Is ethanol 70 safe to drink? What kind of alcohol can you drink without danger to your health?

Some “innocent” mistakes can cost a person very dearly. If you get your hands on 95% ethyl alcohol, can you drink it? Everyone has already remembered that it exists methyl And ethyl alcohol. And one of them leads to blindness and even death, even in very modest quantities. But how do you remember which one? After all, it’s quite easy to confuse and drink a toxic poison among friends instead of a strong drink.

We distinguish ethyl from methyl.

Let's decide how to distinguish one substance from another. There are several options for the process itself, you may need:

  1. Fire.
  2. Copper wire.
  3. A piece of potato.

The most exotic is method with potatoes. It is enough to put a piece of vegetable into the substance and wait a few hours. The piece began to turn pink - this is methyl alcohol. The color has not changed - ethyl.

WITH fire everything is much simpler, just remember that methyl burns with a green flame.

Watch the video to see how ethyl alcohol should burn:

A clause that requires the presence of wire. Heat it red hot and lower it into a container with liquid. The formaldehyde contained in methyl alcohol will give a sharp, unpleasant odor that is difficult to confuse with something else.

So what can kill us?

As you might have guessed, it is methyl that will deprive you of your vision after the first drink. On the same level of toxicity as isopropyl alcohol. These two substances are used in industry, medicine and perfumery. They are in no way intended for internal use.

There are numerous cases where a “successful” discovery in the form of a whole barrel or even a tank of a toxic substance led to disability or death of several dozen people at once.

So look carefully at the packaging and ask what exactly you are being offered to consume. An acquaintance may not know that the contents of the flask are deadly; he probably did not graduate from the chemistry department. But you can stop the impending danger in time.

When is it better not to drink?

Number 95 at the end indicates concentration, almost everyone knows this. But what concentration is optimal for oral use? There are many horror stories circulating online that excessively high percentages can lead to burns of mucous membranes and even death. Let's try to figure out when and what kind of alcohol can be consumed:

Medical aspect of alcohol consumption.

Many resources advise drinking alcohol after and during states of shock, frostbite, injury, etc. Remember that under the influence of alcohol, blood vessels dilate, and this can have undesirable consequences. During hypothermia, a spasm of the peripheral veins occurs, and heat is redistributed in the body. This helps maintain an optimal temperature level for the internal organs.

Now imagine that you drank alcohol and your blood vessels suddenly dilated.

If you are still in low temperatures, the story has every chance of ending tragically.

During injuries and shocks, increasing the diameter of the veins will not be beneficial. After all, the volume of blood also increases, and it is extremely difficult to stop bleeding in such conditions. And for the fight against diseases of the central nervous system this is a dubious option.

The nervous system of each person is strictly individual; it is difficult to say how alcohol will specifically affect you in certain concentrations and in a stressful situation. At such moments, a person must think soberly and collectedly in order to objectively assess the situation and the decisions being made.

We determine the optimal concentration and taste.

But we still haven’t answered the main question regarding 95% ethyl alcohol. Yes, him you can drink, adequate doses will not lead to serious intoxication and catastrophic consequences. This alcohol is also called food, it is used in the production of alcoholic beverages. Check the label or any other marking to see if the solution is purified. Technical alcohol used for other purposes, its use can discourage the desire to drink alcohol for many years to come.

You don’t have to worry too much about the concentration; you won’t be able to drink enough alcohol to cause serious harm to your mucous membranes. Strength and taste will opaquely hint to you when you need to stop.

If you don't want to risk it, you can dilute the liquid you have.

You need to dilute 95% alcohol in a ratio of 2:3, that is, for a 0.5 liter bottle: 200 g alcohol and 300 g water.

Much more of the drink will come out, the taste will become more pleasant, and there is less risk of burning the laryngeal mucosa. Few people recommend drinking alcohol directly, in pure or diluted form. If you happen to have a small canister or other decent container, try make a liqueur or other tincture. Of course, you will have to spend time and make some efforts; you won’t be able to enjoy the result right away. But after a few months, you will thank yourself for such foresight and foresight.

If you have a bottle of 95% ethyl alcohol, whether you can drink it is not the most difficult question. Much more problems can arise when trying to create a truly tasty and high-quality drink using it.

