Sports entertainment in kindergarten in the senior group together with parents. Sports entertainment (in the senior group) "Funny starts

Sports entertainment in the senior group "Funny starts"

Target: Involve children in sports. Teach children to be smart, resourceful, attentive. Familiarize yourself with the rules of conduct in the team. Correction of feelings, emotions. Gross motor development.


Dr. Aibolit,


Equipment: cubes, decanters, plastic containers with water, syringes, skis, carts, toys, small balls, large balls with handles for fitness, bilbock, (all items according to the number of teams), flags for evaluating competitions.

Entertainment progress:

The teams “Cloud”, “Sun”, “Wind”, “Asterisk” enter the hall to the music.


Hello dear participants of the sports festival!

Hello dear guests! Today we have a holiday of sports "Merry Starts"

To the sports ground

We invite you all.

Holiday of sports and health

Starts now!

1st child:

Everyone knows for sure

Physical education strengthens

Our muscles, body.

Physical education helps

Be strong and brave!

2nd child:

We wish from the bottom of our hearts

So that our results

Everyone was good.

So that they don’t know fatigue today,

They brought us all a lot of joy!


Here is the secret of health.

Be healthy! Fizkult

All: Hello!

Presenter: Fizkult

All: Hello!

surprise moment

(Barmaley runs out of breath into the hall)

Barmaley: Can I sit somewhere with you, lie down?

Presenter: Barmaley, we have a sports festival here. Who are you hiding from?

Barmaley: From Dr. Aibolit. He wants me to play sports.

Presenter: This is how it should be, Aibolit teaches you correctly. He teaches you only good things.

Barmaley: No, I'd rather sleep and scare everyone. I will be the best!

Presenter: Guys, if you don't do anything, don't brush your teeth, don't play sports, will you become strong and healthy?

Children: No, you won't!

(Barmaley hides behind the children)

Aibolit: Hello, have you seen the fat, lazy Barmaley here?

Children: Here he is!

Aibolit: Have you seen the results? (shows papers). He has a lot of diseases. And all from the fact that he does not go in for sports. Are all of you healthy? Open your mouths, tighten your tummies. Well done! Everyone is healthy. Get up Barmaley, you see how brave the guys are. Let's play sports!

Barmaley: Let's!

presenter: Stay with us on our holiday, maybe Barmaley will want to do sports. In the meantime, I invite you to the jury. It will be necessary to evaluate our competitions with flags of different colors, each team with its own color.

Let's start our competition!

1 contest

We start with a riddle: They beat him with a hand and a stick

Nobody feels sorry for him.

Why are they beating the poor guy?

And for the fact that he is inflated!

Children: It's a ball!

Relay "Who will bring the ball sooner"

(The first child has a big ball in his hands, he runs around the cube, returns and gives it to the next)

2 competition "Horses" Jumping on big balls to the cube and back.

(Children take turns passing the ball to the next player)

Musical physical minute "A deer has a big house"

An example of movements for the first verse:
- The deer has a big house.- we fold the roof of the house over our heads with our hands.
- He looks out his window.- we show a square window in front of us with our hands or we put one hand horizontally, and put the other on it and prop our cheek with our fist.
- A hare runs through the forest.- pretend to run in place.
- There is a knock on the door to him. - pretend to knock on the door.
- Knock Knock! - knock with the right foot on the floor.
- Open the door! - open the door.
- There in the forest ... - pointing with the thumb over the shoulder.
- The hunter is evil! - we represent a gun with our hands.
- Quickly open the door - we make an inviting gesture - we wave our palm towards ourselves.
- Give me a paw! -
An example of movements for the second verse:
- The deer quickly opened the door, - we open the door.
- he let the bunny into his house, - make an inviting gesture.
- bunny, bunny run - running in place.
- give me a paw - put your hand forward with the palm facing out.
- oh, oh, I'm scared, - we close our eyes with our hands.
- something doesn't feel right to me - Grab your head with your hands and shake it from side to side.
- the heart went to the heels - put the right hand on the heart

An example of movements for the third verse:
- Do not tremble, my bunny, - hug ourselves
- I looked out my window, - show with hands in front of a square window
- the evil hunter ran away, - running in place
- sit down for a while - squat a little or sit on a chair.
- Yes, I'll sit
- I no longer tremble - stand up and straighten up to your full height.
- I got scared
- You are good friend. - we put our hand forward with the palm outward or wave goodbye.

