Certificates of registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs will be replaced with certificates from registers. Certificate of state registration of a legal entity: why was it canceled and what do they give instead? Is the certificate of state registration of a legal entity issued in a year?

The fact of creating a limited liability company is confirmed by an official document issued by the registering Federal Tax Service. Until January 1, 2017, this document was a certificate of state registration of a legal entity. After the Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated September 12, 2016 N ММВ-7-14/481@ came into force, instead of a certificate, a Unified State Register of Legal Entities began to be issued.

Why was the certificate canceled?

Order No. ММВ-7-14/481@ answers this question succinctly. The certificate of registration of a legal entity was canceled to increase the efficiency of electronic interaction between interested parties and tax authorities in the field of taxpayer accounting.

Many official state registers are now maintained electronically, so the relevance of registration information is confirmed by an extract as of the date of the request. For example, as of July 15, 2016, the certificate of registration of rights to real estate was also canceled. Instead, a fresh extract from the Unified State Register is issued, both during the initial registration of real estate and during subsequent transactions with it.

The Federal Tax Service continues to reduce paperwork. Thus, from April 29, 2018, changes to the law “On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs” come into force, according to which registration sheets in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, the charter with an inspection mark, the certificate of assignment and other documents will be issued in electronic form.

What is the difference between a registration certificate and a Unified State Register of Legal Entities entry sheet?

The previous certificate of state registration of a legal entity was issued on a secure form with an official seal in the form No. P51003. The Unified State Register of Legal Entities entry sheet is drawn up on a regular white sheet according to form No. P50007.

However, if you compare the texts of the two registration forms, they essentially differ little. In both of them:

  • it is stated that an entry on the creation of a legal entity has been entered into the state register of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • indicate the full corporate name and registration numbers of the organization (OGRN and GRN);
  • enter the number of the registering tax office and the details of the official who issued the document.

The issued LLC registration certificate or record sheet is also accompanied by a certificate of tax registration of the organization. From this moment on, the company becomes a taxpayer and is obliged to report and pay taxes on time.

If you registered the company before 2017, then the issued LLC registration certificate remains valid; there is no need to replace it with the Unified State Register of Legal Entities entry sheet.

Information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

As you can see, the certificate of registration of a legal entity and the Unified State Register of Legal Entities only confirm that the registration procedure has been completed and the company has actually been created.

However, these documents do not provide sufficient information about the organization itself, its owners, authorized capital, types of activities and other important information. Before making transactions, participating in tenders, opening a current account, as well as as part of the verification of counterparties, it is necessary to obtain information from the register of legal entities.

The Federal Tax Service has developed a free one for obtaining information from state registers of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

To obtain information about yourself or a counterparty, you simply need to enter one of the queries in the appropriate field: OGRN / INN or the name of the legal entity and the region of its location.

In principle, this free service provides a lot of necessary information about a limited liability company:

  • full legal address of the organization;
  • full and abbreviated company name;
  • dates and entries in the register;
  • information on registration with the Federal Tax Service and funds;
  • full name and position of the head of the organization;
  • the size of the authorized capital and its distribution among participants;
  • the full name and tax identification number of the participants, as well as the dates of their entry into the society;
  • main and additional OKVED codes with a breakdown of types of activities;
  • all changes made to forms and .

However, sometimes an organization is asked not just for this information, but for an official extract from the register in paper or electronic form. You can find out how to obtain an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in the form of an electronic document on the Federal Tax Service website. But for a paper statement you need to contact the tax office.

Electronic labor contracts may appear in 2017. The head of Rostrud Vsevolod Vukolov told Rossiyskaya Gazeta about this. Already, many documents are being transferred online. For example, TIN. Now at the tax office you can get this kind of paper in A-4 format, instead of this, stamp paper. This is actually a copy, the original is on the Internet. Many residents of the region greeted the innovation with distrust.

Not only will taxes now be taken, but also the TIN certificate will be given on a simple printed sheet. Igor from Irkutsk is doubly dissatisfied.

