The cat was poisoned than to treat. The cat was poisoned - what to do at home. Poisoning with rat poison

Cats, like any other pets, can easily be poisoned by chemicals, poisons or poor quality food. Some types of poisoning are mild, others are life-threatening. Each owner must recognize the symptoms in time and help their pet.

Causes and types of poisoning in cats

A cat can get poisoned by both medicines and poisons.

There are several types of poisoning in cats, and each has its own specific symptoms and treatments. Consider the main types and causes of poisoning:

  • food (poisoning with low-quality food, chocolate and others);
  • medication (overdose or use of drugs prohibited for animals);
  • vegetable (poisoning due to the cat eating poisonous plants);
  • gas poisoning (carbon monoxide or other toxic gas);
  • poisoning with poisons (arsenic, phosphorus, etc.);
  • poisoning with household chemicals and toxic substances.

What substances and preparations are dangerous for a cat?

Many owners unknowingly give their pet the medicines that they treat themselves, but this should never be done. For cats, anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs, some types of antibiotics, aminoglycosides and sulfonamides (soluble forms) are dangerous.

  • analgin, aspirin;
  • suspensions and ointments containing benzyl benzoate;
  • levamisole;
  • naphthalene (causes anemia in cats);
  • no-shpa (may cause paresis of the hind limbs);
  • paracetamol;
  • bleach;
  • sleeping pills and sedatives.

Such toxic substances as arsenic, thallium, mercury, lead, antifreeze, phenol are extremely dangerous for a cat. These animals love to gnaw indoor flowers, so hide tulips, as well as dieffenbachia, sansiviera, violets and other plants dangerous for cats from them.

Poisons used to poison rodents are extremely dangerous for animals. These substances act gradually on a mouse or rat, so a cat can catch already poisoned prey. If an animal eats such a rodent, the risk of death is high.

The first signs of poisoning

Vomiting may be one of the symptoms of poisoning

In case of poisoning, the respiratory tract of the animal and the gastrointestinal tract are primarily affected. The first symptoms include:

  • a sharp decrease in activity (the cat lies a lot, does not react to what is happening around, it is depressed and depressed);
  • body temperature drops;
  • the cat is sick, the vomit is bloody and with a lot of mucus;
  • (the stool is slimy with an admixture of blood, the smell is very unpleasant and pungent);
  • in some cases, the cat begins to profuse salivation (foam);
  • the animal is constantly thirsty.

With some poisoning, the pupils of the animal dilate, convulsions may appear. The cat refuses food, becomes lethargic. When poisoned by poisons or chemicals, the animal screams loudly from pain in the abdominal cavity.

First aid for poisoning

It is very important to give first aid to an injured cat, so you increase the chances of recovery. First of all, wash the animal's stomach with a weak solution of manganese or baking soda. After that, give the cat an enterosorbent, it is best to use Polysorb or Enterosgel.

After gastric lavage, the cat should be given activated charcoal (1 tablet), for a better effect, add a couple of drops of vaseline oil to it. Coal removes toxins from the body well, and oil will speed up this process.

If the cat has been poisoned by caustic substances or petroleum products, vomiting should not be induced. Do not give your pet laxatives or other medications. After giving first aid, take the animal to the veterinarian immediately.

Treatment of poisoning in cats

You can give medicine to a cat with a syringe

Treatment of poisoning is aimed at removing toxic substances from the body and alleviating the general condition of the animal. The cat is washed with a stomach (if necessary) and given an antidote (for poisoning with poison). The doctor will prescribe antiemetic and pain medications for the animal.

You will be of great help to the veterinarian if you tell what exactly poisoned the animal. If your cat has ingested any chemical, bring the label from the chemical to your appointment. Take the animal's feces for analysis, this will help determine the cause of the poisoning. The doctor may prescribe other studies that will show the condition of other organs.

Many owners find it difficult to give the animal medicines, but this is easy to do if you know a few tricks:

  • immobilize the cat (you can wrap it in a large towel or bathrobe) and calm it down;
  • drink liquid medicine with a teaspoon, to do this, move your cheek and pour the drug into the buccal space;
  • instead of a spoon, you can use a syringe without a needle or a small syringe;
  • tablets are placed on the root of the tongue, after which the cat's mouth should be carefully held (blow on the animal's nose, this will cause a swallowing reflex);
  • if the tablet is large, crush it into powder, dilute with water and drink with a spoon or syringe.

Sick animal care and proper feeding

Take your cat to the veterinarian after giving first aid.

After poisoning, the cat must be put on a strict diet, because the gastrointestinal tract is very damaged. The first day the animal is kept hungry, but water should be freely available.

After poisoning, the cat is fed liquid food (decoctions, cereals), after 3-4 weeks the animal can be transferred to the usual diet. In most cases, on the first day, you have to force-feed your pet through a syringe or from a spoon.

Well-known manufacturers of ready-made feeds have special veterinary diets that are perfect for the recovery period. These include the Recovery and GastroIntestinal line. Such diets are produced by companies, Eukanuba,.

