An effective blood thinner. Blood-thinning herbs. What methods of blood thinning does traditional medicine offer?

The reasons for the high viscosity of the hemolymph have been known to medicine for a long time, as well as the signs. Therefore, various medicines have been developed in the methods of traditional and traditional medicine. Information about the usual Aspirin is outdated - without it, blood thinners work more efficiently and correctly.

Yes, it is necessary to take the necessary measures in a timely manner to treat complex pathologies, and regularly check the heme in all its parameters. But today it is simply unrealistic to choose blood-thinning drugs on your own - there are many of them, and each has its own directed action.

Need to know! All new blood thinners have been developed with the aim of combating the causes of increased viscosity. Pharmacologists have been developing all new drugs to thin the blood, based on the specific causes of its viscosity.

Blood density increases from insufficient water intake, from poor quality tap water. It is not recommended to replace clean water with carbonated drinks, tea, coffee. If we are talking about the quality of hemolymph, then references to the consumed liquid here can only be on the condition that it will be practically clean, filtered drinking water. Water intake norms have been adopted: a healthy person needs 30 g of liquid per 1 kg of weight per day.

Causes of increased blood density:

  • dysfunction of the spleen; a large number of spleen enzymes destroys the tissues of internal organs;
  • excess content of slag residues in the acidification phase;
  • loss of fluid after a long stay in the sun, as a complication after diarrhea;
  • excessive consumption of sugar and other foods high in simple carbohydrates;
  • a small use of foods containing a lot of various minerals - their deficiency disrupts the functions of organs;
  • the lack of a rationally adjusted menu in daily nutrition;
  • ionizing radiation;
  • food with a minimum salt content.

The level of thickening of the blood largely depends on the environmental situation in a particular region, even within the huge area of ​​​​Moscow. So, in the Skolkovo region, where reactors are constantly operating, the incidence of diseases per 1,000 population is much higher than in one of the central regions - Nagatinskaya Embankment, where, although there is a ground section of the metro, and the Moscow River is polluted with household waste.

Nevertheless, in the center of Moscow, the ecological situation is much softer and freer than in the microdistrict of the scientific center, which, by the way, is surrounded by an excellent park area. Jobs in unfavorable ecology, in hazardous production have a negative impact on the state of the main liquid tissue of the human body - its blood.

Blood thickening indicators

The state of the hemolymph is clarified in the laboratory, after the delivery of the material for the calculation of the relevant components. However, the person himself can test his body according to some signs in order to notice problems in the state of health.

If there are signs such as:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • quick irritability;
  • daytime sleepiness;
  • memory deterioration.

No need to write them off for banal fatigue, such symptoms will not stop even after a vacation. It does not hurt to undergo a preventive examination, because such signs may indicate the presence of various pathologies of the central nervous system, including deviations in heme density, when it is time to thin the blood.

Attention! When such signs are identified in a person, it is not recommended to self-medicate and prescribe yourself the use of common blood thinning drugs! It is imperative to get specialist advice after passing blood tests in a laboratory.

The danger of thickening the blood

Banal refusal to drink drinking water can lead to serious consequences. This fact is one of the decisive factors in the natural physiological regulation of the level of heme density. Modern medicine identifies serious pathologies, the causes of which are the degree of density of the main liquid tissue of the body:

  • varicose veins;
  • risk of hypertensive crises;
  • thrombophlebitis - thrombophlebitis, an acute inflammatory disease of the walls of a vein, in which a blood clot may form in its lumen; at the same time, blood flow slows down, its viscosity changes;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • cerebral infarction;
  • myocardial infarction.

These diseases are directly related to the state of the main fluid in the body, they often lead to a person's disability.

What methods of blood thinning does traditional medicine offer?

Modern therapy has in its arsenal several options for diluting the hemolymph. For this purpose, one drug is used, or an integrated approach that uses both medication and traditional medicine recipes.

The most effective methods are:

  • drawing up a special menu, including products with thinning properties;
  • taking medication prescribed by a doctor;
  • hirudotherapy.

Pharmacological drugs aimed at thinning the blood, remove the threat of many diseases of the cardiovascular system, thrombosis. Heme of normal density maintains the physiologically important thickness of the walls of blood vessels, eliminates the formation of cholesterol plaques. Against this background, a person’s well-being improves, since internal organs work normally with unhindered blood circulation, and brain activity increases.

