at the site of application of the tourniquet, using lining material. The time of squeezing the limb is strictly controlled, if necessary, weakening and re-application of the tourniquet is carried out.

First aid for bleeding

Bleeding is the outflow of blood due to damage to the walls of blood vessels.

There are 4 types of bleeding:

capillary bleeding

This bleeding occurs as a result of damage to the smallest vessels (capillaries), this also includes nosebleeds.

Causes of capillary bleeding

It occurs as a result of cuts, abrasions, as a rule, in everyday life.

Symptoms of capillary bleeding

Blood oozes over the surface of the skin from a wound or abrasion, vessels as such are not visible, the amount of bleeding is small, in most cases it stops on its own.

First aid for capillary bleeding

arterial bleeding

This is the outflow of blood from a damaged artery, such bleeding is the most dangerous, because. blood flows out very quickly, in powerful pulsating shocks, life-threatening blood loss occurs after 20 minutes.

Symptoms of arterial bleeding

  • bright scarlet blood;
  • comes out of the wound like a fountain;
  • pulsing.

First aid for arterial bleeding

Help with arterial bleeding consists in the immediate imposition of a twist, tourniquet, clamping the artery above the injured area, and then urgently sending the victim to the hospital.

  • The temporal artery is pressed against the temporal bone with the thumb.
  • The mandibular artery is pressed against the lower jaw.
  • The carotid artery is squeezed in the neck area and a pressure bandage is fixed with a bandage roller or dense fabric.
  • The subclavian artery is fixed to the rib in the supraclavicular fossa.
  • Arterial bleeding in the shoulder area is stopped by pressing the brachial artery against the humerus.
  • When bleeding from the radial artery, it is necessary to pinch it in the wrist area, closer to the thumb.
  • The femoral artery is pressed with a fist against the pubic bone in the groin area.
  • Arterial bleeding in the shin area is stopped by pinching the popliteal artery in the area of ​​the popliteal fossa as follows: the thumbs are on the patella, the rest fix the damaged artery to the bone.
  • Arterial bleeding of the foot is stopped by applying a pressure bandage and fixing the damaged artery to the underlying bones.

How to apply a tourniquet?

  • treat the wound with a sterile napkin;
  • apply a tourniquet above the damaged area, if there is no special tourniquet, you can use improvised means: twist, rope, belt, etc. P;
  • it is better to apply a tourniquet on a bandage, cloth or clothing so as not to injure the skin;
  • the tourniquet must be applied strongly enough to stop the bleeding, if the damaged artery is pulled weakly, the bleeding may increase due to squeezing of the veins. Excessive compression of soft tissues can lead to damage to nerve endings. When the tourniquet is correctly applied, there is no pulse below the bandage.
  • The tourniquet is applied for no more than 1.5-2 hours, the application time must be indicated in the note.
  • The tourniquet must be applied again if the limb is blue and swollen;
  • after the application of the tourniquet, the damaged limb is placed higher and warmly covered, but heating pads should never be used!
  • If two hours have passed since the initial application of the tourniquet, then the tourniquet must be loosened for a minute, at this time the damaged artery is pressed down with fingers, then the tourniquet is applied again, but slightly higher than the first time.

If it is not possible to apply a tourniquet, the injured limb should be bent as much as possible and fixed in this position.

Venous bleeding

This is bleeding as a result of a violation of the integrity of the veins.

Signs of venous bleeding

  • dark cherry blood;
  • blood flows continuously, quite intensively,
  • there is no pulsation.

First aid for venous bleeding

  • The wound is treated with an antiseptic;
  • It is necessary to apply a pressure bandage: the damaged area, including the area before and after the injury, is bandaged quite tightly, if necessary, a bandage or gauze soaked in hydrogen peroxide can be placed in the wound itself.
  • The victim should be sent to a medical facility to suture the edges of the wound and damaged vessels if the bleeding is profuse and the pressure bandage is not enough to stop it.

internal bleeding

This is the outflow of blood into the internal cavity of the body, such as the lungs, stomach, bladder, etc.

Signs of internal bleeding

  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • loss of consciousness.

Internal bleeding is difficult to diagnose and poses a great threat to the life of the patient.

The causes of internal bleeding are injuries or some chronic diseases.

First aid for internal bleeding

  • If internal bleeding is suspected, the patient must be immediately taken to the hospital!
  • The victim should be laid on a flat surface, provide him with peace.
  • In case of intrapleural or pulmonary bleeding, the patient is left in a semi-sitting position.
  • Apply an ice pack to the bleeding area.
  • In no case should you warm up the damaged area, take laxatives and drugs that enhance cardiac activity.

Nosebleeds in children

Nosebleeds occur as a result of damage to the capillaries of the nasal mucosa. In most cases, nosebleeds occur in the Kisselbach zone - the anterior part of the nasal septum, such bleeding is not dangerous, it is quite easy to stop them.

In rare cases, the cause of nosebleeds is damage to the large vessels of the nasal cavity, stopping such bleeding is difficult and requires the help of a specialist.

Causes of nosebleeds in children

  • nose injury;
  • inflammatory processes in the nasal mucosa due to chronic respiratory diseases;
  • tumors, polyps;
  • high blood pressure;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • heat, sunstroke;
  • hormonal changes;
  • deficiency of vitamins and microelements.

First aid for nosebleeds

  1. The child should take a reclining position, or sitting, with the head tilted forward. The head should be higher than the body. In prone positions, or with the head tilted back, there is a risk of blood entering the respiratory tract and esophagus.
  2. Apply ice to the bridge of your nose.
  3. Drop in vasoconstrictor drugs and press the nostrils against the septum.
  4. If the bleeding is heavy enough, you need to insert a gauze swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide into the nasal cavity.
  5. If bleeding does not stop within 20 minutes, an ambulance should be called.

You need to call an ambulance immediately if:

  • the child has a nose injury;
  • bleeding is very profuse, there is a risk of rapid blood loss;
  • bleeding is combined with the release of a clear liquid from the nose after a head injury;
  • combined with vomiting, the blood from the nose foams strongly;
  • the child suffers from diabetes, hemophilia, blood pressure disorders;
  • the child lost consciousness.

Applying a tourniquet for arterial bleeding

Tourniquet for arterial bleeding

A tourniquet is necessary for arterial bleeding. Only with its help it is possible to stop the intense bleeding that occurs when sufficiently large blood vessels are injured. In order to understand how to properly use a tourniquet to stop bleeding, it is necessary to clearly understand what types of hemostatic tourniquets are found.

What is a hemostatic tourniquet?

This is the name of a special device, the task of which is to gradually press the soft tissues of the limb to stop bleeding in this area for a while. Thus, the limb can be switched off for some time from the general blood flow.

