Hemlock against cancer: does it help, properties, dosage regimens. Hemlock tincture: healing from cancer or death? Contraindications to treatment with hemlock

A sick person, tired of fighting a fatal disease and decisively rejecting the recommendations of official medicine, directs his remaining strength to search for folk remedies, which, according to “experts,” were able to help when a malignant tumor spread throughout the body and practically “ate” it. It is not surprising that Many patients begin to take hemlock for cancer when they have almost lost faith in recovery, but there is still a glimmer of hope to extend your life. In this state, people often go to great lengths and sometimes end up with substances that are scary to take internally.

Hemlock has been known since ancient times both as a medicine and as a poison that can kill a person itself. Without doubting its healing properties, one should still figure out whether it can replace antitumor drugs and whether it is worth completely rejecting the recommendations of oncologists.

A little history

Hemlock or puzzle, omega, poisonous umbrella, tar and many other things called a biennial umbrella plant that causes severe headaches and dizziness when eating the fruit in small quantities or death in severe poisoning. Hippocrates was already aware of the unique properties of hemlock, but the ancient Greeks used it not only as a medicine. They say that the great Socrates died from hemlock, deliberately poisoned by the poison of this plant.

Many poisonous substances of plant origin continued to be used both as medicines and as murder weapons in the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and modern times. Those were the times... However, gradually many countries began to abandon the use of hemlock due to its toxicity. For example, in the United States of America, golovolom was prescribed as the main analgesic medicine at the beginning of the 19th century, and in Russia it was excluded from the official pharmacopoeia only on the eve of the 20th century. Meanwhile, at present, traditional medicine in some countries still recognizes this “umbrella”, which is on a par with other medicinal raw materials. But, as they say, the new is the well-forgotten old, so the properties of this plant were not forgotten and were remembered again in connection with the development of homeopathy and the increase in the number of oncological diseases.

Russian scientists, in search of an effective cure for cancer, constantly continue to research new anticancer drugs, where hemlock also did not go unnoticed. Many sources refer to the developments of Nikolai Nikolaevich Aleutsky, a professor at the Arkhangelsk Medical Academy, who, in fact, studied this plant, studied its properties and effect on an organism affected by cancer. However, it should be noted that both the professor and his other like-minded people (candidate of medical sciences S.V. Korepanov, working in Altai, pharmacist L.N. Dyakonov from St. Petersburg), based their conclusions on scientific research, that is, studying the influence Plant alkaloids on cancer cells were studied by specialists, not amateurs. Aleutsky N.N. and co-authors patented methods for treating cancer with hemlock(preparations from the plant for the treatment of sarcoma and other tumors). Perhaps in the near future, the accumulated materials on hemlock will form the basis of a new antitumor drug, which will be released by the pharmaceutical industry to be prescribed in specially selected doses, taking into account other circumstances.

Now many sources claim that hemlock helps in all cases, with advanced forms, with metastases, when official medicine has “abandoned the patient.” True, some distributors of ready-made drops still warn that hemlock does not affect all people in the same way, explaining this by individual immunity. The reader probably guessed that the point here is precisely those forms of cancer that can no longer be treated(in such cases, hemlock can be used to relieve pain). But what’s interesting is that these same distributors recommend drinking hemlock to prevent the development of a malignant tumor. That is, a completely healthy person begins cancer prevention with hemlock and takes it constantly? In any case, the author has encountered similar advice.

Hemlock, its properties and preparation

Spotted hemlock is one of the species of the family of wild-growing umbrella biennial plants, which is considered in folk medicine to be the primary means of combating malignant neoplasms due to its poisonous alkaloids:

  • Konyin (the most important);
  • Methylkoniine;
  • Conhydrina;
  • Pseudoconhydrina;
  • Coniceina.

In addition to the listed components, the chemical composition of hemlock includes fatty (glycerides) and essential oils, some organic acids and flavonoids (quercetin, kaempferol).

It grows in all parts of the world. In Russia it covers the entire European territory, extending to Western Siberia and the Caucasus. Meanwhile, The best raw material for preparing hemlock tincture against cancer is a plant collected in Ukraine, however, hemlock, growing, for example, in the Krasnodar region, will not be inferior in its healing properties to its Ukrainian counterpart. By the way, it has been noted that plants of southern latitudes are significantly more toxic than their northern relatives, and the greatest danger from hemlock comes before flowering. Subsequently, the poison is mainly concentrated in the fruits and seeds, while the remaining parts become less poisonous. A large number of dangerous alkaloids are lost during drying, and after cooking, they say, omega becomes absolutely harmless. Of course, all these nuances are taken into account when harvesting a plant for the purpose of treating cancer with hemlock, but the loss of some part of the toxicity does not mean that it can be perceived as an ordinary herb:

  1. Hemlock cannot be tasted; it is “nothing”, although it is poisonous. A distinctive feature of omega is the mousey smell that appears when you rub parts of the plant in your hand.
  2. Do not involve children in collecting raw materials, but also explain why you need to stay away from it and how to distinguish the leaves of poisonous omega from ordinary parsley, which is widely used as food.
  3. The harvested parts of the plant should not be placed or stored near other medicinal representatives of the flora.

The headwort blooms closer to the “crown of summer” (June-July), which means that at this time herbalists are usually preparing to harvest the “harvest.” To use hemlock for cancer, various parts of the herb (flowers, leaves, stems) are used. During the flowering period, leaves and unripe seeds (along with the umbrella) are harvested.

Harvesting medicinal herbs is a whole science.To prepare hemlock tincture, the most popular method is to collect the plant directly into a pre-prepared jar into which a bottle of vodka is poured. The jar is filled to a third with torn leaves and umbrellas, and shaken periodically so that the parts of the plant are well moistened. If you only prepare umbrellas, then you can fill the jar to the top, but you also need to wet them. Upon arrival home, the future medicine must be placed in the refrigerator and left for 2 - 2.5 weeks to infuse.

A tincture of unripe seeds and leaves of the root zone can be prepared in pure alcohol (medicinal grade, of course). To do this, parts of the plant are poured with alcohol in a ratio of 1:2 (seeds with leaves: alcohol) and left in the refrigerator for 2.5 weeks (18 days).

Traditional medicine, homeopathy, official pharmacology

As a homemade medicine, hemlock has always been used for various, dissimilar conditions:

factory hemlock tincture

  • Fear, anxiety, insomnia (as a sedative).
  • Pain of any location and origin (cancer too).
  • Spasms and convulsions (epilepsy, chorea, whooping cough, migraine).
  • Digestive disorders (heartburn, constipation, colic);
  • Urinary dysfunction.
  • Diseases of the female genital area (menstrual irregularities, uterine fibroids, endometriosis).
  • Rheumatism, gout (topical application).
  • Anemia.
  • Exudative diathesis.
  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Typically, in such cases, a 10% hemlock tincture is used (half a liter of vodka + 50 grams of dried and crushed herbs), which is left for 3 weeks in a dark place. It is used like other folk remedies: dripped into a tablespoon of water (10 drops) and drunk before meals 2 times a day. For severe pain, the dose can be increased to 20 drops.

During the period of temporary oblivion by the people, hemlock continued to be used by homeopaths, who prepared medicines from specially selected small doses of plant alkaloids. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular pathologies based on this plant continue to be popular among patients who reject “all synthetics.” Proponents of herbal medicine have never ignored the use of hemlock for cancer of any location, however, given the growth of oncological pathology, special attention was directed to the treatment of lung cancer, stomach cancer, and breast tumors with hemlock.

Hemlock against cancer: treatment regimens

Hemlock treatment for lung cancer is no different from that for stomach cancer or other tumors.

There are several schemes for treating cancer with tincture of this plant:

  • Using the most gentle method No. 1(Tishchenko V.V. or “royal” method) you need to drink hemlock once a day before meals (at the same time!), diluting the tincture in half a glass of water. The dose increases daily by 1 drop and corresponds to the day of administration: day 1 - 1 drop, day 2 - 2 drops... Day 40 - 40 drops and countdown. Hemlock should be taken 2-3 courses in a row (finished and immediately started the next one), however, a break of up to a week is still acceptable if the patient is tired or other circumstances prevented him from immediately starting a new course. It is recommended to renew the treatment regimen (1-40-1) 2 times a year or 3 times every 2 years until complete recovery (at least, that’s what traditional healers say).
  • Take hemlock according to method No. 2 somewhat more complicated, since the dose increases more sharply: treatment begins with one drop, but three times a day. The single dose increases daily by 1 drop, that is, on the first day the patient drinks 3 drops (1x3), on the second - 6 drops (2x3), on the third - 9 drops (3x3) and so on, bringing the single dose to 40 drops. Then the dosage is reduced in the opposite direction: 40x3, 39x3, 38x3... Treatment should be calculated for 2-3 courses in a row, which should be renewed 3-4 times every 2 years.
  • Even tougher method No. 3 It is also recommended for the fight against cancer of all localizations, which involves increasing the single dose during the day: in the morning on the first day - 1 drop, in the afternoon - 2 drops, in the evening - 3 drops. On the second day, start with four drops and continue increasing the dose to 40 drops, then the dosage is reduced according to the usual pattern. It should be borne in mind that at some stage the patient may feel the effect of hemlock (nausea, dizziness, headache), in such a case, taking the tincture should be stopped until the undesirable effects disappear, and then resumed again.
  • In severe forms of cancer, it is recommended to take hemlock according to method No. 4, which involves increasing the dose according to one of the above schemes and bringing it until symptoms of poisoning appear, while you should continue to drink hemlock, reducing the dose by only a few drops. I would like to note that the author does not share this approach to the treatment of malignant processes. Without an oncologist, engaging in such amateur activities can be very dangerous.

