The best candles for hemorrhoids. What suppositories from hemorrhoids are most effective in treating the disease? Candles for exacerbation of hemorrhoids


This disease affects women more often than men, which is explained by many factors, including physiological. For the treatment of hemorrhoids, local remedies are necessarily used - suppositories, which purposefully act on the mucous membrane of the rectum and the hemorrhoids located there.

How to treat hemorrhoids in women

Rectal vein disease is diagnosed in both the male and female population, however, there are certain factors that increase the number of women among patients of the proctologist. However, the treatment of the disease for both sexes is approximately the same, with the exception of pregnant and lactating women. Key differences are based on the risk factors that lead to the development of hemorrhoids in men and girls. So, women are more prone to inflammation of the rectal veins, which is associated with the following aspects:

  1. Pregnancy. During the period of fetal growth, the organs located in the small pelvis of a woman are subjected to serious stress and pressure, resulting in a violation of blood circulation, followed by its stagnation.
  2. Features of the profession. Women are more likely than men to get jobs that involve sitting in one place. Over time, this leads to stagnation of blood with the subsequent appearance of hemorrhoids.
  3. Rigid diets. Many women who want to lose weight use laxatives, follow a strict diet, excluding from the menu foods rich in vitamins that are important for the normal functioning of the body. As a result, bowel function is disturbed, constipation and hemorrhoids occur.
  4. Serious physical activity. Fashionable fitness classes using exercise equipment can lead to the formation of hemorrhagic bumps in women whose bodies are not adapted to such a strong stress.
  5. Love for tea/coffee. Hot drinks can also lead to problems with the rectum.
  6. Menstruation. During this period, the amount of blood in the pelvic area increases dramatically, as a result of which stagnation and inflammation can form.

Fighting the disease must begin with determining the causes of its development - harmful factors must be eliminated. For example, a woman will need to go in for sports or change her sedentary job to another, more mobile one. In addition, the patient should carefully compose his diet, excluding junk food and drinks. The diagnosis should be made by a doctor who will select the appropriate treatment. As a rule, complex therapy includes the use of antihemorrhoidal suppositories that eliminate the symptoms of the disease and its causes.

Inexpensive and effective candles

The doctor, based on the history of a particular patient, can advise the most suitable and inexpensive local drug. Many cheap candles for hemorrhoids help no worse than expensive counterparts, so it is important to entrust the choice of funds to a professional. What means are the most effective:

  1. Hepatrombin G. Includes several active substances, including heparin, that enhance each other's action. The drug is available in the form of suppositories and ointments.
  2. Proctosan. It has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, helps to eliminate hemorrhoids, even up to the second stage. Proctosan quickly heals cracks, removes puffiness, anesthetizes.
  3. Anuzol. The drug contains antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, drying components. In addition, Anuzol has the ability to perfectly anesthetize.
  4. Posterized forte. Even pregnant women can use it, thanks to the gentle action of the active components of the drug. The drug is produced in the form of suppositories and ointments.
  5. Natalsid. An effective remedy for bleeding, cracks and inflammation.
  6. Any candles made from natural ingredients. Herbal suppositories with belladonna or sea buckthorn can be used at the initial stage of the disease or for prevention purposes.


A remedy for hemorrhoids for women should have an anti-inflammatory effect. Drugs with this effect include:

  • Relief Ultra;
  • Procto-Glivenol;
  • Anuzol;
  • ichthyol;
  • suppositories based on calendula, propolis;
  • suppositories with methyluracil.

The listed external remedies eliminate the symptoms of hemorrhoids, relieving soreness, burning, swelling, itching in the anus. In addition, candles normalize blood circulation, have an antiseptic effect and accelerate the process of resorption of hemorrhoids. Suppositories increase local immunity and stimulate the restoration of the intestinal mucosa.

Candles and ointments must be combined with venotonic drugs such as Troxevasin, Phlebodia, Detralex, Aescusan, Troxerutin, Antistax, which eliminate the cause of the pathology, and not the symptoms. The listed medicines strengthen the walls of blood vessels, stimulate blood circulation, eliminate stagnation, treat the formed nodes and prevent the appearance of new ones.


During illness, women notice pain during bowel movements, which is associated with an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane, the presence of multiple cracks in the anus and hemorrhoids in the intestine. Candles for hemorrhoids include local anesthetics such as anesthesin or lidocaine. The group of drugs that can anesthetize include:

  1. Procto-Glivenol. Thanks to lidocaine, suppositories have a local anesthetic effect. Procto-Glivenol reduces vascular permeability, stimulates microcirculation of the mucous and muscular layers of the rectum, and suppresses the inflammatory process. After the introduction of the suppository, the therapeutic effect occurs within 1.5-2 hours. Children under 12 years of age and pregnant women are contraindicated.
  2. Ketonal. Candles have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect, but are prescribed to women for the treatment of hemorrhoids only with persistent pain. This is justified by an impressive list of contraindications.
  3. Anestezol. Effectively relieves inflammation, eliminates pain, burning and other symptoms of the disease. In addition, suppositories contribute to the rapid healing of wounds, cracks in the anus and facilitate the process of defecation.

Softening antihemorrhoidal suppositories

The best candles for hemorrhoids with a softening effect are glycerin. They are inserted into the anus to facilitate the process of bowel movement. Glycerin suppositories cause contractions of the rectal mucosa and soften the stool, as a result of which going to the toilet does not bring pain. In addition, the use of such suppositories accelerates wound healing. A big plus is the absence of contraindications.

Remedy for hemorrhoids during pregnancy and after childbirth

The main amount of suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids is contraindicated in women during pregnancy. Candles that can be used by pregnant and lactating girls are:

  • Olestezin;
  • Betiol;
  • Nigepan;
  • belladonna extract;
  • Posterisan;
  • Neo-Anuzole;
  • glycerin suppositories;
  • suppositories with sea buckthorn oil.

With the permission of the doctor, starting from the 2nd trimester of pregnancy and during lactation, Relief, Ultraprokt, Gepatrombin G can be used for hemorrhoids. Since the substances of the drugs are absorbed into the blood and enter the woman's milk, during feeding they can have a negative effect on the child's body. This explains why you should be extremely careful with the choice of remedies for hemorrhoids. Many homeopathic remedies and medicines based on herbal ingredients are among the candles for lactating and pregnant women without contraindications, for example:

  1. Suppositories with calendula. This tool disinfects, heals wounds, but the therapeutic effect can only be achieved in the initial stage of hemorrhoids.
  2. With sea buckthorn oil. Even if it enters the baby's body, the medicine will not harm him. Suppositories eliminate all unpleasant symptoms after the first application and have a wound healing effect.
  3. based on propolis. The drug has a powerful anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect, quickly removes soreness. The only contraindication is an allergy to honey.
  4. Natalsid. Suppositories are made on the basis of brown algae extract. In a short time, relieve inflammation, itching, burning.
  5. Ichthyol candles. Quickly remove pain, inflammation, have a bactericidal effect.

For internal hemorrhoids

With this form of the disease, the doctor may prescribe one of the antihemorrhoidal drugs that quickly eliminate itching, pain, burning, promote the resorption of nodes and suppress the inflammatory process. These suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids include:

  • Posterisan;
  • Relief Ultra;
  • Procto-Glivenol;
  • with propolis.

How to choose good candles for hemorrhoids

A medication for the treatment of hemorrhoids is selected by a doctor who takes into account the degree of the disease, as well as the individual characteristics of the woman's body. The choice of suppositories is carried out taking into account the main symptom: itching, bleeding, inflammation of the skin in the anus, pain. How the drug is selected, based on these data:

  • with a painful syndrome, suppositories with anesthetics such as Relief, Emla, Proctosedil A, Nigepan, etc.
  • at the initial stage of hemorrhoids, the use of anticoagulants that dissolve blood clots is indicated: heparin suppositories / ointments, Nigepan, Hepatrombin G;
  • for bleeding, it is necessary to use edema-relieving, hemostatic agents, for example, Procto-Glivenol, Phenylephrine, Relief;
  • with external inflammation, treatment with ichthyol suppositories, Levomikol, etc. is indicated;
  • to eliminate itching, corticosteroids and suppositories with hormones hydrocortisone, prednisone are prescribed: Hepatrombin G, Proctosedil, Ultraprokt, etc.


The cost of rectal suppositories varies greatly, depending on the brand, composition and pricing policy of the pharmacy. A remedy prescribed by a doctor can be bought in an online store, while ordering home delivery. For the convenience of users, the network has special product catalogs where you can find the cheapest options for drugs and find out the address of their sale. Below is a table with the prices of suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids in women.


The translation of the term "hemorrhoids" from Greek means "bleeding", which is very eloquent - rectal bleeding is one of the main symptoms of the disease. This disease is spread all over the world and affects both men and women.

The most common disease of the rectum does not spare even young people. At the same time, despite the "popularity" of the disease, many patients do not understand the essence of the disease very well.

