The cat's hind legs refused: causes and treatment. Cat's hind legs are taken away: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, veterinarian consultation and treatment

Hind limb failure is most commonly seen in middle-aged and older animals, but can also occur in younger individuals. In most cases, this is a sign of rather serious pathologies that can be fatal if ignored. Loss of leg support may not occur abruptly, but at first, the owner most often does not notice that the pet is slightly dragging its paws or moving reluctantly. Therefore, in most cases, pet owners turn to the veterinarian with complaints of a sharp failure of the hind limbs.

To quickly solve this problem, which unequivocally complicates the life of an animal, you need to understand the reasons that provoked the pathology. In most cases, hind leg function can be restored with prompt treatment, so it is important to know the factors that can cause this loss of support.

The failure of the hind limbs is easy to notice, but there are times when the animal prefers to lie down for several days, refuse food and drink. As a rule, the cat still gets up to go to the toilet. At this point, changes in gait can be seen. In the early stages, violations may look like this:

  • an unsteady gait that looks like you have lost your balance;
  • strong wobbling of the back of the body;
  • hind legs move apart;
  • after a few steps the cat sits down, doing this many times until the end of the path;
  • the animal pulls its legs along the floor without lifting them off the ground.

Aggravation usually occurs very quickly, but if the owner has time to contact the veterinary clinic at an early stage, then the treatment will have a better chance of success.


Dysfunctions leading to the failure of the hind legs can be of different origin: viral, post-traumatic, orthopedic, associated with metabolic disorders in the body, etc.


A dangerous disease in which a blood clot formed in the circulatory system gets stuck in the femoral arteries. Since no blood is supplied to the legs, the deterioration occurs quickly, starting with the failure of the motor activity of the hind limbs and ending with a fatal outcome three to four days after the onset.

The onset of thromboembolism is accompanied by periodic shaking of the paws, the cat behaves uneasily, meows plaintively, may bite or scratch when trying to touch the painful area. Paralysis develops quickly, the paws become cold, the animal refuses food and water. The chance of a cure for thromboembolism is small, so it is important to seek help in the first hours after detecting paw failure.

Progressive avitaminosis

kidney failure

This disease leads to the failure of the entire genitourinary system, in which paralysis of the hind legs, a decrease in the volume of urine, lethargy, diarrhea and vomiting, and an increase in body temperature are observed.


Dysplasia develops against the background of congenital anomalies of the hip joint, which increase the likelihood of a fracture or dislocation. The picture is aggravated by the low physical activity of the cat, poor nutrition with a lot of protein and excess weight. After limb failure, the animal may move little around the dwelling, sometimes miss the tray.


It occurs due to thickening of the walls of the heart and an increase in its volume. With cardiomyopathy, paralysis of the legs in cats is a fairly rare complication, but it should not be completely forgotten.

Paralysis of the limbs occurs because the heart is not able to supply them with the right amount of oxygen, and the muscles begin to atrophy. In parallel, shortness of breath, lethargy, dry cough develops, the animal sleeps more than expected.


Loss of motor activity of the limbs in a cat can cause a stroke. Violation of the patency of blood vessels is observed not only in old animals, but also with exhaustion or low mobility in young individuals. During a stroke, the swallowing reflex is disturbed, the activity of the salivary glands increases. The owner rarely notices the attack itself, but its consequences - paralysis of the paws and other parts of the body - are easily detected. In this case, as in humans, the success of rehabilitation is directly related to how early it is started.

Spinal injury

This condition occurs after the cat falls from a certain height. At the same time, it does not necessarily land on its back, it can even fall on its paws, but damage the posterior part of the spinal cord during a sharp landing.

After this, there is a failure of the hind legs, tail, and possibly a violation of the innervation of individual internal organs.

