The cat died, I can not calm down how to be. Psychological help: how to survive the death of a beloved cat or dog? Hallucinations or overactive imagination


There has always been an animal next to a person. Someone loves rats, someone likes hamsters, someone likes dogs, someone likes cats ... parrots, fish, spiders, snakes. Each animal brings its owner a certain joy and happiness. Many even benefit. So, for example, watching fish calms the nervous system, stroking a cat and sleeping on a sore spot contributes to a speedy recovery, a dog is the best hunting companion, and so on.

But, unfortunately, no matter how hard we try to extend the life of a pet by providing it with everything necessary: ​​food, timely prescribed treatment, all kinds of care, no one has yet been able to bypass old age. And after the years lived hand in hand, you still have to part. And let it be precisely death from old age, rather than an accident or a serious illness.

In this article, we will talk about how to survive the death of a beloved pet, how to help yourself cope with the pain of loss, and also look for answers to questions: do animals have a soul, where do animals go after their death, and some others.

Why do animals leave home before they die?

Frequently Asked Question: Why does a cat or dog try to leave home before they die? Under no circumstances should animals be humanized. They do it unconsciously, an attempt to leave the house is not at all a concern for the psychological state of the owner. So that he does not suffer, does not worry, does not cry. The action is rather instinctive. Animals are looking for a place of solitude and tranquility, as it was originally conceived in the natural wild environment.

If your cat and dog are looking for where to go, fussing - veterinarians, of course, will recommend not to touch the animal, not to try to calm it down - it will still be of no use, but not to let it out, giving the opportunity to do it the way they want instincts. A lost, weakened animal can get into trouble. It is best to take him to the clinic, perhaps some urgent help is needed, competent veterinarians will be able to figure it out.

Does an animal have a soul?

Not so long ago, everyone loved the cartoon "All Dogs Go to Heaven". Is that so? Many believe that yes, dying, animals run away for the rainbow. And they live eternal life together with a person who has been rewarded with eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven.

If you ask an Orthodox clergyman whether animals have a soul, the answer will be the following: animals do not have an immortal soul. A person continues to live after death, but an animal simply disappears after its death. His soul is dissolving. It's hard to believe and I don't want to accept the truth. Everyone wants to believe that beloved Murka, who has lived with kittens, will always be there.

It is worth repeating, the problem of people is that they humanize animals, they try to give them some character traits, to predict what a dog, cat or mouse can think about. Television is partly to blame and the attitude towards animals, which has been laid down since childhood, from cartoons, as equal creatures. All fairy tales, all animated series were built on allegory (through the animal world). Then there were foreign films about dogs, cats, a pig that communicate with each other, make friends, build some kind of relationship.

And we accept this fiction as reality. That is why parting with favorites causes as much grief as it causes farewell to a loved one. “We are responsible for those we have tamed” is the most correct quote taken from Antoine De Saint-Exupery’s The Little Prince. Provide a comfortable life, care and love for a small defenseless creature, but do not try to put him on the same level as a spouse, child, mother.

There is an excellent instructive story for boys on this topic on the Internet: first you should feed your mother, because she is a girl, then a cat, because he depends on us and will not be able to feed himself, and only then men can sit at the table.

How to deal with the pain of losing a pet?

Attachment to a pet will not allow you to calmly endure the separation, especially if the animal was sick for a long time, sleepless nights were spent in clinics under droppers, all strength was spent, and there was no victory over the disease.

The first thing to do is cry. The pain even from the loss of a hamster is still very strong. You don't need to keep it to yourself. We are all living people and it is necessary to splash out our grief.

Under no circumstances should you blame yourself. It happened, it had to happen. Old age cannot be defeated, but the disease simply turned out to be stronger. You have put in all your strength. It didn't work out. Remember! You did everything you could do, everything that was possible in this situation. So, it will be easier for your pet. Death is a deliverance from long suffering and pain. But this is more for those owners who agreed to euthanasia. If the doctors told you that this is the most humane way out, and you let your pet go, accept it. You did everything not for yourself, for him.

Remove everything that may remind you of a four-legged friend: a bowl, bedding, a toy - a squeaker. Until you look at them and fall into melancholy again. Abstract.

