Swelling under the eyes in the evening causes. How to remove puffiness under the eyes at home. Folk remedies for bruises and swelling under the eyes for the lazy

A cosmetic defect such as dark circles or puffiness under the eyes can be a cause for concern, since it is a consequence of an imbalance in the healthy balance of the human body. The causes can only be found and eliminated by a doctor through adequate treatment.

The swelling that occurs under the eyes and occurs as a result of the accumulation of fluid in the subcutaneous tissue is called edema.

The accumulating liquid includes:

  • Leukocytes;
  • Proteins;
  • Potassium;
  • Sodium;
  • Salt;
  • Water.

What diseases can cause swelling under the eyes?

The following diseases can cause puffy circles under the eyes:

  • Edema that occurs due to endocrine disorders;
  • Disruption of the cardiovascular system;
  • Kidney problems;
  • Liver diseases;
  • Various eye diseases;
  • Inflammatory processes;
  • Herniated disc;
  • Allergy.

Causes of puffiness under the eyes in women

Women may experience puffiness under the eyes for the following reasons:

Causes of puffiness under the eyes in men

Male factor:

  • Alcohol abuse;
  • Use of cigarettes and drugs;
  • Nocturnal lifestyle and lack of sleep;
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Poor nutrition;
  • Age-related swelling under the eyes.

Causes of puffiness under the eyes in children

Edema in children:

  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Allergic reaction;
  • Teething period;
  • Inflammatory processes of the ear/nose/throat;
  • Hormonal disbalance;
  • Staying near a TV/tablet/computer for a long time;
  • Increased intracranial pressure;
  • Eye opening in infants.

Pathological causes of bags and swelling. Edema during pregnancy

Possible diagnoses:

Edema during pregnancy

During pregnancy, swelling under the eyes often appears. The causes and treatment of edema are determined by specialists in the field of gynecology, cardiology or nephrology.

A common occurrence among pregnant women is late toxicosis - gestosis. It may occur for the following reasons:

Heart problems can also cause swelling of the eyelids in pregnant women. This occurs due to excessive stress on the cardiac system. Most often, patients who have heart problems before pregnancy suffer from heart disease. But women who gained significant weight before pregnancy or experienced severe stress are also at risk.

Swelling of the eyelids in pregnant women can be caused by illness or excessive load on the kidneys.

This happens for the following reasons:

  • In the first trimester, slight swelling around the eyes occurs due to hormonal changes in the body, which leads to relaxation of some internal organs. The reason for this phenomenon is increased levels of progesterone. Another reason that does not require immediate medical intervention is overload of the kidneys. During the period of gestation, they work for two.
  • In the second and third trimesters, slight swelling is possible due to the size of the enlarging uterus. It puts pressure on the bladder, resulting in urinary stagnation.
  • If a woman suffered from pyelonephritis or nephritis before pregnancy, relapses are possible.
  • Flu, infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, various complications after infectious and colds lead to swelling of the eyelids during pregnancy.

Swelling due to herniated disc

With a herniated disc, the first minor symptom is swelling under the eyes. The causes and treatment of which are often ignored by patients. This occurs due to deterioration of blood supply to the brain. The discs are displaced and a hernia is formed, and the spinal artery, which supplies blood to all parts of the brain, is pinched, which leads to the formation of edema.

Edema due to heart disease

With heart disease, blood circulation is disrupted and moisture stagnation occurs, which leads to the formation of minor edema in the early stages.

This process is caused by damage to the heart muscle tissue, which is possible for the following reasons:

  • Heart attack;
  • Inflammation of internal organs;
  • Long-term high blood pressure;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Angina.

As a result, cardiac output decreases and fluid stagnates in the intercellular space.

Edema due to kidney disease

Renal edema appears under the eyes in patients with organ diseases that are caused by pathological mechanisms. The causes, as well as treatment, are determined by a nephrologist and urologist.

Swelling occurs when there is no presence in the blood:

  • Protein – protein starvation occurs in the body;
  • Chlorine ions;
  • Glucose;
  • Urea;
  • Sodium ions.

Swelling appears in the evening, and by morning it subsides. It begins with the eyelids, gradually spreading to the feet.

Edema in liver diseases

Swelling, caused by liver disease, appears not only under the eyes, but also on the legs, arms, and in men, in the scrotum area. If conservative treatment does not give positive dynamics, the patient is prescribed surgical intervention.

Causes of liver reports:

  • Cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Tumor processes;
  • Disruption of the biliary tract;
  • Hepatitis A, B, C.

If, in addition to the eyelids, an accumulation of fluid forms in the abdominal cavity, such swelling is called ascites or abdominal dropsy. Basically, this condition is one of the complications of liver cirrhosis or cancer.

Edema due to endocrine pathologies

With endocrine pathologies and hormonal disorders in the human body, swelling often appears under the eyes.

Disease Causes of swelling Treatment
  • Chronic kidney diseases arising due to high levels of glucose in the patient’s blood;
  • Obesity and lack of diet;
  • The period of bearing a child;
  • Heart failure in type 2 diabetes mellitus.
  • Prescribing a therapeutic diet with restrictions on fatty, sweet and salty foods;
  • For kidney diseases, Blockordil is prescribed;
  • For diabetic hearts, medications for high blood pressure are prescribed.
Hypothyroidism Changes in hormone levels Prescription of artificial hormonal drugs.
Autoimmune thyroiditis Advanced hypothyroidism Prescription of drugs that restore cardiovascular function of the body. All drugs are selected individually.

Swelling due to inflammation of the lacrimal glands

Causes of swelling of the lacrimal glands:

  • Age-related hormonal changes. In this process, the production of tear fluid decreases, which leads to the formation of edema;
  • For diseases such as mumps, influenza and scarlet fever;
  • In case of chronic tuberculosis and syphilis;
  • For diseases of the circulatory system.

