Rating of the smartest dogs. How to find the smartest dog in the world? Ranking smart little dogs

Dogs are the most popular pets. This is not surprising, because these four-legged friends have long been considered the smartest animals, able to be not only companions for humans, but also to protect their master and serve.

These factors have become fundamental in the breeding of various breeds of dogs. Although recently the decorative exterior of dogs has come to the fore, the professional qualities of animals are still relevant. Not the last place among the qualities of dogs is intellectual abilities.

The question of which dog is the smartest has always caused a stir among dog breeders. The opinions of experts on this issue differ. Some are convinced that the smartest dogs are small breeds such as Papillon and Poodle. Other dog breeders, on the contrary, argue that dogs of large breeds have a developed intellect - Rottweiler, Labrador, Retriever. Both are right, since the size of the animal does not affect mental abilities.

Intelligence level

Stanley Koren, a specialist in the field of animal psychology, the author of the book "Canine Intelligence", identified 3 aspects of assessing mental abilities:

  1. instincts;
  2. Obedience;
  3. Adaptation.
According to Coren's theory, a dog can be considered intelligent if it exhibits all three aspects of mental development equally well. In other words, if your four-legged friend demonstrates good obedience, easily adapts to the environment and uses his instincts, then your pet is smart.


Each breed of dog has certain skills that allow them to perform tasks laid down at the genetic level. Guard, service, shepherd, hunting breeds were specially bred for certain purposes. Dog instincts play a huge role in development, socialization, understanding and obedience. For example, guard breeds often have difficulty socializing because they are suspicious by nature. This trait is inherent in them at the genetic level. If these dogs weren't suspicious, they wouldn't make good guards. Representatives of hunting breeds are prone to displaying aggression towards other animals. This feature is also part of their instinct, because for centuries these dogs had to accompany a person on a hunt.


Smart dog breeds understand their owners perfectly. Smart pets obey a person, follow commands, lend themselves well to training and are happy to learn something new. Not all four-legged pets can boast of such abilities. Some breeds of dogs, having high intelligence, are in no hurry to follow the commands of a person, as they are prone to dominance. Raising such pets requires perseverance, patience and consistency. However, this does not mean that these dog breeds are stupid. On the contrary, these four-legged pets demonstrate cunning, ingenuity, independence, and the ability to make decisions without human intervention.


The ability to adapt to various conditions of life, an adequate response to the environment and the specific situation is a very important criterion. The degree of calm attitude of the pet to people and children, new conditions of detention, other animals depends on this ability. Not all breeds have adaptive intelligence. For example, companion dogs have a hard time being separated from their owners. However, it is a great affection for a person that makes them loyal friends.

Rating of the smartest dog breeds

We present you the ranking of the smartest four-legged friends based on research and statistics. But, choosing a pet, you should not focus solely on his mental abilities, because the temperament and disposition of the dog play an important role. In the end, you choose a faithful and loving friend for yourself, and not a champion in the mathematical Olympiad.

Tell your friends

A person, thinking about acquiring a puppy, rarely remembers responsibilities. The owner teaches the dog the rules of behavior, adequate reactions to different circumstances. When the training period begins, the breeder realizes that not every dog ​​is easy to deal with. The first ones understand the commands quickly, easily, the second ones need to be explained, repeated 80-100 times (without exaggeration)! Let's figure out which breeds are considered the most intelligent and obedient.

The group under consideration included breeds of dogs that memorize a new command from 1-5 repetitions, perform the task on demand in 95-100 percent of cases!

Border Collie

A smart dog was specially bred with the indicated parameters. Among the domestic dog breeds, border collies are the smartest! Confirmed by the breeders of the breed, outside observers, cynologists, breeding institutions. Dogs have a number of advantages:

  • average sizes, allowing you to get a dog outside the city, in urban conditions;
  • noticeable activity makes the owner mobile - important in modern society;
  • the highest ability to learn will facilitate the process of training and education;
  • life expectancy - 16 years;
  • suitable as a gift for a teenager over 12 years old;
  • gets along with the owner's family, children, animals, strangers;
  • companion, pet, shepherd of sheep in villages, villages.

Note the complex nuances for the owner. The coat of the pet will have to be constantly looked after. Fur is the pride of the Border Collie! You need to bathe your pet up to 4 times a year. Not ready to show mobility, play, run with a dog, walk at least a couple of hours a day - do not look closely at the described breed. Suitable for active people who love guests, sports, family walks, outings.


It is difficult to single out in the mind a specific variety of a group of breeds. Poodles are classified: simple (classic), miniature, toy. Classical ones are recognized as obedient and intelligent, many assure. Dogs win prizes in a number of sports competitions. Known services to the circus. Poodles are noble helpers in various areas of life, although they were originally used exclusively for duck hunting.