Many advise you to immediately take a new friend into the family. This is not the most correct option. First you need to let go of your previous pet from the heart and accept his death. Only later, if you feel that you are already ready, then it's time. Otherwise, a small puppy or kitten will only strain with their presence, because "he is not like that."

A great way to get some distraction is to volunteer and help stray animals and animals that are in dire situations. Food, medicine, assistance in care: come to change bedding, help insulate booths for those dogs that are considered homeless. After a while, you will be able to take someone to overexposure.

Think that now your pet is much better than when he was sick and tormented, or when he could no longer chew food from senile weakness. People are selfish by nature. This is bad for us. Those who remain here on earth because of their weakness and emotionality. And those who are not with us...

They are always alive in our memory.

The death of a beloved pet is always a difficult event in a person's life. It is important during this period not to go into yourself and understand that over time it will become easier. You can use the tips in this article on how to get over the death of a cat. They will not help to get rid of the bitterness of loss completely, but they will help alleviate the emotional state during this period.

The death of a cat is equally difficult for both women and men. A severe emotional state during this period can lead to depression and other psychological illnesses. This can happen if you focus only on your grief and fall out of active life.

To prevent this from happening to you, use the tips below.:

  1. Speak out to people who care about you. Don't hold onto your emotions and don't suppress them. Talking to loved ones and getting support will make you feel better. The suppression of emotions sometimes leads to various diseases, both physiological and mental.
  2. Avoid interacting with people who might hurt your feelings. Unfortunately, not all people are kind and want to listen to other people's problems about the death of a cat. When you start telling them about your grief, you may be faced with a rude response that will worsen your condition. This does not mean that people are bad, just not everyone likes to hear about someone else's grief. Especially when they have their own problems.
  3. Try not to respond to such statements as: “stop whining”, “what are you like a little one”, “died and died” and the like. Focusing on such sharp phrases will not do you any good. Remember that you have the right to express your emotions however you want. People have no right to tell you that you shouldn't grieve.
  4. Don't drop out of life. Remember that you have a family and possibly other animals. Spend time with them and take care of them. Life does not end with the death of a cat, there are also other people and animals around that need you.
  5. Do something to take your mind off things. If you don't have a hobby, find one. Go in for sports, as during exercise a person produces the hormone of happiness. Take time for yourself, relax, read a book or get out into nature. These hobbies will make you feel better.

By following these tips, you will not get rid of grief completely, you still have to go through a difficult period after the death of a cat. But you can distract yourself and make it less painful.

Is it worth it to see a psychologist?

There are situations when a person can not survive the death of a beloved cat. This often happens if he has lived with a cat most of his life. Children also take this loss hard.

It also sometimes happens that a person is lonely and has no one to talk to. In such situations, a session or several sessions with a psychologist will help.

A psychologist will help you not to fall into depression, ease your emotional state and help you survive the loss.

In some cases, multiple sessions are required.

Is it worth getting a new animal after the death of a cat?

Your friends may suggest getting a kitten or a puppy as a distraction after the death of a cat. But it is better to do this after you have already come to terms with the death of the cat.

If you get a cat when the pain of loss has not yet passed, then he may annoy you with his behavior.. The fact is that you are already used to the behavior of your pet, and the kitten will have a completely different behavior. Constant comparison will only remind you of the loss. Perhaps the kitten will never take root, and you will have to give it away.

If you think that this will help you, then try to approach it responsibly. Think several times if you are just trying to avoid the problem and hide your feelings about the cat's death. In this case, a new animal is not the solution to the problem.

How to help your child cope with loss

For a child, the death of a cat is often a real shock. It is important to support your child during this period. Also use the tips below to ease your child's pain..

