Blood from the uterus after childbirth. How much blood goes after cleaning the uterus

After childbirth, pregnancy is replaced by a new period - postpartum, perhaps no less, and sometimes even more difficult than pregnancy. Many women caring for a newborn child do not pay attention to their own problems, considering them to be something of little importance. This negligence can subsequently result in serious health complications. But they can be prevented.

What is the postpartum period?

The postpartum period begins immediately after the birth of the placenta and lasts approximately 6-8 weeks. During this time, the physical condition of the woman is still far from normal. The uterus, which weighs about 1 kg after childbirth, is an almost continuous wound.

In an effort to return to its normal state, the uterus will constantly shrink, as a result of which its size will gradually decrease. In addition, the uterus seeks to be cleansed, this happens through postpartum secretions, which are called lochia.

In the postpartum period, the discharge continues for about 6-8 weeks, during which time the uterus returns to its normal size. If a woman does not breastfeed her baby, her body begins to function as before, that is, she starts menstruating. In the postpartum period, discharge can be very painful. To avoid complications, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for the discharge, so that the uterus contracts freely, and the lochia stands out freely. If something interferes with this process, the likelihood of bleeding and infection of the uterus increases, and these are already complications that have to be treated in a hospital.

What causes uterine contractions? Mainly, of course, breastfeeding. At first, when the baby begins to suck, the mother feels something similar to contractions, accompanied by throbbing pain in the lower abdomen. The discharge begins to intensify, blood clots appear - these are completely normal phenomena.

The second factor contributing to a faster contraction of the uterus is the timely emptying of the bladder and intestines. The first few days after childbirth, it is advisable for a woman to lie on her stomach more often - this contributes to the outflow of lochia.

If in the postpartum period bleeding ends by the 8th week and does not bring discomfort to the woman, then everything is going as expected. Usually, by the seventh day, the discharge becomes more scarce, the blood content in them decreases, they become light pink, and then completely whitish, mucous - and so on until they completely disappear.

It has been proven that in those women who breastfeed, bleeding in the postpartum period ends faster. If the child was born by caesarean section - on the contrary, everything happens more slowly.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

You should immediately contact a specialist if the discharge has become purulent, has an unpleasant odor, and after pink, sanious discharge, bright red has begun again. All these signs indicate complications that will not disappear on their own, but will bring a lot of trouble if you do not seek help from a doctor.

Should cause concern bleeding in the early postpartum period that lasts more than 15 days.

What else should be feared?

Be sure to adhere to strict rules of personal hygiene: wash thoroughly after each visit to the toilet, especially in the presence of postpartum stitches. Many doctors recommend using baby soap for these purposes, and even better, oddly enough, household, the most ordinary, brown. It is this soap that will help dry the skin well without causing an allergic reaction.

In addition, after each visit, you need to change the gasket - at least every 4 hours. These measures will allow you to protect yourself by 90% from various complications.

The entire postpartum period can not douche, as well as use vaginal tampons. This is a very serious warning - this is the easiest way to infect! A gynecologist also seeks to protect you from infections, who forbids having sex during the postpartum period. Sexual contact is one of the shortest ways to “catch” an infection.

In general, you should be extremely careful when starting sexual relations after childbirth. The fact is that the mucous membranes of a woman remain vulnerable and overly sensitive for a long time, and sexual intercourse may not give her the most pleasant sensations. At first, it is imperative to use a condom, preferably with a lubricant - it will help moisturize the vagina, thereby reducing the woman's pain, and in addition, it will save the woman from various infections that in the normal, "prenatal" state would not cause the slightest concern.

postpartum problems

All the difficulties that await a woman after childbirth can be divided into serious problems and "little things". In this case, serious complications, as a rule, require treatment in a hospital. However, it is a mistake to think that “little things” can be ignored. If you do not "deal with" them immediately, they can bring a lot of grief in the future.

Factors that may contribute to the development of postpartum hemorrhage:

– Excessively distended uterus – as a result of a multiple pregnancy or a large fetus.
- Difficult prolonged labor.
- Polyhydramnios.
- Non-contracting uterus - this happens due to long labor pains.
- Too fast separation of the child's place.
- Uterine rupture.
- Uterine prolapse.
- Vaginal lacerations.
- The remains of the placenta in the uterus.
- Violation of the mother's blood clotting. This may be a congenital anomaly, or it may be a consequence of taking certain medications, such as aspirin.

