Okpo code where indicated in the USRUL statement. Find out the okpo code when contacting in person. Okpo: deciphering the code

Often, without thinking about the meaning of the abbreviation, we fill out various fields, indicating all kinds of numbers, tax identification numbers and other data in the form of digital codes. But what do they mean and where are they used? To understand the meaning of OKPO, you need to turn to its purpose, that is, the main purpose for which this classifier of enterprises was introduced and used.

OKPO - decoding of the famous abbreviation

OKPO should be read as the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations. This immediately suggests several logical conclusions that this code is used to record enterprises throughout Russia in statistics.

Back in 1993, this code was adopted by a decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation, which is called the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations - OKPO. But it began to be assigned to business entities in 1999. If the company was created earlier, then you need to contact Rosstat to assign it.

Any enterprise has an OKPO assigned to it, which indicates which industry this company belongs to. It is for this reason that different organizations have competitors there may be similar data this all-Russian classifier, because they operate in the same industry. However, there cannot be absolutely similar codes, because it is unique for each organization. When you change the type of activity, this code also changes. Changes to this encoding can only be made by the Federal State Statistics Service.

This classification is broader than the same more detailed OKVED code, but it is it is fundamental and significant in statistics of economic entities of the Russian Federation.

Purpose and meaning of the OKPO code

OKPO ensures the reliability of data regarding the identification of any business entity in the Russian Federation. This code is a statistical foundation, as a single all-Russian classifier for identifying all enterprises and organizations. Knowing the OKPO code, you can obtain the necessary information about the enterprise located in the state registers of the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. These are various registers for legal entities - ERGYUL, where the last two letters of the abbreviation LE - legal entities, as well as the Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs - for individual entrepreneurs, where the last two letters of the abbreviation are also IP.

The classifier is used for the following purposes:

  • maintaining lists of enterprises in government databases;
  • quick identification of any enterprise in the Russian Federation;
  • automated information processing and convenience for accounting and statistics;
  • creation of a common information field of compatible data on business entities;
  • quick connection of data on enterprises and statistical accounting;
  • implementation of interdepartmental information flow.

From the function of the code it is clear that its main purpose is the statistical convenience of a set of numbers, from which it is easy to read the necessary data about the enterprise and to which information can be linked. In the future, all information assigned to this code or an enterprise under this code can be easily retrieved from the database upon request of the OKPO number.

OKPO contains the serial number of the legal entity, industry information, and the last digit is the control number of the classified object.

The most widely used statistics codes are: OKPO, OKVED, OKATO, OKOPF, OKFS. There are actually many more such codes, but some are used more often, others less frequently.

Individual entrepreneur (IP) and OKPO

The code of the all-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations is assigned both to enterprises in the form of a legal entity and to those who conduct business as an individual entrepreneur.

True, some private owners do not even suspect that they also have such a code, and yet there is not a single business entity without OKPO. This code used when filling out contracts and licenses, you can also use it to request official information on companies that interest you.

Only the OKPO code for individual entrepreneurs is ten-digit; the first nine digits indicate the industry and type of activity, which are determined by a special coding method. Individual entrepreneurs do not have constituent documents, which is why all the basic information is contained in nine digits of this code, except for the tenth digit.

The last figure, as for legal entities, is the control figure. OKPO is assigned and retained by the company until its exclusion from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, as long as an individual with the status exists in the status of an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity.

It is for this reason that, according to these Instructions, It is impossible for identical codes to exist legal entity and individual entrepreneur. Repeated OKPO can be assigned five years after the liquidation of the legal entity to which this code belonged.

Where can I find out the OKPO of an enterprise?

Very often, to perform certain actions or to request information about a company, you need to find out its OKPO. In order to find the OKPO of a business entity, there are several options:

It is quite obvious that OKPO code is not officially published in the form of a list. After all, its relevance would be lost every day due to additions and changes of information in a very massive database.

The letter combination OKPO is very often found in accounting and financial documents. Not everyone knows what this abbreviation is. Meanwhile, this is one of the most important codes characterizing the activities of any legal entity.

What he really is?