Under the mucous membrane of the anal canal in all people (from birth) there are venous plexuses. They perform the important task of sealing the anus, thereby ensuring the reliable retention of intestinal contents.

If you do not follow a diet, if you trigger gastrointestinal diseases, if, finally, you empty your intestines irregularly, these venous plexuses overflow with blood.

Hemorrhoids are enlarged, altered venous nodes. This disease is characterized by bleeding from the anus, prolapse of deformed nodes and an inflammatory process, which can be very extensive.

The reasons for the development of this proctological disease can be called heavy physical labor and heavy lifting (overstrain), diet insufficiently enriched with fiber, diarrhea and constipation, childbirth and obesity, too frequent visits to baths and saunas.

But, as scientists have found, there is a genetic factor that largely determines the likelihood of developing the disease in a particular patient. And if you have such a negative heredity, then you should not forget about the prevention of hemorrhoids.

Why are hemorrhoids treated with candles

Candles for hemorrhoids - one of the most common appointments. This does not mean that anal varicose veins are treated only with suppositories and that's it, but of all the drugs that the proctologist prescribes to his patient, suppositories are the most frequent.

Rectal suppositories are local medicines that do not have a negative side effect on the digestive tract. They act directly on the area in which the inflammatory process unfolds.

Candles include a complex of basic substances and auxiliary components, which are supported by special elements that allow you to keep a comfortable shape. Candle inserts should be stored in the refrigerator to keep them from melting.

But as soon as the drug enters the rectal canal, it quickly melts under the influence of local temperature, and the active substances penetrate into the destination area and begin to work.

In addition to the fact that suppositories play the role of delivering the medicinal composition to the body, they can be used as a laxative.

Candles against hemorrhoids are different: some relieve inflammation and soreness, others stop the blood, and still others have a regenerative effect.

Before using candles

Before moving on to a review of popular remedies, it makes sense to talk more about how to use candles correctly. First, you must understand that, despite the huge list of medicines sold without any prescription, you should consult a doctor before any planned purchase.

Secondly, a huge number of people buy anti-hemorrhoid suppositories, although they only assume such a diagnosis. They have not been to the doctor, and they judge their hemorrhoids by some signs. But these same signs may indicate another proctological ailment.

Yes, there are suppositories of adjacent action that will help with hemorrhoids, and with, for example, paroproctitis. But not all drugs are so universal. Therefore, consultation with a specialist is first of all.

You must tell your doctor the following:

  • You have long-term constipation and have been using candles for a long time. Most of the drugs are addictive, and in order to correct the treatment regimen, it is important for the doctor to know what and how long you have been treated;
  • If you have any illnesses or are in a special situation. For example, if you are expecting a baby or breastfeeding your baby, the doctor should know about it. Similarly, he should be informed what other drugs you are currently taking. Naturally, the attending physician will know from the medical record about your chronic diseases. If the map is new, tell us about them;
  • If you have previously had allergic reactions to suppositories or other forms of laxatives, also tell your doctor.

Hemorrhoidal suppositories are not at all difficult to use. But never do it in a hurry, do not allow the introduction of candles with dirty hands.

Algorithm for the use of rectal suppositories-liners

Before the procedure, remove the pharmaceutical from the refrigerator. Wash your hands thoroughly under cool running water using neutral soap. If you have problems in the anal canal (inflammatory process or microcracks), then not completely washed hands can only aggravate them. Even if you insert a suppository with medical gloves, you still need to wash your hands thoroughly.

Doctors also advise cutting long nails if you have a treatment course based on suppositories. Unwittingly, you can injure an already damaged area. Scratching or otherwise injuring the inflamed mucosa can not be done on purpose.

Be sure to read the instruction sheet that comes with the candles for hemorrhoids. Individual drugs differ in dosage and even the nuances of use. How many inserts should be used depends primarily on the concentration of the substance included in the medicine.

  1. Use sterile gloves or a special latex fingertip. If you intend to protect your hands, then it makes sense to use gloves before administering the medicine. In the event that you do not want to part with a manicure, then gloves are not only desirable, but necessary;
  2. If you have taken the candle out of a cold place and it is soft enough, it should be hardened. Either put the liner in the freezer for 10-20 minutes, or keep it under cold tap water. This is a significant moment, candles are introduced into the anus only in a solid state;
  3. It is recommended to lubricate the area around the anus with Vaseline. This facilitates the process of introducing a candle. If there is no petroleum jelly, you can take the simplest baby cream. It is possible to use hand or face creams, but still undesirable - they contain many different additives that can cause a negative reaction at the site of inflammation;
  4. Lie on your side, it is in this position that the introduction of the candle is most comfortable. Pull the right lower limb to the chest;
  5. Raise the upper (relative to the occupied position) buttock. Slightly open the lumen of the rectal canal - it is easier to inject the drug. Insert it lengthwise, advance the candle a distance of about 2.5 cm (if you are an adult);
  6. The suppository must pass through the sphincter. If he does not pass this zone, he will soon quickly push outward;
  7. Squeeze your buttocks tightly and hold them in this tension for a while. So you will save yourself from falling out of the candle. In the same position, lying on your side, you need to stay for several minutes (15-30).

It remains only to wait for the duration of the medication. Some candles declare themselves after 15 minutes, the effect of others has to wait about an hour.

Naturally, after completing the procedure, you need to remove gloves, wash your hands. You can not enter a candle somewhere in the toilet at work and continue to run about your business.

If you do not lie down after the introduction, it will easily flow out melted, and the treatment will be useless.

Hemostatic suppositories for varicose veins of the anal canal

Hemostatic suppositories for hemorrhoids are medicines that can stop rectal bleeding. As you know, it is blood from the anus that is the first main sign of hemorrhoids. This is the main symptom of the first stage of the disease.

Bleeding is not necessarily expressed by profuse hemorrhage. If you regularly see blood (even in small amounts) on linen, on paper, or on top of a fecal lump, the likelihood that this is an indicator of hemorrhoids is very high.

Regular does not mean every day. But if from month to month you see this picture, do not delay a visit to the proctologist.

Until the inflamed nodes began to fall out, your disease lingered in the first stage. And at this stage, inexpensive and effective suppositories for hemorrhoids, if not completely cured, will slow down the progression of the disease.

Hemostatic suppositories do stop the blood, but they do not affect the cause of the disease. Fortunately, most drugs not only block bleeding, but also have other effects.

Among the candles appointed in this situation, the leaders are:

  • Relief. This is a potent pharmaceutical product with a pronounced hemostatic effect. Relief stops both minor and serious bleeding. In addition, the composition of these liners perfectly heals wounds, microcracks, restores tissues, relieves itching and gives a significant anti-inflammatory effect. Usually these suppositories are used for a week, but your doctor will indicate the exact course in an individual prescription sheet;

  • Anuzol, Neo-Anuzol. The active substance of this medication is belladonna extract. The medicine well relieves inflammatory signs, pain and irritation, and eliminates discomfort during the evacuation of feces. Relief occurs almost immediately after the procedure. Anuzol contains zinc, known for its wound healing effect: it forms a kind of film that closes and tightens the wound. There is no beladonna in Neo-Anuzole, therefore these suppositories are often prescribed to pregnant patients;

  • Methyluracil. Inexpensive and good candles for hemorrhoids, which heal even serious wounds and cracks. Perfectly restore the structure of the mucosa, normalize the physiological processes in the cells of the rectal canal. Negative side reactions methyluracil suppositories cause sporadically;

  • Proctosan. And these suppositories do an excellent job even with volumetric hemorrhoidal bleeding. Already after the first session, blood loss is significantly reduced. Deformed and bleeding nodes quickly recover, swelling and irritation are removed. Candles heal well and external cracks, as well as erosion of the anus. The standard therapeutic regimen is focused on a weekly course of application of these inserts.

Of course, these are far from all the best candles for hemorrhoids and cracks. But you probably already heard these names, such pharmaceuticals have already earned their place in the rating of this type of medicine. Again, you take suppositories of complex action: it is important not only to stop the blood, but also to stimulate the healing of wounds.

Candles Natalsid: what makes them unique

If you read the blogs of famous proctologists, you will definitely see posts there on the topic of medicinal prescriptions. Professionals never give general recipes: they understand that they are read by completely different people, with their own, individual manifestations of the disease.

Therefore, it makes no sense to advise everyone to be treated with the same one. But the doctor can outline the contours of standard treatment.

Natalsid candles are rightfully considered one of such safe and frequent "absentee" appointments. This is a multifunctional pharmaceutical product, which has at least three effective actions - it stops the blood, curtails the processes of inflammation, and heals wounds.

Natalsid is used not only for hemorrhoids, but also, for example, for diagnosed anal fissures, for proctosigmoiditis, and also in case of serious postoperative complications.

