Aromatic secrets: the properties of ylang-ylang oil and how to use it. How to choose and store ylang ylang oil. Ylang-ylang oil application

The legendary essential oil of ylang-ylang has long been used not only in aromatherapy sessions, but also in cosmetology, perfumery and even for medicinal purposes. If you learn how to use the product correctly, you can significantly improve the quality of your skin and nails. The ether of ylang-ylang helps with weight loss, and the pleasant smell of the oil will be a wonderful fragrance for your home.

What is ylang ylang oil

Ylang-ylang oil is obtained from the plant of the same name, namely from its inflorescences. Interestingly, there are two types of ether:

  • designed for use in household chemicals, since it is obtained 6 hours after the start of distillation;
  • obtained after only 60 minutes after a special treatment, intended for use in perfumery and cosmetology.

Ylang-ylang oil is part of the world-famous perfume "Chanel No. 5".

Ylang Ylang Oil is made from the inflorescences of the eponymous plant.

For personal care, you should buy ylang-ylang oil in a dark bottle with the inscription "extra" on the package. The product itself usually has a yellowish tint and a sweet, rich smell.

Ylang Ylang oil has a yellowish tint

Ylang Ylang Essence Properties

Ylang-ylang essential oil has both medicinal and cosmetic effects:

  1. Calms the nervous system.
  2. Normalizes the respiratory process.
  3. Eliminates spasms.
  4. It has an anticonvulsant and antispasmodic effect for any pain.
  5. Facilitates the manifestations of menopause.
  6. Regulates the menstrual cycle.
  7. Normalizes the work of sebaceous and sweat glands.
  8. Prevents premature skin aging.
  9. Increases the concentration of collagen in cells.
  10. Treats acne.
  11. Normalizes blood pressure.
  12. Promotes relief during exacerbation of eczema and dermatoses.
  13. It has an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin.
  14. Increases the ability of cells to regenerate.
  15. Helps strengthen nails.
  16. Helps.
  17. Fights hair loss.
  18. Helps to restore the skin after excessive cooling or prolonged exposure to the sun.
  19. Protects against insect bites.

Ylang-ylang oil in cosmetology

Ylang-ylang oil is actively used in cosmetology as a component in care products.

Residents of countries where ylang-ylang grows use this ester for cosmetic purposes. To do this, they mix the product with coconut or palm oil.

For skin

Ylang-ylang oil is used in.

Enrichment of cosmetics

To make a cream or gel cleanser even more effective, add just a drop of ylang-ylang ester to it before use. After that, the product will have not only moisturizing and nourishing, but also a leveling, smoothing and rejuvenating effect. You can enrich cosmetic products with ether regularly, without interruption.

Against dry skin

Take a quarter of an avocado and mash it with a fork to the consistency of sour cream. Add 3 ml of ylang-ylang ether to the gruel. You can pour a little rose oil (5 ml) into the mask. Apply the product on the skin of the face, and after half an hour wash with running water. Use the mask twice a week.

Avocado porridge is easy to make with a fork or blender.

Mask for problem skin

Take jojoba oil as a base. Mix it with ylang-ylang ether in a ratio of 10:2. Apply the resulting product on your face for half an hour. After this time, rinse the skin with running water. The mask can be done twice a week on an ongoing basis.

Jojoba oil combined with ylang-ylang ester is great for fighting acne

Salt peeling for oily skin

Take 10 g of coarse salt. It must be soaked in grape seed oil or olive oil. Add a drop of ylang-ylang ester to the resulting mixture. Massage your face for two minutes with a homemade scrub. The tool is quite strong, so do not use it more than once every two weeks. The course is two months, then you need to take a break for 10 days and you can repeat the complex (if necessary).

Sea salt is perfect for making a natural scrub.

Rejuvenating mask

To prepare the mask, you will need the following products:

  • 1 tbsp peach oil;
  • 10 ml of natural honey;
  • 1 tbsp sour cream;
  • 1 tbsp oatmeal;
  • 3 drops of ylang ylang essential oil.

First you need to combine the ingredients. Then you need to generously apply the resulting product on the face and leave for half an hour. Then rinse your skin with warm water. Apply the mask twice a week regularly, without interruption.

Natural honey promotes skin rejuvenation

For nails

Ylang-ylang essential oil strengthens the nail plate, protects it from delamination, bacteria and fungal infections.

Fingernail massage

Mix six drops of ylang ylang essential oil with a teaspoon of almond oil. Massage the resulting substance on your fingernails for ten minutes. It is recommended to do the procedure several times a week on an ongoing basis.

Almond oil combined with ylang-ylang ester strengthens nails

Toenail massage

Take ylang-ylang oil and coconut oil in a ratio of 1:6. Combine the ingredients and massage your toenails. A quarter of an hour will be enough. The procedure can be performed daily on an ongoing basis.

Coconut oil is ideal for strengthening toenails

For weight loss

Ylang-ylang essential oil promotes weight loss, as it removes excess fluid from the body and reduces appetite. In addition, the tool activates metabolic processes. There are three most common options for using ylang-ylang ether for weight loss:

  1. Ether bath.
  2. Aromatherapy session.
  3. Massage with oil.

Ylang-ylang essential oil reduces appetite, so the waist circumference gradually decreases

aromatic bath

Fill the tub with hot water and add the following ingredients to it:

  • 3 drops of bergamot oil;
  • 4 drops of myrrh oil;
  • 1 drop of ylang ylang

This procedure not only regulates appetite, but also fights cellulite at an early stage. You can take an aromatic bath several times a week for twenty minutes. The course is 10 sessions, then you need to pause for 7 days and repeat the set of procedures.

Bergamot oil is known for its ability to regulate appetite.

