What to do when a cat poops. Why a cat spoils anywhere: causes, psychology of cat behavior, methods and ways to wean a pet to spoil in the wrong place. Other ways to train a cat to a cat's tray

Cats are one of the most beloved pets. Cute, soft and fluffy, they bring a huge amount of positive emotions to the house. But there are situations in which the cat seems to forget that she is one of the cleanest animals on the planet. Everything was just fine, and suddenly the cat began to shit all over the place. What's happened? What caused the problem and what should be done about it?

Today you will learn why cats start to shit anywhere and how to deal with such a scourge. You will be surprised how long the list of reasons why an animal began to use the owner's slippers or a nook behind the sofa as a toilet can be.

How to understand why a cat crap anywhere?

Before we begin to explore ways to overcome a bad habit, we need to analyze the causes of inappropriate behavior. Without a clear understanding of the motives, you will not be able to achieve a positive result. All the efforts of the owners will be in vain, and relations in the house will go wrong.

There is a fairly impressive list of reasons why a cat began to shit anywhere. Each animal is individual, so the owners will probably have to work hard to solve the problem.

So, you noticed that the cat began to shit all over the place. What to do in this case? Let's figure it out.


The main and most dangerous reason why an adult cat began to shit anywhere is the disease of the animal. This factor must be eliminated first. So the first thing responsible owners must do is show the pet to the veterinarian.

If a cat shits anywhere, the reason may be that the animal is trying to attract your attention in this way and asks for help. In the process of emptying the intestines or bladder, the animal may experience discomfort or even pain. In this case, the usual place for "secluded affairs" no longer seems safe to her. The cat transfers its sensations to the tray. The kitty will try to urinate in a flower pot, on the corner of the carpet, in the owner's shoes. In general, she will try to find a place where she will not be hurt.

Urolithiasis disease

This disease is accompanied by the formation of uroliths (stones) in the ureters, bladder or directly in the kidneys. When the excretory tract is blocked, the pussy has pain, colic. Urine comes out drop by drop, it contains impurities of sand or droplets of blood. The main symptoms look like this:

  • frequent urge to go to the toilet;
  • the presence of blood or sand in the urine;
  • anxiety;
  • depression, depression;
  • tight painful abdomen;
  • refusal to drink liquids;
  • decreased appetite;
  • pain when urinating.

If the pet is not shown to the doctor in time, it can quickly die due to intoxication of the body.


So called inflammation of the bladder mucosa. The disease can occur due to damage to the mucosa by uroliths, sand, infection in the urinary tract. As with humans, hypothermia is often the cause of cystitis in cats. The symptoms of this disease look like this:

  • depressed state;
  • signs of anxiety;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • frequent urge to go to the toilet;
  • painful urination;
  • heat;
  • the presence of mucus and blood in the urine.

Such a disease is also not worth trying to treat on your own. The cause of the disease and the type of infection can only be correctly determined by a specialist.


A very dangerous disease, one of the varieties of purulent metritis. Most often, already grown animals suffer from them. The main reason is hormonal imbalance. They can provoke illness and accidental mating, improper delivery, mating with sick producers. In this case, inflammation develops in the uterine cavity of the animal. In addition to the usual decrease in appetite and increased thirst in such cases, the animal may experience the following symptoms:

  • frequent urination;
  • tight and painful abdomen;
  • elevated temperature;
  • purulent discharge from the uterine cavity.

It is very important not to postpone the visit to the doctor. It happens that the disease develops so rapidly that the treatment does not even have time to act.

Problems with the tray itself

And why does a cat shit anywhere if she is perfectly healthy? The reason is quite banal. For example, she does not like the tray itself or the unusual filler. Many companies make similar products. And not all of them care about the quality of the raw materials used. The new litter box is made of cheap low quality plastic and as a result the cat poops everywhere. What to do in this case?

Well, first, change the tray. It is better to purchase a more expensive model, but from a trusted manufacturer. Secondly, you should carefully consider the choice of filler. You may have to go through several options until you find one that suits the animal.

Can't figure out why a cat poops anywhere? Look into the tray. When was the last time you cleaned there? Cats are clean animals. They won't write where it's dirty. Some pets force owners to clean the tray after each visit.