Bleeding in the postpartum period: prevention

In order to prevent complications associated with postpartum hemorrhage, if possible, it is necessary to carry out qualified preventive measures. That is why during pregnancy a woman has to take many different blood tests. Doctors examine the number of leukocytes, platelets and erythrocytes, bleeding time, blood clotting time, hemoglobin level ... If any pathology is detected, the doctor prescribes a number of special preventive measures to the pregnant woman.

Such future mothers are at increased risk of bleeding during childbirth or in the postpartum period. The ideal option is if a woman in labor gets into a special maternity hospital specializing in medical care for women with blood diseases. If the doctor deems it appropriate, the woman is given a transfusion of her own blood taken from her in advance.

In addition, immediately after childbirth, women are given a special drug that should accelerate the contraction of the uterus, and therefore, reduce the time of postpartum hemorrhage.

Bleeding in the early postpartum period is a normal physiological process that should not frighten a woman. After the expulsion of the fetus and placenta, the uterus actively contracts, “pushing out” the remaining blood, clots, and everything that remains in its cavity after childbirth. A few days after childbirth, bleeding becomes less and is replaced by spotting - lochia. They will disturb the woman for about 5-8 weeks, until the endometrium in the uterus is completely healed.

Lochia does not pose a danger to the female body, but it is necessary to constantly monitor their quantity and consistency so as not to miss the onset of true uterine bleeding.

Bleeding that occurs in the postpartum period is one of the most common causes of death in women. In order not to miss the time and seek medical help in time, it is important to know the signs by which pathological bleeding can be distinguished from normal discharge.

signBloody postpartum discharge (lochia)Uterine bleeding
How long does it take to fully fill a sanitary napkin?2-4 hours40-60 minutes
Discharge colorDark red, brownbright scarlet
The nature of the dischargeNormal, smearingCopious, blood comes out in spurts
Painful sensationsMissingPain may appear in the lower abdomen, lateral sections of the lower back, coccyx and sacrum. The nature of the pain - pulling, may be replaced by stabbing sensations
Changes in well-beingDoesn't usually happenDizziness appears, loss of consciousness is possible
Nausea and vomitingMild nausea is possible, but it is noted in rare cases (usually with errors in the diet)Nausea is severe, vomiting may occur. Vomit with a normal odor, without the admixture of bile acids

Important! The appearance of any of the signs (the main of which is the need to change hygiene products every hour), indicating the possibility of bleeding, it is necessary to call an ambulance. Before her arrival, the woman must be laid on the bed, slightly raising her legs. This position will help to avoid large blood loss.

Lochia usually appears in a woman 2-3 days after childbirth. Up to this point, bleeding is considered normal, but even here it is necessary to monitor the amount of blood released. If during the period of stay in the maternity hospital, the mother has to change sanitary pads every 45-60 minutes, it is necessary to inform the midwife or nurse on duty.

Bloody discharge after the birth of a child can normally last up to 8 weeks. In young women, the recovery process is faster, so for them this period is usually reduced to 5-6 weeks. A large role in this is played by the nutrition of a woman in the postpartum period. In order for the endometrium to heal faster, you need to include the following foods in your diet:

  • cold-pressed vegetable oils (premium class);
  • nuts (Brazilian, walnut, hazelnuts);
  • dried fruits (dried apricots, figs);
  • greens (any kind of greens and leafy salads);
  • fatty fish;
  • meat (veal, beef, lean pork and lamb);
  • fruits and vegetables.

After the expulsion of the placenta, an open wound is formed at the site of its attachment to the uterine wall, which bleeds until it is completely healed. In order for the damaged endometrium to drag on faster, a woman needs to observe a calm regimen, not to lift heavy things and objects that exceed the weight of the baby, to include more foods containing vitamins E, A and ascorbic acid in the menu. Of the drinks, a decoction of wild rose and raspberry leaves is especially useful. Extracts contained in raspberry leaves stimulate uterine contractions and help to cope with postpartum bleeding faster.

Bleeding worsened one month after delivery

Any change in the amount of discharge a few weeks after birth is an alarming sign that may indicate the development of serious diseases. If the amount of blood released has increased dramatically, you need to contact a gynecologist. The doctor will examine, feel the uterus, determine if it is painful, and make a conclusion about the need for a hospital examination.

