Peppermint essential oil in cosmetics. Peppermint oil for the face, properties and uses. Mask for sensitive skin

Erofeevskaya Natalya

Pleasant and soothing aroma of mint, slightly reminiscent of winter frost... Used by mankind since ancient times, a wonderful plant with succulent green leaves has been widely used in medicine and cooking and has been successfully used in cosmetic formulations and procedures for many centuries.

Peppermint ester is produced by water distillation of plant inflorescences and their young leaves. The lightest in composition among menthol oil, peppermint is characterized by a powerful, dominant smell - invigorating, fresh and cool. This bright, rich aroma has been used in perfumery and food production, and the unique healing qualities of mint have been used in the medical and pharmaceutical industries.

Multifaceted in its characteristics, the oil has a wide range of methods for caring for the skin and human body with a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

Peppermint Essential Oil: Properties and Uses

Being medicinal, dried or fresh peppermint is characterized by diametrically opposite properties: soothing and relaxing, it has a refreshing and tonic effect at the same time. All those qualities that are inherent in a natural plant are also characteristic of the essential mint oil obtained from it.

Peppermint essential oil can have significantly different compositions, the content of which depends on several factors:

plant variety and growing conditions;
climatic conditions at the time of collection and the method of obtaining the concentrate;
shelf life of the finished product.

The basic active substance of mint ester is menthol (50-70% of the total volume), the most significant amount of oil is found in the flowers of the plant, then in descending order - in the leaves and stems

Cosmetic and perfumery production successfully uses the beneficial properties of the mint plant. For medical purposes, peppermint oil concentrate is used:

with migraines and epilepsy attacks as a vasodilator;
to improve blood circulation and brain activity;
with hypotension, VVD and fainting;
normalizes the work of the digestive tract;
with menstrual problems, to enhance lactation during feeding;
as a disinfectant and antitussive;
with nervousness, psycho-emotional excitability and nervous exhaustion, the smell of ether drops will help.

The use of mint ether in such cases is possible in many ways: baths, compresses, rubbing, inhalation of aroma. Mosquitoes and mosquitoes are afraid of the smell of mint: a couple of drops of oil on the pillow will ensure a calm and healthy sleep.

Peppermint essential oil for face

A woman always, regardless of the situation and season, wants to be beautiful. What to do if nature "gifted" oily, prone to irritation and inflammation skin? The same mint ether will help the face, reducing the sensitivity of the skin to external harmful factors, perfectly neutralizing various pathogenic microbes and reducing skin inflammatory reactions to nervous exhaustion and emotional crises. The skin moisture balance maintained at the same time will help to optimize the secretion of subcutaneous fat and will assist in tightening the pores.

The oil product is able to have an effective effect on almost all types of negative skin reactions: vascular network (rosacea), acne (acne), erysipelas, scabies, eczema, dermatitis and herpes on the lips. With hematomas, swelling, an applied cold compress with two or three drops of peppermint essential oil will help.

Among the useful properties of the ether is the whitening of age spots or pigment spots that have appeared as a result of active sun exposure, the alignment and improvement of the complexion. Two drops of mint oil added to cosmetic milk with regular use (twice a day) will help remove unwanted pigmentation on the face, and with an additional couple of drops of Damascus oil, smooth and lighten scars and scars. Dull and tired skin will regain its tone, acquire radiance and elasticity: fine wrinkles will be smoothed out, and deep ones will become less noticeable.

Very sensitive skin can become a limitation to the use of mint essential oil: irritation and a strong burning sensation are possible when applied.

With the help of this natural remedy, the protective functions of the upper layer of the skin - the epidermis are activated, the oil has an effective result in the prevention and treatment of fungal diseases, as well as frostbite. The bactericidal, tonic and antioxidant properties of mint ether will be noticeably useful: the face will become toned, attractive and elastic, wilting and aging will slow down.

When inflammatory processes occur as a result of solar, domestic, thermal burns, mint oil in combination with lavender will have a quick and effective effect.

Essential oils for sensitive facial skin are rarely used in their pure form: they are usually added to a proven cosmetic base - creams, tonics, cosmetic milk, lotions. The recommended dosage for enriching tonics and creams is one or two drops of ether per 10 g of base. Additionally, the use of mint ether in cosmetology is regulated by dosage: a small concentration will relieve irritation, soothe and refresh the skin, a slightly larger one will warm up the skin by activating blood circulation and cause a blush.

Usage restrictions

Due to the high concentration of active substances in a small volume unit, esters often give restrictions on their use:

Essential mint oil should not be used for the area around the eyes - too thin skin in this area will not be slow to react with irritation and redness.
It is undesirable to use mint ether in the presence of an allergic rhinitis: the active smell of the oil can cause breathing problems and bronchodilator spasm.
There are individual contraindications during pregnancy and lactation.
It is forbidden to use essential oil for the skin of children under 7 years of age due to the high likelihood of skin reactions.
The use of this ether is not recommended for people who cannot tolerate the menthol smell of mint.

