Why do we see colorless flies in the air? Why do we sometimes see colorless flies flying? How the eye works. What is it and how dangerous is it? Colorless flies flying in the air


— Why can’t you take pictures of sleeping people?

All superstitions appear due to obsessive thoughts that during photography, not only the image, but also the human soul is captured. They especially often talk about why you shouldn’t take pictures of people sleeping. The answer has to do with the fact that in these images people are very vulnerable. Therefore, if such a card falls into the hands of ill-wishers, the person may suffer.
Photography is a powerful source of human energy. And if you direct it in the wrong direction, then various troubles will begin to occur, even death. This sign has no evidence, but people try to avoid such photographs out of pure superstition.
1. In Europe there was a tradition of photographing the dead as a keepsake. The Russians also adopted this tradition. Dead children were especially often photographed, as their parents experienced real grief and wanted to preserve the memory of the child for the rest of their lives.
2. There was a belief that during sleep a person’s soul leaves the body. Therefore, you cannot photograph sleeping people. Magicians and sorcerers can place a curse on a photograph.
Taking photographs of sleeping people is not recommended. But not out of fear of harming a person, but because of ethical considerations. During sleep, a person is defenseless, he rests and does not control his facial expression and posture. Therefore, you should not abuse the trust of a friend or loved one and photograph him sleeping.

— Why when a person dies does his wristwatch stop?
Very often, after a person dies, his clock stops. And not only on the hand of the deceased, but sometimes throughout the entire house.
Here are just a few stories from readers.
“When my grandfather died, my wall clock stopped. And they never went again, no matter how many times they were turned on. Alexander".
“My dad was a submariner in the past (he is now retired). And when Kursk sank, his clock stopped at night. Although at that time they were vacationing in Sochi with their mother. He was on vacation... And he wasn't the only one staying with us. Lyudmila."
“When I was in college, I had a classmate. In her senior year, she was hit and killed by a car. In her purse she had a watch with a broken bracelet. Stopped at the moment of death. And another case. When my grandmother was dying, all (!) clocks in the house stopped, from the antique floor clock to the cheap alarm clock. Freya."
Parapsychologists, as a rule, explain this phenomenon by the fact that a dying person releases powerful psychic energy, which stops the clock.
Physicists have offered their own explanation.
However, the fact is that when a person wears a metal watch on his left hand for a long time, especially if it has a leather or iron strap, then it becomes a component of his electromagnetic field. They seem to be included in the electrical circuit and begin to play the role of grounding. All the energy of the human body flows into the clock mechanism on the hand. In electronics, such a part that collects energy is called a plug or terminator. After a couple of months of wearing it on the hand, the watch receives a charge from its owner’s field and is fueled by it, so after the death of a person, the watch, deprived of the energy of its field, also stops.

- Why can’t you sleep in front of a mirror?
Mirrors can cause a whole series of unmotivated problems in a person’s life, both in his personal life and with health. This is because refraction, reflection and distortion of the received information occurs in the mirror, especially for old mirrors. And as for antique mirrors, it’s generally better not to hang them in the bedroom; they have accumulated so much information during their existence that it will only have a negative impact and will only cause harm.
If you step back from the magical influence, then at the physiological level there are also explanations for why you can’t sleep in front of a mirror. In a half-asleep state, any movement outside the line of sight is subconsciously perceived as a signal of danger, and, fixing the reflection in the mirror, the brain “begins” to get nervous and panic. In addition, a mirror in the bedroom disrupts the intimate atmosphere; it creates the illusion that there is someone else in the bedroom.

- Why do pigeons nod their heads?
Many of you may have seen pigeons nodding their heads. Why?
There are opinions that in fact the bird does not nod at all - its body moves, but its head remains motionless. But why?
It turns out that the eyes of a pigeon simply do not know how to quickly focus on one object, as we do. That is why the bird’s head can be in the same position for some time, while its body moves. All this creates a nod effect.
According to another opinion, in this way the pigeon tries to maintain the balance of its body. Other birds do not need this, since large ones waddle, and smaller ones simply jump.

— Where does tingling in the limbs after numbness come from?
Most often, there is nothing dangerous in such tingling. It occurs, for example, when a person “rested” his leg or “rested” his arm. This is mainly due to the fact that blood circulation stops or worsens for a short time. Then, if the blood flow has returned to normal, then the tingling sensation, as you notice, first grows from the inside - this is the blood flowing through the main arteries, and then develops into tiny “pricks” closer to the surface of the skin - this is the blood reaching the upper layers of the skin and pulsating in the smallest capillaries and blood vessels.
But it happens that tingling occurs because the nerve is pinched and the limb becomes partially numb. One woman had a herniated disc in the neck area; as a result, even after surgery, she had a constant tingling sensation in her left arm and two fingers. But doctors say that damaged, compressed nerves can recover over time.

— What happens if you scan the mirror?
Oddly enough, users often wonder: what will happen if you scan a mirror? There are a lot of conjectures, conjectures and assumptions about this. Someone says that a black hole will open into the kingdom of the looking glass. Some argue that the reflective property of the mirror will allow you to look inside the scanner without disassembling it. There are also more prosaic opinions that there will just be a bright light from a lamp or that nothing will happen at all.
Let's start with how scanners work in general. Let’s imagine that a carriage moves along the scanning field, on which a light bulb is actually located, illuminating the sheet being scanned, in this case our mirror. And all the light is captured by a charge-coupled device (CCD). And the more light transmitted, the greater the value transmitted to the pixel (black/white).
The result of everything above should be a completely white leaf, but, however, what comes out is a mirror with a completely black reflection. Why?
The whole point is that the mirror reflects all the light at a different angle, so exactly the same result will be obtained when the scanner lid is open (because essentially no light is reflected).

- Why don’t we remember our childhood and how we were born?
The term "infantile amnesia" was coined by Sigmund Freud in 1899. According to Freud, adults are not able to remember the events of the first 3-5 years of their lives, since during the first years of life the child experiences aggressive and often sexual urges towards his parents. But this idea was one-sided and did not take root.
Perhaps the main cause of childhood amnesia is differences in the encoding of received information in children and adults. And if an adult is able to store a lot of data in memory, then a child periodically loses it.
The process of forming memories is carried out by a network of nerve cells, which is created in 6-18 months. At this stage, short-term and long-term memory appears. But if our memory has already reached the required level, why do we forget our childhood? It turns out that this is due to the lack of ability to connect events with words, since we do not yet know how to speak and do not know the words that can be used to describe any event.

— Why do we sometimes see colorless flies flying in the air?
Many people see colorless floaters flying in the air, especially when looking at a brightly lit surface, such as a clear sky. This effect has a scientific name - destruction of the vitreous body. Ideally, the vitreous body of our eye is a transparent gelatinous substance, but due to illness, injury, increased strain on the eyes, or simply age-related changes, individual fibers in it thicken and lose transparency, which is what we perceive as floaters. Usually, destruction of the vitreous body is not dangerous and does not cause complications, but if floaters appear very suddenly, accompanied by flashes of light, this may indicate imminent retinal detachment, which leads to blindness.

— Why are we so annoyed by the sound of our own voice in a recording?
For many of us, hearing the sound of our own voice recorded is a real challenge. We don't recognize him, and we don't like him at all. He's thinner, taller and generally quite nasty. The recording cannot lie, which means that those around us hear our voice exactly like that.
This is explained by the fact that sound travels a certain path before entering our inner ear. Every sound we hear is vibrations traveling through the air. The inner ear “catches” these vibrations and “pours” them into the head through the external auditory canal, where they move the eardrums.
These vibrations then penetrate the inner ear and are converted into signals that are transmitted along the auditory nerve to the brain, where they are deciphered. However, the inner ear detects not only those vibrations that come from the outside through the ear canal. It also perceives the vibrations that arise inside the body. Therefore, when you speak yourself, you hear a combination of these two types of vibrations. And sound is transmitted differently in different environments. This explains the discrepancy that is so annoying when you hear your own voice in a recording.

