Monthly intake of regulon has an effect. Regulon - side effects. Use for violations of the liver and kidneys

Regulon, as a monophasic contraceptive drug, is a modern remedy recommended by many doctors to prevent pregnancy.

But if you decide to use Regulon, you need to know the side effects. You need to get acquainted with side effects so as not to panic, in order to know exactly what troubles can be expected from the drug and what to do in each case. Equally important are contraindications to use and interactions with other drugs (drug compatibility) or products. It is also important to understand the issue of combining Regulon and alcohol.

First, we note right away that side effects with the correct use of Regulon are an infrequent phenomenon. Therefore, reading our article or instructions for Regulon and looking at a long list of contraindications and side effects, one should not get the impression that this is a completely unsuitable drug for regular use. But it’s impossible to determine in advance whether this particular remedy is right for you: it depends on the characteristics of your hormonal background and the whole organism.

Not all manifestations of the side effects of Regulon are the same in their significance. Therefore, for convenience, we divide them into two groups.

Regulon: Mild to moderate side effects

A common characteristic of any side effect from this group is an individual approach to the cancellation of Regulon, which is taken after consultation with a doctor.

    Change in vaginal discharge.

    Soreness and tension in the mammary glands, and discharge from the nipples.

    Recurrent inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system: colpitis.

    Bloody vaginal discharge, violation of the regularity of menstruation. It is worth noting that when using the drug to delay menstruation (while not giving a seven-day break in taking Regulon), bleeding is not on time or spotting is considered a common phenomenon that is not regarded as a pathology.

    Nausea and vomiting.

    Diseases of the gallbladder associated with stagnation of bile, including the development of jaundice.

    Rash and other skin manifestations.

    Migraine or frequent headaches.

    Depression, emotional lability (instability).

    Discomfort when wearing contact lenses.

    allergic manifestations.

    Weight gain, including those associated with edema.

    Cancellation of Regulon can lead to amenorrhea - the absence of menstruation. However, in most cases, the cancellation goes unnoticed, without complications, and the reproductive function is restored in the first cycle after cancellation.

Regulon: side effects requiring immediate withdrawal

    An increase in blood pressure.

    The occurrence of diseases caused by vascular thrombosis, including heart attack, stroke.

    Hearing loss.


    Exacerbation of certain systemic diseases (lupus erythematosus and others).

If during the use of Regulon you notice any symptoms that are not listed above, you should consult your doctor and decide on the possibility of further use of the drug.


    arterial hypertension.

    Tendency to thrombotic conditions.

    Some forms of migraine.


    Pancreatitis, violation of the lipid balance of the blood.

    Severe liver disease.

    Some types of tumors.

    Uterine bleeding of unknown cause.

    Suspicion of pregnancy.

    breastfeeding period.

    Smoking women aged 35 years and older.

    Mental conditions in which a woman is not able to understand drug regimens.

    Alcohol abuse.

Regulon and other medicines

If you take any medicines constantly or occasionally, you should tell your doctor about it. Some of them - barbiturates, carbamazepine, some antibiotics - can reduce the effectiveness of Regulon. Others - drugs that have an adverse effect on the liver - when taken together with Regulon, increase their toxicity.

Regulon and alcohol

Alcohol is not mentioned in the instructions for using Regulon, but this issue worries many women. Does the effect of the drug decrease when it is taken together with alcohol?

The warning about taking Regulon and alcohol is related to two points.

    A high dose of alcohol often provokes vomiting, as a protective reaction of the body. In this case, the concentration of the drug may decrease significantly, and the contraceptive effect will be unreliable.

    Alcohol in excessive quantities is known for its destructive effect on the liver, which, when combined with Regulon, becomes even more pronounced.

That is, moderation here becomes decisive - only abuse is contraindicated.

Contraceptive pills are the most popular, effective and safest method of contraception for women's health. Today, their favorable therapeutic effect is more appreciated along with the main function - protection from unplanned pregnancy.

The article will discuss the Hungarian medicine Regulon, the features of its administration, contraindications, as well as some side effects of this drug.


A contraceptive is used orally to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Regulon is often prescribed by specialists for the treatment of many gynecological diseases, as well as for therapeutic purposes, in order to stabilize the menstrual cycle and hormone balance, stop vaginal bleeding, and replenish progesterone deficiency.

