Sun in Leo after field testing. Zodiac sign Leo - Sun and Moon in the sign of Leo. Sign history, description, characteristics. Sign Leo, Sun and planets

One of the favorite crops for Russians has long been tomatoes or tomatoes. Housewives use them in almost every dish, they also salt them for the winter. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that they are grown in almost every garden. However, like all plants, tomatoes have their own characteristics of planting and planting in open ground.

It is important to remember that they are heat-loving crops that will not survive with sudden changes in temperature. It is for this reason that care must be taken to choose the optimally favorable time for planting them in open ground.

When is it better to plant seedlings of tomatoes in May according to the lunar calendar and the region of residence

Most experienced gardeners know that before planting seedlings, you need to take into account not only the weather conditions, but also refer to the lunar calendar. Not only scientists, but also the personal experience of summer residents has proven the beneficial effect of the phases of the moon on different cultures.
Auspicious days in May for planting tomatoes in open ground will be the 18th, 19th and 31st, in June - the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 10-12th. If you decide to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse, the best period for this is considered May 9, 10, 11, 18 and 19.

It is important to take into account the region of residence, since the time for planting seedlings will be different for each. For tomatoes, the optimum temperature will be 16 degrees Celsius, and the soil temperature - at least 10 degrees Celsius.

Often in the Russian Federation, planting tomatoes in open ground occurs from late May to early June.

In the central regions of the Russian Federation, it is worth planting tomatoes from the end of May to June 10, in the south of the country - from the beginning to the middle of May.

In the northern regions, you should not rush into this, so it is better to plant in early June.

Preparing tomato seedlings for planting in open ground

In order for tomato seedlings to take root as quickly as possible in a new place, it must be hardened in advance. Therefore, every day you need to take it out into the street, gradually increasing the time spent in the fresh air. The first sign of hardened seedlings will be dark green leaves and a purple stem.

The gardener needs to take care of the preparation of the beds. Since tomatoes are a photophilous plant, the area where they will grow should be well lit. You should not plant seedlings in the area where potatoes, peppers, eggplants previously grew. Tomatoes will develop well after cabbage, onions or cucumbers.

The site should be dug up in the fall. If this was not possible, you can dig in early spring. It is important not to forget to add organic fertilizers to the soil.

It is best to plant seedlings of tomatoes in a new place in the afternoon or in cloudy weather. Before this, it is important to thoroughly water all plants. This is necessary in order to make it more convenient to get them out of the container. An earth lump should not be removed, as the root system can be damaged.

The size of the hole must be at least the size of the pot. Do not forget about observing the distance between plants. After planting, the plant should be watered with warm water and sprinkled with earth. Around the tomato, you can mulch the soil with hay, straw, sawdust, or other material convenient for the gardener.

Favorable days for planting a tomato are determined not only by the characteristics of the variety, but also by the phase of the moon. According to gardeners, the right date affects the quality of seedlings and the formation of a bountiful harvest.

Many gardeners believe that there are favorable days for planting tomatoes. This applies not only to sowing seeds, but also to the transfer of grown plants to a permanent place. The choice of date is largely determined by the phase of the moon. For this, a lunar calendar has been developed, which shows a favorable and unfavorable period for summer cottage work.

The time for planting tomatoes is determined taking into account the signs of the zodiac and the phases of the moon that it passes on certain days of the month.

According to experts, seedlings grow safely and give the maximum result when the night luminary is in the signs:

  • Libra;
  • Taurus;
  • Capricorn;
  • Cancer;
  • Scorpio.

The days for planting seedlings when the satellite is in the constellation of Aquarius, Aries, Virgo, Gemini, Leo are barren.

According to the lunar calendar, the days when the moon is in the signs of Cancer, Scorpio, Libra, Pisces are suitable for feeding tomato seedlings. This period is considered wet. Harvest during the dry period. It begins when the moon is in its waning phase and passes through the constellations of Sagittarius, Aries, Aquarius, or Gemini.

For planting seeds, as well as transplanting plants or picking them, the first two days after the new moon or full moon are considered unfavorable. During this period, the planted plants are weeded, the soil is loosened, and other necessary work is carried out in the summer cottage.

Influence on yield and duration of seed storage

The night star affects not only the volume of the crop, but also the quality of the tomato seeds, which are harvested for later use. This is suitable for non-hybrid varieties that are regularly grown in home gardens.

