What should be the oral hygiene. Occupational Hygiene - A Reliable Path to Oral Health After Oral and Dental Hygiene

If you dream of having healthy gums and a Hollywood smile, proper oral hygiene should be an integral part of personal care. How to care for the oral cavity, what hygiene products to choose for this, it is worth understanding in more detail.

The doctors of ancient Egypt argued that the state of a person's health should be judged by his teeth. If you properly care for them, monitor the condition of the gums, you can significantly reduce the number of trips to the dentist, which will undoubtedly have a positive effect on the elasticity of the wallet. Oral hygiene should be carried out regularly and throughout the day.

This includes the following procedures:

  • brushing teeth and tongue with toothpaste and toothbrush;
  • rinsing the mouth after each meal;
  • cleaning the spaces between the teeth;
  • preventive examination by a dentist.

What should be the correct oral hygiene? Each person is simply required to know the rules listed below and to teach their children to this from an early age.

  1. Teeth should be brushed twice a day.
  2. Change your toothbrush at least once every three months.
  3. Responsible approach to the choice of toothpaste.
  4. Do not forget to clean the tongue, cheeks and gums from plaque.
  5. A preventive examination by a dentist should take place at least once every six months.
  6. After each meal, use a mouthwash, and if this is not possible, keep chewing gum in stock.
  7. Do not forget to clean the gaps between the teeth from the remnants of food with the help of threads (floss).
  8. You need to brush your teeth for at least three minutes, since the fluoride in the paste begins to work three minutes after brushing.

The choice of toothpaste is very important. The current cosmetology and dentistry offer a huge selection of them. These are hygienic, therapeutic, saline, anti-inflammatory, desensitizing, whitening and anti-plaque pastes. Consider their features. Hygienic pastes are used exclusively for cleaning plaque from tooth enamel and for freshening breath. They can be allowed to use children from six years. Therapeutic and prophylactic pastes fight caries. They contain fluorine and calcium, the combination of which strengthens tooth enamel. Anti-inflammatory pastes should be used if the gums are bleeding or inflamed. The composition of such funds includes extracts of medicinal herbs. Desensitizing pastes are used with increased sensitivity of teeth to external stimuli. Salt improve blood circulation in the gums and remove a small plaque on the teeth. But in order to prevent plaque from forming, pastes with anti-plaque properties are used. The cost of these pastes is completely different. But it is wrong to think that the more expensive the pasta, the better it is. For more than a dozen years, you can see a large selection of tooth powders on the shelves of pharmacies. They are much cheaper, but they do their job no worse than expensive pastes. In some cases, even better, because they contain only natural ingredients.

Equally important is the choice of toothbrush. It all depends on the sensitivity of the gums.

According to the degree of rigidity, all brushes are divided into the following types:

  • soft (for sensitive gums and for children);
  • medium hardness;
  • the most rigid (for removable dentures).

In our time of technology, such a thing as an electric toothbrush has appeared. It is convenient because with the help of its motor it makes 50 rotations per minute, and this allows you to achieve high results in cleaning your teeth and gums from plaque and tartar. But most of it is collected in the spaces between the teeth. A simple brush or electric brush is not able to clean these places in the mouth with its bristles. Threads - flosses ideally cope with this task. They are made from silk or synthetic fibers. Dental floss is impregnated with special compounds that destroy pathogenic microbes between the teeth.

It is very important to teach children about oral hygiene from birth. From the first days of life, the remnants of milk and milk mixtures should be removed with a cotton pad dipped in warm boiled water. When the first baby teeth appear, the baby must be taught to use toothpaste and toothbrush every day. To do this, you should purchase a soft children's toothbrush and hygienic paste for children from 1 to 3 years old. The process of brushing teeth can be turned into an exciting game, which will undoubtedly bring pleasure to the baby.

What are the consequences of non-compliance with oral hygiene rules? According to dentists, 95% of all oral diseases are caused by neglect of teeth and gums. After all, not everyone can boast that, in addition to toothpaste, he also uses rinse aid and threads (floss). And what can I say, many seek help from a dentist only when the problem has already made itself felt.

Caries, tartar, periodontitis, gingivitis and stomatitis are just a small list of diseases that can result from an unscrupulous approach to oral hygiene. Yes, and it is very unpleasant to contemplate the smile of an interlocutor with rotten teeth. But the worst thing is that such negligence often leads to tooth loss! And in conclusion, we should recall the words of the well-known washbasin from Korney Chukovsky's fairy tale "Moydodyr": "We must, we must brush our teeth in the mornings and evenings!".

