Passionate kiss with tongue in a dream. Modern dream book - work on relationships. Dream Interpretation - kiss with a friend, classmate

Kisses in a dream are ambiguously interpreted by various dream books. Therefore, it cannot be said that if you dreamed that you were kissing someone, then you do not need to look in the first dream book that came across what this means. First you need to remember who you dreamed about and under what circumstances. After that, you can see why kisses are dreamed of in different dream books.

Why dream of kissing according to Miller's dream book?

Kissing with a loved one in the dark promises his debauchery, or danger, if this happens in the light, then this means a good attitude towards the opposite sex.

Kissing with your mother means honor, respect for friends, as well as success in all endeavors. If you kissed a stranger, then this promises an immoral act in reality.

A kiss with a blood brother or sister means that pleasure and friendship await you. If you saw in a dream that your rival is kissing your beloved, then you should expect a loss of respect on her part.

Kiss in a dream - Vanga's dream book

Vanga's dream interpretation interprets a kiss with a spouse to a life filled with harmony and harmony. Kisses with enemies promise an early truce with friends after a quarrel. Kissing in a dream with a child - to enjoy the results of your own work.

If you saw that you were kissing and were noticed by strangers, this means that your fake friends will commit meanness towards you.

Why dream of kisses in the dream book of Nostradamus

If you saw in a dream that you are kissing a loved one for a long time, this indicates that he will always be devoted to you. Kissing your lover on the other means his insincerity and callousness. A kiss with a person with whom it was not necessary to do this signals a fake friendship and fake love.

Why dream of kisses according to Freud's dream book?

If the fair sex dreamed that she was kissing someone, then she would meet a stranger who, in fact, would turn out to be a gigolo and a scoundrel.

If you see that someone is kissing in front of your eyes, then in reality you will become a participant in an unpleasant situation. For a man to dream that he is kissing someone means that he devotes too little time to his beloved.

Why dreamed of a kiss on Longo's dream book?

Kissing in a dream promises good luck in almost everything. If in a dream you felt that someone was kissing you, then you should prepare for a joyful unexpected event in your life.

If you saw in a dream that you were kissing someone's feet, expect insults and humiliation. A kiss with an animal promises joy and peace. And if you kiss in a dream with your friend, then he should expect danger.

What does it mean to dream of kisses in Azar's dream book

If you see that you are being kissed in a dream, then this may indicate an imminent separation, as well as a betrayal of a loved one.

If a man dreams that he is kissing a man, and a woman is kissing a woman, then this may mean that soon you will have enemies. It can also promise various kinds of quarrels. A kiss with a child (baby) means that you will remain young for a long time.

If you are kissed, then this may indicate deception. A kiss with a vampire can be a harbinger of imminent death. Kisses with men dream of betrayal, and kisses with women dream of quarrels and various kinds of conflicts.

Why dream of a kiss with an ex-boyfriend, ex-husband?

If in a dream you are kissing with your ex-husband (or boyfriend), then this may mean that you want to renew relations with him. Such a dream indicates that you cannot let go of your former lover.

Your feelings after a dream are of some importance. If you are upset and depressed, then you want reconciliation with your ex-spouse. And if you woke up, on the contrary, in a good mood, then this may mean that in your dream you marked the end of the relationship with a kiss, summed up a kind of result.

Dream Interpretation - kiss with a friend, classmate

A kiss with a classmate portends a quick quarrel with him. If in your dream you are kissing with a friend, then this may also mean that you will soon have to leave (for example, he will leave for another country).

Why dream of a kiss of a beloved husband, boyfriend?

If you kiss in a dream with a lover, you should expect eternal devotion from him. But it all depends on the conditions under which you do it: kissing in the dark can portend betrayal and deceit. If you are the initiator of kisses, then this indicates a mutual tender feeling.

And if they kiss you, then this can be a harbinger of separation. For a young girl, kissing with her chosen one may portend a quick wedding. But, if you see in a dream that your lover is passionately kissing another woman, this may signal a betrayal in reality.

