A man does not have discharge during arousal. Gonorrheal infection is the most common cause of acute orchiepididymitis. normal amount of mucus

1 The question of the normality of manifestations

For a strong half of humanity, the release of fluid from the penis is considered not as common as in women. Nevertheless, during a period of strong arousal, this happens, and sometimes in a fairly tangible amount. Some men note discharge weighing up to 5 g. This should by no means be considered a pathology, but only if the liquid is colorless and does not have an unpleasant odor.

The release of a clear liquid can be noted only with significant excitation. This can be facilitated by thoughts of sexual intercourse, masturbation, or the touch of a woman. In general, such a phenomenon as transparent discharge from the penis, a man can observe during an erection.

In some men, pre-semen comes out with every arousal, while others notice this only in rare cases. You should not be afraid of secretions if they do not contain impurities of pus or blood. In fact, this mucus is very important for the implementation of certain processes in a man's life.

2 Importance for the process of conception

Experts note that the absence of pre-seminal fluid during an erection is a bad indicator if the couple is going to have offspring. The thing is that it plays a supporting role when sperm need to get to the egg.

Once the male seminal fluid enters the vagina, it encounters a host of obstacles. They are primarily associated with an acidic environment. Most spermatozoa die immediately, as they cannot tolerate high acidity. Pre-seminal fluid, which is formed in a man during a strong arousal, can reduce the level of acid. In a more balanced vaginal environment, sperm are more likely to reach their main target, which is the female egg.

Thus, it is safe to say that erection discharge is an important mechanism of the male reproductive system. Nevertheless, the representatives of the stronger sex need to carefully monitor how the liquid looks. If it turns yellow, green, or blood impurities appear in it, this indicates serious problems and an urgent need to see a doctor.

3 cause for concern

It is far from always that men during a period of strong arousal pay attention to what kind of fluid is released from the genitals. But in some cases it will be very useful. This is especially true for those who periodically feel discomfort in the genital area and feel pain during urination.

A dangerous sign is any discharge that has an opaque and excessively thick consistency. The liquid can be gray, greenish, yellow, or just look like cottage cheese. This will be just one of the unpleasant symptoms, since in addition there will definitely be discomfort during intercourse and pain when emptying the bladder. All this indicates pathological changes in the pelvic area.

There can be many reasons that can lead to the appearance of suspicious secretions. This includes infectious diseases, fungal infections, and even malnutrition. The most dangerous are: chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, candidiasis and mycoplasmosis. All of them can cause atypical discharge from the male genital organs, which will intensify during arousal.

Injuries that have domestic or sexual causes can lead to discharges that are uncharacteristic of the norm. Poor hygiene also leads to this result. A man must remember that improper care of the genitals can lead to serious pathologies.

The causes that cause specific discharge from the male penis can be either life-threatening (for example, malignant tumors) or simply malnutrition. Spicy and pickled dishes can lead to the fact that a man will have suspicious discharge. If this has been noted, you should stop using mustard, vinegar, sauerkraut, drinks with dyes and preservatives.

If a man began to notice suspicious symptoms in the form of pain and discomfort in the genitals, which is accompanied by unusual discharge, you should consult a doctor. After carrying out all the required diagnostic procedures, the specialist will prescribe the correct treatment, which should normalize the state of health of the man. It must be remembered that all the time during which a normal transparent liquid does not come out of the penis, you can forget about the conception of a child.

In order not to face such troubles and not waste time on a long and not the most pleasant treatment, you need to reconsider your lifestyle and remove from it everything that can adversely affect your health.

The representatives of the stronger sex need to monitor the condition of their genitals no less than women. If any suspicious signs appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. This will allow you to quickly cure the pathology, if any, and also do without complications.

In order for visits to the doctor to become a rarity, it is necessary to refrain from casual sexual contacts. If this does happen, it is imperative to use barrier contraception. Do not forget about personal hygiene and proper nutrition. Experts recommend those couples who are preparing for conception to temporarily give up spicy and pickled foods, food with preservatives and dyes, as well as carbonated drinks. This will keep the reproductive system in good condition, and the man, thus, will increase the amount of fluid useful for conception.

Representatives of the stronger sex need to avoid hypothermia. In addition, it is necessary to take care of the state of the immune system, strengthen it with vitamin complexes and proper nutrition. If the protective functions of the body are normal, this will not allow pathologies to develop, and those that have already begun will pass faster.

If a man wants to be healthy, then he needs to pay attention to physical activity. But they should be moderate, and it is better if sports will take place in the fresh air. We must not forget about the need for proper nutrition. Zinc and selenium are primarily important for the male reproductive system. The former can be found in seafood, duck and turkey, chicken eggs, Brazil nuts and cereals.

As far as replenishing selenium is concerned, this can be done by eating liver, beans and nuts. In addition, the representatives of the stronger sex should pay attention to foods high in vitamins B, A and C. All this will improve the functioning of the reproductive system and will contribute to the conception of a new life.

And some secrets.

Have you ever suffered from problems due to PROSTATITIS? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, the victory was not on your side. And of course, you know firsthand what it is:

  • Increased irritability
  • Impaired urination
  • erection problems

Now answer the question: does it suit you? Can problems be tolerated? And how much money have you already “leaked” for ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end this! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish a link with a commentary by the Chief Urologist of the country, in which he recommends paying attention to one very effective remedy for PROSTATITIS. Read article…

Can you get pregnant from mucus?

Many women dream of having a baby and hope for it, while others fear pregnancy. That is why many women of reproductive age who do not yet want to have children have many questions that relate to protection against unwanted pregnancy.

It is good if a woman is interested in such information, draws the right conclusions and carefully plans her future. It is important to understand such issues, so that later you will not regret what you have done. So, this article will address an important question - is it possible to get pregnant from the mucus that a man's genitals secrete before sex?

Why is mucus formed

Sexual contact is possible only if both partners are fully prepared for it. Therefore, foreplay means so much: caresses and kisses before sex. Without proper arousal, the penetration of a male organ into a woman's vagina will be very unpleasant and even painful.

In order for this process to bring pleasure, not discomfort, the genitals of women and men produce special secretions, which are called natural lubricants. It looks like colorless mucus and indicates that the person is in an excited state. But often, some young couples are interested in the question - is there at least one chance to conceive from the mucus that is released from a man before sex? Before giving an answer to such a question, you should figure out what this lubricant or mucus is, where does it come from?

What is lubrication or mucus

The natural male lubricant that the penis secretes during arousal (also called: presemen, Cooper's fluid, mucus, pre-eculate) is a sticky and transparent liquid that is released from the urethra.

This fluid is produced by the bulbourethral glands. The mucus travels down the urethra and eventually protrudes at the tip of the male organ. Thanks to its special composition, it neutralizes the acid that remains after urination, so the canal becomes safe for the passage of seminal fluid. Also, this mucus lubricates the urethra, and the sperm passes through it most smoothly.