3 contest "Who will draw more water"

Near each team there is a container with water, first the first player draws water into the syringe, runs to the decanter standing on the cube in front and pours out the water, then passes the syringe to the next player.

4 competition "Bilbock"

One player from the team is selected, and the children count who will get into the cup more while the music is playing.

5 competition "Transport a toy"

Each team has a cart with toys, one of the players runs with the cart, carries the toy to the cube, returns, passes the baton.

First, Barmaley and Aibolit take part, show the children.

6 competition "Pass on skis"

The first participant puts on skis and goes to the cube, takes them off and returns to the team. The next participant runs to the cube, puts on skis there, and runs to the team.

Musical number Song "It's good in our garden"


Sports come to every home
Even where we live.
Take up sports soon
Be healthy for life!

And so our sports day is over.

Barmaley, did you understand why our guys coped with all the tasks?

Barmaley: Yes, now I will also listen to Dr. Aibolit and start playing sports.

Presenter: Well done! And now the final word is given to the jury.

The jury summarizes the results, awards medals to all participants, Dr. Aibolit treats children with vitamins.

Barmaley and Aibolit say goodbye to the children.

Sport is health,
Sport is success
Sports are cool
Sports are for everyone!

Ekibastұz қalasy әkіmdіgіbіlіm bөlіmіnіnіn dene shynyқtyruөsauyқtyru үlgisіndegі №18 "Gnomik" bobekter baқshasy kommunaldyқ memlekettіk қаzynalyқ kәsіporny

Municipal state enterprise nursery-kindergarten No. 18 "Gnomik"

physical education and health profile of the department of education of the akimat

Ekibastuz city


sports entertainment

in the senior group №11

Theme: "Fun Starts"

Conducted by: Podvizhenko M.N.

Sports entertainment in the senior group
"Family Starts"


Introducing children and parents to a healthy lifestyle through physical education and sports.


1. promotion of a healthy lifestyle;

2. implementation of continuity in the physical education of children between the preschool educational institution and the family;

3. creation of a friendly atmosphere, cheerful sports mood among the participants;

4. development of dexterity, endurance, strong-willed qualities in achieving the goal, the ability to navigate in space.


6 pcs. cones; 2 pcs. relay sticks; cubes by the number of participants; rope; 6 pcs. small balls; 2 pcs. hoops; scarves by number of families; 2 pcs. skittles.

Preliminary work with parents:

Preparation of a poster for the holiday, invitations for participating parents;
- preparation of diplomas and memorable souvenirs for the participants of the holiday;
- preparation of musical accompaniment for relay races and warm-ups.

Expected Result:

Formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle in parents;

Improving motor skills and abilities;

Education of mutual assistance, courage, dexterity, strength.

Entertainment progress:

Sounds like a fun march. Children and parents enter the hall in sportswear. Pass in a column one by one from two sides at the same time.

Leading: Sport is the key to good mood and excellent health. Physical education is useful, doubly fun physical education. After all, every minute of playing sports prolongs a person's life by one hour, and fun physical education - by two hours and even minutes. Today at our holiday we are glad to welcome the participants of the competition to once again see how strong, strong, fast, dexterous our children are, and how friendly and athletic their parents are. A respected jury will evaluate the success.

Child 1: Today we gathered our moms and dads in this hall! We call them to competitions - fun competitions.

Child 2: We will run, jump together, we will play together, we will win together in the most difficult relay races!

Child 3: Those who have never been friends with sports since childhood are those who have a cold, grow strong, dexterous, and be healthy all year round.

Child 4: Attention attention! Let's start the competition!

Leading: And now I'll ask the guys! Guys, how do sports competitions always begin?!

