Rating of the most useful products in the world. Healthy food and nutrition What is the most beneficial for health

Proper nutrition is the key to good health.

A well-designed diet helps maintain normal weight, prevent the appearance of various ailments, increases concentration, performance, and even increases life expectancy. But you can’t abruptly refuse the usual regime, it will be a big stress for the body.

It is never too late to start eating right, and after crossing the 40-year threshold, it is completely necessary. You just need to make it a way of life.

Principles of healthy eating

It is important to know not only the top healthy foods, but also how to eat right.

Helping the body to get and absorb all the necessary nutrients is not difficult.

helping the body is enough to follow a few rules every day.

The main principles of healthy eating are as follows:

  1. 5 meals a day. It is already a proven fact that eating fractionally and regularly at the same time intervals, a person does not overeat. This at least allows you to maintain normal weight, and as a maximum - leads to weight loss;
  2. Long chewing. Don't rush and eat on the go. Before swallowing the product, it is recommended to chew it about 20 times. Haste spoils the stomach, and with it health in general;
  3. Varied diet. The daily menu should consist of products of animal and vegetable origin. All food should be freshly prepared so that toxins do not form in the body, and the products do not lose useful substances;
  4. No dryer. The secretion of juice in the stomach is facilitated by liquid dishes based on vegetable, fish, mushroom and meat broths. Soup is enough to digest the second dish of cereals, meat, fish, potatoes, pasta. Sweets are recommended to be eaten at the end of dinner, in which case sugar is more easily absorbed by the body;
  5. Diet calories. The older a person becomes, the less high-calorie food should be. You can reduce nutritional value at the expense of carbohydrates and animal fats;
  6. Fruits and vegetables. They contain such important vitamins for the body, fiber, organic acids, mineral salts, etc. Regular consumption of these products helps to normalize the acid-base balance of the body, metabolism and improve digestion;
  7. More water. It is important to observe the drinking regime, it is necessary to drink at least 2 - 2.5 liters of purified water per day, not counting tea and coffee;
  8. Fasting day. Once a week, you need to arrange a fasting day, which helps the body to cleanse itself of accumulated toxins. If it is very difficult, then a day on the water should be at least 2 times a month;

In addition, there should be a correct distribution of products throughout the day. Protein foods are suitable for breakfast and lunch (eggs, fish, meat, cereals, cottage cheese, vegetables). Porridges will become more useful if they are boiled in water.

Dinner may consist of vegetables, dairy and cereals, but they should be consumed no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

Top 10 most useful foods for the body

At institutes around the world, research is being done by scientists and nutritionists to identify and list the most important foods in the diet.

According to the results of research, 10 most useful foods for maintaining and improving human health have been established.

Such foods in the human diet are:

  • avocado;
  • broccoli;
  • White cabbage;
  • garlic
  • carrot
  • nuts;
  • red fish;
  • bananas;
  • apples;
  • lemons.

Avocado. This is the most useful product in the world. Among its components are many fatty acids and antioxidants. The consumption of this fruit reduces the risk of cancer, prevents atherosclerosis, improves eyesight, lowers cholesterol and takes care of the heart.

Broccoli. It is a source of vitamin C, beta-carotene, protein and fiber, which positively affects the condition of the skin and eyesight. Broccoli also contains folic acid, although it is destroyed during heat treatment, so it is better to cook the product in a double boiler or eat it fresh.

White cabbage. It is not in vain that it is included in the top of the most useful products. Vitamins C, B, K, minerals, proteins and fiber - this is what cabbage is rich in. It has a positive effect on the work of the intestines, improves digestion, removes cholesterol. It is indicated for diabetes mellitus, due to the very low content of starch and sugar.

Garlic. This is the best natural antibiotic that copes with bacteria, viruses and even yeast. It will cure colds, flu, SARS, staphylococcus aureus, garlic is also used to fight helminths. The product liquefies blood clots and promotes vasodilation, thereby reducing pressure. If garlic is introduced into the diet, then hypertension can be forgotten.

Carrot. There is no better product than carrots if a person is pregnant. It is a source of carotene, vitamins B, C, E, K and PP, which are very important in the formation of the child's internal organs. But there are also contraindications for eating carrots - these are problems with the pancreas, stomach ulcers and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Nuts. If you need to strengthen your nerves, then you just need to introduce walnuts into your diet, which are rich in vitamin B2. Nuts improve digestion and have a positive effect on potency.

Red fish has a beneficial effect on brain activity, the nervous system and improves heart function.

Banana. This product is rich in vitamin A, manganese, iron and potassium, thanks to the latter, the risk of a heart attack is reduced.

Apples. The constant use of the fruit tones the body and prevents heart disease, constipation, headaches, anemia.

Lemon prevents the development of infections, cancers.

Other Important Foods in the Diet

The list of the most useful products is not limited to 10 positions. The daily menu should be varied and certainly include a dairy and sour-milk product. Milk products are a source of calcium, which is responsible for strong bones, nails and healthy hair. Dairy products are useful for everyone, with the help of lactic acid bacteria contained in kefir, fermented baked milk and yogurt, the gastrointestinal tract works like clockwork.

Also, you can not do without greens, replace all harmful foods with parsley, dill, which will be a great addition to side dishes, and lettuce to a sandwich. Pepper - sweet and spicy, which one you like, is often included in diets for weight loss. So, with its help, you can improve your figure and improve your health, because it contains a lot of luteolin and vitamin C, which take care of the health of the cardiovascular system and prevent the development of cancer.

Those who want to stay young longer should include legumes in their diet. A large amount of protein, fiber and potassium found in beans, these components have a rejuvenating effect on the body.

We have long been accustomed to the fact that, thanks to the wide range of products in stores and the information available, we have the opportunity not just to choose any food, but food that is good for our health.

Much has been written about the many positive properties that the consumption of spinach has on the human body. And indeed it is. It is one of those foods that contain the most beneficial nutrients.

And one more important point - this plant can be easily bought in any market and in almost any store at an affordable price. Spinach can be bought fresh in the fruit and vegetable section. You can also buy it frozen.

Spinach can even be found in the form of canned products. The only thing left for us to do is not to forget to regularly eat this product in order to really feel the maximum positive effect for our health from it.

Benefits of eating spinach

Spinach kicks into action almost immediately, providing energy to the body as well as helping to fill your stomach without adding to your daily calorie intake. In this case, phytonutrients (so-called phytonutrients) should be taken into account.

The importance and benefits of these biocomponents of plant origin in the fight against cell aging-causing free radicals cannot be overestimated. Thus, by consuming spinach, you feed your body at the cellular level, adding energy, which helps you lose weight effortlessly.

Nutritional value of spinach per 250 grams of product (fresh green leaves):

Benefits of eating goji berries

Thanks to these berries, our immune system receives some support even from one serving of this product. Goji berries help to actively fight the spread of free radicals, the number of which increases due to external aggressive influences.

The amount of free radicals is also affected by the consumption of processed foods that do not supply nutrients to the body. The ability of goji berries to cope with overwork will be very valuable for many.

There is nothing surprising in the fact that the modern world requires us to work hard. Therefore, eating foods such as goji berries allows us, figuratively speaking, to increase this very time during which the body wears out.

Nutritional value of goji berries per 30 grams of product (dried berries are the most popular product):

Vitamin A - 170% of the required daily allowance.