In other cases, you should be guided by the recommendations of specialists, common sense and your own feelings.

Peppermint essential oil for hair

A beautiful, well-groomed hairstyle is the dream of any woman, but only healthy, full of vitality hair can have such characteristics. Peppermint essential oil will help to put them in order:

used as an independent component, added in small quantities to the used shampoo or balm, the oil refreshes the skin of the scalp, stimulates the blood supply to the hair follicles, activating;
the cleansing and refreshing properties of mint will get rid of irritated, dry scalp, itching and dandruff;
the amazing ability of peppermint oil to cool in hot weather will make mint hair masks preferred in hot summers;
mint used in masks with the addition of other essential oils will restore the structure of damaged hair along the entire length, stop the split ends, make hair strong, elastic and shiny.

In masks, mint oil, by smell and characteristics, is successfully combined with, ylang-ylang, and lavender. To enrich shampoos and hair masks, take 1-2 drops of ether per 10 g of the base product. Natural vegetable oils can also serve as the main means.

It is easy to prepare a rinse for a healthy strengthening of hair: add 3-4 drops of mint ether to a decoction of mint leaves (2 tbsp per glass of boiling water). Rinse the hair with the prepared mixture and lightly rub it into the roots: the result of regular use will be well-groomed and strong hair.

When using mint hair oil, there are no restrictions other than those described above, but excessive concentration can cause an undesirable effect: a significant amount of ether applied to the hair for a long time can cause respiratory distress with its aroma.

December 28, 2013, 10:57 am

All essential oils are extremely popular, which is why they are so often used in aromatherapy, cosmetology, folk medicine, traditional medicine, and everyday life. Among the esters, peppermint oil is especially valued, which is famous for its coolness and ability to calm the nervous system. How else is the composition used, which today can be obtained everywhere? We will study the main aspects in turn.

The action of mint ether

Not many people know that the oil blend is obtained by steam distilling the top of the peppermint. According to its external characteristics, the ether is transparent, greenish or slightly yellowish. By the smell of mint, you can only confuse it with lemon balm. The oil smells rich and fresh, just like the plant itself.

We got acquainted with the features, we highlight the properties and influence on the human body.

  1. Calms the nervous system when used as an aromatherapy. It normalizes the psycho-emotional environment, helps to cope with depressive disorders and stress.
  2. It is used to relieve soreness, in particular muscle spasms. Relieves pain in joints and ligaments.
  3. With great success it is used for toothaches and headaches, frequent migraines. Removes dependence on the weather, so that a person feels much better.
  4. Effective for stomach pain. It is also famous for its anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. Disinfects the oral cavity, eliminates unpleasant odors.
  5. Useful for asthenic disorders, easily eliminates nausea, motion sickness, dizziness and heartburn. It affects the neurons of the brain, stimulating them and improving memory.
  6. It is appreciated by people who have difficulties with the respiratory system. Clears the respiratory tract of phlegm and mucus, eases the course of asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis.
  7. It has antipyretic and diaphoretic qualities, therefore it is used to treat colds. Accelerates the outflow of bile, removes excess fluid and fights swelling.
  8. Relieves pain during the menstrual cycle, increases hemoglobin levels. It is used by athletes to combat muscle spasms, back pain and joint pain.
  9. It treats rosacea, restores the psyche during emotional stress, increases the supply of strength and energy. Relieves chronic fatigue, soothes and helps to fall asleep.
  10. Responsible for blood circulation throughout the body, reduces the likelihood of spasms and fragility of blood vessels. Enriches cells with oxygen, improves heart function and cognitive abilities.

Restrictions on use

Each composition has its own list of prohibitions that should not be violated. Peppermint ether is not one of the exceptions, so you need to know what restrictions it has on its use.

  1. It is strictly forbidden to use the product on the sensitive area of ​​​​the skin near the eyes. The epidermis in this area is dehydrated and does not have enough muscles. The oil will irritate.
  2. If you have an allergic rhinitis, you should stop using peppermint oil. Otherwise, the ether can cause bronchospasm or difficulty breathing.
  3. Ladies who are at the stage of bearing a fetus or breastfeeding a child should consult a doctor before using the product in question. Contraindications are not excluded.
  4. If you can’t stand the smell of menthol, you should not use this composition for any purpose. It is also forbidden to use by children under the age of seven.

Essential oils are useful for rejuvenation, most often mint extract is added to masks for the face and head. The composition treats various problems, including inflammation and fungus.

