Herbs for acne. Folk remedies for acne for internal use. Herbal topical products

Folk recipes from wormwood, plantain, aloe vera for problem skin with acne and blackheads.

For everyone, acne, redness is a very unpleasant situation. Most of us, especially women, attempt to mask an aesthetic defect. But experienced dermatologists say that you need to treat the problem from the inside. Why it occurs - there are many reasons. These include:

  • infectious diseases;
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • poisoning;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • SARS, ARI.

The condition of the skin also depends on external factors: climatic conditions, work in hazardous industries, prolonged exposure to cold, sun, non-compliance with banal hygiene standards, poor-quality cosmetics.

How to identify the cause

Experts strongly do not recommend self-medication with the appearance of pustules, acne. Under no circumstances should pimples be popped. Blood poisoning, abscess, large abscesses, boils - a direct consequence of a frivolous attitude to one's health. Touching acne with unclean hands leads to the appearance of new foci, which are more difficult to treat. Surface treatment with special means should go along with the complex therapy prescribed by the doctor. The specialist conducts a detailed examination of the rashes, determines the location, prescribes a study of the analysis of urine, feces, blood. According to the results of the research, drug therapy, physiotherapy, and the use of external agents are prescribed.

Benefits of herbal treatment

Do not neglect the folk remedies that our grandmothers once successfully used. Each recipe is a set of healing vitamins and microelements. Herbs contain natural hormones, aromatic oils, useful components. Advantages:

  1. No dyes, chemicals, fragrances. When applied, there is no danger of an allergic reaction, the compositions are stored for a long time;
  2. The likelihood of side effects is minimal;
  3. The tool is prepared by hand;
  4. All ingredients are available, costs are minimal.

Before using any kind of prescription, it is necessary to do an allergy test, individual tolerance. Apply the finished product (decoction, mask, juice, gruel) to the back of the elbow, wait 15-20 minutes. If there is no redness, rashes, swelling - feel free to use.

What recipes are considered proven and best

Let's start with recipes based on medicinal herbs, flowers, etc.


  1. 2 tbsp. spoons of dry wormwood pour 250 gr. boiling water, insist for an hour. A decoction is used as a compress or lotion on the affected areas of the neck, décolleté;
  2. Wormwood and hops. According to 2 tbsp. pour tablespoons of dry herbs with boiling water, leave for half an hour. Strain, add the same amount of alcohol, 1 teaspoon. vinegar (apple). If you have a dry type, add 1 tsp. lies. glycerin. Make compresses with the resulting mixture - soak gauze in the liquid and apply to the desired areas.


Collect plantain leaves, preferably away from the roads, rinse, squeeze the juice and lubricate acne. Wash beforehand. The tool enhances blood circulation, which provides good nutrition and eliminates stagnant lymph processes.

Aloe vera

Almost every house has a famous agave. For treatment, it is better to use the leaves of a plant that is at least 5 years old.

  1. Wrap the leaves in paper and keep in the side wall of the refrigerator for 15 days. Then finely chop, squeeze the juice and lubricate once a day for 14 days. The plant disinfects, relieves inflammation, kills microbes;
  2. Apply lotions. Pour the leaves crushed into gruel with water, leave for at least an hour, boil for 5 minutes, strain.


Folk remedies with calendula do an excellent job with scars, age spots, acne, tighten acne dimples.

  1. 1 teaspoon mix a spoonful of alcohol infusion with the same amount of honey, dilute with 250 gr. warm water. Soak a cotton pad in the mixture and lubricate several times a day;
  2. 2 tables. spoons of calendula pour 100 gr. vodka, add 2 tbsp. spoons of water. The mixture should be infused in heat for 1 day. Pour 1 tsp there. lies. born. acids and 10 cap. glycerin. Lubricate 2-3 times a day.

St. John's wort

3 table. spoons of dry grass and flowers pour a liter of boiling water over the floor, cook for half an hour, strain the resulting mixture. Lotions can be made with liquid. To improve the condition of the skin, pour the herbal infusion into special molds and place in the freezer. Ice cubes make a light massage, improve circulation, even out color, relieve inflammation.


If you have acne that takes a long time to ripen, attach a piece or gruel of a ripe pumpkin to it. Literally in 1-2 days and the color will be beautiful, uniform.

Chamomile with sage

These herbs are considered to be the best "healers" of abscesses. Take 2 tables. spoons of each of them, pour 2 stacks. water, put in a water bath and boil for half an hour. Wipe your face several times daily after washing. 1-2 weeks, as abscesses, acne will disappear forever.