In order to ensure that bleeding stops, a tourniquet should be applied to the limb, as far as possible proximal to the source of bleeding. A bandage should be placed under the tourniquet, it is also possible to apply a tourniquet to clothing. When applying a rubber tourniquet, it is required to wrap it around the limb three times in order to ensure a complete stop of bleeding. This tactic will ensure the end of blood flow from the artery, it is also necessary to additionally fix the tourniquet with a hook. With the correct application of the tourniquet, the pulsation of blood in the region of the arteries is eliminated. If it is not applied very well, the arteries are only squeezed, and blood stagnates in them, and this only increases bleeding. After the tourniquet is applied, the time when the application was carried out should be indicated. The time is indicated both on the bandage and on documents when accompanied. This requirement is due to the fact that the tourniquet should be kept for no more than two hours. After an hour, you need to loosen the tourniquet for a while, while pressing the main vessel with your finger. You can apply a tourniquet after the operations, if they caused certain complications. This will reduce blood loss. In particular, this is possible after amputations of limbs. Its use is also indicated in case of severe bleeding from damaged veins.

Hemostatic tourniquet Esmarch

Such a tourniquet is most widely used when it is necessary to stop arterial and venous bleeding. It is a rubber tube, the length of which can reach up to one and a half meters. At one end, such a tourniquet has a steel hook, at the other a chain. There are some features of the technique of its imposition:

  • to ensure complete clamping of the artery with a tourniquet, it is required to be applied slightly above the place where the blood comes from;
  • if the outflow of blood has stopped and there is no peripheral pulse, then the tourniquet was applied correctly;
  • so that the skin is not infringed upon application, a towel is placed under the tourniquet;
  • so that the tissues do not become dead, the tourniquet is not applied for longer than two hours;
  • during this time, the tension of the tourniquet should be changed in order to avoid numbness of the limb.

The use of Esmarch's tourniquet has justified itself in venous bleeding. The nuances of such an operation are as follows:

  • the tourniquet should be applied below the damaged area for up to six hours. This applies to cases of bleeding from fairly large veins that are located directly under the patient's skin;
  • in other cases, it is quite enough to apply a simple pressure bandage, which is quite sterile.

Hemostatic tourniquet Alpha

The tourniquet contains vertical grooves, which make it possible to avoid damage to the nerve bundles and arteries, do not allow the skin to be infringed, and also allow the direct application of the tourniquet to the skin areas. This is its main advantage over other types of harnesses. The ribbed surface of the tourniquet reliably protects the skin from damage, does not allow harm to the nerves and blood vessels. The risk of limb amputation is eliminated due to the preservation of blood circulation in the vessels under the surface of the skin.

The use of this type of tourniquet provides the following advantages when using it:

  • Easy enough to put on and take off. A standard of ten seconds has been developed for medical workers during these operations;
  • it is allowed to apply a tourniquet on uncovered skin areas;
  • it is allowed to use such a tourniquet almost around the clock;
  • the possible temperature difference when using such a tourniquet is wide enough. In particular, it is allowed to be used at temperatures from +50 to -50 degrees Celsius;
  • it is not possible to break such a tourniquet with your hands;
  • the tourniquet is fairly easy to wash off dirt.

Tourniquet application technique for arterial bleeding

If there is a need to stop arterial bleeding with a tourniquet, it is necessary to observe the following sequence of actions:

  1. Carrying out a thorough examination of the area in which the manipulations are carried out, assess the nature of the damage, and make sure that bleeding of the arterial type really takes place.
  2. The artery is pressed with a finger to the bone slightly above the place where bleeding is observed. This is done only so that the possibility of additional blood loss is completely excluded.
  3. The correct place is chosen for the application of the tourniquet.
  4. The presence of contraindications for the application of a tourniquet is established. These may be inflammatory processes in the area of ​​bleeding or near it.
  5. The place of application of the tourniquet rises to a height of up to 30 centimeters above the level of the patient's heart.
  6. Above the wound and closer to it, a napkin is applied, on which there are no folds. It can also be a soft piece of cloth or clothing.
  7. The tourniquet is stretched several times in order to ensure that the bleeding process stops. This is ensured by stopping the process of blood circulation in the damaged area.
  8. Under a certain section of the tourniquet, a note is placed indicating the specific day and moment at which the tourniquet was applied.
  9. An antiseptic dressing is applied to the wound, while bandaging the tourniquet should be avoided.
  10. The limb must be completely immobilized.
  11. The patient should be moved to a medical facility only in a stationary state.

Rules for applying a tourniquet for arterial bleeding

The method of applying a tourniquet to a patient in the presence of bleeding from a damaged artery requires compliance with certain rules. Their violation often results in significant problems for the patient himself, which are expressed in an increase in the level of blood loss to him, as well as other problems. Among the basic rules for applying a tourniquet in case of arterial bleeding, several should be distinguished.

The place of application of the tourniquet for arterial bleeding

When bleeding from an artery, a tourniquet should always be applied above the place where bleeding is observed. In other words, it must be applied above the place where the artery is damaged. This is due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the artery and blood circulation in the damaged limb. There is a flow of blood in the limb from its center to the peripheral areas. In this case, it becomes necessary to stop the blood supply precisely in that part of the body, which is located as close as possible to the central part. This applies to the area above the site of the damage. In no case, when applying a tourniquet during bleeding, one should not forget that in addition to stopping bleeding, the blood flow in the peripheral part of the body also stops.

Time of tourniquet application for arterial bleeding

When applying a tourniquet, a sign must be attached to it indicating the time it was applied. This is due to the fact that the tourniquet should not be kept on the patient's body for more than two hours, since in this case the necrosis of the pinched limb is possible as a result of the lack of blood flow to it. If the season is warm, you can keep the tourniquet on the skin for an hour, at most two. In the cold season, it is not recommended to keep the tourniquet for more than half an hour.

In the event that the maximum allowable time for applying the tourniquet has already passed, and there is no way to untie the tourniquet, the following actions should be taken:

  • carefully press the artery above the location of the tourniquet;
  • in order to qualitatively ensure the restoration of blood supply for half an hour, loosen the tension of the previously applied tourniquet;
  • after the specified period of time has elapsed, it must be applied again to the limb, but this time in a new place. It must be above or below the previous overlay area;
  • on the newly applied tourniquet, a plate should be applied indicating the time and date of the tourniquet being applied;
  • in the event that such a need arises again, you should first repeat the previously described procedure.

In the event that eight or ten hours after the tourniquet is applied to the victim for arterial bleeding, he does not receive proper medical care, the situation becomes dangerous for his health. Therefore, after carrying out all the mandatory measures designed to stop the patient's blood, he should be immediately taken to a medical facility. This will enable the patient to receive qualified medical care. With insufficient blood circulation in the limb, as a result of applying a tourniquet for a sufficiently long time, necrosis of the limb may develop, which often ends in gangrene. Often in such cases, to save the life of the victim, amputation of the limb is required. In addition, amputation in such cases is often carried out significantly above the place where the damage is noted. If the loss of blood is significant enough, it is required to transfuse the victim in a hospital setting.

