What is neuroscience for? What does a neurologist treat? What does a neurologist treat: a list of diseases

The science of neurology appeared more than 150 years ago. Her main subject of study is the nervous system, both in pathological and normal states. Specialists in this field of medicine are called neurologists, they deal with issues related to diseases of the peripheral and central parts. nervous system, explore the mechanisms of their occurrence, methods of prevention and treatment.

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Doctor's specialization

In adult patients, the main organs of examination are the brain and spinal cord. Nerves and nerve plexuses become important elements of the study.

With damage or pathology of the brain, other important organs and parts of the human body can suffer, therefore, it is believed that neurology is closely related to the endocrine system, the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and the sense organs.

A doctor is worth a visit when pain is felt in the back, neck and head, in the chest and abdomen. In addition, a neurologist should be consulted if depression has begun and neuroses, obsessive-compulsive states and anxiety have appeared.

Neurological disorders may manifest as limbs and tics, which also becomes an important reason for a quick referral to a specialist.

Referral to a specialist is required in case of manifestation of attention deficit disorder, a constant feeling of fear. Such conditions contribute to the narrowing of the vessels of the brain and the disruption of its normal activity.

Neurological examination

An appointment with a neurologist begins with a visual examination and identification of patient complaints. To help the specialist correctly diagnose the disease and find out its causes, the patient should be told in detail about the state of health and symptoms, their severity, frequency of manifestation.

How is the reception. It is carried out on an individual basis with each patient separately, it all depends on the type of disease.

It is mandatory to study the medical card, certificates and test results. If the data is not enough, then the doctor prescribes additional tests and examinations to make an accurate diagnosis.

The main purpose of the examination is to determine the state of the nervous system, to obtain accurate information about its functioning.

A neurological examination is based on an examination of the parts of the nervous system, from the muscles to the brain. The doctor analyzes the victim's gait, coordination of movements and reflexes, cranial nerves. Appointment with a neurologist may also be accompanied by palpation, that is, by feeling the patient's body to detect pathological changes.

Diagnostic studies

After a neurological examination has been performed, the patient can be referred for an examination to make an accurate diagnosis.

Types of research carried out:

  • electroneuromyography;
  • radiography;
  • ultrasonography;
  • (CT) of the brain and spinal cord;
  • electroencephalography;
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the back, brain;
  • duplex scanning of the main arteries of the head (DS MAG).

Also, various laboratory methods for studying the body(general and detailed blood tests, urinalysis, etc.). When and what tests are prescribed depends only on the state of health of the patient.

Symptoms of pathologies

A neurologist helps to cope with neurological diseases that are characterized by specific symptoms.

The competence of the doctor includes many neurological symptoms, which are most often not paying due attention in everyday life.

What complaints do patients make to a specialist:

  • headaches and muscle weakness;
  • speech disorders;
  • , frequent waking up, poor sleep;
  • pain in the back and head;
  • dizziness, tinnitus;
  • sudden loss of consciousness;
  • loss of sensation, numbness of fingers and toes, soft tissues;
  • tingling in the limbs;
  • general weakness of the body, fatigue;
  • impaired coordination, gait;
  • absent-mindedness, memory impairment, perception.

With neurological diseases, either several symptoms can appear at the same time, or only one of the above signs. Late referral to a neurologist can lead to to a rapid deterioration organism and disruption of the habitual rhythm of life.

Types of diseases

Such diseases are considered the most common in the world, they can develop literally at any age and, if not treated in time, develop into pathologies.

Advice! Neurological diseases cannot be diagnosed and treated independently by the patient; this can only lead to a deterioration in well-being and the rapid progression of the disease.

Only qualified specialists determine the type of disease and its stage of development.

For today allocate such neurological diseases, How:

  • Parkinson's disease;
  • headaches of a different nature, duration (migraines, tremors, nervous tics, etc.);
  • and its consequences;
  • back and head injuries, as well as their consequences;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • cramps in different parts of the body;
  • autonomic dysfunction;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • radiculitis;
  • intervertebral protrusions, hernias;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • sciatica;
  • hysteria;
  • stroke and its consequences;
  • neuralgia of a different nature;
  • epilepsy, etc.

