Curd mass - recipe. Curd mass with dried apricots Curd mass with dried apricots

December 13, 2015

We think that no one needs to be agitated in the sense that cottage cheese is a valuable food product that contains easily digestible, complete milk protein, and is also rich in calcium and phosphorus, and in an optimal ratio for the body. Cottage cheese is simply delicious and most people enjoy it on its own or in any dishes in which it is used. Well, pampering yourself with soft and delicate curd masses of your own making is a lovely thing :) It’s easy to prepare curd mass at home – literally a couple of minutes of interaction with a blender, and the composition and consistency of the mass is absolutely to your taste.

Curd mass is carefully (or not so :-)) pureed cottage cheese, to which certain ingredients are added to improve the taste and consistency. Curd masses can be raw or custard (boiled). Curd masses are prepared sweet and not sweet from cottage cheese of any fat content - according to your preferences. It is clear that the most useful are raw curd masses made from fresh homemade cottage cheese.

The freshness of cottage cheese is an indispensable condition when making curd masses at home, especially raw ones. Both the cottage cheese itself, and especially the curd masses, are perishable products. Raw curd masses should be prepared with special care, preferably for one time, and if you have to store it, then only in the refrigerator and no more than 72 hours, but we would advise not to risk it and handle it within a day. The more additives there are in the mass, the shorter the guarantee of its safe storage.

You can grind the cottage cheese into a mass manually, using a sieve, or pass it through a meat grinder, but after the blender has become an ordinary inhabitant of any kitchen, you don’t even want to remember about labor-intensive methods of rubbing :) Those who prepare curd masses at home regularly are great knows that, as a rule, certain ingredients are added to the cottage cheese during mashing, depending on the consistency of the cottage cheese itself - “by eye” and by taste. In fact, pureed fairly juicy cottage cheese with sugar and salt is already a curd mass, the simplest one. If you are preparing from dense dry cottage cheese, but you want a mixture with a softer consistency, add milk, or cream, or sour cream of your preferred fat content. If you allow yourself to enjoy curd masses that are more calorie-rich, then if you wish, you can add butter to the mass - from a little to 20% of the mass of cottage cheese. Curd masses with the addition of butter harden better when cooled and are often used to prepare curd “cheeses” in chocolate glaze. That's what they call them - .

For a better aroma, ground spices, most often vanillin, are added to the curd masses. You can also add raisins and other dried fruits, fresh fruit or berry purees, fruit syrups, honey, cocoa, chocolate, nuts - whatever you like in this regard, but without excesses, so that the added ingredients do not blur the taste of each other :)

Today we are going to prepare raw sweet curd mass - the simplest, no-fuss, using a blender. You will get 600-650 grams of mass. Look how easy it is :)

  • Preparation: 5 minutes
  • Preparation: 5 minutes
  • It will turn out: 600-650 grams


500 grams of homemade cottage cheese (or whatever you have :-))

2-4 tablespoons sugar, to taste

a pinch of salt, or no salt

2-3 tablespoons of milk, or sour cream, or heavy cream (for dry cottage cheese)

If desired, additionally:

1-2 tablespoons butter (for low-fat cottage cheese)

3 Rub for one minute until a homogeneous mass is formed.

4 Test the mass for taste and consistency. We determine for ourselves that we can add sugar and vanillin, and the consistency is excellent; we don’t need to add sour cream. Add two more tablespoons of sugar and a little vanilla, rub for another minute. Place half the mixture in a bowl. Nice :)

5 And now, for clarity, let’s say we want the mass to be thinner and more tender. Just add a spoon or two of sour cream to the mixture.

6 And wipe it again. The second half of the mass turned out like this - more tender and softer, but still quite thick and holds its shape steadily. It’s amazing how good she is :)

7 All you have to do is decide which mass you like best. If you want it even more tender, just add a spoonful of sour cream or cream until the consistency of the mass satisfies you. When cooled, the curds thicken a little more.