Dental health can only be guaranteed by proper oral hygiene. If you treat it inattentively, problems will arise over time: caries, periodontal disease, loss of bone units. A clear symptom of poor hygiene is the smell, which is especially noticeable during a conversation. Diseases can develop due to ignorance of the rules of care.

The concept of oral hygiene

If we talk about the definition of the concept of hygiene, then it includes measures for the care and removal of plaque from the teeth, which help prevent diseases of the oral cavity. The procedure must be carried out correctly, including superficial removal of deposits and deep cleaning of the interdental space and gingival sulcus.

Proper hygiene includes:

  • brushing with toothpaste;
  • the use of additional funds (thread, rinse aid, etc.);
  • visiting a doctor for professional cleaning and tissue assessment.

A visit to the dentist should be scheduled every six months. Without cleaning with special tools, hygiene will be insufficient, which can provoke the occurrence of foci of inflammation and disease.

Types of hygiene

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High-quality home oral hygiene can reduce the impact of pathogenic bacteria on the body. The essence of individual dental hygiene is the care with the use of basic means:

  • brushes and pastes;
  • floss (dental floss) (we recommend reading:);
  • rinse liquids.

Also, the list of home oral hygiene measures includes an independent examination, which allows you to identify inflammation, plaque and caries. We will talk more about hygiene products below.


Proper professional oral hygiene is carried out by a hygienist using special devices and materials:

  • hard and soft brushes with different bristle lengths;
  • irrigators;
  • ultrasonic devices;
  • abrasives;
  • therapeutic ointments.

Removing plaque from teeth is an excellent method of preventing periodontal disease. The specialist determines the level of hygiene, after cleaning the crowns, carious lesions become visible, the natural color of the enamel, which is important for the restoration of the bite. As a rule, the procedure is performed according to the algorithm:

Method for assessing the hygienic state of the oral cavity

An assessment of the hygienic state of the oral cavity is carried out to select methods and materials for cleaning, caring for teeth and mucous membranes. The doctor uses special tools (Lugol's solution, fuchsin, etc.) to detect plaque and evaluate the effectiveness of hygiene measures. The dye is applied to the enamel, after which the specialist determines the area occupied by plaque and its thickness.

Assessment of oral hygiene is performed using a special table. Determination of the quality of hygiene is carried out depending on the intensity of pigmentation of each tooth:

The enamel contamination index in each clinic is determined by its own methods. The scale for measuring deposits and the substances for coloring may differ.

Proper oral care

Dental care

Dental hygiene begins with the choice of toothpaste and brush. There are several types of pastes:

Choosing the right brush is important for proper oral hygiene. It is better to buy a product with artificial fibers - in them the villi have a smooth surface, and the ends are rounded. It is necessary to pay attention to such a parameter as the stiffness of the bristles - as a rule, brushes of medium hardness are suitable for most adults.

You need to take care of your toothbrush and keep it clean. After use, the product must be dried, you can not leave it without a hygienic cap next to the toilet. It is advisable to purchase an ultraviolet sterilizer that is designed to kill bacteria on the bristles.

To remove plaque and food particles between teeth, flat and round threads are used in coils or on special holders. They are impregnated with a microbe-destroying composition and allow you to mechanically remove deposits.

In the presence of orthopedic constructions, implants, wide gaps between teeth, interdental brushes and irrigators are used. These devices are selected by the doctor individually for the patient and allow you to remove plaque from all hard-to-reach places.

Mucosal care

Hygiene involves not only the removal of deposits from the interdental spaces, but also the cleansing of the oral mucosa. On the inner surface of the cheeks, between the villi of the tongue, microparticles of food accumulate, which create ideal conditions for the reproduction of bacteria.

To maintain a healthy mouth, it is necessary to cleanse the palate, the mucous membranes of the cheeks and the tongue. To do this, you can use a regular toothbrush or a bandage wound around your finger.

Fundamentals of hygiene

Basic oral care

The list of care products includes:

Home arsenal can be replenished with auxiliary hygiene products - a tongue scraper and a toothbrush with a relief surface on the back of the head. These devices provide effective removal of plaque from soft tissues.

Good hygiene keeps your mouth healthy. For each person, the following rules should become a habit:

Instructions for daily cleaning of the oral cavity

To properly carry out oral hygiene, you need to adhere to a certain scheme. Taking care of your teeth comes down to a simple instruction:

Teeth should be brushed for 2-3 minutes, and then proceed to massage the gums, making circular movements with a brush or finger for 30-60 seconds.