This medication gives an almost 100% guarantee of protection with strict adherence to the instructions.

Regulon birth control pills are often used by women as a contraceptive. Along with other monophasic drugs of the same action, Regulon is a modern, highly effective means of preventing pregnancy, while having a positive effect on some metabolic processes in a woman's body.

Regulon, the composition of which is common for monophasic contraceptives, contains ethinylestradiol and desogestrel in doses that are optimal for obtaining a contraceptive effect. Pregnancy does not occur due to a combination of three mechanisms of action of the drug.

  1. The synthesis of gonadotropins (reproductive hormones) is suppressed, which leads to the absence of ovulation.
  2. In connection with the reception of Novinet, the mucus that covers the cervix changes its composition in such a way that the passage of spermatozoa through it becomes difficult.
  3. If ovulation nevertheless occurred (and this happens, but extremely rarely), then the fertilized egg cannot attach to the wall of the uterus, the endometrium of which becomes thinner under the influence of Novinet.

Contraceptive pills Regulon: benefits for women

  • High contraceptive efficiency.
  • Regulation of lipid metabolism with an increase in the content of high-density lipoproteins in the blood, which are anti-atherosclerotic substances.
  • With initial heavy menstruation, the amount of blood loss is significantly reduced.
  • Improves skin condition with severe acne (acne).

How to take Regulon?

A regulon package contains 21 identical tablets, so it does not matter which one to start with (as is the case with triphasic drugs). The first tablet is drunk on the first day of the cycle. To obtain a reliable effect, you will need accuracy: Regulon does not tolerate inconstancy, you need to take it at the same time.

When you have drunk the last pill from the package, you will need to take a week break - bleeding should begin during this period. Regardless of the onset and end of menstruation, the next package of Regulon should be started on the 8th day.

Thus, if you started taking Regulon on Monday, then every time you start taking pills from a new package, you will also be on Monday.

When does the contraceptive action of Regulon begin?

When taking the first dose on the first day of the cycle, Regulon birth control pills immediately provide reliable contraception. Another thing is if the first pill was taken later - from the second to the fifth day from the onset of menstruation. In this case, in the first week it is necessary to protect yourself additionally. You should not start using Regulon later than the 5th day of menstruation.

How to take Regulon after the end of pregnancy?

After childbirth, Regulon can be taken from the 21st day, but only if breastfeeding is not expected. If you start using Regulon later, then in the first week of admission, you should be protected additionally to be safe.

After artificial termination of pregnancy, it is better to start taking Regulon on the first day - on the day of the abortion.

Contraceptive pills Regulon and other contraceptives

If you were taking another hormonal contraceptive and decided to switch to Regulon, then you should start taking it:

    immediately after the end of the course of the last drug, if it contained 28 tablets per course;

    7 days after the end of the packaging of the previous remedy, if it consisted of 21 tablets;

    on the first day of the cycle, if you have previously taken a "mini-drink" (a progesterone drug). If, when using the "mini-pill", you did not have menstruation, then you can take Regulon on any day, after excluding pregnancy.

Missed pill: what to do?

Regulon contraceptive pills require accuracy to obtain the expected effect. But if for some reason the pill was delayed for no more than 12 hours, then take the drug according to the usual scheme, without additional protection.

If you were unable to take Regulon within 12 hours after the usual time for taking the tablets, then adhere to the following rule.

    In the first 1-2 weeks: the next day, take 2 tablets, then continue as usual, but use additional methods of contraception.

    After 14 days: immediately take the missed tablet, then continue regular intake using other methods of protection, but start the next package of Regulon without a week break.

Increasingly, women are choosing oral contraceptives as a means of contraception. Properly selected birth control pills will not only protect against unwanted pregnancy, but also stabilize the hormonal background and the menstrual cycle. One of the most famous representatives of such hormonal agents is Regulon, a new generation monophasic drug with proven high efficiency.

Tool Description

Regulon tablets are round, white in color and marked on both sides - "RG" on one side and "P8" on the other side. The tablets are packed in a blister, on the surface of which the serial numbers of the tablets are affixed, and it is also possible to mark the day of the week when the drug is taken.

