Cottage cheese casserole with semolina in a double boiler. Steamed cottage cheese casserole in a slow cooker. Dietary cottage cheese casserole in a double boiler

Everyone has known the taste of casserole since childhood. It is introduced into the child’s diet starting at one year of age. It is very healthy, it contains fruits, cereals, vegetables, cottage cheese, and this is a source of proteins, microelements, pectins, vitamins and other useful substances. It can be sweet, with cottage cheese, fruit or semolina, or not sweet, with vegetables, fish, meat. For the smallest ones, it is steamed so its consistency becomes softer and more tender. Usually children eat it with pleasure, because it is very tasty. To make the casserole more juicy, pour sour cream or jelly over it. A sweet casserole can be made from oatmeal, semolina, rice, cottage cheese, and bread. By the way, if you have buckwheat, semolina or oatmeal left over from breakfast, you can easily prepare a new casserole dish from it.

Baby casseroles - food preparation

Typically, a casserole consists of an egg mixture beaten with a mixer and other ingredients, cottage cheese, cereals, and vegetables. Because The dish is prepared for children; special care must be taken in preparing the food. All products must be fresh, fruits, berries, and vegetables must be thoroughly washed. Eggs must also be washed with water before breaking. The cereals should be sorted and boiled. Next, all you have to do is mix the ingredients and bake.

Baby casseroles - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Curd casserole with cherries

Cherries are introduced into the diet of babies from 11 months. It is rich in pectins, vitamins and minerals necessary for growth. Because it has a pronounced sweet and sour taste; not all children will like fresh berries. Therefore, cherry compotes, jelly, and casseroles are prepared for them. Older children and very young children will eat this casserole with pleasure. If the child is allergic, replace chicken eggs with quail eggs, doubling the quantity. By the way, this casserole can be made with other berries and fruits.

Ingredients. 300g cottage cheese, ½ cup sugar and cherries, 3 eggs, butter (grease the mold), 2 tbsp. decoys.

Prepare the cherries. Rinse fresh and remove seeds. If the cherries are frozen, thaw them by pouring boiling water over them for 10 minutes.

Mix eggs and sugar and beat with a mixer or whisk. Add cottage cheese and semolina to the mixture and beat again. The dough is ready.

Place cherries on the bottom of the mold (don't forget to grease it with butter), then pour in the dough and bake. If the child is over two years old, you can bake it in the oven (at 180C - 25 minutes). For kids, it is better to steam the casserole, for example in a double boiler (25 minutes).

Recipe 2: Baby Zucchini Casserole

If your child is one year old, then he has already become acquainted with this vegetable in the form of puree. Why not diversify his menu and make a casserole. Moreover, zucchini is a very easy to digest vegetable and very healthy. Zucchini can be taken either fresh or frozen.

Ingredients. 1 small zucchini, 100g cottage cheese, 2 eggs, 1 tbsp. semolina and butter, some herbs (optional).

Initially, the zucchini needs to be lightly boiled for about two minutes. If you use a frozen vegetable, throw it immediately into boiling water, because... it's already cut into pieces. And the fresh ones are peeled and cut into longitudinal slices-rings. Place the boiled zucchini pieces in a colander and lightly press with a fork and squeeze a little. This is done in order to get rid of excess liquid. Then they are crushed with a blender.

Add eggs, softened butter and cottage cheese to the zucchini puree. Mix. You can use a spoon or a mixer. Season with salt and add chopped herbs.

Grease the mold and pour out the dough. If the molds are silicone, there is no need to grease them. The casserole won't stick. Bake in the oven (180C) or steam for about 40 minutes. It turns out tastier in the oven, but for small children under 2 years old it is better to steam it.

Because The casserole is prepared for children; it can be decorated by adding eyes, a nose, and a mustache. Or make a sun. To do this, use green onions, radishes, tomatoes, halves of olives or dark berries.

Recipe 3: Baby Pasta Casserole with Apple

Starting from the age of one year, you can introduce milk soups with pasta into your child’s diet. From the age of one and a half years, prepare casseroles or eat as a side dish. For the casserole, you can use long spaghetti-type pasta or regular short pasta. Any cottage cheese will do, as long as it is fresh. Instead of regular granulated sugar, it is better to use fructose or brown sugar (available in the store) for children.

Ingredients. 100g cottage cheese, 1 egg, 50g pasta, 2 tbsp. sour cream, butter 20g, 1 tbsp sugar, 1 apple.

Boil the pasta in the usual way, drain in a colander and cool. If the noodles are too long, it is better to break them into several pieces before throwing them into the water.