Vitamin C - 20% (not as much as in citrus fruits, but not bad either).

Protein - 4 grams - an amazing amount of protein for a berry.

3. Salmon

Many also prefer the delicate (not so fishy!) flavor of salmon, which distinguishes it from other types of fish. One can only envy those regions where salmon is an absolutely familiar and common daily part of the diet.

However, as they say, not every salmon is equally useful! It is definitely worth limiting the use of smoked salmon, since fish cooked in this way contains fewer nutrients when compared, for example, with freshly baked salmon.

Benefits of eating salmon

For those of you who devote a lot of time to sports activity, salmon is an indispensable product that supplies muscle tissue with the necessary protein. An equally important point for all people is the presence of omega-3 acids.

The importance of these acids lies in the fact that they provide vital support to our cardiovascular system in general and the heart in particular. And here is another clear benefit - Omega-3 significantly improves brain activity and memory.

The main benefit here is not so much that it will now be easier for you to memorize poetry (although this too!), but that omega-3s reduce the likelihood of developing such a degenerative disease as Alzheimer's disease. In addition, these acids improve the appearance of your skin and hair.

Nutritional value of salmon per 100 grams of product:

Vitamin A - 9% of the daily value.

Vitamin B 1 - 13% of the required daily allowance (very good for the heart).

Protein - 20g - An excellent source of protein even for those athletes who work with weight lifting.

Vitamin PP - 42% of the required daily allowance (very useful for skin and hair health).

The healthiest food

If you haven't forced yourself to join the army of avocado fans yet, you should do it as soon as possible - you already lost a lot of time! Recently, this product has become more accessible and more popular in the fruit and vegetable department.

Avocados are of particular value (in fact, irreplaceable) for those who are really obsessed with a healthy diet. By the way, for beginners, choosing the right avocado can be a bit difficult (and you also need to eat it before this fruit goes bad).

At the same time, it is not at all necessary to eat an avocado every single day for your body to feel the benefits of this product. If you start adding avocados to your menu twice a week (yes, at least once to start!), this will be enough for a great start.

Benefits of eating avocado

One of the most obvious benefits of eating avocados (most often cited by avocado lovers) is that the fruit is an excellent source of healthy monounsaturated fats.

At the same time, it is very important to remember that this fruit contains a large amount of vegetable fats (unlike other fruits, where fats are much less or not at all). These fats will be a great help for those who are determined to fight excess weight.

Avocados also make us feel fuller for longer (and far from the satiety and fat we get from eating a cheeseburger). High carotenoid levels are good for eye health. In addition, avocado regulates glucose levels, which avoids critical changes in one direction or another.

Nutritional value of avocado per 100 grams of product (raw):

Monounsaturated Fat - 10g - This means that approximately 10% of an avocado is the so-called healthy fat.

Vitamin B 6 - 16% of what you need daily to maintain a normal metabolism.

Folic acid salt - 22% of the required daily value (excellent prevention of heart disease).

5. Quinoa

Quinoa, a favorite grain among vegetarians for many years, is gaining more and more popularity as one of the healthiest and tastiest foods. Quinoa often becomes a component of different dishes, and sometimes acts as an independent dish.

And even people who prefer whole-grain foods often turn their attention to quinoa (although this culture is not very popular with those who have cut grains from their diet altogether).

Until recently, not many people understood how to cook this product, since it could not be bought everywhere. But now you have a great opportunity to learn how to cook quinoa, as it can already be found in so many supermarkets.

Benefits of Eating Quinoa

Thanks to eating quinoa, our body receives high-quality protein without cholesterol and fats, which "penetrate" into our body with animal products. At the same time, we get the so-called smart carbohydrates, which do not lead to a significant increase in the glycemic index.

Due to this, our body is able to absorb these carbohydrates gradually, which does not subsequently lead to the formation of fat. Finally, this product, in principle, has a fairly moderate fat content.

Thus, you can include quinoa in your diet even when you are actively following your weight loss plan. On top of that, quinoa is a great way to keep your calorie intake low, as long as you keep an eye on it too.

Nutritional value of quinoa per 250 grams of product:

Fat - 1.9g - Low in fat and calories, quinoa is a top diet food.

Folic acid salt - 10% of the required daily value (useful for maintaining heart health).

Protein – 4.4g – Relatively high protein for grains.

Broccoli, as an integral part of a healthy diet, has become increasingly appear on our menu. Sometimes it is used to literally "heal" each particular meal.

Broccoli has an excellent ability to retain its beneficial properties, provided, of course, that you have not fried it in oil or dipped it in lard. It must be doused with boiling water so that this product retains its nutritional value as much as possible.

And if you have the idea to buy broccoli, then there are not so many options in which form this useful plant is sold: most often you can buy it raw in the fruit and vegetable department or frozen.

Benefits of eating broccoli

The fiber found in broccoli has an extremely beneficial effect on our digestive system. In addition, broccoli is an excellent alternative to dairy products in terms of the amount of calcium necessary for the body.

As for vitamin C, just one serving of broccoli is enough to get your daily intake of this substance. And this is great news, because it is thanks to this that we have a chance to strengthen our immunity, avoiding many diseases.

Broccoli also contains some vitamin K. Perhaps not so much that it plays a key role in strengthening our bones. But it is quite enough for our eyes and hearts. In addition, it plays an important role in cancer prevention.

Nutritional value of broccoli per 100 grams of product:

Vitamin C - 150% of our daily value, that is, you can not worry about other sources of this vitamin.

Vitamin B 6 - 10% of what is needed to regulate metabolism throughout the day.

Fiber - 2.6 g - maybe not so much, but this is already a tenth of the daily norm.

The healthiest nut

Let's start with the fact that almonds are a great snack between meals. It gives you a feeling of satiety and also energizes you. This product is especially useful in the morning when you need a boost of energy to start your day.

When choosing an almond, it is very important to buy a "clean" product; in other words, never buy almonds that have had a certain amount of salt added to them, or that have been toasted with oil.

Almonds should be dried in a dry frying pan or baking sheet. Raw nuts are also helpful. But here it is very important not to overeat this product, as it is really very tasty and satisfying. When you start eating almonds, the "seed effect" can come - it will be hard to break away from it.

Benefits of eating almonds

Almonds are very often advised to those who are engaged in fitness or just go to the gym. These nuts are a great way to nourish your muscle tissue. There are also a number of other useful properties, thanks to which almonds should be part of the daily menu.

Almonds have an excellent and pronounced preventive effect, reducing the likelihood of a heart attack. This wonderful product is able to significantly reduce the level of low-density cholesterol (bad cholesterol) produced by the body.

On top of that, almonds are a great source of so-called healthy fats. Thanks to this, almonds are able to have a beneficial effect on the functioning of our brain. Also, this product is useful for strengthening teeth and bone tissue.

Nutritional value of almonds per 100 grams of product (raw almonds):

Protein - 21 gr - perfectly contributes to the growth of the so-called lean muscles.

Vitamin B 2 - 59% of what you need during the day to replenish energy stores.

What could be simpler than beets? Meanwhile, beetroot is a unique product, as it contains substances that are contained in it and only in it! First of all, we are talking about red beets, and not the ones that are sold in pickled form, used for the classic Greek salad.