Errors when applying a tourniquet for arterial bleeding

When applying a tourniquet in case of arterial bleeding, the following errors are possible:

  1. Performing the entire procedure in the absence of sufficient indications for the application of a tourniquet.
  2. A tourniquet should not be applied to open areas of the skin, since such a situation is fraught with consequences such as tissue necrosis, as well as infringement of skin areas.
  3. Incorrect choice of the place where the tourniquet should be applied. In no case, for example, should a tourniquet be applied to the shoulder or thigh area if there is damage to the blood vessels of the hand or foot.
  4. Pulling the tourniquet must be done adequately to the resulting damage and the level of blood flow. In the event that it is pulled weakly, the vein is squeezed, as a result of which bleeding may increase, and congestion in the limb area will also appear.
  5. Do not keep the tourniquet on the skin surface for a long time. This can cause damage to the saphenous nerves, leading to paralysis. In addition, all the conditions for the development of anaerobic infection appear.

In order for the bleeding to be finally stopped, it is required to immediately deliver the patient to a medical facility.

How long is a tourniquet applied for bleeding?

A tourniquet on a limb can be applied in the summer season for no more than one and a half to two hours, and in the winter season for 1-1.5 hours. A tourniquet is applied only with sufficiently severe arterial bleeding. With venous - do not impose.

Depending on the climate and the condition of the victim, from 40 minutes to 2 hours, but not more than 2 hours, because tissue death will begin later. If there is a risk of bleeding again, then the tourniquet can be loosened for a few minutes to restore normal blood flow, and then tightened again. In order not to overdo it with time, the time of applying the tourniquet is indicated (under it or on the tail of the bandage).

If it is impossible to stop the blood in any way, then a tourniquet is applied, after applying a note is put in over time, since it cannot be kept for more than two hours, during this time it is advisable to send the patient to the hospital to see a doctor. In case of arterial bleeding, a tourniquet is applied above the wound by 1.5-2 centimeters.

Look at the bleeding. I once had to apply a tourniquet for 7 hours. Every minute I changed the location of the tourniquet a few centimeters, then higher, then lower. This is necessary so that the limb does not begin to die. I think the ambulance will arrive earlier and the doctors will be able to help the victim.

Good question. The imposition of a hemostatic tourniquet is one of the ways to quickly stop the blood, and sometimes a human life can depend on a correctly applied tourniquet, so you need to be able to do it correctly. As a rule, the tourniquet is applied one and a half to two centimeters above the damaged vessel, and under it it is necessary to put some kind of soft tissue under it so as not to damage the exposed skin of the victim. After applying a hemostatic tourniquet, it is necessary to indicate on any carrier of information, for example, a sheet of paper, the date and exact time of its application and your last name, this will help the doctor to provide assistance faster and more qualified. The tourniquet application time in summer is no more than one hour and in winter no more than thirty minutes.

In winter (in the cold season), with bleeding, a tourniquet can be applied for 40 minutes - maximum. Otherwise, the limb may freeze, since there is practically no blood circulation in it.

In summer, the tourniquet application time can be increased up to 2 hours. If you can’t get to the nearest medical facility during this time, then after you remove (relax the tourniquet), wait 30 minutes for the blood circulation in the limb to resume and apply it again. During the time when there is no tourniquet, the wound must be pressed with a hand for less blood loss.

Often there are accidents with people far from settlements and if you face a choice: a person will die from blood loss or lose a limb.

No more than 2 hours, otherwise tissues die, where oxygen does not enter through the blood. In winter up to 1 hour. But every minute to wash the tissues with oxygen, the tourniquet must be weakened, but not brought to profuse bleeding.

A tourniquet is applied to the limb with severe bleeding. A tourniquet must be applied above the wound.

The maximum tourniquet application time is 2 hours. A longer application of the tourniquet can lead to tissue death. Therefore, when applying a tourniquet, I always put a note (so that it can be seen) with the exact start time of the overlay.

The tourniquet can be applied for up to two hours, longer pulling can disrupt blood circulation. If it is necessary to withstand the tourniquet for more than two aces, then for a minute after two hours it will need to be loosened in order to restore blood flow. In two hours, the tissue will not yet begin to die. In winter, it is not recommended to apply a tourniquet for more than 30 minutes, because the tissues can freeze.

Most first aid instructions for the victim indicate that the tourniquet is applied for no more than two hours, but if it is necessary to keep it for a longer time, you can loosen it for a minute to restore blood circulation in the limb, and then move the tourniquet a few centimeters above the wound. Moreover, weather conditions should also be taken into account, because 2 hours is the time during which tissues do not yet begin to die, but can freeze if the temperature is below zero. Therefore, in winter, the tourniquet application time is reduced, sometimes up to 30 minutes, after which the tourniquet is transferred just above the previous place of application.

There are time limits for applying a tourniquet. In summer, you can keep it for no more than two hours, loosening it for a while every half hour so that necrosis of the limbs does not occur and for this time pressing the wound with your fingers.

And in winter, this time is limited to only one hour, and after half an hour the tourniquet is loosened. Be sure to note the overlay time in the attached note.

If the tourniquet is rubber, then it is pre-stretched, wrapped around the limb a couple of times and fixed.

If it is made from improvised materials, with bandages or cloth, then it is tied into two knots, a stick is inserted between them and twisted until the blood stops.

20 minutes for children and adults. When the tourniquet is applied, a note is left with the time the tourniquet was applied. A break of about half an hour between reapplication.

World after the end of the world

Good day, survivors!

In this article I want to highlight such a section as bleeding and ways to stop them, because. in extreme situations, especially during PA, and before it, each of us can face such unpleasant injuries as bleeding. In such cases, the main thing is not to panic, to control yourself, and most importantly, not to lose precious time, which in such cases “ticks” against you.

According to their types of bleeding are divided into:

To stop bleeding, apply: a) a pressure bandage; b) tourniquet; c) pressing the vessel with fingers; d) ligation of the protruding end of the torn vessel.

With arterial bleeding, the outflowing blood has a bright red color, it beats with a strong intermittent jet (fountain), blood ejections correspond to the rhythm of heart contractions.

The first thing to do is to apply a tourniquet (an important aspect must be taken into account here - in case of arterial bleeding, the tourniquet is applied above the wound). If there is no medical tourniquet at hand, then instead of it you can use a rubber bandage or a regular bandage, braid, rubber tubes (like from a dropper) in general, everything that can be used to securely tighten the limb. It should also be taken into account that the force of pulling with a tourniquet should be sufficient to stop the bleeding, but not pinch the limb until it turns blue and not damage its tissues.

