The dog has a tight stomach what to do. Bloating in dogs: causes, symptoms and treatment. The reasons for its development include

Hello. I'm in a panic! Dachshund, 7.5 years old. 2 years ago, she underwent surgery to remove an intervertebral hernia - successfully! She quickly recovered. It has been 3 months now that I have had incomprehensible symptoms, doctors contradict each other, infuriate me! The symptoms are absolutely not the same as with a hernia 2 years ago. They took me to the doctor who performed the operation, the doctor prescribed Prednisolone and observation - we have been observing for three months, there is no specifics! Symptoms: she started to walk barely, to go outside, she had to walk around, then - she began to walk worse, she could not lie down at night, whining, growling, getting to her feet and paws could not move, leaning on her nose. They rolled in Prednisolone, injected 3 times at intervals, felt better for a week ... Then again, again. You can't keep your dog on Prednisolone all the time! It became difficult to breathe, my nose is dry and sometimes coughs, it used to be, but I didn’t pay attention, my stomach is swollen, gaziki, lymph nodes on my neck are large! The other day they donated blood, they said that the protein was slightly elevated. Recommended to buy food with low protein content. What to do? Can Prednisolone 0.5 affect breathing, heart?


Bloating may be accompanied by severe pain, severe weakness, animal anxiety and food refusal. The main reason is improper feeding of the pet. Feeding disorders lead to the formation of gases in the intestines, stretching of the walls, and ultimately to obstruction of the stomach and intestines. Volvulus of the stomach can cause an acute deterioration in the condition.

Constant bloating provokes disorders in the work of a number of organs, leading to heart failure. Severe forms of bloating can lead to the death of the animal. Often, violations are caused by the swallowing of air during excessively rapid ingestion of food by an animal during a meal.

Bloating is acute or chronic. The chronic course of the disease may not manifest itself for a long time. Gradually manifest inflammatory processes in the liver and pancreas. This leads to the formation of a "vicious circle" - liver disease exacerbates digestive disorders more.

Clinical manifestations and diagnosis

In the acute form of gastric volvulus, the health of the pet is in serious danger. The behavior of the animal changes dramatically - the dog begins to whine and squeal, cannot stand on its paws, bends its back, rubs its stomach against the floor surface. The dog's abdomen swells, increases in size, is tense and sharply painful on palpation. Side effects are frequent shortness of breath, wheezing, dry cough, and heart rhythm disturbances. The pet refuses food and water, becomes lethargic and weak. If the cause of swelling is an infectious disease, the lymph nodes may be enlarged.

To clarify the diagnosis, you will have to undergo the following types of studies:

  • General blood analysis.
  • Analysis of feces for a coprogram.
  • Biochemical blood tests.
  • Serological tests for the presence of antibodies to viruses and bacteria in the blood.
  • Radiography of the abdominal cavity and chest.
  • Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs.
  • Computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Puncture of lymph nodes.

You may need to analyze the gastric juice to determine the amount of enzymes.

Nutrition Features

You will need to analyze and debug the pet's diet. This will be the main recommendation for bloating. Make sure your dog eats in a calm, quiet environment. Do not disturb her when she starts to eat, do not try to stroke or caress. Warn children not to disturb the pet. In the process of feeding, the dog is characterized by hypersensitivity and the slightest irritation can lead to injury.

The place where the dog eats is set apart, away from strangers. The dog usually swallows food in large chunks without chewing. If other animals live in the house, this can be disturbing. If the dog does not swallow food too quickly, there will be no accumulation of gas in the stomach.

A pet with a bloated belly needs to be provided with liquid boiled food. Dry food from the dog's diet will have to be completely excluded. The food actively absorbs water in the pet's stomach and exacerbates the symptoms of bloating. If it is not possible to prepare natural products, soak dry food with plenty of water.

It is preferable to prepare homemade food for your pet from natural products. Dogs that eat homemade natural foods heal faster from gastrointestinal disorders.

Treatment for bloating

When the stomach is bloated, it is useful to give the dog a decoction of chamomile to drink. The plant has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and antibacterial effect. Chamomile has a detrimental effect on a number of pathogenic microorganisms. Offer your dog a tablespoon of chamomile tea three times a day.

If it is not possible to force the animal to take the medicine voluntarily, it is possible to pour the decoction into food or pour it into the mouth with a plastic syringe.