The next step is cleaning the oral mucosa:

  1. Using a toothbrush, swipe a few times over the inside of your cheeks.
  2. Lightly pressing the scraper or the back grooved side of the brush head, swipe over the tongue, first from the root to the tip, then across.
  3. Rinse your mouth with water.
  1. Tear off about 30-40 cm and wrap around your fingers.
  2. After leading it into the interdental gap, press the floss against the tooth and move it up and down 3-5 times.
  3. To clean the next gap, rewind the thread on your fingers to use the clean section of the thread.
  4. It is important not to touch the gums - the soft tissue is easily injured.

Morning and evening oral hygiene ends with the use of a rinse. You should take 2 teaspoons of the product in your mouth and roll it for a minute.

The entire hygiene procedure takes no more than 10 minutes. Compliance with the timing will help maintain the condition of the teeth at a high level. Careful care avoids most periodontal diseases and loss of bone units.

Consequences of poor hygiene

The oral cavity is an ideal environment for the development of microorganisms. It is humid and warm, so poor oral hygiene leads to serious consequences:

Appearing in the mouth, the infection spreads throughout the body, penetrating into the internal organs. Toxic waste products of bacteria increase the burden on the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and heart. Infection in the oral cavity can in the future provoke the development of arthritis, hearing, smell and vision disorders.

Interesting facts about maintaining dental health

Conscientious oral care involves brushing your teeth daily. However, a person practically does not think about other points:

  • Enamel is exposed to stress in the process of eating. Acids are especially dangerous for her, as well as the waste products of bacteria - this is a fact (we recommend reading:). Fluorine does an excellent job with caries - it “solders” microcracks, restoring damaged areas. It is important to use a fluoride toothpaste at least once a day (preferably after breakfast).
  • The frequency of meals has a stronger effect on enamel than the diet. Snacking simply destroys hard tissues, since a person usually consumes foods and drinks containing starch and sugar during lunch. This provokes the multiplication of microbes that produce toxic acids. They destroy the enamel.
  • Sweets on the children's menu provoke the development of caries. A good option to combat the disease is to limit the use of sweets, cakes, sweet soda and replace them with fruits, homemade yogurts and pancakes.

Dental plaque is soft and hard. Calcified plaque is also called tartar. Tartar and plaque can be located above the gum and below the gum. Supragingival calculus is usually lighter, subgingival - darker.

Soft dental deposits can be removed by effective cleaning with a regular toothbrush. The rotating electric brush can partially remove hard supragingival plaque. It can be completely removed, as well as tartar, only in the dentist's chair. This procedure is called professional oral hygiene.

Previously, cleaning was done using hand excavators and a Gracie curette. From the end of the 20th century, this method began to gradually give way to ultrasonic and air-abrasive processing (AirFlow). Air-abrasive treatment can only remove supragingival plaque. AirFlow removes supragingival calculus with difficulty - it is better to use ultrasound in this case. Ultrasound removes any type of dental plaque, but it is not recommended to remove supragingival plaque, as this can lead to cracks in the enamel. Thus, the best option for hygienic cleaning is a combination of these two options.


Contrary to popular belief, there is currently no evidence for the usefulness of occupational hygiene in preventing caries.

But professional cleaning is a good prevention. Moreover, with mild forms of periodontitis, it may be the only method of treatment. Eliminating tartar, inflammation of the marginal gums is removed - thus, the condition of the periodontium is normalized, and other methods of treatment are not required.

Removal of supragingival dark pigmented plaque improves appearance. Sometimes even professional hygiene is confused with bleaching. When whitening, the structure of tooth tissues changes chemically, when cleaning, it only removes plaque adhering to the surface (the color of the teeth itself does not change, but visually they look lighter than with dark plaque).


Air-abrasive treatment is particles of soda NaHCO 3 (or silicon oxide SiO 2, calcium carbonate CaCO 3, etc.), under pressure, flying out of the dental apparatus and knocking out the surface layer of dental deposits. In addition to dental deposits, the outer part of the enamel is also removed (a very small amount, invisible to the eye). Fears of annual cleanings to completely grind off enamel are not justified, however, after applying AirFlow, the tooth surface becomes uneven. And not only where there was a raid, but also in neighboring areas (where soda powder gets). This leads to rapid re-adherence of plaque. To eliminate this drawback, it is recommended to polish the teeth with brushes and pastes after brushing in the dentist's chair. However, it should be understood that the rotating brush can not reach all the places of the tooth where mini-particles of soda have been. The contact surfaces are mostly poorly polished.

Another disadvantage of air-abrasive treatment is the inevitable gum injury. The gum, in the presence of dental deposits, is inflamed to one degree or another, and the hit of a jet of soda powder causes it to bleed. In sensitive patients - even soreness. Bleeding resolves on the same day, but completely post-traumatic symptoms resolve within a week. Although most people do not pay attention to these minor annoyances, some experience noticeable inconvenience.