The tourniquet is clamped for a certain time (depending on the season) - in winter for 1 hour, in summer for 1.5 (to prevent tissue necrosis). If it is necessary to keep the tourniquet longer, then every 40 minutes (after 1 or 1.5 hours have passed), the tourniquet is loosened for 3-4 minutes, after pressing the bleeding vessel with your fingers. After applying a tourniquet, a pressure bandage is applied to the wound. 1 layer of the bandage consists of sterile gauze moistened with peroxide, then it is all tightly bandaged with a sterile bandage.

With venous bleeding, blood flows from the wound in a jet, but does not pulsate, the color is darker (cherry red)

Elimination of such bleeding, such as arterial (see paragraph 1)), but it must be taken into account that in case of venous bleeding, the tourniquet is applied below the wound.

a - arterial, b - venous

In case of damage to large vessels, such as the femoral artery, before applying a tourniquet and bandage, the vessels should be pressed firmly against the underlying bone with your fingers.

3) Caillary bleeding (abrasions) is caused by the release of blood from the entire surface of the wound in drops or a sluggish trickle.

You can eliminate this bleeding as follows: apply a sterile bandage moistened with peroxide to the wound, wrap it all tightly. The bandage can not be removed for 1.5-2 days

It is observed with penetrating wounds, closed injuries (ruptures of internal organs without damage to the skin as a result of a strong blow, falling from a height, compression), some diseases of internal organs.

If bleeding into the chest cavity is suspected (this is manifested by increasing shortness of breath, pallor of the skin, expectoration of foamy blood), the victim should be seated, not allowed to drink or eat. If there is a penetrating wound of the chest, then a sealing bandage should be applied. In the event that bleeding into the abdominal cavity is suspected, it is necessary to lay the victim on his back, put an ice pack on his stomach, do not drink or feed.

There are several ways to stop external bleeding.

The arm or leg is raised so that the wound on the limb is above the level of the heart. This helps to stop bleeding or reduce its intensity due to hydrostatic pressure reduction in the damaged vessel. This method is used in combination with other methods - the imposition of a pressure bandage, tourniquet.

Finger artery pressure

The method is based on pressing the artery against the bone at the points where the arteries pass close to the bone and are available for compression. By pressing the damaged artery at the appropriate point, it is possible to quickly temporarily stop arterial bleeding in order to apply then a more reliable method.

Maximum limb flexion.

Limit flexion of the limb in the joint located above the wound, and its subsequent fixation in this position with a bandage, belt or other available material, allows you to compress the main vessel and stop the bleeding. This method is used to temporarily stop bleeding.

Method of temporary stop (finger pressure) of arterial bleeding: a - layout of the main arteries and points of their pressure (indicated by arrows); b, c - pressing the common carotid artery; g - pressing the subclavian artery; e - pressing the external maxillary artery; e - pressing the temporal artery; g, h - pressing the brachial artery; and - compression of the axillary artery.

Using a waist belt as a hemostatic tourniquet: a, b, c, d - stages of applying a tourniquet; e, f - preparation of a double loop.

Methods for stopping bleeding from the vessels of the limbs by their forced flexion: a - the general mechanism of action of the forced flexion of the limb (1 - blood vessel, 2 - roller, 3 - limb); b - in case of injury of the subclavian artery; c - when the axillary artery is injured; d - in case of injury to the brachial and ulnar arteries; e - in case of injury to the popliteal artery; e - when the femoral artery is injured.

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useful and informative even without PA)

Everything is correctly written, but these are ways to TEMPORARY STOP bleeding.

Without doping a bleeding vessel, arterial bleeding cannot be stopped. At the expense of capillary and internal, you can not fool around: in the first case - there is no threat to life, in the second - guaranteed death without surgery. Remember that these CT stop rules give you 1.5 - 2 hours to find a specialist and save your life in case of serious bleeding.

You are absolutely right, these methods are aimed at winning an extra 1-2 hours (first aid), but then you should contact a specialist and in no case try to eliminate (sew up, treat, make any injections) these injuries yourself, if you do not have the necessary skills and training.

God made people strong and weak, but Colonel Colt made them equal.

Sorry, but the advice to apply a tourniquet BELOW the wound alerted me alone?

In addition, "capillary" is written with two "l"

A spelling mistake can be attributed to a typo, but the method of stopping bleeding surprised me. In case of arterial bleeding, the damaged artery must be pressed against the bone, if the wound is in the limb, bend the latter as much as possible. After that, apply a tourniquet or twist, where possible.

With venous, it is not necessary to press anything, it is enough to apply a tourniquet and a pressure bandage on the wound.

The tourniquet is ALWAYS applied ABOVE the wound.

No need to mix everything at once. It won't get any better than this.

Every student should know this, if not from a biology course, then at least from life safety.

In general, the topic of first aid is always relevant) You need to know, at least in theory.

Lies and provocation. But I delivered the part about applying a tourniquet for venous bleeding. Idiocy, because in such cases it is necessary to make a pressure bandage at the site of damage to the skin. No harness.

As for the arterial one, a tourniquet must be applied on the shoulder, even if the wound is on the forearm. The structure of the bones in the latter does not allow pinching the artery - it simply "hides" between them. In addition, the material for the tourniquet is not always available, in some cases it is easier to make a twist. Keep no longer than an HOUR! After forty minutes, the likelihood of a crash syndrome is greatly increased.

Everything else seems to be fine

Animo et corpore semper fidelis

Well, I'll put in my five cents. Fortunately, these are not all ways to stop bleeding, there is also an option, thermal, chemical, and medication. At the first, you can cauterize the wound, then the tissues form a kind of cork and will not allow blood to flow, the same chemical only gets a chemical burn, for example, lime. Medication. It will not allow you to completely stop the bleeding, but you can lower the pressure. In combination with the first or second, it will guarantee to stop the blood.

Let me give you my opinion - a chemical burn is unlikely to stop the bleeding.

I disagree, a mixture of lime and copper sulfate may well stop the blood

"God created people, and Colonel Colt made them equal in rights"

mixture of lime and copper sulfate

hardly anyone will wear this mixture on purpose.

a soldier has eternity ahead, don't confuse it with old age

but fortunately they can be found on any livestock farm in the veterinarian's office) and I very much doubt that in the case of a scribe a lot of people will run to shman these wonderful little cabinets. and in them you can find a bunch of dual-use drugs, that is, which can be used by people, as well as the simplest honey instrument from tourniquets to surgical kits, believe me, most people will steal livestock and feed at this time) and there are antibiotics and painkillers in that including navokain, noshpa and a bunch of everything else. again, glucose and alcohol-containing tinctures, for example, tincture of wormwood, hellebore, which are quite possible and even useful to drink, and there they are often like at a distillery)

"God created people, and Colonel Colt made them equal in rights"

Good afternoon dear ones.

I read it here and it became scary to me that they just didn’t write. I'm afraid in the case of BP lethal outcomes will be immeasurable. And not from the wounds themselves, but from the wrong, deducted in the Internet, the provision of PDMP.

What nafig burns, and even more chemical ones. Yes, your wounded person will bend from pain shock.

