Star disease and celebrities suffering from star disease. What is star fever? Causes and signs How to live with star fever

Hello dear readers! Now everyone can become popular, which means that the term "star fever" has become more widely known. I will not dissemble, in fact, the simplest people could always be subject to this disorder, in fact, nothing has changed, although it has become more relevant.

Star disease - what is it, how does psychology associate this disease with daffodils, is it possible to understand that you have a tendency to this disease and what symptoms indicate that it is time to think about treatment.

Well, let's get started.

A little about the term

Star disease is also for others. A person with this disease is firmly convinced that everyone knows him and his privileges, status are enough for everything to happen exactly as he thought up and planned for himself. He wanted to and everyone around him is simply obliged to stand at attention in order to carry out the orders of a celebrity.

People with stellar disease demand special treatment for themselves, without a twinge of conscience they break the rules. They believe that their desires are worth being accepted in society.


Not only famous people are prone to manifestations of star disease. It can affect the highest ranks of the leadership and even ordinary, ordinary people.

Sometimes an unforeseen and very joyful situation arises in a person's life, for example, a quick or high interest of the public in a person's activities.

Of course, when this happens, close people, as a rule, begin to praise the person, talk about his advantages in relation to others. They quickly begin to believe in such words, which is the starting point for the emergence of star disease.

Everyone strives to develop and unlock their own potential, so why do some begin to suffer from the Star Syndrome, while others do not?

It all depends on the motives that guided the person initially. Some really want to become better, others crave recognition, prestige. They need to impress others. In a sense, this can be called an unhealthy craving for wealth and respect.

Narcissistic personality types are most susceptible to this disease. . They are intolerant of criticism, painfully perceive the successes of other people who question their own merits.

They need to constantly feel admiration, and this despite the fact that they are inclined to the actions of other people. First of all, a person with star disease will be interested in his own merits.


If you notice signs of star disease in yourself or your loved ones, and therefore want to cope with the disease, it would be best to seek help from a specialist. Of course, it is up to you to decide, but do not forget that the situation is very complicated.

Let's not forget that they become "stars" in those cases when they experience an urgent need for this. I would like to emphasize that the basis of everything is unhealthy and respectful. The problem is not so much in trying to destroy the connections and needs of a person on your own, but in how this will affect him.

Just imagine that one day someone manages to convince you that eating, sleeping or going to the toilet is completely optional. A clumsy example, but the essence, I hope, is clear to you.

The second problem arises from the fact that a person with star disease, which means you risk becoming enemy number 1 for him and breaking off all kinds of relationships. Everyone believes in their own truth and will definitely find 10,000 reasons to stick to their opinion, accusing the other of lies and betrayal.

I can recommend a book “What explains the strange things that we do unexpectedly for ourselves” Eliezer Stenberg. In it you will find many interesting tricks of our psyche that you have not even thought about before: why do we forget to buy milk; we eat even when we don't want to; we begin to yawn if we see that others are doing it; where do the voices that schizophrenics hear come from and much more.

Well, if you want to somehow help a person with star disease, then try to increase the complexity of the task performed by him. Point out that there is still something to strive for, let him try to take a new horizon.

Another option to correct the situation is to try to create a new stimulus. If a person is completely passionate about a career, convince him of the need to refocus on the love sphere. Or vice versa.

That's all for me. See you soon and don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter.

Do you know what "star fever" is? This is not exactly what you thought. This disease does not apply to the giants of society like Philip Kirkorov or Paris Hilton, it is mainly characteristic of ... astronauts.

The second name for this disease is Space Adaptation Syndrome, which affects astronauts while moving between areas with different levels of gravity during flight. This ailment lasts only a few days, fortunately, but it affects most astronauts, regardless of experience and age. According to statistics, more than half of them complain about such a syndrome (and how many do not complain and endure? It's me, by the way ...)

Usually, adaptation to the change in gravity takes some time. Gravity accompanies our entire life, and all body systems are adapted to normal, earthly gravity. During the flight of a spacecraft, astronauts experience several phases of sensations associated with its changes. First, during the takeoff phase, an astronaut may experience nausea, hallucinations, and disorientation. Secondly, when weightlessness sets in, a person also adapts to the disappeared force of gravity, which also does not add pleasant sensations to him - the same nausea, loss of orientation and other troubles.

The paper, written by researcher Susanne Noah, MD at the University of Delft, shows that such effects can be produced (naturally) by applying increased gravity, such as the centrifuges used to train pilots and astronauts. Despite the fact that such sessions of increased gravity last an average of about an hour, pilots often complain of symptoms of space sickness. As it turned out, such symptoms are not caused by changes in gravity, but by the inability to adapt to this change. The results of the Soesterberg centrifuge study showed that the symptoms obtained in the centrifuge and in space flight itself are produced in the same way.

