What does it mean when you see how in a dream. What do famous know-it-alls say - grandmothers? Why are there different interpretations in all dream books

Sleep is a certain physiological state of the body when it minimizes the reaction to the environment and lowers brain activity.

We all know that rest, sleep is good for health, because the body recovers during this time. But did you know that we just need to dream? This is due to the fact that they help us relax and get rid of the nervous tension that has accumulated during the day. This fact has been substantiated by scientists.

Why do we dream at all? This ability of the human body can be explained by the work of the subconscious during the rest of the body.

We could notice more than once that the dream that we had a dream speaks of what we thought about the day before. Or it can embody our experiences, fears. This is all because during sleep we cannot control ourselves to the full extent, so our emotions take over us.

Have you ever dreamed that you seem to be watching yourself or even see how you sleep from the side? In fact, this is a fairly common occurrence.

But those who once had such a dream can say that this is a rather unusual feeling that raises many questions. Because you get a feeling of separation from your body, which is not often experienced in everyday life.

Why do we have such dreams and how should we interpret them, are we afraid of this or just learn how to manage such a process?

Interpretation of sleep in a dream

There are a lot of them, let's focus on a few:

1. Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn says that seeing yourself sleeping means that you went into the astral plane. This is the ability of the soul to detach from the body and be in space, which is the source of otherworldly forces.

2. If you see a dream in a dream, this indicates that this dream is lucid. That is, your subconscious mind works and perceives the picture that you have displayed.

3. The imperial dream book says, if you have a clear idea in a dream that you are dreaming, this means the harmonious dynamics of yin and yang. In other words, it is the interaction of opposites that find a common beginning.

4. If you are clearly aware that you see another dream in a dream, then this indicates your ability to control it, and you can easily decipher it later after you wake up.

5. Autumn dream book: if you see that you are sleeping soundly, then this indicates that your body is very tired and needs rest.

6. If you dream that you see another person sleeping, it means that you want to get away from his influence on yourself. Apparently this person has certain powers and emotions that are unpleasant to you and you want to get rid of it.

7. If everyone around you is asleep, but you are not, this indicates your desire for individualization. This is your need to be realized, to separate from the "gray" crowd and find yourself.

8. Italian dream book: sleeping in a dream is a desire to delay a decision or event. Perhaps you are afraid of something and thus want to postpone the matter that needs to be implemented.

Your opportunities

Why do you have such dreams? Do not be alarmed, dream books interpret this situation differently. Familiarize yourself with all the possible options and remember that everything can be turned into your own hands.

If you see such dreams, then you have certain abilities. Let's consider which:

  • Control unconsciousness. Psychologists believe that this is a normal, adequate state of a healthy person. So there is nothing to be afraid of.
  • What is seen is what will happen. Scientists are inclined to believe that this is a replay of a situation that should happen to you. If you are tired of the denouement of the situation, then everything remains so, if not, you can think it out, which in itself will change the outcome.
  • The ability to influence your dreams. People who see such dreams can order them for themselves, thinking about certain things before going to bed.

Such dreams can bring relief, such as crying in a dream, or, on the contrary, leave a feeling of anxiety, it depends on how you wake up or who wakes you up.

Don't take the things you dream literally, they usually have an abstract meaning. For example, one person dreamed that he was saving other people's children. When he woke up, he became afraid that something would happen to his own. But children in this case mean his ideas and thoughts, and salvation, that they will have to be fought for.

Therefore, if in a dream you separate from your body, this does not carry a negative meaning, but suggests that you can look at the situation from the outside, analyze it, and predict the result you want. Basically, this is a positive property, since you have a pure and clear dream.

Wake up in a dream

One of the dream books decided to consider specific dreams in order to explain what this or that event can dream of, and what it means to wake up in a dream:

1. A man dreamed that something was sneaking towards him, he was trying to wake up and went to a neighbor to tell him what had happened to him. This is repeated many times until a person manages to wake up in reality.

The point is that part of the fear and incomprehensible strength is felt precisely from the neighbor. As the dream book explains, a danger to you may come from some person in life.

