Shar Pei dog: characteristics and standards of the breed, reviews of the owners. Chinese Shar Pei: description and characteristics of the breed Description of Shar Pei

Among the many existing breeds of dogs, Shar-Pei stand out for their unique exterior, antiquity of origin. The Shar Pei dog is said to have originated in Tibet or Northern China over twenty centuries ago. True, according to an alternative version, the region of China adjacent to the South China Sea is considered the birthplace of the Shar Pei breed. Sharpei gifted to the world by the Chinese:

  • mysterious and exotic, like a pagoda,
  • ancient, like the Great Wall of China,
  • devoted as a clergyman to God.

Shar Pei puppies are like favorite soft toys from childhood. Before buying a sharpei, decide on the purpose of the purchase. Shar Pei are ideal as guard dogs: they are extremely distrustful, attentive, at the same time affectionate and sweet with family members where they live. The dog won't bite. Sharpei are harmless and remember good things.

The breed is aggressive towards dogs of other breeds, it is difficult for children to walk dogs, it is better not to trust them to walk.

Shar-Pei girls are characterized by the realization of maternal instinct, they will become friends of children. Shar Pei are not yard dogs, they are grown in an apartment, but they are perfectly adapted to the external environment.

History of the breed

Over the years, it is no longer possible to find out the truth. From the "material" confirmation of the origin of Shar-Pei, there are multiple references to ancient dogs that lived at the court of the Chinese emperors of the Han Dynasty. During archaeological excavations, figurines of animals were found that are very similar to dogs, which are considered the ancestors of modern Shar-Pei.

It is believed that initially the ancestors of the Shar-Pei helped the Chinese peasants to hunt, protect the house and property. This was facilitated by the qualities of sharpei (moreover, passed down from generation to generation): high intelligence, reliability and distrust of strangers. It is believed that the ancient ancestors of the Shar-Pei remained more like service dogs, periodically hunting.

At some point, lovers of gambling entertainment drew attention to the great potential of dogs. Due to physical features, the Shar Pei dog was suitable for participating in cruel fun. Sharpei began to be bred specifically for fighting with dogs, high aggressiveness towards animals began to be encouraged.

This enigmatic (and rare) breed of dog is named the Shar Pei due to its unique coat. "Sand dog" - this is the name of the breed translated from Chinese.


There are two versions of the birth of Shar Pei:

  • The first says that the Chow Chow breed, and the smooth-haired Chow Chow, became the progenitor of the dog.
  • The second argues that the ancient mastiffs became the ancestors of the dog.

The first version is supported by the presence of a blue tongue in the dog, which in the modern world is possessed by only two dogs - the Chow Chow dog and the Chinese Shar Pei dog. Given that the breed was bred as a fighting dog, muscular limbs, a strong physique and strong jaws contributed to the plan. However, as a fighting breed, the Chinese Shar Pei did not develop, could not compete with truly fighting individuals. Thanks to the fighting past, today's dogs have considerable fortitude, courage and self-confidence.

There are references to the use of dogs in hunting. References date back to the Han era. A sad fate awaited dogs in the last quarter of the 20th century - they became banned, as a result, the Chinese Shar Pei dog breed was lost. After a while, enthusiasts from Hong Kong sent their efforts to restore the breed, the dog reappeared at exhibitions.


Recently, the breed is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as one of the rare breeds of dogs. Shar-Pei dog rings are always of great interest to visitors to dog shows. Now the threat of extinction does not threaten the breed. Of course, the modern Shar Pei is not similar, it is very different from its ancestors. Sharpei have become regular participants in cynological exhibitions. Over the past millennia, the Chinese Shar-Pei have managed to turn from an “amulet dog”, a gambling fighter and a “temple dog”, which were in antiquity, into excellent companions and show ring stars.

Scientists have proven that there are animals with the strongest biofield. Interestingly, Shar Pei is considered as such! In the west, the dog is used as a therapy dog. There are legends about how Shar-Pei treated their owners for incurable diseases, helped to find children lost in the crowd. Each dog owner will tell a lot of observations that testify to a unique gift.

Description and standard

When you look at a sharpei, a complete illusion is created that the dog's coat is soft, almost velor. But the first impression is deceiving. In fact, Shar-Pei's coat is tough.

When you look at the numerous photos of the Shar Pei dog, you can’t believe that cute small animals dressed in a folded skin, “sewn” as if “for growth”, were used as fighting dogs. The voluminous skin made it possible to reliably protect the dog from serious injuries. We note an interesting feature of the amazing breed - a dark purple (lavender) or black tongue. Because of the color of the Shar-Pei's organ, it is sometimes called the "Dog that licked the sky."

Today, the Shar Pei dog breed finds a lot of fans. Shar-Pei owners managed to appreciate the intelligence and complaisant nature of unusual exotic dogs. According to the standard, Shar-Pei allowed:

  • Various solid (no spots) colors except for white.
  • The most common colors are red, chocolate, cream, fawn or black.

Dogs belong to the type of molossoid dogs of small size. The main feature of the appearance of the animal is a wrinkled and folded body, head. As a result, sharpei have a non-canine appearance, comparable to small hippos or piglets. Breed characteristics:

The nature of the hat

The natural intelligence and good-naturedness of Shar-Peis is combined with some distrust and even arrogance towards strangers, which allows the dogs to be used as a good guard. The vast majority of breed Shar-Peis are attached to their owners, ready to give affection and kindness. Sharpei is friends with the master's children and is ready to patiently endure pranks.