Vascular treatment

An angioneurologist is a doctor who specializes in the detection vascular diseases of the brain as well as their treatment.

The competence of a specialist includes the improvement of preventive measures for people of working age.

In addition, the angioneurologist actively works with other specialties.

The specialist promotes proper nutrition, avoiding alcohol abuse and maintaining an active lifestyle.

What does an angioneurologist treat?:

  • neurological syndrome Parkinsonism;
  • pathological changes in the spine;
  • chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency;
  • definition of repeated, primary risk of manifestation of a stroke;
  • violation of brain activity in arterial hypertension;
  • stroke, its consequences;
  • circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • cerebral venous dysfunction;
  • violations of the vascular network of the brain, spinal circulation;
  • vascular pathologies;
  • and etc.

Note! Angioneurologist or vascular neurologist may prescribe additional examinations: coagulogram (detection of the degree of blood clotting), lipidogram (an indicator of cholesterol in the blood), X-ray of blood vessels.

Difference from a neurologist

The concept of "neuropathologist" was actively used in the 80s in relation to a specialist who was trained at a medical university in the specialized field of neurology. In modern medicine, such a doctor is usually called a "neurologist", and the difference in the performance of functional duties, in comparison with a neuropathologist, has not been identified. It can be considered that neurologist and neuropathologist are synonymous words.

Depending on what complaints the patient addresses to a specialist, the initial examination depends. Only a neurologist can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment. Specialists will help to cope with many diseases that hamper movement and cause considerable discomfort.

Video: what diseases does a neurologist treat

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The roar of big cities. Cars that capture all large spaces. Our desire to achieve great things in life. Competition. Stress. Fast and poor quality food. This is enough to bring our nervous system into disrepair.

But it turns out that nerve diseases have been known for a long time. The concepts of "brain and spinal cord" were already known in antiquity. This was already in the works of Hippocrates, Celsus, Ibn Sina.

A neuropathologist treats diseases of the nervous system (since 1980).

The causes of such diseases lie in the disruption of the functioning of nerve cells. This provokes inflammatory processes in the brain and spinal cord, nerve fibers.

Tasks of a neurologist

The task of a neuropathologist, after carefully examining, asking the patient about his condition, finding out if there were any similar cases in the family, to study the causes, symptoms of the disease, to develop a method of treatment, recovery and prevention.

If necessary, the doctor will send for additional examination.

The task of the doctor is to accompany the patient throughout the entire treatment, starting with the determination of the course, to observe the results of the appointments.

Another task of the doctor is to establish a trusting relationship with the patient. Then we can talk about the effectiveness of treatment.

What does a neurologist treat?

Pain of different localization is the main symptom of many diseases of the nervous system.

Most often it is a headache, a phenomenon so widespread that 70% of people on Earth suffer from it regularly.

It may not be much less common back pain, facial pain.

The doctor analyzes the causes and treats.

A neuropathologist helps people with and brain who have survived a stroke and are struggling with its consequences, suffering from memory disorders and neuropathies.

Doctors are trying to alleviate the course of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. Find out the causes of memory loss, fainting, sleep disorders.

What diseases does a neuropathologist treat?

A neuropathologist treats a huge number of diseases.

For convenience, they can be grouped according to how they arise and develop.

Diseases that cause inflammation

Disorder of vascular activity

Strokes, migraines, widespread vegetative-vascular dystonia.


Multiple sclerosis, neuropathy.

Congenital pathologies

Cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus.


The most difficult: benign and malignant neoplasms of the brain and spinal cord.

Diseases that everyone has heard of are different types.

As well as convulsive disorders (epilepsy), paralysis and paresis of a different nature. Hyperkinesis: diseases caused by increased excitability of nerves (tics, tremolos). Consequences of injuries of the spine and skull. Consequences of bad habits: alcoholic lesions of the nervous system.

There are also diseases, the cause of which is difficult to find out yet, but even in this case, the doctor can help and alleviate the patient's condition.

When to see a doctor?

If you experience incomprehensible lethargy, it seems to you that your legs do not obey you, you do not want to talk and life does not seem to be a joy, then you need to urgently pay a visit to a neurologist.

