Cancer and Aquarius - compatibility between men and women. Compatibility of Aquarius and Cancer: “Boa Constrictor” and “Rabbit” or Holmes and Watson

Although the signs belong to different elements, the compatibility of Aquarius and Cancer is based on the similarity of their temperaments. Each of them looks at the world through rose-colored glasses and is carried away by everything mysterious.

Common interests give Aquarius and Cancer a good chance of compatibility in love. If only the couple can avoid the pitfalls that the love horoscope warns about.

Compatibility of Cancer and Aquarius in love relationships

To find out whether Cancer and Aquarius are compatible enough, the astrological characteristics of both zodiac signs will help. The Sun passes through the first of them from June 21 to July 22, through the second - from January 21 to February 18.

Cancer is ruled by the Moon and belongs to the element of Water. This is a very calm sign that does not like to “muddy the waters”, preferring to quietly lie back in a cozy family nest. It is not for nothing that its astrological symbol is depicted as a mother with a child. Attachment to home is aggravated if a person is born with the Moon or Ascendant in this zodiac sign. It is very difficult to stir up the hermit in this case. In addition, his sentimentality and tendency to get hung up on trifles only limits his movement through life.

Monotony does not scare him; he is happy to live slowly, away from turbulent events. In love, the same calm signs are suitable for a hermit: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Taurus, Virgo. But the compatibility of the signs Cancer and Aquarius is not always ideal. This sign relates to Air, which gives a person an unimaginable breadth of soul. He is interested in everything, he is open to communication. In a word, he strives to be at the center of all events. But in a locked room, he will quickly get bored and instantly slip away from the passionate but stuffy embrace.

CANCER + AQUARIUS - Compatibility - Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimko

Compatibility of Aquarius man and Cancer woman

Compatibility of Cancer man and Aquarius woman

Compatibility Horoscope - Aquarius

Compatibility of Aquarius with the signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer

Compatibility of the sign of Cancer with the signs of Capricorn, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Pisces

Cancer and Aquarius

Among the zodiac signs, Pisces, Gemini, Aries, Libra are suitable for him. The contradiction in temperament of Cancer and Aquarius hardly makes them compatible. And yet the stars are not so categorical and give them a chance for well-deserved happiness.

The relationship between Aquarius and Cancer, oddly enough, is built on a successful combination of the opposites of their characters. The slowness and indecisiveness of the latter is compensated by the wild imagination of the former, his ability to maneuver on the crest of a wave and be self-confident. At the same time, Cancer is fascinated by the courage, talents and willpower of Aquarius; the compatibility of the signs benefits from their mutual complementation of each other.

It should be borne in mind that a water sign is very susceptible to the influence of the Moon, its mood and aggressiveness change following the change of lunar phases. Knowing about this pattern, you can cleverly use the moment and smooth out the rough edges in the union of Aquarius with Cancer. This is especially easy to do if he is Cancer and she is Aquarius; the compatibility of such a couple is very high.

Another feature of the pair of Aquarius and Cancer is the latter’s desire for dominance in the relationship.

His air partner will not like excessive leadership and being forced to make the necessary decision, and he will hasten to retreat. It will be possible to soften the confrontation in a pair of a Cancer man and an Aquarius woman. If the girl gives up her desire for independence, and the guy reduces the pressure on her, then the stars’ reviews about compatibility in the pair “he is Cancer, she is Aquarius” will be positive.

Compatibility between an Aquarius woman and a Cancer man

At first glance, the Cancer man and Aquarius woman seem to be an example of an ideal family. The husband provides household income; his other half, with his magnificent appearance, evokes envious glances from surrounding men and their wives. In fact, behind the seemingly successful compatibility of the Aquarius and Cancer woman there is a misunderstanding and opposite characters.

The sentimental Cancer man lives by past stories and values ​​age-old family foundations; his compatibility with the progressive Aquarius woman becomes more doubtful with each passing year. If at the beginning of a romantic friendship a guy was excited by the girl’s unbridledness and extravagance, then after years of marriage this delight subsided, revealing misunderstanding and rejection of such unpredictability.

Quiet family evenings and seclusion - this is the ideal life for a homebody hermit. But the cozy homely little world lovingly built by the Cancer man shudders from the Aquarius woman’s attempts to pull her husband out of his shell. Bored, she tries to reform literally everything: from his clothing style to the interior decoration of the house.

Naturally, a conservative man will zealously defend his right to the usual order of things. He does not share his friend’s love for noisy companies and parties; he is even wary and hostile towards guests. If the spouses do not understand that there are personal boundaries that cannot be questioned, then compatibility in the pair “he is Cancer, she is Aquarius” will develop dramatically.