Mix cottage cheese with egg, sugar and sour cream. Combine with pasta and stir.

Grate the apple. Now you can assemble the casserole. Grease the mold, place half of the dough, grated apple on it, and cover with the other half of the curd dough. Add a piece of butter to each mold. Bake the product for 30 minutes, steamed or in the oven (180C). Pour sour cream over the casserole or decorate it.

Recipe 4: Fish baby casserole

This casserole is recommended for children over two years of age. This delicately textured dish features mashed potatoes with fish and eggs. The casserole does not contain semolina or cottage cheese. The recipe includes milk, which, like fish, is very healthy for children. The casserole turns out to be large, so the amount of ingredients can be halved or served to the whole family for dinner or breakfast. Adults will also eat it with great pleasure.

Ingredients. 500 g potatoes, 800 g fish, 2 eggs, 150 ml milk, 50 g butter, breadcrumbs for dusting the mold, sour cream (optional) to pour over the casserole.

Boil the fish. If it is not a fillet, then remove the skin and remove the bones.

Separate the eggs - separate the yolks from the whites. Mash boiled potatoes. Add salt, milk, half the butter. Mix with fish and pound again with a masher. Add the yolks and mix. Add the whipped whites.

Grease the mold with the remaining oil, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and lay out the potato-fish mixture. If desired, the surface can be lined with tomato slices and bake (180-200) for 30 minutes. Cut into pieces and serve with tomato slices or sour cream.

Recipe 5: Meat casserole with cabbage

Children eat not only vegetable or cottage cheese casseroles. They are quite capable of handling meat. The meat used is ground beef. A tender and juicy dish, vaguely reminiscent of cabbage rolls. The creamy taste and attractive appearance of the finished product will be given by sour cream, which should be poured over a piece of casserole, and sprinkled with chopped dill on top. The ingredients are for 4-5 servings. Reduce the quantity of products if desired.

Ingredients. minced meat 0.5 kg (beef), 50 g butter, a piece of white cabbage (0.5 kg), milk ½ cup. sour cream, breadcrumbs, salt, 1 onion, 2 eggs and dill.

Finely chop the onion. Lightly fry in a frying pan, then add minced meat and fry and simmer together for about seven minutes.

Chop the cabbage into regular small strips. Pour a glass of water and put it on the stove. Simmer for 15 minutes from the moment it boils. At the end, add butter and minced meat with onions. Mix well.

Beat 1 egg until foamy, add to the minced meat and cabbage, add crackers there. Salt the mixture and put it in a mold. Level the top.

The final touch remains: mix the remaining egg with milk and pour over the casserole. Place the mold in the oven and bake for half an hour (180C).

Recipe 6: Children's chicken casserole with buckwheat.

This casserole is for children aged three years and older. If you don’t specifically boil the food, it cooks very quickly. It is best to do it when you have ready-made buckwheat porridge and boiled or baked chicken, legs or chicken fillet in the house. Then all that remains is to lightly sauté the carrots and onions, mix the ingredients and bake. By the way, you can simply boil carrots and finely grate them.

Ingredients. boiled or baked chicken 100g, buckwheat porridge 200g, half a carrot and an onion, a couple of tablespoons of sour cream, salt, egg.

Finely grate the carrots, chop the onion into small cubes and sauté. Cut the chicken into thin strips, mix with buckwheat porridge and fried vegetables, add salt. Beat eggs with sour cream and add to buckwheat. Pour the mixture into molds and bake for 15 minutes (180C). The top of the finished product can be decorated with kernels of canned corn. Ingredients are indicated for two servings.

To steam the casserole, you don't have to use a steamer. It can easily be replaced by a water bath. To do this, place the casserole dish in a pan filled a quarter full of water. The water will boil, and the mass in the mold will bake. You just need to make sure that water does not pour into the mold through the sides, i.e. The bubbling should not be too strong.

I often cook this casserole, especially at the dacha where there is no oven, but we definitely take a double boiler with us. And the other day I once again made cottage cheese casserole, but this time it was to save a spoiled product, namely milk. As they say, “misfortune does not come alone,” and during my dental misadventures, our refrigerator burned down into a heap, so the milk turned into curdled milk, and here we are not far from cottage cheese. From 2 liters of milk you get approximately 300-400 grams. cottage cheese.

I’m too lazy to fuss with cheesecakes, and I don’t have time for them, but here I mix everything and in 20 minutes a tasty and healthy casserole is ready.

Well, the actual recipe itself. Mix cottage cheese (300-400 gr.), 2 eggs, 2 tbsp. spoons of semolina and 1-2 tbsp. spoons of sugar.