OKPO is a commonly used abbreviation derived from the first letters meaning the name of the statistical classifier, namely -

The main code of any enterprise, organization, entrepreneur, the correct assignment of which largely determines the further existence of an economic entity - this is how most economists interpret the concept of OKPO. What this is can be understood by studying Rosstat Order No. 174 dated July 29, 2008. It covers the purpose, classification and characteristics of OKPO, the procedure for making clarifications and changes.

What is it for?

The state requires the OKPO code for registration and statistical recording of economic entities. Unambiguous identification of any economic entity of the Russian Federation - this is how the main function of the OKPO code can be formulated. That this makes it possible to quickly find any company or entrepreneur in Rosstat databases is quite obvious.

Apart from this, the code is used:

  • as the main identifier for interdepartmental information exchange;
  • to integrate all federal databases of various departments and ministries;
  • to create a common information space of the Russian Federation;
  • to ensure comparability of data;
  • to organize a quick search for information.

Changes to OKPO codes can only be made by Rosstat.

How is it assigned?

The objects of classification according to the OKPO code are absolutely all legal entities: enterprises and organizations of any form of ownership, their branches, representative offices, organizations that operate without forming a legal entity, and individual entrepreneurs.

The principles of code formation are set out in the Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated December 30, 1993 No. 297. They are quite simple: the code has an 8-bit structure for organizations and a 10-bit structure for the first 7 or 9 digits - the number itself, the last digit is the encrypted key.

The code is assigned for the entire period of existence of the legal entity (by the way, regardless of changes that have occurred to it) until its liquidation. After liquidation, information about an economic entity is removed from all databases where its OKPO of an entrepreneur or organization is used.

After 10 years, a newly formed legal entity can sometimes be assigned a previously used OKPO code. That this may lead to different organizations being assigned the same code is immaterial, since it will not in any way affect the activities of the new business entity.

How to get it?

The assignment of an OKPO code to an organization by Rosstat authorities takes into account information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, which they receive electronically from the tax authorities. In addition, the organization is required to provide an application signed by the head, as well as a certain package of title documents. Organizations must provide Rosstat with copies of:

  • extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • charter;
  • decisions (minutes) of the meeting by which the head is appointed;
  • OGRN certificates;
  • TIN certificates.

A complete list of required documents can be found in the territorial bodies of Rosstat. Statistical authorities send notifications about codes assigned to organizations by mail or provide them electronically.

OKPO for individual entrepreneurs is assigned in a simplified manner, and notification of codes is sent only to those entrepreneurs who are required to provide statistical reporting. Other individual entrepreneurs may receive a notification if they submit a request to their territorial body of Rosstat.

How can it be used?

The OKPO code is a necessary requisite; its use in financial documents is mandatory. For example, the OKPO code should be indicated:

  • on the letterhead of an organization or entrepreneur;
  • in the details of the parties when concluding any contracts.

Without this code, it is impossible to perform most legally significant actions, for example, opening a bank account or registering with extra-budgetary funds.

How to recognize him?

Novice accountants often ask the question: “Where can I look up OKPO?” There is no fixed list of these codes, since legal entities are organized and liquidated every day. To clarify the OKPO of your own organization, it is enough to contact the Rosstat authorities with an official request. In response, the territorial body of Rosstat sends a letter indicating all the statistics codes assigned to a specific legal entity.

You can find the OKPO code if you know the TIN and OGRN of the organization or entrepreneur. You need to contact the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate at the place of registration with a request to issue an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for legal entities and an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs for individual entrepreneurs. Both of these extracts contain basic information about the economic entity, including the required code.

A paper statement can be sent by mail or it can be obtained directly from the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate. Today you can also visit the official portal of the Federal Tax Service. The data contained in the unified state registers is publicly available, so everyone can obtain the information contained in them.

The All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) is the main state classifier of economic entities in the country. And the OKPO code is an eight- or ten-digit number in the classifier that the statistics body assigns to an organization or individual entrepreneur. In Russia, every organization or entrepreneur must have this code.

In our article we will analyze what the OKPO code is, who needs it and why, where to get it and how to use it to get maximum information about the enterprise.

Why do you need the OKPO code?