The contraceptive is based on two hormones: ethinylestradiol and desogestrel. Ethinylestradiol is a synthetic (that is, artificially produced) analogue of the hormone estradiol. Its molecular structure is absolutely identical to the structure of the natural prototype. Desogestrel is the chemical analogue of progesterone.

More about the main hormones

Ethinylestradiol is used to treat diseases of the endocrine system, oncology.

But the main area of ​​application remains gynecology.

Medicines with ethinyl estradiol are prescribed for the following problems:

With prolonged use of drugs with synthetic estrogen, thickening of the endometrium, mucous membranes of the vagina and cervix occurs. The concentration of cholesterol and its derivatives in the blood decreases.

Desogestrel affects the viscosity of cervical mucus, regulates hormonal levels to a level corresponding to the early follicular phase, and causes inhibition of ovulation. The scope of desogestrel is limited only to contraception.

The mechanism of action of the contraceptive

The combination of two hormones guarantees a high level of the contraceptive effect of Regulon. The Pearl Index - an indicator characterizing the level of reliability of the method of protection - for Regulon is in the range from 0.1 to 0.9. For comparison, the Pearl index of the intrauterine device ranges from 0.9-3, depending on the manufacturer.

These indicators are achieved due to the fact that:

In addition to the main task - protection against unwanted pregnancy - "Regulon" stimulates lipid metabolism, which allows some ladies to lose weight, reduces blood loss during menstruation and reduces the amount of acne on the skin. It is noted that when taking Regulon, the manifestations of PMS can completely disappear - both emotional and general somatic.

Contraindications and side effects

Before you buy birth control pills, be sure to consult a gynecologist. This rule applies not only to Regulon, but also to any other drugs.

The use of Regulon is contraindicated in the following cases:

Some ladies observe side effects when taking Regulon, which force them to abandon hormonal contraception or select another remedy.

Individual body reactions are almost impossible to predict, and often the result of taking the drug is strikingly different from the expected.

The most frequent - based on the observations of doctors and reviews - The side effects of Regulon are as follows:

Rules for taking birth control pills

In order not to get pregnant, it is important to take Regulon correctly, following the recommendations indicated in the instructions.

You need to start taking the drug on the first day of the cycle, that is, on the day the menstruation begins. In the event that a woman began to drink pills in the period from the second to the fifth day of the cycle, it is recommended to use condoms for a week as an additional protection. If the start of taking Regulon occurred later than the 5th day of the cycle, the effectiveness of the remedy is significantly reduced, and there is a risk of becoming pregnant.

One package of "Regulon" is designed for one menstrual cycle, that is, you need to take one tablet once a day. It is recommended to observe 24-hour time intervals and drink tablets at approximately the same time of day. In order not to forget about birth control, you can set a reminder on your smartphone.

If a girl missed taking the birth control pill at the usual time, then according to the instructions, you can drink the medicine for 12 hours, while the effectiveness of the contraceptive will not be reduced. If 12 hours have already passed, then it is important to follow the manufacturer's recommendations:

  • in the first two weeks of the cycle, it is enough to take 2 birth control pills the next day after the pass and use barrier methods of contraception until the end of the package;
  • at a later date, you need to continue taking the tablets according to the usual scheme, that is, 1 piece per day, but at the same time refuse to take a break and immediately start using the drug from the next after the end of one package.

After 21 regular pills, it's time for a seven-day break. During this period, menstruation should normally take place. On the eighth day, even spotting continues, you need to open a new package of pills and start taking the pills.

In some cases, girls do not take a break and immediately start taking pills from the next package. This helps to push the menstruation to a later date. Most often, women resort to this method in order to comfortably spend their holidays and not worry about the condition of the swimsuit. Even more often, athletes artificially regulate their cycle so as not to weaken the body during the competition.

Whatever the reasons, it is important to remember that the manufacturer, although it allows the possibility of taking several packages in a row, does not recommend using this method for a long time. No more than two packs of 21 tablets can be taken without interruption.

Special situations

Gynecologists can prescribe birth control pills for women after childbirth, for example, if it is undesirable to breastfeed the baby, and also after an abortion.

Regulon in the first case, you need to start drinking 21 days after the birth of the baby.

After an abortion, birth control pills begin to be used on the first day. Taking hormonal drugs after an abortion is necessary to restore the normal functioning of the ovaries and compensate for the synthesis of progesterone, which was reduced during pregnancy.