Hemlock is diluted in water, and its amount increases in proportion to the dose (10 drops - 50 ml, therefore, 40 drops - about a glass).

About the most important thing

The main thing can be considered that hemlock is very poisonous and, since the patient decided to try a folk remedy, then this should be done only after consulting with an oncologist. Some people drink hemlock after surgery to prevent relapse, which may have some meaning, but preventing cancer with hemlock in healthy people is impossible: long-term use of the alkaloids of this plant will lead to chronic intoxication, which, as is known, is fraught with other troubles.

You should not rely too much on hemlocks alone for cancer of all stages and locations. By replacing traditional antitumor treatment with a folk remedy, you can simply waste precious time, which no hemlock can turn back. The reader himself may wonder: if omega is so omnipotent, then why do cancer continue to claim thousands of lives every year? Maybe the deceased people simply had individual immunity to homemade medicines, or did the cancer that spread throughout the body turn out to be stronger?

Video: hemlock - collection, preparation of tincture

The author selectively answers adequate questions from readers within his competence and only within the OnkoLib.ru resource. Face-to-face consultations and assistance in organizing treatment are not provided at this time.

Adrenal dysfunction is quite common. In this case, extremely unpleasant symptoms appear that can complicate the life of any person. It is important to diagnose such pathologies in time and eliminate them. Most people prefer folk remedies for treatment, due to their effectiveness and safety.

Pathologies of the adrenal glands: causes, symptoms and consequences

The adrenal glands are part of the endocrine system. These paired organs are located directly above each kidney and perform many functions. They are responsible for the production of necessary hormones and also regulate metabolism. Under some circumstances, a malfunction of these organs may occur, and then insufficiency in the functioning of the adrenal glands or their hyperplasia occurs, as a result of which a pathological change in the structure of the tissue occurs. In this case, the following characteristic symptoms occur:

  • muscle weakness;
  • arrhythmia;
  • the appearance of pigment spots;
  • loss of appetite;
  • pain in the stomach area;
  • bowel dysfunction;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • weight loss;
  • the appearance of acne;
  • aching joints.

The most famous diseases of the adrenal glands:

  1. Nelson's syndrome is characterized by insufficient functioning of these organs as a result of surgery.
  2. Addison's disease involves insufficient production of hormones by the adrenal glands. This is a very rare disease.
  3. Itsenko-Cushing syndrome is manifested by excessive production of cortisol.
  4. Adrenal tumors can occur due to serious disorders in the body.

Inflammation of the adrenal glands occurs quite often as a result of other diseases occurring in the body. This is especially true for chronic foci of infection.

The main reasons for the development of various pathologies of the adrenal glands:

  • disturbances in brain function;
  • congenital defects;
  • circulatory disorders of these organs;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • chronic foci of infections.

Consequences of adrenal pathology:

  • mental disorders, which are expressed in emotional instability and increased irritability;
  • dyspnea;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • skin hyperpigmentation.

How to treat adrenal glands with folk remedies

Treatment of the adrenal glands at home is permissible only after an accurate diagnosis has been made and under the supervision of an endocrinologist.

Mulberry leaves for inflammation

Mulberry (mulberry) leaves help well with inflammatory processes in the adrenal glands. To prepare the infusion you will need:

  1. Pour four tablespoons of finely chopped flowers into 1 liter of boiling water.
  2. Let stand for at least 40 minutes.
  3. Filter the liquid.

Take the infusion 3 times a day, 200 ml, 15 minutes before meals for 15 days.

Hemlock grass against neoplasms

If you have adrenal tumors, you can use an effective hemlock-based tincture. To prepare it you need:

  1. Pour 200 g of dry plant into 2 liters of vodka.
  2. Let stand for 10 days in a cool place, stirring occasionally.
  3. Then strain the liquid.

You need to take the tincture in the morning, diluting 1 drop in 150 ml of clean boiled water. Every day you should increase the amount of medicine by 1 drop, bringing it to 40, and after that, reduce the dose by exactly the same amount every day.

Herbal remedies for restoring organ functions at home

To normalize the functioning of the adrenal glands, it is recommended to prepare a decoction of licorice:

  1. Place two teaspoons of raw materials in a saucepan and pour 500 ml of boiling water.
  2. Put on fire and cook for about 5 minutes.
  3. Then pour the liquid into a jar and cover with a blanket, leaving for 12 hours.

To restore the functions of the adrenal glands and to alleviate the course of Addison's disease, a remedy prepared according to the following recipe has a good effect:

  1. Primrose flowers (about 80 pieces) must be thoroughly washed and filled with 0.5 liters of vodka.
  2. Pour the resulting liquid into a glass jar and cover with a cloth.
  3. The container must be placed in the sun to infuse for 40 days.
  4. Then filter the finished product.

Take the tincture no more than 20 drops 3 times a day a quarter of an hour before meals. The course of treatment is at least two weeks.

Photo gallery: plants that can cure adrenal diseases

Primrose is also called snowdrop
Mulberry leaves are excellent for treating inflammation of the adrenal glands.
Hemlock regulates the functions of the adrenal glands and inhibits the development of tumor formations
Licorice relieves many adrenal ailments

How to improve your condition during pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy and while breastfeeding, the treatment of various pathologies of the adrenal glands is approached very carefully. For these purposes, only those means are used that have a positive effect on the functions of these organs and have a supportive effect.

One of the safest remedies is considered to be a decoction of rose hips. To prepare it you should:

  1. Take 2 tbsp. l. raw materials, rinse thoroughly and add 500 ml of warm water.
  2. Place on the fire and simmer for 5-7 minutes.
  3. Then pour into a glass container and let stand for 3 hours.
  4. After this, strain.

Take the decoction 2 times a day, 150 ml, half an hour before meals for a month.

Rosehip contains a large amount of vitamin C, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the adrenal glands.

Black currants have a general strengthening effect in cases of adrenal dysfunction, which should be ground with sugar and consumed 1 tsp. 3 times a day 40 minutes before meals for a month. This berry should be consumed with caution by nursing mothers, as the child may experience an allergic reaction. It is necessary to monitor skin manifestations in the baby.

Treatment methods for children

Treatment of children with herbal remedies should be carried out only after consultation with a pediatrician. The use of decoctions is allowed from the age of 12.

The following infusion gives a good effect:

  1. Prepare a mixture of lungwort, string, viburnum and blackcurrant leaves.
  2. Take 1 tsp. raw materials and pour 500 ml of boiling water.
  3. Let stand for 30 minutes and give the child 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals for 15 days.

For children, a decoction of licorice and rose hips can also be used. However, the dosage should be slightly reduced. Rosehip decoction can be prepared according to the recipe described above and given to children starting from 6 years old, 150 ml per day. From the age of 10, the amount of medication taken by the child can be increased to 250 ml per day.

Licorice can be prepared in the same way as suggested above, only reducing the amount of raw materials to 1 tsp. for 500 ml of boiling water. Children are recommended to take this decoction 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals for two weeks.

Plants for the treatment of adrenal glands in children - photo gallery

Lungwort has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the adrenal glands The sequence strengthens the body Viburnum has a healing effect on the endocrine system Black currant leaves have a complex effect on the body Rosehip decoction heals the kidneys and adrenal glands
Licorice decoction regulates the functioning of the adrenal glands

Contraindications and possible harm

You should also remember to be careful when treating with folk remedies. This is especially true in relation to licorice decoction, which, if taken for a long time, can increase blood pressure. Treatment at home is contraindicated:

  • in the acute period of peptic ulcer disease;
  • for chronic;
  • during an exacerbation of nonspecific ulcerative disease;
  • in the presence of renal failure.

Harm from herbal medicine can be manifested by such side effects as:

  • exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • the appearance of nausea and vomiting;
  • bowel dysfunction;
  • allergic reaction.

Diseases of the adrenal glands and their therapy - video

Treatment of the adrenal glands is a responsible and very important undertaking, since a person’s health and well-being depend on their proper functioning. Elimination of pathologies leads to an improvement in general condition and relief from many unpleasant symptoms.

Trying to constantly be aware of any new methods of treating diseases, I get acquainted with a large amount of literature on traditional and official medicine. Often, in letters to your newspaper and in letters from patients, there is a misconception about how to treat cancer using plant poisons and an appropriate diet. Most likely, our doctors, by and large, know little about the proper nutrition of their patients, so they don’t tell anything about it, but this is very important.

I would like to acquaint the readers of the newsletter with my understanding of the treatment of cancer patients with hemlock, because there are no trifles in oncology - they, little things, can cost lives. Try my recommendations and good results are guaranteed.
First of all, let me remind you that fighting a tumor is very hard work, it is a daily struggle and perseverance, and finally, hope stretched over years. But what a joy of victory!