So, we do not treat internal bleeding, but quickly drag the victim to the first-aid post. Let's make it - we consider him lucky. And we won't be able to. 🙁

Capillary - it's okay, we apply a bandage. If there is peroxide, pour over the wound. No, it's not. And apply a sterile bandage. Dirty fingers do not climb into the wound.


Elevation of the limb or its fixation with squeezing and TIGHT PRESSURE BANDAGE. ALL.

Arterial. The most dangerous. Bright scarlet pulsating jet. Critical blood loss within ten seconds. Therefore, we do everything quickly.

1. Finger pressure of the artery to the bone with the right hand above the wound at such a distance that between the edge of the wound and the hand there is a place for applying a tourniquet (10 centimeters or roughly the width of the palm).

2. With the thumb of the right hand, we press the end of the tourniquet and with our left hand we impose the first round (turn) of the tourniquet. We pull with all our might, as much as possible. We also impose the second round. If the tourniquet is tightened correctly, the blood should stop flowing. If it goes, we pull even harder. We apply the tourniquet DIRECTLY on the clothes. If the limb is bare, then be sure to put a fabric under the tourniquet.

3. We fix the tourniquet with 3-4 more rounds and release the finger pressure. The bleeding should stop.

4. Under the last tours of the tourniquet, we lay a piece of paper (cardboard, polyethylene, wrapper) on which we write the TIME TO APPLY THE HARNESS. We write the same time on the forehead of the wounded or in another prominent place. NECESSARILY. Because of such a small oversight, the wounded may lose a limb.

5. Apply a sterile pressure bandage to the wound. WE DO NOT CLOSE THE HARNESS WITH THE BANDAGE. and we perform the whole complex of related procedures - anesthetic, etc.

6. The time for which the tourniquet is applied is 1 hour in summer and 0.5 hours in winter. In winter, we definitely insulate the limb - this is where the inscription on the forehead is needed - so that everyone knows that the wounded man has a tourniquet.

7. After the allotted time, SLOWLY (especially the last round in order to avoid the separation of a blood clot) dissolve the tourniquet. If the bleeding resumes, apply again immediately. No - great. We give 2-3 minutes to recover and apply again, a couple of centimeters above the previous place - just as tightly as before and again write on a piece of paper and on the forehead =)

The control of the correct application is the absence of a pulse in the limb below the tourniquet.

8. We quickly drag him to the doctor.

Thank you for your attention. 😀

ps practice is important in the application of the tourniquet. it is not necessary to cut - it is possible on a healthy limb. 😉

Hello, tell me plizzzz and if a person’s arm or leg is cut off with a chainsaw, then it is possible to stop the bleeding by treating the cut site with a blowtorch. ((Thanks in advance.

First, in any case, a tourniquet should be applied to the affected stump. Otherwise, while you “fire up” the lamp, the victim runs the risk of bleeding out.

Nothing that bandages are invented that are stuffed into wounds? To absorb all the blood and temporarily stop the bleeding?

By the way, do not joke with bulletproof vests.

Presumably, these very “bandages that are stuffed into wounds” are at your fingertips?

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- This is a very serious injury, which in case of untimely medical care can lead to death. It is considered the most dangerous of all types of bleeding. When arteries are damaged, blood flows out of them in a gushing stream.

Arterial blood is distinguished by its bright scarlet color. It flows out of the vessel in accordance with the beats of the heart. Such an injury can cause death not only immediately after it is received, but even when qualified medical care is provided. Arterial bleeding can lead to the loss of an injured limb and other complications.

Rules for stopping arterial bleeding

Blood loss during arterial bleeding occurs so rapidly that it is necessary to provide emergency assistance from the very first 2-3 minutes after its formation. When large arteries are injured, the time to provide emergency care is reduced to 1-2 minutes. Otherwise, with every second, the blood pressure will fall, as a result of which the victim will lose consciousness, fall into a coma, or die immediately.

In case of arterial bleeding, first of all, pinch (squeeze) the injury site with your fingers or fist, trying to stop the gushing flow of blood.

In this case, certain rules should be observed in pressing and squeezing certain blood vessels:

    The common carotid artery is pressed with fingers to the spine, namely: to the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae. In this case, one should press on the inner edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle approximately in its middle part.

    The external maxillary artery is pressed against the anterior edge of the masticatory muscle with fingers.

    The temporal artery is compressed with fingers slightly forward from the upper edge of the ear.

    The subclavian artery is pressed with fingers or a fist behind the outer edge of the clavicular part of the sternocleidomastoid muscle against the first rib.

    The brachial artery is compressed by fingers along the inner edge of the biceps muscle to the bone.

    The femoral artery is pressed with a fist against the pubic bone under the pupart ligament. In thin people, this vessel can be easily pressed against the thigh.

    The popliteal artery is pressed down with a fist in the middle of the popliteal cavity.

After providing emergency assistance in pressing the vessel in case of damage to large arteries, it is necessary to immediately apply a rubber tourniquet to them. In case of minor bleeding, a tight roller or a single sterile bandage is bandaged to the damage. In extreme conditions, instead of a tourniquet, you can use a belt, scarf, thick rope and other improvised means with which to make a pressure bandage. A sterile bandage is applied to the wound itself to prevent infection from entering the body.

In some cases, when there is no bone fracture, forced flexion of the injured limb can be used instead of a tourniquet. With this method of stopping arterial bleeding, the injured limb is bent and fixed in a bent position with a bandage or other improvised means.

Applying a tourniquet for arterial bleeding

Already during the provision of first aid to the victim for squeezing blood vessels, one of the people around should prepare a tourniquet or improvised means, cotton wool, gauze or cotton napkins. On the damaged areas of the body, gauze or tissue is applied, not reaching the site of bleeding. Injured limbs should be in an elevated position. The rubber tourniquet is slightly stretched and wrapped around the limb in 2-3 turns. The tourniquet should be applied tight enough to stop bleeding from the artery, but it is unacceptable to strongly squeeze the limb. Its ends are tied, fastened with a hook or chain. As a rule, a tourniquet or pressure bandage is applied 2-3 cm above.

Features of applying a tourniquet for various types of damage to the arteries:

    If the hands are damaged, it is applied to the upper third of the shoulder.

    The optimal localization of the tourniquet on the upper limb is the upper or lower third of the shoulder (the tourniquet cannot be applied in the middle of the shoulder to avoid damage to the radial nerve).

    In case of severe damage to the femoral artery, another tourniquet may be needed, which is applied a little higher than the first.

    In case of ruptures of the carotid artery and other injuries of the face and head, a soft bandage is placed under the tourniquet so as not to cause additional injuries. At the same time, the tourniquet is not tightened too tightly to prevent suffocation of a person and insufficient blood circulation to the brain.

