How is the appointment with a proctologist for men and women: preparation, patient reviews. Specialization of the doctor proctologist, who is the Proctologist and what does he treat

Proctology is a field of medicine focused on the study, diagnosis of various diseases of the rectum and adjacent organs, and their treatment. And the doctor who deals with this issue is a proctologist. Since this area also includes the colon, the more accurate name for this discipline is coloproctology, but the term proctology is generally accepted, so it is often used in the medical literature.

The main sections of proctology

A proctologist is, as mentioned above, a specialist who detects and treats diseases associated with the rectum, anal area and colon.

The field of activity of a proctologist is quite voluminous, and proctology is conventionally divided into surgical and therapeutic. Surgical proctology focuses on solving issues related to emergency conditions that cause diseases of the distal intestine and anus, and also, in case of failure of conservative therapy, treats these diseases with the help of an operative aid.

Emergency conditions include:

  • bleeding;
  • suppuration;
  • perforation of ulcers;
  • rectal prolapse.

And resistant to conservative therapy may be such diseases as:

  • haemorrhoids;
  • anal fissures;
  • pararectal fistulas;
  • ulceration of the mucous membrane;
  • neoplasms.

Proctological diseases

So, the proctological diseases that the proctologist deals with are practically any, except for infectious, pathology of the colon and rectum and the perianal region.

These are diseases such as:

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  • anal fissure;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • fecal incontinence;
  • polyposis;
  • rectal ulcer;
  • colitis;
  • paraproctitis;
  • coccygeal cyst;
  • colon ulcers;
  • anomalies in the development of this area;
  • rectal prolapse;
  • malignant neoplasms.

Proctological examination

To identify proctological diseases, the proctologist conducts a series of diagnostic procedures, starting with a patient survey. First, the doctor conducts a survey, which includes clarification of current complaints and anamnesis, that is, he clarifies what exactly worries the patient and when the patient drew attention to the presence of this symptomatology, and whether any measures were previously taken to eliminate the patient has proctological diseases.

Then, if necessary, the proctologist can perform a digital rectal examination and prescribe additional studies, laboratory and instrumental. Laboratory is performed by a laboratory assistant, and instrumental by an endoscopist or radiologist.

When you need a proctologist

A doctor of this specialization is necessary both for therapeutic purposes and for prevention. That is, he not only treats diseases that have already manifested themselves, but also reveals them in time.

In particular, it is needed in the following cases:

  • regular diarrhea;
  • constipation;
  • pain in the anal canal;
  • the appearance of bumps in the anus;
  • swelling of the perianal area;
  • traces of blood after defecation;
  • mucous discharge from the anus;
  • redness of the anus;
  • itching in the rectum;
  • sensation of a foreign body in the anal canal;
  • purulent discharge in the perianal region;
  • fecal incontinence;
  • exit of the rectal mucosa to the outside.

In addition, proctology includes the elimination of the influence of physiological causes that provoke the development of proctological diseases. For this reason, a proctologist is required during pregnancy, as well as after recent childbirth. After all, many women at this time have symptoms characteristic of hemorrhoids, it is not uncommon for them to have such a phenomenon as constipation, and other diseases that he treats are possible. In addition, a proctologist is necessary for women during menopause, when, due to hormonal imbalance, various diseases often develop, which are dealt with by a doctor of this specialization.

A proctologist is also needed for overweight people, as well as those who stay in a sitting position for a long time and engage in activities associated with weight lifting. Of course, for preventive purposes, this particular doctor is necessary for those who have undergone proctological operations. In addition, he can take the necessary measures in time if the patient is forty years of age or older and has close relatives with rectal cancer.

Even in the absence of obvious symptoms of diseases of the area under consideration, people of the listed categories need a proctologist for preventive purposes, because the pathology of this area can develop for quite a long time without manifesting itself. Therefore, if you can attribute yourself to at least one of these categories, do not hesitate to periodically visit the proctologist's office, this will save you from serious health problems.

Proctology is a branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, research, treatment and prevention of any diseases and pathologies of the anal and anal zones, as well as the rectum, colon and nearby organs. Proctology got its name from a combination of the Greek words proktos - anus and logos - study. Recently, this medical section has been called coloproctology, since the doctor's specialization also includes the study of the colon, the name of which was included in the title.

Doctor proctologist - who is it

Asking the question: what does a proctologist treat, we can say with confidence that he is a generalist who has knowledge: a therapist, surgeon, diagnostician and psychologist.