There is one nuance that stops many from eating beets often. The fact is that red beets take a long time to cook, which is very inconvenient, given the current trend to reduce the time spent on cooking. Yes, and in principle, people consider beets, rather, as an ingredient, and not a separate dish.

In fact, everything is not so scary - and beets do not take so long to cook, and many different recipes exist (you can easily find them on the Internet - visual and useful). In other words, the health benefits of beets are worth your time and effort!

Benefits of eating beets

Did you know that the boron found in red beets can boost your sexuality in a big way as it affects testosterone and estrogen levels. And in principle, this element gives a feeling of cheerfulness and an influx of energy.

By eating beets regularly, you are doing a huge service to your brain - and not only because this product supplies it with essential nutrients. The fact is that beets play an important role in regulating blood pressure.

Beets contain a wide range of vitamins and minerals. That is why it is recommended to make vegetable cocktails from this vegetable crop. Eating them on a regular basis will allow you to always maintain the necessary level of nutrients in the body, and without excess fat and calories.

Nutritional value of beets per 250 grams of product:

Folic acid salt - 27% of what we need daily for the prevention of cancer and heart disease.

Magnesium - 6% of what the body requires daily to maintain the required level of energy.

Vitamin C - 8% of the daily requirement, and therefore it is necessary to use other products from this list to compensate for the need for this substance.

9. Sweet potato (yam)

The sweet potato is a very useful fodder crop that has an ancient world history of being eaten by many peoples of the world (although it is believed that it came to us from Peru and Colombia).

The first thing that housewives love it for is its ease of preparation. And even if you don’t know how to cook at all, you will definitely be able to cook the tubers of this plant (even if it’s an experiment). In addition, it is very satisfying and contains a lot of vitamins.

Sweet potatoes are also a source of fiber, which is considered essential for normal digestion. Sweet potatoes can be added to other dishes; it can be eaten raw, cooked from it porridge, jam and many other dishes.

Benefits of eating sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes have many beneficial properties for the human body, but the most famous are the following characteristics: sweet potatoes reduce the risk of a heart attack, and keep the skin youthful.

In addition, this product is an excellent tool for normalizing the functioning of the immune system, and is also able to charge our body with vivacity and energy when eaten regularly.

Sweet potatoes provide the human body with a variety of antioxidants that help to avoid numerous health problems caused by an increase in free radicals. That is why sweet potatoes are consistently included in such lists, regardless of the country and climatic conditions.

Nutritional value of sweet potatoes per 100 grams of product:

Vitamin A - 384% - almost four times the recommended daily allowance!

Vitamin C - 33% of the amount of this powerful antioxidant needed by our body.

Protein - 2 grams - an excellent source of vegetable protein.

The healthiest vegetable

It makes no sense to dispute the fact that most people are aware of the benefits of tomato for the health of the human body. And the more research is carried out in the world aimed at studying this vegetable, the higher the tomato's ranking among the healthiest foods becomes.

It is impossible to name only one reason why it is worth eating tomatoes, since all the reasons available are equally important for our health. Among other things, it is a very convenient food product that has found the widest use in cooking.

Tomatoes can be put in a salad, various sauces can be prepared from them; you can even just toss tomatoes into a blender to make a fruit or vegetable smoothie. But you should refrain from using ketchups, despite the fact that they also have tomatoes in their base.

Benefits of eating tomato

The reason why the tomato is so respected in the cuisine of most countries, and also constantly recommended by nutritionists, is more than good. Let's start with the fact that the tomato is a prophylactic against cancer.

Regular consumption of tomatoes, thanks to the combination of minerals and vitamins, is also an excellent help in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Contained in a tomato and a whole range of phytonutrients most in demand by our body.

One of the main antioxidants in tomato, which is believed to play a key role in fighting the development of cancer, is lycopene. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that lycopene becomes even more useful in cooked tomatoes than in raw vegetables.

Nutritional value of tomatoes per 100 grams of product:

Vitamin A - 17% of the daily value of this powerful antioxidant.

Vitamin C - 23% of the daily requirement.

Vitamin B 6 - 5% of the daily value of this substance, which helps the absorption of food.

11. Brauncol (kale or kale)

For a long time, people didn't make much of a difference in terms of health benefits between kale and spinach. However, browncol definitely deserves its own place in the list of the healthiest foods on the planet.

Although this cabbage is not as common as spinach, kale is gradually becoming a very popular crop everywhere due to its beneficial properties. In some parts of the world, kale is considered the most important food product in terms of health importance.

Kale can be used as a side dish, just like spinach. Due to the wide spectrum of vitamins contained in cabbage, this product is often recommended as a smoothie ingredient. And some even prefer kale to all other greens due to the fact that they like the taste of this non-heading cabbage.

Benefits of eating kale

One of the biggest reasons why kale is gaining ubiquitous popularity in cooking is that it is a great filling food without any extra calories or fat (kale is worth a look for those who are trying to lose weight!).

Brauncol contains sufficient amounts of fiber, iron and vitamin K. Due to the presence of the latter antioxidant, kale can often be recommended in food to provide an anti-inflammatory effect.

At the same time, we are talking not only about the preventive effect - feces help to significantly reduce the symptoms that accompany various inflammations. This product directly counteracts a number of different diseases, and also helps to restore and maintain the necessary level of alkali in the body.

Nutritional value of kale per 100 grams of product (raw):

Vitamin A - 206% - double serving of the daily value.

Vitamin C - 134% - twice as much as needed during the day.

Protein - 4.3 g - an excellent source of vegetable protein.

Berries are generally a great source of antioxidants, but raspberries are the most prized due to their high concentration. In addition, it is perfectly preserved throughout the year if you freeze this product.

Raspberries can also be an important member of various culinary ensembles. This berry can be eaten separately, or you can make it an invariable ingredient in your smoothies, since raspberries are just a storehouse of vitamins and minerals.

Raspberries are loved by children, but in some regions it is quite difficult to find these berries at a reasonable price even in season (not to mention imported colorized raspberries!). However, the benefits of this product are so great that it makes sense not to save on your health.

Benefits of eating raspberries

For those who are jealous of the deviation of the arrow on their scales, raspberries are an indispensable product due to their low fat content, as well as their high fiber content. At the same time, nothing much needs to be changed in the diet.

But even if you don't care too much about being overweight (perhaps because you don't), eating raspberries is a great way to deliver a variety of antioxidants to your body that help fight off free radicals.

Raspberries, as a healthy food product, maintain the normal state of the body as a whole. This berry can be separately recommended to those who suffer from arthritis, as eating it regularly helps fight inflammation.

Nutritional value of raspberries per 100 grams of product:

Vitamin C - 44% of our daily value. Only one raspberry can help provide the daily requirement of this substance.

Calcium - only 2% of the daily value (but you can eat less milk).

Iron - 4% - not much, but it can be compensated with the help of other products from this list.

healthy food

13. Hyacinth beans

Hyacinth beans (also called dolichos or simply black beans) are the only legumes worthy of being included in this list of the healthiest foods on the planet. This is one of the most ancient types of this culture.

Black beans have been used in Mexican and Spanish cuisine for hundreds of years. Despite this, only relatively recently the whole world has discovered the beneficial properties of hyacinth beans.

Dolichos are now a popular dish in many restaurants. Use hyacinth beans in your diet as well, as this will help you not only diversify your menu, but also eliminate less healthy foods from it.