So, misconception number 1:“Strengthening immunity will stop tumor development.” It should be noted that the human immune system, which includes the bone marrow, thymus gland, lymph nodes, etc., is able to effectively fight any foreign cells and bacteria only until a tumor occurs. The resulting cancer cells are always stronger than healthy ones, and our immune system is no longer able to cope with them. An increase in white blood cells will improve the condition of the body, reduce inflammation, but will not have a decisive effect on the cancerous tumor. A strong immune system through the lymph nodes can stop lymph metastasis, which occurs in 70% of cancer cases. The thymus gland (thymus) is located just below the thyroid gland and is the main organ of the immune system that produces T-lymphocytes, the main weapon against cancer. After adulthood, the weight and size of the thymus decrease, as well as the functions of anti-cancer protection. Therefore, we can talk about a decrease in metastasis with strong immunity, but not about the destruction of cancer.

Misconception #2:“If I drink hemlock, I’ll be healthy”. You often hear the lament: “I drank hemlock, from 1 drop to 40 and back, I feel good, but I haven’t cured cancer.” This usually happens because this scheme ( Tishchenko’s “royal” technique) is too general. When treated according to this scheme, people’s well-being, as a rule, improves, nothing hurts, but the growth of the tumor does not stop. Why? Because the tinctures used are weak, usually of low quality, with a small amount of active poisons. In this case, the immune system is irritated, the number of leukocytes increases, the defenses are activated, and the condition improves.

But in order to affect the tumor itself, stop its growth or even kill it, it is necessary to take larger doses of poison.

Of course, in such a situation, healthy cells will inevitably suffer. The patient expects a decrease in immunity, deterioration in health, and the appearance of the first signs of poisoning - nausea, vomiting, headaches, ulcerative processes in the gastrointestinal mucosa. But there is no other way! The secret is that cancer cells have a more intense metabolism. They absorb the poison more actively, they will receive more of it, and therefore, poisoning and death will occur sooner. Here we must also take into account the fact that cancer cells adapt (adapt) to plant poisons much worse than healthy ones.

This, in fact, is the difficulty of using hemlock and other similar plants in the treatment of cancer: the patient has to constantly balance on the verge of poisoning.

The question arises: how to determine the critical dose of poison? First of all, on how I feel. However, a blood test will show the upper limit much more accurately. That is, at the first signs of poisoning, it is necessary to take a general and biochemical blood test. The main indicator here is not only how you feel, but also blood tests, for example, the number of platelets in 1 ml3. If this figure drops below 150,000, then you need to stop. This can happen at 60 drops, or at 80... You should pay attention to liver parameters (AST, ALT, GGTP, alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin, albumin, etc.), since hemlock is considered a liver poison, i.e. side effect on the liver.

Then you should start reducing the drops by 1 drop per day. If you miss the deterioration of your condition, then you need to go down faster, after 3-5 drops, and in case of poisoning, completely stop taking poisons. However, unlike the recommendations of V. Tishchenko, I do not recommend “going down” and taking a break in treatment, because During the break, you cannot completely give up the poison - the tumor grows, during the 7-day cleanse you need to continue taking it at lower dosages of 15-25 (and for some 10 drops per dose) hemlock drops, and then again increase the dosage to the working one . Having risen to the working dosage, stay at this level for 3-4 months and only then go down to 1 and additionally cleanse the body. If necessary - and this is usually necessary - repeat the course again. The fact is that cell renewal, including cancer cells, occurs within 3-4 months, and if you reduce the dosage to zero and take a break, cancer cells will also be renewed. That's why many patients complain that During a break in treatment, the tumor grows “by leaps and bounds”!

Tinctures of poisons are drunk once a day 1 hour before breakfast (and a more enhanced method involves taking hemlock tincture 2 times a day, morning and evening), while the poison is diluted in water at room temperature. It is better to dilute it in a large amount of water (100 ml) in order to protect the kidneys and mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines from irritation.

If, however, poisoning occurs during treatment, then you should stop taking the tincture for 3-5 days, rinse the stomach with 2-3 liters of water, followed by vomiting and taking polyphepam or activated carbon (up to 10 tablets). During the break, cleanse the body of any remaining poison.

Misconception #3:“Tomorrow I’ll buy hemlock tincture at the pharmacy and start drinking.”. In many pharmacies, as well as in some distributors, the hemlock tincture leaves much to be desired, so make the hemlock tincture yourself. First of all, it’s not difficult at all. Secondly, it guarantees quality, and therefore the success of treatment. How to find hemlock grass? There are brown dots on the stem near the ground; the plant has a specific mouse smell. Hemlock is a strong essential oil carrier, therefore the largest amount of essential oil, the highest quality component of the plant, is contained in the unripe fruits - seeds. Therefore, it is best to collect hemlocks at the end of flowering, when the fruits appear. To obtain the strongest and most ethereal tincture hemlock In the field, the upper parts of the plant - rosettes of unripe fruits - are cut off and immediately thrown into a jar with 70 percent alcohol. If the jar is filled with more than half of the jar, you can close it, after adding alcohol to the neck and leave it to infuse for at least 15 days. The finished tincture remains highly effective for many years.

The effectiveness of a tincture made from mature seeds, biennial leaves, or hemlock flowers is greatly reduced. Water extracts are also ineffective, because essential oils do not dissolve in water.

Duration of admission hemlock tinctures should not exceed 8 months, after which it must be replaced with another plant poison. For example, use tincture of vekha or aconite.

To increase the effectiveness of the tincture, you can simultaneously use Dorogov’s drug ASD fraction-2 (ASD-2). In this case, it is better to use the following scheme:

8.00 - hemlock tincture,
9.00 - breakfast,
12.00 — ASD-2,
13.00 - lunch,
16.00 — ASD-2,
17.00 - afternoon snack,
20.00 — ASD-2,
21.00 - dinner.

ASD-2 is diluted with water, on average 30-50 ml. You should know that along with a large number of advantages, such as: relieving the inflammatory process, high efficiency in the treatment of skin diseases, reducing increased excitability, normalizing sleep, a significant reduction in benign tumors, the ASD-2 fraction also has some negative aspects. With long-term use of the drug, the body's immune defense decreases, stomach and intestinal ulcers occur.

For serious kidney diseases, such as pyelonephritis, nephrosonephritis, ASD, it is better not to use the drug. In some diseases of the thyroid gland, the goiter increases rather than decreases. In any case, for those using the drug on their own, it is strongly recommended not to use maximum doses, but to go for small ones (up to 12-15 drops). Although, for example, bronchial asthma with an allergic component is treated once a day by taking up to 60 drops. I would also like to add that when taking ASD-2 for a long time (more than 45 days), it is necessary to take a break of at least 10 days while simultaneously taking plant-stimulating adaptogens.

Misconception #4:“I’ll drink hemlock until I’m cured.”. Unfortunately, both our body and, to a lesser extent, tumor cells gradually become accustomed to the action of any poison. Therefore, after 8 months, one poison is changed to another. The most powerful poisons are aconite, colchicum, periwinkle, milestone, and wolf's bast. It should also be noted that treatment with other poisons, such as colchicum and aconite, is very dangerous on its own, since colchicum, for example, is 4 times stronger than hemlock, and aconite - as much as 40 times.

Misconception #5:“Let me drink some vodka out of grief.”. In case of malignant tumors, any overheating associated with a local or general increase in temperature is contraindicated, since this dilates blood vessels, increases blood flow, increases pressure, increases the supply of glucose and protein to cells, including the nutrition of malignant cells, which leads to an increase in tumor. Therefore, visiting a sauna, hot baths, drinking alcohol, hot drinks, and heavy physical activity are contraindicated.

The only exceptions are those cases when, when warming up a person, substances are injected through the skin or mucous membranes to actively influence the tumor, for example, smoking cocklebur seeds for thyroid cancer or applying a compress of hemlock tincture with peony root powder for breast cancer.

The method of treatment is of interest patients with skin cancer and lung cancer ferry in villages in the south of the Novosibirsk region. The treatment is very effective for stages I and II of the disease; it also helps well in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis: a bathhouse is melted, on the floor of which hemlock grass is spread (preferably with immature seeds).

The patient enters the steam room 2-3 times for 10-15 minutes, inhaling the essential vapors of hemlock along with the dry steam of the bath. At the first appearance of dizziness, you need to leave the bathhouse and wipe your skin with a dry towel. The procedure is repeated no more than 2 times a month, while simultaneously treating with hemlock internally. The effect of alcohol negatively affects the liver, which is subject to severe intoxication during treatment. Alcohol also irritates the kidneys, which bear a heavy burden when excreting waste products from the body. Therefore, it is necessary to use more concentrated tinctures, with more active substances and less alcohol.

Misconception #6:"Fasting will save me". You can't starve if you have cancer! Since the metabolism in cancer is already increased several times, there is no need to accelerate it even higher; the patient already loses weight. During fasting, the level of protein in the blood serum decreases, which is almost impossible to raise after stopping fasting. And this threatens the occurrence of dystrophy, edema, ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract, and low absorption of drugs and herbs. In addition, with prolonged fasting and a decrease in glucose, protein and amino acids in the body, the tumor switches to feeding on the human tissues themselves. Moreover, after the cessation of fasting and an increase in the level of previously reduced active substances in the blood, the tumor no longer returns to its previous mode of feeding active substances from the blood, but continues to intensively feed on tissues, increasing invasion.

