How long does it take for a kitten to get used to new owners? New home and new owners for the cat. If a kitten appeared in the house

An adult cat in a new house - how to help with adaptation?

In life, there are situations when it is difficult to pass by an animal and not give him help. Unfortunately, not only small kittens have to move to a new home, but also adult animals. It often happens that for some reason the owners can no longer keep a cat or a cat, especially for older people who have age-related health problems that do not allow them to pay proper attention to the pet.

Sometimes relatives take the animal to their place, and other times - strangers who are not indifferent people. But after all, an adult cat or cat is an animal with an established character, with its own habits, which do not always easily and painlessly endure moving and getting used to a new home. Moreover, cats generally tend to become attached to their place of residence. There are many cases when the cat stubbornly did not want to leave the house. Some cats run away from home if a move is planned. And a new place of residence for them is always a lot of stress. An adult animal that finds itself in such a situation needs help to adapt to a new home.

There are several important rules, following which will help an adult cat or cat adapt to a new home. To begin with, you will have to be patient in order to calmly endure all the whims of the new tenant. Cats generally tend to keep their distance, and even with strangers at all. No wonder there is a comic saying that a cat is the only animal that has domesticated itself. Therefore, if an adult cat came to you for the first time, you should not overdo it with communication, and even more so - forcefully pick it up and squeeze it. If the cat does not mind, you can stroke it a little.

It is necessary that the animal calmly examines the new territory for it, without fear looked into all corners. A new settler can hide in a secluded place and sit there without getting out for a long time. In this case, you do not need to pull him out of the shelter. Let the animal calm down and get comfortable with the new smells and sounds.

Of course, it all depends on the nature of the cat. If the cat has an affectionate, purring disposition, then it will be easier for him to get used to a new habitat and a new owner. And if the cat is wild, and has lived all his life on the street, then it will be much more difficult for him to adapt.

The main thing is to immediately provide the cat with a tray and bowls of food, and show him where they are. If the cat is accustomed to the tray, then he will immediately figure out what's what and there will be no problems. Do not forget about the scratching post if you do not want upholstered furniture to turn into tatters.

It is more difficult if there are other animals in the new house. The cat will have to get used not only to a new place, but also to new neighbors. Therefore, at first, if possible, it is better to place an adult cat in a separate room, where it will be spared from the annoying curiosity of other pets. It is better that both the tray and the bowls of food stand in the same room where the newcomer's adaptation takes place. Although, of course, not everyone agrees to the presence of a cat's tray in the room (especially if it is the master bedroom).

But, as mentioned earlier, here you need to be prepared for anything. Cats in a new place can at first go not to the tray, but in general wherever they like, show aggression, tear up wallpaper and generally do worse things, just to show everyone how unhappy they are with what is happening and draw attention to their misfortune.

Only sincere love for animals can help here. As practice shows, over time, even the most capricious cat and the most stubborn cat, if they are treated with affection and patiently taught to behave well, change for the better and fit perfectly into the new home.

And an adult animal can become attached to new owners just as sincerely as a small kitten. Sometimes such "settlers" turn out to be much more affectionate and obedient than the native feline inhabitants of the house. Sometimes fears when an adult cat moves to a new home turn out to be completely in vain, and after a few days the animal feels and behaves as if it had lived here all its conscious life.

The new tenant needs attention and affection. In the early days, he will be bored and feel uncomfortable. How quickly a kitten will get used to a new home is up to you. Your task is to help the pet get rid of fear, quickly get used to it and teach it to behave correctly in your home.

Kitten in a new home: how to prepare

Prepare the necessary things for the pet in advance: a litter tray, a filler for it, bowls for food and drink, a bed, a scratching post, brushes and a first aid kit.

It depends on the correct organization how many days the kitten will get used to the new home.

Before you take a pet, do the preparatory work:

  • Remove wires, detergents, a trash can, small items that he can swallow from the room. Hide everything that poses a danger to the baby.
  • When the kitten gets used to it, he explores the space and climbs onto the windowsill. Therefore, put a mosquito net over the window for safety.
  • Ask about the diet, food and cat litter that the previous owner used.
  • Organize for the baby his personal permanent place: a sunbed, trays with food and water. Put them in the corner.
  • Take your pet into the house before the weekend or during the holidays. So he will be surrounded by care.

Such an organization will make the pet feel safe.

How to accustom a kitten to a new home

While the baby adapts, he meows plaintively. The kitten is bored and sad for 2-3 days. It will take him no more than a week to fully get used to the new house. So that the kitten is not lonely in a new place, help him adapt.

As soon as you arrive at the house, place the pet carrier in the room. Don't force it out. The kitten will look around and, when it gets bolder, will come out by itself. Over time, open the doors of the room and give him access to other rooms. In the early days, do not allow small children and animals that live in the house to the baby. If a cat already lives in the house, wipe it with a piece of cloth. Then rub a small pet with it. The old tenant in this case will treat the newcomer friendly.

If your kitten gets lost and can't find a litter box in their new home, use a cat spray to get their attention.

