Is it possible to wear glasses with good vision. When to wear glasses and indications for glasses

Elena asks:

I am 21 years old, I have a slight astigmatism. A year ago, I was prescribed glasses for -1.5, taking into account astigmatism. With glasses I see perfectly, even too well - it pulls everything to read and consider. When prescribing glasses, the doctor said that after a while it would be necessary to wear them constantly. I wanted to know if this is so necessary with such a slight myopia? I also heard the words "weak accommodation" in my address. I didn't really understand what it is. Which is better - to wear glasses all the time or wear them as needed? I use them both for working at a computer and reading, and in order to see something in the distance. It seems to me that for a year of such use of glasses, I began to see worse at close range, now it is difficult for me to work at a computer without them. Couldn't your eyes "relax" because of the glasses? Will wearing glasses prevent vision loss, or does it only make it worse?
thank you very much for the answer

Indeed, with the regular wearing of glasses, there is a decrease in accommodation, let's say that the eyes become lazy and it is more difficult to focus on objects. To improve accommodation, it is recommended to regularly conduct visual gymnastics and regularly undergo an examination by an ophthalmologist. Properly selected glasses can stop the process of vision deterioration.

Elena comments:

Thank you very much for clarifying the problem of accommodation. But I still didn’t understand the most exciting question for me now - does wearing glasses only during exercise harm the eyes or not? Or should I wear them all the time?

You can wear glasses all the time if you have severe visual impairment, but you must not forget to do eye exercises regularly.

aman asks:

Hello, I’m 36 years old. A year ago I noticed that I can’t see well close up and well at a distant distance. The text is not clearly visible, the farther the better. I checked my vision +0.5 in one eye and +0.75 in the other. .5.Is this correct? And how should you wear glasses all the time or when necessary? Can vision deteriorate if you do not wear glasses. Thank you.

Currently, vision problems have acquired unprecedented proportions. The issue of visual impairment is increasingly affecting children and adolescents, more and more people are turning to doctors with myopia. Due to availability and safety, spectacle correction remains the most popular method of vision correction. How to wear glasses with myopia will be discussed in this article.

Features of vision with myopia

Nearsightedness (myopia) is a refractive error in which the projection of visible images is focused in front of the retina, which prevents the brain from processing the information received correctly. Myopia is one of the most common visual impairments, and its complications are the cause of visual disability.

Myopia cannot be called a disease in the truest sense of the word. This is an anomaly in which the length of the eye and the optical system do not correspond to each other. Usually, myopia begins to develop in schoolchildren due to the increased load on the visual system.

Correction of myopia is mandatory, especially in children, when the visual system is still developing, and any deviations can persist for life. Vision with myopia can be corrected in many ways: glasses, contact lenses, laser correction, surgical methods. Proper correction helps to change the focal length inside the eye and improve vision to normal values.

Undoubtedly, there are many modern methods of vision correction for myopia, but glasses remain the safest and most affordable. Lenses in glasses for nearsighted people have a concave shape and have a scattering effect. This lens refracts light in such a way as to focus the image of the object being viewed on the retina even if there are disturbances.

Physiological causes of myopia:

  • pathological changes in the sclera;
  • violations of the functionality of the muscular apparatus of the eye;
  • elongation of the eyeball;
  • increase in intraocular pressure.

To understand which glasses to use for myopia, you should determine the nature of the violations. In the case of myopia, the image is focused in front of the retina, so the person has trouble seeing into the distance. To restore normal vision, you need to move the focus exactly to the retina, which allows you to make concave lenses, the strength of which is indicated by a minus sign.

Glasses or contact lenses

When choosing between glasses and contact lenses, you need to understand that these correction methods are not suitable for everyone. If your eyesight is reduced by only a few diopters, you do not need to wear lenses all the time. In situations where high visual acuity is needed, it is easier to use glasses (driving, going to the cinema).

With myopia greater than 10 diopters, contact lenses are more preferable. In such cases, glasses cannot provide one hundred percent vision and create distortion, so lenses become a real salvation. In addition, with the constant wearing of glasses, they rub the bridge of the nose and ears.

Contact lenses do not change the appearance of a person. In addition, they create a single optical system with the eye - without defects and reduction of visual fields. The perception of dimensions and distances remains normal, peripheral vision is preserved.

