Use of asterisk ointment in folk medicine. Star balm: composition, use, benefits, harm. For runny nose and colds

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Balm "Zvezdochka" ("Golden Star", "Vietnamese Star") has been known to everyone since childhood. In Soviet times, it could be seen in the medicine cabinet of any home.And today the ointment has not lost its popularity due to its low cost and effectiveness.


In addition, this medicine will become a “lifesaver”, thanks to its safe composition, developed according to traditional oriental technologies.

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On sale you can find 3 dosage forms of balm "Zvezdochka": ointment, pencil for inhalation and liquid solution. The most popular is the Vietnamese drug in the form of an ointment, which is sold in small aluminum jars of 4-5 g.

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Composition of balm "Star"


The composition of the "Zvezdochka" ointment includes natural components of plant origin, so the drug can be considered completely natural. Most of them are essential oils, such as camphor oil, eucalyptus oil, peppermint essential oil, clove oil, cinnamon oil, petroleum jelly. In addition, the ointment contains camphor, petroleum jelly, beeswax and menthol, which has a local cooling and analgesic effect.

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Application of balm "Star"


The ointment is intended for external use. Due to its antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, the range of uses of the Vietnamese Star balm is quite wide:

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Prevention and treatment of influenza, colds (runny nose, cough, etc.) and other inflammatory processes of the respiratory system;
- prevention and treatment of the musculoskeletal system (joints and spine);
- prevention and treatment of radiculitis;
- prevention and treatment of muscle pain, sprains;
- elimination of headaches and migraines;
- elimination of toothaches;
- treatment of injuries (including sports) and bruises;
- combating increased fatigue, depression and maintaining good spirits;
- removal of dry calluses on the feet;
- fight against swelling of the feet;
- fight acne;
- reduction and prevention of itching and swelling from insect bites (bees, mosquitoes, midges, etc.) and jellyfish;
- use in aroma lamps;
- seasickness.


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Contraindications for balm "Zvezdochka"


Despite its natural composition, like any medicinal product, the “Golden Star” product has its own contraindications, which are caused by excessive sensitivity to the components it contains. Therefore, it is recommended to refrain from using the product:

  • children under 3 years old,
  • pregnant women (the balm does not contain chemicals, but you should still be careful),
  • people with individual intolerance to components.

Instructions for use of balm "Star"

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From the listed range of uses of the drug it is clear that the balm can be safely called a universal treatment. But “Zvezdochka” ointment exhibits all its effectiveness only when it is used correctly, namely through acupuncture points. In other words, a small amount of the drug is needed Apply to the desired point and massage it clockwise until the skin turns red. During the day, "Zvezdochka" can be used 2-3 times.

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Do not apply large amounts of balm to the skin and affected areas. , as this may cause burns. If you feel strong warmth and burning in the area where the product is applied, wash off the remaining substance with water.



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Balm "Star" for runny nose and colds


In order to prevent and treat colds, it is recommended to treat the wings of the nose and the edges of the nostrils with the substance. Also the ointment is often rubbed into the abdomen, chest, and back.If your nose is stuffy, massage its wings, the bridge of your nose, and you should also bring the drug to your nose and breathe deeply for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

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Balm "Star" for cough


For severe cough, apply the drug to the skin of the chest, neck and upper back. Then wrap yourself in a warm blanket or blanket. For convenience, it is recommended to apply the balm at night.





If you suffer from a dry cough, as well as a runny nose, then the ointment can also be used for inhalation. For 1 liter of hot water, 1 pea of ​​“Zvezdochka” balm is enough. Cover your head with a towel and breathe in the vapors. 10 minutes will be enough. But be careful not to inhale too hot steam to prevent burns to the nasal mucosa.


!!! Inhalation is contraindicated do when you have a strong, choking cough.

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Balm "Star" for headaches


Lubricate the skin in the area of ​​the temples, bridge of the nose, behind the ears and the middle of the back of the head with the Vietnamese star. After 5-10 minutes, relief should come. Be careful: if you apply the balm with your fingers, do not rub your eyes with them under any circumstances, but rather wash your hands thoroughly immediately after applying the balm.

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Balm "Star" for toothache


Rub the substance on the cheek on the side of the diseased tooth. For greater effect, also apply to your earlobes and massage them.



Balm "Star" for pain in joints, muscles, bruises and sprains


Apply the balm to the sore spot and rub it in thoroughly. After this, to warm the affected area, wrap it with a towel or any other cloth. Relief should occur within a few hours.

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Balm "Star" for insect bites


If you have been stung by a bee, bitten by mosquitoes or midges, then apply a small amount of ointment to the affected area of ​​the skin. Relief will not take long to arrive.


!!! Do not apply to scratched wounds medicine, as allergic reactions may occur.

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Balm "Star" for swelling and calluses on the feet


After taking a bath, rub the preparation into the sole (for calluses) and the skin of the ankle (for swelling).

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Balm "Star" for depression and fatigue


By rubbing the balm into your temples, eyebrows and the back of your head, you will sleep better and restore spiritual harmony. Or you can do aromatherapy - a little balm (smaller than the head of a pin) should be placed in an aroma lamp, filled with water and lit a candle. Thanks to the essential oils that are part of the ointment, there is a calming effect on the human nervous system.

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Using the "asterisk" trace, so that it does not get on mucous membranes, open wounds, or pustular skin diseases. If this does happen, immediately rinse the affected area with plenty of water.
Due to the use of "asterisk" Adverse reactions and allergies may occur. If you feel something is wrong, wash off the ointment and do not use it again.

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Asterisk and pregnancy
Pregnant women like to resort to this ointment, mainly because of its naturalness. At first glance, this is an ideal remedy during pregnancy, saving the body from many troubles at a time when it cannot be stuffed with all kinds of pills. But is it? And even though many people advise using it, it is not so safe. This is also stated in the instructions for the balm. Why?


The main contraindication of "Zvezdochka" – increased sensitivity to components. And pregnant women experience this same increased sensitivity – to many foods, smells, and medications. Therefore, even if you have never had allergic attacks, in the new period of your life you are not immune from them. After all, the balm contains various oils: eucalyptus, clove, cinnamon, petroleum jelly, mint, etc. Each of them can cause allergies.


If you are not pregnant, then remember that compared to many medications, “Zvezdochka” is the lesser of two evils, but you should not abuse it. And first, you definitely need to do a sensitivity test by rubbing a little ointment into the back of your wrist and observing for 24 hours to see if any redness appears.

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And under no circumstances apply too much balm - you may get burned. Everything in moderation is the best wisdom!


Star Balm is an ointment, a pencil for inhalation or a liquid solution containing essential oils of mint, eucalyptus, cloves, and menthol. The products are successfully used for colds, bruises, inflamed joints, headaches and toothaches, itching from bites, fatigue, and calluses.

It is applied to problem areas or acupuncture points associated with diseased organs 1-3 times a day, rubbed in gently. For a runny nose and dry cough, steam inhalations with a pea of ​​balm and 1 liter of hot water help. Do not use the products if you have allergies, pregnancy, children under 2 years of age, or on damaged skin.

A balm called Zvezdochka, or more precisely “Golden Star,” is known as an antiseptic, warming agent, but for some time now it has existed in three forms: ointment, pencil for inhalation and solution. Each version of the Vietnamese Star has the following features:

Product type

Ointment "Golden Star"

Pencil "Golden Star"

Solution "Golden Star"


  • crystalline menthol – 455 mg,
  • camphor – 910 mg,
  • mint oil – 0.59 ml,
  • eucalyptus oil – 0.14 ml,
  • clove oil – 0.228 ml,
  • cinnamon oil – 0.053 ml,
  • Vaseline – 230 mg,
  • wax – 360 mg,
  • paraffin – 750 mg,
  • lanolin – 460 mg,
  • Vaseline oil – 0.1 mg
  • crystalline menthol – 658 mg,
  • camphor – 124 mg,
  • peppermint oil – 258 mg,
  • eucalyptus oil – 65 mg,
  • clove oil – 5 mg,
  • cinnamon oil – 6 mg,
  • Vaseline – 184 mg
  • crystalline menthol - 28 g,
  • camphor - 8.88 g,
  • mint oil - 22.9 g,
  • eucalyptus oil - 0.1 g,
  • clove oil - 0.46 g,
  • cinnamon oil - 0.38 g,
  • Vaseline - up to 100 g

Preferred Use

For bruises, joint and muscle pain, runny nose, cough, bites, swelling, calluses, headaches and toothaches

For inhalation through the nose for rhinitis, bites, migraines, fatigue

For steam inhalations, rubbing for migraines, radiculitis, swelling of the legs

The advantage of Golden Star balm is its natural composition and ability to help with various problems with a minimum of adverse reactions when used correctly. The downside is a pungent and rather unpleasant smell that not everyone can tolerate.

Composition, release form

Traditional balm Zvezdochka contains:

  • camphor, which is an antiseptic;
  • essential clove oil, which has disinfecting properties;
  • menthol in crystals, relieving pain;
  • cinnamon oil, which also fights germs;
  • mint and eucalyptus essential oils, which ease breathing and have a beneficial effect on the nerves;
  • lanolin, which softens the skin;
  • petroleum jelly and oil based on it, promoting hydration;
  • paraffin and beeswax, which give the product a soft consistency.

The ointment is a dense substance of yellowish color with a characteristic strong aroma. Pencil for inhalation and liquid balm Zvezdochka, that is, a solution, are made mainly from the same components, except for paraffin, lanolin and petroleum jelly.

Why is it useful?

