How to take the next package. How to take birth control pills correctly. Delaying the onset of menstrual bleeding


You don't have to ask your friends for advice. Each organism is unique, so before you buy the drug, consult a doctor. He will tell you what to do. Since this method is associated with the use of hormones, it is necessary to know the exact dosage. In different drugs, the content of estrogen and progesterone is different.

We should not forget about the presence of contraindications, so you should not decide on this type of contraception without the advice of a specialist. The doctor may suggest other ways to protect yourself from, which will be optimal for a particular organism.

How to take oral contraceptives

Usually the package contains 21 or 28 tablets. The option, where there are more of them, is much more convenient. In this case, you need daily, without taking breaks during. At the same time, a certain habit remains in a woman. If there are 21 pills in the package, after taking them there is a seven-day break, and then you need to start a new package.

If you are going to start taking pills for the first time, you need to take them from the first day of your period. Do not forget to read the instructions for a particular drug. Then the critical days will come between the 21st and 28th days. You need to start the next package on the 29th day. Even if the menstrual flow has not ended, you need to drink everything on schedule.

It is optimal to take the tablets at the same time. Set a reminder on your phone and don't miss your contraceptives. If you forgot to use the drug on time, you will have to use barrier methods during intercourse. If no more than 12 hours have passed since the time when it was necessary to drink the drug, take a pill, and then stick to the usual schedule, pregnancy in this case is unlikely. If a day has passed - take two tablets at the right time, but use condoms for 7 days. If the pass is more than 2 days, then you will have to take 2 tablets per day, and refrain from unprotected sex for 7 days.

You can take hormone pills at any age. But if you experience dizziness, weakness, chest pain, you should consult a doctor. If in the process of using the drug there are spotting spotting, do not be alarmed. The most important thing is that their duration should be no more than 3 days. If suddenly the onset of menstruation is not very appropriate, then after 21 days you can immediately start a new package. In this scenario, there will be no menstruation this time. However, doing such things in a row for several months is prohibited.

Last update of the description by the manufacturer 25.09.2014

Filterable List

Active substance:


Pharmacological group

Nosological classification (ICD-10)


pharmachologic effect

pharmachologic effect- contraceptive, estrogen-progestin.

Dosage and administration


When and how to take dragees

The blister contains 21 tablets. Each dragee is marked with the day of the week on which it must be taken.

Take the dragee every day at the same time with a small amount of water. It is necessary to follow the direction of the arrow until all 21 pills have been taken. Over the next 7 days - a break in taking the drug. Menstruation (withdrawal bleeding) must begin within these 7 days. Usually it starts 2-3 days after taking the last pill.

After a 7-day break (on the 8th day), start taking the pills from the next package, even if the bleeding has not yet stopped. This means that you should always start a new pack on the same day of the week and that withdrawal bleeding will occur around the same day of the week each month.

Taking the first pack of Microgynon ®

When no hormonal birth control was used in the previous month

Start taking Microgynon ® on the 1st day of the cycle, i.е. on the 1st day of menstrual bleeding. Take a dragee that is marked with the corresponding day of the week. Then take the pills in order. You can also start taking on the 2nd-5th day of the menstrual cycle, but in this case it is necessary to use an additional barrier method of contraception during the first 7 days of taking the pills from the first package.

When switching from other combined oral contraceptives

Reception of Microgynon ® can be started the next day after the last tablet of the current package of the combined oral contraceptive is taken (ie without interruption in taking the tablets). If the current package contains 28 tablets, you can start taking Microgynon ® the next day after taking the last one. active pills. If a woman is not sure which tablet it is, she should ask her doctor. You can also start taking later, but in no case later than the next day after the usual break in taking (for preparations containing 21 tablets) or after taking the last inactive tablet (for preparations containing 28 tablets in a package).

When switching from oral contraceptives containing only progestogen ("mini-pill")

You can stop taking the "mini-pill" any day and start taking Microgynon ® the next day, at the same time. During the first 7 days of taking the pills, you must also use an additional barrier method of contraception.

