Why do dogs flirt with strangers. The puppy runs to strangers. What to do? General rules for owners of all puppies of any breed

A common situation is when a puppy runs to strangers. This is quite normal and occurs in almost all puppies of all sizes and breeds. He is a puppy, like a child, happy with everything, but you need to take into account that in addition to being stroked, he can also be thrown food that can harm him. Therefore, our article will help you control your puppy while walking.

Very often, on websites and forums, people ask very simple questions that they are looking for answers to, and some are worried about the fact that the puppy is kind and responsive to strangers. Do not forget that a puppy is the same child who wants to play and frolic. Of course, you can, but you must be aware of the fact that at the age of 3 months, the puppy should be friendly and responsive to people.

How to wean a puppy to run up to people

Unfortunately, it will not work to wean a puppy from his curiosity towards strangers, but it is quite possible for a team to be nearby. If the puppy runs towards people who are trying to pet or feed him, you will use this command from time to time, while giving him food during the walk whenever he listens to your command, then his level of curiosity for other people's food will be slightly less .

Very often you can hear those reviews that at the age of 4 months the dog almost pounces on passers-by, trained and trained. At such a moment, many dog ​​owners have a question: "Why mine"? But it all depends on your patience and training. Do not rush to make hasty conclusions if something does not work out for you at first. But before you, after all, other people found techniques on how to deal with this, you will definitely find it too.

1. Jerk with a leash. If your puppy is not yet 3 months old, then you should not expect to perform commands to the maximum yet. Your task at the first stage with each attempt of the puppy to run up to a passerby, pull the leash towards you. The whole procedure must be done in motion, it may not work right away, but you can’t stop. When you start to succeed, the puppy will simply follow the gaze of passers-by, following you, but this can only come on the 4th month.

Starting from the age of 3 months of training, you can. If your puppy starts to approach a passerby, you give the command “near” and make a not very strong jerk with the leash towards you, while the dog should walk on the left side, sticking to the left foot.

Do not forget to reward your puppy with delicious food or treats for each command you complete and make.

2. Beckon with a toy. When it turned out that the puppy ran to a stranger and you understand that you can’t call him back with a team, then a tricky way comes to the rescue - to beckon the puppy back to you with the help of a toy. You can immediately give him a taste of the game and, for example, by whistling or beckoning him with a voice or the sound of a toy, you will return him back. As soon as your fugitive returns, play with him, because he did not come back to you in vain.

3. Increase the distance between you. Basically, your task is to be the first to see the passerby and recall the dog in time so that it does not run up to the passers-by, but if it so happened that she ran away again, and you did not have time to recall her, then do not run after her, but on the contrary, increase the distance imperceptibly for her and call her by her nickname, then the dog will notice that you are far away, and were recently so close, she will want to run up to you.

The best helper in this situation is a well-learned “come to me” command, as soon as the puppy begins to understand and respond to it, you will immediately stop thinking that you need some kind of auxiliary toys or additional efforts in order to beckon the puppy to you.

At the beginning of the article, we also touched on the fact that a dog can take food from strangers, so along with the “come to me” command, teach it the “fu” command. Then there is a greater chance that even if the dog does not respond to the “come to me” command in time, then it will be able to respond to the “fu” command. The "fu" command will help you in other cases in the future, when, for example, wean the dog from eating off the ground.

Can a puppy interact with people?

Often the owners of puppies think about whether it is possible for strangers to pet their dogs. If you have a toy breed or a hunting breed, then you can allow your dog to interact with people when they come to visit you. But at the same time, make sure that other people do not give her commands. Your dog must obey you and your family members.

If you want to train your dog for protection purposes, so that your dog becomes a real protector of your home, then you need to avoid:

For people to pet the dog

For people to feed her

For people to give her commands

For people to play with your dog.

At the age of 7 months, it is recommended to prohibit the dog from contact with passers-by and in particular with people. If it so happened that friends came to visit you or you have a holiday planned, then close the dog in the next room or send it to the place (), thereby do not let anyone into that room.

The dog needs communication and attention, then your family members or you yourself should help you with this, the dog’s communication should take place with you. On a walk, the dog should not notice strangers walking with you. Thus, you will achieve excellent results.

The dog's attitude towards people should be neutral only if people do not treat you or your dog aggressively.

If aggression is manifested by your dog towards people, then you will have to purchase dog muzzle. And let her get used to people, walking in crowded places, you need stop a dog from attacking people

Good communication occurs between dogs during a walk if they react friendly to each other. If your dog growls at other dogs, then it would be nice to think about how to teach a puppy to be friends with a dog.