The asterisk has been used for a long time because it is useful for several properties:

  • disinfects;
  • enhances local blood circulation;
  • makes breathing easier;
  • warms up the muscles;
  • nourishes the skin, eliminating the stratum corneum;
  • relieves itching;
  • eliminates pain;
  • relieves increased irritability;
  • stops nausea and dizziness.

In each case of illness, the remedy is used differently. Sometimes the smell of the balm is enough to feel an improvement.

Precautionary measures

When using the product, it is important to consider that:

  • it can harm children under 2 years of age;
  • from excessive use, health can worsen;
  • The balm must not get into the eyes, onto the mucous membrane or into an open wound; if this happens, it must be washed off with plenty of water.

How to open

Opening a flat jar with thin walls can be difficult, but you can use one of the following methods:

  • remove the cap using a small kitchen knife;
  • place the container with the balm on its side and roll it like a wheel, eventually both halves will separate;
  • take the base in one hand and try to unscrew the lid with the other, turning it back and forth and pulling up.

In the most severe cases, you have to use pliers to open.

Application of balm Zvezdochka

The use of Vietnamese balm Zvezdochka is advisable if you need:

  • relieve muscle and joint pain;
  • ease breathing when coughing caused by ARVI;
  • prevent your nose from getting clogged, relieve congestion;
  • heal insect bites faster;
  • relieve pain in the tooth, head, ear, back, muscles, joints.

For each problem, a small amount of the product is rubbed into the areas on the skin where it is localized. A slight redness and a feeling of warmth and tingling should appear in these areas. The inhalation pencil is brought to the nasal passages and inhaled, but there is no need to insert it deeply.

How to use Zvezdochka balm correctly for illnesses

To use Zvezdochka balm correctly when you feel unwell, this means using it no more than 3 times a day. It is effective for:

  • temperature up to 37.5 degrees, if caused by a cold;
  • rhinitis;
  • dry cough;
  • headache and toothache;
  • bruises, sprains;
  • pain in the joints and spine;
  • sore throat;
  • insect bites;
  • calluses;
  • swelling and fatigue of the legs.

The product is used mainly externally, applied to acupuncture points or sore spots. But you can do inhalations with a pencil for a runny nose and steam inhalations for a cough.

For colds

For a cold with a runny nose, the product will help if you apply it to the edges of the nostrils and wings of the nose in a thin layer. This prevents congestion. If you have an inhalation pencil, you need to put it in each nasal passage in turn and inhale 1-2 times. They do up to 10-15 sessions per day.

Cold medicine is used when breathing through the nose is no longer possible. In this case, the product is also applied to the bridge of the nose, lightly massaging it. And it is useful to breathe in the aroma of the balm by holding the open jar to your nostrils for 1 minute.

At a temperature

At temperatures up to 37.5 degrees, you need to apply the product to your wrist and under your chin, this will help bring it down to normal within an hour. But if the fever is strong, the balm is useless, you will have to take pills. In this case, you should also not smear it on your temples to get rid of headaches. This may make the symptom worse.

In general, at high temperatures, you cannot apply the Star over a large area of ​​the body due to its warming properties.

For toothache

For toothache, the drug is applied to the skin of the cheek on the problematic side. You can also spread a little on your earlobes and massage them on both sides. But this solution is temporary to relieve the symptom, because the remedy will not relieve caries or pulpitis. You should not use it if there is an accumulation of pus in the gums.

For sore throat

For sore throat, the product is applied to the following points:

  • in the dimple between the collarbones;
  • on the front surface of the lower leg at the base of the foot;
  • on the lower phalanx of the middle toe;
  • on the side of the thumb joint.

The ointment is rubbed into the skin 2 times a day. It should be used in conjunction with other remedies for sore throat, but will help get rid of the disease faster.

Against cough

Treatment with a cough star involves applying it:

  • on the neck,
  • the chest area, excluding the area where the heart is located;
  • upper back.

The procedure is done in the evening, so that after using the ointment you can wrap yourself up and lie down.

For inhalations

For dry, obsessive coughs, steam inhalations with Zvezdochka are useful. Add a pea of ​​the product to water heated to 50 degrees (1 liter) and stir if possible. You should breathe through your mouth, shallowly, exhale through your nose. During the procedure, you need to cover your head with a towel, leaving a tiny gap. The session should last up to 10 minutes.

For muscle and joint pain, sprains

The product helps well with muscle and joint pain if you apply it in a thin layer to the area that is bothering you with unpleasant sensations, rub in and wrap it up. After this you need rest, so it is better to do the procedure at night. Regular use of the balm will help get rid of pain or make it less severe. A remedy with the same features of use is also indicated for injury, if a sprain occurs.

For swelling and calluses

The asterisk also works against fluid retention in the soft tissues of the legs if you rub it daily into problem areas. Usually these are the shins. The product begins to be applied from the feet to the knees. You shouldn't take a lot of it.

For calluses, Zvezdochka is used after a bath, when the skin is steamed. At this time, it is easier to influence and softens under the influence of the balm.

From bites

If an insect bites, rub the ointment into the reddened and itchy area 2-3 times a day. It relieves puffiness, returns the skin to its normal color, and eliminates the desire to scratch this area.

But you should not use the product if a noticeable wound with blood or lymph has already appeared at the site of the bite. In this case, the ointment will only irritate the skin and cause a burning sensation.

For depression and fatigue

Bad mood, apathy, and fatigue can be cured with ointment if you breathe it in, simply by holding it close to your nose for a couple of minutes. It is useful to add the product to an aromatherapy lamp. The essential components that make up Asterisk have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and help to cheer up.

Watch this video on how to properly open and use the “Star” balm:

Instructions for use for children

Instructions for use of the drug for children require:

  • use it if the child is already 2 years old, not earlier;
  • apply a smaller amount than for an adult;
  • if the product begins to burn the skin severely, wash off immediately with warm water and soap;
  • Use an inhalation pencil for a runny nose up to 5 times a day;
  • breathe over the steam with the product for no longer than 5 minutes.

Where to smear with Asterisk for headaches

For headaches, you should smear the skin with Asterisk in the area:

  • both temples;
  • bridge of the nose;
  • middle part of the back of the head;
  • behind the ears.

You should start with the temples, and if the pain does not decrease, continue applying to other areas. Each time it should be accompanied by a light massage of these places. The migraine should go away after 15-20 minutes.

For acupuncture points

The asterisk is also effective in treating various diseases using acupuncture:

  • for the flu, the ointment is rubbed into the points at the base of the thumb on the outside, on the back of the wrist, in the area of ​​the cervical spine;
  • for abdominal cramps - above the navel and to the right of it, as well as on the leg below the kneecap;
  • for pain in the area of ​​the facial nerve - on the forehead in the center above each eyebrow and above the upper lip;
  • if the elbow joint is bothering you – on its bend and wrist;
  • for ear pain, rub the product into a point above the tragus, massage the lobe, the base of the thumbs and toes;
  • for knee pain - in the bend of this joint, below the cup and in the middle of the calf;
  • for radiculitis, the ointment is rubbed into points above the coccyx and in the lower part of the thoracic spine, as well as the knee joint and on its bend.

For beautiful legs

The asterisk helps make your legs more beautiful because:

  • gently stimulates local blood circulation, normalizes lymph outflow, that is, makes veins less noticeable in the initial stage of varicose veins;
  • eliminates calluses, softening the skin, preventing excessive keratinization;
  • relieves fatigue.

Each problem has its own treatment method:

  • when tired, apply the product to the legs, calves in the direction of the lymph flow, massage lightly;
  • They do the same thing if small vessels are visible, heaviness bothers you;
  • apply a thicker layer to the calluses and put on socks (it’s more convenient to do this at night).

Contraindications to Zvezdochka

Contraindications to the use of Asterisk:

  • allergy to some of its components;
  • skin damage in the application area (wounds, pimples, ulcers, large scratches);
  • For any of these problems, the balm can seriously worsen your well-being.

    Possible complications

    Due to the strong and unpleasant odor, as well as the warming effect, the drug can cause:

    • burns, if the skin is sensitive, or too much product was taken, it was used unreasonably often;
    • nausea, headache, dizziness;
    • poisoning due to excessive intake in the form of pencil inhalations.

    Many components of the balm are known to provoke allergic reactions. Therefore, if severe redness appears on the skin, burning, shortness of breath, or excessive lacrimation, you need to wash off the product and take an antihistamine.

    How to store

    The balm should be stored in a cool place, for example, on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator door. It also needs to be protected from the sun and moisture, otherwise the composition will lose its qualities. If stored properly, it remains good for up to 5 years.

    Are there any analogues

    There are no complete analogues of the balm in composition, but there are products that are similar in effect for some diseases:

    • Fenistil for pain in muscles, joints, limb injuries;
    • Menovazin for the same problems;
    • Balm Strong for rhinitis, cough, sprains, migraines;
    • Vixactive for colds.

    “Golden Star” not only relieves discomfort and improves well-being, but also makes it possible to sometimes stop taking pills or reduce their number. But do not overestimate the medicinal properties of this remedy. And there is no need to enhance the positive effect of it by exceeding the dosage.

    Useful video

    Watch this video on how to properly use the “Star” balm:

This drug is a brown-red liquid. Transparent, with a specific smell (thanks to the essential oils included in the composition). The balm is bottled in branded miniature bottles, on the back of which there is a relief star.

The drug is available in pharmacies without a prescription. It is recommended to store the balm in dark places out of reach of children. Storage temperature is 15-25 degrees (in other words, room temperature). The drug is valid for 5 years.