This is important, since the acidic environment in the woman's vagina and in the urethra of the male member is unfavorable for sperm. And the natural environment of the female vagina is constantly acidic, but when pre-eculate enters it, it changes the unfavorable environment of the vagina before ejaculation. Otherwise, pregnancy would be impossible.

Is there a chance of conception from mucus

Is it possible to get pregnant from the mucus of a man? It is possible, but this chance is negligible. However, you should not rely on chance, because one chance is still not excluded. Scientists have repeatedly conducted studies, they have shown that the lubricant contains very few spermatozoa that can enter the vagina and fertilize the egg, if there is cervical mucus (from the cervix).

A scientist involved in one such study wrote: “During these tests, it was noted that most of the male mucus samples taken for analysis did not contain any sperm at all. And if the areas with the accumulation of spermatozoa were found, then all of them turned out to be completely inactive. ”

This suggests that there are men who have absolutely no sperm in the lubricant, or they are inactive. But it is impossible to say for sure that every man has the same thing. All people are different and each body has its own, it is impossible to rely on general tests in this case.

When is there a danger?

You can get pregnant from mucus during repeated unprotected contact. After the first ejaculation, active spermatozoa remain in the urethra along with the lubricant, which did not come out after ejaculation. This is one of the reasons for pregnancy during coitus interruptus, the probability of conception is 30%. Read more about the likelihood of getting pregnant with PPA →

But there is a way to reduce the risk. As it has become known, the acid in the urine neutralizes the remnants of the seminal fluid. Therefore, before the second unprotected sexual intercourse, it is necessary to go to the toilet and urinate, then the probability of becoming pregnant again becomes very small.

Why you can not rely on someone else's experience

Some couples claim to have been practicing PPA for many years and never get pregnant. Is it worth relying on such an opinion?

  • The possibility of getting pregnant is affected not only by the fact that male mucus enters the vagina. Pregnancy is preceded by many factors that fit together perfectly. Much depends on which day of the cycle the sexual contact occurred, and how regularly a woman ovulates (over the years, a woman may not ovulate every month).
  • In addition, the quality of sperm affects conception. The more active spermatozoa in the semen, the more of them will remain in the lubricant during repeated sexual intercourse.
  • In addition, couples who claim that they, using the PPA method for several years without consequences, cannot know for sure whether they are able to conceive a child, since today there are often various violations in the reproductive function of both women and men.

In this regard, this issue remains individual. And this means that you should not focus on the experience of acquaintances, girlfriends and girls from the Internet.

Truth and myths

Many young couples believe that only one sperm is enough to conceive so that it can fertilize an egg. In fact, this is true, since most often only one sperm enters the egg. But still, fertilization is the effort of a million-strong group of spermatozoa, most of which get lost and die along the way. To reach the egg, the sperm must be surrounded by flow, otherwise it simply will not reach the goal alone. In addition, this flow still has to meet an egg that matures inside a woman only once a month.

Summing up

So, now you can give an exact answer to the main question - is it possible to get pregnant from the mucus secretions of a man? Yes, you can, but the likelihood of this is small. Therefore, if pregnancy is highly undesirable during this period of life, then it is better not to take risks and use barrier methods of contraception. condoms or birth control pills.

If for some reason it is impossible or there is no desire to use these methods of contraception, then in order to prevent pregnancy, you can combine coitus interruptus with the calendar method.

The calendar method of contraception is based on the use of a woman's infertile periods during a certain menstrual cycle, that is, sexual intercourse should occur on the so-called "safe" days. This method is very good for those women who have a regular and accurate menstrual cycle. They can keep track of which days it is impossible for them to conceive. Some couples really like this method, although you should not rely on it one hundred percent either.

Each couple decides for themselves whether it is worth the risk or not, based on the information received. No one can give guarantees in this matter, since the human body is a mystery.

Discharge during arousal is a completely normal physiological phenomenon in males. The released masses have no color, the smell has a specific character, they are rather sticky to the touch. Their usual amount is a few drops, but there are individuals whose discharge can reach five grams. Allocations in men during arousal have absolutely no pathological onset. A clear liquid is discharged from the urethra under the following circumstances:

1. In anticipation of sexual intercourse.

2. When masturbating.

3. During a gentle touch of the opposite sex (of course, if the man is not a representative of sexual minorities).

Simply put, the pre-seminal fluid comes out with any excitation of the penis.

Why does the body need pre-ejaculate?

This fluid plays an important role in the extension of the human race. Since an acidic environment predominates in the female genital organ and sperm, passing through these acids, lose their chances of survival and reaching their main goal, pre-ejaculate neutralizes the acid of the vagina, thereby contributing to successful conception.

But in some cases, discharge from the penis of a man can talk about unpleasant diseases.

When should you worry?

The discharge can be of different colors: cloudy, grayish, even green and yellow, thick consistency, like cottage cheese. At the same time, their appearance may be accompanied by unpleasant sensations and cutting pains in the urethra. Such circumstances indicate pathological changes in the pelvic organs.

Possible causes of non-standard selections:

1. Inflammation of the urethra is very common (this can be damage to the canal from kidney stones or colds).

2. Inappropriate hygiene of the genitals.

3. Fungal formations.

4. Specific sexually transmitted infections (gonorrhea, candidiasis, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis).

5. Excessive addition to food: mustard, vinegar, soaked cabbage, beer with preservatives can also cause unpleasant irritation of the urethra.

6. Mechanical damage to the penis, as a result of unsuccessful sexual experiments.

7. In the case of malignant neoplasms (cancer of the prostate and penis).

If you find unusual secretions in yourself, a person urgently needs to contact a urologist. After carrying out standard manipulations (a smear from the tubule, certain biochemical blood and urine tests, ultrasound, etc.), the doctor will prescribe an adequate treatment.

General recommendations for all men: protect yourself from questionable sexual intercourse, adhere to standard personal hygiene rules, wear the right clothes, use protection (condom), do not overcool, maintain immunity at the proper level, watch your diet (less harmful additives, preservatives, and the amount of alcohol you drink) beer), timely treat diseases of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis. Maintaining an active lifestyle and certain exercises will not only prevent unwanted phenomena from an important male organ, but will definitely increase its capabilities.

And where without vitamins for men? Namely:

1. Group B complex.

2. Antioxidants: A, E and C.

3. Selenium: part of the protein, protects the male seed from destruction. It is used in the complex treatment of infertility (found in the liver of animals, some types of fish, nuts and legumes).

4. Zinc is a very important element: it increases the number of male cells, increases stamina (found in seafood, cereals, eggs, Brazil nuts, duck meat and turkey).

