Magnetite is compatible with everyone, and especially with earth and air. Magnetic iron ore or magnetite

Magnetic iron ore (magnetite)

Name magnetic iron ore comes from the Latin word magnes, meaning "magnet".

Magnetite is one of two stones that have magnetic properties. The story related to the magnet tells of the shepherd Magnus, who accidentally found this mineral on Mount Ida (in northwestern Turkey) when the iron tip of his staff stuck to a stone.

Magnetite - the mineral magnetic iron ore - is ferrous oxide Fe3O4 and is one of the constituents of iron ore. The components of iron ore are also hematite (a-Fe2O3), maghemite (g-Fe2O3), pyrrhotite (FeS1,1) and other iron compounds, which, unlike magnetite, have weaker magnetic properties.

In the VI century BC, the Chinese were aware of the phenomenon of attraction of iron by pieces of magnetite. In Chinese literary monuments of the 1st-3rd centuries AD, the magnetic south indicator (the progenitor of the compass) is mentioned as a well-known device.

The magnetic properties of the mineral magnetite were also known in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. One of the works of the Greek philosopher Plato, written more than two thousand years ago, tells about a wonderful magnetic stone, which not only attracts iron objects itself, but also bestows its power (that is, magnetizes) these objects, so that they also get the opportunity to do that. same thing. All this was considered in antiquity as mysterious, miraculous phenomena.

The properties of magnetite amazed people, so for many centuries magnetite was used for magic tricks, witchcraft (false treatment with a magnet), it served as the subject of the most fantastic assumptions and stories about the miraculous stone. However, regardless of this, its use in compass-type devices played a big role in the discovery of new lands and countries. So magnetite in this direction of human activity contributed to the development of civilization.

In our time, geologists and especially geophysicists involved in paleomagnetism ("ancient" magnetism) are striving to learn the magnetic properties of magnetite. Paleomagnetism is a property of rocks, and primarily magnetite, to retain the residual magnetization acquired in previous eras, caused by the action of the earth's magnetic field. Paleomagnetism makes it possible to study the evolution of the geomagnetic field and the processes in the earth's crust that took place in ancient times.

At the end of the XX century. biologists have convincingly proved the existence of organisms capable of perceiving magnetic fields. This feature is associated, in particular, with biogenic magnetite crystals. In fact, these are tiny magnetic intracellular "arrows" whose behavior in a magnetic field underlies the sixth sense - magnetosensitivity. It has been proven that individual human organs, such as the brain and heart, have their own weak magnetic fields.

Unlike many other minerals, whose magical properties can often only be taken for granted, magnetite clearly demonstrates its truly magical ability to attract iron objects. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the magical properties of magnetite are not limited to the most amazing "magic" of this mineral.

Magnetic iron ore is one of the varieties of magnetite, which is iron oxide. The name of the Russian city of Magnitogorsk, as well as its famous industrial enterprise, the main iron producer, comes from the name of this mineral.

Magnetic iron ore establishes a balance between the energies of yin and yang, contributes to the development of intentions, and enhances confidence. He helps a person find his spiritual path.

Colour(s): black, dark grey, brownish red with black streaks.

Associations: Gemini, Virgo; sacral chakra; Yin Yang.

Application in feng shui: north (spiritual quest); center (balance / spirituality); south (recognition/glory); any area of ​​an aspect of life where motivation and/or guidance is required).

Name " magnetite"came from the name of the Greek shepherd Magnes, who first found it. Magnetite (an outdated synonym is "magnetic iron ore"). The name "magnetite" comes from the ancient city of Magnesia in Asia Minor. In different countries, magnetite (or magnet) was called differently. The Chinese called his "chu-shi", the Greeks - "adamas" and "calamita", "hercules stone", the French - "aiman", the Indians - "thumbaka", the Egyptians - "Eagle's bone", the Spaniards - "pedramant", the Germans - " Magness" and "Siegelstein", the British - "Loadstone".

Origin and chemical composition

In most cases, the formation of magnetite occurs in rocks of igneous or metamorphic origin. Less commonly, the mineral accumulates in placers, forming magnetite sands. Magnetite aggregates in nature have the form of dense, confluent or granular masses. The properties of a mineral are explained by the specific structure of its crystals. According to the chemical composition - triiron tetroxide.

