Beets - benefits and harms to the body in raw and cooked form. The benefits and harms of beets for human health

Even Hippocrates spoke about the healing properties of beets. Since ancient times, beets have been used to treat skin inflammations, infectious diseases, stomach diseases and much more. But besides the advantages, eating a vegetable can also have a negative character. Therefore, if beets are often present on the table, the benefits and harms of this vegetable should be studied in detail.

The harm and benefits of boiled and raw red beets

The benefits of beets are due to the content of a large number of vitamins and trace elements in it. In terms of iron content, of all plant foods, beets are second only to garlic. And according to the content of iodine - sea kale. This vegetable has powerful antioxidant properties. Eating beet salads, beetroots, it is easier for women to endure "critical" days, and for men, sexual and muscle activity is stimulated, and it will help children in the fight against allergies. In addition to antioxidants and B vitamins, the vegetable contains rare vitamin U, which has anti-allergic properties that help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). The presence of vitamin P has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, while increasing the elasticity of blood vessels. The benefits of red beets are explained by the presence of such useful minerals as magnesium, potassium, zinc, copper, boron and silicon. By dissolving calcium deposits in the blood vessels, beetroot dishes and juice facilitate the work of the heart and brain.

Fresh raw beets: benefits and harms

The benefits of fresh beets were noted by ancient folk healers and healers who used it to combat anemia, migraine, pain, constipation, stomach and intestinal cramps. A raw vegetable contains more biologically valuable substances than a processed one, but they are absorbed worse. Eating raw red beets, the benefits and harms of this root crop for the body should be carefully studied. Indeed, often, having heard about the usefulness of a product, a person begins to use it immensely, not taking into account the fact that the product can be harmful or contraindicated for a certain group of people. Same with red beets. Hypotension should take into account the benefits and harms of fresh beets, because the substances in the vegetable can lower the already low pressure. Therefore, it is not surprising that such people may feel dizzy and nauseous after eating a raw vegetable salad. Also, a raw root crop is not recommended for people suffering from gastrointestinal disorders, since the dietary fiber of a vegetable can cause intestinal upset. In addition, eating a raw vegetable can cause allergic reactions in the form of swelling of the nasopharynx, swollen lymph nodes and skin rashes. The benefits and harms of raw beets should also be taken into account by those who follow a beet diet. 100 g of raw vegetable contains only 42 kcal, so it is not surprising that it is part of many diet programs. The greatest benefit of beets for the body is in the use of young root crops. It is them that are recommended to be used in the fight against extra pounds.

It is necessary to start taking fresh vegetables gradually. Otherwise, raw beets will not bring benefits. Therefore, they begin to eat with one teaspoon of raw grated beets per day.

The benefits of beet and carrot salad

Great benefit in beets and carrots, as raw vegetables are perfectly combined for medicinal properties. No less useful is a salad of raw beets with fresh cucumbers. In this case, the neutral properties of cucumbers can soften the active effect of the root crop. For those who are losing weight, fasting days can be arranged with such salads. And for those who suffer from constipation, it is recommended to include these vegetables in the dinner menu.

Fresh beets, the benefits of which are used in dietary nutrition, should be dark red in color and without white inclusions. If the root crop has white rings in the cut, then it is better not to use it for treatment. Of course you can eat it. But it contains the least amount of useful substances and minerals. A greater number of useful elements is contained in the lower part of the root crop. But the top, from which the foliage grows, is better to cut off and not use for food, since a lot of harmful substances accumulate in this part. It is believed that cylindrical roots are most useful.

It is also worth considering that the glycemic index of a raw vegetable is 30, and a boiled one is 65. It follows that a boiled root vegetable contributes to a sharp jump in blood sugar. And sugar quickly fills fat cells. Therefore, the rise in blood sugar is extremely undesirable for those who are going to lose weight. In this case, the raw product will be more useful.

The harm and benefits of boiled beets for the body

Even after cooking, beets retain their main useful qualities. The secret is this: the B vitamins and mineral salts present in the root crop are not very sensitive to heat. Such minerals are alkaline in nature, which is especially useful for our most often acidic diet. This vegetable contains a large amount of biologically active substances - methylated derivatives of amino acids. These substances include betaine, which helps lower blood pressure and the absorption of proteins. In addition, it slows down the development of atherosclerosis and regulates fat metabolism, which is especially important for those who are on a diet. Beet betaine prevents obesity, in particular hepatic obesity. This substance is useful in all respects, but the main thing is that it does not collapse when heated. This is the benefit of boiled beets.

The nutritional value of a boiled vegetable is 37 kcal / 100 g. Due to such a low calorie content, the root crop is successfully used in dietary nutrition.

The main benefit of boiled beets for the body is the content of sodium in the amount of 50% and 5% calcium. This composition helps to improve the solubility of oxalic acid salts accumulated in the blood vessels. If the diet includes boiled beets, the benefit lies in the optimal content of calcium and chlorine, which cleans the liver, kidneys and gallbladder, while stimulating lymph circulation throughout the body without loading it with calories.