It seems to me 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar turns out very sweet, but it also depends on whether berries (dried fruits) are added to the casserole and what kind. For example, this time we had a casserole with irga,

I added 1 tbsp sugar. spoon, it turned out just right, although the goddaughter said that it could have been sweeter, in general, add sugar to taste. I also mixed the berries with the main mass. I mixed everything right away in the rice bowl, so there was no need to transfer it.

Well, as you already understood, our casserole is baked in this very rice bowl. Set the steamer for 20 minutes and go for a walk. The goddaughter (17 years old) and her son almost got into a fight over this cottage cheese casserole, although the goddaughter herself doesn’t really like cottage cheese.

If I’m making a casserole only for my son, the amount of ingredients is correspondingly reduced and so that the whole casserole doesn’t smear on the bottom of the rice bowl, I cook it in a regular small-sized food container.

Try it, the casserole is really tasty and healthy, and most importantly, it requires a minimum of time to prepare.

Hello blog readers. Cottage cheese casserole in a double boiler is an excellent dish that can be served on a regular or holiday day. It will definitely please everyone! And not only because of its juiciness and softness. The dish has a huge amount of useful substances and minerals. By eating just one hundred grams of casserole, you will saturate your body.

If you decide to lose weight, then this low-calorie recipe will come in handy! You will be able to eat a seemingly sweet dish and not gain extra pounds. This casserole has an extremely low calorie content - only 150 kcal and can be cooked for (fixing)!

It is better to cook it in portioned molds. This way you won’t eat more than normal :) This casserole is prepared with starch. It should be used instead of semolina.

The recipe is extremely simple:

  • zest of ½ orange or lemon;
  • 3 scoops sweetener;
  • 2 medium sized eggs;
  • 400 g cottage cheese (preferably low-fat);
  • 3 tbsp. starch;
  • 1 medium sized apple.

Take an egg and beat it with cottage cheese, but be careful not to form foam. Grate the apple and add to the mixture. Also add sweetener, starch and orange zest. Mix or beat everything well. The consistency of the dish will be quite liquid. However, you should not be afraid of this, since the casserole will set while baking. Despite this, the dish will remain soft and juicy.

Now put the dish into the molds. You can use one large mold or several small ones, it all depends on your preferences. Place the dish in the steamer for 30 minutes. Remove the casserole from the steamer and wait until it cools. If you really can't wait to try the dish, you can cut yourself a piece. I recommend preparing it for the casserole. Minimum calories and benefits for the body 😉

More recipes for dietary cottage cheese casseroles. There I described options with pumpkin, mokrov and banana.

Delicious casserole of cottage cheese with carrots and raisins in a slow cooker

A casserole can combine ingredients that you would hardly think of mixing in ordinary life. In this case, these are carrots and raisins. Both products are beneficial for humans. And especially carrots! It contains a large amount of and. They have a beneficial effect on vision, so a dish with it is perfect for a child.

Preparing this casserole is not difficult:

  • 100 g cottage cheese;
  • 1 tbsp. grated carrots;
  • 1 tsp semolina;
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • 1 quail egg;
  • 30 g butter;
  • raisins to taste.

To soften the raisins, pour boiling water over them for fifteen minutes and let them brew. Grate the carrots and mix with raisins, eggs, semolina, cottage cheese, and sugar. Prepare small silicone molds or one large one. To prevent the casserole from sticking, brush with a thin layer of oil. Place the casserole in the molds.

You can cook either in a regular double boiler (twenty minutes) or in a multicooker in the “Steam” mode. If you still choose to cook in a slow cooker, then pour three glasses of running water into the bowl. Next, install a tray on which to place the molds. Cooking in a slow cooker will also take 20 minutes. Let the dish cool slightly and you can serve.

I cook a lot of dishes in a slow cooker and have almost completely switched to it. I described the rest of the recipes in the article “”.

Steamed cottage cheese casserole for a 1 year old child with apple

Even the little ones can enjoy the casserole! Apples will be an excellent addition to a cottage cheese dish. My son loves these tasty snacks. Until he eats, everything else is uninteresting for him :) If you cook with carrots or pumpkin, then add 1 tbsp. Sahara.

Required ingredients:

  • 250 g cottage cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1/3 tbsp. semolina;
  • 1/2 sweet apple.

Prepare a blender and mix the products in it: cottage cheese, egg, semolina. Grate or cut the apple into cubes and add to the rest of the ingredients. Prepare the portion molds by greasing them with a thin layer of oil. Distribute the finished mixture into molds. If desired, sprinkle the molds with semolina first.