When switching from an injectable contraceptive or implant

You should start taking Microgynon ® on the day the next injection is due or on the day the implant is removed. During the first 7 days of taking the pills, you must also use an additional barrier method of contraception.

After childbirth

If a woman has just had a baby, her doctor may recommend that she wait until the end of her first normal menstrual cycle before starting Microgynon ® . Sometimes, on the recommendation of a doctor, it is possible to start taking the drug earlier.

After a spontaneous miscarriage or abortion

Taking missed pills

If the delay in taking the next pill is less than 12 hours, the contraceptive effect of Microgynon ® is preserved. Take the dragee as soon as possible. The next dragee is taken at the usual time.

If the delay in taking the pill was more than 12 hours, contraceptive protection may be reduced. The more pills missed in a row, and the closer this pass is to the beginning or end of the intake, the higher the risk of pregnancy.

In this case, you can follow the following rules:

Forgotten more than one dragee from the package

You should consult with your doctor.

One tablet was missed in the first week of taking the drug

Take the missed pill as soon as possible (even if it means taking two pills at the same time). The next dragee is taken at the usual time. Additionally, you should use a barrier method of contraception for the next 7 days. If sexual intercourse took place within a week before skipping the dragee, the likelihood of pregnancy should be considered. You must immediately consult a doctor.

One tablet was missed in the second week of taking the drug

You should take the missed pill as soon as possible (even if it means taking two pills at the same time). The next dragee is taken at the usual time. The contraceptive effect of Microgynon ® is preserved, and there is no need to use additional contraceptive measures.

One tablet was missed in the third week of taking the drug

It is possible to adhere to any of the following two methods without the need for additional contraceptives:

1. Take the missed pill as soon as possible (even if it means taking two pills at the same time). The next dragee is taken at the usual time. Start taking from the next pack immediately after finishing taking the pills from the current pack, so there will be no break between packs. Withdrawal bleeding is unlikely until the pills in the second pack are finished, but there may be spotting or breakthrough bleeding on the days of taking the pills.

2. Stop taking the pills from the current package, take a break for 7 days or less (including the day of skipping dragees) and then start taking pills from a new package.

Using this schedule, a woman can always start her next pack on the day of the week she usually does.

If, after a break in taking the dragee, there is no expected menstruation, pregnancy may have occurred. You should consult your doctor before starting a new pack.

If a woman has had vomiting or diarrhea (indigestion) within 3 to 4 hours after taking a Microgynon ® tablet, the active substances may not have been completely absorbed. This situation is similar to skipping a drug. Therefore, the instructions for missed pills should be followed.

Delaying the onset of menstruation

You can delay the onset of your period by starting the next pack of Microgynon ® immediately after finishing the current pack. The woman can continue taking the pills from this package for as long as she wants, or until the package runs out. If a woman wants to start menstruation, you should stop taking the dragee. While taking Microgynon ® from the second package, spotting or breakthrough bleeding may occur on the days of taking the dragee. The next pack should be started after the usual 7 day break.

Changing the day of your period

If a woman takes the pills as recommended, she will have her period on about the same day every 4 weeks. If you need to change the menstrual cycle, you should shorten (but not lengthen) the period of time free from taking pills. For example, if the menstrual cycle usually starts on Friday, and in the future it is necessary that it starts on Tuesday (3 days earlier), the next pack should be started 3 days earlier than usual. If the break free from pills is very short (for example, 3 days or less), menstruation may not occur during the break. In this case, there may be breakthrough bleeding or spotting on the days of taking the pills from the next package.

Release form

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The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Composition and form of release

A drug Yarina available in the form of film-coated tablets. The active substances that make up the drug are ethinylestradiol at a dosage of 30 mg, and drospirenone at a dosage of 3 mg. One package of the drug contains 21 tablets.

How does Yarina work?

Yarina is a combined remedy, as it contains two sex hormones - estrogen and gestagen. In addition, the drug is low-dose (low doses of hormones) and monophasic (all tablets contain the same amount of hormones).

Yarina's ability to prevent pregnancy is based on two mechanisms - suppression of ovulation (egg maturation) and a change in the properties of the secret (mucus) located in the cervix. The thick mucus of the cervix becomes an obstacle to the penetration of spermatozoa.