It is permissible to eliminate the accumulation of gases in the intestines with the help of homeopathic remedies.

Of the drugs give the animal enzymes, myotropic antispasmodics, sorbents.

If a dog is suspected of having helminthiasis, appropriate therapy should be carried out.

In a veterinary clinic, the doctor can wash the animal's stomach with a special probe or pierce the dog's belly with a special puncture needle.

Intensive therapy is prescribed to correct the work of the heart. According to the results of the examination, antibiotics and antiviral drugs are prescribed.

Preventive actions

To prevent bloating, it is first of all necessary to organize a dog with fractional meals, to prevent the rapid ingestion of large pieces of food. An hour before meals and for an hour, the animal is limited in drinking so that water does not reduce the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and does not lead to increased gas formation. Do not give your dog intense physical activity one hour before meals and one hour later.

When transferring your pet from one type of food to another, proceed carefully and gradually. If you plan to feed your dog dry food, choose varieties that are low in fat. Carbohydrates contained in cereals cause intensive fermentation processes, it is better to choose a reduced amount of cereals in the feed.

With natural feeding, the pet's diet consists of a third of meat, includes a sufficient amount of pectins.

The article was read by 5,587 pet owners

Abdominal distention is an abnormal expansion of the abdominal cavity. This term is commonly used by veterinarians to describe the problem of excessive abdominal expansion in dogs due to causes other than simple obesity.

One cause of bloating in a dog is the accumulation of fluid. These can be different types of fluids, such as blood from an internal hemorrhage (bleeding), urine from a cracked bladder, exudates (cellular fluids like pus) from infection, as is the case with infectious peritonitis, and transudates (clear fluids ) that seep out of the vessels.

Another cause of bloating can be the expansion of any abdominal organ. It could be the liver, kidneys, or spleen. Expansion of the stomach with air ("bloat") or fluid, or distension of the uterus during pregnancy can lead to bloating.

Tumors in the abdomen can also cause abdominal distension. The tumor can be malignant (invasive cancer) or benign (abnormal but not spreading to other tissues). The tumor can form in any of the abdominal organs, including the intestines or lymph nodes (glands).

Another reason could be loss of abdominal muscle tone, with or without significant weight gain, and this can also lead to abdominal distention.

Very often we hear such stories: I went out for a walk with the dog on the street, returned home, fed the dog and suddenly her hind legs refused, her stomach began to swell and vomiting began (or there was an urge to vomit). The dog's condition began to deteriorate rapidly and after an hour or two the dog could not move independently.

The resulting pressure in the abdomen presses on the sternum, which can make breathing difficult, and as a result, excessive pressure in the abdominal cavity can lead to a decrease in appetite. NOTE. It is very important for dog owners to recognize abdominal distention as it can be a potentially life-threatening symptom of the dog and should be carefully investigated by a veterinarian.

When your dog has a bloated stomach and you are looking for advice on this topic on the Internet in the forums, we recommend that you do not self-medicate and experiment on your beloved pet. The fact is that there are many reasons for bloating in an animal, and the consequences of your experiment may disappoint you and your family.

What usually happens to the dog. visible signs. Veterinarian advice.

  • A very rapid increase in the belly of a dog. Consider this visible sign as a medical emergency, especially if it is accompanied by vomiting, sudden weakness, or loss of consciousness in the dog.
  • Bloating that occurs from a few days to a few weeks. This condition also requires immediate veterinary attention.
  • Slow enlargement of the abdomen (belly). This condition requires further investigation if the condition is accompanied by muscle loss or obesity elsewhere in the body, decreased appetite, vomiting or diarrhea, changes in urinary habits, or decreased activity levels.

What diagnostics may be required for the correct diagnosis of bloating in a dog.

Veterinary care should include diagnostic tests to determine the cause of abdominal distention and provide information to the owner on which recommendations can be made for treatment or care of the dog. Procedures that a veterinarian may wish to perform include:

  • Complete medical history and examination
  • Abdominal radiographs (X-rays)
  • abdominal ultrasound
  • Abdominocentesis (removal of fluid from the abdomen with a needle)
  • Thoracic radiographs (chest x-ray)
  • Blood tests such as biochemistry, complete blood count (CBC), and TP (total protein)
  • Analysis of urine
  • biopsy

Other specific tests that determine the condition and functionality of the liver or a biopsy of affected tissues or organs.

Treatment for Bloating in Dogs

Of course, the treatment for bloating depends on the underlying cause (diagnosis).