The largest poodles - classic - differ in qualities:

  • an exceptional mind will help simplify education, teaching teams;
  • mobility will please the owner, make a person more active;
  • the absence of periods of molting will please housewives - you do not have to collect wool from carpets and furniture. Wool does not cause allergies in allergy sufferers;
  • skill, love of swimming makes the dog an excellent companion when going to the beach;
  • suitable for children over 7 years old;
  • gets along with people, animals;
  • life expectancy reaches 18 years.

The poodle will have to be carefully looked after. The complexity of the process is rated above average. Bathing takes place a couple of times a month. Dressura is considered simple. Those who have already got a pet assure that they understand the commands the first time. A smart dog with a lively mind - that's what they say.

German Shepherd

One of the most famous dog breeds in the world! There are representatives of medium, large sizes. The German Shepherd is registered with the American Kennel Club as the second largest. The breed was bred as a shepherd of sheep, it is impossible not to notice the mind, strength, obedience of the dog. Subsequently, the "Germans" were used in search and rescue operations, in the service of the police, the army, to help the disabled, protect homes, and other private areas.

  1. It does not require fundamental care - bathe up to 3 times a year, comb out the coat during molting.
  2. Kept in the house. Get along in the apartment, subject to regular, active walks.
  3. They live on average up to 15 years.
  4. Cunning - requires utmost attention in education.
  5. In training, they understand quickly, but they are too lazy to perform. It takes patience, perseverance, cunning.
  6. A child from 9 years old can work with a shepherd dog. Help from parents will help.
  7. Suitable for any person, family, provided there is no allergy and laziness.

Instant friendliness towards strangers is not characteristic. They are wary of strangers, get used to it gradually. Recognizing a person, they will protect, appreciate, respect, recognizing the leader. So that the German Shepherd does not become dangerous - does not show aggression, does not bite - it is important to socialize the dog. It is required to work with a professional cynologist to receive a full-fledged training, educational process.

Golden retriever

Large breed will not leave anyone indifferent. The attractive dog has a chic coat, as if shimmering in the sunlight. The difficulty in keeping a pet is caring for the pet's hairline. It's hard at first, then you get used to it. The Golden Retriever is a hunter by nature. They love water, swim, they will be happy to keep company in the river, pool. Better obedience courses are given - basic, advanced standard.

  1. The breed is friendly, good-natured.
  2. Dogs are confident, easily make the necessary decision.
  3. They love children, are patient with their antics and behavior.
  4. Suitable for children from 11 years old for self-education.
  5. Easily find a common language with strangers, play with them.
  6. Training seems to be the simplest, because the pet is trying to please the owner.
  7. They live on average up to 13 years.
  8. They need bathing 2 times a year. A haircut is needed regularly.
  9. Keep an eye on the condition of the ears - a tendency to infection has been noticed.
  10. Intelligence is in the blood - do not take it as guards, they even bark a little.
  11. Suitable for hunting, for official purposes (search and rescue), to help the blind (guides).

doberman pinscher

The Doberman is a medium sized standard large breed. Known as devoted comrades, intelligent, vigilant. The latter makes it clear why dogs are used as watchmen. The guard dog singles out a single owner. Most strangers are perceived with suspicion, wariness. If you take care of socialization, the dog will become a devoted pet, a pleasant pet for the family, guests of the house.

  1. Doberman lives 12 years.
  2. Bathing is required 2-3 times a year.
  3. The coat is practically maintenance-free.
  4. Suitable for educating teenagers from 14 years old.
  5. The level of complexity of education is high.
  6. Training is easy.
  7. They treat children living in the same family well.
  8. They get used to, make friends with other animals growing in the house.
  9. Doberman Pinschers require high activity, frequent games, running.

Remember to keep your pet warm in winter. The coat of the breed is short, they freeze in the snow season. Get ready to buy warm clothes for your four-legged friend. It is advisable to do this from puppyhood, otherwise wayward, stubborn puppies will grow up in a dislike for warm clothes.


Everyone knows the Collie breed, few have heard of the Sheltie. Those who met the Sheltie confidently call him a miniature Collie! A small working dog, bred specifically to help the shepherd with herding the flock. Initially, it was believed that dogs cope only with a similar task. In fact, animals are smart, understanding. In addition, they are attractive.

Describing Sheltie is easy:

  1. Smart, therefore included in the list of obedient dogs of the world.
  2. Energetic, needs time on walks.
  3. Attached to the owner, ready to please for praise, encouragement.
  4. Kind, aggression is not peculiar, although it is not excluded.
  5. They love children and often play with pleasure.