The all-Russian classifier systematizes all organizations and entrepreneurs in all state databases. OKPO codes help various departments exchange information and conduct statistical analysis. That is, first of all, OKPO codes are needed by our statistics service. The state task is to create a unified information field for economic entities on the territory of Russia, and this is done with the help of codes.

On the other hand, entrepreneurs and heads of organizations themselves need to know the OKPO code. They are not required every day, but in a number of situations you cannot do without them.

  • The company's OKPO code must be indicated on all reports and documents - tax, legal and accounting. Contracts, permits and agreements, licenses and certificates of completion of work cannot be done without this organization or individual entrepreneur code.
  • Without a statistics code, you will not be able to apply for a loan from a financial institution. The organization will not be able to make changes to the constituent documents, change the head or open a branch.
  • When importing and exporting products, customs requires codes to clear the goods.
  • Knowing the OKPO code, you can search government databases and gain access to any official information about the enterprise. This way you can check the reliability of your counterparties: find out whether your partner or supplier fulfills its obligations to the state, and whether it is bankrupt.

Who is assigned the OKPO code?

The All-Russian Classifier includes all business entities: legal entities (including branches and representative offices), individual entrepreneurs and organizations that operate without forming a legal entity. The activity of an enterprise on the market will be legal only after receiving the OKPO code. This code becomes the identification mark of the individual entrepreneur or organization for all Statistics information systems.

Please note: there are no identical OKPO codes. There may be a coincidence of codes if the business entity was liquidated, and then its code after 5 years can be assigned to a new organization or individual entrepreneur. If you come across the same OKPO codes for organizations, just check the TIN: if the TINs do not match, then we are talking about different organizations, and one of them has long ceased to exist.

Does the individual entrepreneur have an OKPO code?

Today, in most cases, OKPO codes are given to entrepreneurs from the moment of registration: they began to be issued to entrepreneurs in 1999. Now individual entrepreneurs have their own section in the classifier. The code for entrepreneurs consists of 10 digits instead of 8, like for legal entities and other organizations. If you started your business before 1999, contact the Rosstat Office for the OKPO code.

Typically, entrepreneurs do not know their OKPO code, because when filling out documents they can put a dash in the line with the code. It is also not required when conducting business or filling out reports and declarations.

How to get your OKPO code upon registration?

The Federal State Statistics Service (also known as the Rosstat Office) issues OKPO numbers. This service is also maintained by the All-Russian Classifier itself: it accumulates information about business entities.

Upon registration, organizations and individual entrepreneurs receive a letter from Rosstat with the OKPO code. Thus, getting it for the first time is very simple: it is issued along with other registration documents.

How to find out your OKPO code?

If you have lost the letter with the code, request it again from the territorial office of Rosstat (this service is paid). You can bring your request to statistics in person or send it electronically through the website.

You can also use the Rosstat service, where the search is carried out by TIN, OGRN or notification type. This way you can find out not only your code, but also the codes of your counterparties.

Another option for individual entrepreneurs and organizations is the “Rosstat Codes of the Russian Federation” service. Select a region on this page, after which you will see links to contacts of regional statistics departments and the official website of Rosstat in your region. Select the link “Generate and print a notification with statistics codes” for individual entrepreneurs or for legal entities. Enter data to search for statistics codes: TIN or OGRN. Unfortunately, the service is in test mode, and the search for some regions fails.

How to find the OKPO code for an organization?

You can find out the codes of large enterprises/organizations if you have contracts, licenses, or company accounting documents, where this code must be entered along with other details. Often the code is present on the company seal.

You can also find out the company's OKPO number using Internet search engines. Many organizations publish the OKPO code on their website in the details section.

You can contact Rosstat for the company code: fill out the required form, indicate your passport details, business registration certificate and TIN. Within a few days you will receive an information letter with the OKPO code of the organization of interest.

You can also get the code from the Federal Tax Service in an extract from the Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs or the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Fill out the application, pay the fee, and within 5 days the tax office will provide the data to the company.

How to change OKPO code?

The main task of the code is to indicate the industry in which the enterprise operates. Therefore, the OKPO code changes when changing industry and is required by those enterprises that had to radically change their leading activity. If the code does not indicate the industry of activity, regulatory authorities may impose a fine on the organization.

