Low or undervoltage. How to increase the voltage in the network. Low voltage in the network - an overview of control methods and options for stabilizing voltage Why is low voltage dangerous?

Manufacturers of borehole pumps in their passports indicate that the voltage in the supply network must be within certain limits. As a rule, the limits are minus 10% - + 6% (taking into account the tolerances in the voltage value - 220 - 240V and losses in the supply cable). In other words, the downhole pump must include a voltage that lies in the range of 180 - 255V. Let's consider why the operation of the pump at a voltage that is higher or lower than the values ​​\u200b\u200bgiven can lead to its breakdown.


With increased tension, everything is clear. Increased voltage is an automatically increased current, which means increased heat generation in the winding of an electric motor. With prolonged operation in this mode, due to increased heat generation, the winding insulation quickly ages, its service life decreases sharply and, in the end, a short circuit will occur in the electric motor. In this case, a minimum rewinding of the motor is required.


What is the danger of low voltage? The fact is that when the voltage drops, the efficiency of the pump deteriorates and the power consumption automatically increases, and hence the current. So, when the voltage drops by 10%, the current increases by 5%, and the temperature rises by 20%! At the same time, do not forget that the pump is cooled by the pumped water. The efficiency has decreased - the volume of pumped water has fallen - the heat dissipation has deteriorated - the temperature of the pump has increased. In this case, the following scenarios are possible:

1. The borehole pump shaft bearings will melt.

2. There will be a short circuit in the motor winding.

3. The tightness of the rubber seals in the pump will be broken, water will get inside and, again, a short circuit will follow.

As you can see, low voltage is even more dangerous than high voltage. Since replacing a bearing, and maybe a shaft, is even more troublesome than rewinding an electric motor.

How to avoid power surges?

Let's start with the fact that some control systems protect pumps from power surges by turning off the well pump (using protective voltage relays such as СР-720). And if such jumps happen all the time? Then the pump will not work for a long time, and what kind of quality water supply can we talk about. The only way out in this situation is to install a voltage stabilizer. But here there is one, but a big BUT. The fact is that when the pump is turned on, the starting currents increase by 2-3 times. Therefore, the stabilizer must calculate the power for us, which is at least 2-3 times higher than the rated power of the pump. Also, there should be a reserve. Therefore, it is necessary to multiply the engine power by five. That is, if the downhole pump has a power of 1 kW, the stabilizer should have 5 kW! Stabilizers of such power cost at least 20 thousand rubles (such as an AC voltage stabilizer "Shtil" R 4500, 4.5 kVA, costing 23 thousand rubles).

From our point of view, it is more expedient to use a soft starter, which allows you to smoothly start the pump. In this case, the starting currents differ little from the nominal ones, and a 1.5 kW stabilizer will be enough for a one-kilowatt pump. In this case, the cost will be: 4000 rubles. (softstarter type PSR3-600-70 1.5 kW) + 6-8 thousand rubles (stabilizer type "Shtil" R 1200, 1.2 kVA (6500 rubles) or "Shtil" R 2000, 2 kVA (10 thousand rubles) rubles)). Total 10-12 thousand rubles plus a soft start system, which significantly increases the life of the pump motor.

To get you started, here is a (non-exhaustive) list of guidance documents:

1. "Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the Electric Power Industry" dated March 26, 2003 N35-FZ"
2. Government Decree No. 530 “rules for the operation of retail electricity markets”
3. Regulations on the Guaranteed Supplier
4. Government Decree No. 861 “Rules for the technological connection of power receiving devices (power plants) of legal entities and individuals to electric networks
(approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2004 No. 861) (as amended on August 31, 2006)
(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 21, 2007 No. 168)
5. Government Decree No. 307 "Rules for the provision of public services to citizens" dated May 23, 2006
6. ZoZPP, Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of September 29, 1994 No. 7 "On the practice of consideration by the courts of cases on the protection of consumer rights, as amended by the Decree of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of November 21, 2000 N 32.
7. "Standard of customer service".
§ 6. Power supply Well, and here's another thing: According to clause 5.2 of OST 13109-97, voltage deviation from the nominal plus or minus 5% is allowed with peak surges of 10%.
Refer to this in the text of the claim.