Children: From the workout!

Leading: Let's have a fun workout!

To cheerful music, the teams perform a warm-up.

Leading: Well done! We line up in 2 teams. So, you can start the competition - fun competitions ?! There are teams, the jury is in place. Fans, are you there?

All in unison: YES!


1 relay race "Who is faster?".

Running with a snake with baton reaches the cone, we return back with a simple run. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

2 relay race "The best sniper!".

The child sits on his father's shoulders, the child has 3 small balls, the mother holds a hoop at a distance of 2.5 m. Each ball that hits the hoop 1 point.

3 relay race "Carry and do not drop"

Dad and mom make a "high chair" (holding hands crosswise). The child sits on the "high chair" and grabs them by the neck, the parents run around the landmark and back.

4 relay "My cheerful, sonorous ball."

Children run to the landmark and back with the ball in their hands, pass it to their mothers, mothers roll the ball along the floor with their foot to the landmark and back, pass it to dads, dads hit the ball from the floor to the landmark and back.

Presenter: and now the children read poems for you:

1st child:

Love physical education

Dads, moms, kids!

Air, sports and vitamins

Everyone needs in the world!

2nd child:

Do volleyball

Rowing, swimming, football.

Launch colorful kites,

Skate in winter

Ride a bike

And always strive to win!

3rd child:

If you want to be skillful

Agile, fast,

Strong, brave,

Learn to love jump ropes

Ball, hoops and sticks!

4th child:

Never be discouraged!

Hit the target with snowballs.

In a sled from a hill, quickly rush

And get on your skis!

Here is the secret of health:

Be healthy!

Together: Physical Education Hello!

5 relay race "Running in a hoop"

The child in the hoop runs to the cone and back, then in the hoop he takes his mother, they run together, and in the end, dad joins them, and the three of them run.

6 relay "Zhmurki"

Dad is blindfolded, they hold the child in his arms, you have to snake around the landmarks at the prompt of mom, he comes back with his eyes open.

7 relay "Tug of war"

You need to pull the rope and take the pin, which is at the end of each team at a distance of 2 m.

8 relay "Sports"

Each team writes sports for one minute, one team is summer, the other is winter.

Game "Take the cube"

Players and spectators participate. The cubes are laid out in a circle less than the participants. The music plays, when the music stops playing, everyone takes the dice, who did not have enough are eliminated from the game.

Presenter: The floor is given, the jury.

The results of the sports festival are announced. Teams are being awarded. Each family is given a certificate and a gift.


Thank you all for participating

For support in difficult times.

May you be a little tired

But it's nice to see you

Next to mom and dad

Son or daughter shoulder to shoulder.

What else do you need to be happy?

If health gives sport!

If there is love and harmony in the family!

Be happy always!

To the music of the team and the audience leave the hall.

Fatkullina Anna Pavlovna
MBDOU d / s No. 84 "Snegurochka"
The Republic of Buryatia
city ​​of Ulan - Ude

Physical entertainment "Funny starts" for the senior group

Target: promotion of healthy lifestyles.
* create a festive mood;
* to involve in physical education and sports;
* develop moral and volitional qualities: speed, strength, dexterity, endurance, the ability to interact with each other, provide mutual assistance, support in a group in solving basic problems in achieving a common goal;
* educate children in positive emotions from the event.

Equipment: Music center, baskets with balls, large spoons, dice (three for each team), rackets, oversized galoshes, hoops, balls.

Preliminary work: prepare a gym, mark the start and finish, set landmarks, prepare all the necessary attributes.

Leading: Attention attention! We invite all boys and girls to the "Fun Starts" competition. I propose to take with you courage, speed, ingenuity.

Look, love

For cheerful preschool children.

Olympic hopes

Today they go to kindergarten.

Leading: And now a warm-up, so that we walk faster on the way, we ask the music to be louder, more fun.

* Walking normal one at a time,

* Walking on toes, hands up,

* Walking on heels, hands behind the back,

* Walking half-sitting, hands on knees,

* Normal running,

* Running with straight legs forward,

* Running with overlapping legs back,

* Attached gallop right and left side.