Some mothers refuse the proposed hospitalization because they do not want to part with the baby. In no case should you do this, especially if a woman plans to have another child in the future. The most common pathology that occurs in women who have recently given birth is inflammation of the lining of the uterus (endometritis). This is a serious disease that can lead to infection of the organ and the onset of a purulent-inflammatory process. If bacterial organisms and toxins enter the systemic circulation, the likelihood of sepsis (blood poisoning) will be very high. In the absence of timely assistance and improper treatment, a fatal outcome is possible.

Note! Every year, about 11,000 women worldwide die from massive blood loss after childbirth. According to experts, more than half of them could have been saved if they had gone to the hospital in time.

When should you see a doctor?

The postpartum period is a dangerous time when the likelihood of complications increases several times. The body of a woman is weakened by pregnancy and childbirth, therefore, she cannot cope with the loads that become much greater after the appearance of a baby in the house. If possible, during this period it is better to use the help of a grandmother, sister or friend who could take on some of the responsibilities for caring for the baby. If a woman has to cope with everything on her own, you need to be attentive to your own body. It is necessary to contact the observing gynecologist in the following cases:

  • discharge acquired a bright scarlet color;
  • bleeding increased 2-4 weeks after birth;
  • there was pain in the abdomen or lower back;
  • discharge acquired an unpleasant odor;
  • clots began to stand out from the uterus;
  • temperature began to rise regularly.

Advice! In women who are breastfeeding, measuring the temperature in the armpit is not very informative, especially in the first days after the birth of a child. If lactation has not yet been established, an increase in temperature is possible due to small lactostasis, therefore, women in childbirth are advised to measure body temperature at the elbow.

Can the bleeding stop after a few days?

In some cases, a woman may notice that 4-7 days after giving birth, the discharge has completely stopped. This happens abruptly and is often accompanied by a deterioration in well-being. If such a situation has arisen, it is necessary to urgently go to the hospital, since the only reason for this phenomenon is a hematometer (accumulation of blood in the uterus).

Blood can accumulate due to insufficient uterine contraction, so a woman is advised to take all measures to prevent such a condition. The nurse will tell you about this in detail after the woman is transferred to the postpartum ward. In order for the uterus to contract well, as well as to relieve swelling, young mothers need to:

  • lie and sleep on your stomach more often;
  • get out of bed more often and walk around the ward or along the corridor;
  • put cold on the lower abdomen (heaters or bottles of ice can be taken from the compartment refrigerator).

If it was still not possible to avoid the formation of hematometers, it is important to go to the hospital in time, since stagnation of blood in the uterus can lead to the spread of infection and inflammation in the organ cavity. The main symptoms of the pathology are the cessation of discharge and severe pulling pain in the lower abdomen. When these symptoms appear, a woman needs to call an ambulance.

The doctor in the department will conduct an ultrasound diagnosis, determine the exact diagnosis and, if confirmed, prescribe treatment. It is possible to stimulate uterine contractions with the help of the hormone oxytocin, but most specialists prefer a more effective method - surgical curettage or vacuum aspiration. Both procedures are quite traumatic, but their use is necessary to prevent dangerous complications.

Video - Postpartum period. Recovery. Uzi. Nutrition. Hygiene

Can bleeding be menstruation?

If the discharge stopped 1-1.5 months after the birth, and after a couple of weeks it started again, this may be early menstruation. If a woman is not worried about nausea and dizziness, the temperature is normal, and the discharge is moderate, you should not worry. It is necessary to observe the situation within 3-5 days. Menstrual blood has a darker shade and a peculiar smell, so it is quite easy to distinguish between menstruation and bleeding.

Important! Some women believe that lactation is a 100% effective method of preventing unwanted pregnancies and believe that menstruation cannot occur while breastfeeding. In 85% of cases, this is true, but sometimes a woman's menstruation begins as early as 2 months after the birth of a child. In the same period, the ability to conceive is restored, so you need to take care of contraception if in the near future the children are not included in the plans of the newly-made mother.

True uterine bleeding after childbirth is a rare complication, so do not panic if the discharge has suddenly increased somewhat. This may be the result of increased physical activity or heavy lifting, so it is necessary to calm down and adjust the work and rest regimen. But if too much blood is released, and the woman's condition worsens, medical assistance is needed as soon as possible.