— Why can’t we celebrate our 40th anniversary?
Echoes of paganism will wander in our society for a long time in the form of various superstitions. As you have probably heard more than once, many people do not celebrate their 40th birthday, citing bad luck. If you are overcome by curiosity, or you will soon turn 40 years old, then let's look below at why you should not celebrate this date.
Why can't a woman celebrate her 40th birthday?
It is believed that there is no need to celebrate 40 years because of the number 40 itself:
- For 40 days Jesus was in the desert, where he was subjected to the drying of the devil;
- The Flood lasted 40 days;
- 40 days a person’s soul remains on earth after death;
- 40 days after the birth of a child, a girl cannot go to church;
- For 40 years the Jewish people wandered in the desert;
- 40 is a number that has a negative meaning in various worldviews.
It is because of this that it is believed that 40 years cannot be celebrated due to negative events and phenomena that have accumulated over this number. The number “4” itself means death, and “40” is made up of two consonances “dirty” and “rock”, and this can be interpreted in different ways. For example: rubbish - uncleanness and fate - fate, predestination, inevitability, etc.
What happens when you celebrate 40 years?
Again, according to popular belief, it is said that those who celebrate 40 years are approaching death, trouble, misfortune, illness and other negative dangers. It’s just not clear whether you can’t celebrate 40 years at all or only in the family circle.
Believe it or not.
What do representatives of the Orthodox Church say about this? The clergy are surprised when they hear about this, and say that all these superstitions are “from the evil one” and the Orthodox Church is condemnatory of this. Any superstition is paganism and distance from the true faith, no matter what it is: Orthodox or Catholic. Therefore, there is no need to take this seriously, and in general pay attention to it; it is possible to celebrate the 40th anniversary.
Believe it or not - it's up to you. If we analyze all the events associated with the number 40, then everything negative lasted 40 years or days, then a new, better life began... Despite the fact that many people believe in this superstition, we have never been able to find real examples of that the celebration of the fortieth anniversary was the consequence of an evil fate. Maybe we can try to find the truth together in the comments?

Why does a person's wristwatch stop when he dies?
- Why don’t we remember our childhood and how we were born?
- Why do we sometimes see colorless flies flying in the air?
- Why are we so annoyed by the sound of our own voice in recordings?
- Why do men have nipples too?
- Why do Armenians have surnames starting with YAN?

TO teaching questions to which I didn’t know the answers... and voila! After digging around on the net they were found! Maybe someone besides me will be interested)

1. Why does a person’s wristwatch stop when he dies?

Investigators, especially those involved in solving murders, know that often when a person dies, his wristwatch stops. Even if they did not receive any mechanical damage. The fact is that, having been on the hand for a long time, a metal watch, perhaps (especially with an iron or leather strap on the left hand) becomes part of a person’s electromagnetic field, as if included in an electrical circuit, playing the role of a kind of grounding. All the energy of the body flows into this end point (in electronics, such a part is called a terminator, or plug).

Gradually, after just a few months of wearing, the terminator watch acquires a charge from the human field and is fed by it. The energy of the compressed spring is supplemented by the energy of the human field.
If your mechanical watch is not working properly, you may need to go see a doctor rather than go to a repair shop!

It should be remembered that this is just a theory and there is no documented evidence of this, despite the statements of investigators. That’s why the article was classified under the “Other” heading.

2. Why don’t we remember our childhood and how we were born?
The term "infantile amnesia" was coined by Sigmund Freud in 1899. According to Freud, adults are not able to remember the events of the first 3-5 years of their lives, since during the first years of life the child experiences aggressive and often sexual urges towards his parents. But this idea was one-sided and did not take root.

Perhaps the main cause of childhood amnesia is differences in the encoding of received information in children and adults. And if an adult is able to store a lot of data in memory, then a child periodically loses it.

The process of forming memories is carried out by a network of nerve cells, which is created in 6-18 months. At this stage, short-term and long-term memory appears. But if our memory has already reached the required level, why do we forget our childhood? It turns out that this is due to the lack of ability to connect events with words, since we do not yet know how to speak and do not know the words that can be used to describe any event.

3. Why do we sometimes see colorless flies flying in the air?
Many people see colorless floaters flying in the air, especially when looking at a brightly lit surface, such as a clear sky. This effect has a scientific name - destruction of the vitreous body. Ideally, the vitreous body of our eye is a transparent gelatinous substance, but due to illness, injury, increased eye strain, or simply age-related changes, individual fibers in it thicken and lose transparency, which is what we perceive as floaters. Usually, destruction of the vitreous body is not dangerous and does not cause complications, but if floaters appear very suddenly, accompanied by flashes of light, this may indicate imminent retinal detachment, which leads to blindness.

4. Why are we so annoyed by the sound of our own voice on recording?

For many of us, hearing the sound of our own voice recorded is a real challenge. We don't recognize him, and we don't like him at all. He's thinner, taller and generally quite nasty. The recording cannot lie, which means that those around us hear our voice exactly like that.

This is explained by the fact that sound travels a certain path before entering our inner ear. Every sound we hear is vibrations traveling through the air. The inner ear “catches” these vibrations and “pours” them into the head through the external auditory canal, where they move the eardrums.

These vibrations then penetrate the inner ear and are converted into signals that are transmitted along the auditory nerve to the brain, where they are deciphered. However, the inner ear detects not only those vibrations that come from the outside through the ear canal. It also perceives the vibrations that arise inside the body. Therefore, when you speak yourself, you hear a combination of these two types of vibrations. And sound is transmitted differently in different environments. This explains the discrepancy that is so annoying when you hear your own voice in a recording.

5. Why do Armenians’ last names always end with “Yan”, “Yants”?
Armenian surnames usually end in -yan or -yants, which means belonging (in this case, to a clan). So, -ants (-yanc) is the ending of the genitive plural (compare “nrants” - theirs). In modern Armenian, the suffix -yan is used to form adjectives, for example, “Moskovyan” - Moscow, “Kievyan” - Kiev. Thus, the surname “Sarkisyan” means belonging to the Sarkis family.

6. Why do men have nipples - what is their purpose?
Why do men who are not breastfeeding need them? Let's consider the most common versions of their necessity. Let us immediately make a reservation that none of the versions is a scientifically proven fact.

So, according to one version, men need nipples for beauty. Indeed, a representative of the stronger sex without this part of the body looks, to put it mildly, not aesthetically pleasing. But the concepts of aesthetics and beauty are purely human, existing only in the minds of people. In nature, everything is thought out, and each organ plays a specific role necessary to ensure and continue life on earth.

For the same reason, the version that nipples are necessary to cause pain and injury (if you grab the enemy by them and twist them) seems unfounded.
WHY do men have nipples? Many people view nipples as an erogenous zone. But men have enough other organs involved in arousal and the emergence of sexual desire. Some men are generally irritated by any touch to the chest. Some view the presence of nipples as a “legacy” from the distant past, when all people were asexual beings. According to this version, the nipple is an organ that has lost its functions in the process of human development (rudiment).

An interesting fact is that theoretically, males can have milk for breastfeeding. But the male hormonal background does not create favorable conditions for this. For proper feeding, a certain amount of female hormones (estrogens) is necessary. In fact, in life and medical practice there are men with abnormally enlarged breasts. This phenomenon is called gynecomastia and is associated with excess estrogen in the body and hormonal abnormalities. Gynecomastia is common in alcoholism.

Normally, the development of the mammary glands and nipples in boys is inhibited in the early stages, and they take on the unfinished appearance of female breasts. The main function of the chest remains the protection of internal organs (primarily the heart and lungs) from external adverse factors.

The version about the intrauterine formation of nipples is scientifically substantiated. According to scientists, between 10 and 15 weeks of fetal development, male and female embryos are exactly the same. After this period, a surge of hormones occurs, which are determined by the presence of male or female chromosomes in the fetus. After this, the formation of sexual differences occurs.

Nipples, along with arms, legs and other body parts, appear in fetuses of both sexes before the hormonal explosion. Thus, the presence of nipples in men is explained by the biological processes of the embryonic development of the fetus.

Why do we sometimes see colorless flies flying in the air? Why does this condition occur in almost every inhabitant of the planet? How to get rid of a small vision problem? First of all, you need to understand the source of the problem. Only after this can you explore ways to get rid of the flickering of colorless dots before your eyes.

Destruction of the vitreous body

Among doctors, the flickering effect is explained by the destruction of the glassy formation in the organ of vision.

What is it? At its core, it is a kind of transparent substance that resembles jelly. It is located inside the eye and affects the quality of human vision. As a result of certain events, the fibers inside the body can thicken, causing it to lose its transparency. This condition is precisely called destruction, due to which “flies” appear.