  1. The growing moon is suitable for landing work. It is considered the most favorable and contributes to obtaining the maximum yield.
  2. If the calendar days are considered favorable, but the moon is waning, the seeds are sown on the last day of the suitable period.
  3. If a favorable time falls on the sign of Pisces or Cancer, then the harvest is expected to be plentiful, but the seeds of such tomatoes are of poor quality. They are not suitable for long-term storage and subsequent use.
  4. If favorable days fall on Capricorn, Scorpio or Libra, then not only tomatoes will give an excellent harvest, but the seeds obtained from them will be of high quality and suitable for storage.
  5. If it is necessary to obtain seeds for subsequent breeding, tomatoes are sown in the sign of Sagittarius. The crop is not fertile, but the seed is of high quality.

Determining the timing of sowing seeds according to the lunar calendar

Sowing seeds for seedlings begins in the last decade of February and ends by mid-March. Late-ripening varieties, as well as tomatoes grown in greenhouse conditions, are sown earlier. If it is supposed to grow early ripe species in open ground, then they are sown in the middle or end of March.

In this case, it is important to take into account two factors: the state of the moon and the sign of the zodiac in which it is located. If it is in a growing phase, then the best day will be in the first decade. It is important that the satellite passes the constellations of Scorpio, Cancer, Libra, Pisces, Taurus or Capricorn.

If we talk about the new summer season, then in February and March there will be a sufficient number of favorable days.

In February, we grow seedlings for greenhouses. If you rely on the state of the moon, then the favorable period begins on February 17. The satellite enters the growing phase. It continues until February 28th. In March, the moon grows on the 1st, then from the 18th to the 30th. These dates are considered conditionally favorable for planting seeds for seedlings.

If you take into account the signs of the zodiacs, then in February it is better to land:

  • 17th-18th, located in the constellation Pisces;
  • 21-22 numbers, is in the first growing phase and passes the constellation Taurus;
  • On the 25th-26th, the second growing phase begins, the transition from the constellation of Gemini to Cancer is carried out.

For March, favorable days according to the constellations are coming:

  • 1, the growing phase ends, the moon leaves the constellation Leo;
  • 20-21, passes the first growing phase in the constellation of Taurus;
  • 24-26, is in the second growing phase in the constellation of Cancer.

For the northern regions, where the last frosts are late, planting tomato seedlings can be shifted to early April.

In April, favorable days come after the 17th, when the moon enters the growing phase. It is optimal to sow seeds on the 17-18, 21-22, and also 27-28.

The most unlucky days in February are the 2nd-3rd, 9th-10th and 15th. In March, the unfavorable period begins from the 8th to the 10th, then from the 13th to the 15th and 17th.

Choosing a date for planting seedlings in the ground

Which days to choose for planting seedlings in a permanent place depends not only on the phase of the moon, but also on the condition of the plants, as well as the climatic conditions in the region. Therefore, in addition to the phase of the moon and the choice of favorable days, the condition of the plants is of key importance.

Before landing in a permanent location, it is important that:

  • the age of seedlings ranged from 45 to 50 days from the moment of germination;
  • plants had 5-7 real leaves, a powerful stem and a height of about 30 centimeters;
  • plants had a formed root system;
  • seedlings have passed the stage of hardening;
  • there were no night frosts;
  • daytime temperatures reached 20 degrees;
  • night temperature did not fall below 15-16 degrees

In film greenhouses, plant plants from late April to mid-May. For those who grow vegetables in the open field, the planting period begins in mid-May. In middle and northern latitudes, this period shifts to the end of May and lasts until mid-June.

According to the lunar calendar, the best period for planting in closed greenhouses and open ground in May is on the 18th-19th, and also from May 24 to 28. May 15 is considered an unfavorable day. In June, the moon enters the growing phase from the 14th. It continues until June 27th.

Benefits of planting tomatoes on auspicious days

The right time for planting seeds and plants in the ground is of great importance. Along with proper care, it affects the development of plants during growth and formation of the ovary.

  1. Fast germination. If you sow the seeds in the growing phase, then the plants germinate in a shorter time. The first sprouts appear after 5-6 days.
  2. Powerful root system. Plants planted on favorable days for sowing have a more powerful and well-formed root system.
  3. Picking and diseases. Plants tolerate picking better, do not get sick during the picking period, better perceive the transfer to a permanent place.
  4. Tomato development. The choice of favorable days for planting contributes to the active growth of bushes and the formation of a uniform crown.
  5. Flowering and fruit formation. Tomatoes planted in the growing phase on the correct dates give a friendly ovary, abundant flowering and a harvest. It ripens according to the terms indicated by the breeders. Also, these plants are more resistant to pests and diseases.