Do not forget that a puppy is a friendly child who will not immediately become a defender and listen to a dozen commands, this requires experience and practice, so spend less time on the Internet trying to find the answer, train the dog more, then read and train again, then this will bear fruit.

Especially if you choose large breed dog to guard the house, then take into account the fact that after a while this little puppy will grow into a big dog and you will need to somehow cope with it, therefore it is better to make maximum efforts at an early age.

Often on a dog walk or training ground you can see such a picture.

A puppy of three or four months, instead of being a model of devotion and obedience, rushes from all paws to any person who is in his field of vision, joyfully jumps on him, tries to flirt. Or a puppy that is being led on a leash begins to caress completely strangers, as soon as they talk to him.

At the same time, disappointment is clearly read on the upset face of the owner, they say, what is this dog, to which someone else's uncle is directly his own father. And the more “serious” the breed of the dog, the stronger this disappointment.

Okay, there, a labrador or - they are not very distrustful of people, but why does an Alabai puppy behave like this or, a future watchman and security guard?

Maybe nothing good will come of it at all?

Almost every dog ​​breeder in a similar situation has such doubts, especially a beginner.

So should you be worried?

In fact, at a young age, a puppy's friendly and playful behavior is completely normal. Puppies up to 5-6 months old (this age range can fluctuate up or down) are still real children. All the protective qualities that are genetically inherent in them will definitely wake up, but a little later.

In no case do not try to develop anger in a puppy before six months. It's just useless. Everything has its time. Now you need to pay attention to proper socialization and work on the obedience of your pet. By the way, you need to deal with it from the very first day of its appearance in your home.

When you come to the site for protection classes, your dog must be in full control. Otherwise, you will get not a pet, but a socially dangerous animal. Don't endanger others or your dog! After all, in the event of an incident, it is she who will be the first to suffer.

But what to do with the puppy's excessive lovingness?

The worst thing you can do is to deprive the puppy of the opportunity to communicate with the outside world, including strangers. The consequences of such isolation can be both shyness of the dog and its excessive aggressiveness in the future. That the first, that the second option is fraught with serious problems, especially if the dog is large and strong.

You also don't need to punish your dog for it. She is still too young to be able to "filter" people and circumstances. But such friendliness should not be encouraged.

General rules for owners of all puppies of any breed:

- none of the outsiders (even friends and neighbors) can call your dog to him or give her any commands - this is exclusively the prerogative of the owner and his family;

- none of the strangers can feed or treat your puppy or adult dog with anything (wean the puppy without fail!);

- none of the strangers should stroke and caress the puppy if he ran up to them. If this happens, ask passers-by not to pay attention to the puppy, distract him, interest him or a treat, and take him away.

The goal is to form a neutral-calm attitude towards strangers in the dog.

This setup will be very useful to you in the future, no matter what your dog is.

If your dog is a serious guard, you will avoid a lot of problems on walks. Walking with a dog that is ready to attack anyone who stops to ask you for directions is an unpleasant and even dangerous occupation. Ideally, the dog should react calmly to such actions, only carefully observing the development of the situation.

If your dog is affectionate by nature, and you did not plan to make him a guard, an indifferent attitude towards strangers will help to avoid unpleasant situations associated with excessive sociability of your pet. Skirmishes between dog breeders and people who, to put it mildly, dislike or are afraid of dogs, often occur because the dog invades their space, causing them inconvenience. At the same time, the dog can be absolutely non-aggressive, but it is unlikely that your assurance that “it will not bite in life” can calm a passer-by whose white trousers have marks from your pet’s paws.

Do not create conflict situations. Take care of your pet.

One of the primary tasks that face the dog breeder from the moment a puppy appears in the house is how to wean the dog to pick up food on the street. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that our four-legged friends have an extremely developed instinct to find food from the ground.

Picking up food in the street is a habit that is deeply rooted in the very nature of a dog. It is fraught with a lot of dangers: an animal can eat poisoned food left to destroy innocent stray dogs, or pick up rotten food residues that lead to poisoning and the development of intoxication, up to death.

Another formidable danger is the bones brought by stray animals from garbage cans: for most domestic dogs, such a “delicacy” becomes fatal, mercilessly injuring the walls of the intestines and stomach, leading to the development of serious diseases.

As practice shows, another important task of a dog breeder is to wean a dog from approaching strangers, who are also not always friendly to pets, and can treat your pet with such a “delicacy” that will be fatal to his health.

