Metabolic disorders in the body of the disease. Metabolic disorders in the body. The main symptoms of metabolic disorders in women

Metabolism is a cascade of chemical reactions in the human body, as a result of which the transformation and splitting of elements necessary for the normal functioning of the body occurs.

It is thanks to metabolism that life is maintained in our body, it develops, multiplies, reacts to external influences and challenges, while maintaining its functions.

Metabolic disorders in the body manifest themselves at almost all levels (molecular, cellular, and so on) and ultimately lead to disruption of the self-regulation process in the body and the development of various pathologies.

Classification of metabolic disorders

All diseases associated with impaired metabolic processes in the body are conditionally divided into four groups:

1. Pathologies associated with impaired protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism. These include obesity, myoglobinuria, ketosis, alimentary dystrophy.

2. Diseases caused by a violation of mineral metabolism.

3. Pathologies caused by a lack or excess of trace elements (calcium, manganese, fluorine, cobalt, and so on).

4. Hypovitaminosis.

Causes of metabolic disorders

The main causes of metabolic disorders in the body are:



The entry of toxins into the body (in this case, it is possible to resolve the issue and achieve recovery of the patient only after they are removed);

Nervous disorders;

Stress (this is one of the main reasons for the development of metabolic diseases);

Improper nutrition, abuse of fast food, overeating;

Constant dieting (the body stops adapting to constant stress and fails);

Regular intake of certain medicines.

These are not all causes of metabolic disorders, but they are the most common.

Metabolic disorders: symptoms

Metabolic disorders in the body in men and women are most often manifested by the following clinical signs:

Deterioration of appearance;

Unhealthy complexion;

Violation of the digestive processes;

Destruction of tooth enamel;

Change in weight;


Increased sweating, shortness of breath;

Violation of the structure of nails and hair;

Improper nutrition, prolonged fasting.

Since metabolic disorders are the cause of many dangerous diseases, it is recommended to carry out a set of therapeutic and preventive measures at the initial stage to solve all problems. Otherwise, a number of complications may develop.

Metabolic disorders in children

The child's body is constantly developing and growing, so it needs a large amount of plastic elements and energy resources that it can get from food.

Especially intense metabolic processes take place in babies under the age of one year, because it is at this time that the formation of the main systemic functions takes place. Older children require large energy resources for growth and further development.

Since the central nervous system, endocrine organs and neurohumoral mechanisms in the child's body are not sufficiently stable, the regulation of metabolic processes in the child's body is imperfect.

That is why metabolic disorders in children are quite common, especially in recent decades, when many people abuse junk food and move little, preferring playing games on the tablet and soda chips to playing sports.

This is an extremely dangerous trend, because metabolic disorders in children can cause the development of such dangerous diseases as:

  • anemia;
  • rickets;
  • hypoglycemia (low blood sugar);
  • amyloidosis;
  • tetany (develops against the background of rickets, manifested by spasms and convulsions);
  • hyperglycemia (increased blood glucose levels, can lead to the development of diabetes).

Metabolic disorders in the absence of timely treatment can lead to the development of a number of serious diseases.

Diagnosis of metabolic disorders

In order to make a correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment, a comprehensive examination of the patient is carried out, which may include the following steps:

  • interview and examination of the patient (clarification of the medical history, measurement of height, weighing, complete physical examination, measurement of pressure, and so on);
  • laboratory research methods (blood tests, urine tests).

Metabolic disorders: treatment

Any therapy begins with the elimination of the causes that caused the development of the disease. Therefore, in case of metabolic disorders, the patient must, first of all, adjust his diet.

Depending on the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe one or another therapeutic diet. It is necessary to take food often, but in small portions (the so-called fractional nutrition). Avoid fried, fatty, pickled and spicy foods.

In addition to nutrition, you need to change your lifestyle. It is necessary to avoid stress, go to bed on time, play sports. This will help activate the metabolic processes in the body and give vigor and fortitude.

If the pathological process has already gone too far, or if we are talking about the genetic causes of metabolic disorders, then we cannot do without the help of doctors.

A person must undergo a comprehensive examination to establish the exact causes of metabolic disorders, after which the attending physician prescribes an individual treatment regimen.

For example, for diabetes, these are daily insulin injections, for thyroid diseases, hormone therapy, and so on.

In particularly difficult cases, surgical treatment is possible (for example, if we are talking about pituitary adenoma or thyroid goiter).

If symptoms of metabolic disorders in the body appear, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor for a long time, otherwise difficulties may arise in treatment.

Prevention of metabolic disorders

Metabolic disorders, the symptoms and treatments of which are described above, can be prevented. To do this, you must follow the following rules of prevention:

Eat properly and balanced (minimize the consumption of sweet, fatty, starchy, fried foods, do not starve and do not overeat);

Ensure the intake of a sufficient amount of trace elements and vitamins;

Observe the regime of work and rest;

To refuse from bad habits;

Lead an active lifestyle, play sports;

Avoid stress and adverse effects of environmental factors.

In order to prevent metabolic disorders in the body, it is important to pay sufficient attention to the state of immune defense.