The curd mass does not have to be made sweet. There are many delicious recipes for non-sweet curd masses - with salt, pepper, garlic, onions, herbs, tomato paste.

It is also not necessary to grind the cottage cheese into a smooth puree - if you prefer the grainy structure of the curd masses, then simply mash the cottage cheese with a fork.

Sometimes, for better consistency, raw eggs or egg yolks are added to the curd masses. For safety reasons, it is better to prepare curd masses to which eggs are added using the custard method - after straining, bring to a boil, do not cook, but immediately remove from heat and cool quickly by immersing the pan in cold water. The consistency of custard curd masses is thinner due to the waste of whey when heated, so such masses are usually pressed for better consistency. This is exactly how traditional Easter custard curds are prepared :)

Baked curd masses are called casseroles and are prepared according to many delicious recipes :)

Happy experimenting and bon appetit!

We will not once again delve into stories about how healthy cottage cheese is and how important it is to eat it regularly. Let’s focus better on the options for its preparation, or more precisely, on a very specific option - curd mass.

Curd masses are finely pureed cottage cheese seasoned with various additives. Let us immediately note that the curd mass can be not only “raw”, but also heat-treated, for example, boiled, and when baked, such a mass is already called.

Among the most popular additives with which curd mass is prepared are dried fruits and sugar. However, you can add almost anything you like to such masses - fresh berries or berries from jam, nuts, honey, candied fruits, chocolate, coconut flakes, etc. If you are preparing a dessert for yourself or a child, it would be quite logical to add favorite products to the cottage cheese that suit your or his individual taste. In particular, the curd mass may not be sweet, but salty - then various vegetables, spices, parsley, basil, cilantro and other aromatic herbs are added to it. Also, the curd mass can be prepared from fruits alone, without adding sweets, then its taste will be slightly sour, but pleasant.

You can prepare the curd mass from store-bought, but even better - from homemade cottage cheese. We'll talk about how to make cottage cheese at home.

Recipe for the simplest and fastest curd mass

You will need: 100 g low-fat cottage cheese, 2 tbsp. butter, 1 tbsp. powdered sugar, vanillin.

How to quickly prepare curd mass. Soften the butter, grind with powdered sugar, adding vanillin, beat into a fluffy cream, without stopping whipping, add the pureed cottage cheese in portions. Pour the mixture into the mold and refrigerate.

Recipe for sweet curd mass with raisins

You will need: 500 g of cottage cheese, 200 g of sour cream, 150 g of sugar, 100 g of raisins and butter, 2 eggs, vanillin.

How to prepare curd mass with raisins. Grind the cottage cheese in a meat grinder, transfer it to a saucepan, beat in the eggs, grind, adding butter and sour cream, until smooth. Heat the mixture, but do not bring to a boil, remove from the stove, place the pan in an ice water bath, stir until the mixture cools. Pour sugar into the mixture, add soaked raisins and vanillin, mix, put the mixture on a dish and put under a press to release the whey.

Recipe for salted curd mass with cumin, dill and pepper

You will need: 450 g of cottage cheese, allspice, dill, cumin, salt.

How to prepare unsweetened curd mass. Rub the cottage cheese, add salt, add allspice, chopped dill and caraway seeds, stir until smooth. Serve with sandwiches.

Recipe for sweet boiled curd mass

How to prepare boiled curd mass. Grate the cottage cheese, add butter, sour cream, sugar and a pinch of salt, mix, beat in the eggs and add raisins, mix again and place in a saucepan. With continuous stirring, heat until boiling, but do not boil the mass, but immediately remove the pan from the stove. Cool the mixture in a cold water bath, continuing to stir.

You can prepare a lot of delicious dishes from the curd mass, and one of the most popular options for such dishes will soon be those prepared for the bright holiday of Easter.

Whatever you use to prepare the curd mass, these tips will come in handy.

