I dreamed that they were guessing me. The deceased grandmother is a prediction in a dream. Had a strange divination in a dream

according to Miller's dream book

Fortune telling in a dream is a reminder to you that some important pending business is bothering you. But, when deciding to bring it to the end, be careful. If a young lady sees this dream, it means that fate forces her to make a choice between two fans. But in this choice, she must rely on herself in everything - on her intuition and prudence.

Dreamed of gypsies

according to Miller's dream book

If in a dream you visit a gypsy camp, a proposal of special importance awaits you, which will help you understand the true state of your complicated affairs. If a gypsy fortunetells a woman in a dream, this promises a hasty marriage. If she is already married, she will be unnecessarily jealous. If a man in a dream is talking with a gypsy, this means that he is likely to lose valuable property. In a dream, buying something from gypsies means losing money. The dream warns you: you should not attach so much importance to the material side of life.

Why dream of guessing

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to the loss of money, the warning is not to rush.

The meaning of sleep about the camp

according to Freud's dream book

If you saw a gypsy camp in a dream, then the dream suggests that you secretly like a promiscuous sex life with frequent changes of partners. But in real life, you can't afford it for one reason or another. If in a dream you watched how the camp migrates from one place to another, then this indicates that you are currently experiencing nostalgia for the past - try to go with your loved one to where you both experienced real pleasure, you it will help.

Why do gypsies dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

guessing - a stupid feeling; love with a hasty unhappy marriage.

I dreamed of a fortune teller

according to Miller's dream book

The sorceress in your dream means that you will be attracted to dating houses and other dubious pleasures.

Dreamed of a horoscope

according to Miller's dream book

Holding your horoscope compiled by an astrologer in your hands predicts unexpected changes in business and a long trip; interesting meetings are possible. If the stars predict the course of his fate to the sleeper, then in reality this means trouble and disappointment exactly where he imagined good luck.

See tarot cards in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Tarot cards have recently regained popularity. As a rule, fortune-telling dreams indicate the dreamer's desire for the arbitrator to shed light on the important decision of the decision that you have to make and recognize its correctness. On the other hand, you may feel that the decisions you make are not important, and your life is in the hands of fate, out of your personal control. Whether you are a participant in such practices in real life is the most important element in a dream.

The meaning of a dream about a gypsy

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed that a gypsy was telling you, then you are handing your fate to the wrong person. The one on whom so many hopes are placed is actually not at all interested in you - for him, your relationship is nothing more than another entertainment.

A person who is looking for an explanation for his dreams certainly wants to know what awaits him in the future. But if thoughts about how the next day or even the next year will turn out do not leave you when you go to bed, it will not be surprising if you dream of fortune telling in a dream.

What such attempts to determine their future promise the dreamer, dream books will tell. But in order to understand all the nuances of the meanings of your dream, you need to remember what, how and to whom you guessed in your dreams:

  • Was this divination on Tarot cards, by hand, with the help of mirrors?
  • How successful was fortune telling in your dream?
  • Did you guess for yourself, did someone guess for you, or did you guess for someone else?

If you had a fortune-telling dream, but you cannot remember any of its details, the New Family Dream Book believes that such dreams are a reminder. You put off for a very long time the beginning of some important business for you, not daring to start its execution. The dream of fortune-telling suggests: the time has come to act.

Of particular importance is the dream of trying to predict the future for young girls. Miller's dream book says that the young lady will have a difficult choice - she will need to prefer one gentleman and resign the other. The interpreter believes that logic is powerless in this case, you need to rely only on your feelings.

Cards, candles, mirrors

What fortune-telling is dreaming of depends largely on what items were used to get answers about the future. Guessing the Tarot, writes Pastor Loff's Dream Interpretation, means that in reality you are faced with a difficult choice, and you just can’t make a decision. Regardless of what result the Tarot cards gave you in a dream, the interpreter advises you to wait - soon you will receive information that will be decisive so that you can decide.

The 21st century dream book is sure that if fortune telling in a dream took place on Tarot cards, then the dreamer is not happy with the way his life circumstances are now developing. If, during divination in your dreams, non-inverted Tarot cards fell out to you, then it’s worth remembering what exactly fortune telling in a dream predicted for you. However, if the Tarot cards in the layout in your dream turned out to be turned upside down, it is likely that in reality you will have to listen to others, but do everything in your own way so as not to be captured by obvious solutions.

One of the popular fortune-telling that has a great chance of dreaming is the definition of the future by hand. A modern combined dream book writes that if a girl or a young woman dreamed of fortune telling by hand, then the dreamer will be successful with representatives of the opposite sex. At the same time, divination by hand, seen in dreams, portends envy and condemnation from women - how can someone like the appearance of a successful rival?