The juice eliminates pigmentation, growths, acne, evens out the color, creates the effect of dullness and velvety. 2 table. spoons of grass pour 500 gr. hot water, moisten gauze and apply to abscesses and areas affected by inflammation. For the treatment of acne on other parts of the body, pour celandine while taking baths.


  1. Collect birch buds, insist on alcohol at the rate of 2 tables. spoons per 100 gr. alcohol;
  2. 2 table. pour spoons with boiling water, put in a water bath and boil for 15 minutes. Wipe several times during the day.

Linden, horsetail

Take 2 tables. spoons of each name, steam and leave for half an hour, strain. Moisten a cotton pad or gauze and smear the affected areas.


Viburnum berries are available at any time of the year, and fresh. It is necessary to squeeze the juice and lubricate the rashes in the morning and evening. Inflammation, acne, ulcers will disappear.

Decoctions for internal consumption

What are the best herbs to use? Almost everything, only it is necessary to apply them in a complex: inside and out.

  • Verbena. Helps with chiryaks, rashes, boils, has a blood-purifying effect. Insist 1 table. a spoonful of herbs in boiling water for 60 minutes, drink 4 times a day, 2 tables. spoons;
  • Wild strawberry, violet, succession, white lamb. Take an equal portion of each type, mix and pour boiling water. Infuse for 1 hour, strain and add honey to taste. Drink like tea
  • Flax seeds, birch leaves, nettle, buckthorn bark. Take 1 tbsp. spoon of each herb, mix, insist in 250 gr. boiling water. Infusion to drink for 3-4 times in one day;
  • Buckthorn bark, stinging nettle, common toadflax, birch leaves - 2 tbsp. spoons, pour boiling water (250 gr.) in two different containers. Drink half a glass 4 times a day;
  • Peel burdock root, St. John's wort, dandelion root, trefoil, chicory root - 3 tables each. spoons, pour 4 stack. boiling water, insist 2 hours. Drink 4 times a day for 1 glass;
  • Elder flowers, buckthorn bark, licorice root, fennel fruit, birch leaves, tricolor violet - in equal parts, pour 250 gr. boiling water, insist 2 hours, drink 3 tables. spoons 3 times a day.

Bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, blood-purifying properties begin their work through the internal organs - intestines, liver, kidneys. As a result, acne disappears quickly and without a trace.

Natural mask recipes

As ingredients, you can use improvised means. To do this, just look into the cabinet with cereals, open the refrigerator.

  • Cucumbers. Youthful, teenage acne always leaves behind pigment spots. To get rid of them, peel and grate the vegetable, apply on the painful area for half an hour. The product evens and whitens;
  • Potato. Peel 1 tuber, grate, add 1 egg to the gruel. protein, apply the composition for half an hour. Thanks to useful substances, acne matures quickly, acne and black spots disappear;
  • Lemon with honey. This composition perfectly helps not only as an external remedy, but also as a medicine for internal use. Squeeze lemon juice, mix with honey and lubricate the face, wear for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water;
  • Clay. The product eliminates oily sheen, opens and cleanses the pores. Used red, white, blue and green clay. It is better to purchase in a pharmacy in branded packaging, which contains instructions for use. The easiest way is to dilute the powder with water, even better - with the juice of medicinal herbs. Apply for 20-30 minutes and rinse with warm water;
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Mix yeast with peroxide to a state of porridge, you can apply it all night. Wash off in the morning. The product acts refreshingly, nourishes, narrows wide pores and cleanses;
  • Oatmeal. Pour boiling water over 2 tbsp. tablespoons of cereal, mix 1 teaspoon. honey, 1 egg yolk. Apply the mask for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. The product perfectly moisturizes, nourishes with microelements, tightens pores and smoothes wrinkles.

Cucumbers, sour cream, potatoes, lemon, honey, oatmeal - every housewife has all this in the kitchen. You can prepare a healthy mask in minutes.

Peeling at home

Acne, pustules occur due to pollution and clogging of pores. In order not to bring to inflammatory processes, it is necessary to clean up acne and black dots. To do this, you need to prepare scrubs with your own hands, removing dead epithelium and cleansing the pores.

  • Ground coffee. Before the procedure, thoroughly wash your neck and décolleté. The grounds from drunk coffee without sugar are used. Mix the gruel with foam, rub with light massage movements for about 5 minutes. Rinse and apply nourishing. cream;
  • Baking soda with soap and cottage cheese. The method cleanses the pores, has a whitening effect. 1 teaspoon. pour soda on baby soap (household soap is also suitable), make a gruel, mix with cottage cheese and rub with light massage movements for 3-5 minutes. Do not overdo it, peeling should be gentle, not irritate and scratch.

steam baths

Due to a number of good reasons, various diseases, treatment with natural remedies consumed orally is not suitable for everyone. But you can take baths with the inclusion of medicinal herbs, tinctures.