Intervertebral hernia

An experienced veterinarian can feel the disc protrude above the rest of the vertebrae, but inexperienced people are unlikely to be able to identify the affected area. The hernia leads to the fact that the vessels and nerves are infringed, the impulses stop flowing to the hind legs, and this provokes their failure. For normal activity of the paws, the patency of impulses in a cat must be restored.

tick paralysis

This disease develops after an animal is bitten by an ixodid tick, so caring owners usually direct their attention to prevention: they treat the cat's hair before walking on the street with special preparations. Tick-borne paralysis leads to damage to the nervous system, which manifests itself in the form of a change in periods of excitement and apathy. In this case, at the stage of leg failure, treatment is no longer effective, so help should be provided in the early stages.

Inflammation of the brain

Infections of the nervous tissue, worms, the entry of toxins into the body, the activation of autoimmune diseases, etc. lead to this dangerous pathology. In addition to the failure of the hind legs, a number of symptoms appear: vomiting, diarrhea, fever, enuresis, dehydration.

With timely treatment, the motor activity of the limbs is restored completely or partially.


A special condition that occurs against the background of a deficiency of vitamin D and calcium and an excess of phosphorus, which negatively affects the thyroid gland. Due to the fact that a large amount of parathyroid hormone is produced, deformation of the bone tissue begins, convulsive syndrome, paws fail. Treatment takes a certain time, the hormonal background is restored, which returns the cat freedom of movement.

Fracture or dislocation of the hind limbs

This can happen as a result of a fight, a beating, a blow, an unsuccessful jump. Sometimes cats get stuck in plastic windows, and trying to get out of the trap, inflict additional damage on themselves.

At the same time, the animal may be hostile to attempts to probe the place of injury, and sometimes purrs loudly and lies next to the owners all the time. After a few days, the cat is usually able to stand up, but the fracture is more likely to heal incorrectly.

What to do

Before treatment begins, veterinarians prescribe a comprehensive treatment, since only by determining the exact root cause, you can effectively deal with it. To detect pathology, the following examinations are performed:

  • neurological examination and detection of reflex activity in the area of ​​the paws;
  • x-ray of the lower part of the spine;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • if an infectious nature is suspected - bakposev;
  • standard urine and blood tests;
  • MRI of the spine and head;
  • checking the sensitivity of the limbs.

These tests are never prescribed separately. Depending on the clinical picture, the veterinarian directs the animal to several of them in order to confirm or rule out the most likely diseases. There is no time for long-term diagnostics in case of limb failure.

Veterinarian on why a cat's hind legs may fail: video

After a specific pathology is determined, the specialist develops a complex of treatment. It may include the following techniques:

  • Surgical intervention. This is necessary for cardiomyopathy and spinal injuries. Such operations are carried out only in a hospital, where specialists monitor the condition of the cat for several days.
  • Most diseases are helped by drugs in the form of injections, tablets, drops, gels, ointments, vitamins, etc.
  • Sometimes it is necessary to use orthopedic devices that help mimic walking. You can make them yourself or purchase ready-made products.
  • In some cases, you can not do without physiotherapy - acupuncture, myelostimulation, massages, etc.
  • At the time of treatment, the diet is important, which the veterinarian will tell about.

It must be remembered that if the paws fail, not only health, but also the life of the pet depends on the speed of the actions of the owner of the animal, so delay in this case is unacceptable.

A mobile, playful pet is a real decoration of your home. But what if he suddenly became decapitated, constantly lies still and does not eat anything? Take him to the vet immediately. It is possible that it's paresis.

Very often this pathology confused with. It is not right. You can also hear that the difference between paresis and paralysis is that in the first case the cat can (albeit badly) move, and the second cannot. This is also incorrect. Even with paresis (with the exception of mild cases), a sick cat will obviously not flutter around the house like a butterfly.

The thing is partial preservation of skin sensitivity and motor function. So, if we compare postpartum paresis in cats and paralysis, then in the first case the animal is still bad, but it feels pinches and pricks with a pin, but in a paralyzed pet, the affected part of the body turns into a “tree” devoid of sensitivity.