If the tourniquet is applied correctly, then the flow of blood stops completely. A note is placed under the tourniquet, which indicates the data on the damage and the time of application of the pressure bandage. The area on the body where the tourniquet is applied should not be completely covered by clothing so that the medical staff in the hospital immediately finds the injury site.

After applying the tourniquet, the victim is immediately sent to a medical facility, where he will receive the necessary assistance. When transporting a patient with wounds on large arteries, he must be immobilized (immobilized).

To prevent serious consequences from insufficient nutrition of tissues, their necrosis and paralysis due to compression of nerve fibers, the tourniquet should not be left on the body for more than 90 minutes. If there is a situation where the tourniquet should still remain on the damaged artery, it is slightly loosened for a few minutes and then tightened again tightly. When using a tourniquet in the cold season, it is necessary to wrap the victim warmly, especially the injured limb.

Danger of arterial bleeding

If the victim with arterial bleeding is not provided with emergency assistance in the first minutes after injury, he will simply bleed out and die. Very rapid blood loss does not allow the body to turn on the defense mechanisms. In this case, the heart does not have enough normal blood volume, as a result of which blood circulation stops completely.

Even pressing the arteries in the first minutes after injury is often difficult, because they have thicker and more stubborn walls than veins, and the blood pressure in them is much greater. Even with the final stop of such bleeding in a medical institution, various complications may arise. When treating a wound, the doctor bandages the vessel in the wound. In some cases, a vascular suture may be needed. Changes in tissue ratios in anatomical terms, their crushing and severe bleeding make the process of finding a vessel and applying a ligature in the wound very problematic. With internal bleeding, the victim needs urgent surgical intervention, since in this case a compressive bandage cannot be applied.

The lack of assistance after applying a tourniquet often leads to the death of the limb, due to impaired blood flow. The lack of blood in the tissues becomes critical 8–10 hours after injury to the artery. This begins the development of gangrene, which is an irreversible necrosis of the tissues of the limb. After this, the patient can still be saved only by amputation of the injured limb. Moreover, it is amputated much higher than the place where it began.

With significant blood loss, the victim is transfused with donor blood after stopping the bleeding. Its volume can be up to 1000 cc. With such injuries, rapidly growing pulsating hematomas often occur. They also need to be operated on. For bleeding in people with reduced blood clotting and pathological changes in the walls of blood vessels, a 10% solution of calcium chloride is used. It is prescribed in the amount of 10-20 cubic meters. see intravenously. The best result in the treatment of arterial bleeding is given by repeated blood transfusions in small (homeostatic) doses (100-150 cc). The patient needs complete rest after the operation. A cold compress is applied locally to the wound.

Based on the foregoing, it becomes clear that without the provision of emergency and professional medical care, damage to the arteries, leading to bleeding, can cost a person life. That is why it is so important to be able to provide first aid to the victim and quickly deliver him to the hospital. The prognosis for recovery after such an injury depends on the size of the injury, its location on the body, and a number of other reasons that led to this injury.

About the doctor: From 2010 to 2016 practicing physician of the therapeutic hospital of the central medical unit No. 21, the city of Elektrostal. Since 2016, she has been working at the diagnostic center No. 3.

Severe arterial bleeding requires immediate action. The blood from the damaged artery spurts with a jet - and a fatal outcome can occur in a matter of minutes. Correct application of a tourniquet to the injured area will help stop blood loss. After that, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance and deliver the victim to the hospital.

Blood is a fluid, mobile connective tissue that is responsible for providing nutrition and metabolism to all body cells. It consists of the following elements:

  • plasma - a liquid that contains nutrients, proteins, enzymes, waste products of the body, etc.;
  • blood cells - erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets.

Liquid tissue moves through a closed system, which consists of large arteries and veins, as well as smaller arterioles, venules, and capillaries. In less than thirty seconds, the blood has time to make a full circle, give useful elements to the cells, pick up harmful products and carry them to the organs that are responsible for their removal to the outside.

Arteries carry blood rich in nutrients and oxygen, which gives blood its bright red color. The speed of liquid tissue through these vessels is as fast as possible, since it is set in motion by the heart, pushing it outward with a strong push. Metabolic products move through the veins, which must be removed from the body. Among them is carbon dioxide, which was taken by red blood cells from cells after they transferred oxygen to tissues. Carbon dioxide gives the dark red color to the plasma circulating through the veins. Venous tissue moves much more slowly than arterial tissue.

If there is a rupture of blood vessels, the liquid tissue, along with useful substances, leaves the body. Because of this, cells are deprived of nutrition, decay products are retained in them, which in serious cases leads to tissue necrosis. There are two types of bleeding:

  • internal, when liquid tissue flows into the body cavity, which leads to hematomas and other problems;
  • external, when plasma, due to damage to the skin, comes out, leaving the body.

If internal bleeding occurred deep in the body, they can only be detected with the help of special equipment. External damage is determined instantly, since blood exits the body through the damaged skin, which is visible to the naked eye. In this case, blood loss is accompanied by pain in the affected area. It is customary to distinguish the following types of external bleeding:

  • Arterial. It is characterized by a bright scarlet stream of blood, beating with a fountain. This variety is the most dangerous: plasma moves through the arteries at maximum speed, which is why the blood leaves the body extremely quickly. The person turns pale, the pulse weakens, the pressure drops, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting begin. If blood loss is not stopped in time, death is possible. It should be noted that the arteries are not easy to damage, because they are located deep in the body. The cause of such injuries are serious injuries that put life at risk.
  • Venous. Cherry-colored blood flows evenly, at the same speed, sometimes it can pulsate a little. If a large vessel is damaged, negative pressure appears, which can provoke the appearance of an air embolism (air bubbles) in the vessels. In case of serious damage, a fatal outcome is also possible, but this requires more time. Since some veins are located along the skin, the likelihood of such damage is much higher than arterial.
  • Capillary. The least dangerous damage. Capillaries are the smallest vessels in the human body, through which blood transfers nutrients to cells and takes away decay products. Plasma from a damaged vessel oozes slowly, and the body is able to stop blood loss by itself, blocking the site of damage with a thrombus. Capillary bleeding is dangerous only with reduced blood clotting.

Help with arterial bleeding

The loss of blood due to a ruptured artery is so rapid that the victim must be treated within the first two minutes. Otherwise, the person will quickly lose consciousness, fall into a coma and die. It is necessary to immediately squeeze the place of the rupture with your fingers, and even better - with your fist to stop the flow of arterial blood. If the limb is damaged, it must be fixed with a splint or scarf. Then you need to proceed as follows:

  • Disinfect the damaged area by wiping with alcohol.
  • Cover the wound with a sterile dressing to prevent infection.
  • In case of pain shock, make anesthesia, for which give Analgin, Tramadol or another analgesic. In extreme cases, ice will do.
  • In case of minor damage, a sterile bandage or a tight roller is wrapped around the injured area.
  • In case of injury to a large vessel, a rubber tourniquet is quickly applied to stop bleeding.
  • Call an ambulance or take the victim to the hospital as soon as possible.