Benefits of Eating Hyacinth Beans

It is considered quite natural that fruits and vegetables are a source of antioxidants. However, the fact that black beans also contain quite a few of these substances is surprising. Dolichos, in principle, can become part of any diet, as a source of "correct" carbohydrates.

These carbohydrates are absorbed more slowly, so the feeling of satiety lasts longer. As a result, this product allows you to stabilize blood sugar levels. This is a very important point for those people who suffer from diabetic disease.

Among other things, hyacinth beans are an indispensable food for those who are struggling with being overweight. Dolichos also contain fiber, which helps regulate the processes that normalize our digestive system.

Nutritional value of hyacinth beans per 100 grams of product:

Calcium - 6% - an alternative source of calcium to dairy products.

Protein - 8.2 g - Another way to replenish your protein supply with plant-based proteins.

Fat - 0.3 g - low fat content will be useful for those who are forced to control their weight.

It's usually not easy to meet a person who doesn't like watermelons at all; this annual plant, whose morphological similarity to the berry is noted by scientists, is usually liked by almost everyone, especially children.

But who would have thought that this summer-autumn delicacy is one of the healthiest foods in the world? After all, this is not always the case when it comes to sweet-tasting things. However, watermelon contains a huge amount of nutrients (it's easier to say what is not there!).

And yet: when eating watermelon, it is very important not to overdo it. And not at all because of the load on the bladder, but because of the content of easily digestible sugars. A large amount of ripe watermelon can negatively affect the level of insulin in your blood.

Benefits of eating watermelon

Given the craze for watermelons during their ripening season, it's safe to assume that this is a really healthy product. But what is so good about it for our health? In case you didn't know, watermelons have higher levels of lycopene than tomatoes.

This fact already makes watermelon a powerful weapon against the risk of heart disease and cancer. In addition, watermelon is a source of many other vitamins that effectively prevent the rapid aging of body cells.

Watermelons are virtually fat-free, so you can eat them guilt-free even on the most restrictive diet (given the sugar warning above). There are also calcium, magnesium, sodium and other trace elements in watermelons.

Nutritional value of watermelons per 100 grams of product:

Vitamin A - 11% - quite a noticeable amount that should not be neglected.

Vitamin C - 14%.

Fats - 0.1 g - practically "fat-free" vegetable dessert.

Grapefruit has almost always been valued as an element of a healthy diet, for which this type of citrus fruit was included in the list of foods recommended for people who have undergone heart surgery.

But this fruit has many other useful properties, because of which it can be safely used in your menu not only as a certain dessert, but also as an element of a full breakfast, and even as a snack between main meals.

Grapefruits are not only useful. They are freely sold in markets and supermarkets along with other fruits. They go well with other fruits, which, despite not being included in this list, also bring certain benefits to the body.

Benefits of eating grapefruit

High levels of vitamin C and carotenoids - for this alone, grapefruits are worth the money that we pay for them. The reason these citrus fruits are considered a great breakfast item is because they fight all the free radicals we have.

If grapefruits become a regular part of the daily diet, the chances of resisting the development of various cardiovascular diseases are greatly increased. Eat them every day, and then you can resist various degenerative diseases and the occurrence of cancerous tumors.

Grapefruit nutritional value per 100 grams of product:

Vitamin A - 23%.

Vitamin C - 52% - almost half the daily value of this useful antioxidant.

Fiber - 1.6 g - is considered a very good source of fiber useful for digestion.

Asparagus is a perennial plant. Young shoots of this vegetable crop are used for food, which are characterized by a significant content of useful minerals and vitamins. It is thanks to them that asparagus is simply obliged to appear regularly on your table.

Asparagus is an excellent side dish that complements any type of meat (by the way, we recommend lean varieties) and fish. The taste of this product is reminiscent of green peas, and therefore familiar to many of our conservative eaters.

The best way to cook asparagus while retaining all the nutrients is steamed asparagus. It is also added to soups, salads and many diet meals. Asparagus is sold raw but is also available frozen.

Benefits of eating asparagus

Asparagus is a wonderful food product that is able to neutralize various toxins accumulated by the body. In addition, asparagus has a diuretic effect, which also allows you to remove toxins and excess fluid from the body.

Thanks to the variety of vitamins and minerals contained in asparagus, this product has a beneficial effect that can slow down the aging of the body - but only if you eat it on a regular basis.

Nutritional value of asparagus per 100 grams of product:

Vitamin A - 20%.

Protein - 2.4 g - a good source of vegetable protein.

Fiber - 2 g - it seems that not so much, but this should not be neglected (especially against the background of other useful components).

The healthiest food

Many people cannot stand sea kale until they try this product, which has extremely beneficial properties for the health of the body. Indeed, these brown seaweeds are more familiar to those who always prefer seafood.

Seaweed can now be bought in almost any supermarket. And this is not surprising - people are increasingly purchasing this product as a source of useful nutrients, various macro- and microelements.

It is recommended to buy a small amount of the product, as sea kale does not keep for a long time in the refrigerator. This product is especially recommended for use in areas where there is a significant deficiency of iodine in the water.

Benefits of eating seaweed

Seaweed is undoubtedly a useful product. At the same time, each person can find something useful for himself. The main thing is to get really seaweed, and not nutritional supplements from seaweed, which are trying to replace this product.

Particular attention is drawn to the calcium contained in seaweed - the amount of this element in seaweed is even greater than in dairy products! Some say that this product contains almost all the useful substances from the periodic table.

Seaweed really contains an incredible amount of vitamins and minerals. There are a lot of them in products that grow on the ground. But since this product comes from sea water, it differs somewhat in the specificity of phytonutrients that are beneficial to health.

Nutritional value of seaweed per 250 grams of product:

Folic acid salt - 396 mcg - quite a lot, so you should not lean too much on this product.

Vitamin K - 145 mcg - covers the entire daily requirement, that is, one meal of seaweed per day is enough.

Sodium - 513mg - this makes the product unsuitable for those who follow a low-salt diet.

We are talking about ordinary cabbage, which is widely used in agriculture around the world. Despite the fact that our ancestors knew about the benefits of this product, even now, various studies are discovering new beneficial properties of cabbage.

You can talk endlessly about the wide use of cabbage in cooking. These are delicious vitamin salads, and the use of cabbage in first courses, and numerous recipes in which cabbage plays the role of an independent dish.

And what about sauerkraut, the benefits of which have also been said a lot! Moreover, even cutlets can be cooked from cabbage. The only thing that can be advised is to cut the cabbage into smaller pieces so that it cooks faster and is better absorbed.

Benefits of eating cabbage

The fiber found in cabbage is the best way to get our digestive system working at its optimum. The juice from the leaves of this product has been used for generations to treat gastritis and ulcers.

Cabbage also contains antioxidants, the benefits of which have already been said a lot in this article. And thanks to the presence of phytonutrients such as glucosinolates, cabbage can prevent or even stop the development of cancer.

Regular consumption of cabbage in food helps to improve the appearance of the skin (thanks to the same all-powerful antioxidants). Particular attention should be paid to this product for those who have high cholesterol levels.

Nutritional value of cabbage per 250 grams of product:

Vitamin C - 61% - such a high level of this vitamin is comparable only to the level of this substance in some citrus fruits.

Folic acid salt - 11%.