A kiss on the lips in a dream portends that your marriage will not only be happy, but also long lasting. But a kiss on the cheek, on the contrary, can signal the betrayal of a loved one or loved one.

Why dream of a passionate kiss?

In most dream books, you can read that passionate kisses in a dream promise an early sadness. In addition to this interpretation, you can also find a version that a too passionate kiss is a harbinger of a serious disagreement.

Therefore, having seen such a dream, you should be as tolerant as possible to your partner in order to maintain your relationship.

Kissing a man in a dream often portends a strengthening of relationships, attention from the opposite sex, changes in various areas. But the dream book also gives other interpretations - dissatisfaction with a partner, conflict. Our dream interpreter will tell you what the dream is about.

Fateful meeting ahead

A dreamed vision means increased attention from the stronger sex to the dreamer. She will have more confidence and positive emotions.

Seeing such a plot in a dream promises a strengthening of relations with your chosen one or a greater likelihood of meeting your soulmate.

Possible trouble

Why dream of a passionate kiss of a man? The dream interpretation explains: the sleeping woman does not enjoy the successes she achieves, even from the attention of the stronger sex.

Did you dream of seeing yourself passionately kissing a young man? On the basis of misunderstanding, a conflict may arise between the sleeping person and a loved one.

Harmonious relationships

Got a kiss on the neck from a man? Be more decisive in dealing with young people. Do not be afraid to take the first step, because sometimes a man cannot understand whether you like him or not.

The kissing of the neck, seen in a dream, according to the dream book, portends a lonely girl: she will meet the chosen one. If this has already happened, the dream promises good luck.

Also, the plot of a man kissing his neck promises a woman lovemaking, preceded by a leisurely pleasant foreplay.

Dreaming passionate hugs and kisses symbolize love relationships that bring joy and satisfaction.

Need to reconnect with a partner

But if a loved one kissed your cheek, it means that he would like to end this relationship and remain friends.

Why dream of kissing not with your own, but with another young man? The dream interpretation indicates: a love affair has become quite routine, you need to revive it a little.

Had a dream about doing this with another young man? The dreamer is unhappy with her partner and would like to find a replacement for him.

Possible romantic adventure

Why dream of a kiss from a man who turned out to be familiar? The dream book tells you: you are charming, so it’s not difficult for you to turn someone’s head. But don't get carried away by emotions.

Did you do it in a dream with a friend you like? Love adventures on the side are possible, which were not expected.

Who kissed?

The interpretation of sleep takes into account who happened to kiss:

  • acquaintances - light flirting is possible between you;
  • a strange guy - a passionate outburst of feelings will not continue;
  • someone else's husband - a betrayal that will bring negative emotions;
  • married - an unpleasant situation, after which your reputation will be spoiled;
  • unfamiliar - you can harm your own reputation with promiscuity;
  • which you like - the object of your sympathy will greatly disappoint.

Miller's dream book: be careful

Why dream of kissing an unfamiliar young man? The dream warns: be careful, you can commit an immoral act.

Dreams of kissing on the lips can have completely conflicting meanings. It depends on who exactly the dreamer kissed. A kiss with a beloved young man in the dark suggests that the person is promiscuous. If the kiss took place in bright sunlight, then this is a sign of complete harmony and understanding with your other half.

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A kiss with a stranger promises the dreamer to commit an immoral act, for which she will be ashamed. The dream promises a novel that will not continue. If a girl kisses a person with whom she has a strained relationship, then in reality this portends reconciliation.

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    The nature of the kiss

    The interpretation of the dream depends on the nature of the kiss:

    The nature and features of the kiss



    The dream characterizes the dreamer as a person who is used to obeying others. You need to become more courageous, self-confident and start solving important issues on your own

    Gentle, trembling

    The dreamer will have great success with representatives of the opposite sex in reality. The girl will receive a sea of ​​complements, flowers, presents and surprises.