However, sometimes the difference between paralysis and the pathology we describe is very "ephemeral". This happens when the "borderline" condition is caused by severe back injuries. The fact is that in case of damage, bone fragments can only slightly “scratch” the surface of the spinal cord. As soon as they press a little harder, the paresis “at ease” turns into paralysis.

In addition, even a postpartum type of pathology can result in a complete loss of sensitivity and mobility if the animal does not receive proper treatment. So this disease must be taken very seriously. The slightest delay or inaccuracy - and your pet will forever remain in a "stiffened" state.

Thus, paresis of the limbs in cats (as a rule) develops against the background of severe injuries. Especially often this happens in the spring, when animals begin to actively look for a mate for procreation. Cats from balconies, fall under the wheels of cars, are injured in other ways. But severe injuries and mechanical effects on the spine are far from “guilty” in all cases of paresis. Sometimes the cause is a severe metabolic disorder.

The literature also describes cases when partial numbness of the limbs and problems with internal organs (intestines, bladder) appeared in those animals that were deficient in nutrients, macro- and microelements.

Clinical picture of the disease

Symptoms of paresis in cats depend on the type of pathology and the neglect of each specific case. In the early stages, restlessness may also appear. Severe shortness of breath can lead to the development of alkalosis (this is not alcoholism - this is the name of the increased alkalinity of the blood). As a result, the condition of the animal will worsen even more. If the pet with paresis is “small” and very, it does not hurt to urgently take him to the veterinarian.

Again, when only some areas of the spinal cord are affected and a bladder paresis, the animal may be perfectly healthy in appearance, but it completely stops urinating. Unlike urethral obstruction or inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, a sick cat cannot squeeze out a drop of urine because the muscular system of his bladder is completely "incapacitated". If this is not noticed in time, the organ, most likely, will simply burst.

Respectively, intestinal paresis characterized by the complete absence of the act of defecation. The pet can push, but the feces do not come out. With the accumulation of a "critical mass" of feces in the intestines, the abdominal cavity visibly swells, becomes hard and painful to the touch (but not always). Again, in the absence of medical assistance, it is possible intestinal rupture and death from internal bleeding(the animal most likely will not live until the appearance of fecal peritonitis).

Veterinarians often have to deal with this problem, so only they can prescribe treatment and procedures that can help the pet feel healthy again in such a situation. It is clear that situations can be different, so ahead of time you should not think about either good or bad.

Thanks to modern diagnostics, the problem can be quickly identified and classified, and then treatment can begin. The article provides introductory information that helps to understand what you have to deal with in practice.

Paralysis in cats causes

Paralysis in cats can occur for many reasons:
- Due to injury to the spine;
- Inflammation of the spinal cord;
- Tissue necrosis;
- blood supply is disturbed;
- Stroke;

- Due to thickening of the walls of the heart;
- From the bites of ixodid ticks;
- Renal failure;
- Cancer;

- Improper nutrition;
- Poisoning;
- Elderly;
- Inadequate care.

Paralysis in cats of the limbs of the hind, lower, front and hind legs

Several types of paralysis are identified. Below are two of them concerning limbs. Hind limb paralysis is when the hind legs are affected while the front legs remain functional. This type of paralysis occurs when a blood clot or thrombus moves through a vessel and can block the cardiac aorta. In this regard, the blood flow to the hind legs becomes difficult and paralysis occurs.

Paralysis of the radial nerve - occurs when this nerve is injured, and it is responsible for the mobility of the forelimbs. Injury to the radial nerve is recognized by the lameness of the cat or when it begins to drag its paw along. Another cause of paralysis can be a tumor formed in the region of the radial nerve.