Extremely rare, but still there is such a complication as air emphysema. If the marginal attachment is damaged, the air from the AirFlow device under pressure penetrates into the soft tissues. The gums, cheeks increase in volume, when pressed on them, a crepitating sound is heard. The appearance of a swollen face greatly frightens the patient himself. But in the vast majority of cases, emphysema does not give serious problems and complications. No intervention is needed to eliminate it. After a short time, it passes on its own. You can take a course of antibiotics to prevent infection.

To prevent the formation of air emphysema during subsequent professional cleanings, AirFlow should be carried out before ultrasonic treatment, and not after.

Ultrasound, if used carelessly or incorrectly, can create cracks in the enamel. Such cracks by themselves do not lead to subsequent failure. But the mechanical strength still decreases, and when other factors (trauma or caries) are added, the weakened enamel flies off more often. A crack after years can accumulate food pigments and stain in a dark color. This does not lead to caries, but the appearance worsens.

Soreness from ultrasonic cleaning is higher than from air-abrasive. It also usually goes away within a week, but it is more difficult to endure the ultrasound. Approximately 98% of patients do without anesthesia, for the most sensitive 2 percent it is recommended to do professional hygiene with anesthesia. For a complete "freeze" of the oral cavity, 6-10 injections are required. In this case, it will not work to “sprinkle” or “anoint” the gums - application anesthesia anesthetizes only soft tissues, and during ultrasonic cleaning, teeth hurt, not gums. A large number of injections may not have the best effect on the general condition of the patient, so it is advisable to split the procedure into two doses. Clean under anesthesia first, for example, only the upper teeth, and the lower ones on the next visit.

The impact of professional cleaning on dental restorations

AirFlow affects restorations in the same way as it does to your own teeth - it removes attached plaque and creates a slight roughness. Ceramic and metal constructions normally have a higher surface smoothness than the enamel of one's own teeth. Plaque sticks to them much less often, and it is not necessary to process them at all if there is no need. If, nevertheless, air-abrasive processing of ceramic, metal-ceramic or metal crowns is required, then they should be polished not with a brush and toothpaste, but with a special polishing kit.

Separate polishing agents are also used for fillings, plastic, composite or metal-plastic crowns. These materials are less smooth than tooth enamel, and therefore accumulate plaque faster. Grinding the outer layer of such restorations may slightly improve their appearance, since these materials darken over time and themselves, and the darkening is most pronounced in the superficial areas. However, the stained border of the filling and the tooth is not always eliminated in this way.

Ultrasonic processing can lead to loss of poor-quality restorations. Even if the filling looked good on the outside and did not create any problems, its loss during ultrasonic cleaning indicates that the adhesion to the tooth has already decreased to the minimum values. After some short time, such a filling would fall out by itself. But a dentist will not remove a high-quality restoration with ultrasound, even if he really wants to and will conjure over it all day.

To clean the teeth, metal ultrasonic nozzles are used. Composite fillings can become stained upon contact (the resulting streaks can then be easily sanded off). For ceramic restorations ( , ), contact with a metal ultrasonic tip is contraindicated - cracks may form. For their processing, special polymeric ultrasonic nozzles are used that do not damage the ceramics. The same nozzles are used when cleaning implants.


Professional oral hygiene in most cases is a useful dental procedure that improves the appearance and prevents the development of periodontal disease. However, it cannot be considered absolutely harmless. Therefore, the recommendation to carry it out every six months is not entirely correct. With excellent personal oral hygiene, it is not needed at all. With good - it is necessary, but with less frequency. If unsatisfactory - it may be required once every 3 months or even more often. In each case, the ratio of the expected benefit and possible harm to the patient should be assessed individually. The number and quality of restorations, personal sensitivity and some other factors also play a role in determining the frequency and characteristics of professional cleaning.

Hygiene and prevention of teeth are the two most important conditions for preventing the most formidable diseases of the oral cavity, caries and periodontitis. The simplest oral hygiene products, toothbrush and paste, are known to all. Less common in our country is floss, or dental floss for cleaning plaque from interdental spaces that are inaccessible to the brush, there is still. Timely prevention, that is, elementary brushing of teeth, is also very important.