The human organ that controls position and balance is located in the inner ear. It is called an otolith, consists of two perpendicular canals rolled into a ring, lined with sensitive cells from the inside and half filled with liquid. This provides them with sensitivity to tilt and acceleration in different directions. In my opinion, the system, with its simplicity, is ingenious (no wonder, because it was created by nature). By the way, there are two such organs in a person - in the left and right ear.

Previously, experts believed that this syndrome was caused by an imbalance in the left and right otoliths. The above study has shown that the disease is caused when there is a prolonged rotation of the fluid inside the channels. At the same time, the asymmetry of the left and right balance organs is not of great importance, since unpleasant sensations are caused precisely by the unusual behavior of the fluid inside each individual channel and otolith.

In the process of writing this article, I realized that it can be called not "Star disease", but "The genius of nature-222". You can substitute any number, because the nature that created us is infinitely brilliant, and the complexity of even such a small organ as a “position sensor” in a person confirms this once again.

"Star fever", the main symptom of which is the exaltation of oneself, manifests itself in various areas of professional activity. It is common for people with Star Syndrome to become enraged at the slightest criticism. It is vital for them to be the first in the ranking, hence their constant desire to rank others. Character traits such as overstated claims and disregard for the needs of other people make their contacts with others unstable.

If we talk about the so-called "star disease" from the point of view of psychology, then it is worth noting that in its manifestations, "star disease" is very similar to the narcissistic personality disorder known in psychology. This is actually an unhealthy (neurotic) manifestation of the personality, which leads to serious problems in interpersonal communication.

People of this type live with a constant feeling of envy for all who have achieved success and even for those who live ordinary, rich and interesting lives. Communication problems for such individuals arise against the background of the fact that by their behavior they cause others to have a negative attitude towards themselves.

Narcissistic personalities consider everyone else inferior to themselves. They seek the admiration of others primarily in order to obtain confirmation of their greatness and maintain their superiority over others. To protect their weak self from destruction, they use various defenses, but their favorite remedy for anxiety is idealization and devaluation. They either idealize someone and devalue themselves, or idealize themselves and devalue others. When their strategies run into trouble, they may become depressed.

If, after these explanations, it seemed to you that any desire for success can lead to "star fever". That is not so at all. It all depends on what motives drive your desire for success.

Any healthy organism has a completely normal need for self-development. The motive for new achievements is the desire for self-realization, the search for new knowledge, the development of skills and abilities that open up new perspectives in life. In this case, a person does not strive for fame as such, but for new achievements, discoveries, developing professionally and personally.

In a painful (neurotic) manifestation, other motives rule, this is the desire for prestige, the need to impress others, to be an object of admiration and respect.

This is the main difference between the neurotic desire for power, prestige, wealth and a healthy need for personal development and self-realization, which, ultimately, is the meaning of our existence.

We live in the age of information technology, when an uncontrolled flow of information and information noise become an additional factor affecting the psyche. That is why doctors say that mental disorders and addictions are a disease of the 21st century, which must be taken seriously.

At the same time, those whose profession requires always being in sight - the stars - are more prone to prolonged depression and other mental health disorders. We talk about those of them who have successfully coped or are still struggling with a mental disorder.

Catherine Zeta-Jones: bipolar type 2 disorder

In April 2012, Catherine Zeta-Jones went to a rehabilitation clinic for an examination, where doctors concluded that the actress was suffering from bipolar type 2 disorder, a form of manic depression. At that time, her husband, actor Michael Douglas, was in the final stages of treatment for throat cancer, so Zeta-Jones tried to draw as little attention to her problem as possible.

“I’m not one of those people who like to shout about it, but I hope that by acknowledging bipolar disorder, I will give hope to fellow sufferers in the sense that they will understand that this disease can and should be managed,” the actress said in an interview with the magazine. InStyle US. She also admitted that in the midst of her illness, she constantly “googled” negative comments about herself on the Web, but in order to effectively recover, she tried to limit access to the Internet and learned to enjoy such seemingly simple things as chamomile tea and a good book.

Brooke Shields: postpartum depression

Some celebrities - including actress and model Brooke Shields - have even written about their experiences. Shields brought to the public discussion her postpartum depression, which happened in 2003 and lasted noticeably more than a few months after the birth of a child (which is just typical for new mothers).