Currently, there is a drug that with great success helps to restore weakened immunity - this is Transfer Factor. The basis of this immunomodulator is made up of special immune molecules, which, when ingested, have the following effect:

  • restore immunity;
  • normalize metabolic processes, eliminate possible metabolic failures;
  • “remember” information about foreign agents and, if they hit again, give a signal for the immediate neutralization and destruction of these pathogenic microorganisms;
  • enhance the effect of drugs taken together with Transfer Factor and eliminate possible side effects from their use.

Proper nutrition, exclusion of unhealthy foods, strengthening the body's immune defenses - these are the necessary measures that will help avoid metabolic disorders and allow you to remain young and healthy for many years to come.

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In an attempt to get the perfect shape, many sit down on extreme diets, which are designed for an extremely short period of time. At the same time, they are much prolonging, and sometimes tightening their nutrition plans to the limit. The output is the most unpleasant, namely, a metabolic disorder.

Types of metabolic disorders

Usually, a metabolic disorder is qualified only as a slowdown and subsequent weight gain. However, this is fundamentally not the case. Almost any change in the rate or quality of protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism with a change in energy balance leads to a metabolic disorder, which can sometimes be expressed in rather unforeseen symptoms and circumstances. Consider the main types of impaired metabolism.

Type of metabolic disorder Characteristics
Super slow metabolism A classic violation of metabolic processes, which is characterized by a decrease in mobility, and as a result, a set of excess weight. Associated with exiting extreme diets
Hyper-accelerated metabolism It is usually the result of mass consumption of caffeinated drinks, energy drinks and fat burners, combined with an unhealthy diet enriched with fast carbohydrates, and enhanced workouts. In turn, the body begins to try to cope with increased stress. A characteristic feature is persistent diarrhea.
Metabolism seeking balance Usually, this metabolic disorder is temporary, but nevertheless the most dangerous. Characterized by lethargy and weakness. Usually occurs against the background of a sharp change.
Violation of anabolic metabolic processes Leads to the constant synthesis of protein tissues. In the absence of stimulation by anabolic steroids and constant physical activity, anabolic metabolic disorders can lead to the formation of cancer cells.
Violation of catabolic metabolic processes In this form, the absorption of all energy elements is disrupted, which leads to a constant increase. As a result, a sharp weight loss, anorexia, exhaustion of the body. Coma, death.
Malabsorption of carbohydrates With this type of metabolic disorder, persistent headaches, unstable blood sugar levels are characterized. Abrupt changes in the energy balance. In the absence of intervention, it develops into type 1 diabetes mellitus.
Protein malabsorption Associated with increased protein intake when fermenting is not possible. As a result, the occurrence of harmful bactericidal elements in the intestines, dysbacteriosis, beriberi - diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Fat malabsorption It is characterized by a sharp change in the hormonal background with general weakness. The reason should be sought in the functioning of the thyroid gland
Energy disorders It is typical for people who use caffeine. In the absence of additional stimulation, the body cannot achieve a balance in energy metabolism, resulting in short-term jumps from super-slow to super-fast metabolism of carbohydrate elements in the blood.

Symptoms of a metabolic disorder

Violation of metabolic processes, as a rule, is easy to identify even at the stage of the onset of problems. The fact is that the first symptom of a metabolic disorder is a change in the microflora of the stomach.

Therefore, if you have gastrointestinal disorders:

  • Diarrhea;
  • constipation;
  • Increased acidity of the stomach;
  • Weight set.
  • Fatigue
  • An increase in blood sugar levels.
  • Headache
  • Mood swings.

From this it follows that you have already begun to dysfunction of metabolic processes in the body. Of course, the main symptom in metabolic disorders is precisely the energy factor - i.e. a change in blood sugar levels, which is accompanied by constant fatigue or, conversely, hyperenergy. In most cases, metabolic processes that receive a change at the initial stage do not show themselves in any way, hiding dysfunction, gradually increasing momentum. In addition, the symptoms are very non-specific and may indicate other problems in the body. It is because of this that self-treatment of metabolic disorders is impossible. This can only be done with the help of specialists.

Note: The only thing that can help in localizing a metabolic disorder is a history of the nutrition plan in recent weeks. In this case, it is possible, based on the diet and the body's reaction to it, to determine whether the current dysfunctions of the body are caused by a metabolic disorder, or is it just a side reaction associated with external stress factors.

Who to contact in case of metabolic disorders?

The fact is that metabolic disorders are a complex disease that affects:

  • The functioning of the digestive tract;
  • The functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • The functioning of the hormonal system;
  • The functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Therefore, before trying to treat metabolic disorders in the body, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis. First you need to visit a local therapist with an indication of the symptoms of diseases. Further, the specialist will issue a referral for specific examinations. The next on the list will be a gastroenterologist who will tell you whether the current dysfunctions are related to a malfunction of the stomach itself (gastritis / ulcer) or are these complex changes caused by a general metabolic disorder. After the gastroenterologist, the next on the list is the endocrinologist, who determines the level of normal functioning of secrets and hormones, and, therefore, determines the overall level of performance of your body. Only on the basis of the joint conclusion of both doctors can we talk about the appearance of serious pathological changes in the metabolic processes of the body of a particular individual. But most importantly, the treatment will also be dealt with in a complex way:

  • nutritionist;
  • physiotherapist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • endocrinologist.