Characteristics of Natalsid:

  1. The active component of this pharmacological product is alginic acid. Alginate in the composition of Natalsid stops the blood, after 7-9 days of use it will reduce the severity of inflammation and improve tissue regeneration;
  2. Contraindication to use will only be individual hypersensitivity to the structures of the drug, as well as children under 14 years of age;
  3. Pregnant and breastfeeding Natalsid, and this is important, is not contraindicated. But still, expectant mothers need to see a doctor, and not choose their treatment based on advertising and general recommendations from informational materials.

An analogue of the famous Natalsid is the medication Alginatol. It is also produced in the form of candles, has identical indications. The only important difference between Alginatol and Natalsid is the possibility of including the former in pediatrics in the treatment regimen. Yes, this will surprise many, but hemorrhoids are also diagnosed in children (even in infants). The frequency of such cases, of course, is small, but they cannot be called isolated.

Other alternative drugs to Natalsid include Relief suppositories, as well as suppositories based on healing sea buckthorn oil. It is not necessary to store Natalsid in the refrigerator: room temperature conditions and a place inaccessible to children are sufficient.

homeopathy for hemorrhoids

Even the fact that Natalsid has a minimum of contraindications does not inspire confidence in a certain category of patients. In general, they do not like to be treated with pharmaceutical preparations, they trust traditional medicine, in extreme cases - homeopathy. But even such a request will have its own worthy answer, for example, homeopathic suppositories for hemorrhoids.

Among homeopathy, the following candles are in demand:

  • Nova Vita. This is a product with an impressive composition, which includes ginseng, as well as sea buckthorn, propolis, and even an extract of therapeutic mud. This medication is often prescribed for deformed mucosa of the rectal canal, with trauma to the soft anorectal tissues. Sometimes Nova Vita is prescribed even for complicated hemorrhoids. Homeopathy is often distinguished by a longer (compared to classical preparations) treatment course. So, Nova-Vita suppositories are used for 2-4 weeks;

  • Gemoprost. They have significant anti-inflammatory properties. The medicine consists of a number of phyto-extracts that disinfect hemorrhoid wounds. The therapeutic agent normalizes blood flow, makes the vascular walls stronger, and eliminates the manifestations of inflammation. The treatment regimen involves the use of no more than 1 suppository per day for about a month;

  • Sea buckthorn oil. This is the name of the suppositories, which have a significant antibacterial effect. This pharmaceutical preparation is used as an adjuvant for exacerbated hemorrhoids at all stages of the disease. Sea buckthorn oil perfectly resists negative flora in deformed tissues, and also counteracts their suppuration. This medication is known as an excellent regenerant. Cannot be used for diarrhea;

  • Calendula DN. Another well-known homeopathic candles for hemorrhoids. At the heart of the medicine, as you might guess, is calendula extract. The drug is distinguished by bactericidal properties. It provides for the rapid death of pathogens, and also helps tissues to recover;

  • Hemo-Pro. These are candles with an excellent complex "menu" - therapeutic mud, the same propolis, sea buckthorn, St. John's wort and rue already known to you. The main substances of the drug affect the restoration of the strength and elasticity of the vascular network of the anal canal. Propolis and sea buckthorn negatively affect pathogenic bacteria, which does not give pathogens a chance to enter the systemic circulation. So the inflammation of the hemorrhoidal nature is suppressed;

  • Prostopin. These are homeopathic suppositories with beneficial propolis and royal jelly, known as natural tonics. Medicinal substances reduce the permeability of capillary walls, give them their former elasticity and, very importantly, inhibit blood stasis in dilated nodes;

  • Immuntil. This is a tonic medicine, an excellent regenerant. The drug normalizes metabolism at the cellular level. The tool accelerates the regeneration processes, eliminates pathogens, as a result of which the anal canal cracks heal faster.

For exact, targeted appointments, contact a coloproctologist. He will also indicate exactly what course of treatment you will have, and what else will be included in the list of appointments.

Antibacterial suppositories against hemorrhoids

If the inflammatory process is accompanied by extensive damage to the skin, then the doctor may prescribe antibacterial agents to the patient (and suppositories are a common option). Antibiotics are not known to work against fungi and viruses, only bacteria.

The term of their application should not exceed the standard five to seven days. Such medicines are prescribed only by the attending physician.

Candles against hemorrhoids with antibiotics:

  • Proctosedyl. These are not really candles, but rectal capsules, although they work in the same way and are intended for the same purpose. They block the action of Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, etc. They are suitable for the treatment of acute and chronic hemorrhoids, they also treat deep rectal fissures;

  • Nystatin. The main substance of such a pharmaceutical preparation is the antibiotic nystatin. This medicine works well with Candida fungus. Candles reduce inflammation, work to block necrosis and non-healing deep wounds;

  • Candles with gentomycin. They are usually prescribed for exacerbation, inflammatory process with purulent discharge, as well as for deep anal fissures. This medicine works well combinatorially, but only a doctor should prescribe it.

Without the need to use antibacterial suppositories, it is not only unnecessary, but also dangerous.

Separately, it is worth mentioning suppositories with adrenaline, which are also quite often prescribed by doctors for hemorrhoids. But not all patients need such drugs. The hormone adrenaline is still a potent substance. Many organs are affected by it, and not just the one you want to influence.

Yes, adrenaline quickly and effectively constricts blood vessels, which is necessary with the same strong rectal bleeding - complicated hemorrhoids.

But with such a beneficial effect, adrenaline also:

  • Increases heart rate;
  • Affects the strength of cardiac output;
  • Increases the conduction of nerve impulses.

With extreme caution, such suppositories should be used by people with diagnosed endocrine pathologies.

Pregnant patients never use suppositories with hormones - this is dangerous because the consequences can be critical (from placental abruption to increased uterine tone and subsequent miscarriage or premature birth).

What candles for hemorrhoids can be used by pregnant women

Unfortunately, such a wonderful time in a woman's life as pregnancy can be associated with serious difficulties, diseases, and problems. And hemorrhoids are one of them. By itself, the physiology of pregnancy contributes to the development of the disease: both the growing uterus and the stagnation of blood in the vessels of the small pelvis can provoke hemorrhoids.

A common mistake of expectant mothers is to refuse all treatment throughout pregnancy. Women are afraid of drugs, their negative impact on the fetus, and decide to "endure".

But hemorrhoids do not sleep throughout the pregnancy, it progresses, and childbirth can contribute to the rapid development of the disease. Therefore, it is imperative to go to the proctologist and receive your appointments, including candles.

What is the use of candles for the treatment of hemorrhoids in pregnant women:

  1. Destroy pathogenic microbes;
  2. Reduce inflammatory processes;
  3. Stop itching;
  4. Heal anal fissures;
  5. Strengthen the vascular network;
  6. Heal the mucous structures of the rectum.

Of course, during gestation, drugs should not be used indiscriminately. The range of approved pharmaceuticals for such patients is narrowing. As mentioned above, Natalsid candles will be a safe appointment.

In addition to these medicinal products, expectant mothers are prescribed methyluracil suppositories, sea buckthorn suppositories, Posterisan, Hepatrombin G, and ichthyol suppositories.

Posterizan: is it so effective

One of the most advertised products is Posterisan suppositories. This remedy with inactivated microbes, which has anti-inflammatory properties, accelerates cellular metabolism, restores vascular elasticity and normalizes blood flow.

Posterisan is prescribed to expectant mothers if they complain of burning and itching caused by hemorrhoids, and also complain about the feeling of a foreign body in the anus.

But this medicine should not be used if an infectious lesion of the rectum is found, and if intolerance to the ingredients is recorded.

Posterizan is a really effective drug, and relatively safe. It is also supported by the fact that the medicine can be used at all stages of pregnancy. But, for example, the competitor of Posterisan, Gepatrombin-G, is prescribed with caution, and only starting from the second trimester of gestation.

Homemade candles for hemorrhoids: are they needed?

This is a sore point for many doctors and many patients. They will never be included in the rating of candles for hemorrhoids. And doctors are tired of repeating to patients that traditional medicine cannot compete with classical medicine. No home-made ointments, suppositories and various decoctions will ever have the same effect as an individual treatment plan drawn up by a doctor.

But adherents of traditional medicine deny the benefits of modern pharmacology and continue to assure that herbs are more effective and less harmless. It is difficult to argue with such assurances, and if a person stubbornly insists on his own, the doctor will not be able to help him in the standard way.

If you are also sure that only folk recipes will save you, no one can forbid you to use these treatment regimens. Try to treat such treatment as an auxiliary, supportive one.

But do not lean only towards him, they cannot delay the disease, prevent it from progressing. Such treatment can be effective only at the earliest stage of the disease, however, at this time a person usually does not even notice hemorrhoids.

Safe homemade candle recipes

Herbal treatment does not mean complete carte blanche for the patient. Many herbs are dangerous and can cause poisoning and bleeding. Therefore, a consultation with a doctor is still necessary. If you treat hemorrhoids "on the Internet", then keep in mind that these are general recommendations that do not take into account your state of health, the stage of the disease, the presence / absence of complications, etc.