The volume of the bottle into which the balm is poured is 5 ml. This includes (according to the instructions):

  • crystal menthol - 28 g;
  • peppermint oil - 22.9 g;
  • eucalyptus - 0.1 g;
  • cinnamon - 0.38 g;
  • clove - 0.46 g;
  • camphor - 8.88 g;
  • liquid paraffin.

The balm has an antiseptic, distracting, irritating (local) effect. It is used in complex therapy as a symptomatic remedy for headaches, flu, respiratory diseases, insect bites, and runny nose (rhinitis). The balm has general indications for use for all types. This was written above.

How to use “Star” liquid balm? Its use should be external only. Apply a thin layer to painful areas.

If you have a headache, rub it into your temples; if you have a runny nose, rub it into the wings of your nose. For colds, rub the chest and back area. Lubricate the insect bite site.

As for the use of “Zvezdochka” balm during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as the manufacturer indicates in the instructions, there is no such experience. Therefore, it is not recommended to prescribe and use the drug for this group of people.

Composition and properties of the drug

Asterisk balm for coughs is used as part of complex therapy with traditional medicines. The beneficial effects of the product are determined by the natural composition, which includes menthol, camphor and a set of the following essential oils:

  • mint;
  • eucalyptus;
  • carnation;
  • cinnamon.

Auxiliary components of the product:

  1. paraffin;
  2. lanolin;
  3. white wax and mineral oil.

If you regularly smear yourself with Zvezdochka balm, then you can feel the following effects:

  • Locally irritating. Application of the product causes local dilation of blood vessels with increased microcirculation. Metabolic processes are accelerated, pain, itching, and discomfort are reduced;
  • Anti-inflammatory. The severity of edema is reduced, bioactive substances inside the body that support the pathological process are inhibited;
  • Antiseptic. If you apply natural medicine to the corresponding areas of the body, then you can partially suppress the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. The effectiveness of treatment is inferior to antibacterial medications;
  • Anesthetic. For bruises, bites and injuries, Zvezdochka reduces the severity of pain due to its distracting and warming effect on the affected area.

Therapy for dry or wet cough is based on changing the focus of dominant impulses. If during a cold the irritant is on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, then when using the Star, the nervous system “switches” to the treated area of ​​the skin.

What does Zvezdochka ointment-balm help with?

Asterisk ointment is a remedy known to almost everyone. It is used very widely for many health problems with a variety of causes. The medicine also has other names - golden star, Vietnamese star. The product shows itself to be highly effective and at the same time inexpensive. The composition of the drug is predominantly natural, which makes it quite safe to use. However, it is still worth observing the contraindications that apply to the medicine, neglect of which can cause serious health problems. Today, star balm is produced not only in the form of an ointment, which significantly increases the demand for the drug.

Treatment with Asterisk for cough

Many patients are interested in how to treat cough with the help of Asterisk. The therapy involves external use of the composition - the balm is rubbed into the skin in special places. It warms the skin, has a beneficial effect on the general condition, and accelerates the discharge of sputum. Additionally, you can use inhalation, and in the traditional way (breathe over a saucepan), without using a nebulizer.

Oily liquid may damage the device. Dissolve 3-5 ml of the product in water and let the steam inhale. The maximum number of procedures is up to 4 per day. Features of application:

  1. If you have a cough, just rub the mixture on your back and chest, avoiding the area near the heart.
  2. Take a little balm so that after rubbing the composition is absorbed into the skin, leaving an oily trace. After this, you should put on warm clothes and lie under the blanket for an hour, or better yet, carry out all the procedures at night.
  3. If, due to the virus, your legs are twisted or your joints hurt, you need to do the same: smear the problem areas, wrap them up.
  4. For a cough that is accompanied by a runny nose, the product is applied under the nostrils and under the jaw. Likewise, the ointment will help with toothache.
  5. For dry coughs and severe colds, treatment is supplemented with inhalations. This will help restore your immunity faster.
  6. Rubbing and rubbing with the balm is carried out no more than 3 times a day; for children, the dosage will be several times less.

Where to apply Zvezdochka when coughing?

The result of using the product will come only if you smear the active points with an asterisk when coughing. Most often the balm is applied:

  • on the bridge of the nose;
  • between the eyebrows;
  • on the lower line of the forehead.

Typical places that provide the effect of using the drug include:

  1. The area of ​​the back between the shoulder blades. With local heating, the functioning of the “bronchial tree” improves.
  2. The area above the sternum. If you lubricate the indicated area with the balm, the fumes from the composition will quickly reach the nose, the bronchi and trachea will be warmed up.
  3. Neck. When rubbed, the evaporation of essential oils will enter the throat and nasal passages. For the fastest onset of effect, rub the balm with smooth movements for 2-3 minutes. This will improve performance and relax the muscles.

To enhance the warming effect, it is enough to cover the patient with a blanket. Do not combine the product with alcohol compresses, as this can lead to excessive skin irritation and local burns. If signs of a cold appear, apply balm to your heels, followed by warm woolen socks. The ingredients in the composition stimulate blood flow and dilate blood vessels

It is important not to overcool after such a procedure so that the condition does not worsen.

Read also: Aromatherapy for coughs

Balm Zvezdochka instructions for use

The ideal option is to apply it to active points. The most active place is the human ear. By lubricating certain points on it, a large number of diseases can be cured. The product also helps with depression, fatigue, stress, and strengthens the nervous system (rubbing the scalp, ears, back of the neck, temples). The balm will remove toxins from the skin and tighten it.

If an insect bites you, you need to apply balm to the area, and if it is very itchy, then around it. Lubricate every 2 hours. The balm is applied to the earlobe, chin, temples, wings of the nose, the point between the fingers, index and thumb (on both hands), and on the upper lip for flu. If you suffer from a severe cough, you need to lubricate the pits under the collarbone, shoulder blades (both), temples, and under the chin.

If there is a runny nose, the balm is applied to the upper lip, wings of the nose (on both sides), and to the wrists.

In case of general malaise or cough, inhalation can be performed, provided that there is no elevated temperature. To do this, boil a liter of water, add a tablespoon of salt (preferably sea salt) and balm (a small pea). The head is covered with a towel. Breathe in steam for 10 minutes and close your eyes. After the procedure, immediately go to bed and drink herbal tea with lemon.

If your joints hurt, you need to rub the balm into their area around the perimeter twice a day (not even over the entire surface). Then cover the joint with a towel or tie it with cloth.

If your spine hurts, apply the balm to the sides of the spinal column.

“Star” will help soften and then remove dry callus. To do this, after taking a hot bath, you need to rub the balm into it every night at night.

If “Star” is applied after foot contrast baths in the evening on the sole, area of ​​the ankle joint, then it will help relieve swelling and relieve pain in the legs.

Medicinal properties of asterisks and constituent components

The main components in this medicine are natural ingredients, namely:

  • menthol - relieves pain, relieves inflammation;
  • peppermint oil - reduces fever, produces a general strengthening effect, promotes free breathing;
  • camphor - acts as an antiseptic and analgesic;
  • clove oil - anesthetizes, disinfects, invigorates;
  • basil essential oil - tones and heals, has a bactericidal effect;
  • cinnamon oil - has a warming effect.

Additional components of the star for the common cold (Golden Star balm) include paraffin, beeswax, petroleum jelly, and light mineral oil.

The effect of the drug is defined as local warming, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and analgesic. The asterisk promotes the expansion of capillaries, as a result of which blood supply improves and blood pressure slightly decreases. The composition of the drug affects the reflex areas of the central nervous system, stimulating them. Thanks to essential oils, the inflammatory process and painful syndrome caused by colds, flu, pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, and skin diseases are reduced.

Due to the high volatility of essential oils from the balm, their molecules penetrate into all areas of the nasal cavity, including the maxillary sinuses, with inhalation. And thanks to the natural composition, a good therapeutic effect is achieved.

The instructions for use indicate that the “Vietnamese star” is effective not only for various types of rhinitis. Its use is indicated for the prevention and treatment of influenza, colds, exacerbation of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, dislocations and hematomas, pain syndromes of various etiologies, insect bites, and minor inflammatory processes on the skin. Asterisk can be used in aroma lamps, baths, as an ointment for topical use and inhalation.

Balm Zvezdochka

Essential oils, as well as their combinations, are actively used in medicine to treat respiratory diseases, dermatological pathologies and pain syndromes of various etiologies. Balm “Zvezdochka” is one of these products, combining high efficiency, absolute naturalness and safety.

Composition of balm “Star”

There are three commercially available dosage forms of this drug:

  • ointment;
  • pencil for performing inhalations;
  • liquid solution.

Vietnamese balm “Star” in the form of an ointment is supplied in small metal jars of 4 g. The composition includes:

  • cinnamon, mint, clove, eucalyptus oil;
  • camphor;
  • crystal menthol;
  • natural beeswax;
  • lanolin (anhydrous);
  • paraffin;
  • Vaseline and petroleum jelly.

The drug has a fairly solid structure that easily melts when heated and in contact with the skin.

The inhalation pencil contains only the listed oils, including petroleum jelly, menthol and camphor. There are no auxiliary ingredients in it.

Liquid balm “Zvezdochka” is absolutely identical in composition to the pencil, but it contains less Vaseline component (does not exceed 100 mg), and the concentration of essential oils is higher.

Application of balm “Star”

The drug in question is used as an additional therapy in complex treatment regimens:

  • flu and colds, associated symptoms;
  • cough and runny nose;
  • insect bites;
  • dizziness and headaches;
  • rhinitis;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system and joints (as a pain reliever).