For example, become vegetarians, become interested in esotericism or astrology, and introduce innovative ideas in raising children into practice. This can be any activity that will unite the spouses and direct their energy into the peaceful direction of the patroness of love and the house of Venus.

A joint business can support compatibility in a couple of Aquarius and Cancer women if the partners are able to correctly divide responsibilities among themselves. Busyness at work, combined with the ability to restrain impulses and give in, will provide a union where “he is Cancer, she is Aquarius” harmonious compatibility in marriage. But concessions must be mutual and supported by strong love and the desire of the partners to be together.

An equally favorable option for compatibility between an Aquarius and Cancer woman is a situation where Aquarius and Cancer live separately from each other. For example, a man may have another family or live with his parents (the latter is typical for this sign even in adulthood). In such relationships there are advantages for each of the signs: everyday life does not become a cause of quarrels, which makes the impractical Aquarius girl incredibly happy, and their compatibility with Cancer in sex comes to the fore.

When the stars sweat, they do not predict surprises for the couple: both signs do not experience uncontrollable physical attraction to each other, their sexual games will even seem boring to other zodiac signs. Are Aquarius and Cancer sexually compatible? Definitely yes.

Cancer woman and Aquarius man

The romance between a Cancer woman and an Aquarius man begins quickly. The girl likes that her chosen one is bursting with ideas and showers her with pleasant surprises and gifts. It is not difficult for Aquarius to win a Cancer girl; their horoscope compatibility, however, is not the easiest.

Both signs are seen by others as eccentrics, romantic dreamers, poorly adapted to life. Many people do not understand the compatibility of an Aquarius man and a Cancer girl. At first, the relationship of this couple really develops harmoniously. Soft in communication and at the same time active, multifaceted lover attracts a fan. It is unlikely that other zodiac signs are as compatible in sex as Cancer and Aquarius. However, soon after declaring their love for each other, they will see the differences between them.

The Aquarius man will be surprised by the Cancer woman’s attempts to take a leading position in their relationship, and her desire for financial stability may even be regarded by him as greed. In fact, it is important for a girl of this sign to provide herself with an insurance fund, and her saving of every penny “for tomorrow” is due precisely to this desire. Acquisitiveness is more developed in Cancers born in the year of the Dragon or Monkey according to the eastern horoscope.

In turn, the girl does not want to put up with her partner’s carelessness. She is attached to home and does not want to exchange it for dubious adventures and long journeys. The Cancer woman will try to tie the Aquarius man to her, constantly involving him in solving everyday problems: from shopping for groceries to renovating the house. But Aquarius is unlikely to be compatible with the quiet joys of Cancer. He will happily trade watching TV together for a meeting with friends.

Their compatibility in a love relationship can be disrupted by everyday issues.

An economical and practical girl will be annoyed by the carelessness of her life partner. Quarrels over scattered things and furniture rearranged from their usual places are unlikely to make Cancer and Aquarius compatible in marriage. She doesn’t understand her partner’s desire to stand out from the crowd (at least with original laces on his shoes, or even better – by challenging social rules).

However, Aquarius’ actions turn out to be a mystery to himself. His spontaneity and inconsistency only complicate compatibility in the pair “he is Aquarius, she is Cancer.” His absent-mindedness and inattention to the established order in the house are regarded by his wife as a challenge to her. The situation is also heated by the Aquarius man’s tendency to make fun of his chosen one; the Cancer girl is hardly compatible with this and will respond with violent indignation. Fortunately, their quarrels do not last long. Both signs are easy-going and after some time can communicate quite peacefully.

Another reason for problems in the compatibility of the couple “she is Cancer, he is Aquarius” is the frivolity of the latter. Without attaching much importance to family values ​​and marital responsibilities, a man can cheat, dooming the union of Aquarius and Cancer to a break in relations. Moreover, there is no need to guess who abandoned whom. A jealous and constant girl will not forgive her betrayal of her chosen one, and thick armor will protect her from too strong an emotional shock.

To maintain love and strengthen the compatibility of an Aquarius and a Cancer woman, both of them should learn to talk to each other and convey their grievances in a calm tone. A mutual search for compromise is this couple’s chance for happiness in family life. A woman should abandon her habit of imposing her standards and habits on her beloved, and her chosen one should treat his beloved more respectfully and seriously. In marriage, partners born under these zodiac signs should give each other more freedom, pacify their curiosity and not demand that their spouse turn their soul inside out.