The transition to Regulon after the abolition of other hormonal drugs is as follows:

  • if there are 28 tablets in a package of a contraceptive, Regulon is taken the next day after the 28th tablet is drunk;
  • if there are 21 tablets in the package, then after the end of the intake, you need to take a break of 7 days and start taking Regulon on the eighth day.

To protect yourself, in the first seven days of taking Regulon, it is recommended to use additional non-hormonal methods of protection or refrain from intimacy in order to avoid undesirable consequences.

Reducing the effect

The effectiveness of Regulon may be affected by other medicines if taken at the same time. These are mainly antibiotics, hepatoprotectors, antidepressants and some types of antispasmodics.

The manufacturer does not guarantee 100% safety in case of vomiting, loose stools and missed doses.

Particular attention should be paid to the presence of irregular bleeding outside the 7-day break period. If a girl has noticed such a symptom in herself, she needs to continue taking the pills from the current cycle and check for the presence of menstruation during the break between packs. The absence of menstrual bleeding or the appearance of traces of spotting at an unusual time can be a sign of pregnancy.

Instructions for use:

Regulon is an oral monophasic contraceptive that has significant antiestrogenic and progestogenic effects, mild anabolic and androgenic activity.

Release form and composition

Release form - film-coated tablets: round, biconvex, almost white or white, marked "RG" on one side and "P8" on the other (21 pieces in a blister, in a carton pack 1 or 3 blisters) .

  • Ethinylestradiol: 0.03 mg;
  • Desogestrel: 0.15 mg.

Auxiliary components: stearic acid, alpha-tocopherol, lactose monohydrate, povidone, magnesium stearate, potato starch, colloidal silicon dioxide.

The composition of the film shell: macrogol 6000, hypromellose, propylene glycol.

Indications for use

The use of Regulon is indicated for oral contraception.


  • Migraine with focal neurological symptoms (including history);
  • Moderate or severe severity of arterial hypertension (blood pressure (BP) above 160 per 100 mm Hg) and other pronounced and / or multiple risk factors for arterial or venous thrombosis;
  • Venous or arterial thromboembolism or thrombosis, including stroke, myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis of the lower leg (including history);
  • Angina pectoris, transient ischemic attack and other precursors of thrombosis (including history);
  • Pancreatitis (including history) against the background of severe hypertriglyceridemia;
  • Diabetes mellitus with vascular damage (angiopathy);
  • Dyslipidemia;
  • Jaundice when taking glucocorticosteroids (GCS);
  • Severe liver pathology, hepatitis, cholestatic jaundice (including during pregnancy) (including history);
  • Gallstone disease (including history);
  • Tumors of the liver (including history);
  • Dubin-Johnson syndrome, Gilbert's syndrome, Rotor's syndrome;
  • Hormone-dependent malignant tumors of the mammary glands and genital organs or suspicion of them;
  • The presence of severe itching, otosclerosis and its progression during a previous pregnancy or while taking GCS;
  • Smoking (more than 15 cigarettes per day) over the age of 35;
  • Vaginal bleeding of unknown etiology;
  • The period of pregnancy or suspicion of it;
  • Breast-feeding;
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Due to the increased risk of developing arterial or venous thromboembolism and thrombosis, caution should be exercised when prescribing the drug to women over the age of 35 years, smoking, indicating a family history of thromboembolism and thrombosis, obesity (body weight index above 30 kg per 1 m 2 ), patients with migraine, dyslipoproteinemia, epilepsy, arterial hypertension, atrial fibrillation, valvular heart disease, during major surgery, severe trauma, during prolonged immobilization, during surgery on the lower extremities, superficial thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, diabetes mellitus without angiopathy, acute and chronic liver diseases, the presence of severe depression (including history), changes in biochemical parameters (hyperhomocysteinemia, antithrombin III deficiency, activated protein C resistance, protein C or S deficiency, antiphospholipid antibodies, antibodies to cardiolipin, lupus anticoagulant), sickle -cellular anemia, Crohn's disease, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), ulcerative colitis, hypertriglyceridemia (including family history), in the postpartum period.

Method of application and dosage

Tablets are taken orally 1 piece per day, preferably at the same time, for 21 days.