Typical claim form:
due to unsatisfactory quality

Director ______________________________
(please provide full name)

artist and address)
from _____________________________________
(Please enter your first and last name,
patronymic and address)

Since "__" __________ ___ I live (or am the owner of
apartments) in a house serviced by your organization (order
dated _________ N __, privatization agreement dated _________ N __).
As a provider of public services, your organization
is obliged to provide me, as a consumer, with services corresponding to
in terms of quality, the mandatory requirements of standards, sanitary
rules and regulations, established standards and conditions of the contract, and
as well as information about utilities.
Consumer properties and mode of service should
comply with the established norms for heat supply,
power supply, cold and hot supply, sewerage,
gas supply.
I fulfill my obligations: I regularly pay for utilities
Your organization is fulfilling its obligations inappropriately
way. Improper performance was expressed in the fact that __________.
These violations are contrary to the requirements of the Law of the Russian Federation "On
protection of consumer rights", according to which the performer is obliged
provide a service, the quality of which corresponds to the terms of the contract,
Rules for the provision of public services to citizens, and the consumer
has the right to ensure that public services are safe for
his life, health, and also did not harm his property.
Based on Art. 27 - 31 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the protection of the rights
consumers", Rules for the provision of public services to citizens
Up to _________ on your own and free of charge
eliminate these shortcomings by doing the following: _______
Please respond in writing.
If my claim is rejected, I will have to contact
court for the protection of their consumer rights and, in addition to the above,
I will demand compensation for the damage caused to me

Low and undervoltage. Causes

Why in our electrical networks is well known. The main reasons are the aging of electrical networks, their poor maintenance, depreciation of the main equipment, incorrect network planning, and a significant increase in energy consumption. As a result, we have millions of consumers receiving low voltage. Well, if the parameters in the network drop to 200 Volts, it often happens that in houses there are 180, 160 and even 140 Volts.

As you know, the voltage in the network is not the same for consumers connected to the same transmission line. The farther the consumer is from the switchgear, the lower its value will be. Of course, in this situation it is necessary raise the voltage.

A significant increase in the power of each consumer in the network also leads to a decrease in voltage. Now it is difficult to find a house that has only one kettle, one TV, one refrigerator and five light bulbs. But this is an approximate calculation of electricity consumption in the Soviet years, at that time automatic machines (plugs) of 6.5 Amperes were installed in houses. A simple calculation of 6.5 x 220 shows that the maximum power of electrical appliances simultaneously turned on should not exceed 1.5 kW. Today one good kettle takes 2 kW. As a result, the network sags, we get low voltage.

Another phenomenon of modern life, leading to a decrease in current parameters, is the seasonality and periodicity of the load increase. This phenomenon can be observed especially well in summer cottages. In summer, consumption is growing: summer residents come, water, build, cook, steam, cool, pump, watch, ventilate, drill, saw, mow, note, consume, have a bite - well, in general, they “consume”. And in winter there is no one - cold and boring. As a result, the voltage drops in summer and rises in winter. On weekends, summer residents come, water, build, cook, steam, cool, pump, look, ventilate, drill, saw, mow, mark, consume, have a snack - well, in general, they “consume” again. And on weekdays there is no one - quiet and boring. As a result, on weekends, the voltage drops, and on working days it grows.

What is dangerous low and low voltage

The electrical appliances that we use are designed for an input voltage in the range of 220-230 Volts plus or minus 5%. Based on this, all the electrical parameters of the devices are determined: the total resistance, the resistance of individual parts of the circuit, the length and cross section of all conductors, the number of turns in the windings of motors and electromagnets, the parameters of transistors, resistors, capacitors, transformers, heating elements.
If online low or undervoltage, then electrical appliances may not work correctly, not efficiently, or not work at all. Low voltage can damage the device, overheat, cause additional wear and tear, or even cause the device to catch fire. That's why it's a must raise the voltage.

Which devices are sensitive to this problem and which are not?