In addition, taking Yarina helps to establish the menstrual cycle (if it is irregular). Pain during menstruation decreases, bleeding becomes less intense (this fact reduces the risk of developing iron deficiency anemia).

Other beneficial effects of Yarina are antimineralocorticoid and antiandrogenic actions. The hormone drospirenone has this effect - it reduces fluid retention in the body, reduces swelling, so that body weight does not increase. The antiandrogenic effect is the ability of the drug to reduce the symptoms of acne (acne) and regulate the production of sebum by the skin and hair (reduces seborrhea).

Indications for use

The main indication for the use of tablets is the prevention of unwanted pregnancy.


Yarina should not be used for the following diseases or conditions:
1. Thrombosis of veins or arteries, and thromboembolism (blockage of blood vessels by blood clots), circulatory disorders of the brain.
2. Conditions that can lead to thrombosis are angina pectoris, transient cerebrovascular accidents, uncontrolled high blood pressure, major surgery with prolonged bed rest.
3. Migraine, manifested ever before, or at present, accompanied by focal neurological symptoms (impaired vision, sensitivity, speech).
4. Diabetes mellitus, accompanied by vascular complications.
5. Smoking if the woman's age is more than 35 years.
6. Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), accompanied by an increase in triglycerides in the blood (currently or earlier).
7. Severe liver disease or liver failure, liver tumors.
8. Renal failure is a severe form or an acute course.
9. Hormone-dependent malignant diseases of various organs, including genital ones, present at the moment, or suspicion of them.
10. Bleeding from the vagina, the cause of which is not known.
11. Pregnancy, lactation or suspected pregnancy.
12. Hypersensitivity to substances included in the composition birth control pills.

Conditions for which caution should be exercised

There are conditions and diseases during which Yarina should be taken with caution. In such cases, the risks and expected benefits of taking the medicine in each patient are carefully weighed. These diseases must be reported to the doctor before prescribing the drug. These include:
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system (risk of thrombosis and thromboembolism).
  • Angioedema.
  • Liver diseases.
  • Elevated levels of triglycerides (such as cholesterol) in the blood.
  • postpartum period.
  • Diseases associated with circulatory disorders (diabetes mellitus, systemic lupus erythematosus, sickle cell anemia, Crohn's disease, etc.).
  • Diseases that occurred during pregnancy, or during a previous dose hormonal contraceptives.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy and lactation, Yarina is contraindicated. If pregnancy is detected while taking the drug, you should stop the course and immediately consult a doctor. During breastfeeding, it is not recommended to take the medicine, since its components can change the composition and properties of breast milk, as well as reduce its amount.

Side effects

  • The most common side effect when taking oral contraceptives is the occurrence of irregular bleeding from the vagina. They may appear as spotting or breakthrough bleeding. Most often they occur within the first three months.
  • Other side effects associated with taking Yarina may be soreness, engorgement or discharge from the mammary glands, as well as vaginal discharge.
  • On the part of the nervous system, there may be changes such as headache, mood swings or depression, decreased or increased libido, migraine.
    Digestive disorders may present as nausea, abdominal pain, and, less commonly, vomiting or diarrhea.
  • Sometimes when taking Yarina, intolerance to contact lenses appears, there are unpleasant sensations while wearing them.
  • Metabolic disorders are manifested by a change in body weight - more often an increase, less often - its decrease, fluid retention in the body.
  • Skin manifestations of hypersensitivity to the drug are represented by urticaria, rash, less often by the appearance of erythema nodosum.
  • Like others contraceptives with a hormonal composition, in rare cases, when taking Yarina, the development of thrombosis or thromboembolism is possible.


The most common symptoms of an overdose of Yarina may be nausea, vomiting, uterine bleeding in the form of spotting or metrorrhagia. In case of an overdose of the drug, and the appearance of its symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. Treatment is usually symptomatic.

How to take Yarina?