Beets are very useful for restoring strength when the body is depleted, as well as after illness. However, in order for the root crop to bring benefits, not harm, it must be properly cooked. To do this, be sure to cook in the peel, without cutting off the top and tail. So not only valuable substances will not be lost, but the vegetable itself will be tastier. You should not digest it, otherwise most of the vitamins will go into the water. You need to cook without salt in a sealed container for about an hour.

Among all the vitamins contained in the root crop, it is necessary to note vitamin B9 (folic acid), which promotes the synthesis of red blood cells and improves protein metabolism. One serving of a boiled vegetable contains ½ of the daily amount of vitamin B9, which is necessary for the performance of the whole organism.

In addition, the red vegetable helps to strengthen the immune system of the body. The benefits of beetroot salad are especially great in winter, when the lack of vitamins is in full swing.

Beets are useful for vision not only due to the lutein contained in it. The vegetable also contains vitamin A, which prevents the development of macular degeneration and cataracts. And the presence of betacyanin prevents the occurrence of colon cancer, helps fight constipation and fever. And the vitamin C contained in the red root vegetable makes it an excellent anti-asthma agent, and also fights capillary fragility.

It is equally important that beets are useful for pregnant women, as they prevent the occurrence of anemia and hypertension. In addition, people who regularly consume beetroot salads are less likely to develop cardiovascular disease. This is due to the composition of the root crop, which reduces the level of cholesterol and triglycerides, which are harmful to the heart. In addition, it should be said that the vegetable is able to reduce the amount of homocysteine, which is harmful to the cardiovascular system, prevents the occurrence of a stroke, hormonal imbalance, increases the body's defenses and endurance.

Considering the properties of boiled beets, the benefits and harms must be taken into account for people predisposed to osteoporosis. The fact is that this vegetable prevents the normal absorption of calcium. This does not mean that you need to completely abandon beetroot dishes, you just need to limit their number.

The benefits and harms of red beet juice

Today, there is a lot of information that beetroot juice is almost a panacea for all diseases. This is an exaggeration: beetroot juice has benefits and harms. The power of its effect on the human body is so great that excessive use can cause heart palpitations, fever, and even numbness of the vocal cords. That is why freshly squeezed beetroot juice is recommended to be consumed in limited quantities mixed with other fresh juices, such as apple, carrot or cucumber.

The benefits of red beet juice are manifested in the treatment of anemia, atherosclerosis, poor eyesight, menopause, impaired kidney and liver function, overweight and menstrual irregularities.

You need to start drinking beetroot juice little by little. To do this, 50 g of freshly squeezed juice must be diluted with a glass of clean cold water. The juice diluted in this way can be taken until the body stops reacting to such drinking with unpleasant sensations. But even then, you should not consume more than a third of a glass.

In any case, it is not recommended to drink beetroot juice with urolithiasis, as it contains a lot of oxalic acid, which contributes to the formation of poorly soluble compounds. And the high content of sucrose in this product is contraindicated for diabetics. If it is supposed to cleanse the liver, then beetroot juice is diluted by 2/3 with water.

You can make juice from beets, the benefits of which will be in the hypoallergenic property. To do this, you need to mix one part of beetroot juice with three parts of carrot juice. You can drink up to 1 glass of this juice per day. Beet-carrot juice tones and strengthens the body.

Special attention deserves such a phenomenon as the coloring of urine in burgundy. Here, the opinion of experts is divided: some believe that this is a normal phenomenon, others that there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, if the urine and stool are stained, it is necessary to get medical advice.

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The benefits and harms of beets for the body are very important for people who have included dishes from this root crop in their diet. And there are many of them in our country! After all, how difficult it is to resist, or rather, to sit at the festive table without filling the void of the plate with salads from this scarlet vegetable!

It is well known that it is most beneficial for the body to use products given to us by nature, but not those that are manufactured on an industrial scale from various chemistry. It is precisely because beetroot occupies a leading position among the most popular vegetables (after potatoes) that today we will consider all its secrets under the sighting gaze of the site "". Stay with us - it will be interesting!

Composition of beets

Speaking about the benefits and harms of beets for the body, it is necessary to explain that both of these factors directly depend on the chemical composition of root crops. And there is something to talk about, because beet pulp includes such vitamins necessary for the body as:

  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin A;
  • B vitamins (B6, B5, B2 and B1.

In addition, this vegetable contains in large quantities such useful trace elements as potassium, copper, manganese and copper! Compared to other products, beetroot is the leader in the content of zinc, iron and iodine.

IMPORTANT: recent studies by Canadian scientists have proven that natural nitrates contained in beet pulp can activate blood flow to brain cells, enriching it with oxygen and increasing its performance by more than 15%!

Nutritional value of beets

Another point of interest to our Dear Readers is the question of the calorie content of beets. Well, we hasten to tell you that the calorie content of beet pulp is only forty calories per hundred grams of the product. At the same time, this amount of vegetable contains one and a half grams of protein and twelve percent of carbohydrates.