Edema due to vitamin B5 deficiency

The adrenal glands produce vital hormones - glucocorticoids. Their lack in the body leads not only to swelling under the eyes, but also to ongoing headaches, insomnia and frequent body fatigue. Therapy with brewer's yeast and calcium pantothenate will help compensate for vitamin B5 deficiency.

Also, patients suffering from pantothenic acid deficiency are recommended to include in their diet the following foods:

  • All types of green vegetables;
  • Buckwheat and oatmeal;
  • Dairy products;
  • Chicken eggs;
  • Peanuts, hazelnuts and walnuts.

Swelling due to allergies

Puffiness in the eyes due to allergies occurs due to contact of the allergen with the mucous membrane of the eye or with the eyelid.

A possible cause of puffiness under the eyes may be allergies. Eliminating contact with the allergen and specific treatment help get rid of this cosmetic defect.

Possible allergens:

  • Washing powders and other household chemicals;
  • Cat hair and hair of some dog breeds: Chow Chow, Spitz, Pekingese. A reaction is also possible to other breeds, but these are the dogs that are recognized by WHO as the most allergenic;
  • Dust;
  • Bacterial and infectious processes;
  • Cosmetics and perfumes;
  • Some types of berries, fruits and vegetables;
  • Honey and nuts;
  • Allergy to lactose (milk protein);
  • Plants and flowers;
  • Antibiotics and vaccines;
  • To ultraviolet radiation: both natural (sun) and artificial (solarium);
  • Bee and mosquito bites, as well as fleas and bedbugs.

Genetic causes of edema

If parents notice swelling under the child’s eyes, there is no need to immediately sound the alarm. First you need to look at the eyes of your parents and grandparents. Typically, such swelling is inherited and accompanies a person throughout his life.

Sometimes a patient’s swelling is accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • Suffocation;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Sharp pain in the abdominal cavity.

Then a detailed study of the hereditary history is necessary through genetic studies of the patient’s blood. If after research a deficiency of the C1 inhibitor has been determined, the patient is diagnosed with hereditary angioedema and special treatment is prescribed.

Physiological causes of swelling

There are swellings that do not require visiting a specialist:

Bags for bad habits

Bad habits are a common cause of bags under the eyes. It is easy to distinguish them thanks to the accompanying symptoms.

After abusing alcohol and cigarettes, in addition to bags under the eyes, the following appear:

After using narcotic drugs, persistent bags under the eyes appear due to prolonged wakefulness or drowsiness.

Bags after cosmetic procedures

Causes of bags under the eyes after a cosmetic procedure:

  • After Botox injections, 99% of patients experience swelling around the eyes. This is due to temporary paralysis of the facial muscles, resulting in stagnation of lymph in the intercellular space, forming bags;
  • Biorevitalization can also cause bags under the eyes. A similar problem arises in a patient due to the negligence of the medical worker who performed the procedure, or due to the fault of the patient who did not provide all the data on the characteristics of his own body;
  • After a circular facelift with gold threads due to insufficient qualifications of the cosmetologist or in case of violation of the technology.

Swelling from ultraviolet radiation and stress

Direct ultraviolet rays can cause a reaction in the body in the form of swelling. Medicine does not have an exact reason why the human body rejected the sun's rays.

There are hypotheses for this pathology:

  • Immunity impairment;
  • Reaction of mucous membranes to ultraviolet radiation as a toxic factor;
  • Height above sea level. The higher a person is, the stronger his reaction to the rays.

Also, patients often pay attention to puffy circles under the eyes after severe stressful situations. Such edema is called carbohydrate-insulin edema. They appear due to overeating sweets after suffering from nervous excitement. Sweets provoke the release of insulin into the blood, which leads to swelling under the eyes.

Bags from excess salt in the body

After consuming foods containing table salt (and this is almost all the products that are on store shelves), a person is overcome by thirst. Together with salt, elements necessary for life enter the blood: sodium chloride. But an increased concentration of this substance leads to metabolic disorders.

The kidneys cannot cope with the processing of fluid, because... after salty food, a person drinks more than normal, and some of the water is not excreted, but accumulates in the cells. This becomes the root cause of swelling of the eyelids under the eyes.

Swelling due to age

It is rare to find older people who do not have bags under their eyes. These are not edemas that contain fluid, but the properties of subcutaneous fat.
The skin on the eyelids is the most delicate on the entire human body, and with age it loses its elasticity and firmness. This leads to eyelid bags under the eyes.

Swelling on one side

Unilateral swelling of the eyelid is possible for the following reasons:

  • Dental problems related to the tooth root;
  • Unilateral inflammation of the maxillary sinuses;
  • Barley;
  • Result of traumatic brain injury;
  • Fracture or severe bruise of the nose;
  • Leave-on mascara.

Methods for diagnosing disorders in the body

Diagnosis of some diseases that cause swelling:

Treatment of eyelid swelling

Treatment of inflammatory swelling

For inflammatory swelling under the eyes, the following treatment regimen is used:

Treatment of swelling from nephrological diseases

For such edema, the following treatment regimen is prescribed:

  • Moderate exercise;
  • Diet food;
  • Use of medications according to schedule;
  • Dialysis.

Treatment of allergic edema

The treatment process includes:

  • Eliminating the allergen;
  • Activated carbon will help remove the allergen from the body;
  • Use of antihistamines.


To eliminate and prevent puffiness under the eyes, do a therapeutic massage with cream using pointed movements in the morning and evening before bed. The fingertips follow from the temples along the lower base of the eyelid. Then they pass their fingers along the upper eyelid. It is advisable to perform the procedure for 5-10 minutes daily.