Video: how to breed it, proportions

Although rubbing alcohol appears to be a completely safe substance, it can pose a serious health hazard if not handled correctly. In order not to harm yourself when consuming such a product, and also to be able to distinguish between poisonous and food grade alcohols, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the information below.

Types of alcohol

Alcohols include a fairly large group of substances that differ in chemical composition and physical properties. The chemical formula of these substances includes a hydrocarbon base (for example, ethane C2H5) and a hydroxyl group (OH).

From a chemical point of view, this group includes substances with two or more hydroxyl groups (for example, ethylene glycol, used as a base for automobile antifreeze), and simple alcohols, which include ethanol.

In most cases, the concept of “alcohol” means just a simple version of this substance.

Methyl alcohol or methanol (CH3OH)

It is a fairly strong poison. When taken orally it causes blindness, and in high dosages it is fatal. Consumption in any quantity is deadly.

Ethyl alcohol or ethanol (C2H5OH)

It is the only type of alcohol completely suitable for internal consumption. Its properties depend on the raw materials from which it is obtained, but all types of alcoholic beverages are based on this substance.

Formic alcohol (HCOOH+C2H5OH)

It is an alcohol solution of formic acid. Used in medicine as an effective antiseptic. Due to the aggressive properties of formic acid, this product is not suitable for oral administration. However, if used in small doses, this substance does not pose a serious danger to life and health.

Isopropyl alcohol (C3H8O)

It is used as a substitute for ethyl alcohol in various industries, and also as a disinfectant.

In fact, this substance is not a poison, but its use in large quantities leads to much more severe poisoning than in the case of ethyl alcohol. The main difference from ethanol in this case is that during the breakdown of isopropyl alcohol, acetone is formed, which can cause serious harm to the body.


In fact, this product is an alcohol solution of ammonia. Due to the fairly high toxicity of the latter, this composition should not be ingested due to the risk of serious poisoning. The given recipes for “medicines” using this substance (for example, ammonia with water) are more of a poison than a medicine.

Camphor alcohol

Similar to the previous remedy, this composition is an alcohol solution of racemic camphor. Used as an external antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic agent. Considering that even when applied to the skin, such a product can cause irritation, if it is ingested, you can cause serious burns to internal organs.

Salicylic alcohol

It would be correct to call this product an alcohol solution of salicylic acid. Salicylic alcohol from the pharmacy has a vasoconstrictor, bactericidal and antimicrobial effect. Due to the aggressive properties of salicylic acid, it is prohibited to use this product internally, in order to avoid serious damage to the mucous membrane of internal organs.

Boric alcohol

In fact, this name refers to an alcohol solution of boric acid. Boric alcohol from a pharmacy has a good antiseptic effect, but if ingested, it causes severe toxic damage to the body. For this reason, you should not drink it.

Aviation alcohol

Technical ethyl alcohol is used as a working fluid in many systems of modern aircraft. The difference between this substance and pharmaceutical ethyl alcohol is the presence of additives that prevent its ingestion, as well as adapt its physical properties for the normal operation of equipment. There are different opinions regarding the health hazards of such a substance. Obviously, the reason for this is the presence of different types of technical aviation alcohol. In a number of cases, the virtually ideal suitability of such a product for internal use is noted. At the same time, there is evidence regarding poisoning by heavy metals contained in such a product. Given the presence of such a danger, it is better not to drink this type of alcohol.

Alcohol Aseptolin

This medical product is a mixture of various alcohols, the list of which also includes glycerol (propane alcohol). Since Aseptolin is mainly used as a disinfectant, to increase the effectiveness of its use, it uses a high concentration of alcohols, from 70 to 90%. Since there are predominantly negative opinions regarding the question of whether it is possible to drink alcohol with a strength of 70 degrees, you should not consume such a remedy internally.


This substance is a high-quality alcohol obtained chemically. It is used as a medical antiseptic, as well as in the food industry. Basically, this product is produced with a strength of 95%. Due to strict compliance with all standards during the production of such a product, this alcohol is suitable for internal consumption. To avoid burns to the mucous membranes, you will first need to dilute it with water to a strength of 40°.

How to distinguish ethyl alcohol from others

It is important to know

Visually, as well as taste and smell, methyl alcohol is no different from ethanol. Therefore, to determine the type of a given substance, it is necessary to use only the methods indicated below; all other “true means” are ineffective. If you are unsure of the origin of alcohol, it is better to avoid drinking it altogether.