Among the relatively safe candle recipes:

  1. Aloe leaf. From one leaf of the agave, you need to remove the hard peel, cut it to the desired size and cool in the refrigerator. At night, such a home-made insert candle is inserted into the anal canal exactly according to the same algorithm as a regular candle;
  2. Potato candles. Proctologists assure that potato treatment is a very exaggerated story, and you should not take it seriously. But if you are sure that it is potatoes that will help you, then at least carry out the procedure itself correctly. Peel a fresh tuber, cut a candle out of it the size of your middle finger. There should not be sharp corners on such a homemade candle. This liner is also inserted into the rectum (but not deep);
  3. Vaseline + lanolin + propolis. This composition is more similar to a traditional medicine, so you can expect more from it. Take 80 g of vaseline, 15 g of lanolin and 10 g of propolis. These components must be melted in a water bath, not bringing to a boil. Mix the composition and strain. This tool can be used as an ointment, and lubricate the inflamed areas of the anus. You can also put the composition in a convenient form (suitable ice molds), and then use it like regular rectal suppositories.

In addition to candles, you can make ointments based on sea buckthorn oil, calendula, propolis, chamomile, etc. But at the same time, keep in mind: folk recipes elegantly "use" their role as an opposition to traditional treatment.

Therefore, they can provide a placebo effect when the patient believes so highly in the effectiveness of alternative therapy that some signs of recovery are actually observed (though not for very long).

In any case, no matter how you are going to be treated, you need to do this under the supervision of physicians.

Is the use of candles combined with the use of alcohol

Alcohol and drug therapy is, in principle, a highly undesirable combination. You must understand that there are situations where compromises are simply not needed. If you, before even starting treatment, are already asking the doctor if I can have a glass of wine, you are probably just out of the situation.

Treatment is a correction, correction of some pathologies. You use special tools that will force your body to fight pathology. And if, against the background of this struggle, you load the body with something undesirable, will such treatment be effective?

I must say that alcohol is a strong provocateur of hemorrhoids. It negatively affects the body as a whole, and does not bypass the rectum.

Getting into the rectal canal, alcohol:

  • Causes irritation of its walls, sometimes even provokes a burn of its mucous membrane;
  • Significantly weakens the intestinal muscles, sharply reduces the tone of the anal canal, makes the venous walls decrepit;
  • Leads to the expansion of veins in the intestines, stagnation of blood in the pelvis and the formation of inflammatory processes in it;
  • It is the cause of chronic constipation: the stool literally “dries out”, becomes dehydrated, which makes defecation difficult.

Because of alcohol, the body seriously lacks useful substances, earns itself problems with the liver. And all this indirectly, but still affects the occurrence of hemorrhoidal disease. Therefore, combining alcohol and drugs, you perform two different tasks. On the one hand, you help the body to overcome the disease, on the other hand, you aggravate the course of the disease.

Finally, many drugs are completely incompatible with alcohol: up to severe intoxication.

How to supplement the treatment of hemorrhoids with candles

A dangerous thing in diagnosed hemorrhoidal disease is monotherapy. You should not get hung up on one medicine, since hemorrhoids are a vascular pathology that requires comprehensive therapy. And it is not a “magic pill” and not the most effective candle that will remove all symptoms and make you a healthy person.

The standard complex treatment regimen for hemorrhoidal disease includes:

  1. Candles. They are in almost every appointment, at any stage of hemorrhoids;
  2. Ointments. They can be used in conjunction with suppositories, but more often the doctor chooses one thing - either ointments (creams / gels) or suppositories;
  3. Pills. As a rule, we mean venotonics or phlebotonics, which affect the very structure of blood vessels. You remember that the essence of hemorrhoids is in altered vessels that cannot withstand overflowing with blood. So these vessels need to be supported, made more durable and elastic. For this purpose, the coloproctologist prescribes pills that will affect the underlying mechanisms of hemorrhoids.

But drugs alone cannot stop the disease. Even if you bought the most expensive, most effective and advertised candles at the pharmacy, they will not save you from the disease. They relieve symptoms, inflammation, heal, but if you have not crossed out provocateurs of hemorrhoidal disease from your life, nothing will work.

With hemorrhoids, you should seriously review your diet. Your task is, first of all, to prevent constipation. To do this, your daily menu should include vegetables and fruits, enough water, cereals, dairy products. You need to eat often, but fractionally.

You should not experience constant hunger and walk around with a feeling of tightness in the stomach and intestines. When your diet really becomes balanced, it becomes regular, and you will know what is always possible and what is extremely rare - you will feel improvements not only in the intestines, but also in general well-being.

With hemorrhoids, dietary nutrition is no less important than suppositories and ointments. This is indeed an accent point that many patients underestimate.

Summary: what suppositories for hemorrhoids should be used

Rectal suppositories are the most popular pharmacological product used by patients diagnosed with hemorrhoidal disease. This popularity is explained by the local action of candles, as well as ease of use.

Candles from hemorrhoids - 5 highlights:

  1. Use the suppositories prescribed by the doctor individually for you. Do not self-medicate, because the body gets used to any remedy, and when you really need the medicine, it simply will not work;
  2. Do not replace the main treatment with homemade suppositories. Folk recipes will not replace competent prescriptions and drugs that have undergone serious research;
  3. To paraphrase the famous slogan, we can say: "Not all candles are equally useful." This means that what is good for one patient may not be good for another. Especially careful should be pregnant and lactating in the use of candles, as well as people with serious chronic diseases;
  4. It is impossible to cure hemorrhoids only with candles, the best treatment is meaningful and comprehensive;
  5. It is very important not only which candles are prescribed for you, but also how you use them. Learn the candle injection algorithm and give the medicine time to “work”. You just need to lie down for at least 15 minutes.

Good treatment starts from the moment you make an appointment with a doctor. A doctor who treats hemorrhoids is called a coloproctologist. Be sure to come to the appointment, undergo an examination and be treated under medical supervision.

If the doctor says that surgery is indicated for you, it is foolish to challenge the opinion of a specialist.

When knots fall out of the anus, treatment with candles is nothing more than a temporary, symptomatic therapy. Sooner or later you will turn to surgery, and it is better to do it earlier so that the methods of correcting the problem are minimally invasive.

(2 ratings, average: 3,00 out of 5)

Updated: 05/10/2018 12:54:58 PM

*Overview of the best in the opinion of the editors of the site. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Hemorrhoids are a widespread and unpleasant disease of predominantly middle age, in which the veins surrounding the rectum become inflamed, injured, and pathologically dilated. This all leads to the sensation of a foreign body and itching in the anus, and then there is pain, bleeding, and prolapse of hemorrhoids. All this significantly impairs the quality of life. Fortunately, modern medicine has a large arsenal of various drugs for hemorrhoids, both for local and internal use.

Rating of the best remedies for hemorrhoids

Nomination place Name of product price
The best remedies for hemorrhoids in women 1 417 ₽
2 310 ₽
3 427 ₽
4 71 ₽
5 383 ₽
The best remedies for hemorrhoids in men 1 1 445 ₽
2 420 ₽
3 245 ₽
4 224 ₽
5 410 ₽
The best candles for hemorrhoids 1 521 ₽
2 433 ₽
3 87 ₽
4 298 ₽
The best pills for hemorrhoids 1 533 ₽
2 432 ₽
3 990 ₽

The best remedies for hemorrhoids in women

In the female body, nature itself has laid a predisposition to vascular disorders. The reason for this is pregnancy and childbirth. Increased synthesis of progesterone contributes to a deterioration in the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, and a sedentary lifestyle of a pregnant woman and the high pressure of the fetus that it exerts on blood vessels and tissues at the end of pregnancy further exacerbate the predisposition to vascular disorders.

In the mechanism of childbirth, high pressure develops, which also leads to microcirculation disorders. Additionally, you can name many professions characteristic of women, when they spend all the time standing on their feet, or, on the contrary, sit during the entire working time. All this as a result leads to venous congestion in the legs and pelvic area, the formation of varicose veins of the lower extremities and hemorrhoids. Here are some remedies that help women in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

This tool is designed to quickly relieve symptoms of exacerbation of hemorrhoids and rectal fissures. The product contains a corticosteroid hormone based on fluocortolone, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Additionally, the composition of the suppositories includes lidocaine, which immediately produces a powerful analgesic effect. It is this combination that allows the drug to occupy high positions in the ratings of antihemorrhoid drugs. The remedy is indicated for various types of proctitis, and in the form of a rectal cream, it can be applied with skin lesions in the anus.