The health of a man, in fact, like that of a woman, is a very important aspect in the life cycle of mankind on planet Earth. Take care of your health, do not be negligent to your body! This will significantly increase your chances of living a long, high-quality, and possibly happy life. Everyone has long known that the health of ancestors determines the health of future generations. Therefore, everything that you will have will become the basis of the foundation in your children.

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Discharge from the genital tract in men

Sexual discharge in men can be considered direct evidence of the state of the male reproductive system. Quite often it happens that atypical discharge from the genital tract in men is the first symptom of a serious illness. Moreover, sometimes such a symptom may be the only one. That is why every man should be very attentive to changes in the nature of such secretions.

How does discharge from the genital tract manifest in men?

In medicine, the concept discharge from the penis» determines both discharge from the urethra in men, and discharge from pathological formations on the skin of the penis, as well as discharge from the sebaceous glands.

Doctors define three types of discharge that appear normally. At the same time, the variety of pathological secretions is much wider.

Speaking of normal secretions, first of all, we should mention the so-called libidinal (physiological) urethrorrhea . This is a clear discharge in men that appears from the urethra during sexual arousal. Different men have different amounts of such secretions. In addition, the duration of their appearance and the number depends on the degree of sexual arousal. You should be aware that the discharge in men, when excited, contains a small amount of spermatozoa. Therefore, conception can occur when they enter the partner's genitals. Sometimes secretions that resemble physiological ones, but appear in more abundant quantities, indicate the development of diseases. In this case, the causes of discharge in men may be in the ailments of the genital area.

Another type of normal discharge - smegma . This is a secret secreted by the glands of the skin of the head and foreskin of the penis. If a man observes all the rules of personal hygiene, then such discharge does not bother him. But with irregular hygiene procedures, smegma accumulates, which can provoke inflammatory processes. Therefore, it is recommended to wash the penis at least 1 time per day, while washing its head thoroughly.

The normal selection is also sperm . This white discharge in men contains the secret of the gonads and a large number of spermatozoa. Sperm is released during ejaculation during intercourse or during masturbation. Also, sperm can be released during wet dreams. This is an involuntary ejaculation that occurs most often in teenage boys with a frequency of several times a month to 1-3 times a week.

All other discharge during urination, during sexual contact and at rest are pathological. It is especially important to pay attention to discharge with a smell. Suspicious discharge and itching in men is the reason for an immediate visit to the doctor.

Why do pathological discharge from the genital tract appear?

Pathological discharge in men can occur in connection with the development of many diseases. These are inflammations that were triggered by infections or opportunistic microflora entering the body. Also, sexual discharge in men is sometimes a symptom of sexually transmitted diseases, oncological pathologies, a consequence of trauma or surgical interventions. Allocations that are pathological in nature can be scarce, moderate and abundant, contain an admixture of blood, have different shades - from transparent to greenish. Their consistency can be both liquid and thick. The type and nature of such secretions is determined by the causative agent of the disease, the severity of the inflammatory process, the state of human immunity, and the presence of other diseases. Therefore, it is impossible to diagnose, guided solely by the study of the appearance of the genital secretions.

In diseases that are sexually transmitted, the discharge also has a different character. Yes, at mycoplasmosis . ureaplasmosis and chlamydia . as a rule, transparent viscous secretions appear, which contain a small amount leukocytes . If these diseases are exacerbated, then pus may appear in the discharge. With chlamydia, discharge can stick to the head of the penis.

The appearance of pronounced purulent discharge, which has a thick consistency, a yellowish-green tint, often indicates that the man has become infected gonorrhea . Such secretions contain a large number of leukocytes and appear constantly.

The causes of genital discharge in men are also often inflammatory diseases that are not associated with sexually transmitted infections. They are provoked coli . staphylococcus aureus . streptococcus . Candida mushroom etc. As a rule, pathogens are activated in people with reduced immunity. At candidiasis in men, there is a burning sensation, itching, redness of the skin of the penis. At the same time, whitish curdled discharge appears.

If the discharge appears between urination in small quantities, then in this case we can talk about non-gonococcal urethritis . The discharge in this case is usually mucous, with an admixture of pus.

At balanoposthitis purulent or mucopurulent discharge appears in large quantities, while the foreskin turns red, pain is noted in the head of the penis. Mucopurulent discharge is also characteristic of prostatitis . Their nature and amount of envy depends on the severity of the pathological process.

Several conditions are also defined in which the discharge is not associated with specific diseases. At spermatorrhea semen comes out of the urethra without masturbation and sexual contact. The reason for this phenomenon is the disturbed tone of the muscles of the vas deferens. This condition is often the result of CNS disease or chronic inflammation that develops in the body. Sometimes doctors cannot determine the cause of spermatorrhea.

At hematorrhea blood comes out of the urethra. This is usually associated with injuries, as well as medical procedures during which the injury occurred. Sometimes blood indicates more serious pathologies - malignant tumors, polyps. Blood may appear when sand or stones pass with urolithiasis.

At prostatoree secretion of the prostate is secreted from the urethra. The reason for this phenomenon is prostate disease, as a result of which the tone of the smooth muscle fibers of the excretory duct decreases.

But in general, pathological discharge can be associated with a wide variety of diseases and indicate many pathologies. Therefore, if you suspect changes in the nature of sexual secretions, a man must definitely visit a urologist and go through all the studies that the specialist has prescribed.

How to get rid of pathological discharge from the genital tract?

In order to carry out the correct treatment aimed at eliminating discharges that are pathological in nature, the doctor must initially establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe a course of therapy that is practiced for a particular disease.

In the process of diagnosis, it is necessary to examine the skin of the genital organs in order to detect rashes, redness, and palpate lymph nodes . A laboratory blood test and urine tests are carried out, a smear from the urethra is examined. If necessary, the doctor prescribes a culture of discharge from the urethra, conducts a digital examination of the prostate, as well as ultrasound, CT, and urography.

Taking a smear from the urethra provides for the exclusion of the local use of any drugs for three days before the analysis. Before taking a smear, you can not go to the toilet for three hours and carry out any hygiene procedures.

With urethritis, etiotropic treatment is practiced, in which the doctor can prescribe correctly selected antibiotics, antiviral . antifungal agents, general tonic drugs. Local treatment can also be carried out and physiotherapy methods can be practiced. Local treatment involves the instillation of special solutions into the urethra.

For sexually transmitted diseases, complex treatment is practiced. As a rule, antibacterial treatment is prescribed in combination with other methods.

With candidiasis, both the use of local preparations is practiced (the head of the penis is lubricated with special creams or ointments), and taking pills (usually containing fluconazole ).

Any pathological discharge from the penis is a reason for a consultation with a urologist. Self-medication or delay in therapy can lead to serious complications and longer and less effective treatment.

  • severe stress;
  • overwork or chronic lack of sleep;
  • after acute respiratory infections.