Magnetite price

Magnetite has not been widely used as a jewelry and ornamental stone, so its cost is low. A cabochon with a diameter of about 2 mm will cost 1.5-2 dollars, a magnetite rosary - 10-15 dollars.

Physical and chemical properties of magnetite

  • The chemical formula is FeO Fe2O3.
  • Color - gray, brown, black.
  • Syngony - cubic.
  • Hardness - 5.5-6 on the Mohs scale.
  • Density - 5-5.2 g per cm3.
  • Fracture - conchoidal.

Processing and use

Magnetic iron ore is the second most important ore mineral after. Ferrous metallurgy enterprises use magnetite to produce special steels. In the chemical industry, it is used to produce phosphorus and vanadium. Doctors use magnetite probes to extract metal objects from the esophagus and respiratory tract. In jewelry, sometimes bracelets, rosaries and beads are made from the mineral.

Magnetite deposits

The largest industrial deposits of magnetite are located in Sweden. The United States, South Africa, Norway and Ukraine have significant reserves of the mineral. On the territory of Russia, development is carried out in the zone of the famous Kursk magnetic anomaly, as well as in Siberia and the Urals.

How to distinguish from a fake

The cheapness of natural magnetite makes it impractical to fake. However, outwardly magnetite is easily confused with hematite similar to it. Even in nature, they often replace each other. To identify genuine magnetite, you need to know that of the natural minerals, only it has the ability to attract metals.

The magical properties of magnetite

Magnetite has been attributed many magical properties since antiquity. It is considered a strong guard stone that protects against enemies. It stimulates innovation and invention, helps in the preparation of new plans, the organization of a new enterprise. Magnetite helps to reveal (or enhance) extraordinary abilities. If it is placed in the region of the "third eye", a bridge appears that connects the ordinary consciousness with the superconsciousness.

Due to its property of magnetism, this mineral has found the glory of a magic stone among sorcerers and alchemists.

Medicinal properties.

In modern medicine, magnetite is used in the treatment of the autonomic nervous system and improving the nervous regulation of the body. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates the processes of tissue regeneration in trophic ulcers, wounds, bone fractures, with the consequences of burns, reduces the sensitivity of the receptor apparatus (has an analgesic effect).

A special role is given to magnetite in the treatment of the circulatory system and heart diseases (ischemic heart disease, hypertension, etc.). There is evidence that magnetite helps with joint pain, headaches, sclerosis, chronic venous insufficiency, allergic and itchy dermatosis, and inflammatory diseases of the female genital area.

Magnetite is used in special magnetic bracelets, various biocorrectors and balls to stimulate and improve the body. Since ancient times, in medicine, magnetite has been used in the form of crushed powder as a hematopoietic agent for anemia, severe blood loss and general weakness, that is, when the body needs iron, which is part of the blood. Pliny the Elder in his descriptions indicated that magnetite helps in the treatment of eyes, burns and wounds.


Magnetite can be worn by people born under the signs of Earth and Air, which include Capricorn and Aquarius.


Crystals of a mineral called magnetis were known to the inhabitants of ancient Greece. Shepherd Magnes, walking through the forest, drew attention to unusual stones that attract nails from the soles of his shoes and the tip of a staff. In the Middle Ages, magnetis was renamed magnetic iron ore, the official term "magnetite" appeared only in 1845.

From the time of the first civilizations to the present day, people have endowed magnetite with magical properties. The gates, made of mineral, did not allow armed ill-wishers to enter the city. Being ignorant of the physical explanation of this phenomenon, magnetite was considered the most powerful protective amulet. In fact, the secret of the magic gate was the ability of dense masses of the mineral to attract metal objects.

According to Chinese legend, magnetite once helped Emperor Huang Ti win a battle. The ruler conceived a trick, deciding to attack the enemy from the rear. That day there was a thick fog over the sea, so the maneuver promised to be successful. But Huang Ti saw danger in bad weather. He found a way out of a difficult situation in the use of magnetite figurines in the form of a man with an outstretched hand. This was the first compass in the history of mankind.

There are several assumptions on the origin of the name of the mineral. Of these, two main legends are distinguished: named after the ancient Greek shepherd Magnes; connection with the name of the area in Asia Minor - Magnesia, which is located near Montenegro.

The philosopher Plato paid attention to this mineral. In his discussions about magnetite, he noted its property not only to attract other objects, but also to transfer the same ability to them. This refers to magnetization.