Secrets of making sweet and unsweetened curd masses

  • If the cottage cheese used to prepare the curd mass is low-fat, but the recipe requires fat, then in this situation you can find an easy solution - add 100 g of butter for every 450 g of cottage cheese.
  • It is better not to add more than 3 additives at the same time to any curd mass - one of the flavors will definitely overwhelm the others. Classic combinations for sweet mass are apples and raisins, crushed nuts and chocolate, or chocolate and wild berries; for unsweetened masses - chopped parsley and garlic, sweet purple onion and ground sweet paprika, tomato puree and allspice.
  • Unsweetened curd masses go well with whole grain bread and are served as a snack with bread, while sweet ones are often served as an independent dish or used to make baked goods - casseroles, etc.
  • For the curd mass, it is not at all necessary, contrary to popular belief, to use only fatty cottage cheese - low-fat cottage cheese below 5% fat content is also suitable.
  • To keep the consistency of the mass tender, the cottage cheese should be rubbed through a sieve or twisted in a meat grinder; it can also be beaten with a mixer or ground using a blender - whichever is more convenient for you. Also, to make the sweet mass more tender, it is better to add powdered sugar instead of sugar. However, it is not necessary to wipe the cottage cheese if you want the mass to have a grainy consistency.

Hello, dear readers. Today I want to show you how to make curd mass from homemade cottage cheese. We do this so that the child eats cottage cheese, and not only. Sometimes it is very difficult to force a child to eat cottage cheese, honey, bacteria, or even a vitamin that is not tasty, but which must be given. And I’ll show you how you can disguise all this in cottage cheese. In consistency it will not differ from children’s favorite store-bought children’s cottage cheese, but in terms of benefits it will be 100% superior. The taste will be very tempting for children, and can be different for the better if you try.

It couldn't be easier. What we need for this:

  • Cottage cheese
  • Kefir
  • Sugar
  • Any berries or sweet preparations
  • Blender for mixing (optional)

We will start preparing the curd mass at home with a blender; of course, you can mix it all with a fork, if not hard berries, but a blender is more convenient and faster.

I will be making a light dinner for the whole family, so the proportions for 4 people have already been checked more than once. Today I will use fresh plums as a flavoring agent.

I take 5 plums, wash them and remove the pits. I put everything in a blender and grind it. You can, of course, grind them differently, grind them through a sieve. But it takes longer, but using a blender is faster and more convenient.

We had 180 grams of crushed plums.

Add 400 grams of homemade cottage cheese and one 250 gram glass of kefir, also homemade, to the blender. We make kefir ourselves, buying fresh milk from a thrush friend.

Now add sugar or honey. For example, we added 3 tablespoons of sugar to this proportion. Honey can overpower the taste of our flavoring. Honey is best used separately.

You look at the sweetness according to your taste. After all, if you use ground preparations instead of berries, then the proportions will be different. For example, you can use it, it turns out very tasty.

Now we grind it all with a blender. If you are trying to hide cottage cheese, or disguise it as store-bought, then grind it into puree. We don’t always make a small fraction so that the stomach does not get used to easily digestible food.

At this stage, you can add any “healthy fillers”. We use live bacteria, and children don't even know about it. And the benefits of this are enormous. This is what our family dinner looks like today.

I will now show you what we use as a filler and what berries we use. Please note the top of the photo, this is a small portion of the ingredients that can be used.

For example, from left to right. 700 gram jar - ground black currants with sugar, on the jar of plums, in front of the jar - live bacteria. The second jar on the left is raspberries ground with sugar, with an apple on top. You can grate it, or just grind it in a blender first. Third jar, apricot steamed and ground through a sieve. Stored in the refrigerator as raw jam, mixed with sugar. Honey stands in front of him. And the pearl of our collection is strawberries ground with sugar. Everyone loves her and apricot the most.

But that’s not all, you can add raisins, flakes, nuts, muesli to the finished curd, in general, everything your heart desires.