Relief Pro should be inserted into the anus after defecation and hygiene measures. The use of suppositories is recommended twice a day, and in severe cases with vascular thrombosis and with severe pain in the first two days - three times a day. The product is produced by the German concern Bayer, the package contains 12 rectal suppositories, which can be purchased at retail from 500 rubles, in spring 2018 prices.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the remedy include the rapid onset of the therapeutic effect. The disadvantages of the remedy include a rather high price and possible overdose symptoms when using suppositories more than 3 times a day. The most pronounced effects are manifested by the cardiovascular and nervous systems, therefore, a doctor should prescribe Relief Pro.

Trombless is a remedy that comes in the form of a gel for external use, and it contains the substance heparin, which reduces blood clotting and prevents thrombosis, and also has anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effects. With hemorrhoids, the drug is indicated in complex therapy, together with other drugs, such as painkillers and laxatives. It is necessary to apply the gel, easily rubbing into the perianal area, after appropriate hygiene measures.

The tool is used daily, the average duration of the course is 5-7 days. The tool is produced by the domestic pharmaceutical manufacturer OAO Nizhpharm, and the price of one package of gel weighing 50 grams starts from 260 rubles. A similar preparation containing heparin is available under the commercial names Lavenum, Lyoton 1000, and Thrombogel.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the remedy include its good tolerability, painless use (since at the beginning of therapy in the period of exacerbation, it is sometimes even painful to administer suppositories), and an affordable price. The drug is used in the complex therapy of varicose veins of the legs, which allows it to be used in women with double effectiveness in case of joint diagnoses. The disadvantages of the remedy include individual intolerance, in which there are various disorders of blood coagulation.

This tool deservedly got into the rating of antihemorrhoid drugs, as it has a local anesthetic effect, reduces the formation of varicose veins of the rectum, and protects blood vessels. The composition of the product includes tribenoside, which is able to reduce capillary permeability and vascular tone, it reduces the release of inflammatory and pain mediators.

Lidocaine, as in the case of Relief Pro, has a rapid analgesic effect when using suppositories. The agent is used only rectally, twice a day, in the morning and evening until the relief of acute symptoms, and then the agent must be used once. The duration of the general course of treatment is determined by the doctor. These candles are produced by the French company Dela Pharm, and it is represented in Russia by the Swiss concern Novartis Pharma. You can buy a package of rectal suppositories in the amount of 10 pieces starting from the price of 375 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The positive qualities of this remedy include an effective combination, the presence of a modern tribenoside component, and a quick action. The negative aspects of the drug include the presence of contraindications, among which, in addition to individual intolerance, liver failure. Perhaps a rare development of side effects - angioedema and local reactions in the form of burning and itching.

Troxerutin got into the rating as a means for a complex effect on microcirculation, it can treat not only hemorrhoids. The list of indications includes about two dozen names of various diseases, including thrombophlebitis, varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency. The active ingredient is a natural bioflavonoid - a derivative of rutin.

The drug is able to reduce the permeability of the capillary walls, and increases the tone of the vessels of the microvasculature. This leads to a decrease in edema and inflammation of the vascular wall, the drug is indicated for use in both the acute and chronic stages of hemorrhoids. The agent is used in the form of capsules, which contain 300 mg of the active substance. Capsules are used after meals three times a day, the course of treatment is about a month. The medicine is produced by many domestic manufacturers, and is inexpensive. For a package of 50 capsules, it is enough to pay only 150 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of Troxerutin include the availability and universal specificity, which allows the treatment of many vascular syndromes, and the disadvantages include the undesirability of its use in gastric ulcers, in the first trimester of pregnancy, as well as such reported side effects in the form of headache and allergic reactions. With the simultaneous appointment of troxerutin and aspirin, it enhances the effect of the latter on the vascular wall.

The tool is famous for its unique multi-component nature, which made it possible to give it one of the places in the ranking. One of the active ingredients is bismuth compounds together with titanium dioxide. The composition of the drug includes bufexamak, which inhibits inflammation and acts on prostaglandins, and lidocaine.

All these substances are active, and as a result, suppositories have anti-inflammatory, wound healing and analgesic effects. Due to the bismuth compound, the astringent and drying activity of the drug arises. These suppositories are shown, in addition to hemorrhoids, also for cracks, proctitis and itching of the anus. In addition to suppositories, Proctosan is available in the form of a rectal ointment, with which treatment can be started in the acute period, when the introduction of a suppository is still quite painful.

If suppositories are prescribed, then they are prescribed one suppository two or three times a day, and after the acute pain drains, the drug continues to be prescribed for one or two weeks. These candles are produced by the German company Stada, and you can buy a package of 10 candles starting from 330 rubles. at spring 2018 prices.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this tool, of course, include a multifaceted action, it quickly improves the local condition of the patient. Contraindications to the drug are standard, for example, pregnancy and breastfeeding, hypersensitivity to individual components, no special contraindications are noted anymore. A curious and rare side effect when using this remedy can be considered a decrease in the strength of condoms, but the instructions do not specify exactly how Proctosan and latex interact.

The best remedies for hemorrhoids in men

The causes of male hemorrhoids are much more prosaic than in women. Most often, it leads to the use of alcohol, which causes plethora of venous vessels, smoking and men's craving for spicy foods. As a result of the abuse of alcohol and nicotine, thrombotic processes occur, the vascular lumen decreases, and spicy food contributes to a sharp plethora of intestinal vessels, irritates the rectal wall and contributes to the occurrence of hemorrhoids. In addition, physical labor and weight transfer, and power sports contribute to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, and the progression of symptoms of hemorrhoids. What drugs for the treatment of this unpleasant disease are included in the rating of male remedies?

Perhaps Detralex, or its analogues with the commercial names Venarus and Phlebodia, are the most active venotonics and venoprotectors. They consist of natural remedies, diosmin and hesperidin. And these bioflavonoids are able to influence microcirculation and protect blood vessels. As a result of the course intake of Detralex, the extensibility of the veins and the stagnation of blood in them decrease, the permeability of capillaries and their fragility decrease. It is important that the high effect of Detralex is confirmed by numerous clinical studies. Detralex, in addition to hemorrhoids, is used for chronic venous insufficiency, when there are complaints of swelling, fatigue and pain in the legs.

The remedy should be taken for acute hemorrhoids in a rather high dose, 6 tablets per day, 3 in the morning and three in the evening, this dosage is maintained for 4 days, and then halved, and the medicine is taken for another 3 days. Detralex is produced by the well-known French company Servier, and for a package of 30 tablets, designed for 2 weeks of administration (for chronic hemorrhoids), you will have to pay 670 rubles. The drug is available in suspension for oral administration.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of Detralex include convenience and safety of use, no cases of overdose have been described. It is recommended to pay attention to side effects, among which nausea, diarrhea and dyspeptic disorders were most often noted. Of course, the positive effects include the absence of contraindications to taking the remedy, except for individual intolerance - after all, it is from plant components. The disadvantages include, perhaps, not too low price.

Relief Advance was included in the rating of hemorrhoids treatment due to its pronounced and very strong analgesic effect. Sometimes it is very important for men to relieve a symptom, since a proctologist will prescribe complex therapy, and good anesthesia is very important on the first day of an exacerbation. These suppositories contain benzocaine, which is many times greater in local anesthetic and analgesic activity than novocaine and lidocaine, which are part of most rectal suppositories.

Benzocaine is not absorbed into the blood, and does not have a resorptive effect, and cocoa butter, which is part of the candles, softens and soothes the rectal mucosa. In addition to hemorrhoids, these suppositories are indicated for proctitis and rectal fissures, during various small diagnostic studies, and after surgery. You can buy Relief Advance rectal suppositories in the amount of 12 pieces per pack at a price of 415 rubles. It is necessary to use these funds no more than 4 times a day, after hygiene procedures.

Advantages and disadvantages

The disadvantages of the remedy include small symptoms of an overdose if more than 3 suppositories are administered per day. May be disturbed by drowsiness or anxiety, this should be taken into account when prescribing drugs, which must be carried out by a doctor. Side effects such as hyperemia and itching in the anus, as well as allergic reactions such as rash and urticaria can be attributed to the negative aspects of prescribing the drug. The positive aspects include a very fast effect, complete anesthesia and a fairly low price of the drug.

Another complex drug for the treatment of male hemorrhoids, which is available in rectal suppositories, is Nigepan. These suppositories contain both a heparin derivative and the same benzocaine. This allows you to enhance the effect of suppositories, and in addition to pronounced local anesthesia, it becomes supplemented with anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic effects, or anticoagulant. It is necessary to apply Nigepan one suppository twice a day for one or two weeks. This drug is produced by the domestic manufacturer OAO Nizhpharm, for one package of 10 suppositories you will have to pay from 220 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the remedy include its effectiveness in the development of thrombosis of hemorrhoids, both external and internal, and low price. As for the negative qualities, in patients in the first two to three days of use, a slight increase in rectal bleeding (if any) may occur, which subsequently disappears. In the event that the drug is prescribed in conjunction with other drugs to improve the rheological properties of blood, with anticoagulants, then careful monitoring of INR and specialist consultation is necessary before prescribing the drug.