Shelties are used to herd sheep and remain unsurpassed helpers. They are considered therapy dogs. If you feel lonely or sad, spend time with your pet. Feel the result soon! They are used to help people who find themselves in a difficult life situation, who have suffered a natural disaster in their lives.

Labrador Retriever

Smart dog breeds are more often a hunting species. The Labrador Retriever is no exception. The breed is considered the most famous guide dog. An ideal companion for the disabled, the elderly, single people, families. Suitable pet for people with autism. Dogs are used in law enforcement as valuable employees!

Breed features:

  • Pleasant character - kind, sane, accommodating;
  • Perfect sense of smell - useful in the service, hunting, in life with the family;
  • They are distinguished by a "soft mouth" - it allows you to look after small children without danger to them. The property allows you to be ideal game hunters;
  • Balance allows you to get a puppy in a family with a small child. Ideal family dog;
  • Easily converges with people, animals;
  • Labrador Retrievers are easy to care for and the coat does not require much grooming. Bathing is required up to 2 times a year;
  • They are considered pets without flaws.

It is possible to start a breed in an apartment. Walking is unacceptable. It is advisable to walk longer, play more often, make walks active. Keep walking for at least 2 hours a day, combining games, walking with fast running. When kept outdoors, it is necessary to provide a warm room!

A smart dog is everyone's dream. When choosing a four-legged friend, everyone asks the question: “Which dogs are the smartest and most loyal?” It should be noted that all animals are quite smart, but some breeds cope with certain tasks better than others. In our article, we want to find out which dogs are the most trainable and reliable. What is the rating of dogs in terms of intelligence?

Border Collie

According to the largest organization of dog breeders in the United States, which compiled a rating of dogs by intelligence, the first place was taken by the Border Collie breed, bred in the UK. These animals have serious mental abilities and a craving for serving people. According to many independent polls, it is this breed that leads the lists.

She was bred in England by selecting the best specimens from which new puppies were obtained. The border collie was supposed to herd animals, so the dogs were taught to be hardy and unpretentious in food, attentive, able to learn quickly, memorizing everything new on the fly. The breed was officially registered in 1915, although it was known as early as the 18th century.

The Border Collie is very wary of strangers, but does not show aggression. But with the owners, she is playful, sensitive and attentive. The collie dog, whose characteristics are given in the article, is distinguished by obedience, which means that it is very easy to train. Puppies start training at eight months old. And in a year and a half or two, the dog will easily carry out all your commands. Perhaps for this reason, the border collie is recognized as the best dog for all competitions. It is quite simple to prepare it for the exhibition, agility, freestyle, flyball. Obedience makes it possible to use representatives of this breed to help rescue groups.

The habits of the smartest dogs

The Border Collie is a rare hard worker. She likes an active lifestyle. Dogs willingly perform at exhibitions, they can graze sheep. Because of this thirst for activity, the Border Collie is not recommended to be kept in an apartment, since she constantly needs to engage in physical and mental labor.

Dogs of this breed are very playful and cheerful, from a very young age they need society, and therefore they need to devote enough time. They can be wary of strangers until they become friends. But to their relatives they can sometimes show some aggressiveness, but only at first.

When it comes to intelligence, the Border Collie tops the list of dogs in terms of intelligence. At a young age, animals can afford pampering, having matured, they behave like smart, calm creatures. Therefore, they are excellent companions.

In general, when thinking about what breed of dog to get, be sure to think about the border collie. A friendly, active, cheerful, intelligent animal will become the most wonderful friend of the whole family. Since the dog loves communication, you will not be bored with it. She will not sit still, looking for all the new entertainment and work. In addition, the Border Collie is distinguished by its devoted attitude towards its owners.

Representatives of this breed can have both long and short hair of medium hardness. It protects the animal well from the weather and almost does not absorb bad odors. Therefore, contrary to the opinion of many people, caring for an animal is not as difficult as it might seem. The dog just needs to be combed several times a week. But training should be approached with all seriousness, starting it as early as possible.


The rating of dogs by intelligence is able to surprise inexperienced dog breeders with its representatives. Who do you think is in second place? Very unexpected, but it's a poodle. It turns out that these are very smart dogs. They are able not only to perform with circus programs (although not all dogs can do this), but also for many other actions. For example, poodles are excellent swimmers, they can save a drowning person. quite a lot: there are small and large. There are even hunting poodles that help the owners during the bird hunt. Therefore, it should be noted that it is not by chance that they ended up in the ranking in second place.

We somehow got used to the fact that a poodle is such a curly-haired funny kid from childhood. But in fact, large representatives of the breed are excellent defenders of their owners, so you should not treat them with disdain.

There is an opinion that the poodle is a female dog, but this is not entirely true. This is a beautiful, athletic, active animal, proud and strong. This breed has become one of the most popular in the world. Meanwhile, poodles have a long history. Although they are the national breed of France, their roots go back to Northern Europe. Once they were exclusively hunting dogs.

