Strudel with meat and potatoes. How to make strudel with apples - step-by-step dough and filling recipes with photos Recipe for strudel with oatmeal


Hello my dear readers! It seems like only recently we were preparing for the New Year, but so much time has already flown by! Maybe it's just me who has this feeling? My days are spinning in a frantic cycle - stop, time, I need to come to my senses a little! At such moments, I desperately want to do something to channel my violent emotions into a “peaceful” direction. Today I decided to make strudel dough differently than always. But I will undoubtedly tell you about all the methods and recipes I have tried.

The dough recipe for making real strudel has a reputation for being “difficult.” What is the main “catch”? Why are so many people “afraid” of him? The problem is to achieve the thinnest possible layer without any breaks, holes or thickening at the edges. Previously, I, too, cowardly bought ready-made puff pastry and baked a roll “a la strudel”. There is nothing wrong with that, of course. Moreover, the end result was delicious.

But at some point in time, I myself wanted to “feel” how the dough for making strudel is made for real. That is, I was very interested in the process itself. I wanted to confirm or refute the main myths - the need for transparency, the absence of breaks and thickening in a stretched layer. Armed with a large sheet, a long rolling pin and the determination of my stubborn Scythian ancestors, I took a deep breath and began to knead, roll and stretch.

Once upon a time I made stretch dough. This significant event took place in the late seventies at the dacha of my mother’s Aunt Alix (an excellent skill, by the way, in preparing Lenten poppy seed yeast roll). True, in my aunt’s notebook there was a recipe for strudel. How is strudel different from strudel? The strudel has the aroma of autumn Vienna, and the strudel has the aroma of the chilly winds of the Neva. They say that making strudel strudel dough is like learning to ride a bicycle. Once you learn, you always know how to do it. I never learned to ride a bike. This is probably why my hands completely forgot how to prepare the difficult “strudel” dough. Oh, I definitely hear men’s laughter - the logic of women, my dear men, is incomprehensible to your pragmatic brains.

I started with theory. It turned out that there are several types of stretch test. In particular, “eastern”, known as “filo” and “western”, which, in fact, is the dough for strudels. I decided to start with the first one. I knew the taste of baked goods well. At home, in Sochi, my Greek-Georgian relatives baked excellent pies from such dough. True, most often not with sweet, but with salty filling. We will now consider this option in great detail.

Strudel dough: oriental recipe with photo


  • 500 g strong flour.
  • 300 ml very warm (50°C) water.
  • 80-90 ml of any odorless vegetable oil.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • Baking soda twice on the tip of a knife.

My comments

    • Advantages - the dough has high taste, delicate layering. It can be used during Lent (after all, it is completely lean), and is suitable for vegetarians. Great for fillings of any consistency - juicy (with apples, pears, cherries), dry (with nuts, poppy seeds). Great with feta cheese, cottage cheese, meat, cabbage.
    • Disadvantages: quite labor-intensive, requires certain skills.
    • Don't be upset if the thin sheet breaks somewhere - it won't be visible in the finished product.
    • Thickened edges can be trimmed, but it is better to stretch them carefully when the dough is already resting on the fabric.
    • From this quantity of products you will get 6 strudels approximately 40 cm long.
    • To more clearly imagine the cooking technology, I suggest you watch an excellent video - a recipe for strudel from Tatyana Litvinova.

Recipe for European stretch dough for strudel


  • 500 g strong flour.
  • 4 yolks.
  • 30-40 g pork lard.
  • 250 ml water.
  • a pinch of salt.
  • 5-6 drops of vinegar.


  1. Sift the flour, make a “slide” in it, put lard, salt, yolks, vinegar there.
  2. Slowly add water, knead a soft, non-sticky, fairly elastic dough. Everyone’s flour will be different (you will probably have flour with slightly different parameters), so you should focus on the consistency of the dough. Under no circumstances should it be rigid—it won’t be possible to stretch it!
  3. We beat the ball on the table 40-50 times, spread vegetable oil or melted fat on top, cover with a warm bowl and let it “rest” for 40-60 minutes.
  4. The further cooking technology is the same as in the recipe for the “eastern” version.