2. He dreams that a man is taking his daughter to school on September 1, and then they start shooting, he falls to the ground and covers his daughter. He wakes up, feels pain in his arm and sees a cast, tells someone about his dream, and then wakes up in reality.

What could be such a strange dream? This can be interpreted as follows: a person in a dream rested his arm, and this pain was imprinted on his dream.

As these interpretations show, there is nothing wrong with waking up in a dream. All actions should not be taken literally, each of them has a certain meaning. One of the clearest examples is crying in a dream, which means rejoicing, having fun in life. What promises us to cry during a dream?

  1. If someone cries, then this is to the news.
  2. Cry out loud in relief.
  3. To cry in a dream is to feel pity and compassion for a person, or for what is happening to you. This is the emotional release you need.
  4. Crying - to family joy.

Do not be afraid to look into the dream book and remember that you can control your dreams, your thoughts, because even when the brain is resting, the subconscious mind is working.
Author: Margarita Ivanova

Small children are one of the most auspicious symbols of dreams. They bring positivity and good news. Dreams with children are most often seen by women. Subconsciously, they worry about their offspring or are preparing to give birth to a baby. If a woman or a future mother saw a child in a dream - what does this mean?

Dreams about children

Women often dream of children. This is due to the fact that the fair sex is more focused on the family, relationships in it. Such dreams reflect feelings about health, raising your baby or a grown child. The interpretation of dreams for unmarried girls and mothers may differ.

If a woman saw a child in a dream, this is a favorable sign. It promises joyful surprise or good news. If the baby is cute and cute, it means that mutual love will soon appear on the horizon. To dream of a child walking alone - to the possibility of becoming pregnant.

You should pay close attention to details. They will help to correctly interpret what you dreamed about. So, a laughing baby promises joy and fun in the near future. And crying predicts problems.

Seeing a child in a dream

Such a dream is interpreted as anxiety, internal tension. Unplanned situations may arise that require immediate resolution. Vanity, chores, anxiety - this is what it means to see a boy child in a dream. If there are several boys, worries and problems will increase.

The chores at work or in your personal life will not be too serious. But, nevertheless, the sleeper will have to deal with their resolution. Depending on the mood of the child, the interpretation of sleep will also change.

A boy's fun game means a happy career change. Successful deals, profitable projects will increase the prestige of the sleeper in the eyes of colleagues. If the boy cries, such a dream warns that the dreamer pays little attention to his relatives. Good relations should be restored, the previous misunderstanding should be eliminated.

For a woman, a vision with a boy is for good luck and profit. For a girl - a quick wedding.

Seeing a baby girl in a dream

But the dream of a girl will bring pleasant events. There will be joy in the house or something good will happen at work. Sometimes such a dream predicts the birth of a baby. If upon awakening there is no unpleasant aftertaste, all problems will end, and life will again shine with iridescent colors. Seeing a child-girl in a dream is a positive change in life.

If she is joyful, then good news or events await ahead. A girl in a dream carries gifts of fate. Travel, new acquaintances are coming. A chance meeting will lead to mutual love.

If a girl is naughty, stomps her feet, misunderstandings in the family cannot be avoided. Perhaps you should pay more attention to your family and friends. Reconcile and restore warm relations.

For a woman, sleeping with a girl promises peace of mind. For a girl - a pleasant meeting.

Sleep during pregnancy

Women who are expecting the birth of a baby are very sensitive to signs and dreams. They worry about the health of the newborn, prepare for childbirth, try to guess the gender of the baby. For a pregnant woman to see a child in a dream - to happy chores, little unrest, unexpected events.

If a boy is seen - to an easy birth. It promises a successful resolution of the burden, good health for mother and baby. If a girl dreamed, this means that there are many true friends around the pregnant woman. They will support with good advice, come to the rescue in difficult times.

What does it mean for a pregnant woman to see a baby moving in a dream? This is a good sign. Such a dream predicts a successful birth. But there is another interpretation. The stirring of the child symbolizes that friends have begun to move away and will not be able to provide support at the right time.

If in a dream a pregnant woman strokes her stomach, it means that she is satisfied with her relationship, feels calm and protected. Peace during sleep speaks of the peace of mind and emotional stability of the expectant mother.