The combination of essential oils in combination with menthol and camphor has a local irritating and distracting effect, allowing you to quickly increase blood circulation in the treated areas. In addition, the drug produces an antiseptic and weak antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.

Balm “Star” for colds and flu

Respiratory viral or bacterial diseases are always accompanied by symptoms such as nasal congestion, cough, sore throat and runny nose. The presented medicine in the form of an ointment and a pencil for inhalation copes well with such clinical manifestations.

When coughing, “Zvezdochka” balm helps speed up the expectoration process, thins mucus, and stops night attacks. In the first case, it is recommended to apply a small amount of the product to the skin and rub into the chest area, as well as the back (between the shoulder blades, at the base of the neck) without pressing. After 3-5 minutes, you will feel a slight burning sensation and warmth in the treated area. The evaporation of essential oils will make breathing easier.

For a runny nose, “Star” balm can be applied to the wings of the nose and the area between the eyebrows, but not more than 2 times a day. The active ingredients of the drug have a strong irritant effect, so they can cause redness, dryness, and peeling of the epidermis.

A medicine in the form of a pencil for inhalation is prescribed as an additional measure for the treatment of rhinitis. According to reviews, this remedy quickly eliminates nasal congestion and relieves pain. The procedure is quite simple: insert a pencil into each nasal passage 10-15 times a day and take 1-2 breaths.

If the flu or cold is accompanied by an intense headache, it is recommended to apply the drug to the temples and back of the head.

Contraindications for balm “Zvezdochka”

Allergy or hypersensitivity to at least one of the constituent ingredients of the medicine is an absolute contraindication to its use.

Also, you should not apply the medication to skin with damage, open wounds or ongoing inflammatory processes, or acne.>

Using balm for a runny nose

Rhinitis is a common problem among both adults and children. You can buy a large number of vasoconstrictor drops at the pharmacy. However, it is not advisable to take them for a long time due to the possibility of addiction. Safer to use would be “Zvezdochka” - a balm, the use of which for a runny nose has been widespread for many years.

To treat rhinitis with a balm, it must be applied acupuncture to influence biologically active points of the body. This should be done several times a day (up to 6) and always at night.

To correctly identify active points, you need to press on a specific area. If you feel a lot of pain in such a place, this is it. This is where it is better to apply the balm with massaging movements.

For a runny nose, “Star” is applied:

  • on the earlobes;
  • between the eyebrows;
  • on the chin;
  • for whiskey;
  • on the wings of the nose;
  • above the upper lip.

Does anyone know if it is possible to rub and smear the baby star balm?


there's probably no need to rub it
but you can go through the points
on the back along the spine, under the shoulder blades, on the chest where the clavicular cavity is (or whatever it is called), there is also a point in the middle of the forehead, behind the ears.. only for baby cream - first with cream, then directly with a cotton swab, bale-bale, droplet
if you really want it))
But in general - there are probably other ways))
another heel is possible, between the big and second toe - there is an important point - the Japs all wear slippers with a membrane for a reason, but because there is an important energy center
and also on the hand in the place where the bones of the thumb and index fingers meet
and, by the way, without any asterisk, you can gently massage the arms and legs - it will be useful and good
and for rubbing the delicate body there is “Badger”, in the pharmacy, or any baby cream - while you are doing the massage, the body warms up from your hands, and everyone feels good and pleasant))
the main thing is with love))


You know, there are a lot of essential oils that can cause allergies!!
To warm up, try attaching a bag of hot salt to the breast.
Good luck!!


In no case! Children's skin is too sensitive!!! If you want to cure a cough in this way, it is better to use homeopathic Bryonia ointment.

Lana Ptikkina

it seems like yes, but not much and it’s better, doctor mom, and only certain areas. The area of ​​the heart is not allowed, and even from the back. Avoid vessels. legs are also not allowed. In short, it’s better not to smear.

Types of sprockets and their features

In pharmacies you can see 3 varieties of “Golden Star”.

  1. “Star” ointment: in addition to the main components, it contains several additional ones that create its structure. The ointment is a soft mass of a yellowish tint. Packaged in metal boxes of 4 and 10 g. The ointment is convenient for use in any procedure - inhalation, rubbing, massage.
  2. Star pencils for runny nose are, in fact, small individual inhalers with a cooling effect. The main components used in such balms are menthol and essential oils. Cold inhalations are allowed up to 15 times a day. Each procedure takes up to 30 seconds. The peculiarity of this balm is that the drug gets directly onto the mucous membrane of the olfactory organ, affecting it instantly.
  3. The liquid balm consists of the main components - essential oils and menthol. Available in a small bottle, the liquid has a brownish color. Convenient to use for inhalations, aromatherapy, baths. The liquid balm is used externally only.

Will an asterisk help with rhinitis? To remove symptoms and improve the patient’s well-being - yes, but to completely cure rhinitis - no. Therefore, Vietnamese balm is recommended to be used in conjunction with other drugs.

And do not forget about precautions: do not get too carried away with this drug, since in large quantities it can provoke general malaise, migraines and dizziness

Contraindications and harm

Asterisk, although natural, still has contraindications that must be strictly observed. If the restrictions are ignored, the balm can cause significant harm to health. You cannot carry out therapy using this drug in cases where patients have:

  • intolerance to at least one of the components of the drug - in such a situation, applying the balm or performing inhalation will cause a severe allergic reaction, which can lead to suffocation;
  • age under 3 years – for young children whose bodies are still too sensitive, an abundance of essential oils is dangerous, as it will cause a sharp deterioration in their condition;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • bronchospasm - from the ointment it can increase significantly, which will lead to breathing problems or cessation;
  • whooping cough;
  • skin diseases.

During pregnancy and lactation, asterisk ointment is not recommended for use. This is due to the special activity of the substances in the composition of the drug on the body.

The main negative reactions that may occur during treatment with the use of an asterisk are burning, swelling, and the appearance of rashes similar to hives. If there is severe itching at the site of application of the composition, it is also necessary to draw a conclusion about the body’s negative reaction to the drug.

Instructions for use

In order to get the maximum benefit from using the Golden Star healing product, it is important to use it correctly, so read the instructions carefully and follow them responsibly

What does the balm contain?

This balm is based on 4 natural oils

Contraindications to the use of star balm:

  • allergic reactions
  • children's age up to 2 years
  • skin inflammation (sores, boils)

And do not forget to wash your hands after using the balm, make sure that it does not get into your eyes or mucous membranes.

Well, so that you don’t have to treat yourself with the star balm, I recommend that you watch this video course about the secrets of 100% immunity! FOR FREE.

Do you use Vietnamese balm to maintain your health? Share your experience and your comments.

Alena Yasneva was with you, be healthy and take care of yourself.

Instructions for using the balm list the following diseases and conditions:

  • Headache.
  • Runny nose.
  • Cough.
  • Insect bites.
  • Flu (as part of complex therapy).

During therapy, avoid contact of the balm with the eyes and mucous membranes. The drug causes a strong burning sensation and can damage sensitive body surfaces. If this happens, rinse the affected areas with running water and consult a doctor.

Use for runny nose and colds

To eliminate the symptoms of rhinitis, it is recommended to smear the product under the nose. In this case, the patient inhales vapors of drugs that have an antimicrobial effect. The degree of bacterial and viral contamination of the nasal mucosa decreases, swelling subsides, and the amount of secretion produced decreases. Recovery is coming. An alternative to ointment is inhalation using a solid form of the product.

For bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis and other colds, “Zvezdochka” should be used topically, applying it to the front surface of the chest and to the back, between the shoulder blades. In this case, the locally irritating and distracting effect of the drug is fully manifested. As with a runny nose, you can use a pencil inhaler, which allows you to enhance and complement the effect of rubbing.

For bruises

“Asterisk” is an effective remedy for eliminating hematomas. The drug is applied to the bruise in a small amount and rubbed into the skin.

In this case, there is a reflex expansion of blood vessels, increased local blood flow, and the synthesis of substances that promote rapid tissue restoration. Properly used balm allows you to get rid of a bruise in a few days.

If there are skin lesions, this method of accelerating regeneration is not used.

For headaches

For cephalgia, a cheap but effective balm is applied to the temples, massaging them with light movements. The analgesic effect is achieved due to irritation of sensitive receptors and the distracting effect of the drug.

From insect bites

A small amount of balm should be rubbed into the affected area. The menthol included in its composition creates a cooling effect and relieves itching. Other essential oils disinfect the defect and promote its speedy healing.

For children and pregnant women

The use of the drug in pediatric patients does not differ from use in adults

During therapy, pay attention to how the child tolerates the drug

Mommies, please tell me, have you ever smeared the heels of children with a cold with an asterisk, what was the result,


I smeared it with iodine, it warms up well and I advise you. As for the star, I can say that it stinks strongly))) and the effect is of course longer than that of iodine))

Yulia Timoshenko

There are special ointments for rubbing the legs, back and chest, which contain similar ingredients: eucalyptus oil, menthol. I used them. But, probably, you can use an “asterisk” for lack of it. And now a new product for babies has appeared in pharmacies, called “nozzles”. At my work, all the employees with small children are simply delighted with it. It seems to be a type of patch that is attached to the baby's clothes at night and allows you to breathe peacefully all night long. Also with eucalyptus oil.


As you can see, I’m not a mommy)) When I was a child, my heels were warmed (either in water with mustard, or with a “blue” lamp). And you should not rub the heels with the star, but for example, massage the area near the sinuses and rub your back and chest. Just be careful not to get it in your eyes! Subjectively, it helps.