My comments

  • Advantages: excellent taste, delicate layering. Pairs perfectly with any salty and sweet, dry and juicy fillings.
  • Disadvantages: the stretching process is labor-intensive and cannot be used for making lean baked goods.
  • Water can be replaced with kefir, sour cream (15%), but I like the authentic version with water most of all.

Lazy recipe

  • 150 g flour
  • 60 ml warm water.
  • 40 ml vegetable oil.
  • Salt on the tip of a knife.

How to do

My comments

  • Advantages: easy to roll, no need to stretch.
  • Disadvantages: very fragile and therefore extremely difficult to cut. It should only be cut while warm. The layering is somewhat rough.
  • This option will be most successfully combined with apples, pears, cherries and other juicy fillings.

Try all the suggested recipes, and then choose the one that works best for you. Make it your “signature” one.

Something has recently drawn me to experiment with various types of unleavened dough. A very successful experience was preparing “yufka” dough for zhengyal hats and gozleme flatbreads. I really want to cook juicy Adjarian achma, but I just don’t have enough time. But it’s okay, they’ll get their hands on this delicious pastry.

If you, like me, have back pain from working at the computer for long periods of time, you should think about purchasing posture corrector.

I would be very grateful for comments and questions. How do you make stretch dough, my dear readers? If you have the opportunity and desire, send your recipes and photos. I will certainly publish them in the appropriate section under your authorship.

If you liked our meeting today and my “calculations”, then please share the article on social networks. Subscribe to the blog newsletter - I promise a lot of interesting things ahead! Bye everyone!
Always yours Irina.
Music that always sounds inside me. Not a day goes by that I don't listen to it and dance to it. How many love stories can be told and lived to these divine sounds.
Goran Bregovich - Underground Tango

If you love strudel, try making it at home, following the recipe exactly and putting your soul into it. If you do everything correctly, you will get a fragrant roll made from the thinnest dough, with a juicy filling and a crispy crust. By the way, doing it is not at all as difficult as it might seem at first.

For me, a recent discovery was the fact that in many cafes and restaurants (pretty decent ones) apple strudel is much worse than homemade one. I specially ordered it quite often, and twice it was in European capitals - in Vienna (where strudel is a traditional pastry) and Prague.

The most common drawback I noticed is that the strudel is too wet, and even heated, as if in a microwave. Because of this, it turns into a gummy wet lump and becomes completely tasteless.
The second flaw (I noticed this while trying the strudel in Vienna) is that there are too many bread crumbs in the filling, which makes the dessert rough and worsens the taste.

But let's start in order.

1. Strudel dough (stretch dough).
Extracted dough for strudel consists of flour, water, fat and sometimes an egg (whole or just the yolk). Flour and water are the basis of the dough. Fat is necessarily added to the dough to soften it and increase elasticity. Lenten recipes use vegetable oil, sweet strudels usually use melted butter or ghee, and unsweetened vegetable pies use lard.
Eggs make the dough denser; such dough is better suited for juicy fillings (for example, cherries), but does not stretch well.
Some strudel recipes call for the addition of acid (citric acid, vinegar, etc.). This increases the elasticity of the dough, and in addition it becomes more crumbly. In addition, salt is added to the dough even for sweet strudels.

2. Filling
Fillings for strudels can be very diverse - after all, almost anything your heart desires can be wrapped in the thinnest dough. The most common fillings are fruit or berry: apples or cherries, pears, plums, peaches; There are strudels with cottage cheese, with nuts, with poppy seeds, as well as unsweetened vegetable or meat strudels. There are gourmet recipes with pears and blue cheese; in general, the number of options is truly inexhaustible.