Add a couple of drops of ylang-ylang essential oil diluted in water to the aroma lamp. The room will be filled with a pleasant aroma, and your appetite will noticeably decrease. You can breathe the smell of ylang-ylang daily, breaks in such therapy are not needed.

An aroma lamp with a couple of drops of ylang-ylang will create a relaxing atmosphere and curb your appetite.

Aromatic massage

For massage, you need to purchase a base oil (olive, peach or coconut) and add ylang-ylang ether to it in a ratio of 5:1. Warm the mixture in your palms and actively knead the whole body, paying particular attention to problem areas. Regular performance of this procedure will help you get rid of uneven skin and excess water in the tissues, so that the volume of the waist and hips will noticeably decrease. Massage is usually done in a course of 10-15 sessions. After a two-week break, you can repeat the set of procedures.

Olive oil is ideal for full body massage

Using oil as an aphrodisiac

Essential oil of ylang-ylang is considered a strong aphrodisiac and deservedly so. The tool has a noticeable positive effect on potency and sexual desire. To take advantage of this property of the oil, you can take a bath with the addition of five drops of ether together with your partner or give each other a massage, as described above. Another option is an aroma lamp. Just add ylang-ylang oil to the water and you will immediately plunge into the atmosphere of romance. You can also buy perfume with the addition of the famous ether and use it before a date. There are no restrictions on the number of uses of ylang-ylang oil as an aphrodisiac, there is no need to take breaks. Use the remedy as needed.

It is interesting that earlier in the harems, women were scented with ylang-ylang ether in order to become more attractive.

The perfect complement to a romantic evening - an aroma lamp with ylang-ylang essential oil

Ylang Ylang in Aromatherapy

Ylang Ylang oil is often used in aromatherapy. Ether is used to lower blood pressure, relieve stress and reduce the manifestations of menopause.

As an antidepressant

Add a few drops of ylang ylang oil to one liter of water. Pour the resulting liquid into a spray bottle and periodically spray it into the air of the room in which you spend most of the time. Negative thoughts will visit you less often. You can use this method as needed, you do not need to take breaks.

In addition to aromatizing the room, you can apply ylang-ylang oil to the skin - one drop in the temple area will be enough.

To lower blood pressure

To quickly lower blood pressure, you need to apply ylang-ylang ether to the temples, behind the ears and on the bends of the elbows. Apply remedy as needed.

In no case should ylang-ylang oil be used by hypotensive patients.

To reduce the manifestations of menopause

Get an aroma pendant and put 2 ml of ylang-ylang essential oil into it. Wear jewelry throughout the day. Thanks to this technique, you will almost cease to feel the tides. Use the air as needed, breaks in this case are not needed.

Aroma pendant with ylang-ylang essential oil will reduce the manifestations of menopause


  1. Pregnancy (especially the first trimester).
  2. Hypotension (low blood pressure).

Also, while using ylang-ylang essential oil, the following precautions must be observed:

  • before use, you need to test for sensitivity: apply a few drops of ether to the bend of the elbow and observe the reaction within a day (if there is no irritation, you can safely use the product);
  • you should not use ylang-ylang oil in its pure form (the exception is the need to quickly lower blood pressure);
  • be careful not to get the ether in your eyes;
  • do not use ylang-ylang oil unnecessarily and strictly follow the terms of application.

Even the name of this evergreen tree sets you in a romantic mood, and the aroma of its flowers takes you to the world of feelings and desires.

And it is not surprising that the essential oil of ylang-ylang serves as the basis for perfumery fragrances of famous world brands, dragging them into the world of dreams and fantasies. What secrets are hidden in the flower petals of this bewitching plant, which drives you crazy with its beauty, attractiveness, and ability to connect destinies?

And it is true. Of the large number of essential oils with a variety of beneficial properties and qualities, ylang-ylang ester stands out, perhaps, as the main hypostasis. It serves as a powerful aphrodisiac.

In Malaysia, Indonesia, the beds of the newlyweds are laid out with the luxurious flowers of this tree, firmly believing that evil spirits will never visit the nascent family. And, of course, they use the exciting aroma of flowers to overcome shyness on their wedding night. And local women, attracting the attention of potential suitors, flavor their hair with a mixture of coconut oil and ylang-ylang oil.

The evergreen tropical tree Ylang-ylang (another name is Kananga) grows in Burma, Indonesia, the Philippines, sometimes it reaches a height of 40 meters, blooms with beautiful yellow-green flowers. It exudes the strongest odor at night, when it is pollinated by nocturnal moths. At the end of the flowering period, a multi-leafed fruit is formed, which consists of dark green fruitlets, blackening as they ripen.

The name "Ylang-ylang" has a number of translations, but all variants are permeated with a romantic mood, poetry and literally breathe the aroma of sensuality.

From the Filipino language, this name is often translated as "flutter", "flower of all flowers", from the Malay language - hanging flowers. The tree is also called "fragrant" and "poor man's jasmine". Apparently, due to the rather low price.

But be that as it may, the aroma of cananga flowers really enchants and envelops. And it is natural that the world leaders in perfumery products actively use this mysterious and sweet smell.

Suffice it to recall the rating success of the famous perfume Chanel No. 5, in which the aroma of ylang-ylang magically combines with the aroma of rose, sandalwood, patchouli, cinnamon, vanilla, to get a three-dimensional idea of ​​the essential properties of a beautiful flower.

Variety of uses for ylang-ylang ether

For the nervous system

From the fruits of such a mysteriously fragrant tree, using the “water-steam distillation” method, an essential ylang-ylang oil is obtained, which has a variety of interesting properties.

If in ancient times the use of oil was limited by its ability to fight infections and as a remedy for insect bites, then in modern times, nevertheless, to a greater extent, ylang-ylang ether is used for problems and malfunctions of the nervous system and genital area.