However, when a woman or girl dreams that she herself predicts the future for someone by the hand, for the sleeping woman this means an early recognition of her talents. Such a dream about divination by hand promises recognition not of the dreamer's external beauty, but of her outstanding mental abilities, which she successfully puts into practice.

When in a dream you felt distrust of the fortuneteller, you were alarmed, the interpreter advises not to trust night dreams and not to perceive them as a “forecast” for the near future. With the exception of one case - if the dream was about unfavorable fortune-telling. In this case, you should not wait for the favors of fate, but you need to take the situation under your own control - only in this case you will be guaranteed success.

Why dream fortune-telling in a dream when they are not guessing for you, and not for you? For example, when did you dream that one of your relatives turned out to be a fortune teller's client? The general interpreter writes that after such a vision, you can get lucky in the game for money or in sports betting.

When you dreamed that you were telling fortunes about one of your acquaintances, success should be expected in another direction. If now you are a participant in some kind of property dispute, whether it is judicial or not, it is likely that this dispute will be resolved in your favor. But if you don’t know the person for whom the fortuneteller spread the cards or whose hand she examined in your dream, then this dream is “empty”.

Fortune telling in a dream to yourself, the interpreter of the sorceress Medea believes, means that soon the “magpie on the tail” will bring good news to you. However, you should check the accuracy of the information received - it may turn out to be both false and true.

If you yourself are guessing someone on the cards in your nightly dreams, says the Gypsy dream book, you should trust your feelings in the near future. They will advise you on the right decision in the current situation. Especially if you don't know what to do yet.

It is a dream that you are guessing to a friend or relative on - a simple solution to the question that torments you will be found “by itself”. And fortune-telling on runes in a dream suggests that you will be given timely protection.

Divination is a kind of "related" action with the interpretation of dreams. A person, dreaming of finding out what awaits him, often turns to this method of prediction. Why dream of such an action, and what it predicts to the dreamer, of course, dream books know. But before looking for an answer on their pages, remember exactly how you guessed in a dream.

Briefly about the main

“They want to know what will happen” - the lines of a famous song are applicable not only to fortune-telling, but also to the interpretation of night dreams as well. No time to read long interpretations with tips and tricks? Use concise explanations.

  • Fortune telling is a symbol of an important, but postponed matter.
  • Divination in a dream on coffee grounds is a sign of wasted time.
  • Seeing fortune telling on Tarot cards - you are unhappy with your life.
  • In a dream, they tried to conjure up a loved one on their own - to unhappy love.
  • They predicted the future on the runes - you will find protection in the person of an influential patron.
  • Someone was told on stones - a brilliant idea will illuminate you on how to get rid of the problem.
  • Fortune-telling for the future of someone, carried out on paper - to the admiration of your talents.
  • To see in a dream a gypsy fortune-telling in your palm - you are overcome by anxious doubts.

Miller's dream book

According to Miller's dream book, the explanation of what fortune-telling is dreaming of is simple and uncomplicated: you have postponed some important matter until "better times", but it haunts you, constantly reminding you of yourself.

A young girl in a dream sees herself behind a divination for her future husband and wants to know why such a dream is dreaming? The dream book is in a hurry to reassure her: the interpretation of the dream does not predict anything terrible, she just has to make a choice between two fans.

Types of divination, as a symbol of gaining

If you dreamed that you were telling fortunes about your betrothed according to the book of changes, then pay attention to which hexagram fell out. Waking up, open the book of changes and read the meaning of this hexagram, recommends the Lunar Dream Book.

Fortune telling in a dream about a betrothed mummer according to the book of fate is a symbol of the fact that you unquestioningly believe in Fate. You should not pay so much attention to your own life, you can "miscalculate". Fortune-telling for a betrothed mummer according to the book of fate predicted loneliness for you? Interpret the vision from the opposite: you will find a love relationship.

An unmarried girl dreamed of divination by hand - a symbol that there will be many friends, but men dreaming of a serious relationship - no. Fortune telling by the hand for a married lady - to a large number of admirers and to female condemnation. You were guessing by the hand of someone - expect that they will come to you for advice.

The "subject" of passion, or What awaits you in love ...

Fortune telling on a guy symbolizes the dreamer's dreams of love. If in a dream you were telling fortunes about a specific guy, then in reality this guy will take a step towards rapprochement. Had a fortune-telling about a guy with whom you do not know personally? In reality, you will be introduced to each other, the dream book of the White Magician predicts.