Or maybe you, on the contrary, are too zealous about cleaning the cat's toilet and abuse detergents? Many smells of household chemicals simply scare away animals. If you recently changed the disinfectant, this can also be the reason why the cat began to shit all over the place.

The size of the cat litter can also be the source of the problem. Perhaps your pet has just grown up and it has become cramped in the old tray. It will be enough to replace the container with a more spacious one, and everything will work out.

The location of the tray itself can also be a problem. A cat will never do its business in front of a large crowd of people or, for example, in a draft. The tray is best placed in a secluded place, away from the front door or aisle. You can put it in the toilet or in the bathroom, but you need to make sure that the door there is always open. The cat will not go to the toilet where he eats. So keep the litter box away from food and water bowls.

For the most shy animals, a closed-type toilet, in the form of a house, is suitable.

Territory marking

Can't figure out why a cat poops anywhere? Look out the window. It is likely that March has come and the cat has gone corny. Despite the fact that man has long domesticated a cat, it still remains a wild creature. Therefore, they continue to communicate with the opposite sex in an animal way, through smells.

During estrus, a cat may begin to shit in the corners, unconsciously trying to attract cats with its smell. Male individuals also mark the territory, thereby showing the boundaries of their possessions.

There are several ways to solve the problem:

  1. Give the animal what it wants - find a mating partner.
  2. Use hormonal drugs to reduce sexual desire. They must be selected by a specialist.
  3. Once and for all, resolve the issue by castration (sterilization) of the animal. This does not guarantee that the cat will stop shitting in the corners, but he will not mark the territory.

Cat psychology

It is likely that the thin woman is to blame for the bad behavior. Why do animals crap anywhere, which have always behaved “decently” and used a strictly defined place for the administration of natural needs?

Think, perhaps you offended your furry pet in some way? For example, they strongly scolded, began to pay less attention, rarely ironed or came home from work late. Maybe they hit the cat for a prank or treated him rudely? In this case, it is likely that the pet is simply taking revenge on you. No matter how it sounds, but you have to apologize and build relationships.

Often the cause of inappropriate behavior is moving to a new apartment. The lack of familiar smells and favorite places can be a great stress for the animal. In this case, the owners need to show maximum patience and help the pet get used to the new place. Pay attention to him more often, play the usual games, build a new cozy bed or several shelves. Looking at the world from top to bottom, the pussy will feel more confident.

You can help the fluffy "window" a new room. Take a dry, clean cloth and wipe the cat well with it. Now wipe the furniture, walls, doors, window sills and floors wherever you can get it with the same cloth. So you will transfer the smell of the animal to the objects, and they will no longer seem so alien and dangerous to him.

Removal of claws

Another reason why cats start to shit anywhere, in some cases, is onychectomy - the removal of claws. Taking care of the safety of carpets, wallpaper and upholstered furniture, some owners surgically remove claws from the animal. The paws become tender and not protected by anything.

It simply hurts the pussy to bury hard filler, so she is looking for places where this will not have to be done. And, of course, the animal has the right to be offended by the owners for such an execution and trivially take revenge.

What to do? Don't touch the claws. And if this happened, then use the softest and most gentle sand or special diapers for the tray.

The struggle for territory and the attention of the owners

If a new animal suddenly appears in the apartment, it will be a real stress for the cat. It should not be surprising that the cat crap anywhere. What to do? Try to make friends with them, but you need to do it wisely. You should never scream or hit a cat if it aggressively perceives the “alien”. The animal defends its rights, its territory. It is best to breed pets in different rooms and accustom to communication gradually.

Stroke the cat more often, talk to it. Show that you don't love her any less. Get your own bowl, tray, and couch for the new family member. Do not let him occupy the places where the "old" cat liked to lie. Gradually, the animals will get used to each other, and it will be possible to remove the established barriers.

Often a huge shock for a cat is the birth of a baby in the family. This "alien" destroys everything that the cat is used to and that he loved. The owners change the daily routine, give the animal less time. New previously unfamiliar smells appear, restrictions on freedom of movement are often introduced.