Start giving your cat canned food or pies, slightly diluted with water, and after a week, you can transfer the animal to therapeutic dry food of the same line. Feed your pet with a veterinary diet for a month, after which you gradually transfer the cat to the usual diet.

Prevention of poisoning

In order to avoid the possibility of poisoning, observe the following preventive measures:

  • keep your cat away from indoor plants that are poisonous to her;
  • store all toxic and chemical substances in cabinets;
  • take out the garbage in time and store it in a place inaccessible to the animal;
  • remove all medications;
  • if you live in a private house and poison rodents, make sure that the cat does not catch a poisoned mouse or rat;

Avoiding poisoning is not that difficult, you need to constantly monitor your pet and always remove any dangerous toxic substances. When poisoning with poisons, the risk of death is high, so it is very important to provide first aid to the animal in time.

Watch the video material on this issue.

Poisoning in animals requires a quick response and proper treatment. But what if the kitten is poisoned?

Intoxication in small pets develops rapidly, their immune system is not ready to withstand many bacteria and viruses.

Therefore, the owner needs to quickly take up treatment. What to do at home?

What can poison a kitten

Kittens are curious creatures, showing interest in everything. However, even at home, the baby is waiting for various dangers. What contributes to the poisoning of the animal? There are a number of factors that can provoke the development of poisoning.


  1. Food intoxication occurs as a result of eating poor quality feed, harmful waste. Also, indigestion is possible with overeating. The stomach does not accept a large amount of food, but animals are not able to strictly control the amount of food.
  2. Poisoning in a kitten can cause houseplants. What is safe for humans is bad for animals. Some potted flowers disrupt the work of the cardiac, respiratory system, lead to death.
  3. The curiosity of kittens has repeatedly become the cause of serious intoxication with household chemicals. Bright bottles attract attention, and for a small cat, one drop of a chemical is dangerous and can kill an animal.
  4. Inhalation of chemical fumes is also dangerous. Antifreeze, fuel, solvents - these substances can disrupt the normal life of a kitten.
  5. Insect and tick repellents are also dangerous if used incorrectly. Flea drops can be used from a certain age, subject to dosage. Flea collars should also be selected taking into account the age of the animal. For small kittens, it is better to comb out the fleas on their own or use a gentle flea shampoo.
  6. Rat poisoning often occurs. Manufacturers make poison with an attractive smell that not only rodents like. Intoxication in a kitten with a poisoned mouse leads to the development of serious consequences, and death is not excluded.
  7. Medicines are also dangerous. He can lick a bottle of medication, swallow a pill. Some owners do not follow the dosage when treating a pet, which also leads to intoxication.
  8. Another cause of poisoning is eating wild poisonous plants or herbs treated with pesticides.

Poisoning occurs in the absence of proper attention from the owner, as a curious pet tastes everything. Toxins can get inside by inhalation, through the skin and mucous membranes.

Symptoms and causes of poisoning

Due to the wide variety of poisons, the diagnosis of poisoning is difficult. However, a caring owner will pay attention to a change in the behavior of the kitten. What are the symptoms and signs of poisoning?


  • Refusal to eat;
  • Lack of activity, apathy, lethargy;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Increased secretion of saliva.

For poisoning with various substances, the presence of certain signs is characteristic. It is recommended to pay attention to them to find the cause of intoxication.


  1. Change in the functioning of the nervous system;
  2. Drowsiness, lethargy, or agitation;
  3. Large pupils;
  4. Change in color of mucous membranes;
  5. violation of coordination;
  6. Strong flow of saliva;

Rat Poison:

  • Vomiting with mucus;
  • Diarrhea with blood inclusions;
  • Swollen abdomen, touching it causes pain;
  • Apathetic, lethargic state;
  • problems with walking;
  • state of paralysis;

Poisonous herbs:

  1. Convulsive manifestations;
  2. Violation of visual functions;
  3. Decreased body temperature;
  4. urge to vomit;
  5. Diarrhea;

Household products and chemicals:

  • Violation of the respiratory process;
  • Swelling of the mucous membranes;
  • convulsions;
  • Apathy;


  1. Refusal of food and water;
  2. Constant meowing;
  3. Vomit;
  4. severe diarrhea;
  5. Apathy, lack of playfulness;

Worm intoxication also causes discomfort and signs of poisoning. In kittens, the stomach swells, appetite disappears, weight is lost. The baby's condition is constantly deteriorating.

In some cases, poisoning does not show any symptoms, it lasts for a long time. Such conditions are dangerous due to the lack of symptoms, because they do not allow treatment to begin on time.

First aid for poisoning a kitten

If unpleasant symptoms are found in the animal, assistance at home is necessary and a call to the veterinarian is mandatory. Before the doctor appears, you should perform actions that can cleanse the small body of toxins. What to do at home if the kitten is poisoned?

After providing first aid, the kitten is shown to the veterinarian. Simple treatment can be continued at home, provided that the condition does not worsen.