    A dream warns that relationships with a loved one will become more strained. There will be quarrels from time to time for no apparent reason. To resolve conflicts, the dreamer should show wisdom, endurance and patience.

    French tongue kiss

    An unfavorable sign that speaks of adultery. Soon the dreamer will have an affair on the side. Her husband will not know anything about it or will pretend that nothing is happening.

    First kiss

    The dreamer lives in her past. You should think about the fact that the present and the future are much more pleasant than past events.


    To a pleasant surprise, the fulfillment of a cherished desire


    The dream characterizes the dreamer as a romantic nature, prone to dreams and daydreams. Carnal pleasures for her are in second place. The girl is not yet ready for family life and prefers to keep potential suitors away

    Sleep portends the approach of the disease. The dream suggests that the dreamer lacks attention and care from her loved one. That is why she begins to think about breaking off the relationship and leaving him.

    Kiss with a familiar person

    In order to find out exactly why a dream about a kiss with a man is dreaming, it is important to pay attention to whether the sleeping woman is familiar with this person:

    Who was the kiss



    To unexpected profit on a large scale, improving relationships with a loved one

    For a married woman, a dream promises separation from her husband: leaving on a business trip or a real separation from her husband. Such a dream speaks of adultery on the part of the spouse. You should be prepared for any troubles and pass this difficult test of the strength of relationships with dignity.


    A kiss with a familiar classmate means that in a difficult period of life, the dreamer can count on the support of close friends. It is not excluded the possibility that even now one of the close people needs the help of a sleeping person. It is necessary to try to postpone all affairs and lend a helping hand to your loved ones.

    A kiss with a colleague means that it is this person who spreads false rumors and gossip about the girl. He is to blame for all the difficulties in the workplace. It is necessary not to give reasons for the spread of false information about yourself


    Kissing in a dream with a man on the lips suggests that the dreamer in real life feels great dislike for her superiors. You should learn to react less painfully to criticism addressed to you. Otherwise you can't avoid trouble.

    • Kissing a friend is a good sign. He promises happiness and joyful events in the dreamer's life. A dream promises cardinal changes in life for the better, pleasure and pleasant events.
    • If an unmarried girl had such a dream, then this suggests that her relationship with this young man will develop into something more.
    • For lovers, the dream has a negative interpretation and promises separation from their other half.

    Kiss the guy you like

    Possible interpretations:

    • Kissing in a dream with a guy you like is a good symbol. He promises to receive joyful news from afar, harmony in relations with a loved one, or a marriage proposal.
    • If you dreamed of a passionate kiss with a guy you like, it means intimacy with this young man.
    • There is another version of the interpretation of such a dream. Soon the dreamer will receive good news from a loved one or relatives.
    • A modern interpreter claims that to dream about a kiss with a young man whom the dreamer sympathizes with is a solution to a long-standing problem.
    • If a girl unexpectedly kissed a guy, although she did not plan to do this, then such a dream promises a pleasant gift or a romantic surprise from a loved one.
    • A kiss in the church suggests that the dreamer will soon receive a marriage proposal.

    Possible trouble

    Sometimes such a dream predicts deceit and disappointment. To accurately interpret a dream, you need to pay attention to the small details of sleep:

    • If the girl has not yet had an intimate relationship with her lover, then a dream in which he passionately hugs and kisses her suggests that the guy will disappoint the girl.
    • If a married woman has a lover, then such dreams indicate that the man is dishonest with her, lies and deceives.
    • If someone unexpectedly interrupted the kiss, then this indicates the presence in the immediate environment of the dreamer of people who want to quarrel the lovers. The insidious plans of envious people will not come true.
    • Kissing a man in the dark is a threat to the dreamer's reputation. You should not give a reason to others to think that a girl kisses every man. The cause of gossip can be the rash actions of a girl.
    • If a woman was the initiator of the kiss, then this suggests that she imposes her will on her beloved young man. He tries to fulfill her whims, but this will not last long. Such behavior will cool the guy's feelings for the dreamer.
    • If a girl was taken by surprise for a kiss with a guy, then this promises a daring act of her friends towards her.