And at the bottom of the photo I show a light snack. This was already done the next day, since I was too lazy to write that day. This time everything is simple, cottage cheese, kefir, strawberries ground with sugar and bacteria. There was enough sweetness in the strawberries too. Now we are trying to make such light and healthy desserts for children more often.

If you don’t have fresh preparations, then any jam will do, just without seeds. Or even jam. In winter, when we run out of fresh berries in the refrigerator, we will use or just honey. And from last year we still have various sweets in the form of jam. I think this year they will be more active.

Our mother made us this kind of cottage cheese when we were children. I added one chicken egg yolk and a spoonful of honey to a bowl of cottage cheese. I mixed it all with a fork; we didn’t have a blender then. Despite the fact that they were invented a long time ago. It was the most delicious cottage cheese. I still make this for myself sometimes for breakfast. Only instead of yolk I use several quail eggs.

Now you are an expert in making curd mass at home. Explained everything clearly and with photographs. The main thing is not to be afraid of new tastes.

What do you like to mix cottage cheese with?

How often do we buy cottage cheese for our children or ourselves? For many people this is a favorite dessert, but for children it is simply necessary to eat cottage cheese in any form, and it is in the form of a tasty curd mass that they eat it best. Do you often think about the fact that you don’t have to buy curd mass, but prepare it yourself? Try it and see how easy it is!

We will not once again delve into stories about how healthy cottage cheese is and how important it is to eat it regularly. Let’s focus better on the options for its preparation, or more precisely, on a very specific option - curd mass.

Curd masses are finely pureed cottage cheese seasoned with various additives. Let us immediately note that the curd mass can be not only “raw”, but also heat-treated, for example, boiled, and when baked such a mass is already called curd casserole.

Among the most popular additives with which curd mass is prepared are dried fruits and sugar. However, you can add almost anything you like to such masses - fresh berries or berries from jam, nuts, honey, candied fruits, chocolate, coconut flakes, etc. If you are preparing a dessert for yourself or a child, it would be quite logical to add favorite products to the cottage cheese that suit your or his individual taste. In particular, the curd mass may not be sweet, but salty - then various vegetables, spices, parsley, basil, cilantro and other aromatic herbs are added to it. Also, the curd mass can be prepared from fruits alone, without adding sweets, then its taste will be slightly sour, but pleasant.

You can prepare the curd mass from store-bought, but even better - from homemade cottage cheese. We have already talked about how to make cottage cheese at home.

So, you have cottage cheese, now you need to decide what you want to make your dessert with. We offer several simple and very tasty options.

Recipe for the simplest and fastest curd mass

You will need: 100 g low-fat cottage cheese, 2 tbsp. butter, 1 tbsp. powdered sugar, vanillin.

How to quickly prepare curd mass. Soften the butter, grind with powdered sugar, adding vanillin, beat into a fluffy cream, without stopping whipping, add the pureed cottage cheese in portions. Pour the mixture into the mold and refrigerate.

Recipe for sweet curd mass with raisins

You will need: 500 g of cottage cheese, 200 g of sour cream, 150 g of sugar, 100 g of raisins and butter, 2 eggs, vanillin.

How to prepare curd mass with raisins. Grind the cottage cheese in a meat grinder, transfer it to a saucepan, beat in the eggs, grind, adding butter and sour cream, until smooth. Heat the mixture, but do not bring to a boil, remove from the stove, place the pan in an ice water bath, stir until the mixture cools. Pour sugar into the mixture, add soaked raisins and vanillin, mix, put the mixture on a dish and put under a press to release the whey.

Instead of raisins, you can add any other sweet ingredients to this curd mass according to your taste.

Recipe for salted curd mass with cumin, dill and pepper

You will need: 450 g of cottage cheese, allspice, dill, cumin, salt.

How to prepare unsweetened curd mass. Rub the cottage cheese, add salt, add allspice, chopped dill and caraway seeds, stir until smooth. Serve with sandwiches.