Ylang-ylang essential oil has a pronounced ability to release nervous overload, bad mood, orients a person to a positive perception of the surrounding reality.

If you combine 1 drop of rosewood oil, 3 drops of lavender oil, 2 drops of ylang-ylang oil, using an aroma lamp, you can quickly relieve tension and extinguish a surge of negative emotions.

For depression, it is also good to use the same flavoring agent, combining orange, geranium, ylang-ylang esters in a 3: 1: 3 ratio. Or use the same proven method in the form of an aroma bath, dissolving 6-7 drops of essential oil in an emulsifier (yogurt, kefir) and combining the mixture with water.

Applying ylang-ylang, and using its energy, you can tune in to the right thoughts, eliminate the effects of stress, and increase vitality.

Even in neuropsychology, the use of ylang-ylang oil is known as an effective remedy for preventing epileptic seizures.

To improve relationships

Noting the positive effect of the oil on the nervous system, it becomes clear why the elixir of ylang-ylang is recognized in the world as a real love potion. He turns timid and shy people into bold and determined people. It dissolves self-doubt in its aroma, thereby creating conditions for the development of relationships between a man and a woman.

If there are disagreements and mistrust and misunderstanding penetrate into the relationship of two, ylang-ylang oil will help restore feelings, fill communication with warmth and tenderness.

Therefore, a romantic meeting of two lovers will not interfere with an aroma lamp with the addition of two drops of ylang-ylang oil. Such aromatization will have an even greater effect when combining oils of orange, sandalwood, patchouli, taken in equal proportions.

The beneficial effects of ylang-ylang ether have been noted in the treatment of frigidity, impotence and other sexual disorders.

Ylang Ylang Oil as a Healing Elixir

But, apart from romance, ylang-ylang essential oil also has healing properties that help to weaken and eliminate various ailments.

Useful properties of ylang-ylang oil

  • Reduces pressure in hypertensive patients and increases hypotension, relieves headache (apply a mixture of ylang-ylang, petitgrain, hazelnut, lavender oils to the solar plexus area 3-4 times a day, taking 4 drops of each oil).
  • Helps with gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Reduces the pulse rate (for various arrhythmias, apply 3 drops of a mixture of ylang-ylang, lavender and marjoram oils with a ratio of 1:2:2 to the solar plexus area).
  • Facilitates the course of menopause.
  • Corrects the menstrual cycle (you can try to use baths, massages with the addition of ylang-ylang aroma).
  • Relieves back pain by providing an anticonvulsant effect.
  • Used to treat wounds.

The well-known fact that ylang-ylang essential oils are included in the MotionEaze preparation, which is used to treat seasickness, will make incredulous people pay more attention to the properties of the oil. It is also justified to use essential oil for dizziness of various origins.

If you take oil to normalize the pulse, pressure, with insomnia, then it is recommended to combine two drops of ylang-ylang ether with an emulsifier (kefir, honey) and take it with juice, tea with lemon.

For face

Good results are obtained by the use of ylang-ylang ether in various fields of cosmetology. The amazing properties of the oil attract many women who have already faced age-related problems and have different skin types.

Ylang Ylang Elixir:

  • Stops premature aging of the skin;
  • Returns velvety and elasticity to the skin;
  • Promotes cell regeneration;
  • Relieves inflammation, acne;
  • Weakens the course of eczema and various kinds of dermatitis;
  • Strengthens nails and softens cuticle skin.

Using ylang-ylang ether and combining it with various complementary oils (orange, neroli, pine, clove, cypress), you can achieve positive changes in facial skin in a short time.

Moisturize the skin

A mask of avocado and ylang-ylang oil will help in this case. The fruit is softened, a drop of fragrant elixir and a drop of rosewood oil are added to it. The mask is applied for a third of an hour and washed off with water.

As a fruit base, you can use the pulp of persimmon, banana or melon.

Fighting acne

Jojoba oil and two drops each of lemon oil and ylang-ylang. Problem areas are lubricated with this composition, and after 0.5 hours the mask is washed off with cold water.

Skin youth mask

For such a mask, you will need to take a large spoonful of olive oil and peach oil, 1 tsp. sour cream, and the same amount of honey and oatmeal. Two drops of ylang-ylang oil are added to the mix and applied in a thick layer on the surface of the face and décolleté for a third of an hour.

The external image of any woman is a symbiosis of a clean, well-groomed, healthy complexion and the same hair, which is supposed to be taken care of no less carefully. Ylang Ylang essential oil is designed to support natural feminine beauty in this way. And a woman who pays attention to her hairstyle, hair structure, their appearance, health, will make the necessary efforts to prolong the attractive appearance of her curls.

Eliminate hair loss

In purified water (200 g) add 3-4 drops of ylang-ylang essential oils. The mixture should be placed in a spray bottle, shaken and applied daily to the hair. This procedure allows you to regenerate cells, improves hair structure, stimulates their growth.

Moisturize dry hair

Mix a few drops of ylang-ylang oil, chamomile oil and about a glass of avocado pulp and apply to hair for 1/2 hour, then rinse everything off.

Achieve healthy hair shine

For the magical radiance and beauty of your hair, you can prepare a lotion from a liter of pure water, add 5 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil, a tablespoon of lemon juice, preferably freshly squeezed.

Regularly rinse your hair with this composition after washing.

How to buy ylang-ylang oil, ether price

When buying ylang-ylang oil, you need to know that this oil is extracted in several stages. The first stage in the process of water distillation gives an hour later an "extra" oil, which is used in perfumery.

Further, in the second stage, after three hours from the start of the distillation process, grade1 oil is obtained, which is used in cosmetics. And in the following hours, there is already cheap oil used in lotions, shampoos, and soaps.