This specialist helps patients solve rather intimate problems that most people prefer not to discuss even with their closest ones. Almost all the ailments with which patients come to see a proctologist can be called very delicate. These include:

  • haemorrhoids;
  • diarrhea;
  • constipation;
  • anal bleeding and fissures;
  • fistulas in the anus or rectum;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • itching and burning in the anus;
  • polyps;
  • colitis;
  • ulcerative growths;
  • rectal prolapse;
  • paraproctitis and proctitis;
  • incontinence;
  • anal pain and many other problems.

Despite the fact that all these problems are successfully treated, most patients come to see a specialist with already quite severe, advanced forms of the disease. The banal unwillingness to share your intimate problems with anyone leads to the idea that it will “heal by itself”. Often people's attempts to self-medicate using alternative therapy methods also lead to dangerous complications.

Problems related to the intestines are as important as in any other branch of medicine and should not be treated irresponsibly in any case. It should be clearly understood that a proctologist is a doctor who treats delicate problems and relieves patients of discomfort.

The doctor's specialization includes the treatment of congenital malformations of the rectal and pararectal zones in children, benign formations on the intestinal walls, as well as various pathological processes in the areas near the anus.

In case of traumatic lesions of the intestine or the surrounding area, it is also necessary to visit a proctologist. Which, due to its wide-profile specialization, will be able to carry out both medical and necessary surgical treatment of the patient.

Today, the list of what a proctologist does includes not only open surgical methods of treatment, but also minimally invasive techniques. With the help of laser equipment or radiofrequency ablation, you can painlessly and quickly get rid of such ailments as: hemorrhoids, anal fissures, polyps, etc. Operation by these methods is possible only in large, medical centers of the country.

Reasons for the development of diseases

According to statistics, the majority of the country's population have some kind of proctological problems. Most often, these are chronic, neglected forms of the disease, which are difficult to cure. The main reasons for the appearance and development of such ailments include:

  • passive lifestyle;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • unbalanced and irregular nutrition;
  • uncontrolled use of medicines: laxative or fixing drugs.

Pregnancy, anal sex, excessive exercise, poor hygiene can also lead to the development of proctological problems.

Given the intimacy of the process of examinations and diagnosis of diseases, in recent years, patients are increasingly resorting to such a service as a proctologist's home visit. It is at home that the patient feels most comfortable and relaxed. That allows you to conduct a conversation and a preliminary examination of the patient without much tension.

How is an appointment with a proctologist

At the initial stage, the proctologist will conduct a mandatory conversation with the patient. He will take an interest in the timing of the onset of the disease, the alleged cause of its development, the main symptoms. After that, a visual inspection of the preanal zone should be carried out and palpation should be performed. Based on these factors, it is already possible to draw up an anamnesis of the disease and make a preliminary diagnosis.

Many patients are concerned about the likelihood of pain at the time of the digital examination. These fears are completely unfounded, and palpation is often performed by probing the intestines through the front wall of the abdomen. Such manipulations make it possible to detect damage in the intestinal area or volumetric formations on its surface. If it is necessary to conduct an internal examination in order to eliminate any discomfort, whether it be the hands of a specialist or special equipment, the proctologist uses a special anesthetic gel.

If the patient is worried about severe discomfort or pain, even before the exact definition of the disease, some medications may be prescribed that can alleviate the patient's condition.

To confirm the preliminary, as well as to identify the overall picture of the state of health, a collection of analyzes and additional studies using medical equipment are prescribed. The most informative diagnostic studies are: irrigoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, anoscopy. Most of these diagnostics allow you to assess the condition of the intestinal mucosa and collect tissue samples for further biopsy. Fiber optic devices help to examine the entire surface of the intestinal tract from the inside. As additional diagnostic procedures, studies using x-rays or ultrasound can also be prescribed.

Preparing to visit a doctor

Since an examination by a proctologist is often carried out using internal palpation and a number of other methods that involve examining the rectum from the inside, it is necessary to prepare for the visit.

For the most successful diagnosis and assessment of the condition of the intestine, you should first clean the passage with an enema, with a volume of 1 to 1.5 liters. To fill it, you should use only clean tap water, without any additives and impurities, since they can disrupt the natural intestinal microflora and affect the correct diagnosis. This procedure should be carried out on the eve of the visit, a couple of hours before going to bed.

It is highly recommended to follow a simple diet before visiting a doctor. It will reduce gas formation and help to conduct a more accurate diagnosis. A few days before the visit to the proctologist, the following foods should be excluded from your diet: all, without exception, legumes, black bread, raw fruits and vegetables, milk.