The benefits of raw beets

The benefits and harms of beets for the body included in a dish without heat treatment are invaluable:

  1. it is the raw product that is able to remove radionuclides and salts of heavy metals from our body;
  2. betacyanin - the pigment that gives the vegetable this color, is considered an excellent prevention against the development of cancer;
  3. betaine (analogous to vitamins) helps to cope with liver stress and normalizes metabolic processes, which is very important when losing weight;
  4. raw beets - prevention of such common ailments as Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis, atherosclerosis and heart disease;
  5. By regularly using this root crop, you can quickly strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve the condition of capillaries.

IMPORTANT: the inclusion of beetroot dishes in the diet of hypertensive patients allows them to keep pressure under control.

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The harm of raw beets

At this stage, you should talk about the cases in which beets do not benefit and have only a negative effect on the body.

Having studied in detail all the useful qualities of this vegetable, it must be said that not everyone can eat it. So, people who suffer from diabetes should dose beet pulp, because it can increase blood sugar levels.

Wild beet, from which all its other species originated, originally grew in the territories of India and the Far East. Only the leaves of this plant were used for food, and the roots were used for medicinal purposes.

Cultural red beets, its benefits and harms will be described below, appeared only by the beginning of our era. It came to Kievan Rus in the X-XI centuries, through Greece. By the 14th century, the culture had spread throughout Europe. Due to unpretentiousness in cultivation, pleasant taste, usefulness and long shelf life, it has become very popular everywhere. How is beetroot useful for the human body and due to what does it have such properties?

Nutritional value and calories

All the beneficial properties of beets are determined by its chemical composition. It contains minerals such as potassium (325 mg), sodium (78 mg), phosphorus (40 mg), magnesium (23 mg), calcium (16 mg), iron (0.8 mg), zinc (0.35 mg), manganese (0.329 mg), copper (75 mcg), selenium (0.7 mcg).

For 100 g of fresh vegetables, there are 1.61 g of proteins, 0.17 g of fats and 9.56 g of carbohydrates, 2.8 g of dietary fiber. The energy value in this case is 43 kcal.

What vitamins are in this vegetable? Most of all it contains vitamin C - 4.9 mg. In second place in terms of content are B vitamins: B5 - 0.155 mg, B9 - 0.109 mg, B6 - 0.067 mg, B2 - 0.04 mg, B1 - 0.031 mg. It also contains vitamins: A - 0.002 mg, E - 0.04 mg, K - 0.2 μg, PP - 0.334 mg.

Medicinal properties

Due to the content of coarse fibers, or fiber, table beets are good for the intestines. The beneficial properties of fiber are based on the fact that it is not broken down by digestive enzymes and reaches the rectum almost unchanged, this contributes to the rapid movement of all food waste through the intestines, which prevents constipation from developing and prevents the reproduction of pathogenic microflora. Therefore, beetroot for constipation is an excellent and fast-acting remedy, it normalizes intestinal motility, weakens and improves metabolism in general.

It weakens not only fiber, but also pectin substances (1.1 g), which are also part of root crops. Their effect is explained by the ability to form gelatinous masses that can adsorb and remove from the body such harmful compounds as poisons, toxins, heavy metals and their salts. Therefore, the benefits of beets for the body also consist in the function of its cleansing.

The benefits of red beet for people with cardiovascular diseases are due to the presence of B vitamins, potassium and magnesium in it. These minerals and vitamins in beets help maintain normal blood pressure by participating in the regulation of vascular tone and blood circulation, and help in the normalization of cardiac activity, as they control the processes of muscle contraction and relaxation.

This vegetable contains a special substance - betaine, it is it that gives the characteristic maroon color to root crops and provides the main healing properties of beets. Namely: betaine is able to influence the health of blood vessels, it increases their strength, relieves spasms and cleanses, which is why beetroot helps with pressure. This effect of this substance is based on its ability to reduce the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood, which is the cause of vascular damage.

Betaine also has hepatoprotective properties, i.e. it is able to protect liver cells from damage. In addition, betaine is a lipotropic substance, since it is able to enhance the metabolism of fats in the liver, thereby ensuring the prevention of obesity in this organ. This is the benefit of beets for the liver.

The benefits of beets for men are also due to the presence of betaine in it, which can reduce the risk of prostate adenoma and colon and rectal cancer, due to its antioxidant properties that destroy tumor cells. For the same reason, beets can also be used in oncology in women, for example, in the prevention of breast cancer.

Benefits for pregnant women

Can pregnant women eat this vegetable? The answer, of course, is yes, because it contains folic acid, which is so important in early pregnancy. After all, folic acid, or vitamin B9, protects against the development of defects in the neural tube of the fetus, and ensures the normal development of the embryo, because it regulates cell division.

In addition, this vegetable helps fight depression and mood swings that are typical for pregnant women. What vitamins provide this effect? Vitamins of group B have this property, they ensure the normal functioning of the central nervous system and increase stress resistance.

What else is useful beets for the body of pregnant women? It contains iron, which helps fight anemia and helps prevent fetal hypoxia (lack of oxygen). Iron is part of hemoglobin, which supplies oxygen to all tissues and organs of the body. Therefore, beets raise the level of hemoglobin in the blood, which is so important to monitor during the period of expectation of a child.