Glasses remain the easiest way to improve nearsightedness. They can be bought quickly and at an affordable price in any optics salon. In addition, the glasses are absolutely safe and do not cause complications.

Disadvantages of spectacle correction of myopia:

  • distortion of the peripheral zones of the field of view;
  • the inability to provide a complete optical system;
  • the presence of distortions;
  • changing the shape of objects;
  • difficulty in determining the distance;
  • unaesthetic appearance;
  • inconvenience of use (restrictions on physical activity, risk of damage);
  • scratches on lenses.

There are special glasses with plus lenses. This is an unconventional method of treating myopia, based on the elimination of the main factor in the development of myopia - spasm of accommodation. Some experts believe that wearing glasses with weak lenses can force the eyes to fight refractive errors on their own.

How to choose the right glasses for vision correction

Only an ophthalmologist can examine the human visual system and select the appropriate glasses for him. This is very important because the use of the wrong glasses will accelerate the deterioration of vision.

It is possible to conduct an examination for myopia and choose glasses in one consultation. An ophthalmologist determines the degree of vision loss by assessing the vision in each eye separately. To calculate the required degree of correction, negative lenses from a special set are used. Additionally, the doctor evaluates binocular vision (the ability to see with both eyes at once). It is possible to administer medications to check vision in the absence of muscle tension.

Glasses and frames

Spectacle correction of myopia is preferable for mild to moderate impairment. As a rule, ophthalmologists prescribe an incomplete correction in order to maintain a reserve of accommodation. People with myopia from -3 diopters are prescribed several pairs of glasses or bifocal models to provide vision correction at all distances. Lenses in single vision minus glasses and bifocals are different.

Features of single vision lenses for the correction of myopia:

  • the optical power is the same for the entire lens area;
  • lenses that correct myopia are thin in the center and thickened along the periphery;
  • traditionally, myopia correction glasses are made of mineral glass, which have a significant weight;
  • modern eyewear models are made of lightweight plastic that is resistant to damage;
  • polycarbonate lenses are the most preferred (light, strong, stable, have high refractive indices).

Bifocals provide both near and far vision. The upper half of the glass in such lenses is designed to correct nearsightedness, while the lower half helps to see up close. The difference in optical power between the zones is several diopters, however, due to the abrupt transition, many people suffer from discomfort.

With myopia, you can use glasses with multifocal lenses. They, like bifocals, have several optical zones. Their distinguishing feature is the presence of a smooth transition between zones, which reduces discomfort when using them. While bifocal lenses provide near and far vision, multifocal lenses also help you see at medium distances. These glasses allow you to correct both nearsightedness and farsightedness at the same time.

The most popular are glasses with plastic and metal frames. The appropriate type of frame will depend on the degree of nearsightedness. In the prescription, the doctor indicates the required number of diopters: the stronger the myopia, the thicker the edges of the lenses and, accordingly, the edges of the frame should be.

The plastic frame can accommodate the lenses needed to correct high degrees of myopia. Such a frame covers the edges of the lens and provides a tight fit around the perimeter. In addition, the plastic is lightweight, which makes the glasses optimal in weight.

Metal frames are preferred for mild to moderate nearsightedness where thinner lenses are needed. This is due to the weight of the metal frame, which will cause severe discomfort when combined with thick lenses. People with mild myopia can use rimless glasses.

Computer glasses for myopia

Computer glasses are prescribed to prevent the progression of disorders. They help prevent eyestrain from working in front of a monitor for long periods of time, and specially coated goggles also protect against radiation. The interference filter absorbs violet-blue radiation, but allows enough sunlight to pass through.

Computer glasses can have refractive power and be used to correct myopia. In this case, the lenses should be two diopters weaker than the lenses for permanent correction. The optical characteristics of such glasses help reduce eye strain when working with modern gadgets.

How to wear glasses

When selecting glasses, the doctor chooses those that will provide complete correction, that is, one hundred percent vision. Minus glasses improve distance vision, so near work can often be done without them. It is believed that the correction is not so important when performing work that requires clear vision at a distance of up to 40 cm.

Glasses for nearsightedness are not only worn to improve visual acuity. Correction helps prevent overstrain of the muscles of the eyeball and aggravation of myopia. Children and adolescents generally tolerate myopia correction well. At this age, glasses are used that improve vision only up to 100%.