Perhaps these are symptoms of an incipient disease.

Do not tolerate severe and frequent headaches, especially when irritability, rejection of bright lights and loud sounds are added to them. Most often, these are symptoms of migraine, but only a doctor can make a diagnosis.

If you constantly wake up at night and cannot fall asleep for a long time, and at the same time it hurts to move your neck, your hands feel heavy, a visit to the clinic should not be postponed.

Even if you feel only a slight tingling in the tips of your fingers and toes, and this hardly bothers you, visit a doctor. The most dangerous is tingling in one side of the body, in which it is difficult to move, and the muscles seem to have weakened. This may be a sign of a malfunction in the peripheral nerves or a violation of the blood circulation of the brain. It is necessary to urgently go to the doctor.

Have you lost coordination of movements or have you suddenly lost consciousness? This is more than a serious reason to take care of your health. If it turns out that you cannot remember the obvious, and there are disorders of consciousness, then you need to be seriously treated.

Frequent dizziness can indicate problems in the brain and other neurological diseases. In the first case of seizures, tics, you should consult a doctor.

People often endure back pain, considering it a frivolous reason to visit a specialist. They explain their condition by fatigue, by the fact that they unsuccessfully lifted something heavy. But in vain. Such pain can turn into unpleasant consequences.

Sometimes you need to analyze your feelings. So, weakness is important to distinguish from fatigue. With weakness, a person cannot lift even something very light. And a tired person can do it, just need to tighten up a little. Weakness most often spreads to individual muscles, and fatigue to everything. Fatigue comes from lack of sleep, overexertion or a cold, while weakness indicates serious problems.

Vision that deteriorates over time should be seen by an ophthalmologist, and sudden deterioration is often a sign of neurological problems.

It is necessary to visit a neurologist even if you see double vision.

If you suddenly stopped smelling, then this is a serious syndrome of many diseases.

Did you or your loved ones feel that you began to move awkwardly? Do not try to correct your gait yourself, you need to consult a doctor.

If you feel that you are choosing words for too long in a conversation, you should visit a doctor.

Diagnostic methods

If the doctor was unable to make a diagnosis after talking with the patient and examining with a neurological hammer, then he uses other types of diagnostics.

First of all, it is diagnostics using various medical equipment.

It is called instrumental diagnostics and includes electric wave, beam and ultrasonic methods. Nowadays, their number is increasing, and the accuracy in making diagnoses is growing.

Several diagnostic methods are based on electrical phenomena.

Electroencephalography- a method of objective study of the state of the brain, when its biological fields are recorded.

This helps to establish the focus of pathology and identify the disease in the early stages. It is used for tumor, ischemic, degenerative, inflammatory diseases.

Electroneuromyography registers the electrical activity of the muscles, that is, the work of the peripheral nervous system, so they diagnose dystonia, sclerosis.

Radiation phenomena are the basis of research with the help of x-ray And computed tomography. They are prescribed for craniocerebral injuries, tumors, developmental anomalies.

Magnetic resonance and nuclear magnetic tomography give a dynamic picture of a working organ; the method is effective for detecting cerebrovascular diseases, sclerosis, intervertebral hernia.

Several types of studies are based on ultrasound methods.

To study blood flow in the vessels of the arms and legs, ultrasound dopplerography peripheral vessels. It is prescribed for complaints of pain in the limbs, lameness, chilliness in the arms and legs.

This study of the eye vessels evaluates the nature of the blood flow disturbance in the fundus in various diseases.

Echo encephalography studies the brain using ultrasound. This highly informative diagnosis is convenient in the study of the disease in dynamics to determine the effectiveness of treatment.

The doctor can send the patient to the laboratory.

The main laboratory study in neurology is a lumbar puncture, which determines the state of the cerebrospinal fluid, which is important in inflammatory and infectious diseases of the nervous system.

Used to establish a diagnosis clinical and biochemical blood test, immunological tests.

Medicine has great potential. We only need one thing - to consult a doctor in a timely manner. Then there is a chance for a successful recovery.


A person during the day is exposed to negative influence from the outside, which is explained by being at a difficult job with an increased load.