Treatment for bloating may include:

  • Abdominocentesis or drainage of fluid from the abdominal cavity. If bloating causes pressure on the diaphragm (membrane separating the abdomen and lungs), which is accompanied by a deterioration in breathing. In this case, the fluid can be pumped out of the abdominal cavity with a needle. Fluid buildup that does not interfere with breathing is not removed.
  • Diuretics. Some types of fluid buildup in the dog's abdomen can be reduced by the administration of diuretic drugs that increase urination.
  • Surgical intervention. There are several reasons why bloating requires surgery (damaged abdominal organs, rupture).

If you notice that your dog is bloated and you think your dog is sick, call us and get a veterinary consultation. If bloating is associated with vomiting or loss of consciousness, call immediately. These symptoms can be life-threatening for the animal.

How to call a veterinarian at home?

What questions will need to be answered?

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Call the veterinarian at home and he will definitely help you.

At home, as they say, and walls heal

In-Depth Information on Abdominal Bloating in Dogs

The abdomen contains vital organs such as the stomach and intestines, liver, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, and bladder. It also contains numerous blood vessels, lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes, and the peritoneal cavity itself is lined with a thin special membrane that contributes to the sterility of the abdominal cavity.

Causes of Bloating in Dogs

Abdominal bloating can be caused by fat accumulation, fluid accumulation in the abdominal space, enlargement of the abdominal organs, or weakness of the abdominal muscles. Fluids that cause abdominal distension may be blood, urine, exudate, transudate, or any combination thereof.

The causes of these different types of fluids in a dog's peritoneum are listed below:


Blood can fill the abdomen due to trauma, damage to blood vessels, failure to form blood clots normally, or tumors causing organ ruptures.


Urine can fill the belly and cause bloating. Bladder rupture is usually the result of an injury suffered by the animal (for example, getting hit by a car).


Exudates are cellular fluids. These types of fluids are often the result of an infection in the abdomen. A dog's body may produce exudate in response to a bacterial infection that enters the dog's body as a result of a penetrating injury or tear in the gastrointestinal tract. This course of events can occur as a result of the ingress of a foreign body that "punches" its way through the intestines. The appearance of exudate can also be associated with cancer of the abdominal cavity (neoplastic effusion) or be the result of obstruction of the drainage of the lymphatic fluid (discharge from chyloids). Lymph fluids are fluids that surround cells and are collected and transported by lymphatic vessels into the bloodstream.


Transudates are clear fluids that do not contain many cells or protein that appear in the peritoneum as a result of pressure resulting from blocking normal blood flow or from a decrease in a protein in the blood that retains water in the blood. Examples of processes that can cause transudates:

  • Right-sided heart failure, in which the blood is "blocked" in the vessels, and therefore it cannot easily enter the heart. Congenital heart disease, cardiovascular disease (cardiomyopathy), arrhythmia (abnormal electrical activity of the heart), and pericardial disease are also potential causes of right-sided heart failure in dogs. However, heart failure is a very uncommon cause of abdominal fluid accumulation in dogs.
  • Cirrhosis or fibrosis of the liver also causes pressure changes in the blood vessels in the abdomen. In addition, cirrhosis leads to liver failure. When the liver gets sick, it doesn't produce the normal amount of albumin (a blood protein).
  • Loss of albumin through the kidneys (or gastrointestinal tract) can result in very low albumin levels. When albumin levels are too low, fluid is not retained in the blood and can therefore seep into the abdomen. Very rare in dogs.

Organ enlargement

Enlargement of any abdominal organ can cause bloating. Enlargement of the liver, kidneys, or spleen may be due to obstruction of fluid flow (blood or urine flow) or infiltration with cells (cancer or leukemia cells or inflammatory blood cells).

Other causes of bloating that are not caused by fluid buildup include:

  • Distention of the stomach caused by gas (bloating) or distension of the uterus during pregnancy
  • Tumors in the abdomen, which may be malignant (invasive cancer) or benign, and may involve any of the abdominal organs, including the intestines or glands
  • Loss of abdominal muscle tone with or without significant weight gain

An increase in the peritoneum in a dog can be:

  • as a result of errors in feeding (a large amount of sweets, foods with "fast" carbohydrates - flour and bakery products, also provoke cabbage, legumes, whole milk, fresh fruits, a sharp transition from one feed to another);
  • due to active training after eating;
  • as a result of serious pathologies - dropsy of the abdominal cavity, helminthiases, pyometra, ascites, peritonitis, gastric volvulus or rupture of the organ wall.