Often in a couple where he is Aquarius and she is Cancer, the girl surrounds her beloved with essentially maternal care. This quality is generally characteristic of hermits. Oddly enough, in the case of Aquarius, this technique is exactly what is needed. Her endless reminders about important meetings, preparing him food for a snack at work, clearing away debris from his clothes - all this does not anger the man, but helps him become more organized. This is a big plus of compatibility between an Aquarius man and a Cancer girl. Without his neat and punctual life partner, a man risks remaining an absent-minded and always late eccentric.

Now the answer to the question: are Aquarius and Cancer compatible is this: yes, if both make enough efforts to establish relationships with each other. Mutual understanding, support and true love are a good reward for your efforts and concessions.

It may seem that Cancer and Aquarius have nothing in common, but this is a wrong conclusion. Cancer depends on the element of Water, and Aquarius on the element of Air. For Aquarius, Cancer is useful in its own way, and for Cancer, Aquarius is mysterious in its own way. Undoubtedly, many consider Aquarians to be mysterious personalities, but Aquarius seems mysterious to Cancer more than others.

Aquarians surprise with their originality and unexpectedness in decisions, and Cancers with their changeable moods and their characteristic dreaminess. Cancers seem practical on the outside, but on the inside they are just as extraordinary as Aquarius. The variability of Cancers depends on the variability of the phases of the Moon. With a full Moon, Cancer is sentimental and mysterious, with a new Moon, he is worried and has a lot of imagination, a quarter Moon makes Cancer nostalgic and yearning, and a third Moon makes Cancer sweet and funny. The waning of the Moon affects the eccentricity of Cancer, and the waning of the Moon affects the aggressiveness.

Compatibility Chart for Aquarius and Cancer Couples

Aquarius and Cancer - Compatibility in Love and Marriage

More often than not, these relationships bring little happiness to the partners. Neither mutual respect nor physical attraction helps. Although Love is still above astrological laws. This also happens, life is diverse in its manifestations. Cancer offers Aquarius all its wealth of feelings and opens its soul, but Aquarius does not understand well and does not appreciate the emotions of its partner.

Of course, they have one thing in common - they are strange. And this is probably the most important thing. Aquarius is characterized by originality and surprise, while Cancers seem strange due to their daydreaming and mood swings.

They are true partners, they will always agree on money, and solve home or business problems together. This is a real mental couple; they are connected by mutual practicality and a very realistic approach to life. But at the same time, it’s hard for them to have a heart-to-heart talk and there’s practically no time. This is a crazy couple. The partners share a realistic approach to life and practicality.

In such a marriage, the spouses face great challenges. It is often discovered later that Cancer has attached more importance to Aquarius's romantic fervor than it should have. Of course, Cancer will hide his experiences and endure everything, however, provided that Aquarius ensures a comfortable life and is socially successful. A typical division is that Aquarius will live by events, and Cancer will live by emotions.

But it is also possible that Aquarius will openly manipulate the feelings of his spouse, so relationships often do not work out in Cancer’s favor. In turn, Cancer will use every opportunity to lead Aquarius, and he will avoid this in every possible way. Unfortunately, the result of such marriages is psychosomatic illness.

Attraction is certainly present between them, and arises almost at the moment of acquaintance. They are both well aware of their attractiveness and know how to use it to attract the other.

There is a lot of mystical fatalism and mysticism, religiosity and superstition in this marriage. Relationships, if destroyed, do so instantly and unexpectedly. If this is a marriage of convenience, then it will not justify itself. But established married couples can stay together against all odds for many years.

As for spiritual growth in marriage, there are also positive aspects - the variability and reformist disposition of Aquarius often shows Cancer new horizons, not limited by traditions. Sometimes the partner’s peculiarities begin to irritate the other, and then they just need to take a break from each other. Cancer is offended by the harshness and curiosity of Aquarius, and, on the contrary, by the secrecy and excessive touchiness of Cancer.

Let us tell you the secret of harmony in such a marriage - Cancers should mind their own business, do not ask unnecessary questions, do not find fault and remind loved ones’ birthdays, their names and addresses. Aquarius simply needs to surround Cancer with love, feed him and listen soulfully and sympathetically.

The relationship between an Aquarius woman and a Cancer man does not develop quickly. Firstly, he does not immediately come out of his shell, especially since at first he is frightened by the directness of the Aquarius woman. Secondly, because she is in no hurry to pay attention to the seemingly unremarkable Cancer man. But when he finally sticks his head out to people in search of something curious, he notices her - that’s why it’s hard not to notice the Aquarius woman. They are attracted: he wins her over emotionally, she magically inspires him. They feel good together, if not for one “but”: she gets bored quite quickly, and he gets tired of active communication just as quickly. Well, if they meet in doses, something will come of their love.