Poodles come in four sizes. The largest representatives are able to protect their owner, but you should not take such a dog as a guard, because poodles are very good-natured creatures and will never attack the enemy themselves. In addition, the animal needs to be given a lot of attention, it needs your praise and affection.

A large poodle must certainly take a dog training course, his outstanding abilities will find worthy use. Even toy breeds don't want to just sit on their hands. They need active leisure. They love long walks. It is important for them that the owner was next to them. Poodles are always ready to fool around and play. If you take care of the dog and pay due attention to it, then it will bring a lot of joy and fun to your family.

German Shepherd

Continuing to discuss the rating of dogs by intelligence, it should be noted that the German Shepherd takes the third place in it. There are many conjectures about the origin of this breed, but the truth was lost somewhere in the mists of time. However, it is known for certain that in the seventh century AD, such a dog already existed in Germany.

Representatives of the breed are very smart and devoted to man, so they rightfully took their rightful place in the list of the smartest dogs. Shepherds are great for the role of guards, unlike the soft and good-natured poodles. It is not for nothing that the police use this particular breed of dog as assistants.

I would like to note that on the territory of the USSR in the service of internal organs and border guards there was not a simple dog - an East European Shepherd Dog. It was bred in the thirties specifically as a service breed for the army and the needs of the national economy. The progenitor of the breed was the German Shepherd, imported from Germany.

In general, these animals are among the most trainable and intelligent, but they must certainly be dealt with. The beginning of German Shepherd training should take place at a very young age. This is a difficult process, but you can't do without it. This will require a lot of patience and perseverance. However, in no case cruelty, otherwise the dog may become naughty.

Concerning shepherds there was a stereotype of aggressiveness. But this is a wrong assumption. Such behavior in an animal can be formed under the influence of improper upbringing. The German Shepherd will certainly be protective of its owners and distrustful of strangers, but by nature it is non-aggressive.

Golden retriever

By distributing dog breeds by intelligence, connoisseurs singled out an honorable fourth place for the golden retriever.

He has a calm, sometimes even too imposing character. The character of the animal perfectly combines such traits as sensitivity, calmness, the ability to easily master new knowledge and skills. In the process of training dogs show exceptional diligence and efficiency. The animal is always ready to come to the rescue, gets along well with children. In addition, the Golden Retriever is completely non-aggressive towards strangers and animals.

Very often, representatives of this breed are used as guides for blind people and for medicinal purposes. Remarkably, such a dog is suitable for children with psychological problems. Retriever training usually causes absolutely no problems. Dogs are excellent swimmers and love the water. They take root well both in apartments and in private houses. Life expectancy is twelve to fourteen years.

doberman pinscher

Dobermans, short-haired working dogs that were bred in Germany, rank fifth in the ranking of the smartest dogs.

Representatives of the breed are outstanding personalities who need not only good care, but also a healthy family climate. They can reveal all their potential abilities only in patient and intelligent hands. Dobermans are very smart, but they need good training, otherwise they can simply become uncontrollable. Training is a mandatory element of education, otherwise a remarkable mind can only work towards pranks and tricks. This breed of dog can, if necessary, protect its owner.

Scottish Sheepdog or Sheltie

Among the huge variety of Tervuren, Malinois, Groenendael) I would like to highlight the Sheltie. In fact, this is a miniature collie. Those who have wanted a Collie for a long time and did not dare to get one because of their size should think about the Scottish Shepherd. It should be noted that the animal is not only very beautiful, but also capable. The Sheltie is distrustful of strangers, she does not like the obsessive desire to scratch her behind the ear. The Scottish Shepherd is well trained.

Labrador Retriever

Sometimes people mistakenly believe that the Labrador and Retriever dog breeds are two completely different species. In fact, they are the same animal. The breed was bred for hunting. However, the creature turned out to be playful, perky, loving. Therefore, representatives of the breed have become ideal family dogs around the world. Labrador retrievers love to walk, play and frolic. They are ready to engage in active entertainment all day long. Such a dog is suitable for any family, the only condition for keeping it is sufficient time for walking. The nature of the Labrador is so accommodating that even a child of ten years old can cope with his upbringing.


Papillon takes the eighth place in the list of the smartest dogs. This breed has a regal history as the ancestors of the modern species were favorites in the royal court. Not every breed can boast of such a past.

Papillon - a descendant originated in the fourteenth century, and France and Belgium are considered their homeland. A distinctive feature of this species is the beautiful ears, similar to the wings of butterflies. The breed owes its bright past at court primarily to its mind.