Depending on the method of cultivation, sowing tomato seeds for seedlings begins at the end of February. The date is determined by the variety, the rate of maturation of the crop, as well as the methods of cultivation. For this reason, experienced gardeners recommend pre-calculating favorable days for planting selected varieties. This will allow you to get strong plants and a bountiful harvest in the season.

There are early maturing tomato varieties that can be grown in a seedless way, not only in the southern regions. Usually these are undersized plants of the determinant type. Varieties can be noted: Iceberg, Vologda fruitful, Bezrassadny. But most amateur vegetable growers choose for centuries a proven seedling method of growing tomatoes. In this article you can find all the necessary information about planting tomatoes in open ground with seedlings.

Let's figure out what can affect the time of planting seedlings in open ground. Those who consider weather conditions the main factor in successful landing are right, but only in part. An equally important fact is the readiness of plants for transplanting to a permanent place and the condition of the soil.

Dates for the Moscow region

The climate in the Moscow region is temperate continental: mild winters, rainy summers, moderate air temperature. Even the most experienced gardener will not calculate the exact dates for planting a tomato in the Moscow region in advance. There is always a small error with their definition. When determining the landing time, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • beginning of spring (early, later);
  • the amount of precipitation;
  • the likelihood of frost;
  • soil temperature;
  • average daily temperature.

These criteria are important not only for the Moscow region, they are analyzed by vegetable growers in Siberia and the Urals when determining the time for planting tomato seedlings in the ground. Usually summer residents of the Moscow region begin to transplant tomato seedlings on May 10-15. The soil should be warm by this time. Its usual temperature by this time is 15 °C. If tomatoes are planted in early May, then they are covered with non-woven material at night, this helps protect young plants from unexpected frosts.

The weather in the Urals is even more difficult to predict than in the Moscow region. But with the right choice of varieties and good agricultural practices, summer residents do not complain about tomato crops. Varieties need to be selected early and mid-early ripening, it is better to plant plants of the determinant type in open ground.

Consistently warm weather in the Urals comes in June, so it is easier to plant tomato seedlings in the first decade of June. But Russian summer residents are not looking for easy ways. They build warm beds and start planting seedlings in open ground in early to mid-May, covering the beds with lutrasil.

Without shelter, tomatoes in the Urals can suffer from frost, so seedlings are planted in open ground in the first decade of June. At this time, you can not be afraid of frosts and do not waste time and energy on sheltering seedlings planted in the ground.

For Siberia, the usual time for planting tomato seedlings in open ground is from June 7 to 15. In some years, when spring is early and frosts are not promised, tomatoes can be planted in the ground early under covering material.

Most summer residents employed in their main work are not in a hurry with planting, they plant seedlings of early and medium-early varieties in June and in August they harvest part of the crop at the stage of biological maturity, the other part at the stage of technical ripeness and ripen the fruits during autumn.

There are many supporters of agroastrology among gardeners. It is very convenient to open the lunar calendar, find the dates of the days favorable for planting seedlings in the ground, and carry out all the work using the recommendations of scientists.

Proponents of planting vegetables according to the lunar calendar claim that the yield, if all recommendations for planting and care are strictly followed, increases by 30%. Auspicious days for planting indeterminate varieties are the days before the full moon. Low-growing varieties grow better at the beginning of the waxing moon phase.

Auspicious and unfavorable days

In March, favorable days for sowing seeds are 1, from 17 to 20 and from 24 to 28.

Having at hand the lunar calendar for your region, you can use it to find out all the favorable days for fertilizing and picking seedlings, as well as other work on caring for tomatoes in the open field.

Table of favorable days for different regions

What you need to know to properly plant seedlings in open ground? First of all, a long-term weather forecast. The lunar calendar gives useful advice, but knowing the forecasts of weather forecasters will not hurt. It is necessary to grow viable seedlings, choose a plot of land suitable for growing tomatoes, prepare it in accordance with all the rules and at the right time.

Important! A ridge for a tomato should be prepared a week before planting.

Knowing the landing rules will not hurt:

  • choosing the right hole layout;
  • knowledge of the basic techniques of transplantation;
  • know what fertilizers can be added to the planting holes;
  • competent watering of seedlings.

seedling age

External signs indicating that your tomatoes are ready for transplanting:

  • stem about 35 cm high (not lower than 25 cm), 0.5 cm thick;
  • the number of leaves is at least 6 pieces;
  • developed root system;
  • brushes with buds, two each in an early ripening variety, one each in a medium-late and late plant.

Reference. The height of the seedling is determined by measuring the distance from the crown to the root collar.

In the table you can see the age of seedlings ready for transplanting, depending on the timing of ripening.

