How many days will yellowness from a bruise go away. What is a bruise and how to get rid of it quickly

Girls suffer not only from bruises under their eyes, there are young ladies flying in the clouds and not noticing anything around. As a result, they “collect” corners everywhere on different parts of their body and become “happy” owners of a blue spot. It looks ugly, unaesthetic and suspicious. If you are confused by your appearance and the opinions of others, then our article on how to remove yellowness after a bruise is for you.

At first, the site of the bruise hurts and aches a lot, a traitorous blue appears with a hint of black. Over time, the bruise turns green, brown and yellow. What should be done first of all after an injury, minimizing cosmetic and physical defects? Attach ice, chill to this place, packages of frozen vegetables, fruits from the refrigerator will do. Gently walk over the entire area, hold for two minutes. It is worth anointing with a special gel from abrasions, bruises, sprains, bearing the general name "first aid". Usually they have cooling properties, they can remove the first signs of swelling and prevent them, minimizing the “rainbow” effects of a bruise. These are Hepatrombin, Troxevasin, Dolobene, Lyoton and creams with Arnica extract. Able to dissolve subcutaneous hematomas, promote rapid healing. A specific composition can do this in the shortest possible time, but has certain contraindications for use. Timely applied cream will solve the problem how to remove yellowness after a bruise. Badyaga with its components enhances blood flow to the bruised area, takes care of injured skin and reduces the time for bruising to heal, removes yellowness.

If the bruises on the body go away for a long time, and the yellowness remains with you, reconsider your diet in favor of foods containing iron and macronutrients that allow efficient absorption. Active iron is found in the yolk of a chicken egg, for better absorption it must be combined with oatmeal, do not forget about buckwheat with milk and red meat - it is the main source of iron. Semolina, on the contrary, will reduce efforts to zero. Limit your alcohol intake. Smoking will not contribute to the speedy elimination of bruises. Cabbage leaf is a panacea for yellowness after a bruise and a bruise. Boil it or use a water bath, apply a piece in the form of a compress to the affected area, keep it as long as possible.

There are several folk methods for getting rid of yellowness after a bruise. So, if you are used to resorting to such methods, here are a few recipes. Take a young potato, grate it on a coarse grater so that part of the juice remains in the gruel, and not all is gone. Add a teaspoon of soda, honey, mix. Put the mixture in gauze and apply a compress to the bruise for 7-10 minutes. Potato is often found in folk recipes as a healing and main component. If you do not want to bother - just cut the potato in half, hold it near the bruise. Or cut off a small slice and glue it with a band-aid. So you can spend about two hours doing household chores. If you are not bothered by the smell of onion, then chop it finely, also mix it with honey and apply a compress for a few minutes, it is recommended to do it five times a day.

Anything can happen, you were skiing and fell, a bruise formed under your eye. How to remove yellowness after a bruise under the eye with the help of cosmetics? Let's say all the methods have been tested, when this yellowness passes, but you have to go to work, on personal matters. Makeup helps! Tonal foundation and concealer will come to the rescue. Moisturize your face well with serum and cream, proper hydration is the key to success in getting rid of yellowness. With soft patting movements, beat the tonal foundation of the same shade as the skin over the entire face, well, a dark tone can aggravate circumstances. On top of the foundation, apply a concealer that is one tone lighter than your skin. Why should such a rule be followed? Concealer is an insidious item and instead of removing bruises under the eyes, it can easily “draw” them. In this makeup, do not focus more on the eyes - maximum mascara and no shadows.

Everyone has a chance to earn a black eye. It can be obtained from a strong eye collision with a mechanical object, an unsuccessful fall, a blow to the nasal part of the face, surgery, a head injury, an insect bite, an allergy. This unsightly bruise is formed from multiple ruptures of thin capillaries, as a result of which subcutaneous hemorrhage and clot formation occur.

How long does a bruise last

You can completely get rid of the hematoma in 3-12 days. Such a large difference implies how strong and deep the bruise is, as well as the magnitude of its size. In addition, the number of days to recover depends on how quickly measures were taken to treat the injury. An important role is played by the ability to restore the capillaries of an individual. The bruise, before completely resolving, goes through several stages, changing its color:

  1. Crimson red. It appears on a fresh bruise when a little time has passed after the injury. Then the pain is at its peak, swelling appears;
  2. blue purple- visible a day after the injury. The resorption process has not yet begun, the pain manifests itself in tactile intervention, a seal is felt under the skin;
  3. yellow green The color appears on the 6th day. The pain that accompanies the swelling disappears, the seal may still remain;
  4. Yellow bruise- good sign. The bruise is already gone, however, its color will remain for about a week, sometimes even more. With severe damage to the capillaries and deep trauma, a small nodule can be felt under the skin.