Compresses and poultices for the skin around the eyes

Name Recipe Application
Linden compress
  • Linden flowers 20 g are brewed in boiling water;
  • Leave for 6 hours.
  • A tampon soaked in the broth is kept in front of the eyes for 15-20 minutes;
  • At the end, the eyelid is wiped with ice.
Cornflower compress
  • Cornflower flowers 60 g;
  • Hot water 200 ml;
  • Leave for 30-40 minutes.
Apply a swab to the eyes for 15-20 minutes.
Tea compress Used tea bags or tea leaves wrapped in cheesecloth. Apply to eyes for 20-25 minutes.
Cabbage compress Finely chopped fresh or sour cabbage is wrapped in gauze. Apply to swollen eyelids 4-5 times a day for 15-20 minutes.

Masks and creams for bags under the eyes

Name Recipe Application
For bruises and bags under the eyes Chopped raw potatoes are mixed with 5 g of grape oil.
  • Place an absorbent napkin on both eyes;
  • Place potato mixture on a napkin;
  • Keep for 15-20 minutes.
Parsley mask Chopped parsley is mixed with 20-25 g of sour cream. The mask is applied to the eyes for 15-20 minutes.
Oatmeal mask Pour hot milk over oatmeal overnight. In the morning, apply the product to the eyes for 30-35 minutes.

Creams for bags under the eyes:

Ice and frozen vegetables for puffy eyes

Methods of influence and effectiveness of using ice and frozen fruits:

Diet and a healthy lifestyle as a remedy for puffiness under the eyes

The special diet includes:

  • Oat and buckwheat cereals;
  • Dairy products;
  • Non-starchy vegetables;
  • Berries and fruits;
  • Boiled fish and poultry.

All dishes and cereals are prepared in water, without adding salt. The patient's sleep lasts for 8-10 hours. Meals are strictly scheduled, in small portions.

How to properly care for the skin around your eyes to avoid swelling

Skin care for swelling:

  • Daily moisturizing with special creams;
  • It is recommended to visit a cosmetologist at least once a month;
  • Using special lifting creams;
  • The use of creams against exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Preventing bags under the eyes

For prevention you need:

  • Stick to a daily routine;
  • Eat a balanced diet;
  • Do not abuse salts/sweets/spices/spicy foods;
  • To refuse from bad habits;
  • Get enough sleep;
  • Playing sports or physical therapy:
  • Apply cosmetics correctly;
  • Don't neglect walks in the fresh air.

If the above factors are observed, swelling under the eyes will decrease or disappear. If the cause of their occurrence is a disease, timely diagnosis and proper treatment will help eliminate this cause.

Video on the topic: swelling under the eyes - causes and treatment

Why bags under the eyes appear and methods of treatment:

Causes of swelling under the eyes, ways to combat them:

They don't paint anyone. They can change the shape of the face and ruin the appearance. But in a healthy person they appear extremely rarely and immediately attract attention. And usually swelling, not caused by any pathology, forms evenly over the entire face, or swelling appears immediately under both eyes as a possible option. And anyone can notice swelling under their eyes. The reasons, on the one hand, may be banal and do not pose any health hazard, but on the other hand, they are often due to the presence of some pathology.

What is edema, the main causes of its appearance

Edema is a kind of tumor that appears due to a banal accumulation of fluids in the tissues of the body. In the face area, it can appear either uniformly over the entire area or in individual areas. But most often, swelling forms precisely under the eyes - in this part of the face the tissues are such that they easily accumulate and retain fluid. Here the skin contains quite a bit of elastin and collagen, the skin tone is less than in other parts of the body, and subcutaneous fatty tissue is simply absent here.

The swelling can be either one-sided or form on both sides of the face. If swelling has formed only in the area of ​​one eye, then, most likely, it was caused by some third-party cause, not particularly related to serious pathologies, although in the presence of a number of diseases, swelling can still appear only on one side. If swelling appears all over the face or evenly under both eyes, then most likely the cause of its formation is associated with a number of serious pathologies of the heart or kidneys.

On a note! Sometimes swelling occurs in pregnant women or those who work a lot, putting excessive strain on the eyes, and are very tired. In this case, they are not associated with the development of various diseases.

The main causes of edema

Various reasons can cause swelling in the eye area. As a rule, they can be the following.

  1. Poor nutrition. If a person eats a lot of salty foods or smoked foods, especially in the evening, then it is not surprising that he wakes up with swelling. Salt can retain fluid in the body.

  2. Drinking alcohol and nicotine in large quantities, other bad habits. They also provoke stagnation of fluid in the tissues. To get rid of edema for these reasons, you need to stop using harmful substances.

  3. Improper drinking regime. For normal fluid metabolism, a person must drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day. Unfortunately, many do not drink even half of what they should. Therefore, water is removed from the body unevenly and can accumulate in tissues.
  4. Uncomfortable sleeping position. It is best not to sleep with your face in the pillow. It is this position that usually causes the appearance of such defects as swelling. The bottom line is that when the pillow puts pressure on the skin of the face, lymph flow worsens, and blood circulation is also disrupted. The result is sad.

  5. Procedures with a cosmetologist. Some types of cosmetic procedures can cause swelling. These can be either hardware, manual, or injection options. Also, incorrect technique for performing procedures by a non-professional cosmetologist can not only cause discomfort, but also provoke the appearance of edema.

On a note! Typically, swelling in the eye area appears after injection procedures that were performed incorrectly.

In some cases, poor-quality makeup remover in the evening can provoke the appearance of edema in women. Makeup must be removed thoroughly and completely so that not a trace remains on the skin of the face. Otherwise, the risk of developing a puffy area under the eyes also increases.

Causes of swelling under one eye

Swelling under one eye can be due to a number of reasons. Let's look at the main ones.