Therefore, when purchasing an oil, pay attention to the degree of quality of the essential oil, if possible. The network of online stores offers prices for 10 ml, ranging from 100 rubles to 1.5 thousand.

Ylang-ylang (or Kananga fragrant) is a tree whose yellow flowers produce aromatic oil. Originally used as a cosmetic, the oil was applied by women mixed with coconut oil to hair for strength, smoothness and shine. Today, the healing properties of ylang-ylang essential oil are actively used in aromatherapy, the treatment of many ailments.

The agent is considered an adaptogenic agent capable of exerting an antidepressant anti-stress effect on the psycho-emotional state of a person. The essence will help people suffering from nervous disorders, effectively eliminate mental anxiety and tension, fears, apathy, restore normal sleep, relieve nervous and emotional overexcitation, give strength and self-confidence. This property of the oil is shown even to children (over 7 years old) with restless sleep, nightmares. The aroma of this oil has the ability to slow down the heartbeat and shortness of breath due to a strong shock.

Ylang-ylang oil is an excellent antiseptic, has an anticonvulsant and anti-sclerotic effect.

The beneficial effect of the essential oil extends to the energy shells and upper chakras of a person, attracts exclusively positive energy from the outside world, creating a relaxing atmosphere around it.

This essential oil is a strong aphrodisiac, a wonderful erotic stimulant, tunes in to intimate relationships, increases sexual energy, prolongs male erection, makes women more sensual.

Essential oil of ylang-ylang is able to normalize blood pressure, lower muscle tone.

The action of the fragrant essence will relieve spasms, eliminate headaches and menstrual pain, and normalize the menstrual cycle. It is also able to alleviate the general condition in menopause.

Video: Properties of ylang-ylang oil, how to choose and apply.

The oil has excellent cosmetic and dermatological properties. This versatile product is suitable for any type of hair and skin, useful in nail care as a strengthening agent. Reduces excessive activity of the sebaceous glands, intensively moisturizes, relieves inflammation and irritation, helps to even out the relief, makes the skin supple and velvety. Essential oil of ylang-ylang perfectly fights acne, alleviates conditions with dermatosis, eczema. This aromatic oil stimulates the growth of new cells, contributing to the overall rejuvenation of the epidermis and preventing early skin aging. Essential oil is also useful for hair, fights brittleness, eliminates hair loss, and adds shine.

Using ylang ylang essential oil

Remember that essential oils should not be used undiluted, especially on the face (tea tree oil is an exception). They should be mixed with base oils, honey, sour cream or other vehicle (since not all of them dissolve in water) and only then added to water.

It is not recommended to add esters to ready-made cosmetics for hair and face, which contain any chemical compounds. This is explained by the fact that esters quickly and deeply penetrate the skin, due to which they can easily “capture” all the chemical compounds of a cosmetic product with them into the dermis. And how all this will affect our health is unknown.

Skin care

  1. Universal for all skin types, each has its own positive effect, but is most suitable for problematic and oily skin prone to acne and various rashes.
  2. Oily skin ylang-ylang mattifies, reduces the secretion of sebaceous secretions, tightens pores.
  3. It relieves problematic skin of rashes, inflammations, treats eczema and dermatitis.
  4. Normal and dry skin intensively moisturizes, softens, inhibits the appearance of premature signs of aging.
  5. Soothes sensitive skin, reduces inflammation, relieves itching and flaking.
  6. Fading skin rejuvenates, makes elastic, improves complexion.

The use of ylang-ylang essential oil helps to fix the tan and protect the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, as well as eliminate irritation after sunbathing.

The oil perfectly cleanses the skin of makeup, for this it is mixed with any suitable base oil (3 drops of ether per 1 tablespoon). Add a little oil solution to a damp cotton pad and cleanse the skin, including the eyes. Change cotton pads until the face is completely clean.

It is good to add this ether to decoctions and infusions of chamomile, celandine, calendula, sage and use it to tone the skin, irrigate it several times a day (5-7 drops of oil per 100 ml of infusion).

Add 2-3 drops of ether to any oil face masks to enhance the effect on the skin structure.

The base oil, together with the essential oil of ylang-ylang, is an excellent tool for intensively moisturizing the skin (2-3 drops of ether per 1 tablespoon of the base).

Use of essential oil in hair care

To strengthen hair, add shine, ylang-ylang oil is used in aroma combing procedures. Mix two drops of ether with a light base oil and put on a wooden comb, then comb the hair in different directions for five minutes. Do this procedure daily.

Video: Aroma combing with ylang-ylang essential oil.

Add 3 drops of ylang-ylang to any oil hair mask. You will notice the effect after 3 procedures.

Application in nail care

Well strengthens the nail plate, helps with exfoliation and cares for the cuticle mixture of almond oil with the addition of ylang-ylang in a ratio of 1:1. Massage each nail plate. A mixture of jojoba oil and ylang-ylang, taken in equal proportions, perfectly polishes nails.

To enhance the erotic mood

A sensual, energizing blend of Ylang Ylang and Lemongrass (or Lemon) essential oils. Mix esters in equal proportions (2 drops each), add to a spray bottle and water (150 ml). Spray in the bedroom a couple of hours before a night's sleep.

Essential oil can be used for erotic massage: take 5 drops of ether for 15 ml of base oil (olive, linseed, etc.).

To normalize mental balance and sleep

In an empty spray bottle, add a tablespoon of alcohol, 2 drops each of lemongrass and ylang ylang oil, and 3 drops of lavender essential oil. Mix well and add water.

Dissolve the mixture first in a tablespoon of alcohol, use occasionally as an air freshener and one hour before bedtime. The oil can also be used in an aroma lamp (4 drops for every 15 square meters).