For inflammatory processes of the urethra, discharge from the member of the mucous membrane of a colorless liquid is characteristic (in advanced cases with impurities of pus). In terms of volume, the discharge is quite modest and appears in the morning after urination. Sometimes this process may be accompanied by minor pains or itching.

Balanoposthitis is an inflammation of the foreskin of the male genital organ.

This disease is characterized by:

  • profuse mucopurulent discharge;
  • swelling or redness (mainly at an early stage) of the foreskin;
  • pain in the head area.
  1. 2. Prostatitis.

A fairly common disease of the male genitourinary system is prostatitis. Its main symptom is inflammation of the prostate gland. Also, prostatitis is characterized by mucous discharge from the penis. In some cases, with impurities of pus.

An equally common disease that provokes discharge can be considered thrush. This disease in medical terminology is called Candidiasis, since the main causative agent is the active activity of opportunistic fungi Candida. Symptoms of thrush in men:

Pathogenic discharge from the penis is not always associated with inflammatory processes occurring in the organs of the genitourinary system.

Symptoms not associated with inflammation or infection

These discharges are quite rare and are associated mainly with the tumor process or with diseases of the nervous system.

Ejaculation can occur without intercourse and without orgasm through masturbation. This physiological phenomenon is called spermatorrhea.

This disease is characterized by causeless white discharge from the penis. Spermatorrhea indicates a violation of the muscle tone of the membrane of the vas deferens. This is explained:

  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • less often chronic inflammatory diseases.

Sometimes even qualified specialists cannot establish the true cause of spermatorrhea.

Another disease that is characterized by bloody discharge from the penis is hematorrhea. The most common causes of the development of this disease are considered to be mechanical injuries of the urethra or penis as a result of a poor-quality medical examination. Rarer causes of hematorrhea include:

  • malignant formations on the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • polyps;
  • urolithiasis disease.

In chronic diseases of the prostate gland in the period of persistent and prolonged remission, one can observe transparent discharge from the urethra in men, which is the secret of the prostate.

These discharges, first of all, indicate a weakening of the tone of smooth muscle fibers. These secretions are also characteristic of prostate adenoma.

Necessary diagnostics

There are quite a few reasons for the release of pathogenic fluid from the genital organs in men, therefore, if an unusual fluid is detected from the urethra, it is necessary to seek advice from an experienced urologist as soon as possible. During the initial examination, the specialist must:

  1. 1. Examine the skin of the entire body to determine the presence of possible rashes, which are characteristic mainly of venereal infections;
  2. 2. Feel the lymphoid tissues, as they may be enlarged. It also indicates the presence of some inflammatory processes in the body.

The doctor should evaluate the consistency and color of the discharge twice:

  • at the first visit of the patient;
  • a few hours after abstinence from the urination process.

After the examination, the doctor should write out directions for the patient to take the following tests:

  • blood chemistry;
  • general urine analysis;
  • smear from the urethra;
  • analysis for culture of discharge from the urethra;
  • donating blood to determine the level of sugar in it;
  • digital examination of the prostate;
  • Ultrasound of the genitourinary system;
  • urography;
  • CT scan.

If inflammatory processes are suspected, the attending physician may limit himself to referring the patient to a smear from the urethra and general blood and urine tests. The presence of at least four leukocytes in the secreted fluid indicates the presence of inflammation, and the parabasilar and cylindrical epithelium will indicate the degree and stage of development of the alleged disease.

The delivery of a urethral smear requires appropriate preparation from the patient. A few days before taking a smear, it is strictly forbidden to take medications in any manifestation, namely:

  • antibiotics;
  • antiseptics;
  • ointments and other means for external use;
  • antihistamines;
  • antifungal drugs.

In addition, it is required to refrain from urinating at least three hours before taking a smear.

This analysis, as a rule, is given twice:

  1. 1. Within one week after the initial visit to a specialist;
  2. 2. Two to three weeks after the end of the mandatory therapeutic course, the main component of which is antibiotic therapy in the form of tablets or systemic injections.

How to independently interpret the results of a smear from the urethra?

If for some reason the patient feels distrust of his doctor or simply doubts the correctness of the diagnosis, then this can be checked if desired. To do this, you need to know the correct interpretation of the results of the urethral smear:

  1. 1. An elevated level of leukocytes indicates an acute form of urethritis;
  2. 2. An increased content of eosinophils in the secretions is a sign of an allergic manifestation of urethritis;
  3. 3. An increased level of red blood cells indicates urolithiasis, tumor processes in the organs of the genitourinary system or severe inflammatory processes in them;
  4. 4. A high content of epithelial cells in the secretions also indicates urethritis, but this is also a symptom of urethral leukoplakia;
  5. 5. The presence of sperm indicates spermatorrhea;
  6. 6. The presence of lipoid grains in the liquid indicates prostorrhea;
  7. 7. The absence of blood cells in the smear is a sign of urethrorrhea.

In a normal smear from the urethra, the number of leukocytes is less than or equal to three, and the general state of the bacterial flora is represented by single manifestations of rods, streptococci, or staphylococci.

Prevention measures

General preventive measures are not much different from other diseases. They also include a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and regular exercise. However, specific precautions deserve special attention:

  • use of contraceptives during sexual intercourse;
  • sexual intercourse is desirable with a permanent, proven partner;
  • regular examination under the supervision of a venereologist or a urologist;
  • if a pathology is detected, a timely course of therapy should be completed;
  • taking vitamin and multivitamin complexes for the purpose of general strengthening of the immune system;
  • taking dietary supplements that positively affect the normal functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is important to understand that if you find uncharacteristic discharge from the penis, you should not hesitate to visit the doctor, since it is almost impossible to determine the exact cause of their appearance on your own.

What do different discharges from the penis mean in men?

Taking broad-spectrum antibiotics without consulting a specialist in this case is considered inappropriate.

It is worth remembering that the appearance of discharge may indicate the presence of a serious disease, in the successful treatment of which time plays an extremely important role. Therefore, you do not need to risk your health by practicing self-medication.

And some secrets.

Have you ever experienced problems with menstrual cycle. Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, the victory was not on your side. And of course, you know firsthand what it is:

  • copious or scanty discharge with clots
  • chest and lower back pain
  • pain during sex
  • bad smell
  • discomfort when urinating

Now answer the question: does it suit you? Can problems be tolerated? And how much money have you already “leaked” for ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end this! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an interview with the chief gynecologist of Russia, Leyla Adamova. in which she revealed a simple secret to the normalization of the menstrual cycle. Read article…

In men, during arousal, discharge from the urethra of a different nature is observed. Usually they do not cause alarm, as they are of natural origin. But there are cases when the discharge is pathological in nature and requires medical intervention.