To quickly start the process of resorption of the hematoma, you must immediately rub the damaged area with your fingertips. In the first hours, you should act on the bruise with cold, and after a day - with heat.

How to get rid of a bruise at home

  1. An excellent disposal of a hematoma is plantain leaves, they can be applied whole or crushed;
  2. Cooled cottage cheese is wrapped in a bandage and a compress is applied. If such a procedure is done in time, the bruise will not darken, the swelling will be removed;
  3. 30 grams of honey, flour, 1 yolk, sunflower oil. All products are mixed to a thick slurry, then a compress is placed for a day;
  4. Peel the green onions from the protective film and apply the mucous part of the greens to the bruise, cover with a cotton pad or gauze on top, fix everything with a band-aid. When the bandage is dry, it needs to be changed. You can also make onion gruel, but you should carefully cover the bandage so that the vapors of the mixture do not irritate the eyes;
  5. Raw potatoes, milk and flour. Grate the vegetable and add the rest of the ingredients, then put the resulting mixture on the injured area, hold for a maximum of 20 minutes;
  6. Parsley will help get rid of swelling. Chop it almost to gruel and spread it on a bruise, covering it with a cotton pad or wrap it in a bandage;
  7. Rub a leaf of fresh cabbage until the juice is released, remove large veins, cover the bruise. It is better to do it immediately;
  8. Attach the inside of the banana peel for exactly half an hour and repeat the treatment procedure daily;
  9. Boil white beans, mash into gruel, apply under the injured eye, cover with a napkin, so lie down for half an hour;
  10. Grind flax seeds, put it in a cloth bag, dip it in boiling water, then cool. Apply several times to the bruise every day for 15 minutes;
  11. Dilute about 60 grams of sea bodyagi powder with a tablespoon of boiled water to a thick consistency. Gently apply the finished mixture under the damaged eye and keep the medication until it dries. After the procedure, rinse with plenty of water, make such masks at least 5 times a day. It is important here to protect the eyes from accidental contact with the body, otherwise there is a risk of getting an inflammatory process;
  12. Use a slice of fresh pineapple for a compress;
  13. Crush a teaspoon of salt into 100 grams of boiled water. Wet a sponge well with this product and gently apply to the bruise. This method perfectly removes puffiness;
  14. With a serious hematoma, apple cider vinegar diluted with water is useful. They are impregnated with a sponge or cotton swab and gently applied to the bruise. Do the procedure for about 20 minutes, the more often the better;
  15. Crushed garlic, soaked in table vinegar for a day, insist and make a compress and lotions out of it;
  16. Mixed 30 grams of chopped aloe, 3 teaspoons of celandine, 1 grated beetroot. After extracting the juice, the remaining mass is squeezed out and a compress is made from the resulting liquid. Apply a bandage to the bruise at night;
  17. It is precisely the plucked wormwood grass that is taken, and it is crushed with a mortar until the juice is released. The compress is thoroughly saturated with the resulting liquid and placed on the shiner. The bandage must be periodically dipped in wormwood juice;
  18. Mother-and-stepmother with wild rosemary. Ten grams of each ingredient is mixed with cold water, then put to bask on the stove for about 5 minutes, then set aside the container for half an hour. From the resulting solution, compresses are applied to the injured area every 2 hours;
  19. Viburnum bark (dried linden leaves may be suitable instead), 2 teaspoons of celandine and 30 grams of aloe gruel. Mix everything in boiling water and let stand for half an hour. Apply the filtered mixture to the bruise for 20 minutes, then rinse the damaged area with warm water. Such herbs help to turn on the process of rapid healing of a bruise due to the narrowing of the vascular capillaries.

To quickly start the process of resorption of the bruise and relieve pain, you must immediately do cool compresses, for example, soak the bruise with cold water, apply ice, snow, chilled metal to it. If you follow these recommendations, then the last 2 stages of the transformation of hemoglobin into different colors will be hardly noticeable. There are also a couple of proven methods:

  1. The imposition of ice cubes on the bruise, consisting of vodka and water, mixed equally. Wrap it in a towel and apply for 15 minutes, but no more, otherwise tissue damage is possible;
  2. A decoction of calendula. 60 grams of a dry plant is taken and mixed with hot water (1 cup). A similar decoction is steamed for 5 minutes, then insisted for half an hour. Next, make cold applications on the damaged area.