In order to defend their rights and regain lost attention, the cat, which previously regularly went to the tray, begins to shit in slippers or on the owner's favorite carpet. What to do in this case? You need to gradually accustom your pet to children. You can invite friends with kids to visit. The attention paid to the pet is best distributed among all household members. The cat should not "go in cycles" exclusively on the expectant mother.

With the birth of a baby, a cat should be given the opportunity to get to know him. Let the animal sniff the child's things, do not scold for breaking new boundaries. If the pussy crawls into the crib with the baby, arrange a bed next to it. She will be happy to watch such an unusual "kitten", and often protect him.


An unfortunate but fairly common reason that an adult cat poops anywhere is her age. Often this happens with very old animals. It is already difficult for them to fit into the old tray with high sides and they follow the path of least resistance. If your cat is old and his paws hurt, buy him a new litter box, a lower one, or just put a diaper on the place of the old toilet.

Small kittens can also be a problem. But here the owners have to endure, encourage and gradually accustom the baby to the desired behavior. It is very important during this period to choose the right tray and filler. Both should please the kitten and be comfortable.

How to stop a cat from pooping anywhere?

First of all, it is necessary to correctly identify the cause of bad behavior and show patience. Harsh methods not only will not bring results, but, on the contrary, can aggravate everything. Here is a list of things to never do when interacting with an animal:

  • scream;
  • pour water;
  • poke your nose into a freshly made puddle;
  • by force to drag to the tray and seat there;
  • beat with a hand, a rag, a newspaper, a slipper or any other objects.

All these actions will only enrage the animal, and the pet will begin to take revenge on you with tripled strength. It will be much more useful to quickly take the cat to the tray if you see that she is attached to the toilet in the wrong place. After that, it is necessary to reward the animal for the correct behavior.

Here are some tips to follow so that the "toilet cases" do not go beyond the tray:

  1. Watch your cat's diet. She should not feel hungry or thirsty.
  2. Check your pet for the presence of worms and regularly give the appropriate drugs for prevention.
  3. At the slightest suspicion of a health disorder, show your pet to the veterinarian.
  4. Place the animal's litter box in a quiet, secluded area and allow it easy access to it.
  5. Clean the tray as often as possible, preferably after each visit.
  6. To wash the cat's "potty", use only mild soap-based products that do not have sharp unpleasant odors.
  7. If you decide to change the brand of filler, do it gradually. Mix the new and old composition little by little. Give your cat time to get used to the new thing.

Special preparations

To wean an animal from shitting in the wrong place, you can use special tools that are available at any pet store.

Here is a list of the most popular tools that have received positive user reviews:

  • “Crap? No!".
  • Innotek SSSCat.
  • Stop-it Cat.
  • Antigadin Antipacostin.
  • TX-2928 Trixie Fernhaltespray.
  • "Antigadin".
  • Hartz Stay OFF spray.
  • "Stop-spray".
  • Beaphar Katzen Fernhalte Zerstauber.
  • Gimpet.

There is another category of drugs. They have the exact opposite effect and attract cats. If your pussy has "forgotten" where to go to the toilet, spray it into the tray, and after a while everything will be fine. The most popular are:

  • "Sharp cat".
  • "My place? Yes!".
  • Ms. Kiss litter box training.
  • "Toilet training for cats".
  • Mr. fresh.

There are also folk remedies that allow you to discourage a cat's desire to relieve themselves in the wrong place. For these purposes, the following substances are excellent:

  • garlic, onion;
  • alcohol, iodine;
  • cloves, cinnamon;
  • cayenne or regular black pepper;
  • lavender;
  • thyme;
  • lemongrass;
  • rue;
  • vinegar essence.

Cats have a particular dislike for citrus fruits. In places chosen by cats for their "deeds", you can spread the peels of lemons or oranges. According to pet owners, spraying a tincture based on wormwood, garlic and onion skins helps some. The product is collected in a spray bottle and sprayed in the corners, under sofas and behind cabinets.