If a man has uncharacteristic discharge, you should seek qualified help to avoid possible complications.

Natural secretion of pre-seminal fluid

In a healthy man, during an erection, a clear liquid is always released from the penis in a small volume. This phenomenon is considered normal and is not associated with any pathological processes. In medicine, such a natural secretion during arousal is called urethrorrhea, and the fluid itself is called pre-ejaculate.

general characteristics

Normally, such a secret is absolutely transparent and has an average consistency in density. Urethrorrhea is observed not only during arousal, but also during morning erection. Outward from the urethra, pre-seminal fluid begins to stand out during caresses with a sexual partner and during preparation for sexual intercourse. The same reaction is observed during masturbation. The early stage of sexual intercourse and immediately before the onset of orgasm can also be accompanied by the release of an ejaculant. All these cases are natural, and therefore the release of pre-ejaculate should not cause panic.

Such mucus is necessary to neutralize residual acidity, both in the urethra itself and in the vagina. Since spermatozoa simply die in an acidic environment, it is the pre-ejaculate that prepares favorable conditions for them.

In men, when aroused and directly during intercourse, there is a natural release of pre-ejaculate

Number of selections

For each man, the amount of fluid released in such cases is strictly individual. But the higher the degree of excitation, the greater the amount of secretion is released. It can be a couple of drops, and quite impressive volumes of liquid, reaching 5 ml. Some men have no pre-ejaculate as such. The place of formation of the presemen is the glands of Cooper and Littre. They are located along the urethra and produce a secret, the amount of which increases with excitement.

In such a secret, spermatozoa may be present in a small amount. Therefore, coitus interruptus does not always guarantee protection against unwanted pregnancy. Of course, there are no spermatozoa in the composition of the secret itself, but the remnants of the seed in the channels inevitably fall into the pre-ejaculate.

Sometimes men are concerned about excessive discharge of pre-seminal fluid during an erection. In this case, doctors recommend conducting a differential diagnosis in order to exclude prostatorrhea - the release of prostatic juice during urination or defecation.

Natural sperm release

The second type of natural fluid that is released from the penis as a result of an erection is, of course, semen. Ejaculation is a natural result of ejaculation. Sperm has a whitish hue and a viscous consistency. The sperm consists of the secret of the gonads and the seed itself. Sperm is released, both as a result of sexual intercourse and as a result of masturbation. Such secretions are accompanied by sexual discharge.

When a man ejaculates, sperm is released

The absence of semen discharge may indicate serious pathologies and requires a serious examination.

What will tell about the pathology

Usually, the presence of secretions during an erection is not associated with pathologies. But in some cases, you should pay attention to deviations from the norm, as may be indicated by:

  • unnatural shade of discharge - yellow, green, gray color will tell about the pathology;
  • the presence of blood in semen or urine;
  • pus, lumps or clots in the discharge;
  • an unpleasant or nauseating odor emanating from the penis, which may indicate inflammatory, infectious processes;
  • pain or discomfort that occurs during an erection.

The appearance of an unpleasant odor during discharge may indicate a developing pathology

It is these unnatural signs that accompany discharge during arousal that clearly indicate the presence of pathological processes. Alarming signs are also itching, hyperemia or swelling. In such cases, a man should not be taken for self-treatment or wait for an independent settlement of the situation. The right decision would be to visit a doctor for a diagnosis.

Types of possible pathologies

It is not easy to assess the state of the genitourinary system using only one discharge. But it is the uncharacteristic secret secreted from the urethra that is a sign of some pathologies. And for certain diseases, it is precisely the presence of specific secretions without the presence of other symptoms that is characteristic.

A man should carefully monitor the quality and quantity of fluid released from the penis, both during arousal and in the normal state.

Changes in discharge may indicate the presence of inflammation in the genitourinary system

With the appearance of non-specific secretions during arousal, one can suspect the presence of:

  • inflammatory processes occurring in the genitourinary system, which is associated with the activation of the activity of infectious and opportunistic particles;
  • diseases that are transmitted sexually;
  • oncological pathologies;
  • complications provoked by surgical interventions;
  • consequences of injuries and injuries.

In such cases, the nature of the discharge may be different, which depends on the type of pathology, and on the characteristics of the organism, the neglect of the disease. Independently determine the type of deviation is unrealistic. A deep diagnosis will be required, which will help the doctor assess the patient's condition and select an effective treatment.

Oncological diseases are also one of the causes of changes in discharge from the penis.

It is advisable not to take any medications, especially antibiotics, before visiting a doctor and making a diagnosis. This will blur the clinical picture and make it impossible to establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Hygiene and discharge

Separately, it is worth dwelling on smegma. This is a natural selection. However, in some cases it may be accompanied by an unnatural odor. Such a lubricant is produced by fatty glands located in the region of the head and foreskin.

In fact, smegma is a fat that, in the absence of timely and high-quality hygiene procedures, accumulates and provokes the appearance of unnatural odors. The danger is not the smegma itself, but its accumulation. In the absence of hygiene procedures, a favorable environment is created for the reproduction of microbes and the development of inflammatory processes.

Compliance with the rules of hygiene will avoid the formation of smegma

The problem of abundant synthesis of such a lubricant is especially relevant for men aged 16–25 years, when sexual activity has the highest characteristics. With age, the volume of such secretions decreases. When a man rinses his penis twice a day, the smegma is completely removed, and during erection there is no unnatural whitish coating. If necessary, antibacterial soap can be used to remove smegma.

Often, the accumulation of whitish plaque with a pungent odor is attributed by a man to the release of smegma, while the true cause may be associated with thrush or gonorrhea, chdamydia.

Ignoring any discharge that differs from normal is quite dangerous. Since they can be associated with diseases that require immediate treatment and threaten the reproductive system of an irreversible nature.

The doctor will additionally tell about the discharge in the video:

Discharge in men is a mucous fluid that forms in the foreskin from the urethra. Often, such a physiological phenomenon becomes a reason for serious experiences, but not all discharges are related to the inflammatory process occurring in the body. Some of them appear as a result of natural processes, which indicates a normal state of health.


Natural causes of discharge from the urethra in men:

  • Remaining urine. Mostly light yellow, sometimes saturated color. Discharge is odorless and without cheesy formations;
  • Secret of the prostate. It has a seminal odor. It is characterized by a mucous consistency of a light - white shade;
  • Ejaculate. This fluid is formed as a result of mixing spermine with the secrets of the glands of the genitourinary system, namely:
  • urethral;
  • prostatic;
  • bulbourethral.

As a result, a viscous grayish mucus is released;

  • Smegma. Visually determined by a rich white color, however, in certain cases, the liquid has yellow or light green impurities.