Misconception #7:"I will vegetarian, to improve your body". The first and basic rule of the diet: eliminate sugar. The tumor feeds on sweets, so it is necessary to exclude all sugars, leaving only a small amount of honey and pollen in the diet. When broken down, carbohydrates also turn into sugars, so you need to reduce and, if possible, eliminate all foods containing flour and starch, including the popular potato. Long-term storage fruits and berries (more than 1-2 weeks) can be consumed in limited quantities.

With longer storage, starch fermentation processes begin to occur in them, which, when entering the intestines, causes gas formation processes and inhibition of all gastrointestinal functions, which is very harmful for cancer patients. To eat these products, they must be cooked. During treatment with plant poisons, it is prohibited to use sour foods and sour drinks, which weakens the effect of the plant poisons consumed. Acidic foods are indicated during the period of cleansing the body and with a weakened appetite.

So what is allowed? Fermented milk products, fish, lean meat (preferably chicken), eggs without yolk, fresh vegetables, fruits and local berries.

Misconception #8:“If I only drink plant poison, I’ll recover faster.”. Any plant poison has its negative sides, but the main thing is the toxicity of the poison, poisoning the liver, heart, kidneys, and bone marrow. Therefore, it is necessary, along with poisons, to use simple, non-toxic, but anti-cancer herbs that reduce the side effects of poisons. In addition, it is necessary to take herbal herbs - adaptogens, stimulants, for example, tincture of Leuzea safrola or Rhodiola rosea, which help adapt the body to stress during oncological operations, stress, thus preventing the release of adrenal hormones - the strongest stimulators of metastasis. I will also mention herbs - conductors that direct the action of the poison to the organs you need, detoxifying herbs and antioxidants that reduce major inflammation when affected by metastases, say lung cancer, or metastases in bone tissue. Taking only poisons will cause a reverse reaction in the body - tumor growth, intoxication, depression, inflammation, swelling and more.

That's all, actually. Compliance with these requirements will allow patients to more successfully “fight” the insidious disease. Persistence, faith in recovery, perseverance will certainly lead to victory over the disease.

Of course, it is better not to treat the disease, but to lead a healthy lifestyle and active prevention of any cancer. But if you get sick, don’t despair, fight. The possibilities of the human body are inexhaustible. I wish you to emerge victorious from this difficult struggle.

“HLS”: We could not resist the temptation to urgently publish an article by Sergei Ivanovich Tsvetkov. However, it was not by chance that we treated the author with a great deal of trust. The fact is that we have already received messages from readers that they increased the upper limit of the maximum dose of hemlock tincture recommended by V. Tishchenko. They also wrote to us about adaptation to the tincture and the need to temporarily replace it with some other drugs or herbs.

In general, this topic is extremely interesting. The fact is that, unfortunately, official medicine treats traditional methods of treating cancer with contempt; both the body and cancer cells eventually get used to both the quality and quantity of the drug dose. That is why very often, after a certain and sometimes quite long-term improvement in health, patients are unable to further maintain this “bar” at the appropriate height. As for Tsvetkov’s thoughts specifically, they contain a lot of logic and a lot of useful information.

Some medicinal herbs compete well with many drugs. Many plants help overcome deadly diseases. One of these natural healers is hemlock, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which have been known to herbalists for many centuries.

  • Medicinal properties of the plant
  • Medicine prescriptions
  • Oil
  • Hemlock for women
  • Uterine cancer
  • Mastopathy
  • Myoma
  • When else does a plant help?
  • Contraindications

Hemlock is a poisonous plant and should only be collected with rubber gloves. The maximum healing power of the herb is observed at the moment of flowering; the entire visible part is used for the preparation of medicinal preparations.

In addition to toxic alkaloids, hemlock contains fatty and essential oils, tannins, ascorbic acid, and retinol. The plant helps to awaken the body, all internal organs begin to work actively.

The medicinal properties of the plant make it possible to effectively use hemlock as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anticonvulsant. Preparations containing this herb help strengthen the immune system and help with seizures.

What diseases does it help with:

  • benign tumors – fibroids, endometriosis, mastopathy, ovarian cyst;
  • promotes the resorption of polyps in the bladder, stomach and intestines;
  • prevents the growth of the prostate with adenoma;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • for migraine, epilepsy.

Hemlock quickly reduces high blood pressure and effectively copes with constipation, tuberculosis, syphilis, and hearing impairment.

The main benefit of hemlock is its healing properties for oncology. The plant has high antitumor activity; beneficial substances act directly on the tumor, destroy cancer cells, and prevent the development of concomitant diseases.

Important! Even the most effective medicinal herbs should only be used in tandem with traditional therapy.

Medicine prescriptions

Various medicinal potions are prepared from hemlock, each of which must be used for specific diseases.

The most effective way is to use a high-quality tincture, which should be prepared from immature hemlock seeds. But this medicine should only be taken under the supervision of a herbalist, since the slightest excess of the dosage will cause severe poisoning. Products based on dry herbs are not as effective, but also less dangerous.

Tincture - how to prepare and what it treats

Helps eliminate prolonged cough, normalizes urination, and is a pain reliever. It is recommended to use it for anemia, frequent attacks of headaches, constipation, heartburn, and tinnitus. In case of loss of strength, weakened immunity, exhaustion, this drug is also indispensable.

Recipe for tincture from fresh raw materials

Hemlock must be immediately placed in alcohol, so all its beneficial properties will be preserved. Therefore, you must immediately pour 250 ml of alcohol into a liter jar. This amount will require 2 cups of raw materials chopped with scissors.

  1. After collection, the jar must be well closed, shaken thoroughly, and sent for 3 weeks (preferably 40 days) in a cool place.
  2. In an emergency situation, you can start taking it after three days of infusion.
  3. The container should be shaken several times every day; the lid should absolutely not be opened.
  4. The finished medicine must be carefully filtered and stored in the refrigerator.

Read! How to properly use hemlock herb for prevention.

It is necessary to take the medicine according to a special regimen. Start treatment with 1 drop, increase the dose by 1 drop daily. The maximum amount is 20–30 drops. Then also gradually reduce the dosage. The tincture should be consumed once a day, after mixing it in 100 ml of water.

Dry herb tincture

Place 40 g of raw material in 400 ml of vodka, keep in a dark room for 3 weeks, shake every other day. Take the strained medicine in the same way as the medicine from fresh hemlock.


The drug is used to treat internal tumors, thyroid goiter, fibroids. The medicine effectively eliminates pain caused by gout, rheumatism, and is effective for dermatological problems.

  1. Pour 270 ml of olive oil into chopped fresh herbs and seeds (27 g).
  2. Leave for 21 days, shake occasionally. Pass the medicine through gauze several times.

Use the product for compresses. Soak a natural thin fabric with ointment and fix it on the problem area for 30 minutes. The procedure should be carried out every day at least twice.

Important! Traditional medicine does not recognize hemlock; some countries have banned this plant due to its high toxicity.

Hemlock against cancer

The Tishchenko method (royal technique) allows you to achieve better results in the fight against cancer, since all proportions are met in the formula. Treatment lasts several months, first it is necessary to restore and cleanse the body.

Hemlock tincture should be taken in the form of a ladder - from 1 drop to 40, then in the opposite direction. The dose should be changed by one drop daily. To obtain noticeable results, a minimum of 2 courses will be required.

Liver cancer

For liver cancer, hemlock can be used at various stages. If the body is very weak, it is better to use water tincture. To do this, you need to dissolve 0.6 g of dry hemlock powder in 350 ml of boiling water. You need to brew the herb in the evening, drink half the medicine in the morning before breakfast. Use the second part immediately before bed. In this case, dinner should be early and light.

Stomach cancer

To treat stomach cancer, it is better to use a tincture of young shoots of hemlock - they do not irritate the intestines so much. This remedy relieves severe pain almost instantly.

The dose of the medicine should be gradually increased to 15 drops. Then you can stop at this amount and take it until the tumor shrinks in size.

Important! For tumors of the adrenal glands and other types of oncology, it is necessary, in addition to hemlock tincture, to take cinquefoil tincture.

Hemlock prevents metastases from appearing, the tumor does not increase in size, but does not completely resolve. Sabelnik makes the membrane of tumor cells permeable, antibodies easily penetrate the tumor and destroy it.

When taking tinctures together, it is necessary to take hemlock tincture 4 times a day. Start taking one drop for each dose, gradually increasing the number of drops to 5. You need to drink the medicine at this dosage until complete recovery.

After two hours, you should take 5 ml of cinquefoil tincture. If the body responds well, you can increase the dose to 12 ml.

The Tishchenko method helps men with adenoma.

Important! Hemlock preparations should not be taken during chemotherapy.

Hemlock for women

Hemlock is very effective for women, helping to overcome many diseases. In gynecology, preparations based on this plant are used internally and externally.

Uterine cancer

For this disease, you need to drink the tincture according to the standard regimen three times a day. Additionally, you need to take a special decoction.