    Kissing with a guy who is much younger than the dreamer portends the same events in reality.

    Changes are coming

    If you dreamed of a kiss with a familiar man, but as it turned out later, he was a stranger, then this promises a fateful meeting with your half or a person who will radically change the life of a sleeping girl.

    Of the same importance is a dream in which the dreamer found someone else doing this activity. Soon the life of the girl will sparkle with new colors. She will meet a loved one.

    Possible quarrels

    A passionate and ardent kiss of a loved one is a symbol of a quarrel and a showdown in reality. In order not to focus on the conflict, the dreamer should show restraint and patience, demonstrate her poise and self-confidence. In the event that the girl feels that she is wrong, you need to go to put up first.

    Another interpretation of such a dream suggests that soon the girl will see a new young man and feel deep sympathy for him. The relationship will not continue, as the lovers will constantly quarrel.

    Kissing a stranger

    A woman's dream in which she kissed an unfamiliar man promises the acquaintance and courtship of an attractive admirer. The relationship will not end in anything serious.

    Such a dream portends the discovery of a valuable thing.

    If the stranger was a pleasant person, then good news should be expected. Repulsive appearance promises quarrels and resentment.

    Kissing in a dream with several men - soon the dreamer will need male help. Another interpretation of such a dream suggests that the sleeping woman will have a reliable patron who will help her in all matters.

    For an unmarried girl, a dream about a stranger promises an early marriage.

    Don't be tempted!

    According to the general dream book, such dreams about kisses with an unfamiliar man promise a surge of emotions. A married woman should be prepared for the fact that she will soon have a bright but short romance.

    If during the kiss the dreamer experienced unpleasant feelings, then many people will learn about her romance. It is not excluded that some of them will blackmail the dreamer.

    Beware of deceptive feelings!

    An unpleasant kiss with a stranger for a girl dreaming of marriage is a hint that you should take a closer look at potential suitors, among whom there are many hypocrites.

    Take care of your health

    Sigmund Freud's dream book claims that an ardent and passionate kiss with a stranger portends ailments of the genitals. If a young man had such a dream, then he should expect problems with potency.

    The erotic interpreter interprets the dream of a passionate kiss with a stranger as a sign of a sexually transmitted disease that will appear due to love pranks on the side.

    Don't give in to your fears

    If a girl had a dream in which her lover kisses a stranger on the lips, then this speaks of the girl’s usual fear of her lover’s betrayal. It is worth not giving free rein to your fears and emotions, as baseless accusations can lead to a break in relations with your loved one.

    The female interpreter has the opposite interpretation of sleep. According to the dream book, such dreams reflect a greater likelihood of a rival and betrayal by a lover.


    Dreams about kissing with an ex-boyfriend can have a different interpretation. The plot warns of quarrels, conflicts, troubles. The dream promises new romantic acquaintances.

    Understand your feelings

    Most dream books explain the presence of a former young man in a dream as a sign of an incomplete relationship. The girl wants to resume them and continue.

    Sleep gives a signal that feelings and emotions are still alive. Most often, these are not romantic feelings, but resentment and annoyance towards the ex-boyfriend. This prevents the dreamer from moving on and building relationships. You should reevaluate what happened in the past, forgive the guy and forget about it forever.

    Possible trouble

    Seeing a former man and kissing him on his initiative is a sign that the young man wants to renew the relationship.

    If you dreamed of a passionate kiss in the dark, then this is a warning. The dreamer should control her emotions. Otherwise, the partner with whom the girl broke up may take such hot emotions for a willingness to constantly respond to his harassment.

    To see such a dream on the eve of the wedding is a bad sign. He says that the relationship of the newlyweds can deteriorate. The future husband will begin to resemble an ex-boyfriend in some way. If in reality the dreamer badly parted with the young man, then the dream promises loneliness, deceit and betrayal.

    good omens

    If you dreamed that a girl unexpectedly kissed her ex-boyfriend, then this is a good sign. He says that soon the dreamer will meet a worthy young man. In terms of the strength of feelings, new relationships will not be inferior to the past and will leave only pleasant memories in the soul.