The Rottweiler rightfully takes the ninth place among the smartest animals. Dogs of this breed are distinguished not only by their power and strength, but also by their poise of character.

Rottweilers are very hardy, they love to work, they are always energetic and full of energy. They are devoted protectors of their masters. As a general rule, dogs tend to form very close relationships with only one member of the family.

Rottweilers are courageous and self-confident. But a timid person is absolutely not suitable for them as a master, because firmness and confidence will be needed in raising an animal. With a good trainer, Rottweilers learn very quickly all the necessary things, but they definitely need training and firm discipline. They need a lot of space to play as they have a lot of energy. An important quality of the Rottweiler is the ability to get along with even the smallest children.

australian shepherd

Rounding out the top ten most intelligent dogs is the Australian Shepherd. It was bred artificially in America in the twentieth century. It is not exactly established which breeds were mixed, but the experiments were so successful that at present people all over the world enjoy the company of a devoted and reliable friend.

Continuation of the list of smartest dogs

Further on the list of the smartest dogs there are sixteen more representatives. All of them have good performance characteristics. Learning different commands takes place in five to fifteen repetitions. Dogs quickly remember everything new, but only practical exercises can improve the results. So, the list continues with the following breeds:

  • Pemboroke Welsh Corgi.
  • Miniature Schnauzer.
  • Springer Spaniel (English).
  • Belgian Shepherd Tervuren.
  • Groenendael.
  • Collie.
  • The Shorthaired Pointer is a hunting and companion dog.
  • Cocker Spaniel (English).
  • Epaniol Breton.
  • Belgian Shepherd Malinois.
  • Pomeranian spitz.
  • Irish spaniel.
  • Hungarian Hound.
  • Welsh corgi cardigan.

Perhaps, all the breeds listed by us are distinguished by excellent mental abilities. No wonder many of them have gained popularity all over the world. Of course, many breeds have long lost their true purpose, such as the Belgian Shepherd Malinois and many others, and are now simply wonderful pets and just friends of man.

Each breed has its own history, and some species have evolved over centuries, gaining better performance. However, it should be noted that times are changing, the requirements for dogs are changing. If, for example, strong, hardy animals were previously valued, like the kurtshaar - a hardy and athletic dog, then at present, completely miniature salon dogs have come into fashion, requiring increased attention to themselves.

Perhaps many will not agree with the presented rating of the smartest dogs and will be right, because for each owner his four-legged friend is the smartest and most talented.

And for those who are just thinking about getting a pet, you should definitely consider what kind of dog you want to see next to you. It's no secret that everyone wants to get a smart pet that will become a real family member. However, it should be understood that any dog ​​will require a lot of attention from you. In order for the animal to show all its abilities, it is necessary to regularly train it and surround it with care.

It will be difficult for a person who is not knowledgeable in this matter to determine which breed of dog is the smartest. After all, the mental development of a dog, however, like a person, can depend both on natural abilities and on its upbringing. Therefore, the most intelligent dogs are a combination of intellectual natural data, breed characteristics and inclinations, as well as the degree of skills obtained as a result of competent and effective training.

Who “measured” dog intelligence and how?

This issue has been taken seriously by Stanley Coren, a professor of psychological sciences who has studied the intellectual data of dogs at a Canadian university.

He revealed his scale of mental abilities in dogs by a wide survey of trainers - specialists in America and Canada. Among the huge variety of dog breeds subjected to training, the latter were asked to identify the most intelligent among them according to the following indicators:

  1. learning new commands;
  2. the speed of obtaining the skill of their execution.

Classifier of intellectual data in dogs

In the book of S. Koran, in addition to analyzing the mental abilities of dog breeds, the concept of the intelligence of dogs is revealed, and its classification is established. It turns out that the mental abilities of these four-legged are divided into three subspecies:

Rating of intellectual features of dogs

According to Stanley Coren himself, breed characteristics should also be taken into account, that is, for what purposes the breed was bred, and taking this information into account, educate dogs. In total, when compiling such a rating as the top of the smartest dog breeds, about eighty breeds are involved, divided into six sections according to intellectual data.

10 dog breeds with the best intelligence

The first group of Professor Coren's classifier includes the 10 most intelligent dog breeds, whose intelligence has the highest scores in all three components (as mentioned earlier, these are instinctive, adaptive and obedient intelligence). So, the top 10 smart dog breeds in the ascending line.

Aussie (Australian Shepherd) - 10

Artificially bred by mating a Scottish Sheepdog and a Pyrenean Cattle Dog. This breed of dog is an excellent assistant in grazing large (and small) cattle, so this dog needs a long stay in the air and an active lifestyle.

It is these features that the trainer should take into account. In addition, the Australian Shepherd Dog is very kind to other animals and children, it is an excellent protector, perfectly assimilating and remembering what the owner requires of it.