For face

  1. Peppermint ether is widely used to relieve irritation, heal microcracks, and dry acne. To this end, it must be mixed with lavender ether, observing a ratio of 1 to 1. The skin is lubricated locally with the resulting product.
  2. Also, the composition helps relieve itching after an insect bite, cure burns from contact with poisonous plants. To contribute to the fight against psoriasis and eczema, dermatitis, comedones, mint ether is combined with citrus oil in the same amount. The skin is treated locally.
  3. The main value of the oil of this variety lies in the ability to increase the protective barrier of the epidermis. After use, an invisible film remains on the skin, which prevents the penetration of ultraviolet into the lower layers of the dermis and protects the face from wind, frost, and bad ecology.
  4. Ether is used with great benefit in the presence of vascular networks and early stages of acne. The difference of this ether from the rest is that it does not clog pores and sebaceous ducts. Therefore, the production of sebum is normalized, shine disappears.
  5. To saturate the usual facial cosmetics with antiseptic and rejuvenating properties, 50 gr. cream or lotion is enough to add 1 drop of ether.
  6. If, for unspecified reasons, you cannot use tea tree ester, peppermint oil is substituted. The ether is combined with a couple of drops of tocopherol in ampoules, then rubbed over the problem areas of the face.

For hair

  1. Peppermint ether is widely used in medicine. The oil has good antispasmodic and analgesic properties. The product relieves muscle spasms and pain. Ether oil is often prescribed to patients for the treatment of pain syndromes of various nature.
  2. In addition to the properties described, ether does an excellent job with severe headaches. To cope with the problem, you should combine 25 ml. base oil with 2 drops of peppermint ester. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and start rubbing the composition into the temporal region with massaging movements.
  3. To cope with the symptoms of a cold and significantly alleviate the patient's condition, you should use a simple recipe. The body temperature will also drop. To combat fever, mix warm peppermint oils (3 drops) and 30 ml in a suitable cup. coconut. Rub the finished product on the feet, neck and shins.
  4. It is also worth noting that a remedy prepared from equal parts of oils perfectly fights inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and effectively eliminates toothache. The swelling on the gums disappears. Rub the composition into the oral mucosa.
  5. Regular use of ether will help eliminate spasms in the large intestine. As a result, indigestion disappears and the symptoms of bloating go away. To cope with the problem, dilute in 230 ml. water at room temperature 1 drop of mint oil. Take a drink 20 minutes before a meal.
  6. To get rid of bad breath, you should prepare a similar solution. Only the amount of ether must be increased to 3 drops. Rinse your mouth with the solution after waking up and before going to bed.
  7. The product showed itself well in the fight against fears, increased anxiety and nervousness. To improve the psycho-emotional background of a person, it is enough to fill the aroma pendant with peppermint ether and wear the jewelry daily. An oil-soaked handkerchief is an alternative. Breathe in regularly.
  8. As mentioned earlier, the product perfectly helps to overcome colds and coughs faster. It is recommended to add oil to baths, to make inhalations and all kinds of compresses on its bases.
  9. The oil is great for nausea. The composition helps to recover faster after surgery and chemotherapy. To do this, just add 2 drops of ether to a glass of water. Take the drink twice a day. Also, the oil can be rubbed into the ear area. This move helps fight nausea.

Peppermint essential oil in aromatherapy

  1. The systematic use of the mint product in aroma pendants and aroma lamps helps fight appetite. Thus, you will not have once again the desire to have a bite to eat. As an alternative, it is recommended to rub the oil on the wrists.
  2. Aromatherapy is considered an excellent tool in the prevention and treatment of various viral ailments. Pleasant aroma effectively cleanses the respiratory tract, reduces tickling in the nasopharynx. The oil has shown itself well in bronchial asthma, sinusitis, bronchitis.
  3. Regular inhalation of mint ether will help relieve nervous tension after a hard day's work. The psycho-emotional background of a person is noticeably stronger. You become more stress-resistant and calm, regardless of the situation. Wear an aroma pendant.

Peppermint ether has unique qualities and a pleasant aroma. The oil has performed well in various fields. With proper application of the composition, you can achieve the desired results. A pleasant aroma and unique composition allow a person to normalize mental and physical health.

Video: mint essential oil

The aromatic properties of peppermint essential oil are used in perfumery and in everyday life. Fresh menthol aroma energizes and improves emotional state. Due to the rich healing composition, the oil has not only psychological, but also a number of other positive effects on the body.

Peppermint essential oil is famous for its aromatic and medicinal properties, which are used in everyday life, cosmetology, perfumery, food industry and medicine.

Composition of peppermint essential oil

The composition of peppermint ester includes about 30 compounds.

The main components that determine the healing properties of the oil are menthol (up to 70%), menthon (up to 12%), aldehydes, limonene, acetic acid.

The exact proportions of the composition depend on several factors - these are the conditions for growing and harvesting the plant, the conditions for storing raw materials and the technology for isolating the ether.

How is peppermint essential oil obtained?

Butter is made from fresh or dried(humidity about 55%) crushed peppermint leaves mowed in the period from initial to full flowering. Production method - water or steam distillation in continuous apparatus.

Raw is cleaned by counter-exchange between vapor and liquid and agitation with mercuric chloride before the last purification - this is necessary to get rid of the final sulfur compounds.