Specialists of the clinic "Denta-El" argue that all such activities are still not effective enough to prevent caries and periodontal disease. It has a more pronounced effect in a dental clinic. Proper nutrition plays an important role in the prevention of dental diseases. After carrying out diagnostic procedures, clinic specialists can recommend a diet to the patient that reduces the percentage of streptococci and lactobacilli in saliva, which prevents the growth of cariogenic bacteria. Early are also a powerful preventive measure. Hygiene and prevention of teeth are the two most important conditions for preventing the most formidable diseases of the oral cavity, caries and periodontitis. The simplest oral hygiene products, toothbrush and paste, are known to all. Less common in our country is floss, or dental floss for cleaning plaque from interdental spaces that are inaccessible to the brush, there is still. Timely dental prophylaxis is also very important.

With the help of modern highly sensitive diagnostic equipment in the Denta-El clinic, caries can be detected even before its appearance, i.e. at the stage of the borderline state of tooth enamel. Prevention and compliance with the most important hygiene procedures are necessary from early childhood, this is taught to young patients and their parents by specialists from the Denta-El clinic network.

Over the past decade, dentistry has accumulated vast experience in the field of qualified, oral cavity prevention and dental care, the latest methods have been developed and even a separate specialty has been singled out. However, prevention requires a conscious approach and depends on the patient, every child knows that the oral cavity requires a special approach and a whole range of manipulations.

Hygiene and prevention in dentistry are divided into two main types, where a different approach is followed: and the necessary preventive and hygienic measures at home, which are financially affordable and within the power of everyone and.

According to professionals, hygiene and prevention of teeth and oral cavity requires a conscious approach of each individual patient and includes a number of activities: brushing teeth and. In addition to toothpaste and mouthwash, an excellent innovative tool is the oral irrigator. Which is better to choose an oral irrigator, the dentist will tell you, but consider individual preferences. According to the majority, the most popular models at present are: ld a7 oral irrigator, aquajet oral irrigator, 911, b well oral irrigator. As you know, there is currently a huge selection of products on the market - mouth rinses - glister - mouthwash, oral vitaon and others, one of the effective folk remedies is brushing your teeth with soda. that during the day it is good to use a specialized spray for the oral cavity, providing fresh and clean breath. If you have any doubts about the choice, it is advisable to consult with a dentist.

Professional hygiene and prevention of the oral cavity is performed in a dental clinic as a medical manipulation under the supervision of a dentist. In addition to carrying out various activities, the doctor also identifies local factors that can cause. The main task is the professional removal of dental deposits and further grinding and polishing of the tooth surface. This includes: tartar cleaning, root canal cleaning, laser teeth cleaning, ultrasonic teeth cleaning, whitening, pressure cleaning and cleaning of the tooth surface with an air-water mixture without damaging the tooth enamel, as well as other oral care. This set of dental actions may change depending on the dental clinic and on the dental status of each patient.

In conditions of exclusively independent dental care, sooner or later a visit to the dentist will be necessary due to the occurrence of pain or complete destruction of the teeth.

Only regular professional hygiene can prevent the occurrence of unpleasant consequences due to insufficiently effective treatment of the oral cavity and keep the teeth in good condition for many years.

What is included in the complex of procedures?

Professional oral hygiene includes basic and additional procedures.

The basic ones include:

In addition to basic procedures, professional oral hygiene may include additional ones:

  1. . Basic procedures give teeth durability, relieve plaque and give them a natural color. Many people want to have bright white teeth, which give an aesthetic appearance. Whitening is carried out with the help of special equipment and tools, as it uses aggressive substances applied to the enamel. The gums and mucous membranes should be protected from their harmful effects. It is impossible to guarantee that this operation will be carried out without consequences for the teeth, although all methods used in modern dentistry are reliable and have passed numerous tests. One of the most common side effects of bleaching is increased. The effect of the procedure is maintained for up to five years;
  2. . Used for tooth loss. During this operation, the implant is implanted into the jaw bone. After it fuses with the bone, it is carried out, in which the implant becomes the basis of the crown. During implantation, various materials are used, mainly titanium-based alloys. This operation is one of the most difficult and is performed only in high-class medical centers. Before it is carried out, the patient undergoes a course of examinations, according to the results of which the material and shape of the implant are selected.

Professional oral hygiene is carried out in stages. First - an inspection, after which there is a reading from the stone, primary bleaching, polishing and fluorization.

After the examination, the hygienist can exclude some stages, based on the condition of the teeth. Additional procedures are carried out exclusively at the request of the patient.

Regular check-ups by a dental hygienist are essential to good oral health. It is necessary to undergo professional dental and gum hygiene procedures at least twice a year. Some people's lifestyles require more frequent visits to an oral hygienist.

For example, with excessive consumption of tea and coffee, it is recommended to lighten your teeth at least once every two months. The same applies to smokers. Once every three months, those who wear should go to the hygienist.

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