The results are not bad, the children sleep more peacefully at night and breathe more freely. and most importantly, no side effects, so apply it (within reason) and it won’t make it worse

Olga Bravina

Yes, the doctor prescribed me to smear my daughter’s feet with asterisk or turpentine ointment - sold at the pharmacy... I don’t even know if this helped! Well, smear it on - it definitely won’t do any harm!


The asterisk doesn't help much, but when you steam your legs with mustard. And so that the child has sweat on his forehead and then immediately goes to bed and sleeps. A very good method, especially if he still has a cough. But so that there is no temperature.

The widespread use of “Zvezdochka” balm is due to its actions and properties:

  • locally irritating;
  • antiseptic;
  • distracting.

Camphor and menthol irritate the nerve endings of the skin, cause a slight tingling and burning sensation, local anesthesia, and have antiseptic properties. Cinnamon, clove, and peppermint oils also have them. Cloves also protect against various infections. Cinnamon is used to treat the upper respiratory tract.

Peppermint oil is used as a powerful antiseptic for flu, colds, inflammation, cough, runny nose, bronchitis, and skin irritations. Increases the body's protective properties, repels insects, and relieves headaches.

Eucalyptus oil exhibits antiseptic properties. It has primarily antibacterial and antiviral effects. Used in the treatment of respiratory tract infections, cough, bronchitis, and runny nose. Has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

Without knowing the composition of the product, it is difficult to explain why it is so beneficial to health. “Zvezdochka” or “Golden Star” ointment contains only natural ingredients, and they are all of plant origin, and therefore it is completely safe.

  • Camphor,
  • Beeswax,
  • Petrolatum,
  • Paraffin,
  • Menthol,
  • Anhydrous lanolin,
  • Eucalyptus essential oil,
  • Camphor oil,
  • Cinnamon oil,
  • Peppermint oil,
  • Clove oil,
  • Vaseline oil.

Each of these components plays its important role in the treatment of diseases. For example, menthol and camphor are a good antiseptic, and, in addition, they relieve pain and relieve irritation.

  1. Peppermint oil will suppress the activity of pathogenic microbes, relieve pain, and repel insects.
  2. Clove oil has its own task - it is a good antiseptic and protects tissues from infections. Its main task is to treat colds and all its manifestations.
  3. Cinnamon and eucalyptus oils have the same property. And the latter will also have an antiviral effect. Cinnamon is very useful for colds, neuralgia, relieves joint pain, warms and relieves intoxication.
  4. Camphor and its oil will destroy viruses in the body, as they disinfect well. Menthol relieves headaches and is also useful for treating colds.

Each substance is useful in its own way, but together they do a great job. The Vietnamese star expands capillaries, improving blood circulation, will reduce blood pressure, and relieve any inflammation.

Attention! The balm is for external use only. Avoid contact with open wounds and mucous membranes.
Depending on the form of release of the medicinal product, the quantitative ratio of the components changes, but the composition never does.

Zvezdochka ointment, produced in small jars of 4 grams, is popular. Other forms are also offered for sale: liquid solution and pencil for inhalation. They all have the same beneficial properties, but their instructions for use are different.

The balm is a unique composition. It has many useful properties that allow this product to be used very widely.

The main therapeutic effects of the ointment are:

  1. treatment of inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, as well as prevention of their occurrence;
  2. therapy and prevention of the development of inflammatory diseases of the joints and spine;
  3. prevention and treatment of radiculitis affecting any part of the spine;
  4. treatment of muscle pain after physical activity;
  5. complex therapy for sprains and other injuries of ligaments and tendons;
  6. relieving migraine and simple headaches;
  7. relief from toothache;
  8. treatment of bruises and bruises;
  9. comprehensive treatment of depression and depression;
  10. relieving excessive fatigue;
  11. softening of calluses;
  12. relieving swelling of the feet;
  13. therapy that eliminates many skin diseases;
  14. treatment of negative consequences from insect bites, as well as jellyfish burns;
  15. relieving attacks of nausea during seasickness;
  16. disinfection of indoor air when used in an aroma lamp;
  17. prevention and treatment of influenza.

The benefits of the asterisk have been proven for many years. Today, when many different drugs appear, this composition does not lose its popularity. Asterisk balm has only partial analogues, since there is no composition with such a wide spectrum of action and used for so many health problems.

Composition and release form

Vietnamese "Star" has a harmless composition. It contains ingredients of natural origin:

  • Vaseline oil;
  • eucalyptus oil;
  • peppermint oil and other important herbal ingredients.

The antiseptic properties of the ointment are activated by menthol, camphor and clove oil. Oils not only cleanse the skin surface of infection and viruses, but also create a protective shell, thanks to which the infection does not reach the infected area of ​​the skin. Mint in the balm can protect the skin and have an analgesic effect.

Mint also repels insects, can reduce blood pressure and improve the circulatory system. Mint has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, so many people like to add this plant to tea or various dishes. The balm itself is available in several forms. The most common and well-known form is a small round jar. However, another type of ointment is the “Star” pencil for inhalation. Sometimes you can find a liquid ointment solution.

The composition of the Golden Star inhalation pencil includes 5 mg of clove oil, 124 mg of camphor, 6 mg of cinnamon bark oil, 658 mg of levomenthol, 258 mg of mint oil, 65 mg of eucalyptus oil.

The composition of 4 grams of the Golden Star balm medicine includes 910 mg of camphor, 0.228 ml of clove oil, 0.053 ml of cinnamon bark oil, 455 mg of menthol, 0.59 ml of mint oil, 0.14 ml of eucalyptus oil.

The composition of 5 ml of the medicine liquid balm Gold Star includes 460 mg of clove oil, 8.88 g of camphor, 380 mg of cinnamon bark oil, 28 grams of levomenthol, 22.9 grams of mint oil, 100 mg of eucalyptus oil.

Excipients: mineral oil.

The substances included in “Zvezdochka” have virtually no negative effects on human skin. The exception is individual intolerance to the drug.

So, the balm contains crystalline menthol, oils: mint, clove, eucalyptus, cinnamon, petroleum jelly, camphor.

Oriental balm “Zvezdochka” is created from a combination of extracts of medicinal herbs and essential oils (used in traditional oriental medicine) and enhanced with formic acid. Formic acid has been used since time immemorial to relieve pain of various origins and heal many ailments.

  • Crystal menthol - 658 mg
  • Camphor - 124 mg
  • Peppermint oil - 258 mg
  • Eucalyptus oil - 65 mg
  • Clove oil - 5 mg
  • Cinnamon oil - 6 mg
  • Formic acid
  • Vaseline - 184 mg

Surely almost every person knows what the “Star” balm is. This budget product was very popular in Soviet times and was an integral attribute of every home first aid kit. The drug has not lost its popularity today.

Therefore, many readers are interested in additional information.

So what is included in this medicine? What properties does it have? How to properly use the balm to treat certain diseases? Are there contraindications and side effects? This information will be useful to every reader.

The original ointment contains only those substances that the Vietnamese themselves have been using in folk medicine for several hundred years. This, in fact, is one of the very few folk remedies that is recognized as useful by pharmacologists all over the world. The composition includes exclusively essential oils of medicinal plants - there was and is no chemicals here.

The balm is available in 3 forms: semi-solid balm in a jar, balm stick, liquid balm.

The composition of the traditional asterisk ointment includes:

  • camphor;
  • clove essential oil;
  • crystal menthol;
  • cinnamon butter;
  • mint essential oil;
  • eucalyptus essential oil;
  • lanolin anhydrous;
  • petrolatum;
  • paraffin;
  • beeswax;
  • Vaseline oil.

The ointment is packaged in small flat metal jars. It has a uniform consistency and a yellow, slightly transparent color.

The pencil balm for inhalation is close to the ointment in composition. It contains the same active components:

  • camphor;
  • crystal menthol;
  • cinnamon butter;
  • clove oil;
  • mint oil;
  • eucalyptus oil.

The liquid balm, which is produced in the form of a solution, contains ingredients that are completely identical to those found in the inhalation pencil.

All drugs have a characteristic, rather pungent odor, the inhalation of which by children under 2 years of age can cause spasm of the respiratory tract, and in rare cases, even respiratory arrest. Adults who are prone to allergies should use this product with extreme caution.

Camphor - 20.6

Liquid paraffin - 20.0

Beeswax - 17.0

Paraffin paraffin - 13.0

Peppermint oil – 10.0

Eucalyptus oil - 8.8

Vaseline - 5.1

Menthol - 4.1

Cinnamon oil - 1.4

Surely almost every person knows what the “Star” balm is. This budget product was very popular in Soviet times and was an integral attribute of every home first aid kit. The drug has not lost its popularity today. Therefore, many readers are interested in additional information.

Balm “Star” was created long ago by scientists in Vietnam. It is a complex homogeneous composition of essential oils from many plants. The use of Zvezdochka balm is recognized in both official and folk medicine for the successful treatment and prevention of a number of diseases. This drug is loved and widely used by people of several generations.

Golden Star balm price, where to buy

Many people of the Soviet generation are well aware of what the Golden Star balm is. It was and is still manufactured in Vietnam. That is why the mentioned remedy is incredibly popular not only in our country, but also in other countries.

Reviews about Zvezdochka are extremely positive. The drug has proven itself as a symptomatic remedy for infectious diseases of the respiratory system. There are no reports of side effects.

The price of Zvezdochka balm (in a jar) in Russia is 74-80 rubles. In Ukraine, the average price of this form of release is 29 hryvnia.