  • Often parents do not mention at all that the cat may someday die. So they try not to injure his psyche. But the only thing it will lead to is an even bigger shock. Explain that death is a natural phenomenon that happens sooner or later. With this awareness, it will be easier for the child to accept the death of the cat.
  • If you want to smooth over this situation, then come up with a story that all animals go to heaven after death. Explain that the cat will be fine in that world, so the baby should not worry about him.
  • Children tend to blame themselves or their parents for the death of a cat. It is important to explain that such things do not depend on the baby or on you. They just happen, and it's important to understand that. Otherwise, the feeling of guilt will torment your child for a long time.
  • Sometimes parents don't tell the truth about a cat's death. Instead, they say that she has run away or is sleeping somewhere. But it is important to understand that because of this, the child will be constantly nervous and expect that at one moment the pet will return. The wait will be difficult for the child, so think ahead if you want to take on this responsibility.
  • If the baby is experiencing a loss and you cannot help him, then contact a psychologist. They are in every kindergarten or school, so finding it is not a problem.
  • Try to captivate the child with something, do not let him completely immerse himself in the memories of the cat. Let him know that life is not over.
  • It is important during this period to support the child, not to put pressure on him or demand a quick return to normal. Worrying about the death of a pet is normal.

The death of a cat is a traumatic experience for both adults and children. But adults understand that they are not to blame for this, and this happens. In contrast, children are not always able to cope with their grief on their own. Therefore, it is important to be around, support and find exciting activities.

Many parents, immediately after the death of a cat, bring another kitten into the house in the hope that the child will forget about the previous one. But the kid in response may not accept a new pet and be offended by his parents for misunderstanding. Let your child get over their loss and then decide for themselves whether they want a new cat or not.

What do psychologists say?

In psychology, there is a theory according to which a person needs to go through 6 stages in order to come to terms with a bereavement in life:

  • negation;
  • anger;
  • guilt;
  • Adoption;
  • return to normal daily life.

Each person is individual, so it is impossible to determine the duration of each stage in an individual person. But, one way or another, in case of loss, you need to go through all 6 stages.

Some people try to ignore it, hide their feelings, try to switch over and don't want to let themselves suffer because of the cat's death. Such behavior will only slow down the process of returning to normal life.

The death of a cat is a difficult experience for everyone. For the life of pets, we are strongly attached to them, they become members of our family, so surviving this loss is like surviving the death of a relative. Don't blame yourself for your emotions and try not to close off or go completely into your grief. Remember that you have loved ones, and you need to continue to live even after the death of the cat.

Many of us are passionately attached to our four-legged friends. Therefore, when an animal dies, the pain of loss devastates the soul and creates painful emotions. Psychologists give recommendations on how to recover from such a loss as the death of a beloved dog or the death of a cat, how to survive it correctly and return to normal life.

Why is it so hard to get over the death of a pet?

For owners, a four-legged friend is not just a dog or just a cat. This is a family member who brings joy, love and positivity to life. Caring for a pet makes a person more disciplined and active, helps him to overcome troubles more easily, and sometimes even gives meaning to existence.

Each person reacts to the death of a pet in their own way. The degree of experience depends on various factors, such as the age and character of the person, the age of the animal, the circumstances of his death. Naturally, the more significant his pet was for the owner, the more pain he experiences. For example, if a visually impaired person has lost their guide dog, or a lonely person's beloved cat has died, they also suffer from a loss of independence and emotional support. In the case where the owner is unable to provide expensive treatment to prolong the life of a pet, or decides to euthanasia, a deep sense of guilt is added to the experience of loss.

How to deal with the pain of losing a four-legged friend

Suffering for a dead pet can be no less than for a person, and lead to depression and nervous breakdowns. Therefore, you need to know how to survive the death of a beloved dog or cat without consequences for mental and physical health.

Some psychologists believe that the experience of grief goes through several stages: denial, anger, guilt, acceptance, return to normal life. Others see the process of mourning as undulating, with feelings waxing and waning.

It is impossible to influence the speed of this process - everyone has their own time limit. Someone returns to a full life in a few weeks or months, while for someone this period stretches for years. The main thing is to be patient and attentive to yourself and give yourself as much time as it takes to heal spiritual wounds.

How to Cope with Pain and Cope With Loss

Shock, sadness and loneliness are a normal reaction to the death of an animal. Experiencing and expressing these feelings does not mean being weak or acting weird. On the contrary, ignoring your experiences only worsens the situation and greatly slows down the recovery process. In order for the pain to subside, you need to acknowledge it and start working on this state.

What to do

Psychologists give some advice on how to survive the death of a beloved cat, dog or other pet.