It should be started on the first day of the menstrual cycle. After taking the last pill from the first blister, a break is taken for 7 days, during which menstrual bleeding occurs. Taking tablets from the next blister is started on the same day of the week and time of day as from the first package, after a 7-day break, even against the background of ongoing bleeding. Subject to all recommendations, the contraceptive effect of the drug is maintained during the break. This scheme of taking pills must be observed all the time while there is a need for contraception.

Taking pills from the first blister can also be started from the second to the fifth day of menstruation, in this case, in the first cycle, additional barrier methods of contraception are required for the first 7 days. If menstrual bleeding has lasted more than 5 days, the start of Regulon should be postponed until the next cycle.

After childbirth, you can start taking it after 21 days, after consulting with your doctor. If a woman had sexual intercourse after childbirth, then the reception should be postponed until the start of the next menstrual cycle in order to exclude conception. In the case of the start of contraceptive therapy at a later period after childbirth, during the first 7 days of taking the pills, the use of additional methods of contraception is required.

After an abortion, you should start taking it on the day of the operation (in the absence of contraindications) without the use of additional contraceptives.

When switching from another oral contraceptive with a course of 21 days, the first Regulon tablet should be taken the next day after a seven-day break in the previous cycle. When switching from the drug with a course of 28 days, the first tablet of Regulon is taken the next day after taking the last tablet from the package of the previous remedy. If these recommendations are followed, additional methods of contraception should not be used.

When switching from hormonal oral contraceptives, mini-pills (progestogen only), the first pill should be taken on the first day of the menstrual cycle without additional use of barrier methods of contraception. If menstruation did not occur during the use of the mini-pill, then only after the exclusion of pregnancy, you can start taking Regulon on any day of the cycle using additional contraceptives or abstinence from sexual intercourse for the first 7 days.

To delay menstrual bleeding for the desired period, you should continue taking the tablets from the new blister without a seven-day break in the usual way. During this period, spotting or breakthrough bleeding may occur, which does not affect the contraceptive effect of the drug. Regular intake can be restored after a normal break in intake.

If you accidentally miss taking the next pill at the set time, if the delay does not exceed 12 hours, it should be taken immediately, as soon as you remember and continue taking it as usual. If the delay was more than 12 hours (36 hours from the moment of taking the previous pill), then the reliability of contraception may be impaired, since this is considered to be a missed dose of the drug. If the pass occurred during the first or second week of the cycle, then you should take 2 tablets at the same time and, continuing to take it as usual, use additional barrier methods of contraception until the end of the cycle. If an accidental skip occurred in the third week of the cycle, then after taking the pill, you should continue regular use of the drug until the end of the current blister and start taking it from the next one without a seven-day break. The risk of bleeding or conception in this case increases, so the use of additional methods of contraception is required.

The occurrence of vomiting or diarrhea after taking the next pill can lead to inadequate absorption and disrupt the contraceptive effect of the drug. If within 12 hours the symptoms of malaise have ceased, then after taking an additional pill, contraception is continued in the prescribed manner. If vomiting or diarrhea continues for more than 12 hours, the need to use additional methods of contraception exists both during the period of vomiting or diarrhea, and for the next 7 days.

Side effects

Side effects that require discontinuation of the drug:

  • Cardiovascular system: arterial hypertension; rarely - stroke, myocardial infarction, deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities, pulmonary embolism and other thromboembolism of arteries and veins; very rarely - arterial or venous thromboembolism of the renal, hepatic, retinal, mesenteric arteries and veins;
  • Sense organs: otosclerosis complicated by hearing loss;
  • Others: porphyria, hemolytic uremic syndrome; rarely - a period of exacerbation of reactive systemic lupus erythematosus; very rarely - Sydenham's chorea (transient).

In addition, against the background of the use of Regulon, less severe side effects may develop, but they appear more often:

  • Nervous system: depression, migraine, headache, mood lability;
  • Reproductive system: spotting from the vagina or acyclic bleeding, amenorrhea against the background of drug withdrawal, impaired vaginal mucus, candidiasis, inflammatory processes in the vagina, galactorrhea, enlargement of the mammary glands, their tension and pain;
  • Dermatological reactions: rash, erythema nodosum, chloasma, exudative erythema;
  • Digestive system: cholelithiasis, jaundice and / or itching (development or exacerbation) against the background of cholestasis, nausea, vomiting, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease;
  • Metabolism: weight gain, fluid retention in the body, decreased carbohydrate tolerance;
  • Organ of vision: when wearing contact lenses - increased sensitivity of the cornea;
  • Other: development of allergic reactions.