Recovery (not temporary acceleration/deceleration) is a long process that will combine:

  • changing the meal plan;
  • change in the daily routine;
  • changes in hormonal levels due to the use of special drugs;
  • manual adjustment of the production of secrets in the stomach (digestive enzymes);
  • adding physical activity;
  • analytical monitoring of the patient's condition, with regular reconciliation of tests.

Prevention of metabolic disorders

Prevention of violations of metabolic processes in the body is a complex multi-complex process, which is somewhat simpler than the restoration of impaired metabolism. Prevention packages include:

  1. Calculation of daily consumption and calorie consumption. Stabilization of these two indicators will allow to align metabolic processes.
  2. Creation of normal recovery processes. 8-hour sleep, moderate exercise 3 meals a day.
  3. Creating the right balance of nutrient intake.
  4. Avoiding caffeinated drinks.
  5. Reducing external stress.

Together, these measures will help keep the metabolism in balance. In addition, you can consume a large amount of fiber, which correlates with metabolic processes in the intestines, and can normalize the rate of digestion of food, returning it to normal.


Summing up what a disturbed metabolism is, it should be understood that this is a serious pathological change, which is usually treated by manually adjusting and adjusting all the mechanisms of the body's interaction with the outside world. It should be understood that artificial acceleration of metabolism is only a temporary measure. Therefore, in order to restore all metabolic processes, it is necessary to contact specialists who can do the most important thing - to identify the root cause of the change in the energy balance, eliminating which the metabolic processes will return to their original course.

Everything in the body must work smoothly and clearly. However, it happens that some organs fail. In this article I would like to talk about what are the causes and signs of metabolic disorders.

What is metabolism

At the very beginning, you need to understand the concepts that will be used in the article. So what is metabolism? First of all, it is necessary to clarify that another name for this process is metabolism. At its core, this is a set of various kinds of chemical reactions, the main purpose of which is to maintain the vital activity of the organism. Other goals and objectives of metabolism:

  1. These processes are focused on converting food that has entered the body into valuable calories.
  2. The next goal flows smoothly from the previous one. Metabolism also "monitors" the consumption of converted calories.
  3. Metabolism synthesizes hormones and enzymes necessary for the body.
  4. Also, these processes are responsible for the removal of decay products.

Metabolism is a process that must be considered not only on the example of the activity of individual organs or systems, but also at the cellular level.

main reason

If a person has a metabolic disorder, the reasons for this can be very different. So, first of all, doctors will trace the patient's heredity. After all, this is what most often leads to the presence of these problems in the patient. However, it should be said that the causes of metabolism have not yet been fully understood and research in this area of ​​medical science is still being actively conducted.

Other reasons

If we talk about such a problem as metabolic disorders, the reasons for this may also be the following:

  1. Dysfunctions of various organs (pituitary gland, sex glands, adrenal glands, thyroid gland).
  2. Improper lifestyle (inactivity, drinking alcohol, improper diet - starvation or excessive food intake).
  3. Metabolic disorders can provoke certain diseases, as well as stressful situations, physical inactivity, sleep disturbances.

About violations

What are the signs of metabolic disorders? It is worth saying that with such problems you need to contact an endocrinologist. For example, you can go to the Institute of Endocrinology, where you can get qualified advice and assistance. Only specialists will be able to determine what kind of violations occur in the patient. These can be carbohydrate, protein, fat, mineral and other disorders. What will we be talking about if we are talking about metabolic disorders? The harmonious interaction of the most important substances that are involved in metabolism is disrupted. What problems can arise in this case?

  1. Excess or lack of substances.
  2. Various digestive disorders.
  3. Accumulation of intermediate metabolic products.
  4. Unequal formation of end products of metabolism.

Violation of protein metabolism

Everyone knows that protein is the most important building material of the human body. Various diseases and pathologies can cause problems with impaired protein metabolism. What will the person feel in this case? The situation is automatically divided into two broad categories.

Excess protein

What is the most important symptom of a metabolic disorder if there is a problem with excess protein? A person will definitely feel a decrease in appetite. Other symptoms:

  1. Various bowel dysfunctions. It can be both diarrhea and constipation.
  2. Kidney pathologies, including renal failure, may develop.
  3. With an excess of protein, the human nervous system is in constant tension. Nervous breakdowns are possible.
  4. Salts may be deposited in the tissues of the patient.
  5. A significant increase in plasma protein is also possible.

Diseases that cause excess protein: arthritis, osteoporosis, gout and obesity.

protein deficiency

What will a person who does not have an excess, but a deficiency of such an important trace element as protein, feel?

  1. Weakness, drowsiness.
  2. Muscle weakness, hypotension.
  3. Fragility of nails, hair, deterioration of the skin.
  4. Weight loss (possible weight loss to the state of dystrophy).
  5. Also, with a protein deficiency, it will be reduced
  6. Frequent infectious diseases, as well as immunodeficiency.