They both lack determination. It is quite possible that they will take the first step towards sex for a very long time, since neither the Aquarius woman nor the Cancer man is inclined to take the initiative in their intimate life. However, when they both realize that someone will have to do it, that someone will not be a Cancer man. Their meetings will be shrouded in romance and tenderness, sentimentality, and sincerity. Perhaps they both will lack a “strong hand” in bed, it is possible that they will not even notice it: both are too cut off from the earthly, sensory part of life and do not understand their sexual sensations well.

Family and marriage

On the issue of marriage, disagreements may arise between an Aquarius woman and a Cancer man. The fact is that an Aquarius woman, as a rule, does not want to get married at all, but a Cancer man dreams of a family. If their passionate love is a sufficient reason for her to get married, they will have a long, happy family life - he will take care of that. It is difficult to find a more gentle husband than a Cancer man. On the other hand, he is not very practical, so she will have to solve many issues that the Aquarius woman would like to shift onto a man’s shoulders. But what family evenings they will have!

Of course, Aquarius is responsible for friendship in the Aquarius-Cancer alliance. She will be able to make her Cancer man friend feel needed. Their long conversations about nothing and everything in the world are only a small part of their friendship. Both the Aquarius woman and the Cancer man love adventure (he, of course, prefers to travel in the palaces of his own and others’ subconscious, but still), so interesting walks and trips will brighten up their leisure time together.

Work and business

The Cancer man is not about business. Although some representatives of this sign manage to build entire corporations, they still prefer to sort out interesting ideas, come up with projects and select people who can bring these projects to life. Cancer men are also very successful in creativity - this is where they share the same path with Aquarius women. Together they will be able to bring any task to perfection, if only they find those who will hone the details - they themselves are often unable to do painstaking work. An Aquarius woman will attract the necessary people to make their product perfect.

Compatibility horoscope: compatibility of zodiac signs he is Cancer she is Aquarius - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

A Cancer man and an Aquarius woman will have a very interesting and exciting relationship, which, unfortunately, is often not as rosy as it seems at first glance. The Cancer man cannot take responsibility for creating a family, although he has a desire for relationships and life in family comfort. The Aquarius woman will be captivated by her partner’s tenderness, his romantic attitude, and sentimentality. In her eyes, the Cancer man will always remain a spoiled child who needs protection and maternal care.

At the beginning of a relationship with an Aquarius woman, the Cancer man, as always, will be touching, gentle and very shy, which will immediately win her heart. But after some time, the partner will suddenly begin to make demands that she never expected to ever hear. He will become capricious, hot-tempered, irritated for any reason. The Cancer man will be especially concerned about the Aquarius woman’s desire to change everything, to bring changes and innovations into their lives, which he is simply afraid of. His whims arise from the fear that his partner, in her desire for change, will affect his established stable world, and he cannot allow this. The Aquarius woman, wanting variety in her relationship, will directly or indirectly provoke her partner to make these attacks. She will enjoy this game of “cat and mouse”, and, step by step, she will encroach on the personal space of the Cancer man, dictating to him what to do, directing all actions, actively directing him along the path she has chosen. The Aquarius woman is an opponent of traditions and rules, and with these methods she wants to force her partner to act and think independently, change and develop his abilities. But the Cancer man does not perceive his partner’s antics as training; he views them as a gross attack on his individuality, and will not hesitate to respond to her. A great scandal can break out in a couple, and it can last a long time, with breaks for rest and especially acute, crisis situations. The Aquarius woman is not as romantic as the Cancer man thought at first glance. She skillfully and willingly manipulates her partner, who most often turns out to be the injured party in this complex relationship, similar to a protracted detective story. The Cancer man experiences enormous psychological pressure on himself, it is difficult for him both morally and physically, so battles often end in his partner’s illness, nervous breakdowns and a state of passion.

Is there a way out of this situation? Of course have. The Cancer man and Aquarius woman are always interested in metaphysical phenomena, esotericism, and psychology. They can unite based on the study of these sciences, and even organize their own business - for example, a school of Spiritual development or personal growth training. Even then they will argue with each other, but in general their disputes will be working and businesslike, essentially, without getting personal - and this will strengthen their relationship.

He is Cancer, she is Aquarius - compatibility with other signs

Cancer and Aquarius - compatibility of signs

Absolute opposites, these two signs will not be able to stand each other for a long time. Compatibility of the signs Cancer and Aquarius can be described as two counter streams of water that will never merge together.