Childbirth is a risky event, and expectant mothers who dare to carry and give birth to a child are worthy of respect. But even after passing through this fateful stage in a woman's life, not all fears and problems are over. A characteristic sign that allows you to determine how well the recovery of the body after childbirth is going is postpartum discharge. How long do they last? How many days does blood flow after delivery and what features of postpartum hemorrhage should be on the alert?

Allocations in the first 2-3 days after childbirth

Immediately after childbirth, the mechanism for restoring all systems and organs to their previous, “pre-pregnancy” state is launched, with the exception of the hormonal system and mammary glands in the case of breastfeeding. First of all, this process affects the uterus.

Already after the separation of the placenta, it begins to contract, expelling from its cavity everything that has become superfluous and unnecessary after childbirth and reduce its size. This happens through periodic uterine contractions, especially intense in the first 2-3 days after birth.

The whole process of the restoration of the uterus, or involution, is accompanied by an outflow of postpartum secretions, scientifically lochia. This is how the uterine cavity is cleansed and its internal mucosa is renewed. During the first two to three days after childbirth, the lochia is very abundant and resembles ordinary blood in consistency.

In fact, this is how it is, and during this period, blood mainly flows from the genital tract from torn vessels at the place of attachment of the separated placenta. About how much it stood out these days, judged by the rag pads issued in maternity hospitals on the first day after childbirth. Normally, it is enough for 2 hours before the next shift.

Therefore, do not be surprised when the medical staff in the first hours after childbirth insists on using such “rags” instead of comfortable, well-absorbing and modern pads, which make it difficult to determine how much blood is lost. Such heavy bleeding lasts no more than 3 days. Gradually, with the help of contractile movements of the uterus, the injured vessels are drawn deeper into the cavity and, due to the process of thrombosis, the exposed arteries and vessels overlap.

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Discharge 3-7 days postpartum

After the first days, heavy bleeding subsides and is replaced by lighter or brownish discharge mixed with blood clots and mucus, resembling normal periods. How long the period of such lochia will last is difficult to predict. This process is individual in each case and depends on the rate of healing and tissue regeneration inherent in the body. In practice, there are cases of complete cessation of postpartum discharge at least a week, a maximum of 2 months, or 8 weeks after childbirth.

How long the recovery process takes during repeated births also cannot be said based on the experience of previous ones. Usually these values ​​differ with each subsequent birth. A sign that everything is going well - bleeding after childbirth gradually decreases in volume, becomes like a daub after menstruation, the nature of the discharge is mucous and acquires a light color, with blood clots appearing more and more rarely. The smell is not sharp and putrid in nature.

First period or abnormal bleeding?

How many days after giving birth will menstruation come? If you are breastfeeding according to all the canons of breastfeeding, then the first menstruation may not appear soon, and you can no longer confuse them with bleeding. A little more difficult when breastfeeding is mixed or not at all.

In this case, menstruation can come as early as a month after childbirth, immediately after the end of postpartum discharge. If at the same time pain is disturbing, the body temperature rises, the discharge comes with an unpleasant odor, then it is possible that dangerous pathological bleeding after childbirth, caused by a violation of the postpartum recovery process, is disguised as menstruation. In any case, if there is any doubt about the causes of bleeding 1–1.5 months after childbirth, you should consult a doctor.

Pathological bleeding

Pathological bleeding after childbirth can occur both immediately after delivery, and several days or even weeks later. In the maternity hospital, the condition of the woman is closely monitored by doctors, and in case of the slightest suspicion of the discovery of bleeding, measures are taken to prevent the serious consequences of this pathology. The most common cause of bleeding in the early postpartum period is the absence of normal contractile activity of the uterus. In this case, the bleeding is called hypotonic.

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There is an absolute inability of the uterus to contract when its tone is in a state of atony (relaxation and complete absence) and the muscle fibers completely lose their ability to contract. At the same time, the uterus itself does not respond to any physical and medical effects - massage, cold application or injections of oxytocin, which stimulates the contractile activity of the uterus and other drugs.

Such hypotonic bleeding usually occurs immediately after childbirth or a caesarean section, is massive and poses a significant threat to a woman's life. It is often not possible to eliminate such bleeding with conservative methods, seconds count, and if the volume of blood loss has exceeded 1 thousand ml and no mechanisms for stopping it help, then the uterus is amputated. In fairness, we note that this condition is quite rare.