The actress noted that postpartum depression includes a constant feeling of anxiety, worthlessness and anxiety, in the most dangerous stages reaching the desire to commit suicide. Fortunately, Shields sought professional help and medication in time to help her return to her normal life.

Elton John drug addiction

British singer, songwriter and pianist Sir Elton John discussed his long struggle with substance abuse and bulimia on The Larry King Show in 2002. Recall that bulimia is an eating disorder characterized by uncontrolled consumption of large amounts of food and the subsequent induction of vomiting in order to get rid of what has been eaten and not gain weight.

John noted that those "sober and clean years" that he spent trying to get rid of addiction for good were "the best thing that ever happened to him." At the same time, the musician reminded everyone who is only at the beginning of the journey of three important words that should be said in time: “I need help.”

Angelina Jolie: depression

Angelina Jolie always pleases the paparazzi with a smile on the red carpet, but relatives and friends of the actress are well aware that for a long time she struggled with depression, provoked by the death of her mother Marcheline Bertrand in 2007. Then Jolie agreed to shoot in the movie "Wanted" in order to somehow distract from negative thoughts. "My mother had just died and I wanted to do something physical to put that fact out of my mind, at least for a while," she said in an interview in July 2008.

Jolie faced depression before: success at a fairly young age made her feel guilty in front of everyone. “I grew up in a place where people who had both fame and money had everything they needed in this world. It's a feeling of emptiness. I didn’t know where to put myself next,” said the actress.

In 2013, Angelina Jolie admitted to fans that she had to undergo surgery to remove the mammary glands due to a genetic predisposition to breast cancer. A year later, Jolie announced that she also decided to remove the ovaries and fallopian tubes as part of the prevention of the disease. All this led to the fact that Jolie closed herself again, and caring fans noticed changes in her body that looked like signs of serious anorexia. However, even after a high-profile divorce from Brad Pitt, the actress did not confirm either this or any other information related to mental health.

JK Rowling: depression

Harry Potter is one of the most recognizable, read and certainly one of the most amazing books in modern literature. And if you are not a fan of J.K. Rowling's work, then you hardly know that the story of the boy who survived was written during a period of serious depression of its author. While creating the magical world around Hogwarts in her small Scottish apartment, Rowling battled her own Dementors and thankfully defeated them.

Joan started writing books when, after her divorce from Portuguese TV journalist Jorge Arantes, she was left with unemployment benefits and a small child in her arms. “We were broke, I was scared of everything around, and at that moment I was in such a depression that I would not wish anyone to face,” Rowling said in an interview. She decided to tell about this so that people who find themselves in a similar situation understand: perhaps depression is a fall before a crazy take-off that you have yet to do.

Demi Lovato Bulimia

“I reacted normally to threats for many years, but there was one thing that prevented me from feeling comfortable, and I only realized later how much it affected me. I mean those people who said, "You're so fat." And it started as a child,” Disney star Demi Lovato admitted in an interview. Her doubts gradually turned into a dangerous habit.

“I developed an eating disorder that I haven’t completely overcome so far,” the girl says. Moreover, at the age of 11, Demi began to cut her veins, not seeking to commit suicide, but trying to cope with emotions in this way. Then her family asked for professional help, and the girl was helped to establish a normal relationship with food. This did not last long, however, and Demi does not hide the fact that the struggle with varying success is still going on.

Jim Carrey: Depression

It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that Jim Carrey is one of the best actors in the comedy genre. However, you may be surprised to know that the actor has dealt with severe depression for most of his adult life. At a certain point, it became so debilitating that Jim did not know how to overcome it, and sought help from a doctor who prescribed him Prozac, an antidepressant from the group of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

Among the possible reasons why this happened is the lack of socialization. When Jim Carrey was 15 years old, he was forced to drop out of high school and go to work to support his family. This meant that at formative age he did not have enough communication with children his own age. As a result, he grew faster emotionally, and this discrepancy affected the actor in the future.

Amanda Bynes: bipolar disorder

Rumors that the American actress and ex-participant of the show "All this" Amanda Bynes is close to a breakdown, appeared after the girl was urgently hospitalized and placed in a psychiatric hospital. Some time later, the 28-year-old star shared information about her mental health with followers on social networks: “I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and manic-depressive syndrome. Now I take medication and talk to a psychologist every week, so I'm fine."

Some time later, Amanda wrote on Twitter that her father verbally, as well as physically and sexually abused her. Later, the girl retracted her words, explaining this by her mental disorders. Long-term treatment in clinics paid off, and at the end of 2016, Bynes began to appear in public again.