  1. Allergic reaction to something. Swelling can be caused by the use of any cosmetic or medication. This is usually a local reaction of the body. In some cases, swelling is accompanied by itching.
  2. Facial injury. Bruises, blows, not necessarily to the eye, but even to the entire head, bridge of the nose or cheek, can cause swelling.
  3. Insect bites, in particular – small midges, wasps, mosquitoes, etc.. When some insects bite, they not only damage the skin, but also inject some substances under it, to which the human body can react quite violently. In the area of ​​the bite, not only swelling appears, but also itching, swelling, redness, pain, and even bruises in certain situations. By the way, the most severe swelling appears just after a midge bite.

Attention! If you receive an insect bite in the area of ​​the lower or upper eyelid, it is important to consult a doctor.

Diseases that cause swelling

Also, swelling under one or both eyes can immediately appear as a result of the development of any pathologies. Some of them are quite serious diseases. Although, in any case, you should not treat the appearance of edema as a result of even low-risk pathologies carelessly. So, the following diseases are identified, the symptoms of which can be swelling.

  1. Eye diseases associated with infections or inflammatory processes. This can be blepharitis, conjunctivitis and others. Their symptoms are quite obvious and difficult to confuse with other pathologies. One of the obvious symptoms is swelling of the eyelids of one or both eyes at once. They are also accompanied by redness of the eyes, soreness of the eyelids, etc.

  2. Facial nerve problems. Inflammatory processes associated with the facial nerves can also cause swelling or swelling in the eye area. This neurological disease is also accompanied by pain in the neck or head.
  3. Sinusitis and sinusitis. In the presence of such diseases, a person experiences rather poor health, nasal congestion, pain in the forehead and eyes. Often the eyes become watery, and swelling forms in the eyelid area. An otolaryngologist will come to the rescue. It is imperative to treat these pathologies, otherwise they can develop into a chronic form.

  4. Intervertebral hernia. Surprisingly, this disease can also affect, as they say, on the face. But provided that the hernia appears in the cervical spine. This disease is also accompanied by pain in the neck, insufficient muscle tone and a number of other symptoms. Sometimes a hernia occurs with almost no visible signs, but it is the appearance of swelling under one of the eyes that can be the first signal of the development of the disease.
  5. Pathologies of teeth and oral cavity. So, in some cases, if inflammatory processes occur in the tooth area, a person may complain of the appearance of swelling and swelling on the face and under the eyes in particular. Typically, inflammation occurs accompanied by severe acute pain, the appearance of pus in the gum area, etc. Most often, the causes of swelling are problems associated with molars or wisdom teeth. Sometimes one side of the face swells just after tooth extraction or some kind of oral surgery.

  6. Heart diseases. Unfortunately, edema also appears with cardiac pathologies. So, if, after being examined by a neurologist, ENT specialist or ophthalmologist, a person still does not find out the cause of the swelling, he is recommended to visit a cardiologist.

Important! If swelling appears regularly under one or the other eye, you should definitely visit a doctor. It may well be that they signal the development of some kind of disease, although there may be no other signs of pathology.

How to deal with this?

Naturally, as soon as swelling appears on the eye, you want to get rid of it immediately. It greatly spoils the appearance, and in general its presence indicates that something has gone wrong in the body. How to get rid of swelling as quickly as possible? The easiest way is to apply a cool compress. You can apply ice wrapped in a towel, or simply wet the towel with cool water, lie down and place a compress over your eyes. You can also make green tea compresses or simply place cool silver spoons on your eyes. You need to keep the compress for about 15-20 minutes - this will be enough.

A drop of vitamin E diluted in water is considered a good remedy against edema; compresses are also made from the resulting solution. Just soak a cotton pad in it and place it on your closed eyelids. This remedy also helps get rid of dark circles and bruises.

Table. Masks against edema and swelling.

NameHow to do it?

It is very simple to make - just take a fresh berry, cool it slightly and place it on the lower eyelids.

Good for prevention. The cereal needs to be calcined and made into flour, which is then mixed with some water to form a dough. Pies of this dough are placed under the eyes in the evening.

Greens (preferably leaves) are finely chopped, mixed with sour cream and applied to the area under the eyes.

It's simple - you need to grate the apples on a fine grater and simply place them on the lower eyelids. It is recommended to cool the fruit before chopping.

On a note! Each mask is applied for 15-20 minutes, and then simply washed off with clean water.


To reduce the risk of swelling in the eye area, it is recommended to change your diet, that is, reduce the consumption of salty and smoked foods, as well as marinades. You can eat everything, but in moderation, but in the evening hours it is better to completely avoid the consumption of such food. It is also important to get enough sleep and proper rest. Without this, a good appearance cannot be achieved. It is also recommended not to forget to take care of your facial skin.

On a note! As a means of preventing swelling under the eyes, it is very good to periodically go for massages intended specifically for the face. You can also perform simple eyelid exercises at home.

How to reduce swelling? Instructions

Step 1. The easiest and most useful way to use slices of regular fresh cucumber as an express method for eliminating swelling. You need to cool it a little, then wash it, cut a couple of circles from it and place it on your eyes. You need to keep the cucumbers for about 15 minutes.

Step 2. You can also eliminate swelling by using a chilled teaspoon. It should be held under cool water and then applied to the eye where there is swelling.

Step 3. Chilled tea bags work the same way. You need to brew tea, then place a couple of bags in the refrigerator, wait until they cool down, and then put them on your eyes and just lie with them.

Step 4. An excellent remedy for puffiness and bags under the eyes is. They are able to quickly remove such imperfections in appearance. You need to use them in accordance with the instructions - remove them from the packaging, stick them on the lower eyelid and walk around with them for 10-20 minutes, then remove them. The nutrients contained in the patches have a beneficial effect on the skin and return it to its normal state, and also stimulate blood and lymph flow, which removes excess fluid from the tissues. By the way, there is no need to wash your face after using patches.