Seeing a baby in a dream is a happy life. Even if there are some difficulties, they will not linger for a long time in the life of the sleeper. All problems and obstacles will miraculously leave the dreamer, and he will only have to enjoy the serene reality.

If you dreamed of the unexpected appearance of a baby, you will have good luck in love or an unexpected acquaintance. The cleaner and neater the baby, the more positive changes can occur. Moreover, the baby is a symbol of personal life. Therefore, all positive changes will be associated with new, pleasant acquaintances or the restoration of former friendships (or love) ties.

Seeing a baby in a dream is a good sign if the sleeping career is just beginning. Such a dream is a symbol of future victories and prosperity. Perhaps exhausting work lies ahead, but it will subsequently lead to career growth.

If the baby had a dream during a problematic period, this means that soon all matters will be resolved for the better for the dreamer. Anxiety will be left behind, life will return to normal.

A lot of children

What does it mean to see many children in a dream? Well-being in the family, joyful events are already on the threshold. The most important thing in such a dream is that the kids do not cry, they are cheerful and joyful. Then you can expect an improvement in relations with other people, the achievement of goals, gratuitous material support. After such a dream, you can safely implement your most ambitious plan - it will end in resounding success and respect from your superiors.

Seeing in a dream a lot of children who are crying - bad forebodings, imminent trouble lies in wait for the sleeper. It is possible that the cunning of friends will lead to the complete collapse of projects. Deceptions, betrayal by the closest people will haunt the dreamer. There is no way he can change the situation. It remains only to wait and hope that the difficulties will not last long.

dead child

Seeing a dead child in a dream is a nuisance at work. Do not be afraid of such a dream. Nothing bad will happen after it. The child is just a symbol. In a dream, it can mean long-cherished plans, cherished projects. Therefore, to see in a dream a small child who has died - to shattered dreams, projects, but not to the death of one's own child. There will be difficulties with superiors, colleagues who will be dissatisfied with the work of the dreamer.

In some sources, the interpretation of a dream is associated with health. Perhaps some deterioration in the condition, a short illness.

It's great if the child suddenly came to life. Such a dream guarantees a happy resolution of affairs, a speedy recovery. The dreamer will have an interesting journey, an exciting adventure.

Sick child

If an unfamiliar baby is sick - what does the dream book say? Seeing in a dream a child who was struck by an ailment - to the loss of the well-being of the family. There may be a serious financial loss. Or the debtor will not return the money within the promised time. Conflicts and quarrels in the family are coming. After such a dream, you need to try to prevent impending troubles.

If in a dream the child recovers, this means that all material problems will be safely resolved. Most likely, a new source of income will appear in the family or one-time assistance will return the former well-being to the family.

If your child is sick, this can be a harbinger of a real illness. Thus, the subconscious warns parents that they should take care of their health.

bathe the baby

Seeing a small child in a dream and bathing him in a bath is a spiritual purification. Water washes away the mental dirt of a person. Therefore, bathing a baby is a sign that the sleeping person will be forgiven for a bad deed, and his emotional experiences will stop. The dream says that the dreamer should tune in to good deeds, charity.

Bathing a child promises a way out of an unpleasant situation. Possible financial reward. However, if the sleeper has a long trip, you should be wary of random fellow travelers. Cheating, theft can spoil the mood on the road.

A favorable sign is clear, clean water in the bath. It will bring only positive attitude and good news.

If the sleeper washes the baby with a sponge, this is a signal that in real life there will be a chance to show himself in all its glory. At work, this is an opportunity to take a higher position. In personal life - the prospect of achieving a loved one or restoring a relationship with him.

Rock the baby in your arms

Rocking a baby is a favorable sign that promises good changes. Seeing a child in your arms in a dream means that an unprecedented career growth awaits the sleeping person. The respect of colleagues is approaching, a bonus from the authorities. Success in work will give self-confidence. And with it comes happiness in your personal life.

If a man dreamed of his beloved with a baby in her arms, a harmonious marriage portends such a dream. It means that the couple lives by common views and interests.