Owen Wilson: depression

Another comedian who had to deal with prolonged depression and drug addiction is Owen Wilson. Perhaps this fact would have remained unknown for some time, but everything was decided by a suicide attempt on August 26, 2007, which became a real revelation for both Wilson's fans and friends.

The day after the shocking news hit the press, Wilson issued a public statement asking the media to allow him private care and treatment (that is, with minimal interference from reporters). Later, the actor admitted that close friends from the acting environment - Woody Harrelson, Wes Anderson, Samuel L. Jackson, as well as a loving family helped him survive this difficult time.

Paris Jackson PTSD

More recently, Paris Jackson, daughter of pop king Michael Jackson, has been candid about her lifelong struggle with depression and anxiety. Since childhood, she tried to communicate with people as little as possible and grew up as a rather closed child. This, however, did not save Paris from being raped at the age of 14 - perhaps the most terrible experience. “I never told anyone about this, and even now I don’t want to go into details. I can only say that it was a stranger much older than me, ”Jackson commented in an interview with Rolling Stone magazine.

It was not always possible to cope with emotions and fears, which led the girl to several successive suicide attempts. The last attempt was so serious that Paris went to a therapeutic school in Utah, from where, according to the girl herself, she returned a different person. Today, Paris Jackson manages to do without drugs, and she hopes that this will continue.

The phrase "star disease" is at the hearing of modern man and is most often used with condemnation in relation to famous people. But not everyone knows that this is a psychological term, which means one of the forms of personality disorder, often having common features with Let's get acquainted with the causes and symptoms of the phenomenon.


Star disease is inherent not only to celebrities who amaze the public with their whims and oddities of behavior, but also to ordinary people who begin to put themselves above others, behave provocatively, lose friends and get many other problems. There is nothing good in this phenomenon, but a person suffering from such a disorder is unable to do otherwise. Most often, the root cause of personal deformation is success - an increase in the personnel ladder, a well-appreciated work, a project implemented. Praise and delight turn one's head, giving rise to a person's thoughts about his own uniqueness, genius.

He begins to mistakenly live by a double standard, believing that he, the "star", is allowed much more than "mere mortals". This is, in general terms, star disease.

Manifestations and signs

Many can recall how famous people behaved arrogantly and defiantly. But what are the signs of star disease in psychological science? There are several of them:

  • Unjustifiably high self-esteem, exaggeration of one's own significance and achievements.
  • Confidence that other people are "worse".
  • A painful need to constantly impress others, to be in the spotlight.

Deviation is quite dangerous, because it leads to the degradation of the individual. At the same time, people can put themselves on an equal footing with some others (who, for example, have achieved a similar result), and this is precisely what distinguishes the state from megalomania.


Consider the factors that could cause star fever in a person far from show business, they can be divided into internal and external. For convenience, the data are presented in the form of a table.

Various combinations of these factors can lead to the occurrence of this deviation. For example, if a person with inflated self-esteem achieves unexpected success, it can "turn her head" and lead to star disease. Then even the closest environment will be perceived by this person as people unworthy of her attention.


How to recognize a person suffering from this personality deformation? The components of star disease will help, which include:

  • The desire to always be in the spotlight.
  • Envy of someone else's success.
  • Inattention to relatives and friends, complete concentration on one's own person.
  • The opposition of two forms of relations - to oneself as to a higher person, self-aggrandizement, and others, belittling their role.
  • Often such individuals allow themselves to violate the norms accepted in society, because they consider themselves above them.

Also in the special literature you can find the term "narcissism", narcissism, it has much in common with the considered deviation. Such a person does not just behave arrogantly, he is sincerely confident in his superiority and believes that others are of the same opinion.


What to do if a person falls ill with star disease, can it be cured and how? This is possible, since the deformation of the personality is still at the initial stage, but the person suffering from it does not understand the problem, therefore, it is unlikely that he will turn to a professional psychologist.

Relatives can help him dispel illusions by setting a difficult goal, making it clear that not everything has been achieved and there is something to strive for. Only honesty will help the "stars" descend from heaven to earth and understand that they are no better than others. If, out of love, turn a blind eye to their whims and whims, then the deviation will only intensify and it will become much more difficult to defeat it.

This deviation can and should be fought, because star disease, with the seeming harmlessness of the “patient”, can cause the termination of his career. Even in the presence of talent and diligence, bad temper, pride and narcissism can become the reasons that the choice will be made in favor of a person who is less gifted, but more pleasant in communication. From a person suffering from narcissism, friends and relatives will turn away, tired of enduring his ingratitude and inattention. And he risks being left alone with his own genius and talent.

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