It is necessary to take the drug 1 time per day, each time at the same time, drinking a tablet with a small amount of water. For convenience, each tablet is marked with the day of the week on which it must be taken. The tablets should be taken in the order indicated by the arrow. When all the tablets are taken, it is necessary to take a break of 7 days. During these 7 days (most often on day 2-3) menstruation (or withdrawal bleeding) begins. After a 7-day break, start taking the next pack of the drug. Thus, the intake of each package will begin on the same day of the week.

The first package of Yarina

1. In the case when no contraceptive containing hormones has been used in the previous month, it is best to start taking Yarina on the first day of menstruation. From the package, you must select a tablet marked with the corresponding day of the week. Then you should drink them in the order indicated by the arrow. It is also allowed to start taking on the 2nd-5th day of the cycle, in this case, during the first 7 days of taking the tablets, additional methods of contraception (for example, a condom) should be used.

2. If it is necessary to switch to taking Yarina with other combined oral contraceptives, the first tablet is taken without interruption. Thus, if the previous remedy contained 28 tablets, Yarina's intake is started after the last active tablet is drunk, but no later than the day the last inactive one is taken. If the product contained 21 tablets, Yarina is taken no later than the next day after a 7-day break.

3. In the case of using a vaginal ring or hormonal patch, Yarina's intake is started on the day they were removed, but no later than the day the next ring is inserted or the patch is pasted.

4. If, before taking Yarina, products containing only progestogen (mini-drinks) were used, their reception can be interrupted on any day and you can start drinking Yarina. In this case, it is necessary to use a barrier method of protection during the first week.

5. When switching to Yarina from injections, an implant or an intrauterine device Mirena, pills are started on the day when it was supposed to make the next injection, remove the implant or intrauterine contraceptive. After that, for 7 days, in addition to Yarina, barrier methods of contraception are used.

In case of violations of the liver, the drug should not be taken until the indicators characterizing liver function (liver tests) return to normal.

Pi violation of the kidneys should be careful, as the drug is contraindicated in acute or severe renal failure.

Interaction with other drugs

There are a number of drugs that can reduce the effectiveness of Yarina. These include drugs:
  • for the treatment of epilepsy (such as phenytoin, barbiturates, topiramate, carbamazepine and others);
  • for the treatment of tuberculosis (rifampicin);
  • for the treatment of HIV infection (eg, nevirapine, ritonavir);
  • antibiotics (tetracyclines, penicillin, griseofulvin);
  • St. John's wort (used to treat depressed mood).
In turn, taking Yarina may affect the metabolism of other drugs (in particular, lamotrigine, cyclosporine).

You should always tell the doctor who prescribed Yarin what medications are already being taken. In addition, you should inform other doctors (including dentists) who prescribe other medications about taking Yarina. In addition, it is necessary to tell the pharmacist who sells medicines in the pharmacy about this.

In some cases, it may be necessary to use additional barrier agents to protect against unwanted pregnancies.

Special instructions for use

1. Before you start taking Yarina, you must undergo a medical examination to identify contraindications and restrictions on admission. The examination must necessarily include a general medical examination with measurement of blood pressure, pulse, determination of body mass index, gynecological examination, examination of the mammary glands, Papanicolaou test (examination of scraping of the cervical mucosa). Also, the doctor may prescribe other additional studies.

2. It is important to remember that when taking combined oral contraceptives, the risk of thrombosis and thromboembolism increases. Therefore, before taking the drug, it is necessary to weigh the expected risk and possible benefit.

3. There is also evidence of more frequent detection of cervical cancer and breast cancer with long-term use of combined oral contraceptives. Perhaps this is due to a more thorough and regular examination of women taking them.

5. With Quincke's edema of a hereditary nature, the substances that make up Yarina can worsen the symptoms of this disease.

6. The effectiveness of the drug Yarina may decrease in three cases - when you miss a pill, indigestion, or as a result of interaction with other drugs.

7. It should be remembered that Yarina is not a means of protecting against infection with AIDS (HIV infection) and other sexually transmitted diseases.