Dissolve 4-6 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil in a tablespoon of milk, sea salt or honey and add to a bath filled with warm water. Take a bath for 15 minutes, the procedure is useful for stress, nervous tension and depression.

Internal use of oil

It is recommended to take orally for insomnia, nervous conditions, to lower blood pressure and pulse rate, 2 times a day. Mix 2 drops of ether with 1 teaspoon of honey and drink the mixture with tea with lemon or kefir.

Essential oil treatment

The tool helps in the treatment of various diseases. Inhalation of the aroma well calms the breath, leveling it in cases of attacks of shock or aggression.

With high blood pressure, it is useful to apply a mixture of essential oils of lavender (1 ml), petitgrain (3 ml), ylang-ylang (1 ml) and hazelnut oil (5 ml) to the solar plexus area. Do the procedure 3-4 times a day.

In diseases of the cardiovascular system, ylang-ylang normalizes coronary blood flow, soothes the heart muscle in case of coronary disease and arrhythmias.

In case of tachycardia and arrhythmia, it is recommended to apply a mixture of essential oils of lavender 2 ml, marjoram 2 ml, ylang-ylang 1 ml to the solar plexus area. Means to apply daily 3-4 times a day for 10 days.

In case of stress, a mixture of essential oils of mandarin 2 ml, ylang-ylang 1 ml, petitgrain 1 ml is applied to the solar plexus area 4-5 times a day. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

For the health of a woman's reproductive system, relieving menstrual pain, reducing the manifestation of PMS and normalizing the menstrual cycle, ylang-ylang essential oil is useful for baths, massages and aromatization of rooms, combining with clary sage and neroli oils (pre-mix with the vehicle).

The musculoskeletal system also benefits from the use of this essential oil. Relieves spasms, prevents convulsions and relieves pain in back pain, sciatica.

The intense aroma of the oil can cause dizziness and nausea, but combining it with essential oils of lemon and bergamot will help neutralize the sweetness of the product. Also well combined with ylang-ylang oils of cypress, cedar, pine, tangerine, grapefruit, cinnamon, verbena, palmarosa, black pepper, neroli, lemongrass, rose, orange, cloves, mint, rosewood.

The healing effects of ylang-ylang oil are not fully understood to date. It is assumed that the tool helps in the treatment of certain forms of diabetes, prevents epileptic seizures (only under medical supervision).

Contraindications and restrictions

  1. It is important to use ylang-ylang oil carefully, with strict adherence to the instructions, since overdoses can cause allergic reactions, headache, nausea and dizziness.
  2. Essential oil should not be used for more than 3 weeks without interruption.
  3. Before any use of aroma oil, a skin sensitivity test should be performed.
  4. Pregnancy.
  5. Tendency to low blood pressure.
  6. Cannot be used undiluted.
  7. During use, make sure that the aromatic oil does not get on the mucous membranes of the eyes.
  8. The occurrence of allergic reactions is a strong argument for stopping its use.

The amazing, rich aroma of ylang-ylang owes its existence to a plant called fragrant cananga - it is from its flowers that ylang-ylang essential oil is obtained by steam distillation.

This valuable, very fragrant oil has been used since ancient times by the inhabitants of tropical latitudes to treat malaria and other infections, to get rid of the pain of mosquito bites. For centuries, ylang ylang has been used as an incense and aphrodisiac. And to this day in Indonesia, it is a widespread custom to cover the bed of newlyweds with the flowers of this plant - after all, one of the main properties of ylang-ylang is to increase sexual desire, reveal sensuality, and cure impotence and frigidity.

The main medical properties of ylang-ylang oil

In medicine and healing, the plant finds its application as:

  • antidepressant;
  • antiseborrheic;
  • antiseptic;
  • aphrodisiac;
  • hypotensive;
  • relaxing and soothing to the nerves.

Let's talk in more detail about each of the properties of ylang-ylang essential oil.

Antiseborrheic: Seborrhea or seborrheic dermatitis (eczema) is a serious disease caused by a malfunction of the sebaceous glands. In this disease, ylang-ylang essential oil can be useful in that it relieves inflammation and skin irritation, regulates sebum production, and also copes with the infection itself.

Antiseptic: With wounds and cuts, skin lesions of any origin, a person is at an increased risk of contracting a particular infection. Ylang-ylang oil helps to avoid sepsis - it inhibits the growth of microbes and disinfects the wound. The plant not only protects the wound from viruses, fungi and bacteria, but also speeds up the healing process itself.

Aphrodisiac: as mentioned above, ylang-ylang helps sexual harmony in a couple. It not only awakens sensuality, but also reveals intimate intuition - it helps to guess and realize the most intimate desires of a partner, gives sexual confidence.

How to apply: through an aroma lamp, or spray a mixture of a few drops of oil with water into the air. Or apply directly to the skin - 1 drop behind the ears.

Hypotensive: Essential little ylang-ylang can quickly lower blood pressure. For this, the method of rubbing into biologically active points is most suitable:

With light movements, rub the oil into active points: on the temples, above the bridge of the nose, points on the back of the head, behind the ears, jugular fossa, elbows.

Calming nerves: Ylang-ylang significantly improves the health of the nervous system. The oil strengthens the nervous system and removes any harm done to it. It also prevents the development of many nervous diseases and reduces susceptibility to stress.

Other properties and aromatherapy recipes of ylang ylang oil

Hormonal background, menopause, women's health:

In aromatherapy, ylang-ylang oil is also used to treat women's problems. Thanks to its ability normalize hormonal levels, ylang-ylang is used to treat ailments associated with reproductive function. The use of oil by a woman after caesarean section has a positive effect on the recovery process - the oil has a healing effect not only on the general hormonal background, but also on the uterus.

For the treatment of thrush and dry mucous membranes use vaginal tampons:

Mix 3 drops of oil with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil. Insert a tampon at night.

