The dream interpretation was looked after by an unfamiliar pleasant man. According to the dream book from A to Z. An unfamiliar man in a dream that you like: what does it mean

To gain financial well-being. Beautiful - the completion of a long-term project. Well-built - along with the state, fame and recognition will come. Small growth - small investments will bring big profits. Elderly - financial support from a close relative. Scary or ugly - at first glance, a hopeless business can bring financial well-being. Hunchback - reveal the betrayal of the person you trusted the most. In a hat and raincoat - you will have a patron. In clothes of light colors - receiving an inheritance. In clothes of dark colors - your many years of work will bring tangible results. Dead - to the discovery of new sources of income. Blond is a profitable acquaintance. Brunet is an adventurous proposal. In prison - the implementation of your plans for a long time. Enter into a love relationship - reconciliation with competitors.

Imagine that an unfamiliar man from your dream gives you something.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

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What is the most common thing every woman thinks about? Of course, about men! Therefore, there is nothing strange if in a dream she sees her soulmate. But what does the dream mean in which you meet a person who is completely alien to you? What an unfamiliar man is dreaming of will be told by the dream book.

A dream in which I happened to see a stranger is associated by many interpreters with the unknown, which means it is somewhat dangerous. Therefore, a dream with such a plot can speak of the appearance of enemies and even enemies in life. But you should not worry ahead of time. Try to remember the smallest details of a dream: from a stranger's clothes to your emotional background. Were you glad, or was meeting a stranger upset? Having received answers to each of these questions, you can open the dream book and begin to decipher what you saw.

What to expect?

Different dream books talk differently about what a stranger might dream of. For example, the Small Velesov dream book promises future problems and evil rumors behind the sleeper's back. The interpretation will turn out to be even more unpleasant if the man in the dream was aggressive. If possible, try to stay away from disagreements and disputes for some time - they can be dangerous.

The Erotic Interpreter holds a completely different opinion. An unknown person seen in a dream promises changes on the personal front, but only if a girl who is free from relationships saw him. For those who have found a soul mate, such a plot promises an unexpected, but very pleasant meeting.

Miller's dream book adheres to a similar interpretation, but in a slightly different vein. The improvement will affect not only the personal life of the sleeper. Good luck awaits both financially and in any endeavors. The interpretation of sleep will only intensify if the person met was unusually beautiful. But if his appearance seemed unpleasant to you, something will happen in reality that will be very upsetting and make you disappointed.

What is the dream of a stranger, according to the interpreter of the Wanderer? This dream book considers such a vision to be an echo of the subconscious. The person you met in a dream, whom you see for the first time in your life, personifies one of the sides of your personality. It has not yet manifested itself, but after some time it will declare itself.

For a young person, such a dream is a warning that her life is not far from reckless and frivolous. If the sleeping woman does not think about correcting and setting the right path in time, she may well expect an unwanted pregnancy, which, moreover, will be negatively perceived by others.

The most complete explanation of what the unknown man is dreaming of is given by Pastor Loff's dream book. An unknown woman who came in night dreams is the personification of her masculine nature. What does this dream mean? Having understood the intricacies of a dream, you can find quite a few answers.

Intimate side

A dream in which the romantic side of a relationship with a stranger is revealed is actually a rarity. Much more often we see a different plot - a character and emotions experienced in relation to him. But, as the dream books say, there is an interpretation of much more “closer” visions.

For example, a woman whose relationship is just being born, but in a dream she kissed a stranger, should beware. Perhaps the novel will end soon, without really starting. The interpretation of sleep will only intensify if the sleeping woman felt disgust during the kiss, the dream book warns.

But a dream in which kisses gave pleasure and kindled passion does not bode well. Perhaps an opponent will appear in the dreamer's life, who will set out to destroy the nascent feelings. This can be avoided only if sincere love, respect for each other and mutual understanding reign between young people.

What else can dream of a kiss with a stranger? If such a plot was dreamed of by a young and romantic nature, a surge of unprecedented emotions awaits her, an attempt to start a romance, which, however, will not lead to anything. The sleeping woman is not in the mood for a long serious relationship? Then for her, such a plot promises a short, but full of emotions love affair. It will end rather quickly, but will leave pleasant memories.

You should beware if in a dream an unknown person forces a kiss. Such a vision is a kind of warning - the relationship that you are about to enter or have already entered into can turn out to be not only unsuccessful, but even dangerous. And according to the dream book, this dream is a symbol of not the most correct actions of the sleeping person, which he will soon commit.

A kiss is a rather controversial sign, and, in general, carries a negative. And why can hugs with a stranger dream? Here, the dream books are not so negative - they promise joy and a long, lasting relationship. The most accurate prediction will depend on the subtleties of the dream.

In a dream, did a woman happen to be in the arms of a very large man with a big belly? A prosperous period awaits her, filled with only pleasant worries. Well-being will remain with her until old age, if the hair of the hugger was gray, the dream book promises.

A woman who, during sleep, embraced a stranger and experienced only pleasant feelings at the same time, will soon be made aware of unexpected guests. But the meaning of sleep will be true if the hugs during sleep were friendly. And why do you dream of hugs that bring rejection and discomfort? This promises problems in the service.

Being in bed with a stranger is very bad for those who have not yet tied the knot, according to the dream book. Such a dream warns the sleeping woman - her lifestyle, in which men change like gloves, will not lead to anything good. Maybe this plot promises an unwanted pregnancy.

Did you have a chance to sleep with a stranger in a dream? According to the dream book, the dreamer is a very resourceful and adventurous person. But if this closeness did not bring pleasure, in reality one should be prepared for family troubles for domestic reasons. However, they will not bring anything bad, and they will end as suddenly as they began.

Aggressive behavior

What is the dream of a stranger who is aggressive towards you? A successful young man who is being attacked by an armed man should beware in reality. It is likely that there are ill-wishers in his environment who use everything possible to interfere with the dreamer's successful career. Be careful, the dream book warns, and do not let you be harmed.

The dream in which you are fleeing from a stranger does not carry anything bad. In addition, if the pursuer failed to overtake you. All the difficulties that you encounter on the way to achieving your goal, you will overcome without much effort. Gossips will try in vain - no rumors will be able to discredit your good name. But if you dreamed that the enemy was able to catch up with you, be prepared for major troubles. Do not forget about the main thing - knowing about the danger, you can not only meet it with the least losses, but also completely successfully repel it, the dream book reminds.

And what can an unknown dream about, according to Freud's dream book? According to this well-known psychologist, the man seen for the sleeping person personifies the ideal with which she wants to connect her life. Having examined the features of a dreaming person, in reality it will be easier to make an unmistakable choice.

Why does the representative of the stronger sex have the same dream? The dreaming person is a kind of rival to the sleeping person, and all the negative traits that he finds in himself turn into virtues on the stranger.

How can you summarize all of the above? A dream in which a woman is molested by a stranger indicates that she wants this in reality. In addition, subconsciously, she transfers to him all the character traits that she wants to see in her chosen one. But a dream takes on such a meaning only if it is pleasant to her and does not cause negative emotions.

