Medical earrings: put on, wear, take off. Removing medical earrings

Piercing the earlobes with a special device is quick and painless. It uses medical alloy stud earrings topped with 24 carat gold. They are sterile, hypoallergenic, minimally injure the skin and prevent its inflammation. It is necessary to wear such earrings from 4 to 6 weeks so that the wounds in the puncture sites have time to heal. In the future, you can change them to more beautiful decorations of your own choice.

It can be quite difficult to remove medical earrings for the first time, since the device snaps the clasp very tightly. This will require some effort and at the same time be careful not to damage the skin. If you still can’t unfasten the earrings yourself, you need to go to the salon to the master who pierced your ears.

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Removing earrings

In order to remove earrings from your ears, avoiding injury or infection, you must:

  • Stand in front of a mirror;
  • Wash your hands using soap or an antibacterial agent;
  • With the thumb and forefinger of one hand, you should take the earring by the head (front part), and with the other hand you need to grab the clasp from behind and gently, but with force, pull it to the side;
  • If you can’t firmly grab the lock, you can try to loosen it with nail scissors. The tips of the scissors must be inserted into the semicircular loops on the back of the fastener and gently parted to the sides. As a result, it will be easy to remove the earring;
  • Treat the earlobes with a gauze pad soaked in hydrogen peroxide. At the same time, it is undesirable to use cotton wool - if the puncture has not completely healed, small villi can get into it, causing pain;
  • Walk around without earrings for a couple of hours;
  • Insert jewelry into the ears (the same studs or new earrings), after treating them with peroxide. This should be done carefully, without pressing the fastener very tightly against the skin;

About six months it is desirable not to remove the product at all. Later it will be possible to choose and change earrings without restrictions.

When deciding to decorate your ears with earrings, you should pay attention to some important details:

  • Ear piercing is preferable to carry out in the winter - at this time the risk of infection is minimal;
  • The first time after the puncture of the lobes, you need to treat the wounds with a 1% solution of salicylic acid or peroxide every day before going out, after returning home, before and after sleeping or showering;
  • Starting from the second day after the procedure, you should turn the earrings in your ears with clean hands;
  • Until the wounds heal, it is not recommended to sleep on other people's pillows, once again touch the earlobes with your hands, swim;
  • Do not remove earrings for a long period. To avoid overgrowing punctures, it is advisable to insert carnations into the ears for at least a few minutes a day.

This article is provided for informational purposes only and cannot be used as a guide to action without prior consultation with a qualified specialist in the relevant field (physician).

Among the types of piercing, the safest and most common is the piercing of the earlobes: it is done even for small children. And the simplest and most reliable way to carry out the procedure, doctors call a puncture with a special gun that fixes the lobe, makes an instant shot, which reduces the degree of pain, and immediately puts a stud earring. After some time, it becomes necessary to replace the decoration, and here the question arises - how to do this correctly?

When and how to remove medical cloves after a puncture with a gun?

First of all, you need to figure out how long the first earrings should be worn. They are made from medical grade steel, which is non-allergenic and therefore preferable to an open wound than any precious metal or jewelry. From a safety standpoint, you need to wear these carnations until the puncture site is completely healed, so this period is individual - someone can safely remove them after 3 weeks, and someone has to walk 1.5-2 months, or even six months.

  • You can determine the condition of the puncture by slightly moving the earring in your ear. If ichor (or blood) is released, it has not yet healed.

However, there is one important nuance: from the first day until the very moment of complete healing, the pierced canal releases blood, one way or another, it collides with dirt in the air. From it may appear ichor, and sometimes pus. No matter how well you take care of the puncture site, the slightest mistake leads to the fact that all the secreted substances begin to accumulate on the clove shaft, they decompose upon contact with air, and if they are not removed, everything will fall back, which will lead to suppuration. For this reason, doctors advise that after 2-3 weeks, be sure to remove the carnation earrings, treat them with alcohol and put them back. And here the question of how to do this also becomes relevant.

Putting back stud earrings, in no case try to press the clasp tightly to the earlobe: leave a small distance. She should sit tightly on the rod, hitting the risk, but no more.