How to pinch a vessel during arterial bleeding depends on the damaged area. It is necessary to proceed from the following rules:

Where to press


to the pelvic bones

temporal artery

to the bone between the ear and the eye, or to a cartilaginous protrusion

around the hands and fingers

press on the ulnar, brachial or radial artery

external maxillary artery

to chewing muscle

brachial artery

press in the middle of the shoulder from the inside

subclavian artery in the region of the armpit and shoulder

to the bone in the recess under the collarbone


press down with a fist in the center of the popliteal cavity

to the vertebra

There are several types of tourniquet, each of which has its own characteristics when applied and fixed. Among them, it is worth highlighting the following options:

  • Esmarch's tourniquet is a thick rubber tube with a chain attached on one side and a hook on the other.
  • Tape tourniquet - a rubber strip 3-5 cm wide. After the end of the dressing, a knot is tied.
  • Twist - a strip of durable material 1 m long, 3 cm wide with a loop. To fix the tape, insert a stick into the loop and begin to wrap the tape around the arm. After the end of the dressing, the stick must be fixed with a bandage.

A tourniquet is used to stop the fountain of blood that spurts from an injured artery. Applied only with severe damage to a large vessel, when other measures to stop arterial bleeding were ineffective. This is explained by the fact that the tourniquet not only strongly compresses the vessels, but also the surrounding tissues, which disrupts the supply of nutrients to the damaged area.

In case of arterial bleeding, the application of a tourniquet should be done above the damaged area: if the leg is injured - on the thigh, the arm - on the upper third of the shoulder (it should not be applied in the middle, since the radial nerve can be damaged). In case of severe damage, it may be necessary to apply two rubbers. The tourniquet in the head area should not be tightened too much, as it can provoke suffocation or cerebrovascular accident.

Before proceeding with the application of the tourniquet, it must be borne in mind that the damaged area must be in an elevated position. This means that if the leg is injured, it is lifted and fixed above the level of the body. Next, you need to apply a tourniquet for arterial bleeding according to the following scheme:

  • Pinch the damaged artery with your finger or fist.
  • Disinfect the area.
  • Apply tissue or gauze to the injured area, not reaching the wound, in order to protect damaged tissues from infection and additional trauma that may occur when rubber is applied.
  • Bring the tourniquet to the injured area, apply 2-5 cm above the wound. If it is missing, a belt, a thick rope, a scarf will do.
  • Tighten the rubber a little and wrap around the limb 2-3 times. It is necessary to tighten the tape with arterial bleeding tightly so that the bleeding stops, but do not squeeze the tissues strongly. The first turn should be the tightest, the others weaker, while making sure that the skin is not infringed during winding.
  • After applying the tape, you need to tie the ends, secure with a hook or chain.
  • Ensure that the patient does not move the injured limb until he is taken to the hospital.
  • The area on which the bandage is applied should not be completely covered with clothes, so that after the patient is in the hospital, the medical staff immediately finds the wound. However, in the cold season, the victim must be wrapped warmly, especially the injured area.
  • If the rubber is applied correctly during arterial bleeding, the pulse on the damaged vessel disappears, the area below the ligation site turns pale, and the flow of arterial blood stops.

Features of use

After bandaging, a piece of paper is placed under the tourniquet indicating the time when it was applied. This information is necessary for doctors in order to prevent tissue necrosis, which can develop in the bandaged area due to the lack of nutrient supply to it. The application of a tourniquet in summer and winter is different, since the cold stimulates tissue necrosis. For this reason, the maximum time for applying a tourniquet in summer is two hours, in winter - sixty minutes.

If this time needs to be extended (for example, there is no way to deliver the patient to the hospital on time), the rubber should be loosened for 15-60 seconds so that arterial blood flows to the bled tissues. In this case, press the broken vessel with your finger. Then tie the rubber tight again. If arterial blood begins to ooze, another tourniquet is applied.

After applying the rubber, it is imperative to take the victim to the hospital, where the doctor will suture and take other measures aimed at healing the vessel. With severe blood loss, a blood transfusion is necessary. If the patient is not provided with medical assistance after applying the tourniquet, the cells begin to die. After 8-10 hours, a critical situation occurs when irreversible tissue necrosis begins, which leads to gangrene. In this case, in order to save a human life, it is necessary to amputate a leg or arm much higher than the injury site.

Hard to reach places

With bleeding from the femoral, carotid or muscular artery, the patient can die in two minutes, so you need to act as quickly as possible. The difficulty is also that it is much harder to apply rubber to these areas than to an injured limb. The rules for applying a tourniquet for arterial bleeding, provoked by damage to the neck, are as follows:

  • The artery is pressed with a fist.
  • A cotton-gauze pad is applied to the wound.
  • Fix the neck, head and shoulder with a Cramer splint or other device that is used to immobilize a limb in case of fractures.
  • If there is no tire, it is necessary to take the victim's hand, put her forearm on the head so that the shoulder begins to act as a counter-stop. In addition, you can use a board, the length of which is 60 cm, the width is 8-10 cm, attaching it to the shoulder and head.
  • The roller is pressed from the side of the wound, after which a tourniquet is applied in one or two turns.

If the artery is damaged, the patient's thighs are immobilized. The femoral artery is pressed with a fist against the pubic bone under the inguinal ligament. If a person is thin, the vessel can simply be pressed against the thigh. Further, the tourniquet is applied according to the following scheme.

In the event of an arterial injury emergency need to act quickly, not at a loss to provide first aid. When splashing out of the wound, the blood has a scarlet hue, splashes with a fountain and pulsates. Due to the rate of blood loss, a state of shock quickly develops, and there may be a fatal outcome. Knowing how to properly apply a tourniquet, you can even save a person's life. How to apply a tourniquet correctly for arterial bleeding? What are the rules for applying a tourniquet to a limb with arterial bleeding?

Such bleeding is internal and external. Internal and external damage is finally eliminated only in stationary conditions.

With arterial bleeding, blood flows out under pressure, has a scarlet color, flows in a stream.

As with any bleeding, a person turns pale, his heart beats fast, and his blood pressure drops. There is a strong weakness, dizziness, darkening in the eyes, may feel sick.

In rare cases, there is a lack of air.

Stop Methods

stop bleeding possible in several ways. When doing this, safety precautions should be taken by wearing gloves to avoid contact with blood.

First aid is the pre-medical stage of helping the injured. Finally, they help to stop the bleeding already in the hospital.

finger overlay

This method is used to stop the blood in case of minor mechanical injuries. The artery is pressed with ten fingers. It is pressed against the bone tissue for 10 minutes.

Ask your question to the doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics

Anna Poniaeva. She graduated from the Nizhny Novgorod Medical Academy (2007-2014) and residency in clinical laboratory diagnostics (2014-2016).