Place the molds in a double boiler or multicooker in the “Steam” mode. Pour a few glasses of water into the bowl in advance. Wait about twenty minutes. Cool it and you can eat it. You can serve jam, sour cream or natural yogurt with the casserole.

Here's another article you might like. I often make these for my baby. Ready to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner :)

Lush steamed curd pudding

This dish is very popular in England, but it is also widespread here. Compared to the casserole, the texture of the pudding is more tender and homogeneous.

Required ingredients:

  • 3 packs of cottage cheese (fat content from 5%);
  • 4 eggs;
  • 3 tbsp. sugar (if you are on a diet, use a sweetener);
  • 1/2 tsp. water;
  • soda (on the tip of a knife);
  • lemon zest;
  • lemon juice;
  • cinnamon to taste;
  • raisin.

Mix cottage cheese with eggs and sugar. Add slaked soda to the mixture. If you want a sweeter option, add another spoonful of sugar. Take half a lemon and squeeze the juice out of it. Add juice and zest (can be lemon or orange) to the mixture.

Soak the raisins in boiling water for fifteen minutes to soften them. Then add it to the rest of the ingredients. You can add cinnamon to taste. If you are allergic to lemon, you can make vanilla pudding by adding vanillin. Mix the mixture thoroughly. Place in a pre-greased silicone mold or in a rice bowl. If you prefer a bowl, then add foil first. Place in a steamer for 35 minutes.

Cool the pudding before serving. It is possible that liquid will be released, it needs to be drained. The dish will turn out unusually tender and will decorate any holiday.

Here is a video recipe for steamed pudding with orange slices. I recently cooked this. Thanks to the addition of orange, it turned out very tender and aromatic.

How to cook cottage cheese casserole with banana in a double boiler

Bananas perfectly complement the curd flavor of the casserole. They are especially useful during seasonal colds, strengthening the body's immunity. After all, they contain a lot of S.

Required ingredients:

  • 400 g cottage cheese (low-fat);
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3 tbsp. semolina;
  • 1/3 cup sugar;
  • 1 banana;
  • 1/4 tsp. vanillin;
  • cinnamon to taste.

Mix cottage cheese with semolina, eggs, sugar and vanilla in a blender until smooth. This will take five minutes. Make sure there are no lumps in the mixture. Peel the apples and remove the core. Slice the bananas. Best in cubes.

Stir the chopped bananas into the rest of the mixture. Place everything in a silicone mold or rice bowl. Place foil in it first. Cook the mixture in a double boiler for forty minutes. When the dish is ready, let it cool. You can sprinkle cinnamon on top. The dish is ready and you can enjoy the deliciousness!

Steamed cottage cheese and oatmeal casserole for diabetics

If you are diabetic or have one in your family, you too can enjoy the great taste of this casserole! Despite the fact that no sugar was added to it, the casserole will be very sweet and juicy. She will conquer anyone.

To prepare you will need:

  • 200 g cottage cheese (low fat);
  • 1 tbsp. oatmeal;
  • 1 medium apple;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tbsp. bran;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 3 tbsp. fructose:
  • cinnamon and vanilla to taste.

Grate the apple or cut it into cubes. Mix it with cottage cheese, oatmeal, egg and fructose. Next, add a pinch of salt and other ingredients to taste (cinnamon and vanilla). Place this mixture in a silicone mold or rice bowl. Place foil in it first. Place in a steamer for thirty minutes. The casserole is ready!

Friends, did you like the cottage cheese casserole recipes? I hope you will use them often in your daily life. After all, a minimum of time is spent on its preparation. You can easily take the casserole with you to school, work or on a picnic. If you learn something new, be sure to share these recipes on social networks so that your friends know how to prepare this delicious dish. Subscribe to the blog so you don't miss anything interesting. See you later!


  • cottage cheese 5% fat – 0.5 kg
  • eggs – 2 pcs.
  • semolina – 2 tbsp.
  • sugar – 3 tbsp.
  • vanilla sugar – 1 sachet
  • salt – 0.5 tsp.

There are a huge variety of casserole recipes of various types and compositions. Moreover, they are all united by cooking technology - the constituent products are connected by a binding component and then subjected to heat treatment, that is, baked. By the way, the well-known lasagna is, in fact, also a casserole. But today I would like to talk not about it, but about a dish that is closer to us and familiar from childhood - cottage cheese casserole.