The selection of smegma is carried out systematically. It is a kind of lubricant, consisting of bacterial and fatty residue. It is localized in the area of ​​the foreskin and in the coronal sulcus. The main function of this lubricant is to reduce friction between the foreskin and the head. The abundance of these secretions is primarily due to the age of puberty. In the future, the activity of the preputial glands loses intensity and by adulthood completely stops.

It is important to understand that personal hygiene is a must, since smegma tends to accumulate on the surface of the head under the foreskin. If it is not washed off in time, the oxidation of fats and the breakdown of the protein part will begin. This leads to the appearance of an unpleasant odor and rotting. Visually looks like cottage cheese.

Perhaps the development of phimosis - a disease in which it is not possible to fully separate the head from the foreskin. Without timely treatment, this can lead to chronic inflammatory processes and the development of oncological diseases of the genital organ.

In addition to the above, physiological male secretions also include:

  • urethrorrhea;
  • prostorrhea;
  • wet dream.

The fluid secreted by the bulbourethral and urethral glands in a man is called urethrorrhea in medical terminology. It is a colorless discharge of mucous consistency. Their distinctive feature is the formation exclusively during sexual arousal. The main function of urethrorrhea is to lubricate the urethra during sexual contact and ensure the passage of seminal fluid. The volume of secretions depends on the individual physiological properties of each particular organism. It can be both abundant and insignificant. The longer the period of sexual abstinence, the more fluid is released.

Prostatorrhea - mucus with impurities of a grayish tint. Contains an insignificant amount of sperm. Formed from the prostate gland. Depending on its transparency, the state of the prostate is determined. Due to the small volume, these discharges are almost imperceptible. As a rule, they are formed as a result of muscle tension associated with urination or constipation. An increased level of such fluid is one of the symptoms of prostatitis, which requires immediate treatment.

Pollution is an arbitrary ejaculation that has nothing to do with sexual intercourse. The reasons for this phenomenon are the excess content of testosterone. The age of the man and the frequency of sexual intercourse are also of great importance. In men, discharge can be during periods of abstinence - this is a wet dream. It can happen during sleep. At the same time, in the morning you can find white stains on your underpants.

Pathological discharge in men

Discharge from the urethra of a pathological nature is primarily associated with:

  • possible sexually transmitted diseases;
  • malignant formations;
  • mechanical damage of a different nature (surgery, other therapeutic interventions, injuries);
  • inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system.

The most common criteria that determine the pathological nature of the discharge:

  • Volume from modest to overly abundant;
  • Mostly cloudy with an admixture of yellow or green;
  • As a rule, they contain lumps of mucus, pus or blood;
  • Thick and sticky, or, on the contrary, too thin, watery;
  • They have a sharp sour-milk or fishy smell;
  • Discharge appears after urination, sexual arousal, or after drinking alcohol;
  • Tied to a specific time of day. They can be both one-time and periodic).

It is important to understand that it is impossible to independently determine the diagnosis by the nature of the discharge. This requires an appropriate, professional examination. The nature of the secreted fluid largely depends on the immune system and directly on the nature of the pathogen. In addition, the form of the inflammatory process (acute or chronic) plays a special role.

Important signals for consultation with a specialist are changes in color, odor, volume or consistency of the excreted fluid. This symptom may indicate a number of serious diseases that require urgent treatment in order to avoid unwanted complications.

Discharge with an unpleasant odor in venereal diseases is usually divided into:

  • Mucus secretions. Indicate the presence of chlamydia or urethritis (mycoplasma or ureaplasma). They are characterized by a meager volume of secreted fluid. They are colorless with a viscous consistency. Through microscopic diagnostics, leukocytes are detected (the norm is 4 cells);
  • Mucous - purulent. These discharges also indicate chlamydia, as well as ureaplasmosis and mycoplasmosis. With chlamydia, they are localized in the form of a kind of sticking on the head of the penis of a light white shade, transparent discharge from the urethra in men is possible;
  • Purulent. Male discharge is greenish or yellow in color. characteristic of gonorrhea. They have a strong musty smell. Microscopic examination shows that the fluid contains epithelial cells secreted from the urethra. In addition, there is a significantly increased level of leukocytes. Accompanying symptoms are severe cramps and burning during sexual intercourse and during urination (mainly in the morning). Itching is also possible.

Sexually transmitted diseases often have multiple pathogens. Trichomoniasis and gonorrhea are often accompanied by chlamydia. Due to the joint activity of harmful microorganisms, the nature of the secretions can change significantly. A reliable diagnosis and effective treatment are possible only after consultation with a specialist and passing the examination prescribed by him. The sooner you start therapy, the less likely it is to develop harmful consequences for the body.

Inflammatory processes of a non-venereal nature

The causes of inflammation of the organs of the genitourinary system in the vast majority of cases lie in their own conditionally pathogenic microflora. These are microorganisms whose activity is activated as a result of a weakening of the protective properties of the body as a result of recent diseases or against the background of intense psycho-emotional stress. These microorganisms include:

  • fungi Candida;
  • streptococci and staphylococci;
  • coli.

They live on mucous membranes and on the surface of the skin. Their active reproduction is prevented by the immune system. The factors weakening it, leading to an uncontrolled population of harmful microorganisms, in addition to those previously listed, include:

  • hypothermia;
  • negative impact of chemotherapy;
  • radiation exposure (radiation sickness);
  • a long course of broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Uncontrolled reproduction of conditionally pathogenic microflora can cause the development of diseases such as:

  • Candidiasis or thrush. An infection of the urethra caused by the fungus Candida. For this disease, the characteristic signs are itching and pain during urination and ejaculation. It is visually determined by means of a cheesy plaque of a sour-milk smell. In some cases, dull pain in the lumbar region and groin is possible. Candidiasis develops mainly as a result of radiation exposure, an excess of antibiotics, or as one of the side effects of chemotherapy treatments. Poor hormonal levels also contribute to the development of this disease. Cases of sexual infection with thrush are rare. If curd discharge appears, it is necessary to contact an andrologist;
  • Non-gonococcal urethritis. A disease that affects the bladder. It is characterized by frequent urge to urinate, not satisfying. Pain in the urethra is not as intense as with venereal urethritis. Fluid of mucous consistency appears after or during urination. In the early stages of the development of the disease, it is characterized by purulent impurities in the form of lumps. Allocations are moderate. Without the necessary and timely treatment, the infection affects the ureter and kidneys, as a result of which pronounced blood impurities appear in the secretions;
  • Urethral gardnerellosis. With this disease, discharge from the urethra in men is not significant. They have a strong fishy smell. The color is predominantly light yellow, but a greenish tinge is also possible. In some sources, this disease is interpreted as exclusively venereal, but infection of the male body with gardnerella is impossible! In fact, the causes of the development of this disease mainly lie in the banal dysbacteriosis that developed during the violation of the body's immune properties due to the previously listed factors. It is quite easy to treat with timely access to qualified help. The therapy includes medications to stimulate immune cells, as well as an abundant amount of lactic acid bacteria aimed at correcting the microflora;
  • Prostatitis. Inflammation of the prostate. In the early stages, it is characterized by abundant secretions of a grayish hue. In the absence of proper therapeutic intervention, the disease develops into a chronic form and is much more difficult to treat. In this case, the amount of fluid released from the urethra is almost invisible, and the color becomes white. The main symptom of prostatitis is heaviness during urination and weak erection. Advanced cases can threaten the development of anuria (lack of urine output) and impotence;
  • Balanoposthitis. It is an inflammation of the foreskin, accompanied by its edema. As a rule, this disease is characterized by abundant purulent discharge in men with lumps of mucus. In addition, reddening of the sheets of the preputium and painful sensations of the glans penis are observed.