As you can see, every unauthorized "meal" of your pet on a walk has every chance of being his last.

Video "How to wean a dog to pick up on the street?"

In this video, you will learn how to quickly and cost-effectively rid your dog of a bad habit and ensure its safety.

Causes of behavior

The main reason for such a comprehensive desire to pick up any piece of food from the ground is the unconditioned search reflex inherent in all representatives of the dog tribe. But this does not mean at all that it is impossible to wean an animal from a bad habit. If you do not go into the details of zoopsychology, then the main impulse that makes the dog pick up food from the ground is stress.

Not all pets are prone to such a defect. With proper upbringing of a puppy, it is easy to teach him a certain discipline of eating: the animal learns that he gets food only in a set place and at a clearly allotted time for this.

How to re-educate a pet

So, on the very first walk, you noticed that your puppy is enthusiastically looking for something to profit from in the grass. And the point here is not that the animal is hungry - it simply follows a thousand-year-old instinct. Let's look at a few effective tricks that will help your pet give up a deadly habit.

Choosing a quality bowl

The food bowl should be ideal for your pet - its volume and wall height should correspond to the size of the dog. If, due to fierce competition or natural greed, the animal grabs several pieces of food at once and scatters it on the floor to collect later, try putting a small ball in the bowl, which will interfere with the pet, and he will have to eat more slowly.

Forbidding commands

When a puppy is found to have a craving for picking up food on the street, you need to take action from the very first time: immediately take away the picked up food from the pet, reinforcing the action with the strict command “Fu!” or "Give it up!". It is important to remove the found piece from the mouth, making it clear to the animal that such behavior is unacceptable.

Proper Punishment

If we are talking about a small puppy, physical impact cannot be used - just shake the dog well, reinforcing the action with a strict shout of “Fu!”.

When raising an adult animal, such precedents cannot be left unpunished, but one shout will not be enough - the command should be reinforced with a tangible slap on the animal’s croup, it is advisable to use a twig, and not beat the pet with your hand (master’s hands should be associated exclusively with affection).


Another sure way is to accompany cases of misbehavior with a sharp irritant. For example, when a dog is about to eat a found piece, it must be frightened with a sharp loud sound, not forgetting the appropriate command.

After several repeated episodes, the animal will develop the necessary reflex.

Or you can resort to another tactic - ask a stranger (!) To scatter your pet's favorite delicacy in designated places, but generously seasoned with pepper or mustard. Taking the dog for a walk, you will deliberately lead him to where he will find food, picking up which the pet will experience not the most pleasant moments. By repeating the procedure several times, you will permanently discourage the animal from eating anything on the street.

And the last, most modern way is the use of an electric shock collar. You control the device using a remote control, which means you do not run after the animal on the heels. In addition, it is not you who punish the dog, but the collar, that is, your relationship with the pet is not overshadowed by anything. As a rule, a few episodes are enough for the dog to realize that picking up food leftovers is a thankless and even painful task.

A common situation is when a puppy runs to strangers. This is quite normal and occurs in almost all puppies of all sizes and breeds. He is a puppy, like a child, happy with everything, but you need to take into account that in addition to being stroked, he can also be thrown food that can harm him. Therefore, our article will help you control your puppy while walking.

Very often, on websites and forums, people ask very simple questions that they are looking for answers to, and some are worried about the fact that the puppy is kind and responsive to strangers. Do not forget that a puppy is the same child who wants to play and frolic. Of course, you can make a puppy angry from the very childhood, but you must be aware of the fact that at the age of 3 months the puppy should be friendly and responsive to people.

How to wean a puppy to run up to people

Unfortunately, it will not work to wean a puppy from his curiosity for strangers, but it is quite possible to teach a puppy a command to me or a team nearby. If the puppy runs towards people who are trying to pet or feed him, you will use this command from time to time, while giving him food during the walk whenever he listens to your command, then his level of curiosity for other people's food will be slightly less .

Very often you can hear those reviews that at the age of 4 months the dog almost pounces on passers-by, trained and trained. At such a moment, many dog ​​owners have a question: “Why is my dog ​​not obeying”? But it all depends on your patience and training. Do not rush to make hasty conclusions if something does not work out for you at first. But before you, after all, other people found techniques on how to deal with this, you will definitely find it too.