Ironstone had different names:

  1. Greece - Adamam.
  2. China - Chu-Shi.
  3. Egypt - Eagle Bone.
  4. France - Ayman.
  5. Germany - Magness.

In Russia the name of the stone has changed several times. This:

  1. Just a magnet (until the Middle Ages).
  2. Magnetite is the modern name from 1845.

Formula and origin


Magnetite one of the types of magnetic iron ore is a mineral. Magnetite formula - (Fe3+,Fe2+)Fe3+2O4. It's iron oxide. The oxide is very rich in iron.

It is found in different geological formations and can be metamorphic, igneous, hydrothermal, sedimentary (rare).

The mineral has an octahedral shape of crystals, which have a ratio of iron cations located in different positions, 1:2. As a result, it, being the second most important (after hematite) ore mineral, attracts iron.


Magnetite of contact-metasomatic origin is important for industry. Such a mineral is formed at the points of contact of magmas of granitic, diorite and syenite compositions with limestones. In such deposits, its presence is observed in the form of inclusions and continuous masses.

Igneous deposits are associated with basic (sometimes acidic or intermediate) igneous rocks. They are the result of magma differentiation. Magnetite is usually found in gabbro, pyroxenites. It is located in the form of thick reservoir deposits or in the parent rocks in the form of individual inclusions.

Magnetite is formed by the process of metamorphism (at high pressure, high temperature and depth) of iron compounds formed on the surface. The formation of hematite and magnetite occurred in the ores of the meso- and hypozones.

It is often found in the surface layers, due to its stability, in the form of placers. There are cases converting it to limonite or hematite in the presence of sulfides, mainly pyrite. When they are destroyed, sulfuric acid is formed, leading to an increase in the process of decomposition of magnetite.


Physical properties

The mineral is black in color. It has a metallic luster (there are also cases with oily resinous or matte). Strongly magnetic. For example, we can take an experiment with a piece of magnetic iron ore from Vysokaya Mountain. A suspended 50 kg weight has been held for more than a hundred years by magnetic attraction.

Opaque. It is peculiar to him high hardness and density. In hydrochloric acid, the powder slowly dissolves. It has strong ferromagnetic properties. This quality leads to a change in the compass readings, which allows you to find ore deposits.

When heated to a temperature of about 580OC (Curie point), magnetism immediately disappears. But with a decrease in heat, this property returns. Has a conchoidal fracture or uneven.

magical properties

Since ancient times, people began to be interested in magnetite. The unusual properties of the stone quickly led him to popularity. While the nature of magnetism was not known to people, they took its properties for magical power and tried to use it in medicine. Magnetite was used as the strongest talisman protecting from manifestations of evil.

He was used in the manufacture of magical wands. During the rituals, they drew magic circles. There was a conviction that a mineral can give a person supernatural abilities and contribute to the development of the ability to perform miracles.

There was a belief: you can determine whether a wife is cheating on her husband by hiding magnetite at her head during sleep. There is evidence that Alexander the Great gave these stones to his soldiers, protecting them from evil forces and witches.

Medicinal properties

Magnetite is treated by modern medicine autonomic nervous system and improves the nervous regulation of the body. Application results:

  1. Anti-inflammatory action.
  2. In the presence of trophic ulcers, wounds, bone fractures, tissue regeneration is accelerated.
  3. In the presence of the consequences of burns, it affects the decrease in the sensitivity of the receptor apparatus (analgesic effect).

A special role is given to magnetite for the treatment of heart diseases and circulatory systems.

Magnetite helps with:

Application and deposits

Magnetite is the most important iron ore. The pure iron obtained from it is used in chemical laboratories for precision special instruments. "White Iron" not susceptible to rust and therefore is eternal. The column of Chandragupta standing in Delhi has not changed for about 15 centuries.

Magnetite is used to make special magnetic bracelets, various biocorrectors and balls, which allow stimulating and healing the body. Crushed magnetite powder has long been used for anemia (hematopoietic agent), large blood loss and the presence of general weakness (iron is part of the blood).

The magnetic ore located in Russia makes up the bulk of the world's reserves. The most famous places of deposits:

  1. Kursk.
  2. Ural.
  3. Kola Peninsula.
  4. Eastern Siberia.
  5. Karelia and others.

Known deposits abroad:

  1. Sweden.
  2. Brazil.
  3. Canada.
  4. America.
  5. England.
  6. India.

The territories of Kazakhstan and Ukraine also have large deposits.