Step 5. You can use a cosmetic or pharmaceutical product that acts against swelling. You need to apply it to the desired area with your finger and wait a certain time. As a rule, there is no need to wash off the cream or gel from the skin.

Step 6. You should replace some of the drinks consumed during the day with plain water. You need to drink about 2 liters of water per day.

Step 7 You need to sleep on your back or side, but not face into the pillow. It is also important to generally rest fully and get enough sleep.

These recommendations will help you cope with swelling caused by non-pathological causes. And if swelling appears due to some disease or as a result of an allergy, you need to use medications as prescribed by a specialist.

Video - Bags and swelling under the eyes. How to remove?

Puffiness under the eyes, which appears rarely, can be left without special attention. It is enough to understand the reason for their appearance and eliminate it, and then they will no longer bother you. But if swelling appears regularly, also under a certain eye, then it makes sense to undergo an examination at the clinic, identify the true cause of this phenomenon and begin treatment.

Rodionova Albina Mikhailovna

Reading time: 6 minutes


Swelling of the eyelids and eyes in the morning is a fairly common occurrence., which can be triggered by a variety of factors.

Usually similar condition normalizes on its own within a short time.

However, if swelling occurs constantly and does not go away for more than a day, in this case it is necessary to conduct a full diagnosis of the body.

Keep in mind! Swelling of the upper and lower eyelids in the morning may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • severe redness of the skin and its thickening. The skin may feel hot to the touch;
  • lacrimation and pain;
  • sensation of a foreign object.

In some cases, the patient may only be bothered by swelling, which can be quite pronounced. In this case, the patient has difficulty opening his eyes and experiences severe discomfort.

Why does swelling occur?

Swelling above or below the eyes in the morning can be caused by two types of reasons:

Reasons that do not cause serious concern

These reasons include:

  • drinking too much liquid the night before or just before bedtime;
  • drinking alcohol the day before;
  • abuse of salted and smoked foods products;
  • long crying before bed;
  • severe eye strain;
  • application unsuitable cosmetics;
  • age-related changes;
  • genetic predisposition.

Causes requiring immediate medical attention

Reasons to see a doctor immediately include: various diseases affecting the patient’s kidneys and endocrine system.

It is worth noting! The most common diseases that cause fluid stagnation in the tissues around the eyes are:

Treatment options

Therapeutic techniques problems are selected based on the general clinical picture and final diagnosis.

Know! To do this, you need to visit a number of specialists and pass a list of tests. Self-medication in this case can lead to serious complications.

General approach

If are you sure that the problem was not caused by any serious internal violations, you can use the following algorithm, which will allow you to get rid of swelling in a short time:

If after a series of procedures your condition does not return to normal within 24 hours or, on the contrary, worsens, you should visit a specialist who will determine the exact cause.


Note! Drug treatment is prescribed based on the general diagnosis. These may be the following types of medications:

  • antihistamines;
  • diuretics;
  • drugs to normalize kidney function;
  • hormonal agents;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibiotics.

If you need to get rid of edema in a short time, you can resort to using special ointments.

Despite the fact that the remedies listed below are not intended for such a purpose, they nevertheless have an almost immediate effect.

These ointments include:

If the problem is caused by dry eyes and fatigue, then you can purchase special drops.

Remember!“Artificial tears” will relieve an unpleasant symptom and eliminate redness. In any case, only a specialist can prescribe correct and adequate treatment.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are not a complete treatment. They eliminate swelling, but do not remove its root cause.

Some of the most popular recipes include:

Are your child's eyes swollen after sleep?

Causes of edema century in children after sleep they are not much different from the reasons causing the problem in adults.

If swelling occurs frequently and can last for several days, it is important to show the child to a specialist.

It is worth noting! The exception is newborn children. Their eyelids may look quite swollen in the first week after birth, but this will normalize over the next month.

Useful video

From this video you will learn about the causes and treatment of swelling and bags under the eyes:

Swelling of the eyelids and area around the eyes in the morning may indicate quite dangerous conditions.

Even if it seems to you that you are completely healthy, with constant swelling you need to consult a doctor.

Your problem may be caused by a hereditary factor. In this case, a cosmetologist will help correct the situation.

In contact with

Annoying puffiness under the eyes cannot be hidden under a layer of foundation or powder. Often the problem “sits” deeply and drastic actions are needed to solve it: contacting specialists, comprehensive examinations and even drug treatment. But having determined the cause of the “bags” in time, it is possible to get rid of them in various ways and in the future give charming looks to others.

Causes of puffy eyes

Waking up on a beautiful morning, you can see far from beautiful bags around your eyes. The first question is - from what? Now let’s figure it out, because there are many reasons for this condition.

Common non-pathological.

Morning bags under the eyes can appear even in a relatively healthy person. In this case, you don’t have to look for anything pathological in yourself. Such manifestations include: “fleeting” appearance of swelling:

  • Lack of sleep. Frequent lack of sleep can even become chronic, after which swelling may appear;
  • Genetics. If close relatives have slight swelling of the eyes throughout almost their entire lives, the possibility of passing this condition on to their descendants cannot be ruled out;
  • Eye strain. If the day before there was prolonged eye strain (working at a computer, reading in poor lighting, etc.), then it is not surprising if swelling appears.

Common non-pathological causes of swelling resolve quite quickly and do not require targeted treatment.

Health problems.

The beginning of the development of mononucleosis, trypanosomiasis, nephrotic syndrome, etc. - these are only some of the common culprits for swelling under and above the eyes. Chronic diseases also have an impact: various kidney pathologies, exacerbations of diseases of the genitourinary system, etc.

Inflammation in the area around the eyes can also lead to swelling and is accompanied by the following troubles: itching, redness, pain, and the affected area becomes hot and with a pulsating sensation. Such inflammatory diseases are often ophthalmological in nature, so they need to be treated with an appropriate specialist. Examples of such sores: conjunctivitis, furunculosis, chalazion, etc.