A sick child being rocked is a sign that serious problems and complications are coming in achieving plans. Such a dream promises unfortunate changes in life, so it is worth mobilizing all your strength.

If the dreamer cradles a disabled child in his arms, in real life he carries an unbearable burden of problems. He will have numerous worries, from which it will be difficult to get rid of. This is a warning dream, after which you should think about your own health. Mental overstrain is best prevented by giving up an unnecessary load of problems.

Asleep baby

A sleeping child is a symbol of defenselessness. If the baby is sleeping in a dream, this means that the dreamer or his relatives are in danger of an unknown danger. The calm sleep of the baby is interpreted as problems that will soon pass. If the baby screams restlessly, rushes about - serious obstacles will stand in the way of the sleeping person.

Another interpretation of sleep is to get money soon, start a new project, or have new plans. A sleeping child can mean a disease or ill-wishers who have prepared an unpleasant surprise for the dreamer.

A sleeping baby is the beginning of new discoveries. Sleep signals spiritual growth, reassessment of values. New awareness can lead to a change in the rhythm of life or work. There will be chores in the family, which will bring the long-awaited peace and tranquility.

Baby fell

The fall of a child in a dream is interpreted as a loss of confidence, self-esteem. Therefore, the dreamer should pay attention to the problems that have arisen and try to solve them. Perhaps such a dream warns of a loss of understanding with relatives. It is necessary to establish relationships with them and other people around.

What does it mean to dream of a child who fell? Sudden obstacles can upset the dreamer. We must calmly accept new problems and gradually solve them. Perhaps there will be deception on the part of loved ones.

For a man, such a dream signals problems with potency. One-time embarrassment in bed matters is possible. The greatest troubles should be expected after a dream in which the child fell and was injured. In this case, serious problems are expected with the opposite sex, scandalous gossip about sexual failure. Or in the work there will be difficulties, which will take a very long time to overcome.

Baby loss

If a woman saw a child in a dream and lost him, this is an unkind sign. Disappointments, frustrated plans, unfulfilled promises are coming. Financial losses are also possible, which cannot be prevented in any way.

For a girl, such a dream is just a projection of self-doubt, complexes. He does not bear any life complications.

The end of the dream must be remembered. If the baby is found, it means that in real life everything will end well. If other people bring the child, unexpected help, a well-wisher hurries to the dreamer. If the baby is never found, the sleeper will have to come to terms with the inevitable losses. They cannot be restored.

Feed the baby

What other situations can be seen in a dream? Feed the child - to the implementation of plans. All plans will finally come true, all problems will be resolved.

If a sick person sees a baby feeding in a dream, his health will soon return. For a woman, a dream about breastfeeding a baby in a crowded place means that her secrets and secrets will be revealed. Gossip will appear that will damage her reputation. Don't try to justify yourself to people. It is better to wait - then the gossip will disappear by itself.

When milk disappeared in a dream, this means that failed projects, ridicule of colleagues are waiting for the dreamer. Failure will haunt her in work, public affairs. If a woman breastfeeds a baby with love and joy, she will be able to overcome all obstacles and hardships on the way to her cherished dream.

Baby in a stroller

The details of sleep will help to correctly predict real events. If the baby is comfortable, the stroller is clean and new - good news, good events are approaching in the life of the sleeper. Everything beautiful and aesthetic dreams of positive changes.

A dirty, untidy stroller in which there is no child - to the betrayal of a loved one. A betrayal of a loved one is possible, which will inevitably lead to separation. After such a dream, you should not take on new things - they will fail and bring disappointment.

If a woman took the baby out of the stroller and took him in her arms, she will have a harmonious happy marriage with her loved one. Such a dream portends a family idyll that will last for many years.

If the stroller has a unkempt appearance, and the child has dirty diapers, the dreamer will face litigation, unpleasant worries. Broken transport means that losses are ahead, parting with loved ones.

A dreamer who sees himself as a child in a stroller should immediately put aside all business. He needs complete rest. Otherwise, overvoltage may lead to a breakdown.

Unexpected gifts and acquisitions await the one who found a stroller with a baby in a dream. The dreamer in real life will receive something from which he will rejoice like a child.