Excellent for procedures oak bark, needles, roots, even hay or dust. Don't forget the benefits of sea salt as it expands pores, detoxifies and relaxes. Steam baths with the inclusion of infusions, soda, sea salt, etc. are suitable for cleansing.

  • Pour boiling water over small hop cones, boil in a water bath for half an hour. Bend over the bowl, wrap yourself with a thick towel on top and hold for 5 minutes, for oily skin - 10, dry - 3 minutes. After the procedure, apply a moisturizer;
  • To get rid of blackheads, blackheads, pour in 500 gr. boiling water 1 table. a spoonful of drinking soda, steam, then wipe with a decoction of chamomile.


A few reviews from the Web about the best folk remedies:

“My daughter had acne all over her face when she was 15. It all started with one pimple, my daughter squeezed it out, then some terrible abscesses began to appear. We turned to a dermatologist, he prescribed a strict diet and ointments, and also suggested an excellent folk recipe. You need to pour 200 gr. boiling water a teaspoon of chamomile, mint and green tea. When the product has cooled, moisten a cotton pad and wipe it in the morning and evening for 10 days. Not only abscesses disappeared, but the color evened out, black dots disappeared. After a 5-day pause, the procedure was repeated as a preventive measure.”

Larisa Matveeva, Ulan-Ude.

“I began to be treated comprehensively. She strictly followed the diet, did not eat fatty, floury, sweet, spicy and sour. I drank tea with chamomile grass, pure green without sugar. Outwardly wiped with the following composition: pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of elecampane with boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Before going to bed, I applied a cotton pad soaked in infusion for half an hour. After using a nourishing cream. At first, peeling may appear, but after 2-3 days it passes and everything is cleared.

Elena Kononenko, St. Petersburg

“The easiest way to get rid of pustules is toothpaste based on medicinal herbs (chamomile, mint). After washing, before going to bed, apply a little paste on each abscess and leave until the morning. During the night, disinfection occurs, small pimples begin to dry out. After a couple of days, there will be no hint of a defect. Another recipe is parsley juice. Collect the greens, rinse and squeeze the juice out of it. For those who want to get a whitening effect, add 1-2 drops of lemon juice (freshly squeezed), lubricate 1 time per day. Get rid of both acne and age spots.

Marina Levitina, Barnaul.

“For several years I could not get rid of inflammation. Cheeks, nose, neck and even the décolleté began to become covered with terrible sores with pus. At first she used only expensive creams, but she did not pay attention to the whole body. Girls, don't repeat my mistakes. As soon as I began to follow a diet, cleansed my body of toxins, began to eat vegetables, bran, gave up smoking and alcohol, everything returned to normal. Outwardly used infusion of St. John's wort - an excellent tool. There are many recipes with this unique plant. Try it, you won't regret it."

Olesya, Saratov.

Video about some methods of treating acne with folk methods

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Vasiliev Gennady, 2542

Pimples appear on the human body in the form of small purulent inflammations. They appear especially brightly in adolescence. The main place of their manifestation is the face and back. And also by where acne appears, you can predict in which particular organ you are not all right (see photo).

The main reasons for their appearance are:

  • toxic infections,
  • poor quality cosmetics
  • and other bacterial influences.

In order to get rid of acne, it is necessary to eliminate their cause of appearance, and not fight the consequence. You can squeeze and cauterize acne as much as you like, but they will appear again and again until the main cause of the appearance is completely eliminated.

herb for acne

Ivan tea (fireweed) is a herb with a rich chemical composition. It contains various vitamins (group B, A, C, PP), tannins and trace elements.

Koporye tea is very easy to make at home. All you need is to prepare a dish with a lid in which tea leaves will be prepared. It is best to use a teapot specially prepared for this purpose.

Two tablespoons with a top of dried fireweed for 350 milliliters of boiling water. After that, the dishes are closed, and the tea is infused for 20-30 minutes.

Acne Herbal Tea Reviews

Listen to Victoria's (Chelyabinsk) review of exactly how Ivan-tea helped her get rid of skin inflammation:

Ruslana's review from Vinnitsa on how she treated her face with Ivan tea:

Audio review by Sergei Golikov on the treatment of a rash on the skin with fireweed grass:

In addition to the internal use of herbal teas, you can do ...

Herbal topical products

  • You can use aloe leaves.

Fresh leaves must be thoroughly washed with warm water, then put on a newspaper and in a dark place for 7-8 days. After that, you need to squeeze the juice out of them.

The resulting juice can be used to wipe areas of the skin that have been affected by acne or blackheads. Aloe juice has an anti-inflammatory effect and completely disinfects damaged areas.