  • hogweed uterus – 20 g;
  • tenacious bedstraw – 20 g;
  • meadowsweet – 30 g;
  • bergenia, mistletoe inflorescences, water mint, strawberry leaves - 10 g each.

Place 22 g of the mixture in a porcelain container and add 360 ml of cool water. After 50 minutes, send the mixture to a water bath and hold for a quarter of an hour. When the solution has cooled, add 15 ml of cinquefoil tincture. Take 120 ml together with hemlock tincture.

For compresses and douching, you can use a decoction of chamomile, calendula, sweet clover, and horse sorrel. The decoction is prepared from 15 g of raw materials and 230 ml of boiling water, cool, and filter before use.

Hemlock tincture helps women with fibroids, various forms of mastopathy, varicose veins, and hemorrhoids.


To treat the disease at an early stage, it is enough to take the tincture according to the standard regimen.

For a malignant form of mastopathy, the maximum amount of medicine can be increased to 40 drops, then gradually reduce the dose to the initial amount. Without a break, you need to start the course again.

Up to 13 drops, 100 ml of water will be enough. 13-26 drops – 150 ml, then the amount of water should be increased to 200 ml.


Prepare a herbal decoction of blackhead, wintergreen, and uterus. For 60 ml of decoction you will need 6 drops of hemlock tincture. The procedure should be carried out after waking up and before going to bed.

Therapy should be supplemented with a decoction of oregano to restore the blood formula. Add 35 g of dry herb to 550 ml of water, let the mixture boil, pour into a thermos, and leave overnight. Drink 70 ml with 5 g of honey three times a day.

To remove poison and restore blood vessels, you need to drink a decoction of pine needles and rose hips.

  1. Mix 130 g of pine needles and 65 g of rose hips.
  2. Pour in 1.6 liters of water.
  3. Keep on low heat for 12 minutes.
  4. Leave in a thermos overnight.

The entire infusion should be drunk in small portions per day.

Important! Hemlock tincture is an excellent remedy for infertility.

When else does a plant help?

For hypertension, you need to take 2 drops of alcohol tincture four times a day. Duration of therapy is 2-3 months.

For skin diseases, burns, hemorrhoids, and non-healing wounds, you can use ointment. This remedy also helps with various types of stage I and II cancer.

  1. Mix 100 g of unrefined oil with 25 g of dry hemlock.
  2. Shake, put in the refrigerator for 14 days. Strain thoroughly.
  3. Take another 100 ml of oil and place on low heat. Add candle wax in small pieces and stir constantly.
  4. When the mass lightens, remove it from the heat and cool. Mix both ingredients and stir.

The ointment can be left on all day. The exception is the neck and head - in these areas the product should not be kept for more than two hours.

Fresh hemlock leaves help cure gout, thrombophlebitis, and articular rheumatism. The sheet should be wrapped in a thin natural cloth, immersed in boiling water for a few seconds, and applied to the affected areas up to 4 times a day.


The main danger of hemlock is its toxicity. In case of poisoning, severe salivation begins, dizziness, nausea, a person has difficulty speaking and swallowing, and the skin turns pale. Without timely medical care, paralysis of the respiratory muscles is possible.

As first aid, the patient needs to drink 3 packs of activated carbon, magnesia sulfate, camphor or caffeine. Hemlock is contraindicated for children, pregnant women, hypotensive patients, and people with kidney problems.

Hemlock is a powerful weapon against cancer. Traditional medicine does not recognize the effectiveness of this plant. But many doctors and herbalists recommend including hemlock tincture in a set of measures when fighting various tumors. The main condition is to follow the dosage and always remember that this herb is poisonous.


Hemlock medicinal properties and contraindications

Hemlock grass is one of the most poisonous plants. It grows in meadows and looks impressive. Huge white inflorescences attract not only adults, but also children. Whistles are made from them. Official medicine in many countries does not use the medicinal properties of the herb in any way. But the folk use them in oncology.

The plant and its composition have been studied in the best possible way. The main value is made up of alkaloids, namely coniine and methylkoniine. Their highest concentration is in still unripe seeds. During flowering, hemlock grass is capable of possessing biologically active substances. Among them are the flavonoids quercetin and kaempferol. We can say that they are the very contraindications for any living organism.

Medicinal properties can have a stimulating and slightly irritating effect. Its use relaxes, relieves spasms and pain. Naturally, a poisonous plant has contraindications. Poisoning is expressed by damage to the spinal cord, muscle relaxation and numbness. Descriptions of side effects indicate dry mouth, vomiting, burning in the throat and pain in the stomach and abdomen. Contraindications are very serious - hypertension and heart disease.

The herb that has such a wide range of beneficial and medicinal properties grows everywhere. The life cycle is two years. In the first year, the hemlock does not acquire reproductive organs and does not have a long stem. The shrub looks beautiful thanks to its abundant white color.

The flowering period also occurs in the second year, usually in July. The description indicates that the inflorescences form lush umbrellas. And it’s not surprising, because hemlock comes from the Umbelliferae family.

The foliage of this medicinal plant looks like the green part of a young carrot. That is, openwork and dissected. The lower leaves are the longest - up to 50 cm. Higher up towards the inflorescences they are smaller and not so rich. The fruit of the herb looks like a brown egg and can be confused with dill seeds.

The most common species in our area is spotted or speckled hemlock. This name was given by the red-brown spots on the stem. The first year the weed looks like young parsley and can easily end up in a dish as a seasoning. The plant has a strong unpleasant aroma.

Our weed grows even in a landfill. It can be found near the road, on the shore of a reservoir, in a vegetable garden and at the edge of the forest. In nature, it grows throughout Europe, China, Ukraine and Russia. In Western Siberia, the weed is quite common.

Hemlock spotted

A mature plant is identified by its spotted stem with a bluish coating. The triple pinnate foliage decomposes very widely. Abundant color often attracts animals, which often kill them. So, for a small animal, 70 g of grass is enough, and for a large animal, 3-5 kg. Medicinal properties are at the top. It is harvested during flowering.

Hemlock medicinal properties and uses

The medicinal properties of the bush treat difficult and completely incurable diseases. Today it is used in oncology. It also treats diseases such as epilepsy, migraine, ulcers, thickening of the thyroid gland, syphilis and erysipelas. Effective treatment for pain in the stomach, liver and kidneys. Women are recommended to take the product for menstrual pain. As you can see, the shrub that grows in the garden saves you from many attacks of pain.

Hemlock tincture for use in cancer and oncology

In oncology, the medicinal properties of hemlock are used both externally and orally. Vodka tincture helps best. Her recipe:

Pour two parts of hemlock flowers and seeds with a part of medical alcohol. It is very important to prepare the tincture correctly so that the medicinal properties do not deteriorate. Therefore, when going for grass, pour a cup of vodka into a liter jar and take it with you. Immediately after cutting 2 cups of grass, chop it and place it in a bowl. Shake well.

The fact is that the herb quickly heats up and the benefits fade away. By the time you bring it home, you will lose half of its qualities. The medicinal mixture is infused for 3 weeks in the dark and cool. Afterwards it is filtered and stored in the refrigerator. The dose is selected individually, taking into account the stage of the disease and contraindications. For cancer prevention, the same tincture is recommended, only in a different dosage. For a glass of alcohol, 100 g of plant. Other medicinal properties are used in douching.

Hemlock how to take

In moderate doses, the medicinal properties of the herb do not affect the body in any way; they immediately affect the source of the disease. Reviews from healers say that it is best to drink the remedy according to the royal method. Dilute a drop of tincture in a glass of water and drink in the morning on an empty stomach. The next day you need to take 2 drops, increasing the dose by one drop every day until you reach 40.

Then you need to use the extract in the reverse order: from 49 to 1. This counts as one course of therapy. You are allowed to complete 3 laps per year. If the illness is serious and the body is exhausted, reduce the dosage by 2 times. In oncology, the “royal scheme” is used most often.

Hemlock for adrenal tumors

The same alcohol tincture is used. It can be purchased at a pharmacy. The regimen is similar to the general regimen. Dilute 1 drop in 150 ml of warm water. Raw and drink in the morning an hour before meals. Every day, increase the amount of medicine, reaching 40, and work backwards. It is very important to take the product at the same time. In oncology, in addition to oral administration, it is recommended to use healing baths.

How to make a tincture - hemlock tincture recipe

For the tincture you will need dry raw materials (300 g) and vodka (3 l). Mix the mixture well and leave covered for 10 days in the basement. The product should be shaken three times a day.

Reviews of the use of hemlock tincture for cancer

In the treatment of oncology with hemlock herb, reviews are very different. Some write that the body did not accept the extract with 1 drop of tincture at all. Although there were absolutely no contraindications. Some managed to overcome the disease, including tincture, chemotherapy and other drugs. A 70-year-old woman was cured of stage 4 lung cancer with the tincture itself. She fully recovered and lived for another 13 years.

The traditional healer has strong contraindications. These are older people, kids and girls in an interesting situation. Raw materials should not be taken if you have serious liver diseases or congenital defects. Perhaps the most forgotten contraindication is having recently undergone surgery.