To make the kitten feel that he is in a friendly atmosphere, carry him in your arms, pet him often and play with him. So he will get positive emotions. Call him by his name when you feed or pet him. If the kitten is mischievous, do not punish him physically. It is enough to say loudly: “Fu!” or spray with a water jet from a spray bottle to stop aggressive behavior.

What the first day of a kitten's stay in the house looks like, perhaps, everyone who is familiar with cats at least remotely knows. On this day, the house is filled with joy from the fact that the family has replenished with one more family member, who is now destined to be everyone's favorite and center of attention, everyone's darling and object of care all his life. As a rule, newly minted owners cannot hide their jubilation, watching how a small fluffy ball walks around the back streets of their house, sniffing carefully.

By this time, the first meeting with the kitten, as well as his move to a new place of residence, are already behind him. In addition, on the very first day, the kitten, as a rule, manages to get acquainted with a new home for itself, at least in general terms, and smell everything and everyone. However, after all, the matter is not limited to one acquaintance, and the kitten often still behaves warily and is clearly nervous. So what should be done so that the kitten as soon as possible feels confident in himself and in the goodwill of his new owners and ceases to be afraid?

First of all, it is worth saying that one of the best ways to adapt a kitten to new living conditions is direct contact with him. If the owner has the opportunity to be near the kitten constantly for two or, even better, three days, then he should take advantage of this opportunity and constantly be close to the kitten.

If the kitten does not resist, you should constantly stroke it, scratch it behind the ear and talk to it in an affectionate and calm voice - cats love this very much. You can try to put the kitten to sleep next to you - he will appreciate it. True, in this regard, there may be one small problem. If the kitten has not yet figured out where his tray is and where he should relieve himself, then at night, when he wants to go to the toilet, he can, with the best of intentions, send her straight to bed, not far from where he sleeps.

However, regardless of whether the kitten will be put to sleep with his owner or not, if the owner is everywhere next to him, he will gradually realize that where his owner is completely harmless and soon the kitten will walk after his owner. Thus, the kitten will be able to get used to the new home much faster than when it is left to its own devices. However, if he follows his owner everywhere, it is important to remain vigilant so as not to inadvertently crush the kitten, which will follow the owner as if tied.

Many owners mistakenly believe that in order for a kitten to adapt to new conditions as quickly as possible, on the contrary, it should be left alone for a long time. However, this is not the case at all. Most likely, the kitten will simply go to bed and fall asleep, not waking up until the arrival of his new owner. But with such a development of events, he really will not get used to either his master or the new housing.

Therefore, if you need to arrange a kitten for yourself, then you need to spend (at least in the first days) all your free time with him, and before each feeding, stroke him and talk to him affectionately. And only after that pour him food. Thanks to this, the animal will be able to learn that only affection promotes friendly relations between him and the owner, and is the shortest path to the cat's favorite pastime - food.

It would be useful to arrange toys throughout the house. Moving from one toy to another, the kitten will automatically explore the space and gradually cease to be afraid of being in a new home.

The owners should accustom the kitten to the presence in his life of a variety of sudden or loud sounds, which are present to one degree or another in the life of every modern person. It can be a loud TV, radio or something else. Of course, this does not mean at all that you need to shoot firecrackers (cats never get used to such sounds and they are very harmful to cat hearing), but some loud sounds should still be present in a small volume. About two days after the kitten appears in the house and becomes a full-fledged tenant, you should start turning on the TV at the volume that is comfortable for the owners, and no longer embarrass yourself in the sounds and try to muffle them.

I must say that the sooner the kitten gets the opportunity to get used to loud sounds, the stronger its nervous system will be and the better it will function.

In order for the kitten to adapt to the new environment as well as possible and get used to all the members of the new family, it is necessary that each of them does not cause him any disturbance. Therefore, residents should pay attention to the kitten as often as possible, play with it and stroke it: only in such an atmosphere will the kitten be able to quickly get used to a new home and a new family.

It will not be superfluous to introduce the kitten to strangers. The only thing to take care of in this case is that the total number of new people does not exceed two or three people per day.

As for walking on the street, it is undesirable to go out there with such a small kitten. But to go out onto the balcony, getting used to the noise of the street, it is better every day and several times.

There are moments in life when we have to move to a new place of residence. But when changing apartments, our pets may have difficulties. Therefore, you need to know how to accustom a cat to a new home.

Why do cats and cats run away from a new apartment to an old one?

It often happens that cats, having got used to the old apartment, return to it back, running away from the new one. It seems to them that the old territory, which has already been marked by them, seems more dear to them.

Especially if the previous apartment or house is located nearby. But even if it is located far away, then this is not a problem for cats, they can easily overcome long distances.

Luckily, not everyone has this problem. Many owners often move and at the same time their pets do not experience discomfort. As a rule, this is expressed in a special attachment to the owner.

But there are cats that have problems with orientation, so it will not only be difficult to start looking for an old apartment, but also just find their floor in an already familiar house.