With menopause ylang ylang essential oil helps to relieve hot flashes:

Drop 1 drop of oil into the aroma medallion and wear throughout the day.

Cosmetic, skin and hair care

Ylang-ylang has the ability to strengthen hair and stimulate their growth (should be rubbed into the scalp or). Shampoos, creams, bath gels can be enriched with oil.

The oil is also effective in the care of the skin of the face and body - both dry and oily. Stimulates blood circulation in capillaries, nourishes cells, heals irritation.

Video about the use of ylang-ylang oil:

The well-known aromatherapist A. Kozhevnikova briefly talks about the use of oil in aromatherapy.

Using ylang ylang essential oil internally

After consulting a doctor, ylang-ylang can be used orally according to the scheme:

1 drop drip on a piece of sugar, bread or a spoonful of honey. Take 2 times a day. Can be used mixed with lemon in a 1:1 ratio.

Such internal use treats hypertension (normalizes blood pressure), treats nerves, treats ischemia, impotence, obsessive compulsive disorder.

CONTRAINDICATIONS: This is why ylang ylang oil has become so popular. That he has no pronounced contraindications, it is not toxic and does not cause irritation. You should still follow the recommended dosage.

For individual intolerance to the smell of ylang-ylang (some people find it too sweet), it should be mixed with lemon essential oil.

PERFUME from ylang-ylang

Perfume with an amazing multi-layered aroma can be made by yourself:

Mix the essential oils of ylang-ylang, basil and lemon in equal parts. You can dilute them with base oil - a fatty base.

Ylang-ylang essential oil is produced from the flowers of the evergreen fragrant cananga trees. They grow in the countries of Southeast Asia, Burma, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea. They are grown in Asia, Africa, Indonesia, the Philippines, the Caribbean islands, Madagascar, Comoros, Reunion.

The plant owes its name to its exotic flowers. Indeed, in a literal translation from the Malay language, the name Ylang-ylang means “hanging flowers”, and from Polynesian it means “a flower of all flowers”.

In the Philippines, it is considered a gift from the gods. There is a legend here about the girl Ylang, whose parents were forced to protect her from the slightest touch with men. However, one day, during a walk, a guy in love with her gently took Ylang by the hand. After that, it turned into an exotic tree with absolutely unique fragrant flowers.

These large fragrant inflorescences of yellow, pink, blue color are so amazing that they even cover the marriage bed. At home, fragrant garlands are prepared from them, which are hung during various holidays and celebrations. They are harvested in the summer during lush flowering, at sunrise. At this time, they have the most intense aroma, the concentration of all useful substances.

The flowering of this exotic plant of the anon family lasts almost the whole year. A tall tree (about 40 cm) with a smooth powerful trunk up to 75 cm in diameter, light gray bark as if strewn with bisexual flowers. They have 3 sepals and 6 petals with a somewhat bitter taste, and the leaves are oval-oblong in shape up to 40 cm long.

The inflorescences outwardly resemble somewhat drooping leaves and are not very picturesque. But their sweet and intoxicating divine smell has a special attraction and value. It can be felt at a distance of more than 30 meters, and even further with the slightest breath of wind.

These representatives of the class of aromatic adaptogens, aphrodisiacs, are characterized by an intense floral-balsamic aroma with light spicy undertones.

Many consider the scent of ylang ylang to be warm, sweet to candy, and surprisingly festive. At the same time, lovers of cold tones are somewhat more critical of him. Perfumers refer to its top notes as smoky, its heart (middle) notes as balsamic, and its base (lower) notes as fluffy. This tonality makes them especially valuable in creating mysterious oriental incense.

Oil is obtained using several stages of their steam or water distillation (distillation) in 3 stages. Quality gradations depend on the duration of each of them. So, the result of the shortest distillation within 1 hour is the receipt of the most expensive first fraction of the highest grade - Extra, which is used in cosmetology. Then, at the second 3-hour distillation, I grade - Premier follows. The cheapest third grade of distillate is obtained after 6 hours. It is used in the production of various cosmetics (lotions, soaps, etc.). There is, although rather rare, the Complete variety with a particularly pleasant smell that differs from these 3 varieties. It is produced by continuous distillation for 14 hours.

The production of essential oil in all cases is a very long and painstaking process. After all, to obtain 1 liter of oil, you need to process 60 kg of flowers. Depending on the method of its manufacture, the cost is also determined. The price range ranges from 74 to 1250 rubles, and on average it is 280 rubles.

It is important to remember that for home-made cosmetics, only Extra and Premier varieties should be used.

Ready-to-use pale yellow liquid has a not very dense consistency. Its uniqueness, magic lies in the combination of scents of gardenia, jasmine, orchid, neroli. And this is worth a detailed acquaintance with the causes and consequences of exposure to the human body.

If the first acquaintance with flowers impresses with its aroma, then their composition makes it possible to make them useful for beauty and health. Essential oil contains many chemicals from our nature.

So, in the extra grade, the indispensable components are:

  • benzyl acetate - up to 25%
  • lanalool - up to 20%.
  • geraniol with its acetate - about 15%.
  • paracresol methyl ether - 8-16%
  • methyl benzoate - from 4 to 9%
  • farnesol with acetate - 4-7%
  • benzyl benzoate - up to 8%
  • benzyl salicytate - up to 2%.

They are most concentrated in the Extra variety. As we move to other fractions, starting with Premier, an increase in other components (caryophyllene, various sesquiterpenes) is observed. Along with this, they reduce the number of compounds that are saturated with oxygen.

Depending on the specific gravity, the predominance of each of them, the oil acquires certain properties.