Hemlock tincture and side effects on the body

Anyone can be poisoned by a plant, because it grows everywhere, even without taking it. It is enough to inhale the vapors of broken grass. Very often the bush poisons children. In this case, the side effects will be as follows:

1. headache 2. nausea, vomiting 3. burning in the throat 4. difficulty breathing 5. diarrhea 6. sweating 7. pallor

8. profuse salivation

If help is not provided in time, the healing properties will kill the person. Always study contraindications and stick to the exact dosage.

Remember what grass looks like and never start herbal medicine on your own. After all, our plant contains 5 of the most dangerous herbal poisons!


Hemlock - medicinal properties and contraindications

Hemlock is a unique medicinal plant that has been used in folk medicine since time immemorial. For the first time, the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates became interested in the beneficial properties of this representative of the flora, who suggested that drinking its poisonous juice in small doses could bring invaluable benefits to the human body. Later, Avicenna, Dioscorides, and other outstanding scientists and famous healers agreed with this opinion.

Chemical composition of hemlock

All parts of hemlock contain the following substances:

  • alkaloids (coniine, conhydrin, coniceine, methylkoniine, pseudoconhydrin);
  • volatiles;
  • fatty oils containing acylglycerols of petroselinic and petroselidic acids;
  • 3,4-dihydroxycinnamic (caffeic) acid;
  • quercetin;
  • kaempferol.

The most poisonous constituent of the plant is coniine. Hemlock fruits contain about 2% of this substance, inflorescences - 0.24%, and leaves and stems - about 0.1%.

Medicinal forms of hemlock

Most often, the following preparations are prepared based on hemlock plant materials:

  • oil;
  • alcohol tincture;
  • water infusion.

Hemlock tincture recipe

Place two parts of crushed hemlock flowers and seeds in a glass container with a tightly screwed lid and pour one part of vodka. The container with medicinal raw materials is placed in a dark place for 40 days. Shake the container every day (ideally three times a day). The finished tincture is filtered, poured into a glass bottle with a tightly sealed stopper and placed in the refrigerator.

Features of preparing hemlock oil extract

Place two cups of chopped herbs and hemlock fruits in a tightly sealed glass container and pour in? liters of olive oil. Place the container in a cool, dark place and let it brew for 3 weeks. The finished oil is poured into a clean glass bottle and stored in the refrigerator.

Rules for preparing hemlock water infusion

A teaspoon of a mixture prepared from crushed grass and hemlock seeds is poured into a thermos, poured into 0.2 liters of hot water and left to infuse overnight. In the morning, filter the liquid and pour into a clean glass container. The infusion is stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

Pharmacological properties of hemlock

Preparations made from the seeds, leaves, stems and inflorescences of hemlock have the following properties:

  • stimulate the immune system;
  • accelerate wound healing;
  • relieve pain of various origins;
  • have an antiseptic effect;
  • have an antitumor effect;
  • lower blood pressure;
  • are diuretics;
  • have anticonvulsant and antispasmodic effects;
  • produce a calming effect.

Use of hemlock: folk recipes

The unique composition of hemlock allows the use of drugs prepared on its basis for the treatment of a whole range of pathologies:

  • cancer of the lungs, thyroid gland, breast, stomach, brain tissue, prostate, etc.;
  • joint diseases (gout, rheumatism, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, arthritis);
  • vascular diseases (thrombophlebitis, atherosclerotic plaques, varicose veins, arterial hypertension, inflammation of hemorrhoids);
  • benign oncological formations (polyps, mastopathy, cysts, prostatitis);
  • autoimmune pathologies (rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus);
  • pathological changes in the menstrual cycle;
  • tuberculosis and other chronic infectious diseases;
  • skin diseases (eczema, ulcers, erysipelas, growths, etc.);
  • constipation

In addition, preparations prepared on the basis of this plant are actively used as an analgesic for cancer, severe headaches, epileptic seizures, and whooping cough.

Oncological and chronic infectious diseases

Preparations prepared from hemlock are of particular interest to people suffering from cancer. There are many ways to combat tumor growths using this plant, but in practice, Tishchenko’s “royal method” shows itself best for patients with a high immunological status, which involves taking hemlock tincture orally according to a specially developed scheme.

According to this method, on the first day of treatment, the patient drinks 1 drop of the drug on an empty stomach, dissolving it in a glass of water. On the second day, the dose is increased to 2 drops, on the third – to 3, and so on up to 40 drops per day. Then the patient follows in the opposite direction, reducing the dose of tincture by a drop per day, down to 1 drop per day. This concludes the course of treatment.

Over the course of a year, people suffering from cancer can undergo 3 courses of treatment according to the above-described scheme. Elderly and severely weakened patients are recommended to begin treatment according to a simplified or shortened 20-day program, which involves gradually increasing the dose from 1 to 20 drops and then decreasing it: this allows the body to gradually get used to toxic alkaloids. The specific regimen for taking the tincture in each individual case is agreed upon with the attending physician.

The methods described above have confirmed their effectiveness in the treatment of a number of chronic infectious diseases. If side effects from the use of hemlock are detected (nausea, indigestion, bitterness in the mouth and skin rash), the dosage of the drug is reduced.

Skin and autoimmune diseases, joint diseases, varicose veins

In the treatment of dermatological, autoimmune diseases, varicose veins and joint diseases, the internal use of hemlock tincture is combined with the local use of preparations based on the specified plant.

  1. Fresh or dry hemlock leaves are wrapped in gauze, poured over with boiling water, cooled slightly and fixed on the affected area. The compress is changed 4 times a day, the duration of treatment is 2 months.
  2. A sterile bandage is soaked in oil or water infusion of hemlock and applied to the affected area. The top is covered with cellophane and wrapped in a warm woolen scarf. The compress is left overnight.
  3. The affected areas are lubricated with 10% hemlock tincture 3-4 times a day or treated with an oil extract prepared from this plant twice a day.
  4. If there are non-healing wounds or ulcers on the patient’s body, use a sterile cloth soaked in oil or water infusion of hemlock. Lotions are applied daily to the affected area for 2 hours.


For hemorrhoids, sterile cotton wool is soaked in hemlock tincture and applied to the prolapsed nodes for 2-3 minutes. As a rule, a single implementation of the described procedure is enough to completely get rid of pain and all manifestations of the external form of the disease. In some cases, tampons soaked in oil or water infusion of hemlock are inserted into the anus at night: this helps relieve pain, reduce bleeding and block the spread of the inflammatory process.

Atherosclerosis, hypertension and thrombophlebitis

Most often, in the treatment of atherosclerosis, hypertension and thrombophlebitis, hemlocks are taken orally in the form of a tincture according to Tishchenko’s method. As an alternative, use the following dosage regimen: 2 drops of the drug are diluted in a tablespoon of water and drunk on an empty stomach (the procedure is repeated three times a day for 3 months). Such treatment has proven its effectiveness in the fight against severe vascular diseases.


When treating constipation, hemlock tincture is taken orally twice a day: in the morning and immediately before bed. A single dose is 10 drops of the drug, dissolved in? glasses of water. Duration of treatment – ​​2 weeks.

Menstrual irregularities

For menstrual irregularities not caused by pregnancy or menopause, hemlock tincture is taken orally three times a day. The single dose is 2 drops diluted in a tablespoon of clean water. The duration of treatment under this regimen is 30 days.

Pain of various etiologies

Hemlock tincture is used as an anesthetic. Two drops of the drug are diluted with a tablespoon of clean water and taken up to 5 times a day before meals. For severe pain attacks, take 10 drops of tincture diluted in 50 ml of water.

Contraindications to the use of hemlock

The main contraindications to the use of drugs prepared from the seeds, herbs and inflorescences of hemlock are:

  • elderly or children's age;
  • severe exhaustion from illness;
  • pregnancy, lactation period;
  • severe liver disease;
  • postoperative periods;
  • allergy.

Exceeding the dose of hemlock also poses a certain danger. In this case, the primary symptoms of poisoning are:

  • nervousness;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • paleness of the skin and lips, acquiring a bluish tint;
  • dilated pupils;
  • hand tremors;
  • speech disorders;
  • the appearance of problems when swallowing saliva and food;
  • hypersalivation;
  • tachycardia;
  • nausea.

Subsequently, the clinical picture of the disease is supplemented by convulsions, the development of ascending paralysis, loss of skin sensitivity and the appearance of disturbances in the functioning of the respiratory system.

In case of poisoning with a small amount of hemlock, the injured person should be offered to drink 2 glasses of heated milk, colored light pink with potassium permanganate, put him to bed and ensure him peace. If a sufficiently large dose of poison is taken, hospitalization and treatment under the supervision of qualified medical personnel is indicated.


Hemlock - a poisonous enemy of cancer

Hemlock is a flower with a very dubious reputation: this is evidenced by the nicknames that the savvy Russian people bestowed on the medicinal herb. Pig louse, tar, stinking grass, gorigol - tenderness and admiration for the plant in these words is clearly not enough. Hemlock has had a bad reputation since ancient times - they allegedly poisoned the philosopher Socrates with it. But already from the Middle Ages, tar began to be used to treat severe venereal diseases and tumors, and modern herbal oncologists are developing entire treatment courses based on it. What is it, hemlock - a deadly herb or one that gives new life?