  • Online pharmacies in Russia Russia
  • Online pharmacies in Ukraine Ukraine
  • Online pharmacies in Kazakhstan Kazakhstan


    Golden star pencil for inhalation. 1.3g Danapha

    Golden star liquid balm 5ml Danapha

    Golden star balm 4g Danapha

Pharmacy Dialog * discount 100 rub. using promo code medside (for orders over 1000 rubles)

    Balm Golden Star ointment 4g

    Balm “Golden Star” (5ml bottle)

    Balm “Golden Star” (pencil 1.3g)

Europharm * 4% discount using promo code medside11

    Golden star balm 4 g

    Golden star pencil for inhalation 1.3 gDanafa Pharmaceutical Johnt Stock

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    Star liquid Balm Golden star liquid 5ml Vietnam, Danapha

    Star ointment Golden Star balm for external use (jar) 4g Vietnam, Danapha

    Star liquid Balm Golden Star pencil for inhalation 1.3g Vietnam, Danapha

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    Golden star 1.3 g pencil for inhalation

    Golden star 0.1% 10 ml drops called.Danafa Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company (Vietnam)

    Golden star 0.05% 10 ml drops called.Danafa Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company (Vietnam)

    Golden star 4 g external balmDanafa Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company (Vietnam)

    Golden star 0.1% 15 ml spray called.Danafa Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company (Vietnam)

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The ointment has excellent antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial effects. It will be effective and useful:

  • Cold. Treatment of flu, runny nose, cough, sore throat and other manifestations of inflammation of the respiratory system.
  • Musculoskeletal system. Treatment of diseases of the joints, all parts of the spine, radiculitis.
  • Injuries. Treatment of bruises, sprains, muscle pain.
  • Migraine, headache of various origins, there is evidence that the ointment helps with high blood pressure.
  • Toothache.
  • Dry calluses.
  • Swelling of the limbs.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Increased fatigue, depression.
  • Itching on the skin from insect bites - mosquitoes, bees, midges.
  • Seasickness.

For any bruises, overworked muscles and pain, muscle strain, rub an asterisk into the sore spot so that it warms up properly. Immediately after the procedure, wrap the sore area and keep it warm for several hours.

To help diseased joints, do the procedures twice a day; the ointment should be rubbed into the joints not over the entire surface, but along the perimeter of the sore spot (around). Then they also need to be wrapped warmly.

For painful manifestations in the spine, apply the product on both sides of the spinal column, and precisely.

Do not waste time if you are bitten by mosquitoes, stung by a wasp or some other misfortune. Take a drop of balm and lubricate this area. Itching, pain and redness will go away fairly quickly.

The only warning: if you have already scratched the bite site before the wound appears, you need to lubricate it nearby; the star is not applied to an open wound.

Motion sickness in vehicles and seasickness are not only unpleasant, but also interfere with quality of life and rest for many. Always carry a jar of ointment or a Golden Star pencil with you. At the first appearance of nausea, apply a small amount of ointment to the back of your head and temples.

general information

Balm for external use; 12 g in a glass jar, well closed with a screw-on tin lid.

Balm “Golden Star” was developed by a Vietnamese scientist who introduced the drug to the world in the form of a whole complex of essential oils.

It is used to treat runny nose, both in traditional and folk medicine. Based on the product, inhalation measures are carried out for respiratory infections.

There are three forms of the product: creamy, liquid, pencil (for inhalation). The method of using the drug also depends on them. The pencil is in a plastic tube and a cardboard pack. A tin can contains 4 g of balm, and a bottle of liquid balm contains 5 ml.

The ideal option is to purchase a cream and an inhaler pencil, which is very convenient to carry with you and take on a trip. It looks like lipstick. The screw cap prevents essential oils from drying out. By inhaling the vapor from the inhaler, you can relieve nasal congestion and prevent discharge at any time.

  • One plastic tube with a pencil in a cardboard box.
  • 4 grams of balm in a tin; 1 can in a cardboard box.
  • 5 ml of liquid balm in a bottle; 1 bottle in a cardboard pack.

How to apply balm correctly

It is important not just to smear a sore or problematic area, you need to know exactly where to apply the ointment.

  • An important point: the ointment is applied to an acupuncture point specific for a specific disease.
  • In this case, the point must be massaged clockwise until the application site turns red.
  • The product can be applied no more than three times during the day.
  • Do not apply a lot of product at once, it may burn the skin and you will not achieve the desired result.
  • If you feel a strong burning sensation, immediately wash off the balm with water.

Carefully look at the picture, which shows all the important and most frequently used points for massage.

pharmachologic effect

Allergic (skin irritation, erythema, rash, peeling, itching, skin discoloration, urticaria, contact dermatitis) and bronchospastic reactions are possible.

Young children may develop apnea and collapse when applying the balm to the nose.

The ointment can have a medicinal effect when:

  • viral diseases;
  • for radiculitis;
  • for injuries;
  • elimination of rough calluses.

For headaches, the ointment can also have a beneficial effect. It is used for toothache, sinus pain and tooth pain.

The medicinal effects of the drug are due to the oils of camphor, menthol, eucalyptus, cloves, cinnamon, and peppermint included in its composition. The base is Vaseline. The drug has the following effects on the human body:

  • Locally irritating – “Zvezdochka” balm irritates sensitive receptors of the skin and mucous membranes, which leads to reflex vasodilation, improvement of trophism in the affected area, and release of biologically active substances. Tissue reactivity changes, swelling subsides.
  • Distracting - the effect is based on the interference of pain impulses in the spinal cord with suppression of the dominant focus. This ensures a slight analgesic effect of the drug.
  • Antiseptic – essential oils contained in the balm have a bactericidal effect. It is important that the agents have a similar effect on pathogenic microorganisms and vapors. This allows it to be used to treat colds, sore throat, and nasal congestion.

All effects appear when used externally. Taking Zvezdochka ointment orally is unacceptable.

From the nervous system: dizziness, headache, migraine, convulsions. The reason for this reaction lies in the individual characteristics of the body.

From the respiratory side: cases of development of bronchial spasms have been recorded when contraindications for use are not observed.

Allergic reactions: burning, redness, itching, sometimes even urticaria.

Drug interactions in relation to other pharmaceutical drugs have not been studied.

Locally irritating, antiseptic, distracting effect.

  • Reactions from nervous activity: dizziness, headache, agitation, occurrence seizures
  • Allergic reactions: hives, rashes, itching, irritation.
  • Respiratory reactions: increased frequency of bronchospasms.

Features of interaction with other drugs have not been studied.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The drug activates receptors in the mucous membranes and skin. It has local warming, anti-inflammatory, anesthetic, antiseptic effects, dilates capillaries, stimulating blood supply and lowering blood pressure, affects reflex centers in the brain.

The effect of the pencil is manifested by reducing the inflammatory process and eliminating pain caused by the influenza virus, as well as colds and other factors.

Use for runny nose and colds

To treat colds, sore throats, runny nose, the product is used in the form of an ointment or an inhalation pencil.

  1. Bring it to your nose and inhale its aroma deeply. Do this for a minute.
  2. For a runny nose and severe nasal congestion, lubricate and actively massage first the bridge of the nose, then the wings of the nose and the edges of each nostril. But there is no need to put ointment inside the nostril - this is dangerous for the mucous membrane, you can burn it.

These same activities will help prevent these diseases.

Rhinitis is a common problem among both adults and children. You can buy a large number of vasoconstrictor drops at the pharmacy. However, it is not advisable to take them for a long time due to the possibility of addiction. Safer to use would be “Zvezdochka” - a balm, the use of which for a runny nose has been widespread for many years.

To treat rhinitis with a balm, it must be applied acupuncture to influence biologically active points of the body. This should be done several times a day (up to 6) and always at night.

To correctly identify active points, you need to press on a specific area. If you feel a lot of pain in such a place, this is it. This is where it is better to apply the balm with massaging movements.

For a runny nose, “Star” is applied:

  • on the earlobes;
  • between the eyebrows;
  • on the chin;
  • for whiskey;
  • on the wings of the nose;
  • above the upper lip.


Zvezdochka ointment also has contraindications. Cannot be used:

  • children under 3 years of age;
  • women who are pregnant;
  • finally, if a person is intolerant to any components of the ointment.

During pregnancy, any woman worries about her child and tries not to consume or use drugs that harm the body. However, it is during this period that a woman’s body is susceptible to infections and viruses due to weakened immunity. But at the same time, some doctors recommend this particular remedy to pregnant women.

This happens because, in comparison with other drugs, only “Zvezdochka” is able to have the most positive effect, without causing adverse consequences. Due to its organically pure composition, the balm, in comparison with other antiviral drugs, is the safest for the human body.

In this case, you need to apply the balm to a small area of ​​skin and, after a few minutes, see if the drug causes an allergic reaction. Medical professionals also do not recommend using the ointment for bronchial asthma or asthmatic bronchitis, because oils can provoke bronchitis spasms.

It is recommended to use the drug “Zvezdochka” no more than 3 times a day. Contraindications include applying too much balm, as it can cause a burn. In this case, you should thoroughly rinse the area to which a large amount of ointment was applied and apply ice. It will take approximately 7 days to heal. These days, you can apply aloe juice to the affected area, this will speed up the healing process.

The ointment used depends on the type of use (anti-cold, universal, analgesic, post-traumatic, gentle).

Hypersensitivity to the constituent components of the drug.

Skin diseases, wound surface of the application area, bleeding injuries.

The ointment should not be used by children under two years of age.

Whooping cough, bronchial spasm and bronchial asthma.

Like any drug, Golden Ointment has contraindications for use. Fortunately, there are very few of them:

  • An allergic reaction to one or several components included in the composition.
  • Children under 3 years of age.
  • Use with caution in pregnant women.
  • Strictly contraindicated for bronchial asthma.