Protein metabolic disorder in children also has certain symptoms. With a protein deficiency in children, there may be:

  1. Lag in physical development.
  2. Mental retardation (decrease in intellectual abilities).

Diseases that occur with protein deficiency: kwashiorkor (main symptoms: swelling, weakness, weight loss) and alimentary dystrophy (also lack of weight and swelling, but also various kinds of immunodeficiency states).

Carbohydrate metabolism disorders

What are carbohydrates in the body? Their main task is the nutrition of brain cells and the implementation of energy functions. It is these elements that compensate for the loss of strength and energy in stressful situations or emotional stress. It is also worth mentioning that problems with carbohydrate disorders of substances accompany the patient most often for life.

Excess Carbohydrates

The main symptom of metabolic disorders with problems with carbohydrates is fluctuations in body weight. With an excess of carbohydrates, it can increase significantly, with a deficiency, it can decrease. Other indicators:

  1. Trembling in the body that occurs involuntarily.
  2. Hyperactivity.
  3. Hypertension (most often occurs against the background of a significant increase in body weight).
  4. An increase in blood glucose levels.
  5. Cardiovascular pathologies (most often also occur against the background of obesity).

Diseases that can occur due to excess carbohydrates: obesity and diabetes.

carbohydrate deficiency

The main symptoms that can occur due to a carbohydrate deficiency are:

  1. Depression.
  2. Drowsiness, weakness.
  3. Loss of body weight.
  4. Tremor of the legs and arms.
  5. Decreased blood glucose levels.

Diseases: hypoglycemia and Gierke's disease.

Violation of fat metabolism

Fats are an equally important element of the human body. It is thanks to fats that the body maintains internal homeostasis. Adipose tissue is found in hormones and nerve fibers.

An important symptom of a metabolic disorder with a problem with fats is again changes in body weight. If we talk about excess fat in the body, a person is often diagnosed with obesity. Other symptoms:

  1. Atherosclerosis.
  2. Formation of stones in the gallbladder and liver.
  3. Blood problems: increased clotting, excess cholesterol in the blood.

If we talk about the deficiency of fats in the body, the following symptoms can be observed:

  1. Hypovitaminosis.
  2. Hair loss.
  3. Skin inflammation.
  4. Hormonal imbalance.
  5. Pathology of the kidneys.

Violation of water exchange

What is another symptom of a metabolic disorder? So, if it is the water metabolism that is disturbed, a person may have edema, dropsy, and a state of shock often occurs (if we are talking about an excess of water in the body). Loss of electrolytes, disruption of the central nervous system, kidney disease - if we talk about the lack of water in the body.

Violation of mineral metabolism

Minerals are biocatalysts of multiple physiological reactions, as well as stabilizers of the acid state of the body. Most often, various kinds of stressful situations, an unfavorable environment, a too fast pace of life (especially for residents of a metropolis), bad habits, nervousness and, of course, malnutrition lead to mineral metabolic disorders. If we consider endocrine disorders, the symptoms of problems with mineral metabolism can be as follows:

  1. External indicators: brittle nails, acne, hair loss.
  2. Insomnia.
  3. Decreased immunity.
  4. Visual impairment.
  5. Chair disorders.
  6. Decreased libido.


Separately, it is also necessary to consider metabolic disorders in children. It is worth saying that such problems can occur in babies even at a very early age. In this case, it is customary to talk about a disease that is called "exudative diathesis". Main symptoms:

  1. Red spots that appear on the body of the baby. They may itch and get wet. Similar to Pustules may also appear.
  2. Inflammation of the child's eyes, runny nose (there are problems with the mucous membranes).

To cope with metabolic problems in children of any age, it is enough just to establish proper nutrition. If we are talking about babies, a nursing mother should correct her diet.

About the types of metabolism

Each person should know what kind of metabolism he has. So, there are three of them:

  1. Normal.
  2. Accelerated (or fast metabolism).
  3. economical metabolism.

With a normal metabolism, people should monitor their diet, because an excess of food can lead to various kinds of problems. If a person has a fast metabolism, then he can eat everything and a lot. And all this is permissible because in their body fats burn faster than they accumulate. Those who have an economical mode of metabolism, as they say, "get fat from water." Such people should carefully monitor their diet, not allowing themselves anything superfluous. However, how can you know what kind of metabolism a person has? There are two ways.

  1. Conduct a biochemical study of the body. Disadvantage: the high cost of the procedure.
  2. Do a little experiment.

About the experiment

In order to find out exactly what type of metabolism is present in a person, it is not necessary to visit the Institute of Endocrinology. In this case, you can use the proven method. To do this, you need to get up in the morning (preferably on Sunday), do all the hygiene procedures. After going to the kitchen, you need to warm up and quickly eat 300 g of porridge. Then you have to wait a couple of minutes.

  1. With an accelerated metabolism, perspiration will come out.
  2. If it becomes warm, the metabolism is normal.
  3. If a person does not feel or feel anything at all, he has an economical type of metabolism.