There is an opinion that when wearing glasses from childhood, the eyes are weaned to function independently. However, this is a myth: a person's eyes get used to seeing well with glasses, and when they are removed, they get used to seeing badly again.

Many ophthalmologists do not prescribe glasses for patients with first degree myopia (up to -3 diopters) who do not suffer from visual discomfort. A small deviation does not significantly affect the quality of vision, however, the risk of progression of myopia usually remains.

Moderate myopia (3-6 diopters) requires the constant wearing of glasses. With such indicators, a person begins to see poorly not only in the distance, but also objects near. Often, separate glasses are prescribed for work at close range, or bifocal glasses with two zones are recommended.

In the case of a high degree of myopia, permanent vision correction is recommended. It is noteworthy that with severe myopia, intolerance to full correction is often noted, and doctors prescribe glasses according to the patient's feelings. Such glasses provide not 100% vision, but enough to make the person comfortable. Full correction in this case will cause overwork and progression of the disorder. It is recommended to have several models of glasses for different occasions (reading, for permanent use, with a protective filter).

How to understand that the glasses do not fit

The most obvious sign that the glasses are not matched correctly is a blurry image. However, more often than not, the error in refractive power is so small that the patient does not experience significant discomfort. Even a slight deviation in refractive power can cause eye strain, headaches, and even nausea. The eyes get tired faster, the symptoms of overexertion are noted more and more often.

However, one must be able to distinguish between eyeglass adaptation and discomfort and inappropriate correction. Problems with getting used to spectacle correction often occur when myopia is combined with astigmatism. Getting used to glasses can be complicated when correcting anisometry. This is a condition in which the eyes have different optical power, respectively, the lenses provide correction in different ways.

Patients do not get used to glasses well for the reason that they create optical distortions and change the perception of distance. Sometimes the cause of discomfort lies in the incorrect installation of lenses in the frame.

If the glasses were prescribed for the first time, you need to wait a few days and evaluate the changes. At the first attempt to correct myopia, it seems to many that objects have become smaller and are further away than they really are. If headaches and blurred vision are noted within a week, you need to return to the doctor and determine the cause of the discomfort. This is important, because incorrectly selected glasses will exacerbate myopia.

Where to buy glasses for vision correction

You can buy glasses for nearsightedness with or without a prescription from a doctor. However, it is not recommended to choose glasses only according to subjective feelings, because even the right lenses take some getting used to. Having tried on glasses suitable for diopters for the first time, people experience discomfort and see distortions.

You can order glasses in optics. Some ophthalmologists work directly with optics salons, so you can place an order specifically for a doctor. This option is advantageous if you need to make glasses according to individual parameters (for example, with anisometropia). People with primary symptoms may be offered ready-made spectacles at the optometrist.

Ready-made glasses are made according to standards, so they are rarely fully suitable for correcting myopia. Sometimes such lenses are misaligned, which does not affect the effect of correction, but can be dangerous for vision. In the process of wearing, the person will begin to experience symptoms of tension and fatigue.

It is not recommended to buy glasses in the market, on layouts and in other unverified places that do not provide licenses for their products. This is doubly risky: you can choose the wrong lenses, as well as purchase dangerous glasses. Cheap glasses usually have low-quality frames that cause allergies and irritation.

How to stabilize myopia

To prevent deterioration of vision with myopia, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible and start the correction. The main measure to prevent the progression of myopia is the correct correction and regular monitoring of changes. Only correction helps to reduce eye strain and stop the development of disorders.

Even when using glasses, it is necessary to observe the mode of visual load. It is useful to do gymnastics to prevent overstrain of the visual system. Every 45-60 minutes of intensive work, you need to take a ten-minute break. It is also important to properly organize the workplace and adjust the lighting.

To maintain vision, you need to monitor your diet and posture. Patients with myopia are encouraged to play tennis and swim. Self-massage of the neck should be done regularly so that the visual system receives enough nutrients through the blood circulation.

The best thing when choosing glasses for the correction of myopia is to trust a specialist. It is necessary to undergo a complete visual examination and follow the instructions of the ophthalmologist to stop the progression of myopia and restore vision. You need to buy glasses in trusted institutions, checking the build quality and manufacturing materials.

When you need to wear glasses, the ophthalmologist determines directly. He makes this decision only after a series of diagnostic examinations.