The state of health worsens from getting into stressful situations, which causes irritability, excessive worries, and depression. These unfavorable factors provoke a failure of the normal working process of the central nervous system, contribute to the development of diseases.

Neurologist specialization

The study of the signs and mechanisms of the appearance of ailments is carried out by neurology, which studies problems associated not only with the central nervous system, but also with the peripheral system.

A neurologist is a doctor who specializes in the study of neurological diseases. He carries out diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive measures to get rid of diseases of this direction.

The nervous system includes the following structures:

  • nerve plexuses;
  • bundles;
  • endings and fibers;

When the pathological processes that affect the brain are started, other organs cease to work stably. This fact explains the relationship of neurology with the sense organs, the functionality of the endocrine system and the gastrointestinal tract.

Medical assistance will be needed when pain occurs in the head, neck, chest, abdomen, back. The visit should not be postponed in the presence of tics and rhythmic trembling of the limbs, as this applies to the symptoms of neurological diseases. If you do not take action, then there is a risk of harm to the brain.

Neurological examination

The main task is to examine the nervous system and identify problems that adversely affect it.

In the office, a neurologist examines a patient and listens to complaints. An anamnesis is needed to obtain information about the symptoms, which will allow you to find out the degree of course and regularity of the disease, then a diagnosis is made. The examination is carried out individually with each patient, other options are considered in case of severe illness.

A medical card helps to find out about the state of health, about previous ailments. The general idea emerges thanks to the reference and the results of the analysis. When it is not possible to make an accurate diagnosis, then it becomes necessary to prescribe studies.

The review consists of the following

  • the ophthalmic nerve is checked with a hammer, the movement of which must be followed without turning the head;
  • facial sensitivity is assessed by needles touching symmetrical areas;
  • coordination of movements is observed using the Romberg pose - you need to stand up straight with your eyes closed, put your feet together, stretch your arms forward. Then bring the index finger of the right and left hands to the nose, if there are no pathologies, then the position of the patient himself will not change;
  • checking the hearing aid with a tuning fork;
  • blood pressure is measured;
  • joints and muscles are examined at the time when the patient closes his eyes, than the doctor takes his finger in different directions, after which it is necessary to determine the direction of movement;
  • reflexes are checked by facial expressions, for this you need to stick out your tongue, wrinkle your forehead;
  • muscle examination is provided by the method of shaking hands and flexion-extension of the elbows, points are awarded on a five-point scale;
  • the spinal cord and paravertebral pain points are examined by drawing symbols on the patient's back;
  • study of reaction to light;
  • the hammer is lightly tapped on the tendons to check the reflexes of the upper and lower extremities;

In addition to visual inspection, in some cases they resort to palpation, which allows you to notice deviations.

Diagnostic studies

If it is not possible to make a diagnosis during a neurological examination, then it is rational to prescribe an examination. There are such research methods:

  • CT scan;
  • assessment of the state of the cerebrospinal fluid - to take the biomaterial, a puncture is needed, which will require local anesthesia. The procedure is a piercing of a section of the lumbar spine. Based on the results, it becomes clear about neoplasms, about the ingress of viruses and foreign bodies;
  • radiography of body parts;
  • electroencephalography;
  • Doppler scanning - calculates signs of stenosis and problems with the carotid artery;
  • angiography of cerebral vessels;
  • electroneuromyography;
  • magnetic resonance imaging of the brain and back;

If necessary, you have to do a blood test, urine, hormonal tests.

Symptoms of pathologies

Patients receive a referral to a neurologist after visiting a therapist, ENT, ophthalmologist, surgeon. What symptoms to contact this specialist will help to understand this list:

  • regular, occurring more than once a week;
  • memory impairment, excessive absent-mindedness, causeless panic;
  • sleep disturbance, manifested or drowsiness;
  • dizziness, fainting, tinnitus;
  • complications of the speech apparatus;
  • low sensitivity or its complete absence, numbness of soft tissues and fingers of the extremities;
  • prostration;
  • head, neck, back pain;
  • impaired coordination of movements.

There are situations when both one and several problems are observed at the same time. Trying to eliminate ailments on your own is prohibited, since there is a possibility of negative consequences from improper treatment.