Cloudiness before the eyes is most clearly visible on a bright and clean surface. Therefore, they are most often noted against the backdrop of a radiant sky, dazzling snow or a sufficiently illuminated white wall. Also, “floaters” appear at the moment of squinting, as well as in coherent rays. This does not mean that there is no problem with a lack of lighting or uneven color in the environment. It’s just that in such a situation a person does not pay attention at all to a small glitch in the visual system.

In some cases, even in low light, the flickering of transparent “flies” can be seen. Most often this occurs as a result of the growth of severe irritation.

The main feature of destruction is that it is very difficult to focus on a small cloudy particle. It's all about linking the movement of the "flies" to the movement of the eye.

Causes of destruction:

1) Age-related changes in the structure of the vitreous substance. In the vast majority of cases, changes begin to appear after 40-60 years.

2) Vascular disorders of various nature. Arterial hypertension and dystrophic changes in blood vessels should be included in this category.

3) Serious endocrine or metabolic changes. In particular, puberty, pregnancy and even taking hormonal drugs. This is why athletes who take hormones to improve their performance often notice flickering before their eyes.

5) Getting a head injury. Sometimes it's all about falling or causing injury to any part of the head. In some cases, the cause lies in injury to the eyes or nasal cavity (including surgery).

6) Physical exhaustion. Lack of nutrition or physical fatigue has a direct impact on the organ of vision. People suffering from dystrophy are more likely than others to notice the appearance of “floaters” before their eyes. It is not so much general physical training that matters, but frequent or prolonged eye strain.

7) Stress. Yes, physical and psycho-emotional changes entail vision problems.

8) Detachment of the retina or vitreous substance. This pathology is a fairly serious problem, so you should think about your health and consult an ophthalmologist as early as possible. You should suspect something is wrong if “flying flies” appear suddenly, and after a while flashes of light (or small “lightning”) begin to be observed. A similar effect occurs due to the formation of voids in the glassy formation. If you ignore the first warning signs of a problem, you increase the risk of complete loss of vision in the future.

9) The effects of radiation or toxins on the body.

When your eyesight is at stake, it's best not to take risks. An extra trip to the ophthalmologist will allow you to check if everything is okay with your eyes. "Colorless floaters" may be quite harmless, but still this condition should not be ignored.

Why can't you take pictures of sleeping people? - Why when a person dies does his wristwatch stop? - Why do pigeons nod their heads? - Where does tingling in the limbs after numbness come from? - What happens if you scan the mirror? - Why don’t we remember our childhood and how we were born? - Why do we sometimes see colorless flies flying in the air? - Why are we so annoyed by the sound of our own voice in recordings? - Why can’t we celebrate our 40th anniversary? MORE...
- Why can’t you take pictures of sleeping people? All superstitions appear due to obsessive thoughts that during photography, not only the image, but also the human soul is captured. They especially often talk about why you shouldn’t take pictures of people sleeping. The answer has to do with the fact that in these images people are very vulnerable. Therefore, if such a card falls into the hands of ill-wishers, the person may suffer. Photography is a powerful source of human energy. And if you direct it in the wrong direction, then various troubles will begin to occur, even death. This sign has no evidence, but people try to avoid such photographs out of pure superstition. 1. In Europe there was a tradition of photographing the dead as a keepsake. The Russians also adopted this tradition. Dead children were especially often photographed, as their parents experienced real grief and wanted to preserve the memory of the child for the rest of their lives. 2. There was a belief that during sleep a person’s soul leaves the body. Therefore, you cannot photograph sleeping people. Magicians and sorcerers can place a curse on a photograph. Taking photographs of sleeping people is not recommended. But not out of fear of harming a person, but because of ethical considerations. During sleep, a person is defenseless, he rests and does not control his facial expression and posture. Therefore, you should not abuse the trust of a friend or loved one and photograph him sleeping. - Why when a person dies does his wristwatch stop? Very often, after a person dies, his clock stops. And not only on the hand of the deceased, but sometimes throughout the entire house. Here are just a few stories from readers. “When my grandfather died, my wall clock stopped. And they never went again, no matter how many times they were turned on. Alexander". “My dad was a submariner in the past (he is now retired). And when Kursk sank, his clock stopped at night. Although at that time they were vacationing in Sochi with their mother. He was on vacation... And he wasn't the only one staying with us. Lyudmila." “When I was in college, I had a classmate. In her senior year, she was hit and killed by a car. In her purse she had a watch with a broken bracelet. Stopped at the moment of death. And another case. When my grandmother was dying, all (!) clocks in the house stopped, from the antique floor clock to the cheap alarm clock. Freya." Parapsychologists, as a rule, explain this phenomenon by the fact that a dying person releases powerful psychic energy, which stops the clock. Physicists have offered their own explanation. However, the fact is that when a person wears a metal watch on his left hand for a long time, especially if it has a leather or iron strap, then it becomes a component of his electromagnetic field. They seem to be included in the electrical circuit and begin to play the role of grounding. All the energy of the human body flows into the clock mechanism on the hand. In electronics, such a part that collects energy is called a plug or terminator. After a couple of months of wearing it on the hand, the watch receives a charge from its owner’s field and is fueled by it, so after the death of a person, the watch, deprived of the energy of its field, also stops. - Why do pigeons nod their heads? Many of you may have seen pigeons nodding their heads. Why? There are opinions that in fact the bird does not nod at all - its body moves, but its head remains motionless. But why? It turns out that the eyes of a pigeon simply do not know how to quickly focus on one object, as we do. That is why the bird’s head can be in the same position for some time, while its body moves. All this creates a nod effect. According to another opinion, in this way the pigeon tries to maintain the balance of its body. Other birds do not need this, since large ones waddle, and smaller ones simply jump. - Where does tingling in the limbs after numbness come from? Most often, there is nothing dangerous in such tingling. It occurs, for example, when a person “rested” his leg or “rested” his arm. This is mainly due to the fact that blood circulation stops or worsens for a short time. Then, if the blood flow has returned to normal, then the tingling sensation, as you notice, first grows from the inside - this is the blood flowing through the main arteries, and then develops into tiny “pricks” closer to the surface of the skin - this is the blood reaching the upper layers of the skin and pulsating in the smallest capillaries and blood vessels. But it happens that tingling occurs because the nerve is pinched and the limb becomes partially numb. One woman had a herniated disc in the neck area; as a result, even after surgery, she had a constant tingling sensation in her left arm and two fingers. But doctors say that damaged, compressed nerves can recover over time. - What happens if you scan the mirror? Oddly enough, users often wonder: what will happen if you scan a mirror? There are a lot of conjectures, conjectures and assumptions about this. Someone says that a black hole will open into the kingdom of the looking glass. Some argue that the reflective property of the mirror will allow you to look inside the scanner without disassembling it. There are also more prosaic opinions that there will just be a bright light from a lamp or that nothing will happen at all. Let's start with how scanners work in general. Let’s imagine that a carriage moves along the scanning field, on which a light bulb is actually located, illuminating the sheet being scanned, in this case our mirror. And all the light is captured by a charge-coupled device (CCD). And the more light transmitted, the greater the value transmitted to the pixel (black/white). The result of everything above should be a completely white leaf, but, however, what comes out is a mirror with a completely black reflection. Why? The whole point is that the mirror reflects all the light at a different angle, so exactly the same result will be obtained when the scanner lid is open (because essentially no light is reflected). - Why don’t we remember our childhood and how we were born? The term "infantile amnesia" was coined by Sigmund Freud in 1899. According to Freud, adults are not able to remember the events of the first 3-5 years of their lives, since during the first years of life the child experiences aggressive and often sexual urges towards his parents. But this idea was one-sided and did not take root. Perhaps the main cause of childhood amnesia is differences in the encoding of received information in children and adults. And if an adult is able to store a lot of data in memory, then a child periodically loses it. The process of forming memories is carried out by a network of nerve cells, which is created in 6-18 months. At this stage, short-term and long-term memory appears. But if our memory has already reached the required level, why do we forget our childhood? It turns out that this is due to the lack of ability to connect events with words, since we do not yet know how to speak and do not know the words that can be used to describe any event. - Why do we sometimes see colorless flies flying in the air? Many people see colorless floaters flying in the air, especially when looking at a brightly lit surface, such as a clear sky. This effect has a scientific name - destruction of the vitreous body. Ideally, the vitreous body of our eye is a transparent gelatinous substance, but due to illness, injury, increased eye strain, or simply age-related changes, individual fibers in it thicken and lose transparency, which is what we perceive as floaters. Usually, destruction of the vitreous body is not dangerous and does not cause complications, but if floaters appear very suddenly, accompanied by flashes of light, this may indicate imminent retinal detachment, which leads to blindness. - Why are we so annoyed by the sound of our own voice in recordings? For many of us, hearing the sound of our own voice recorded is a real challenge. We don't recognize him, and we don't like him at all. He's thinner, taller and generally quite nasty. The recording cannot lie, which means that those around us hear our voice exactly like that. This is explained by the fact that sound travels a certain path before entering our inner ear. Every sound we hear is vibrations traveling through the air. The inner ear “catches” these vibrations and “pours” them into the head through the external auditory canal, where they move the eardrums. These vibrations then penetrate the inner ear and are converted into signals that are transmitted along the auditory nerve to the brain, where they are deciphered. However, the inner ear detects not only those vibrations that come from the outside through the ear canal. It also perceives the vibrations that arise inside the body. Therefore, when you speak yourself, you hear a combination of these two types of vibrations. And sound is transmitted differently in different environments. This explains the discrepancy that is so annoying when you hear your own voice in a recording. - Why can’t we celebrate our 40th anniversary? Echoes of paganism will wander in our society for a long time in the form of various superstitions. Somehow recently we touched on the question: why you can’t take pictures in the mirror, this time we want to consider another interesting folk belief regarding the celebration of 40 years. As you have probably heard more than once, many people do not celebrate their 40th birthday, citing bad luck. If you are overcome by curiosity, or you will soon turn 40 years old, then let's look below at why you should not celebrate this date. Why can't a woman celebrate her 40th birthday? It is believed that there is no need to celebrate 40 years because of the number 40 itself: - For 40 days Jesus was in the desert, where he was subjected to the temptations of the devil; - The Flood lasted 40 days; - 40 days a person’s soul remains on earth after death; - 40 days after the birth of a child, a girl cannot go to church; - For 40 years the Jewish people wandered in the desert; - 40 is a number that has a negative meaning in various worldviews. It is because of this that it is believed that 40 years cannot be celebrated due to negative events and phenomena that have accumulated over this number. The number “4” itself means death, and “40” is made up of two consonances “dirty” and “rock”, and this can be interpreted in different ways. For example: rubbish - uncleanness and fate - fate, predestination, inevitability, etc. What happens when you celebrate 40 years? Again, according to popular belief, it is said that those who celebrate 40 years are approaching death, trouble, misfortune, illness and other negative dangers. It’s just not clear whether you can’t celebrate 40 years at all or only in the family circle. Believe it or not. What do representatives of the Orthodox Church say about this? The clergy are surprised when they hear about this, and say that all these superstitions are “from the evil one” and the Orthodox Church is condemnatory of this. Any superstition is paganism and distance from the true faith, no matter what it is: Orthodox or Catholic. Therefore, there is no need to take this seriously, and in general pay attention to it; it is possible to celebrate the 40th anniversary. Believe it or not - it's up to you. If we analyze all the events associated with the number 40, then everything negative lasted 40 years or days, then a new, better life began... Despite the fact that many people believe in this superstition, we have never been able to find real examples of that the celebration of the fortieth anniversary was the consequence of an evil fate. Maybe we can try to find the truth together in the comments?