Serious health problems may include problems with the thyroid gland, cardiovascular system, gall bladder, etc.

Morning swelling.

The eyelids usually swell in the morning for one reason - water retention in the cells. This problem is often observed by pregnant women and those with age-related hormonal problems, as well as those who love salty foods and drink alcohol.

Long sleep also provokes swelling. And if you add daily stress to the habit of sleeping for a long time, then morning puffiness is guaranteed. This also applies to those who like to cry before bed.

Swelling under one eye only.

Fluid accumulation in the tear duct is the most common cause of unilateral edema. You can also add infections (like stye), injuries, allergic reactions (often to cosmetics), and insect bites. If swelling appears under the left eye, then the possibility of disturbances in the functioning of the heart cannot be ruled out.

Swelling along with redness of the eyes.

There may be other reasons for the appearance of swelling under the eyes, especially since they can also appear above them. And if the sclera also turns red, then the problem is serious.

There are several reasons and they are almost always accompanied by itching:

  • manifestation of an allergic reaction to cosmetics and food products;
  • eye infections;
  • colds.

There may be other causes of redness and swelling of the eyes: nervous exhaustion, irregular sleep, chronic fatigue. Each of the reasons should be given special attention, since such disruptions in the body cannot be accidental.

Diagnostic methods

To determine the true cause when the eyelid swells or bags form under the eyes, it is best to consult a specialist, because swelling can be a symptom of a serious illness. Only a doctor can conduct a high-quality diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Moreover, the reason may be not only a violation of the outflow of fluid, but also deposits of fatty tissue.

Where should you start to find out the causes of swelling, because the presence of even one factor can provoke it: an uncomfortable pillow, long sleep, poor diet, stress, make-up at night. Get rid of all these inconveniences. But if there are other symptoms (pain in the lower back, neck, “salt” in the back, etc.), then there is a reason to consult a doctor. Only effective targeted treatment of the “root” of the problem will help eliminate swelling.

Which specialist should you contact for diagnosis? causes of edema and what methods are used for this:

  • endocrinologist (thyroid), nephrologist (kidneys), cardiologist (heart) - ultrasound, general tests;
  • ophthalmologist (eyes), hematologist (blood, lymph), gastroenterologist (gastrointestinal tract) – examination, tests;
  • gynecologist (women's health) – hormone tests.

After undergoing such basic diagnostics, you can not only learn about the truth of the appearance of puffiness under the eyes, but also learn about the state of health in general.

How to remove swelling?

Depending on the cause of the appearance of bags under the eyes, ways to eliminate these swellings are selected: control of salt and fluid intake, hormonal therapy, switching to proper nutrition, cosmetic procedures, etc.

Creams and gels

It is quite possible to remove swelling using a cosmetic cream or gel if it is of a non-pathological nature (for example, infrequent lack of sleep or crying at night). In order for the product to be effective, it must contain some components:

  • caffeine;
  • menthol (or other cooling component);
  • escin and dextran (an effective hypoallergenic product);
  • extracts (chestnut, green tea, cornflower, etc.).

Cosmetic preparations are applied only to cleansed skin, and their effectiveness is greater when used at night. Dioptigel Reducteur des Poches from Lierac is popular, but there are also cheaper analogues.

The skin around the eyes is incredibly delicate and requires special care. An effective procedure for reducing puffiness under the eyes is patches. A current replacement for patches is eye masks. These funds give visible results after just one use:

  • eliminate the effect of “cotton” eyelids;
  • reduce swelling;
  • relieve mild inflammation of the eyelids;
  • smooth out the small ones.

Masks and patches are most effective in case of swelling for minor reasons, when there are no health problems. One of the most popular patches in recent years are Korean ones, there are a lot of companies, we can recommend them Secret Key "Gold Racoony" with a raccoon, Petitfee "Gold&Snail".

Cosmetology procedures

For more “severe” cases, when a cream or patch does not cope with swelling, more radical methods of dealing with swelling under the eyes are used:

  • lymphatic drainage(manual or hardware) – promotes the outflow of lymph from problem areas of the face, carried out in a course of 8-10 sessions;
  • - administration of special medications using a mesoscooter or injection method, bags under the eyes disappear in a few procedures;
  • electrocurrent therapy(microcurrent, electrical stimulation) - stimulation of muscles with low-frequency current, while they are toned and tighten swollen, sagging skin.
  • Biorevitalization hyaluronic acid.

If the problem is accumulation of fatty tissue and the formation of a hernia, then it can only be corrected by a plastic surgeon.


Maintaining the water-salt balance of the body is very important. Often it is the imbalance that leads to swelling under and above the eyes. You don’t need to follow a special diet: just eat less salty food (under-salting is welcome), and don’t get carried away with extra-salty foods: herring, chips, sour cucumbers, smoked meats, etc.

Among the minor rules of the “diet” against edema, the following stands out: avoiding spicy foods, sweets and starchy foods, as well as foods containing vinegar and other acids.

Do not forget about the rate of water consumption per day (counting not only clean water, but also other drinks: tea, juice, etc.). The calculation formula looks like this:

  • For women – 30 ml x weight (in kg);
  • For men – 35 ml x weight (in kg).

Of this fluid norm per day, half of everything drunk should be pure water. Also, this calculation is approximate and can be adjusted on both the smaller and larger sides.


One of the effective procedures (according to Japanese women) is massage along the lymph outflow lines (). Both the classic look is suitable, and point Shiatsu will help achieve the desired effect.


Making compresses is not only pleasant, but also effective. A contrast compress is the simplest but most effective type of procedure. It involves alternately applying a compress of different temperatures - warm and cold. For the base, gauze or other hygroscopic fabric is used. The maximum temperature of a warm compress is 60 degrees, the minimum is 5 degrees. It is enough to do 5 approaches with each temperature to remove minor swelling.