Warming up for bruises

They must be done when more than a day has passed since the injury, they contribute to the rapid passage of the hematoma, due to the liquefaction of the blood clot, the main thing is to use dry application. Also, exposure to heat improves the regenerative properties of the tissue, which allows the speedy healing of the bruise.

To warm up the damaged area, you will need a heated bag of sand or salt. It is gently applied to the bruise for 15 minutes for several days in a row.

A good remedy is to use a heating pad, a hot towel, and a plastic bottle of warm water.

Covering a bruise with makeup

To hide unsightly marks from a bruise, a colored concealer (corrector) will help. The shade is selected depending on the type of bruise. To hide the blue black eye, the yellow color of the foundation is suitable, for purple - orange, greenish yellow will mask the lilac or purple tone.

Another choice of corrector, or rather, its concentration, depends on the size of the bruise. A large bruise will hide the concealer stick, a small one - in the form of a cream.

In addition to getting rid of the black eye, you need to pay attention to your well-being. If the bruise does not disappear for a long time, there is a violation of the function of the limbs, the temperature worries - immediately consult a doctor, because a hematoma can cause various consequences.

For the general prevention of vascular disease, and so that bruises pass faster next time, it is necessary to strengthen your capillaries. This will help the regular use of vitamins C, K, PP, a healthy diet, timely rest, light sports, smoking cessation, try not to overwork and avoid stress.

Video: how to quickly remove a bruise from a blow

  1. Boiled potato pulp, soda and honey.
  2. Raw potatoes. Cut and attach, rubbing a little. For best results, attach the slice with a band-aid for a certain time
  3. Grated onion, honey and dry plantain leaf. Heat up in the bath. Warm up a little before applying. On the problematic area, withstand 2 hours several times a day.
  4. Tincture of calendula

How to fix a problem in 2 days

The most important task is to speed up the process of resorption of frozen blood.

A compress of onion gruel and salt will help with this. Place it in gauze and adjust for 20 minutes 3 times a day. You can simply dissolve salt in water and repeat the final process.

This method can quickly remove a bruise from a blow (but you need to be extremely careful here, since this is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye), take:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of 9% vinegar;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of salt;
  • 5 drops of iodine.

Help of folk remedies

  1. Grind the cabbage leaf with a meat grinder and put the resulting consistency on the bruise for twenty minutes. If you do this 3 p. per day, the bruise will go away in about four days.
  2. Grass wormwood (100 gr.) Rub in a glass bowl so that the juice appears. Moisten gauze with this juice and apply 3 r. in a day.
  3. Grate the beets, add 1 teaspoon of celandine (dry grass), 1 tbsp. a spoonful of finely chopped aloe. Mix thoroughly and set aside for 2 hours. Compress is ready. Then apply with cotton pads for 20 minutes, for every 2 hours. This tool also quickly resolves hematomas, and relieves inflammation.
  4. When the bruise is rather big, then you should prepare such a compress - honey and vegetable oil, 1 tbsp each. spoon, one yolk and flour - 0.5 tsp. Mix well. Apply twice a day for three hours (the compress should be covered with cling film).
  5. Dry herbs of wild rosemary and coltsfoot in the same parts (it should be small). Boil in a bowl of enamel in one glass of water for 5 minutes. Insist 2 hours. Pour into glassware. Thoroughly moisten a cotton pad in a decoction and apply for 10 minutes, with a frequency of 2 hours.
  6. Apply cold for 15 minutes - this method will help not to spread the blood deeper under the skin. It must be remembered that the ice should be wrapped in a napkin. After a cold compress, carefully lubricate the place so as not to get into the eyes with heparin ointment or troxevasin. After 1–1.5 hours, put ice again. The result is that swelling and pain are instantly removed, the blueness disappears.

Effective cosmetics

If you need to instantly and effectively hide the blue, then in this case the concealer (corrector) will come to the rescue.

The main thing is to choose it correctly - about two tones lighter than the skin on the face.

Apply several times in a thin layer.

How to remove bruises under the eyes with cosmetics:

  1. Mesotherapy - injections in the form of hyaluronic acid, which are injected under the skin, after which bruises quickly disappear.
  2. Elimination with a laser (of course, if the bruise is old, then only surgery will help to permanently remove it).

Useful video on the topic

Bruises from lack of sleep

Sleep deprivation is a common thing for some people these days. As a result, dark circles and puffiness may appear over time.

  1. If you have a cooling eye gel on hand, it will be great. It is important to apply it on a cotton swab and gently pat your eyelids.
  2. Two tea bags will fix the problem soon. Brew and chilled for a minute, apply under the eyes.
  3. Exercise or gymnastics will be a good help. Why? They help increase perspiration, which helps to eliminate puffiness under the eyes. Of course, nothing can replace a full sleep and first of all you need to get enough sleep. After that, the face will simply shine.