Such actions will help the specialist to conduct a better internal examination, anoscopy and check the condition of all sections of the intestine through palpation of the anterior abdominal wall. And the patient will be allowed to avoid repeated examinations and lengthy diagnostics.

Symptoms that require a visit to the proctologist

Problems associated with the intestines can be of a very different nature, and for almost any of them, it is necessary to contact a proctologist. The main complaints can be divided into several main types.

  1. Disorders associated with bowel movements. Signs of the disease include: regular constipation or diarrhea, difficulty based on difficulty with bowel movements, irregular or infrequent stools (once a week or less).
  2. Identification of any atypical elements on toilet paper: blood, pus, mucous inclusions.
  3. Pain sensations. Discomfort, cramps or acute pain that appeared at the time of a bowel movement, immediately before it, or lasting for some time, are a clear sign of the development of disorders. Pain in the right or left hypochondrium, or small pelvis can also be caused by a number of proctological problems. The nature of the pain can have a very different look - from a slight but regular tingling, to spasmodic and very intense pain.
  4. The appearance of burning, itching or discomfort in the anus requires a visit and examination by a specialist. Also, you can not ignore symptoms such as: ulcers, purulent formations and various inflammatory processes in the anus.

The proctologist deals with the elimination of all these symptoms. If any of them appear, you need to make an appointment with a doctor. You should not postpone the visit, because any disease is easier to treat at its initial stage.

Proctologist for women

Despite the fact that with most women's problems it is customary to go to a gynecologist, and a proctologist is an exclusively male specialist, sometimes the female sex should visit this doctor. The reason for the mandatory visit are the following symptoms:

  • sensation of a foreign body in the rectum;
  • regular diarrhea and constipation;
  • discomfort and itching in the anus;
  • pain in the anus;
  • frequent flatulence;
  • atypical discharge from the anus.

It is also mandatory to visit a proctologist for women in the postpartum period and with regular unidentified pain in the lower abdomen. A preventive annual examination is also recommended for those whose lifestyle or work activity is associated with heavy physical exertion or vice versa, sedentary, sedentary activities.

The main symptomatology that obliges women to visit a proctologist is not much different from the appointment for men. This is due to the fact that the competence of a female gynecologist does not always include the treatment of proctological problems. To eliminate psychological discomfort, many clinics select a female doctor for examination in women.

Treatment Methods

Most modern specialists try to avoid open operations and, if possible, replace them with new, minimally invasive treatments. Thus, most of the diseases that 10 years ago could only be eliminated with a scalpel are now successfully treated or eliminated by non-surgical methods.

  1. Latex ligation of hemorrhoids. The procedure consists in stopping the hemorrhoid process by fitting a tight latex ring on it. The method allows you to block the blood supply to the node, as a result of which it dries up and dies on its own. The procedure is carried out in combination with drug treatment or immediately after it.
  2. radio wave surgery. In a few sessions, even severe forms of such ailments as: anal fissures, papillomas, polyps, hemorrhoids, condylomas can be cured. The method passes without any resections and blood, recovery occurs within a few days. Healthy tissue areas located near the affected area remain intact.
  3. infrared coagulation. The treatment is based on the thermal effect of infrared rays on the area affected by the disease. EFFECT: method provides rapid healing of tissues and fusion of blood vessels in case of such ailments as: papillomas, hemorrhoids, anal fissures.
  4. Sclerotherapy. The procedure is based on a course of injections containing a special drug that blocks blood circulation and narrows the veins in the areas of the body that are necessary for this. The method has proven itself in the treatment of anal fissures and hemorrhoids.
  5. Medical treatment. It involves the appointment of anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, special ointments and gels.

But in order to completely recover from proctological problems and prevent their occurrence in the future, therapy alone is not enough. Sometimes for this you need to reconsider your entire lifestyle, and for this you need to: combine moderate physical activity with good rest, adjust the rhythm of the day, eat right, give up bad habits.

Also, to maintain health, especially after treatment by a specialist, therapeutic physiotherapy and regular preventive examinations by a proctologist are recommended.

Knowing what a proctologist treats is necessary for people over 45 years old, when even many healthy people have problems that this narrow specialist solves. What distinguishes a proctologist from others is the fact that this branch of medicine requires a very delicate approach and knowledge of psychology; patients who have severely started the disease often come to the appointment.

What is proctology?

Proctology is a branch of medicine that studies diseases of the colon, including the colon and rectum. If we talk about what a proctologist does, it would be more correct to call this medical section coloproctology, since this is a more complete and accurate name. Based on this, in addition to diseases of the rectum, the proctologist deals with pathologies of the anus and anorectal zone.

Who is a proctologist and what does he treat?