Magnetite iron mineral, formula, chemical composition, description, photo, properties, ore, where to find and how it is mined, deposits, origin

Synonyms: magnetic iron ore.

Magnetite group - chromite

Magnetite an ore mineral used by man since ancient times.

origin of name

The origin of the name of the mineral is unclear. The name, apparently, is given by the area (Magnesia), bordering Macedonia. It is also possible that the origin of the name is related to the legends about Magnes, the shepherd who first found this mineral, noticing that the iron tip of his staff and the nails of his shoes stuck to the ground.

Formula of magnetite

Octahedral Magnetite Crystals Photo

Fe 3 + (Fe 2+ Fe 3+) O 4, the abbreviated formulas are also used: Fe 2+ Fe 3+ 2 O 4 - FeFe 2 O 4 or even - Fe 3 O 4.

Chemical composition

Magnetite- the most iron-rich oxide. FeO - 31.03%, Fe2O3 - 68.97%. Fe content - 72.4%. Usually it is relatively pure in composition.

Other members of the magnetite series:

  • Magnesioferrite -MgFe 2 O 4
  • Franklinite - ZnFe2O4
  • Jacobsite - MnFe2O4
  • Trevorite - NiFe 2 O 4
  • Ulvöspinel - TiFe 2 O 4


1. Titanomagnetite - it would be more correct to write Ti-magnetite, i.e. titanium magnetite which includes TiO2 (up to several percent), which exists at high temperatures in the form of a solid solution of ulvoespinel Fe2 + (Fe2 + Ti4 +) O4 in magnetite, ulvospinel and precipitates in magnetite matrix during the decomposition of the solid solution, usually oxidizing further to ilmenite. Many titanomagnetites are characterized by the presence of a significant admixture of coulssonite, which makes such varieties an industrially important source of vanadium.

2. Coulsonite - vanadium magnetite - Fe2 + V3 + 2O4 (abbreviated as (Fe, V) 30 4) contains up to 4.84% vanadium.

3. Cr-magnetite with Cr2O3 content (up to several percent).

4. Occasionally meet differences rich in MgO (in Mg magnetite up to 10%), Al2O3 (15%), etc.

5. Maghemite - (initial letters of words magnetite and hematite). Relatively rare in nature, ferromagnetic iron oxide γ Fe 2 O 3 of the cubic system.

Crystallographic characteristic

The syngony is cubic; hexaoctahedral c. With. O h 7 Fd3m, Z = 8 a 0 = 8.374 A.

Magnetite at - 178 ° becomes rhombic, a 0 - 5.91, b 0 \u003d 5.945, c 0 \u003d 8.39

The crystal structure is that of an inverted spinel. B A B O 4

The structure is reverse spinel, since half of the ferric iron atoms are located in the tetrahedral voids of the densest cubic packing, while the ferrous iron atoms, together with the other half of the ferric iron atoms, are located in the octahedral voids of the structure. Therefore, the magnetite formula should be written as follows: Fe3 + (Fe2 + Fe3 +) O 4.

The form of finding the mineral in nature Photo

Crystal Shape

In accordance with the structure, magnetite crystals are almost always octahedral, but are also known
and rhombic dodecahedral.

Magnetite. Octahedral crystals in shale

The (110) faces are often covered with strokes parallel to the long diagonal of the diamonds. In basalt glass under a microscope, it is established in the form of dendrites nanoparticles.

Twins by (111).


Mostly found in continuous granular masses or as inclusions in igneous, mostly mafic rocks. Druses of crystals can be found in voids. Oolites are found in sedimentary rocks.

Under natural conditions, the oxidation of magnetite very often occurs - the process of martitization, sometimes leading to complete pseudomorphoses of hematite after magnetite (martite). The reverse process, known as musketovitization, occurs when hematite undergoes reduction.

Physical properties

Optical properties of the crystal

The color of magnetite is iron-black to brown, sometimes with a bluish tint on the crystals.

The dash is black (powder color).

The luster is metallic or semi-metallic.

Opaque. Only the thinnest fragments let light through; n = 2.42.



Magnetite- the most common oxide in hypogene conditions.

Unlike hematite, magnetite is formed under more reducing conditions and occurs in a wide variety of genetic types of deposits and rocks.