If you prepare curd mass with the addition of eggs, then the question arises about their safety. In this case, it is better to make not a raw, but a “boiled” version of the dessert.

Recipe for sweet boiled curd mass

You will need: 400 g of cottage cheese, 4 eggs, ½ cup each of sour cream and sugar, 5 tbsp. raisins, 3 tbsp. butter, vanillin, salt.

How to prepare boiled curd mass. Grate the cottage cheese, add butter, sour cream, sugar and a pinch of salt, mix, beat in the eggs and add raisins, mix again and place in a saucepan. With continuous stirring, heat until boiling, but do not boil the mass, but immediately remove the pan from the stove. Cool the mixture in a cold water bath, continuing to stir.

You can prepare a lot of delicious dishes from the curd mass, and one of the most popular options for such dishes will soon be Easter curd, which is prepared for the bright holiday of Easter.

Whatever you use to prepare the curd mass, these tips will come in handy.

Secrets of making sweet and unsweetened curd masses

  • If the cottage cheese used to prepare the curd mass is low-fat, but the recipe calls for fat, then in this situation you can find an easy solution - add 100 g of butter for every 450 g of cottage cheese.
  • One of the standard proportions for preparing any sweet curd mass: for every 500 g of cottage cheese, 2-3 egg yolks and 50-70 ml of milk. First, milk and yolks are added to the cottage cheese, then it is all whipped with a mixer at low speed until smooth, then additional ingredients are added.
  • To make the mass sweet, but not too high in calories, sugar can be replaced with liquid linden honey.
  • It is better not to add more than 3 additives at the same time to any curd mass - one of the flavors will definitely overwhelm the others. Classic combinations for sweet mass are apples and raisins, crushed nuts and chocolate, or chocolate and wild berries; for unsweetened masses - chopped parsley and garlic, sweet purple onion and ground sweet paprika, tomato puree and allspice.
  • Unsweetened curd masses go well with whole grain bread and are served as a snack with bread, while sweet ones are often served as an independent dish or baked goods are made from them - cheesecakes, casseroles, etc.
  • For the curd mass, it is not at all necessary, contrary to popular belief, to use only fatty cottage cheese - low-fat cottage cheese below 5% fat content is also suitable.
  • To keep the consistency of the mass tender, the cottage cheese should be rubbed through a sieve or twisted in a meat grinder; it can also be beaten with a mixer or ground using a blender - whichever is more convenient for you. Also, to make the sweet mass more tender, it is better to add powdered sugar instead of sugar. However, it is not necessary to wipe the cottage cheese if you want the mass to have a grainy consistency.
  • If the curd mass is tender and homogeneous, after cooking it should be placed under a press to remove the whey.

Despite the undeniable benefits of cottage cheese, which have been known for a long time, recently it has been replaced on many tables by such a dish as curd mass. And if you, like most people, love this sweet and delicate dessert, then you will be interested in learning how to make curd mass at home.

Curd mass with raisins


  • cottage cheese – 250 g;
  • sour cream – 100 g;
  • powdered sugar – 20 g;
  • vanilla sugar – 1 teaspoon;
  • raisins – 80-100 g.


Making curd mass with raisins at home is quite simple: put the cottage cheese in a bowl, add sour cream, vanilla sugar and powdered sugar to it and, first, mix it all with a fork. Then take a blender and beat the mixture until it reaches a homogeneous consistency.

Pour boiling water over the raisins, let stand for a while, and then dry. Take a mixer and beat the mixture for a couple of minutes until it becomes fluffy. After this, add raisins to it, mix everything well and put your dish in the refrigerator for about an hour.

Curd mass with cherries

If you prefer a combination of cottage cheese and fresh fruit, then you will be interested in how to prepare curd mass with cherries. The result is excellent thanks to the sweetness of the curd mass itself and the sourness that the cherry gives it.


  • cottage cheese – 200-250 g;
  • sour cream – 50-100 g;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • sugar – 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • fresh cherries - to taste.


Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, then combine with softened butter and rub thoroughly. Then add sour cream and sugar to them and mix everything thoroughly again. If desired, you can beat everything together with a blender.

Wash the cherries, remove the seeds and let the berries dry. After that, pour them into the curd mass (you can whole, or you can cut them in half), mix everything and help yourself.

The recipe for curd mass with dried apricots is also easy to prepare, but the dish itself turns out to be a little fattier due to the butter content.



Combine softened butter in a saucepan with sugar and vanilla and beat until smooth. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve and add to the butter. Mix everything thoroughly. Cut the pre-steamed dried apricots into arbitrary pieces and add to the curd mass. Mix everything well again and serve in bowls.

I really love cottage cheese and various cottage cheese desserts. I buy curd masses from time to time. I purchased this product from different manufacturers, but chose the curd masses of our local manufacturer AkkondMoloko. Their fermented milk products inspire confidence in me.

AkkondMoloko products please not only with high quality and excellent taste, but also with a fairly wide range. The manufacturer produces 4 types of curd mass:

Classic, with vanilla;
- with prunes;
- with raisins;
- with dried apricots.

As you can see, there is a choice for every taste. I most often buy it with dried apricots. I’ll tell you about it today.

Curd mass with dried apricots "Ot Krasuli" is sold in a transparent plastic container. Such containers allow you to visually assess the quality of the product in the store.

Packed in a plastic container

This product does not contain vegetable fats or GMOs. This is written on the packaging.

Curd mass "Ot Krasuli" does not contain vegetable fats and GMOs

Curd mass is quite a fatty product. 100 grams of dessert contains 23 grams. fat, so you shouldn’t get too carried away with it. The container volume is non-standard - 180 grams.

The product's name

The manufacturer's details are also indicated on the packaging.

Product Manufacturer

I suggest you familiarize yourself with the composition. It's simple and quite decent. The only thing that confuses me is the preservative sulfur dioxide, which is usually used to treat dried fruits. The calorie content of the curd mass is high - 298 kilocalories per 100 grams of product.

Composition of curd mass "Ot Krasuli"

And this is what the curd mass with dried apricots “From Krasuli” looks like.

Curd mass with dried apricots "AkkondMoloko" "Ot Krasuli" 23%

The product has a uniform consistency, dense and creamy. There are no nasty grains or whey in it. The taste of the curd mass is wonderful - moderately sweet, dried apricots add sourness to the dessert and combine harmoniously with the cottage cheese.

Curd mass with dried apricots "AkkondMoloko" "Ot Krasuli" 23%

By the way, there is a lot of dried apricots in the product. The curd mass is very tender, melts pleasantly in the mouth, and has a milky aftertaste. I have never come across fragments of fruit seeds that the manufacturer warns about.

Curd mass with dried apricots "Ot Krasuli" from "AkkondMoloko" is a high-quality and tasty product, so I will recommend it with pleasure. Bon appetit:)

Other products from this manufacturer that I recommend are:

Cottage cheese mass is easy to prepare at home.

Strawberry curd mass


250 g cottage cheese
1.5 tbsp. spoons of sour cream
1 egg
150 g frozen strawberries, pureed with sugar

How to prepare strawberry curd mass:

    This dessert can be made at any time of the year, since the berries used are pureed frozen. They will help the mass to beat better and become airy.

    First of all, wash the egg shell thoroughly. It is better to do this with laundry soap and warm water.

    Dry the egg slightly with a towel, break it, and place it in a blender bowl. Sour cream and cottage cheese are also placed there; beat them in until smooth and plastic.

    After this, add the strawberries and beat again. The dish will take on a pink tint and look amazing.

    You can eat it on its own or spread it on cookies, white bread and make a healthy sandwich.

Curd and fruit dessert from a famous pastry chef. Watch the video!..