Previously, completely different forms were issued. Precisely with special protection. And on special paper. And here is the usual A4 format, printed on white paper,” says Igor Cherkashin, a resident of Irkutsk.

Such a “piece of paper” does not inspire confidence among residents of the region. Too easy to fake. And it doesn’t look like an official document. Stamped papers appeared under Peter I. Now there is no point in them, they say in the tax service. Everything you need is in electronic form. And the new form is only for the convenience of its owner, so that he can have it in his hands.

The changes are due to the fact that there is no need for secure forms. Services are developing, information can be obtained electronically, so there is no need for secure forms and strict reporting forms,” says Natalya Laletina, head of the Unified Registration Center of the Federal Tax Service for the Irkutsk Region.

It is much easier to forge a form. For example, employers require a TIN. But they can check all the information with the Federal Tax Service. There is no reason to rejoice at scammers.

Such a TIN certificate may soon become a museum exhibit. Security holograms, watermarks. People took care of this document and were afraid of losing it. And at least put a mug of tea on the new sample. Or make as many copies as you like.

The property registration certificate is also a thing of the past. Now everything is in a virtual database. It’s more convenient - you can receive an extract from Rosreestr by email. And it’s simpler - it costs half as much as a paper copy. Although stamp certificates are valid to this day, when purchasing real estate it is better to contact the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate for confirmation. If the seller has no other document.

The fact that the evidence disappeared from practice did not change anything. Also before, the one who wanted to make sure, the one who wanted to make a transaction, as you say, to protect yourself from fraud, to make a more legally secure transaction, applied and received information from the Unified State Register,” says the head of the department of organization, monitoring and control of the Rosreestr department for Irkutsk region Mikhail Zhelyaev.

Otherwise, nothing will change for citizens. Although tax and registration authorities will no longer spend money on printing special forms, the state fees accompanying the receipt of documents will remain the same.

Since 2017, not a single aspiring entrepreneur will receive the coveted certificate of registration of individual entrepreneurs, since it has been cancelled. Now the Federal Tax Service provides citizens with an ordinary USRIP entry sheet. This document has equivalent legal force and equally confirms the fact of making an entry in the state register. However Previously issued certificates are still valid! That is, persons who became entrepreneurs before and after 2017 can operate with different documents, so we will consider both of them.

Why were the certificates canceled?

The measures taken to replace papers will help save money from the budget spent on the hologram and the security form on which the individual entrepreneur certificate was previously issued. However, the main goal of replacing the certificate is to improve the electronic interaction between the Federal Tax Service and citizens within the state. registration of individual entrepreneurs, legal entities and farms. In other words, the fewer documents you need to issue after registration, the faster the process itself will happen.

Attention! Certificate forms issued before 2017 are still valid. They have the same legal force and can be applied under the same conditions as before. Holders of the form do not need to replace it with a recording sheet; their rights are protected by the previous document.

Sample of individual entrepreneur certificate

Certificates of state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur were issued on secure forms with the official seal - P61003. And the USRIP entry sheets, which have been issued since 2017, are printed on ordinary A4 sheets. However, despite the differences in appearance, both documents are absolutely equivalent.

You can see what a citizen’s registration certificate as an individual entrepreneur looks like in the sample presented below. You need to know it by sight, since entrepreneurs registered before 2017 can still use the document now.

Legal force of the certificate

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, an individual entrepreneur acts on the basis of his legal capacity, that is, the right to carry out commercial activities and subsequent receipt of profit is assigned to the businessman at the time of registration with the Federal Tax Service. The same time when an established businessman receives registration documents.

Many businessmen believe that the individual entrepreneur registration certificate gives them authority, but this is a misconception. No registration document can confer rights on an entrepreneur. This is what any lawyer providing legal advice will tell you.

Questions regarding paperwork arise due to the analogy with legal entities. They cannot act independently, since an organization can be formed by several co-founders. All rights, obligations and shares in the capital are distributed between them by the charter of the enterprise, therefore in many contracts, acts and similar papers from legal entities you can find the wording “... acting on the basis of...”.