Prevention of metabolic disorders is a great way to avoid metabolic problems. What will be relevant in this case:

  1. Proper balanced nutrition. It is necessary to give up starchy, fatty, sweet foods to the maximum. Don't overeat or starve. You also need to ensure that the body consumes all the vitamins and minerals in full.
  2. The body must properly rest (uninterrupted 7-hour sleep is important).
  3. You should try to avoid stressful situations and emotional overload.
  4. You need to completely get rid of all bad habits.
  5. It is also desirable to avoid adverse environmental factors.

In this case, the prevention of endocrine diseases will also be important. Particular attention should be paid to preventive measures for diabetes and hypoglycemia (carbohydrate imbalance).


So, we found out what a metabolic disorder (symptoms) is. The treatment of this problem is what I also want to talk about. You can cope with metabolic disorders with the help of various kinds of medications.

  1. Stimulants containing caffeine and theine (most often taken by athletes).
  2. Hormonal drugs, as well as medicines that treat endocrine disorders.
  3. Drugs based on antidepressants.
  4. various kinds of extracts. For example, guarana extract, which normalizes cellular metabolism and accelerates


Important: if a person has certain problems with metabolism, in this case it is best to seek help from a qualified specialist. Otherwise, you can seriously harm your health. However, if it is not possible to contact doctors, you can try to cope with problems with traditional medicine:

  1. To restore metabolism, you can prepare an infusion of walnut leaves. To prepare the medicine, you need to take two teaspoons of dried leaves, pour one glass of boiling water and leave everything for about an hour. The decoction should be taken 4 times a day for half a cup before meals.
  2. You can drink horsetail tea (sold in a pharmacy). For medicinal purposes - three times a day for a quarter cup. It will help not only to adjust the metabolism, but also cleanse the body.
  3. And just enough to regularly visit the sauna or bath. However, you first need to make sure that there are no other contraindications to their visit.

Metabolism is a complex of complex chemical transformations, thanks to which the normal functioning of the human body is ensured. Reactions in our body occur constantly and replace each other. The component that was formed after one reaction becomes the building material for the second. All substances (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, trace elements, water) are interconnected. A lack or excess of at least one component leads to a malfunction of the body system.

Diseases for which a characteristic symptom of metabolic disorders:

  • metabolic syndrome;
  • diabetes;
  • gout;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • Gierke's disease;
  • phenylketonuria;
  • alkaptonuria;
  • kwashiokor;
  • arterial hypertension.

Metabolism: essence and function

Metabolism (metabolism) is a complex of chemical reactions that are aimed at generating the energy necessary to maintain the most important vital functions. Metabolism includes catabolism and anabolism. Catabolism is a set of chemical transformations that are aimed at the destruction of proteins, carbons and fats in order to obtain energy. Anabolism is the process by which hormones and enzymes are synthesized from simple substances. Our body needs to be updated all the time, so energy conversion processes are necessary. Proteins, carbohydrates and fats are involved in metabolism. This is a necessary substrate (material) for the formation of energy. The coordinated work of catabolism and anabolism is extremely important, because the state of our health directly depends on this.

Metabolic disorders: general characteristics

Metabolic disorders are characterized by the fact that the metabolism of proteins, fats or carbohydrates is disturbed. Proteins are involved in the transport of substances throughout the body, blood clotting, protect against infections, and speed up processes. Fats provide the body with the main heat and energy. When they break down, water is formed. In addition, they are responsible for regulating body temperature. Carbohydrates are a source of fast energy. They perform supporting and protective functions. If one of the metabolic links fails, several functions suffer at once.


Pathology of metabolism is hereditary. However, the causes of the symptom are not well understood. Etiological factors are:

  • insufficient intake of nutrients in the body;
  • enzymatic dysfunction;
  • violation of the digestibility of the substance;
  • thyroid pathology.

An important point - in the body there may be a sufficient amount of building material, as well as the enzymes necessary for its processing. The problem may be a violation of the nervous regulation. When diagnosing and treating, this fact is certainly taken into account.


Metabolic disorder is a fairly general concept. It includes the following states:

  • violation of the metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates;
  • pathology of catabolism, anabolism;
  • violation of the metabolism of trace elements and vitamins;
  • pathology of water exchange;
  • violation of acid-base balance;
  • diseases associated with mineral metabolism.

Each of these types of metabolic pathology has its own clinical picture and requires specialized treatment.


There are four levels at which metabolic disorders occur. On each of them, the occurrence of pathology has its own reasons:

  • molecular level - genetic defects, the action of enzyme inhibitors, insufficient intake of essential metabolic substances into the body;
  • at the cellular level - a violation of bioenergetic and anabolic processes. This is the biosynthesis of nucleic acids, proteins, lipids. Also, a violation of the constancy of the internal environment (homeostasis) and neuro-humoral regulation;
  • at the tissue level, the cause is organ hypoxia (oxygen starvation) and a violation of homeostasis;
  • at the level of the whole organism, the etiological factor is diseases of the nervous system and endocrine glands. The reason is a violation of the innervation of tissues, hormonal imbalance, damage to organs that ensure the constancy of the internal environment.

The starting factor in the development of metabolic diseases is a violation of the regulatory function of the nervous and hormonal systems, as well as shifts in the metabolic homeostasis of the body.