The answer to the question of who a proctologist is is partly contained in the description of the branch of medicine in which he works. Proctologists diagnose and treat diseases of the organs for which coloproctology is responsible. In addition, the proctologist should also be oriented in diseases of related areas - gynecology, urology, venereology and oncology.

What does a proctologist treat?

  • anal itching and fissures;
  • constipation and diarrhea;
  • weakness of the anal sphincter;
  • anal sphincter incontinence due to perineal rupture after childbirth;
  • trauma, ingestion of foreign bodies;
  • candidiasis, dysbacteriosis;
  • perianal warts;
  • polyposis;
  • proctitis, ;
  • cryptite;
  • helminthic invasions;
  • anomalies (congenital) of the rectal region;
  • incontinence of gases and feces;
  • coccygeal cyst;
  • rectal prolapse;
  • neurological syndrome;
  • fistulas;
  • oncological diseases.

In percentage terms, such a pathology as hemorrhoids is more common, which may be accompanied by bleeding, pain, and swelling. Uncomplicated cases are treated with medication or minimally invasive methods. In advanced cases, treatment for hemorrhoids may include surgery. Complications of hemorrhoids, which the proctologist also treats, include fistulas, thrombosis of hemorrhoids, the development of proctitis, paraproctitis, enterocolitis or colitis. In addition, with hemorrhoids, intestinal motility is often disturbed, edema and lesions of the intestinal mucosa develop.

Malignant neoplasms of the large intestine pose a great danger to the patient. In such cases, timely diagnosis of cancer is important, since colon cancer at the initial stage, when the likelihood of recovery is much higher, rarely manifests itself as any symptoms. For this reason, preventive examinations by a proctologist are very important.

What does a proctologist do in a polyclinic?

  • colitis of any etiology;
  • helminthic invasions;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • anal fissures.

What does a proctologist do?

A proctologist surgeon is a specialist who, in case of complications arising from damage to the rectum, performs planned or emergency surgical intervention. Coloproctological operations can be small in scope, but sometimes patients require major reconstructive interventions that require the use of innovative techniques and the most modern equipment.

When should you contact a proctologist?

A visit to a proctologist for many is an unpleasant, painful and scary procedure. Therefore, people prefer to self-medicate or use folk methods. Such an unreasonable attitude can lead to sad consequences - the occurrence of complications or the development of oncology. To prevent this from happening, you need to know what the proctologist treats and visit him on time.

When to contact a proctologist:

  • with chronic constipation, alternating with diarrhea;
  • with frequent pain in the anus, which are aggravated in a sitting position, with bowel movements;
  • with bleeding from the rectum;
  • when blood appears in the stool;
  • with inflammation of hemorrhoids;
  • with a feeling of incomplete bowel cleansing after the toilet;
  • with rashes, itching, inflammation or swelling in the anus;
  • with prolapse of the rectum;
  • with frequent abdominal pain, bloating and flatulence.

Proctologist's appointment

At the first appointment, the proctologist first collects an anamnesis - interviews the patient and conducts an initial examination. Examination of the rectum with the help of palpation and through the abdominal wall is what the proctologist looks at at the first appointment. Such an examination helps to identify anal fissures, hemorrhoids, damage to the rectum, and pathological formations. A more serious examination is carried out with the help of special tools.

How to prepare for an appointment with a proctologist?

Preparation for the proctologist and his examination is very important, because without this the doctor will not be able to examine all parts of the intestine. How to prepare for a proctologist:

  1. Two days before the appointment, start dieting which helps to reduce gas formation and the formation of a large fecal mass. Potatoes, milk, legumes, rye bread, lemonades, vegetables and fruits that have not undergone heat treatment should be excluded from the diet.
  2. On the eve of the examination, it is necessary to clean the intestines. This can be done with the help of Fortrans, which very effectively removes all the contents of the intestine. The drug is taken according to a certain scheme, which is described in detail in the annotation. Enemas can also be used to cleanse the intestines - two procedures with a break of half an hour, or one in the evening, and the second in the morning. You can not eat after the cleansing procedures before the examination.

How is an appointment with a proctologist?

At the appointment, the doctor introduces the patient to the preventive measures necessary for intestinal health. A proctologist's consultation on prevention is necessary for some categories of patients:

  • overweight people;
  • women in the last trimester of pregnancy and women who have recently given birth;
  • women in menopause;
  • people who often suffer from constipation;
  • weightlifters and people who have to lift weights;
  • people whose day passes in a sitting position;
  • patients who have already had an operation to remove hemorrhoids;
  • people who have a relative with oncological diseases of the intestine;
  • patients over 40 years of age.