Much more common is such a cause that causes bleeding after childbirth in the early period (up to 2 hours after childbirth), such as uterine hypotension. In this case, the uterine tone and ability to contract are also reduced, but the organ itself reacts reflexively to external influences. In a hospital setting, doctors successfully cope with such a violation. Other, less common causes of bleeding in the early period after childbirth are bleeding disorders, inexperience and obstetrician errors in suturing vessels during caesarean section, retained placenta and uterine rupture.

In the late postpartum period (from 2 hours to 6-8 weeks after birth), the appearance of bleeding is almost always a consequence of the remnants of various tissues in the uterine cavity and inflammatory processes. The reason, again, is in a reduced uterine tone and a sluggish recovery process. As a result, stagnation of secretions systematically or constantly occurs in the uterus with the remnants of various tissues - placental, amniotic membranes, endometrium, old blood clots.

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Bleeding occurs, as a rule, suddenly, is profuse and lasts for several days, it can also occur one-time. With reduced immunity and other predisposing factors, the microkingdom actively begins to flourish in the uterine cavity - pathogenic and opportunistic microbes multiply in the rich nutrient medium of postpartum secretions, triggering inflammation.

The tissues that die in the course of their activity are torn away from the uterine wall, which is accompanied by bleeding. Before starting medical procedures aimed at eliminating bleeding and the causes that caused it, determine how much blood is lost and, if necessary, take measures to replenish blood loss. Late pathological bleeding after childbirth is also a consequence of injuries of the birth canal with a violation of the technique of suturing and general diseases.

As you can see, spotting after childbirth is different for every woman. On average, they last 4-6 weeks. But a week, and even 2 months are no exception to the rule.

If, with their volume decreasing, increased bleeding appears sharply, then it is necessary to sound the alarm.

Bleeding after childbirth- This is the release of blood and tissue debris from the uterus. Usually allocate approximate periods of this bleeding, depending on the intensity and color of the blood.

In the first three days bleeding is profuse, often profuse in volume compared to menstruation. The blood is bright red, as it is released from the vessels at the site of attachment of the placenta.

The cause of this bleeding is insufficient contractility of the uterus in the first few days after childbirth. This is normal and should not scare you.

Over the next two weeks the intensity of bleeding is significantly reduced. The discharge changes color from light pink to brown and yellowish white.

The uterus gradually contracts and by the end of the second week, all discharge from it usually stops.

There are often exceptions to this general rule. Consider which of them are also a variant of the norm, and which ones are a sign of a condition that requires the intervention of a doctor.

How long does bleeding last in the early postpartum period?

So, discharge from the uterus during the first 2-6 weeks are considered normal. Even in the sixth week they may have an admixture of blood.

Sometimes, bleeding after childbirth first stops after a few days, and then resumes.

This is usually typical for too active mothers who, already in the first week after giving birth, tend to go to the gym. Then just enough to stop the load and the bleeding will stop again.

Variant of the norm the so-called "small period" of bleeding is also considered (it occurs three weeks to a month after childbirth).

Bleeding is then not profuse and painless. Its duration is not more than one or two days. Such a repetition of bleeding also does not require a visit to the doctor.

Now let's talk about pathological (late) postpartum hemorrhage.

Most often its cause becomes part of the placenta, which remains in the uterus after childbirth and prevents its complete reduction. Then, a week after the birth, the bleeding does not decrease, but remains as plentiful and bright in color.

In this case Necessarily get an appointment with a gynecologist as soon as possible and conduct an additional "" uterine mucosa.

This the procedure scares many women and they try to delay the visit to the doctor, hoping that the bleeding will stop after all. This position often leads to the development of inflammation in the uterus, increase, pain.

"Purges" still cannot be avoided, but additional treatment after it can drag on for months. It is not necessary to say how this adversely affects breastfeeding and the further reproductive function of a woman.

Another case- continuation of not abundant brown discharge longer than six weeks postpartum. This may be caused by an infection.

Often such discharge is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and fever. If you do not delay the visit to the doctor, This condition is easily treated and does not cause adverse effects..

And of course, the most serious case- this is when the bleeding at first stopped completely, and after one to two weeks it resumed in the form of copious discharge from the uterine cavity.