  1. Share experiences with friends who sympathized with your pet. Give yourself a chance to cry. Do not lock up emotions, it is very important to acknowledge them and let them go.
  2. Don't let anyone tell you how to act or feel. This is your pain, and it won't make you feel any better if someone says it's time for you to stop suffering and move on. Don't judge yourself for showing emotions. You have every right to cry, get angry, laugh and rejoice when there is a reason for it.
  3. Reach out to those who have recently suffered a similar loss. It can be your friends, relatives or communities on the Internet. People who have lost a pet will take your feelings seriously and give you the right advice on how to survive the death of a beloved cat or dog.
  4. Take care of yourself. The stress of loss takes away all the energy and strength, so in difficult times you need to be especially attentive to your mental and mental health. Do not forget about proper sleep and proper nutrition, go in for sports - physical activity produces endorphins that improve mood.
  5. If you have other animals, don't forget about them. If you have a dog left, you need to walk the dog, feed and play with the kitten. Try to take care of them more than before, because they also lost a comrade.

When there is no support

But how to survive the death of a cat or dog if others do not take your grief seriously? It is quite possible that you will hear: “Did the cat die? Get a new one!" Do not judge, because such a person may never have had a pet, and does not understand how much love a furry friend can give. In order not to aggravate your grief, do not enter into a discussion, but simply refuse to communicate with such people for a while or forever.

If you feel that you are left alone with your experiences, you can consult with a specialist on how to survive the death of a dog or cat. A psychotherapist or psychologist will help you normalize your condition and avoid depression.

Older people have to endure many losses: the death of friends, family members, pets. It is not surprising that such a loss can hurt an older person more than a young person. It is especially difficult for those people who live alone. For them, this means being left without a single companion, the care of which made them feel needed and gave strength.

There are several ways to not give up and help yourself get over the death of your pet.

Method 1: Look for joy

Try to find a new source of joy in your life. In the past, taking care of your four-legged companion took up most of your time, and this gave you the moral support and optimism you needed. Now you can fill the void in your soul with the help of homeless animals, find yourself a hobby, and when time passes, find yourself a new tailed friend.

Method 2: Chatting with friends

Maintain relationships with friends. After a loss, it is important not to be alone with heavy thoughts. Invite guests or go to the movies. Call at least one person once a day. If you do not have such people you can call, look in the telephone directory Helpline. Similar lines with free psychological help are open in many cities.

Method 3: Sports and walks

Do sports and spend time outdoors. Animals help the elderly stay fit and keep them alive. Try to maintain your activity level even after your pet dies. Sign up for a sports section for people of your age - so you can improve your health and make new friends.

How to help your child cope with the death of a pet

The death of a pet is a traumatic experience for a child at any age. Often this is the child's first encounter with death. The child realizes for the first time that the people or animals he loves may leave him forever. How you help the baby survive this grief, his further development largely depends.

Many children adore their four-legged friends and remember them as much as they remember themselves. They may feel angry or blame themselves or their parents for the death of a pet.

Some parents try to protect the baby from the experience and do not tell him about the death of a kitten or puppy. They hide the truth by saying that the animal ran away or went to sleep. In fact, the child feels that something terrible has happened and is tormented by anxiety for his friend or feels abandoned. Sooner or later, he will find out the truth anyway, and it will become an even bigger blow for him.

So don't lie to your toddler and teach him how to get over the death of a cat or dog. The experience of grief is priceless, because pain and loss accompany a person throughout his life.

  1. Let the child express his grief. If you do not share his feelings, respect his suffering and give him the opportunity to show his feelings openly without shaming him or blaming him.
  2. If the kid blames himself for the death of a pet, dissuade him. Death raises many questions and fears. It's important to talk to him about it.
  3. Don't get new pets while your child is grieving over an old pet. Thus, you devalue the feeling of love and affection. Some children do not accept new animals, thinking it would be a betrayal.
  4. Tell your child that all animals go to the rainbow after death, where they have a lot of food, toys and friends, and all diseases go away by themselves. This story was invented so that the children would not be afraid for the fate of their friend after his death, and it would be easier for them to endure grief.