Doctors warn! It is dangerous to drink any blood-thinning pills on your own, even in small doses, for prevention. It is necessary to consult a doctor, drink the medicine only as directed. Self-administration of the drug to oneself often leads to unforeseen complications - it makes the blood very thin, causing bleeding.

Medications to thin the blood

Before the doctor chooses pills for treatment, he understands the factors of hemolymph thickening. In the hot season, the patient will feel much better when he increases the amount of fluid consumed. The same technique will also help people with high physical exertion. At the same time, the doctor takes into account that drugs for thrombophlebitis and hypertension have different effects, and when they are taken, a different effect should be expected.

Two groups of drugs have been developed to thin the blood:

  • anticoagulants; prevent heme from clotting. They are used in case of blockage of blood vessels, varicose veins, hypertension, high risk of stroke. The action of these drugs is based on the ability to quickly reduce the density of hemolymph;
  • antiplatelet agents; quickly and effectively cope with thrombosis and thrombophlebitis - diseases in which platelet production is impaired. Drugs of this pharmacological group prevent platelets from sticking together, the formation of blood clots.

A group of drugs aimed at thinning the blood do not contain aspirin, which significantly differs in their effect on the human body. They are prescribed when the patient has an inadequate reaction to aspirin - allergies, gastrointestinal complications. Therefore, instead of aspirin, the doctor selects the means of another pharmacological group.

The most common anticoagulants are drugs:

  1. Fenilin.
  2. Warfarin.
  3. Syncumar.
  4. Sylt.
  5. Coplavix.
  6. Heparin.
  7. Aggregal.

In this group, drugs of direct and indirect action differ, they differ in the speed of the effect obtained. Direct acting anticoagulants have many contraindications and have various side effects. For this reason, therapists do not recommend taking medications without a prescription, self-medicating.

Antiplatelet drugs are produced on the basis of acetylsalicylic acid. These include Aspirin, Aspekard, Aspirin-cardio. Thrombo ACC, Cardiomagnyl, Magnikor are widely used. These drugs should be taken with extreme caution.

The disadvantages of aspirin-based antiplatelet agents are:

  • inability to take during pregnancy;
  • exclusion of admission in cases of suspected bleeding;
  • prohibition of admission with gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Acetylsalicylic acid irritates the internal mucous membranes, which leads to erosion. An overdose of drugs leads to a high risk of toxic and allergic manifestations. Therefore, patients and doctors of modern practice prefer to replace Aspirin and use drugs on a different basis.

It is important to know! Aspirin-based medicines are highly effective for normalizing blood consistency. However, these drugs are prohibited for use in patients with abnormalities in the functions of the gastrointestinal tract - gastritis, peptic ulcers. This is due to the negative effect of the drug on the mucous membrane of the internal organs.

There is a group of new generation antiplatelet agents that are produced without the use of an Aspirin base:

  1. Trental.
  2. Curantyl.
  3. Ticlopidin.
  4. Aescusan.

These drugs have a moderate effect on vasodilatation, and are excellent for patients with high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, and the formation of cholesterol plaques.

After the age of 50, the body needs drugs that thin the blood

They are necessary for women and men in equal importance, because, first of all, they prevent most diseases of the heart and blood vessels. In pre-retirement age, drugs containing components that thin the blood, in addition to their direct effect, also strengthen the immune system. As a result, well-being improves significantly.

Heme thickening is dangerous in old age, since many changes in the body are already irreversible, leading to aging, loss of vital energy. Throughout life, a lot of toxins have time to accumulate in the body, cholesterol plaques are formed that interfere with the normal functions of internal organs.

For blood thinning after 50 years, it is the composition of the hemolymph that is one of the indicators of whether it is time to take care of health. At this age, when making any diagnosis, the doctor must prescribe appropriate laboratory tests. Signs of thickening of the hema give the doctor reason to examine the patient for the presence of some diseases for which the patient did not even complain. Without a doubt, a person approaches the 50-year milestone with a personal “bouquet” of diseases. Not for everyone the reason is thick blood. However, what is certain is that it plays an important role in overall health.

For 50-year-old citizens, the first signs of what needs to be done - it's time to liquefy the hema, are the standard signs of general well-being: memory loss, fatigue, nervousness. These are signs of any disease that causes a deterioration in overall well-being. Serious treatment is not always required. Most often, it is enough to take medication to thin the hemolymph. However, it is important for the doctor to find out the reason for the decrease in the composition of the liquid component in the total mass of blood.