See your own children

If a woman saw a child (her son or daughter) in a dream, such a dream means possible problems. The subconscious warns her that soon there will be a mutual misunderstanding. You should pay more attention to your child, try to eliminate the troubles that have arisen.

Another interpretation of sleep suggests that a disease awaits a son or daughter. Timely examination will help prevent the disease.

To see your children in a dream - to the arrival of distant relatives. Or a family reunion at a friendly table. A dream can warn of the upcoming wedding of a son or daughter.

If you dreamed of your very thin child, unpleasant events are already on the threshold. Bad news, gossip, quarrels, senseless chores, illnesses will soon appear in the family. Such a dream will bring disappointment to a woman. However, do not take future problems to heart. This is a temporary phenomenon, after which clear days will come again.

If the dreamer saw himself as a child

Being a child in a dream means that the dreamer feels insecure in himself. He strives for support, feels his insecurity before the outside world.

If the child looks happy and healthy, favorable changes are expected in the dreamer's life. If he is sick and naughty - you need to prepare for serious trials, unpleasant news.

The psychological aspect of such a dream speaks of infantilism, inability and unwillingness to take responsibility for one's own deeds and words. The inner child does not want to grow up and accept the realities of life. The subconscious with the help of sleep warns that the sleeper has chosen the wrong path. You need to radically change your life. Outline the range of interests, set realistic goals and methodically achieve them.

Such a dream indicates that the dreamer is still clinging to childhood grievances. It is worth forgiving and reconciling with the idea that the past cannot be returned. Let go of your grievances and start a new life as a confident person. Have a nice dream!

And rest does not always mean the same thing.

sleep state- one of the most vulnerable states of the body. At this time, we are defenseless against worries: the ability to protect oneself is limited, not to mention the inability to take care of others. Dreams of this kind tend to evoke either a feeling of relief and peace, or a feeling of violence. Important elements in the interpretation of such a dream are answers to questions about how you wake up and who wakes you up.

There are two types of dreams that fall under this category.- joint and matching. In each case, two or more people dream of similar characters and actions. The difference between them lies in the way in which these dreams are dreamed. In shared dreams, dreamers deliberately develop a desire to experience a shared dream through incubation. In contrast, with coinciding dreams, dreamers going to sleep had no idea that their dreams would be similar.

Shared sleep experience It is an intentional action aimed at influencing its content. Such training allows dreamers to create psychic meeting places for developing subconscious knowledge about each other. This can contribute to the discovery of new facets in relationships (from ordinary to sensual). It is quite interesting to get together with your friends (friend) in a joint dream and compare impressions. The best way to do this is to write down everything that you dreamed about, and then exchange sketches.

Coinciding dreams are often found by chance. You can, in vivid detail, tell a friend about your dream when she suddenly discovers that she had exactly the same dream. This is truly a rare and mysterious case!

New family dream book

If we have a vague dream, the content of which eludes you- take it as a warning. Be prepared to be betrayed by a friend and do not enter into questionable ventures in business life.

Modern combined dream book

See yourself sleeping and dreaming- means that in reality you are playing a double game in relation to a good person and doubt the correctness of your actions.

If someone tells you their dream- your relatives will have problems and they will turn to you for help.

see a nightmare- to a favorable resolution of a difficult situation.

A bright, joyful dream seen in a dream- promises disappointment in reality.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

A dream whose plot is completely unremembered- announces your predisposition to diseases of internal organs and systems.

see yourself sleeping- to a protracted illness; disability is excluded.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Dream- the need to “wake up”, to be more aware. The need for rest.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Sleepless sleep- myself in a dream sleeping to death.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

Seeing in a dream how you sleep and just can't wake up- your body requires rest, which you cannot afford.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Seeing in a dream that they can't wake you up- to a serious, long illness.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which you dozed off while sitting in an easy chair after a hard day's work- portends the betrayal of a loved one just when you imbued him with boundless trust. If you suddenly wake up and cannot immediately figure out where you are- this portends the return of lost hope. If you were rudely awakened- so, in reality, you will finally get a decent job after long ordeals at the labor exchange.