1. Jerk with a leash. If your puppy is not yet 3 months old, then you should not expect to perform commands to the maximum yet. Your task at the first stage with each attempt of the puppy to run up to a passerby, pull the leash towards you. The whole procedure must be done in motion, it may not work right away, but you can’t stop. When you start to succeed, the puppy will simply follow the gaze of passers-by, following you, but this can only come on the 4th month.

Starting from the age of 3 months of training, you can train your puppy with a team nearby. If your puppy starts to approach a passerby, you give the command “near” and make a not very strong jerk with the leash towards you, while the dog should walk on the left side, keeping the left foot.

Do not forget to reward your puppy with delicious food or treats for each command you complete and make.

2. Beckon with a toy. When it turned out that the puppy ran to a stranger and you understand that you can’t call him back with a team, then a tricky way comes to the rescue - to beckon the puppy back to you with the help of a toy. You can immediately give him a taste of the game and, for example, by whistling or beckoning him with a voice or the sound of a toy, you will return him back. As soon as your fugitive returns, play with him, because he did not come back to you in vain.

3. Increase the distance between you. Basically, your task is to be the first to see the passerby and recall the dog in time so that it does not run up to the passers-by, but if it so happened that she ran away again, and you did not have time to recall her, then do not run after her, but on the contrary, increase the distance imperceptibly for her and call her by her nickname, then the dog will notice that you are far away, and were recently so close, she will want to run up to you.

The best helper in this situation is a well-learned “come to me” command, as soon as the puppy begins to understand and respond to it, you will immediately stop thinking that you need some kind of auxiliary toys or additional efforts in order to beckon the puppy to you.

At the beginning of the article, we also touched on the fact that a dog can take food from strangers, so along with the “come to me” command, teach it the “fu” command. Then there is a greater chance that even if the dog does not respond to the “come to me” command in time, then it will be able to respond to the “fu” command. The "fu" command will help you in other cases in the future, when, for example, wean the dog from eating off the ground.

Can a puppy interact with people?

Often the owners of puppies think about whether it is possible for strangers to pet their dogs. If you have a toy breed or a hunting breed, then you can allow your dog to interact with people when they come to visit you. But at the same time, make sure that other people do not give her commands. Your dog must obey you and your family members.

If you want to train your dog for protection purposes, so that your dog becomes a real protector of your home, then you need to avoid:

For people to pet the dog

For people to feed her

For people to give her commands

For people to play with your dog.

At the age of 7 months, it is recommended to prohibit the dog from contact with passers-by and in particular with people. If it so happened that friends came to visit you or you have a holiday planned, then close the dog in the next room or send it to the place (how to teach the puppy to the place), thereby do not let anyone into that room.

The dog needs communication and attention, then your family members or you yourself should help you with this, the dog’s communication should take place with you. On a walk, the dog should not notice strangers walking with you. Thus, you will achieve excellent results.

The dog's attitude towards people should be neutral only if people do not treat you or your dog aggressively.

If aggression is manifested by your dog towards people, then you will have to purchase dog muzzle. And let her get used to people, walking in crowded places, you need stop a dog from attacking people

Good communication occurs between dogs during a walk if they react friendly to each other. If your dog growls at other dogs, then it would be nice to think about how to teach a puppy to be friends with a dog.

Do not forget that a puppy is a friendly child who will not immediately become a defender and listen to a dozen commands, this requires experience and practice, so spend less time on the Internet trying to find the answer, train the dog more, then read and train again, then this will bear fruit.

Especially if you choose large breed dog to guard the house, then take into account the fact that after a while this little puppy will grow into a big dog and you will need to somehow cope with it, therefore it is better to make maximum efforts at an early age.

We have a beautiful East European Shepherd (male, 1 year 2 months) very sociable with other dogs. He sees any of his brother and runs to him to get acquainted "from all legs" with friendly intentions and it is impossible to stop him with a team or anything else. We passed the OKD course, we know all the commands, but as soon as he sees another dog, he runs to her. Even if our dog is on a leash, he does not hear the command - he is eager to get acquainted.