Details and their application

Without a certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur, you cannot engage in business; this is punishable by the law of the Russian Federation by imposing fines. The document may also be requested by counterparties who need to check the fact of registration of a businessman and the reliability of a future transaction. The individual himself also needs it, because it contains all the important details that may be needed in the process of entrepreneurial activity:

  • Full name of the business entity;
  • date of entry of information into the register;
  • serial number of the form;
  • name of the body that carried out the procedure;
  • registration number (OGRNIP), under which you can find all the initial information about the individual entrepreneur and changes made to the register.

If we take the same invoice, then according to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the entrepreneur is obliged to indicate in it the details of the certificate of state registration of the individual entrepreneur. It is also impossible to sign a simple agreement between partners without such details.

The certificate and the record sheet are equivalent

The USRIP entry sheet replaces the certificate of state registration of individual entrepreneurs in all respects. It looks less reliable, but has the same significance, that is, it can be referenced to prove the fact that information about the entrepreneur was entered into the Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs.

Attention! Persons registered in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs since 2017 indicate in invoices, acts, contracts and any other documents the details from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs registration sheet. It also contains the OGRNIP, the date and name of the Federal Tax Service, which carried out the registration of the individual entrepreneur, and the full name of the individual.

How to get a record sheet

Only the Federal Tax Service can register citizens as business entities. You should apply for the coveted status of an entrepreneur to the authority located at the applicant’s place of residence. However, not all branches are authorized to carry out state registration; for example, in Moscow there is only one such branch - the 46th.

Find out the list of departments located at a specific address and authorized by the state. Registration is available on the Federal Tax Service website.

The list of documents for registration of an individual entrepreneur includes:

If it is not the applicant himself who applies to the tax authority, but his representative, the tax authorities will require that he show them a notarized power of attorney confirming the transfer of authority to an outsider.

You can submit documents not only in person, but also by mail with a specified list of attachments. You can also register a business online through a specially developed Federal Tax Service service. But for this you need to be the owner of a personal electronic signature.

The decision is made within 5 days, after which you need to return to the tax office for registration documents. You must have with you a passport and a paper with a mark on the acceptance of documents, issued by the registrar on the day of their submission.

Until 2017, after opening an individual entrepreneur, businessmen were given:

  • certificate of state registration of individual entrepreneurs;
  • notice of assignment of TIN (if not previously issued);
  • notification of registration with the Federal Tax Service as a taxpayer.

Since 2017, for the first time, registered businessmen will be given:

  • record sheet from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • notice of assignment of a TIN (if it has not been assigned previously);
  • Certificate of individual entrepreneur on tax registration.

Obtaining a certificate after loss

Since the certificate of state registration of an individual entrepreneur has been cancelled, it is not possible to obtain the document again. No one will issue a duplicate of a previously received form if it is lost.

Don't panic! There is absolutely no need for a duplicate. If you have lost your individual entrepreneur registration certificate, it is enough to obtain an extract from the Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs containing information about all the latest changes made to the register. This paper is enough to find out under which OGRN the counterparty is registered and to check its reliability.

How to obtain an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (USRIP)

You can get an extract in several ways:

  • in the tax service;
  • on the Federal Tax Service website;
  • through intermediaries.

To apply to the Federal Tax Service, you need to prepare 2 copies of a freely drawn up application, a receipt for payment of the state duty (200 rubles per copy) and a written power of attorney for the representative, if he goes to the tax office instead of you.

It’s even easier to get an extract on the Federal Tax Service website. For this:

  • go to the special section;
  • log in;
  • if you don’t have an account yet, go through the simplified registration form;
  • click on the wording “Submit a new request”;
  • enter your OGRN or INN, you can find them out right away;
  • Confirm that you are not a robot;
  • create a request by clicking on the appropriate function.

The completed extract will appear in the list of your applications. It has legal force because it is certified by an electronic signature of the Federal Tax Service. This is both good and bad, since a file with an electronic signature can only be opened on a computer with Crypto Pro 3.6 or higher software installed.