Cottage cheese casserole is a great tasty idea for a full breakfast or a light afternoon snack. And if you also serve it with a sweet treat such as jam or fruit yogurt, then it will become one of your favorite desserts. So, this healthy dessert can be prepared using a slow cooker! I think that the method described in this recipe will appeal to everyone, including supporters of a healthy diet, because it will be a steamed cottage cheese casserole in a slow cooker - a favorite taste from childhood, prepared in a new way!

I picked up the idea of ​​making a steamed casserole from one chef, and it interested me (I love experimenting!), especially since I recently acquired a large baking dish, which is the perfect size for the bowl of my PHILIPS HD3077/40 multicooker. If you don’t have such a mold, then don’t be upset, small silicone or ceramic molds can serve as an alternative, only then the cooking time will need to be halved (up to 15 minutes instead of 30). So, if you have all the necessary products in your refrigerator, and have a little free time, all you have to do is try and see how simple the cooking process is, and you will definitely like the result of your work, take my word for it! I invite all readers of the site to repeat this recipe and try to prepare such an unusual cottage cheese casserole - steamed!

Cooking method

  1. So, first I collect all the necessary products.

  2. As in classic cottage cheese casseroles, all the ingredients need to be combined, but since I don’t really like grains that may appear during the cooking process, I always first grind the cottage cheese through a sieve so that it has a soft consistency and resembles a curd mass (also You can beat it with a blender).

  3. Now I add semolina, sugar, vanilla sugar (I love the subtle aroma of vanilla) and yolks (I separate them from the whites in advance, and they, in turn, put them in the refrigerator) to the prepared cottage cheese.

  4. I mix everything thoroughly with a spoon into a homogeneous mass. I put it in the refrigerator for an hour - during this time the semolina will swell properly.

  5. After an hour, I take the curd mass and cooled egg whites out of the refrigerator. Beat the egg whites with a mixer until stiff, adding a pinch of salt.

  6. If you don't have a mixer, you can beat it with a whisk, but it will take longer. Gently fold the whipped whites into the curd mixture, moving the spatula from bottom to top until the whites are completely incorporated.

  7. I put the prepared dough into the mold, compacting it firmly. There is no need to grease the mold.

  8. I pour 1 liter of hot water into the bowl, and place the mold with the curd mass on top.

  9. And now, perhaps, the most important point! If you have a mold as large as mine, be sure to ensure that it has a hole for steam to escape, otherwise you may damage the multicooker. I had to make this hole myself (as you can see in this photo), since it wasn’t there initially. As I already said, you can also use portioned molds, thereby reducing the cooking time. Perhaps you will use a different mold and its size will be smaller, then place it in the container for steaming, but make sure that there is free space around the edge so that steam can escape.

    I close the lid of the multicooker, set the “cook for steam” program and after the sound signal I start counting down the time. In half an hour, the steamed cottage cheese casserole will be ready.

  10. As soon as the cooking time has expired, I turn off the multicooker, carefully open the lid and allow the casserole to cool slightly. Afterwards, carefully, so as not to burn yourself, I remove the mold and place the casserole on a flat dish.

  11. Let it cool completely. Before serving, top with fruit yoghurt and garnish with fresh berries or fruit. Please note that yogurt is not included in the calorie calculation.

This steamed cottage cheese casserole in a slow cooker will be no less tasty if served with sour cream, condensed milk or your favorite jam. Bon appetit!

For lovers of cottage cheese casseroles, I suggest you try making steamed casserole in a slow cooker. Yes, yes, you can not only bake casseroles. Steamed cottage cheese casserole is ideal for diet, baby food and all those who care about their health. At the end of the day, it just tastes really good. The casserole turns out tender, soft, and tastes in no way inferior to the one prepared in the usual way. Those who turn their nose up at steamed dishes, for some reason considering them to be the lot of sick people, often have not even tried them. Try this steam casserole, or you will change your opinion about steam dishes and realize that it is incredibly delicious!


  • 100 g cottage cheese
  • 1 tsp. semolina
  • 1 tsp. Sahara
  • 1 quail egg or 1 chicken yolk (if the child is older, you can add a whole chicken egg)

Preparing cottage cheese casserole in a slow cooker:

Beat cottage cheese, sugar and quail egg well, add semolina, mix (can be done without semolina). If your cottage cheese is loose/crumbly, you can add a couple of tablespoons of milk or kefir.

Pour the curd mixture into a buttered mold. If desired, you can add a handful of any berries.

Pour 2 cups of water into the multicooker bowl and place the casserole container on top.

Steam the baby casserole in a multicooker for 15 minutes.

The finished cottage cheese casserole can be topped with fruit baby puree or decorated with fruit.

Bon appetit!!!

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