Risk factors

People with a genetic predisposition are more at risk of developing metabolic diseases. This also includes people with diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems. The presence of bad habits and dietary errors also increase the likelihood of illness.

Clinical picture

Clinical manifestations of metabolic pathology depend on the substance that is in excess or deficiency.

The main symptoms of metabolic disorders are in the table below.


  • Muscle weakness.
  • Immunodeficiencies.
  • Weakness, drowsiness. Decreased performance.
  • Fragility of hair, nails, flabbiness of the skin.
  • Weight loss.
  • Lag in physical and mental development in children
  • Decreased, lack of appetite.
  • Intestinal dysfunction.
  • Kidney pathology.
  • Increased excitability of the CNS.
  • Salt deposits in tissues.
  • Osteoporosis, arthritis.
  • Fatty degeneration of the liver
  • Deficiency in body weight.
  • Hypovitaminosis.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the skin.
  • Hair loss.
  • Diseases of the kidneys.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Decreased immune defense
  • Obesity, fatty degeneration of tissues.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • The formation of stones in the kidneys, gallbladder.
  • Arterial hypertension


  • Deficiency in body weight.
  • Depression, apathy.
  • General weakness.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Trembling of hands and feet
  • Weight gain, obesity.
  • Hyperactivity.
  • Involuntary trembling in the body.
  • Hypertension, heart failure

It is important to detect a metabolic disorder and a substance that is in short supply or excess in time. This is a decisive factor in the selection of therapy.

Associated symptoms in diseases

In various diseases, metabolic diseases are accompanied by concomitant symptoms.

With protein-energy deficiency, weight loss, swelling, delayed physical and mental development, weakness, lethargy, asthenia are observed.

Gout is a disease that is more common in men and is characterized by a violation of the synthesis of uric acid. These salts begin to be deposited in the area of ​​the joints, forming tophi. With an exacerbation of the disease, they begin to become inflamed, they hurt very much, which leads to a limitation of motor functions.

Obesity is characterized by an increase in body weight, an increase in blood pressure, a lack of satiety after eating, shortness of breath during exercise.

Doctor's advice! In cases where you have begun to gain or lose weight dramatically, do not self-diagnose. Seek medical attention as soon as possible. You will be given the correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment

Gierke's disease is called glycogenosis. It is characterized by deficiency of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphatase. Glycogen accumulates in the kidneys and liver. There is an increase in the abdomen, increased bleeding, delayed sexual development, xanthelasma (deposition of low-density lipids under the skin).

In fatty liver, liver cells are replaced by lipid cells. The main symptoms: a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium, pain in the projection of the liver, the appearance of spider veins on the skin, impaired bowel movements.

Atherosclerosis is characterized by dizziness, fatigue, noise in the head. The temperature on the lower extremities often drops, superficial sensitivity is disturbed. High risk of coronary heart disease.

In diabetes, there are characteristic complaints of thirst, frequent urination, dry skin. There is a feeling of tingling, crawling in the limbs. Also, over time, vision, kidney function, innervation and blood supply to organs deteriorate.

For hypothyroidism, the leading symptoms will be the following: weakness, swelling, dry skin, decreased memory and concentration, lethargy of mental functions, bradycardia, and sexual dysfunction.

Metabolic disorders in children

Protein-energy malnutrition is common in children. This is a pathological condition that is associated with an early transfer to artificial feeding. It is characterized by a decrease in body weight, exhaustion, a delay in physical and neuropsychic development. The consequence of the condition is a deterioration in immunity, increased susceptibility to infectious diseases.

Phenylketonuria is a hereditary disease caused by a defect in the enzyme responsible for the metabolism of phenylalanine acid. It accumulates in the blood and adversely affects the body of the baby. The normal development of the brain suffers, which leads to mental retardation. The first manifestations of the disease can be noticed at 2-6 months if perinatal screening was not performed in the maternity hospital. The main symptoms: irritability, anxiety, belching, vomiting, convulsions, a specific smell of sweat and urine.

Alkaptonuria is a hereditary disease in which there is a defect in the gene responsible for the synthesis of homogentisic acid oxidase. The disease is transmitted in an autosomal recessive manner. The first signs are the excretion of urine in a child, which begins to darken upon contact with air. In the future, the excretory system, the musculoskeletal system, and the heart are affected.

Which doctor and when to contact

It all depends on the age at which the first symptoms appeared. When it comes to children, the maternity hospital screens newborns for the detection of phenylketonuria, hypothyroidism, cystic fibrosis, galactosemia, and adrenogenital syndrome. These ailments are cured. They also turn to him in cases where the baby is not gaining mass or is gaining, but too intensively. The doctor will determine the cause of such conditions and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Adults should consult a doctor in cases where their weight began to change for no reason, the work of the gastrointestinal tract was disturbed, apathy, asthenia appeared. First of all, adults go for a consultation to. He prescribes treatment or directs to,.


Height and weight are measured, body mass index is determined. According to its data, it is judged whether there is overweight or underweight.

For a better understanding of the degree of change, blood, urine and other body fluids are examined.