If you look at the sky or admire the snow-white expanses on a sunny day, in addition to pain in the eyes, characteristic symptoms may appear. flies. Every person had this condition, the only question was the frequency and intensity of manifestations. Few people wonder why we see invisible flies before our eyes, because this does not affect visual acuity in any way and rarely becomes a real problem.

How does a person see?

By and large, the optical apparatus of the eye is a unique structure that allows us to perceive the world around us as it is.

It is not for nothing that blindness or partial loss of vision is considered one of the most serious health problems. And this despite the fact that reduced vision or even its complete absence does not pose any threat to life and health, unlike many other diseases.

The path of light and image formation can be represented schematically:

  • Direct rays pass through the pupil, which is a hole in the iris.
  • Depending on the level of illumination, the size of the pupil changes due to two muscles.
  • By and large, it is the iris that narrows and expands.
  • After passing through the pupil, the rays hit the vitreous body.
  • When refracted, they are sent to the retina.
  • At this stage, light is converted into electrical impulses and sent along the optic nerve to the cortex and subcortical centers.
  • It should be mentioned that an inverted image is formed on the retina.
  • Impulses are sent along nerve fibers to the subcortical structures and to the occipital lobe cortex, where all received information is analyzed.

Even in the most simplified version, everything sounds quite complicated. That is why diseases of the visual analyzer require detailed study.

Pathologies of the vitreous body

Most ophthalmologists associate the appearance of floaters in the eyes with the destruction of the vitreous body:

  1. This structure is located at the border of the anterior and posterior chambers of the eye.
  2. It is suspended due to the surrounding tissue.
  3. All rays pass through the vitreous body.
  4. It is on the level of refraction and optical power of this structure that the image that falls on the retina depends.

But the body itself does not have a dense structure; it represents jelly-like substance with interwoven connective tissue fibers. If for some reason the fiber is no longer transparent, several flies appear in our picture of the world. The more serious the problem, the more of these small spheres there are before your eyes.

However, even loss of density can lead to the same result . None of us are perfect or have perfect health, so there will always be some problems.

If flies appear before your eyes once every couple of weeks, or even less often, there is no reason to worry. Especially when they are not numerous and disappear quickly. It is enough not to pay attention to them and not to stress yourself out for nothing. Floaters do not affect visual acuity.

When and why do floaters appear before the eyes?

But at the same time, this is one of the manifestations of pathology. The body signals that one of the structures of the eye does not feel too comfortable. Typically this is due to:

What causes floaters?

When do floaters appear before the eyes?

Problems with the nutrition of the vitreous body.

Various metabolic disorders. More often endocrine pathologies, such as diabetes.

An increase in arterial and intraocular pressure leads to disruption of normal trophism.

Damage to the vitreous body.

Head injuries are often accompanied by complications related to the visual system. After each such injury, consultation with an ophthalmologist is necessary.

Vitreous detachment.

One of the most serious pathologies. Requires urgent surgical intervention; if symptoms increase, consult a doctor.

You shouldn’t joke with your eyesight; although modern technologies are capable of much, in terms of restoring vision, even they are often powerless.

Always makes a big difference timely request for help, in this case, the chances of a successful outcome increase several times, if not tens of times.

When the problem is not related to vision

Oddly enough, the problem may have nothing to do with the eyes:

  • It is often one of the symptoms of acute poisoning. If you feel unwell, to which are added flashes before your eyes and those very same spots, immediately seek help, do not hesitate to call an ambulance in such situations.
  • A common migraine is often accompanied by such floaters. They can either be harbingers of the next attack, or appear at the height of painful sensations.
  • After stressful situations, floaters appear much more often, such are the characteristics of the psyche.
  • The same goes for physical exhaustion and fatigue. After eliminating the primary problem, the condition returns to normal.

If for some reason you want to see spots before your eyes:

  1. Look at the sky, but only in sunny weather. The sight of heavenly blue contributes to the appearance of this phenomenon.
  2. In winter, in such weather, you can simply look at the white snow, the effect will be similar.
  3. Don't want to wait for the seasons to change or for the sun to peek out from behind the clouds? Provide the wall with bright lighting and look at it for 15-20 seconds. The wall should be white.
  4. You can do it even simpler just squint or close your eyes briefly .

Why do we sometimes see colorless flies flying?

Usually the appearance of flies in the field of view is explained by:

  • Pathology of the vitreous body - loss of elasticity of its fibers.
  • Increased arterial and intraocular pressure.
  • The development of metabolic disorders, which leads to insufficient trophism of the eye.
  • Neurological pathologies, in connection with which a normal image is perceived in the form of small spheres and flashes.
  • Various types of injuries that can lead to retinal detachment and damage to the vitreous body itself.
  • By simply closing your eyes and looking at a brightly lit background.

Since the disorder has virtually no effect on the quality of vision, no special therapy has been developed for it. Usually they try to identify primary diseases and deal with them. After this, the floaters either disappear or the progression of the frequency of their occurrence slows down.