Protein - 1.3 g - not so much, but quite suitable as an alternative source of vegetable protein.

21. Eggs

It is probably impossible to imagine the breakfast of many millions of people on planet Earth without such a simple and common product as eggs. At the same time, in various dubious publications, designed, it seems, for scandals, articles periodically appear about the terrible harm that eggs supposedly bring to health.

In fact, there is no grain of truth in this, since the eggs familiar to all of us are really one of the most beneficial products for our health on the planet. Moreover, for a long period of time this fact was not given as much attention as it deserves.

Eggs are an excellent, inexpensive source of low-calorie protein, various nutrients, and even vitamins. Regular consumption of a moderate amount of chicken eggs is only good for the body.

Benefits of eating eggs

Despite the fact that eggs contain low-calorie protein, they perfectly saturate the body. At the same time, the feeling of satiety persists for quite a long time, which makes this product an ideal basis for any breakfast that allows you to "survive" without any problems until lunch.

Eggs are involved in increasing the level of so-called good cholesterol; thanks to this product, we have a chance to regularly strengthen teeth and bone tissue. In addition, eggs contain polyunsaturated fatty acids of the Omega-3 series.

These acids, along with vitamin B 12 , vitamin D and choline (vitamin B 4 ), make eggs an indispensable food that can stimulate brain activity with these natural nutrients.

Nutritional value of eggs per 250 grams of product:

Protein - 6 gr - the same low-calorie protein.

Folic acid salt - 23 gr - for brain health.

Vitamin A - 4% - for eye health.

Iron - 4% - helps deliver oxygen throughout the body.

Useful properties of seeds

These small seeds are quite a new product in our market. At the same time, they quickly conquer it due to the large amount of nutrients and fiber. For a seed of this size, this product provides an enormous amount of health benefits.

Another good news is that these seeds can be used in a wide range of recipes, so they can be made an integral part of your daily healthy diet.

Chia seeds can be eaten by letting them soak in water or milk. They can be added to puddings, baked goods, smoothies, and even quick-fried foods as a source of fiber. Chia seeds are not only healthy, but also delicious.

Benefits of eating chia seeds

Chia seeds are a good source of antioxidants that slow down the aging of our body by helping it at the cellular level. The fiber contained in these small seeds is extremely important for the digestive system.

In fact, it can be quite difficult to eat enough foods daily to meet our body's minimum fiber needs. And this is where chia seeds come to the rescue.

Nutritional value of chia seeds per 250 grams of product:

Dietary fiber - 38 gr.

Protein - 16 gr - a great option for vegetarians.

Calcium - 63% - for strong and healthy bones.

23. Bananas

If we talk about one of the tastiest sources of nutrients, which, in addition, contains potassium and fiber, then it is, of course, bananas. Given their undoubted benefits, this product could not be included in this list of so-called super foods.

Bananas are considered by many to be a great and healthy alternative to ice cream (as long as they are also frozen, of course). Unlike many fruits (banana, by the way, everyone calls a fruit, although morphologically it is close to berries), this fruit quickly saturates and is great for snacking.

Benefits of eating bananas

These same substances make it possible for us to feel full for a long time after eating a banana. This is especially beneficial for athletes. Bananas also contain a variety of antioxidants and nutrients.

The potassium in this product is very beneficial for the heart, especially when it comes to regulating blood pressure. Potassium is absorbed directly into the blood through the intestinal wall and then distributed through the cell wall throughout the body.

Banana nutritional value per 250 grams of product:

Potassium - 9% of the daily requirement.

Vitamin B 6 - 33% of the daily requirement.

Vitamin C - 17% of the daily requirement.

Magnesium - 8% of the daily requirement.

Copper - 10% of the daily requirement.

24. Blueberry tall

Tall blueberry (or tall blueberry) is a plant that originates from North America and is grown both as an ornamental plant and as an edible berry. We are interested in the second application of this culture.

This type of blueberry is a low-calorie source of nutrients, which can easily be included in the list of products under this article, as it is extremely high in healthy vitamins and minerals.

In fact, these small dark blue berries contain the most nutritional elements of any berry on our planet. Due to the numerous minerals, blueberries have a healing effect on the entire body.

Benefits of eating blueberries

The main antioxidants present in blueberries are flavonoids. Among other things, this group of plant substances helps to fight excess weight. Blueberries also improve brain activity, normalize blood pressure, put in order the work of the cardiovascular system, participate in the formation of bone tissue, and so on.

The nutritional value of high blueberries per 250 grams of product:

Fiber - 4 gr - to improve digestion.

Vitamin C - 24% DV for immune system health.

Vitamin K - 36% of the daily value for bones and some body functions.

Magnesium - 25% of the daily requirement (supports metabolic processes in the body).

For good health and impeccable health, you need to eat right. Both representatives of traditional medicine and doctors recommend eating only natural, healthy foods. A person practicing a healthy lifestyle needs to know what the basics of proper nutrition are. Consider what products are good for health, what is their value for the body, their quality characteristics, features of use. We will also dwell on harmful products for human health.

Healthy foods

Answering the question of which foods are good for health, let's dwell on the main ones in more detail.


Vegetables are a must in any list of healthy foods for proper nutrition. Naturally grown vegetables are vital for all organs, cells, tissues of the human body to function fully.

They consist of:

  1. Fiber.
  2. Small amount of vegetable protein.
  3. Vitamin.
  4. Trace elements.
  5. mineral substances.

Important! Fiber does not carry any nutritional value, but is necessary for a person to naturally cleanse his body. If this component in the intestine is not enough, then decomposition products and toxins accumulate in all other organs.

The most useful and affordable vegetables that grow in our latitudes are:

  • Carrots are a source of carotene (vitamin A), as well as a product that has nutritional, antioxidant properties. Along the way, improves blood composition, stabilizes digestion. With this vegetable, you can cook various salads, main dishes. It is also very useful to drink natural juices. If the latter idea is acceptable to you, find out.
  • Cabbage of any variety, and especially white cabbage or broccoli, contains dozens of vitamins and minerals, as well as a large amount of fiber. Cabbage improves immunity, cleanses the blood of cholesterol compounds, and prevents the development of cancerous tumors. Cabbage is one of the favorite foods of doctors and nutritionists.
  • Garlic and onions are leaders in the content of phytoncides, which have a beneficial effect on strengthening human immunity. Increase the body's resistance to bacteria, viruses, toxins.
  • Tomatoes are a source of lycopene, lutein and other very useful components. They have antioxidant properties and have a positive effect on vision.

Important! Useful properties of plant origin products are used in the treatment of various diseases, dysfunctions and disorders of organs and systems. Regular consumption of vegetables in food is an excellent prevention of vascular, digestive, oncological ailments.


Naturally grown, unprocessed and fresh vegetables are healthy foods that are good for blood vessels, the heart, the endocrine system, and digestive organs. They, like vegetables, contain fiber, and are very similar in composition to them, they are one of the most important parts of human nutrition.

The healthiest fruits:

  • Apples are a source of pectin, fiber, and iron compounds. They stimulate the natural cleansing of the human body from cholesterol, toxins, and have a beneficial effect on intestinal motility. Regular consumption of apples in food helps to reduce excess weight. By the way, you can prepare healthy juice from these fruits for the winter. To make the process easier and less time consuming, check out our tips,.
  • Avocado - very rich in vitamins, trace elements, unsaturated fats. Stimulates the synthesis of collagens, which contributes to the rejuvenation of the body, has anticarcinogenic properties.
  • Bananas contain large amounts of potassium, fructose, and other natural carbohydrates.