For the compress liquid, you can use a decoction of chamomile or nettle, calendula, etc., and they are effective when cool (temperature below room temperature - 10-15 degrees). A compress of cucumber or aloe juice will help remove swelling and refresh the skin of the face.

A used tea bag is a great way to... Brew tea, but don't throw away the bag. Once it has cooled, it can be used as a tea compress.

Tablets and ointments

Diuretic tablets for edema should not be used independently. They should only be selected by a doctor, as they can harm the body. Among the popular diuretic drugs are: Furasemide, Veroshpiron, Arifon, etc. Among the ointments, the following are effective: Heparin, Troxevasin and its analogues, Curiosin, Traumeel, etc.


There are many ways to get rid of puffiness under the eyes. And it’s especially nice when treatment doesn’t cause unnecessary trouble. The drops are easy to use and the effect is impressive. Your doctor will help you choose them correctly. Among the popular drugs are: Neolid, Nefertiti.

Other homemade recipes

There are many ways to quickly reduce or even get rid of puffiness under the eyes at home; let’s look at the most effective ones:

  1. Cut the raw potatoes (keep them in the refrigerator for a few minutes first). Place it over your eyes so that it also covers the area underneath them, and leave it there for 15-20 minutes. Even bags that suddenly appear will quickly disappear.
  2. Redness and swelling will be removed in one go with the help of fermented milk products. Dip cotton pads in chilled milk, place on your eyelids, relax for 20-30 minutes. This method will perfectly remove excess fluid even after a party until late at night.
  3. Take chilled water and add a few drops of vitamin E to it and mix well. Soak cotton pads in the liquid and place on your eyes for 20 minutes. This mask will be a good method in the morning to relieve severe swelling and bags under the eyes.
  4. The girls from the forum claim that many folk recipes are based on cucumbers, which are a fantastic natural remedy to get rid of bags under the eyes. Take 2 pieces of fresh chilled cucumber and place it on your eye for 25 minutes. This will relieve redness, itching, reduce swelling, and remove fluid.
  5. If you are in a hurry or the bags appeared due to a strong blow, then you can use simple tea bags. Soak two tea bags in cold water and place them in the refrigerator for a while. Then place them on your eyes for 25-30 minutes.
  6. Swelling can be reduced with a glass of ice water and four stainless steel spoons. Cool the spoons in water and then place one over each eye. As soon as the spoon warms up from body heat, change it to a cold one.
  7. You can usually remove heavy stains using protein. As you know, this product has a lifting effect on the face. Beat the whites of two chilled eggs, apply to the problem area, and leave until dry.

Prevention of edema

Getting rid of edema is much more difficult than simply preventing it. D To prevent swelling under the eyes, you can use the following techniques:

  • reducing salt intake, optimizing fluid intake;
  • reducing the amount of consumption of coffee drinks and alcohol, at least partial refusal of fatty foods and spices;
  • regular physical activity (within the limits of possible: walking, yoga, fitness);
  • regular preventive examinations.

If there are any health problems, then it is worth monitoring the dynamics of the development of the disease and acting in time during exacerbations, otherwise you will have to be content with the company of puffiness under the eyes.

Useful video

A woman can take care of her facial skin as much as she wants, but if she has swelling under her eyes, she will look significantly older than her real age, sick or tired. The origins of the problem can be trivial and well-known to everyone - lack of sleep or rivers of shed tears. But sometimes the causes of puffiness under the eyes may indicate problems in the body.

What's inside?

To understand where bags come from where they are not supposed to be, you need to delve a little into anatomy. The orbit and eyeball are separated by a special fatty tissue called periorbital tissue. It is held inside by a membrane located between the eye socket and the eyelid.

Swelling is caused by an increase in the volume of fatty tissue - the connective tissue cannot withstand the load and sags under the eyes like a hernia. The problem is aggravated by the fact that due to frequent or constant pressure on the membrane, blood circulation is disrupted, and blue semicircles appear in this area.

Periorbital tissue can increase due to its proliferation, then the swelling under the eyes is constant and does not depend on the state of health and time of day. Age-related changes or genetic predisposition are to blame for the pathology (one of the parents or grandparents also suffers). If this is the problem, you are unlikely to be able to quickly remove puffiness under the eyes at home.

But the usual accumulation of fluid also leads to a change in the volume of fatty tissue, and then swelling appears suddenly or periodically. In this case, the sad consequences on the face can and should be fought. True, you will first have to find out the source of the problem.

Causes of puffiness under the eyes - eliminating external factors

Do you get up every morning with bags under your eyes, and in the afternoon you already look fresh as a cucumber? The fact is that porous tissues of adipose tissue are an ideal night storage of excess fluid. In the morning, when you take a vertical position, under the influence of gravity it gradually moves to the lower part of the body. Most likely, it is your body letting you know about the errors that you make in your diet or sleep pattern:

  • Excess liquid (tea, coffee, water and even soup) at night. If you do not give your kidneys a well-deserved rest, do not be surprised that excess moisture is distributed throughout the tissues, including in the periorbital area.
  • Lack of fluid. The body senses the deficiency and stores it. Do not forget about the minimum norm, especially in the heat and after intense training.
  • Eating spicy, salty and alcoholic foods, especially at night. All these excesses contribute to fluid retention in the body.
  • Lack of sleep, anxiety, overwork, lack of fresh air. In stressful situations, the body loses its usual rhythm, and organs (including the kidneys) work intermittently. Spending long periods of time behind the wheel (with a book or computer) also does not contribute to a healthy appearance.
  • Cry. Blood rushes to the periocular tissue to replenish fluid reserves to replace shed tears.
  • Sleeping with your head down or without a pillow. Gravity is to blame - the normal outflow of blood and lymph is disrupted.
  • Unwashed cosmetics, incorrectly selected or applied cream at the wrong time. They clog pores and interfere with the normal functioning of the skin. For the eye area, use only light serums or concealers designed for this area.