Rottweiler - 9

A prerequisite for the training of this powerful guard breed is the firmness, patience and intelligence of the trainer himself, otherwise there is a risk of growing an uncontrolled aggressor. With a competent approach to the upbringing of this representative of the Molossians, you will get a balanced, well-performing his official mission, an energetic hard worker.

Papillon - 8

This small sofa dog is of French-Belgian origin.
It can deservedly be considered a leader in the category of "the smartest small dog breeds" for the following reasons: it is not only a very loyal and loving dog, but also an excellent student who instantly learns new commands and is distinguished by a sharp mind and intellectual capabilities.

"Papillon" - in translation means "butterfly", as the puffy amusing ears of a little intellectual resemble the wings of an air insect.

Such small smart dog breeds like papillons are very fond of frolicking, they are active on walks, they are great friends for children.

Therefore, representatives of this breed are simply ideal for keeping in an apartment.

Labrador - 7

This dog first appeared on the island of Newfoundland. They are great friends for children, in addition, dogs of this breed are used in the search for missing people, as well as drugs. This is a very kind and affectionate dog, so an aggressive guard is not about her. But the Labrador will perfectly brighten up the life of an elderly person who does not have good eyesight, performing the functions of a guide dog.

Sheltie - 6

This is a small copy of the Scottish Shepherd - Collie. This short-legged dog was used, like its larger brother, for herding sheep, but later finally established itself as a home companion and an excellent companion for both children and the elderly. This shepherd dog has a sharp ear and a solid memory, due to which it is very susceptible to education.

Doberman - Pinscher - 5

Like the Rottweiler, it is a service-guard breed.
The level of natural mental data is very high, so the Doberman needs firm and intense training. Otherwise, this muscular strong guard dog will turn into an uncontrollable aggressive tyrant. As a result of competent upbringing, an excellent guard, protector, reliable friend for the whole family is obtained. Such dogs are widely used for official purposes by police and military personnel.

Golden Retriever - 4

In the list, which includes the most intelligent dogs, the Retriever dog takes pride of place at number 4.
Brought to England by sailors in the 19th century. Retriever dog breed has by nature very high mental performance, is characterized by increased susceptibility to training, literally immediately learns the required commands.

This rather large dog will be an excellent good friend for adults and children, however, his upbringing does not accept rudeness and harshness, so it is better to choose a different breed to perform security and watchdog functions. However, the Golden Retriever dog breed is an excellent searcher (both people and objects), irreplaceable guides and the smartest rescuers.

German Shepherd - 3

Deservedly included in the top three leaders of the rating. This is a rather powerful and strict-looking dog, perfectly assimilating commands and remembering the acquired skills for life. An excellent guard, the smartest search engine and a sensitive guide. Such a dog can be adopted both as a friend and a watchman for the whole family, since being gentle and affectionate to the master's children, this dog is able to show significant aggression towards those who have come to its territory with evil.

Poodle - 2

It is undeservedly considered a "sofa dog" of a purely decorative purpose.
This is such an intelligent and gifted dog that it has gained fame as one of the most unpretentious and adaptable to climatic conditions.

It is noteworthy that the most intelligent dogs of the breed are currently used for circus performances, in addition, poodles also showed themselves well as helpers for shepherds and hunters. The trainer needs to remember that poodles are highly energetic and therefore need an active lifestyle and long walks. There is no better friend for outdoor play than the Poodle dog!

Border Collie - 1

The undisputed leader among the smartest dogs in the world!

Such fame about the breed takes place due to the fact that they not only perceive new skills from the first signs and words and remember them for life, but also undergo training with pleasure.

Such dogs prefer to serve their owners, the use of acquired skills in everyday life is a joy for them. Great as a friend for the whole family, a developed sense of smell allows it to be an indispensable assistant in hunting. But, like poodles, these dogs need active outdoor play and long, intense walks.

The largest organization of dog breeders in the United States (American Kennel Club) has compiled a rating of dog breeds that are highly intelligent and can perform certain tasks better than other dogs. Let's figure out which dogs are the smartest.

1. The smartest dog is the Border Collie

In first place was the Border Collie breed, which was bred in the UK. These dogs are distinguished by an extraordinary instinct and craving for the service of man. They are considered the smartest dogs in many ratings.

2. The smartest dog - German Shepherd

The second line of the ranking of the smartest dogs went to the German Shepherd. Representatives of this breed, according to experts, are highly intelligent at work and are considered the best service dogs for the military and security forces.

3. The smartest dog - Bloodhound

The third position in the ranking of the most intelligent dogs was occupied by the Bloodhound breed, bred by the clergy back in the 13th century. Bloodhounds are extremely balanced dogs, they almost never show aggression. They are very hardworking, considered the best in training and education, often involved in the police and rescue services.