Important! Remember that, in addition to organizing a proper diet, physical activity is also important for health. If going to the gym is not your option, then ours will be useful to you.

Important! Fruits must be grown in ecologically favorable regions without the use of chemical and other stimulants. Plus, when compiling a diet, you need to take into account the characteristics of your body, because some.


By their properties, berries are close to both vegetables and fruits, but they contain less fiber, but a higher content of trace elements, vitamins, and nutrients. Berries are natural antioxidants that regulate metabolic processes. These products are a delicious sweet treat that can be enjoyed on their own or as an addition to various desserts, even meat dishes.

There are a large number of useful berries for health - these are blueberries, sea buckthorn, strawberries, cherries, cranberries, black currants, raspberries, cloudberries, shadberry, bird cherry, grapes.

Important! Some of them are ready-made medicines and raw materials for its manufacture. Pharmaceutical companies use berries to prepare effective herbal preparations.


Beans are a source of vitamins, vegetable protein, fiber, trace elements, antioxidants. In peas, beans, soybeans, lentils, and other legumes, there are no harmful fats, but there are substances that prevent the appearance of abnormal cells, from which cancerous tumors are subsequently formed.

Fiber, which is part of legumes, performs the function of cleaning the digestive tract from undigested food residues and toxins.

Important! Beans are "complex" carbohydrates, they are digested slowly, but at the same time provide the body with a supply of energy and nutrients for a long time.


Nuts are a source of carbohydrates, proteins, trace elements (chromium, zinc, iron) and vitamins C, E, group B. They are fruits that are covered with a hard peel. Nuts can be used as part of various dishes, as well as separately. They are also a source of energy, while they taste great, and also saturate the body in a few minutes.

Important! The most useful nuts are almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews, peanuts, chestnuts. They are used not only for food, but also for the treatment of various diseases.


Eggs are also a healthy food. There is an opinion that only the protein in them is useful, but this is not so. The yolk contains cholesterol, which is not directly related to the increase in the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood.

Eggs are an excellent source of easy-to-digest animal protein, which is very important when building muscle during training or when losing weight. Eggs can be eaten both in the form of scrambled eggs and in the form of an omelette, as well as a snack, preparing a delicious sandwich.

Important! So that you can easily diversify your diet with this product, we suggest you save yourself.


Honey is the main product of beekeeping, a source of a huge amount of useful components and glucose. Collected in clean areas and prepared without the use of heat treatment, honey is a medicine that has antibacterial, tonic, immunostimulating and tonic properties. It is used for anemia, all types of digestive colds and vascular ailments.


Healthy foods include fish. Especially valuable is fish from the salmon family - pink salmon, chum salmon, salmon, grayling. It is a source of protein, phosphorus and omega fatty acids.

The beneficial effect on the body is expressed by improving blood circulation, an increased amount of useful cholesterol compounds, and strengthening the immune system. Also, fish is highly nutritious and is great as a staple for various diets and a healthy lifestyle.

Important! To always be armed with a few ideas for preparing delicious and healthy food, save yourself.

Olive oil

An excellent way to combat excess cholesterol is to use this product. It contains a huge amount of vitamins, including D, E, K, oleic and linoleic acids, useful trace elements.

Important! Oleic acid is a scientifically recognized agent for the prevention of malignant tumors.

Wholemeal flour products

Bread made from wholemeal flour contains complex carbohydrates, which, unlike rich bakery products, do not contribute to weight gain. When using such flour in products, most of the useful components and vitamins that are rich in cereals are preserved.

Eating bread made from unprocessed flour reduces the risk of diabetes, vascular pathologies and digestive diseases. But if you like to treat yourself to delicious pastries from time to time, try our recipes.

Green tea

Such a drink is obtained by brewing leaves from a tea bush. Contains vitamin C, polyphenols, carotenoids and minerals. It is a natural antioxidant that has a positive effect on all organs and systems in the human body. Its regular use reduces the risk of strokes, heart disease, caries, liver disease, stone formation and cancer. But all this is subject to a good quality product, so check out our.

Important! Healthy foods for proper nutrition are those that contain the optimal combination of plant foods, fats in the form of beneficial acids and dietary protein.

Harmful food

The most delicious food is often junk food. The human body gets used to it very quickly.

Consider which foods are harmful to human health:

  • Fast food - this includes french fries, hamburgers, noodles and other fast food.
  • Crackers and chips - contain a huge amount of chemical additives that adversely affect the health of the body.
  • Commercially produced ketchup and mayonnaise - they contain trans fats, flavorings, dyes and other harmful chemical additives.
  • Sugar and salt. Sugar raises blood glucose levels dramatically. It also causes many diseases and pathological conditions, including weakened immunity, obesity, caries, osteoporosis. Salt can be used, but only in acceptable norms. Excessive use of it leads to heart attacks, kidney failure, strokes, worsens vision.
  • White bread is a representative of “fast” carbohydrates that are harmful to human life. It leads to the intake of a large number of calories that the body stores as fat.
  • Canned food - do not contain anything useful in their composition, and also food additives, chemicals are included in their composition.
  • Confectionery - contain a huge amount of sugar, palm oil and other additives that harm the body.
  • Carbonated drinks - have an excess amount of "chemistry" in the composition. Their regular use washes out calcium from the body, and also leads to digestive problems.
  • Today, even children know the importance of good nutrition. But theoretical awareness is one thing, and practice is another. We examined above which foods are good for health, as well as the most harmful ones that should be reduced to a minimum in your diet. Eat right, exercise and be healthy!

Orthodox Christians are called to take care not only of their souls, but also of their bodies. After all, they will have to enter the future life after the general resurrection and the Last Judgment, so to speak, “complexly” - in the fullness of the transfigured nature.

In addition, our longevity and the embodiment of the good deeds we have conceived, which we wish to dedicate to the Lord, also depend on the strength and health of our body.

Finally, we should not forget that the body is God's gift to man. And it, like all the gifts of the Creator, should be treated carefully and carefully.

Human health is largely dependent on the food they consume. We present to your attention the top ten products that are considered the most useful for the human body (the TOP includes those products that are widely represented in Russia and are available to most of our fellow citizens):

1. Olive oil

Perhaps the most popular among vegetable oils, as it contains monounsaturated fatty acids, which are very good for the heart and fight cholesterol plaques. It can be added to salads, soups, cereals, many main dishes and even taken on an empty stomach. Oil will save the heart and normalize blood pressure, and, thanks to the vitamins A, D, E and K contained in it, it will help strengthen bones.

Olive oil is especially useful for children, as it stimulates the growth of bone tissue. Olive oil is indicated for people suffering from diseases of the digestive tract, liver diseases and diseases of the gallbladder. Oleic acids, which are part of olive oil, help strengthen memory and have a beneficial effect on thought processes.

In addition, it is worth remembering that oils are high-calorie foods that replenish energy well during intense physical labor or sports.

2. Honey

“The best gift, in my opinion, is honey! The donkey will immediately understand this ”- used to say the bear Winnie the Pooh and was a thousand times right!