How to treat a kitten after poisoning

If an ambulance veterinarian is not available, some procedures can be performed at home. This will help normalize the condition of the kitten after poisoning. How to treat, what to do if he vomits?


  • Three hours after the sorbent preparations, give the baby a little vegetable oil or saline laxatives. This will speed up the process of removing poisons from the intestines.
  • It is allowed to give the cat an enema with saline solution using a small syringe.
  • Diuretics normalize kidney function, for this purpose it is better to use herbal preparations.
  • Be sure to provide the baby with the correct drinking regimen to avoid dehydration.
  • To maintain the functions of the liver, give the kitten a quarter of a Karsil tablet.

Treatment with medicines is agreed with the veterinarian, the independent use of medicines can provoke negative consequences.

When is a veterinarian needed?

Seek medical attention for any type of poisoning. The doctor will examine the animal, conduct the necessary examinations and select the appropriate medicines. If possible, it is recommended to bring with you the substance that caused the poisoning, vomit. Be sure to talk about the symptoms that occur and the actions taken.

A visit to the doctor is required if the kitten's condition does not improve, the symptoms develop intensively.

In severe cases, treatment is carried out in a hospital, specific procedures are prescribed, droppers with medicinal solutions. Surgical interventions are not excluded.

Nutrition and prevention

After any poisoning, it is necessary to review the kitten's diet. It is better to choose sparing food that does not injure an irritated stomach and intestines. In most cases, it is recommended not to feed the pet for a certain period of time, then the baby is provided with food three to four times a day.

The first days the kitten does not give milk. The food includes cereals, low-fat foods. Portions should be small, food should be warm. After a week, you can return to your normal diet. To avoid intoxication in a kitten is possible, subject to simple preventive measures.


  • Monitor the movement of the pet, do not allow it to places where food waste accumulates;
  • When persecuting rodents, send them to another room or place of residence;
  • Use flea and tick products with extreme care;
  • Medicines, household chemicals are placed in places inaccessible to the baby;
  • On the street, they make sure that the little pet does not eat poisonous plants;

An attentive owner will try to prevent the occurrence of poisoning. Poisoning in a kitten leads to disruption of the organs, which can cause death. Compliance with prevention and care will help protect a small pet from unpleasant consequences.

Video: what to do if a kitten is poisoned

Due to their curious nature and obsession with cleanliness, cats are more likely to get poisoned than other animals. Other factors that predispose cats to poisoning are small body size and disease behavior. Poisoned, cats hide, so you can’t immediately notice that something is wrong. In addition, cats are specialized carnivores, lacking the liver enzymes that help break down certain chemicals.

The most common poisons that cats commonly encounter are insecticides, human medicines, poisonous plants, rodent control products, and human food. The cause of poisoning may be the ingress of household chemicals - varnish, chlorine-containing preparations on the skin. An animal can be poisoned only by inhaling these substances. Often pets taste antifreeze and windshield washer fluid.

Symptoms of intoxication depend on the substance that provoked the poisoning. First aid measures are provided depending on the time elapsed since the use of the poison. If you do not know what and when the cat was poisoned, it is best to immediately call a veterinarian, as incorrect first aid will only aggravate the situation.

How can a cat get poisoned?

Cats are very sensitive to various poisons and can get poisoned in several ways:

  • directly eating a toxic substance or eating poisoned prey (for example, a rodent);
  • ingesting poison when grooming contaminated fur;
  • through the absorption of certain toxins by the skin;
  • inhaling toxic substances;
  • through animal bites.

Less common are poisonings with substances produced by the animal's own body as a result of metabolic disorders. These substances are called endogenous poisons and are produced in violation of the pancreas, liver, kidneys, the action of bacteria, viruses, and even a foreign body in the gastrointestinal tract.

Signs of pet poisoning

Symptoms of intoxication in a cat are very different and depend on the specific poison. The most common of these are vomiting and diarrhea. In other cases, they may also include neurological, gastrointestinal, respiratory symptoms, signs of liver or kidney failure, and skin changes. The following signs may indicate intoxication of the animal:

  • vomiting and diarrhea, sometimes with blood;
  • trembling, uncoordinated movements, seizures, irritability, depression, or coma;
  • coughing, sneezing, difficulty breathing;
  • inflammation, swelling (especially of the tongue);
  • jaundice;
  • increased fluid intake, loss of appetite and weight loss;
  • excessive salivation;
  • rash.

Some toxins can cause any combination of the above symptoms because they act on more than one body system. It is important to remember that although most cases of poisoning cause acute symptoms, chronic poisoning can also occur, which is often more difficult to recognize and treat. In some cases, the symptoms of poisoning may not appear long after the poison has been ingested, or may not appear at all.

Poisoning in kittens is accompanied by the same symptoms as in adult cats. Attempts to treat a kitten at home can end in failure, as a fragile kitten's body is more susceptible to toxins and much less able to resist them. If a kitten is poisoned, you must immediately take him to the clinic. Treatment of a kitten requires strict adherence to the doctor's instructions and dosages of drugs.