The decision on the advisability of continuing contraceptive therapy is made individually, after comparing the benefits of the use and the real risk.

special instructions

It is not recommended to start taking the drug without consulting a gynecologist, since Regulon can only be used as directed by a doctor based on the results of a preliminary general medical and gynecological examination. The doctor should study in detail both the general condition of the woman (family and personal history, laboratory tests, blood pressure), and the results of the examination of the pelvic organs, mammary glands, cytological analysis of the cervical smear. The decision on hormonal oral contraceptive therapy should be weighed, taking into account all the benefits and negative effects.

A woman should be warned about the need for regular (1 every 6 months) preventive examination during the period of taking the pills. With the appearance or aggravation of diseases of the hemostasis system, abnormalities in laboratory parameters of liver function, signs of the development of renal and / or cardiovascular insufficiency, migraine, epilepsy, diabetes mellitus not complicated by vascular disorders, severe depression, estrogen-dependent tumors or gynecological diseases, sickle cell anemia the drug should be discontinued and non-hormonal methods of contraception should be used.

The risk of developing thromboembolic diseases while taking hormonal contraceptives exists, but it is not higher than during pregnancy. In rare cases, arterial or venous thromboembolism of the retinal vessels or renal, hepatic, mesenteric vessels may occur. Their probability increases in women with heavy smoking, age over 35 years, obesity, arterial hypertension, pathologies of heart valves complicated by hemodynamic disorders, atrial fibrillation, dyslipoproteinemia, prolonged immobilization, diabetes mellitus complicated by vascular lesions, and also with a family history of thromboembolic diseases ( parents, sister, brother).

Before a planned operation on the lower extremities or major surgery, the drug should be temporarily stopped and resumed after remobilization after 2 weeks.

Symptoms of thromboembolism include sudden chest pain radiating to the left arm, shortness of breath, severe headache, accompanied by diplopia, partial or complete sudden loss of vision, dizziness, aphasia, collapse, weakness, severe numbness of half of the body, focal epilepsy, acute abdomen, impaired motor functions, severe unilateral pain in the calf muscle.

Women who are prone to chloasma should avoid exposure to direct sunlight and ultraviolet radiation.

The effectiveness of the drug may be impaired by concomitant therapy with other drugs, in which case the use of additional barrier methods of contraception is required.

In the presence of acyclic spotting or the absence of menstrual-like bleeding after regular intake of tablets from two blisters, the tablets should be stopped and an examination should be carried out to rule out pregnancy.

The estrogenic components of oral contraceptives can affect the level of laboratory parameters of the functional parameters of the thyroid gland, kidneys, adrenal glands, hemostasis, liver, content of transport proteins and lipoproteins.

The use of Regulon in women with menorrhagia significantly reduces the loss of menstrual blood, normalizes the menstrual cycle, and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, especially with acne vulgaris.

In severe liver pathologies, hepatitis, cholestatic jaundice, the drug can be prescribed only 3 months after recovery and maintaining normal laboratory and functional parameters.

The drug does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV infection (AIDS).

Taking pills does not affect a woman's ability to drive a car and other mechanisms.

drug interaction

The risk of breakthrough bleeding increases with the simultaneous use of drugs that induce liver enzymes, including rifampicin, hydantoin, primidone, barbiturates, carbamazepine, felbamate, topiramate, drugs St. John's wort, griseofulvin, oxcarbazepine. In addition, these drugs reduce the contraceptive effectiveness of oral contraceptives. It should be borne in mind that the maximum level of induction can continue for 28 days after their cancellation.

If it is necessary to take Regulon together with ampicillin and tetracycline, it is required to use additional barrier methods of contraception during the entire course of treatment and 7 (for rifampicin - 28) days after their cancellation.

In diabetic patients, the drug may increase the need for hypoglycemic oral agents or insulin.


Regulon's analogues are: Marvelon, Mercilon, Tri-Merci, Novinet.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store at 15-30°C. Keep away from children.

Shelf life - 3 years.

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