Menstruation while taking Yarina

Menstruation occurs during a week break, most often on the 2-3rd day, approximately on the same day of the week (provided that it is taken correctly). If desired, it is possible to change the day of the appearance of menstruation. To delay the onset of menstruation, you should not take a 7-day break, but start taking the next pack of pills after the end of the current one. You can take the pills until the package runs out or, if desired, stop taking it on any day (then menstruation will begin). While taking the tablets from the second package, spotting or bleeding is likely. The next package of Yarina is taken after a break of 7 days, as usual.

To change the day of the beginning of menstruation, it is necessary to shorten the 7-day break in the reception. Thus, menstruation will begin earlier. If the break was less than 3 days, menstruation may not begin, but instead bleeding or spotting may occur while taking the next pack of Yarina.

Spotting or bleeding while taking - what to do?

Very often, when taking Yarina, spotting or breakthrough bleeding may occur. Such bleeding or discharge is irregular, and is not associated with a break in taking Yarina. Most often, discharge occurs during the first three menstrual cycles, and is a sign of the body's adaptation to the contraceptive. Therefore, you should continue taking Yarina using personal hygiene products. In the case when the discharge does not stop after 3 months, becomes abundant, or reappears after stopping, you should consult a doctor for an examination.

When is it necessary to see a doctor?

When taking Yarina, the doctor must be visited regularly - at least once a year, for preventive examinations.

A doctor should be visited as soon as possible if the following situations occur:
1. With any changes in health, especially conditions in which the remedy is used with caution, or in which it is contraindicated.
2. If a limited seal appears in the mammary gland.
3. If necessary, take other medicines.
4. If there is a long immobility, bed rest - for example, as in the case of a cast or surgery.
5. When there is vaginal bleeding that is heavier or more profuse than usual.
6. In case of missing a pill in the first week of taking it, if there was sexual intercourse in the previous 7 days.
7. If menstruation did not occur 2 times in a row, or there was a suspicion of pregnancy.

Every woman should think about the health of her offspring, which means planning a pregnancy for a favorable period of time. This is where oral contraceptives come in. This is one of the most effective and reliable methods of protection. The choice of contraceptives is great, but this does not mean at all that you can just go and buy pills, guided by the rave reviews of a friend or, even worse, the packaging you like.

When the question arises about the choice of hormonal contraceptives - only the doctor is authorized to decide which drug is right for you. Taking hormonal pills in the presence of contraindications is fraught with a serious deterioration in health. A properly selected drug will allow you to enjoy intimate communication with your loved one without fear of an unwanted pregnancy.

What are these tablets?

Oral contraceptives are drugs that contain hormones similar to those produced in the female body: estrogen and progesterone. Those drugs that contain both hormones are called combined. Preparations containing only one hormone (progesterone) are called "mini-pills". There are also drugs for emergency postcoital contraception that are not designed for long-term use.

How birth control pills work

In the ovaries of a woman of reproductive age, from the moment of the first menstruation, eggs begin to mature. After leaving the follicle, it moves through the fallopian tubes, where it meets the sperm and is fertilized by it. After that, the fertilized egg enters the uterus, where the most favorable conditions have already been created for its implantation.

All birth control pills have a similar principle of action: progesterone inhibits the maturation of the egg, and estrogen makes the endometrium of the uterus unprepared for the introduction of the egg. In addition, under the influence of hormones, cervical mucus becomes viscous and thick, impermeable to sperm.

Postcoital emergency contraception works differently. They are taken after intercourse. Even if fertilization has occurred, the egg will not be able to attach to the uterus, since the endometrium will simply reject it. Something like a "micro-abortion" will happen. Such methods of protection are unreliable and should not be used more than twice a year.

How to use

Before you start taking pills, you must be sure that there are no contraindications. You can start drinking dragees any day, but it is preferable to start on the first day of menstruation. Every day, preferably at a certain time, drink one tablet, adhering to the scheme. Usually, each tablet is marked with a number symbolizing the day of taking, and for convenience, the blisters are marked with an arrow, along which you need to drink the pill.

When the tablets of one package run out, a seven-day break is made. During this break, menstruation begins on days 2-4. The duration of bleeding is short. After a few months of taking the pills correctly, you will develop such a clear rhythm that you will know not only the day of the week when your period begins, but also the time.