Signs of rat poisoning

In our country, the most common cause of poisoning in domestic cats are various rodenticides (rat poisons). These products contain different active substances, so their effect on the animal's body is different. The most common cause of poisoning is anticoagulant rodenticides. The mechanism of their toxic action lies in the suppression of the production of vitamin K1, which is responsible for normal blood clotting. After ingestion, the animal may feel normal for 3-5 days, until the reserves of vitamin K1 are exhausted. After that, the symptoms of rat poison poisoning begin to appear:

  • heavy bleeding even with minor injuries;
  • internal bleeding;
  • extensive hematomas;
  • black chair;
  • nosebleeds;
  • blood in the urine;
  • frequent heartbeat;
  • shortness of breath;
  • lethargy;
  • pallor of mucous membranes and skin;
  • fainting;
  • swelling in the joints;
  • abdominal pain;
  • shiver.

The toxicity of rodenticides increases with accumulation if they are ingested several times. A cat can get poisoned both by eating the bait and by poisoned rodents.

What to do if there are signs of poisoning

If you notice any of these symptoms and suspect that your cat may have consumed something harmful, it is very important to take your pet to the veterinarian as soon as possible. If this happened over the weekend or at night, try to find the number of a veterinarian who will advise you by phone. Depending on the symptoms and the cause of the poisoning, he will advise how to properly so as not to aggravate the condition of the animal.

What to do first:

  • Isolate the cat from the source of poison and other animals.
  • If the fur or paws are stained with poison, try to prevent the cat from licking. Contaminated areas should be washed with shampoo.
  • Find out what led to the poisoning and report it to the veterinarian.

If there is no opportunity to consult with a veterinarian, you will have to provide first aid yourself:

  1. If you know for sure that no more than 3 hours have passed since the toxin entered the body, you can. Do this in one of the following ways:
    • 3% hydrogen peroxide solution with water (1:1);
    • pour boiled water into the mouth until vomiting appears;
    • pour the saline solution into the mouth.

    Vomiting should not be caused if the following symptoms are present - severe weakness, unconsciousness, convulsions, inability to swallow, slowing down of the heart when eating tranquilizers, ingestion of petroleum products, acids, alkalis.

  2. If more than 3 hours have passed since the poison was eaten, it makes no sense to induce vomiting, since most of it has already passed into the blood or intestines. In addition, vomiting will cause dehydration, which will worsen the cat's well-being. To remove poison from the intestines use:
    • sorbent is poured into the mouth with a syringe without a needle;
    • laxative - vaseline oil - in the same way every 2-3 hours.
  3. After 3 hours, give a laxative: 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil or saline laxatives.
  4. The intestines can be cleansed with an enema: 5-10 ml of saline is injected into the rectum.

If after first aid the animal becomes better, he will still need to be examined by a veterinarian, since the effects of toxins on the body cause severe diseases of the liver, kidneys and cardiovascular system. In addition, poisoning in cats is accompanied by severe intoxication, even if most of the poison has been removed from the body. In case of intoxication, special treatment will be required in the clinic or at home as prescribed by the veterinarian.

First aid for rodenticide poisoning

What to do if the cat ate a poisoned mouse or there is a suspicion of eating rat poison, but there are no symptoms of poisoning:

  • In one of the ways described above, induce vomiting several times until clear water begins to come out.
  • Pour activated charcoal diluted with water: 1 tablet per 1 kg of body weight 4 times a day. Other sorbents can be used instead.
  • Give a laxative.
  • Twice to do tests of the coagulation system in the hospital - 24-36 hours and 96 hours after the alleged poisoning. If the clotting time has increased, start intensive therapy.

It should be noted that the treatment of cats with rat poisoning is quite complicated and expensive. Vitamin K1 is not produced in our country and it must be bought abroad. Therefore, it is much easier to prevent poisoning a pet with rat poison than to treat it later.

Cat poisoning treatment

Only a veterinarian can prescribe the correct treatment for a poisoned cat, since the use of different methods and drugs for therapy depends on the type and dose of the toxin and the time that has elapsed since the onset of poisoning.

Treatment begins with the removal of unabsorbed poisons and / or prevention of their further absorption in the body. For this, the cat is given a gastric lavage with a probe, an enema, adsorbents, diuretics are used. Maintenance therapy is to relieve the symptoms of poisoning. They prescribe drugs for convulsions and dehydration, droppers, anti-inflammatory, heart drugs, antihistamines, drugs to restore mucous membranes and others. Specific antidotes are used to neutralize specific poisons.

In case of poisoning with rat poison, a blood or plasma transfusion is done. After that, injections of vitamin K1 are prescribed. The duration of treatment is 3-4 weeks. Treatment is stopped when normal blood clotting parameters are reached. In addition, depending on the results of the blood test, symptomatic therapy is carried out. Contrical, antibiotics, hepatoprotectors and other drugs may be prescribed.