In the same way, you can make dessert with banana. It must first be cut into circles, crushed in a blender, and only then add the remaining components to it. For the specified amount of cottage cheese, one ripe fruit of large or medium size is enough.

The mixture with peaches, apricots, raspberries, and kiwi is delicious. You can add not one, but two fillings to it, combining, for example, kiwi with raspberries or banana with strawberries.

Mass with butter

Those who sometimes like to treat themselves to a high-calorie dessert can prepare the same amount that is sold in stores.


250 g cottage cheese
50 g butter
a pinch of vanilla and salt
3 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar
40 g raisins

How to prepare curd mass with butter:

    If the cottage cheese is not very thick, place two rows of gauze on a colander and place the cottage cheese on it. Leave it like this for 6 hours to drain excess liquid.

    Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance. Place it, prepared cottage cheese, powder, salt and vanilla in a bowl.

    Beat these products with the mixer blades. Pre-rinse the raisins and soak them in boiling water for 25 minutes.

    Drain the water, dry the raisins a little, and add to the curd mass. Line the bottom and sides of a small rectangular shape with film, place the mixture in it, cover with film, and place in the refrigerator overnight.

    In the morning, an analogue of a store-bought product, but made with your own hands, will be ready.

Nut curd mass

It is unlikely that those with a sweet tooth will be able to resist such a delicacy.


400 g cottage cheese
100 g high fat cream
50 g sour cream
3-4 tbsp. spoons of fine sugar
120 g walnuts

How to prepare nut curd mass:

    In a blender, mix cottage cheese with sour cream and sugar. Whip the chilled cream into a thick foam. Add to the sour cream mixture and stir gently.

    Chop the nuts and add to the dish. Stir carefully again and you can enjoy the airy dessert.

Despite the well-known truth that cottage cheese has great health benefits, not everyone can consume it in its natural form. Therefore, curd desserts with various additives often began to appear.

Cooking rules

Curd mass is a dairy product made from cottage cheese, to which cream, condensed milk, sugar, butter and flavorings are added. Some manufacturers add a little salt to this list of ingredients. This composition is intended for production at large enterprises in accordance with GOST.

This means that ready-made curd mass can be purchased at any store, but you can make a delicious dessert from cottage cheese for breakfast for yourself and your whole family.

The most important rule for preparing curd mass is to use only fresh and high-quality products. Following this rule, the finished dessert will retain all the beneficial vitamins and microelements.

Curd mass will be an ideal substitute for cottage cheese for infants when introducing the first complementary foods.

What can I add?

In the process of preparing the cottage cheese dessert, you can add additional products that can make the dessert even tastier. Many housewives prepare cottage cheese desserts with raisins. According to its properties, raisins prevent the occurrence of caries and kill harmful bacteria in the body. Little children prefer dessert with coconut and chocolate.

But the most popular additives are dried apricots, nuts, and various berries. When treating and preventing the functioning of blood vessels, it is necessary to add bananas to the curd mass. To get a boost of vivacity, strength and energy, you need to eat cottage cheese with the addition of honey for breakfast.

Popular Recipes

A store-bought cottage cheese dessert cannot be called a one hundred percent high-quality product: in any case, the composition contains preservatives, which increase the shelf life. The technology for producing curd mass at enterprises will not change yet, but it is necessary to receive a full complex of vitamins every day. Therefore, you need to know how to prepare curd mass at home.

One of the popular recipes is a classic cottage cheese dessert. It can be easily made at home, in the country and even at a party.


  • cottage cheese – 100 gr;
  • butter – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • powdered sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vanillin - according to taste.

The cottage cheese is crushed, for this it is better to use a strainer. The butter is mixed and ground with powdered sugar. Vanillin is then added. Next, the sweet mass is whipped to a fluffy foam. You need to add crushed cottage cheese into the cream composition. When the consistency becomes homogeneous, the resulting curd mixture should be placed in the refrigerator to cool slightly. Then you can serve it to the table.