Getting rid of cyanosis and swelling at home

At home, it is quite easy to prepare means to relieve swelling. Folk methods in the field of eliminating bruises in the area around the eyes are very diverse. The main thing is to be patient and apply what is at hand at the moment. And the effect will not keep you waiting.

Useful herbal infusions

Herbal tea. Includes linden, chamomile and mint. These herbs should be dry so they can be easily made into a powder. Pour boiling water, when it cools, spread the herbal puree over cheesecloth. Put such a warm compress on the eyelids until it cools completely.

You will need:

  • 1 glass of water;
  • herbs that were mentioned above, each 1 teaspoon;
  • insist 15 min.

You can resort to the help of an infusion of birch leaves:

  1. Take some birch leaves (whether dry or fresh), pour in mineral water.
  2. Insist all night.
  3. Strain in the morning.
  4. Make a compress.
  5. Fifteen minutes - swelling under the eyes will disappear instantly.

Linden is considered #1 for skin care around the eyes. It removes not only swelling, but also fights irritation, redness, fatigue. Linden decoction can be used as a make-up remover that instantly relieves fatigue, circles and bags under the eyes.

A bruise is a hematoma that forms when struck with a blunt object without damaging the skin. The severity of damage and its nature depend on the type of traumatic agent and the type of tissue on which it affected. The hematoma, in the process of its resorption, passes through several colors, from purple-violet to yellow-green. This process depends on the time of hemoglobin breakdown at the site of injury. This process can be controlled in several ways.

You will need

  • - ice;
  • - comfrey root;
  • - interior fat;
  • - honey;
  • - calendula;
  • - alcohol;
  • - steel worker;
  • - celandine;
  • - yarrow.


  • The first remedy for preventing bruise is cold. It is necessary to apply a cold compress to the site of injury to reduce capillary hemorrhage. The same measure will accelerate the resorption itself. bruise at the next stages of its maturation.
  • A very effective means of resolving bruises is an ointment based on comfrey root. Take 100 grams of lard, melt it over low heat and pour the comfrey root ground into powder into it in a ratio of 1:4. Hold in a water bath for 4 hours and leave for another day in a warm place. Lubricate the bruised area with this composition 4-5 times a day, and from bruise there will be no trace in 2-3 days.
  • Very effective absorbent bruise is a tincture of calendula. To prepare it, take calendula flowers and fill a third of the jar with them. Pour 70% alcohol to the top of the jar and infuse for a week. In case of a bruise, immediately lubricate this place, or make a lotion by diluting this tincture with water 3: 1, without covering the bruised area with cellophane to avoid burns. Repeat the procedure 5-6 times a day.
  • With frequent injury, it is necessary to have the following tincture in the house. Take equal amounts of calendula flowers, steelwort root, celandine leaves, yarrow flower baskets, grind all the ingredients and fill the jar with them half of its volume. Fill the remaining volume with vodka or 40% alcohol. Insist 10-14 days in a dark place. The composition should not be filtered, let it infuse further, as the tincture is consumed, you can still add alcohol. For bruises, apply a cold lotion for half an hour, and then lubricate it with the prepared composition, and a bruise most likely will not form.

Hello Svetlana.

No one is immune from various bruises, abrasions, wounds and bruises. Even the most accurate person at least once in his life walked with a bruise or wound. Getting rid of them is quite easy if you start treatment on time. Otherwise, such pigmentation can bring a lot of problems.

As a rule, with a bruise, new painful formations appear. Most often they have yellow-brown or yellow-green, bluish hues. This happens due to the decomposition of hemoglobin in the damaged area, as a result of which the purple spot turns into yellow. This means that soon it will disappear altogether, because the yellow color indicates that the hematoma is healing. But in some cases, yellowness remains even after a bruise.

Getting rid of yellowness

First of all, in order to get rid of yellowness after a bruise, it is necessary to use various medical gels and ointments, for example, Gepatrombin-gel or Fastum-gel. They can be used without a doctor's prescription, but only if the person is not allergic to the components contained in the ointment. These remedies quite effectively eliminate pain, swelling, and in fact, as a result of this, unpleasant pigmentation disappears.

Ration also plays a big role. During the healing of various hematomas, injuries and bruises, you should reconsider your diet. Spinach, egg yolk, broccoli, fish oil will help get rid of unwanted pigmentation from the inside. Since these products contain vitamin K, they contribute to blood clotting, which leads to accelerated healing of injuries, wounds, and abrasions.