There are several ways to distinguish rectified ethyl alcohol from substances hazardous to health.

  1. Flame color

When ignited, ethyl alcohol burns with a blue flame, and technical alcohol burns with a green flame.

  1. Reaction with potatoes

If potatoes placed in a container with alcohol do not change color, then it is ethanol. Potatoes turn pink when exposed to methanol.

  1. Reaction with copper

When placing hot copper wire in a container with alcohol, no unpleasant odor should be released. Otherwise, you cannot drink such alcohol; it is methanol.

Harm of ethyl alcohol

The main reason for the negative consequences of consuming ethyl alcohol (ethanol) is repeatedly exceeding the maximum permissible amount of this substance.
If you observe moderation in the amount of alcohol intake, there should be no negative consequences.

With regular consumption of any type of alcohol in large amounts (50 g of pure alcohol per day) and very large amounts (100 g or more of pure alcohol per day), the development of the following health disorders can be observed:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Impaired elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, their constant narrowing and expansion under the influence of alcohol, as well as a decrease in the quality of the heart muscles significantly increases the risk of developing heart attacks and strokes.

  • Lung lesions

Due to the weakening of the body's defense systems during alcoholism, there is an increased likelihood of developing pulmonary infections.

  • Lesions of the digestive system

Constant irritation of the gastric mucosa by alcohol, the load on the liver and pancreas associated with the breakdown and removal of alcohol from the body, over time leads to serious disruptions in the functioning of these organs.

  • Problems with the genitourinary system

Since the kidneys must constantly remove alcohol breakdown products from the body, this can ultimately cause inflammation.

Ethyl alcohol poisoning

Ethanol is one of the most accessible and effective antidotes in case of methyl alcohol poisoning. A dose of 20-50 pure alcohol will delay the damage to the nervous system and provide the opportunity to transport the victim to the hospital in satisfactory condition.

Ethanol poisoning mainly occurs as a result of consuming too much of this substance. At the same time, the likelihood of undesirable consequences is significantly influenced by the quality of the product. For example, poisoning with medical alcohol from a pharmacy will occur at a higher dosage compared to a low-quality homemade product.

The minimum dosage at which ethanol poisoning occurs depends on many factors:

  • habits (tolerance) to alcohol,
  • body weight,
  • type and quantity of snack, and so on.

Basically, a dose of more than 4 g of pure alcohol per 1 kg of body weight is considered life-threatening. That is, in terms of vodka (40% pure alcohol), a dose of 800 g is considered dangerous for a man weighing 80 kg.

Symptoms of ethanol poisoning include the following:

  • loss of coordination up to the impossibility of independent movement;
  • impaired perception of reality, in case of severe poisoning - loss of consciousness;
  • decreased or complete absence of response to painful stimuli;
  • disruption of the circulatory system and respiratory center.

Depending on the phase of poisoning, either a significant increase in blood pressure and rapid breathing, or, conversely, a critical drop in blood pressure and respiratory distress may be observed.

If the listed symptoms are accompanied by pale or bluish skin, as well as a drop in body temperature, then there is severe alcohol poisoning, which is life-threatening. In this case, it is better to send the victim to the hospital to receive qualified assistance.

How to drink alcohol without harm to the body

It is important to know

Pure alcohol, when consumed regularly, even in small quantities, has a fairly pronounced destructive effect on internal organs. In addition, intoxication from this product can manifest itself spasmodically, up to a sudden loss of consciousness. This can be caused by drinking a large amount of liquid after alcohol, or a sudden change in ambient temperature (entering a warm room from a cold place).

It is advisable to reduce the question of whether it is possible to drink ethyl alcohol to how much of this substance can be consumed for a limited time. The quality of the drink also plays a role.

If you consider alcohol from a pharmacy, then most likely there will be no problems with the quality of such a product.

Raw alcohol in most cases contains a fairly large amount of various impurities, which also include methanol and various fusel oils. Therefore, it will be harmful to the body in any quantity.

When calculating the dosage, it is worth remembering that medical alcohol has a concentration that is almost two and a half times higher than vodka. It is also absorbed into the blood much faster and causes more pronounced intoxication.

The surest way to reduce the negative effects of alcohol on the body is to first dilute it to a safe concentration with a non-alcoholic liquid - for example, water or juice.