  1. Nearsightedness (myopia). The image is formed in front of the retina. As a result, the patient does not see objects that are far away. With such a pathology, it is necessary to wear glasses with a minus value.
  2. Farsightedness. The image is formed behind the retina. As a result, the patient has difficulty seeing objects that are in front of his eyes. Plus lenses are prescribed.
  3. Astigmatism. This is a violation in the visual apparatus, which is formed due to an irregular structure of the cornea or lens. With this defect, several images are created on the retina. Because of this, objects in front of the patient's eyes begin to double and blur. In this situation, toric or cylindrical lenses are used for correction.
  4. Heterophoria. This defect of vision is also called latent strabismus and in it there is a certain deviation of the eyeballs from parallel axes.
  5. Aniseikonia. Images have different sizes on the retina of one and the other eye. A person also experiences difficulty in reading, there is a violation of the perception and correlation of different objects and a rapid overwork of the eyeballs.
  6. Presbyopia i.e. age-related farsightedness.

At what level of vision do you need glasses

The ophthalmologist decides on which vision the patient needs to wear glasses for each individual. This is influenced by factors such as age and the disease itself.

Visual acuity is measured in diopters. This is the power of refraction of the light flux.

With myopia

Thanks to special studies, it was found that (myopia) must be worn when working or watching TV with visual acuity from -0.75 diopters to -3 diopters. If the patient's vision is -3 or more, the optics is prescribed for permanent wear.

In addition, myopia is divided into two varieties: accommodative and anatomical. With an anatomical shape, wearing glasses is necessary. This is due to the fact that such a pathology tends to progress. Vision correction optics can prevent this. With the accommodative variety, the task of the treating specialist is to strengthen the muscles of the visual apparatus. In this case, wearing glasses can be harmful, as the muscles in this case relax. The best way out is to perform special exercises for the eyes.

With farsightedness

Glasses for farsightedness (hypermetropia) are prescribed with indicators from +0.75 diopters. They can be assigned both for temporary wear and for permanent wear. If the patient does not have concomitant eye diseases (astigmatism, myopia, etc.) and objects lose their contour only near, the patient is prescribed an optic for temporary use. They are worn when reading, writing, working at a computer, watching TV, driving a vehicle and for small work.

The decision to correct using glasses is made by the doctor individually for each patient. Even with poor vision, if it does not bother you in any way, corrective optics may not be prescribed.

Do you need reading glasses

Namely, this is what they call age-related deterioration in visual acuity, initially manifested by fatigue in the eyes, which occurs mainly in the afternoon or in poor lighting. Over time, migraine may occur, which appears after reading a book or working at a computer. This symptom appears due to increased tension in the eyes. So that they do not overstrain, you need to pick up special ones. With the help of them, a person will not only be able to get rid of unpleasant symptoms, but will also be able to parse the text much better.

Since the progression of presbyopia cannot be stopped by special exercises or other means, special glasses or contact lenses can be selected. A noticeable deterioration in vision mainly occurs after 50 years, and then this process slows down. That is why it is necessary to visit an ophthalmologist once a year, because during this time the vision may change and you will need to choose other glasses.

As for reading glasses, they come with increased visibility and regular ones. The ophthalmologist may also prescribe bifocals, office glasses, or progressive glasses. If there is no desire to wear them while reading or working in front of the monitor, then you can use lenses, which are also progressive and monovisual (one lens is designed to improve distance vision, and the other corrects near vision). An optometrist can help you find the right glasses or lenses. As a rule, they come with a slight plus (+0.5), but after a couple of years it may be necessary to strengthen them by +2.0 diopters.

How does the doctor determine the need for correction

The ophthalmologist puts the patient at a distance of six meters from a special ophthalmological tablet and asks to read the letters on it. If the patient sees less than seven lines out of ten, then the doctor prescribes additional diagnostic measures.

After all the studies carried out, the specialist decides on the need for corrective optics. To choose the right glasses for glasses, the ophthalmologist presents test glasses to the patient's eyes. Starting from the thinnest. For glasses, those glasses are assigned, in which the patient begins to see objects clearly.

Tables of Sivtsev, Golovin and Orlova

In no case should you wear glasses without the advice of a specialist. This can only worsen your vision and provoke the development of various eye diseases.