Paralysis in cats, kitten and cats symptoms and treatment

Symptoms of paralysis include blockage of limb movement, difficulty breathing and swallowing food, heat intolerance, suffocation, voice change, complete or partial paralysis, loss of appetite, vomiting, joint weakness, dilated pupils. There may also be incontinence, fever, fever, decreased heart rate, shock, fainting, drooling, coughing, pain.

Treatment can only be prescribed by a veterinarian based on the totality of symptoms. Circulatory disorders are treated with anti-inflammatory injections, anticoagulants. Surgery helps with spinal cord injuries and tumors. With paralysis - serums are put. Infections are treated with antibiotics. In the treatment of facial paralysis, massage, heating of the affected muscles, and electropuncture are used.

Facial palsy in a cat

Facial paralysis can follow trauma, infections of the outer ear, inner ear. The worst kind of paralysis is idiopathic facial paralysis, there is no cure. With this kind of paralysis, the pussy needs to be dripped into the eyes with moisturizing eye drops.

The lesion can be either one half of the muzzle, or completely. There are cases when at first one part of the muzzle is paralyzed, then everything returns to normal and after a while there is paralysis of the second part of the cat's face. At the same time, she has an inability to blink, a dull look, flowing saliva, her upper lip drops, her eyes water. She cannot move her ears, nose, lips, food can fall out of her mouth.

Partial paralysis in cats

Paresis in cats and dogs is a partial paralysis, expressed to a lesser extent, that is, the cat can somehow move independently.

Paralysis of the larynx in cats

The causes of this type of paralysis are unknown. But there is an assumption that this is due to - severe stress, which entailed a neuro-somatic reaction. The symptoms of this are:
- Change the voice of the cat;
- Difficulty swallowing or complete inability to swallow food;
- Hard breath.
This can lead to suffocation because little or no oxygen is delivered to the lungs.

Paralysis in cats due to the intestines

Paralytic ileus develops from many diseases: peritonitis, tumor, hematoma, urolithiasis. Other causes can be damage to nerve formations, abdominal trauma, myocardial infarction, diabetes, embolism, etc. In this case, the tone of the intestines and the peristalsis of the intestinal muscles decrease, up to complete paralysis.

Bladder paralysis in cats

Whether temporary or completely, the bladder sphincter becomes unable to contract, causing enuresis. With lesions of the nervous system, overflow of the bladder and with long-term retention of urination, this disease occurs.

Cerebral Palsy in Cats

Cats, just like people, suffer from cerebral palsy - these are movement disorders associated with damage to brain structures. Treating cerebral palsy in cats is almost the same as in humans.

The article will talk about a problem that manifests itself only in some pets, but this does not mean at all that it is not serious and on ...

If we are talking about such a serious condition of cats as paralysis, then a lot depends on the speed of reaction of its owners. To overcome this disease, long-term treatment is required. Thanks to modern diagnostics, the disease is detected quickly, which allows you to immediately begin treatment.

Causes of Paralysis in Cats

Almost all diseases of cats can lead to deterioration of their condition with the onset of paralysis. This applies even to scabies, in which the middle ear first becomes inflamed, then the infection passes to the inner one.

  • spinal injury;
  • inflammatory processes of the spine;
  • fibrocartilaginous embolism;
  • stroke;
  • defeat by ixodid ticks;
  • viral infection (eg fip);
  • gas poisoning.


In a stroke, the blood vessels in the brain are affected. This pathology leads to disruption of the work of this organ and motor function up to paralysis.

If a cat has a fibrocartilaginous embolism, in which blood circulation is disturbed, then a sudden decrease in the blood supply to the tissues can occur, followed by necrosis. The blockage of blood vessels by pieces leads to a violation:

  • tumors;
  • blood;
  • fat.

6 days after being bitten by ixodid ticks, due to the toxins they release, tick paralysis often occurs. Such a dangerous viral infection as rabies can also lead to paralysis. Most often, the larynx is affected, as a result, breathing stops.


There are several types of paralysis. They characterize the degree of the disease.