This is an extremely useful and necessary natural product in the diet, which increases the body's resistance to many infections, strengthens the immune system and is the best source of energy.

Honey contains many vitamins, enzymes, microelements, organic acids and proteins. It is recommended to take it in the treatment of diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory organs, and simply for general strengthening of the body.

Honey contains kaempferol and quercetin. These substances help prevent depression (and keep the brain healthy) by reducing inflammation in the brain. Add honey to tea, cereals, drink boiled water with the addition of honey before going to bed, this will help you fall asleep faster and rejuvenate.

3. Fish in general and red fish in particular

Just imagine - 30 grams of fish products per day or three "fish" meals during the week and the likelihood of you developing a heart attack is reduced by 50%!

In terms of its nutritional and culinary qualities, fish is in no way inferior to meat, as it contains proteins, fats, extractive and mineral substances, and even surpasses the latter in terms of the ease of assimilation of proteins, it was not for nothing that the Lord and His disciples often ate fish...

Among all types of fish, sea fish is considered especially useful, since it contains a high content of food iodine and fatty acids necessary for our body. But even among marine fish there is the most useful - this red fish!

For example, let's take salmon which is the champion in the content of omega-3 fats, which lower cholesterol levels, prevent certain types of cancer and vascular thrombosis, as well as omega-6 and iron. Lovers of red fish can more easily overcome depression, prevent memory loss and improve hair condition. Make it a rule to replace meat with fish more often, especially since this is prescribed for fasting.

4. Apples

An apple is not some exotic mango, lychee or durean! The apple grows in Russia too. Moreover, even in Siberia, famous for its cold climate. So this fruit is the most accessible for us.

Eating apples slows down the growth of cancer cells, relieves inflammation, and normalizes the functioning of the stomach. And besides, apples are a real pantry of vitamins, such as C, B1, B2, P, E, and minerals (for example, manganese and potassium and dietary iron), beneficial for the immune system and the human circulatory system.

Apples are used to prevent colds, as well as to treat serious ailments, such as malignant formations.

5. Nuts

Even the Babylonians noticed one of the main beneficial effects of eating nuts - strengthening memory and sharpening attention.

Almost all nut varieties are now represented on the Russian markets - cashews, peanuts. hazelnuts, pistachios, walnuts, almonds, etc., so we will not single out any particular nut - they are all extremely useful.

Nuts normalize the level of acidity of gastric juice, normalize bowel function, as mentioned above, have a positive effect on brain activity, relieve stress and very effectively saturate the body with vitamins - just a small handful a day is enough.

Nuts are also necessary for people suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure, joint diseases, mastopathy and fibroids.

6. Eggs

All eggs are also useful - turkey, goose, quail ... But we will talk about chicken, as the most common.

One egg contains 15% of the daily value of protein, which is easily digestible and includes a complete set of essential amino acids. Eggs are high in zinc, iodine, omega-3 fatty acids and folic acid, biotin, choline, vitamins A, E, D, B12, B3, selenium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and calcium.

The most useful way to eat eggs is considered to be their preparation “in the crush”, when the vitamins are not yet destroyed, and the pathogenic bacteria are already dying.

7. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are another storehouse of a large number of vitamins, minerals and substances beneficial to the body. These substances include, in particular, tartaric, malic and citric acids. Vitamins can be found in tomatoes: A, B2, B6, PP, E, rare vitamin K and others.

In addition to vitamins, tomatoes contain useful: fructose, glucose, mineral salts, iodine, as well as magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese, sodium.

But perhaps the most obvious benefit of tomatoes is that they contain the most powerful antioxidant - lycopene. The peculiarity of lycopene is that it increases its beneficial properties in finished form, and not in raw fruits. This powerful natural remedy has anti-cancer effects, preventing DNA mutations and the growth of cancer cells, as well as fighting brain inflammation and overall protecting the brain. For best results, tomatoes are best eaten with olive oil. in this case, lycopene is better absorbed.

8. Beans

Beans belong to the legume family and are its most useful member. Bean eaters live longer than others and look younger.

In addition, the beans are very unpretentious, and are easily grown in the dacha of a city dweller or in the garden of a private household.

Beans "contains a high amount of vegetable protein and potassium, which is necessary for the good functioning of the heart and other vital organs, fiber - for the best work of the entire gastrointestinal tract. It is also extremely low in calories and high in antioxidants. The amount of bean proteins is superior to lamb, chicken and cottage cheese, and is on equal terms in protein with granular caviar and cheese products - good news for fasters!

Bean relatives: peas, beans and soy are also full of pleasant surprises and are recommended for food.

9. Seaweed (Laminaria)

The Japanese, who regularly eat seaweed, get sick noticeably less often, and also have a very high life expectancy.

It is understandable, because seaweed is an almost ideal product containing about 40 micro and macro elements that are in combination with organic substances. Compared to ordinary cabbage, seaweed contains twice as much phosphorus, 11 times as much magnesium, 16 times as much iron, and 40 times as much sodium.

The "cabbage" contains other rare useful substances: alginic acid, sodium alginate, potassium alginate, ammonium alginate, calcium alginate, agar and mannitol. Laminaria helps with thyroid diseases, tuberculosis and other diseases, quickly restores strength.

10. Onion and garlic

Onions and garlic are best known for their antibacterial properties. But not everyone knows that the content of vitamin C in them is higher than in oranges, which means that a person’s own immunity will be strengthened. They include vitamins: B1, B2, C, A, PP, potassium, allicin, flavonoids, calcium, magnesium, nickel and cobalt.

Russian sailors have long used onions and garlic on long voyages as a remedy for scurvy and beriberi. They will also lower the level of cholesterol in the blood and come to the rescue in liver diseases.

Eating onions and garlic is more beneficial raw, and to get rid of the smell, it is better to brush your teeth once again.

Andrey Segeda

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German scientists have identified the ten most useful foods for the health of the body. Apples are rightfully considered the leader in this rating. Apples are rich in iron, so they are good for the circulatory system. Promote the excretion of radionuclides, cholesterol, oxalic acid from the body. Improve the work of the stomach, reduce the growth of cancer cells. In addition, they are low in calories, so they are useful for overweight people.

Fish contains fatty acids that reduce the risk of heart attack by 50%. It is enough to consume three fish dishes per week or 30 g per day.

Strawberries contain much more vitamin C than lemons. Iron contained in strawberries. This berry produces substances that can inhibit the formation of enzymes that provoke the development of cancer.

Carrots are necessary, improve the color and condition of the skin. Helps with anemia, neutralizes free radicals that cause cancer. Carrots should be eaten raw. Top with sour cream or butter.

Bananas have a beneficial effect on the brain, increase hemoglobin, and neutralize the increased acidity of gastric juice. Bananas are high in calories, so they should not be consumed in large quantities by overweight people.

Milk contains valuable proteins, easily digestible fats and healthy sugar - lactose. In addition, milk contains a lot of calcium, which strengthens bones and teeth.

No less useful foods include: nuts, berries, cottage cheese, eggs, legumes, all vegetables, cereals, meat (not fatty), whole grain bread, all fruits, dried fruits.


You need to chew any food well (at least 25 times).

Helpful advice

Don't drink while eating. It is advisable to drink 10-20 minutes before meals and 1-2 hours after it.

Eat fruits separately from other foods 20-30 minutes before meals. Fruits, vegetables and especially greens should be washed thoroughly.