This herbal preparation is a bioflavonoid derived from horse chestnut, the active ingredient is escin. Vitamin B1, or thiamine, has been added to further improve nerve trophism and conductivity. Aescusan has an angioprotective and anti-edematous effect; of herbal preparations, perhaps only Detralex can be compared with it. The tool belongs to venotonics, and can be used, except for hemorrhoids and varicose veins of the lower extremities, and chronic venous insufficiency.

This drug, packaged in rectal suppositories for topical use, has a complex hemostatic effect, is able to fight chronic inflammation, and produces a reparative effect. The candles are included in the rating due to the content of a unique ingredient - sodium alginate, which is a natural polysaccharide, and is obtained from kelp, or brown seaweed.

The main component of the active substance is hyaluronic acid, which improves the processes of cell division of the mucous membrane of the colon and the walls of hemorrhoidal vessels. After entering the rectum, this component of the suppositories swells strongly and turns into a gel. As a result, it also exhibits an enveloping effect. The drug is administered after hygiene procedures (one suppository once or twice a day). Candles are produced by the domestic manufacturer OAO Nizhpharm, and cost from 405 rubles. for one pack of 10 suppositories, which is enough for 5 days at the maximum dosage.

Advantages and disadvantages

Since the active ingredient is a natural polysaccharide, an overdose is impossible. The medicine can be used as a symptomatic remedy to stop hemorrhoidal bleeding, which other suppositories cannot do. This also increases the rating of this drug. The negative features of this drug include only individual hypersensitivity and various local allergic reactions to algae, in the form of itching, urticaria or rash.

The best candles for hemorrhoids

Many of the above drugs for hemorrhoids are available in suppositories, or in suppositories. Their range is so large that it is difficult to find any particularly worthy effective means that are the best. However, modern multicomponent agents that can affect inflammation, swelling, bleeding and pain have the greatest effect. What funds are included in the rating of the best candles for hemorrhoids?

Continues the line of Relief suppositories Ultra Relief, which is used for many diseases of the rectum. The active substances include the corticosteroid hormone hydrocortisone, zinc sulfate and cocoa bean butter. These substances have anti-inflammatory, regenerating, vasoconstrictive, antipruritic and drying effects. Zinc sulfate at the same time promotes the healing of cracks and erosion. It is recommended to use this drug after washing and hygiene procedures, and should be administered no more than up to 4 suppositories per day. This good medicine is produced by the German concern Bayer, and for one package of 12 rectal suppositories you should pay from 455 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The undoubted positive aspects of this drug include high efficiency and complex action, affordable price and the absence of cases of overdose. The disadvantages include those conditions in which the use of glucocorticosteroids is contraindicated: this is an infectious lesion of the anorectal zone, severe diabetes mellitus, pregnancy and lactation. In the event that the patient has severe arterial hypertension, severe heart rhythm disorder, osteoporosis and endocrine disorders, then only a doctor should prescribe this drug, and the expected effect of the treatment should exceed the potential risk of side effects.

This drug is perhaps one of the most multicomponent for the local treatment of hemorrhoids. It contains an analgesic potent local substance - benzocaine, a small amount of hydrocortisone, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, the antibiotic framycetin, which is able to suppress microbial infection in case of symptoms of proctitis and infected anal fissures.

The composition of the drug also includes esculoside, which is similar in structure to vitamin P. It is able to reduce capillary fragility and restore their elasticity, and this reduces the risk of bleeding. Additionally, the analgesic effect of Proctosedil is enhanced by butamben, which is also a local anesthetic and is indicated for various dermatitis, wounds and burns. Additionally, the therapeutic formula is enhanced with heparin, which has an antithrombotic effect.

Such a universal composition allows the drug to actively fight various forms of hemorrhoids, and the therapeutic analgesic effect can be seen within a few minutes after administration. Apply the drug one suppository twice a day, but not more than 7 days. There is a form of Proctosedyl M, which is available as a rectal ointment. This drug is produced by Sanofi Aventis, and you can buy a package of 10 rectal suppositories for 324 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The disadvantages of the drug are a continuation of its advantages: the more the product contains components, the more often an allergic reaction can be expressed. In some cases, there is a side effect in the form of burning and dryness of the mucous membrane of the anus and rectum, and with prolonged use without a doctor's prescription, effects characteristic of long-term use of steroid hormones may develop. The advantages of candles include speed of action, Proctosedyl is able to replace several funds alone, as well as a very affordable price and good quality.

These candles for hemorrhoids can be called one of the most popular folk remedies, which is why they got into this rating. The main action of Neo-anuzole is antiseptic and astringent. This is achieved due to the content of bismuth compounds, zinc oxide, tannin, resorcinol and iodine. Everyone knows that lotions from tea can reduce redness and inflammation, and tea contains tannin.

These suppositories are used rectally no more than twice a day, and they can be bought at almost any pharmacy. For a package of 10 candles, you need to pay only about 90 rubles. Additionally, this remedy has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and antispasmodic effects.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of Neo-anuzole include affordable prices and mild action, the absence of interaction with other drugs and the rare development of side effects, which can be expressed as a slight irritation of the skin around the anus. Minor negative qualities include the dark blue color of the candles, which is due to the addition of methylene blue - this can stain your hands. The positive properties include almost exclusively local action, because all the drugs that are part of these rectal suppositories are not absorbed from the surface of the rectum into the blood. The drug is released without a prescription.

Antihemorrhoid suppositories Gepazolon are a multicomponent drug for topical use. It contains heparin in the form of a sodium salt, which thins the blood and has anticoagulant and antithrombotic effects, the local anesthetic lidocaine, which reduces the severity of pain, and the corticosteroid hormone prednisone.

This drug is used to treat acute and chronic hemorrhoids and anal fissures. The drug is injected into the rectum no more than 2 times a day, the course of treatment is up to 7 days, but as prescribed by the attending physician, it can be extended twice - up to two weeks. This drug is produced by the Russian pharmaceutical company Altfarm. You can buy it at a price of 255 rubles. for one pack of 10 candles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the drug include its good tolerability, subject to the recommended dosage and when using the remedy for short treatment courses. In the event that the drug is used for more than a month, then the appearance of systemic effects of corticosteroid hormones associated with the penetration of prednisolone into the bloodstream is not excluded. Therefore, in such patients, especially the elderly, who arbitrarily, without a doctor's prescription, use this remedy for a long time, osteoporosis, a violation of the gastrointestinal tract in the form of erosive gastritis, signs of diabetes mellitus, adrenal suppression and other manifestations of endocrine dysfunction may occur. Therefore, these suppositories should be used in a short course and on the recommendation of specialists, then the reception will be completely safe.

The best pills for hemorrhoids

Tablets and oral preparations for the treatment of hemorrhoids are mainly drugs that soften feces and facilitate bowel movements. This is a very important stage of pathogenetic treatment, since it allows all the above drugs to work effectively in suppositories, and prevent the occurrence of an exacerbation associated with constipation and straining. What funds are considered the most worthy to take a place in the ranking?

This drug is a herbal remedy, it weakens due to the action of the psyllium seed coat. The medicinal effect of the shell of psyllium seeds is manifested due to the presence of a large amount of dietary fiber and plant mucus. The shell of one psyllium seed can absorb 50 times more water than its own weight. It is this fact that contributes to a significant moistening of the stool and the formation of normal feces. At the same time, the swollen mucous mass lubricates the intestinal wall and prevents re-damage of the rectal mucosa during defecation.

Of course, the indications for the use of laxatives are much wider than hemorrhoids. These are various options for constipation, bowel cleansing before surgery and other indications. For ease of use, psyllium seeds are prepared in the form of special granules with an orange flavor. A suspension is prepared from them. It is recommended to use this medicine orally, one sachet two or three times a day, previously mixed in one glass of water. Instead of water, you can take fruit juice or any other liquid. After drinking, you should also drink a glass of water. This product is produced by the German company Dr. Falk Pharma, and you can purchase 20 single bags at a price of 470 rubles, and a dry suspension in the amount of 300 grams in a jar can be purchased for at least 1000 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this laxative include high efficiency and a mild effect on the intestines, which made it possible to get into the rating, and the disadvantages are the development of symptoms in case of an overdose in the form of flatulence and discomfort in the abdomen. There is a recommendation not to take a laxative at bedtime, and a fluid load during treatment is required, in which at least one and a half liters of fluid is applied per day. The disadvantages include a fairly high price.