Do not risk your health by practicing self-medication. It is extremely important to get the advice of a qualified specialist before starting treatment. The choice of drugs depends not only on the diagnosis, but also on the compatibility of the body with their active substances. With the wrong course of treatment, allergic reactions are possible that can significantly aggravate the inflammatory process.


Pathological discharge from the urethra in men is not always associated with inflammatory processes. Often this can be associated with dysfunctions of the central nervous or musculoskeletal systems (injuries, constant stress, congenital or acquired diseases of the spine, and others). Such selections are typical for:

  • Spermatorrhea - passive ejaculation, not associated with sexual intercourse and not due to orgasm. The provoking factors are spinal injuries and regular stress. This physiological phenomenon is associated with impaired innervation and decreased tone of the vas deferens;
  • Hematorrhea. It is bleeding. In most cases, the causes of the disease are mechanical damage to the urethra as a result of surgery or as a result of other therapeutic procedures (placement of a catheter, a swab from the mucous membrane of the genital organ, and others). Hematorrhea is possible with urolithiasis, which is accompanied by intense pain in the lumbar region and groin. This is due to the passage of stones. Bleeding occurs during urination or immediately after it. In addition, this phenomenon is observed with inflammation of the renal glomeruli, which is accompanied by edema and a rise in blood pressure. There is also an increased level of protein in the urine.

Hematorrhea is characterized by bloody discharge of a brown tint of mucous consistency. A similar symptom indicates polyposis of the urethra or bladder. In addition, these discharges are characteristic of malignant neoplasms on the organs of the genitourinary system. In this case, the liquid contains purulent impurities;

  • Prostatorrhea. Transparent discharge in men, which is the secret of the prostate, which indicates a chronic form of prostatitis, or prostate adenoma.

It is important to understand that at the first detection of suspicious discharge from the urethra, accompanied by pain, burning or itching, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible in order to avoid complications!

Diagnosis of the disease with pathological discharge from the penis

The examination procedure consists of several diagnostic procedures:

  • Primary examination by a specialist of the genital organ, namely the foreskin, head and perineum. The main task is to identify possible deformation of the organ, rash, discharge, inflammatory signs;
  • Feeling the lymph nodes in the inguinal zone and assessing their condition. They can be:
  • increased or within normal limits;
  • hotter or colder than nearby tissues;
  • mobile or not;
  • hard or soft;
  • there is pain on palpation in the patient or not.

In addition, the inguinal lymph nodes are examined for ulceration;

  • Finger diagnostics of the prostate gland. This study is through the rectum. In this case, fluid may be released from the urethra, which is necessary for microscopy. Adenomas are characterized by uniformly enlarged lobes of the prostate gland and felt dense strands. Uneven growths indicate the development of a malignant tumor. A confirming factor is the discharge from the urethra during the massage of blood with clots. For the reliability of the study, it is recommended to refrain from urinating 1.5 - 2 hours before the procedure;
  • Complete blood count and advanced urinalysis. Must give up on an empty stomach;
  • Examination of the material (smears for microscopic examination and culture). A procedure that minimizes the risk of misdiagnosis. Differs in special accuracy. A stained smear under a microscope gives out all the contents:
  • blood cells;
  • the presence of epithelium;
  • fat components;
  • non-venereal pathogens belonging to the number of conditionally pathogenic microflora.
  • Ultrasound examination and computed tomography of the genitourinary system. As a rule, it serves to confirm or refute an already existing diagnosis.

Pronounced symptoms at the initial visit to a medical institution require the immediate prescription of broad-spectrum antibiotics even before a diagnosis is made. In the presence of copious discharge of blood, the patient must be placed in a hospital and take measures to stop the bleeding. This may be one of the symptoms of the development of cancer. To confirm this assumption, the patient is sent for a biopsy.

The final diagnosis is possible only if there are ready-made results of histological examination.


There are a number of preventive recommendations. First of all, you should monitor your personal intimate hygiene. Negligence can lead to the development of many dangerous diseases. It is necessary to wash the head of the penis daily with laundry soap, removing accumulated smegma from the surface. The procedure should be performed twice a day (morning and evening). To avoid contracting sexually transmitted diseases, you should use contraceptives during sexual contact with an unfamiliar partner. In addition, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive medical examination at least once a year, which will help to identify and eliminate possible health problems in a timely manner.

To avoid unwanted pregnancy, people do not always use contraceptives. Some prefer coitus interruptus. In an erect state, pre-seminal fluid, lubrication, is released from the male member. It is believed that it contains sperm, so this method of protection does not give a 100% guarantee. However, not all experts agree with this statement.

Natural discharge during arousal is a sign of male health. By their smell, color, structure, the state of the reproductive function is determined.

The appearance of a natural secret

The fluid secreted from the seminal canal at the time of arousal helps the spermatozoa to penetrate the egg. When a gamete enters the vagina, there are many obstacles in its path. Most of them cannot reach their destination due to the high acidity in the female organ.

Most spermatozoa die in such an environment without ever reaching the egg. The secret coming out of the urethra reduces the acidity in the vagina: the gametes have a chance to reach their destination.

Normal secret clear color, no unusual flavor. The texture is of medium density. There are no impurities in the secretions.

The secret can be observed not only with sexual desire, but also with a morning erection. With intimate caresses: the body prepares for sexual contact.

The volume of fluid depends on the strength of the excitation and the characteristics of the body. With unbearable sexual desire, the ejaculate is synthesized in larger quantities.

The volume of the secret reaches five milligrams. Sometimes only a few drops are observed or there is no liquid at all. Together with the ejaculate, spermatozoa are released. This must be taken into account: interrupted sexual contact is not able to 100% prevent conception. Some gametes can reach the egg. That's what the majority thinks.

The natural secretions that appear during intimacy are called semen. It consists of gametes and mucus from the penis. It has a thick texture and a whitish tint. Comes out of the penis after sexual release.