There are also techniques that allow you to drink pure alcohol with minimal risk to the body. In this case, there is a possibility of a burn to the larynx as a result of a mistake, in particular when inhaling while taking a sip.

The way to drink alcohol without harm to the body includes the following steps:

  • several breaths are taken;
  • halfway through the inhalation, the breath is held;
  • a glass of alcohol is drunk, and no breath is taken before or after the sip;
  • after alcohol enters the stomach, exhale forcefully through the mouth;
  • drink at least 50 g of non-carbonated liquid;
  • inhale.


We have figured out the types of alcohols and their effects on the body. But still, many may still have questions. Let's try to look at the most popular of them.

Can I drink rubbing alcohol?

Honey. Alcohol is distinguished by a sufficiently high quality of purification and precise adherence to the preparation technology, so it does not pose a health hazard. Typically, pharmaceutical alcohol is used diluted with water. It is worth noting that the main purpose of this substance is the disinfection of tools and equipment, and not ingestion. Therefore, the product of the medical chemical industry, ethyl alcohol of 95 degrees of strength, does not differ in pleasant taste.

Is it possible to drink alcohol for external use?

It all depends on the type of substance. For example, it is better not to use formic alcohol from a pharmacy or alcohol with salicylic acid for the reasons stated above.

Ordinary ethyl alcohol 70 percent, intended for preparing formulations for external use, will most likely not cause harm.

Is it possible to drink expired alcohol?

Like any substance, alcohol has a certain shelf life. Basically, the answer to the question whether you can drink expired alcohol depends on the type of container in which the substance was contained. If the alcohol was stored in a glass container, then even after the specified period has expired it should not cause harm. The only drawback will be a decrease in its concentration due to evaporation. When storing alcohol in containers made of other materials (for example, plastic) after the expiration date, you should not drink it.

Is it possible to drink undiluted alcohol?

Ethyl alcohol 96 degrees, in the absence of certain skills in its use, poses a serious danger. The fairly high aggressiveness of this substance in some cases leads to severe burns of the mucous membrane of the larynx and stomach. Therefore, it is better not to drink pure alcohol. If you still have an irresistible desire to create an extreme drink, you need to dilute alcohol with water.

Is it possible to drink diluted alcohol straight away?

Since a chemical reaction begins when water is added to alcohol, you should not drink diluted medical alcohol immediately after dilution. Most sources recommend infusing an aqueous solution of alcohol for 5-7 days, until all chemical reactions stop.

Is it possible to drink tinctures with alcohol?

The answer to this question depends on the type of product. For example, you should not drink propolis with alcohol.

The preparation of medicines in the form of alcohol tinctures has been known for many years. The effectiveness of such products is achieved due to the ability of alcohol to extract active substances from medicinal raw materials. Thus, properly prepared tinctures with alcohol can and should be drunk.

Is it possible to drink technical alcohol?

Special substances are added to this type of alcohol to distort its taste and smell, which makes its consumption as unpleasant as possible. For this reason, you should not drink this substance like alcohol. At the same time, with moderate use, such a substance will not pose a danger to life.

Can I drink dry alcohol?

In fact, dry fuel has nothing to do with alcohols. It is produced from hexamine and paraffin. When it enters the stomach, methenamine reacts with hydrochloric acid and forms formaldehyde, which is clearly not good for health.

To avoid causing serious poisoning, you should not ingest dry fuel.

According to its pharmacological properties, it is classified as a narcotic substance. This is due to the fact that its action is aimed at the cells of the cerebral cortex, which is why this characteristic excitement from alcohol appears. So, in the case of systematic use of large amounts internally (ethyl alcohol can be drunk), this leads to disruption of certain body functions.

Food grade ethyl alcohol

Very widespread use not only in home treatment, but also in medical practice is due to its antiseptic effect, improvement of blood circulation and dilation of blood vessels. At the same time, inflammation and pain are reduced.

To do this, you can prepare a special compress at home. It usually consists of three layers: the first is soaked in an alcohol solution (40%), and then polyethylene and insulation are placed. Such a compress must be pressed well onto the sore spot, then fixed in this position and left for 2 hours.

Ethyl alcohol can be drunk, but, in addition, a weak solution of it (20-30%) was previously even administered intravenously for problems such as. At the moment, it is actively used in various tinctures or medicinal extracts, and is used both externally and for internal reception.