Guttalax, manufactured by Sanofi, is a medicine in tablets or drops for oral administration, which has a pronounced laxative effect that can stimulate intestinal motility. The active substance of both tablets and drops is sodium picosulfate. This agent is broken down by microbes in the human intestine, and stimulates the colon mucosa. Besides hemorrhoids, this remedy is indicated for habitual constipation, intestinal dysbacteriosis, and errors in diet. Tablets should be taken with plenty of liquid, and for regular morning stools, it is recommended to take a laxative at night. An adult patient is prescribed one or two 5 mg tablets daily. You can buy the drug starting from 450 rubles. for a pack of 50 tablets.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the drug include the fact that it begins to act only at the level of the large intestine, and does not affect the processes of digestion and absorption in the small intestine, and therefore can be prescribed to patients with digestive disorders in the duodenal region. The negative sides include possible side effects in the form of discomfort, nausea, hypersensitivity to the active substance, as well as a large list of contraindications for use, from obstructive bowel disease to lactase deficiency and dehydration. Therefore, a doctor's consultation before prescribing the remedy should be mandatory.

Phlebodia 600, containing an active angioprotective agent - diosmin, is widely used for various types of vascular dysfunction, from hemorrhoids and varicose veins to other chronic circulatory disorders. This medicine is the "gold standard" in the treatment of chronic venous pathology. It has a tonic effect on the veins, improves the drainage function of the lymphatic system of the rectal nodes, reduces capillary permeability and has an anti-inflammatory effect, and also constricts blood vessels. This leads secondarily to a decrease in bleeding. It is recommended to use this remedy for exacerbation of hemorrhoids, 2 or 3 tablets per day with meals, for a week, that is, one tablet 3 times a day. This drug is produced by the French pharmaceutical company InoTerra. One package, designed for 10 days out of 30 pieces, can be purchased at 2018 prices for 820 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The obvious advantages of the drug include the absence of an overdose, since the active substance is a natural bioflavonoid, the absence of interaction with other drugs, and the rare development of side effects. However, in the treatment of acute hemorrhoids, it is imperative to include other local remedies that are used together, in the form of rectal suppositories. A rather high price can contribute to the patient's negative decision on the use of the drug.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Candles help relieve the unpleasant symptoms of the disease within a few minutes after use.

This is due to the peculiarity of the use of the drug. The candle inserted into the anus immediately begins to melt, providing an instant local effect on the rectal mucosa.

How to choose the right rectal suppository for hemorrhoids, depending on the problem and the components of the drug? Rules and features of the application, as well as aids for the integrated.

What are rectal suppositories, and in what cases are they used?

Hemorrhoids are divided into two varieties - and. With an internal type of disease, nodes form on the walls of the rectum from the inside. With the external development of hemorrhoids, the nodes come out (that is, their exit from the anus is observed).

Despite the fact that the suppositories are introduced inside and primarily affect the internal nodes, they help to stop the pain syndrome and relax the sphincter. This effect restores blood flow functions. Improved blood circulation carries the medicinal components of the drug throughout the body. Physiological processes begin to activate, initiating healing and supporting the body in the fight against the disease.

Most drugs have a universal effect. They may contain one or more active ingredients. Their main task:

  • Stop existing hemorrhoidal bleeding;
  • Improve tone and strengthen blood vessels;
  • Remove inflammation;
  • Remove pain syndrome;
  • Reduce the burning sensation in the anus;
  • Dissolve the formed blood clots;

Also, the composition of the suppositories affects the duration of treatment and the severity of the therapeutic effect.

The main difference between rectal suppositories and other drugs is the removal of inflammation and the reduction of hemorrhoids without harming the digestive system.

Types of rectal suppositories for hemorrhoids

A large selection of suppositories on the pharmaceutical market confuses the buyer. How to choose the right drug? Treatment of proctological pathology can be dealt with only after visiting a doctor.
Each group of drugs has its own characteristics, which are taken into account in the treatment. To choose the right drug, the doctor must examine the patient and study the results of clinical tests. Having chosen the tactics of managing the disease, candles are prescribed, which have different tactical purposes. For example:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs- suppositories with prednisolone or hydrocortisone in their composition.
  • Pain-relieving candles- contain anesthetic components in the form of lidocaine or benzocaine. More often prescribed for complex therapy, especially with exacerbations of hemorrhoids.
  • Venotonic suppositories- the basis of the preparations includes venoprotectors, which provide good trophism and increase the elasticity of blood vessels. Most often, horse chestnut extract acts as a venoprotector.
  • Anticoagulants- direct acting suppositories. The drugs are well suited to prevent blood stagnation, and this helps to inhibit the growth of already formed blood clots.
  • Hemostatic suppositoriesanti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictive rectal suppositories, help prevent anal bleeding, which is formed due to cracks in the anus.

Softening of the suppository occurs under the influence of natural body temperature, after which the drugs are distributed in the rectum and have a medicinal effect on the vessels. One part of the drug is absorbed into the blood, getting there through the walls of the intestine, and the other is excreted during defecation.

Contraindications for use

Like other medications, rectal suppositories for hemorrhoids have their own contraindications, which are divided into partial and general.

General contraindications may include existing infectious inflammatory processes in the rectum, as well as the presence of neoplasms. The use of suppositories is also contraindicated: with an active form of tuberculosis, with diabetes mellitus, which is accompanied by trophic disorders of the lower extremities, with ulcers and erosions in the rectum, with severe total edema.

A contraindication may be the individual intolerance of the body to a single component that is part of the suppository. Also, with extreme caution, it is worth approaching the selection of candles for women in and lactation.

Application features

Rectal suppositories from hemorrhoids have their own characteristics of use. These include:

  1. Mandatory compliance with the storage conditions of the drug. The active ingredients of rectal suppositories quickly disintegrate if they are exposed to high temperatures. Before administering the drug, you should make sure that all the storage conditions specified in the instructions have been met. Otherwise, there will be no positive result from such treatment.
  2. Rectal suppositories are preferably administered after defecation and subsequent hygiene procedures. The inserted candle has a mechanical effect on the nerve endings of the anus. This threatens with a reflex desire to empty the intestines, which will hinder the quality of the healing process.
  3. Compliance with personal hygiene is one of the main conditions for the effectiveness of treatment. Inflamed hemorrhoids are easily infected, and this entails development.
  4. Unlike the rules for using other rectal suppositories, hemorrhoid suppositories must be used carefully to prevent them from falling into the rectum. These drugs are designed for local effects. If the candle goes deeper, a positive result will not follow. To comply with this rule, you can use a napkin, with which you can hold the drug in the anus.

Often there are cases when patients complain about the lack of a positive effect after the use of candles. This does not mean that the drug selected by the doctor is not effective. Most likely, when the drug was injected into the rectum, the rules of procedure were violated.

How to administer rectal suppositories correctly?

The positive effect of treatment with rectal suppositories occurs only if they are used correctly. It is very important to correctly perform the process of inserting a candle and follow the next steps. Step-by-step management of a candle from hemorrhoids.

  1. Hemorrhoids are highly susceptible to external stimuli, and are also easily susceptible to secondary infection. To avoid even greater complications in the course of the disease, before the procedure, it is worth observing the rules of hand hygiene (nails are cut and hands are thoroughly washed).
  2. You can pre-purchase a special fingertip in a pharmacy. It will need to be put on the index finger, which will be used to administer the drug.
  3. Before you get the drug out of the package, you should take the correct position. Lie on your left side and pull your knees up to your stomach. This is important, because the candle from a long holding in the hands begins to melt and lose its shape. If this happens, the procedure for administering the drug is very difficult.
  4. The position is occupied and the candle is removed from the package. Further, the process of introduction depends on the problem at hand. If the hemorrhoids are located in the inner part of the intestine, the suppository must be inserted completely. To do this, the drug is directed with a sharp end to the entrance to the anus and pushed with the index finger. To make it more convenient, you need to spread your buttocks with your free hand. In the case of an external formation of hemorrhoids, the candle will need to be held a little at the entrance, holding it with a napkin.
  5. After the injection of the drug, the buttocks are compressed. In this position, you will need to be at least a quarter of an hour, otherwise the drug will melt and leak out.
  6. Often after the administration of the drug, the patient feels the urge to empty. To get rid of them, you will need to take a few deep breaths (light strokes on the stomach also help well).

When conducting a candle, leakage may be observed. This is due to the composition of the drug vaseline or paraffin. These components serve as binders. They are not absorbed into the walls of the rectum and simply flow out.

Before using suppositories, you should carefully study the instructions. There may be additional information about the rules for using the drug, which you will need to follow.

The best candles for hemorrhoids for men and women

This list of suppositories contains the most popular and commonly used drugs for hemorrhoids in complex treatment.

Betiol and Anuzol.

These preparations are based on plant components (one of them is belladonna extract). Candles have a good anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect. They begin to act immediately after the introduction. The drug is contraindicated in men who have problems with the prostate gland. The best option in this case would be to use candles based on aloe oils, calendula, tea tree, sea buckthorn and other medicinal herbs. Such drugs can be: Olestezin, Natalsid or Ginkor Procto. In addition to problems with hemorrhoids, these drugs are effective in combating proctological disorders.

Nigepan, Anestezol and Procto-glivenol.