What does a proctologist see?

An examination by a proctologist using an anoscope or sigmoidoscope can see the inside of the rectum and detect pathological changes, if any. Colonoscopy allows you to examine the large intestine almost along its entire length. A more superficial examination of the proctologist occurs during an anoscope examination - the device is inserted to a depth of 14 cm. During such an examination, the doctor has the opportunity to take smears or biopsy samples. Such an examination when contacting a proctologist is considered mandatory.

A more accurate diagnostic method is examination with a sigmoidoscope. With its help, the doctor examines the rectum and sigmoid colon to a depth of 40 cm, assessing not only the condition of the mucosa, but also the tone and motor function of the intestine. The most accurate diagnostic method is. In addition to examining and identifying pathologies, some medical manipulations can also be performed during the procedure - to stop bleeding, remove a foreign object, remove a small benign neoplasm.

What tests does the proctologist prescribe?

In addition to hardware examinations, the proctologist prescribes laboratory tests to help clarify the diagnosis. What tests can a proctologist prescribe:

  • fecal analysis for, the presence of blood;
  • coprogram;
  • examination for candidiasis, fungal infections;
  • research on;
  • identification .

Very often, a proctologist is consulted about hemorrhoids, which can cause the development of some other diseases.

Prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids - advice from a proctologist to people at risk:

  1. It is necessary to organize a healthy balanced diet, including vegetables, fruits, and not allowing diarrhea or constipation.
  2. Drinking regimen for the prevention of constipation - 2 liters of water per day.
  3. It is also important to give up bad habits - alcohol, nicotine.
  4. For the health of the rectum, it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, we need feasible physical activity, physical education.
  5. It is necessary to observe hygiene, every time after emptying the intestines it is desirable to wash with soap and water.
  6. It is also important to contact a proctologist in a timely manner for the prompt detection of pathologies.

Who is a proctologist and what does he do? Proctology is a branch of medicine that deals with the study of diseases of the large intestine (rectum and colon) and anus.

A proctologist is a doctor who deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of colon pathologies. Such diseases include hemorrhoids, itching in the anus, anal fissures, ulcers, rectal prolapse, proctitis, paraproctitis, fecal incontinence, constipation, perianal pain and other problems. Since the diseases of this area are quite intimate, they seek help from a doctor in case of emergency, often in an advanced stage of the disease.

There are a lot of reasons for the occurrence of proctological diseases, this is the abuse of certain types of medications (laxatives, oral contraceptives), an immobile lifestyle, low mobility, poor food hygiene, problems with alcohol, anal sex, pregnancy. All of these factors lead to circulatory disorders and stagnation of blood in the small pelvis, and, as a result, circulatory disorders in the rectum. And under the condition of several risk factors, the likelihood of developing pathologies of the large intestine and rectum increases several times.

When should you contact a proctologist?

When should you contact a proctologist to avoid serious complications? First of all, you need to pay attention to the first signals indicating the problems of the large intestine. The problem is that the symptoms in the early stages of the disease are practically not expressed. There are signs of intestinal discomfort: increased bowel movements or vice versa, constipation, discomfort in the lower abdomen - pulling pains, bloating, a feeling of a foreign body in the rectum, a feeling of pressure on the abdomen of the belt. These are the first signs of a developing pathological process in the large intestine. Later, the symptoms are supplemented by constant pain in the lower abdomen, diarrhea or prolonged constipation, secretion of mucus, blood or purulent exudate, itching of the anus, burning, fever, exhaustion, symptoms of intoxication.

You should immediately seek qualified help if you experience the following symptoms:

  • pain in the abdomen and in the anus;
  • discharge of mucus or pus from the anus;
  • constipation;
  • obstruction of the colon;
  • bloating;
  • false urge to defecate;
  • incontinence of feces and gases;
  • bleeding or streaks of blood on the surface of the stool;
  • pain or discomfort with bowel movements;
  • constipation.

What tests should be taken when contacting a proctologist?

What tests you need to pass when contacting a proctologist depends on what preliminary analysis will be installed. After all, timely diagnosis and detection of pathology of the large intestine is the key to effective treatment.

With hemorrhoids, a general clinical blood test is prescribed to determine the presence of anemia that occurs with frequent bleeding.

If fungal diseases of the perianal zone or anogenital herpes are suspected, a smear from the perianal area is prescribed.

If intestinal polyps are suspected, DNA diagnostics are performed to determine the presence of mutations in the genes. The presence of polyps is a predetermining factor in the development of colon cancer, so timely diagnosis and treatment can prevent this disease.