Some recommend treating problem areas with bleach. Should not be doing that. Firstly, the unpleasant smell quickly disappears, and secondly, many animals simply adore it. If your cat is one of those, she will only triple her efforts. There are several other, much more effective ways to correct the behavior of the animal:

  1. Take the cat "under guard" - close it in a small room, where you place the tray and your favorite toys with it. Release the kitty only during feeding. After she begins to use the tray for its intended purpose, you can begin to briefly release the cat into other rooms.
  2. Praise the animal after each visit to the tray. If this is a small kitten, you can play with him right on the scene.
  3. Paste the places chosen for the wrong things with double-sided tape. When the cat's ass sticks to it, the animal will not like it very much.
  4. Thoroughly wash the filthy places and place small bowls of food there. Cats don't usually poop where they eat.
  5. Wet the washcloth in the puddle the cat made, then place it in the tray. So it will be easier for the animal to find the “right” place.

There are a lot of options for weaning a cat from a bad habit. The main thing is to act systematically, with love and in no case be cruel.

Solving this problem is not easy, especially if the cat is already sexually mature. To do this, the owner of the animal will have to make every effort: you need to carefully monitor your pet and, if necessary, take it to the veterinarian. If not, then it is recommended to purchase special sprays to scare the animal. They are sold in pet stores.

No need to yell at the cat and even more so beat him. This grief will not help. It must be remembered that the “root of evil” is some kind of problem that the cat wants to talk about in such a peculiar way. Usually, if cats start anywhere, then something simply does not suit them or bothers them. Here you need to be patient and understand the reasons for this behavior of the pet. So, why do cats shit all over the place?

Tray is associated with pain in a cat

Veterinarians say that this is the most common reason why cats shit in the wrong places. It's simple: the cat has difficulty urinating or defecation and, thinking that his tray is to blame, begins to look for other places for his natural needs. The causes of pain can be different: the cat suffers from constipation, he has worms, he has urolithiasis, etc. In any case, you should contact your veterinarian.

Incorrect tray position

Since ancient times, cats have been famous for their difficult nature: some cats do not like the location of their tray, as a result of which they are looking for a new “toilet”. For example, cats hate having their litter box next to their bowl, because they know full well to do their chores away from the feeding area.

Often, when urinating in a tray, something may fall, or children are disturbing them at this moment. All these external factors frighten the animal, forcing it to look for another place. Also, cats hate having their litter box in a crowded area. The solution to the problem is to rearrange the tray in a secluded and calm place.

The cat does not like the tray

Sometimes it happens! If the tray does not suit the pet, then he will begin to spoil throughout the apartment. Cats may not be satisfied with the size and smell of their "toilet". Fortunately, this problem is solved by replacing the tray. A new tray is selected according to certain parameters: the tray must be 1.5 times longer than the cat itself so that it can turn around freely in it.

In addition, cats may not like the smell of detergents or the smell of plastic from which the tray is made. The sense of smell of cats is many times greater than the sense of smell of a person, so the tray should be cleaned using a minimum amount of cleaning products. Sometimes the pungent smell of the filler does not suit. In this case, you need to change it more often. More on this later.

Cat doesn't like litter box

Some manufacturers of cat litter do not think about the comfort of the cats themselves at all. For example, poor-quality filler can emit a strong odor that will scare away the cat, or even get wet, irritating the animal's paws. All this leads to the discomfort of the pet, and therefore, to the search for a new place for urination and defecation. Solution to the problem: a high-quality and comfortable new one is gradually poured into the old filler until the cat completely gets used to it.

The cat marks the territory in the house

This is one of the most common reasons for this feline behavior. Cats are reluctant predators, they use urine or feces for their marks. Cats can mark their "territory" in cases when another animal appears in the house, a child, or the cat simply began to doubt something. To solve this problem, you need to calm your pet with caresses and sedative zoo drugs.

When a domestic cat begins to relieve himself in an apartment anywhere– this becomes a real problem. The smell of cat urine is very persistent and difficult to remove. There are individuals who do this not only on the floor, but also on the carpet, upholstered furniture, bed, turning the life of the owners into a real nightmare. Not everyone is ready to get rid of the animal in this case, but the problem needs to be solved somehow. The question immediately arises: how to wean a cat to shit in the wrong place?