In the blood, the level of sugar, the amount of cholesterol, lipoproteins, the concentration of individual metabolites are determined. Also estimate the amount of bilirubin, amylase. In the analysis of urine, the amount of metabolites is determined. Assess the quantitative indicators of hormones.


Treatment of any pathology is divided into etiological (causal), pathogenetic and symptomatic. In the case of metabolic diseases, it is important to act on the cause of their occurrence, and not to fight individual symptoms.

Lifestyle modification plays a big role. It includes a rational and nutritious diet, the rejection of bad habits, sufficient physical activity.

Medicines are selected for each patient individually. For example, in the treatment of gout, drugs are used that slow down the synthesis of uric acid (Allopurinol). In non-insulin-dependent diabetes, medications are indicated that lower blood glucose levels. If there is a deficiency of enzymes, drugs are prescribed that can replace them.


A balanced diet is the key to health. It is important to choose foods rich in dietary fiber. These are vegetables - broccoli, beans, spinach, cabbage. Also fruits rich in pectin: pears, peaches, bananas, citruses. It is important to drink drinks that contain a minimum of calories. It is allowed to drink no more than two hundred milliliters of juice per day. The ideal option is to drink plenty of water. The daily dose is calculated as follows: 30 ml of water is multiplied by 10 kg of weight.

It is mandatory to exclude white bread, pastries, sweets. The use of fast food and food containing flavor enhancers (chips, crackers, nuts) is strictly prohibited. Limit alcohol and salt intake.

It is important to stick to fractional nutrition. Be sure to have breakfast, because a hearty breakfast provides energy for the whole day. Lunch and dinner are also essential meals. You can have snacks in between. For the average person, the daily requirement is 2000 kcal. If the goal is to lose weight, remember that the number of calories consumed should be less than the number spent.

Treatment with folk remedies

Folk recipes have found their application in the treatment of metabolic disorders.

One teaspoon of Ivan tea is poured with 500 ml of boiling water, insisted for 5 minutes. Then pour into a cup and add honey to taste. For best results, it is recommended to take 2-3 cups of the drink per day.

You can prepare a tincture of medicinal plants. For cooking, you need flowers of chamomile, St. John's wort, knotweed, yarrow. 100 grams of the collection is crushed in a coffee grinder, placed in an enamel bowl and stored in the refrigerator. To prepare a decoction, take 15 grams of the mixture and pour 500 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 5 minutes. When used in a drink, you can add a teaspoon of honey. Take twice a day. In the morning - 15 minutes before meals and in the evening, after meals.

Lemon balm tea has not only a calming effect, it also improves metabolism. To prepare it, use 2 teaspoons of lemon balm leaves and 500 ml of boiling water. The components are mixed and infused for about 10 minutes. The tea is ready to drink. Take 70 ml in the morning and evening, 15 minutes before meals.

15 grams of crushed dandelion root is poured with a glass of alcohol. Insist in a dark cool place for two weeks, then filter. Take three times a day, 20 drops half an hour before eating.

Traditional medicine is not a panacea. You can not rely solely on alternative treatment. It is better to use prescriptions in combination with traditional therapy.

rehabilitation period

The rehabilitation period after suffering metabolic diseases obliges a person to monitor the quality and quantity of food consumed for life. They also refrain from excessive physical exertion. They come to sports exercises gradually, listening to the state of the body.

Consequences and complications

Metabolism is the most important process in the human body. And if it is broken, and the pathology is not treated, this will certainly lead to consequences and complications. This may be a slowdown in metabolism, hormonal disorders. Such conditions require additional treatment, because they disrupt the normal functioning of the body. Useful substances are not absorbed, which leads to depletion.


If you seek medical help in time and adhere to the appointments and recommendations of doctors, the prognosis is favorable. The complexity of the treatment lies in the fact that the treatment of metabolic disorders is a long and laborious process that requires complete dedication from the patient. It is required to revise the diet, add physical activity, give up addictions.

Important! Metabolic disorders are a serious pathology in which every cell of the body suffers. There is a problem in the metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals or a combined pathology. It is important to correctly determine the type of metabolic disorder, because further therapy depends on it. Treatment includes diet, exercise, replacement drugs (enzymes, hormones)

If there are hereditary diseases associated with defects in enzymes or regulatory genes, the prognosis is often poor.


Prevention of metabolic diseases is relevant for adults. Especially for people who tend to gain weight. General recommendations:

  • alternate between sleep and rest. Remember, the average person needs a healthy 7 hours of sleep;
  • "We are what we eat." Always remember this phrase when you crave junk food. A healthy diet will provide the necessary energy and prolong life;
  • say no to laziness and a sedentary lifestyle. Active rest always fills with energy and gives a good mood. To avoid problems with excess weight, it is better to spend an extra hour on the street than in bed watching TV;
  • abstract from external stimuli. Stress is a factor that provokes many diseases. Therefore, develop in yourself such a quality as stress resistance.

Preventive measures are quite simple. By following these recommendations, you can not only improve the condition of the body, but also your own mood.

Metabolism or metabolism is a set of various interrelated chemical reactions that occur in the body and are the fundamental mechanism of its work. Metabolic disorders may be the result of dysfunction in the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, adrenal glands, gonads, starvation and malnutrition. These disorders lead to many functional changes and are harmful to health.