Blood thinning is caused by:

  • acidification of the internal environment;
  • residual elements of waste products in the body;
  • the presence in the diet of a large number of foods with simple carbohydrates;
  • insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals;
  • signs of dehydration due to low consumption of clean water.

Blood viscosity is determined in the laboratory, so people of retirement age become frequent guests here. It is necessary to constantly monitor the state of the blood in order to be sure of the normal state of one's health. But what if everyone around warns about the dangers of Aspirin.

At the same time, the doctor confidently writes out a prescription for drugs that are most suitable for a particular patient with his course of the disease. These are the most popular anticoagulants without Aspirin today - Warfarin, Fenilin, Heparin, Exantha. In addition, antiplatelet agents come to the aid of 50-year-old patients - new generation drugs: Coplavix, Clopidogrel, Agregal, Curantil, Cardiomagnyl. Such medicines should be taken in courses with interruptions so that the treatment lasts almost a whole year.

Each of the drugs has a different composition. So, Phenylin is produced on a plant basis - coumarin. The drug has a long-term effect, must accumulate in the body. In addition, while taking Fenilin, treatment with hypoglycemic agents is excluded. Coumarin is also contained in the composition of Warfarin, it is an indirect anticoagulant, it requires a certain schedule of intake.

When prescribing anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents, the doctor warns about observing the exact dosage. The action of aggregants suppresses K-dependent blood coagulation factors. Therefore, antiplatelet agents should be taken by excluding foods with vitamin K from your menu.

The functions of blood can hardly be overestimated. It contains cells that protect the body from danger, and carries oxygen and nutrients to tissues and organs. Therefore, the state of the blood is of paramount importance for health. Any changes in its composition can adversely affect the functioning of the body. One of the disorders in the hematopoietic system is thick blood. This condition is dangerous because it leads to the formation of blood clots and blockage of the lumen of blood vessels. Today on sale you can find various drugs for blood thinning. They are usually divided into two groups:

  1. Anticoagulants. They reduce the formation of fibrin, which means they slow down blood clotting, thereby preventing the formation of blood clots. Distinguish anticoagulants of direct action, which begin to act immediately after administration. These include, for example, Heparin. For long-term use, including for prevention, drugs are used in tablets of indirect action. These include Warfarin, Sinkumar, Fenilin and others. They have a different mechanism of action than "direct" drugs that thin the blood. Blood clotting slows down as a result of their gradual action on the body.
  2. Antiplatelet agents. These medications prevent platelets from sticking together and prevent blood clots from forming. Such medicines should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor, since they have contraindications. These include Aspirin and Trental, well-known and effective blood thinners. In addition to them, one can name Thrombo ACC, Curantil, Ticlopidin, Cardiomagnyl and others.

Aspirin for blood thinning

This drug can be considered one of the most famous and versatile. The use of aspirin is not limited to the ability to thin the blood. It is used as an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic.

When choosing the best blood thinners, many pay attention to Aspirin as an old proven remedy. Acetylsalicylic acid is a truly effective antiplatelet agent that prevents platelets from sticking together and improves microcirculation. Often it is prescribed to prevent the formation of blood clots in older people, especially with the threat of strokes and heart attacks.

However, you should be aware that aspirin tablets have contraindications and side effects. A negative effect on the gastric mucosa is known, especially with prolonged use. In this case, the formation of erosions and ulcers on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract is not excluded.

In this regard, blood thinners began to produce drugs containing a small dose of acetylsalicylic acid or without aspirin. In addition, these tablets are coated with a special coating that dissolves not in the stomach, but in the intestines. Among drugs with a small dose of aspirin are ThromboASS and Cardiomagnyl, which not only thins the blood, but also improves heart function.

List of antithrombotic drugs

Blood thinners are available on the market in a wide range and can be sold without a prescription. Despite the fact that instructions are attached to each medicine, self-administration is highly undesirable. They all act in approximately the same way, but in any case, they should be prescribed by a doctor after conducting the necessary examinations and taking into account contraindications and side effects. Among the most famous and well-established are the following tablets:

  1. Curantyl. This antiplatelet agent is indicated for people with a tendency to form blood clots. It not only thins the blood, but also improves cerebral circulation and microcirculation, and can also be used to prevent vascular insufficiency.
  2. Cardiomagnyl. Refers to antiplatelet agents. It is used to prevent thrombosis, has good reviews. Due to side effects and a number of contraindications, it is not recommended to drink it on its own.
  3. Fenilin. This drug is one of the indirect anticoagulants. It slows down blood clotting and increases vascular permeability. Its action begins after 8 hours, and the maximum effect occurs 24-30 hours after administration. The medicine has many contraindications and side effects. It should not be drunk for a long time.
  4. Warfarin. Refers to . It is indicated for thrombosis and vascular embolism, it is used as a prophylactic agent with a tendency to form blood clots. Can be used in combination with aspirin. It has a large number of contraindications and side effects, so consulting a doctor before taking is required.
  5. Exusan. This angioprotector is indicated for venous insufficiency and varicose veins. Reduces vascular permeability, eliminates pain, swelling, fatigue, heaviness in the legs.
  6. Aspecard. An anti-ageant that can act for a week after a single dose.


Preparations intended for blood thinning are presented in the pharmacy network in a wide range. In order to successfully fight diseases and maintain health, you need to take only those medicines that the doctor will prescribe. This group of medicines has many contraindications and undesirable effects. In addition, you need to know that these drugs remove water from the body, so you need to increase fluid intake while taking them.

Blood nourishes and oxygenates all human organs. If it is too thick, it hardly enters the small capillaries. In especially problematic places, it can become a source of a blood clot - a blood clot that blocks the path of oxygen. This is the risk of developing angina pectoris, heart attack, varicose veins, hypertension. People who have experienced problems with blood vessels should know how to thin the blood.

Among the drugs that doctors prescribe for people with thick blood, there are drugs in pills and injections. Injections are designed for emergency situations when a blood clot has formed inside the vessel. If the heart vessel is damaged, then there is a strong pressing pain in the chest, myocardial infarction develops. This situation can occur in any vessels of the body. It leads to the death of those tissues that do not receive oxygen through a vessel with a clot. It is worth remembering that too thin blood can cause severe bleeding. Therefore, in no case should you use medicines to thin yourself, without the supervision of a doctor.

Medications in injections

Heparin is a blood thinner. It is similar to what leeches secrete after being bitten - hirudin. Heparin prevents blood from clotting, making it more fluid. Heparin can dissolve small clots. Injections of this medicine often cause bruising and bleeding.

Thrombolytics - urokinase, streptokinase. They can be administered by an ambulance team or a resuscitator. These are the strongest drugs that can dissolve even a large blood clot in the heart or brain. There are many contraindications for these drugs, they often provoke complications. But in a favorable situation, thrombolytics save a person's life with a heart attack or stroke.

Liquefaction tablets

The main drugs for blood thinning after 50 years are pills:

Aspirin is the most commonly used blood thinner. Doctors prescribe it to people with diseases of the heart and blood vessels to prevent clots. Aspirin is contained in Thrombo ACC, Cardiomagnyl tablets.

Clopidogrel is very similar to aspirin. It is used if a person is allergic to aspirin or has contraindications. Doctors recommend using both drugs, aspirin and clopidogrel, for a year after a myocardial infarction.

Warfarin is a dangerous drug with very limited indications. It is used if the blood is very thick or there are diseases in which clots are constantly formed - atrial fibrillation. Warfarin is prescribed only by a doctor, while the analysis for clotting is constantly monitored.

Pradaxa and Eliquis are analogues of Warfarin. They are much safer, do not provoke bleeding, do not require constant monitoring of tests. Their major drawback is their high cost.

Trental - tablets prescribed for many pathologies. The peculiarity of trental is that it stimulates blood supply in small vessels - capillaries. Due to this, the condition of the most distant parts of the organs improves.

Curantil - tablets that make the blood more fluid. Curantil does not allow platelets to stick together in clots, dilates the vessels a little. Due to this, the blood becomes less dense, the blood supply to all organs improves.

Top 10 most effective non-drug blood thinners

In addition to medicinal treatment, there are herbal decoctions and infusions, as well as foods that make the blood liquid. Sometimes, medicines are contraindicated for a person - then non-drug methods of blood thinning can be used. .


Very often, the cause of thickening is banal - low fluid intake. The situation is corrected by the use of a large amount of liquid during the day - clean water, decoctions and fruit drinks. Drink should be in small sips, every 15-20 minutes. That water thins the blood can be seen by improving the condition of the skin and hair, which are supplied with blood by small vessels.

horse chestnut

The peel of chestnut fruits contains substances that reduce the formation of clots and improve the condition of the walls of blood vessels. 100 g of pure chestnut peel should be poured with a liter of vodka. The container is hermetically sealed. After two weeks of infusion in a dark place, an effective tincture for thinning the blood is obtained. This strong remedy is taken in a teaspoon three times a day.

wheat germ

The content of a large amount of vitamins and substances that improve the properties of blood cells makes germinated wheat grains extremely useful for people with problematic vessels. For germination, only those seeds that have sunk in water are selected - if the seed floats on the surface, then it is dead and will not bring any benefit. Next, the grains are filled with clean water and left. Sprouts can be eaten in a tablespoon every day. It is ideal to season them with oil - olive, linseed, unrefined sunflower. These oils are a source of polyunsaturated acids, which have a great effect on blood vessels.