Apparently, your dog did not learn the command "to me" well enough. This command should be the main one for the dog. At first, the puppy is taught to follow the owner, encouraging him to do this with treats and games, running away and hiding from him, and most often, with the right upbringing, this turns out to be sufficient for further training. However, such behavior as your dog sometimes occurs when the desire to communicate with relatives outweighs all your training. Usually this occurs recently in Labradors. German Shepherds and VEOs, as a rule, suffer from this much less frequently. We have an opinion, this often happens because puppies are now bought too old, not used to communicating with people who have spent too long with a breeder in the company of littermates.
The first, most simple exercise is the approach to the owner from the playing company. On walks, in the company of dog breeders, try to explain to other owners that your dog needs to work out the approach. Perhaps (alas, few!) You will understand and help, but it is easier to do in the company of dog breeders involved in training, and not just idly walking with untrained dogs.
Your dog must be released with a long leash, 3-5 meters, which, in case of disobedience, can be stepped on. After letting the dogs frolic, the owners disperse in different directions and call their dogs. For the approach, the dogs are encouraged with a treat, a toy, then they converge again and let the dogs play. If commands fail to recall your dog, you can ask other owners to push your dog away, sometimes you can even whip it with a rod (do not worry, the dog will not become cowardly from this), while you call the dog to you and vigorously encourage him for the approach. If this does not help, and the dog needs to "explain" what they want from him, you can approach, catching the end of the leash, and again giving the command in a sharp tone, strongly pull the leash. Never, after giving a command, do not follow the dog, on the contrary, you should move away from it, scaring it with the possibility of being left without a master (of course, this is done in places where there is no danger that the dog will run out onto the roadway). However, even if you have applied such influences, the dog is not punished when approaching, but is still praised. This exercise should be done several times during a walk.
By your actions, you must show the dog that after the command "to me" the safest and most pleasant place is near the owner, but also show that they will still be allowed to run and play.
If the dog, at the sight of relatives, from a distance, breaks off the leash, without looking back at your commands, without noticing the offered toy or treat, and even jerking the leash on a soft collar, you will have to make it clear to the dog that she still has to approach on command "through not Want". You will have to put on a jerk chain or a parforce on the dog and pull (and strongly!) at the moment of giving the command “to me”, stepping back at the same time. Even if the dog on this equipment rolls over in the air, it will not cause any injuries to itself. You need to pull towards yourself so that the dog finally pays attention to the owner, and begins to move towards him. For this, you must be praised. Attempts of the dog to rush again to other dogs are stopped by a strict command "to me" and a jerk.
Finally, the dog must be able to walk alongside not only in the general course, but in any conditions. The principle is the same - rushes to the dogs - command "close" and FORCE jerks to go next to you. If she obeyed and moves nearby - praise with your voice, you can pet her on the go, but still demand that she moves nearby on a loose leash. Is it necessary to explain in detail the technique of developing the skill of walking nearby again?
If you have taught a dog to walk alongside, holding back the impulse to rush to other dogs, you can use this achievement in the following way. When the dog wants to rush to his friends frolicking in the distance, go there, just make the dog walk to the walking area in a position nearby, stop, sit the dog down, and with the "walk" command, let him play. The dog must make sure that the owner will let him play, he just needs to restrain himself and calmly, without twitching, walk.
Unfortunately, we must warn you that on the part of most people you will not find mutual understanding, they will blame you for treating the dog rudely, punishing "nothing for nothing", etc., although the dog gets a thrashing just for the cause. You will either have to ignore this, or do everything as discreetly as possible to others.
When practicing these skills in highly "distracting" dogs, the main thing is the owner's persistence. If a dog stubbornly rushes in a direction that is interesting to it, no "humane" measures can be dispensed with - it is necessary to force the dog to obey.
About equipment. It is not recommended to use parfors when dogs play with each other - another dog may get hurt on it, break a tooth. Here you have to do with either a soft collar or a noose collar. However, if you just need to teach the dog to pass other dogs, it is quite possible to use a chain or parfor.
For stubborn dogs that react very strongly to relatives, it is sometimes necessary to use a radio collar. However, before resorting to this measure, the dog should still be taught what kind of disobedience, failure to comply with the command “to me”, it is punished (far from the owner, this is a jerk with a leash, a well-aimed hit in the side with some object, for example, a strict collar, a blow a rod from the side of the assistant) - however, as soon as the dog approaches the owner, it is vigorously praised. If in the process of training this principle has not "reached" the dog, an electric shock can cause an unpredictable reaction - the dog can simply become uncontrollable, get scared and run away.
Another tip, it may not work in advanced cases, but for beginner dog breeders, you should know the following for prevention. You have acquired a dog so that it becomes your friend, do you want it to be more interesting for her to communicate with you? So why, when taking a dog for a walk, you do not play and do not work with it, leaving it to roam around you, while you yourself stand and while away the time talking with other dog breeders? Make it more interesting for the dog to communicate with the owner!
I hope our tips help you.
Aksenova Galina, Karlova Elena

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