Having a laxative effect, beets during pregnancy help fight constipation, which so often causes discomfort to women in position. It weakens due to the content of coarse fibers and pectin, which explains the health benefits and harms of beets. After all, coarse fibers not only improve intestinal motility, but can also cause flatulence or bloating.

What's the best way to eat?

The healing properties of red beets are preserved both raw and boiled. This is explained by the fact that its most useful components, which determine its benefits and harms to the body - betaine, pectin compounds, fiber and B vitamins, are not destroyed during cooking.

In order for the beets to retain their medicinal properties during cooking, you need to cook it correctly. Root crops should be thoroughly washed and poured with cold water so that it completely covers them. You need to cook under a lid over low heat, so the nutrients in the beets will be preserved better. The duration of cooking depends on the size of the root crops, on average it is 45-50 minutes.

Important: To check the readiness of a vegetable, you need to pierce it with a fork, ready-made beets lend themselves easily to this. If the plug is difficult to enter, then it is worth trying again after 10 minutes.

The benefits of beetroot juice

What vitamins and minerals are in beetroot juice? All the nutrients and vitamins contained in this vegetable are concentrated in the juice, since all the fiber is removed. It retains all the beneficial properties of red beets, so the juice is also often used for medicinal purposes.

Due to the content of iron, beetroot juice has a positive effect on the composition of the blood and the formation of red blood cells. Therefore, it quickly improves the condition of anemia. The mineral salts contained in beetroot juice can reduce the use of oxygen during physical exertion, thus allowing you to save energy. Therefore, it is useful for athletes to drink such juice, especially during the competition. Lipotropic substances (betaine), which are contained in beetroot juice, speak of the benefits of this drink for those who are on a diet to reduce weight. They help to enhance the process of burning fat, and the vitamin and mineral composition allows you to maintain the strength of the body.

Beetroot juice has a rather specific taste, in addition, in its pure form, it can cause disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, because it enhances the secretion of the stomach. Increased secretion consists in increased production of digestive juices, and this contributes to irritation of the gastric mucosa and can cause ulceration. To improve the taste of the juice, and in order to reduce the possible harm to the stomach and intestines, it is better to mix it with the juices of other vegetables. The optimal combination is a mixture of beet juice with carrot juice, in a ratio of 1:4. This is explained by the fact that carrot juice helps to reduce the harmful effects of oxalic acid contained in beetroot juice on the kidneys, protecting them from the formation of stones.

Folk recipes

In traditional medicine recipes, people use the medicinal properties of this vegetable to treat a wide variety of diseases and symptoms, namely:

It is also useful for hypertension, because it is able to normalize blood pressure due to the content of betaine. In alternative medicine, for this effect, a mixture of honey and beetroot juice is used, in a ratio of 1: 1. Honey allows you to soften the effect of juice on the stomach and enhance the positive effect of the mixture, due to its beneficial properties. The mixture should be drunk 15 ml 4 times a day, a course of three weeks. This will lower blood pressure and improve blood composition by increasing hemoglobin content.

Vegetable harm and contraindications

Some substances that beets contain have beneficial properties and contraindications. For example, the oxalic acid it contains can not only provide benefits by helping the digestive system absorb calcium, but can also cause kidney problems by promoting the formation of stones. This is the harm of the vegetable for the urinary system.

Beetroot has contraindications for diseases of the pancreas, because it contains a lot of coarse fiber, difficult for digestion, and unnecessarily burdens this organ. Therefore, beets for pancreatitis are included in the list of prohibited foods, and its use can lead to a worsening of the condition. But in boiled form, beets with chronic pancreatitis, after eliminating the symptoms of the disease, can be gradually introduced into the diet.

The glycemic index of beet roots is 64, this is a very high value, so beets with type 2 diabetes are usually excluded from the diet. But this issue should be discussed separately with your doctor, because beets in type 2 diabetes can also have a positive effect, because it cleanses the body of toxins well, improves immunity and strengthens blood vessels. The main thing is not to eat raw beets for diabetes and eat no more than 100 g of this vegetable in finished form.

Due to their fiber content and ability to enhance gastric secretions, red beets bring benefits and harms to the health of those who suffer from stomach diseases. Beets with gastritis are most often excluded from the diet. For the same reasons, beets are not recommended for stomach ulcers. But, depending on the severity of the disease, patients may be prohibited from this vegetable only in its raw form and fresh beetroot juice. At the same time, boiled or baked root crops can be allowed during periods of remission of these diseases.

Some symptoms of the appearance:

  • increased sweating;
  • weakened immunity, frequent colds;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • nervous state, depression;
  • headaches and migraines;
  • intermittent diarrhea and constipation;
  • want sweet and sour;
  • bad breath;
  • frequent feeling of hunger;
  • weight loss problems
  • loss of appetite;
  • night grinding of teeth, salivation;
  • pain in the abdomen, joints, muscles;
  • does not pass cough;
  • pimples on the skin.