For children, it is better to come up with some simpler explanation for why we see invisible flies before our eyes. Because without a basic understanding of the anatomy of the eye and the structure of perception, it will be very difficult to understand the essence of the problem.

Video about "floaters" in the eyes

Why do we sometimes see colorless flies flying? This is a question that every person has asked at least once. Is this an indication of decreased vision clarity? Maybe this indicates good vision? Could the cause be something not directly related to the organs of vision? The answers to all these questions can be found by studying the physiological structure of the eye.

How does the eye work?

We can only see the anterior chamber of the eye: the iris, pupil and sclera. In the depths of the eyeball there is a vitreous body, which can be figuratively imagined as an absolutely transparent gel.

As a person ages, the texture of the vitreous body undergoes changes: compactions of individual fibers form in it, which reduce the degree of its transparency. We perceive them as colorless flies of arbitrary shape. They change position along with eye movements, that is, they are never completely static.

In medicine, this phenomenon is defined as destruction of the vitreous body.

Are flies dangerous?

The most pressing question is not why people sometimes see colorless flying flies in the air, but how dangerous this is to human health. It all depends on how often and under what circumstances the flies appear. It is normal for them to appear when:

  • looking for a long time at a light, bright surface, for example, window glass, a white table surface, a wall;
  • in the sun or sky.

Floaters also appear in the dark, people just cannot see them. If they appear only when looking at bright light and do not cause any discomfort, there is no need to worry. A gradual decrease in vision is a natural physiological process, and translucent spots when looking at bright light occur even in children whose vision has not yet undergone age-related changes. Therefore, the question of why people sometimes see colorless flying flies has a simple answer: this is nothing more than the norm in the functioning of the human body.

Signs of pathology

Any symptom can be either a consequence of pathology or part of a normal physiological process. But a symptom cannot exist independently; it can only be considered as a sign of an illness in conjunction with other symptoms.

Therefore, when studying the question of why we sometimes see flying colorless flies, we need to pay attention to whether there are any of the symptoms described below:

  • floaters appear suddenly in the eyes;
  • appear in the eyes;
  • visual acuity decreases;
  • the viewing diameter decreases, that is, lateral vision gradually disappears;
  • distortion of visible objects occurs.

All these symptoms indicate retinal detachment, a disease that can lead to complete loss of vision.


Also, the cause of the phenomenon may be the entry of foreign bodies into the vitreous body. This often occurs with internal hemorrhage, when a blood clot remains inside the eye. In this case, the front sight will be a shadow cast by hemophthalmos.

The pathology requires immediate medical intervention: the sooner the patient consults a doctor after the hemorrhage, the faster he will get rid of the negative consequences. And then the question of why we sometimes see colorless flies flying in the air will be irrelevant.

Other reasons

All causes of floaters in the eyes, as a pathology, are ultimately associated either with factors that provoke hemophthalmos, or with factors that affect the vitreous body.

These include:

  • inflammatory processes in the eye area;
  • vascular pathologies: sudden pressure surges, atherosclerosis;
  • pathologies of the hematopoietic system: anemia;
  • injuries: eyes, head, upper spine.

Thus, human vision is influenced by a colossal number of factors, and many somatic pathologies can lead to deterioration of vision and the appearance of so-called floaters before the eyes.

How to get rid of flies?

Having figured out why we sometimes see colorless flies flying around, it's time to find out how you can get rid of them.

First of all, it is worth emphasizing that the flies themselves usually do not cause any discomfort. Therefore, it is enough to simply ignore the translucent dots and dashes.

If floaters still cause discomfort, you should contact an ophthalmologist and undergo an examination that will confirm or eliminate the risk of somatic pathologies that could act as a cause.

The doctor will also tell you how you can avoid the appearance of new spots and preserve your vision. These rules include a healthy lifestyle, prevention of cervical osteochondrosis, and a balanced diet.

These simple recommendations can reduce the risk of hemorrhage and slow down the process of destruction of the vitreous body. This means that the question of why we sometimes see colorless flies flying before our eyes will arise less often, and will cease to be a reason for a person to worry about his health.

Why do we sometimes see colorless flies flying in the air? Why does this condition occur in almost every inhabitant of the planet? How to get rid of a small vision problem? First of all, you need to understand the source of the problem. Only after this can you explore ways to get rid of the flickering of colorless dots before your eyes.

Destruction of the vitreous body

Among doctors, the flickering effect is explained by the destruction of the glassy formation in the organ of vision.

What is it? At its core, it is a kind of transparent substance that resembles jelly. It is located inside the eye and affects the quality of human vision. As a result of certain events, the fibers inside the body can thicken, causing it to lose its transparency. This condition is precisely called destruction, due to which “flies” appear.

Cloudiness before the eyes is most clearly visible on a bright and clean surface. Therefore, they are most often noted against the backdrop of a radiant sky, dazzling snow or a sufficiently illuminated white wall. Also, “floaters” appear at the moment of squinting, as well as in coherent rays. This does not mean that there is no problem with a lack of lighting or uneven color in the environment. It’s just that in such a situation a person does not pay attention at all to a small glitch in the visual system.

In some cases, even in low light, the flickering of transparent “flies” can be seen. Most often this occurs as a result of the growth of severe irritation.

The main feature of destruction is that it is very difficult to focus on a small cloudy particle. It's all about linking the movement of the "flies" to the movement of the eye.

Causes of destruction:

1) Age-related changes in the structure of the vitreous substance. In the vast majority of cases, changes begin to appear after 40-60 years.

2) Vascular disorders of various nature. Arterial hypertension and dystrophic changes in blood vessels should be included in this category.

3) Serious endocrine or metabolic changes. In particular, puberty, pregnancy and even taking hormonal drugs. This is why athletes who take hormones to improve their performance often notice flickering before their eyes.

5) Getting a head injury. Sometimes it's all about falling or causing injury to any part of the head. In some cases, the cause lies in injury to the eyes or nasal cavity (including surgery).

6) Physical exhaustion. Lack of nutrition or physical fatigue has a direct impact on the organ of vision. People suffering from dystrophy are more likely than others to notice the appearance of “floaters” before their eyes. It is not so much general physical training that matters, but frequent or prolonged eye strain.

7) Stress. Yes, physical and psycho-emotional changes entail vision problems.

8) Detachment of the retina or vitreous substance. This pathology is a fairly serious problem, so you should think about your health and consult an ophthalmologist as early as possible. You should suspect something is wrong if “flying flies” appear suddenly, and after a while flashes of light (or small “lightning”) begin to be observed. A similar effect occurs due to the formation of voids in the glassy formation. If you ignore the first warning signs of a problem, you increase the risk of complete loss of vision in the future.

9) The effects of radiation or toxins on the body.

When your eyesight is at stake, it's best not to take risks. An extra trip to the ophthalmologist will allow you to check if everything is okay with your eyes. "Colorless floaters" may be quite harmless, but still this condition should not be ignored.


- Why can’t you take pictures of sleeping people?

All superstitions appear due to obsessive thoughts that during photography, not only the image, but also the human soul is captured. They especially often talk about why you shouldn’t take pictures of people sleeping. The answer has to do with the fact that in these images people are very vulnerable. Therefore, if such a card falls into the hands of ill-wishers, the person may suffer.
Photography is a powerful source of human energy. And if you direct it in the wrong direction, then various troubles will begin to occur, even death. This sign has no evidence, but people try to avoid such photographs out of pure superstition.
1. In Europe there was a tradition of photographing the dead as a keepsake. The Russians also adopted this tradition. Dead children were especially often photographed, as their parents experienced real grief and wanted to preserve the memory of the child for the rest of their lives.
2. There was a belief that during sleep a person’s soul leaves the body. Therefore, you cannot photograph sleeping people. Magicians and sorcerers can place a curse on a photograph.
Taking photographs of sleeping people is not recommended. But not out of fear of harming a person, but because of ethical considerations. During sleep, a person is defenseless, he rests and does not control his facial expression and posture. Therefore, you should not abuse the trust of a friend or loved one and photograph him sleeping.