Pregnant women are advised to visit a neurologist in order to avoid the occurrence of deviations, since during this period the fetus develops, the spine of the expectant mother changes. There is a destabilization of the working process of the autonomic nervous system, which is provoked by a failure of the hormonal background.

Types of diseases

Diseases in this category affect many people around the world.

The age of the patient does not matter, and to find out what the neurologist treats in adults, the list will show:

  • myelitis, meningitis, poliomyelitis;
  • stroke or failure of blood exchange, accompanied by damage to areas of the brain;
  • malignant tumors in the brain and spinal cord;
  • insomnia provoked by emotional fire, nervous and mental disorders;
  • - rachiocampsis;
  • sciatica, intervertebral hernia, spondylosis;
  • hemorrhagic and - brain neurons die as a result of poor blood circulation;
  • migraines, multiple sclerosis.
  • Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases;
  • chronic debilitation.

Timely access to a doctor allows you to eliminate the risk of developing a severe form of the disease, and will also help prevent relapses.

Examination of children is carried out at the initial stage of life in order to refute or confirm the presence of pathologies that can affect the nervous system. The pediatrician deals with the treatment of problems:

  • meningitis, encephalitis;
  • hypoxic lesions;
  • deviations found after intoxication of a child suffering from jaundice;
  • Down syndrome, phenylketonuria;
  • Cerebral palsy - the baby is registered, parents receive advice on care, taking medications and physiotherapy;
  • postpartum pathologies of the brain and spinal cord.

Patients of younger and adolescence who experience epileptic seizures require diagnostic and therapeutic measures, which are within the competence of an epileptologist.

Vascular treatment

The study of the condition in adults is carried out by an angioneurologist, who is able to identify diseases and suggest ways to eliminate them. The doctor writes out recommendations that encourage the patient to lead a healthy lifestyle that excludes the consumption of alcohol and tobacco products.

A neurologist treats diseases such as:

  • stroke and its complications;
  • violations of the work of blood vessels;
  • cerebral venous dysfunction;
  • anomalies found in the vertebral region;
  • parkinsonism syndrome;
  • cerebrovascular insufficiency of chronic form;
  • deterioration of blood supply in the brain;
  • identification of factors provoking the development of stroke.

If additional studies are needed, then a direction is issued for an X-ray of the vessels, a lipid profile that determines the level of cholesterol. A coagulogram is also prescribed - an assessment of blood clotting.

Difference from a neurologist

In the 80s, the term “neuropathologist” was widely used - a specialist who was considered a person who received a diploma, indicating the completion of studies at a medical university with a specialization in neurology. These doctors developed methods for diagnosing, treating and preventing diseases of the nervous system. Later, the concept underwent changes, after which these medical workers began to be called neurologists, which is familiar to modern people living in the 21st century.

Based on the study of the patient's history, it is determined what the initial examination will be. Based on the information received, it will be possible to offer the most effective method of therapy aimed at the speedy recovery of the patient. Prevention also plays an important role in preventing the recurrence of the problem.

Since it is not possible to exclude an adverse effect from the outside, it is advisable to follow the recommendations that reduce the risk of deterioration in well-being. These include:

  • proper nutrition - adding high-quality fresh products to the diet, excluding junk food, strong tea and coffee;
  • elimination of bad habits like smoking, alcohol abuse, which harms the neural connections of the brain, the vessels lose their former elasticity;
  • 8-hour sleep - before a night's rest, you need to ventilate the room. It is advisable to lie on the bed, turning on your left side and sitting on the east side. When you finally woke up, you should lie down for 10-15 minutes, without making hasty jerky movements;
  • if possible, limit contact with stimuli that cause stress, depression, fear and other psychological disorders;
  • elimination of infections that have entered the body, immediately after the detection of primary symptoms;
  • active lifestyle (sports, exercise and exercise)
  • daily walks in nature for at least 2 hours.

When the doctor's advice is followed, the chances of staying healthy for some time increase, and one does not have to suffer from lack of sleep, nervous breakdowns, and depression.