Causes of metabolic disorders

Most often, in violation of metabolism due to changes in the functioning of the liver, the concentration of fats in the blood increases - cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins, which accumulate in the vessels and cause atherosclerosis. Excess intake of fats with food leads to suppression of the immune system and suppression of vital metabolic processes. Starvation or overeating, low-calorie, indigestible food cause disruptions in the regulation of the metabolism of the nervous system, affect the energy and building processes in the body. Metabolic disorders can be divided into two types, with the first, patients lose weight dramatically due to the rapid processes of decay and energy production, regardless of the accumulation process. In the second type, accumulation prevails over the processes of decay and development, this always leads to excess weight. There are many causes of metabolic disorders, to name some of them:

  • genetic disorders;
  • Endocrine pathologies;
  • Violation of the nervous system;
  • Unbalanced diet;
  • Violation of the synthesis of enzymes and immune proteins;
  • Hypodynamia;
  • Ingestion of pathogenic flora;
  • Age changes.

Also, risk factors include alcoholism, smoking, stressful situations, sleep disturbances.

Symptoms of a metabolic disorder

The symptoms of metabolic disorders are varied, with a disease they can appear one at a time, and in certain cases, the appearance of a whole group can be observed. Typical metabolic symptoms include:

  • Overweight or its sudden loss;
  • Insomnia, sleep disturbance;
  • Unhealthy skin, acne;
  • Tooth decay;
  • Weakened brittle hair and nail plates;
  • puffiness;
  • Shortness of breath.

Also, the symptoms of metabolic disorders include increased fatigue, frequent headaches, general malaise, diarrhea, constipation. In violation of carbohydrate metabolism, which is a risk factor for the development of diabetes and obesity, there is an unhealthy craving for sweets, confectionery and flour products. This leads to an increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood, provoking the release of insulin into the blood, which enhances the synthesis of fats and contributes to weight gain. With any manifestation of signs of metabolic disorders, it is necessary to contact specialists and get qualified help.

Diseases of metabolic disorders

There are a large number of diseases of metabolic disorders, genetically determined or acquired. Let's consider some of them:

  • Gierke's disease. A congenital metabolic disorder associated with a lack of an enzyme necessary for the breakdown of glycogen, which leads to its excessive accumulation in tissues. Symptoms of the disease are growth retardation of the child, an enlarged liver, and a decrease in blood sugar levels. The only possible treatment is a high glucose diet;
  • Phenylketonuria. A hereditary disease caused by a deficiency of phenylalanine hydroxylase, without which the conversion of phenylalanine to tyrosine is impossible. As a result, there is an accumulation of phenylalanine, which has a negative effect on the brain tissue and leads to a delay in the mental development of the child, starting from 3-4 months of life. In this disease, early diagnosis plays an extremely important role, since the IQ decreases by 5 points every three months. The disease can be fought by following a constant diet and using synthetic products instead of protein;
  • Alkaptonuria. A congenital disease of metabolic disorders, characterized by a deficiency of the enzyme necessary for participation in the metabolism of homogentisic acid, which is mandatory in the exchange of phenylalanine and tyrosine. With accumulation, the acid is removed in the urine, giving it a dark brown color, as the patient grows older, the pigment is deposited in the cartilage and connective tissue, which leads to the development of arthritis. To treat the disease, a diet is prescribed that excludes phenylalanine and tyrosine;
  • Hypercholesterolemia. The disease manifests itself in the inability to destroy low-density lipoproteins and the accumulation of cholesterol in tissues due to its high concentration in the blood, with possible enlargement of the liver or lymph nodes;
  • Atherosclerosis. The deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels, for the treatment of the disease and its prevention, nutritional correction is also necessary;
  • Gout. A chronic disease resulting from a violation of the metabolism of uric acid formed in the body, leading to deposits of urate in the articular cartilage and in the kidneys, provoking the occurrence of edema and inflammation.

Diseases of metabolic disorders require constant medical monitoring and regular therapy. The best results are obtained by treatment started at an early stage of the disease; if it is not carried out in time, serious complications are possible.

Treatment of metabolic disorders

Any of the identified symptoms of a metabolic disorder is a reason to visit an endocrinologist. Specialists will conduct all the necessary examinations and prescribe adequate treatment, which will necessarily include nutrition correction. First of all, in the treatment of metabolic disorders, you will be advised to limit the amount of light carbohydrates and animal fats in the diet, eat often and in small portions. This will reduce the amount of food eaten at one time, which will lead to a decrease in stomach volume and a decrease in appetite. Also, in the treatment of metabolic disorders, sports are necessary, which increase the energy costs of the body when building muscle mass and contribute to the burning of previously accumulated fats. An important role in the treatment is assigned to the normalization of sleep, since prolonged and deep sleep helps to accelerate metabolic processes in the body. All these methods, together with massages, physiotherapy, and, if necessary, drug therapy, will be included in your individual treatment plan, compiled by your doctor.

Do not self-medicate, only a specialist can draw up a competent scheme for restoring metabolic disorders.

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