A woman sees the same dream, but at the same time she does not experience anything but fear, and, moreover, is she trying to free herself from a violent embrace? According to the dream book, hard times await the sleeper in reality - problems will arise that will be associated with the jealousy of the second half. However, there will be some truth in the emotions of the spouse - it is quite possible, according to the dream book, that the sleeping woman does not know how to hide her emotional impulses and secret sympathies.

What is the dream of an unfamiliar man?

What is the dream of an unfamiliar man? This dream can puzzle a married woman and intrigue a single woman. A vision in a dream can be colored with a positive color, or it can leave an unpleasant aftertaste. The interpretation will be determined by some nuances - the appearance of the man, his actions, the dreamer's reaction to events, the situation during the meeting, who dreamed of the man. Let's consider the details in detail.

General interpretation

A stranger in a dream is a symbol of the unknown. Some people are attracted to the unknown, excites the imagination and speeds up the heart rate. Others are afraid of the unknown and make them worry about their fate.

The interpretation of the vision must be divided according to the gender of the dreamer. The image of an aggressive man for a woman portends sympathy from the opposite sex, and a man in this dream promises future misunderstandings or a fight.

We determine the characteristics of the dreamed image:

For unmarried girls a dream in which a stranger appeared as a boyfriend can have a direct interpretation - a quick meeting with a charming person. For a married woman a dream with a romantic bias may portend a quarrel with her husband and a cooling of relations. Especially if in a dream the courtship caused a protest from the dreamer.

Even more undesirable for married women is a dream in which a love meeting with a stranger took place with mutual desire. This warns of the appearance of an opponent on the horizon. Be vigilant.

If in a dream a stranger hugging in a friendly way dreamer, sleep is considered auspicious. This portends good luck, the arrival of dear guests, a joyful event. If a hugs were passionate, this portends trouble in the dreamer's career.

A constant is considered a bad sign. love meeting in a dream with a stranger. This dream has a psychological and mystical context. From the mystical side, sleep is seen as the possession of a woman by an incubus (astral entity). On the psychological side, a woman subconsciously repels potential partners from herself. Either way, it's bad.

Appearance and clothes of a stranger

  • tall man portends a promotion. Also, a tall stranger may indicate an exaggeration of the significance of some event by the dreamer or his high conceit.
  • handsome man in a dream promises a new acquaintance for girls and renewal of feelings in an existing couple. If the image of a handsome man evoked negative feelings, there will be disappointment in love. For men, this image does not bode well - you have a strong rival in love. Also, the image of a handsome stranger can portend an opponent in the business sphere.
  • fat stranger- a good sign for the financial sector. The dreamer expects a cash prize or an increase in salary. A fat man promises wealth, prosperity and profit. An exhausted stranger portends losses, illnesses and failures.
  • What does elderly stranger in a dream? This dream portends a long and prosperous life. Even an aggressive old man in a dream will bring great success in the working field in real life.
  • Why dream bearded man? A handsome man with a well-groomed beard is a harbinger of well-being and prosperity. But beware if the image of a bearded man was untidy and disheveled - this portends young girls an unsuccessful marriage, full of anxiety and humiliation. On the financial side, too, not all will be well.
  • mustachioed stranger portends young girls an acquaintance with a pleasant gentleman. And for men, the barbel will bring many problems, the solution of which will take a lot of time and effort.
  • Stranger with red hair speaks of a secret ill-wisher. This person is just waiting for a moment to harm the dreamer - to destroy a career, to discredit a good name. Take a closer look at your surroundings, keep secrets to yourself. A dream with a painted man has the same meaning.
  • Bald stranger women dream of well-being. However, the image is considered unfavorable for a girl of marriageable age: it is better to refuse an offer to marry than to later bitterly regret an unreasonable act. A new acquaintance awaits ahead.
  • hairy stranger promises monetary gain, this is a very favorable sign for business and career. A gray-haired man is also a favorable symbol in all respects: for a married woman, he promises well-being in the family, for a man - success in the labor field.
  • Well dressed man portends well-being, dirty and torn clothes on a stranger promise monetary losses.

Other dream plots

  • A drunkard in a dream warns of a meeting with an unpleasant person who will be difficult to get rid of.
  • A military man in a dream promises troubles and conflicts.
  • A weeping stranger portends success in life.
  • A rich and prosperous man promises the dreamer a successful acquaintance with the representative of the stronger sex.
  • A sleeping stranger portends a woman stability in a relationship, if a man cannot be awakened, expect a divorce.
  • Dancing lonely stranger - to happy love.
  • Dancing a slow waltz with a stranger is a difficult relationship in a couple.
  • Dancing a twist or other quick dance with a stranger is a prosperous relationship in a couple.
  • A pregnant man in a dream portends favorable changes in the dreamer's life.
  • A very small stranger speaks of the dreamer's low self-esteem.

Why dream knife attack in a dream? This dream portends trouble, the beginning of a black streak and obstacles in everything. Try to be more prudent, do not run into conflict and do not defend your point of view - now is not the time.

see beaten and a wounded stranger in a dream - to life's disappointments, longing and depression. If a stranger hit the dreamer, your plans will fail. dead stranger or a drowned man in a dream portends good, and a hanged man portends trouble.

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An unfamiliar man from a dream book

Men ... most of the female consciousness is occupied with them, and it is quite normal to see your boyfriend or husband in a dream, but if the dream contains a plot with a person you have never seen in your life? Our dream book will tell you what an unfamiliar man is dreaming of, and what events such a picture promises.

A dream with a stranger, as the personification of the unknown, and therefore frightening, according to the prediction of many dream books, is interpreted as the possibility of enemies appearing in real life. But not everything is so bad, it is very important to look at the details in a dream, as well as feel the emotional atmosphere. What feelings does the person evoke in you, what emotions did you experience when you saw him? Armed with the answers to these questions, you can proceed directly to the interpretation of the dream.

Why is a stranger dreaming - for worse or for better?

In different dream books there are discrepancies in the interpretation of what a hundred promises to see an unfamiliar man in a dream. For example, the Small Velesov dream book interprets such a plot as a prediction of failure and possible gossip around the dreamer's person. And if the stranger is also fighting, then it is better not to get involved in quarrels and conflicts, they are fraught with danger.

According to the interpretation of the Erotic Dream Book, a never-before-seen person in a dream promises positive changes in relationships and intimate life. But this interpretation is correct only if the dreamer is a young lonely girl. What such a picture is dreaming of may be a harbinger of an unplanned, but no less pleasant meeting from this.

According to Miller's dream book, an unfamiliar man in a dream is an omen of good changes in life in general, and in financial affairs in particular. Especially if the young man was unusually handsome. The same dream book promises trouble and disappointment if the guy evoked repulsive feelings in you, was ugly and untidy.

What is the dream of a stranger in the Wanderer's dream book? According to this interpretation, the dream is given a more subconscious meaning. A guy in a dream, whom you have never seen in reality, symbolizes any trait of your character - even negative, even positive - which has not been manifested until now, but will very soon make itself felt.