Examination of neurological patients: how is admission and examination

The human nervous system is so fragile that any external factor, such as a conflict situation, hard work, physical exertion, and so on, can damage it. If, against the background of these unfavorable conditions, the state of health has worsened, the origin of the problem should be clarified. To establish a diagnosis, an examination of a neurological patient will be required, during which it will be possible to identify signs of a specific disorder.

How does the doctor get the clinical picture?

Primary research methods in neurology are the observation of reflexes and muscle activity, as well as testing of cranial nerves and movements that are unusual under natural conditions. This includes an assessment of the sensitivity of the nerves and the performance of the autonomic nervous system.

The reception of a neurologist implies that the patient first reports personal information, talks about complaints and anamnesis, including medical history, lifestyle, sexual relations, the presence of diseases in relatives, and the like. Then comes the turn of a neurological examination, consisting of a general examination and examination of internal organs. The state of the nervous system is assessed, which allows you to assign a diagnostic method to specify the disease.

Neurological Sensitivity Test

To calculate the pain threshold, a pin is used, whose sharp tip is in contact with the outer layer. Test tubes filled with low and high temperature water are applied to the areas with which tactile contact is also made with the help of cotton wool.

A serious neurological examination consists in determining the performance of muscles and joints. A patient with closed eyes must alternately perform actions in the small joints of the arms and legs. Being in this position, the patient tries to name the exact location of the limbs. If deviations are found, then resort to large joints.

A tuning fork is an instrument that helps to study the vibrational feeling. The medical object has a leg, which begins at a certain moment to make oscillatory movements, after which it touches symmetrical areas. 15-20 seconds are allocated to receive a response to vibrations.

An appointment with a neurologist will be needed to pass sensitivity tests:

  • skin-kinesthetic feeling - the finger is in contact with the skin, after which it is moved in different directions, and the patient must calculate the direction;
  • stereognosis - you will need to close your eyes, an object is inserted into the patient's hand, which is to be recognized by touch;
  • discriminatory sensitivity - irritation is applied to the top layer in two places, it is necessary to determine the distance between the points;
  • two-dimensional-spatial sense - signs or symbols are "drawn" on the epidermis, after which they should be guessed.

There are several types of deviations, among which are segmental, peripheral and conductive. Topical analysis becomes the next step if pathologies are detected.

Study of the functions of the autonomic nervous system

The ANS is responsible for coordinating the correct working process of the lymphatic and blood vessels, glands, and organs. An appointment with a neurologist will be needed to identify disorders that become known from the results of an examination, including the study of the structure of a person, the condition of the pupils, the features of the epidermis, the subcutaneous fat layer, pulse, temperature, and blood pressure.

To compare the patient's indicators with those that are considered normal, the following tests are done:

  • orthostatic test - for a lying person who changes position, the optimal value of the heart rate is 10-12 beats per minute, and blood pressure increases by 5-10 mm Hg. Art.;
  • temperature - measured by an electrothermometer;
  • ocular reflex - in the absence of health problems, the heart rate decreases by 6-12 beats per minute if you touch the eyeballs. When the parameter drops by 16 beats, this is vagotonia;
  • solar reflex - a little pressure is applied to the area where the solar plexus is located, the heartbeat slows down by 4-12 beats per minute;
  • a test for dermographism - irritation in the form of strokes is applied to the upper region of the chest. In addition to vagotonia, sympathotonia can be observed, in the first case a red rash appears, in the second - white;
  • clinostatic test - when changing the vertical position to horizontal, the pulse is reduced by 10-12 beats per minute;
  • aspirin test - 1 g of aspirin is administered orally, after which the reaction is observed. If there are no deviations, then sweat comes out in large quantities, which does not happen with the disease.

A neurological examination helps to obtain information confirming or refuting the presence of anomalies, after which the appointment of a treatment course is simplified.

Assessment of motor coordination

The presence of violations is reported by gait, naturalness is easily determined through special procedures. Among them are:

  • testing for adiadochokinesis, which is a movement disorder caused by problems with the cerebellum. You should stretch your arms forward, then at a fast pace, perform sweeping movements with your hands;
  • heel-knee test - you need to take a supine position, after which you need to reach the knee of the other lower limb with the heel of one leg. Then the same heel must be carried out, starting from the lower leg and ending with the ankle joint;
  • Romberg's position - the eyes are closed, the legs are straightened and put together, the hands are placed in front of the chest, and if the patient collapses on one of the sides, then this indicates a pathology of the cerebellum;
  • finger-nose test - you have to take your hand away with your eyes closed and touch the tip of your nose with your finger.