In other cases, the OKPO number does not change throughout the life of the enterprise. Reorganization or opening of branches, change of legal address does not require a code change.

To change the code, contact the territorial statistics office and request a new OKPO code in connection with the change of activity.

How does OKPO work? What is its structure and sections?

The classifier of organizations and entrepreneurs consists of two large sections:

  • 1 section with data on legal entities, their branches and representative offices, as well as on organizations that operate without obtaining a legal entity;
  • Section 2 with data on individual entrepreneurs.

Each large section of the classifier consists of:

  • identification block with OKPO codes themselves;
  • block of object names with full and abbreviated names of organizations and names of individual entrepreneurs;
  • block of classification characteristics with encodings that contain other all-Russian classifiers.

The classifier is constantly changing, Statistics makes additions and changes to it, so the reference book exists only in electronic form and is not published anywhere: the publication would take many volumes, and reprinting would occur weekly.

The accounting web service Kontur.Accounting allows you to find out the OKPO codes of your counterparties in a couple of minutes. Here you can keep records, calculate salaries, send reports online and use the support of our specialists.

The OKPO code can be found in the Rosstat database, this is All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations. The OKPO code is necessary to systematize operating legal entities and reflect them in federal classifiers throughout the Russian Federation; it serves for the convenience of obtaining information about enterprises and organizations, in order to ensure the exchange of information at the interdepartmental level. The objects of classification are companies and their separate divisions, individual entrepreneurs.

General information

Rosstat is the Federal State Statistics Service, a government body belonging to the executive branch of the state mechanism. The competence of this body is clearly defined by 282-FZ: Rosstat maintains a database of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, accumulating information collected about them.

When registering legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, a letter is issued from Rosstat, which contains number assigned to the entrepreneur. It's not difficult to get it the first time.

The code is issued along with the rest of the documents required for the company. If the code is lost, Rosstat issues it again, but for a fee.

For individual entrepreneurs

OKPO code includes 8 or 10 digits. The first seven or nine digits are the sequence number, and the 8th or 10th digit is the check number. You can view the OKPO code in the Rosstat database on the website www.gks.ru.

OKPO is assigned to individual entrepreneurs and organizations. This digital identifier is the main identification mark when searching for information about an individual entrepreneur. Codification allows the exchange of information between various institutions and makes the functioning of government bodies more comfortable.

The code is assigned to individual entrepreneurs by Rosstat, not at the request of an individual entrepreneur, but upon registration of his activities. The business owner simultaneously receives an OKPO code, which is reflected in documentation of a legal entity (constituent), in the case of individual entrepreneurs – in the registration certificate.

In addition, the digital identifier will be registered in . The entrepreneur must request a letter of information content from the statistical authorities, which will display the decoding of the codes.

The document is necessary for the entrepreneur to carry out economic transactions with counterparties, and also for the bank. To do this, you need to contact the Rosstat department at the place of registration of the citizen and write a corresponding application.

To contact the competent authority, a citizen must bring with him a certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur, passport, TIN.

For legal entities

OKPO cannot be changed throughout the economic life of the company. If changes occur in an enterprise, organization, or company related to the creation, the code does not change.

Separate divisions of legal entities include branches and representative offices. Changes to codes are necessary if an organization decides to operate in a different industry.

What is the task of OKPO? This identifier is used to determine the industry in which the enterprise or company operates. OKPO unites legal entities according to the sectors of their activity, and differs from OKVED in that it provides a general idea of ​​the industry in which the enterprise operates. OKVED is more specific on this issue.

Purposes of using OKPO for legal entities:

  1. Ensuring compatibility of data from state information systems with data on business entities.
  2. Identification of economic entities throughout the Russian Federation.
  3. Activation of information exchange between departments and institutions interested in information.
  4. Creation of a single database.
  5. Automated data processing.
  6. Classification of data, which in the future makes it possible to predict the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation and improve the organizational structure of accounting data.

OKPO cannot be classified as a tax identifier, since the code does not contain taxation data. This code belongs exclusively to statistical authorities.