The planting pattern depends on the variety. Characteristics that define it:

  • height of the central stem;
  • bush type according to growth type (indent, det);
  • bush formation scheme (1, 2, 3 stems, without formation).

Gardeners practice two types of planting tomatoes in the open field: square-nested, tape-nested.

The square-nest planting method is suitable for tall varieties. Seedlings sit in the corners of the square. As it grows, there is sufficient space for processing the bushes and the soil between them. It is convenient to take care of tall bushes with this scheme. A tape-nesting scheme is needed when as many plants as possible need to be placed in a small area.


Landing holes must be made directly at the time of planting. Taking a seedling bush out of the container, it is easy to estimate the volume of the root system and form a planting hole of the desired depth and width.

Seedlings are well watered the day before, so that during transplantation, the root system suffers less from mechanical damage during transshipment. The clod of earth around the root should not be destroyed, it should completely fit into the dug hole. It remains to sprinkle the roots with earth and water well. Healthy seedlings with proper transplantation practically do not get sick, it takes a couple of days to adapt.

Land preparation

First, we determine the landing site. We choose the beds where onions, carrots, cucumbers or cabbage grew last season. All of these crops are considered good predecessors for tomatoes.

Reference. Dig the soil to a depth of 25 cm.

We prepare the soil in several stages, they are different for soils of different types. Some work must be carried out in the fall, others in the spring:

  1. In autumn, sand is introduced into heavy soils (clay, loamy). The procedure is called sanding. The standard sand consumption is 10 kg/m².
  2. Liming of acidic soils is carried out once every 3-5 years in autumn. The approximate consumption of lime is 0.8 kg / m².
  3. Disinfection is carried out annually in early spring. Copper sulphate is used, consumption is 1 l / m².
  4. Increasing soil fertility with organic fertilizers can be carried out in spring and autumn. Under digging, humus (cow, horse) or mature compost is introduced. Consumption depends on the fertility and structure of the soil (from 3 to 7 kg/m²).
  5. Mineral fertilizers are applied annually: urea in spring 20 g/m², in autumn (spring) superphosphate 60 g/m², potassium sulfate 20 g/m².

We plan to work on transplanting seedlings into open ground for the second half of the day. The heat subsides and the sun shines not so brightly. On the eve of the seedlings, we water abundantly, it will be easier to get it out of glasses or from common boxes.

Prepare the soil a week before planting:

  • dig a shovel on a bayonet;
  • add organic matter (humus, compost, peat, ash, sand), proportions and components depend on the structure and fertility of the soil;
  • according to the norm, fertilize the soil with mineral fertilizers - add superphosphate and potassium nitrate.

Two weeks before planting, treat the soil with a fungicide (Fitosporin) to prevent fungal diseases.

Choose a planting method (square-nested, tape-nested) and form holes immediately before transferring the seedling to the hole. The size of the planting hole should match the size of the earthen clod around the root. You can pour a small amount of ash into the hole, it is better to apply all other fertilizers for digging.

For each variety of tomato, the manufacturer gives precise recommendations for the placement of plants per unit area. These recommendations must be followed. When planting tall tomato varieties, a stem tie stake can be driven into the center of the planting hole even before the seedlings are transplanted. Bushes can be tied up immediately, or you can postpone this procedure for 2-3 days. Wait until the bushes adapt and take a natural position.

Overgrown tomato seedlings should not scare a novice vegetable grower. Dealing with her landing is easy. There are even some benefits. With its proper planting, additional roots are formed that improve the nutrition of the bush. The fruiting of overgrown seedlings occurs later, but in terms of the abundance of fruits and the duration of fruiting, overgrown seedlings are not inferior to standard seedlings.

For overgrown seedlings, it is necessary to form a hole not round, but oblong, deepening it on one side, the root of the overgrown bush will be located there. Part of the stem is placed in the hole and sprinkled with earth. Leaves in this area are best removed.

Sprinkle the stem and root with earth. So that the leaves do not touch the ground, a small mound must be formed from the ground, it will support the top of the plant above the ground. Water the bush. After a few days, the bush will take a vertical position, it can be easily tied to a peg.

On the stem, buried in the ground, additional roots are formed. In the presence of fertilizing and regular watering, a powerful, healthy bush grows from overgrown seedlings. In terms of yield, it will not be inferior to other bushes. If tomato care is poor, then quality seedlings will also have a poor harvest.

Watering a ditch saves time. It is not difficult to organize it. Seedlings are planted in the usual way in planting holes, placing them in rows. During the adaptation period, each bush is watered with a watering can of 3-5 liters per hole. When the tomatoes get comfortable in a new place and start growing, the bushes need to be piled up like potatoes, using an ordinary chopper for this.