Signs of bloating: the volume of the abdomen increases sharply, with acute expansion, the dog cannot move, the animal may worry or, conversely, be in a lethargic, apathetic state, in severe cases, stupor develops due to poisoning with toxic products and severe pain, increased fermentation is accompanied by flatulence, in pet's stomach rumbling, vomiting and diarrhea appear.


At home, to confirm bloating, measurements should be taken with a centimeter ruler (but you need to know the parameters in a healthy state). The veterinarian will conduct a comprehensive examination, which includes ultrasound, according to the indications of an x-ray of the abdominal cavity, if worms are suspected, a scatological examination.

You can give the dog Enterosgel, Espumizan, Maalox, Smektu on your own. Vaseline oil, Dufalac are used only on the recommendation of a veterinarian for gentle bowel cleansing. From traditional medicine, dill water gives a good therapeutic effect on flatulence.

In acute cases, a food probe is placed to remove gases. A puncture of the abdominal wall with a trocar is also used. Pain syndrome is eliminated with antispasmodics and analgesics.

If a pathology is detected, the animal is kept on an 8-12 hour starvation diet and only then they begin to feed in fractional portions. Be sure to exclude feed that provoked fermentation and bloating. After that, it is recommended to switch to premium and super-premium feed.

Read more about what can cause bloating in a dog, as well as ways to get rid of it and preventive measures, read our article.

Read in this article

The main causes of bloating in dogs

With an increase in the peritoneum of a four-legged pet in volume, the owner encounters quite often. In most cases, the symptom is associated with errors in feeding. However, the cause of bloating in a dog can be more serious pathologies - dropsy of the abdominal cavity, helminthiases, pyometra, ascites, peritonitis. It is important for the owner to recognize the cause of the pathology in a timely manner and take appropriate measures.

The digestive system of predators, including domestic dogs, is not genetically adapted to consume large amounts of carbohydrate foods. In this regard, a violation of the principle of rational nutrition of a pet is the main cause of increased gas formation. If the household pampers the dog with sweets, products related to the so-called "fast" carbohydrates, then sooner or later bloating occurs.

Carbohydrate food leads to the fact that the body spends more time on its digestion than on the breakdown of protein ingredients. Such a violation is accompanied by an accumulation of bacteria, the main food of which is monosaccharides. This leads to the formation of a large amount of gases in the stomach and intestinal tube.

Foods that cause bloating and increased gas formation include, first of all, sweets, flour and bakery products, as well as vegetables such as cabbage, legumes. Dairy products, especially whole milk, can also cause fermentation in the intestines. When feeding your pet with fresh fruits, you should also be aware that many of them (apples, pears, grapes, peaches) cause bloating.

An abrupt transition from one food to another can also provoke a problem. The body does not have time to adapt, the failure of the production of digestive enzymes leads to increased gas formation.

Experienced dog breeders and breeders note that the disease can manifest itself in a four-legged pet if the owner conducts active training immediately after feeding. Exercising after a meal can lead to increased gas formation due to impaired digestive function.

Severe bloating and gas

In addition to problems with feeding, more serious reasons can lead to an increase in the volume of the abdomen in four-legged pets. So, according to veterinary specialists, ascites, in which there is a pathological accumulation of fluid in the peritoneum, can lead to acute swelling in the abdominal cavity. Dropsy is not an independent disease, but indicates circulatory disorders, cardiac disease, kidney problems, etc.

Such a severe pathology as peritonitis also leads to sudden bloating. As a result of purulent inflammation of the peritoneum, it is filled with exudate, blood, and lymph. The condition is life-threatening for the animal and requires immediate qualified assistance.

One of the reasons that the owner observes a sudden increase in the abdominal cavity in a dog is. Purulent inflammation of the uterus is accompanied by the release of an increased amount of gases. Clinically, the owner observes with this dangerous disease a sharp bloating in the dog.

One of the life-threatening causes of a sudden increase in the size of the abdomen is a volvulus of the stomach or a rupture of the wall of the organ. This condition is most often diagnosed by veterinarians in representatives of large breeds. As a result of the rapid filling of the hollow organ with gases, its strong expansion occurs. An enlarged stomach presses through the diaphragm on the heart muscle, which in some cases leads to sudden death in individuals of giant breeds.