The amount of the resulting product at the output is up to 2% of the total weight. It is a liquid with a yellowish or greenish tint, menthol aroma and rich fresh taste.

Cooking at home

Since mint grows everywhere, old recipes for making mint oil at home are known. It is not as concentrated as industrial, but has the same beneficial properties.

To prepare a healing composition, you will need olive oil and fresh mint leaves.

  • Rinse the leaves well under cold running water and lay them between layers of paper towel to dry.
  • Then finely chop and mash them lightly to release the juice.
  • Pour the leaves into a glass jar, pour olive oil so that it completely covers the crushed mass and close the jar tightly.
  • Leave to infuse in a warm dark place for 24 hours.
  • Strain.
  • Prepare a new batch of leaves and fill them with mint tincture.
  • Repeat the procedure 5 times.

The aroma will become saturated, and the concentration of nutrients will be greater. Store peppermint oil in the refrigerator for up to one year.

What are the properties of peppermint essential oil?

Peppermint ether has a beneficial effect on the body:

  • cools, tones;
  • relieves headache and toothache, reduces abdominal pain;
  • freshens breath;
  • used as a means of combating viral and bacterial infections;
  • helps with nausea and vomiting, heartburn, dizziness caused by motion sickness;
  • increases concentration;
  • clears the airways;
  • relieves fever;
  • has a diuretic and choleretic effect;
  • relieves painful menstruation;
  • relieves muscle spasms caused by strong physical exertion;
  • dilates blood vessels, improves blood circulation, increasing memory and clarity of thought;
  • effectively fights depression;
  • improves skin color;
  • eliminates capillary pattern and rosacea;
  • relieves fatigue and irritability;
  • increases energy and vitality.

A drop of etherol repels insects on a summer evening, and also quickly refreshes the room, ridding it of third-party odors.

Compatibility with other oils

The beneficial properties of mint ester are enhanced when combined with ylang-ylang, sweet orange, bergamot, geranium, jasmine, neroli, ginger, basil, lavender, mandarin and nutmeg.

Peppermint Oil Recipes

For medicinal purposes

Nervous system

To relieve a headache or help with an epileptic seizure, lightly rub the frontal, temporal and occipital regions with peppermint essential oil, then put a cold compress on your forehead.

To get rid of an attack of fear and anxiety, nausea, to bring a person to his senses when fainting, it is enough to drop a couple of drops of the healing liquid on a handkerchief and inhale the menthol aroma for 3-5 minutes.

Digestive system

Pain in the stomach (particularly with an ulcer) will decrease if the painful area is rubbed with mint ether, and then a cold compress is applied to it.

Gallbladder stones gradually dissolve with regular use of mint. Menthol increases bile production and relieves pain. Folk remedy recipe: Add 3 drops of peppermint oil to a teaspoon of honey. Take 2 times a day.

To get rid of excess weight, follow a low-fat diet with peppermint tea (1 drop) 15 minutes before meals - 2 times a day.

With irritable bowel syndrome, this remedy can also relieve the condition. Menthol acts as a pain reliever by activating the appropriate channels.

Circulatory system

Baths or rubbing the body with peppermint ether normalize the heart rhythm. For rubbing, no more than 6 drops of ether per 10 ml of base (cream or vegetable oil) are used.

Before taking a course of mint baths or massage, consult with your doctor.

Respiratory system

Peppermint oil inhalations help with colds: they relieve coughs and relieve a runny nose.

If you don't have an inhaler, use the old tried and true method. Place a bowl or pot of hot water on the table and cover yourself with a large towel over your head, so that there are no "exits".

After that, add 1-2 drops of oil to water (if you add it immediately, under the influence of steam, the volatile mixture will evaporate before it has the proper effect on the body) and slowly and deeply begin to inhale steam through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

Then vice versa. Continue the procedure for five minutes.

Important! The steam must not be scalding!

Cold inhalation does not have strict time limits, but applying ether directly to the skin is not recommended. For these purposes, it is better to use a handkerchief and carry out the procedure a maximum of two hours before bedtime.

Musculoskeletal system

Helps with rheumatism, arthritis, bruises. Peppermint ether is mixed with basic vegetable: rapeseed, olive or linseed oil and rubbed into the sore spot.


Put 2 drops of oil on a cotton swab and apply to the aching tooth. You can additionally rinse your mouth with water with the addition of mint ether.

In aromatherapy

There are many medicinal varieties of mint, but it is Peppermint oil is considered an unsurpassed flavor and therefore valued above others.

The use of mint ether in an aroma lamp or aroma pendant:

  • reduces appetite;
  • relieves the condition with allergies and bronchial asthma;
  • clears the airways, reduces sore throat;
  • helps reduce appetite, avoiding unwanted snacks;
  • relieves fatigue;
  • disinfects the room during the period of mass exacerbation of colds.