Its main deposits are of igneous, contact-metasomatic, and regionally metamorphic origin. Magnetite is also found in hydrothermal deposits.

1. In igneous rocks it is usually observed in the form of dissemination. Magmatic deposits of titanomagnetite in the form of irregularly shaped clusters and veins are often genetically related to the basic rocks (gabbro).

2. It is present in small amounts in many pegmatites in paragenesis with biotite, sphene, apatite and other minerals.

3. In contact-metasomatic In formations, it often plays a very significant role, accompanied by garnets, pyroxenes, chlorites, sulfides, calcite, and other minerals. There are large deposits formed at the contact of limestones with granites and syenites.

4. As a satellite, magnetite occurs in hydrothermal deposits, mainly in association with sulfides (pyrrhotite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, etc.). Relatively rarely, it forms independent deposits in association with sulfides, apatite, and other minerals. The largest deposits of this type in Russia are known in the Angaro-Ilim region of Siberia.

5. In exogenous conditions the formation of magnetite can occur only in exceptional cases. The presence of magnetite grains in present-day sea silt is believed to be the result not only of their removal from the land as detrital material, but also as neoformations in situ due to iron hydroxides under the reducing influence of decaying organic matter.

6. During regional metamorphism, magnetite, like hematite, arises during the dehydration of iron hydroxides formed in sedimentary rocks during exogenous processes, but under reducing conditions (with a lack of oxygen). Such formations include many large-sized bedded deposits of hematite-magnetite ores found among metamorphosed sedimentary strata.

In the oxidation zone, it is a relatively stable mineral. When weathered, it is with great difficulty amenable to hydration, i.e., transformation into iron hydroxides. This process is rarely seen
and relatively small in size.

Phenomenon martitization(formation of hematite pseudomorphs after magnetite) is observed in hot climate zones. Locally manifested martitization of magnetite is also established in hydrothermal and metamorphosed deposits without any connection with exogenous processes.

With the mechanical destruction of rocks, it, freeing itself from its satellites, everywhere passes into placers. Therefore, they are concentrated in river and sea sands, sometimes creating a magnetite beach. Magnetite is the main component in the black concentrates obtained by washing the gold sands.

Photo of octahedral crystals in shale

Practical use

Magnetite, like hematite, is the most important ore for iron. Titanomagnetites serve as an ore for vanadium.

Magnetite ores, often containing about 60% iron, are the most important raw material for iron and steel smelting. Harmful impurities in the ore are phosphorus, the content of which in the Bessemer smelting method should not exceed 0.05%, and for high-quality metal - 0.03%, and sulfur, the maximum maximum content of which should not exceed 1.5%. When melting ores according to the Thomas method, in which phosphorus is converted into slag, its content should not be lower than 0.61 and not higher than 1.50%. The resulting phosphorous slag is called tomasslag and is used as a fertilizer.

When smelting titanomagnetite ores, vanadium is extracted from slag, which is of great importance in the manufacture of high-quality steels. Vanadium pentoxide is also used in the chemical industry, and as a dye in ceramics, and for other purposes.

How magnetite is mined

Of the numerous deposits in Russia, we will give only a few examples.

To the number igneous deposits applies Kusinsky place of birth titanomagnetite, which also contains an increased amount of vanadium (in the Urals, 18 km north of Zlatoust). This deposit is represented by veins of continuous ores occurring among the parent altered igneous rocks of the gabbro formation. Magnetite is closely associated here with ilmenite and chlorite.

In the South Urals, the Kopan deposit of Ti-magnetite is being developed.

An example contact metasomatic deposits is famous Mountain Magnetic(Southern Urals).

Powerful magnetite deposits are located among garnet, pyroxene-garnet and garnet epidote skarns, formed by the action of granite magma on limestones. In some areas of ore deposits, magnetite is associated with primary hematite. Ores below the oxidation zone contain disseminated sulfides (pyrite, occasionally chalcopyrite,

Magnetic iron ore or magnetite is a fairly common type ores. It consists of oxides of ferric and ferrous iron. The mineral was widely used and used due to its ability to attract various metals.

Properties and formula of magnetite

In different countries of the world, magnetic iron ore has various titles:

  • in Germany - magnes;
  • in France - ayman;
  • in Egypt, the bone of an eagle;
  • in China - chu-shi;
  • in Greece - Adam.