A few ways that can help your pet not remember the previous place of residence

Let's start with the old folk way. Which, frankly, is highly questionable. Allegedly, you need to smear the cat's paws with oil and in the process of how she will lick them, her craving for the old house will decrease.

Another way is to keep the cat out of the apartment for a week. Then she will get used to it and will not want to run back. Of course, all these tips apply to those pets who are used to walking on their own. That is, which the owners let out into the street.

After a week, it is best to release at the moment when she asks to eat. Thus, she will quickly return home, as the feeling of hunger will force her to look for the easiest ways to get food.

With each subsequent day, you can release increasing the interval before feeding. Sooner or later, the cat will get used to all this.

How does a cat behave in a new apartment

Once a cat has been let into a new home, it will immediately begin to walk around its new home. Even if at this moment another pet is already present in the apartment, bypassing the territory for the cat will be a priority. Information will be read using smells from a variety of objects and after he sniffs everything, he will be interested in other pets.

Favorite places for cats are the so-called rest areas. That is, where she spends a large amount of time relaxing. She marks such places with scratches, leaving furrows on our wallpaper and furniture. Well, if this is a cat, then in the usual way for them, spraying their marks on vertical surfaces.

Moving with a cat to a village, country house or countryside

The cat constantly bypasses such vast lands and their area can be equal to one square kilometer. For cats, especially during the mating season, this area grows several times larger.

Cat territory boundaries may overlap. In this case, when going around, they try to keep a decent distance from each other. Better yet, they prefer not to meet at all.


You should not worry too much that your cat will be able to run away to the old apartment when moving. Because, basically, this only applies to those pets that are let out for a walk. But for them, we have already given the above tips on how to accustom a cat to a new home.

How to accustom a cat to a new home is of interest to those owners who have an adult animal or move with their pet. You can't just move a cat and expect it to handle the change without stress. Like people, not only adult cats, but even a kitten, do not immediately get used to a new place of life; and due to the fact that they cannot understand what caused the resettlement, adaptation is much more difficult. Therefore, it is necessary to help the pet and accustom him to change. Mistakes by the owner at the stage of getting used to a new home can cause the animal to fall into a long-term depression, which is dangerous for its physical health. The experience gained by lovers of four-legged pets will help to accustom a cat to a new home.

Mistakes in teaching

It is easier to accustom a kitten to a new place of residence than an adult animal. A number of common mistakes leads to the fact that getting used to a new place in a cat is very difficult and difficult. For an animal, many little things that seem insignificant to a person turn out to be important during this period.

The main mistakes that prevent a cat from being accustomed to a new home are::

  • ignoring the cat - after moving, she needs the maximum amount of attention so that she does not experience fear of loneliness, hiding in corners;
  • getting rid of old things familiar to the animal - having lost them, the cat is very confused;
  • introducing new animals at the same time as the cat moves to a new home - first you need to accustom your pet to it and only after that introduce new ones. The exceptions are cases when it is required to save the life of a four-legged animal, which has to be urgently introduced into the family;
  • punishing a cat for misbehavior - often a cat gets lost in a new place and cannot immediately remember where his tray is or where the scratching post hangs. The owner should not punish an animal that experiences severe stress after moving, but it is necessary to calmly accustom it to changes. To do this, you just need to remind the cat where his toilet or scratching post is, taking him to them when the need is noticed. The cat gets used to everything new gradually. Soon the pet will remember everything;
  • strangers in the house in the next 3-5 days after the cat's relocation - for an animal, even a very sociable one, the presence of strangers in the house becomes an additional shock and prevents the owners from accustoming it to a new home. Therefore, it is necessary to try at first to provide the pet with a calm environment.

Tricks of accustoming

To make it easier for a cat to survive the move, you should not completely destroy its world. A new home for an adult cat should have items that are already familiar to the pet. The animal will be easier to accustom to the changed conditions of life if the owner keeps his old things:

  1. bedding;
  2. house;
  3. scratching post;
  4. toys;
  5. bowls;
  6. tray.

Most likely, when moving, there will be a desire to change them, since rarely these old items look attractive. However, for the animal they are very important, and when moving they must be taken with you. Finding your belongings on the first day in a new home helps your pet get used to it faster. When the cat settles down in a new place, there will be no problems with replacing them with others.

Many cats try to hide when moving and are not ready to start developing the territory of their new place of residence for a long time. For the speedy elimination of such a problem, fragrant delicacies should be laid out in the apartment in different places. Even the most wary pet won't be able to resist going in search of a treat while exploring their new home. Having examined it and making sure that there is no danger, the cat will get used to it much faster.

The adaptation period will be much longer if, in addition to the house, the cat has changed its owner and must also get used to a new person. In such a situation, in order to accustom it, one must accurately learn from the previous owner about the habits of the animal and try to satisfy them. If a pet is drawn to people and wants to be petted, one cannot ignore his desires and refuse attention to a four-legged friend. When an animal, on the contrary, seeks to remain alone, one should not impose its society on it. Gradually, realizing that they love him, the cat will begin to make contact himself.

In order for a cat to easily endure moving to a new place and get used to another house, first of all, she needs the love of her owners.

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