The classic curd dessert is a dietary product. The main thing is to use it in moderation, otherwise the body will not accept too many vitamins and may begin to resist in various forms.

Quite often, mothers complain that their children do not eat cottage cheese in any form, but maybe try making cottage cheese with chocolate for them? Both tasty and healthy!


  • cottage cheese – 250 gr;
  • sour cream – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • butter – 25 g;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • cocoa powder – 1.5 tsp;
  • dark chocolate – 30 gr.

The ingredients must be combined and mixed using a blender or food processor. All products will turn into a homogeneous mass, and the chocolate will be crushed into small pieces and will become a pleasant addition for little sweet tooths.

Quite often, to receive guests, housewives prepare all the treats with their own hands, without ordering or buying anything from the kitchen. Therefore, they try to choose simple but sophisticated recipes. This is exactly how you can characterize curd mass with raisins.


  • cottage cheese – 500 gr;
  • sour cream – 200 gr;
  • sugar – 150 gr;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • raisins – 100 gr;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • vanillin - optional.

It is necessary to grind the cottage cheese, break the eggs and grind. After that butter and sour cream are laid out. The ingredients used are whisked until smooth. The resulting consistency must be slightly warmed up, then cooled. Add sugar, vanillin and pre-soaked raisins. All this is mixed, laid out on a dish under a press so that all the whey comes out. It is better to put the finished curd mass into molds to make the treat beautiful.

If you don’t have raisins in the kitchen for a cottage cheese dessert, you can use any berries, nuts or dried fruits.

Curd mass, prepared with your own hands, will become a masterpiece of culinary skill on the table of every housewife. The beauty of the dessert can be complemented with cinnamon sticks or a small sprig of mint.

It is best to serve dessert in small molds with tea or coffee drink

It is worth noting that homemade curd mass has an expiration date. It must be consumed within 3 days, otherwise it will lose all vitamins and microelements and disappear.

To learn how to prepare curd mass at home, watch the following video.

High-quality curd mass is very easy to make at home in a minimum amount of time. Step-by-step recipe with photos. Video recipe.
Recipe contents:

Curd mass is a tasty and healthy product. If you want to improve your health and appearance, then cottage cheese and curd dishes must be included in your diet. However, manufacturers add various preservatives to curd products to increase shelf life and use low quality ingredients. In this case, of course, it is unreasonable to talk about benefits. Then you can prepare natural curd mass rich in protein yourself at home. Knowing the basic recipe for its preparation, you can then experiment and add all kinds of additives.

The most popular fillers for curd mass are: raisins, dried apricots, nuts, and berries. If you need to improve the functioning of blood vessels and the stomach, take bananas rich in potassium. Raisins satisfy hunger and prevent the formation of bacteria that cause tooth decay. Nuts are a record content of minerals and protein. A small spoon of honey will give you energy, strength and vitality. And to keep you full for longer and improve digestion, add a handful of oatmeal, which is rich in fiber, to the curd mass.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 230 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 1
  • Cooking time - 10 minutes


  • Cottage cheese - 250 g
  • Eggs - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. or to taste

Step-by-step preparation of curd mass at home, recipe with photo:

1. Place the eggs in a convenient container, add sugar and take a mixer.

2. Beat the eggs until fluffy and foamy. This action can be done using a blender.

3. Combine the beaten eggs and add cottage cheese. Take cottage cheese of medium fat content and moderate consistency. Very wet will make the mass liquid, and vice versa. If there is a lot of whey in the cottage cheese, remove it. Hang it in gauze or leave it in a sieve to drain excess liquid. Dilute very dry cottage cheese with a spoon of sour cream or milk.

4. Using a blender, beat the cottage cheese with eggs so that there is not a single lump.

5. Continue beating the mixture until smooth and uniform in consistency. Taste it and add sugar or salt if necessary. Store the finished product in the refrigerator with the lid closed. And when you serve the curd mass, add any flavoring additives to each serving.
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