This remedy was recommended by the ancient science of health - Ayurveda. It is believed that its aroma is a fellow breath. And what we breathe in can touch the Soul more than what we see, hear, feel. It helps in a natural, wise way to find the harmony of spirit and body. Oil stimulates internal resources, develops intuition and creative abilities inherent in the personality.

The sensual, alluring aroma of ylag ylang oil has the magical properties of an erotic stimulant, attracting lovers. He is able to "charge" to increase the sexual energy of both sexes, the awakening of passion. Many actively use it to create an erotic mood as an indisputable aphrodisiac. In men, they prolong the desired erection, and make women more sensual in the "games" of love. No wonder it is also called the aroma of a harem ...

With the help of the sense of smell, the magical aroma of ylang-ylang flowers, entering our body, delivers a mass of tiny molecules of essence through the blood. This is a powerful incentive to enable various features, especially those most needed at the moment.

One of the significant features of ylang-ylang essential oil is a positive psycho-emotional effect on the human body. It, like a powerful antidepressant, drives away feelings of fear, unreasonable anxiety and emotional arousal, improves mood, and normalizes sleep. Instead, a person becomes more confident, and sometimes just serene.

In many ways, the properties of the oil manifest themselves in this way - in attracting only positive energy from the outside, creating a relaxing atmosphere. They help to relieve us of restless dreams, nightmares, both adults and children over the age of seven.

All these possibilities are explained by its beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs, namely:

  • Lowering blood pressure by optimizing blood circulation, the rhythm of contraction of the heart muscles.
  • Removal of a headache of a spasmodic nature and, as a result, “jumps” in blood pressure.
  • Counteracting sclerotic phenomena.
  • Normalization of the state of the respiratory system, especially after inflammation. Elimination of diaphragmatic cramps, including hiccups. Relief of cough, expectoration of smokers.
  • Regulation of the sebaceous glands.
  • Decreased muscle tone.
  • Strengthening immunity.
  • Minimization of chronic fatigue syndromes and “uplifting” of mood.
  • Ensuring healthy, deep sleep.
  • It has a positive effect on spasmodic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, the occurrence of convulsions with painful injuries and colic.
  • Normalization of the menstrual cycle.
  • Relief of the condition during menopause.
  • Elimination of impotence, frigidity and increased sexual desire.

The presence of essential oil in many perfumes is very significant. It is noteworthy that the bright beginning of the use of ylang-ylang notes was the creation of the iconic perfume Chanel No. 5.

The essential oil of the “flower of all flowers” ​​surprisingly responds to the needs of cosmetology and dermatology. After all, it has such amazing properties as:

  • Prevention of premature aging of the skin, normalization of the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • Elimination of irritation of the epidermis. Regeneration of cells in the deep layers of the skin, contributing to a decrease in the depth of wrinkles and pores.
  • Giving the epidermis elasticity, velvety.
  • Elimination of acne, smoothing the relief of the skin.
  • Relief of the condition in cases with eczema, dermatosis.
  • Moisturizing, relieving irritation, inflammation of the skin and, as a result, its rejuvenation.
  • Restoring the elasticity of brittle, depleted hair, stopping hair loss. Stimulating their growth.
  • Strengthening of the nail plates, elimination of their delamination, brittleness.

These undeniable advantages should also be supplemented by existing contraindications. After all, the correct use of preparations from the essential oil of ylang-ylang involves the observance of a number of precautions.

P R contraindications for use

The precautionary measures concern, first of all:

  • pregnant women
  • lactating mothers
  • individual intolerance to one of the components of the oil
  • children under 12
  • people with problems due to hypotension (low blood pressure).

You can avoid negative consequences with the help of some actions, namely:

  • Testing aromatic healing oil for sensitivity. It should be remembered that only with a natural reaction can pleasant sensations of warmth and light tingling occur for only 2-3 minutes.
  • Exact compliance with the instructions for the use of funds, recommendations of specialized doctors.
  • The duration of use should not exceed three weeks with obligatory breaks.
  • Application of oil without the threat of contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes.
  • Stop using at the slightest sign of an allergic reaction.
  • Avoid using the oil undiluted, especially on the face. It should only be used together with base oils, sour cream, honey, etc.
  • It is not recommended to add the product to cosmetic products that have chemical compounds for skin and hair (creams, ointments, balms, etc.).

There is also such a precaution as the correct use of this oil. Ylang-ylang oil as an energetically saturated aphrodisiac should be appropriate in specific situations. The exaggerated sexuality of an unmarried diva can be misinterpreted in a friendly family company, during a business meeting. After all, the train of his fragrances seems to become a visiting card, a second garment at the first appearance in society.

Using ylang ylang essential oil

Here, this fragrant remedy can be used in the form of an emulsion during bathing. Here it is important to choose the right additional components for it, corresponding to the normal, dry, oily skin type, the degree of its sensitivity. With them you need to mix 2-3 drops of ylang-ylang oil and add to the soapy water of the bathroom.

In the reviews, users give examples of their methods for preparing bath emulsions:

  • Sea salt (250 g) + linseed flour (250 g) + essential oil (15 drops) + coniferous extract (30 g) pour boiling water (1 cup) and simmer for up to 20 minutes. After infusing the mixture in a warm place for at least 1 hour, strain and combine with liquid soap (250 g). Before taking a bath, mix everything well, and then add up to 3 tablespoons per procedure. Such a bath should be taken for 15-20 minutes at a water temperature of up to + 38 ° C.
  • Dilute 2-3 drops of oil in 1 glass of hot milk with a fat content of 2.5% to 3.2% and pour into prepared warm water. After 20 minutes of bathing, delicately fragrant skin does not need additional moisturizing and softening. Those who have experienced this remedy indicate positive results in cellulite due to the activation of blood circulation.