Villain with kind eyes

This is exactly how Simferopol oncologist Valery Tishchenko, who has long and successfully treated cancer patients with tincture of tar, christened hemlocks - romantically and with gratitude. But not everyone knows how to look into the eyes of hemlock weed - the photo and description of the plant strongly resemble parsley, and lovers of the fragrant spice have been poisoned more than once when they discovered a pretty weed in their garden...

Another dangerous twin of hemlock is hemlock, or poisonous hemlock. It grows closer to the swamps and has an enticing smell of sweet carrots, unlike the usual tar, which loves dry soil, and its smell is... mousey and rather disgusting. Some historians even claim that it was hemlock that killed Socrates, and hemlock was the culprit.

But inquisitive healers who knew how to recognize hemlock among other forest herbs were rewarded handsomely: in Europe, medieval monks used tar to treat tumors, and the ancient Russian “Collection of Svyatoslav Yaroslavich” recommended hemlock as a remedy for venereal diseases and malignant neoplasms. And in 1866, the strongest painkiller hemlock was included in the Russian State Pharmacopoeia - an official document! - and stayed there until 1902.

Medicinal properties of tar grass

The main secret of stinky grass is its chemical composition. Hemlock contains 5 powerful alkaloids, the main one of which is the nerve poison coniine - comparable in strength to the deadly Indian poison curare.

Official medicine and herbal medicine are afraid and do not recognize hemlock - only traditional medicine actively uses it for its medicinal properties and contraindications, at its own peril and risk. For therapy, tincture, powder and juice from the above-ground parts of the tar are used - stems, leaves and flowers.

Hemlock is not used for ordinary “everyday” illnesses - it is a truly powerful medicine, dangerous in inexperienced hands. Tar is a powerful immunomodulator, sedative and analgesic, anticonvulsant and cardiac drug, effectively resolves polyps, cysts and tumors.

Traditional healers advise using hemlock for the following diseases:

  • Benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • Atherosclerosis and varicose veins;
  • Prostatitis and prostate adenoma;
  • Migraines and tinnitus;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Whooping cough;
  • Gynecological problems (ovarian cyst, polyps in the uterus, etc.);
  • Polyps in the bladder;
  • In the form of patches, lotions and baths - for skin cancer, external organs, eye diseases, etc.

Contraindications and signs of poisoning

It is no coincidence that official medicine still does not use hemlock in its recipes - its medicinal properties are unique, but there are no less contraindications. The plant must be used under the close supervision of a doctor, but there are categories for which “tar therapy” is clearly prohibited. These are small children, pregnant women, hypotensive patients and people with chronic kidney pathologies.

In the process of preparing medicines from stinking grass, you also need to be more careful: the slightest overdose can cause poisoning, and if fresh hemlock juice gets on the skin, dermatitis is guaranteed. It is also important to know the symptoms of pork louse poisoning: if you have dribbled excess tincture on yourself or accidentally picked a sprig of hemlock along with parsley in the garden, you will be able to recognize the cause of the problem and get to the doctor in time.

The main signs of “tar poisoning” are a burning sensation in the mouth and a scratching sensation in the throat, heaviness in the head, severe salivation, vomiting, dizziness, suspicious drowsiness, dilated pupils and even convulsions.

How to use hemlock correctly and safely?

Hemlock has one interesting quality - its use for a variety of ailments is practically the same: the main options are tincture and ointment. You can find tincture of tar in online stores or make it yourself - from freshly harvested herbs or ready-made dry raw materials.

A tincture of fresh summer hemlock is prepared as follows: loosely place the herb along with the seeds in a jar, filling 2/3 of the entire volume, pour in vodka (a couple of glasses of alcohol per glass of tar) and hide in a dark closet. In 10-14 days the super medicine will be ready. To make a dried tincture of stinking herb, you need to pour 50 grams of dried stems and leaves with 0.5 vodka and leave for 21 days.

Taking hemlock tincture is very simple - dilute a drop of the medicine in 100 ml of water and drink it on an empty stomach in the morning. The next day - already 2 drops. When it reaches 20-30 drops, you need to start moving in the opposite direction. The break between such treatment courses is 1-2 weeks.

For herbal tar ointment you will need 50 grams of chopped fresh hemlock grass and half a liter of olive oil. Pour oil over the weed, seal the container well and leave for three weeks, removing and shaking occasionally. Then strain through triple gauze and make healing compresses. This method is better than the first, as it does not use alcohol, which cripples instead of cures.

Forest doctor for cancer

Oncology is considered one of the most terrible threats of the 21st century - no one is immune from deadly tumors, so doctors and desperate patients are looking for more and more new cures for the terrible disease. But hemlock against cancer is not a modern invention: the “fragrant” herb against tumors was used by medieval healers, and today certified doctors and herbalists from all over the country offer their own courses of hemlock against cancer.

Remember: hemlock is not a universal drug against all types of cancer: tar tincture most successfully fights cancer of the prostate, breast, uterus, as well as throat, stomach, liver and thyroid. The medicine should be used according to the traditional regimen, increasing the dosage to 30, maximum 40 drops, and then gradually reducing.

It is important to use hemlock in oncology fresh; it is best to prepare a tincture with chopped young leaves. And most importantly, you should not rely on tar as your only and last salvation! Hemlock works only in combination, and not only with special medications, but also with other non-poisonous medicinal herbs.

Hemlock for cancer: what reviews say

When used against cancer, hemlock causes a lot of controversy - reviews begin with questions: isn’t such a poisonous herb dangerous for a weakened body? Will she make things worse? Yes, hemlock is a generally recognized poison, but in small doses and under the supervision of specialists it works wonders: it bypasses healthy cells and destroys cancer cells, simultaneously relieving the terrible pain from which cancer patients suffer so much.

On the forums you can find many messages from patients, doctors and nurses who have seen cases of unexpected healing with their own eyes. Among those who personally took hemlock for cancer, the reviews were very different: for some patients, tar simply became a powerful pain reliever, for many metastases were successfully resolved, for others the healing plant simply gave a second life.

“A very close friend of mine was being treated for cancer: the disease was discovered at stage 4, chemotherapy did not help, the doctors assured that he had 1-2 months to live. We started drinking hemlock tincture, the trouble subsided, the patient lived another 6 full years.”

“My mother was diagnosed with stage 3 pancreatic cancer, the tests were simply terrible. We started taking hemlock, on the 20th drop the blood test returned to normal, and the tumor went away.”

How to collect hemlocks?

You can’t buy hemlocks in a regular pharmacy; you’ll have to look for a unique plant in specialized online stores. Tar is collected only by hand, so real grass is quite expensive - from 300 rubles. for 50 grams of dried raw materials and from 500 rubles. for 100 ml of tincture.

If you are lucky and smelly grass has settled in your garden or somewhere on the neighboring edge, it is better to collect it yourself. For this you will need special equipment - we will not be picking safe clover or yarrow! Gloves, safety glasses, a respirator, and you need to approach the hemlock tree carefully, from the leeward side, so as not to inhale dangerous fumes.

Herbalists advise collecting tar during the most flowering season - from the end of June to September. The most healing parts are leaves, inflorescences, flowers with still unripe seeds. Pick them into a small jar, immediately chopping them. When you arrive home, immediately prepare the tincture: pour a little vodka into a container, add fresh tar, then the remaining alcohol - and according to the standard recipe.

And to make sure that you have chosen real hemlock, smell it carefully: rub one flower with gloves and bring it to your nose. Did you smell an unpleasant mouse smell? In front of you it is one of the most powerful natural medicines!

Calendula flowers beneficial properties and contraindications Elecampane medicinal properties

Spotted hemlock has long been considered an elixir for health, which we inherited from our ancestors. This medicinal plant is the most valuable and is a strong immunostimulant that activates and strengthens the body’s resistance to various adverse factors and diseases. Hemlock for cancer has an analgesic, anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory and sedative effect. In folk medicine, this plant is widely used to treat cancer in various areas of localization. It should not be overlooked that hemlock is a deadly poisonous plant, so it must be handled with great care.

Previously, drugs made from hemlock were widely used in traditional medicine. Various diseases were treated with similar medicines, but due to the untested therapeutic effect and repeated cases of poisoning, this plant was no longer used as a medicine. Only on the threshold of 2000, several methods of treating sarcoma and other tumors with hemlock preparations were patented.

Botanical description of hemlock

Other names for hemlock are: omega, mace, tar, head, speckled hemlock, poison umbrella and stink hemlock. This plant reaches a height of two meters, has branched tubular stems with a bluish bloom and reddish-brown spots. The leaves are bare, large and triple pinnate. The fruits resemble dill seeds, are ovoid in shape and green in color.

The plant is distinguished by a large number of white flowers grouped into umbrellas. A characteristic feature of hemlock is the appearance of an unpleasant odor (reminiscent of a mouse) when its parts are rubbed in your hands. Spotted hemlock blooms from June to August. For medicinal purposes, it is recommended to use herbs collected from June to July.

Chemical composition

Hemlock is very effective in treating cancer due to the substances it contains:

  • The leaves contain 0.1% alkonoids - coniine, methylkoniine, conhydrin, coniceine, pseudoconhydrin; 0.08% essential oil, netroseledic and caffeic acid. There is also some amount of carotene, ascorbic acid and provitamin A.
  • The flowers contain kaempferol and querticin.
  • The fruits contain 2% alkonoids, 1% coniine, conhydrin, methylkoniine, as well as other equally important compounds.
  • Small amounts of tannins were found in the juice of the plant.