If a legal entity decides to engage in activities that require licensing, this can only be done after receiving the code. If an organization operates without OKPO, it faces sanctions.

OKPO is issued to a legal entity during the registration process. If the code is lost, then, by analogy with individual entrepreneurs, it is restored by Rosstat, but for a fee.

For counterparties

The OKPO code of counterparties can be found from their documents, for example, by requesting an invoice. Often this digital identifier is registered for individual entrepreneurs or organizations. You can also order an extract from the registers from the tax authority, but this service is provided on a paid basis.

There are several other ways to find out the OKPO of a counterparty:

  1. Using the TIN code on the tax authority website nalog.ru, you can find out the company’s address. Then call the district administration where the company operates. Administration staff will tell you the OKPO code.
  2. On specialized websites you can find data from state registers. The service is provided on a paid basis, around the clock.

Shape Features

There is no strictly unified form for the OKPO form. The OKPO certificate form means that you need provide information on the classifier. After registering a company or individual entrepreneur with the tax authority and transferring this information to Rosstat, the Federal Statistics Service assigns the entrepreneur No. from the classifier.

This identifier hides information about the subject who has registered and plans to work in the entrepreneurial niche. Based on the classification characteristics of the OKPO code, you can find out the following information:

  • to whom does the organization report (if it is state-owned);
  • what local territorial entity the company belongs to;
  • economic sector of management;
  • form of ownership of the company;
  • organizational form of the enterprise.

The OKPO code, created and assigned to a legal entity, allows you to systematize the subject of economic activity by area of ​​business.

Where and how to find out

There are several ways:

  1. Contact the Rosstat division. It is necessary to write a special application requesting an information letter. The answer should come within 5 days.
  2. Tax service. This competent authority provides the information contained in the Unified Register. The user also needs to fill out a special application. The information he needs will arrive within 5 days.

Free receipt using TIN

You must enter your TIN on the tax authority website. The system will issue the address of the requested organization or individual entrepreneur. At this address, you can find out the OKPO code from the local administration. All this is completely free.

You will learn how to find out statistics codes online for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs from this video.

Hello! Without a special OKPO code, any organization and individual entrepreneur does not have the right to conduct economic and financial activities. In this article we will analyze in detail what OKPO is and how to find out OKPO!

What is OKPO

This number has been assigned since 1994 according to Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation No. 297. OKPO is indicated in various documents, reports, and orders of the organization. It helps define the type of activity of the organization.

There cannot be two identical OKPOs. Accordingly, when you change activities, the code also changes. It consists of 8-10 digits. The first seven sometimes nine numbers are the serial number, and the last numbers are the control numbers.

OKPO is affixed to all documentation where individual entrepreneur details are implied:

  • Invoices and other accounting documents;
  • Agreement;
  • Registration documents;
  • Licenses;
  • Help;
  • Tax papers;
  • Invoices;
  • Documents for Rosstat.

Sometimes OKPO can be seen on the company seal.

Why is OKPO needed?

OKPO is needed for the following actions:

  1. For automatic processing of information about the organization;
  2. To exchange information between various departments, such as Rosstat, FSS, tax, compulsory medical insurance, Pension Fund and others;
  3. To make a forecast of the social and economic picture in the country;
  4. For compatibility of PC programs between business entities and departments;
  5. To distinguish between organizations, firms, individual entrepreneurs and enterprises;
  6. To group information according to certain criteria.

In addition, knowing this code, you can check whether the company is conscientiously fulfilling its obligations regarding taxes and fees, and whether there is a lawsuit.

OKPO classifier structure

The OKPO classifier contains two sections:

  1. Legal entities and their branches and divisions;
  2. List of OKPO individual entrepreneurs.

Sections consist of 3 blocks:

  • Informational– contains the name of the organization in Russian; if foreign words are present, they are indicated in additional information. For individual entrepreneurs, the full name of the owner is indicated.
  • Identificational– contains 8 digits, both for LLCs and individual enterprises. The first two numbers show the type of activity (products of production, national economy, labor resources, management). The remaining numbers are the serial number. The last number is the control number.
  • Classification— contains additional codes.

OKATO– indicates the location of the company. This is an outdated concept; OKTMO is currently used.