    If such a dream occurred at that moment in life when a girl needed moral support, then this is a symbol that she will be able to solve a long-standing problem that did not allow her to live in peace.

    Don't make a big deal of it

    Some dream books claim that kissing an ex-boyfriend is a sign of longing for him, while the young man himself has long forgotten the dreamer.

    If in a dream you often see a former man in different places, then such a dream has several interpretations. It is possible that the former lovers will remain friends, forgiving insults. It is not excluded the possibility that young people will part forever. This will happen calmly, without resentment and bitterness.

    Feelings of a dream

    It is important to pay attention to your feelings and sensations in a dream:

    • Depression is a sign that the dreamer wants to make peace.
    • Frustration and grief - a break in relations with the current young man.
    • Regret - to commit a rash act, which the dreamer will greatly regret.
    • Joy - the girl will be able to sum up and forget about past relationships.

    It is important to pay attention to the fact that positive emotions promise cardinal changes for the better, and negative ones - quarrels, conflicts, showdowns, unpleasant changes.

    Alien young man

    In order to correctly interpret the meaning of dreams about kisses with a strange man, it is important to pay attention to his personality:

    • Kissing someone else's husband - to fight temptations.
    • With a sister's boyfriend - to a tense relationship with a relative.
    • Kissing a girlfriend's young man passionately is a sign of a guy's secret sympathy.
    • Covering the lips of a friend's boyfriend with kisses - to new romantic adventures.

    Dream book opinions

    At all times, the topic of dreams about relationships between people was of interest to many seers, magicians, psychologists, and psychics. Each of them has their own point of view on this matter:

    dream interpretation


    • Dreams of kissing on the lips with a man have a sexual connotation. The dreamer feels a lack of attention from the opposite sex. She strives for adoration, therefore she often commits rash spontaneous acts, sometimes simply reckless. This behavior becomes the reason that in male circles the girl is perceived as frivolous and windy.
    • If in a dream the initiator of the kiss was a young man, then this suggests that the dreamer is quite satisfied with her current partner and seeks to lead in relationships
    • A passionate and passionate kiss with a man, especially with a stranger, warns the dreamer that she will commit some kind of immoral or immoral offense in reality. You should learn to control your emotions and not be led by imaginary friends who can spur the dreamer to unreasonable actions.
    • If a girl was taken by surprise in a dream, then this suggests that in her close circle there are people who wish her harm.
    • Such dreams are harbingers of fraud, deceit and betrayal.


    • Such dreams have an unfavorable meaning and promise betrayal and betrayal. And it can be not only close, but also a complete stranger.
    • A long kiss suggests that soon the dreamer will have to part with her beloved on long time. The possibility of a break in relations is not ruled out.
    • To see how others kiss on the lips - to cardinal changes in life for the better
    • A kiss on the lips is a symbol of reconciliation. If a woman saw such a dream, then complete harmony and understanding awaits her in relations with her husband.
    • A passionate kiss portends the dreamer a marriage proposal.
    • When a girl is the initiator, and kisses a person with whom she is not married, then this is a bad sign. He portends quarrels and scandals with loved ones.
    • A dream promises the arrival of long-awaited guests from afar or receiving good news from relatives.
    • If a girl dreams that she is showering kisses on a young man, then this is a sign of an unexpected discovery of a valuable and expensive thing that has been lost for a long time.
    • In the event that a familiar man has dreamed, he will help the dreamer in a responsible and important matter.
    • If during the kiss the girl felt secure and comfortable, then this promises cardinal changes in life.

    When was the dream?