If you see yourself sleeping on the roof- this is a sign of rapid success that will take you to an unattainable height. If in a dream you spend the night outdoors- in real life, go on a journey that promises to be not only fun, but also extremely rewarding.

Sleeping on a long-distance train on the top shelf only on a mattress without other bedding means that you are satisfied with your position and do not pretend to be more.

If you have a chaotic dream, the content of which you still cannot figure out- this portends a meeting with something mysterious and inexplicable in real life.

If you have nightmares in which you are haunted by some kind of fantasy monsters and vampires- something absolutely terrible will happen in reality.

Seeing yourself sleeping in a completely refurbished, refurbished and refurbished bedroom- portends a happy change in your destiny.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Dream- this may be a sign that you need more sleep. It may also mean that you have entered a period of stagnation and do not want change. Declare to yourself: "I am awake and aware of myself and the surrounding reality."

Italian dream book

Sleep in a dream- a situation that occurs much more often than one might think, this image reflects the need for a delay, a respite, a pause when solving any problems.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

lucid dream- a sign of clearness of consciousness and soul with emotions and patterns of perception of the day. This symbol is a sign of inner freedom and power over your emotions.

normal sleep- unconscious perception of the information received: it is good if approximately 15-20% of the information of the Cosmos is not too distorted by the remaining 80% of earthly and daytime perception. In this case, the world of reality and the world of sleep are united in a dream, because nature and the Cosmos that created man so desire.

lucid dream- a sign of personal transfer of control over what is happening to a dream: the dreamer simultaneously and consciously lives in two worlds. He consciously recognizes in reality the existence of the invisible world, and in his perception the information of both worlds is equivalent and controls one another. Such clear dreams about dreams are mostly dreamed by enlightened and exalted people.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone a bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

The subconscious gives out such tricks that in the morning a person does not know what to think about. For example, how to understand such a fact: in a dream I had a dream? This is already some kind of matryoshka. But it makes a strong impression. Moreover, it is necessary to understand what a dream is about in a dream. This happens very rarely, therefore, is an important message. But about what? Let's figure it out.

Anyone who was lucky in childhood to wonder what a dream is about in a dream, he must have heard this explanation. Many old people believe that this is a sign of great fatigue. Like, the brain is overtired, and that gives out such strange pictures. Maybe they are right. If you had a dream in a dream, it means that a person literally raves about rest. It is believed that people engaged in intense mental work, more than others, need regular rest for gray matter. If they do not devote enough time to night rest, then they develop a persistent illusion of overwork. This is just a subjective factor. The brain in such a strange way signals the need for distraction. Otherwise, illness will follow. Grandmothers send their children for a walk, run around the yard, free themselves from the abundance of impressions. According to the assurances of the older generation, if you had a dream in a dream (what this means, we are trying to figure it out), you need to change your occupation for a while. If you are faced with such a vision, then try to implement their advice. Maybe the subconscious will stop throwing amazing riddles. But this is a private opinion. About what to think if you had a dream in a dream, what it means, we will try to learn from collections of interpretations.

Family dream book

Seeing a dream in a dream is not a very favorable sign. Get ready for the fact that someone close will present an unpleasant surprise. The interpreter hints at the betrayal of a friend. Lovers should double their attention to their soul mate. After all, if a person had a dream in a dream, then he found himself in a threatening situation. His soul already foresees imminent suffering. She rushes about, trying to prevent an event that brings pain. Here also gives out such sign by which it is difficult to pass to consciousness. However, the above transcript applies only to situations where you do not remember the plots of a double dream. If they turned out to be vague, unclear, vague. They are difficult to articulate.

How to analyze the situation differently when you had a dream in a dream? Interpretation should be sought in a memorable plot. Look in the sources for the meaning of these images. But the predicted events will not happen in the near future. Embedded images prepare you for the events that will follow decades from now. They will be so important higher power We decided to give advance notice. It is advisable to carefully record and save everything. After all, the time will come when you have to remember this important clue. If you believe this source, which explains what a dream is about in a dream, then you will have to start a diary. Not every person retains memories of night scenes for life.