If the injury is severe, then finger pressure is not always effective.

Limb bend

According to doctors, this method of stopping blood is not always effective, but can be used in some cases. The injured arm or leg is bent at the elbow or knee and tightly bandaged below the injury site with a handkerchief, scarf, belt.


Such an item to stop the blood always in the first aid kit. If there is no harness, then you can take an ordinary leather belt, tie, scarf, belt. In this case, the width of the strip of fabric matters. It is not recommended to use wire or nylon rope for these purposes.

Pressure to it can lead to soft tissue necrosis.

How to apply?

The tourniquet is applied not on the skin itself, but on clothes, or a fabric is placed under it. After it is applied, the artery is touched a few centimeters below. If the procedure is carried out correctly, then the pulsation is slow.

If the doctors have not arrived by this time, then the tourniquet is removed for 10 minutes after the specified time. The tissues are filled with blood again, saturated with oxygen. After that, the tourniquet is fixed again.

If the carotid artery is damaged, it is applied, fixing a roll of gauze and cotton wool on the patient's neck, and a splint is applied on the opposite side.

What are there?

Rubber band

It is a strip of rubber with holes for buttons.

Disadvantages of the product: it is easily torn, upon contact with the skin it can lead to tissue necrosis, pinches the patient's skin. Another weak point is the fastener buttons, so it is inconvenient to fix such a cord.

With inexperience in handling it, the person applying the tourniquet can injure himself, because the holes for the buttons are often torn.

This kind of tourniquet is not the best option for stopping arterial bleeding, but if there is nothing better at hand, then in an extreme situation you can use it.

In the event of an emergency, especially in the presence of arterial bleeding, it is necessary to act quickly and decisively. When the count goes on for minutes, it is important not to get confused, but to remember the methods of stopping bleeding and correctly providing first aid. You may be the one who saves a life.

Arterial bleeding: signs and differences

There are three types of bleeding: arterial, venous and capillary. Also, bleeding can be divided into external and internal, however, further we will talk about external bleeding, since internal ones are eliminated exclusively in a hospital setting. Arterial bleeding occurs when arteries are damaged - vessels through which oxygen-rich blood flows from the heart to organs and tissues. Venous bleeding occurs when the integrity of the veins is violated - the vessels through which blood flows, enriched with carbon dioxide, from organs and tissues to the heart. - in case of damage to small vessels through which gas exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide occurs.

Arterial blood is rich in oxygen, it has a rich scarlet-red color, in contrast to venous blood, which is darker, closer to burgundy. With venous bleeding, blood slowly flows out of the damaged vein. The pressure in the arteries is much higher than in the veins, this is due to contractions of the left ventricle, which pumps blood throughout the body, so when an artery is damaged, blood is ejected very quickly, with a characteristic pulsating jet. This bleeding is life threatening.

The assessment of the risk of developing massive bleeding is carried out, among other things, by determining the PCT in a blood test:

First aid basics

The basic rules are determined by the anatomical features of a person. Since blood flows from the heart through the arteries, it is advisable to press the artery above the injury site. However, this rule does not apply to wounds in the neck and head, in which case the pressure is applied below the area of ​​damage. It is necessary to press the artery against the bone, since the arteries are very elastic and can easily slip away from you in soft tissues without having any “support” under them. If the arteries of the limbs are damaged, they can be raised.

Try to roughly determine the amount of blood loss, in the future, these data will help doctors in the treatment.

The table indicates the pressure points for bleeding from specific arteries.

Artery Place of pressing
temporal arteryTemporal bone
External maxillary arteryLower jaw
Carotid artery7th cervical vertebra
subclavian arteryInner surface of the clavicle
axillary arteryHumeral head
Brachial arteryHumerus, inner surface, under the biceps
Ulnar arteryThe ulna, along the anterior surface of the forearm,

from the side of the little finger

radial arteryRadius, along the anterior surface of the forearm,

thumb side

femoral arteryFemur
Popliteal arteryTibia, on the back of the leg
Posterior tibial arteryTibia, on the inner surface of the lower leg
Dorsal foot arteriesTarsal bones of the foot, on the anterior surface

Ways to stop arterial bleeding

All methods of stopping bleeding can be divided into two groups: temporary and final. A temporary stop of bleeding is carried out at the pre-medical stage of medical care. The final stop is already in the hospital. This division is mainly applied to severe bleeding, since weak bleeding can be finally stopped at the pre-medical stage.

Remember to protect yourself before giving first aid! If possible, put on gloves (included in the car first-aid kit) or try to contact the victim's blood as little as possible.

Finger pressure

It is carried out according to the 3D rule: press ten to ten. This means pressing the artery with both hands (10 fingers) against the bone for 10 minutes. This time will be enough to stop mild bleeding. However, with profuse blood loss, finger pressure is not a reliable measure.

Tourniquet application

This method is most effective for extensive arterial bleeding. There is a special tourniquet in the car first aid kit to stop bleeding. But it can also be made from improvised means - it can be a belt, scarf, tie.

Remember - the wider the tourniquet, the better. Do not use thin ropes or wires, this can lead to tissue necrosis!

The tourniquet must not be applied directly to the skin, fasten it over clothing or pre-tie the injury site with a cloth. It is necessary to check the pulsation of the artery below the site of application. If the pulsation from the side of the tourniquet application is weak or not detected at all, then the tourniquet is applied correctly and effectively.

With severe blood loss, the victim is shown a blood transfusion:

An important point is the time of applying the tourniquet. In summer, a tourniquet can be applied for 1 hour, in winter - for 30 minutes. During this time, the underlying tissues will be able to supply blood from deep-lying arteries and venous blood left after the application of the tourniquet, without undergoing necrosis. Once the tourniquet is applied, take a piece of paper and write the exact time on it. Remember that in extreme conditions, the sheet may be lost, rubbed, dirty, and the information will become inaccessible. For complete certainty, you can write the time directly on the body of the victim, his clothes or other available means. After the specified period, the tourniquet should be removed for 10 minutes so that the tissues are saturated with oxygen, then the tourniquet is applied in the same way.

There are certain features in applying a tourniquet to the area of ​​the carotid artery - the tourniquet should not impede blood flow from the opposite side. To do this, a cotton-gauze roller is applied to the injury site over the clothing, after which a tourniquet is applied, which, on the other hand, is pulled over the arm of the victim raised and thrown behind the head or through the tire (this can be a found piece of wood or any other rigid stick).

Fixed limb flexion

Currently, this method of stopping bleeding is ineffective, since in the conditions of life the limbs of a person are already in a bent state, and there are no disturbances in blood flow.

The imposition of cold or ice is also considered erroneous, since the rate of blood clotting increases at high temperatures, so it is more advisable to use warm compresses.

Video: first aid for bleeding from an artery

Timely and correct first aid is at least half the success. In the event of an emergency, it is very important not to get confused and remember these elementary skills to stop bleeding.

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