Aquarius for Cancer is too unpredictable and unstable in its actions and decisions. Cancer is very emotional, it is difficult for him to perceive Aquarius’ thirst for adventure as a normal phenomenon; for him, above all, is a feeling of comfort and security both in life in general and in specific relationships. Aquarius will also not be able to understand such passivity of the partner and satisfy his need for feelings.

The next contradiction in the compatibility of Cancer and Aquarius is that Cancer is quite secretive by nature, he is not used to talking about the details of his personal life to anyone. For Aquarius, opening his cards in front of strangers is a matter of minutes: when he has something to tell, he obviously will not remain silent.

The compatibility of the signs Cancer and Aquarius has many negative signs, which does not make it possible to build any favorable forecasts for the development of relations. These two antonyms will be able to communicate normally for five minutes, no more. Then a conflict and deep resentment of Cancer towards the tactless and reckless interlocutor will certainly follow.

Sexual compatibility between Cancer and Aquarius

This romantic union will not last long. At first, Cancer will bestow Aquarius with its boundless sensuality, and will itself rejoice at the relaxed behavior of its partner. However, after a while, Aquarius’s excessive fussiness will begin to irritate his chosen one. At the same time, Aquarius will not linger in the arms of Cancer, because unforgettable adventures await him! Cancer, who passionately desires emotions and true intimacy from a partner, both spiritually and physically, will remain unsatisfied. Moreover, small joint successes regarding the sexual compatibility of Cancer and Aquarius will be shattered by the harsh reality of life together, which will not be at all rosy for these partners.

Compatibility: Cancer man - Aquarius woman

Here, as they say, there is an ambush on all fronts. You will probably never see such an interesting combination again in the Zodiac circle. The Cancer man and the Aquarius woman are so different that only chance can bring them together. Compatibility of the signs Cancer and Aquarius, when he is Cancer, she is Aquarius, this is complete confusion and a severe clash of interests. Cancer is an indecisive man. He is like an ostrich hiding his head in the sand if life's difficulties arise. The Aquarius woman is used to walking proudly through life, even if a headwind blows in her face, so Cancer’s insecurity irritates her, she constantly scolds her partner for such behavior.

While their relationship has not affected everyday life and they are so passionate about each other that they do not notice anything around them, it is quite possible that the illusion of an ideal union will arise. However, if the slightest contradiction arises, they will scatter in different directions.

Aquarius considers unacceptable the infantile behavior of the capricious Cancer, who is not ready to be as courageous and brutal as his chosen one wants. The periods when Cancer succumbs to nostalgic memories are a difficult test for Aquarius. She makes every effort to return her partner to the sinful earth. Cancer will not find in the face of his beloved an understanding of his vulnerable soul, and of course he will not receive the proper emotional response to his sensuality. Aquarius is still not very tactful and sensitive towards others.

Difficulties await this couple in everyday life. The Aquarius woman, who loves cleanliness and order, seems ready to throw her man out the door along with the garbage that he calls creative disorder. And her love to change Cancer’s appearance at her discretion makes him despondent. He increasingly thinks about escape.

The relationship between a Cancer man and an Aquarius woman is torment for both, a constant search for compromises. Such an alliance will soon fall apart.

Compatibility: Aquarius man - Cancer woman

In order for these opposites to make a happy couple, they a priori must be spiritually mature enough individuals. Their union is very complex, and this is visible to the naked eye even to those around them.

For a partner, a Cancer woman is a creature out of this world. Aquarius is not able to understand the delicate sensitive nature of the chosen one, tormenting her with his reckless pressure and accusing her of being too dreamy. In alliance with Aquarius, the Rakin can become an ordinary housekeeper, since he will abuse her love to take care of loved ones. You won't expect this from an Aquarius. Innate egoism completely allows him to forget about the interests of his partner.

It is positive if partners work in the same area and belong to a certain circle of people. Then it will become a unifying factor for them. It is quite possible that Aquarius will be more attentive to the Cancer woman, and for this she will give him moral support, care and financial stability. The Aquarius man will fill her life with new colors in gratitude. Then these two will be able to reach heights in spiritual development, while not forgetting about material support.