Everyone knows the use of raspberry tea for colds. The effect is in the natural aspirin contained in fragrant berries. It is best to eat raspberries fresh or frozen in the evenings. Natural aspirin of berries somewhat thins the blood, preventing cells from sticking together into clots. Of course, the effect is somewhat lower than that of Cardiomagnyl. But for aspirin tablets there are a lot of contraindications, but raspberries are not only for allergy sufferers.

sweet clover

It was from this plant that the substance dicoumarin, capable of dissolving blood clots, was isolated. Infusions based on sweet clover do not allow blood cells to stick together, strengthen blood vessels, additionally calm the nervous system and have a beneficial effect on women's health. To prepare a medicinal infusion, pour two tablespoons of dry raw sweet clover with boiling water. The cooled infusion should be drunk in a glass a day, preferably in two or three sets.

This plant contains flavonoids, which have a host of effects. The composition of the blood improves - it is more liquid, carries more oxygen. Ginkgo dilates blood vessels, especially the smallest ones, due to which more oxygen and nutrition is supplied to the brain. The wall of blood vessels with regular use of ginkgo biloba extract becomes stronger and more elastic, as in young people. It is most convenient to take ginkgo in the form of ready-made pharmaceutical preparations, in courses of 1 month.


Ginger has firmly taken its place in the top ten blood thinners. This plant does not allow clots to form, improves blood supply even to small vessels. There are many recipes with ginger. In one of them, a 3-5 cm ginger root is taken, a little bit of cinnamon, lemon and honey to taste. All half a liter of boiling water is poured. Such a ginger-honey drink, when consumed in a glass daily, will not allow blood to clot, making it more liquid.


Peony root contains a substance very similar to heparin. It prevents blood clots from appearing. You can prepare the infusion yourself - from dry raw materials. Peony roots are poured with vodka and infused for a week. It is much easier to purchase a pharmacy ready-made peony tincture. It is used 30 drops three times a day. Peony tincture will have a beneficial effect on the vessels of the heart, improve the supply of oxygen to the brain.

Garlic and onion

Phytoflavonoids, which contain garlic and onions, can thin the blood if consumed regularly. Garlic can be consumed as a mixture with honey. To do this, mix 300 g of grated garlic and the same amount of honey. This combination, when used in a tablespoon up to three times a day, improves the condition of blood vessels, raises immunity.


This berry is simply filled with vitamins. Vitamin C - ascorbic acid - is famous for its effect on the vascular wall, it makes it stronger and reduces the risk of blood clots - clots do not stick to a healthy wall. The remaining components of cranberries thin the blood and improve oxygen delivery to the brain and heart.


Often, people with thick blood are interested in how to thin it without using drugs - medicinal or herbal. To do this, exercise in combination with sufficient water intake throughout the day will help. Before you do gymnastics, you should remember simple rules:

  • All intense exercises - running, active fitness - are transferred to the evening.
  • Too violent exercises against the background of thick blood in the morning can provoke blood clots.
  • In the morning, after waking up - simple gymnastics - tilts, stretches, turns.
  • Particular attention during the warm-up is paid to the cervical spine - these vessels supply the brain and quickly become clogged if the blood is thick.
  • During classes, you should drink water - in small sips. Sweat lost during exercise makes the blood thinner.

Absolutely any physical activity contributes to blood thinning. During muscle contraction, the blood in the vessels accelerates - clots do not have time to form. Especially dangerous in terms of blood clots is the forced stay in one position:

  • long flights
  • fractures of the legs, spine,
  • lengthy operations.

All these situations are fraught with the formation of clots due to stagnation of blood. Therefore, before a long operation, doctors recommend elastic stockings - so that the veins of the legs do not become a source of blood clots.