With hemiplegia, damage to the pelvic and thoracic region occurs. In this case, the paws on one side are paralyzed. There is also a symmetrical lesion, which is called paraplegia. Then simultaneously paralysis of both lower extremities develops.

In monoplegia, only one leg is affected. And with tetraplegia, all four limbs are completely paralyzed.

This ailment is subdivided according to the area covered, namely paralysis:

  • larynx;
  • spinal;
  • hind limbs (can be ascending if it passes to the forelimbs);
  • facial nerve.

With paralysis of the hind limbs, only their functions are violated, while the front ones remain healthy. If a cat has an injury to the radial nerve, on which the mobility of the front legs depends, then paralysis may well develop.


Sometimes at the initial stage of the disease, the only sign is uncertain and unsteady movements. The animal tries to lie as much as possible rather than walk.

Other symptoms that indicate that a cat is developing paralysis are conditions in which it:

  • refuses to eat;
  • - food falls out of the mouth;
  • unable to hold his head;
  • stops.

Sometimes an animal can observe involuntary leakage:

  • saliva;
  • feces;
  • urine.


It is noted that with paralysis, some cats try to crawl somewhere, show, scratch and bite. Others become lethargic, sleepy, unresponsive to the presence of their owners. Animals have dilated pupils.

In sick limbs due to injuries or diseases with thrombosis, hernia and damage to nerve endings, the following can be observed:

  • cold snap;
  • absence or decrease in heart rate;
  • blueness of the skin.


Diagnosis varies depending on the likely causes of the paralysis. A veterinarian may prescribe a general urinalysis, which will assess the health of the animal, a biochemical blood test.

A urine sample is also taken, and to detect a tumor, an x-ray or ultrasound is prescribed, which allow assessing the condition of the pelvis, spine and heart.

The doctor will definitely examine the paralyzed legs for sensitivity to touch, pain. He will test for the presence of tendon and neurological reflexes.


All these examinations must be carried out by a doctor. Since it is on the basis of the collected data that treatment will be prescribed.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment depends on what caused the paralysis. Treatment is extended over a long period of time.


It must be borne in mind that it is rare for cats to fully recover motor functions.

Treatment must be comprehensive. It includes:

  • taking medications;
  • establishing proper nutrition;
  • physiotherapy.

With paralysis, the animal should be fed easily digestible foods, preferably puree. All the necessary vitamins must be included in the animal's diet.

For inflammations and injuries, anti-inflammatory steroid drugs are administered, for example, Methylpred. Injections of B group vitamins help to restore diseased peripheral nerves. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to relieve pain, it can be:

If the cat is in severe pain, then opioid drugs are used:

  • Buprenorphine;
  • Hydromorphone;
  • Fentanyl.

Anticoagulants Aspirin, Heparin or Clopidogrel are prescribed when an acute blockage of a blood vessel is detected by a detached thrombus. Surgical intervention is performed for hernias and injuries. Paralysis caused by a tick bite is treated with a special serum.

To protect the cat's body from dehydration, they put droppers with saline solution. If there is a violation of breathing, mechanical ventilation or oxygen therapy is performed. Often, in order to restore sensitivity, the doctor recommends electrical stimulation and massage, which can be done at home.


The recovery process can be slightly accelerated. To do this, you need to regularly massage every day - 3-5 sessions for 10 minutes. Massage is carried out only after consultation with a veterinarian, because in some cases there are contraindications for its implementation.

It should be quite intense, but at the same time light, which will not allow the muscles to atrophy. It is necessary to try to bend and unbend the limbs, imitate movement in a lying and standing position.


With paralysis, such an exercise helps well, in which the cat tries to walk with the help of the owner. To do this, a towel is passed under the belly, the back of the animal rises slightly. Hands need to rearrange the paralyzed paws, thereby forcing them to go forward.