- Why when a person dies does his wristwatch stop?
Very often, after a person dies, his clock stops. And not only on the hand of the deceased, but sometimes throughout the entire house.
Here are just a few stories from readers.
“When my grandfather died, my wall clock stopped. And they never went again, no matter how many times they were turned on. Alexander".
“My dad was a submariner in the past (he is now retired). And when Kursk sank, his clock stopped at night. Although at that time they were vacationing in Sochi with their mother. He was on vacation... And he wasn't the only one staying with us. Lyudmila."
“When I was in college, I had a classmate. In her senior year, she was hit and killed by a car. In her purse she had a watch with a broken bracelet. Stopped at the moment of death. And another case. When my grandmother was dying, all (!) clocks in the house stopped, from the antique floor clock to the cheap alarm clock. Freya."
Parapsychologists, as a rule, explain this phenomenon by the fact that a dying person releases powerful psychic energy, which stops the clock.
Physicists have offered their own explanation.
However, the fact is that when a person wears a metal watch on his left hand for a long time, especially if it has a leather or iron strap, then it becomes a component of his electromagnetic field. They seem to be included in the electrical circuit and begin to play the role of grounding. All the energy of the human body flows into the clock mechanism on the hand. In electronics, such a part that collects energy is called a plug or terminator. After a couple of months of wearing it on the hand, the watch receives a charge from its owner’s field and is fueled by it, so after the death of a person, the watch, deprived of the energy of its field, also stops.

- Why can’t you sleep in front of a mirror?
Mirrors can cause a whole series of unmotivated problems in a person’s life, both in his personal life and with health. This is because refraction, reflection and distortion of the received information occurs in the mirror, especially for old mirrors. And as for antique mirrors, it’s generally better not to hang them in the bedroom; they have accumulated so much information during their existence that it will only have a negative impact and will only cause harm.
If you step back from the magical influence, then at the physiological level there are also explanations for why you can’t sleep in front of a mirror. In a half-asleep state, any movement outside the line of sight is subconsciously perceived as a signal of danger, and, fixing the reflection in the mirror, the brain “begins” to get nervous and panic. In addition, a mirror in the bedroom disrupts the intimate atmosphere; it creates the illusion that there is someone else in the bedroom.

- Why do pigeons nod their heads?
Many of you may have seen pigeons nodding their heads. Why?
There are opinions that in fact the bird does not nod at all - its body moves, but its head remains motionless. But why?
It turns out that the eyes of a pigeon simply do not know how to quickly focus on one object, as we do. That is why the bird’s head can be in the same position for some time, while its body moves. All this creates a nod effect.
According to another opinion, in this way the pigeon tries to maintain the balance of its body. Other birds do not need this, since large ones waddle, and smaller ones simply jump.

- Where does tingling in the limbs after numbness come from?
Most often, there is nothing dangerous in such tingling. It occurs, for example, when a person “rested” his leg or “rested” his arm. This is mainly due to the fact that blood circulation stops or worsens for a short time. Then, if the blood flow has returned to normal, then the tingling sensation, as you notice, first grows from the inside - this is the blood flowing through the main arteries, and then develops into tiny “pricks” closer to the surface of the skin - this is the blood reaching the upper layers of the skin and pulsating in the smallest capillaries and blood vessels.
But it happens that tingling occurs because the nerve is pinched and the limb becomes partially numb. One woman had a herniated disc in the neck area; as a result, even after surgery, she had a constant tingling sensation in her left arm and two fingers. But doctors say that damaged, compressed nerves can recover over time.

- What happens if you scan the mirror?
Oddly enough, users often wonder: what will happen if you scan a mirror? There are a lot of conjectures, conjectures and assumptions about this. Someone says that a black hole will open into the kingdom of the looking glass. Some argue that the reflective property of the mirror will allow you to look inside the scanner without disassembling it. There are also more prosaic opinions that there will just be a bright light from a lamp or that nothing will happen at all.
Let's start with how scanners work in general. Let’s imagine that a carriage moves along the scanning field, on which a light bulb is actually located, illuminating the sheet being scanned, in this case our mirror. And all the light is captured by a charge-coupled device (CCD). And the more light transmitted, the greater the value transmitted to the pixel (black/white).
The result of everything above should be a completely white leaf, but, however, what comes out is a mirror with a completely black reflection. Why?
The whole point is that the mirror reflects all the light at a different angle, so exactly the same result will be obtained when the scanner lid is open (because essentially no light is reflected).

- Why don’t we remember our childhood and how we were born?
The term "infantile amnesia" was coined by Sigmund Freud in 1899. According to Freud, adults are not able to remember the events of the first 3-5 years of their lives, since during the first years of life the child experiences aggressive and often sexual urges towards his parents. But this idea was one-sided and did not take root.
Perhaps the main cause of childhood amnesia is differences in the encoding of received information in children and adults. And if an adult is able to store a lot of data in memory, then a child periodically loses it.
The process of forming memories is carried out by a network of nerve cells, which is created in 6-18 months. At this stage, short-term and long-term memory appears. But if our memory has already reached the required level, why do we forget our childhood? It turns out that this is due to the lack of ability to connect events with words, since we do not yet know how to speak and do not know the words that can be used to describe any event.

- Why do we sometimes see colorless flies flying in the air?
Many people see colorless floaters flying in the air, especially when looking at a brightly lit surface, such as a clear sky. This effect has a scientific name - destruction of the vitreous body. Ideally, the vitreous body of our eye is a transparent gelatinous substance, but due to illness, injury, increased eye strain, or simply age-related changes, individual fibers in it thicken and lose transparency, which is what we perceive as floaters. Usually, destruction of the vitreous body is not dangerous and does not cause complications, but if floaters appear very suddenly, accompanied by flashes of light, this may indicate imminent retinal detachment, which leads to blindness.

- Why are we so annoyed by the sound of our own voice in recordings?
For many of us, hearing the sound of our own voice recorded is a real challenge. We don't recognize him, and we don't like him at all. He's thinner, taller and generally quite nasty. The recording cannot lie, which means that those around us hear our voice exactly like that.
This is explained by the fact that sound travels a certain path before entering our inner ear. Every sound we hear is vibrations traveling through the air. The inner ear “catches” these vibrations and “pours” them into the head through the external auditory canal, where they move the eardrums.
These vibrations then penetrate the inner ear and are converted into signals that are transmitted along the auditory nerve to the brain, where they are deciphered. However, the inner ear detects not only those vibrations that come from the outside through the ear canal. It also perceives the vibrations that arise inside the body. Therefore, when you speak yourself, you hear a combination of these two types of vibrations. And sound is transmitted differently in different environments. This explains the discrepancy that is so annoying when you hear your own voice in a recording.

- Why can’t we celebrate our 40th anniversary?
Echoes of paganism will wander in our society for a long time in the form of various superstitions. As you have probably heard more than once, many people do not celebrate their 40th birthday, citing bad luck. If you are overcome by curiosity, or you will soon turn 40 years old, then let's look below at why you should not celebrate this date.
Why can't a woman celebrate her 40th birthday?
It is believed that there is no need to celebrate 40 years because of the number 40 itself:
- For 40 days Jesus was in the desert, where he was subjected to the drying of the devil;
- The Flood lasted 40 days;
- 40 days a person’s soul remains on earth after death;
- 40 days after the birth of a child, a girl cannot go to church;
- For 40 years the Jewish people wandered in the desert;
- 40 is a number that has a negative meaning in various worldviews.
It is because of this that it is believed that 40 years cannot be celebrated due to negative events and phenomena that have accumulated over this number. The number “4” itself means death, and “40” is made up of two consonances “dirty” and “rock”, and this can be interpreted in different ways. For example: rubbish - uncleanness and fate - fate, predestination, inevitability, etc.
What happens when you celebrate 40 years?
Again, according to popular belief, it is said that those who celebrate 40 years are approaching death, trouble, misfortune, illness and other negative dangers. It’s just not clear whether you can’t celebrate 40 years at all or only in the family circle.
Believe it or not.
What do representatives of the Orthodox Church say about this? The clergy are surprised when they hear about this, and say that all these superstitions are “from the evil one” and the Orthodox Church is condemnatory of this. Any superstition is paganism and distance from the true faith, no matter what it is: Orthodox or Catholic. Therefore, there is no need to take this seriously, and in general pay attention to it; it is possible to celebrate the 40th anniversary.
Believe it or not - it's up to you. If we analyze all the events associated with the number 40, then everything negative lasted 40 years or days, then a new, better life began... Despite the fact that many people believe in this superstition, we have never been able to find real examples of that the celebration of the fortieth anniversary was the consequence of an evil fate. Maybe we can try to find the truth together in the comments?