If a multi-hour flight is expected:

  • Drink enough liquids, but not coffee or tea - they increase the formation of urine and thicken the blood.
  • Alcohol, in an amount greater than 150 ml of dry wine, also significantly thickens the blood.
  • During the flight, do not be shy to walk down the aisle once again.
  • While sitting, make movements in the ankle joints - so the blood cannot stagnate in the veins of the legs.


The use of leeches is effective in case of thick blood. When bitten by a leech, hirudin, a substance very similar to heparin, enters the body. Hirudin prevents blood from clotting and forming clots. During suction, the leech takes a certain amount of blood cells. The hirudotherapy procedure improves the condition with thickening.

During one session, it is undesirable to use more than 10 leeches. Hirudotherapy is an unsafe procedure, so a doctor should prescribe it. Previously, you will need to take blood tests in order to make sure that leeches are not contraindicated. Usually 2-3 sessions are done - this is enough to improve the properties of thick blood and get rid of clots.

Thickening of the blood is accompanied by mild symptoms: headache, blurred vision. Sometimes a person may not realize that he is suffering from thick blood until the symptoms of diseases appear - varicose veins, heart attack. If you have any suspicion or symptoms, you should consult a doctor. After testing, he will tell you if there is a problem and how to solve it. All blood-thinning drugs are potent and must be prescribed by your doctor. During treatment, side effects are possible: bruising, bleeding from the nose, heavy menstruation. The appearance of such signs should be reported to the attending doctor as soon as possible: most likely, a reduction in the dose of tablets will be required. Thick blood is an unfavorable condition, but self-medication in this situation is much more dangerous.

The function of blood is very important in the human body because it contains cells that are able to protect the body. If the blood begins to thicken, doctors prescribe blood thinning drugs.

Consider the causes of this phenomenon and give a list of pills and medicines that will help correct the situation.

Causes of blood clotting

  • Consumption of food and water of poor quality;
  • Diseases of the spleen;
  • Slagging of the body with toxins (usually observed in patients older than 50 years);
  • Lack of enzymes for the breakdown of nutrients;
  • Dehydration, prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • Excessive physical activity;
  • Living in an unfavorable climate.

These factors affect the quality and density of blood. Early manifestations of pathology are drowsiness, fatigue, irritability, memory loss, depression.

Diseases that provoke blood viscosity:

  • Varicose veins;
  • Heartbreak;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Hemorrhage in the brain.

In the absence of compensatory treatment, all this can lead to the formation of blood clots, therefore, patients are indicated for use tablets for blood thinning and preventing thrombosis.

Methods of treatment

thick blood can be thinned with medication, folk remedies, medical nutrition, leeches and other methods. To enhance the effect, these methods are combined.

If you have a predisposition to this disorder, you will need regular prevention and control of your health.


The most effective treatment is taking medicines. Blood thinners funds contribute to the prevention of blood clots, improve the condition and quality of blood.

Each medicine is effective and good in its own way, but only a specialist has the right to prescribe a certain drug to a patient. Self-medication at least will not give a result, and threatens with complications.

List of blood thinners:

TitlesPropertiesAverage price, rub.
HeparinPrevents thickening of blood. The product contains a thinner substance contained in the saliva of leeches. Heparin is prescribed by a doctor in a dosage that is selected for each patient individually.550
warfarinAn anticoagulant drug that reduces blood clotting. Liquefaction with warfarin tablets is used when there is a risk of thrombosis. Sold without a prescription.160
CurantylReduces blood density, is used to prevent blood clots in varicose veins and atherosclerosis.700
Dabigatrananalogue of warfarin.from 680
AspecardTablets that strengthen the walls of blood vessels with antithrombotic action. Contains aspirin.It is not sold in the Russian Federation, in Ukraine it costs 32 UAH.
AescusanA drug that thins the blood and increases the elasticity of blood vessels. Normalizes the process of blood circulation.250
CardiomagnylA popular remedy that prevents blood clotting and restores the human body as a whole. Aspirin in the composition of the drug affects the state of the blood, and magnesium reduces the effect of the main substance on the stomach. Prescribed by a doctor, prohibited for self-medication.from 130
Preparations with zinc and lecithinThey prevent the formation of blood clots, increase the absorption of water in the body, thereby normalizing the composition of the blood.Manufacturer dependent
vitaminsImprove the health of blood vessels, contribute to their restoration, reduce the risk of thrombosis.Manufacturer dependent

Each medication has its own instructions for use, so before drink drug, you should first read the instructions for its use.

still exist medicines, which not only liquefy blood, but also have additional effects. However, to achieve optimal results from their use, they must be combined with the main drugs.