The latest dream book

What other interpretations of such an unusual vision are there? Let's see what the latest dream book tells us about this. Seeing a dream in a dream is a disease, this respected source assures. Let's remember the explanations of the elderly. They talked about fatigue. Obviously, the compilers of this collection of interpretations relied on their opinion. Once in a dream I had a dream, which means that a person is overstraining. It is logical that the consequence of this process will be disease. Most likely, it is already present at the cellular level and will affect the internal organs. Many of them cannot send signals about negative pain processes directly to the brain. So another mechanism was found to warn consciousness about the problems of the body. Advice: do prevention, relax, go to the doctor. In addition, the affected organ can be judged by the plot of a double dream. If water appeared in it, then take care of the gastrointestinal tract. If there was a cat, then the spleen is at risk. Earth speaks of problems in the sexual sphere. They are only potential, but they should be dealt with immediately, before it is too late. It turns out that the answer to the question of what a dream is about in a dream is also not particularly optimistic, if you do not take it as a kind warning.

Italian dream book Meneghetti

This source did not remain aloof from the issue under consideration. Explaining what a dream is about in a dream, he relies on the reasoning already given, somewhat expanding the range of issues raised. It is necessary to take a break, take a so-called vacation, says Mr. Meneghetti. The pressing questions can wait. After all, a person does not have the opportunity to correctly assess their significance, navigate, take into account all the circumstances. The probability of error is very high. Therefore, there is a threat to go the wrong way if you had a dream in a dream. What this will lead to is probably not worth explaining. It will take a long time to correct flaws, build relationships, redo projects or look for ways to reverse decisions made. That is, a person will complicate his life. Wouldn't it be better to wait a little? Indeed, after a certain time, the inner eye will clear up and it will be possible to understand the circumstances. Moreover, unplanned rest is very good for health. Again we come to the correctness of the older generation!

Explanatory Dictionary of Dreams

A slightly different approach is presented in this collection. If previous authors were looking for the root of interpretations in the personality of the witness of an amazing vision, then this interpreter suggests focusing on external circumstances. The thing is, they don't stack up in the best possible way. You should be especially wary when the essence of the plot of the second level has eluded a person. There will be obstacles in front of him, of which he is now unaware. It will not be possible to overcome them with a swoop. You will have to gather strength or just wait if you had a dream in a dream. What this will lead to, the source does not really explain. His warning is limited to pointing out the presence of unknown obstacles in an important area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. It can be work, personal relationships, finances. The dreamer is invited to look for problems in the matter that he himself considers significant. It is there that impenetrable walls will rise, the deepest ditches are formed.

Modern dream book

To see a dream in a dream - to be in a dual situation. There is a very good person nearby. He is pure in heart, sincere and completely open. And you suspect him of all sins, and absolutely unreasonably. If you fail to hide your black thoughts, offend the angel. And this is a very big sin. Dig into your thoughts. Whom did they decide to punish innocently? Is it worth applying your worldview, which is not distinguished by good-naturedness and humility, to someone who has abandoned negative feelings and ideas, who does not wish you harm? Deciphering what a dream is about in a dream, this wise source warns of the danger of burdening karma with a wrong deed. Further, he suggests recalling the plot of the vision of the second level. If it turned out to be bright and joyful, you will be able to get out of a difficult situation with honor. And if gloomy and dark, do not stand the lesson. But such an incredible adventure in the country of Morpheus indicates that your soul has a debt of a karmic nature. The further fate depends on what decision will be made.

Small Velesov dream book

This respected interpreter approaches the study of our vision quite differently. He invites the person to recall the circumstances of the rest in the camp of Morpheus. It is in them that he sees the essence of the answer. So, if you rested in a beautiful clearing, mistaking fragrant, juicy herbs for a feather bed, then a life ahead, devoid of anxieties and worries. A certain patron will take over the solution of any problems. Agree, to believe in such an interpretation is very tempting. You should perceive the situation in a completely different way when you stood up and had a dream. Misfortune is already prepared and waiting ahead. It has gathered like thunderclouds over your head! Be careful. In addition, the author claims that insanity threatens the one who had a dream in a dream. What this means, you probably do not need to chew. Soul in danger! We need to look for ways to get out of this state.