    The time of the dream will provide an opportunity to obtain additional information about what it promises and interpret what you see in more detail:

    Day of the week


    Monday to Tuesday

    A dream reflects the dreamer's secret desires or aspirations

    Tuesday to Wednesday

    If a girl happened to kiss on the lips with a man on Wednesday night, then such a dream is prophetic, so you should expect a pleasant pastime with your boyfriend in the near future

You had an amazing and pleasant dream, full of sensuality and romance. In a dream, you kissed a man. Was this kiss desired or not pleasant? Who is he? Under what circumstances did you meet your companion at Morpheus's place? You need to give a clear answer to all these questions in order to find out what your dream can mean.

Secret desires

It should be said right away that kisses are often dreamed of by those who dream about them in reality. Your desires and emotions from reality are transferred to dreams. Psychologists are convinced that you should not look for meanings in dream books, but you need to look into your own soul and find an explanation there. You are probably in love at the moment and do not yet know how much your feelings are mutual. Perhaps you met a guy the day before with whom you once walked under the moon. An unexpected meeting reminded of feelings and desires. In this case, it is very easy to interpret your dream: kissing a familiar man with whom you once had an affair - this promises new experiences and, most likely, your feelings will flare up with renewed vigor. How long the heart will burn is up to you. And, of course, on whether he will reciprocate and whether he wants to start everything from scratch.

Lover's kiss

Dream Interpretations are ambiguously interpreted, in a dream with a man. This can be both joyful events and troubles. If in a dream you met your lover and began to passionately kiss him, then soon you will be very worried about your relationship and suffer. They say that the kiss of a lover dreams of quarrels and a break in relations. If in a dream there was a kiss long and full of fire, beware. You will soon have a rival. Who will be loved? It depends on you, on how smart and wise you act. If you wanted to kiss in a dream with but something stopped your impulse, know that everything will be fine in the future. If the kiss was interrupted by someone else, also a good sign. This means that future troubles will bypass your love or will not affect the relationship in any way.

Meeting with a stranger

The dream book narrates very interestingly, why a random passer-by kissed you - a representative of the stronger sex. A mature woman is guaranteed success by such a dream. Kissing with a stranger for her means a society of admirers and boyfriends or a fateful meeting. If you are an unmarried girl, then very soon someone will ask for your hand. But if a married woman had a chance to kiss a man in a dream, let her prepare for the fact that her husband will become jealous of her. And this, in turn, will kindle the faded love and incinerate everything that previously destroyed the marital relationship.

Deadly kiss

It should be said that sometimes a kiss in a dream carries unpleasant information to a sleeping beauty. If you don’t remember who touched your lips with your lips or didn’t see your companion in the kingdom of Morpheus, then the dream book will not tell you anything good. Especially if at the same time you experienced a feeling of disgust and fear, and also felt the presence of someone not from this world. They say that kissing in a dream with a male ghost or spirit - to illness and death. Such a kiss is popularly called deadly, sent from the one that walks the world with a scythe.

Drawing conclusions

Or maybe we won’t flip through dream books in search of interpretation and meaning of what we saw at night? In the end, the future depends on the person and his actions. Just be careful and attentive in the near future, and also act wisely, considering each step. And all troubles will pass by.

Dreams about kisses can be interpreted in different ways. For a correct interpretation of night vision, one should remember all the smallest details: with whom the dreamer kissed, whether he knew this person, under what circumstances everything happened. The feeling with which the dreamer woke up after such a vision also plays an important role.

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    What do kisses with a well-known man portend?

    Passionate kisses with a well-known man portend his imminent departure or change of residence. According to another interpretation, this young man is in some kind of danger.

    Seeing a friend kissing a woman is an adventurous offer from unfamiliar people. You should be wary of such proposals. This will help to avoid unpleasant scam or deception.

    Kissing in a dream with a man on the lips - to parting or a major scandal. The reason for this will be treason. Such a dream promises a long separation. Another option for interpreting night dreams about kisses for a girl is a marriage proposal.