If you have any of the symptoms or doubt the causes of ailments, you need to cleanse the body as soon as possible. How to do it .

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boiled beets(see photo) is the most common root crop that is used for planting in the garden. Beetroot is an excellent assistant in the treatment of various diseases, and also goes well with vegetable salads.

There are such types of this root crop that can be grown on all continents except Antarctica.:

  • ordinary;
  • stern;
  • sugar.

For the first time, beets began to be used even before our era in Babylon. The roots of the product acted as a good medicine, and its leaves were used for cooking.


The composition of the boiled vegetable contains many useful nutrients that have a beneficial effect on health.:

  • amino acids;
  • vitamins B and P;
  • folic acid;
  • minerals (potassium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, manganese).

A boiled vegetable is characterized by the following nutritional value:

  • water, ash;
  • fatty acid;
  • monosaccharides and disaccharides;
  • alimentary fiber.

The calorie content of this product is insignificant, but they should not be abused so as not to harm the body.

Useful properties and harm

The beneficial properties of boiled root vegetables have a very beneficial effect on health. Many experts recommend using this product for such purposes.:

  • to protect the body from the ingress of harmful bacteria due to environmental pollution;
  • to get rid of diarrhea, gastritis, cholecystitis;
  • to normalize the work of the stomach and intestines;
  • to normalize the liver;
  • to increase male potency;
  • to prevent disorders of the central nervous system;
  • to slow down the aging process of the body;
  • to increase hemoglobin in the blood;
  • to reduce the inflammatory process of the pancreas.

Boiled beets can be eaten by people suffering from gout, but in small quantities, since the vegetable is rich in oxalic acid, and it negatively affects the joints.

With a stomach ulcer, a boiled vegetable can be eaten, but in a very small amount and only when the patient goes to recovery, but not during an exacerbation.

With hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland, traditional medicine experts advise drinking about two hundred grams of beetroot juice squeezed from a boiled vegetable in the morning.

Also, this boiled vegetable is useful for people who adhere to a diet. Since the product contains few calories, it effectively fights excess fat in the body. Therefore, many girls use the product for weight loss (every day you need to drink about two hundred grams of the broth in which the vegetable was boiled).

Many mothers ask themselves: “Is it possible to eat boiled beets while breastfeeding?” Experts say that although this root vegetable is red (vegetables of this color can cause an allergic reaction in a child through breast milk), it is useful for nursing mothers to consume it.

Since boiled beetroot has a laxative effect, it is allowed to consume a boiled vegetable during pregnancy, because it effectively helps with constipation, which so often happens in pregnant women. Also, the product helps to lower blood pressure, increases hemoglobin in the blood, relieves stress, fatigue. But it is contraindicated in pregnant women who have high blood sugar levels.

As for babies, they are recommended to give beets no earlier than nine months. And if a baby is prone to allergic reactions to red foods from birth, then you need to give a vegetable only when the child is exactly one year old.

There is a lot of controversy about the best way to use beets: boiled or cheese? Where are more nutrients and useful minerals? Here is a small comparative description of the vegetable fresh and boiled:

  • a fresh vegetable retains all the nutrients and vitamins, but not a boiled one (when cooking, vitamins C and B die);
  • on the other hand, when the product is cooked, all bacteria harmful to the body die;
  • fresh beet juice accelerates detoxification so much that the body does not have time to remove harmful toxins, and some of them enter the bloodstream;
  • according to the glycemic index, boiled root vegetables contain more sugar than raw ones, so it is not recommended to use it for people who have diabetes.

As you can see, the product can be useful and nutritious in any form, but for everyone in different ways.

Along with the benefits, this product can also cause harm to the body. It is contraindicated in people:

  • suffering from acute inflammation of the pancreas;
  • suffering from a lack of calcium in the body;
  • suffering from chronic diarrhea;
  • who have the formation of stones in the urinary tract;
  • who have elevated blood sugar levels.

No matter how important the product is for the body, they can also be poisoned. Some farmers spray beet beds with various harmful nitrates to make the vegetable grow faster. Therefore, when such a product enters the human body, it can cause poisoning. To remove harmful substances and toxins from the body, you need to drink three glasses of warm boiled water, and then provoke vomiting on your own. After that, it is advisable to call an ambulance for further treatment.

As you can see, boiled beets have a whole range of health benefits. But you should also remember about contraindications, so that later there are no health problems.

The use of boiled beets

The use of boiled beets covers not only the field of cooking. Due to its medicinal properties, beets have found application in alternative medicine and in home cosmetology.

In cooking

In cooking, a boiled product is most often used as an ingredient for making salads.("Vinaigret", "Shuba", with prunes, with green peas, with chicken, with cheese, with mushrooms). Also, cooking hot dishes (beetroot, borscht) is not complete without it. The product is perfect for people who do not eat meat products: you can make beet cutlets with it, which will be very tasty and appetizing.