What diagnostic methods does the proctologist use?

What diagnostic methods the proctologist uses depends on the preliminary diagnosis. An appointment with a proctologist lasts an average of 30 to 60 minutes, during this period of time the doctor can carry out diagnostics, including methods of anoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, rectal digital examination, ultrasound diagnostics (ultrasound) of the abdominal cavity, oncological and other examinations.

In addition, the proctologist may prescribe additional diagnostic methods:

  • rectoscopy;
  • histological examination;
  • cancer examination.

Also, a proctologist can use the following technique and approach to treat proctological diseases:

  • sparing, non-surgical method of treatment of hemorrhoids;
  • complete painless diagnosis of diseases of the rectum;
  • removal of hemorrhoids without surgery, without pain, without changing the habitual lifestyle;
  • highly effective treatment of rectal fissures;
  • removal of polyps;
  • treatment of rectal prolapse;
  • surgical treatment.

It is important to remember that a timely visit to the doctor and the refusal of self-medication will help prevent the development of severe complications and accelerate the period of full recovery of the body.

What does a proctologist do?

What does a proctologist do and what is his area of ​​specialization? A proctologist deals with measures for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the colon and rectum. Among the common diseases in this area are hemorrhoids, proctitis, paraproctitis, itching of the anus, anal fissures, fistulas, polyps, ulcers, rectal prolapse, fecal incontinence.

Most of these diseases begin with a defecation disorder - diarrhea or constipation occurs, discharge from the anus (purulent, bloody) appears, emptying is painful, and pain in the lower abdomen is also disturbing in a sitting position. Due to the intimacy of the problems that have arisen, patients delay the visit to the doctor, and as a result, the disease becomes quite severe.

In order not to embarrass the patient, the doctor can conduct an appointment with the patient at home, such an environment will not embarrass the patient, and the doctor will be able to collect an anamnesis, conduct an examination and put forward a version of the diagnosis, and, if necessary, to clarify the primary diagnosis, appoint additional studies. Plus, some of the instrumental research methods can be carried out even at home - modern technology allows you to use portable equipment in any conditions.

What diseases does a proctologist treat?

What diseases does a proctologist treat? A proctologist (coloproctologist) specializes in the diagnosis and prevention of pathologies of the rectum, colon and anus. Previously, the specialization of the proctologist included diseases only of the rectum, and the coloproctologist deals with pathologies of two sections of the large intestine (rectum and colon).

In 1997, the branch of medicine “proctology” was officially renamed “coloproctology”, therefore, in fact, proctology and coloproctology are one area. There are two sections of proctology - surgical and therapeutic.

Surgical proctology specializes in emergency conditions of the rectum - bleeding from a ruptured hemorrhoid, etc.

Diseases, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of which the proctologist is engaged in:

  • polyps;
  • trauma;
  • foreign bodies;
  • tumors;
  • bowel prolapse;
  • helminthic invasions;
  • proctitis;
  • colitis;
  • epithelial coccygeal passage;
  • papillitis;
  • diverticula of the large intestine;
  • anokopchikovy pain syndrome.

The advice of a proctologist comes down to the prevention of diseases of the large intestine and rectum and the rejection of self-medication when the first signs of bowel dysfunction appear.

Prevention of the appearance of hemorrhoids:

  • treatment of constipation and diarrhea (diarrhea), normalization of the digestive tract, regular and balanced nutrition.
  • complete or partial refusal to drink alcohol, highly spicy, smoked and salty foods.
  • personal hygiene after using the toilet. Careful observance of the cleanliness of the anal area after each bowel movement. If necessary, refuse to use toilet paper and switch to washing with soap and water at room temperature after visiting the toilet, in order to prevent exacerbations, cool manganese baths (pale pink solution) should be taken for 1.5-2 minutes after each stool.
  • when the initial signs of hemorrhoids appear, it is necessary to abandon any physical activity.
  • pregnant women, in order to reduce venous congestion in the pelvic organs, are recommended daily exercises, walking, a diet with a lot of laxative foods, and a ban on wearing tight belts.
  • those who lead a sedentary lifestyle need to do gymnastics, swim, and walk more.

Prevention of rectal cancer primarily concerns patients at risk - with rectal polyps, chronic inflammation of the rectal capsule, anal fissures. Patients with diagnosed pathologies are registered with a proctologist and are required to visit a doctor at least once a year. When visiting a doctor, the patient is prescribed a fecal occult blood test, rectosigmoscopy, colonoscopy or barium enema.