Leading: And now the "Dim" teams and the "Brave" teams greet each other.

Team greetings.

Leading: Today we will have a competition between the teams. We will see which team has the most courageous, dexterous and skillful guys.


  1. "Ball in a spoon"

The player takes the ball from the basket, puts it in a spoon, carefully carries it to another basket. Then he returns and passes the baton to a friend. The team that completes the move the fastest wins.

  1. "Centipede".

Teams are built in two columns one by one, the children put their hands on each other's shoulders. We must run the whole team to the finish line and return.

Host: Well done! They did an excellent job.

  1. "Cranky Burden"

Move the cube on rackets to a certain place.

  1. "Boots - runners."

Children run in large galoshes (you can boots or felt boots) to the landmark and back. Then the galoshes are passed to the next participant.

  1. "Jumping with the ball".

The ball is clamped between the knees, jump to the flag with jumps, return by running. Pass the ball to the next.

  1. "Passing the Swamp"

Each team is given 2 hoops. With their help, you need to overcome the "swamp". On a signal, one player throws the hoop on the floor, the second puts it next to the first, moves into it, and then, without leaving the space of the second hoop, reach out to the first with his hand. So, making jumps and throwing hoops, they get to the shore. Turn around and get to the start in the same way.

Leading: Guys, let's get some rest. Help me finish the verses:

I'll start and you finish

answer in unison.

1. Fun football game

already scored the first ...... (goal).

2. Someone quickly ran away

and without a ball flew into ...... (gate).

3. And Petya kicked the ball

and hit the boy in ..... (forehead).

4. The boy laughs merrily,

a large ....... (bump) grows on the forehead.

5. But the guy does not care about the lump

again he runs after ....... (ball).

Leading: So our fun starts are over. All team members showed their dexterity, strength, speed. And most importantly - got a charge of vivacity and a lot of positive emotions! Go in for sports, strengthen your health, develop strength and endurance! Before we say goodbye to you, we want to wish you good health, more often, smile and never lose heart!

aim sports entertainment is introducing children and parents to a healthy lifestyle.


1. To carry out continuity in the physical education of children between the preschool educational institution and the family.

2. To develop dexterity, endurance, strong-willed qualities in achieving the goal, the ability to navigate in space.

3. Cause positive emotions for physical education.

4. Create a friendly atmosphere, cheerful sports mood for children and their parents.

Equipment: 6 pcs. cones; 2 pcs. relay sticks; cubes by the number of participants; rope; 6 pcs. small balls; 2 pcs. hoops; scarves by number of families; 2 pcs. skittles.

Synopsis of sports entertainment in the senior group

“Dad, mom, I am a sports family”

Under the song “I, you, he, she is a friendly family together”, teams and spectators enter the hall.

Leading: Hello, dear parents, dear children! Today we have gathered in this hall to once again see how strong, strong, fast, dexterous our children are, and how friendly and athletic their parents are. And our young sportsman will help us in this!

Sportik: Hello, viewers, jury and participants of our today's holiday "Mom, Dad, I am a sports family"!

Parents are such people

They rush to refer to employment.

But we know in advance

Everyone needs to play sports!

Leading: Physical education is useful, doubly fun physical education. After all, every minute of playing sports prolongs a person's life by one hour, and cheerful - by two. Today we have gathered together to get a boost of energy and cheer for those friendly families who came to take part in our competitions.

Sportik: The jury will evaluate your success. For violations of the rules, they can deduct 1 point.

And so, you can start the competition -

Fun competition?!

Host: Wait, Sportik! That's right, the competition?!

Sportsman: Of course!

Host: Have you forgotten anything?!

Sportik: And now I'll ask the guys! Guys, how do sports competitions always begin?!

Children: From the warm-up!

Host: Let's get up for a fun warm-up!

To the cheerful music, the Sportik show teams perform a warm-up.

Host: Well done! We line up in 2 teams.