How to decide on euthanasia

Many people say: "I understand that he is suffering, and no one is able to help him, but I cannot make such a decision." To take this difficult step and not blame yourself later, prepare yourself and your loved ones in advance:

  • talk to the veterinarian, he will tell you about the euthanasia procedure and help you make a decision;
  • put yourself in the place of an animal, try to feel the pain and suffering and understand that you had to put him to sleep so that he would not die long and painfully;
  • accept the fact that death is inevitable, and the best thing you can do for your terminally ill pet is to alleviate his suffering and help him die without pain;
  • say goodbye to your pet, please him with his favorite treat or toy; think about where and how you will spend the last hours so that the animal passes away peacefully and calmly;
  • if you euthanized an animal, you should not tell the children what exactly the cat or dog died of. They are not yet ready to understand this and may hate you.

The death of a beloved cat or dog is a tragedy. But you have no choice but to survive it. Remember the joy that a pet brought to your home, and live on with a sense of gratitude for all the positive emotions, love and devotion.

Already from childhood, a person realizes that death is scary and it is forever. Especially if the death of a pet has been experienced, it does not matter whether it was a faithful and shaggy dog, a playful hamster or an affectionate cat. And having experienced a loss in middle age or even in retirement, the loss is felt more acutely. How to survive the death of a beloved cat and move on?

Do not rush to let him go!

You can continue to love your pet, experience his death, mourn - try to let go by any means, but do not forget! Tell family and friends about the loss and not be ashamed of it. You can talk to those who have already experienced the death of a furry friend. They know exactly what words to calm them down and what to do next.

Fill the void.

If a pet died in the hands of the owner, then it is difficult to imagine more stress! It is a dead end, a stupor and the unknown. I want to cry, apathy is felt, but the fact that the pet is no longer there is realized a little later. The hand reaches out to stroke the fluffy miracle, but he is not around ... Coming home - no one meets at the threshold and rubs against his legs ... And then, a lump of tears rolls up to the throat, it hurts the heart - this is a void that needs to be filled, but how? How to survive the death of a beloved cat, when a part of the owner himself also died?

Taking care of animals will help to survive the death of a beloved cat.

The resulting "gap" must be filled consciously and pragmatically. You can become a volunteer and take care of abandoned cats, look after fluffies in shelters. Go on a subbotnik, get carried away with a craft, spend all your free time reading books ... It's like just filling up your free time, which was previously filled with playing with your pet.

Get out of the dead end?

Yes, there was a hobby, but you have to go to an “empty” house ... A tray, toys, filler and food, a crib - everything must be collected in a large box and taken either to an animal shelter or to the pantry. And this does not mean at all that you need to forget about the cat, you just need to remove from your eyes everything that causes mental pain, tears and memories. This is necessary in order not to fall into depression!

If day after day the pain does not fade away, and you want to cry, sob, then you need to cry. It's not a weakness, it's a necessity. Thus, the body gets rid of stress.

Do not impose your pain of loss.

You can talk about the loss of a cat only with relatives. With work colleagues, neighbors, acquaintances - it's not worth it. As a rule, people always try to distance themselves from other people's problems, as there are always enough of their own. In addition, people simply may not understand how you can worry about a cat ... This is not the loss of a mother or a child, is it? It's a cat!

And yet, in order to survive the death of a beloved cat, you do not need to keep choking emotions inside yourself! You can go to the gym and hit a punching bag or kick empty boxes on the street, hit a pillow or tear a few handkerchiefs - just to throw out resentment, guilt, anger and hopelessness.

Each of these feelings - destroys from the inside!

- Eliminate guilt.

The death of a pet is scary. But it’s worse if the owner blames himself for the death of a fluffy creature. In this case, a person is tormented by two sensations at once - emptiness and guilt. How to adapt and move on?

You can scroll through the album with photos and peering at each one, think:

1. The cat lived until old age. She was at home, not street. She was taken care of and she was happy.

2. The owner was kind, affectionate, but, alas, he is not a god. The main thing is that in the last days of the cat's life - the owner was nearby.

3. It is necessary to realize or even imagine, and if necessary, try to draw on a piece of paper - a cat's paradise. Somewhere near or in the center of the picture, paste a photo of the pet. He's good there...

4. A great option is to create an album of Barsik (Vaska, Murka, Glashki ...). Paste photos and bright letters describe all the positive points. This album can be stored on a shelf in a closet, and every time you want to remember the cat, flipping through the pages, the family will smile, but there will be no longer an attack of longing.