    Why does a girl dream - interpretation of dream books

    Kissing with your spouse

    Pleasant kisses of the spouse promise an early parting. This may be a long trip on a business trip or even a break in relations. Another interpretation portends a betrayal of a husband or a great disappointment in life. The dreamer needs to be prepared for unpleasant twists of fate and endure all trials with honor.

    To see in night dreams how a husband kisses his best friend's wife - to treason. Kissing with an ex-spouse symbolizes the incompleteness of the relationship. There is a lot of understatement between the former spouses, which does not allow them to live in peace. The best solution in this situation will be a frank conversation.

    Interpretation according to Aesop

    According to the interpreter of Aesop's dreams, a dream in which a girl kissed her husband's best friend warns the dreamer of a rash act, for which she will be very ashamed. Another interpretation promises a valuable find. The dreamer should be more careful and prudent.

    According to Miller

    Gustav Miller claims that kisses with a spouse in complete darkness speak of the debauchery of one of the couple. Passionately kissing her husband's best friend - to a big scandal with her lover over a trifle. If the husband witnessed such kisses, in reality a loss of respect in the eyes of friends or colleagues is possible. If a drunken friend of her husband dreamed, who falls asleep with kisses, the dreamer will be disappointed with her husband's behavior.

    What does it mean to kiss your best friend?

    Gentle kisses with a best friend signify joyful events in the dreamer's life. For a girl, such night dreams promise the development of friendship into more tender feelings. If a girl in love dreamed of kisses with a friend, this threatens to part with her other half. Kissing with a friend in public - to a big festive feast.

    Secretly kissing with your best friend is a warning sign that this person is in danger. Secret kisses with a best friend may warn that this person will soon disappear from the dreamer's life.

    If a girl is secretly in love with her best friend and she dreamed of passionate kisses with her tongue, one should not look for a secret meaning in such a dream - it is simply a reflection of the dreamer's subconscious desires.

    If a man dreamed that he was showering kisses on the wife of his good friend, a misunderstanding is possible, which will soon be cleared up. Another meaning of this dream is unexpected good news from afar.

    For a man, night visions in which a beloved kisses an unfamiliar young man are a warning sign that he pays little attention to her.

    What do kisses promise with an ex-boyfriend?

    Night dreams, in which the girl kissed her former lover, have different interpretations. If she woke up in confusion and surprise, this suggests that her feelings have not yet cooled down for him. She is ready to forgive him everything in order to be together again. If the dreamer woke up in a great mood, this signals her readiness to start a new romantic relationship.

    If a girl in love dreamed of kisses with an ex-boyfriend, this is a sign that in a real relationship, not everything is as smooth as we would like. The dreamer's lover is experiencing a lack of attention on her part. You must change your attitude, otherwise it will end in a break in relations. If kissing with a young man happened spontaneously, but in reality everyone already has a new life, such a dream should be ignored. It is possible to meet this person in reality, but it will not end in anything serious.

    If the guy you like rejected all the girl's attempts to kiss him, you should stop imposing yourself and find a worthy young man whose love will be mutual.

    Sometimes a dream about kissing with an ex-boyfriend testifies to his persistent feelings for the dreamer. Gentle kisses and hugs portend an unexpected meeting with a young man. Perhaps feelings will flare up with renewed vigor.

    If in night dreams a married woman showers kisses on her ex-man, then in reality a major family scandal should be expected. It will arise on the basis of unreasonable nit-picking of the spouse. A kiss that ended in sex with an ex-boyfriend portends serious complications in a real relationship.

    Kissing a stranger

    Night dreams about kissing with a stranger promise a meeting with people who have a dark past.

    You should beware of such acquaintances, as this will negatively affect the dreamer's reputation.

    Another meaning of the dream is meeting an interesting young man. However, the girl will be disappointed, as the man will show himself as a narcissistic person and a lover of chic living at the expense of his girlfriend.

    Interpretation of Vanga

    According to the interpreter of Vanga's dreams, sympathy for a stranger with whom the girl kissed in a dream portends a romantic acquaintance. It will develop into a serious and strong relationship.