Such procedures are especially relevant during times of stress, depression, etc. However, their frequent use is not encouraged in order to avoid bothering the sweet rich smell of oil.

You can prepare these healing products by adding 2-3 drops to the composition of ready-made masks from natural raw materials for a specific skin type. With dry, normal, mature skin, the basis (transport raw material) for creating the desired mixture can be olive, peach, coconut oil. And for oily porous skin, grape seed oil can be used instead of olive oil.

There are various ways to create masks with different skin types for cleansing (peeling), moisturizing, getting rid / reducing wrinkles, nutrition. Each of them deserves a more detailed article, therefore, we offer only a few of the most popular recipes:

Moisturizing mask for dry skin is made up of banana and avocado (half of each medium-sized fruit) + ylang-ylang (2 drops) and rose (1 drop) oils. After peeling the available exotic fruits from the peel, mash them with a fork to a mushy consistency and add both oils. After gentle thorough mixing, the mask is applied in a thin layer on the face. After 20 minutes, the fragrant application is washed off with warm water. This can be repeated after a couple of days. The full course is up to 15 procedures.

Scrub mask for cleansing oily skin consists of honey, yogurt, grape seed oil, lemon juice (1 tsp each), finely ground natural coffee (2 tsp), ylang-ylang oil (2-3 drops). Coffee is very carefully ground with honey and yogurt, where the rest of the ingredients are then added, except for lemon juice. A mixture of a homogeneous consistency is applied to a well-cleansed, massaged face and décolleté area, and after 15 minutes it is washed off with water at room temperature. After that - rinse with cool water mixed with lemon juice and grease with cream.

Performing this procedure up to 2 times for 7 days allows you to carefully remove keratinized epithelium, cleanse pores and eliminate skin greasiness.

Whitening Rejuvenating Mask also acts as a scrub, but softer properties. It is performed from 1 tsp. liquid honey, one tbsp. l. hercules flakes, sour cream, olive oil and 2 drops of ylang-ylang oil.

The flakes are ground in a coffee grinder, mixed with sour cream and left for 25-30 minutes to swell the mixture. After that, honey and olive oil are added there, and then ylang-ylang. The product in the form of gruel is applied to the face with light massaging, rubbing movements for 20 minutes. After this time, the mask is washed off with water. If you carry out the procedure for 3 weeks every other day, the skin will tighten, brighten due to getting rid of the keratinization of the upper layer, and wrinkles will become less deep and noticeable.

Acne mask for problematic skin, it is prepared in such a simple way. A few drops of ylang-ylang ester are mixed with one drop of lemon extract and jojoba oil (up to 10 ml). This mixture is applied to cleansed areas with acne, and after 20 minutes, the excess mask is gently removed with a paper towel or cosmetic discs.

The main purpose of such procedures is to strengthen the root bulbs, toning the scalp and getting rid of dandruff, healing and stimulating growth.

For the mask that came to us from the East in the form of a wrap, you will need a mixture of avocado pulp with the addition of a few drops of ylag-ylang. Here you can mix a little lemon juice, apple cider vinegar. Then apply this mask to your hair, keep it covered for up to 30 minutes and rinse with warm water. After this pleasant procedure, they become more shiny, obedient, healthy.

The same concentrate will serve as an effective conditioner, after which the hair will not be electrified, less split ends. It can be used as a rinse after washing with your favorite natural shampoo.

Many people practice adding oil to shampoos by constantly washing their hair. In this case, along with the strengthening of the hair, their constant aromatization occurs. It can also be added to balms that do not require rinsing.

Essential oil of ylang ylang is a good remedy for accelerating hair growth. Here you can make a remedy from jojoba oil (40 ml), cognac (5 ml), half a medium-sized lemon. Add 1-2 tsp to it. of our oil and after mixing these components, treat the hair roots. Then wrap your head with a warm cloth and cover with polyethylene for 2 hours. The product is washed off with warm water and shampoo and rinsed.

A very popular and nourishing mask for depleted dry hair. For her, you can use avocado in the form of mashed potatoes with the addition of 1 tsp. chamomile, grape oils and a few drops of ylang. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes. The mask is washed off, as usual, with warm water.

Masks for strengthen nails

For this purpose, you can use an oil mixture of one teaspoon of a vehicle heated in a water bath (apricot, almond) and up to 7 drops of ylang-ylang. It is applied to the nail coating and after a 10-minute massaging it is wetted with a napkin or left until completely absorbed. You can also rub it on your nails before going to bed.

These procedures are carried out weekly 1-2 times. They help both to strengthen nails, fight delamination, and restore them after extension.

Along with this, nail baths are made using ylang oil. To prepare them you will need:

  • water (half a liter)
  • oils of ylang-ylang, grapefruit / lemon (3 drops each)
  • almond/apricot oil (1 tablespoon)
  • sea ​​salt (1 tablespoon).

In the heated water, you need to add pre-mixed ingredients, mix well and dip your hands in a container with this solution for 10 minutes. After that, take them out, put on cotton gloves for 1-2 hours, and then wipe dry and grease with hand cream. This procedure strengthens the nails, polishes them and gives them a pinkish tint.

By the way, especially for nails, you can also prepare a cream with your own hands. To do this, use 50 g of butter, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey, 2 teaspoons of base oil and 5 drops of ylang-ylang. The method of preparation consists in such simple processes:

  1. mixing the base with honey and butter
  2. heating the mixture in a water bath and moderate cooling
  3. adding ylang oil and mixing all components.

This cream is applied to the nails and skin of the hands in a thin layer before going to bed. It is also suitable as a mask for nourishing the nail plates, their compaction, recovery after the negative consequences of building.

Thanks to the exquisite, sensual aroma of ylang-ylang oil, these products will not only heal your fingernails, but also turn the procedure into a real pleasure.

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