Sportik: And so, you can start the competition -

Fun competition?!

There are teams, the jury is in place.

Fans, are you there?

All in unison: YES!

Leading: 1 relay race "Who is faster?". Running with a snake with baton reaches the cone, we return back with a simple run. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

2 relay race "The best sniper!". The child sits on his father's shoulders, the child has 3 small balls, the mother holds a hoop at a distance of 2.5 m. Each ball that hits the hoop 1 point.

3 relay race "Carry and do not drop"

Dad and mom make a "high chair" (holding hands crosswise). The child sits on the "high chair" and grabs them by the neck, the parents run around the landmark and back.

4 relay "My cheerful, sonorous ball."

Children run to the landmark and back with the ball in their hands, pass it to their mothers, mothers roll the ball along the floor with their foot to the landmark and back, pass it to dads, dads hit the ball from the floor to the landmark and back.

Presenter: And now the children read poetry for you:

1st child:

Love physical education

Dads, moms, kids!

Air, sports and vitamins

Everyone needs in the world!

2nd child:

Do volleyball

Rowing, swimming, football.

Launch colorful kites,

Skate in winter

Ride a bike

And always strive to win!

3rd child:

If you want to be skillful

Agile, fast,

Strong, brave,

Learn to love jump ropes

Ball, hoops and sticks!

4th child:

Never be discouraged!

Hit the target with snowballs.

In a sled from a hill, quickly rush

And get on your skis!

Here is the secret of health:

Be healthy!

All together: Fizkult - hello!

5 relay race "Running in a hoop"

The child in the hoop runs to the cone and back, then in the hoop he takes his mother, they run together, and in the end, dad joins them, and the three of them run.

6 relay "Zhmurki"

Dad is blindfolded, they hold the child in his arms, you have to snake around the landmarks at the prompt of mom, he comes back with his eyes open.

7 relay "Tug of war"

You need to pull the rope and take the pin, which is at the end of each team at a distance of 2 m.

8 relay "Sports"

Each team writes sports for one minute, one team is summer, the other is winter.

Game "Take the cube"

Players and spectators participate. The cubes are laid out in a circle less than the participants. The music plays, when the music stops playing, everyone takes the dice, who did not have enough are eliminated from the game.

Presenter: The floor is given, the jury.

The results of the sports festival "Dad, Mom, I - a sports family" are announced. Team awards. Each family is given a certificate and a gift.

Moderator: Thank you all for participating.

For support in difficult times.

May you be a little tired

But it's nice to see you

Next to mom and dad

Son or daughter shoulder to shoulder.

What else do you need to be happy?

If health gives sport!

If there is love and harmony in the family!

Be happy always!

To the song “I, you, he, she is a friendly family together”, the teams and the audience leave the hall.

Target:popularization of folk games among preschoolers.


  1. Development of interestin children of older preschool age to the culture of other peoples.
  2. Introducing children to Russian folklore.
  3. The development of coordination in children,speed of reaction, dexterity, ingenuity, the ability to act in a team.
  4. Parenting in children

Preliminary work:

  • Familiarization of children with outdoor folk games;
  • Learning counting rhymes, draws;
  • Making attributes for folk games.


Buffoon, children, educator.

Hall decoration: the hall is decorated with flowers, on the central wall there are silhouettes of children playing "Blind Man's Bluff", with balls, skipping ropes.

In the corridor in front of the hall, guests are greeted by a buffoon, blowing a pipe, beating a drum.


Hello kids boys and girls.

Thank you for not passing by to visit us for the holiday.

Come in, don't be shy, make yourself comfortable!

What are you all fine and elegant

Katyushka - Katyushka is a golden-haired girl,

And Andryushka is a good fellow, and Kiryushka is a daring one.

We are glad to see everyone today, and it's time to open the holiday!


Wait, buffoons, we were invited to the holiday

And they didn’t explain at all what kind of holiday would be here,

The guests are waiting for explanations.

buffoon:Our holiday is not a simple folk games and entertainment.

caregiverQ: Is there such a holiday?

buffoon:even as it happens. Gather people who are going to play the game.