Beets are suitable for any type of cooking (stewing, frying, marinating, preserving). Also, the vegetable is used to create vegetable pies, cupcakes, sauces. Beets can be used as a basis for cooking diet delicacies (casseroles, cookies, cheesecakes) and vegetable stews. And also acts as an independent snack (beets with garlic).

Despite the fact that the product is subjected to various heat treatments, it retains beneficial nutrients in any case.

Below is a video on how to cook a salad of boiled beets with garlic and mayonnaise.

In cosmetology

In cosmetology, boiled beets are used to create face masks. It effectively fights rashes on the face (pimples, pustules, blackheads), and also helps with dryness and oily sheen of the face.


Mode of application

Against oily sheen

To get rid of oily sheen, you need to boil a small beetroot, peel and chop on a grater. Pour one teaspoon of camphor alcohol into the resulting mixture, mix thoroughly. Apply to the face for twenty minutes every two days. The result will not keep you waiting long.

Against acne

To get rid of annoying pimples once and for all, you need to boil a small beetroot, remove it from the beetroot broth. Then pour one tablespoon of quality apple cider vinegar into the beet liquid. Wash with decoction twice a day for a week.

Against dry skin

So that the skin is not too dry, it is necessary to boil a small beetroot. Then peel and grate. Next, in a small bowl, put one tablespoon of chopped vegetable, the same amount of milk, St. John's wort tincture and one teaspoon of aloe juice. Stir the resulting mixture thoroughly. Apply to face and keep for about twenty minutes. After washing with warm water.

If allergic rashes occur, the use of such masks should be abandoned.

In folk medicine

In folk medicine, boiled vegetable covers a wide range of diseases. Traditional medicine experts recommend eating boiled root vegetables in such cases..


Mode of application

Chair problems

If you have chronic constipation, then you need to eat a small boiled beet every morning on an empty stomach. The result will not keep you waiting long.

Skin diseases

In the treatment of lichen, boiled vegetable leaves are perfect. They need to be boiled and chopped, and then mixed with natural honey (one part of the leaves and three parts of honey). Apply to the affected area of ​​the body. Apply until the complete disappearance of the disease.

Against the common cold

If you are tormented by rhinitis, then you need to squeeze out the juice from boiled beets and drip three drops into both nostrils. Apply until the runny nose is gone.

Ear ache

If your ears are very sore, and your hearing is also deteriorating, then beetroot juice is well suited. It effectively removes the inflammatory process. It is necessary to drip three drops of juice into the auricles. Apply until the pain disappears completely.

Do not forget that if you have a disease in which this product is contraindicated, then you should stop using it and consult a doctor for advice..

How to cook and store?

In order to properly cook a root crop, you need to know a few simple rules under which the product remains tasty and healthy after cooking:

  • before putting the vegetable in a saucepan and putting it to boil, it must be thoroughly washed from dirt without removing the skin and tail;
  • it is necessary to pour enough water into the container so that it completely covers the vegetable;
  • as soon as the liquid boils, you need to pour a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • the vegetable will be cooked as soon as it becomes soft (if the knife enters the beets well, then the vegetable is ready);
  • after the root crop should be placed in cold water for ten minutes, and then peeled. The vegetable is ready to eat.

Place the finished product in a bag and store exclusively in the refrigerator for two days. You can also freeze beets: just wrap them in cling film and put them in the freezer.

The popular vegetable is used to prepare first and second courses, salads, light snacks. Due to the rich vitamin and mineral composition, the properties of beets are especially useful for maintaining vitality, overcoming high nervous and physical stress. The medicinal properties of the vegetable were used by the ancient Romans. For the prevention of various diseases, they used roots and leaves soaked in wine. The vegetable is eaten raw, boiled, baked. But most of the healing properties are in fresh root vegetables or beetroot juice.

The composition and calorie content of beets

The popular root crop is characterized by low calorie content, 100 g of a useful product contains 42 kcal.

The benefits of beets in a rich vitamin composition. The vegetable contains a lot of vitamins C, group B, including B9 (folic acid), which is especially necessary for.

Root crops contain malic, citric, oxalic, tartaric, lactic acids, which contribute to the digestion of food, the release of a sufficient amount of juice in the stomach.

The biologically active element betaine helps break down and assimilate proteins, followed by the formation of choline, which promotes fat metabolism in the liver and protects its cells from damage.

100 g of the root contains a third of the daily requirement for manganese, an essential element of cellular metabolism. Sufficient intake of the trace element contributes to an increase, it is recommended for osteoporosis, to strengthen the nervous system, prevent diseases of the heart, blood vessels, in case of infertility in women and men, as well as disorders, obesity, to prevent acuity or hearing loss.

The highest content of the following trace elements:

  • , reducing nervous excitability, blood pressure;
  • copper, necessary for the synthesis of the thyroid hormone thyroxine, hematopoiesis, the production of female sex hormones;
  • potassium, which prevents arrhythmia, regulates blood pressure indicators;
  • , which increases immunity, necessary for the prevention of male infertility and impotence;
  • iron, which transports oxygen to various organs with the help of red blood cells;
  • necessary for the functioning of the thyroid gland.