Business compatibility between Cancer and Aquarius

Compatibility of Cancer and Aquarius in business can give good results. Business cooperation is the only area of ​​activity where they will be able to achieve positive results. For Cancer and Aquarius, work is preferable where they will have to jointly find non-standard ways to solve problems, as well as implement new ideas. Otherwise, these two innovators will become unbearably bored.

compatibility of zodiac signs he is Cancer she is Aquarius

  • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 – 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 – 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 – 22.07
  • Leo 23.07 – 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 – 22.09
  • Libra 23.09 – 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 – 22.11
  • Sagittarius 11/23 – 12/21
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 – 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Compatibility of Zodiac signs Cancer – Aquarius

The compatibility of these zodiac signs is very low: they have little interest in each other, there is no mutual attraction between them. Compared to Cancers, Aquarians are more realistic and sensible, while the former prefer to live by dreams and emotions. Once together, they each do not deviate from their own guidelines and remain distant, as a result of which their relationship develops slowly and gives little bright hope for the future. On the other hand, these people are quite capable of reaching a compromise, but in order to be together for a long time and not experience discomfort, they need to try very hard and work on themselves.

Cancer and Aquarius - compatibility in love and marriage


Cancer man – Aquarius woman

From the outside, their relationship may seem harmonious, but in fact it is full of drama and internal struggle between the partners. An Aquarius woman and a Cancer man will not be bored in each other’s company. Aquarius will sympathize with the sentimentality and tenderness of the Cancer man, but will be upset by his reluctance to take responsibility for the further development of the relationship - and this despite the fact that family life, as a rule, is a priority for all Cancers. However, the Cancer gentleman will have his own reasons not to rush things.

The Aquarius woman will certainly try to build a life together according to her own understanding, constantly trying to introduce one or another innovation into it, but Cancer, fearing the destruction of her lovingly built world, will respond with irritation, temper and capriciousness over the most trifling reasons. Aquarius will not be embarrassed by this at all - on the contrary, she perceives the invasion of her husband’s personal territory as an exciting game, considering it a stimulus for his further development. The Aquarius wife expects that, by not giving her husband peace, she will help him move and begin to think and act more actively.

However, Cancer himself categorically does not like this “science”. As a result, relationships can seriously deteriorate; crises will periodically occur in them, accompanied by scandals and showdowns. The misconception of Cancer is that he considers his wife to be romantic and tender, while she can turn out to be a very talented manipulator (however, this is not alien to Cancer). It is the man, as a rule, who suffers more in such a union, feeling moral pressure. Psychological discomfort turns into health problems for him. Cancer can get sick, thereby becoming even more susceptible to nervous breakdowns.

To stop communicating in the “cat-and-mouse” format, a Cancer man-Aquarius woman couple must stop, calm down and direct energy in a different direction, stopping delving into each other’s shortcomings. It would be very useful for them to find a joint hobby or business - then their disputes would move to a different plane, without affecting issues of interpersonal communication. Mutual interest in psychology, mystical phenomena and spiritual growth could become a vector of joint activity that would be able to unite them and make them more tolerant.


Aquarius man – Cancer woman

Being representatives of opposite elements, Water and Air, the Aquarius man and the Cancer woman are not alike, but some qualities of the characters of these signs allow them to become a mutual complement, and in a variety of areas. The family is no exception, although both are prone to overestimating their own merits. Such people are united by a contemptuous attitude towards everything routine, a desire to avoid responsibility and saturate their lives with vivid impressions. It’s just that they may prefer different impressions themselves.

A woman born under the sign of Cancer is more practical and prudent than her husband; she is more concerned about creating a material basis for relationships that allows her to look confidently into the future. But under the influence of the dreaminess and imagination of her Aquarius companion, completely new prospects may appear for her. Often, after some time of living together, a partner begins to see in his companion an overly mercantile and pragmatic person, although this is not entirely fair.

Attachment to family at the expense of everything else is not about Aquarius; such people belong to everyone at once, and Cancer may feel offended, feeling a lack of attention. In fact, Aquarius has very strong feelings for his family, but he loves with a special love: he tries to open a new world for his loved ones, inspire them with his own dreams and ideas, and lead them. At the same time, the desire for freedom often forces the Aquarius man to ignore the rules and laws that Cancer tries to live by, demanding the same from her husband. Both do not want to overshadow their life together with discord and conflicts, they strive to resolve misunderstandings peacefully, but the constant contradiction of their positions can result in an increase in noticeable coolness in the relationship.

A Cancer woman and an Aquarius man constantly test each other's strength, become a real puzzle for each other, get offended, run away, come back again - and this can happen for many years.

If they do not want to exhaust themselves and their other half forever, the horoscope suggests that they clearly identify common goals and correctly distribute roles from the very beginning. It is preferable for Aquarius to take responsibility for the direction of the further development of their family, introducing new ideas and earning money for their implementation, while the more practical Cancer woman will do everything to prevent instability in the family and ensure comfort.