This cubic crystal has the chemical formula Fe O - Fe 2 O 3 . It is distinguished by a rather rare spinel-like structure and has the following properties:

When crushed, the mineral does not lose its magnetic properties.

Magnetic iron ore can look like an octahedron, a granular aggregate, a rhombic dodecahedron, and other various combinations. Quite rarely in nature you can find placers of rounded pieces of a mineral or magnetic balls. They are considered a truly unique find.

History of magnetic iron ore

An amazing mineral has long been known in all corners of the globe. In China, magnetite was known as early as the 6th century. With the help of a mineral, they learned the world, using it as compass. Legend has it that the "black stone" is named after the Greek shepherd Magnes, whose tip was iron and whose shoes were made of iron nails. They constantly attracted stones, which turned out to be magnetic iron ore.

According to another legend, the name of the mineral comes from the city of Magnesia located in Turkey. Not far from it is a mountain, which was constantly hit by lightning. It turned out that it almost entirely consists of magnetite. There is a similar mountain in the Urals, and it is called Magnetic Mountain. Mount Zimir, located in Ethiopia, mainly consists of magnetite. She is famous for attracting all the iron that is on the ship.

The great philosopher Plato talked about the unusual behavior and properties of the stone. He noted the fact that magnetic iron ore is not only capable of attracting iron objects to itself, but also shares its energy. Apparently the philosopher had in mind magnetization.

Place of Birth

About half of the world's iron ore reserves are located in Russia. Their greatest storehouse is the Kursk magnetic anomaly. It is located from Smolensk to Rostov-on-Don. Three times the ore reserves of the KMA exceed the ore reserves of the rest of the globe.

Other well-known iron ore deposits include the Ural Mountains and the Kustanai region. There is a magnetite deposit in the Altai Territory in the region of the Kholzun Range, in the basin of the Chara and Olekma rivers in the Far East. There are many deposits in the Murmansk region and Eastern Siberia.

Brazil ranks second in terms of ore reserves. There are deposits of magnetite in Canada, Australia, India, USA, South Africa, Sweden and the UK.


Magnetic iron ore is actively used in metallurgy ferrous metals. Here, with its help, various types of steel are mined. From a well-calcined mineral, hematite is obtained. Magnetite is involved in the production of vanadium and phosphorus. It is one of the sources of pure iron, which is then used in precision special instruments and chemical laboratories. Such iron is valuable because it does not rust. An example of this is Chandragupta's column, which has been standing for 15 centuries. When you look at it, it seems that it was completed just yesterday.

Due to its availability in jewelry, the mineral has not received wide popularity. But it makes beautiful beads and bracelets.

Medicinal properties

In modern medicine, magnetite probes are used to remove metal objects from the respiratory or digestive system. The weak magnetic fields of the mineral are used to treatment:

  • bronchitis;
  • poliomyelitis;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • burns;
  • for healing fractures and wounds;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, coronary heart disease, etc.);
  • headaches and joint pain;
  • chronic venous insufficiency;
  • sclerosis;
  • itching and allergic dermatoses;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system.

Special balls, bracelets and biocorrectors are made from the mineral, which heal and stimulate the body. In the found writings of Pliny the Elder, it was indicated that magnetic iron ore was used to treat wounds, burns and eyes. In ancient times, magnetite was crushed to a powder and used for general weakness, severe blood loss and anemia. That is, in cases where the body needed iron, which is part of the blood.

magical properties

Healers and psychics are very fond of black stone. They believe that if you put it in the area of ​​the "third eye", then a connecting bridge will appear between ordinary consciousness and superconsciousness. Thanks to this, you can look into the future and the past.

According to experts in the field of magic, magnetite is able to provide protection to the deceased ancestors. In this case, the owner of the stone can choose his own defender. To do this, you need to ask the mineral to become a conductor between a living person and an ancestor.

Magnetic iron ore stimulates invention and innovation. Therefore, amulets with him help in organizing a new business and drawing up new plans.

Magnetite is considered the talisman of travelers, geologists, engineers, inventors. It helps them to make discoveries, endure difficulties in their professional activities and protects them from various troubles along the way.

Be sure to purchase a mineral as an amulet, astrologers advise Capricorn and Aquarius. It will help to accept and realize everything new and unusual. People born under other zodiac signs can use magnetite for meditation.

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