Why do they do it

Animals of any gender and age can shit in the wrong place. Experts say that most often an unpleasant situation arises not because of poor upbringing or the nature of the cat, but because of health problems or as a way to realize instincts and natural needs. Pets go out of place because:

  • They are not satisfied with the location of the tray in the apartment. Need a pretty secluded place away from prying eyes. If something constantly distracts and worries the cat while visiting the toilet, he can choose another corner or the owner's sofa for this.
  • The drawer is too small or has a strong detergent smell. The cat is uncomfortable in such a toilet and not wanting to experience discomfort, she is looking for another place.
  • It is possible that the animal does not like the look of the filler. The range of these products is now wide, try changing the filler to some other one, this may solve the problem.
  • Tray not cleaned in time. Cats are big cleaners and if their litter box is filled with excrement, they may refuse to visit it. If you are not at home for a long time, it is better to put another tray so that the degree of pollution of the cat litter is not excessive.
  • The cat has changed its place of residence or experienced stress. In the first case, the animal may simply not yet get used to the new place, and in the second case, it expresses its feelings in this way.
  • Infection with worms, diseases of the intestines and the urogenital area can cause pain in a cat or cat during bowel movements. In this case, the pet will associate the tray with causing pain and he will avoid going to the toilet. In this case, only a visit to the veterinarian and further therapy will help.
  • After all, cats can just mark their territory. They will visit the tray, but in parallel they leave marks and odorous puddles throughout the apartment. Castration or free range will correct the situation, during which the pet will find a sexual partner.

Kitten is a special case

When a kitten crap in the wrong place, this is a slightly different situation. Usually babies are taught to the tray and to many other things by the mother. But not always a cat is a cheerful mother. Young inexperienced cats can teach their kittens little, sometimes they even refuse to feed them with mother's milk.

If the cat didn't the breeder must accustom the kitten to the tray. Kids grasp everything on the fly, and if they are regularly put in a tray after eating and sleeping, kittens quickly master this science and no longer crap anywhere. But sometimes a kitten is taken to another house very small or you have too many rooms in your apartment in which it is easy to get lost.

Bringing the baby to you, stay at home with him for the first days. It is best to limit access to most rooms and put the kitten in the toilet as soon as he squeaks, shows anxiety and immediately after he has eaten and slept. Two or three days will be enough for the cat to learn where he needs to fulfill his needs.

Only if these rules are not followed, it can happen that the baby will spoil anywhere. After all, if you do not persistently show him where the toilet is located, he will choose this place for himself, and maybe more than one.

How to wean a cat to shit in the apartment yourself

Use the following simple tips to fix the situation when the cat crap:

  • Experienced owners who have raised more than one cat claim that she will never defecate where she takes food. If you find a place where a cat or kitten regularly poops, put a bowl of food there, or scatter food nearby on a sheet of paper.
  • Some offer to scare the animal. As soon as you catch a cat doing something bad, spray it with water from your hand or from a spray bottle. Experienced fear will discourage his desire to crap in this place. You can also tap loudly near a rolled-up newspaper.
  • Give the animal more attention. Perhaps the cat is simply bored without you or is stressed by the appearance of a small child, another animal in the house. Your task is to create a feeling of comfort and safety for him, then the cat will not urinate on your carpet and on your things.

It is useless to poke an animal with its nose into its heaps or puddles., it will not help to wean a cat from a bad habit. Cats do not tolerate violence and instead of the desired effect, you risk getting the opposite result. A pet can forever lose trust in you and become angry, but he is unlikely to understand his guilt.


Sometimes worth using for getting rid problem from unauthorized puddles additional funds.

If a cat shits in a flower pot

Let's say a fluffy pet lives in your house and suddenly one or more flowers began to turn yellow or die for no reason. Most likely, this cat got into the habit of urinating in a flower pot. On instinct, cats bury their feces in the ground. It may have happened in your case as well..

If the suspicions are confirmed, you will have to try to wean your pet from this activity. If possible, it is better to remove the pots that the cat liked, in an inaccessible place: on a shelf or a glazed balcony, a special flower stand. In the absence of such places, you can leave the flowers on the windowsill, but lay foil or double-sided tape near it.