Lightly fried bread crumbs or crushed crackers are used to thicken the filling. They are combined with chopped nuts, sugar (in sweet strudels) and sprinkled with this mixture on the dough before laying out the filling.
Bread crumbs perfectly absorb juice, prevent the dough from getting wet and contribute to the even distribution of moisture in the strudel. For the juiciest fillings (such as cherry), starch is added. Here again it is worth following the recipe exactly, because a lack or excess of such a “thickener” negatively affects the taste of the strudel.

3. Preparing and rolling out the dough
Flour should be sifted onto a work surface (on a table or in a wide, large bowl). Make a depression on top and gradually add the liquid components of the dough, everything you need according to the recipe - water, fat, egg, etc. Gradually mix the ingredients until you get a soft dough.
Now the dough needs to be kneaded properly, sometimes hitting the table, until it stops sticking to the table and hands, and becomes smooth, elastic and silky. If you do this manually, kneading the dough takes at least 10 minutes. Care in this matter is very important, since the elasticity of the dough depends on it.

Roll the finished dough into a ball, brush with vegetable oil, cover with film and let it rest. Resting the dough is also fundamentally important! During this time, the flour swells, all the ingredients combine well and the dough becomes suitable for stretching.
The resting time depends on the temperature of the dough - the colder it is, the longer the rest.

4. Rolling and stretching
You need to stretch the dough quickly so that it does not have time to dry out and lose elasticity. First, you can lightly roll it out with a rolling pin for convenience.
Next, start stretching the dough. Place your hands, palms down, under the dough and slowly pull it away from the center. The dough will rest on your knuckles (don't forget to remove the rings) and you will sort of “pull” it apart.

When the middle of the layer has stretched well, it should be transferred to a clean cloth with a pattern (to make it easier to assess the thickness of the dough), lightly sprinkled with flour.
Gradually the entire dough will become so thin that the pattern on the fabric will be visible. Do everything slowly so as not to tear the dough. If the dough does tear, stretch it in other places, and then carefully make patches.

The finished, well-stretched dough may have slightly thickened edges. They can either be trimmed (with scissors or a round pizza cutter) or stretched so that they are the same thickness as the rest of the dough.

5. Roll formation
The resulting thin dough should be brushed with melted butter to prevent it from drying out and to improve its taste. Sprinkle toppings (ground crackers, nuts) evenly onto the dough, where the filling will be. Place the filling on top. If there is any sprinkles left, you can spread it over the filling.
Carefully fold the edge of the dough (long side) over the filling, then fold the sides under. Using a towel, roll the dough into a loose log, brushing the dough with oil.
Grease the baking dish with butter or line it with baking paper.

Place the strudel in the pan, seam side down. If it does not fit entirely into the mold, it can be bent.
Before baking, brush the top of the strudel with butter again. If the filling is wet, pierce the dough in several places to release steam.

6. Baking
Different types of strudels are baked for different times at different temperatures. For example, strudels with curd filling or custard cannot be baked at temperatures above 190 C. Otherwise, follow the recipe.
During baking, it is recommended to grease the strudel with butter 1-2 times to obtain a crispy crust. Some recipes call for drizzle of milk or cream halfway through baking. If the cake is not browning evenly, cover the brownest parts with foil.

Mix everything thoroughly, first with a spoon and then with your hands. The dough is very pliable and easy to prepare. You will definitely fall in love with it immediately after touching its delicate texture. We take the finished and kneaded dough in our hands and throw it on the table a couple of times. After this, excess air will leave the dough and it will become more homogeneous and airy. When you have completed all the necessary manipulations with the dough, you will need to leave it to rest for 30-40 minutes. Do not bypass this stage of preparing dough for strudel, it is the most important, future rolling and stretching of the dough depends on it.