Lighting devices easily tolerate low voltage: incandescent bulbs will work, but the light will be dimmer. Electric stoves will also work, but less efficiently. Low voltage is easily tolerated by modern TVs equipped with switching power supplies with a wide input voltage range.
The most sensitive to low voltage are electric motors, electromagnets, control boards. Low voltage leads to a significant (fold) increase in the load on the motor windings. The lower the voltage, the greater the current in these devices. As a result, the wires can overheat and even melt, the device will burn. That is why refrigerators and pumps cannot even turn on at low voltage; they are saved from complete combustion by built-in protection that turns off the device. For normal operation of electric motors, it is necessary to increase the voltage.
Low voltage is also dangerous for the electronic controls of various complex devices. At low voltage, microcircuits and processors do not work correctly, which leads to the device turning off or breaking it. It is impossible to operate modern heating columns at low voltage, they have both electronic control and electric pumps. For normal operation of electronic devices, it is necessary to increase the voltage.

How to increase the voltage in the network

There are two main ways to increase the voltage in the network. The first is to seek from power engineers the normalization of the parameters of electrical power supply. Write complaints, go to receptions with officials, conduct examinations, go to court. The method is correct, but very difficult.
The second way to increase the voltage is to use modern stabilizers. Of course, this method does not always work, if the voltage is very low (less than 120 volts), then this method will not work. If you decide to use stabilizers to increase the voltage in your home, you need to decide on the current parameters and the load. Based on these parameters, select a stabilizer. You can install one powerful stabilizer at the entrance to the house and ensure the normalization of current parameters in all rooms. This method is the most effective, but requires investment, professional installation, and a special room.

You can install several local small stabilizers in the most important places. This method is simpler and less expensive. First of all, it is necessary to increase the voltage to normal for such consumers as: pumps, refrigerators, air conditioners, gas water heaters.

Increase voltage with stabilizersSkatAndTeplocom

Large selection of reliable stabilizers Skat And Teplocom you will find in the section "Voltage stabilizers". High quality voltage regulators Skat And Teplocom guaranteed by 20 years of experience in the production of electrical equipment.
The plant has introduced, maintained and effectively operates a quality management system based on the principles of the standard ISO 9001. All company products meets the requirements of ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001.
Voltage stabilizers are recommended by specialists of companies: Vaillant, Baxi, Junkers, Thermona, Bosch, Buderus, Alphatherm, Gazeco, Termet, Chaffoteaux, Sime.

Reliable factory warranty - 5 years!

The reasons for the voltage drop in the network can be different. In this article, we will focus on the main causes leading to low voltage.

The main reasons for reducing the voltage in the network

Is it always 220 in our network? The question, of course, is rhetorical, very often the voltage in the network does not meet the standards and is reduced or increased.
Here is a list of the main causes of low voltage:

  • low voltage in the power line;
  • insufficient power of the transformer installed at the substation;
  • voltage imbalance in phases on the line from the transformer to the house;
  • problems in the switchboard, small cross-section of wires in the wiring.

Learn more about the causes of low voltage and how to solve this problem

Voltage drop in the power line

One of the global causes of voltage drop is the insufficient capacity of power generation and electrical transformation in the region. Insufficient financing of the electrical industry on the one hand, and the rapid growth of electricity consumption in recent years, on the other hand, lead to problems with the quality of power supply.

We practically cannot influence the solution of this problem, the only solution in this situation is the purchase and installation of a step-up voltage stabilizer.

Low power distribution transformer or incorrect setting

It often happens. A certain number of consumers were connected to one transformer, and there were no problems with power quality. Then more new houses are connected to the same transformer or substation, and its power turns out to be insufficient, this leads to a decrease in voltage in the entire connected network. This phenomenon is often observed in holiday villages, and voltages of 180, 170, 160 and even 150 volts are not uncommon there.

What are the solution methods? The most correct is to replace the transformer with a more powerful one. But for this you need to have a common solution for all consumers and financial capabilities. In this case, you can individually solve the problem by installing step-up voltage stabilizers for the whole house or the desired group of devices.

Phase imbalance in the distribution network, causing a decrease in voltage, and methods for solving

The reason for the decrease in voltage at the entrance to the house may be the uneven distribution of consumers in the distribution network or "phase imbalance". As a rule, this phenomenon is observed in rural areas, in holiday villages and the private sector. Houses in such networks are connected to the power grid as new facilities are built individually. Often, in this case, the connection follows the principle “it is so convenient for the fitter” or “this wire is closer”. As a result, there are more consumers on one “phase” or one “shoulder” of the network than on others. The voltage in this part of the mains will be lower.