The gruel from aloe leaves, which remained when squeezing the juice, can be used to make compresses.

Fill it with warm water. Approximate ratio per 100 grams of gruel is 500 milliliters of water. The infusion period is about two hours. After that, the mixture should be boiled for 5 minutes and filtered.

The compress is applied to the affected areas for 30 minutes, then re-wetted and for such a period of time.

  • Dry leaves and inflorescences of St. John's wort can be used to prepare a decoction. St. John's wort contains many vitamins and tannins. Perfect for problematic oily skin.

Put a small handful of dry grass in half a liter of hot water and put on medium heat. Boil for about half an hour. Now the broth must be filtered.

  1. Can be used internally, one teaspoon twice a day,
  2. and you can also make therapeutic compresses and apply them to areas with acne.
  • For rubbing, you can also use a tincture of birch buds. It is best done on fresh kidneys, but you can also dry them.

Pour chopped kidneys into a regular bottle up to half and fill with high-quality vodka to the top level. We put the tincture in a warm place for two weeks.

You need to drink one teaspoon no more than twice a day (preferably before breakfast and dinner).

Anna's review on the treatment of acne and inflammation on the face with herbs

Hello everyone, my name is Anna. I would like to tell you my salvation story. The fact is that 7 years ago, when I was 20 years old, my face was just strewn with acne at once. I don't know what it was - an emotional outburst, hormonal failure. I didn't understand it then, and I still don't understand what happened. But my face was full of pimples.

As a teenager, I also had acne, but they were few and they were exclusively on the forehead. And at the age of 20, it was acne that appeared on the chin and cheeks, and the acne was huge, red, subcutaneous.

I was so overwhelmed at times, and I fell into a terrible depression. I just cried at night, didn't want to leave the house. At that time, it was such an age when you want to please the opposite sex, lead an interesting life. And I just didn’t have the opportunity to do this, because I was just afraid to see people, I was afraid that they would come close to me, they would see these bumps that I covered with tons of foundation.

I just, like a recluse, once again stopped going to couples. When I was called somewhere, I always refused, I was terribly complex, although I am a pretty girl. What to hide - it spoiled my life. People who have faced such a problem will understand me. It's terrible in fact, it hits self-esteem, especially if you are a young and beautiful girl.

Traditional remedies for acne

As a result, I went to the hospital, I was prescribed some external means. I used these remedies for two months, nothing helped me. I quit, fell into depression again.

Then I heard about the dermatovenerologic dispensary and went there. I was prescribed standard remedies that are prescribed to everyone, such as Baziron, Diferon and Klenzit. I started using. I was told not to expect a quick result.

To be honest, there were improvements, but these improvements were temporary. It got better, but a little, it didn’t go anywhere, nothing resolved, the skin remained bumpy and inflammation still continued to appear, even if not with such a strong frequency. I could not leave the house without foundation, I had complexes.

Tests for hormones

As a result, after that I went to a private clinic, I was sent for hormone tests. I took tests and oddly enough, they were all right. But I was prescribed external treatment. I started using the same products again in a circle.

The doctor convinced me to try again Baziron, Differin - everything is standard. Again, there was a temporary improvement. There was no such thing as acne. Moreover, the cause of acne was not clear. The first time I used Differina for six months, the second time I used it for 3-4 months. But it’s just that hands are already falling when you are fighting for beautiful skin, it’s very difficult not to get upset when something doesn’t help you.

Herbal treatment

By the way, everything was in order with my stomach, I was checked - I didn’t have any dysbacteriosis. As a result, I came to my grandmother for the summer holidays, she, when she saw my face, looked and said: “Do you treat at least something?” I say: “Yes, I’m flying. Here". She waved her hand in the style of grandmothers, said that it was necessary to treat with herbs.

I was very skeptical about this, I was already biased against the use of traditional medicine. But my grandmother convinced me, she said: “You have tried so many things, you won’t get tired of it.” I agreed in the end.

My grandmother herself collected chamomile and tansy in the fields. She said: "You need chamomile, calendula and tansy." There was no calendula, I bought it at a pharmacy, and my grandmother collected tansy and chamomile for me. She explained how to brew. She first brewed such a large vessel for me.

Instead of tonic

I lived with her for a while, and I just rubbed my face. There was no alcohol, nothing, just water, and relatively hot 70 degrees, with boiling water, she said that you should never brew, the beneficial properties disappear. And I started wiping my face instead of tonic.


Then I put the gruel that remained from the tea leaves into the masks. I made masks, added honey there, for example, clay. And I added this herb to it. In general, it worked wonderfully, because calendula has a huge anti-inflammatory effect, I just know from myself. I didn't think the herb could help.