Diet during the recovery period

For a cat to fully recover from poisoning, it is important to carefully monitor its condition during the rehabilitation period (7-10 days). Treatment of a cat with poisoning at home includes a strict diet. The following recommendations must be observed:

  1. After elimination of the acute condition, the animal is not given food for up to 24 hours. This will remove the maximum amount of toxins from the body.
  2. Depending on the condition, on the second day, the cat can be given low-fat broth or rice water.
  3. In the first 2-3 days, the animal is given means that envelop the intestines. To do this, use starch mucus (starch with boiling water 1:5).
  4. Dairy products are excluded from the diet for 3-4 days for all types of poisoning. During this period, milk is given only on the recommendation of a doctor.
  5. For a quick recovery, vitamin and tonic therapy is prescribed.

How to protect pets from poisoning

The best way to eliminate the possibility of poisoning not only cats, but also other pets is to prevent contact with hazardous substances:

  • Keep all medicines in cabinets that are out of your cat's reach. If you drop a tablet on the floor, be sure to pick it up.
  • Always follow the directions for using flea and tick medications. Do not use products designed for dogs.
  • Some "human foods" are toxic to cats (eg chocolate, tea). If you are unsure if your food is safe for your cat, don't give it to your cat, instead feed your cat commercial cat food.
  • Make sure rodenticides are stored on shelves where pets can't reach them. Be very careful when using such drugs, as a cat can be fatally poisoned by eating a poisoned rodent.
  • Choose plants for the home that will be safe for the cat if she decides to taste them. Make sure that plants that are poisonous to pets are kept in a place where animals cannot reach them.
  • Store all chemicals in hard to reach places.
  • Take care of the presence of a veterinary kit with sorbents and write down the number of the veterinarian.

Poisoning in a cat is a frequent, unpleasant for the owner and dangerous for the pet phenomenon. The owner is the first person who can help the animal in an emergency. He is responsible for the health of the cat, so he must know how to competently provide emergency care by detecting symptoms of intoxication in cats. Often this is what saves the life of a pet in case of poisoning.

Cats are quite finicky and cautious animals, so they rarely taste unknown foods and substances. Most poisoning in cats and cats occurs due to the negligence of their owners, who do not provide the necessary safety and leave household chemicals, medicines, poisonous plants freely available, which can cause not only poisoning, but also serious consequences: convulsions, an epileptic seizure and even death. animal. Poisoning in a cat is not always manifested by typical gastrointestinal disorders: if household or industrial poison has entered the body, the first signs may be changes in the nervous system, for example, tremor or paralysis.

Food poisoning

To ensure a comfortable and safe existence for a pet, its owner must properly organize the surrounding space and remove all objects and substances that can harm the health of the animal. Responsible owners should also learn in advance how to recognize that a cat has been poisoned and what emergency measures can be taken at home before contacting a veterinary clinic.

If the owners feed the cat with natural food, it is important that all products that are used to prepare food are fresh. This is especially true for perishable products that must be present both in the diet of an adult animal and in the diet of kittens up to 12 months (meat, poultry, fish, kefir, cottage cheese, eggs). It is equally important to follow the rules of heat treatment of such products. For example, for a long time it was believed that fish should be given to cats raw, but now almost all veterinarians agree that the use of thermally unprocessed meat and fish products is dangerous for the health of the animal. This is due to the high risk of introducing helminths, bacteria and salts of heavy metals into the body, which can also cause acute poisoning.

If a cat is fed dry specialized food, it is important to pay attention to several points:

  • best before date;
  • composition (food should not contain preservatives, dyes and other chemical additives);
  • appearance and integrity of the package.

Do not feed cats with expired food, as this can cause acute intoxication and poisoning.

Features of the clinical course

Symptoms of poisoning with poor-quality food begin with repeated release of liquid vomit mixed with undigested food, profuse diarrhea, and pathological lethargy of the animal. Later, the cat becomes pronounced pain syndrome. On palpation, the muscles of the peritoneum are tense, the abdomen is painful, the mucous membranes of the oral cavity turn pale, the nose becomes warm and dry. Dilated pupils are also a typical sign of poisoning with poor-quality or expired food.

What can you do yourself?

It is important for owners of domestic cats to know that self-help is possible only if the animal is conscious, breathing normally, and it does not show signs of tremor or paresis. It is necessary to start emergency therapy with gastric lavage and induction of vomiting. ¼ teaspoon of table salt must be dissolved in 100 ml of boiled water, and then the cat should be fed with this solution using a syringe (pre-wrap the animal in a blanket or a tight diaper, fixing its paws).

As a detoxifying agent, you can use a solution of hydrogen peroxide: 5 drops of a 3% solution per 5-10 ml of water. After gastric lavage, any sorbent should be given to the cat, for example, Enterosgel (about ½ teaspoon) or birch charcoal (for an adult cat - 1 tablet per 20-30 ml of water).