You can organize protection directly in the pot by spreading chopped lemon or garlic cloves on the surface of the soil. Alternatively, you can purchase a mineral filler for the tray, this will allow the animal to swarm around there and realize its instincts.

As you can see, there are many ways. Try the ones that suit you best. Something will definitely help to wean a cat to shit anywhere.

You have a furry friend in your house. The whole family cares and pays attention to their pet. But what to do if the cat began to shit anywhere, and why is this happening? This will not please any owner and will become an odor control problem. No one is immune from such a surprise, so you need to find the reason and figure it out.

Your pet has always gone to the toilet in a box, but now he suddenly began to pee past the box and in different places in the apartment. His marks are all over the carpet, on the curtains, on the furniture, on the bed, in the shoes. A cat is a very clean animal. What then is the reason for this behaviour? You have already taken all measures, shouted, poked your nose. But this did not bring any result. The owner needs to find the cause and understand the behavior of the animal. Since your domestic cat began to shit in different parts of the apartment, it means that he attracts attention.

First, the owner needs to check the health of his cat or cat. If a cat has constipation, worms, cystitis or urolithiasis, then it hurts her to write, and she is looking for a new place where she will not be hurt. If you have ruled out the disease, and your pet continues to crap, then perhaps he has reached puberty and marks his territory, showing that he is the main cat in the pride. In this case, sterilization or castration is necessary. However, a neutered cat sometimes continues to spoil: he feels slighted on the hierarchical ladder and tries to strengthen his position. The animal needs to pay more attention, play with it, talk, and it will eventually stop marking. An adult cat during estrus can also spoil.

Possible reasons

What to do if the cat began to shit anywhere, and how to wean it? Why the cat began to shit in the house anywhere, we found out, but what to do about it?

Let's try to find a way to wean the mustachioed to write in the wrong place. If your cat marks corners, it makes sense to try to put his toilet in one of these corners. Beforehand, it is better to wash the corner with soapy water with vinegar or bleach - the cat will be afraid of the smell and stop going there. When the mustachioed furry liked the owner's bed for defecation, then it is urgently necessary to drive him away from there. Get rid of the habit of sleeping with a cat, close the door, sprinkle the bed with lavender oil. When a cat pees in a pot of indoor flowers, this indicates an instinct to defecate into the ground. This problem should be solved as follows: put lemon peels or a clove of garlic in the pots, they will scare away the pet. They say that cats do not shit where they eat, so you can put a bowl of food in this place.

How to punish a pet

Punishing a cat is useless. This will only complicate the situation. One of the common methods of punishment that many owners use is to poke the muzzle into a puddle, and many also beat the animal. This will not give any result, but will only embitter the cat, and he will continue to defecate anywhere to spite the owner. You can scold a cat if you caught it hot at the time of the crime. But never use physical force. It’s not bad to just scold her and lightly hit her with a newspaper or sprinkle with water. The animal will run away and hide, but it will understand you. Let not immediately, be patient, and after a while your cat will begin to write in the tray again.

There is no exact solution to this problem. To wean a kitty to shit anywhere, patience is needed. After all, a cat is a member of the family, and he also needs emotional and physical comfort, just like you.

There are many signs about cats among the people. They affect a person's life. According to the behavior of the striped, you can predict the weather, illness, trouble.

If you believe the superstitions, then the cat shits on the bed for a reason.

There are several explanations for this sign:

  • when a cat regularly pees in the owner's bed, then he needs to think about his health. The sign portends an imminent illness or death. The sign concerns the person on whose half the cat crap more;
  • in some countries, this sign predicts a change of residence, an improvement in financial well-being.

All these signs are interesting, but sometimes the reason for a cat's defecation in the wrong place lies in elementary things: lack of attention from the owner. Spend more time with your cat and he won't pee in your apartment.

Take care of your four-legged friend. The availability of food, water and toilet is not enough for the normal life of the animal. Before you want to wean a mustachioed pet to shit in the wrong places, make sure that he is comfortable in your house, he feels your love and care.

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