These include:

  • Phlebodia;
  • Sermion;
  • Mexidol;
  • Diacarb.

Often used and angioprotectors. Recommended:

  • Diosmin;
  • Hesperidin;
  • Actovegin;
  • Angiovit;
  • Troxevasin (or its analogue Troxerutin);
  • Detralex;
  • Omega 3;
  • Venarus.

Products that do not contain aspirin

In addition to aspirin There are medications that will help solve the problem.

So, pill names which thin the blood without acetylsalicylic acid:

  • Ginkgo biloba;
  • Vitamins C and E;
  • Curantyl;
  • Warfarin;
  • Lyoton;
  • Phlebodia;
  • Heparin etc.

What funds do you accept And how to liquefy drugs thick blood, the attending physician has the right to decide. In order to avoid adverse consequences and side effects, an independent choice of drugs is not allowed.

How to replace Cardiomagnyl?

On the pharmaceutical market there is a list of drugs that are analogues-substitutes for Cardiomagnyl, these are:

  • Aspirin;
  • Clopidogrel;
  • Pentoxifylline;
  • Dipyridamole;
  • Acecardol;
  • Cardiask;
  • Trental;
  • Aspirin cardio.

Each drug has its own contraindications and side effects, so you should consult a specialist before taking it.

Which is better - Curantil or Thrombo ACC?

Both drugs are most often prescribed during pregnancy, they are analogues in relation to each other.

Curantyl is prescribed to improve blood circulation, starting from the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. Before pregnancy, when planning, use Thrombo ACC.

The reason for prescribing these drugs may be hereditary thrombophilia or the indications of blood tests (coagulogram, etc.), according to which a hematologist or gynecologist determines the risk of blood clots in a pregnant woman.

In this case, drugs can be administered simultaneously.

Thrombo Ass contains acetylsalicylic acid and costs from 40 rubles, and Curantil - Dipyridamole, and its price in pharmacies is from 520 rubles. The difference in cost, as you can see, is very large. Therefore, if you need a budget tool, it is better to choose Trombo ACC.

Which one is better is decided strictly individually for each patient, depending on the purpose of treatment and indications.


The diet helps to achieve positive dynamics while reducing blood clotting. There are products that make it thicker, others, on the contrary, dilute it.

  • Kefir and yogurt from cow's milk;
  • Dietary meats - chicken breasts, turkey (without skin and fat).
  • Patients need to drink more fluids - water reduces the viscosity of the blood and improves the absorption of nutrients. An adult needs to drink about 2 liters of clean water without gas per day.

    It is also useful to drink herbal and fruit teas (ginger, strawberry, raspberry, cranberry, green) and juices from fresh vegetables and fruits.


    Increase densityliquefy
    Food of animal origin other than dairy productsFresh berries and fruits
    RoastLinseed and olive oil
    Protein foodGinger
    Carbohydrate foods, especially those high in sugarSunflower seeds, almonds and walnuts
    AlcoholOnion garlic
    Sweet and carbonated drinksFoods rich in magnesium (for example, oatmeal porridge, etc.)

    Blood performs a large number of functions in the body. It carries oxygen and carbon dioxide, performs thermoregulation, sends microelements to the necessary organs, which are responsible for maintaining the body in good shape and healthy.

    It is very important that the blood is not too viscous. The viscosity of the blood increases over time. To avoid diseases associated with increased blood viscosity, some people have to take special drugs for life, for example, Aspirin.

    Why blood becomes viscous, viscous and dangerous

    In order to know how to deal with this problem, you need to understand where it comes from. The cause of thick blood can be:

    • increase in the content of erythrocytes;
    • increased hemoglobin levels;
    • an increase in hematocrit - the ratio between red blood and plasma.

    These indicators have different norms depending on age, there is no single norm.

    Factors that can affect blood viscosity are:

    How dangerous is this condition for the body

    Increased blood viscosity means that the functions of its elements will not be fully performed. At the same time, the heart must be very strong in order to push such a liquid through the vessels, in addition, the rate of its wear increases. Doctors have identified several serious pathologies, the causes of which are excessively viscous blood:

    These diseases are very serious, some of them, quite possibly, can lead to death.

    The first signs of failures in the blood composition

    In itself, the phenomenon of increased blood viscosity is not a disease, but rather a symptom, often the signs characteristic of such a collection can accompany other diseases or conditions in the body.