I used to think that alcohol is needed, the more alcohol, the better. No, not a fact. Herbs are very good at reducing inflammation. The only thing is that my grandmother still made me the first tincture of calendula. She said that if acne is dotted with inflamed spots, then she made a tincture of alcohol. After that, when I had already left, I bought calendula tincture at the pharmacy and cauterized acne. It really helps a lot.


grass ice

I also made ice from chamomile and calendula. I either interfered in equal proportions, or separately chamomile or calendula. In the morning, when I woke up, I first washed my face, and then walked, took ice from the grass and rubbed my face along the massage lines.

This is just a wonderful thing, I recommend everyone to try it, because it is a cryo-massage of the skin. This procedure is provided in paid clinics, but here everything is free, everything is available, because if you can’t collect the herbs yourself, you can buy it at a pharmacy, brew everything and make ice. It is not difficult at all, but the effect is wonderful - as if the skin is smoothed out, some kind of temporary effect of even peeling, tones up, it is pleasant to touch it. The greasiness of the face decreases, and in general an even tone becomes over time, as if velvet skin. In the morning I only did it, in the evening it is not necessary, because it has an invigorating effect.

Accordingly, I drank, made masks, lotion and ice. And when was it all over for me? I got better in about a month.- visible changes on the skin, and I could not believe it. At first, I didn’t believe in it so much, and then my friends began to notice and say: “An, are you using something, some kind of new tool”?

I smiled at this and said: “Yes, it’s like no, weed, weed. Grandma advised. Friends laughed, but saw the effect. What struck me, I began to feel more confident - it's true.

It's indescribable. Only people who have experienced the same difficulties and problems as I will understand. As a result, I brought the skin to almost perfect condition.


The only thing I have left are spots and small bumps. How did I deal with these? I used badyagu. Badyagu is such a plant, powder, sold in a pharmacy. You dilute the mixture and apply it on your face. It will pinch, I warn you right away, as if needles are running all over my face. But the effect is worth it - then the whole face will cover, it's like a peeling. Your skin is renewed, blood circulation increases, your face becomes smooth, it is pleasant to touch your face.

After treatment

I was cured then, probably, at the age of 23-24 - that is. at 20 it all started, while I went around all the doctors, all the clinics, finished with herbs. And even now I wipe my face with homemade lotions on alcohol.

The only thing is, if I have single pimples popping up, then I immediately tincture calendula from an alcohol pharmacy. And so I drink only herbal teas and very often I like to drink chamomile. Chamomile, or sometimes a collection of herbs.

She gave up coffee and tea. I think it's all bad. Not only is sleep disturbed, it also has an absolutely adverse effect on the body as a whole.

I hope my story has helped you. I want to recommend that you do not panic, do not go to all the hospitals in a row, but simply try folk remedies. Because sometimes they can really help. I'm not saying that it will help everyone, but it helped me, and therefore I can judge soberly about it.

The only thing is, read the contraindications, because someone has an allergy, someone has some kind of illness. Badyaga, for example, can increase facial hair. Such moments, nuances look, please. And so, in general, I believe that I was cured thanks to this alone. So I recommend everyone to try it. Thanks to all. Goodbye.

And in conclusion, we invite you to watch this 13-minute video, is this the cause of your acne? ...

Skin rashes appear when exposed to internal or external stimuli. Whatever the reasons, folk remedies for acne will provide invaluable help. Herbs, honey, propolis and many other natural products are used to remove rashes, support the skin with vitamins and enzymes. Biologically active substances are important for beauty and health, they support the immune system, accelerate regeneration, and preserve youth.

Folk remedies - mild action and effectiveness

Several generations have verified the beneficial effects of natural substances on human health. The experience of the ancestors is concentrated in simple and affordable recipes using honey, propolis, clay, medicinal plants. These natural preparations treat skin diseases, improve complexion. For various types of rashes, neoplasms on the skin, you can choose natural methods of removal.

Steam baths with herbs, compresses and other folk remedies for acne on the face can replace ready-made preparations. If you carefully consider modern trends in cosmetology, you can easily notice the increased popularity of natural ingredients. Now the highest prices are set for organic cosmetics.

According to the results of research scientists have made important conclusions.

  1. Folk remedies contain a small number of ingredients and are well tolerated.
  2. Natural medicines cause fewer side effects.
  3. Natural substances are good for the skin.
  4. Natural compounds act softer.

As a rule, folk recipes for acne on the face act faster with a mild degree of acne.

It happens that a rash occurs due to hormonal disruptions, allergies, internal diseases. Before you get rid of acne folk remedies, be sure to eliminate the root cause. In addition, some people develop hypersensitivity to the components of herbs, berries, honey. Therefore, each product is tested - before using, a drop is applied to the inside of the elbow.