The danger of indoor plants

Some plants that owners grow on their windowsills are not dangerous to humans, but they can cause serious poisoning in a cat if he tries them. These plants include:

  • Azalea. Azalea poisoning in cats is manifested by vomiting, diarrhea, shortness of breath, and rapid heartbeat. If the cat has eaten too many plants, convulsions and neuromuscular paralysis may occur;
  • Aloe. Aloe leaves and pulp cannot cause severe poisoning, but within 72 hours the animal may experience profuse diarrhea with blood and mucus;
  • Spathiphyllum. The plant contains oxalic acid, which, if ingested, corrodes the mucous membranes of the larynx and esophagus and causes them to burn. Spathiphyllum poisoning can also lead to swelling of the larynx and its narrowing, which is fraught with acute respiratory asphyxia and death of the animal.

General signs of plant poisoning are usually manifested by dilated or pathological constriction of the pupils, tremors of the paws and neck, rapid heartbeat, and rapid and intermittent breathing. In almost all cats, body temperature drops rapidly, which must be measured in the rectum (the norm for cats is 38 ° -39 °).

In order to prevent the animal from being poisoned by the leaves and juice of poisonous plants, it is necessary to keep all pots and tubs at such a distance from the floor and other objects that the animal cannot reach them.

How can you help an animal?

Plant poisoning should be treated with gastric lavage (potassium permanganate solution 2%) and sorbents. The dosage of enterosorbents for this type of poisoning is much higher compared to food poisoning (for example, Enterosgel should be given ¾ tablespoons up to 4 times a day).

Medicines and poisonous substances

The signs that appear in cats when poisoned with household or industrial poisons depend on what substance the cat has eaten and in what quantity. The method of emergency care depends on what kind of poison has entered the animal's body.

Poisoning with toxic substances:

hazardous substance Clinical picture Urgent measures
Mercury Abundant vomiting, which does not bring relief to the animal, pathological lethargy, pallor of the mucous membranes, neuromuscular paralysis, convulsions. Oral (internal) use of mercury in the cat's mouth will cause numerous bleeding sores, due to which the animal refuses to eat and drink. Gastric lavage, therapy with sorbents. After consulting with a veterinarian and examining the animal, it is allowed to give a teaspoon of raw chicken protein: it binds heavy metals in the stomach and intestines and removes them from the body.
acids Spasm and swelling of the larynx, wheezing, difficulty breathing and swallowing. With abundant ingestion of acids into the body, convulsions, paresis, burns of the esophagus and stomach are possible. Consciousness is oppressed. Salivation is profuse, may be combined with mild vomiting. Dilute ½ teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) in 100 ml of water and drink to the animal in small portions using a syringe. Important! In no case should you artificially induce vomiting, since the acid contained in the vomit can cause a burn of the esophagus and enter the respiratory tract in case of aspiration.
Alkaline solutions Profuse diarrhoea, with blood, short, irregular respiration, profuse salivation. It is possible to release vomit. Mix 1 tablespoon of lemon juice (can be replaced with citric acid) with 15 ml of water and pour into the mouth. You can't induce vomiting!
Nitrates and pesticides Fine trembling, paresthesia (loss of sensation) in the paws, convulsions, paresis and paralysis. Vomiting with this type of poisoning occurs in about half of the animals. Gastric lavage with a weak solution of potassium permanganate 2%, detoxification therapy with sorbents (activated carbon, Polyphepan, Filtrum).
Medications (sugar-reducing, cardiac glycosides, etc.) The initial symptoms are always changes in the nervous system of the animal. The cat may be depressed, or vice versa, too excited. The gait is shaky, the movements are inhibited, the coordination is disturbed. 70% of cats have hypersalivation (increased salivation). The pupils are dilated, uncharacteristic plaque appears on the teeth and gums. Mix 1 tablespoon of activated charcoal (in powder form) with 30 ml of water and gently give to the cat. After that, a plentiful drinking regimen is shown. The sorbent should be given in the same dosage for 3-4 days 3 times a day.

Rat poisoning

Rat poison is a chemical bait available from specialty and hardware stores to control rodents. A cat can get poisoned by rat poison in two ways:

  • direct (eat the bait directly);
  • indirect (eat or chew on a poisoned rat).

Signs of poisoning with rat poison are quite typical. This may be lethargy, pathological drowsiness, refusal to eat and drink, bloody vomiting and diarrhea, shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing. The animal's heart rate changes (mainly by the type of tachycardia), neurotic disorders, convulsions, convulsions, paresis appear.

The main danger of being hit by rat poison is that alarming signs may appear only 3-5 days after contact with a dangerous substance. It is necessary to treat this type of poisoning with the help of washings, artificial induction of vomiting with emetic root syrup or a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, gastrointestinal sorbents (activated carbon, Polyphepan, Smecta). An antidote for rat poison that increases blood clotting is vitamin K - it must be administered by infusion (drip).