Do not forget that careless attitude to this method of contraception can lead to pregnancy. For forgetful persons, a mobile phone can be a good helper. Just activate the reminder function and keep your mobile phone with you at all times. A slight deviation from the schedule will not affect the contraceptive effect.

If you forget to take a pill and less than 12 hours have passed, then just take it as soon as you remember. If the delay is more than 12 hours - protection is reduced and to be sure you need to use a condom for a week. In the absence of menstruation at the appointed time, it is necessary to exclude pregnancy.

As mentioned above, menstruation when taking pills will begin on the same day of the week, for example, on Thursday. If you want your period to start, for example, on Tuesday, then simply shorten the seven-day break by 2 days, if you want on Friday, shorten the break by 6 days accordingly. Then sing according to the scheme.

Sometimes it may happen that you should start bleeding on the day of a planned important event and you would like to cancel your period altogether. In this case, start taking the next pack of tablets as soon as the current pack ends, without taking a seven-day break.

How long can you take

For some reason, such a myth flourishes among women that contraceptive pills cannot be taken for a long time. And often the gynecologists themselves recommend that their patients take a break in order to "give rest to the ovaries." In fact, this statement is unreliable, since there are no data on the negative impact on the reproductive health of women. Moreover, during breaks (for example, for several months in 1-3 years), and then when the reception is resumed, the endocrine system experiences

There is also no basis for the myth that after a long-term use of pills, a woman will have difficulty conceiving. In fact, most women get pregnant within 3-4 months of stopping birth control. If a woman cannot conceive after a year, then most likely one of the partners is infertile. If the tablets are well tolerated by the body, then they can be taken until menopause.

Along with the advantages of birth control pills, there are also disadvantages in the form of side effects that disappear as you adapt to them. In some women, sexual desire decreases, in others depression and aggressiveness appear, and still others begin to gain weight. If side effects do not go away within six months, it is advisable to consult a doctor. He will give you another drug.

Even with external well-being, a woman should be sensitive to her health, because the responsibility for the health of her offspring is entirely in her hands.

Mode of application: for intake.

How to take Dimia®

The tablets should be taken daily, at about the same time, with a small amount of water, in the order indicated on the blister pack. Tablets are taken continuously for 28 days, 1 tablet per day. Taking pills from the next pack begins after taking the last pill from the previous pack. "Withdrawal" bleeding usually begins 2-3 days after the start of placebo tablets (last row) and does not necessarily end by the start of the next pack.

How to start taking Dimia®

Hormonal contraceptives have not been used in the last month

Dimia® is started on the first day of the menstrual cycle (i.e. on the first day of menstrual bleeding). It is also possible to start taking it on the 2nd-5th day of the menstrual cycle, in which case additional use of a barrier method of contraception is necessary during the first 7 days of taking the tablets from the first package.

Switching from other combined contraceptives (combined oral contraceptive pills, vaginal ring, or transdermal patch)

Dimia® should be started the next day after taking the last inactive tablet (for preparations containing 28 tablets) or the day after taking the last active tablet from the previous package (possibly the next day after the end of the usual 7-day break) - for preparations containing 21 tablets per package. In the case of a woman using a vaginal ring or transdermal patch, it is preferable to start taking Dimia® on the day of their removal or, at the latest, on the day when a new ring or patch is planned to be inserted.

Switching from progestogen-only contraceptives (mini-pills, injections, implants) or from a progestogen-releasing intrauterine system (IUD)

A woman can switch from taking a mini-pill to taking Dimia® on any day (from an implant or from an IUD on the day they are removed, from injectable forms of drugs on the day the next injection was due), but in all cases it is necessary to use an additional barrier method of contraception during the first 7 days of taking the pills.

After an abortion in the first trimester of pregnancy

Dimia® can be started on the day of termination of pregnancy as prescribed by the doctor. In this case, the woman does not need to take additional contraceptive measures.