You can also use cosmetics that can mask all skin defects. For example, you should use powder or foundation. They will not be noticeable on the face, like bruises.

Treatment of spots after bruises at home

If there was no ointment at hand, and all pharmacies are already closed, then you can resort to traditional medicine. The recipes are quite simple, the main thing is that all the products are found at home.

To a bruise or stain left after it, you can apply gruel from boiled potatoes. If you add honey to it, then the positive effect of the procedure will become noticeable much faster. By the way, raw potatoes will also help no less. It is necessary to divide the potato in half, and then attach the cut to the stain and rub the potato juice over the stain in a circular motion. If you need to get rid of the bruise as soon as possible, then you can fix a slice of potato on the stain with a band-aid and leave it for several hours. Instead of potatoes, you can also use plantain or cabbage leaves. First, they need to be crushed so that the juice stands out.

Another assistant in the fight against age spots on various parts of the skin is onion. To prepare a mask with it, you will need to grate the onion, add honey and a shabby dry plantain leaf to it. Such a slurry, as a rule, is heated in a water bath, and then applied to problem areas of the skin several times a day for 2 to 2.5 hours.

Calendula tincture helps to get rid of unpleasant stains in the shortest possible time. It is sold in any pharmacy, and to buy it, you also do not need to have a prescription from a doctor. And you can prepare the solution yourself. To do this, insist calendula flowers in alcohol for two weeks. And then use in the form of compresses and lotions.

Do not be ill! Sincerely, Angelina.

A bruise occurs when small blood vessels are damaged or torn as a result of a blow. The resulting bump is nothing but blood that has accumulated under the skin. A purple bruise without swelling, when blood spills directly into the upper layers of the skin, is called a bruise.

Why do some people bruise more often than others?

The frequency of bruising usually increases with age. A slight blow or scratch is enough to cause a bruise in an elderly person, but in children they do not occur with much more severe injuries. This is due to the fact that with age, the vessels become fragile.

Another reason may lie in the medications used that prevent blood clotting. These drugs include prescription arthritis drugs (non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as ibuprofen (Advil, Nupril) or naproxen (Aliv) and over-the-counter drugs such as aspirin. Warfarin (Coumadin) is often prescribed to prevent blood clotting in patients with leg or heart problems. Because of this medication, bruising can be extremely severe. And cortisone-based products, such as Prednisone, increase vascular fragility. In addition, bruising affects people with hereditary (hemophilia) or acquired (liver cirrhosis) clotting disorders, which, among other things, can lead to deadly bleeding.

What does a bruise look like and why does it change color?

A bruise is blood spilled from a vessel. Gradually, the blood decomposes and the color of the bruise changes. The red-blue color of the bruise is the color of hemoglobin, the main blood protein. All subsequent changes in the color of the bruise are options for the decomposition of hemoglobin. The breakdown products of hemoglobin are biliverdin (green bile pigment) and bilirubin (yellow-red bile pigment). In the process of destruction of hemoglobin, the bruise changes color from red through purple, cherry and blue to yellow-green and yellow. Then the decay products at the site of injury are removed, and the color disappears. Usually the bruise completely disappears in 2-3 weeks.

Why does the bruise not disappear, and the swelling does not subside?

Sometimes it happens that the bruise becomes hard and begins to grow in size. Soreness may appear. There are usually two reasons for this. First: such a large amount of blood accumulates under the skin or in the muscle that the body, instead of dispersing it, on the contrary, blocks the damaged area. This is called a hematoma, only a doctor will help get rid of it.

The second, more rare, reason: the deposition of calcium, a building material for bones, at the site of the bruise. The damaged area becomes sensitive and hard. This condition is called reflected hardening or myositis, is diagnosed with an x-ray and requires the intervention of a doctor.

Are there other causes of bruising?

For some species (special color or etiology) there are special names. Petechiae are very small, 1 to 3 mm, collections of blood under the skin, they can appear as a few red spots on any part of the body (especially on the legs). It is often multiple and indicates a serious health problem, such as infection of the heart valve (endocarditis) or dysfunction of the blood particles (platelets) responsible for clotting. A bruise around the navel may be the result of intracavitary bleeding, and behind the ear - damage to the skull. And finally, multiple hard bruises that occur for no particular reason may be the result of autoimmune diseases. All these symptoms require the attention of specialists.

How to treat a bruise?

There are a couple of tricks that can help prevent or minimize bruising immediately after an impact. First, it is a cold compress. Put the ice in a plastic bag, wrap it in a towel (if you apply ice directly to the skin, frostbite can occur) and lean against the bruised area. Cold will reduce blood flow to the damaged area and significantly reduce the size of the bruise, as well as relieve inflammation and, accordingly, prevent the appearance of a tumor. If possible, raise the injured area above the level of the heart. The lower the pressure at the site of injury, the less blood will flow there.