Video about folk remedies for acne

Popular folk remedies for the treatment of acne


Helps relieve inflammation and redness quickly propolis tincture for acne, and honey and its mixtures with cinnamon, lemon. Propolis or bee glue, when dissolved in alcohol, retains all its useful qualities. This tincture effectively eliminates single acne, tightens and rejuvenates the skin of the face.

Fruits and vegetables

Most of the necessary products for the treatment of acne are in every home on the shelves of kitchen cabinets and in the refrigerator. it carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, as well as potatoes, greens. Vegetables and fruits contain organic acids, vitamins A, C, groups B, E and other useful substances. Use the juice and pulp of the fruit for masks and homemade acne lotions.

medicinal plants

Gently relieves pain and irritation of the skin mint, basil, sage and lavender. Have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects coltsfoot, echinacea, sage, calendula, stinging nettle, viburnum, dandelion, grapes, celandine. It is easier for urban residents to buy berries in the market or in a store, herbs - in a pharmacy. It is easier and cheaper for villagers to collect raw materials in the forest or in their own garden.

Sea buckthorn fruits, green leaves teas are rich in flavonoids - substances that are antioxidants. have strong antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects essential oils of tea tree, lemon balm, mint, thyme, sage, eucalyptus. Tannins in all organs of the walnut have an anti-inflammatory and astringent effect.

The top list of medicinal herbs for acne necessarily contains the following plant names:

  • yarrow;
  • Hypericum perforatum;
  • chamomile officinalis;
  • Veronica officinalis;
  • aloe vera and agave;
  • wormwood;
  • thyme;
  • garlic.

Relatively recently, British scientists tested the effect of extracts of myrrh, calendula and thyme (thyme) on bacteria. It turned out that thyme has the strongest antimicrobial effect. The antibacterial effect of the herb is stronger than that of benzoyl peroxide. Therefore, one should not be surprised at the emergence of new lines of cosmetics based on thyme.

Exotic fruits, spices and spices researchers are also paying more attention. Among the most popular means of the peoples of the East - turmeric, coriander, ginger, rosemary, cinnamon. They are used in Asian countries as natural anti-inflammatory drugs. Apply inside in the form of tea, make masks and scrubs with them.

Herbal preparations are used to eliminate the main symptoms of acne, cleanse the skin, and accelerate tissue regeneration. Included in phytomixes marshmallow roots, bergenia grass, St. John's wort, oak and birch leaves. Raw materials can be infused with water, apple cider vinegar and vodka. They try to use homemade lotions useful for the skin in 2-3 days, then they prepare them again. Apple cider vinegar tonic can be stored in the refrigerator for several weeks. Herbal tinctures on vodka and alcohol do not deteriorate for more than a month.

Clay - an assistant in the fight against acne

Folk remedies for acne on the face will quickly help if you combine them with each other. For example, add apple cider vinegar and tea tree oil to a clay mask. White clay goes well with rose water. Such mixtures act more actively and are stored longer.

The use of herbs, clay, honey and other folk remedies for acne and blackheads is rooted in antiquity. Natural products have been used for face and body care, treatment of skin diseases since the reign of the Egyptian queen Cleopatra and the birth of oriental tales of a thousand and one nights. Today, natural remedies have been scientifically proven to help with infection, irritation, damage, and other skin changes.

In contact with

Remedies for acne on the face, including folk remedies, allow you to get rid of this delicate and ugly problem. Before using any means, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist, only proven recipes should be used.

Application of ointment and cream at home

In addition to poultices, tinctures, compresses and lotions, at home you can make your own cream or ointment from plants or other components. For the first recipe, you need to take butter and celery leaves, which are mixed in equal amounts. This ointment is applied 3 times a day and helps to quickly achieve the desired result due to the content of such a useful plant as celery.

Suitable for home use, the composition of the ointment, from raspberry leaves. To make it, you need the juice of the leaves of this plant. In addition, you need to take vaseline or butter, which is 4 times larger than the juice of raspberry leaves. The components are thoroughly mixed, then the product is applied to the face 1 time per day. It is recommended to apply the composition at night.

Succinic acid has proven itself in cosmetology, so it can also be used as a remedy for acne. To make the composition, you will need to take 2 tablets of acid, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, and dissolve them in a tablespoon of plain water. The composition is applied to the surface of the face, the product must be absorbed. It is recommended to apply this method every three days, but you should consult a specialist.

Please note that you can use funds for internal use. So pumpkin seeds are useful for acne on the face. The zinc included in their composition allows you to cope with the problem. The situation is similar with the use of ginger for acne, the root of which contains useful elements in itself.