Russian folk game "Golden Gate". At the beginning of the game, two players are chosen. They will be the "sun" and the "moon". These players stand facing each other, hold hands and raise them, forming a "gate". The rest of the players in a row pass through the gate. The drivers "sun" and "moon" say a tongue twister:

The Golden Gate is not always missed:

The first time is forgiven, the second time is forbidden,

And the third time we will not miss you!

The “gates” close at the last word and catch the one who was passing through them at that moment. The caught player stands behind the "moon" or "sun", the game continues until all players are divided into two teams. Then the teams arrange competitions among themselves in tug of war (rope or holding hands).

buffoon:oh well played! And our guests are a little bored, let's play with them in Russian folk game "Brook»:

to the music of "Quadrille", children stand in pairs, raise their hands up and form a gate. The leading child goes through the gate and chooses a mate. The remaining child without a pair becomes the driver.

buffoon:and in the old days, the Russian people were cheerful, amusing. No matter what games they played. Accuracy, strength, speed. Agility. I suggest you, dear guests, to play the Russian folk game "Gorodki".

Russian folk game "Gorodki" (simplified version). The players are divided into two teams. A line is drawn through which they must not cross. In the center of the hall are "towns". Those who play with the help of a bat must hit the target and break them.

Educator: and when I was still a little girl, we loved to play funny bluffs.

Russian folk game "Ordinary blind man's buff" . One of the players - blind man's blind man is blindfolded, taken to the middle of the room and forced to turn around several times, then they ask:

Cat, cat, what are you standing on?

At the pot.

What's in the pot?


Catch the mice, not us.

After these words, the participants in the game scatter, and the blind man's blind man catches them. Whoever he catches becomes a blind man.

buffoon: and now: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, we're going to play "Vodyanoy".

Udmurt folk game "Water". They draw a circle - this is a pond, or a lake, a river. The leading waterman is selected. The players run around the lake and repeat the words: "There is no water, but there are a lot of people." The waterman runs in a circle (lake) and catches the players who come close to the shore (circle lines). Those caught remain in the circle. The game continues until most of the players have been caught. The waterman cannot go beyond the circle line.

Educator:Peoples of different nationalities live in Russia. We are familiar with the games of different nations. We can teach you too.

buffoon:that's great! We want to teach.

caregiver: this the game of the Tatar people. called "We sell pots." The players are divided into two groups. Potty children, kneeling or squatting, form a circle. Behind each pot is the owner of the pot, hands behind his back. The driver is behind the circle. The driver approaches one of the owners of the pot and starts a conversation:

Hey buddy, sell the pot!


How many rubles to give you?

Give me three.

The driver three times (or as much as the owner agrees to sell it for. But not more than three rubles) touches the owner of the pot with his hand, and they start running in a circle towards each other (they run around the circle three times). Whoever runs faster to a free place in the circle takes this place, and the one behind becomes the driver.

caregiver: Do you know that the Bashkirs have always been a warlike people. Many tales and legends are associated with this people. But Bashkiria is also rich in its games. We present one of Bashkir games "Sticky stumps". Three to four players squat as far apart as possible. They depict sticky stumps. The rest of the players run around the court, trying not to get close to the stumps. Stumps should try to touch the children running past. Salted become stumps.

Educator:these are the games of different nations. All of them are a bit similar to each other, but how could it be otherwise, because children play in them. And children all over the world are the same: mischievous, inquisitive, mobile.

buffoon:What games did our guests play as children? Let's ask them.

The child interviews parents (takes an interview).

buffoon:Let's play some of these games.

Guests are invited, they explain the game, and all the children play it.

"Paints", "Bouncers", "Burners", "Fishing Rod", "Ali Baba", etc.

caregiver: Dear guests! Thank you for participating in our celebration. Be always pure in heart and do not forget that you yourself were once children.

Let the girls and boys

All the naughty kids

Today they will say loudly, loudly,

Long live the game! (pronounced in chorus).

To the music, the children leave the hall.

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