Also, avoid taking the medications mentioned above and do not start taking any pills without consulting your doctor.

Finally, bleeding will be reduced by applying pressure to the bruised area.

Those taking blood-clotting medications, those with clotting dysfunction, and the elderly who have been severely injured should see a doctor.

    So, about bruises in a nutshell:
  • A bruise is scientifically called "hemorrhage" or "hematoma". With superficial bruises, bruises are formed, with significant hemorrhage into soft tissues - hematomas. Bruises are characterized by pain, as well as swelling. With bruises of the head, concussion and bruising of the brain are possible. Bruising of the chest in children due to the elasticity of its wall can cause contusion of the lungs and heart.

Treatment: for mild bruises - cold, painkillers; later - physiotherapeutic procedures, physiotherapy exercises. A bruise with damage to internal organs requires emergency medical care, inpatient treatment.

  • A bruise is formed when small vessels are damaged;
  • The severity of the bruise depends on the age and medications taken;
  • Single bruises change over time;
  • Causeless bruising can be associated with a serious medical condition.

And a few words about the prevention of bruises:

If you bruise too easily, you may not be getting enough Vitamin C. It strengthens the walls of your capillaries, making them less likely to break and bleed. From pharmaceuticals, askorutin can be recommended, from products - citrus fruits, kiwi, sweet peppers, etc.

Increase your intake of carrots, apricots and citrus fruits containing Bioflavonoids. This will increase the effectiveness of vitamin C in the body. Another good source of bioflavonoids is grape seed extract.

The recommended dose is 20-50 mg daily. A predisposition to bruising can indicate a vitamin K deficiency, which is found in broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and leafy green vegetables. Naturally, ready-made preparations are also sold.

What is a bruise? It is a hemorrhage that is located under the upper layers of the skin. In general, this phenomenon goes away on its own and practically does not require any treatment. But here it is immediately worth mentioning that a bruise is a bruise. Depending on what caused such a hemorrhage and what stage it is, medical attention may still be needed. In medicine, any bruise is considered to be a hematoma.

What causes bruises and hematomas?

Basically, a bruise is a consequence of exposure to the body of external or internal factors.

When blood capillaries break under the skin, blood begins to penetrate into the subcutaneous tissue. This causes a brown, blue or red bruise. It all depends on the number of clusters and the state they are in. Pain is felt on palpation of the hematoma. If such a situation occurred as a result of a strong external influence (for example, a blow), then swelling is additionally formed on the damaged area.

The resulting bruises on the body are the result of two things:

  1. Strong mechanical impact on the body. In this case, the capillaries lose their integrity. Even after a minor blow, a bruise can form on the skin. It will just be slightly smaller and lighter than after a strong blow.
  2. A bruise can also signal serious problems with internal organs and the circulatory system.

If dark spots begin to appear on the body, with obvious signs of hemorrhages under the skin, you should immediately go to a specialist for help.

There is another type of bruising - under the eyes. They are also called "bags". Such a problem arises as a result of overwork of the body, for example, when a person sleeps little, or there is a stressful situation in his life for a long time.

Varieties of bruises

The classification of bruises takes into account the following circumstances:

  1. What is its location relative to the blood vessels. In this case, the hematoma may be pulsatile or non-pulsatile. The first type is formed due to a violation of the integrity of a large artery, when the bleeding was not stopped in time. If you touch the bruise, you will feel a pulsation, as the blood continues to jolt into the hematoma cavity. Accordingly, the size of the damage will constantly grow. In fact, such a bruise is very dangerous, so medical care must be provided without fail.
  2. How much blood has accumulated. If you examine the bruise from the inside, you can observe clotted blood with the remnants of a liquid consistency. On palpation of the sore spot, you can feel such a liquid.
  3. What is the condition of the accumulated blood.
  4. What is the general condition of the bruise, and is there a threat of complications.

Complications may arise due to the presence of an infection or the onset of inflammatory processes. In this case, bruises are divided into purulent and without suppuration.

The bruise may be submucosal, subcutaneous, intradermal, intraepithelial or mixed. It depends on the location of the hematoma. The stronger the mechanical force, the deeper the hemorrhage in the tissue.