A properly prepared tincture from this plant, due to the content of the substances listed above, has a powerful immunobiostimulating effect. Recently, many experts have called for taking homemade medicines annually as a preventive measure for the development of cancer processes in the body.

Official medicine recommends not to overdo it when using a poisonous plant for medicinal purposes, because the chemical composition of hemlock can cause a secondary immune response, which has unpredictable consequences. In addition, with prolonged exposure to hemlock, resistance and immunity to stimulation by cytostatic drugs and antitumor antibiotics may appear for some malignant cells.

Considering the chemical processes that occur in the human body when consuming hemlock tincture, we can highlight the effectiveness of coniine. This substance is the main component, which is an antigen that is foreign to the human body. Penetrating into the blood, coniine helps stimulate certain immune reactions, in which special antibodies (proteins) are formed, which are contained in immunoglobulins. These antibodies, while attempting to destroy the antigen, simultaneously inhibit cancer cells. They most effectively affect free cells formed during leukemia and metastases. That is why doctors advise treatment with hemlock tincture in the presence of metastatic stages of cancer.

Hemlock is a poisonous plant!

Despite the fact that traditional medicine recommends the use of hemlock for cancer, all parts of this plant are very poisonous. This fact is due to the content of alkonoids in them. The most toxic is coniine, which has a curare-like and nicotine-like effect. It is a powerful nerve poison.

Medium and small doses of coniine contribute to increased blood pressure, increased heart contractions and increased heart rate. Hemlock should be consumed with extreme caution, because with an overdose of this alkonoid, first of all, excitement is observed, and then respiratory arrest occurs. Hemlock for cancer is recommended to be combined with the following antitumor plants: hellebore, marin root, cinquefoil, columbine.

Symptoms of hemlock poisoning

Hemlock poisoning most often occurs not during treatment, but when this plant is eaten by mistake. In the first year of life, the roots and grass of hemlock are similar to carrots and parsley, in the second year they are similar to dill, hogweed, angelica, and carrot grass. In severe cases of poisoning, symptoms of ascending paralysis are observed:

  • Complaints of coldness of the whole body and a feeling of “pins and needles” in the extremities.
  • Pale face and difficulty breathing.
  • Weighted limbs, dizziness and unsteadiness.
  • Unevenness and dilation of pupils.
  • Burning sensation in the mouth, vomiting, nausea and excessive salivation.

In mild stages of poisoning, gastrointestinal disorders are first noted. In severe forms of poisoning, ascending paralysis develops, resulting in respiratory paralysis and death.

Urgent Care

Often, the treatment of cancer is not carried out carefully enough with the help of a plant such as hemlock. The use of infusions from it for cancer should be carried out in accordance with the recommended dosages. If an overdose cannot be avoided and characteristic symptoms occur, it is recommended to take the following measures:

  • Take 30 tablets of activated carbon orally.
  • Drink a solution of 3% hydrochloric acid.
  • Take (magnesium sulfate - 30 g, 100 ml of water).
  • Take cardiac medications (camphor, caffeine).
  • Provide access to fresh air.
  • Make a warm wrap.
  • Perform artificial respiration if necessary.

There is an effective ancient method for combating poisoning, which involves removing the poison from the body. To prepare the solution, you should use warm water and low-grade olive oil, which was previously called wood oil. Flaxseed or flaxseed will also work. The resulting remedy should be poured into the poisoned person’s stomach using a tube or funnel until vomiting begins. This method is good if a person is unconscious, because it helps to bring him to his senses and cleanse the body of poisons. After several gastric lavages, the poisoned person should be given warm water with honey to drink until he receives relief.

Treatment of cancer with a poisonous plant

Even doctors recommend using hemlock for cancer, but only when traditional medicine does not produce positive results. The substances included in this plant have a mild effect on living cells of the body, and after a short period of time they adapt to the components included in hemlock. Hemlock has a detrimental effect on atypical cells that form a cancerous tumor. That is why folk recipes prepared on the basis of a poisonous plant are considered irreplaceable even in critical situations.

It is not for nothing that all oncological diseases have long been treated using this healing plant. For cancer of the stomach, breast, liver, intestines and lungs, various recipes were used to prepare tinctures and decoctions, with the help of which medical therapy was carried out. To achieve a positive treatment result, you should know how to drink hemlock for cancer of a specific organ in order to prevent the development of adverse reactions and avoid overdose.

and breasts

Many people combine hemlock for stomach cancer with fly agaric, but experts say that such a method of influencing cancer is unacceptable. It is enough to use a simple tincture of this plant in alcohol, instead of which you can use vodka.

To prepare the tincture, it is recommended to use fresh crushed hemlock flowers, filling a suitable vessel with them to the top. Next, the container is also filled to the top with vodka, closed hermetically and placed in a cool, dark place for 18 days.

Even an advanced stage of an oncological process in the stomach can be cured if properly prepared. The use of the resulting medicinal product for cancer should be carried out strictly in accordance with the indicated dosages:

  1. On the first day, immediately after sleep, on an empty stomach, drink 1 drop of tincture diluted in 100 ml of water.
  2. The next morning of the second day, you should double the hemlock dosage by adding 2 drops per 100 ml of water.
  3. Every day you should increase the dosage by 1 drop and take the tincture strictly at the same time.
  4. Having brought it to 40 drops per 100 ml of water, you should repeat the process, gradually reducing the dosage by 1 drop of tincture.
  5. To achieve a positive result from treatment, the full course should be repeated, from increase to decrease, at least 2-3 times with a recommended break of 1-2 months.

According to a similar scheme, hemlock can be used for breast cancer. To do this, it is recommended to increase the dosage to 20 drops, and then reduce to 1 drop. The course of treatment is carried out at least 3 times with a two-month break.

Treatment of liver and lung cancer

Hemlock is effective for liver cancer of various stages. This plant not only slows down the growth of atypical cells, but also has a positive effect, strengthening healthy cells. To achieve a positive result, it is important to take into account the patient’s condition, because taking hemlock for cancer is not always safe. In this case, it is very important to follow the dosage of the plant itself to avoid overdose.

Methods of using hemlock tincture:

  • If the patient is weak, then a water tincture is used - to prepare the medicine, 0.6 g of dry crushed hemlock per 350 ml of boiling water is enough. The herb should be brewed in the evening and drunk in the morning, dividing it into two portions. It is recommended to use the tincture on an empty stomach in the morning and 1.5-2 hours after eating before bed.
  • If the patient’s condition is satisfactory and there are no other concomitant diseases, then an alcohol tincture is suitable for treatment - to prepare a medicinal product, fill the vessel to the top with crushed (preferably fresh) hemlock flowers and fill with vodka. You should drink using the slide method, increasing to 40 drops per 150 ml of water and back. If the condition worsens, it is recommended to reduce the dosage by 3-5 drops, and then gradually increase it again.

You can use hemlock in the same way. It is important to take into account your condition and monitor the appearance of overdose symptoms so as not to harm yourself.

Treatment of the intestines with hemlock

Hemlock for intestinal treatment should be used young, by collecting its shoots and infusing it with alcohol or vodka, filling a third of the container with crushed raw materials and filling it with 40° liquid. Infuse for at least 18 days in a cool and dark place. Young shoots of such a poisonous plant as hemlock, when treating cancer, do not have a suppressive and irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract. This remedy has an almost immediate analgesic effect, which helps to significantly alleviate the patient’s condition.

It is recommended to take hemlock for intestinal cancer according to the optimal regimen, increasing the dosage to 15 drops and sticking to it for the remaining days during therapy. Treatment can be continued until the tumor decreases in size, periodically observing a doctor. The optimal regimen has a gentle effect, in which the protective functions of healthy cells are not inhibited.

Our ancestors have brought to this day methods of effective treatment of cancer with the help of a plant such as hemlock. The use of infusions of this plant for cancer should be discussed with a specialist in order to prevent the development of negative reactions and overdose.

When treating cancer using this method, you should adhere to the following nutritional recommendations:

  • Consumption of foods that contain complete protein (lean fish, meat, vegetable fats, cereals, baked goods and dairy products).
  • Saturation of the body with products containing pectins (fresh fruits and vegetables).
  • It is recommended to exclude completely fried foods, fatty foods and smoked foods, as well as alcohol from the daily diet.

Complete protein stimulates the processes of antibody synthesis, and pectins stimulate the absorption of poisons and decay products of atypical cells, removing them from a person naturally.

Today, many patients have been successfully cured or stopped the growth of atypical cells in the body using hemlock for cancer. Reviews from healed people indicate the effectiveness of traditional medicine, with the help of which they were able to defeat cancer or stop its progression, extending their lives.

Experts recommend using hemlock with caution for cancer. Reviews from patients admitted to the hospital with an overdose of toxic substances from this plant confirm this. Before starting treatment with traditional medicine, you should consult with a doctor who will help you calculate the correct dosage and evaluate the effectiveness of using a plant such as hemlock for cancer in each case individually.

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