It is impossible to stop such bleeding at home. It is a real life threat due to the rapid loss of a large volume of blood. That's why, in this case, you must immediately call an ambulance.


What affects the intensity and duration of bleeding after childbirth? How long does it take and when does the bleeding end after childbirth? What concomitant conditions should alert a woman and make her more attentive to her health?

Normal phenomenon- this is a stop of bleeding due to the rapid contraction of the uterus after childbirth. This is facilitated by breastfeeding as a natural stimulator of the muscular contraction of the uterus, laid down by nature.

Doctors often prescribe oxytocin injections in the first days after childbirth in order to artificially speed up this process.

If the uterus remains in a relaxed state after childbirth, bleeding continues and becomes pathological. Often this happens due to traumatic childbirth, a large child or.

Other reasons- multiple fibrous nodes in the uterus, improper attachment of the placenta, early rejection of the placenta, exhaustion of the woman before childbirth.

Very rare case pathological postpartum hemorrhage - mechanical damage to the uterus during childbirth or undiagnosed clotting problems.

Uterine bleeding a few weeks after giving birth may be due to infection.

So, bleeding after childbirth is serious process, requiring close observation of a woman and a visit to a doctor at the slightest doubt and anxiety.

Blood discharge after childbirth is a mandatory and quite normal process. Thus, lochia and the remains of the placenta are removed from the body. The norm is considered to be discharge during the entire postpartum period (approximately 8 weeks).

Blood discharge after childbirth: how much can go in the norm and what to do if they are plentiful and do not end for a long time?
Is this cause for concern?

Blood after childbirth: how much does it go and why does it happen?

postpartum discharge- This is a natural physiological process, which consists in the rejection of the uterine mucosa by the body. Allocations go regardless of which way the child was born (natural or by caesarean). The birth of a child is the separation of all fruit membranes. The uterus after that is one big bleeding wound.

Restoration of the uterine mucosa begins immediately after the completion of labor. This process is taken over by the uterine glands. In the first days after childbirth, the discharge consists of blood (80%) and the secretion of the uterine glands. Gradually, the amount of blood in the secretions decreases.

Lochia go in both early and late postpartum periods. The early period is considered in the first two hours after childbirth. The next 6-8 weeks is late.

Blood after childbirth: how much goes and what determines the duration

The normal duration of postpartum hemorrhage is about 6 weeks. During this time, a woman loses about one and a half liters of blood. Do not be afraid of such a figure, because the woman's body is ready for this in advance. When pregnancy occurs, significantly more blood begins to circulate in the female body than in an ordinary person.

The duration of bleeding depends on many factors. Breastfeeding significantly shortens this period. In the body of a woman, the relationship between breastfeeding and uterine contraction was initially laid down. Accordingly, the faster the uterus returns to its normal state, the faster the discharge will end.

The duration of the discharge is also affected by the process of delivery. In those women who gave birth naturally, the blood ends faster after childbirth. After a caesarean section, the uterus recovers somewhat longer. This is due to the fact that an incision was made on it, which was subsequently sewn up.

Slightly longer bloody discharge will go on in those women who, in the postpartum period, are subjected to constant stress and heavy physical exertion. This is also why young mothers are recommended to rest more after childbirth and try not to worry.

What other factors affect the duration of discharge from the birth canal:

  • multiple pregnancy (the uterus in this case greatly increases in size, which means that the contraction process will be longer);
  • impaired blood clotting;
  • trauma during childbirth, internal seams;
  • large child;
  • elements of the placenta that may remain in the birth canal (in this case, the inflammatory process begins);
  • contractile feature of the uterus;
  • the existence of fibroids or fibroids.

Blood after childbirth: how much goes and what are the rules of personal hygiene during this period

While there is bleeding, there is a high risk of developing an infectious disease. To avoid this, you must adhere to certain rules of personal hygiene. In the postpartum period, they will differ somewhat from the generally accepted and well-known:

  • special attention should be paid to sanitary pads, it is better to choose those designed specifically for postpartum discharge;
  • when the discharge becomes not so abundant, you can start using regular menstrual pads, but you should also be careful when choosing them: they should have a high degree of absorption;
  • change pads more often despite the fact that it is written on the pack of the product that they are able to retain moisture for up to 8 hours, you should not be fooled by advertising, ideally the gasket should be changed every 3-4 hours;
  • it is strictly forbidden to use tampons during postpartum discharge, no matter what you are guided by and no matter what manufacturer you choose;
  • it is advisable to wash after each change of pad;
  • you can do this using baby soap, it is also important to follow the water jet: it should be directed from front to back;
  • if the doctor has indicated the need for home treatment of sutures, then this should be done using antiseptics - furacilin or potassium permanganate;
  • taking a bath is strictly contraindicated, you can wash yourself and completely wash yourself only in the shower.