Compresses and lotions

In the manufacture of compresses and lotions, a series of acne works especially effectively. In order to make a remedy, you need to take the dry grass of the specified plant about 2 tablespoons. The component is required to pour 250 ml of boiling water, and then set until it cools completely. After this, the product must be filtered, and the resulting slurry put on a cotton swab or gauze. The lotion is applied to the skin of the face for 15 minutes. With the help of the liquid that remains after straining, and a cotton swab, the face is wiped when the compress has been removed.

Acne potassium permanganate is an effective remedy, but in the case of facial treatment, you should be extremely careful. First you need to clean your face with regular soap. A weak solution of potassium permanganate should be applied pointwise to the face, holding a cotton swab on the problem area for 10 seconds.

To prepare a remedy from propolis, you will need 1 tablespoon of chamomile and calendula. The mixture is poured with water and cooked in a water bath. After 30 minutes, the composition is filtered and 200 ml of the resulting liquid is taken. A teaspoon of honey and 15 drops of propolis tincture are added to it. A cotton swab is dipped into this mixture, which is then placed on the pimples.

A kind of compress is the Kalanchoe plant, which can be applied to inflamed areas. To do this, you need to remove the upper part of the sheet and attach it with this side to the pimple or smear the surface of the skin with the sheet. Raw beets are applied in the same way.

As a compress, an echinacea leaf is suitable, with which you can wipe problem areas on the skin of the face. It is necessary to take the plant and grind. It will take 1.5 tablespoons of the powder, which is poured with a glass of boiling water. The product is infused for 2 hours, after which it must be filtered. In the resulting composition, moisten gauze and apply it for 30 minutes 2 times a day. Similarly, eucalyptus tincture is made and used.

The next tool is represented by the so-called lotion-poultice. It is necessary to take pharmacy chamomile, horsetail, sage in the form of tinctures. The components are mixed in equal proportions, and then a cotton swab or napkin is dipped into the product. These elements are superimposed on problem areas. After the product has cooled down, a similar procedure is carried out with the replacement of components with new ones. It is important to pay attention that the napkins must remain hot, so it is necessary to change them each time as they cool.

Outdoor products

In the fight against acne, not only herbs and tinctures help, but also such proven traditional medicine as home masks. Laundry and tar soap copes well with its task, which not only protect the skin from the appearance of new pimples, but also dry existing ones. To use, it is enough to regularly wash your face with the indicated soap, or rub the pimples in pieces, leaving it overnight. Wash your face thoroughly in the morning.

It is useful to use yeast, which must be mixed with warm water and brought to a consistency similar to sour cream. The composition must be applied to the face and wait 20 minutes. After the mask dries, it should be washed off. To achieve the best result and dry the pimples, you need to add a little lemon juice to the mixture.

A common recipe is a potato remedy. To make it, you need one potato, previously peeled and chopped. In addition, you will need egg white, a little salt and oatmeal in the amount of 1 teaspoon. The components are mixed and then applied to the face. The waiting time is 20 minutes, then the composition must be washed off.

As a mask, ground oats are used, which are mixed with honey and milk. The composition is applied for 30 minutes. For another mask, lavender is needed, 3 drops of oil of which are added to a beaten egg yolk and 2 drops of tea tree oil. The composition is applied for 8 minutes and washed off.

A universal remedy is ice, which is made as follows. You need to take 1 tablespoon of St. John's wort, and add to a glass of boiling water. Next, the composition is boiled for 10-15 minutes on low heat. After that, the broth is cooled and placed in molds for ice. The resulting product is used to wipe the face.

Another remedy can be made independently if you take equal amounts of a vegetable such as carrots and add egg yolk and a little honey to it. Next, the components should be crushed with a meat grinder, once again thoroughly mix the resulting slurry. The agent must be applied for approximately 15 minutes.

home lotions

The first remedy in this group should be called an infusion made from aloe and its leaves. The leaves of this plant will need fresh, which must be placed in a protected place for 10 days. The storage location should be dark and cool. Then the leaves are crushed and poured with cold water. The proportions are 1:5. The tool needs to be set for an hour, then boiled, but not for long - 3 minutes. Strain the composition and then you can use it. To do this, moisten a cotton swab with this composition and regularly wipe the skin of the face with it.

Hydrogen peroxide can be used to treat acne, which should be mixed with yeast. A 3% peroxide solution is required. The resulting composition should be similar to a cream, such a remedy should be applied to acne and left to dry. After that, you do not need to wash off the composition, you just need to shake off the product. It is recommended to apply the recipe before going to bed.