When the tax office enters a new company into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, it issues a registration document. The versions of such documents have changed several times. From the material you will learn:

  • from what date did the special certificate cease to be issued;
  • what document on state registration of a legal entity is received instead of a certificate, where to get it and who issues it;
  • what documents companies received in different years.

Guest, meet - !

During state registration, the certificate is no longer issued; the legal entity receives a registration sheet

Until 2017, upon completion of registration, companies received a certificate of state registration of a legal entity. Data about a new LLC or other type of legal entity was recorded in the register in accordance with the application for registration. The company was assigned a OGRN number, which was indicated in the certificate. The document confirmed that the company had been audited by the federal tax authority and could begin work.

From January 1, 2017, certificates of state registration of a legal entity ceased to be issued, and a different form of confirmation was introduced. The Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation published about this. The registration document is issued by the Federal Tax Service, as before. Now this is a sheet of entry from the unified register in form No. P50007. It confirms that a registry entry has been created (). If we are talking about registering an individual entrepreneur, they issue a record sheet from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated September 30, 2016 No. 169n).

The certificate of state registration of a legal entity indicated the OGNR. Now this number is reflected in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. OGRN is the main state registration number. He is assigned to the company for the entire duration of its activity. He is one of her permanent details.

The registration sheet is received in the same way as previously received a certificate of state registration of a legal entity. The tax office is responsible for issuing:

  1. The company generates the necessary set of documents and writes an application.
  2. The Federal Tax Service checks the data and decides whether there are grounds for refusing registration.
  3. An entry about the new company is made in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and a unique main number (OGRN) is assigned.
  4. The inspectorate issues a record sheet.

Over the years, the state registration of a legal entity was confirmed by a certificate and other documents

Although new certificates of state registration of legal entities are not issued, this does not mean that the previous ones have lost their validity. The documents that were provided to the legal entity during registration remain relevant. In particular, issued certificates apply. The set of documents depends on the year the organization was founded and the data was entered into the register. The number indicated in the certificate of state registration of a legal entity or other document remains the same.

Documents on state registration of a legal entity

Registration period

Unified State Register of Legal Entities (form No. P50007)

    Certificate of state registration of a legal entity (form No. P51003).

    Unified State Register of Legal Entities (form No. P50007).

From 04.07.2013 to 01.01.2017

Certificate of state registration of a legal entity (form No. P51001)

From 07/01/2002 to 07/04/2013

    Certificate of making an entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, if the entry was added to the register before 07/04/2013.

    A certificate that a company has received from Companies House or other authority.

    Unified State Register of Legal Entities (form No. P50007), if the entry was added to the register after 07/04/2013.

A professional help system for lawyers in which you will find the answer to any, even the most complex, question.

From January 1, 2017, the Federal Tax Service will not issue registration certificates to new legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. These documents will replace extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. The corresponding order has already been issued and approved by the Ministry of Justice.

The Federal Tax Service of Russia issued a document that approved the forms and contents of documents confirming the fact of making an entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. From January 1, 2017, such documents will have to replace the usual certificates of state registration, which all new individual entrepreneurs and legal entities are now receiving.

An extract instead of an official document

The Federal Tax Service of Russia explained which documents, starting from 2017, will confirm the fact of making an entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. Forms No. P51003 and No. P61003, which are now called a certificate of registration of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur and are drawn up on strict reporting forms, will lose their validity. Instead, the registration authority will issue only certificates confirming the entry into the relevant registers.

Such measures were required for more effective electronic interaction between tax authorities in the field of state registration of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs or peasant (farm) enterprises with their respondents. Within the framework of the new rules, registration of taxpayers will take place, as well as accreditation of their branches and representative offices of foreign organizations. In connection with the innovations, the Federal Tax Service, in the same order, made amendments to form No. P50007 “Record sheet of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities” and form No. P60009 “Record Sheet of the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs”. These documents are contained in the annex to the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia and will replace the registration certificate.

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