Come to terms with the loss.

The church allows you to light a candle for the repose. This method will allow all believers to survive the death of a beloved cat. You can even imagine how the cat goes to the afterlife along the Rainbow Bridge.

Do whatever your intuition tells you to do. But most importantly - do not rush to get a puppy or kitten. A new pet will not fill the void, because this playful creature has a different character and habits. First let go of the soul of a pet - then make a new friend!

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For many, cats are not just pets, but practically full members of the family. They give a person a lot of positive emotions, warm on cold evenings, comfort in moments of despondency, amuse with funny tricks. Unfortunately, the feline age is short-lived. Despite the notorious "7 lives" cats die much earlier than humans. When this happens, the whole familiar world collapses. It seems that it is impossible to survive the death of a cat. But it's not. Mental anguish disappears over time, and instead there is a slight melancholy and many pleasant memorable moments.

How to survive the death of a pet?

Despite all the care and love, cats die. It doesn't matter if it comes from illness, accident or old age. It hurts the same person. He begins to blame himself for not showing enough attention and care, treating him incorrectly, not keeping track and allowing the tragedy. Sometimes the longing for the animal is so strong that all daily activities are abandoned, sleep disappears.

It seems that a beloved cat or kitty meows, walks around the house. In this case, a person needs psychological help, support from loved ones. Unfortunately, not everyone perceives the death of a cat as a tragedy. Sometimes people around do not understand how much the orphaned owner needs consolation, and they do not give him the opportunity to speak out.

But such painful thoughts are dangerous to keep in oneself. Be sure to talk to someone who has experienced such grief or consult a psychologist.

When will the pain subside?

When a beloved cat dies, a person experiences a whole range of negative emotions: pain, fear, pity, despair, longing. All these experiences can be conditionally divided into stages. Having survived them from beginning to end, a person perceives the death of a furry friend calmer and easier:

  1. Denial and shock. At first, after the death of a pet, it may seem that everything that happens is a bad dream, an obsession that is about to end. At this stage, emotions are somewhat blunted. The person does not suffer, does not cry.
  2. Anger and guilt. After realizing the loss, an unbearable feeling of guilt arises. A person blames himself, doctors, God for injustice. This is the most acute stage, which is accompanied by bitter tears and tantrums.
  3. Faith in a miracle. After the subsidence of strong emotions in people who were especially attached to their furry friend, there is a hope that he will somehow be resurrected, reborn. Many people believe that they will meet their beloved cat or cat after death.
  4. Melancholy and apathy. Longing for a pet comes in waves. IN . The time that was allocated for games and walks with your pet is now wasted.
  5. Humility. Sooner or later, a person accepts the fact that the pet has died and cannot be returned. The pain recedes, and interest in life and daily activities returns.

If a cat or a cat were really close to a person, the pain can take a very long time. Some remember their pet until death. But remembering does not mean suffering. To get rid of painful feelings, listen to the advice of psychologists on how to survive the death of your beloved cat.

The strength and depth of grief depends on many factors. It is always more difficult for a closed person to survive a tragedy.

It is also hard for lonely people, children over 4 years old, to experience the death of a pet. Many of them cannot cope with grief on their own and need advice, support, and sometimes qualified help. So, how to survive the death of a cat, advice from a psychologist.

Throw out emotions

Don't keep all the negativity to yourself. Only after throwing it out, you will feel relief. You can cry, scream, break a couple of plates. A written account of the tragedy helps to get rid of the negativity. Try to write on paper the most painful moments for you. For example, how did the cat die, how did you feel at that moment, what do you regret now.

You can go to the pet's grave, clean it up and cry there. Tears are a natural reaction to grief, they bring relief and cleanse the soul of pain. Try not to take sedatives, and also refuse to drink alcohol.

Don't torture yourself with guilt

This emotion is often the strongest. Animals are our smaller brothers, and we are responsible for them. But even with the most careful care and treatment, they sometimes die. You must understand that:

After all, imagine that your kitty could be born homeless on the street or in a country where cats are eaten. Instead, she lived in warmth and comfort, was always fed and treated kindly.