When using ointment for treatment for the first time, check your body’s reaction to the ointment. To do this, smear a small area of ​​skin on your arm and wait half an hour. If some of the manifestations of individual intolerance appear, this is not your medicine.

How long is it stored?

  • The jar should be stored in a dark and cool place.
  • The shelf life is usually written on the packaging - 4 years from the date of manufacture.

The use of Zvezdochka balm in the form of a pencil for inhalation is justified in the treatment of rhinitis.

Indications for use for the balm in other forms of release:

  • colds;
  • flu;
  • rhinitis;
  • headache;
  • insect bites.

Contraindications for using the pencil:

  • age less than 2 years.

Contraindications for using the balm:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • disease or injury to the skin at the site of intended use of the drug.

Instructions for using the balm list the following diseases and conditions:

  • Headache.
  • Runny nose.
  • Cough.
  • Insect bites.
  • Flu (as part of complex therapy).

In addition to its official purpose, the drug is used to treat muscle pain in athletes, as a means of warming up muscles, for joint diseases and cracks in the legs. There is information about the successful use of medicine to eliminate nail fungus. When using such recipes, it is worth considering that the manufacturer did not provide for these conditions. Accordingly, no tests have been carried out to confirm the safety of Zvezdochka in this area.

The list of conditions for which the use of the balm is not recommended includes three items:

  • The patient is under two years of age.
  • Hypersensitivity to the components included in the drug.
  • Damage to the skin at the intended site of application. If there is a purulent pimple, cut or area of ​​inflammation on the surface of the body (psoriasis, eczema), the use of the balm is contraindicated.

The reason for withdrawing the drug is its poor tolerability by the patient. This applies more to children. The product should be removed from the skin with an alcohol wipe and more gentle formulations should be used in the future if a person notes after application:

  • Severe burning sensation.
  • Stitching or pain in the treated area.

Contraindications to the use of balm

— Pregnancy, breastfeeding, individual intolerance to any component of the balm.

— Damage to the skin, the presence of skin diseases in the areas where the balm is applied (pyoderma, dermatitis, eczema).

- Epilepsy, tendency to seizures, spasmophilia, bronchial asthma.

  • headaches caused by overwork, stress and colds;
  • dizziness;
  • rhinitis;
  • flu;
  • insect bites;
  • runny nose;
  • bronchitis;
  • arthritis;
  • radiculitis;
  • rheumatism;
  • insomnia;
  • toothache;
  • cough;
  • respiratory infections;
  • injuries and dislocations.

Asterisk, although natural, still has contraindications that must be strictly observed. If the restrictions are ignored, the balm can cause significant harm to health. You cannot carry out therapy using this drug in cases where patients have:

  • intolerance to at least one of the components of the drug - in such a situation, applying the balm or performing inhalation will cause a severe allergic reaction, which can lead to suffocation;
  • age under 3 years – for young children whose bodies are still too sensitive, an abundance of essential oils is dangerous, as it will cause a sharp deterioration in their condition;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • bronchospasm - from the ointment it can increase significantly, which will lead to breathing problems or cessation;
  • whooping cough;
  • skin diseases.

During pregnancy and lactation, asterisk ointment is not recommended for use. This is due to the special activity of the substances in the composition of the drug on the body.

The main negative reactions that may occur during treatment with the use of an asterisk are burning, swelling, and the appearance of rashes similar to hives. If there is severe itching at the site of application of the composition, it is also necessary to draw a conclusion about the body’s negative reaction to the drug.

Instructions for inhalation

During a cold, inhalation is a good help in the traditional treatment of ailments. In this case, the asterisk is used along with other folk remedies and is no less effective.

How to do inhalation:

  • For a liter of boiled water you need to take about a pea of ​​ointment. Then everything is the same as with regular inhalation. The procedure time is 10 minutes.

Attention! Let the boiling water cool slightly so as not to burn your face and nasal mucous membranes.

The only contraindication in this case is a strong choking cough. This problem can be dealt with in another way, more on that below.

Ointment "Doctor Mom" ​​- first aid for cough

Balm “Zvezdochka” for coughs helps to cope with the feeling of stuffiness, soreness and scratching in the throat. This remedy has nothing to do with removing phlegm. However, most people who used “Zvezdochka” for coughing say that they experienced very noticeable relief already in the first days of use.

Cold remedy "Doctor Mom" ​​in the form of an ointment helps to gently and quickly relieve cough. Doctor Mom ointment has an organic base. Thanks to this and the external form of application, the danger to the body is minimal.

The appearance of the ointment is an almost transparent white mixture with a fresh menthol smell. The drug is suitable for both complex treatment of colds and single use. Can be used as a prevention of viral diseases.

For coughs, including prolonged coughs, apply the balm to the chest, upper back and neck. After the procedure, you need to wrap yourself up warmly and preferably go to bed. The product will work more effectively if you treat it before bed.

We are all very familiar with the Vietnamese balm Zvezdochka. This is the first remedy in the fight against colds. The balm contains essential oils of medicinal plants: mint, cloves, eucalyptus, Chinese cinnamon, laurel.

The balm has antiseptic, distracting and local irritating properties.

A common complication of colds is a runny nose and cough. Laryngotracheitis, tracheitis, tracheobronchitis, bronchitis and pneumonia, regardless of origin, are accompanied by cough. The intensity of the cough reflex depends on the degree of involvement of the chest organs in the inflammatory process. The use of ointments to reduce the symptoms of complications of colds is based on the warming effect and anti-inflammatory inhalation of active ethereal vapors.

The ease of use of the auxiliary method of treating cough is also attractive. The occurrence of side effects from this method of therapy is minimized. If you use ointments correctly and do not overdo it with the amount of the drug used (burns may occur at the site of application if the dose is too large), then the treatment will only have positive dynamics.

Methods of application

should be applied to the skin with light massaging movements to the desired parts of the body, including in the area of ​​active and reflexogenic points.

For proper use of the balm during rubbing and massage, you should lightly spread the skin at a certain active or painful point. You need to massage it lightly, without tension, until the skin turns pink and a feeling of warmth appears. The procedure is carried out 2-4 times a day.

There have been no cases of overdose.

Apply externally to active points. The balm is lightly rubbed into the affected area.

“Star” for cough – where to apply:

  • The balm is applied pointwise to the subclavian space, chin area, temples and under the shoulder blades.
  • The product must not only be applied, but also massaged into these areas.

For a runny nose, apply to the wings of the nose. It is also recommended to inhale the vapors of the ointment for congestion or use the dosage form in the form of a pencil.

The asterisk for inhalation is used in its pure form, or in combination with inhalation agents. Add a tablespoon of sea salt and a couple of drops of liquid “Star” balm to 1 liter of boiling water. The procedure is performed at night. Cover your head with a towel and inhale the vapor for 10 minutes (it is recommended to close your eyes).

The medicine is used systematically to stop the pain. The course of treatment depends on the nature of the disease, age and symptoms. Long-term use of the ointment does not lead to the development of dependence syndrome or overdose.

No cases involving an overdose of the balm have been identified.

The ointment should only be used externally. Contact of even the slightest particle of “Star” on the mucous membrane can cause extremely unpleasant sensations in the patient and, as a side effect, unhealthy fits of laughter in others. The ointment needs to be rubbed into certain places: for headaches - temples, colds are treated by rubbing into the back, chest and stomach.

Storage conditions

You can prepare a healing ointment at home. It is clear that this will not be the original Vietnamese balm, but the therapeutic effect of this remedy is no less effective.

Take to prepare the base:

  • Shea butter – 2 gr.
  • Jojoba oil – 3 ml.
  • Beeswax – 2 gr.
  • Camphor cinnamon – 20 drops.
  • Peppermint oil – 20 drops.
  • Eucalyptus oil – 10 drops.
  • Cinnamon oil – 10 drops.

You can replace the last two oils with lavender, clove and tea tree oils, taking 10 drops of each.


  1. Take a mixing bowl and wipe it with alcohol. It is advisable to use glass or stainless steel containers to avoid the components reacting to the metal.
  2. Melt the wax and Shea butter in a water bath. Then remove from heat and pour in jojoba oil. Stir and add all the remaining oils one by one. All this must be done as quickly as possible, since beeswax hardens quickly.
  3. But one more nuance should be taken into account: do not add oil to wax that is too hot, otherwise they will lose their benefits, so wait a couple of minutes.

Quite affordable and not taking up much space even in your purse, the remedy should always be at hand. To immediately act as a savior of our health. A few more words about the beneficial properties, and detailed instructions for improving health, in the interesting video that I found for you. Be healthy! With love... Galina Nekrasova.

In a dry place, protected from light, out of reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.

Over the counter.

Store in a dark, dry place at a temperature of 11–15 °C.

In childhood, during pregnancy and breastfeeding

For a number of reasons, “Zvezdochka” cannot be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, because the ointment has quite “caustic” fumes.

For the treatment of children, it is an indispensable drug, but it is worth taking into account the age of the young patient - at least two years.

During this important period for every woman, it is worth paying special attention to all medications. Asterisk is no exception, as it contains many essential oils and other components.

But, despite the relative safety in relation to other drugs, it is better to avoid using the drug. A pregnant woman's body is already weakened by bearing a child. So it's better not to take risks.

special instructions

The balm is intended for external use only. Avoid getting the medicine into the eyes and mucous membranes, as well as onto unprotected wound surfaces.

To prevent burns to delicate tissues, apply only a thin layer. Upon contact with the mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes, it causes a severe burning sensation. If an allergy develops, wash off the balm from the skin with soap and water.