In severe anemia, blood transfusion is indicated 6-12 hours after the introduction of a coagulation factor. Regardless of the condition of the animal, hospitalization is carried out in a hospital (at least for a day).

Poisoning in cats is a serious pathology that can cause the death of an animal, therefore, after providing first aid, it is necessary to take the pet to a veterinary clinic, where it will be examined and the necessary treatment prescribed. To make it easier for the doctor to make a correct diagnosis and get a reliable picture of the cat’s health, the owner needs to prepare in advance answers to questions that may affect the effectiveness of medical care (the presence of allergies in the animal, the color and consistency of vomit and feces, dietary habits for the last day, etc.). If necessary, the doctor may suggest hospitalization of the animal in a hospital for round-the-clock monitoring. You should not refuse this, since poisoning with certain substances can have long-term symptoms, which manifest themselves several days after the use of a dangerous poison.

Poisoning in a domestic cat is a common occurrence. No one is insured - neither a cat constantly walking on the street, nor a pet who has never seen what is happening behind the doors of the apartment. Poisoning in a cat is accompanied by obvious symptoms, and treatment should be started immediately, as soon as they appear. You need to know what and how to do in case of poisoning - provide first aid at home or urgently contact the veterinary clinic.

There are many reasons why a cat can get poisoned and they are all different. Sometimes poisoning in a cat can occur due to its curiosity, and sometimes due to carelessness, inexperience or negligence of the owner.

The most common food poisoning in cats is:

  • spoiled food that has lain in a bowl for a long time, especially in a warm room;
  • food leftovers that the cat could drag out of the bin;
  • food that people throw on the street;
  • feeding with low-quality ready-made food, which is sold by weight, and it is not known who made it and when;
  • feed, during storage of which the necessary conditions were not observed;
  • human food containing dyes, food additives and spices.

The opinion that cats like slightly spoiled food is wrong. Cats that eat garbage from garbage cans often die from poisoning.

Non-standard poisoning in cats

Other causes of poisoning can be:

  • incorrect dosage of the drug in the treatment of any diseases or self-medication with drugs that are contraindicated for animals;
  • poisons, most often rat. Both baits with poison and rodents that have swallowed this bait are dangerous for cats;
  • poisonous plants;
  • chemicals, especially those that give off fumes. These are paints and varnishes, household chemicals, pesticides that are used to treat plants. Poisoning occurs through the respiratory organs or mucous membranes;
  • an overdose of drugs against fleas, ticks or helminths;
  • insect or snake bites.

Sometimes the effect of toxic chemicals on the body occurs gradually, in which case it is difficult to notice intoxication immediately. In a cat poisoned by chemicals, characteristic manifestations can occur when the consequences become irreversible, and in this situation it is not always possible to save the animal.

If the cat has been poisoned by chemicals, then it is necessary, without waiting for the onset of symptoms, to contact the veterinarian as soon as possible. In some cases, it may be necessary to give the cat an antidote, and which one can only be established in the clinic.

There are cases when cat poisoning occurs due to alcohol or chocolate, when people give them for their own fun. Prolonged stay in a room where people smoke often and a lot is also dangerous for animals.

Signs of poisoning

Symptoms of poisoning in cats are diverse, but only a few of them can appear. Common signs of poisoning in cats:

  • nausea, which is expressed by the fact that the pet very often licks its nose, while smacking its lips;
  • salivation;
  • vomit. It may be mixed with bile or blood, or it may be without impurities;
  • diarrhea;
  • lack of appetite;
  • rapid breathing, often shallow;
  • pain in the abdomen, which may be accompanied by meowing, and may be noticeable only with pressure on the stomach;
  • temperature increase;
  • pupil dilation. Sometimes the third eyelid becomes noticeable in poisoned animals.

In addition, the behavior, the general condition of the pet changes. There may be lethargy or vice versa, overexcitation. Movement coordination may be impaired. In severe cases, tremors, convulsive seizures, and paralysis may occur.

If symptoms are found, and the cat may have been poisoned, then before you start doing something at home, you need to make sure of this. Such symptoms can indicate not only poisoning, but also other serious diseases. It is important to find out whether the cat has been poisoned or not, as soon as possible. It is necessary to analyze what could have caused it. If the cause is not found, it is better to urgently contact the veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment.

The treatment of poisoning in cats is different from the treatment of other diseases with similar symptoms. If you draw the wrong conclusion, you can harm and waste time. Particular attention should be paid to kittens, especially when the kitten was poisoned by a large dose of poison.

What exacerbates poisoning

It is possible to cure a cat only when measures are taken on time. In some cases, intoxication of the body occurs rapidly. It contributes to:

  1. Exhaustion of the body;
  2. Weak immunity;
  3. The presence of chronic diseases;
  4. The age of the animal. Little kittens tolerate poisoning very hard. If the kitten is poisoned, urgently need to contact the veterinarian. The probability of death is high, do not self-medicate and waste time. Treatment of a kitten should be entrusted to a specialist.