Secret indicators are normal

Each individual has an individual volume of fluid. A man should know him. When there are changes in the amount, structure, color and smell of the secret, it is recommended to consult a specialist. This often indicates the development of various diseases.

However, changes do not always indicate pathologies. If a man has not had sex for a long time, the discharge comes out in large volume, has a thick consistency. Visually, the secret is cloudier than usual. It does not contain impurities of blood, a yellow tint. Normal secretions should have the following characteristics:

  • absolutely transparent shade;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • medium density.

The state of the secret is also affected by the presence of addictions (alcohol addiction, smoking, drug use). Regular stress and strong emotional upheavals also affect men's health.

Sometimes discharge during sexual readiness leads to the urge to defecate. This is normal, but should not happen too often.

Lack of intimate hygiene leads to the formation of smegma. Such secretions appear in the folds of the skin on the head of the penis. This is a pathological condition that provokes infectious and inflammatory processes.

During puberty, nocturnal emissions occur. This is observed due to erotic dreams leading to arousal. There is an erection and involuntary ejaculation. This is a physiological norm.

Secret change as a sign of pathological conditions

A change in the secret may indicate pathological processes:

  • inflammatory processes in the urinary system, resulting from infection with pathogens;
  • STD;
  • cancerous growths;
  • problems after undergoing surgery;
  • genitourinary system trauma.

The secret can be produced in different quantities (depending on the disease and its neglect). In the discharge in pathologies, blood fluid, pus is observed. Their density and shade change.

Stretching discharge of a transparent color indicates the presence of pathogenic microorganisms. In severe diseases, pus appears in secret, accumulating at the tip of the penis and gluing the foreskin.

Together with a change in the secret, itching sensation, swelling of the penis may occur. This testifies to:

  • commonplace;
  • balanoposthitis;
  • hematuria;
  • non-gonococcal urethritis.

When mucus is observed instead of a normal secret, this indicates a high concentration of leukocytes in the secretions. This indicates the presence of an STD. Pus in the discharge indicates trichomoniasis and ureaplasmosis. With gonorrhea, the ejaculate becomes green and smells bad.

Diseases of the genitourinary system are easier to cure at the initial stages of formation. Therefore, discharge from the penis must be constantly monitored. In case of pathological changes, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

AndrologistMed warns: causes of pathological changes

The reasons for changing the secret from the penis are varied. Most often, this indicates infection with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs, STIs).

Pathologies provoked by bacteria:

  • inguinal granuloma;
  • soft chancroid;
  • syphilis;
  • lymphogranuloma;
  • chlamydia;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • ureaplasmosis.

Viral lesions:

  • AIDS virus;
  • herpes;
  • papillomatosis;
  • condylomatosis;
  • molluscum contagiosum.
  • phthiriasis;
  • scabies.

The pathological condition can be triggered by the Candida fungus. The disease is called thrush.

The prostate gland is involved in the synthesis of seminal fluid. It produces a secret, without which the sperm loses its functionality. With prostatitis, its volume increases.

With violations in the prostate gland at the time of sexual arousal, a large amount of secretions comes out of the penis. This is a secret of the prostate, similar to pre-cum.

A large amount of discharge may indicate pathological conditions:

  • inflammation;
  • allergic reaction;
  • hypothermia;
  • physical and chemical damage.

Clear mucus appears after probing. This is a protective reaction to the inflicted microdamages on the surface of the inner shell. A transparent secret during ejaculation indicates problems with reproductive function.

Only a specialist is able to determine the pathogenesis of a pathological condition. He makes a diagnosis based not only on a visual examination of the secret, but also on its biochemical composition. For this, various diagnostic methods are assigned.

Pre-ejaculate (Cooper's, pre-seminal fluid, pre-semen) - a secret that occurs during intimate contact or self-satisfaction from the opening of the penis. It should be viscous, transparent in color, if the state of health is normal. Such discharges say that everything is in order with the reproductive function.

Preseminal formation

The secret is synthesized:

  • bulbourethral glands located at the base of the penis;
  • litter located between the bladder and urethra.

During normal pre-ejaculation, secretions are produced in the amount of 3-10 mg. The volume depends on the age of the man: the older he is, the less secret. Cooper's fluid is an excellent conductor for various infections.

In most cases, the man does not notice the secret. But sometimes presemen can leave marks on clothes. When Cooper's fluid is observed outside of sexual intercourse, this indicates a violation in the prostate. You should immediately contact an andrologist or urologist.

Appointment of a pre-ejaculant

Pre-ejaculate performs the following functions:

  • creates a favorable environment for sperm;
  • eliminates the remnants of seminal fluid and urine;
  • reduces acidity;
  • promotes successful conception.

Laboratory tests of the presemen can diagnose various diseases.

Pre-seed and conception

Cooper's fluid has spermatozoa in its components - this is what many people and experts assume.

Because of this, it is believed that interrupted sexual intercourse is not a reliable method of contraception.


Sperm consists of seminal fluid and spermatozoa. Biscuits, together with testosterone, are synthesized in the testicles. The second substance is the secret of the seminal vesicles and the prostate gland. It is the sperm that leads to the fertilization of the egg.

The testicles and Cooper's glands are not interconnected. If the secret penetrates the seminal fluid, gametes are not produced in sufficient quantities.

medical delusion

The opinion that there are biscuits in the presemen arose due to frequent cases of fertilization even after interrupted sexual contact. This assumption is displayed in the medical and scientific literature. Even teachers in higher education institutions convey this information to their students.

However, some experts believe that this statement is a fallacy. In Israel, an experiment was set up to confirm or refute the opinion that there are gametes in the pre-ejaculant.


Twenty men of different ages took part in the experiment. Some of them were absolutely healthy, while others had problems with the genitourinary system.

Biological material was collected from each and studied under medical equipment. No spermatozoa were found in any of the samples. It has been proven that the opinion about the content of biscuits in Cooper liquid is a delusion. This experiment was the only one, no more research was done.

Interrupted sexual contact

Interrupted intimate contact - the exit of the penis from the vagina before ejaculation. During sex, only Cooper's fluid is released from the organ. In it, as the experiment proved, there are no spermatozoa, which means that it is impossible to get pregnant from it. However, fertilization of the egg during an interrupted act occurs very often.

This method of protection is not effective for the following reasons:

  • too late withdrawal of the penis (often this happens with early ejaculation);
  • the remainder of the spermatozoa in the urinary tract after the previous sexual intercourse (they penetrate the female body together with Cooper's fluid);
  • strong overexcitation, in which a man is not able to control ejaculation.

The most common case of egg fertilization is the late withdrawal of the penis from the vagina. A man may not even suspect that ejaculation has begun.

The preseed creates a favorable environment for sperm during the fertilization of the egg. It cannot cause pregnancy on its own. However, you should not use coitus interruptus as a means of contraception. Its efficiency is quite low.

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