Prevention of constipation takes place in several stages:

  • Nutrition normalization. From the menu it is necessary to exclude products that inhibit intestinal motility - meat products, sugar, sweets, eggs, white bread, various pastries, chocolate. It is necessary to eat fruits, vegetables, cereals, foods rich in fiber as often as possible. Fiber stimulates the bowels, facilitates the act of defecation.
  • You also need to drink the required amount of liquid - about 2 liters of the total body weight.
  • Eating a large number of vegetables and fruits in raw form, boiled, stewed, steamed.
  • Eat fractionally, in small portions, to prevent overeating.
  • Do not tolerate, do not restrain the act of defecation.
  • Use laxatives and antibacterial drugs with extreme caution, in case of emergency.
  • Also, an important aspect of constipation prevention is maintaining physical activity, for example, walking regularly - this will help keep the intestines and the whole body in good shape.

Prevention of colon polyps is as follows:

  • Timely access to a doctor, early diagnosis and treatment of chronic colitis, constipation, dysbacteriosis.
  • Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Eating a diet rich in fiber and dairy products. Limiting the intake of fatty, spicy, canned, meat, fried foods.
  • Taking vitamin complexes rich in beta-carotene (provitamin A).
  • Reception of special preparations after the postponed oncological diseases - photostim, prolongin.
  • Annual immunochemical testing of patients older than 40 years for fecal occult blood.
  • Endoscopic examination of the colon (sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy).

Prevention of anal fissures does not require compliance with complex rules, it is enough:

  • Eat mostly those foods that contain more fiber to avoid constipation.
  • Do not tolerate, do not interfere with defecation.
  • Wash the anus with cool water after going to the toilet.
  • Maintain the tone of the body, lead a mobile lifestyle.

Prevention of proctitis, inflammation of the rectal mucosa, can be reduced to following a few simple rules:

  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, this includes a balanced diet, physical activity, and the rejection of bad habits.
  • Refusal of questionable sexual relations.
  • Compliance with personal hygiene.
  • For casual, unverified sexual intercourse, a condom should be used.

Prevention of the formation of fistulas of the rectum consists only in the speedy diagnosis and competent treatment of paraproctitis, the exclusion of trauma to the rectum.

Also, it is important to remember that when the first signs of colon dysfunction appear, you should immediately seek qualified help from a proctologist and do not self-medicate.

The field of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, research and development of measures for the prevention of diseases of the rectum, all departments of the colon and adjacent departments.

This particular area of ​​medicine is called coloproctology, however, the most famous name is proctology, although, in fact, the latter is a surgical specialty.

Who is a proctologist and what is his job?

This is a doctor who specializes in the pathology of the lower intestines, anal region and surrounding tissues.

What does a proctologist treat and when should you seek his advice?

A proctologist, or more correctly, a coloproctologist, deals with the diagnosis and treatment of pathologies of the rectum and colon. A little earlier, proctologists were united in a narrow group of specialists who focused exclusively on the pathology of the rectum. The field of activity of coloproctologists is much wider.
Not so long ago, these two specialties were merged into one, and the specialization of doctors was expanded.

Main sections of specialization

  1. Surgical proctologist. Solves the problems associated with emergency medical care for diseases of the final sections of the digestive tract. For example, stopping bleeding from a ruptured hemorrhoid, in the presence of varicose veins of the rectal veins.
  2. Therapeutic proctologist. It treats intoxication caused by intestinal damage, various helminthic invasions, colitis of an infectious nature.

What diseases are treated by a proctologist?

A proctologist treats pathology of the large intestine and rectum.

  1. Anal fissures. Damage to the lining of the rectum.
  2. Haemorrhoids. Inflammatory changes in the veins of the anus, accompanied by bleeding from them, the formation of hemorrhoidal nodes with their subsequent prolapse.
  3. Fecal incontinence. A person loses control over the process of bowel movement after injuries and certain diseases of the nervous system.
  4. The specialist treats serious diseases, for example, colon polyposis. This refers to multiple polyps in the hereditary form of the disease. Numerous benign neoplasms form on the inner wall of the digestive tract.
  5. Ulcerative lesion of the walls of the rectum.
  6. Inflammation of the large intestine, or colitis.
  7. Paraproctitis, inflammation of the tissue of the perirectal tissue, the formation of fistulas is possible.
  8. Congenital pathology - coccygeal cyst.
  9. Any congenital anomaly in the development of the rectal and perirectal region.
  10. Worm invasion.
  11. Prolapse of the rectum.
  12. Oncological diseases.
  13. Removal of foreign bodies.
  14. Restoration of a patient after a trauma of the rectal region.