For a young single girl to see an unfamiliar man in a dream, according to the interpretation of her grandmother's dream book, is a kind of warning, a warning against a dissolute and unrighteous life. If the dreamer does not take the path of correction, then an unpleasant pregnancy awaits her, which neither she nor those around her will want.

The most extensive interpretation of what the unknown is dreaming of is given by Loff's dream book. From a psycho-emotional point of view, the mysterious Mr. X in a dream for a woman is a projection of her masculinity. Why dream of such a picture? With the help of all facets of attitude to this image, you can understand real life, find answers to existing questions at the moment.

Intimate activities with a stranger in a dream

In fact, performing intimate acts in a dream, such as kissing and warm hugs, and even more so engaging in sexual relations with an unknown person, is a rarity. More often, the dreamer simply sees the character in a dream, feels any feelings for him, but does not enter into physical contact. But still, dream books have an interpretation of contact dreams.

For example, for an unmarried girl whose relationship is just beginning to be built, kissing in a dream with a stranger is not a very good sign, especially if she feels negative, disgusted during the kiss, tries to remove the person from herself. In this case, she is waiting for a cooling of relations with a partner up to a complete break.

A negative prediction is given even if the girl experiences an unprecedented passion when kissing an unknown person. Most likely, a rival will stand between her and her lover, who can destroy tender feelings. A bad outcome can be avoided only in the case of sincere love between partners.

Why else dream of kissing a stranger? For a young and romantic person, this is a harbinger of a short burst of feelings, a small attempt at a serious relationship, which in the end will not end in anything. If the dreamer herself is not looking for a permanent partner, then such a plot may portend for her a short-term, but very sensual connection with the opposite sex.

Beware if an unfamiliar man kisses you in a dream, and he does this not at your request. The dream interpretation predicts a great danger that new connections will pose. Also, according to the dream book of the Lovers, it is a symbol of the immoral, low deeds of the dreamer in the future.

If a kiss is a rather bad sign, in all its manifestations, then a hug with a mysterious stranger can bring good luck or love to the dreamer, the predictions of the dream book are completely dependent on the small details of the dream, on the emotional situation, and on the direct relationship to an unknown person.

When in a dream a woman is hugged by an unfamiliar man with a huge belly, the dream book predicts a prosperous time, which will carry only pleasant chores and positive feelings. If he is also gray-haired, then what such a plot dreams of portends the dreamer a long and serene life to a ripe old age.

If a woman had to warmly hug an unfamiliar man in a dream, then according to the interpretation of the dream book, this is a harbinger of the arrival of unexpected guests. But only on the condition that it was really only a friendly embrace, and not sensual and affectionate touches of passion. Why dream of negative emotions when hugging? They promise trouble at work.

Sleeping with a stranger is a bad dream book prediction for unmarried people. This is a kind of warning that a dissolute life, unwillingness to wait for sincere feelings, will eventually lead to a loss of respect from others. It can also be a symbol of an unwanted pregnancy in the near future.

From the point of view of psychoanalysis, sex with an unfamiliar man is a reflection of the dreamer's ingenuity and adventurism. But if during intimacy you did not receive satisfaction, then the dream book promises small, unpleasant quarrels in the family circle that will arise due to everyday trifles, and in the end will not lead to either positive or negative changes.

Aggression from a stranger

An unknown person, as the personification of everything unknown and unknown, often signals in a dream about a real danger to the dreamer. Moreover, if aggressive actions directed against the dreamer appear on the part of the stranger, then, according to the prediction of the dream book, this is a doubly bad sign.

What is the dream of an aggressive unfamiliar man? If a successful young man dreamed that he was being attacked by an unfamiliar person, who was also armed, then this is a symbol of the presence of hidden enemies surrounded by people who are trying to intrigue, obstacles that can easily interfere with career growth.

However, if in a dream you had to run away from an unfamiliar man, then this is not so bad, especially if he fails to catch up with you. The obstacles that arise in your path will be easily overcome, and any gossip about yourself can be refuted. If, nevertheless, the aggressor managed to catch up with you, then expect big trouble.

According to Freud's dream book, a stranger in a dream for a single woman is a symbol of an ideal partner, and by his features, one can understand which representative of the stronger sex to choose from the environment. For a man, this is a subconscious rival, and all those qualities that he considers his shortcomings are displayed opposite on the opponent.

Based on the foregoing, we can draw the following conclusion: if an unfamiliar man sticks to a married woman in a dream, then this is a reflection of true preferences, and the personification of those qualities that she currently does not see in her soulmate. But this is only in a situation where she does not feel disgust from harassment.

If in a dream an unfamiliar man in the house sticks to a woman, and at the same time she feels fear, tries to break out of his arms, then the dream book promises the dreamer big troubles that will arise due to the spouse’s excessive jealousy, and from her inability to hide her sensual impulses, and flirting love.

What does it mean to kiss a stranger in a dream and receive a declaration of love from him?

Please tell me what my dream means. I dreamed that I was kidnapped by an unfamiliar man, but at the same time I was very homesick for my current boyfriend. I compared them both in a dream, for example, I remember that my Andrey has broader shoulders, but Andryushenka's hair and eyes are darker. I woke up restless and with a strong desire to be near my loved one. And the dream does not come out of my head.

I dreamed about how I went to the cinema, but I didn’t go there, because there was a basketball court in front of the cinema and 2 guys were playing there, I climbed onto the net and showed one of them my tongue, he jumped over the net and tried to kiss me, knocking me to the ground but I didn't let me do it. And then he told me his name, and I found him in. K. in a dream and talked with him, and when she woke up, she felt some kind of happiness. And yes, I don’t have a boyfriend in reality, tell me, why this dream?

I am 16 years old and I dreamed that I was all the time with an unfamiliar man of mature age. We drive a car, he says compliments and words of a sexual nature to me. In a dream, I have a little bit of fear, but still I am with him, and it feels like everything is going to an intimate relationship. This dream worries me.

If in a dream an unfamiliar man promises to make your life rich and that you will not need anything.

I returned home down the street. The man ran up, roughly hugged me and said: “Well, how are you, my sweetheart?”, And whirled me around. It was in jest, like he was my old friend. Then we danced funny. He was wearing a black cloak, and I remember his face well. This man was familiar to me in a dream, I asked: “What did I call you, don’t you remember?”. He said he didn't remember. Then we parted just as suddenly, and I asked my friend if she knew his name. She gave her first and last name, and said that he was our neighbor. When I woke up, I entered this name and surname on Vkontakte and - oh horror! - I found it. I am absolutely sure that I have never seen him before.