Indications for use

Vodka and the alcohol itself can be taken orally not only as an aperitif, but also for various indications and conditions: burns, hypothermia, injuries, shock. At the same time, it is worth understanding how much of it is enough so as not to abuse alcohol and not ultimately cause more harm to your body than good. The second thing to remember is the alcohol concentration. For medicinal (medical) purposes, it is available in 33%, 40%, 70%, 90% and 95%, which have an unlimited shelf life. It helps greatly in cases where radioactive damage, stress, anxiety, fear, and neurosis occur. It is impossible not to mention the “life preserver” in the form of a hangover remedy for an alcoholic who rushes to the nearest pharmacy.

In addition to the fact that ethyl alcohol can be drunk, as they say, for your “pleasure,” it can also be used as an antimicrobial agent that can help in the treatment of gangrene, sepsis, pneumonia, and for some infectious diseases.


As for external use, a 70% solution is used to disinfect all working surfaces and the surgeon’s hands, and a 40% solution is used for wiping or compresses, in order to avoid possible burns.

Ethyl alcohol 95% can be drunk, but it must first be diluted with distilled water to the required concentration, which is given in the indication. If used for pleasure, it must be diluted in a ratio of 6 to 3. 90% alcohol is also used as a solvent for some medicines and is a good extractant.

What is a percentage indication?

In the case when we see the inscription on the bottle 95%, this can only indicate that this solution contains 95% alcohol, relative to the entire volume. This liquid has no color as such and is transparent, has a very pungent taste and burns with a blue flame.

And in the case when we see ethyl alcohol 70%, this means that the mixture consists of 95% alcohol, but which has only 67.5 parts of the total volume.

How to distinguish ethyl from methyl alcohol?

Ethyl alcohol can be drunk, which cannot be said about methyl alcohol. As for the first, it can be called drinking, while the second is technical, and if more than 50 grams are ingested, this dose is quite enough to kill a person. The problem is that it is generally impossible to distinguish one from the other by the first signs, since their smell, taste, color and consistency are absolutely the same, but in order to avoid problems, there are still two ways by which you can determine which one at home. or other alcohol.

You can try boiling liquids and measuring their temperature. Methyl boils at 64 degrees, while ethyl boils at 78.

And if you dip a red-hot copper wire into drinking alcohol, it will smell like rotten apples. In the case of technical alcohol, the smell will be very pungent and unpleasant. Despite the fact that such liquid can be taken orally, you should not abuse it as an alcoholic drink and do not prepare it yourself. Instead, it is better to purchase a high-quality and certified product that can give you a pleasant evening and an equally good morning. As for experiments with independently creating vodka from alcohol, then, of course, you can try, but only out of scientific interest, because the Ministry of Health warns...

Alcohol has been known for a very long time (since the reign of Peter I), and the attitude towards it is still controversial.

Drinks prepared on its basis do not have a very beneficial effect on the body, but at the same time they are present on the table of every holiday feast.

Horrible stories of how people got sick from ethyl alcohol poisoning, lost their hearing, vision, and even died, are not fiction, they really happened and can happen in our time.

To avoid negative consequences and protect your body from intoxication, you need to understand the nature of the origin of the substance ethanol and its main components.

In contact with

Ethanol and methanol

The consequences of drinking alcohol and its impact on human health depend on the type and amount drunk.

In addition to ethyl alcohol, there is methyl and isopropyl alcohol - powerful poisons that affect the nervous system, lungs and many other vital human organs. In case of poisoning with these substances, it is important to promptly provide first aid, otherwise death will inevitably occur.

In addition, methanol and ethanol are identical in physical properties (taste, color and smell). It is quite difficult to distinguish them from each other at home.

Note: You can check the ethyl or technical alcohol in front of you by igniting it. Ethyl burns with a blue flame, methyl with a green flame.

In principle, methanol should not be freely sold in stores, it is used only for industrial needs, but there are different cases. Alcohol for food use can be found in pharmacies or wineries.

Do not buy questionable liquid. Ask the seller where it was purchased. Drinking alcohol of unknown origin is very dangerous.

Application in medicine

There is an opinion that medical alcohol must be 95-96 percent strength, but this is not so.

Most often it is 70 degrees and is intended for external use and disinfection. In medicine, absolute alcohol and solutions are used: 95%, 90%, 70%, 40%.