With the help of a needle, a special apparatus later appeared, which quickly gained popularity. Today, almost everyone who wants to decorate their ears with earrings makes holes with the help of this very “gun”. How to remove stud earrings after piercing?

Modern ear piercing

For the procedure, special hypoallergenic alloys are used. They have a pointed end, which provides an easy and almost painless procedure. The earring is placed in a special device, often referred to as a "gun". Then, with its help, piercing is carried out, followed by fixing the earring with a lock on the opposite side of the lobe.

When and how to remove stud earrings? Until the moment of removal, some time must pass after the puncture so that the canal can completely heal. This usually takes up to a month and a half.

How to remove earrings correctly?

Naturally, you will want to change the earrings with which your ears were pierced for other, more attractive ones. To do this, you need to carefully remove the existing cloves. It's easy to do. But you should follow a few recommendations on how to remove stud earrings after being pierced with a gun.

First you need to ensure the safety of the procedure, so be sure to wash your hands. Such a simple measure will help to avoid the possible entry of dirt into the pierced channel. In addition, it is necessary to prepare alcohol or hydrogen peroxide and a piece of sterile bandage or gauze for processing.

To remove the earring, you will need to perform two steps: unfasten and remove it. The biggest problems arise when unfastening. In order not to damage the ear, you need to grab the earring in front with one hand, and the lock on the opposite side with the other.

Don't be in a hurry; care must be taken not to injure the ear. As soon as the lock is unfastened, you can remove the carnation. For the first time, there may be some difficulties with pulling out the earring - this should not be scary, as it is the norm. Then you need to treat the ears with alcohol or peroxide and let them rest for two to three hours. After that, you can put on new earrings, pre-treated with alcohol. If the pair of earrings being worn is studs, do not press the earring tightly to the ear with a lock.

How else can you take off the earrings?

It would seem that there is nothing complicated in the procedure for replacing earrings, but quite a few complain that the lock cannot be removed. How to remove medical stud earrings? Tips will help to carry out this process correctly and painlessly:

  1. Quite often, an ichor gets into the lock, which dries up and does not allow you to unfasten the earring. In this case, you can try soaking the lock with alcohol or cologne. You can also try to soak the dried ichor on the earring while taking a bath.
  2. You can try to unclench the lock. You need to insert each tip into the rings of the lock and gently unclench them. This procedure should not be done on your own, you will need outside help.
  3. In extreme cases, you can try to bite the earring with wire cutters. You have to be very careful not to damage your ear.

The last two tips are rather controversial. Improper manipulation can damage the lock, bend the earring or injure the ear. Therefore, you should think several times whether it is worth resorting to such methods if you could not remove the carnations in a safe way.

The surest way to solve the problem

Of course, home experiments can be dangerous and not have the desired effect. And in cases where there is no understanding of how to remove stud earrings, you should contact the master who pierced the ears. He will quickly and painlessly remove medical earrings, disinfect the canal. It is worth contacting him in case of inflammation and the appearance of pus.

What do you need to know to make wearing earrings a joy?

The question of how to remove stud earrings for the first time worries many. But this is only the beginning of the "relationship" with these jewelry. So that the canal does not become overgrown and there is no need for re-piercing, you need to wear earrings constantly for the first six months. Even when a lot of time has passed since the procedure, it is recommended to wear earrings regularly, at least half an hour a day.

The best choice would be a gold or silver pair. These metals are considered safe and even medicinal. A further choice should be based on the safety of the metal, so you should stay away from cheap jewelry of dubious production.

Each change of earrings should be accompanied by a preliminary washing of hands and their treatment with alcohol.

A difficult problem that many mothers face is how to remove stud earrings from young children. It is best to do this in the cabin, where the ears were pierced. If the child is spinning and does not allow touching his ears, you should try to do this at home while the baby is sleeping.

Today it is very difficult to meet a person with unpierced ears. If in the recent past only a few wore earrings, then at the moment even a 3-month-old baby already has small studs in her ears. The quickest and most painless way to pierce your ears is still the gun method. As a rule, stud earrings should be worn for about a month and a half - until the earlobe heals, then you can replace them with others. In order not to damage the earlobe, you need to know how to remove stud earrings quickly and painlessly.