Given the seriousness of the causes leading to bloating, the owner must be able to recognize in which situation it is all about increased gas production due to products, and in which condition it can threaten the health and life of a four-legged friend.

Signs of imbalance

Pathology, accompanied by increased gas formation in the intestines and bloating, can occur in acute and chronic forms. The chronic course in most cases is due to errors in feeding, helminthiases. The greatest danger to the life of a pet is the acute course of the disease.

  • The volume of the abdomen increases dramatically. In acute dilatation, the dog cannot move.
  • The animal may be anxious or vice versa, be in a lethargic, apathetic state. In severe cases, the dog develops stupor due to poisoning with toxic products and severe pain.
  • Increased fermentation is accompanied by flatulence.
  • A growl can be heard in the pet's stomach.
  • Vomiting and diarrhea often accompany acute expansion of the stomach under the influence of accumulated gases.

In the case of a chronic course of pathology, the symptoms are not pronounced.

Condition Diagnostics

With a tendency to illness, the owner should conduct a control measurement of the widest part of the pet's peritoneum. Make it easier with a tape measure. The measurement is carried out in a healthy state of the animal. Knowing the approximate parameters of your pet, it will not be difficult for the owner to identify bloating and seek qualified help.

In a specialized institution, to determine the root cause of the pathology, the animal will undergo a comprehensive examination. Ultrasound diagnostics will allow to exclude diseases accompanied by bloating, such as pyometra, peritonitis, ascites. It is mandatory to exclude such a dangerous pathology as gastric volvulus.

In acute cases, when the stomach expands, a food tube is placed in the dog to remove gases. A puncture with a special instrument (trocar) of the abdominal wall is also used. Pain is relieved with antispasmodics and analgesics. In case of rupture of the stomach wall, an emergency operation is performed.

What to give at home

If the veterinarian has ruled out a life-threatening pet cause of the pathology, the owner can give the dog sorbents, such as Enterosgel, Espumizan, Maalox, Smektu, to reduce spasms and gas formation in the sick pet with bloating.

In some cases, laxatives, and even more so an enema, can aggravate the condition of a fluffy patient. Therefore, vaseline oil, Duphalac are used only on the recommendation of a veterinarian for mild bowel cleansing.

From traditional medicine, dill water gives a good therapeutic effect on flatulence.

For information on how to use Smecta for a pet, see this video:

What to feed the animal

It is impossible to eliminate bloating caused by a nutritional cause without adjusting the diet. First of all, foods that cause fermentation should be excluded - whole milk, food from the table, bran, vegetables. Veterinary experts unanimously recommend feeding a dog with bloating with premium and super-premium industrial feeds.

Ready formulations are not only balanced in nutrients, vitamins and minerals, but also do not contain components that cause fermentation in the digestive tube.

It should be noted that if a pathology is detected, the animal is kept on an 8-12 hour starvation diet and only then begins to be fed in fractional portions.

  • The diet of the animal should be based on high quality industrial feed.
  • It is forbidden to actively exercise with a pet immediately after eating. Feed the dog after a walk, at least 3 times a day.
  • The introduction of a new feed or ingredient should be gradual.
  • If the dog has an increased appetite, then in order to avoid the rapid ingestion of food, it is necessary to purchase special labyrinth feeders.

Bloating and gas in dogs is quite common. Pets of large and giant breeds are most susceptible to acute expansion of the stomach. The owner should understand that an increase in the volume of the abdomen can be the result of not only increased gas formation, but also such dangerous diseases as pyometra, ascites, and peritonitis.

A timely appeal to a veterinarian will help not only alleviate the suffering of the animal, but in some cases save a life.

Useful video

Watch in this video about the causes and symptoms of ascites in dogs:

For young puppies, it is quite normal that after eating their stomach swells a lot. But if the size is greatly increased, it may be necessary to give food more often, but in smaller portions. It may also be beneficial for adult animals to feed two or more smaller meals, especially when dry complete foods are used.

If the puppies have a large belly, thin front and back, and bad hair, then this may be a sign that they are suffering from worms.

The most common causes of an enlarged belly are expansion of the stomach and its twisting. This condition is characterized by sudden swelling of the stomach, which is usually filled with digesting food and gas. This condition is exacerbated when the stomach becomes twisted, blocking entry from the pharynx and exit to the small intestine. Dogs weighing 40 pounds (18 kg) and above are most commonly affected by this ailment.