Bruising and its severity

The gradation of the severity of such damage depends on the state of the tissues and the course of the process itself. In medicine, the following degrees of severity are distinguished:

  1. First. In this case, the hematoma is mild and manifests itself within the first day after the injury has been inflicted. Soft tissues are not particularly affected, resulting in mild pain on palpation. If you look at the bruise, then there is no particular swelling, and the damaged area retains its functionality.
  2. Second. It's already moderate. In this case, hemorrhage appears after 3-5 hours. The injury affects nearby tissues and muscles, due to which the victim may feel pain without pressing on the sore spot, and swelling is visible to the naked eye. There is a slight dysfunction of the damaged area: for example, if an arm or leg is injured, it is extremely difficult to move them freely.
  3. The third degree is the most severe. The bruise appears literally in the first hour after the injury. Not only the upper layers of the skin suffer, but also the muscles, which causes a strong pain syndrome. Therefore, there is a strong dysfunction. The damaged area is very swollen.

If no complications are observed, the healing process of the resulting hematomas must go through three main stages:

  1. At the first stage, the bruise looks like a red swelling. As for the size and accompanying pain, the degree of damage plays a major role here. After 2-3 days, the bright red hue turns purple, or a purple bruise appears.
  2. In the second stage, the hematoma changes color from dark to yellow. Such a change begins from the edges of the hemorrhage and gradually reaches the center. If the area of ​​damage is large, then yellow bruises of small size appear along the edges, and the skin between them acquires a normal color. The pain becomes less intense.
  3. The last (final) stage is observed 1-2 weeks after the injury. The bruise becomes a greenish tint, and you should not be afraid if it slightly changes its location, dropping down. The fact is that gore also has weight, and gravity acts on it. Therefore, the bruise "slips." The swelling decreases, the pain syndrome disappears, and the skin becomes normal in color.

I would like to note the fact that the area of ​​damage should not be assessed as the severity of the injury. That is, a bruise can be half the size of an arm, but at the same time, the hemorrhage affected only the upper layers of the skin, and the muscles remained unharmed. It is also worth mentioning that these stages and dates are indicative. If the hematoma has a complication, the situation may be different.

Is it worth it to see a doctor?

Everyone is so accustomed to bruising in everyday life that they do not consider it necessary to seek help from specialists. After all, most bruises go away on their own, and we do not put much effort into this.

But, in fact, there are a number of cases when help is simply needed, and cold compresses alone are not enough. So:

  • if a severe or moderate bruise has formed, and the place of its localization is the limbs: in this case, there is a very high risk of injury to internal organs, fractures or cracks in the bones;
  • when soon after the injury the temperature begins to rise, redness and swelling increase, throbbing pain appears, which may indicate a complication in the form of infection;
  • if the hematoma pulsates, this is a direct sign of a rupture of a large artery: it is urgent to stop the bleeding;
  • if the hematoma formed on the body had no prerequisites for this - no blows, no compressions, no strong pressure;
  • diseases such as diabetes mellitus, immunodeficiency, or another problem associated with systemic or endocrine disruption require special attention from specialists after trauma (such patients pick up infections very easily);
  • when all known methods are used, how to reduce a bruise, but it does not go away and does not even change its color.

All these points require close attention from physicians, since they can have serious complications. Today, pharmacology offers a wide range of products that will not only heal the bruise, but also help change its color. Women are especially sensitive in this regard, as a bruise can "spoil" their appearance. Before you remove the yellowness from a bruise or heal it completely with the help of folk remedies, you should find out if you are allergic to any of the components. Of course, it is possible to treat a hematoma, the bruise from which will then go away on its own, but in addition, the issue of allergies will also have to be addressed. So you need to be very careful with this and be more attentive to your body.

Upon impact, ugly and painful formations of blue color appear, which later acquire a yellow-green or yellow-brown hue. This occurs due to the decomposition of hemoglobin at the site of the bruise, and the bluish-purple spot turns into yellow. However, you should not panic, as this is a natural reaction of the body to the healing of a hematoma. But how to remove yellowness after a bruise? This question is asked by many girls.

For the speedy elimination of unpleasant symptoms in the form of yellow skin it is recommended to use special gels at the site of injury, for example, " Fastum-gel" or " Gepatrombin-gel". These or similar drugs effectively eliminate swelling and pain, and also remove ugly dark spots on the skin.

In addition, it is worth reviewing your diet during the healing of bruises and bruises. For example, egg yolk, spinach, broccoli and fish oil will help get rid of these shortcomings from the inside. These products contain vitamin K, which promotes blood clotting, and thereby accelerates the healing of bruises.

At home, our simple recipes will become effective folk methods on how to remove yellowness after a bruise.

You will need the usual products that are sure to be found in your home. And, of course, high-quality cosmetics "for disguise", such as Deshely. Hypoallergenic properties of Desheli cosmetics allow all girls of any age to use this cosmetics.