When the dough is rolled out, place crackers on it. “Why do you need crackers for strudel?” you ask. Rusks are used to ensure that our dough remains crispy and does not become soggy when the apple juice releases during baking. Place the filling on the crackers, not reaching the edges.

Sprinkle the finished apple strudel with powdered sugar and serve, if desired, with vanilla ice cream.

Bon appetit!

Apple strudel is nothing more than a roll of thin dough with apples. For variety, you can add currants to apples, and the taste will sparkle in a new way! Although, to be honest, you can wrap anything in this thin, tender dough (even finely grated Adyghe cheese with herbs) - it will be delicious.

But today we will pay tribute to the classics - we will prepare a delicious Viennese strudel with apple filling, the kind served in Austrian cafes with a scoop of ice cream. Start dessert immediately - before the ice cream melts and the strudel gets cold!

Viennese strudel, classic recipe:

Ingredients for two strudels

For the test:

  • Wheat flour - 300 g.
  • Warm water - 170 ml.
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml. for kneading dough + 1 more tbsp. spoon for coating the crust
  • Salt - 0.5 teaspoon

For filling:

  • Apples - 2 pieces (large or 4 small)
  • Raisins - 160 gr.
  • Walnuts - 100 gr. (you can use hazelnuts or almonds)
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons (adjust the amount of sugar as desired)
  • Cinnamon - 1 teaspoon
  • Orange zest (optional)
  • Strong tea for soaking raisins -0.5 cups
  • Currant berries - 2 tbsp. heaped spoons (optional)

How to make classic apple strudel:

The recipe for making a delicious strudel with a thin crispy crust and juicy filling is simple, and I hope the step-by-step photos will convince you of this even more.

Soak the raisins in strong tea. It would be superfluous to say that the raisins must first be washed in running water.

Instead of strong tea, you can use brandy, cognac or another alcoholic drink with a tart taste. Wine won't do.

Sift the flour into a bowl and make a hole in it for water. I sift 300 grams of flour.

Pour water (170 ml) at room temperature and vegetable oil (50 ml) into the recess. Add 0.5 teaspoons of salt.

We begin to knead the dough: first with a fork, then with our hands. As soon as the dough pieces form a lump, place it on a silicone mat or table and continue kneading for 8-10 minutes.

You don’t have to prepare the strudel dough yourself, but use ready-made puff pastry, thin Armenian lavash or phyllo dough.

If the dough sticks to your hands, you can add a little flour. But usually this is not required, since the dough is pliable, elastic, and soft. Enjoy your work!

Wrap the finished dough in film and leave on the table for 30 minutes.

Apples need to be peeled, cut, and cored.

Choose sour varieties of apples for strudel - when baked, they will acquire “the same” correct taste that the filling of this dessert should have. In addition, sweet apples often turn into porridge at high temperatures, which would be inappropriate here.

Remove the zest from one orange using a fine grater.

Cut the apples into thin slices. Use a sharp knife or a special food processor for this. Large pieces of apples can tear the delicate dough, so the thinner you cut them, the better.

Grind the nuts in a blender into coarse crumbs or chop with a knife.

Divide the dough into two parts. Cover one with cling film and roll the other as thin as possible (0.2 cm). You should end up with a rectangle measuring approximately 50 * 30 cm.

Then take the dough crust in your hands and stretch it from the center to the edges (to avoid touching the dough with your nails, it is better to stretch it with the back of your hand). The dough will begin to stretch, becoming thinner and thinner. As a result, the stretched dough will shine through! If we place it on a towel, we can see the design on the towel through the crust of dough.

Place the dough on a towel or silicone mat.

Cut off the thick edges of the dough with a knife.

The amount of filling and dough can be changed to your taste, the most important thing is not to make the strudel very long and thick. If you want to spend all the dough, then it is better to make two strudels or spend it on a variety of puff pastries, for example, with dried apricots, prunes, or just powdered sugar.