If your cat loves water, then you can use an exercise such as swimming with assistance. It is noted that this is one of the most effective measures in the fight against paralysis. When at least a partial return of sensitivity is observed, then it is necessary to scratch the paws, the ear, so that the animal reflexively tries to do the same. Since it takes a long time to restore nerve endings, physiotherapeutic measures should last quite a long time.

Useful video

You can learn more about paralysis in cats in this video:


The owner of a cat that has been paralyzed needs to be patient. You can not make hasty rash decisions on the euthanasia of a paralyzed cat. It must be borne in mind that there are cases when animals that were not given any chance for a normal existence after paralysis, as a result of enhanced therapy, recovered after a certain time.

Imagine how one fine morning you started to call your cat to eat, but he did not immediately run to the call, as he usually did. After a while, you noticed him crawling into your room. Your heart sank with pity for your pet, as you understood the reason, the cat's hind legs gave up and he drags them by touching his front ones.

The cat's legs are failing

Let's see why the legs of a cat or a cat fail. It's all about paralysis in which there is a violation of motor function. This is due to a violation of the parts of the nervous system. The reasons why a cat's hind legs are taken away can be:

  • CNS diseases
  • Infectious diseases
  • Various types of avitaminosis
  • Wrong metabolism
  • (in which compression of nerve fibers can occur)

Reasons for a cat's paws to fail

Let us consider in more detail why the cat's front paws or hind limbs failed. This may be when:

  1. When there is an exacerbation of infectious peritonitis.
  2. If the tourniquet is applied incorrectly, paralysis usually occurs if the nerve trunks are pinched.
  3. Hypovitaminosis B1.
  4. Hypovitaminosis B9.
  5. Hypovitaminosis B12.
  6. E-hypovitaminosis.
  7. A metabolic disorder that appeared at birth, as a result of which the cat's hind legs failed. This disease is quite rare. As a rule, it occurs in short-haired cats of Siamese and American breeds.
  8. Unbalanced diets.
  9. Chronic heart failure.
  10. Aujeszky's disease, also known as pseudorabies or infectious bulbar palsy.
  11. With the nervous form of cryptococcosis.
  12. Tick-borne encephalitis.
  13. Some medicines intended for humans are dangerous for animals to consume. Therefore, if a cat's hind legs suddenly fail, this may be due to the drug No-shpa. Which absolutely cannot be given to them.
  14. If an old cat's hind legs fail, then this may be due to intervertebral hernia of the spinal discs and inflammation of the spinal cord.
  15. Thromboembolism of the femoral arteries.

The cat suddenly refused hind legs, possible symptoms

Symptoms when the cat suddenly refused hind legs. The function of the paws is impaired, completely or partially. The muscles in the pet become sluggish and flabby. Painful sensations or other sensitivity is either dulled or absent altogether. The animal ceases to feel touch and temperature.

First aid and treatment when the cat's hind legs abruptly failed

In cases where the cat's hind legs have abruptly failed, it is necessary to provide the affected limb with warmth. Warm compresses are needed. Paraffin treatment is carried out. A course of treatment with B vitamins is prescribed. They must be administered intramuscularly. An injection is made into the affected limb. Also gamavit, SA37. To restore mobility, experts recommend acupuncture therapy, Su Jok.

At the first symptoms and suspicion, contact the veterinarian immediately. Where the cat will be examined. The doctor will diagnose and prescribe treatment.

The actions of the veterinarian when you bring him your cat:

  • Perform an initial neurological examination of the animal
  • Send for X-ray of the spine
  • Do an ultrasound of the abdomen
  • If there is a suspicion of infection, a sample is taken for bacteriological analysis.
  • Urine and blood tests are taken
  • Mandatory MRI of the head and spine
  • Paw sensitivity is checked for pain and touch.

Remember all of the above symptoms and tips. Don't be afraid and don't panic. They can help you properly understand the reasons why paws may fail and begin treatment immediately. Your pet will thank you for everything.

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