How to open the “Star” ointment

There are several ways, but I’ll note right away that force will not help here.

  1. Pinch the bottom of the jar with 3 fingers of one hand, and with the other, twist the lid back and forth, while pulling up.
  2. Roll the balm on some surface (for example, a table). After some time, the lid will open on its own.
  3. Use a thin bladed knife to pry the jars up.

Video Lifehack: easy to open a jar ⭐ Method 1

⭐ Video Method 2⭐

“Zvezdochka” balm should be stored in a cool, dry place, protected from light, at a temperature of 15 ° C to 25 ° C, tightly closed.

Keep out of the reach of children!

The shelf life of the drug is 5 years.

When purchasing Golden Star balm, be sure to pay attention to the production date and expiration date. Do not use after the expiration date indicated on the package.

Various release forms are developed solely for the convenience of using the product in the presence of various symptoms.

  • The inhalation pencil copes well with the symptoms of colds and other nasopharyngeal diseases.
  • Liquid balm Zvezdochka is best used for steam inhalations.
  • An ordinary balm is universal, but is most suitable for rubbing and spot application to the skin.

To this day, the drug is packaged in round tin boxes with a tightly clamped lid. Unlocking them is a task that not everyone can handle. The fact is that the upper part of the container lies tightly on the lower part. It is not possible to turn it due to the smooth surface of the container. People who actively use the balm have developed five effective ways to solve the problem:

  • Nail scissors - determine where the overlap of the lid is and carefully pry it off with the tip of the tool, pulling up. The method is dangerous.
  • Heat Treatment – ​​Heat can be used in the form of an open fire or indirectly. In the first case, the container is heated on the side with a lighter or match, in the second, it is immersed in boiling water for 1–2 minutes.
  • Physical impact - the box should be thrown on the floor, or given a light blow with a hammer. As a result, the container loses its original shape and becomes oval. After this, there are no difficulties with opening it.
  • Pliers are a classic method. The lower part of the container is clamped in a vice, and the upper part is turned and pulled using a bench tool.
  • Freezing - there is an opinion that the “Star” can be opened by cooling it. To do this, you need to put the drug in the refrigerator for 1–2 hours, after which the necessary action can be performed.

If all methods do not bring the expected result, the container with the ointment can simply be flattened. Then remove the drug from it and put it in a more pliable container.

Do not try to remove the cover with your fingernails or teeth. Such actions may result in injury.

Many people have difficulty opening a new jar of ointment. I’ll say right away that force will not help in this case, you need to use ingenuity:

  1. Roll the side of the jar on the table, it will soon open on its own.
  2. Take the jar by the bottom, and twist the top back and forth, simultaneously pulling it up.
  3. You can try to help yourself by slightly prying the lid of the jar with a thin knife blade.

Oddly enough, this question comes up periodically. A special study was carried out, during which it turned out that the easiest way to do this is to place it on its edge, press it, and roll it lightly (like a car wheel). Option two - carefully slide a knife under the lid and lift it. Well, the main way is to hold the bottom of the jar with the fingers of one hand and twist the lid with the other. It can be easily removed in half a turn.

Opening a round metal box of ointment always turns out to be difficult, since the packaging for this is especially inconvenient. The use of force does not work when trying to get to the drug.

There are 3 methods that help open the box, but all of them are not very fast and do not always lead to success.

  1. Prying off the cap with a thin knife blade.
  2. Rolling on a hard surface. If you roll the jar on the table for a while, placing it on its side, the lid will gradually come off. The process is long and requires patience.
  3. Contraction. With one hand, squeeze the bottom of the box tightly, and with the other, grab the lid and turn it from side to side, while pulling it slightly.

In rare cases, the package is closed so tightly that it is impossible to remove the lid. In such a situation, pliers can help.

Price and analogues

Due to the demand for the drug, the price of the balm has increased significantly. So for a jar-puck you will have to pay at least 240 rubles, and for a pencil - from 250 rubles.

Analogues with a similar effect:

  1. For colds and insect bites - Eagle balm.
  2. Itching, irritation, inflammatory processes - “Irakarm”.

The cost of an asterisk depends on its dosage form. In Russian pharmacies, ointment costs the buyer 90–95 rubles, liquid – 200 rubles, pencil – 130 rubles. For patients, for one reason or another, who do not want to use the drug in question, there are many analogues of equivalent action. The most famous of them include the following:

  • Doctor Mom is a local irritant based on herbal ingredients. The list of indications includes sinusitis, rhinitis, muscle, spinal, and headaches. Distributed without a prescription. Cost – 150 rubles.
  • Capsicam is intended primarily for the treatment of myalgia and as a means to warm up muscles in athletes. Packaged in tubes of 50 and 30 g. The price of a large container is 330 rubles.
  • Finalgon is an analgesic and vasodilator ointment with a prolonged effect. The effect develops 20 minutes after application. Designed for the treatment of joints and muscle diseases. Cost 300–350 rubles.
  • Fenistil gel is similar to “Zvezdochka” only in its action against insect bites and a slight analgesic effect. Used for skin itching, burns, eczema. Belongs to the group of H1 histamine receptor blockers. Price – 350 rubles and above.

In addition to the above list, local irritants include: Efkamon, Espol, Nicoflex, Apizartron.

Level 4 ATX code matches:

Menovazin, Balm "Eagle", Menovazan, Naftalan ointment.




Release form


Golden Cup

The Thai analogue of Zvezdochka is used to treat swelling, bruises, sprains, joint pain, and is used for insect bites. The components of the Golden Cup have an anti-inflammatory effect. Inhalations with the balm will relieve nausea, fatigue, and anxiety.

Golden Cup Phrmaceutical, Thailand

Chinese Tiger is applicable for colds, runny nose, cough, flu, inflammation and pain in the nasopharynx. Recommended for headaches and dizziness, for injuries such as bruises and sprains. Will help in relieving skin itching.

XueShanBaiCao, China

Intended for the treatment of skin diseases that are accompanied by itching: Neurodermatitis; Eczema; Atopic dermatitis.

DHU, Germany

Ointment, cream

Treats demodicosis, acne (pimples), has a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antipruritic effect

Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company ORS,


An active pain reliever helps cope with pain and other symptoms that occur with the following diseases: bone fractures, varicose veins, neuralgia, myalgia, arthritis of various etiologies, hematomas, sprains, radiculitis, itching and burning of the skin caused by dermatitis.

JSC Pharmaceutical, Russia

Naftalan ointment

Prescribed for skin diseases, diseases of the joints and spine, extra-articular diseases of soft tissues and the musculoskeletal system, disorders of the nervous system, burns, frostbite, hemorrhoids, and sports injuries.

TOV "Biliol", Ukraine

Balm (ointment) “Zvezdochka” is a therapeutic and prophylactic medicine originally from Vietnam, known for its unique composition. Its natural recipe can overcome even a severe headache.

The composition of the well-known balm was developed by Vietnamese specialists from a pharmaceutical company "Danafa".

The ointment was produced in large quantities in the country's factories, which led to the name “Vietnamese Star” being assigned to it. A literal translation from the native language, carried out by American pharmacists, offers a different interpretation: “Golden Star Balm.”

An odorous ointment appeared on the shelves of pharmacies in the USSR in the 70s. 20th century and quickly gained popularity thanks to a triad of advantages: effectiveness (sometimes even irreplaceability), versatility and affordable price. According to another version, the authors of the product were Soviet scientists, from whom Vietnam borrowed production technology. Then factories in China got down to business, where the characteristics of the product were improved, so you can often hear about the “Chinese star”.

Another common name is "Tiger Ointment".

Interesting fact . At a certain point, the balm disappeared from pharmacies in the Soviet Union. But Russian pharmacologists, impressed by its healing properties, contributed to its return to sale.

Mechanisms of action

Composition components and their properties

  1. Crystal menthol and peppermint oil are responsible for the cooling and analgesic effect.
  2. Rosehip and eucalyptus oils have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.
  3. Camphor is known for its local anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
  4. Cinnamon oil stimulates blood circulation and has a calming effect on nerve endings.
  5. Clove oil with characteristic antiseptic, antispasmodic, strengthening properties. When applied locally, it relieves pain and regulates temperature.
  6. Paraffin, beeswax and lanolin together they create an ointment consistency convenient for application and improve absorbent properties.

Initially eucalyptus oil There was no “Vietnamese star” in the lineup. But, after adding it as an experimental component, many noted an increase in the healing properties of the balm.

Table: composition of the “Golden Star”

What kind of headache will it help with?

It is believed that the Golden Star ointment can relieve headaches of any etiology. Here it is necessary to remember that the remedy only alleviates the symptoms of the disease, but does not cure it, so a visit to the doctor is necessary if you experience frequent pain.

The use of the balm is especially effective for the following types of pain:

  1. Pulling in the area of ​​the back of the head and neck (a likely sign of osteochondrosis).
  2. Throbbing in the temples (usually a sign of migraine).
  3. In the frontal part of the head (a symptom of respiratory diseases).
  4. Shingles, accompanied by a general feeling of heaviness (consequences of stress and overwork).
  5. As a result of injury.

Attention! During a hypertensive crisis, the substance should be rubbed in with caution - mechanical action can lead to an even greater increase in pressure, which will provoke increased pain.

If there are pathological neoplasms (benign or malignant) in the brain, the use of “Zvezdochka” for pain relief is ineffective.

Effect on migraine

Characteristic manifestations of migraine:

  • a veil before the eyes;
  • impaired coordination and balance;
  • the pain may last for several days;
  • often accompanied by dizziness, nausea, and vomiting.
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