I do not know how to say. When I started to fall asleep, I did not realize that this dream was like for real. Whether I was standing on the ground or it was dark in the sand, I do not know, but one thing I know, I saw stars only very far away. I stand and feel the sadness of loneliness, but like in a fairy tale, when I just started to feel sad, something bright appeared. I saw that it was glass or a mirror, broken into many large pieces, but there were many stars inside it, it was very beautiful. I stood and the nasty feeling left and wanted to catch one piece of glass, but anxious feelings did not allow me to touch it (as if they would evaporate or even worse). And high on the field, it seems, the boy was hovering who he was, I didn’t know. He was so handsome and warm, he was blond or his hair was white, and the clothes were like a schoolboy’s shirt, jeans and a red tie, only he didn’t see the shoes, but although his face was smiling, it was definitely sad, I can say that he was lonely. I noticed that he hovered in one place slowly circling, and did not fly back and forth, and glass flew around him, a lot of glass, as if he was the leader and all that. I wanted to tell him something, but the dream stopped, and at the time when I wanted to say something, he noticed me, I definitely remember he looked at me and smiled. And when I woke up and night fell, I saw the moon and thought about it and was surprised that they were similar. So interesting. Maybe I will meet him, because my dreams come true in a year or a month, eh, but they do come true.

For the fourth day in a row, I have had a dream about meeting a guy whom I have never seen in my life. In the first dream, I was walking along the road, but as if I myself didn’t know where I was going and a car was following me, and in the car that guy was fair-haired and looked very unpleasant, I don’t understand why such dreams.

Hello! Help me figure it out, I’m dreaming of a completely strange man, I hear some voices and suddenly he comes up to me, I don’t see his face! At that moment, my husband is standing near the door trying to do something, I shout to him turn on the light and come to me, but he does not pay attention to me, and I wake up from fear that a strange man wants to do something to me! I still can't get over this dream!

I had a dream in which I go to the bathhouse with a stranger, buy a ticket, stand in line, but looking around I understand that the city is not my native, but the one where I studied and could not finish college, and this stranger graduated from it. And we got into the bathhouse, but people didn’t wash there, but slept, by the way, they bought a ticket from an alcoholic woman.

I dreamed that I was losing my virginity and it was not out of love.

I have different dreams, but for a week I have been dreaming of a man of 25 years of age with an attractive appearance, whom I have never seen in real life, but despite the fact that he is not familiar to me, I get the feeling that he is the dearest person for me. He talks to me and from his presence I feel good. I am married and love him very much. And it just became scary why I was dreaming of another man. And in a dream there is no sexual connotation, but simply a feeling of goodness and some kind of extraordinary tenderness.

I dreamed that I went to the bath. At the entrance, already indoors, I bought a ticket from an unfamiliar man, strong physique. He told me: “If you pay another 100 UAH, then I will provide my intimate services.” I refused, but he began to hug me and lock me in the shower with him. I started to fight back, scratch, dodge. But he continued, and of my own free will I began to like everything. He entered me and we had passionate sex in the shower. Both liked it.

I dreamed that I was in a castle-like school. The dream was a little strange. There were many people I knew, but there was a stranger. True, in a dream he was familiar to me. When we were in the class (there were three people in the class, I did not pay attention to the others), he was put next to me, instead of Veronica. Our card was the only one with only two people sitting at it. In a dream, I realized that I was in love. At recess, I went to the women's restroom, and he and a few other guys and girls (I know them all, I won't name them). In the toilet on the left there were 2 desks placed next to each other and 4 chairs. There were two plants on the desks, and next to it all was a bookcase. We went to another room (yes, in the toilet) and there were a lot of sofas. There were also a couple of doors, but we did not go further. There was a plasma TV there, it was on. There was a movie on TV, we decided to sit for a while. By the way, we were all surprised by all this. Later, we somehow ended up next to a flat area, there were a few trees before this area. Near one of the trees there was one stone, quite large, but not too big. Everyone walked in front of me. I don't know why, but I fell behind everyone. I decided to sit on a rock and wait for the reaction of the guy I was in love with in my dream (in reality, I'm in love with another guy, but he doesn't know about it). And I was right. A minute later he ran up to me. But, there was something strange. There were two more guys there, but for some reason I didn’t seem to see them, but I did. I didn't pay any attention to them, but they, including that guy, all started asking what was wrong. I was glad, my heart was pounding very furiously, and I perfectly heard the beating of my heart. My dream is broken.

What is the dream of a rich and respectable man, much older than me, we are starting a relationship (and all that) ??

I dreamed of an unfamiliar dark-blond man, while he had a black foreign car and we were sitting in the car and talking about something. At the same time, I know his first and last name, and so I have not seen him anywhere, not a familiar man.

I had a dream that I was sleeping at my mother's house, but on the veranda. And then, at the head, some kind of masculine becoming not good begins and begins to dig into my mouth. I want to break free to scream, but I can’t do anything, no one hears me. It's not a kiss more like a bite, but not on the lips. Then I woke up. The dream was from Saturday to Sunday.

The dream was like that, I watched such a picture that 5 young people and one more he was in charge were standing and waiting, as I understood my friend, at that time I was peeping from behind the car, five left, then I realized that it was security. My friend wanted to go out, well, I see that the main one is standing and waiting for him, and at that moment I just throw a stone at the stranger or something is not clear, the familiar guy ran away, and I went out to meet the stranger, tall, stately, handsome, I I was not afraid of him, he was very tall and picked me up and kissed me. Then they stood with him at his car, the guards stood, and we kissed. Why such a dream, the main thing is that there was no fear in front of him.

I am 16, I had such a dream that I am in a strange house and I am running away from a handsome young guy, he constantly catches up with me, hugs me tightly and starts pawing, it becomes scary and I again break out and try to run away from him. What does this mean, please answer.

I very often dream that an unfamiliar man steals me to his home and tries to do the best for me, takes care of me, etc. as if he loves me very much, everything is kind, everything is like in a fairy tale. I accept and appreciate the care of a stranger. In a dream, I am overwhelmed with feelings of joy, peace and harmony. But I don't understand why? Why do I have dreams like this almost every day? For several years already!

I dreamed that singers from America arrived at some concert and one of the members of this group left, and they allegedly stood out that they were singing to the soundtrack, and I went out to his place and began to sing, and even speak English. Then I went backstage and I see a guy lying on the floor in the building, he was handsome, tall in his legs, he was long, and he was without a T-shirt. I sat down next to me and said: why are you lying like that, get up sick, and I look as if we are in an open room and I look there the stars have accumulated in one huge pile, it was so beautiful, such big stars and shone so brightly and I tell him - look how beautiful and he took my hand, and so he continued to lie, and I sat next to me and watched, then I see some room unfamiliar to me, we went in there, he undressed to his underpants and lay down. I sat on him, also in underwear, and what I noticed was that I was in pink panties, and he was in blue ones, and I felt how he began to enter into me and everything started to happen, but I'm a virgin, I don't know what kind of feeling it should be, but I was pleased. He did all this so gently, and more and more I could not see anything. Explain to me what this can mean, please answer!

Help me please. I dreamed that someone was breaking at my door. They tried to open the lock from the outside, and yet they opened it. A man came into the apartment, tall, unpleasant appearance, said that he was from some organization and went to exchange money. Then he pushed me away, closed the door with all the locks, and tried to pester me. I hit him with something and ran away. I woke up with terrible anxiety and a feeling of fear. What does this mean?

I dreamed that an unfamiliar handsome man kisses me, and returns to me two darkened gold rings that I allegedly lost, one of them is also pierced. When I thanked him, he said, please, just clean them. The dream happened during the day. I understand that sleep is not good. What does he mean?