A few drops of the product can also be applied to the wrist.

Relaxing aroma bath

It has a tonic effect, improves mood. It is better to take it after a shower - running water will cleanse the pores and prepare the skin for the beneficial effects of the healing aroma oil.

Dilute 3-7 drops of peppermint essential oil in milk or cream and pour the mixture into a filled warm bath. Cream softens water and promotes good dissolution of butter.

At the first preparation, it is enough to use 3 drops of ether, and with each subsequent procedure, add one drop, bringing the amount to a maximum.

Mint bath can be general or local - for hands and feet. Since the skin of the feet has a high penetrating power, such a bath will be no less effective.

Consider your individual characteristics, for example, in case of tachycardia, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is recommended.

It is also worth noting that mint has long been considered a female plant, it negatively affects male potency, so men with such a bath should not be abused.

The use of peppermint oil in cosmetology

As for cosmetology, in this area mint not as common as other oils. She is renders mostly not caring, but therapeutic effect.

For face

  • It is used to relieve inflammation and irritation on the skin, including for the treatment of acne and pimples.
  • Relieves itching caused by allergies, insect bites, burns of poisonous plants.
  • Removes oily sheen.
  • Cleans, tightens pores.
  • Helps with psoriasis and eczema.
  • Eliminates the effects of acne, dissolves scars on the skin.
  • Increases local immunity of the skin.
  • Increases blood circulation, evens out complexion.

The main feature of cosmetic mint oil for the face is that it does not clog pores, but is easily absorbed, so it is often added to masks for problematic, oily skin.

Mint ether enrich cosmetics- for this, 1-2 drops are enough for one application. So, the cosmetic product acquires antiseptic properties.

But the folk recipe: combine 1 tsp. jojoba, 1 tsp vitamin E and 2 drops of mint ether. Apply the composition pointwise to problem areas and leave overnight.

For hair

Masks, balms and shampoos with peppermint oil solve all common hair problems: slow growth, loss, oiliness, brittleness, dryness, dandruff, fungal skin lesions, dull, lifeless appearance, etc.

They strengthen the hair, give it shine and a pleasant aroma. The ether is added to purchased cosmetics (two drops are enough for a single use) or homemade masks are prepared with them.

Mask for dry and weakened hair

Warm up 2 tbsp. burdock oil in a water bath, add 2 drops of mint ether to it. Lightly rub the resulting mixture into the scalp and spread over the entire length of the strands. Soak under a warming cap for 40 minutes, then wash your hair with shampoo.

Mask for normal and oily strands

Beat 2 yolks into foam, add 1 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice and 4 drops of mint ether.

Apply the composition to the roots and distribute along the entire length of the pre-washed, slightly damp strands. Soak under a warming cap for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Strengthening hair mask

Combine the oils: burdock (2 tablespoons), mint (2 drops), lemon (2 drops), rosemary (2 drops) heated in a water bath.

Rub the mixture into the roots and distribute along the entire length of the strands. Wear a shower cap or wrap your hair in plastic and a towel. After 30 minutes, wash off the mask with shampoo.

aroma combing

Aroma combing also has a beneficial effect - apply 1-2 drops of menthol aroma mixture on a massage brush and comb the strands for about five minutes. Use a comb made from natural materials.

For lips

A good prophylactic for herpes. Add 2 drops of peppermint essential oil to 1 tbsp. almond oil and make up lips with a medicinal composition 30 minutes before going outside.

For skin

Mint called the elixir of youth. But for cosmetic purposes, it is used only in diluted form.

Add a few drops (up to 5) to your body cream or lotion or carrier oil and use as usual. The resulting composition can also be used for rubbing and massages.


For convenience, here are the exact dosages for using peppermint essential oil:

  • compresses - 4-6 drops;
  • inhalation - 1-2 drops (procedure up to 5 minutes);
  • aromakulon - 1-2 drops;
  • aroma lamp - 3-6 drops;
  • aroma bath - up to 7 drops;
  • massage - no more than 6 drops per 10 ml of base;
  • to enrich cosmetic care products - 1-2 drops per 10 ml of base;
  • for heartburn - add 2 drops to 0.5 tsp. kefir, drink water.

Contraindications for use

  • Children up to seven years old.
  • Taking homeopaths.
  • Allergic reactions and individual intolerance to the drug.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Application for the area around the eyes.
  • Prolonged use of the menthol composition or use of it before bedtime can provoke nervous overexcitation and insomnia.

Peppermint ether - an ancient tonic and rejuvenator, one of dozens of ailments.

Low price, minimum contraindications and a large number of healing properties are the main reasons why adherents of natural self-care choose this product with confidence.

Video: Peppermint essential oil properties and uses

From our videos you can learn not only about the types and properties of peppermint essential oil, but also about the various ways to use it. In addition, in the second video you will find a great recipe for a hair mask with peppermint oil.