Aquarius and Cancer – sexual compatibility

The possibility of achieving harmony in the bed of love is based in this couple on the ability of both partners to liberate themselves, their readiness for piquant experiments. However, if we take into account that the emotional component is very important for Cancer in physical intimacy, then at the beginning of the relationship he runs the risk of remaining dissatisfied, since Aquarians do not strive to pour out all the richness of their emotions in casual relationships. In addition, the possessive Cancer will certainly want Aquarius to stay close until he gets bored with it, which hurts the pride of the freedom-loving Aquarius, so even if there is complete harmony in bed, the relationship will most likely be short-lived.

Compatibility horoscope for Aquarius and Cancer in work and business

Good contact can be established between representatives of these zodiac signs, but they work too differently to produce excellent results. Fruitful cooperation between them is quite rare; it is much easier for them to work autonomously, having their own area and their own tasks. Cancer and Aquarius have undeniable business advantages, but if they end up together, then the business can seriously stall. Having become partners, they may fail due to the fact that, under the influence of each other, they will be carried away by utopian plans. The best results await them in projects related to art, and it is desirable that Cancer take the leading role. They will always be able to find a common language, but they will not achieve special spiritual intimacy - however, they do not strive for this.

Aquarius – Cancer couple: compatibility in friendship

Representatives of such signs, as a rule, are not friends in the full sense of the word, although they can remain good friends. Often their relationship is more reminiscent of mutually beneficial cooperation in business matters. Friendship ties are possible if there are common interests and goals that do not relate to the area of ​​everyday life. But even in this case, there will not be as much warmth and closeness between them as there usually is between true friends. Aquarius can hide his secrets even from old friends, and Cancer is ready to trust his loved ones, but is unlikely to consider his Aquarius friend as such.

See the compatibility of Cancers with other zodiac signs:

Difficulties in the relationship between Aquarius and Cancer

There is unlikely to be a strong connection between these people. They have little in common, which is why the compatibility of Aquarius and Cancer is considered low.

Each partner lives in his own world. Since there are no points of contact, their long-term connection is generally unlikely. Of course, they can reach a compromise and live together, but it won't be easy.

Features of the zodiac sign Cancer. general characteristics

There are certain differences between the external appearance of Cancer and its internal appearance. Most often he looks calm, friendly, loves to joke and smile.

But the soul of such a person in most cases is gripped by anxiety, which he never shows in public. At times, people of this sign experience uncontrollable emotional outbursts; they are associated with the activity of the Moon. After all, she rules those born under the sign of Cancer.

The anxiety of such people decreases only when they are at home. For them, home is a fortress that they value and protect. This quality is also characteristic of Capricorn, with whom Cancers have good compatibility.

  • Positive qualities: rich imagination, excellent memory.
  • Negative qualities: melancholy, secrecy.

Features of the zodiac sign Aquarius. general characteristics

Aquarians do not stand still, they are in constant search of new knowledge, new sensations. The need for something new is explained by the desire of such people to achieve the ideal in everything. This quality is closely related to the rejection of everything old. People of this sign do not accept authorities, are indifferent to traditions, and often do not have warm relations with the older generation.

The friendliness of Aquarius attracts many people to them. Representatives of this sign have many acquaintances and friends with whom they spend fun and interesting time. However, their circle of true friends is quite narrow. Laziness does not allow them to maintain relationships for a long time. The passion for freedom entails irresponsibility, which also does not contribute to the stabilization of relationships. They can surprise their loved ones with unconventional, eccentric antics.

Aquarians are compatible with representatives of the signs Leo, Libra, Scorpio. But Sagittarius and Virgo are not at all the people with whom Aquarius will be comfortable. It is also better for them to stay away from Aries.

  • Positive qualities: intelligence, sociability.
  • Negative qualities: laziness, irresponsibility.

A very difficult couple. The life goals of these two are radically different. However, according to the law of physics, opposites attract, so these two are drawn to each other like a magnet. They get along well in the intimate sphere, but in everyday life it can be quite difficult for a woman with her conservative views to accept the contradictory nature of a man. He cannot give her the main thing - stability, and she is not ready to support him in his hobbies.

Unfortunately, time does not erase these contradictions, but, on the contrary, strengthens them. If Cancer and Aquarius do not find common interests, their union will not last even a couple of weeks. Both partners must be spiritually mature - only then can they be happy. But, alas, more often there are couples in which Cancer sees only financial gain in Aquarius, or the man uses the woman as a servant. It seems that everyone gets exactly what they need, but they hardly gain peace of mind.