Ethyl alcohol can be prescribed in small doses for oral administration to patients who are exhausted. In addition, it has a stimulating effect on breathing and blood circulation and is included in many modern medications. Various medicinal tinctures are also made based on ethanol.

Other types

Alcohol "Alpha" and luxury alcohol are used to make luxury drinks and their price is quite high. They are the highest quality product among alcohols.

Alcohol “Basis” and “Extra” are lower in quality and price. Vodka products are also made on their basis, but the price is lower than the previous two types.

Note: The types of alcohol listed below are not intended for internal consumption and if you drink them, you are guaranteed to experience poisoning, even death.

Ant tincture is used in pharmacology as an antiseptic. Theoretically, it can be drunk, but primarily it is used for medicinal purposes and does not have the same degree of purification as alcohols for the production of vodka.

Industrial alcohols are not intended for consumption; they contain dangerous components that lead to poisoning. Used only in enterprises.

Hydrolysis alcohol, unlike other alcohols, is made from sawdust and wood processing waste. It can only be used for technical needs. When used internally it causes severe poisoning. Its taste can be recognized by its characteristic salty taste or chemical bitterness.

Cetyl alcohol is used only in cosmetology. It has a high fat content. Although it is the most gentle for the human body, you cannot drink it even with a strong desire.

Salicylic alcohol is made from salicylic acid and ethyl alcohol. First of all, it is used for medical purposes to treat the skin for various diseases. It is also used in cosmetology, for example, salicylic alcohol is included in chemical peeling. May cause poisoning if taken orally.

Aviation alcohol, as the name implies, is used in the operation of aircraft. You can’t drink it, because of the high content of metals, death from poisoning occurs very quickly.


The alcohol has the highest strength - up to 96 percent. But alcoholic beverages with a strength of over 50 percent cannot be drunk in their pure form.

Firstly, it destroys the neurons of the brain, and secondly, it hits the liver very hard. Also, if you drink strong alcohol undiluted, you can get a burn to the larynx and esophagus.

Alcohol tinctures sold in pharmacies are made on the basis of 95 percent alcohol, but they are not intended for consumption by the glass. Although some use them as a cheap substitute for alcohol.

How to drink safely

Ethyl alcohol itself does not cause such irreparable harm to the body as methyl alcohol. Almost all alcoholic drinks are made from it and are also used for medicinal purposes. But still, drinking ethanol in its pure form can have unpleasant consequences.

The safest way is to dilute alcohol with water. This will reduce the strength and its use will have no consequences, except for a hangover and the usual side effects that appear, for example, after vodka.

It is important to know: You can dilute alcohol with juice, compote or soda.

You can also make homemade tinctures and liqueurs based on it. Drinking it in its pure form is highly not recommended.

Can it cause harm to health?

As already mentioned, ethanol alcohol is considered food grade and is used to make medications or alcohol. It can cause the same harm as regular alcohol. If you drink a large amount, drink it undiluted.

The fact is that the higher the strength of the drink, the greater the load on the liver, so if you drink undiluted ethanol, intoxication will be rapid, and in the morning you will have a severe hangover and other effects of alcohol poisoning. You can also burn your larynx and esophagus.

Each person's body reacts individually to alcohol, so keep it in moderation. It is not advisable to drink ethyl alcohol in large doses on an empty stomach. Try to drink slowly and in small sips.

In addition to the liver, the nervous system suffers greatly from taking ethyl alcohol: the perception of the surrounding reality changes, speech becomes unrelated, vision and hearing deteriorate.


The dose of ethyl alcohol that leads to death is 6-8 ml per kilogram of body weight.

The lethal concentration of ethyl alcohol is 4-5 g/l or more. Therefore, the greater the body weight, the greater the chance of survival when taking a large dose.

Signs of ethyl alcohol poisoning:

  • labored breathing;
  • nausea;
  • blue discoloration of the skin;
  • decreased body temperature;
  • convulsions;
  • dehydration;
  • muscle relaxation;
  • loss or confusion.

Take note: Frequent drinking of alcohol in large doses causes addiction and alcoholism.

If you abuse ethyl alcohol (as, indeed, any other alcoholic drink), death can occur.

How to choose

If the use of ethyl alcohol in moderate quantities and in diluted form is not very harmful to health, then the use of methyl or isopropyl alcohol almost always leads to death.