It is used in many areas of human life: in cooking, medicine, cosmetology, perfumery. Thanks to its tonic and refreshing effects, it charges and refreshes the human body.

Composition of peppermint oil

All these parts of the plant, such as inflorescence, leaves, stem, contain mint oil. The composition of the essential oil, in addition to the main ingredient, is supplemented with additional components: menthol, pinene, limonene, thymol and terpinet. These substances are very active biological compounds that have many useful properties, due to which the oil has received a wide range of applications.

Beneficial features

Combines many useful properties.

In addition to all of the above, the oil is considered a good helper for people suffering from constant bouts of nausea or dizziness. It prevents the occurrence of a gag reflex and eliminates unpleasant symptoms, has a good effect on stimulating the work of the cardiovascular system, and also reduces pain in the heart. Peppermint oil is an indispensable remedy for headaches, as it improves cerebral circulation.

A separate place is occupied by oil in dentistry. It is used as For the prevention of inflammation of the gums, caries, periodontal disease, mint leaves are used, which are brewed like tea, and this decoction should be rinsed in the mouth. After exercise, the oil can help relieve muscle pain. It fights against itching and burning. Mint oil also has healing properties on the female body. Reviews of many women who suffer from pain during menstruation claim that after applying the oil, they feel better and the pain disappears.

Many people know that the herb mint has been used since ancient times as a sedative. It was used as a decoction or tincture, as well as an essential oil, which reduces the load on the nervous system. Using it, you can relieve overexcitation, get rid of irritability, eliminate anxiety. Oil promotes efficiency, helps to concentrate attention and adds self-confidence.

The use of peppermint essential oil in home medicine

Peppermint oil is often used in home medicine, the use of which helps to get rid of many diseases:

  1. For colds, inhalation oil is used, unless the patient has a temperature. Recipe: 7-8 drops of oil are taken per liter of boiling water, after which, covered with a towel, you need to inhale the vapors. If there is an industrial inhaler, then the dose of ether should be reduced to five drops per glass of water at room temperature.
  2. Headaches will be eliminated by a light massage in the temple area using one drop of oil. It will act as a cooling and vasodilator.
  3. Tea with honey and two drops of oil will relieve menstrual pain. An effective way to calm down and relax is to inhale peppermint oil. They first need to sprinkle on a handkerchief.
  4. If there are problems with the joints, then compresses are placed on the problem areas, they must be kept for up to two hours. Six drops of ether are dripped onto the fabric, after which it is placed on the joint, followed by a film and a warm scarf.
  5. In the presence of beriberi, it is recommended to drink freshly squeezed orange juice with two drops of oil in the morning. If it is not possible to drink juice, then you can use warm water with lemon juice.
  6. Itching after insect bites eliminates the lubrication of the problem area with one drop of oil.

Home cosmetics with mint oil

Peppermint oil is also often used to eliminate problems on the skin of the face, since it has tonic and antibacterial properties. It can be used as an additive in masks or in the manufacture of lotions.

To get rid of problems with black dots on the face, a simple lotion is made. To prepare it, you need to take one glass of purified water, add 0.5 teaspoon of alcohol and three drops of oil. Problem areas of the skin are wiped in the morning and evening, replacing the usual washing. A similar lotion can be used daily, it should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 14 days. After two weeks, you will be pleasantly surprised by how ordinary mint (photo shows the changes) changes the condition of the skin of the face.

If the skin of the face begins to lose its color and has a fading appearance, then a mask with the addition of ether is applied.

Recipe number 1: One tablespoon of oatmeal is brewed with boiling water and infused for 20 minutes, after which three drops of oil are added to it. On the face, the composition is applied in a thick layer for 15-20 minutes. To prevent the mask from drying out, it must be covered with a towel.

Recipe number 2: The basis of the mask will be wheat flour, it must also be brewed with boiling water and brought to the consistency of thick sour cream. After 15 minutes, 3 drops of ether are added to it, the product is applied to the face in a thick layer. The mask must always be wet.

Mint will save damaged hair

To give hair shine, eliminate dandruff and brittleness, oil should be used as an active additive to shampoos or masks. In addition, it will be useful to use mint oil for hair when combing. You need to apply a few drops on a wooden comb, then comb your hair for 7-8 minutes.

To prepare the mask, you need to take one tablespoon of burdock oil and dilute five drops of mint ether in it. This mixture is rubbed into the hair roots with massaging movements. After the mask is distributed over the entire length of the hair, the head is covered with a plastic bag and wrapped in a towel, you need to stay in this form for about an hour. When washing your hair, you can add a few drops of ether to your shampoo. Peppermint oil for hair is also valuable in this case.


For the treatment of diseases, aromatherapy is not a panacea, it is used rather to change the mood of a person. By themselves, mint leaves are very fragrant, and you can simply spread them around the room and inhale the smell, which works as a sedative.