Candles are effective in the presence of external cones. They quickly relieve pain, improve blood outflow, have an antiseptic and drying effect. Candles can be used in prophylaxis against thrombosis, but are contraindicated in cases of already developed cone thrombosis.

Hepazolon, Aurobin, Proctosedyl M, Hepatrombin G, Neo-Anuzol.

Contains anti-inflammatory hormones. They provide anti-inflammatory care, have a venotonic effect, and cope well with thrombosis. Application only after the appointment of a specialist.

Glycerin and Ichthyol suppositories.

Often used as an adjuvant. Glycerin suppositories well eliminate constipation, and soften the tissues around the anus. Their use is allowed during pregnancy and even in pediatrics. Ichthyol suppositories are suitable for eliminating the first signs of the disease.

Most Effective

According to experts, Vibucol suppositories are recognized as the best remedy for hemorrhoids, which have a plant base and cannot have a negative effect on other body systems. The drug is allowed to be used to treat hemorrhoids in pregnant women and children.

Candles well relieve swelling and inflammation of the anal area, help increase immunity and restore the activity of all organs that have been disorganized by the disease.

Good for prostatitis. Fitorovye suppositories are also effective. They contain tannins and biologically active flavonoids.

The best candles for hemorrhoids during pregnancy and after childbirth

Often, hemorrhoids form during pregnancy and as a result of difficult childbirth. Increased intra-abdominal pressure overflows blood vessels, and their walls weaken. As a result - protrusion of the veins and the formation of hemorrhoids.

So that harmful substances of drugs do not enter the baby's body through mother's milk, a woman needs to use rectal suppositories on natural ingredients. Such suppositories have a sparing effect, do not show side effects, and also have fewer contraindications.

Glycerin suppositories are best for this period., which will help eliminate problems with bowel movements. The choice of other drugs should be under the supervision of a physician.

Complex treatment of hemorrhoids

The fight against hemorrhoids should take place with complex therapy, otherwise the desired effect will not come. Comprehensive treatment includes:

  • physical training ();
  • normalization of intestinal microflora and stool;
  • increased immunity;
  • elimination of symptoms;
  • increased tone of the walls of blood vessels;
  • and also the psycho-emotional state of the patient is very important.

Taking into account all the features of the course of the disease and the characteristics of the body, the doctor individually develops a full course of complex therapy. It includes exercise therapy and dietary advice. In addition to suppositories for hemorrhoids, homeopathic and phytotherapeutic preparations are prescribed. After elimination of pain, anti-hemorrhoidal massage can be prescribed. In some cases, laser therapy is also used, which is effective in combating chronic and acute forms of hemorrhoids.


Anna, 23

The problem with trips to the toilet arose after pregnancy (after 2 weeks). Fearing pain, she tried to restrain herself, which further aggravated the situation. I tried Vibucol and Ichthyol candles. The symptoms went away, but not for long. Candles Anestezol helped. Used 2 packs. Now there are no problems!

Victoria, 31

After the birth of the child, she began to feel discomfort during defecation. At first, I tried to get by with one proper diet, but when frequent ones appeared, and the nodes increased, I had to run to the doctor. I used 2 types of suppositories - glycerin, to improve the chair, as well as Ultraprokt. Now the pain and itching have disappeared, I do not feel the knots. I liked this combination of drugs.

Vladimir, 35 years old

Problems with hemorrhoids pursued for several years. Tried different drugs, but it still flared up from time to time. Among all the drugs I use, I single out Bezornil and Hepatrombil. It's been over a year since using them and my problem hasn't returned. First, Bezornil put candles for 5 days. When the edema subsided and the bleeding stopped, I switched to Hepatrombin. The knots have shrunk considerably. Discomfort and itching disappeared. I hope hemorrhoids are a thing of the past.

Candles from hemorrhoids are the most effective method in the fight against the disease. Pharmaceutics offers a huge selection of these drugs. But faced with this problem, it is worth understanding that the best solution would be. The specialist will select the right drug and complex therapy, which will quickly and permanently relieve the problem.

Hemorrhoids - pathological growth of the venous lumens of the rectum, accompanied by the formation of hemorrhoids and bumps. The disease is accompanied by bleeding from the rectal canal, soreness, impaired stool, difficult bowel movements.

The disease significantly impairs the quality of life, and the delicacy of the problem often makes it difficult to treat due to late visits to the doctor. Hemorrhoidal suppositories are considered popular and effective remedies for hemorrhoids.

Rectal suppositories in the treatment of hemorrhoids

The effectiveness of suppositories from hemorrhoids is due to the following advantages:

  • ease of use;
  • direct effect of active components on pathological foci;
  • a small list of side effects, contraindications;
  • availability;
  • no negative effect on the stomach and esophagus, unlike tablets.

Among the shortcomings are high cost, especially suppositories of anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and venotonic orientation. Other disadvantages are low therapeutic efficacy in the advanced form of hemorrhoids, as well as soiled underwear, the need to use a pad or gauze swab.

Terms of use

The use of suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids does not require any skills due to the ease of use.

Basic Rules:

  • insert suppositories with clean hands after hygiene of the anus and perianal area;
  • store in the refrigerator, and warm a little in your hands before administration;
  • during the introduction there should be no pain and discomfort;
  • to ensure better insertion, take a knee-elbow position or lie on your side with your knees drawn up to your stomach.

Note! If the course of treatment with suppositories does not change the intensity of symptomatic manifestations, the condition worsens, bleeding and pain increase, you should consult a doctor. You may need surgery.

The most effective suppositories

The pharmaceutical industry produces more than 50 types of various rectal suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids, as well as the complex treatment of prostatitis in men. They are actively used in pediatrics as the most preferred dosage form.

Which candles are better in a given clinical situation - only the attending physician decides.


Rectal suppositories with anticoagulant action indicated for bleeding hemorrhoids. They help stop bleeding, normalize hemostasis in the intestinal tract.

Anticoagulants improve blood circulation, reduce the risk of new knots, prevent relapses, normalize the general condition of the walls of the rectum.


Hemostatic drugs designed to stop internal bleeding with bleeding hemorrhoids, prevention of bleeding in the presence of microcracks and violation of the integrity of the walls of the rectum.

Popular suppositories of this group:

Important! All drugs are prescribed strictly according to individual indications, the course of therapy must be agreed with the attending physician.


Suppositories with anesthetic action contain analgesic components (lidocaine, benzocaine, etc.) and have a complex effect on hemorrhoids and bumps:

Hormonal suppositories

Hormonal drugs most often prescribed for advanced hemorrhoids with severe swelling, bleeding, frequent recurrent course.

Despite the rapid therapeutic effect, they have contraindications and side effects, they are used only as prescribed by a doctor:

Venotonics and angioprotectors

Venotonics and angioprotectors against hemorrhoids contribute to the strengthening of vascular structures stimulate improved blood flow.

Popular medicines:


Immunomodulators are prescribed to increase local immunity, improving the tone of tissues and blood vessels.

Popular remedies:


Astringents drugs are indicated for minor bleeding, "weeping" hemorrhoids with mucus, copious exudate.

Popular means of this group:

Homeopathic suppositories

Homeopathic suppositories on a natural basis are prescribed for long-term use.(for chronic hemorrhoids to reduce the risk of recurrence):

With herbal ingredients

There are simple herbal suppositories for hemorrhoids based on monocomponents:

  • ichthyol suppositories. Ichthammol-based remedy reduces severe symptoms of hemorrhoids, improves general condition, restores intestinal walls. The course of treatment is 14-21 days (until symptoms decrease) 2-3 times a day. The average cost varies within 100 rubles;
  • . Sea buckthorn berry extract heals wounds, reduces bleeding, softens the intestinal mucosa, and ensures painless evacuation of feces. The course of therapy is 2-3 weeks, three suppositories per day. The average price is 85-100 rubles.

Note! All rectal suppositories are prescribed only by the attending physician. It is impossible for the patient to independently determine the nature of hemorrhoids, the presence of complications and other clinical nuances. Accurately selected therapy helps to limit conservative treatment.

Contraindications for use

Despite the small list of contraindications, they still exist.

Suppositories should not be administered in the following diseases and conditions:

  • adhesions in the intestines;
  • diarrhea;
  • massive rectal bleeding;
  • polyps, tumors of various nature.

Other contraindications are individual intolerance to the components, high sensitivity of the body, allergic reactions. Pregnancy and lactation are relative limitations, treatment is carried out only when the doctor evaluates the benefits and potential risks.


Hemorrhoids are a serious disease that significantly worsens the patient's quality of life. With timely diagnosis and proper treatment, conservative therapy can be limited.

Advanced forms of the disease are treated only by surgery. Despite the topical use of rectal suppositories, their use must be justified by a medical prescription.

The information on our website is provided by qualified doctors and is for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate! Be sure to contact a specialist!

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Prescribes diagnostics and conducts treatment. Expert of the group on the study of inflammatory diseases. Author of more than 300 scientific papers.

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