Get the cat's things out of your sight

Bowls, a tray, a bed, a scratching post, toys and other pet items should be washed and carefully folded and removed away from the eyes. You will not need them in everyday life, but they will once again remind you of the loss, provoking tears and pain. If you want, you can take your pet's belongings to a homeless animal shelter. Some people find it easier to think that they are helping others.

If you have joint photos with a cat on the walls or on tables, or separate ones, then it is better to temporarily transfer them to an album. One day the memories will become less painful. When this time comes, you can return the photos to their place.

Share your grief

The bond between a loving owner and pet is extremely strong. But not everyone can feel it and understand it. Many perceive the death of animals quite calmly, even coolly. It is pointless to talk about loss with such people, they will not be able to support you. Give preference to the following options:

Feel free to share your grief. Having shared the trouble with someone who understands and sympathizes with you, it will seem less black. It is important to feel that you are not alone, that emotions will subside sooner or later.

Help others

Any grateful work distracts from grief. The main thing is to do it from the heart. Think about how you can help others. It could be:

  • caring for homeless animals (feeding, searching for people who will take them to the house);
  • assistance to shelters (cleaning, donation of money, medicines, food, things for animals);
  • support of other people who do not know how to survive the death of a beloved cat;
  • assistance to an orphanage, lonely old people, and other disadvantaged people.

By helping others, you will forget about your troubles. Unspent love for your pet will find a way out and it will become easier on the soul.

New animal

Quite often, after the death of a cat, relatives are advised to immediately get a new pet. They believe that this will help to distract from grief. A small fluffy kitten will brighten up dull evenings and cheer you up. But often such a step turns out to be rash. A new pet can never replace a true friend. His character, behavior, games will be completely different. They can start to annoy a grieving person. You can't love by order.

Before you get a new animal, psychologists advise you to go through grief. The signal that a person is ready is tenderness at the sight of a kitten, and not bitter tears and memories of days spent with a dead beloved cat.

A new pet can help to survive grief only in the case when a person is greatly tormented by guilt, believes that the cat's death was his fault. Then it is recommended to take a pet from the street or a shelter. Saving the life of the destitute will lessen the pangs of conscience.

Author's advice. On average, cats live 13-15 years. They die before their master, such is nature. When getting a pet, you need to take this fact into account and somehow prepare for it. Perhaps it is worth getting another one before the death of a pet or a pet. For example, leaving a kitten from a litter. Of course, another cat will not replace the first friend, but it will help to cope with emotions and distract from painful thoughts.

How do you explain the death of a pet to a child?

The death of a cat can be very traumatic for a child's psyche. And if kids 2-3 years old do not yet realize what death is, they quickly switch and do not indulge in long-term sadness, then older children, as a rule, are very worried about the departure of a friend. It is especially difficult for a child who has seen how the animal gradually fades away or it died before his eyes. He can often cry, have nightmares, scream in his sleep, study poorly and disobey his parents.

Very often, adults solve this problem fundamentally wrong - they immediately get a new pet or hide the fact of death, forbid talking about it. Thus, they further exacerbate the problem. The child may decide that any loss can be made up for, "drown out". Suppression of emotions makes him callous. But how then to help a child survive the death of a beloved cat, you ask? Let's turn to the advice of a psychologist:

If there is a child in the family, you need to forget about your own suffering for a while. It is important to correctly explain what happened, to help the child survive the tragedy. Do not let everything take its course, it can turn into big problems in the future.

Where do cats go when they die?

Many people believe in an afterlife. A good person goes to heaven and a bad person goes to hell. For animals, there is a separate place - the Rainbow Bridge, which, according to legend, is located between heaven and earth. There are hills and meadows, lots of delicious food, sunshine and water. Animals feel warm and comfortable, nothing hurts them.

The old and sick become young and healthy again. They all frolic, run, play together. But one day there comes a moment when the pet's gaze rushes beyond the horizon. He leaves his brothers and runs through the green grass to the long-awaited meeting. The man and the cat meet again, hug tightly and never part again.

To believe in the Rainbow Bridge or not is up to everyone. But you should definitely not blame yourself for the death of a cat or kitty. Try to console yourself that you warmed and caressed your pet as much as you could. Mentally thank him for the happiness he has brought into your life.

Renata, Moscow

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