For example, it would be useful apply boiled potato gruel to the bruise, do not forget to add soda and a little honey to it. The effect of such a mask will pleasantly surprise you with the result. Raw potatoes have the same effect. Divide the potato in half, attach the cut to the stain and rub lightly. For a stronger effect, attach a potato wedge to the injury site with a band-aid for several hours. Cabbage or rumpled plantain leaf will help no less effectively.

In addition, to alleviate the condition of the skin after an injury, it is recommended to grate the onion, add a little honey and a dry plantain leaf. This gruel must be heated in a water bath. In a warm form, apply to problem areas several times a day for two hours.

Another simple way to eliminate the yellow tint from bruises is with the help of calendula tincture.

It can be purchased without a prescription at any pharmacy or prepared by yourself. To do this, you need to insist the flowers of the herb calendula in alcohol for 2 weeks. Use in the form of lotions and compresses.

It is clear that when a person falls off a bicycle, hits a chair, bumps into a closet, etc., most likely, the bruised place will turn red, and then turn blue, that is, a bruise will appear.

Bruises occur due to damage to blood vessels that occurred as a result of a blow - blood, through the damaged walls of blood vessels, seeps into the tissues surrounding the site of injury, including under the skin. And when the blood reaches the upper layers of the skin, a flat purple bruise is formed. The medical name for this bruise is ecchymosis.

Why bruises often occur in some people, and almost never in others

Definitely, the older a person is, the more often bruises appear on his body. If we compare the consequences of similar injuries of the elderly and children, it will be seen that what the child did not leave any trace in the elderly, and even more so the old person, will cause the formation of a large bruise. This phenomenon is normal. The fact is that the older a person becomes, the weaker his blood vessels. So, the old people have traces on the body even after they just leaned on the table.

Why bruises change color

The color of the bruise changes in stages. Therefore, even without knowing what happened, by color alone, you can understand how long ago the injury occurred:

  1. Red bruise - the blood in the tissues is fresh, therefore, the injury is no more than one or two days.
  2. blue purple bruise - such a color of the bruise indicates that the injury is more than one or two days old.
  3. Green bruise - shows that the person was injured more than two days ago, but no later than six days.
  4. Yellow-brown bruise means that at least eight days have elapsed since the injury.

The body completely copes with the problem of a bruise in two or even three weeks, that is, by this time the skin is completely cleansed, and there will be no trace of the bruise.

No matter how big the bruise resulting from an injury, this phenomenon is temporary and sooner or later it will pass.

Why bruises sometimes don't go away

Sometimes it happens that the bruise, instead of disappearing, remains painful, increases in size and hardens. There are explanations for this development of events:

  1. The blow was strong, and many small blood vessels were damaged, due to which a large amount of blood leaked into nearby tissues. Unable to “resorb” so much excess fluid under the skin, the body blocks it off, forming a hematoma. The hematoma is not dangerous, but is a source of constant discomfort, so it is better for doctors to remove it.
  2. The injury occurred in a place where the bone is close to the skin, and because of this, during the impact, received "its portion of shock." This incident provoked the release of a certain amount of "bone building material" - calcium - into the body. Which, in turn, led to heterotopic ossification, or, simply put, the development of myositis. Such a bruise is no longer harmless, and so that it does not develop into big problems, the injured person should consult a doctor.
  3. involves the appointment of hormonal drugs. At first, this treatment gives good results and the person feels significant relief. But treatment with these drugs is a double-edged sword. The fact is that the body usually produces hormones itself, and the adrenal glands do this. When hormones enter the body from the outside, the adrenal glands, so to speak, remain out of work, and gradually cease to function at all. As a result of this, many troubles develop, including Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome (disruption of the adrenal glands), accompanied by the constant appearance of unexplained bruises and bruises. That's why:

People who use hormonal drugs, with the appearance of bruises of unclear origin, should immediately consult a doctor.

  1. Patients with genetic diseases that cause problems with blood clotting (hemophilia), as well as with acquired ailments such as cirrhosis of the liver, from time to time appear on the body inexplicable bruises, and sometimes develop, which can lead to death, bleeding.
  2. Gouty arthritis is another reason why skin pigmentation occurs like a bruise.

Note. For a bruise to form, the blow must be strong enough. Therefore, it should be remembered that if an injury occurred in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ribs, which led to the formation of a bruise, this is a reason to worry, because such a bruise indicates that intercostal neuralgia may develop. A bruise in the ankle area indicates at least that, and sometimes. A bruise in the middle of the back may indicate a spinal bruise, etc.

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