Symptoms. Sudden enlargement of the abdomen shortly after eating. The stomach becomes swollen, hard and stretched, which is easily observed, as it happens very quickly. The dog shows signs of severe pain as well as difficulty breathing. In addition, there may be an urge to vomit and defecate, but when the stomach is twisted, nothing can come out.

Causes. The causes of this condition are not yet clearly defined. It is believed that such a condition can be caused by excessive exercise after feeding, drinking plenty of water after eating dry food, blocking the exit from the stomach with indigestible food, excessive fermentation in the stomach and filling the stomach with a single feeding of an animal with a large amount of food.

Actions. This condition requires urgent veterinary care. The first thing that is required is to release gases and empty the stomach. Such an operation must be carried out immediately, since this condition can be fatal in a very short time. So contact your veterinarian right away, whether it's day or night, and be prepared to take your dog to the veterinary immediately.

How to prevent this condition. Your veterinarian will tell you about preventive measures that can help prevent the condition from reappearing.

Other causes of bloating that are not caused by overeating are heart disease, pregnancy and false pregnancy, pyometra (accumulation of pus in the uterine cavity), certain hormonal disorders and other diseases of the abdominal cavity that are accompanied by fluid retention. If you have any doubts, seek veterinary help.

Worms. If you suspect your dog's large belly is due to worms, take a sample of fresh dog feces to your veterinarian.

Bloating. When the dog's abdomen often swells strongly and painfully after feeding, it is necessary to measure the abdominal cavity in its widest part with a measuring tape. This will make it easier to assess whether the belly has grown larger than usual or not, and whether there is a danger of bloating. All this is necessary in order to quickly call for veterinary assistance when necessary.

Gas formation during digestion is a natural process that indicates healthy gut bacteria. Most often, flatulence in dogs is an aesthetic problem and does not cause discomfort to the animal. A pet who regularly suffers from belching, gas emission and other "antisocial habits" needs to adjust the diet, less often, in treatment.

Depending on the size of the dog, the length of its intestines is from 5 to 7.5 meters. In a perfectly healthy pet, the small intestine is inhabited by exceptionally friendly bacteria that help extract all the beneficial substances from the food. The large intestine is also inhabited by beneficial bacteria, but their job is to "clean up" - processing undigested food to a soft state.

The vital activity of bacteria is the process of eating carbohydrates and releasing gases that are excreted from the intestines naturally. If the gases are not removed, they rise into the small intestine, which causes. Intestinal flatulence in dogs, followed by accumulation of gases, occurs for a number of reasons that may be interrelated:

  • Violation of the intestinal microflora leads to the fact that there are more “cleaning bacteria”, and food, instead of being digested, rots.
  • Eating food that the animal cannot digest.
  • Swallowing air along with food is the wrong position of the feeder, “greedy grasping” of food. In parallel, belching is observed.
  • Feeding a pet food that is supersaturated with carbohydrates or foods that the dog does not absorb.
  • Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), weak peristalsis or its absence.

Read also: Paresis in dogs: causes, symptoms, treatment

The course of the disease is divided into 4 types, which are combined:

  • Chronic or widespread.
  • Easy or complicated.

Under the complications understand the presence of heartburn, mucous discharge from the rectum, blood in the feces, overexertion of the abdominal wall, soreness, vomiting, diarrhea. Serious, life-threatening complications are rare, but require urgent care, most often, stimulation of intestinal motility or puncture of the peritoneum.

Important! Mucous discharge from the rectum black or green, vomiting of feces, excessive pain in the peritoneum indicate either an acute recurrence of flatulence, or a more serious disorder, such as volvulus.

Treatment and prevention of flatulence in dogs

The method of stopping bloating depends on the clinical picture, more precisely, on whether the dog is in pain. If the discomfort is tolerable, they act with “soft” methods:

  • The source of gas formation is removed from the stomach and intestines - absorbents (Atoxil, Enterosgel, activated carbon), intestinal lavage.
  • Reduce pressure on the abdominal cavity - the so-called carminative drugs, for example, children's Espumizan from colic in the abdomen.
  • Relieve irritation of the mucous membranes - Almagel, Smecta, dissolved in warm water, decoctions of herbs that envelop the intestinal walls.
  • Populate the intestines with new beneficial bacteria -
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