Divination for the groom, if such exists in reality, is a sign of imminent marriage. And if you had a dream about a friend’s fortune-telling for a groom, you will introduce her to a person who may turn out to be her Fate.

The probability of the fulfillment of dreams

Since some people are more influenced by the Moon and others by the Sun, you can choose which system suits you best.

Today is the 26th day of the month. Dreams that occurred on the night of today promise pleasure and fun.

Today is the 22nd lunar day. Dreams dreamed on the night of today never come true.

Today is Tuesday. Tuesday is the day of fiery Mars. Mars gives rise to aspirations, gives impetus to action. Mars is the planet of personal power. Dreams seen on Tuesday are related to your personal aspirations. They will show how much fire and desires you have. Mars is a male planet, the planet of a warrior, so Tuesday's dreams will tell about future or past wars, about scandals. About familiar men.

If Tuesday's sleep is calm. It means that you have found the use of your energy, you can easily overcome any possible obstacles on the way to success, and in the near future there will be no scandals in your life. A vivid dream indicates that there is a lot of vitality inside you now, you have "eight arms" and "three heads". Do not put off anything for later, take on several things at once, everything will work out for you quickly. Sharp objects in a dream will speak of your readiness for action. An unpleasant dream indicates increased self-esteem, the predominance of selfish intentions. A very good sign is your leadership in a dream.

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FORTUNE - Miller's Dream Book

Fortune telling in a dream is a reminder to you that in the depths of your soul you are worried about some important, but postponed business. But, when deciding to bring it to the end, still be careful.

If a young lady sees this dream, then fate forces her to make a choice between two fans. In this choice, she will have to rely on herself in everything - on her intuition and prudence.

FORTUNE - Modern Dream Interpretation

It’s like someone is guessing for you - you need to make an important decision, but you can’t, because you don’t fully own the information. Hurry, your situation is getting worse every day.

A young girl dreams that she is being guessed - ahead of this girl is a situation in which she will have to rely solely on intuition. The decision made will be correct.

A woman dreams that she is being guessed by her hand - ill-wishers are much closer to this woman than she thinks, with a stone in her bosom they enter her house. They gossip behind her back.

Guessing yourself in a dream is a sign of a useful acquisition.

Fortune telling someone in a dream - portends an important meeting with the right person.

To see in a dream how someone is guessing - to the news, bad or good.

FORTUNE - Slavic Dream Interpretation

Loss of money, warning take your time.

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  • Fortune telling - if you dream that you are guessing on nine mirrors, then this means that your rivals will bypass you in reality. This dream is especially unpleasant for businessmen, as it clearly shows how weak you are as a competitor.
  • Notice the reflections in the mirrors. If the surface of the mirrors is foggy and does not reflect anything, then this means that you have failed the business that you have been working on for a long time and hard, and all because you succumbed to other people's persuasion and let yourself be convinced. If at least one of the mirrors reflects something, then you still have hope to correct the current state of affairs.
  • If you are reflected in all nine mirrors, then this means that in reality you are striving for power and soon you will receive it. Most likely, you will be promoted, entrusted with an interesting project, or transferred to a new facility. If your reflections in the mirrors are calm or smiling, then this is a good sign - you will show your abilities and the authorities will be pleased with you. If your faces in the mirrors are distorted with grimaces, then this means that you will not justify the hopes placed on you.
  • If, guessing on nine mirrors, you break them all, then in reality you will be able to break out of the vicious circle and cope with the burden of problems that have piled on you. If you break some of the mirrors, then you will need the help of friends: how many mirrors will remain intact, how many people are currently your comrades-in-arms.
  • If you hang all the mirrors on the wall in three rows of three mirrors and wonder while standing in front of them, then in reality you will be seriously disappointed in yourself, you will realize that you are not able to cope with the task that you have taken upon yourself. For women, this dream is especially dangerous, because what they see in these nine mirrors will be fulfilled within nine days.
  • Divination by nine candles shows that you devote too much time to work and forget about the house. If the candles are white and long, then in the near future things will go very well for you and you can take a vacation in the service, but if the candles are black or small and crooked, then expect trouble.
  • If all nine candles are burning, then you will pass any tests that will fall on your head in the coming days. Smoky or extinguished candles symbolize your defeat in the fight against competitors.
  • Broken candles indicate that for a certain time you or your family will have health problems, how many broken candles, how many months the illness will last.
  • If, after fortune-telling on nine candles, you throw them all out, then in real life you will receive a profitable offer or get rid of a long-standing enemy.
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