What complaints and symptoms lead to an examination by this doctor

An examination by a proctologist is necessary if you have the following complaints and symptoms:

  • bleeding from the anus;
  • itching in the perianal region;
  • pain during defecation and while sitting;
  • the presence of pathological impurities in the feces in the form of mucus or blood;
  • difficulty in emptying the bowels or dividing the act of defecation into several stages;
  • prolapse of hemorrhoids or part of the rectum during stress;
  • change in stool in the last six months;
  • constipation or loose stools;
  • anemia, the causes of which cannot be determined;
  • feeling of unfinished act of defecation.

A proctologist's examination is carried out carefully, since a simple survey is not enough to assess the patient's condition and make a preliminary diagnosis. The proctologist examines the patient, examines the rectum, if possible, the colon, as well as the perianal area using available methods.

Usually patients are afraid that the appointment of a proctologist may be painful, this opinion is erroneous. Before coming to the doctor, you need to prepare, cleanse the final sections of the digestive tract and follow a diet for several days.

After questioning the complaints and the history of the disease, the doctor proceeds to palpation. It passes painlessly through the anterior abdominal wall. Such an examination will show the condition of the sigmoid colon, its filling, soreness, change in shape or the presence of tumor-like formations.

A specific research method is digital rectal. It will allow you to identify defects in the mucous membrane, volumetric formations of the anus and lower rectum. An anoscopy is sometimes required at a proctologist's appointment. The examination is carried out using a special device, it allows you to visually assess the condition of the inner lining of the lower intestines, the severity of the lesion, to see inflammatory changes and mucosal defects.

An examination by a proctologist is carried out after special preparation. This will make it more informative. The doctor may use an anoscope, and digital rectal examination is used in all cases.

Before the examination, it is necessary to clean the intestines so that the specialist can carefully examine its internal walls. Preparation for the appointment with the proctologist is to conduct a cleansing enema. To do this, take 1-1.5 liters of clean warm water, repeat the procedure twice: in the evening and in the morning before visiting a specialist for 2-3 hours.
Inspection will be informative with proper and sufficient cleansing of the intestines from feces.

Before the planned visit to the proctologist, the patient must prepare. To do this, it is enough to follow a diet for several days. Such a diet will help to cope with excessive gas formation, as well as relieve fermentation processes in the intestines. Preparing with a diet is to avoid bread, legumes, raw vegetables, and dairy products. Following a diet before a visit to the doctor will help to conduct a reliable palpation of all parts of the digestive tube through the anterior abdominal wall, and will also make the digital examination complete. If during the latter the patient still experiences pain, the doctor may apply a spray or gel for pain relief. This method of examination is necessary to assess the skin of the intergluteal fold, the tone of the sphincter muscles, the anal region, and it will also help determine the presence of tumors and hemorrhoids.

At the appointment with the proctologist, additional research may be needed. This may be a sigmoidoscopy or a colonoscopy. This is a deeper examination, which is used to assess the mucous membrane of the far sections of the large intestine, the nature of peristalsis, muscle tone, the presence of an ulcerative or erosive lesion of the intestinal tube, the state of the vascular bed, etc.

When is it necessary to visit a doctor of this specialty?

Among the adult population, this is a fairly common question, since the pathology of the intestine, its final sections is not uncommon, especially in some life periods of a person. So, when do you need a proctologist examination?

  1. The postpartum period and the last weeks of pregnancy. About 70% of women who have given birth face problems associated with hemorrhoids or bowel prolapse and prolapse.
  2. Premenopause and actual menopause.
  3. Big weight.
  4. Forced to stay in a sitting position, which may be related to lifestyle and work.
  5. Transferred surgical interventions on the rectum and adjacent areas.
  6. An examination by a proctologist is necessary for people over 40 years old if they had close relatives with tumors of the lower intestine.

Preparing for a doctor's visit can take place without the use of a standard cleansing enema, as the pharmaceutical industry now offers microenemas. For example, Microlax.
This drug acts as early as 5-15 minutes, contributing to the liquefaction of feces and bowel movements, helping to prepare before taking a specialist. Microlax does not affect the higher parts of the digestive system, and its active components act directly in the places of accumulation of feces. You can prepare for the reception with the help of this tool in a short period of time, since its effect is achieved already in the first minutes.

Microlax is convenient in that it is allowed to be taken by pregnant women and children, including several times in a row, without causing muscle spasm.

Microlax is a thick liquid that is conveniently “packed” in soft tubes with a flexible tip. There is a special mark on the tip, according to which you can navigate how much to inject microclysters for children under 3 years old. Adults enter the entire tip.

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