Why do we sometimes see colorless flies flying? This is a question that every person has asked at least once. Is this an indication of decreased vision clarity? Maybe this indicates good vision? Could the cause be something not directly related to the organs of vision? The answers to all these questions can be found by studying the physiological structure of the eye.

How does the eye work?

We can only see the anterior chamber of the eye: the iris, pupil and sclera. In the depths of the eyeball there is a vitreous body, which can be figuratively imagined as an absolutely transparent gel.

As a person ages, the texture of the vitreous body undergoes changes: compactions of individual fibers form in it, which reduce the degree of its transparency. We perceive them as colorless flies of arbitrary shape. They change position along with eye movements, that is, they are never completely static.

In medicine, this phenomenon is defined as destruction of the vitreous body.

Are flies dangerous?

The most pressing question is not why people sometimes see colorless flying flies in the air, but how dangerous this is to human health. It all depends on how often and under what circumstances the flies appear. It is normal for them to appear when:

  • looking for a long time at a light, bright surface, for example, window glass, a white table surface, a wall;
  • in the sun or sky.

Floaters also appear in the dark, people just cannot see them. If they appear only when looking at bright light and do not cause any discomfort, there is no need to worry. A gradual decrease in vision is a natural physiological process, and translucent spots when looking at bright light occur even in children whose vision has not yet undergone age-related changes. Therefore, the question of why people sometimes see colorless flying flies has a simple answer: this is nothing more than the norm in the functioning of the human body.

Signs of pathology

Any symptom can be either a consequence of pathology or part of a normal physiological process. But a symptom cannot exist independently; it can only be considered as a sign of an illness in conjunction with other symptoms.

Therefore, when studying the question of why we sometimes see flying colorless flies, we need to pay attention to whether there are any of the symptoms described below:

  • floaters appear suddenly in the eyes;
  • appear in the eyes;
  • visual acuity decreases;
  • the viewing diameter decreases, that is, lateral vision gradually disappears;
  • distortion of visible objects occurs.

All these symptoms indicate retinal detachment, a disease that can lead to complete loss of vision.


Also, the cause of the phenomenon may be the entry of foreign bodies into the vitreous body. This often occurs with internal hemorrhage, when a blood clot remains inside the eye. In this case, the front sight will be a shadow cast by hemophthalmos.

The pathology requires immediate medical intervention: the sooner the patient consults a doctor after the hemorrhage, the faster he will get rid of the negative consequences. And then the question of why we sometimes see colorless flies flying in the air will be irrelevant.

Other reasons

All causes of floaters in the eyes, as a pathology, are ultimately associated either with factors that provoke hemophthalmos, or with factors that affect the vitreous body.

These include:

  • inflammatory processes in the eye area;
  • vascular pathologies: sudden pressure surges, atherosclerosis;
  • pathologies of the hematopoietic system: anemia;
  • injuries: eyes, head, upper spine.

Thus, human vision is influenced by a colossal number of factors, and many somatic pathologies can lead to deterioration of vision and the appearance of so-called floaters before the eyes.

How to get rid of flies?

Having figured out why we sometimes see colorless flies flying around, it's time to find out how you can get rid of them.

First of all, it is worth emphasizing that the flies themselves usually do not cause any discomfort. Therefore, it is enough to simply ignore the translucent dots and dashes.

If floaters still cause discomfort, you should contact an ophthalmologist and undergo an examination that will confirm or eliminate the risk of somatic pathologies that could act as a cause.

The doctor will also tell you how you can avoid the appearance of new spots and preserve your vision. These rules include a healthy lifestyle, prevention of cervical osteochondrosis, and a balanced diet.

These simple recommendations can reduce the risk of hemorrhage and slow down the process of destruction of the vitreous body. This means that the question of why we sometimes see colorless flies flying before our eyes will arise less often, and will cease to be a reason for a person to worry about his health.

The appearance of spots before the eyes is a cause for concern. Often such a symptom signals hidden processes of a pathological nature. But even with good vision, floaters and blurry spots can appear. Then the question arises: why do we sometimes see colorless flies flying and how to get rid of them?

What are flies

At the core of the eyeball is the vitreous humor. It resembles a gel-like mass in appearance. If a foreign body gets into this substance, then defects appear in the absolutely transparent gel, they are also flies. Such manifestations do not depend on age and gender, although pathology is more common in older people. It is encountered by both absolutely healthy people and those with ophthalmological disorders.

The risk group includes people with astigmatism and myopia. This is explained by pathological deposits in the vitreous body, which increases the likelihood of such anomalies. If one floating point appears, then it does not cause concern. Over time it will disappear. But sometimes flying flies become a real nuisance, and their numbers increase. They change shape and sometimes look more like cobwebs or worms. Why do we see such phenomena, and do they indicate an impending problem?

Multiple visual effects should cause concern. They seem to repeat eye movements, following the direction of gaze. Instead of transparent spots, black or white spots may appear in the eyes. Such elements arise for one reason - due to the presence of opaque particles in the vitreous body.

Provoking factors

But what causes such disturbances, and why do white flies fly before your eyes? Reasons include:

  • burst vessel;
  • retinal detachment;
  • eye damage;
  • prolonged visual stress;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • general intoxication of the body;
  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • internal bleeding.

Destruction manifests itself in different ways. If there are single fibers in the vitreous body, then a thin cobweb flies before the eyes. When fibers accumulate, the pattern takes on intricate shapes. Why do flies fly before my eyes after prolonged exercise? It's all due to overwork of the eyes, brain and nervous system. After proper rest, unpleasant symptoms disappear. But not all optical manifestations are so harmless. In half of the cases they indicate serious disorders or indicate a disease. In case of unilateral violation, one should look for the cause in the eyeball itself. If a person sees worse with the affected eye, then it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination by an ophthalmologist.

But we are not always talking about an ophthalmological problem. The culprits behind floaters in the eyes are:

  • osteochondrosis – causes oxygen starvation of the eye structures, at the same time causing headaches and a feeling of weakness. Due to deformation of the cervical vertebrae, nerve fibers and blood vessels are compressed. Against the background of osteochondrosis, flying flies are accompanied by blurry circles and decreased visual acuity. Problems with blood vessels due to poor circulation provoke retinal ischemia;
  • diabetes mellitus - the disease causes multiple disorders, including ophthalmological ones. The blood vessels suffer, the nutrition of the eye tissues deteriorates, and diabetic retinopathy develops. Why do white flies fly before my eyes in this case? The problem lies in damage to the retina and destruction of capillaries;
  • neurosis – neuromuscular changes cause spasms. This impairs the functioning of blood vessels and provokes retinal dystonia. Flashes, spots, and floaters appear in one eye or both. Neuroses are accompanied by tinnitus, dizziness, convulsions and other symptoms;
  • hypertension – retinal changes are observed in 80% of people with hypertension. Black spots before the eyes intensify with the onset of a crisis. There is a high probability of vascular rupture and spasms, and this negatively affects the condition of the vitreous;
  • Brain tumor is the most dangerous of the presented disorders. Flies fly due to pressure on blood vessels and decreased brain functionality. It is he who is responsible for processing visual information. Usually black flies fly, as well as blurry figures and shapeless spots.

Visual disturbances during pregnancy

Why do pregnant women have flies in front of their eyes? The main causes of ophthalmic problems are low blood pressure and anemia. If a woman had low blood pressure even before pregnancy, and the hemoglobin level did not reach the acceptable minimum, then from the moment of conception the situation will worsen. From the first days, women are offered preparations with ferrous iron and complex vitamins. Blood pressure is monitored at all stages of pregnancy.

A woman should not worry when she sees flying flies before her eyes in the first trimester of pregnancy. But in the last stages, floaters may indicate eclampsia - pathologically high blood pressure.

Pregnancy often intensifies existing diseases: vascular, neurological and endocrine in nature. All this can provoke a deterioration in the functioning of the visual apparatus and cause floaters.

Elimination methods

We have figured out why we see spots before our eyes, now it remains to find out methods for eliminating them. They are determined by the etiology of the disorder. In the presence of concomitant diseases, the emphasis is on eliminating the provocateur. If this is osteochondrosis, then the neurologist selects a list of necessary procedures to restore blood circulation and prevent pinching of the cervical vertebrae. For cardiovascular diseases, therapy is selected by a cardiologist.