During the examination, postures, facial expressions, speech apparatus, gait, rhythm of movements, and the like are taken into account.

Functional diagnostics of cranial nerves in neurology

The olfactory nerve is to be examined, whose work is determined by tests. The patient is presented with a glass vessel filled with a liquid exuding aroma. The smell is reminiscent of kerosene, mint and other well-known ingredients. It is necessary to establish exactly which of the substances is now in front of the patient.

The optometrist checks the condition of the optic nerve by checking the perception of colors, the ability to move the eyeballs, the ability to clearly see surrounding objects is also assessed, and so on.

The trigeminal nerve is studied to determine the degree of pain at the branching site, the sensations evoked in symmetrical areas are tested.

To study the facial nerve, not only the face is examined, but also the organ of hearing, taste buds on 2/3 of the tongue, saliva production and the functionality of the lacrimal glands are checked.

The cochleovestibular nerve makes it possible to perceive sounds, this ability can be clarified by a tuning fork and a whisper. Also, the nerve helps to maintain balance, which is checked by being on the Barani chair, which rotates around the axis. The glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves are examined by tongue movements, taste, and sound production.

Functional diagnostics of diseases of the nervous system

Violations are determined by writing, reading, speaking. Neurological examination of the patient implies an assessment of the ability to perform sequential movements, (visual and tactile) ability to perceive the integrity of images.

Testing helps to determine the ease of understanding the speech of other people, while tasks are proposed, the complexity of which gradually increases.

When the doctor shows the images, the patient must define each of them, and if he does not, then there is reason to suspect the presence of aphasia.

Neurological study of reflexes

Pay attention to reflexes that are deep, superficial and pathological. The first category includes:

  • knee - a hammer is used, with which blows are made to the tendons of the patella, and the reaction is the extension of the lower leg;
  • carpal-radial - the hammer strikes the styloid process of the radius, and the arm at this time is bent at the elbow;
  • Achilles - strikes on the Achilles tendon, the foot should bend;
  • bicepital - blows to the tendon of the biceps muscle, the forearm is bent;
  • tricepital - blows to the tendon of the triceps muscle, the half-bent forearm bends at the elbow.

Superficial reflexes include pharyngeal, plantar, corneal, abdominal. To pathological - grasping, proboscis, palmar-chin, also symptoms of Babinsky, Rossolimo upper and lower.

Additional methods of clinical diagnostics

Not always a visual examination by a neurologist and standard diagnostic measures allow us to draw conclusions that can affect the appointment of effective therapy. Additional research comes to the rescue, some of which include:

  • electroencephalography - a study of the brain, the data obtained are studied personally by a doctor and using a computer;
  • dopplerography - assessment of the work of the circulatory system;
  • myelography - detection of anomalies in the spinal canal;
  • x-ray of the skull and spine - identification of injuries and detection of signs of diseases;
  • CT - taking pictures of brain slices;
  • MRI - diagnoses hereditary pathologies;
  • spinal puncture - taking a biomaterial, on the basis of which inflammatory processes of the central nervous system are calculated, factors that affect the brain and spinal cord are also identified.

There are cases when it becomes necessary to conduct repeated procedures for the diagnosis of neurological diseases. This can occur before, during, or after therapy, allowing improvements in treatment by rethinking the way disease is managed.

Neurology deals with the treatment of diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system.

This branch of medicine is closely related to psychiatry, neurosurgery, and pediatrics. A neurologist treats diseases of this group.

Some patients think that this specialist treats psychiatric illnesses. But in fact, the activity of this doctor is in no way connected with helping patients with pathological changes in the psyche.

What diseases does a neurologist treat?

Neurological diseases are diverse, they occur when the functioning of nerve cells and the connections between them are disrupted, inflammation of a different nature in the nerve fibers, spinal cord and brain.