Pros of relationships

It is quite rare to find such a couple. They look very original next to each other. If they learn to coexist without trying to change their partner, then their union can be beneficial for both. Cancer, thanks to Aquarius, will be able to take a broader look at life, receiving brighter and more interesting emotions from it. And Aquarius, next to such an economic woman, will be able to significantly increase his earnings. Thus, they will be able to develop both materially and spiritually.

Such an alliance is possible among people of the same circle. They should be united by common interests, be it science, common goals, or the fight against grief.

Cons of relationships

Cancer and Aquarius like radically opposite things. A woman is a real homebody who values ​​the comfort of home more than anything else. And the man loves to travel, go to visit - in general, anything, just not to sit within four walls. Due to these differences, a couple can often quarrel even at the initial stage. Aquarius feels needed anywhere and everywhere, while Cancer just needs to plunge into the arms of a partner.

Most likely, it will not be possible to tame Aquarius. He will only call Rakinya mercantile, or even begin to use her only as a household servant.

How to achieve harmony

First of all, Cancer should not try to re-educate Aquarius, as this is absolutely useless. It is better to pay attention to its positive aspects, for example, originality and creativity, which can make relationships more interesting.

However, in matters of principle, a woman needs to defend her position. It can be clearly shown that Cancer’s displeasure will be reflected in Aquarius himself.

If the Rakinya wants to attract the attention of Aquarius, she needs to carefully take care of herself, since this man naively believes that a beautiful soul always hides behind a beautiful appearance. Aquarius likes open and sociable women who are not prone to commercialism. Of course, Rakinya can hardly be called the life of the party, but she looks like a fairy-tale heroine. Her dreamy image can seriously excite the imagination of Aquarius.

A woman should not immediately pour out her soul in front of a man - there should remain some kind of mystery. In addition, Aquarians are very selfish by nature and can easily use Rakinu as a housekeeper. Although there are also noble Aquarius men who, with the support of a Cancer woman, will be able to reach truly unprecedented heights.

If the woman is Aquarius and the man is Cancer

It cannot be said that this union is harmonious. Both partners look in completely different directions.

For Cancer, the past, customs and traditions that have developed over the years are of great importance. Aquarius is much more interested in exploring new spaces, trying to lift the curtain on the future. The thoroughgoing Cancer is used to living by the rules, so he will never understand Aquarius’s desire to break them. At first, they may seem unusually interesting to each other, but over time, the feeling of novelty will pass, and the lack of mutual understanding will not allow creating a harmonious union.

The man in this couple values ​​​​the stability of family relationships, which the woman cannot give him. She doesn't like boring home gatherings, in which Cancer sees true happiness. These two will most likely not be able to find common ground. They can live together only if they love each other deeply and constantly seek compromises.

Pros of relationships

In order for this couple to be happy, habit or even love alone is not enough. To achieve harmony, they need a common idea, a high goal that can unite them. It doesn’t matter what it will be - a passion for occult sciences, an interest in nuclear physics, or a desire to seriously engage in beekeeping. The main thing is that it can truly connect Cancer and Aquarius.

Such relationships can be quite harmonious if the partners live separately. In this case, all everyday problems will disappear, and these two will constantly be drawn to each other. Cancer will only like Aquarius's love of freedom, and Aquarius, in turn, will be attracted by the wisdom of their partner.

Cons of relationships

You don’t need to dig around for long to find the problems of this union. A man wants a woman to devote herself entirely to her family, but she is much more interested in spending time with many friends. Cancer is terribly jealous and suspicious, so the constant presence of guests in the house will greatly irritate him.

Cancer will try to blackmail Aquarius, put pressure on her and teach her life, which, of course, she will not like at all. Aquarius is not a great connoisseur of feelings, so he will not compete - he will simply turn around and leave.

How to achieve harmony

To achieve harmony in the family, the Aquarius woman must understand that Cancer is focused on her inner world and experiences. One should not ignore the fact that he has a well-developed intuition - this will help him see the true essence of things.

If a woman listens more and talks less, she can gain the respect of a man. You should not show him your independence - this will not lead to anything good.

If Cancer begins to be capricious and create scenes of jealousy, you should not be offended by him and immediately break off the relationship. He is simply looking for evidence of love - so why not provide it? However, there is no need to completely abandon your interests either, otherwise the man will want unlimited power over the woman. It is better to try to find a solution that would suit both.

Thus, the union of Cancer and Aquarius has a chance of being quite happy if both partners make some effort. They complement each other, allow you to look at the world in a new way, and differences at the everyday level are just the price to pay for this extraordinary feeling of novelty. In any case, such a couple will definitely not be bored.

Video - Cancer and Aquarius: compatibility in love relationships

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