4. The smartest dog - Beagle

Representatives of the Beagle breed took fourth place in the list of the most intelligent dogs. They have a strong sense of smell, which makes dogs indispensable in search work. Beagles are often used to hunt rabbits and hares.

5. The smartest dog - Labrador Retriever

Considered the smartest guide and guide dogs, Labrador Retrievers round out the top five. They are highly trainable and are the most popular family dog ​​in the US.

Other rankings of the smartest dogs

Earlier, in 1994, Stanley Coren (b. 1942), professor of psychology at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver (Canada), compiled an intelligence scale for dogs of 133 breeds. In the course of his research, Coren interviewed dog trainers and US show ring judges. Based on the results, the professor wrote the instantly popular book The Intelligence of Dogs. This book became a bestseller. In his book, the author considers three aspects of the intelligence of dogs:
  • instinctive intelligence;
  • intelligence of obedience;
  • adaptive intelligence.
Instinctive intelligence allows the dog to perform functions that are already set genetically, for example, shepherding or guarding. Adaptive intelligence manifests itself when performing tasks with the help of its own forces. Obedience intelligence is the dog's ability to learn to follow human commands. It was the intelligence of obedience that formed the basis of the rating of the most intelligent dog breeds, which Stanley Coren presented in his book. Koren obtained data on the ability of dogs to perform various commands by interviewing dog training judges in the United States and Canada. The author himself admits the limitations of his approach to determining the intellectuality of a particular breed, since sledding or hunting breeds of dogs must have a significant degree of independence in order to successfully solve the tasks they face, for this reason they are less inclined to follow commands than domestic dogs. Therefore, despite the fact that sled or hunting dog breeds rank much lower than domestic breeds, this does not always mean that domestic breeds are unambiguously smarter. In addition, the author notes in his study that relatively recently bred dog breeds are more trainable than ancient breeds of dogs, the genotype of which is closer to that of a wild wolf;

1st group of dogs - Einsteins - the most capable dog breeds

From 1st to 10th places are occupied by the most intelligent breeds of dogs, with the highest level of obedience and working qualities. Most of them master the command in 5 or less repetitions, obey the trainer's command in an average of 95% of cases. Moreover, they respond to the command almost instantly! Training dogs of these breeds is easy and pleasant even for a beginner.
  • 1. Border Collie
Cynologists around the world recognize this breed as the smartest. These dogs love to work. They even say about the border collie that representatives of this breed live to work. Very easy to train, friendly, loves children. In general, they can be used everywhere - both as security guards, and as a nanny, and just as a smart home dog.
  • 2. Poodle
Poodles are very smart dogs, and are capable of more than jumping around in the circus, showing tricks. Previously, poodles served as both rescuers and observers. They swim well and are able to save a drowning person. Of course, there are a lot of poodles - there are big poodles, there are small ones. There are even hunting poodles that hunt birds with their owners. Larger representatives of this breed can be good protectors.
  • 3 German Shepherd
These dogs are very capable, they can be used as a guard, and as a house dog, and as a policeman. For some reason, the popularity of this breed has been declining lately - and it is being replaced by many exotic breeds that are nowhere near as smart as the German Shepherd.
  • 4 Golden Retriever
It has a lot in common with the Labrador Retriever, but the Golden Retriever is even smarter. Retrievers are very friendly, they like children, they are able to learn very quickly. They can also be rescuers, detect drugs, work as guides. By the way, retrievers are very patient.
  • 5. Doberman
Many consider representatives of this breed stupid. However, this is not the case - Dobermans just need to be trained, otherwise you will end up with an uncontrollable dog that does whatever it wants. These dogs appeared in 1800, when there was a need for a breed that could both protect and attack. It is imperative to train representatives of this breed, otherwise their outstanding mind will go to no less outstanding tricks. Very active dogs that are able to protect their owner.
  • 6. Sheltie
Dogs of this breed have a strong resemblance to collies, but they are not. Initially, Shelties also herded sheep - in our time they continue to do this, and among other things, Shelties live in cities. Shelties have a very good hearing and sense of smell, and despite their apparent decorativeness, they are able to protect their master.
  • 7 Labrador Retriever
Representatives of this breed are very popular among residents of all countries. The victorious path of this breed began with Newfoundland, and now there are Labrador Retrievers in almost every country in the world. They, like Rottweilers, serve in the police - after all, these dogs are able to detect even small doses of drugs. They are used as guides by blind people. Labrador Retrievers also work as rescuers.
  • 8. Papillon
Representatives of this breed are very beautiful and smart. Papillons were and remain a symbol of elegance. During the Renaissance, many high-ranking persons, including kings, kept dogs of this breed with them.
  • 9. Rottweiler
Today's Rottweilers descended from a similar breed, only those dogs were larger, their tails were not docked, and the main purpose of the ancestors of the Rottweilers was to bring down cattle. Yes, they were killer dogs that could handle both a cow and a large bull. Today's Rottweilers are somewhat smaller, but still the breed is distinguished by a strong, wide skeleton, large jaws. Their mental abilities are widely known. Rottweilers sometimes work in the police, and a little earlier, the owners of these dogs trained them to carry firewood and other burdens to markets or home. Do you need a protector? You found him.
  • 10 Australian Cattle Dog
This breed was bred by Australians who needed a reliable assistant to monitor huge herds of sheep. This breed is famous for its intelligence, the ability to understand the owner perfectly, and is easy to train. These dogs do not just drive obedient sheep, they are also able to cope with stubborn ones - easily biting animals, they force them to go where the shepherd points. The breed was bred relatively recently (19th century), and their abilities are widely used today. Note that these are very active and executive dogs.