Dream Interpretation of Black Magic

Not everyone will look at the specified source. But those who dare are unlikely to like the interpretation. It is indicated here that such a plot guarantees success in practicing magic. Moreover, like a good sandpiper, the collection praises its swamp. He invites the dreamer to do black magic. Like, he has a penchant for her. Should this explanation be taken seriously? Decide for yourself. The interpretation in the collection is presented as serious and responsible.

Dream interpretation from a to z

Here it is also recommended to pay attention to the circumstances under which you dozed off. If this happened in the open air, get ready for a long journey. It will most likely turn out to be pleasant, filled with incredible discoveries, vivid impressions and delight. When you see yourself sleeping on the roof, expect a meteoric rise. Life will take a sharp turn. The waves of fuss and turmoil will subside, and you will find yourself in a position that is briefly described by the word "elite".

It is bad to see yourself sleeping in an easy chair or on a downy feather bed. The interpreter recommends gathering all the forces of the soul. You will meet with bitter betrayal by your beloved person. If you rested on the train, without bedding, only on a bare mattress, you know that the soul does not aspire to social and financial heights. What you have is completely satisfying.

Esoteric dream book

In this guide, we also come across a story about a sandpiper. Those who are not inclined to spiritual research should not find out what a dream is about in a dream, according to the dream book indicated in the subtitle. After all, this source contains only a description of human talents. He considers this adventure in the country of Morpheus an indicator of readiness for intense inner work. A person is invited to learn how to order dreams. This is a whole direction in esotericism. You can, it turns out, ask a question, and see the answer in a conscious vision. The source states that one who sees layered dreams is prone to such activities. Try it if you believe.

American dream book

Echoes the above source of transcripts and this collection. Lucid dreams are recommended to those who are faced with the subject under investigation. Here, however, the thought proceeds in a slightly different direction. Our soul is multifaceted. It is conditionally divided into constituent elements. For example: conscience, faith. One of them does not work for the dreamer. You should deal with your own soul and put into work the missing part of it. After all, without it you can not live a full life, realize your own tasks. You know, an ordinary person exists in many worlds. Those that we do not perceive with ordinary senses are called subtle. A similar plot suggests that the dreamer knows how to travel in the astral plane. Such talent is valued by some advanced personalities more than gold. Think about it. Maybe you should pay more attention to your abilities, develop them. Fate itself presents a gift, the significance of which cannot be overestimated. Almost everyone loved fairy tales in childhood, and many also loved science fiction when they grew up. But to become the hero of such a story yourself is a special honor! Don't miss the chance. Take a step towards change! If you had a dream in a dream, its meaning should be sought in the soul. This is the main idea of ​​interpretations.

General interpretation

Experts consider people who dream in a dream to be able to comprehend the secrets of the unconscious, endowed with an enlightened consciousness and able to control their lives. The ability to see such dreams is not given to everyone, this is the lot of the chosen people.

Often in dreams there are incomprehensible plots that require explanation. How to unravel them? The interpretation will depend on the details of what you saw: where, with whom and how much you slept.

Sleep in nature- to pleasant.

Modern dream book believes that such a dream means leading a double life. You are hypocritical in relation to a worthy person, you are worried because of this. A happy dream seen in a dream - to.

Family dream book talks about a friend and advises to prepare for unpleasant events.

Dream Interpretation of Veles I am sure that such a dream prophesies good life prospects, if at the same time the person experienced positive emotions.

Dream interpretation from A to Z sees in the plot of this dream a warning about the secret betrayal of a loved one.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn considers this dream the body's need for additional rest. Also, a dream indicates change.

The opinion of esotericists and psychologists

They believe that this dream is a replay of a life situation in a dream. If you see, it means that in real life the danger will not touch you: you have already experienced it in your dream, a different life reality, the Secret World website reports.

Controlling sleep in a dream is a unique opportunity to program life events. This skill is specifically taught in lucid dreaming courses.

How to bring the seen good dream plot to life? To do this, after waking up, you need to “play” the events of sleep several times in your mind, fixing them. If you saw a dream in a dream with a sad ending, just create the ending of events with an end. Gradually, you will gain the ability to control your life through dreams.

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