In addition, root crops contain enough insoluble and pectins, which cleanse the intestinal walls from harmful substances.

Maximum useful properties in fresh beets. If a raw vegetable is not to your taste, you can boil it. But it is more useful to prepare beetroot juice.

Before drinking, beetroot juice must be kept in an open container for at least two hours, preferably in a cool place. At the beginning of treatment, it is worth taking a mixture of beetroot and carrot juice in equal parts. Gradually reduce the proportion of carrot juice. Cucumber, cabbage, potato juices are also used to prepare the therapeutic mixture.

It is more useful to take any vegetable juices or their mixture two hours before meals.

The benefits of beets for weight loss and weight loss

Impaired metabolism is one of the causes of overweight. To restore metabolic reactions, it is useful to take 1-2s.l. beet juice 4-5 times a day.

The cake remaining after juicing is low in calories and rich in fiber. Significantly increasing in volume under the influence of moisture, fiber fibers quickly fill the stomach, creating a feeling of satiety. Cake can be seasoned with low-fat sour cream, it is tastier and easier to swallow.

The regular inclusion of plant fibers in the diet allows you to get rid of waste accumulated on the walls of the intestine, to normalize metabolic processes. In addition, by binding and evacuating from the intestines, dietary fiber helps to eliminate its excess in the blood.

Obese people also benefit from the diuretic properties of fresh beets and juice.

How to cook beets

  • Before cooking, the roots are thoroughly washed, but not peeled. The tail does not need to be cut.
  • Pour in water, cook after boiling for 40 minutes.
  • Place the root crop in cold water.
  • Peel and eat on its own or as part of other dishes.

A fresh vegetable has more useful properties, but it is less absorbed by the body.

Recipes to strengthen immunity

The medicinal properties of beets are useful for increasing the body's defenses, eliminating beriberi.

Recipe 1. Stir 250 g of pureed root crop, 150 ml of lemon juice, up to 200 g of honey, 100 ml of vodka or alcohol. Insist in a sealed container for 3 days, strain. Take 20-30 ml an hour after eating for two months.

Recipe 2. Pour 150 g of grated vegetable with a glass of vodka, insist in a sealed container for 2 weeks, strain. Take 30 ml 2 times a day.

The benefits of beets for colds, runny nose, sore throat

For treatment, mix beet and cranberry juices, honey, vodka in equal parts. Three days later, take 1 s.l. tincture one hour before meals.

With a runny nose, instillation of 3-5 drops of fresh beet juice into each nostril helps. Moistened cotton swabs can be put into the nostrils.

To cope with, mix beet juice and honey in equal parts. Take half a glass 3-4 times a day. 1/2 cup fresh juice is also beneficial.

In case of acute tonsillitis () rub 100 g of the root crop, add 2 tbsp. , insist for half an hour. Gargle with the composition of the throat several times a day, 1 tsp. can be swallowed.

Useful properties of beets for men

To increase male strength, prevent deterioration of potency, in case of prostatitis, mix beetroot, cucumber, carrot juices in equal parts, you can add sweet pepper juice. Take 1/2 cup half an hour before meals for a month.

If necessary, take a two-week break and repeat the course.

The benefits of beets in the treatment of hypertension and migraine

The diuretic and vasodilating properties of beetroot juice, especially in combination with honey, are widely used in folk medicine to lower blood pressure and eliminate headaches.

Recipes for hypertension:

  • Soak beetroot juice made from fresh vegetables for at least 2 hours in the refrigerator. Take a third of a glass during the day.
  • Mix in equal parts beetroot juice, honey. Take 1s.l. up to 7 times a day at least half an hour before meals for a month.
  • Prepare a mixture of carrot and beetroot juices, taken one glass each, add half a glass of flower honey and the juice of one. Take a medicinal composition of 1 s.l. one hour before meals.
  • Mix a glass of beet and carrot juice with half a glass of cranberry juice and vodka. Take in the case of 1s.l. three times per day.
  • Mix half a glass of beetroot and carrot juices with 1/2 cup and honey, pour half a glass of alcohol. Insist in a cool dark place for three days. Take 1s.l. three times per day.

In case of headache, migraine, a compress of grated raw beetroot, placed on the forehead or temples, is beneficial. Fresh beet leaves can be applied to the forehead. A swab moistened with onion or beetroot juice, placed in the ear canal, helps.

Recipe for the treatment of hypothyroidism

To prepare beetroot tincture, rub a fresh root vegetable to get 1/2 cup of juice. Add a glass of vodka, insist in a sealed container for two days.

Take 2 s.l. three times a day with half a glass of water. The duration of treatment is two weeks, then a seven-day break and a repeated ten-day course.

The benefits of beets for the intestines, pancreas, liver

Due to the high content of dietary fiber, beets have a useful property to suppress the development of pathogenic intestinal microflora, eliminate constipation, effectively evacuate accumulated harmful substances, and lower cholesterol levels.

To get rid of Giardia, mix in equal parts the juice of beets, carrots, honey, cognac. Take half a glass of funds 30 minutes before meals.