Between the rows of tomatoes, grooves are formed - ditches. In order to water the tomatoes, you just need to put the hose on the edge of the ditch and let the water run. Watering is stopped when the groove is completely filled with water.

Many gardeners are switching to drip irrigation of tomatoes in the open field. To properly organize drip irrigation, you need to form narrow ridges from 0.5 to 1.2 m wide. Paths with this irrigation scheme should not be narrower than 0.5 m, it is better to make them wider - 0.7 m.

On a meter-wide ridge, 2-3 drip tapes should be laid, on a narrow ridge (0.5 m) it is enough to put 1 drip tape.

Advantages of drip irrigation:

  • water flow directly under the root;
  • economical water consumption without unnecessary losses;
  • reduction of physical labor;
  • reducing the risk of fungal diseases due to high humidity in the root zone.

The first 10 days after transplanting seedlings into the ground, tomatoes need minimal care:

  • in hot weather, cover from the midday sun with white covering material;
  • if there is a threat of return frosts, cover the plants in the evening with covering material (black, white) or PVC film;
  • do not water, during nighttime cooling spray with a solution of a stimulant: Epinom or HB

After 2 weeks, the tomatoes need a complete care. Water consumption per young bush is from 3 to 5 liters. The average frequency of watering tomatoes in open ground is 1 time per week. Adjustments are possible: in hot weather, water more often, on rainy days they take breaks and are limited to loosening row spacing and removing weeds.

Now summer residents have become more economical in using water for irrigation and it is profitable to mulch the soil. As mulch, everything that can be found in the summer cottage is used:

  • cardboard;
  • newspapers;
  • chips;
  • sawdust impregnated with urea;
  • compost;
  • straw.

The mulch layer must be thick enough to retain moisture. Mulch has another advantage: it inhibits the growth of weeds and reduces the time to remove them. Mulch for a lazy gardener is a real find, using it, you can reduce the time spent in the beds and increase the duration of rest.

The first watering is combined with the first feeding. During this period, tomatoes respond well to top dressing prepared from the mineral fertilizer nitrophoska and mullein infusion. Pour 0.5 l of mullein into a bucket of water and add 15 ml of nitrophoska. Under one bush pour 0.5 liters of this fertilizer.

It takes a little less than a month (20 days) and the tomatoes need a second top dressing. To prepare the infusion, you should use dry (granulated) chicken manure 400 g, a tablespoon of superphosphate, a teaspoon of potassium sulfate. All ingredients are dissolved in 10 liters of water. 1 liter of the working mixture is poured onto 1 tomato bush. Top dressing is carried out after watering, the earth should be wet.

The third and fourth feedings are carried out with an interval of two weeks:

  • during the third top dressing, nitrophoska (15 g), potassium humate (15 ml), water 10 l are used, 5 liters of fertilizer are poured per square meter;
  • for the fourth feeding, superphosphate (30 g) and 10 liters of water are needed, the solution consumption is a bucket per square meter.

In spring and summer, do not forget about foliar top dressing. They are especially important during cold snaps. The root system does not absorb nutrients well when the soil cools. Foliar top dressing helps plants make up for the deficiency of the necessary trace elements.

During the summer, tomato bushes need to be treated at least 3 times over the sheet with a solution of urea with the addition of potassium permanganate:

  • water 10 l;
  • urea 15 g;
  • potassium permanganate 1 g

This solution is enough to process 70 bushes. When there is a long heat and there is no rain, the tomatoes need to be treated with a solution of boric acid. First, dissolve 1 tsp of acid in a small volume of hot water, after its complete dissolution, pour into a 10 liter bucket of water or immediately into a sprayer. Foliar feeding should be carried out in the evening in dry weather, ideally if there is complete calm.

Gardeners make different mistakes when planting tomatoes in open ground.

  1. The first is done when buying seeds. They buy varieties that need to be grown in a greenhouse and plant them in open ground.
  2. Planting overgrown seedlings also affects yield. It takes longer to adapt, and if not properly cared for, it dies.
  3. A sign of overexposed seedlings is the presence of formed inflorescences. When planting such tomatoes, the inflorescences are removed so that the plant has the strength to develop the root system. Overexposed seedlings are planted in wells, abundantly watered with water, or more precisely: they are planted in the mud, so they take root faster.
  4. Another mistake of gardeners is planting their seeds obtained from hybrids on seedlings. In this case, you should not expect a good harvest. Such seeds do not retain varietal characteristics.

Planting tomato seedlings in open ground: video

SECRET!!! Planting Tomato Seedlings in Open Ground: video

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