Human visual acuity is measured in diopters.

Diopters can take positive and negative values.

Optimum vision, in which a person clearly distinguishes both near and far objects, corresponds to a figure of plus one diopter.

Deviations to a greater extent mean the presence of farsightedness, and to a smaller one (towards negative values) - myopia.

If during the diagnostics of vision you found out that your vision is equal to minus one, then what does this mean and what measures should be taken? Let's look into these issues.


So vision minus one means nearsightedness. Myopia has only three levels of severity: -1 to -3, -3 to -5, and -5 or less.

That is, our indicator corresponds to the first level - slight myopia. It manifests itself in a slight distortion of the outlines of objects at a distance.

Often, this can only be noticed when looking at small objects, such as text on signs or bus numbers, while when looking at large objects, the presence of deviations in vision is not felt. When considering nearby objects, there are no deviations, regardless of their size.

Why is this happening? There are nerve endings on the retina that encode the incoming light rays and transmit it to the brain in the form of nerve impulses - this is how the image we observe is obtained.

Upon entering the eyeball, the rays are refracted by the lens - a natural lens that is able to change its shape with effort from the eye muscles.

A healthy visual organ refracts light so that all rays converge strictly on the retina, and when reading we get a clear image.

But with myopia, the rays are concentrated in front of the retina, and, diverging back after the focus point, they already fall on the retina being unfocused. The image becomes fuzzy.

The reasons

This state of affairs has two main causes: accommodative and anatomical. They differ greatly from each other, and it depends on the identified cause how bad vision -1 is and what the further course of myopia will be.

Accommodative myopia indicates weakness of the muscles that control the movement of the lens. That is, this natural lens simply cannot take the desired shape for the correct refraction of incoming light.

This is typical of young children, in whom the development of muscles (including the eye) does not keep pace with the growth of the body, because of which it becomes too weak to ensure its full functioning.

Anatomical myopia is a more serious illness. It is associated with a change in the structure and proportions of the eyeball.

It stretches, the location of the retina in relation to the lens changes and, therefore, the rays reach it already in a defocused form.

In the occurrence of this type of disease, a genetic predisposition plays a huge role, while the influence of external factors is not so significant.

To make a diagnosis, you need to undergo an ultrasound of the eyeball, during which accurate data on its structure and shape will be obtained.


Does such a minor deviation require any major intervention? It all depends on what kind of myopia you have, and factors such as age, living conditions, and so on also play a role.

Are glasses needed?

People who have just discovered that they have -1 vision are concerned about one pressing question: do I need to wear glasses? With accommodative myopia, this is not necessary and even harmful.

There is a well-known belief that wearing glasses with vision problems only exacerbates them. In the presence of this variety of myopia, such a statement is true for one hundred percent.

Muscles that are not strong enough to give the lens the desired shape will atrophy even more when wearing glasses, and vision will only worsen.

But with anatomical myopia, glasses are not only harmless, but also necessary.

The muscles that regulate the lens in this type of myopia work normally, but their excessive strain can further compress the eyeball, which is already degrading.

Therefore, neglecting glasses or lenses with such myopia is a sure way to a rapid deterioration in vision.

However, wearing glasses may not be enough to correct anatomical myopia. Medical correction may be needed.

She has several types. The most modern and safest correction is laser vision correction. Its essence is that it cauterizes the cornea, making its shape flatter.

Because of this, the distance from the lens to the cornea decreases, and the rays fall on the reading plane in a focused form.

Early correction method

An early correction method is the wearing of special glasses that adapt the eyes to normal work.

They only need to be worn a few hours a day for several months. This method does not always help.

But with strong distortions of the eyeball, laser correction alone is not enough. Complicated surgical repair is required. But it is better not to bring the eyes to such a state by making laser correction in the early stages of myopia.

Treatment of accommodative myopia, in turn, is simpler and does not require serious medical intervention. It is enough to develop muscle tone.

To do this, you need to carry out visual gymnastics, use special eye drops, play sports and normalize blood circulation.


You should not think that the prevention of anatomical myopia will definitely help to avoid its development - the genetic predisposition is inexorable, and in any case it will realize itself.

But this does not mean that you have to go all out, if you follow eye hygiene, then this will maintain the effect that is given by medical vision correction and will avoid the most acute complications.