An ophthalmologist can offer vitamin drops for the eyes and medications that improve the resorption of elements in the vitreous. A single spot will quickly disappear after a few days of therapy. You can’t do anything when it comes to a pregnant woman. Any therapeutic measures must be agreed upon with an obstetrician-gynecologist.

In the absence of concomitant disorders, it is proposed to change the regime of visual stress, adjust the diet, and use vitamins for the eyes. In case of vascular disorders, it is important to give up bad habits, engage in physical therapy and undergo a course of treatment with drugs that normalize vascular tone.

If results cannot be achieved, then radical measures are required. VAG laser treatment can eliminate floaters. The targeted action of the laser destroys accumulations in the vitreous body. The method is effective, but unsafe. Due to the high risk of side effects, it is used in exceptional cases.

Vitreous replacement is also considered a last resort. If the clots cannot be broken down, the vitreous is replaced with a balanced salt solution. This procedure increases the risk of developing cataracts and retinal detachment.

Traditional medicine recipes

Any flying figure in front of your eyes should not be ignored. If the ophthalmologist has not identified any violations, then traditional medicine recipes will help out. Beekeeping products will benefit your vision in the absence of allergic reactions to them.

When flies fly before your eyes, propolis, which is infused in water, will help out. The raw materials are crushed, filled with purified water and simmered in a water bath. The floating debris is removed, the propolis is kept until completely dissolved, and then filtered into several layers of gauze. This remedy is instilled twice a day.

Drops with honey and aloe are prepared in the same way. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions, brought to a state of homogeneity, and then diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1:2. The higher the concentration of the medicinal substance, the better. If you are hypersensitive, a mixture of aloe and honey may cause irritation. That is why treatment begins with a solution diluted with water.

It is useful to massage the eyeballs at home. The eyelids are closed, and the eyes are gently massaged with the pads of the fingers or the rounded protrusion of the palm. Palming and contrasting eye baths will enhance tissue nutrition and accelerate the process of resorption of formations in the vitreous body.

Prevention of floaters

When we know why we see spots and floaters, then it is easier for us to prevent problems. Since the main problem lies in vascular changes, normalization of blood circulation will be the key to eye health. Doctors recommend not to sit too long at the computer. This not only causes dry eye syndrome, but also provokes vasospasm. It is advisable to alternate working at the computer with eye exercises and light physical exercise.

If a condition occurs as if the image is blurry, then you need to use moisturizing drops. This will protect the mucous membrane from injury, increase protective functions and improve the overall condition of the eyes.

Destruction of the vitreous body occurs due to internal disorders, so external preparations are ineffective. A scheduled visit to an ophthalmologist, a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet are the best prevention of disorders.

If your hemoglobin is low, you should periodically take iron supplements and eat apples and red meat. The increased fragility of blood vessels requires that you include black currants, garlic, buckwheat and oatmeal, eggplants and chokeberries in your diet.

Rosehip should be an indispensable product for everyone. It improves blood circulation, normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and prevents sclerotic processes. Rosehip with honey not only strengthens the immune system, as many people think. The combination of two useful products will help cleanse and strengthen blood vessels, improve blood composition and remove toxins from the body. As a result, the nutrition of the eye tissues is normalized, spots disappear, and the clarity of vision increases.

If you look at the sky or admire the snow-white expanses on a sunny day, in addition to pain in the eyes, characteristic symptoms may appear. flies. Every person had this condition, the only question was the frequency and intensity of manifestations. Few people wonder why we see invisible flies before our eyes, because this does not affect visual acuity in any way and rarely becomes a real problem.

How does a person see?

By and large, the optical apparatus of the eye is a unique structure that allows us to perceive the world around us as it is.

It is not for nothing that blindness or partial loss of vision is considered one of the most serious health problems. And this despite the fact that reduced vision or even its complete absence does not pose any threat to life and health, unlike many other diseases.

The path of light and image formation can be represented schematically:

  • Direct rays pass through the pupil, which is a hole in the iris.
  • Depending on the level of illumination, the size of the pupil changes due to two muscles.
  • By and large, it is the iris that narrows and expands.
  • After passing through the pupil, the rays hit the vitreous body.
  • When refracted, they are sent to the retina.
  • At this stage, light is converted into electrical impulses and sent along the optic nerve to the cortex and subcortical centers.
  • It should be mentioned that an inverted image is formed on the retina.
  • Impulses are sent along nerve fibers to the subcortical structures and to the occipital lobe cortex, where all received information is analyzed.

Even in the most simplified version, everything sounds quite complicated. That is why diseases of the visual analyzer require detailed study.

Pathologies of the vitreous body

Most ophthalmologists associate the appearance of floaters in the eyes with the destruction of the vitreous body:

  1. This structure is located at the border of the anterior and posterior chambers of the eye.
  2. It is suspended due to the surrounding tissue.
  3. All rays pass through the vitreous body.
  4. It is on the level of refraction and optical power of this structure that the image that falls on the retina depends.

But the body itself does not have a dense structure; it represents jelly-like substance with interwoven connective tissue fibers. If for some reason the fiber is no longer transparent, several flies appear in our picture of the world. The more serious the problem, the more of these small spheres there are before your eyes.

However, even loss of density can lead to the same result . None of us are perfect or have perfect health, so there will always be some problems.

If flies appear before your eyes once every couple of weeks, or even less often, there is no reason to worry. Especially when they are not numerous and disappear quickly. It is enough not to pay attention to them and not to stress yourself out for nothing. Floaters do not affect visual acuity.

When and why do floaters appear before the eyes?

But at the same time, this is one of the manifestations of pathology. The body signals that one of the structures of the eye does not feel too comfortable. Typically this is due to:

What causes floaters?

When do floaters appear before the eyes?

Problems with the nutrition of the vitreous body.

Various metabolic disorders. More often endocrine pathologies, such as diabetes.

An increase in arterial and intraocular pressure leads to disruption of normal trophism.

Damage to the vitreous body.

Head injuries are often accompanied by complications related to the visual system. After each such injury, consultation with an ophthalmologist is necessary.

Vitreous detachment.

One of the most serious pathologies. Requires urgent surgical intervention; if symptoms increase, consult a doctor.

You shouldn’t joke with your eyesight; although modern technologies are capable of much, in terms of restoring vision, even they are often powerless.

Always makes a big difference timely request for help, in this case, the chances of a successful outcome increase several times, if not tens of times.

When the problem is not related to vision

Oddly enough, the problem may have nothing to do with the eyes:

  • It is often one of the symptoms of acute poisoning. If you feel unwell, to which are added flashes before your eyes and those very same spots, immediately seek help, do not hesitate to call an ambulance in such situations.
  • A common migraine is often accompanied by such floaters. They can either be harbingers of the next attack, or appear at the height of painful sensations.
  • After stressful situations, floaters appear much more often, such are the characteristics of the psyche.
  • The same goes for physical exhaustion and fatigue. After eliminating the primary problem, the condition returns to normal.

If for some reason you want to see spots before your eyes:

  1. Look at the sky, but only in sunny weather. The sight of heavenly blue contributes to the appearance of this phenomenon.
  2. In winter, in such weather, you can simply look at the white snow, the effect will be similar.
  3. Don't want to wait for the seasons to change or for the sun to peek out from behind the clouds? Provide the wall with bright lighting and look at it for 15-20 seconds. The wall should be white.
  4. You can do it even simpler just squint or close your eyes briefly .

Why do we sometimes see colorless flies flying?

Usually the appearance of flies in the field of view is explained by:

  • Pathology of the vitreous body - loss of elasticity of its fibers.
  • Increased arterial and intraocular pressure.
  • The development of metabolic disorders, which leads to insufficient trophism of the eye.
  • Neurological pathologies, in connection with which a normal image is perceived in the form of small spheres and flashes.
  • Various types of injuries that can lead to retinal detachment and damage to the vitreous body itself.
  • By simply closing your eyes and looking at a brightly lit background.

Since the disorder has virtually no effect on the quality of vision, no special therapy has been developed for it. Usually they try to identify primary diseases and deal with them. After this, the floaters either disappear or the progression of the frequency of their occurrence slows down.

For children, it is better to come up with some simpler explanation for why we see invisible flies before our eyes. Because without a basic understanding of the anatomy of the eye and the structure of perception, it will be very difficult to understand the essence of the problem.

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