    The characteristic signs of hypercoagulability are the following:

    • increased blood pressure;
    • dry mouth;
    • distraction;
    • drowsiness;
    • weakness;
    • excessive fatigue;
    • headache;
    • depression;
    • low limb temperature.

    There is also a hidden form of pathology, which does not manifest itself in any way. In such cases, an increase in viscosity is usually detected during a blood test.

    Blood thinning methods available to everyone

    Before carrying out any independent actions to thin the blood, it is necessary to take tests and determine whether it is so viscous.

    Omega-3 acid is the first blood thinning product

    If suspicions are confirmed, you need to seek help from a doctor, since there can be many reasons for increased viscosity and some of them correspond to serious diseases that need to be treated. If the doctor allows, you can start thinning the blood at home.

    The very first, simple and obvious method to influence this parameter is to change the diet. In the first place should be the use of a large amount of liquid, at least one and a half liters a day.

    Nutrition should be complete, it is necessary to use fats, proteins, carbohydrates and trace elements in the correct proportions.

    It is necessary to consume proteins that contain the entire set of amino acids. Red meat should be limited, but not completely eliminated. Focus on fish and white meat. Reduce your consumption of dairy products and eggs.

    For blood thinning, foods that contain unsaturated fatty acids are suitable. For example, such a valuable omega-3 acid for the body. There is a lot of it in sea fish and linseed oil.

    Unsaturated fats can also be obtained from unrefined olive oil, in addition, it contains many nutrients and biologically active substances. Foods containing taurine are good at thinning the blood. This amino acid is also found in large quantities in fish and seafood.

    Folk remedies for high blood viscosity

    The most famous of the folk remedies that thin the blood is horse chestnut tincture. For preparation, the outer shell of the horse chestnut kernel is taken in the amount of 50 grams and poured with 0.5 liters of vodka.

    In a dark place we insist 2 weeks. Take, diluted with warm water, 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals, one teaspoon of tincture per glass of water.

    It helps to cope with the problem and ordinary garlic. Fill a jar with chopped garlic by a third and pour vodka. Insist 2 weeks. After that, filter and add the same amount of lemon juice and honey. Take before bedtime 1 tbsp. infusion.

    Medical assistance

    Drugs that are widely used to thin the blood:

    The most popular blood thinners, along with Aspirin, are the following drugs:

    1. Curantyl- antireagent, the main indication for use is the tendency to form blood clots. It makes blood less viscous, improves microcirculation, and prevents vascular insufficiency.
    2. Phenylin- an anticoagulant of indirect action. Slows down blood clotting, the action begins after 8 hours. You can not drink medicine for a long time.
    3. - an anticoagulant of indirect action. Indications: thrombosis and vascular embolism. Can be taken as a prophylaxis with aspirin.
    4. Aspecard- antiplatelet agent, acts for a week with a single dose.

    How to take aspirin to thin your blood

    For more than 60 years, Aspirin has been used to treat and prevent heart attacks. Its action on the problem of blood viscosity lies in the ability to inhibit the adhesion of platelets.

    For people with circulatory disorders and older people aged 50 and older, it is recommended to take Aspirin daily to thin the blood. It is used to speed up recovery after heart attacks and strokes.

    Dosage of 75-150 mg per day, you can not take it anymore, since the consequences of a strong decrease in blood viscosity can lead to serious pathologies.

    Aspirin is contraindicated in certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - ulcers, gastritis. This is due to the fact that acid destroys the gastric mucosa and worsens the course of these diseases. It is also not recommended to take the drug for bronchial asthma.

    When taking the drug, it is necessary to regularly donate blood to the level of platelets, if it is underestimated, stop taking the drug.

    It is impossible to take any actions on your own and be treated without the supervision of a specialist. During treatment, it is necessary to carefully monitor the level of prothrombin in the blood. Excessive blood thinning can lead to severe bleeding, including internal bleeding.

    Support for the normal state of the blood

    To maintain blood viscosity within normal limits, you need to adjust the diet and drink. Avoid excess cholesterol and sugar. In food it is necessary to eat more sea fish. Cut down on alcohol.

    It is also important to change your lifestyle:

    • stop smoking and drinking alcohol;
    • rest more, especially in the fresh air;
    • go in for sports;
    • avoid stress.

    Problems such as increased blood viscosity and excess cholesterol are common among older people. They can only be prevented by diet and lifestyle changes.

    If this cannot be done, then taking medications for blood thinning should be carried out after consulting a doctor and monitoring the main parameters of clinical blood parameters in parallel.

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