In addition, the condition of the animal depends on what kind of poison has entered the body and in what quantity. The more dangerous the substance, the more it is in the body, the more difficult it is to treat a cat with poisoning.

How to help a cat at home with food poisoning

Regardless of what caused the intoxication of the body, a veterinarian should help the cat in case of poisoning. If possible, the veterinary clinic should be contacted as soon as possible. If a visit to the doctor is possible only after some time, it is necessary to take measures aimed at reducing the absorption of poison into the blood.

What to do if the cat is poisoned:

  1. Find out the cause of poisoning;
  2. Remove the source of poisoning from the pet's access area;
  3. Rinse the stomach. To do this, use clean water, which is poured into the cat's throat with a stream using a large syringe without a needle. It is allowed to pour 250-500 ml of liquid at a time. After that, they induce vomiting by pressing on the back of the tongue;
  4. Before washing the stomach, it is necessary to give a sorbent - activated charcoal is suitable for this purpose. It does not allow toxic substances to be absorbed into the walls of the stomach, taking them on itself. No more than half of one tablet should be given at a time. It must be crushed, diluted with a small amount of water and poured deep into the throat. Vomiting can only be induced after a few minutes. It is necessary to wait for the sorbent to absorb toxic substances;
  5. If several hours have passed since the poisoning, an enema can be given to remove toxic substances from the intestines. The volume of fluid injected into the rectum should not be more than 50 ml;
  6. To avoid dehydration, the cat must be watered. If you refuse water, you should drink by force, using a syringe without a needle. It is necessary to drink little by little, with an interval of 15-20 minutes. With frequent vomiting, it will be good if instead of plain water, give the pet a saline solution, which helps restore the water-salt balance.

When vomiting, antiemetic drugs should not be used. Vomiting is a natural reaction of the body in which harmful substances are removed from the stomach.

First aid for a cat with non-standard poisoning

Poisoning other than food poisoning often requires medical attention and an antidote. Only a qualified specialist can find out which antidote to enter and correctly calculate the dose.

What should be done if a cat is poisoned and what first aid should be given:

  • When bitten by insects or snakes, cold should be applied to the bite site. This will narrow the blood vessels and prevent the poison from spreading further throughout the body.
  • If the poison gets on the skin, the pet must be washed under running water.
  • If the animal has inhaled harmful substances, immediately take it to fresh air.
  • If acid enters the stomach, vomiting should not be induced.
  • In case of poisoning with rat poison, it is necessary to find out its composition, and only after that can an antidote be used. If the poison contains an anticoagulant, vitamin K is prescribed intramuscularly, if vitamin D3 is in the poison - diuretics. If the composition of the poison is unknown, then vitamin K and diuretics are used in combination. The dosage and treatment regimen can only be prescribed by a veterinarian, depending on the weight and condition of the animal.
  • When poisoning with isoniazid (a remedy for tuberculosis), which is used by dog ​​hunters, vitamin B6 is used as an antidote.

If the cause of intoxication is rat poison or isoniazid, it is necessary to flush the stomach and give a laxative, just as with food poisoning.

If the cat is poisoned, then before treating at home and providing first aid, it is advisable to contact a qualified specialist and clarify what can be used and in what doses in case of poisoning with a particular chemical.

After providing first aid for any poisoning, it is necessary to conduct an examination of the animal in a veterinary clinic. Your pet may need additional therapy to recover.

Diet for a cat that has had poisoning

After medical procedures, you need to take care of what to feed the cat after poisoning. The cat's diet should be sparing and fractional. The first 1-2 days you do not need to feed, you can only drink water. If the pet drank milk before, it should be excluded for a long time. This should be especially remembered if the question is how to feed a kitten that has weakened after poisoning. For babies, milk is replaced with sour-milk products.

What to feed a cat after poisoning:

  • dairy products;
  • chicken bouillon;
  • minced chicken;
  • liquid boiled oatmeal or rice porridge boiled in water;
  • boiled chicken protein.

If previously the pet ate ready-made food, then you can buy a premium diet food.

To improve the digestive process, the veterinarian may prescribe special enzymes to the cat.

How to prevent poisoning

If the cat is home, does not walk on the street, then it is not difficult to prevent poisoning:

  • it is necessary to remove all chemicals, medicines, household chemicals, cosmetics and perfumes from the zone of its access. Cabinet doors should have a secure latch, because some pets easily open them with their paws.
  • you need to carefully consider nutrition, do not purchase feed of dubious production and expired. If the pet is on natural food, then the choice of products must be approached legibly, and food should not be left in the bowl for a long time;
  • remove indoor flowers from the house, the leaves and stems of which are poisonous;
  • observe the dosage of funds from fleas and helminths;
  • do not self-medicate for any disease.

If the pet walks on the street, it is more difficult to keep track of him. It is advisable to purchase and keep first aid on hand - laxative, diuretic, vitamins K and D3, activated charcoal. You should remember the phone number of the veterinarian so that you can contact him immediately.

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