Do not buy products that do not spoil or have a very long shelf life. They are not digested by the body and are not excreted from it.

Steamed food, boiled vegetables, without heating vegetable oil are useful.

Related article

The pace of modern life is so great that, wanting to keep up with time, a person does not always find time to eat normally. Therefore, fast food or the so-called fast food is becoming very popular. A huge number of different kinds of hamburgers, cheeseburgers, hot dogs, instant vermicelli, instant soups, chips, crackers and other things are offered by stalls and shops to quickly satisfy your hunger. However, eating such food is not at all safe.

Many types of fast food are, in fact, dried foods. That is, all moisture is evaporated from them, respectively, they lose not only taste and aroma, but also useful substances and vitamins. It is almost impossible to eat such products, so the smell and taste are created with the help of chemical additives, most of which are harmful to the body.

The meat components of hamburgers and hot dogs mostly consist of fat, and the products of its oxidation in the body damage the cells of blood vessels, the heart, the liver, and change the composition of the blood. All this subsequently entails diseases of the cardiovascular system, and if the outcome is poor, a heart attack.

In addition, palm oil is often used to prepare fast food, the harm of which has already been proven. Yes, and sunflower oil used several times is not at all useful for the body.

E. coli have been found many times in the contents of shawarma and hot dogs. Doctors have long sounded the alarm, calling such food a source of intestinal diseases.

The human body releases leptin, which is responsible for satiety and appetite control. The use of fast food leads to the immunity of this hormone. As a result of this, a disease such as bulimia develops - uncontrolled eating. This leads to obesity and other dangerous consequences.

On top of that, “fast food” causes a real addiction, because when you eat fatty and sweet, dopamine is released, which creates a feeling of pleasure and a desire to constantly eat such food.

Only a balanced diet, the use of cereals, vegetables, fruits, nuts is good for the body. It is better to starve for a while, but then eat normal food than to poison the body. Natural products, combined with reasonable physical activity - this is the way to maintain and strengthen health.

Tip 3: The harmful effects of mayonnaise. How a tasty product affects our body

Mayonnaise is one of the most popular sauces in the world. It is used in fashionable restaurants, and in fast food eateries, and at home. Mayonnaise gives the dish a piquant taste, making it richer and more nutritious. However, not every tasty product has a positive effect on the body.

The classic composition of mayonnaise is very simple. For its preparation, only egg yolks, lemon juice, vegetable oil and a little vinegar are needed. Sometimes, to make the taste of the sauce more interesting, mustard is added to it. It is this product that is prepared in and in some high-level restaurants.

The harmful effect of this mayonnaise lies mainly in its high calorie content and fat content, which, if the correct recipe is followed, should be at least 80%. Therefore, supporters of a healthy diet do not advise people who want to lose weight to use the sauce.

An important point is the combination of mayonnaise with other products. The use of sauce with high-calorie and carbohydrate foods is very dangerous for both health and figure.

Both homemade and store-bought mayonnaise are also high cholesterol foods. It leads to heart disease and blockage of blood vessels through the formation of plaques. Careful monitoring of nutrition and the use of mayonnaise only in very rare cases will help to avoid negative consequences.

The composition of store-quality mayonnaise is significantly different from home-made sauces. The latter are suitable for eating only for a few hours after creation. To increase the shelf life and improve the taste of the product, industrial manufacturers use a variety of additives. Also, often, in order to reduce the cost of production, the place of natural ingredients is occupied by artificial ones.

Most often, vegetable oil and yolks are replaced. This is especially true for "low-calorie" mayonnaise. Instead of butter, a mixture of gelatin, starch and emulsifiers is used, and powder is used instead of fresh yolks.

Replacing natural components with artificial ones has a harmful effect on the body. Chemically created and modified ingredients contribute to rapid weight gain, digestive disorders, and shortness of breath. Also, a sauce with such a composition negatively affects the general condition of the body, contributes to a decrease in efficiency and deterioration of the skin condition. And regular consumption of mayonnaise from the store shelf will lead to the accumulation of harmful substances and obesity of internal organs. Especially in this case, the liver suffers.

In the composition of many mayonnaises, you can also find various flavor stabilizers. The most common of them are E-302, E-440, E-301 and E-441. These substances contained in a tasty product can gradually lead to the destruction of tooth enamel and the occurrence of dental problems. They also have a bad effect on the functioning of the intestines, stomach and pancreas.

The additive E-951, which acts as a sweetener, remains not fully understood. To date, it is known that during heat treatment, the substance decomposes into dangerous toxic trace elements. That is why some experts do not recommend the use of mayonnaise when baking foods or in combination with hot dishes.

Every year the pace of modern life becomes more and more stressful. If by the end of the working day you feel utterly exhausted and, having come home, fall on the bed exhausted, and in the morning you get up completely unrested and think with horror about how much you have to do today, it's time for you to review your menu.

Scientists have found that the food we eat every day determines the quality of our lives. A rational healthy diet must first of all be balanced: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements must be included in the diet.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body. Excess carbohydrates obtained from food are converted into glycogen, which is deposited in the muscles and used as fuel during intense physical exertion.

One of the most useful and affordable sources of easily digestible carbohydrates are fruits, which not only instantly energize us, but also saturate us with moisture. Unrefined grains, especially oats and brown rice, are rich in so-called slow carbohydrates, which can keep us energized for quite a long time, preventing sharp bouts of hunger and sudden mood swings.

Proteins, which our body absorbs much better from plant sources (nuts, seeds and legumes), are essential for cell formation, growth and repair, as well as for the formation of enzymes, the synthesis of hormones and antibodies. Fats are a concentrated source of energy. However, it should be remembered that there are different types of fats, including saturated fats (they are especially abundant in meat and dairy products), which increase the risk of heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, monounsaturated fats and essential fatty acids Omega - 3, Omega - 6, Omega - 9, contained in fish, avocados, olives, nuts and seeds, are more preferable.

Regular consumption of these products contributes to the normalization of blood pressure, the removal of toxins and toxins, general healing and rejuvenation. In order to function at full strength, the body constantly needs vitamins and minerals.

So, calcium is vital for the health of teeth and bones, and iron deficiency leads to anemia (by the way, this is often the reason for the breakdown). Many vitamins, such as A, C and E, are also antioxidants that neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals and prevent premature aging.

And, of course, if you want to always stay in shape, in no case should you forget about water, because life on Earth is unthinkable without it. Water is necessary for the existence of absolutely all living beings, it maintains and restores the most important functions of the body, including the respiratory one: without it, our lungs are not able to consume oxygen normally.

It is well known that the body of an average adult is 70% water. However, most of us drink too little liquid, and as a result, we constantly suffer from dehydration, which often leads to increased fatigue. If the body does not consume enough water, it cannot effectively eliminate waste products, which inevitably leads to various disorders, such as the formation of kidney and gallbladder stones. Water is needed for proper blood circulation, normal metabolism and smooth functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Together with the blood, it transports nutrients and oxygen to the cells, and also bathes our joints, maintaining their mobility and flexibility. That is why it is so important to avoid dehydration in any case. With intense physical exertion, as well as on hot summer days, you should definitely include juicy fruits and berries in your diet.

Healthy food can be very tasty, so it makes sense to revise the diet right now and save yourself a lot of trouble.

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