    Passionate kisses with a man you like promise amazing events or pleasant surprises. If the young man aroused antipathy in a dream, bad news awaits the dreamer from afar. The presence of any physical defects in a man portends a betrayal of his best friend.

    Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

    Freud's dream book contains a different interpretation. Kissing a stranger is an unfavorable symbol. A dream portends a girl with psychological trauma or an unplanned pregnancy if she does not restrain her sexual desires.

    If kisses with a stranger ended in something more serious - in reality the girl is dissatisfied with her intimate life with a young man.

    According to the English interpreter of dreams, dreams about kissing with a stranger warn the dreamer that she will soon find out an unpleasant secret that concerns her best friend. If he was with a beard, one should expect a deterioration in well-being and exacerbation of chronic ailments.

    What do night visions promise about kissing a woman?

    If a girl dreamed that she was kissing a woman, relations with her best friend might worsen. Another explanation for this dream is petty quarrels and troubles at work.

    If a man dreamed that he was kissing a beautiful girl, a pleasant surprise or monetary profit awaited him, for which he would have to go to the trick. Passionate kisses with a girlfriend - to good news from afar, with your woman - the transition of the couple's relationship to a new level. The dreamer will decide to make a marriage proposal to his beloved. The family union of a young couple will be filled with love, care and mutual respect.

    If a crowd was watching the kissers, one should expect the appearance of gossips and envious people in the dreamer's immediate environment. Kissing a girl in complete darkness means that a man values ​​\u200b\u200bhis relationship and is afraid of losing her.

    If a man really wanted to kiss a girl, but he did not succeed - meeting a good woman. In order to achieve its location, you will have to work hard.

    Kissing a friend's girlfriend in a dream is a symbol of the fact that the dreamer is complex and withdraws into himself. Everything possible should be done to get rid of self-doubt. This will help you meet a decent woman. Kissing with a married woman promises a big scandal with relatives.

    Kisses with an unmarried woman who is well known in reality - to a possible romance between young people. For this, the initiative must come from the side of the young person. If a young man dreamed that he was kissing a very pretty girl, a quick wedding was possible. Another meaning of this dream is a significant improvement in financial situation. Kisses with a stranger portend a man a lot of casual relationships.

    Interesting interpretation of dreams

    Sometimes you can kiss in a dream with the most unexpected people.

    1. 1. If a person dreamed of kisses with the president, this promises praise from the authorities, receiving a bonus or promotion. Such a night vision suggests that the dreamer is deeply agitated by the political situation in his country.
    2. 2. Kisses with your favorite actor are a positive sign that portends success in all endeavors, especially in matters relating to the dreamer's professional activities. If you dreamed of kissing with a famous person, then your cherished dream will soon come true.
    3. 3. If a girl dreamed of kissing a boy, she will soon have a new romantic acquaintance, which will develop into serious feelings. Kissing a girl promises deterioration in financial matters.
    4. 4. Hugging and kissing with a priest is a rash act that the dreamer will regret for a long time. Another meaning of such a dream is the mean act of one of the friends.
    5. 5. Kissing with the general tells the dreamer that she is spending too much energy for the benefit of other people. You should take care of your own health and rest.
    6. 6. If a girl dreamed of kissing an African American - in life she lacks thrills, a change of scenery. If nothing is done, depression may develop.

    Other meanings of night dreams

    Sigmund Freud claims that if a person dreamed of kissing himself, this indicates his narcissistic inclinations. If a girl dreamed that she was kissing her friend's husband, a fleeting relationship filled with passion is possible. The feelings of the couple will quickly fade away, the separation will be painless. For a married lady, such a dream portends a betrayal of her husband, which she will regret very much.

    Kisses with a neighbor or colleague indicate that in life the dreamer is greatly lacking in thrills and emotions. If the dreamer does not remember with whom she kissed in a dream, this is a symbol of the beginning of a new romantic relationship.

    Kisses in night dreams can have both a positive interpretation and warn of unpleasant situations.

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