So, you must strictly observe the mode of work, work with text (paper or screen) must have breaks for gymnastics, you must use moisturizing drops that do not allow your eyes to overstrain.

Gymnastics should tone your eyes and relax them, use different directions of pupil rotation.

Be wary of some activities that require you to lift heavy weights or involve a lot of shaking—it's best to avoid them altogether. At school and university, you must be exempt from physical education and labor.

But with -1 vision, the state does not give exemption from military service, keep this in mind.

Get the necessary dose of vitamins and minerals, if the food does not cover the body's needs for them, then replenish it with pharmaceutical preparations.

In addition, there are special images that allow you to restore vision. Try to understand what is shown in the following figure:


Vision -1 is characterized by a slight distortion of objects at a great distance. This is an early stage of myopia, which can develop into more severe ones if present. negative factors.

Such vision may indicate both anatomical and accommodative myopia. These varieties of the disease differ significantly.

Thus, anatomical myopia is characterized by a violation of the shape of the eyeball and requires more serious correction and is most often incurable without surgical intervention.

Nearsightedness or myopia makes it impossible for a person to clearly see objects located at a great distance from him. Vision problems interfere with work, study and do not allow you to lead a normal life in general. Therefore, to solve them, experts recommend a number of methods, the most common of which is wearing glasses for myopia, which not only improve the clarity of the image, but also slow down the progression of the disease. But in order to achieve such an effect, you need to take into account a lot of nuances, starting with how to choose them correctly and ending with how best to care for them.

To find out what kind of glasses to wear for patients with myopia, first you need to figure out what exactly this disease is. Myopia is one of the most common visual impairments, in which a person sees well only what is close to him. But as soon as you look away a little further, the picture immediately begins to blur.

What is the reason for such a problem? When a person with good vision looks into the distance, the lens of the eye becomes flat due to muscle relaxation. If you need to see something up close, it changes shape, refracting light more and providing a clear image. In myopia, the lens is constantly curved, so objects that are far away from the viewer do not come into focus. Patients with myopia not only cannot see something in the distance properly, but also often suffer from headaches due to eye strain.

The cause of the problem may be - a violation in the work of the muscles responsible for changing the shape of the lens. Such patients need special exercises and drug therapy to treat myopia. If the curvature of the lens is associated with the anatomical features of the eyeball, it is possible to slow down the development of the disease and improve vision only with the help of properly selected glasses or contact lenses.

Myopia is a "minus" or "plus"

What kind of glasses do people with this disease need to see the world around them without interference? These questions are asked by everyone who has had to deal with the problem of visual impairment. The answer is unequivocal: myopia is always a “minus”, which means that only concave lenses with a scattering effect can correct the situation.

The degree of curvature of the lens, which is responsible for the clarity of the picture, is measured in diopters. To see far, you need to make it flat, that is, reduce the number of diopters. Therefore, with myopia, “minus” glasses are needed, and with farsightedness, “plus” ones, which add diopters and, accordingly, the curvature of the lens.

When glasses are indispensable

How can you tell if a person needs to wear glasses? Many people, even realizing that they have become much worse to see, for many reasons do not dare to go to the doctor for a prescription for their purchase. Only a specialist is able to assess visual acuity and determine whether it needs correction, which means that if you stop seeing well, you can’t just come to the nearest optician and buy the first model you like.

At an early stage of myopia (up to -1 diopter), there is no special need for glasses - you can correct the situation simply by reducing the load on your eyesight. It's about getting extra rest during the day and using special eye drops to relax muscle spasms at night. However, in cases where myopia begins to cause tangible discomfort, it will not be possible to slow down the pace of its development without glasses.

Types of glasses

For patients with myopia, there are 3 types of glasses:

  1. Corrective. Full-fledged "minus" models that provide maximum picture clarity.
  2. Preventive. Participate in eye training through special exercises.
  3. For computer work. Thanks to the protective coating, they protect the eyes from harmful radiation and reduce the load on the muscles.

You can purchase any of these products only as prescribed by a doctor - otherwise there is a risk of accelerating the development of the disease.

Glasses for different stages of myopia

The selection of glasses for myopia is a rather complicated process. Having determined the degree of myopia separately for each eye, the doctor first offers the patient weak lenses, and then gradually moves to stronger values. The procedure continues until the maximum image clarity is achieved. If a choice has to be made between two pairs of glasses in which the patient feels comfortable, the decision is always made in favor of the weaker one. But with a high degree of myopia, the doctor may recommend 2 pairs of lenses at once - separately for long and close distances.