Using a pastry brush, grease the surface of the cake with vegetable oil. We spread the filling: squeezed raisins, apples, finely chopped nuts, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. This time I decided to add a few more currants (1 tablespoon to each strudel).

When you put the filling on the strudel, step back 5 cm from each edge, and 10 cm from the top and bottom.

The strudel filling should not be too wet, so sprinkle the apples with flour if they are very juicy.

Then start rolling the dough into a roll, trying to make it as tight as possible. Pinch the edges of the strudel and carefully transfer to a baking sheet. If you are using a silicone mat, you can immediately place it on a baking sheet and assemble the roll on it, then immediately put it in the oven on the baking sheet. The strudel should be baked seam side down.

Before putting the Viennese strudel in the oven, you need to lubricate it with strong tea.

The apple strudel is baked in the oven for 20-25 minutes at 180 C. Readiness can be determined by the golden brown crust.

You can serve Viennese strudel with ice cream and fresh berries.

Disputes about the origin of strudel make no sense. This wonderful dessert was prepared throughout the Austrian Empire until its collapse. And, undoubtedly, Viennese strudel is one of the best legacies of this great empire.

Do you like baking with apples? I suggest you take note of the recipe for apple pie with cinnamon, I think you will definitely like it! This is a new video recipe on our Pirogeevo You Tube channel, I invite you to watch and rate it:

Bon appetit!

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It turns out that strudel dough is almost Viennese! - it’s very easy to do!
Yes, exactly the same dough for the chic European delicacy, so thin that you can read through it; which produces a delicious crispy crust on the finished strudel!

The dough recipe is a prefabricated one, obtained by collecting information from various sources (culinary magazines and the Internet). The best, in my opinion, recipe - easy and understandable - was supplemented with useful points from other options, and the result pleased me!

Ingredients for strudel dough:
- 2 cups of flour;
- 1/3 cup sunflower oil;
- 8 tablespoons of warm water - which, as was experimentally established, is equal to half a glass;
- a pinch of salt.
How to prepare strudel dough:

Pour the flour into a bowl, pour in the oil, water, salt and knead the dough.

First mix with a spoon, then with your hands. What’s great is that the dough doesn’t stick to your hands or the bowl at all! This is what I liked the most.

This is what the dough should look like
After a few minutes of kneading, you will have a lump of dough, but at first it will be uneven. This matter needs to be corrected if we want to get really high-quality dough that will roll out as it should. Therefore, we transfer the dough to the table - don’t be afraid, it will not stick, and there is no need to sprinkle it with flour - and continue to knead with your hands. I kneaded for about 5 minutes, and the dough gradually became smooth, soft, pleasant, and elastic!

We wrap this lump in cling film (plastic bag) and put it - no, not in the refrigerator!!! - but on the contrary, in the warmth. I put it in a bowl on the stove, potatoes were boiling in a saucepan next to it)

After half an hour, the dough has “infused” and is ready for rolling out. As I read in one of the sources, when the dough sits, gluten forms in it - that’s why it’s possible to roll it out so thin.

The dough prepared from this set of ingredients is enough for two strudels. So we divide the lump in half, wrap one part again in film, and roll out the second on the table. There is no need to sprinkle flour on the table - the dough will pick up flour and become less elastic and tender. Instead of flour, grease the table with sunflower oil! Rolls out perfectly.

Having rolled out in all directions from the middle to the edges, grease the top of the dough with oil, turn over and roll out on the other side - and so on until the result satisfies you. Look, you can see the pattern on the table through the dough! So that's enough!

The pattern on the table is visible through the dough, which means it has been rolled out sufficiently.
Now we evenly distribute the filling over the rolled out dough (stepping back 5 cm from the inner edge of the roll, and 15 cm from the outer edge), wrap it with a roll, bending the edges, and cover the resulting strudel with the free edge of the dough (that’s where we left 15 cm).
You can fill it with apples, nuts, cherries, pumpkin, and come up with a dozen other fillings.

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