The article on the topic: "dream book to care for the sick" provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Caring for a sick child

Dream Interpretation Caring for a sick child dreamed of why in a dream to take care of a sick child? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to look after a sick child in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Why is the patient dreaming?

at the Women's Club!

Everything is possible in dreams. But the main thing is that all visions, even the smallest details, mean something and promise the dreamer, and there are no simple, meaningless visions.

Of course, you should not be fanatical about dreams, you need to be aware that many of them are a continuation of our thoughts in reality, but flipping through a dream book is a useful activity. Often, he can reveal secrets, point out important events, and even warn about something.

Very often we dream of people, and it always means something - a friend or stranger, a woman, a child or a man, any person is a symbol that points to something. But a sick person is a special sign that should be interpreted separately.

So, why is an unhealthy person dreaming, a man or a woman, an old man or a child, and does this vision promise trouble? You should not be afraid of anything, even if the dream is not the most pleasant, or even somewhat disturbing, but it does not portend any trouble. This is just a symbol, and often, oddly enough, it promises good events in reality.

To know in detail and accurately the meaning of your dream, remember all its details as accurately as possible, and then see what awaits you. The interpreter lists a number of scenarios for such dreams:

  • Dreaming of someone else's pain.
  • In a dream, sick people lie in an inappropriate, inappropriate place.
  • Dreaming of a lame man or woman.
  • I dreamed of a wounded man.
  • Deaf people in a dream.
  • To hurt yourself in dreams, to experience pain.
  • Visit the person in the hospital or at home.
  • Look after and care for the sick.
  • Dreaming of a disabled person.

Each of the options has its own meaning, and you will learn it from the dream book. Read carefully, do not confuse the details and draw the right conclusions!

Be healthy!

Of course, illness and pain is a negative, unpleasant phenomenon in our life, which is not associated with anything joyful and good. Nevertheless, there is nothing to be afraid of, because in dreams it is often the other way around, and symbols sometimes carry a completely unexpected meaning. So draw conclusions only after you find out what the dream book is preparing for you!

1. We dream of someone else's pain and ailments of other people in order to indicate that we are at risk of making a mistake from which someone may suffer.

  • Some act, or even a word, can offend, offend a person close to you, so be careful!
  • If you are about to make some important decision, especially about someone, then think it over again, and very thoroughly.

2. If in dreams sick or wounded people were not in the hospital, but in some completely inappropriate place for this, for example, on the street, or in some room, this speaks of empty worries in reality. You need not fuss and worry, because in fact everything is fine! Leave fears and anxieties, relax and enjoy your life, every moment.

3. A lame man, an old man or even a child in a dream - what is it for? This is a dream to remind you that you deserve respect, and above all you must respect yourself. Maybe you do not fully use your potential, underestimate yourself? Too bad if that's the case. Know your worth, because you are worthy of respect, and when you realize this, you and those around you will begin to be treated better!

4. It is also curious what the wounded man may dream of. Oddly enough, but this is a dream for promotion, recognition and awards, all kinds of praise and other joys. It is safe to say that you are not working in vain, your diligence and diligence will be generously rewarded! Do not doubt your strength and the correctness of the chosen path, soon you will reap the benefits.

5. Why do deaf people dream, or one - a man, a woman, a child? This dream suggests that great joy awaits you in reality. The parallel, of course, is difficult to catch, but the dream book says just that - soon fate will reward you, you will be pleasantly surprised, a very joyful event will happen!

6. But getting sick in a dream yourself can be unpleasant, but don’t be afraid. Not only will nothing bad happen, but on the contrary, happiness awaits you! A bright and joyful streak will come, a life stage in which you will experience many happy moments.

7. As the dream book says, a sick relative, friend, child, or just the person you visited in a dream is a wonderful sign. You will be awarded some great honor in reality, get something that is not available to many people, earn an award or get a rare chance. Don't miss out!

8. If you dreamed of a patient whom you looked after and took care of, what is it for? The dream interpretation assures that it is good luck. Fortune will smile at you, catch her! Use the chance that will be presented to you, do not be afraid, be proactive. You will not regret!

9. A disabled person in a dream (in a wheelchair or not) is a symbol that you will earn the respect of those around you. Your experience, intelligence and achievements, everything will be appreciated, you will be honored and sincerely respected. This is great, just do not forget that you need to comply with such a position so as not to lose it!

Remember that in addition to the meanings described in the interpreter, there may also be echoes of your subconscious in a dream. Believe in the best, but also do not forget to monitor your health, be vigilant and take care of those who are dear to you. And may only the best meanings of dreams come true!

And the most important advice

  • Dream Interpretation Sick, why does the Sick dream in a dream to see

    From this article, you can find out why you dream of the Sick from the dream books of various authors. What does what you see mean, the analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you. And even more accurately, the lunar calendar will help to understand the dream.

    Why does the patient dream: interpretation of sleep

    Sick - if a sick person is seen in a dream, then this is a harbinger of the fact that the saddened will be comforted, and the rich will be in need. To die in a dream from an illness means to become rich after impoverishment. If a person who is about to set off on a journey sees himself in a dream, then his journey is in jeopardy.

    Dream Interpretation of Catherine II

    What does the Sick dream about, meaning:

    Sick - you see yourself in the image of a patient; a nurse or a nanny is taking care of you - your business will be stopped for reasons beyond your control.

    Azar's Bible Dream Book

    According to spiritual sources, a patient is dreaming of what?

    Patients - To see the patient - to excellent health. Seeing yourself sick is a disease. Another meaning: people who see such a dream will be condemned.

    Dream Interpretation of Rick Dillon

    Why does the Sick dream in a dream?

    Sick relatives - a reproach that you forget your loved ones, sick children of relatives - upcoming family events, in connection with which you need to show help and participation.

    If you dreamed that you were being treated in a hospital, you were in danger of some kind of infectious disease. Be prepared for the fact that your body is already fraught with some kind of disease. Sleep is considered especially unfavorable if your hospital room is poorly lit. Seeing yourself sick is a sign of health or a joyful event. Danger for those who are going somewhere to go. If in a dream you leave the hospital, you will be lucky and your enemies will not be able to harm you. Why does the patient dream - Having the same illness with someone means that you will have some common affairs with this person. The dream in which you came to the hospital to visit your friends means that you should expect bad news from your distant relatives or friends. However, if you need to look after someone in need of treatment, you will feel happy and at peace.

    Why does the Sick dream in a dream according to the New Testament:

    Sick in a dream - A dream about diseases is generally unsuccessful and good only for prisoners and criminals. The dream in which you are sick is a sign of mental anxiety. However, if you feel physically unwell in a dream and cannot move or do anything, then you should take care of your health. Such a dream also portends unpleasant conversations and worries that will disrupt the usual course of your life. Only for fugitives or criminals such a dream portends that they will be able to avoid retribution for their deeds. For young people, a dream predicts that their marriage may turn out to be unhappy. For the elderly, a dream predicts the receipt of help or support.

    Why dream and how to understand the Sick in a dream?