An excellent recipe is herbal tincture, which requires the following components:

  1. Dry hop herb.
  2. Sagebrush.
  3. St. John's wort.

It is possible to use both one named component and a mixture. To make the composition, you need 250 ml of boiling water and 1 tablespoon of the plant mentioned earlier. The composition should cool, then it is necessary to strain the components and mix the resulting product with 125 ml of vodka.

In addition, you should take a tablespoon of grape vinegar and add to the resulting product. You can also use apple cider vinegar. The composition is applied to acne and washed off after 15 minutes.

The lotion is also made from a plant such as sage. For its manufacture, you will need 2 tablespoons of the plant, which must be crushed and pour boiling water in a volume of 1 cup. The product is infused for 2 hours. This is followed by the straining stage, after which 1 teaspoon of honey is added. The composition is thoroughly mixed, after which it is ready for use. This tool is necessary to wipe problem areas in the morning and evening. Acne sage will allow you to cope with this scourge in a short time.

Parsley for acne is a sure remedy in the fight against such a problem. It is necessary to finely chop the leaves of the plant, and then squeeze the juice out of the resulting mass. Juice is necessary for rubbing the face, which should be done regularly, in the morning and in the evening.

For washing, a golden mustache is also used, from which tincture is made. For 0.5 liters of vodka, 30 knees are required. The product is shaken, after which it is infused in a dark place for several weeks. The resulting liquid is used as a lotion, if it is filtered and diluted with a liter of boiling water.

Thus, acne on the face can be eliminated in various ways. It is important to note that it is imperative to consult with a specialist in order to avoid a negative effect, and follow the instructions correctly, which will achieve a good result.

Medicinal herbs have long been one of the favorite remedies in home cosmetology. Still, face and body, nails and hair - perhaps there is no direction where the healing power of herbs could not be successfully applied.

This also applies to such a common problem as acne.

For oily and problematic skin, alcohol infusions of herbs are used to enhance the effect, which allows you to combine the properties of alcohol and herbs. And already these few lines allow us to come to the conclusion that getting rid of acne with the help of herbs is an effective and optimal way, which requires, however, a certain perseverance and time. After all, the external use of herbal decoctions does not give instant results, but this is not at all a reason to doubt their effectiveness.

Applying herbal decoctions and tinctures regularly, in a few weeks you will notice the first results.

Medicinal chamomile and calendula, St. John's wort and sage, horsetail and burdock root, mint, raspberry and plantain leaves, and birch buds - what folk wisdom does not keep recipes!

They are based on the antiseptic and drying properties of herbs, which can significantly reduce skin rashes.

Cleansing masks and lotions, compresses and decoctions - how not to get lost in the variety of choices? The Pantry of Beauty offers several recipes that have already proven their effectiveness for more than one generation.

Herbs for acne. Folk recipes.

  • Recipe number 1. Aloe juice to get rid of acne.

Aloe leaf juice is the easiest, and probably the most affordable way to dry the skin and eliminate acne. To do this, cut the lowest leaves from the plant and squeeze out the juice.

There is an opinion that the juice is more effective if the cut leaves are kept in the refrigerator for 7-10 days. Freshly squeezed juice wipe the skin 2-3 times a day. The recipe is suitable for oily and combination skin.

  • Recipe number 2. Herbs for acne (for any skin type).

Dry inflorescences of medicinal chamomile and in many beauty recipes. And it is not at all surprising, because the simplicity of their use and the obvious result once again justify people's love.

To eliminate acne, a decoction is prepared as follows: 2 tablespoons of selected flowers (you can use 1 tablespoon of each) are poured with a glass of boiling water. The broth is infused for 30-40 minutes, filtered before use. Wipe the skin twice a day or apply gauze soaked in a decoction for 10-15 minutes.

  • Recipe number 3. Decoctions of St. John's wort and sage for combination problem skin.

The recipe for preparing a decoction of St. John's wort leaves or similar to the previous one, only in this case, acne herbs should not only be poured with boiling water, but also boiled over low heat for 5-7 minutes. Strain the decoction before use.

Recipes are also known when instead of water, and insist them in a cool place for 7-10 days. Alcohol tinctures are recommended for people with oily skin and acne foci of inflammation.

  • Recipe number 4. Birch buds and leaves for acne.

Birch buds and leaves also work well in fighting acne. To prepare a decoction, pour 2-3 tablespoons of dried leaves into a glass of boiling water and bring to a boil over low heat. The leaves are boiled for 3-5 minutes, after which they insist in heat for 20-30 minutes.

Strain the decoction before use. Helps with acne and fresh birch sap. Just as in the case of aloe, the skin is wiped with a cotton pad, abundantly dipped in birch sap, several times a day.

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