In addition, there are special bifocal lenses that are often prescribed for children and adults with the initial stage of the disease, when objects are seen well near, but blurry at a distance. The bifocal lens is conditionally divided into 2 parts: the upper "minus" for working with distant objects and the lower, without diopters, to clearly see the image in front of you. Thus, if a child wears bifocal contact lenses at school for myopia, he does not have to take off and put on glasses every time when he needs to look from the blackboard to his notebook.

How to choose glasses for vision with myopia

To do right choice, lenses and frames are judged on a range of criteria. Lenses are usually distinguished by:

  • material - thin and light plastic with a small amount of diopters or glass, thicker and heavier, but with more pronounced optical properties;
  • coating - protective, antiglare, for working at a computer, etc.;
  • shape - flat-concave, convex-concave and biconcave.

When choosing a frame, it is important to determine the material from which it will be made. It could be:

  • plastic: light, poorly responsive to temperature changes, comfortable, but rather fragile;
  • metal: reliable and wear-resistant, but heavier;
  • two-in-one option: metal frame around the glasses and plastic temples.

What happens if you choose the wrong lenses for glasses?

The mistakes made are reflected both in vision and in the general well-being of a person: eyes are constantly tired, headaches, dizziness and nausea are disturbing, working capacity decreases and the degree of myopia increases. Immediately after purchase, these symptoms should not cause serious concern - you just need to wait until the eyes adapt. But in any case, a doctor's consultation on this matter will not hurt - he will tell you how to get used to the glasses, or point out mistakes and help you choose a new model.

Do I need to wear glasses all the time

Doctors are often asked: do glasses spoil your eyesight if you wear them without taking them off? The answer to this question is individual for each patient and depends on the degree of neglect of the disease. At the initial stage, they are needed only during visual stress, for example, when watching TV or working at a computer. But at the same time, this rule ceases to apply - for such patients, the answer to the question of whether it is necessary to constantly wear glasses with myopia can only be in the affirmative.

In order to avoid excessive tension of the eye muscles, with a significant decrease in visual acuity, it is recommended to use 2 models at the same time - for constant wear and, for example, for reading or writing.

Glasses or lenses

What is better to buy for myopia - lenses or glasses? There is no universal answer to this question, because the needs of each patient are individual. Both products have their pros and cons, which are important to know before buying. For example, glasses are easy to use - they are easy to put on and take off, they do not require a special solution for storage, etc. They do not directly contact the eyes, which means they are less likely to get an infection. Glasses are suitable for people of any age and are relatively inexpensive. But even with them there are difficulties: for example, how to wear glasses during sports without the risk of breaking them, or what to do in rainy weather, when nothing can be seen behind the drops of water flowing down the glass?

When deciding which is better - glasses or lenses, it is important to understand that the use of the latter primarily requires strict adherence to hygiene rules. Lenses are easily lost, deformed and torn, but even without this, they need to be replaced periodically, which requires additional costs. And girls have to use special cosmetics for makeup that do not cause irritation. Although for many they will be a real find - the lenses are invisible to others, do not spoil the appearance and provide one hundred percent vision for patients with myopia above 10 diopters.

What rules must be followed

Patients with vision problems are often interested in how to properly wear glasses for myopia so that they are beneficial. Experts recommend:

  • when buying, focus only on the prescription of a doctor;
  • put on glasses so that the gap between the glasses and the eyes does not exceed 12 mm;
  • do not use other people's products, even if it seems that they are suitable in all respects;
  • avoid chafing of the bridge of the nose and other discomfort caused by an uncomfortable frame.

It is also important to take care of the glasses properly: periodically wipe the lenses with a special solution and a microfiber cloth, prevent scratches on the glasses and use a storage case.

An important question: how to get used to new glasses so that they no longer cause inconvenience? First, accept the fact that even a perfectly matched model needs to be adapted for at least a week, putting it on for only a few hours a day and be sure to take it off while working with nearby objects. And, of course, getting used to glasses with myopia will be easier if you immediately purchase a stylish and comfortable frame that will please the eye and become a worthy decoration for its owner.

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