Correcting the situation by increasing the voltage value at the supply transformer will not work, as this will lead to an increased (or dangerously high) voltage value in other parts of this electrical network. The correct solution is to eliminate the uneven distribution of consumers, switch to power from another phase of the network. But often this is not physically possible. The second solution to the problem is to install a voltage stabilizer at the entrance to the house.

Problems in the home network, leading to a decrease in voltage and methods for their elimination

The first thing to do if you have a low voltage outlet is to find out if the problem is internal or external.

The simplest thing is to find out if the neighbors have power problems. After that, you need to turn off the machines in the switchboard and measure the voltage at the entrance to the house. If the voltage is low, then the problem is in the external network. If the voltage at the input to the house is normal, then the problem is in the house.
Here is a list of common problems in the electrical network of a house or apartment:

  • voltage drop can be caused by bad contacts at the input to the switchboard or bad contacts in the switchboard itself;
  • voltage drop can be caused by poor contacts in the room junction boxes and on the sockets themselves;
  • voltage drop can be caused by incorrect selection of the wire size in the wiring.

If it is not possible to identify the exact cause on your own, you should seek help from a professional electrician.

How to raise the voltage with stabilizers

There are two main ways to solve the low voltage problem.
The first way is to install a large powerful stabilizer at the entrance to the house. Such a stabilizer must have high power, a large input voltage range and high reliability. We recommend voltage stabilizers SKAT ST power from 3.5 kW to 12 kW.

SKAT ST-12345.

The second way is to install local stabilizers to power individual electrical appliances. Such stabilizers must have sufficient power, large input voltage range, compact size and high reliability. We recommend voltage stabilizers SKAT ST power from 1.5 kW to 3 kW.
The following video shows the features of the stabilizer SKAT ST-2525.

Conclusions: to solve the problem of low voltage in the house, it is necessary to establish the causes of this phenomenon, try to eliminate problems in the network, use voltage stabilizers.

What to do if the quality of electricity does not meet the required parameters

Many consumers have experienced the problem of providing poor quality utilities or unacceptable interruptions in their supply. What to do in this case, as well as what measures the consumer can take to receive quality services. It is worth mentioning right away that in accordance with the Rules for the provision of public services, in the event of the provision of poor-quality services, or exceeding the permissible interruption in their supply, the consumer has the right to demand a recalculation of the cost of utilities, up to 0. In other words, if the consumer is supplied with poor-quality communal resources and the contractor utility services refuses to take measures (or does not take measures) to bring their quality in line, then the consumer can consume these low-quality utilities, but is not obliged to pay for them in full.

In general, what does “poor-quality electricity” mean and what parameters for its assessment exist. According to GOST 13109-97, the main quality parameters can be divided into three main subgroups:

  • deviation of frequency and voltage from the specified values;
  • non-sinusoidal voltage, voltage unbalance;
  • voltage dips, voltage pulses, temporary overvoltage.

All of the above quality indicators are important in the stable and durable operation of the consumer's electrical receivers. Therefore, if there is a deviation of the quality parameters from those specified by GOST, then this can lead not only to a decrease in the service life of electrical receivers, but even to their failure. Especially often, with various deviations of parameters from the established quality indicators, washing machines, refrigerators fail, the service life of lighting equipment (incandescent lamps, etc.) is significantly reduced. Those. the reasons that a consumer’s refrigerator, washing machine or other electrical appliances burnt out can very often be the supply of low-quality electricity

In addition, the deviation of some power quality indicators from the specified parameters can even affect human health. This indicator is called the "flicker dose" - the degree of flickering of the light flux on the "fatigue" of a person's vision due to the impact of voltage fluctuations.

Signs of poor quality electrical energy

  • Periodic flickering of lamps,
  • Quick failure (burnout) of lamps,
  • Violations in the work of office equipment,
  • Malfunctions in the operation of instruments and equipment (especially sensitive electronic equipment),

So, what actions can a consumer take if he is supplied with low-quality electricity.

There are two options to consider:

1. At a certain point in time, the consumer was supplied with low-quality electricity, which led to the failure of the consumer's electrical appliances.

2. The supply of low-quality electricity is regular, periodic and repetitive. Most often, there is a low voltage in the network or a slightly reduced voltage in the network. As a result, the service life of electrical receivers is reduced, difficulties may arise in their operation, which ultimately affects the life of the consumer. (for example, daily voltage drop in the evening hours).