    A dream in which a young woman sees that she is terminally ill predicts that soon an unusual incident will cause her to be disappointed in marriage. For other people, such a dream may indicate their addiction to alcohol. The dream in which you visit the patient predicts you will soon receive bad news. The dream in which you beat the patient has the same meaning. Caring for the sick in a dream is a harbinger of imminent happiness and joy. You will help a friend or relative who finds himself in a difficult situation, and subsequently you will be generously rewarded for this. Seeing your relative sick in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that some event will soon bring discord into your family, excitement and grief await you. Sick children in your dream are a bad omen.

    The meaning of sleep by day of the week:

    Whether the night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and what time of day the dream occurred.

    • If the Sick dreams in a dream from Sunday to Monday
    • What does the Sick dream about from Monday to Tuesday
    • If the Sick dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday
    • If the Sick is dreaming from the dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
    • Why does the Sick dream from Thursday to Friday
    • If the Sick dreams in a dream from Friday to Saturday
    • Why does the Sick dream in a dream from Saturday to Sunday

    Sat December 16, 2017, 02:14:12

    ThuFebruary 23, 2017, 08:12:17 AM

    Mon April 11, 2016, 03:26:52 PM

    ThuFebruary 25, 2016, 12:19:04 PM

    Tue February 02, 2016, 13:00:47

    Sick in a dream book. Tell your dream:

    Mandatory fields are marked with * .

    Why is the patient dreaming

    Sick in a modern dream book

    Dreams of illness portend good only to criminals and prisoners. If you saw yourself sick in a dream, this is a sign of mental confusion. Physical ailment in a dream, the inability to move show that you need to seriously think about your health in reality. Such a dream also predicts troubles that can disrupt your usual life. For young people, he portends an unhappy marriage, for the elderly - getting help. Dreams in which a young woman saw herself terminally ill promise her disappointment in marriage due to an unusual event. For other people, a dream can signal an addiction to alcoholic beverages. If in a dream you hit or visit a sick person, then this portends bad news in the near future. Caring for the sick in dreams is a sign of imminent joy and happiness. Seeing sick relatives is a harbinger of quarrels in your family, grief and unrest. Seeing sick children in a dream is a bad sign. If in a dream you are ill with the same disease with someone else, then in reality you need to avoid risky ventures, otherwise you will be exposed.

    The patient in Miller's dream book

    Any dream of sickness and illness means that you should pay more attention to yourself and your health. Seeing yourself sick in a dream portends unpleasant conversations or a slight illness in reality. A dream in which you act as a mentally ill person means that the work performed will unexpectedly give unsatisfactory results, and the illness will adjust long-term plans. If a young woman saw herself in a dream as an incurable patient, she will soon appreciate all the advantages of girls in an unmarried position. If a sick relative is seen in a dream, then an unforeseen event will disrupt the well-being of your home and family. The dream in which you saw yourself sick with dropsy portends a speedy recovery from a real disease. If someone else in your dream is sick with dropsy, then good news awaits you. A dream in which you are sick with jaundice means a successful solution to big problems. If someone else suffers from jaundice, future life prospects will confuse you, companions will disappoint you. Dysentery in a loved one or in oneself does not bode well, especially in cases where, due to someone's negligence, failures in business are possible. If you saw patients with hydrophobia or rabies, then this means that the dream warns of the intrigues of enemies. A sick child with croup dreams of peace and harmony in the house, the disappearance of all vain fears. The dream in which you saw yourself with cancer portends an imminent quarrel with a loved one, a possible cooling in love, excitement and anxiety. A cure for cancer in a dream promises success in business.

    The patient in Vanga's dream book

    The symbol of illness in dreams is present as a notification that it is time to reconsider life values ​​and actions, to purify feelings, thoughts and emotions. If in a dream you are sick with an incurable and serious illness, then this means that you condemn yourself for an ugly act that you committed in reality. Recovery in a dream after a serious illness means that you will avoid an unpleasant situation. A dream in which a loved one is sick is a sign that loved ones need attention and care. A sick loved one dies in a dream - personal problems and damaged relationships are possible in reality. A dream in which many people die from an incurable and serious illness on scorched earth portends an environmental disaster that you may very well have to witness.

    Sick in Freud's dream book

    If a man is sick in his dream, this is a notification that his sexual desire has been reduced, possibly to complete impotence. A woman sees herself sick in a dream if she has not yet met a man with whom she could fully enjoy sex. It is likely that therefore she considers herself frigid. An incurable disease in a dream speaks of a problem that you devote a lot of time to, but cannot solve it in any way. Dreams in which you visit or see sick people mean that you do not have any problems in intimate relationships. You live a full and varied sex life.

    Tell me who you're sleeping with and I'll tell you who you're dreaming of.

    Dreams on the same letter

    The dream in which you saw the hospital building or are in it is not a very good sign, as it indicates losses and unpleasant things.

    The dream in which you heard a bomb explode is a symbol of your anxiety and worries about an important matter. You seem to be more and more.

    If you see yourself as a homeless person in a dream, you will soon become a participant in some unpleasant incident. If you see that your friends have lost their permanent place...

    I dreamed that a lap dog faithfully licks your hand, which means that with the help of a good friend, get a prestigious and well-paid job. Lying bo..

    Rivalry with an extremely unpleasant person portends a dream in which a man saw a beard. It is possible that in this situation the dreamer will lose his meaning.

    The wart is a symbol of sexual intercourse. If a woman dreamed that there were warts on her body, then she had a desire to have an active sex life.

    Sick according to the dream book

    It is believed that a sick person or animal that appears in a dream does not bode well for the dreamer. However, do not be upset. After all, he who is warned has every opportunity to avoid trouble. Why else dream of such a phenomenon? The dream interpretation will reveal all the secrets.

    speedy recovery

    According to the dream book, seeing yourself sick in a dream is best for a person who is really sick. In this situation, the dream is a changeling and promises recovery.

    But for an absolutely healthy dreamer, the dream book recommends thinking and, if possible, taking all measures to protect yourself and your loved ones from trouble. Why else do you have such a dream and what should you expect after it?


    Unfortunately, most interpretations of the dream book are negative. However, they should not be taken as something inevitable. Rather, this is a warning from the Higher Forces and problems will only happen if they are neglected.

    So to see yourself sick in a dark dream is a general malaise, but if it was light, then only unpleasant conversations await you.

    By the way, getting sick in night dreams with some deadly disease, say cancer, is not at all dangerous. Like a broken birch, it symbolizes the destruction of something and often leads only to the best.

    heart experiences

    In some cases, you can not only see yourself sick in a dream, but even feel pain. Most often, this is just a signal from the body that you are sleeping in an uncomfortable position. Usually the most terrible dreams caused by physiological inconveniences are forgotten in the morning.

    If the vision clearly sunk into the soul, then you definitely need to figure out why it is dreaming. So a sick heart is related to the emotional state. Perhaps in life there is already or will soon be passion, unrequited love, or another reason for excitement.

    internal state

    The dream book draws your attention to the fact that your own illness is not a direct threat and most often reflects the behavior and condition of the sleeping person. So sick ears can dream before receiving bad news, legs symbolize the collapse of some plans, and the throat only reflects constant complaints.