A warm bath with ether leaves a pleasant impression. It is enough to add 10-15 drops of oil and soak in the bathroom for 20 minutes in a relaxed state. The well-known aroma lamp can be replaced by all, if you add mint oil to it at the rate of 6-7 drops per 10 sq. m. premises. It is able to disinfect the air, this is especially useful during various cold epidemics.

Cooking pairs with mint

Many experienced chefs use mint in their culinary creations. Mint grass is mainly used as a decoration for various desserts or drinks.

People who love mint teas, but store-bought ones do not inspire confidence, can be offered to flavor their favorite tea on their own. To do this, you need to take a box and treat its walls with mint oil, then pour tea into it. After the tea is saturated with the smell, it can be consumed.

Household uses of mint

Besides the fact that mint has medicinal properties, it can also be used on the farm. People suffering can apply essential oils. And their properties at the same time will help get rid of the reproduction of fungi, insects and perform antibacterial treatment of the room. In addition, the house will acquire a natural aroma.

To wash the floors, it is enough to add mint oil to the water with the calculation of 35 drops per 5 liters of water. To rid the wooden furniture in the kitchen of unpleasant odors, just add 15 drops of ether to the detergent and wash all surfaces with it. When washing, you can also add oil to the powder or to the water to rinse the laundry. After that, the clothes will acquire a fresher scent. During ironing, ether is added to the steaming water, after which a wonderful smell appears in the closet, and the moth will disappear forever from your home. In order to refresh the carpets in the house, you should vacuum them with a washing vacuum cleaner with the addition of mint ether.

If mint is planted in the summer cottage (the photo is presented so as not to confuse it with other grass), then the rodents will bypass the yard.

Combining peppermint oil with other essential oils

In order to achieve the best impact on the psychological and emotional state of a person, it is recommended to combine several types of essential oils. However, some rules must be observed, since mixing oils can lead to unexpected results. It is important to note that the combination of them should bring satisfaction from the smell.

  • Not all oils can be mixed, as some have a detrimental effect on the human body (increase or decrease in pressure).
  • It is not necessary to immediately mix the entire volume of oil. In order to determine if the fragrance is suitable, it is enough to mix a few drops of each ether.
  • To achieve the desired aroma, you should allow time for each of the aromas to open.
  • To achieve the expected effect, the proportions of oils must be observed.
  • It should be remembered that all essential oils are individual, so each should be used with caution.

Peppermint oil goes well with orange, eucalyptus, ginger, bergamot, nutmeg oils.

Before using the oil, it must be tested for an allergic reaction, a procedure similar to checking hair dye.

Contraindications for the use of peppermint oil

Despite the fact that mint has a number of useful properties, there are some contraindications to its use.

  • It is not recommended for children under 7 years of age, since the menthol contained in the oil can lead to bronchospasm.
  • For men under 50, oil is contraindicated for use.
  • Before use, check for individual tolerance.
  • During pregnancy and lactation, you should not take oil.
  • Do not apply pure oil to the skin, as this can lead to burns.
  • If you take ether for a long time, then sleep disturbance is possible.

As a result, we can say that peppermint essential oil has many positive properties that are used in many areas.

Not many people know that mint has excellent cosmetic properties, and peppermint oil for the face is an indispensable product that fights skin imperfections and age-related manifestations. Home cosmetic procedures using herbal decoction or mint essential oil can solve many cosmetic problems, nourish the dermis with useful substances.

Peppermint oil is a liquid with a slightly yellowish color and a pronounced aroma. Slightly bitter in taste. The product is obtained by distillation from the stems and flowers of the plant. Subspecies of the herb include peppermint and meadowsweet.

Menthol, in contact with the skin, has a cooling and anti-inflammatory effect. The composition of the product includes cineole, limonene and phellandrene. Thanks to this chemical composition, peppermint oil has a complex effect on the skin:

  • normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • cleanses the epidermis of impurities and tightens pores;
  • fights pimples, acne;
  • soothes and eliminates itching on the skin;
  • smoothes small and mimic wrinkles;
  • due to the control of water balance eliminates peeling and dryness;
  • protects the dermis from external factors;
  • relieves viral diseases;
  • improves complexion.

The concentrated composition should be used only pointwise or included in other home-made cosmetics.

Indications for use

Mint properties and its use in various ways have been known for a long time. The oil gives a feeling of freshness and vitality. Depending on the chosen concentration, the actions of the agent also change. If you notice wrinkles on your face, a tired spring look, a flabby and sagging oval of the face, there are vascular networks or pigmentation, then peppermint oil will help you. It is used for porous and comedone-prone skin. Mint improves complexion, eliminates oily sheen on the skin. The plant has a relaxing and refreshing effect on the skin. Also good for sunburn and bacterial dermatitis.

Peppermint oil for the face, correct application

Peppermint oil is mixed with base oils, creams, lotions, added to homemade masks. By adhering to certain recommendations for use, you can achieve excellent results.