Blood discharge after childbirth: how many days can go normally and when should you sound the alarm?

Normal postpartum discharge

The first few days after childbirth, the discharge will be as plentiful as possible. Approximately 400 ml of blood should come out daily. Most often it is not homogeneous, but with mucus or clots. You should not be afraid, this is a completely natural process. That's the way it should be. These days, the discharge is bright red.

After 3 days, the color will gradually change to brown. The closer to the end of the postpartum period (8 weeks), the less discharge will be. Gradually, they will look like menstruation, then they will become light and turn into ordinary mucus.

When to sound the alarm

If a woman notices in the hospital that the discharge has become more intense or less frequent, thicker or, conversely, more watery, you should immediately tell the doctor about it.

Also, postpartum discharge should be monitored after discharge from the hospital. Despite the fact that the recovery process after childbirth is individual for each woman, there are common points that should be the reason for contacting a gynecologist.

What should alert every young mother

Quick stop bleeding. If the lochia stopped going earlier than 5 weeks after giving birth, this is a serious cause for concern. Every woman should know that the functional layer of the endometrium is completely restored no earlier than 40 days after delivery. If the discharge stopped very soon after the appearance of the baby, this does not at all indicate a good ability of the body to recover. Most likely this is due to complications. Often they are infectious. However, it can also be a spasm of the cervix. It traps lochia in its cavity, preventing it from coming out. This situation requires an immediate solution, as it leads to serious consequences.

Red color discharge

5 days after birth, lochia take on their color. For every woman, it can be individual. But if the discharge remains bright red, as in the first days after childbirth, this urgently needs to be told to the doctor. This may indicate problems such as impaired hematopoiesis or blood clotting.

Lochia color change

If at first the discharge changed its color from red to brown, and after a while, it turned back to red, this also indicates problems. In most cases, this is due to intrauterine bleeding, which urgently needs to be eliminated. Timely contact with a doctor will avoid serious consequences. A repeated change in the color of the blood after childbirth may indicate the existence of a polyp or a rupture of the soft tissues in the birth canal.

The appearance of an odor

If after some time the discharge began to smell (no matter what), it means that an infection has entered the uterine cavity. It can cause endometritis. By consulting a doctor in time and diagnosing a disease, a young mother can avoid such an unpleasant procedure as scraping. It is carried out when other methods of treatment (taking drugs that suppress the development of microorganisms and a forced increase in uterine contractions) have been ineffective.

Blood discharge after childbirth: how many days can go normally and when does menstruation begin?

One hundred percent answer the question: when menstruation comes, it is impossible. Each female body is individual. Usually, if a mother has stopped breastfeeding by the end of the postpartum period, she will soon begin to develop an egg.

For those who continue to breastfeed, menstruation may begin six months after birth, not earlier. At first, the cycle will be irregular. Menstruation can be both scanty and plentiful, both short (up to 1-2 days) and long (up to 7-8 days). You should not be afraid of this, everything is within the normal range. In some mothers, menstruation does not appear until the end of lactation. This option is also considered the norm. This is due to the postpartum production of the hormone prolactin. It stimulates the production of milk for feeding the baby and helps to suppress the formation of hormones in the ovary (ovulation simply does not occur).

The postpartum period is as important as pregnancy and childbirth. At this time, you should also be attentive to your health and condition. At the slightest deviation from the norm, it is necessary to visit a doctor. Don't be afraid to talk about any changes in bleeding that are bothering you. Even if your gynecologist is a man, remember that first of all he is a doctor who is interested in your speedy recovery after childbirth. If something worries you while still in the hospital, be sure to consult with him. Many problems are easy to solve at the stage of their formation, and not in a neglected form.

After being discharged home, do not neglect the rules of personal hygiene and the doctor's recommendations. Remember, your baby needs a healthy and cheerful mother!

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