The list of factors is considerable, but eliminating one or even several of them will certainly not be difficult. Cosmetic procedures will help you achieve better results.

Contact a cosmetologist or fight on your own?

And this is at your request. If the problem is only fluid retention, and you don’t want to take measures on your own, beauty salons can offer you a choice of several methods to get rid of this scourge:

  • A course of professional masks.
  • Lymphatic drainage. The outflow of fluid is stimulated by low-frequency electric current.
  • Mesotherapy. Introduction of microdoses of a drug into the problem area, which activates metabolic processes in tissues.
  • Cryolifting. Cold is used as a stimulant.

Each is good in its own way, but you shouldn’t expect a permanent effect - get ready for the fact that the course of procedures will have to be repeated from time to time.

If the swelling is associated with the growth of fatty tissue, there will be no sense in the procedures - neither from home nor from professional ones. In this case, turning to a method called “blepharoplasty” will save you from the defect - this is when excess periorbital tissue is surgically removed.

How to quickly get rid of puffiness under the eyes

Cosmetology companies offer a choice of products with which you can quickly relieve puffiness under the eyes at home - creams, serums, gels, patches. Some of them are equipped with roller applicators (to make it more convenient to use). The main thing is to follow the basic rules for applying such products:

  1. First perform a sensitivity test on the bend of your elbow.
  2. Apply the product in minimal doses (if there is no roller), using gentle movements.
  3. Use creams, serums and gels at least half an hour before bedtime and an hour before going out into the cold.

Here are the components in cosmetic products that can help quickly and effectively with problems associated with swelling:

  • Horse chestnut extract - contains saponins and flavones, which, according to modern research, maintains the normal integrity of the vascular system and connective tissue and has a pronounced anti-edematous effect.
  • Caffeine – promotes drainage and reduces puffiness around the eyes.
  • Sodium dextran sulfate - accelerates microcirculation, due to which excess fluid is removed from the tissues and puffiness under the eyes disappears.

Using folk wisdom against puffiness under the eyes

Alternative medicine is also active - it recommends getting rid of the problem with the help of massage, special exercises, masks and cold.


Combine the morning application of eye cream with a light massage with your fingertips. Using tapping movements, move in both directions from the center at the bridge of the nose or temple. If desired, replace the cream with jojoba oil, diluted 1:2 with a lighter consistency oil (rosehip, grape, peach or apricot kernels).


Make it a habit to do simple eyelid exercises at least twice a day. Fix the inner and outer corners of the eyes with your middle and index fingers so as not to provoke the appearance of wrinkles. Look up and, moving only the lower eyelid, try to close your eyes. Hold the muscles tense for 5 seconds, then relax. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times.


All kinds of masks for 15-20 minutes from available products can quickly relieve swelling, including after shed tears. As raw materials for them, use parsley or cabbage leaves chopped in a blender, potatoes or cucumber - sliced ​​or grated. Tea (green or green) and decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage, linden) cope well with swelling. Brew as usual, cool and apply cotton pads or slightly wrung out filter bags to your eyelids.

Home cryotherapy

Cold perfectly stimulates fatty tissue. Freeze the remaining broth to wipe under your eyes with ice cubes in the morning (think about cryolifting). Do not overdo it - it is only important to refresh the problem area, and not freeze it. The method of applying a cold silver spoon is based on the same principle.

Are swollen eyelids a consequence of illness? A look from the inside

It’s not without reason that, looking at your puffiness under your eyes, your loved ones are interested in your health. Such an external flaw may actually be a consequence of “disorders” in the body. Even the best treatments for the eye area will only help with puffiness temporarily unless you solve your health problems:

  • Hormonal imbalance is a common cause of swelling under the eyes in women. Estrogen promotes fluid accumulation in tissues, including the area around the eyes. A jump in its level is usually observed before the onset of the menstrual cycle, during puberty, at the onset of menopause, or in the third trimester of pregnancy. It’s difficult to call it a disease, but if in parallel with this symptom you notice others (rapid weight gain, constant weakness), consult an endocrinologist.
  • Along with swollen eyes, are you tormented by lower back pain, fever, and are you endlessly drawn to the toilet “in a small way”? Most likely, you have problems with the urinary system - go to a urologist immediately.
  • Do you wake up with puffy eyes under your eyes, a headache in the bridge of your nose and forehead, can’t breathe through your nose and is freezing? It is quite possible that the problem “lies” in the sinuses of the nose. You need to contact the ENT.
  • It is possible that swelling under the eyes is one of the symptoms of an allergic reaction. At the same time, sneezing, nasal discharge, pain in the eyes, redness and watery eyes are observed. This swelling goes away immediately after the allergen is eliminated. Avoid contact with substances that cause such reactions, consult an allergist.
  • If swelling is noticeable only on one side, then this may be a consequence of inflammation of the periorbital tissue itself or organs located nearby (facial nerves, eyes, lacrimal glands, gums, teeth, nose). Such an infection must be treated immediately; it cannot be done without the help of specialists.
  • You may have problems with your cardiovascular system if you get out of bed refreshed in the morning, and puffiness under your eyes appears in the late afternoon. Associated symptoms are shortness of breath and swollen legs. Seek help from a cardiologist.

In order to look at the world with a wide-open gaze, you need to be persistent, and first of all, eliminate the causes of puffiness under the eyes. Take note of a few ideas on how to quickly and effectively get rid of this problem. But the main thing is to pay attention to your health, and then others will no longer have any reason to worry about your tired and sickly appearance.

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