The laxative properties of beets combined with honey are used to relieve constipation. In old age, for the prevention of constipation, it is useful to consume 150 g of boiled vegetables every day. The fiber-rich root crop enhances intestinal motility, helps to restore the disturbed balance of microflora.

In some cases, beet enemas are beneficial to normalize difficult stools. Rub a pound of vegetables, brew a liter of boiling water, insist for half an hour. Strain, cool to room temperature. Enter in a small amount of enema, a course of 7-10 procedures.

With reduced acidity of gastric juice, take half a glass of juice half an hour before meals.

To normalize the work of the pancreas, take beet juice. Starting with 1 tsp. 2-3 times a day half an hour before meals, gradually increase a single dose to half a glass.

Beetroot decoction for cleansing the liver

Useful properties of beets for mild cleansing of the liver, normalization of its functioning have long been used by folk healers.

To prepare beetroot broth, wash a small root crop, place in a saucepan, pour 1 liter of water. Note the level and add another 2 liters of water. Cook over low heat for about 2 hours so that 1 liter of water remains in the pan.

Rub the boiled root crop, mix with the remaining water to make porridge. Cook porridge for another 20 minutes, strain.

Divide the beet broth into four parts. After taking one part, put a heating pad on the liver, lie on your right side. The heating pad can be attached with a shawl and do household chores. Repeat after four hours.

If the decoction is taken every three or two hours, the cleansing effect will be greater. In any case, you should not drink the entire broth at a time.

The benefits of beetroot in dissolving stones

In case of cholelithiasis, boil 150-200g of vegetable in 700-800ml of water. Cook until the root vegetable is soft. Strain the decoction. Take 150 ml four times a day.

To dissolve liver stones, take a glass of raw beetroot juice on an empty stomach.

Another recipe. Cut the root vegetable, cook until the slices form a syrup. Take an incomplete glass 3-4 times a day.

How to cook beet kvass

The healing properties of kvass from beets are useful for the prevention of high blood pressure, various digestive disorders.

The root crop is cleaned, cut into medium-sized slices and poured with warm boiled water to the top. The dishes are covered with several layers of gauze. After 3-5 days kvass is ready.

Fresh drink of bright color, slightly stretches. The pressure drops especially effectively if you add 1 tsp to a glass of kvass. honey and 1s.l. lemon juice.

As you drink, you can add boiled water until the drink becomes pink and less thick.

Another recipe. Fill a third of the jar with grated root crops, brew boiling water to the top. Add 200 g of sugar, 50 g of rye bread crusts. Put in a warm place for fermentation. After 2-3 days kvass is ready.

Beetroot recipes that are good for the heart and blood vessels

Due to the mass of medicinal properties, regular consumption of vegetables and juice prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, strengthens capillaries, and has a vasodilating effect. Included in the composition contributes to the hematopoietic function, it is indicated for anemia (anemia).

To reduce cholesterol levels, improve memory, it is useful to take a glass of beet juice every day.

The activity of the heart muscle is normalized by taking a mixture of beetroot juice and honey, taken in equal parts. Take a medicinal composition of 1 s.l. an hour before meals for two months. Juice can be replaced with grated vegetables.

The healing properties of beets are used to eliminate iron deficiency, cleanse the blood. Mix in equal parts beetroot, carrot juice, radish juice. Radish can be replaced with cabbage. Add honey to taste. Take a third of a glass an hour before meals.

To improve brain activity, cleanse blood vessels, it is useful to include beetroot salads in the diet:

  • Get from 1/2 sliced ​​puree, grind with 1 tbsp. sour cream or cream. Grate the vegetable and mix with the puree.
  • Finely chop carrots, cabbage, beets. Add 1 tsp. vegetable oil, honey, mix.

Useful properties of beets for external use

  • Medicinal vegetable is useful for relieving inflammation, eliminating pain. Porridge, crushed leaves, boiled juice are fixed on the damaged area, changing the bandage once a day.
  • To eliminate them, they are washed with beetroot broth.
  • It is useful to lubricate with fresh beetroot juice.
  • In case boiled leaves are applied.
  • If necessary, hold a slice of raw beets in your mouth.

Contraindications and harm of beet treatment

The root crop lowers pressure, therefore it is contraindicated in case of hypotension.

It is forbidden to use freshly prepared juice, as vasospasm may occur. You must wait at least 2 hours. Juice should not be combined with yeast products, kvass.

Beetroot makes it difficult to digest, which is harmful in case of osteoporosis.

The root crop contains oxalic acid, which is contraindicated and can be harmful in case of oxaluria, urolithiasis.

With a significant content of sucrose, beets are contraindicated for those suffering from diabetes.

The use of a vegetable is contraindicated in loose stools.

The root crop is harmful in gastritis with high acidity, in the case of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract due to the rough mechanical action of plant fibers.

Beets have the ability to accumulate nitrates. Most of them are near the leaves. Therefore, in doubtful cases, it is worth removing a quarter of the top of the root crop along with the tops. Of course, it is more useful to eat vegetables grown in the garden.

Modified: 02/16/2019
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