  1. Peppermint ether is highly concentrated, so before using it, you need to conduct an allergic test on exposed skin. Keep the remedy for 10 to 30 minutes and if everything is fine, then apply it on the face. This is especially true for those with sensitive skin.
  2. Observe the dosage when added to a cosmetic product and, especially, when used as an independent preparation. Peppermint oil is counted only in drops in the amount indicated in the recipes.
  3. Masks and compresses are used only on clean and slightly steamed skin. The duration of the action should not be more than 40 minutes.
  4. Peppermint ether in its pure form is used to treat pimples, pustules, herpes, only pointwise for oily and combination skin.

  • applications - basic little and mint in a ratio of 1: 1;
  • masks - base 20 g, 5 drops of mint;
  • compress - alcohol 20 ml, 10 drops of oil.

Exceeding the dosage can lead to irritation and burning of the skin.

Contraindications for Using Peppermint Oil on the Face

In the presence of diseases associated with skin problems, peppermint essence should be used with great care. Strict contraindications include:

  • individual intolerance to the drug;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • hypotension;
  • open lesions on the skin;
  • children under 7 years old.

It is not recommended to use the oil in conjunction with homeopathic remedies, because the first neutralizes the effect of the second. Menthol has invigorating properties, so the best time for treatments is morning or lunch.

Peppermint Oil Recipes for Dry and Sensitive Skin

Means with the addition of mint nourish and moisturize the skin of the face, prevent peeling and irritation.

  1. Dilute 4-5 drops of mint ether in 100 ml of olive oil and stir well. Use as a cleanser in the morning and evening. It can also be used as a cream or mask, applying to the face for 15 minutes. Remove the rest with a paper towel.
  2. Oat flakes 30 g are poured into 100 ml of hot milk and infused until swollen for 20 minutes. 1 yolk, 20 ml of peach oil and 3 drops of mint ether are added to the resulting composition. Apply the mixture on your face, cover with a gauze cloth and leave for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water or whey.
  3. Cosmetic ice perfectly tones the skin. In 200 ml purified water, dilute a teaspoon of honey and 3 drops of mint oil. Mix everything well to dissolve the honey and pour into ice molds. Wipe the cleansed face with ice cubes twice a day.

Recipes for oily skin with a cleansing and refreshing effect

Means for oily skin eliminate excess secretions of the sebaceous glands, dry out rashes, narrow pores and give the face a fresh look and even tone.

  1. Grated fresh cucumber in the amount of 2 tablespoons mixed with 5 ml of mint oil, previously diluted in an oil base. Mix well and add 2 tablespoons of green cosmetic clay. Apply the mixture on your face and leave to dry. Wash off with warm water.
  2. Dilute a tablespoon of cosmetic yellow clay with water to a state of sour cream, add 2 teaspoons of almond and grape oil and one drop of mint. Apply the mixture on a cleansed face for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water and apply moisturizer.
  3. Mix two tablespoons of kefir with chopped cucumber in a blender and add a teaspoon of lemon juice and 3 drops of mint oil. Mix everything and apply the mask on a cleansed face for 20 minutes. Then rinse with water. The procedure is preferably carried out 2 times a week.

Rejuvenating mask with mint oil

Simple but effective remedies will help restore youthfulness to the skin of the face and remove small mimic wrinkles.

  1. Combine 40 g oatmeal with 100 ml of boiling water. After swelling of the mixture, add 10 g of honey and 2 drops of mint oil. Apply a warm mask to a previously cleansed face. After 15-20 minutes, wash off the residue and apply any moisturizer to the skin.
  2. Potato starch 20 g and cream 50 ml mix until smooth. Add 50 g of honey, 30 ml of olive oil and 3 drops of mint ether. Apply the mask on the face and leave for 30 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Peppermint oil home remedies for acne

Salon procedures undoubtedly have a good effect, eliminate inflammation, smooth the surface of the skin and generally transform the face. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford trips to the beautician. In such a situation, home remedies will help, which can help solve skin problems no worse.

  1. Hold the ripe tomato for a couple of minutes in boiling water, then lower it into cold water. Separate the skin and rub the pulp through a fine sieve. Add the juice of 3-5 fresh grapes, a teaspoon of sunflower oil, you can olive or peach. Pour a tablespoon of starch into the resulting liquid mass and pour in 2 ml of mint oil. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes and rinse with slightly salted water.
  2. Mix blue clay 15 g with mineral water until the consistency of thick sour cream, add 3 drops of mint and one drop of aloe, lavender and sage oils. Apply the composition to cleansed skin, avoiding the area around the eyes and keep for 15 minutes. Rinse off in a contrasting way, first with warm then cold water.

Peppermint oil is a great helper that will keep your skin healthy and beautiful for a long time. The use of the remedy does not depend on its type, structure and age of the woman. The pleasant fresh aroma of menthol in the morning will cheer you up and give you a boost of energy for the whole day.

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