And although they are prohibited for free sale and production of food products, counterfeit alcohol is often made on its basis.

Therefore, do not buy alcoholic drinks in dubious places, especially from hands. It’s better to buy something more expensive, but in a normal, specialized wine store or, as a last resort, in a pharmacy.

If you still decide to buy, then before using, check whether it is ethyl alcohol in front of you - set it on fire and watch the color of the burner.

Watch the following video about the consequences of drinking ethyl alcohol:


  2. You can even eat cologne and body wash (not in the best of times, I drank both), but is it necessary to drink what is considered technical throughout the world, but in our country is drinkable (I’m talking about tse 2 ash 5 oh ash) to drink you need noble drinks like cognac, if funds don’t allow it, you need to brew it yourself (moonshine, if you don’t understand what we’re talking about), everyone knows that distillate does not kill the liver as much as ethyl
  3. need to
  4. And who prohibits?
  5. I do not advise! It burns the mucous membranes, liquefies the brain, causes chemical dependence, turns the nose blue and the reputation black, etc...
    The drinker goes through 4 stages: peacock, monkey, lion, pig.
    Think with your head, otherwise the drunken sea is too hot. Do you need this?
  6. Our fathers and grandfathers drank, we were born :)
  7. Isn't there a lot of vodka on sale?
  8. And how! Ha ha ha.
  9. Can.. . just dilute it...
  10. I took expensive cognac and got poisoned, I took all kinds of vodka except for the scooter, it’s also rubbish, there’s no samprom everywhere, I tried Marata - alcohol is like alcohol, I drank a lot in the army in my youth, I was only afraid of the chemical composition, that’s why I want to know the opinion of specialists, and not because I don’t have money enough for good alcohol
  11. Can!
  12. Alcohol is a great deceiver! The insidious drink first makes a man a sexual giant, and then an alcoholic and impotent. What happens to a woman is even more tragic. From a cute creature, she turns into a disgusting creature. Fortunately, female alcoholism is easier to treat than male alcoholism.
  13. I am not an expert in this and have not consumed a medical antiseptic solution, but vodka for 1000 rubles and vodka for 3000 rubles are no different - they are vodka. Also, either I don’t remember the chemistry well, or I don’t understand something, in “noble drinks” there’s the same C2H5OH, so WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE? If you run it through coal one more time and it will be no worse than the “vaunted” moonshine, even without oils. Experts, give a detailed answer, without lectures about the dangers, otherwise I’ll write a lecture about our ecology.
  14. not advisable at all!!!
  15. Alcohol or ethanol is a protoplasmic poison (according to GOST from 1972), which has a narcotic effect. It is recognized as a drug by the World Health Organization (WHO). There is NOT A SINGLE organ or tissue in the body that is not harmed by ethyl alcohol.
    The organ that receives the greatest damage from alcohol poisoning is the brain. The fact is that when alcohol enters the bloodstream, it begins to come into contact with erythrocytes (red blood cells), which carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and carbon dioxide in the opposite direction.
    Alcohol is known to be used for degreasing and cleaning surfaces. When it enters the blood, red blood cells acquire a new property: they begin to stick together, forming clusters, the size of which is determined by the amount of alcohol consumed. Our circulatory system in certain parts of the body (brain, retina) consists of the finest capillaries, and the diameter of some of the thinnest of them is comparable to the size of red blood cells. The clusters that appear in the blood form blood clots in thin capillaries, and the blood supply to certain groups of neurons in the brain stops. “Numbness” occurs, and then the death of individual micro-regions of the brain, which is perceived by a person as a supposedly harmless state of intoxication. In this condition, some neurons in the brain die. According to experts, 100 gr. Vodka irreversibly destroys about 1 million neurons, and restoration of reversible effects occurs under favorable circumstances within 2-3 years. The hangover syndrome is nothing more than a process associated with the removal of dead neurons from the brain due to lack of blood supply. The body rejects dead cells, which is what causes morning headaches. A person who drinks alcohol in the morning literally urinates with his own brain.
  16. Illiterate "sage". ..GRAPES...not GRAPES.... Shkolota stupidly licked it from an ignoramus and passed it off without reading his own thoughts.
  17. mix with Fanta or cola
  18. Need to! More sense than vodka. Yes, cheaper!
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