After childbirth or abortion in the second trimester of pregnancy

A woman is recommended to start taking the drug on the 21-28th day after childbirth (provided that she is not breastfeeding) or abortion in the second trimester of pregnancy. If the reception is started later, the woman should use an additional barrier method of contraception during the first 7 days after starting Dimia®. With the resumption of sexual activity (before taking Dimia®), pregnancy should be excluded.

Taking missed pills

Missing a placebo tablet from the last (4th) row of the blister can be ignored. However, they should be discarded to avoid inadvertently prolonging the placebo phase. The indications below apply only to missed tablets containing the active ingredients.

If the delay in taking the pill was less than 12 hours, contraceptive protection is not reduced. The woman should take the missed pill as soon as possible (as soon as she remembers) and the next pill at the usual time.

If the delay exceeds 12 hours, contraceptive protection may be reduced. In this case, you can be guided by two basic rules:

1. Taking pills should never be interrupted for more than 7 days;

2. To achieve adequate suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system, 7 days of continuous tablet intake are required.

Accordingly, women can be given the following recommendations:

- Days 1-7

A woman should take the missed pill as soon as she remembers, even if it means taking two pills at the same time. Then she should take her tablets at the usual time. Also, a barrier method such as a condom should be used for the next 7 days. If sexual intercourse has occurred in the previous 7 days, the possibility of pregnancy should be considered. The more pills missed and the closer this pass is to the 7-day break in taking the drug, the higher the risk of pregnancy.

- Days 8-14

The woman should take the missed tablet as soon as she remembers, even if it means taking two tablets at the same time. Then she should take her tablets at the usual time. If during the 7 days preceding the first missed pill, the woman took the pills as expected, there is no need for additional contraceptive measures. However, if she missed more than 1 tablet, an additional method of contraception (barrier - for example, a condom) is needed for 7 days.

- Days 15-24

The reliability of the method inevitably declines as the placebo pill phase approaches. However, correcting the pill regimen can still help prevent pregnancy. If one of the two schemes described below is followed, and if the woman has observed the drug regimen in the previous 7 days before skipping the pill, there will be no need to use additional contraceptive measures. If this is not the case, she must complete the first of the two regimens and use additional precautions for the next 7 days.

1. A woman should take the last missed tablet as soon as she remembers, even if it means taking two tablets at the same time. Then she should take the tablets at the usual time until the active tablets run out. 4 placebo tablets from the last row should not be taken, you must immediately start taking the tablets from the next blister pack. Most likely, there will be no "withdrawal" bleeding until the end of the second pack, but there may be "spotting" spotting or "withdrawal" bleeding on the days of taking the drug from the second pack.

2. A woman can also stop taking active tablets from the started package. Instead, she should take the placebo pills from the last row for 4 days, including the days she skipped pills, and then start taking the pills from the next pack.

If a woman misses a pill and does not subsequently experience "withdrawal" bleeding in the placebo pill phase, the possibility of pregnancy should be considered.

The use of the drug in gastrointestinal upset

In case of severe gastrointestinal disturbances (eg, vomiting or diarrhea), the absorption of the drug will be incomplete and additional contraceptive measures will be required. If vomiting occurs within 3-4 hours after taking the active tablet, a new (replacement) tablet should be taken as soon as possible. If possible, the next tablet should be taken within 12 hours of the usual tablet-taking time. If more than 12 hours have passed, it is recommended to proceed according to the instructions for missing tablets. If a woman does not want to change her usual pill regimen, she should take an additional pill from another pack.

Postponement of menstrual bleeding "withdrawal"

To delay bleeding, the woman should skip taking the placebo tablets from the started package and start taking the drospirenone + ethinyl estradiol tablets from the new package. The delay can be extended until the active tablets in the second pack run out. During the delay, a woman may experience acyclic copious or "spotting" bleeding from the vagina. Regular intake of Dimia® is resumed after the placebo phase.

To shift bleeding to another day of the week, it is recommended to shorten the upcoming phase of taking placebo tablets by the desired number of days. When the cycle is shortened, it is more likely that a woman will not have menstrual-like “withdrawal” bleeding, but will have acyclic copious or “spotting” vaginal bleeding on the next pack (same as with lengthening the cycle).

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