How to remove stud earrings?

If the piercing process was carried out in a specialized salon, following all the necessary rules, the earlobe will heal much faster, which means that it will not be difficult to remove the earrings from the ears. To do everything right, it is better to proceed with the procedure with skill.


  • Before removing the stud from the ear, it is necessary to prepare a bandage or cotton wool, cologne or an alcohol solution for disinfection.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap or treat with an antibacterial agent.

Important! Ear jewelry should be removed with clean hands only. Otherwise, an infection can be introduced, which will lead to inflammation of the tissues and the formation of pus.

  • Stand in front of a mirror and turn your head slightly to the side.
  • With your thumb and forefinger, firmly grasp the base of the stud from the front, with the fingers of your other hand, grasp the clasp from behind.
  • Slowly, without sudden movements, pull the clasp and remove the earring from your ear.

Important! The clasp can be very tight to release the first time, so you may have to use a little effort. The main thing is not to make sudden movements and not to pull, otherwise you can damage the lobe.

  • Treat new earrings with an alcohol solution or cologne. You can immerse them for a while in liquid for better disinfection.

Important! You can put medical studs back on.

  • After disinfection, carefully insert them into the pierced canal on the earlobe.

Important! To avoid skin irritation, the clasp should not be pressed too close to the ear, leave some free space.

  • After you get the carnations, walk around without earrings for a while.
  • If the clasp cannot be removed in any way, contact the specialist who made the puncture for help.
  • New earrings must be worn in place for approximately 6 months. During this time, the puncture will finally heal and then you can change the earrings whenever you want.
  • Periodically wipe your ears and earrings with cologne or peroxide to prevent dirt from getting inside the piercing and causing redness.

Important! When changing earrings, be sure to choose only high-quality materials, such as gold. Products made of this metal do not cause allergies.


In fact, removing earrings from your ear is quite simple, you must follow the simple rules of hygiene and the simple sequence of actions given in this article.

Experts believe that girls can pierce their ears for earrings after three years of age. They motivate this by the fact that at this age the child behaves quite consciously and will not cause injury to himself.

However, according to psychologists, it is better for babies aged nine to eighteen months to buy stud earrings and pierce their ears, since they still do not know the feeling of fear.

Simple and painless

The procedure is performed in specialized centers using a gun and medical earrings. They are worn for three weeks while the earlobe heals.

Such piercing is hygienic and completely safe. Fabrics are gently pulled apart, not torn.

The pain is practically not felt, moreover, there is no risk of accidentally introducing a dangerous infection. With this method, ears can be pierced not only in childhood, but also at any age.

The clasp of the needle earring is built into the cartridge, so that the earring itself will not fall out of the ear. At the same time, the lobe is not clamped and nothing prevents it from healing quickly.

The first stud earrings have a beautiful design, so they can be worn further, but still, sooner or later, you will want to take them off and put on others. This is where difficulties can arise, so you need to know the intricacies of the process of removing them from your ears.

Carefully and calmly

First of all, you need to stock up on gauze and a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. After that, we proceed to the delicate procedure:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly, always with soap, to eliminate the risk of infection in the lobe.
  • With the fingers of one hand, the earring is taken by the front part, and with the other hand, the clasp is slowly removed from the back. At first, that is, for the first time, the product will come out hard, but next time everything will be easier and faster. But if the earring “does not want” to be removed, then it is not worth the effort, but it is advisable to contact the specialist who previously made the puncture.
  • When both earrings are removed, a piece of gauze soaked in peroxide should be cleaned in the earlobe.
  • Now you should wait two hours, and then you can already insert other jewelry, but be sure to pre-treat it with alcohol or also peroxide.

It is important that new jewelry has the same diameter of the stud, that is, the pin, as the original needle earrings. Cheap jewelry is bad for your health, so it's best to wear high quality gold or silver earrings.

Such jewelry emphasizes the image and often plays the role of an important nuance in creating a certain image.

How to remove medical stud earrings from a child. We watch a very simple way in the video:

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