2nd group of dogs - Clever - simply capable breeds of dogs

From 11th to 22nd places were divided by dogs with unsurpassed working qualities, the training of which takes from 6 to 15 repetitions. These dogs remember commands very well and will respond to the first command given 85% of the time or more. Any owner will be able to train dogs of these breeds to an excellent level, even without special patience and experience.

11. Pembroke Welsh Corgi
12. Miniature Schnauzer
13. Springer Spaniel
14. Belgian Shepherd
15. Collie
16. German Spitz (Keeshond)
17. Kurzhaar
18. English Cocker
19. Standard Schnauzer
20. American Cocker
21. Pomeranian
22. Cardigan Welsh Corgi

3rd group of dogs - Capable guys - breeds of dogs with good ability

From 23rd to 38th places are occupied by breeds with above-average training abilities. These dogs begin to understand simple new commands in 15 to 25 repetitions, but you must repeat the learned commands periodically. Dogs of these breeds respond to the first command in 70% of cases or more often. If the training is irregular or the trainer is inexperienced, the commands will be carried out through the stump deck or generally passed over deaf ears.

23. Yorkshire Terrier
24. Giant Schnauzer
25. Airedale Terrier
26. Bouvier
27. Briard
28. Springer Spaniel
29. Samoyed
30. American Staffordshire Terrier
31. Gordon setter
32. Cairn Terrier
33. Kerry Blue Terrier
34. Irish Setter
35. Miniature Pinscher
36. English Setter
37. Pharaoh Hound
38. Dalmatian

4th group of dogs - Hard workers - breeds of dogs with average abilities

Breeds ranked 39-57 are working dogs with average abilities. They understand commands after 15 - 20 repetitions, but 25 - 40 repetitions are required for a sustainable effect. Dogs of these breeds respond to the first command in 50% of cases or more often. In the absence of regular practice, skills are forgotten fairly quickly.

39. Bedlington Terrier
40. Toy Terrier
41. Irish wolfhound
42. Saluki
43. Pointer
44. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
45. Husky
46. ​​Greyhound
47. Boxer
48. Great Dane
49. Dachshund
50. Bull Terrier
51. Malamute
52. Sharpei
53. Fox Terrier
54. Ridgeback
55. Welsh Terrier
56. Irish Terrier
57. Akita Inu

5th group of dogs - Stubborn - breeds of dogs with low abilities

Places 58 - 72 were occupied by breeds that require 25 repetitions to understand the command and 40 - 80 - for impeccable execution. They remember badly, they need to refresh their skills. These dogs love to walk on their own, make their own decisions, and only react to their owner if they are nearby. These dogs are not for beginners, their training even for an expert will not be the easiest thing.

58. Skye Terrier
59. Selyham Terrier
60. Pug
61. French Bulldog
62. Brussels Griffin
63. Italian Greyhound
64. Chinese Crested Dog
65. Japanese Chin
66. Bobtail
67. Scotch Terrier
68. St. Bernard
69. Great Pyrenean Dog
70. Chihuahua
71. Lhasa Apso
72. Bullmastiff

6th group of dogs - Simply handsome - breeds of dogs with very low abilities

Close the rating of the breed, which took from 73 to 83 places. Of course, they cannot be called incapable - they are simply very difficult in terms of training. For such breeds, sometimes more than 100 repetitions-studies of the team are required, and over a long period of time. Otherwise, the dogs will behave as if there had never been classes. Most experts consider some of these breeds to be untrainable.

73. Shih Tzu
74. Basset Hound
75. Mastiff
76. Beagle
77. Pekingese
78. Bloodhound
79. Greyhound
80. Chow Chow
81. Bulldog
82. Basenji
83. Afghan Hound

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