A neurologist should be consulted for the following conditions:

  • headache and facial pain (tics, tremors, Bell's palsy, migraines);
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • epileptic seizures and convulsions (loss and impaired consciousness);
  • consequences of a stroke;
  • ( , );
  • head injuries and their consequences.

Often, patients suffering from migraine turn to a neurologist.

They complain of severe headaches that appear regularly and are one-sided.

A neurologist treats diseases of the autonomic system.

You need to contact a specialist for jumps in blood pressure, pain in the left side of the chest, fatigue, chronic fatigue, anxiety and dizziness.

A neurologist prescribes treatment for osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, concussions of the brain. The specialist sees people who have had a stroke, with cerebrovascular insufficiency, epilepsy, neuritis, memory disorders and polyneuropathies.

A neurologist works with complications in osteochondrosis, encephalitis of various origins, neoplasms in the nervous system. Often, neurological diseases are associated with mental disorders. In this case, the patient should be assisted by two specialists: a neurologist and a psychiatrist.

When to see a doctor

You need to contact a neurologist if at least one of the following symptoms appears:

  • pain in the chest, spine, neck and lower back;
  • inability to concentrate;
  • overexertion and chronic overwork;
  • nervousness and bad mood;
  • constant feeling of anxiety;
  • sleep disorders, insomnia, frequent awakenings;
  • disturbances in the work of the sweat glands;
  • noise in ears;
  • tingling and numbness of the extremities;

The neurologist will find out the cause of the ailment, make a diagnosis or refer you to a specialist in another field of medicine.

Description of the office and reception features

Patients who are just going to see a neurologist are interested in what the specialist's office looks like, how the appointment goes.

First, the doctor interviews the patient.

The patient should tell about his complaints, state of health, experience of contacting medical institutions with his problem.

To determine the disease, the neurologist prescribes a comprehensive examination: X-ray, MRI, CT, tests, etc.

After that, the doctor makes an accurate diagnosis and prescribes treatment.

An appointment with a neurologist does not provide for any specific examination.

During the initial examination, the doctor collects information about the patient's condition, collects an anamnesis, asks standard questions about age, work, marital status.

The examination is carried out taking into account the patient's complaints, and muscle development, vision and reflexes are also checked. The doctor asks the patient to undress in order to assess the general state of health and the causes that may provoke the development of neurological diseases.

If necessary, the neurologist appoints consultations with other specialists: a cardiologist, an ophthalmologist, an endocrinologist, etc.

The task of the neurologist during the examination is to assess the functions and capabilities of the patient:

  • motor activity;
  • motor and sensory functions;
  • condition of the cranial nerves;
  • balance and coordination;
  • orientation in space and time;
  • emotional state.

What is included in the initial appointment

Reception of a neurologist can conditionally be divided into 3 stages:

  1. Getting to know the patient. The doctor finds out complaints, chronic diseases, history of development.
  2. Inspection, detection of pathological processes and the degree of development of the disease.
  3. Purpose surveys at the initial consultation.

At a follow-up appointment after the diagnosis, the doctor makes an accurate diagnosis and prescribes treatment with medications, physiotherapy, and manual therapy.

Modern medicine for the treatment of neurological diseases uses ozone therapy, mud therapy, phototherapy, hydrotherapy, mesotherapy, detoxification therapy, yoga.

Sometimes the only effective treatment is surgical intervention.

The specialist is obliged to tell the patient about the diagnosis, prescribed treatment, prognosis and rehabilitation options. A neurologist who specializes in restorative medicine usually prescribes treatment that consists of medications and non-pharmacological treatments.

If the patient complains of severe pain, a neurologist at the reception can make a blockade, which will alleviate the patient's condition.

A specialist can prescribe treatment in a hospital setting or advise spa treatment.

The work of a neurologist does not end after the patient is cured. He should talk about the prevention of diseases of the nervous system.

A neurologist is responsible for the health and life of his patients. But only the joint cooperation of a specialist and a patient will help to cope with the disease and successfully complete a course of rehabilitation. Never withhold important information from your doctor. Tell us about any symptoms, your state of health, allergic reactions to medications, comorbidities, as well as genetic characteristics and diseases of close relatives.

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