OKFS– needed to identify the form of ownership;

OKOGU– code assigned only to government bodies. With its help, it is determined which department the government body belongs to.

OKVED– needed to identify the type of economic activity.

Rosstat bodies enter information about new individual entrepreneurs and organizations into a single database. Approximately five days after submitting registration documents, the applicant is sent a notification by mail. In other words, an extract from the classifier indicating all the required ciphers.

OKPO for a legal entity is preserved for the entire period of operation of the organization and reorganization processes do not affect its change.

The code is excluded from the classifier only in the event of liquidation of the enterprise. But at the same time, within 5 years, the code will still be registered with an organization that no longer exists.

How to find out OKPO organizations and individual entrepreneurs: Rosstat and Nalog.ru

You can find out the OKPO of an individual entrepreneur by requesting an extract from the tax service. To do this, fill out an application. After 5 working days, information about OKPO is sent by email.
In the event that the package of registration documents is unavailable for certain reasons, the individual entrepreneur can request a certificate from Rosstat. In addition to all the data on entrepreneurship, the document will also indicate OKPO.

You can also use the statistics website by going to THIS page.

How to work with this resource? The top field indicates the type of notification - for whom it is created (legal companies, individual entrepreneurs, lawyers, notaries, for branches).

If you need to receive notifications with all statistical codes online , then you need to go to the site Rosstat codes- official website of statistics of the Russian Federation.

To print a notification you need to:

  • On the website indicated above, select the desired region in the left field;
  • Click “Individual entrepreneurs”/“Legal entities”;
  • Enter OGRN or TIN in the required field;
  • Go to the documents tab and download the notification in Word format.

The data on this site is updated every two months. The printed notice of statistics codes is fully valid. After all, this form is for informational and reference purposes and is not included in the OKUD. There is no official form for this document and there is no need to certify the notification in Rosstat.

You can also find out OKPO on the tax website.
Website address Nalog.ru.

On this resource, through a search engine, you can find out the legal address if you have the organization’s TIN. With the information received, they are sent to the city administration to obtain OKPO data.

Find and find out OKPO by TIN for free on the Internet

If you only need the OKPO number without other information, then you can find OKPO using the TIN of an organization or individual entrepreneur through online services. To do this, you need to go to the links below and follow the instructions; most often you just need to enter your TIN.

How to find out OKPO by TIN

First resource, which helps define this code is Circuit.

  1. On the website you need to enter your TIN in the “Try it yourself” field.
  2. The system produces the finished result in the form of code.

Second site- This K-Agent. There you need to select the organization of interest and enter the TIN. On the same resource you can find out OKPO for individual entrepreneurs; to do this, you need to enter the full name of the individual entrepreneur or enter the information written above.

All operations are carried out completely free of charge, and information is displayed in a matter of minutes.

Third way, it is more difficult than others, but it has its place. It is carried out on the website OKPO.RU.

The resource generates queries to data from the Unified State Register of Politicians and the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. As a result, you can get a complete statement of organizations.

This site is also useful because you can leave an application and confirmation, assign and change statistical codes there.

On the resource you can find extracts from laws on classifications of organizations or individual entrepreneurs.

Action plan on the OKPO.RU website

  • Go to the “Search by OKPO” field;
  • Enter your individual taxpayer number;
  • As a result, the site will issue an archived extract from the Unified State Register.

Fourth site - Internet portal Skrin.

To obtain information, it is enough to know the name of the enterprise. In the “Company Reporting” tab, enter the name or OGRN, INN. But information is displayed only for counterparties who have entered into agreements to disclose their information.

And the last fifth method .
How to obtain OKPO for an organization or individual entrepreneur:

  • Go to the site;
  • In the gray field immediately after the heading “Find out more about any company” you must enter the TIN or the official name of the company;
  • If the name is not entered in full, the system offers all possible options, and you can select the appropriate one from among them. In this case, the director of the company and its region (city, region) will be indicated;
  • Click on the desired organization or individual entrepreneur;
  • A window will open with a map of the company’s location and detailed information, including OKPO. The number can be found at the bottom of the page along with OGRN, INN and KPP.

All the sites listed above for searching for OKPO provide services for free.

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