    Why else dream of a sick organ or part of the body? Back - to the need to rest, liver - it's time to tie up with fatty foods, hands - you are busy with too hard work, and nails are a clear signal that you need to sign up for a beauty salon.

    Friends, relatives and lovers

    At the same time, the dream book recommends listening to the interpretation of dreams in which another person is sick. So a sick brother may dream of failure in business and financial difficulties, and a sister - to emotional distress.

    The dream interpretation believes that the painful appearance of a girlfriend is a serious reason to worry about her well-being in reality. But a sick friend who had a dream at night carries an absolutely opposite meaning. This rather speaks of his serious passion, which will probably end in a wedding.

    A sick lover in a dream guarantees difficulties at work, and a rival means that the matter that you left to chance is perfectly resolved without your participation.

    Mother and father are the closest people for any person. And therefore, their unhealthy appearance in a dream carries a special semantic load. If a sick mother of a familiar person dreamed, then this is a disaster in her house.

    But your own mother warns that behind a series of ordinary affairs and work, you have forgotten that it has much more value. And the state of the mother speaks eloquently about this.

    What else do loved ones dream of? A sick grandmother in a dream, according to the dream book, warns of weakness and impotence, because of which you will not be able to stand up for yourself, and your father - about trouble. If in a night vision a very weak and dirty dead man came to you, then you definitely need to remember him in the near future.

    Spouses and lovers

    Even in a dream, it is unpleasant when the closest people get sick. However, in this way, fate gives you a sign that unexpected changes can happen in life. So the husband who fell ill in a dream directly speaks of a possible betrayal on his part, and the wife often dreams of deception.

    If you dreamed that your beloved man fell ill, then you should prepare for an event that will literally turn your life upside down. But the sick ex is clearly crying out for your help in reality.

    Many believe that dreams about sick children carry the most serious dangers. The dream book is in a hurry to reassure you, this is not always the case. If a mother dreamed of a sick daughter, then this means only large expenses in the real world, and a baby who catches a cold easily guarantees the child excellent health.

    A completely different interpretation has a dream in which a strange girl appears. Here you need to remember that the girl herself symbolizes a certain miracle and surprise.

    Therefore, it is not at all difficult to understand why a sick girl is dreaming. Unfortunately, something not very good will surprise you. As for the obviously ill boy, it is always trouble and anxiety.

    Other characters

    The dream interpretation cannot ignore the decoding of other characters who are ill in a dream. So a sick woman promises unpleasant intrigues, deceit and mines of enemies.

    But a strange man may dream of loneliness and disappointment. At the same time, caring for a familiar person in night visions guarantees joy and fun in reality.

    By the way, an unhealthy mother-in-law dreams of family quarrels, and a sick father-in-law is more likely to trouble at work. At the same time, a very ill old man whom you see for the first time reports the danger of a serious illness that can lead to death.

    Animal symbolism

    The dream book also gives serious meaning to dreams in which sick animals appear. The fact is that for the most part they just reflect the health of children.

    If you dreamed, for example, of a sick rabbit, then you should dress the child warmer, and in case of any ailments, immediately rush to the hospital. About the same meaning is a dream in which a very weak bird dreamed. Why else do sick animals and birds dream? The dove brings trouble in love, the horse - bad news and disruption of deals, and the fish - eloquently hints at the onset of the disease.

    • Dream Interpretation "felomena"

      But today I dreamed what's behind me courting the male police officer. I was in his arms, but we were not close. I really liked him, he was in a police uniform. I dreamed in dream, what guy which the I like, courted behind me, called by name. We went with him to the store where he asked what I should buy, I answered nothing and he began to choose. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

      When in dream unfamiliar guy courting behind you, Freud's dream book considers dreamed images of an exact copy of your ideas about ideal relationships or, alternatively, those character traits that you can’t develop in yourself. If we are talking about a married woman, an unfamiliar guy can personify exactly those qualities that the dreamer despaired of seeing in her husband. Dream Interpretation abandons her beloved guy. For what dreaming guy which the Like. Dream interpretation unfamiliar the male.Read completely

    • Dream Interpretation "owoman"

      For men look after for someone in dream- stay without reciprocity; if a woman dreamed what's behind it look after- to be neglected men, late to marry, and not for the best of her environment, this is how the dream book interprets dream which you had a dream.Why dreaming Courtship: Be accommodating - Be accommodating in dream with anyone - look after in reality for someone.Read completely

      Dream Interpretation "felomena"

      to me had a dream dream so pleasant. I walk all day long. Unfamiliar the male in dream showed attention, care, his love, courted, protected, helped in difficult situations. I walked with my friend, we did not communicate as usual, we usually talk about work when we see each other, but in dream communicated like guy and the girl..then came guy which the courted behind me, took my hand, told a friend that I belong to him, and he (friend) has Karina (his girlfriend) and took me, you can say that he dragged him along. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

      See in dream The male- If you had a dream the male, which means you have some kind of pleasure. If you see in dream unfamiliar manThe male for what dreaming- Young business, task. Elderly honors, glory; the more aggressive, the more beneficial success; if kind, affectionate glory does not benefit, "copper pipes" can be your doom. courting, calling business reminds of itself.Read completely

      Dream Interpretation "vedunica"

      FOR WHAT DREAMING Courtship IN DREAM, DREAM Courtship DREAMED, INTERPRETATION SNA She will live in constant and fruitless expectation of a marriage proposal, and her only companions for a long time may be disappointment and sadness. If a the male sees in dream, what he courting for someone - this means that in reality he is not able to make any woman happy. Read more

      Dream interpretation "prisnilos"

      If a the male in dream After you courting, this may be a reminder that there is an urgent matter that requires your direct attention. Annoyed and upset the male portends bad news. If your friend had a dream you drunk, be prepared for an unpleasant meeting. Like dream also warns women against excessive frivolity in relationships.Read completely

      Dream Interpretation "sonnik-mira"

      dreamed the male: what would it be for? Most likely, you will not be able to correctly treat the honors that have suddenly fallen on you - there is a great risk of making mistakes. courting After you the male dreaming as a reminder of some business in which your participation is required. Pay attention to how you behave the male in your dream, his behavior is a direct indication of interference or help in some matter. Read completely

      Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

      If a the male sees in dream, what he courting for someone - this means that in reality he is not able to make any woman happy, in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation. French dream book. See in dream Courtship. Courtship - In dream look after for the ladies - to the good disposition of fate, satisfaction, health or a speedy recovery. If such dream a woman sees - he portends her material acquisitions. Read completely

      Dream interpretation "dreams"

      If a dreaming what an incredibly handsome stranger the male or guy courting, gives his kisses, then you need to prepare to become popular and quite famous in your society. If dream complete stranger the male or a boy, then this will bring the sleeping well-being in all her affairs, and if guy will be short, then the girl will be able to overcome all the difficulties prepared for her by fate. In any case, seeing in dream stranger, you should rely on your feelings after sleep.Read completely

      Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

      dreamed the male in black - a messenger of sadness. The male in dream generally a favorable sign, But only on condition that what is seen The male He was cheerful and dressed in bright clothes. Sullen The male in Black is a clear sign that not the most joyful events await you in reality. dream Which testifies - in reality you can hardly restrain the aggression and negativity Living inside you. They are desperately looking for a way out. dreamed that unfamiliar the male looks at you, smiles and courting- lack of affection and warmth in reality. Read completely

      Dream Interpretation "womanjournal"

      If a had a dream guy unfamiliar, who were rude and gloomy, while leaving behind unpleasant sensations, then in the near future you will experience sad and grave disappointments, as well as some difficulties. An incredibly handsome stranger who in dream courting and kisses, prepares you for popularity and fame in reality. If outwardly guy unpleasantly struck, then in reality serious unrest can be expected due to men, which the used to be a good friend and buddy.Read completely

      Dream Interpretation "felomena"

      For men see in dream, what he courting for someone - means that in reality he is not worthy to make the happiness of any decent woman. had a dream classmate Danil we in dream we communicated well with him and it seems like he started after me look after.(I also like him in reality and he also likes the campaign) He wanted me to become his girlfriend.-this in dream.Well, I went to bed at 1 am. So dream happened just today.Read completely

      Dream Interpretation "grc-eka"

      3. Lame the male, an old man or even a child in dream- what is it for? it dreaming to remind you - you deserve respect, and above all you must respect yourself. You will be awarded some great honor in reality, get something that is not available to many people, earn an award or get a rare chance. Don't miss out! 8. If you had a dream the patient you looked after and about which cared for, what is it for?Read completely

      Dream Interpretation "imya-sonnik"

      Dream Interpretation Courtship meaning - when dreamed Look after in dream, or even, Look after in most cases it is predictive dream.Most likely, she will live in constant expectation of a proposal for marriage, as a result of this, unfortunately, disappointment will firmly settle in her heart. If man dreaming that he is after someone courting- he just in real life will not be able to make a single decent woman happy.Read completely

      Dream Interpretation "felomena"

      to me had a dream cute stranger guy and I met him, he gave flowers, courted, I liked him, but I still thought about who I met in reality and wanted to return him. dreamed the male which the I really like my life. But in dream dream me that I have a very big love with him, as if we are very much in love, great affection, gentle hugs. What could it be? And in every dream I have different men, and most importantly those that I like in life.Read completely

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      The male with bracelet in dream. We have a man had a dream to me, in dream courted behind me and, as it turned out, a few more girls.drunk guy in dream. I constantly dreaming that my young man comes to my house drunk and starts to be jealous of me, to quarrel with me. Maybe it's prophetic dreams?Read completely

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      The male with bracelet in dream. We have a man There are some relationships, but in general everything is very complicated. The other day he had a dream to me, in dream courted Read completely

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      The male with bracelet in dream. We have a man There are some relationships, but in general everything is very complicated. The other day he had a dream to me, in dream courted behind me and, as it turned out, a few more girls. I found out about this and told him: - And you, I see you don’t waste time in vain! He was embarrassed, and I look - he has a new, golden, massive bracelet on his left hand, it looks like zirconium)) I bought it, he says. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

      To you dreamed babysit what is it - you in dream as if babysit child - you will receive news that will greatly cheer you up. young woman dreaming that she babysitting her baby - this woman will make a good career; and a career does not really interfere with her personal life. What does in dream babysit - man dreaming his wife, which babysitting a child - in family life and in the service of this person there will be complete harmony; perhaps he will have his own business: his employees are his family.Read completely

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      dreamed guy, which the Like. In dream he avoided me or tried not to notice me on purpose. Next to him all the time was his friend, very, very similar to him (I don’t know any of his friends in reality). We were on the stairs and guy stood not far from me, and his friend took my hand and squeezed it with his own hands (maybe she put it funny somehow). There was another friend with him, which the courted for my sister. I have never seen these people in my life.Read completely

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      It was in dream. I saw a high green hill from which Jesus Christ descended to me in white cassocks. I stood in the valley and admired the approach of a surprisingly handsome young men with long curly hair. This week 4 times had a dream guy(I broke up with him a week ago). The first dream: I go into the room and on the table I see 3 pots of orchids (one white orchid and two pink ones), very beautiful, well-groomed and large. This table has guy(with whom she broke up), he squatted down and became look after for flowers.Read completely

      Dream Interpretation "NeoLove"

      If seen in dream the male ugly and gloomy - you will face disappointments and many difficulties that will exhaust you. If a woman dreaming very beautiful the male She will get famous and she will like it. Dream the male- To me had a dream Wednesday to Thursday The male(young) who kept trying after me look after, courteously “ran” around me, “irritated my eyes.” Read completely

      Dream Interpretation "magenya"

      dreamed Darling the male- a very favorable dream. Another the male in dream- you will have to look at what is happening from a different perspective, and understand that everything in life is not as simple as it seemed to you before. New the male dreaming to significant changes in his personal life. courting the male(courtship, shows sympathy) - dream speaks of the need for romance in his personal life.Read completely

      Dream interpretation "dreams"

      Baby archetype in dream means the most defenseless and naive part of your soul, which may need protection and support. Why exactly you had a dream such dream can be understood from its details. What if dreaming babysit child? Harmony and order in the family portends man dream in which his wife babysitting their common child.Read completely

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      Men. For several days now I dreaming very similar dreams. In every dream to me dreaming man (sometimes this the male my friend in life, sometimes he is not familiar to me). This the male necessarily handsome or cute, he courting behind me, kisses, wears me on...If you had a dream the male It means you're in for some fun. If you see in dream unfamiliar man, this portends some kind of adventure. Read completely

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      The male with bracelet in dream. We have a man There are some relationships, but in general everything is very complicated. The other day he had a dream to me, in dream courted follow me and, as it turns out, a few more girls. Post your dream free in the section Interpretation dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can tell you what dreaming Cat the male in dream. Order free online interpretations dreams!Read completely

      Dream interpretation "dreams"

      If a dream about care from a loved one men, with whom marriage is not concluded, means a quick rapprochement with him, then leave her husband in dream somewhat more tragic. Although some dream books reassure that this is only a desire to take a break from the hustle and bustle of life and does not portend any real separation. Interpreting such dream circumstances should also be taken into account. care. Whether dreamed that she left her husband nowhere, and it may happen to another man.Read completely

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      The male with bracelet in dream. We have a man There are some relationships, but in general everything is very complicated. The other day he had a dream to me, in dream courted follow me and, as it turned out, a few more girls. I wake up, fall asleep again and see in dream again man, which the In the first dream figured with a chair. But now he’s just there, and I’m busy trying to get rid of the big chiria on my face, I press and press, but it’s completely painless.Read completely

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      dreams and dreams Unknown the male Unknown the male threatens. Men and bus in dream. dreaming me as if I were with my aunt and some a man I'm taking the bus home. The male It seems to be some kind of acquaintance that I like. The male bus ex-husband road. The male with bracelet in dream. We have a man There are some relationships, but in general everything is very complicated. The other day he had a dream to me, in dream courted behind me and, as it turned out, a few more girls.

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