Option 1. For example, consider a situation where, for some reason, a consumer's refrigerator or washing machine burned out, presumably due to a short-term voltage increase (overvoltage). What should the consumer do in this case:

Firstly, if the warranty period for household appliances has already expired, or the warranty has not yet expired, but the warranty card states that the manufacturer is not liable to the buyer in case of failure of the household appliance due to violation of the rules for its operation, then When a household appliance fails, it is necessary to transfer it for examination to an authorized service center, which can indicate in the act drawn up the reasons for the failure (for example, a sharp increase in the voltage level not provided for by the manufacturer).

After receiving such an act, you can safely write a claim for voluntary compensation for the cost of a failed household appliance to the guarantee supplier with whom you have an energy supply agreement (which may not be in writing). The claim is written in two copies and one copy is transferred to the guaranteeing supplier, on the second - a mark of receipt is put. In case of non-satisfaction of the claim - apply to the court with an application for compensation for the cost of failed metering devices. It is worth noting that the court, in the presence of all the necessary documents (checks, an act, a copy of the claim), as a rule, takes the side of the consumer and collects from the electricity supplier not only the cost of the released metering devices, but also the cost of the examination, the services of a lawyer (if they were resorted to ) etc.

Option 2. For example, consider a situation where the quality of electricity at the consumer for a long time does not meet the standards. For example, the voltage level in an apartment instead of 220V during the whole day does not exceed 200V, and on winter evenings it can even drop to 190V. the fact of low voltage in the network is obvious. What should the consumer do in this case:

As in the version of the "new" rules for the provision of public services, which are approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/06/2011 No. 354 and come into force on September 1, 2012, and in the version of the "old" rules for the provision of public services, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 23.05. 2006 No. 307 currently in force, Appendix 1 to the rules states that in the event of a voltage deviation from the requirements of the legislation on technical regulation, for each hour of supply of electricity that does not meet the standards, the amount of the payment for electricity is reduced by 0.15% of the amount payment determined for such billing period. It is worth noting that the amount of payment for electricity can be reduced to 0. The main regulatory document that describes the parameters of electricity quality is GOST 13109-97 “Power quality standards in general power supply systems”. So, the maximum allowable normal voltage deviation should not exceed 10% of the standard level.

Thus, if the voltage is set at 198 V and below, it is necessary to require a recalculation of the cost of the supplied electricity.

There is a corresponding section in the Rules for the Provision of Public Services, which determines the procedure for establishing the facts of the provision of public services of inadequate quality. So, if it is discovered that the provision of utility services of inadequate quality, the consumer must report this in writing or orally to the Contractor of utility services (homeowners association, management company). Of course, it is better to do this in writing in duplicate, on the second copy to put a mark on the date of sending the notification). After that, if the Utility Service Provider was not aware of the provision of services of inadequate quality, the date and time of verification of the fact of violation of the quality of electricity is agreed with the consumer, i.e. measuring the quality of electricity. The check time is scheduled no later than 2 hours from the receipt of the message from the consumer, unless otherwise agreed. In the event that the Utility Service Provider insists that the electricity is of adequate quality, and the consumer does not agree, then an examination of the quality of electricity may be initiated, which must be carried out by an independent organization.

If the quality of electricity does not meet the standards, the consumer has the right to demand a recalculation of its cost every month until the restoration of its parameters at the required level. At the same time, as mentioned above, after recalculation, the cost of electricity can generally be equal to 0.

For example, if a voltage below 198 V was established for 666 hours in a row or in total within a month, its cost per month should be reduced by 100% (0.15% for each hour of discrepancy).

Thus, if the quality of electricity does not meet the established standards, and the utility service provider does not take prompt measures to correct the situation, the consumer may demand a recalculation of the cost of electricity, incl. and in court.

It is worth mentioning that recently, electricity metering devices with the function of constantly measuring the quality of electricity, the so-called "electricity quality meters", have appeared on sale. However, so far only three-phase electricity meters have such a function, which cannot be installed in ordinary apartments.

P.s. the rules for the provision of utilities also assume a 0.15% reduction in the cost of electricity per month, in case of exceeding interruptions in the supply of electricity (power outages) for more than 24 consecutive hours for each hour of exceeding the 24-hour mark.

Unfortunately, there is no information.

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