Now the once fighting dog Shar Pei shows aggression only in response to a clear provocation of an outside dog or when absolutely necessary. not easy, with Shar-Peis it is more difficult than others. The owner can easily find out, however, sometimes Shar Pei is in no hurry to follow instructions.

Dogs are considered ideal family companions. They become indispensable companions, performing the function of a devoted friend and an excellent guard. Despite their small stature, shriveled dogs will stand up for themselves and loved ones. A description of the Chinese Shar Pei breed will not be complete without mentioning the intelligence of the dog.

Shar-Peis want to constantly be near the owner, share happy moments and sorrows, accompany them on trips and hikes. As a result, people who are not ready for such animal affection should not get dogs. Neglect of communication will be a blow for the dog and a complete disappointment in life. It is not allowed to leave a pet alone with you - there is nothing worse than loneliness.

To get a reliable friend and an excellent companion, forget that your favorite is a fighting dog. Do not try to cultivate aggression towards animals in your pet!

The main factor of interest is the unusual, attractive appearance of guests from China. When the Shar-Peis are small, they resemble a plush toy. Unusual comparisons are made by the Chinese, likening the ears of a Shar Pei to the petals of a tea rose; folds on the head - with the wrinkles of a wise old man; paws - with a head of garlic. A smart dog is easily trained to protect the owners, to do tricks.

The hunting instinct is deeply rooted in the dog. Sometimes sharpei catch mice better than any cat. The owners speak about the cleanliness of Shar-Peis. In a couple of days, after the first walk, Shar Pei puppies stop defecate at home, only representatives of this breed come clean from a walk even in bad weather. Puppies, not to mention adult dogs, do not gnaw on furniture, shoes.

Sharpei is independent, quick-witted, balanced and sociable. There are moments when dogs are immersed in themselves, the impression of meditation is created. Perhaps this is not a random impression.

Shar Pei is an excellent psychologist, he will find a way to the owner's heart before the owner guesses. Sharpei will easily understand whether the owner is suitable for the role of leader in the house, if you show weakness, the dog will willingly take on the role of dominant. To be a king (queen) is quite capable of being a Shar-Pei.

Choosing the Right Puppy

It is not difficult to buy a puppy of the breed. True, make your choice responsibly. It is worth going to exhibitions, looking at the best representatives of the breed, not trying to buy a puppy from an ad that came across on the Internet. Unfortunately, unscrupulous “breeders” got to the breed, selling puppies of unknown origin and inappropriate to the standard.

Such puppies often turn out to be sick. Instead of the joy of communicating with a pet, the owner has to deal with treatment, the cost of which is sometimes high. Remember, only a thoroughbred dog will please, and a mestizo can quickly disappoint.

Get a puppy in a good kennel, with the issuance of documents and instructions for keeping and feeding the dog. More often, the breeder will definitely give a certain amount of food with the puppy so that there is no sudden change in nutrition. In principle, it is possible to continue feeding Shar-Pei with the same food. Gradually, you will need to change puppy food to adult dog food.

Pet Health

When Shar-Pei appeared in the country, people believed that dogs were not distinguished by good health. There is a misconception with the initial number of imported unhealthy dogs. Sharpei is often accompanied by diseases:

  • The main difficulty among Shar-Peis is considered to be entropy (turning of the eyelids), which arises (except for a genetic predisposition) due to excessive “skininess”. When the disease occurs, the eye is constantly injured by eyelashes growing on the wrapped edge of the eyelid, as a result, dogs often develop corneal ulcers or inflammation - keratitis. Dogs with similar diseases are not recommended for breeding, so as not to pass the defect by inheritance. Without timely surgery, the dog runs the risk of going blind.

Breeders are trying to fight against inversion of the eyelids in Shar Peis, to use exclusively “clean lines” in breeding. According to the standard, Shar-Pei, whose body and paws are covered with deep skin folds, are not considered high-bred. At the exhibition, the judges for such "excesses" are ready to lower the mark, even disqualify the dog.

  • Primary seborrhea - the secretion of fat on the skin, causes peeling and an unpleasant odor.
  • Sharpei fever is a little-studied syndrome that is unique to dogs of the breed, a hereditary disease leading to kidney failure.
  • Mastocytoma is a tumor that can develop on the internal organs, on the skin.
  • Glaucoma leads to blindness.
  • Food allergies and atopy are often reflected in the dog's skin.
  • Pyoderma is a deep skin infection.
  • Otitis media is an inflammation of the ear.
  • Dysplasia of the hip and elbow joints, amyloidosis, prolapse of the lacrimal gland of the third eyelid and other diseases disturb the dog.

Probably, the dog will never bother you with sores and diseases, in general, Shar-Peis are considered a healthy breed. Dogs, like people, are individual, consider the characteristics of the pet.

Caring for the Chinese Shar Pei

Breeders, acquiring a Chinese Shar Pei, panic from the first days, deluded that the dog requires specific knowledge. The breed is no different from others in matters of care. The main thing is to periodically wash the dog and comb it.

Short description

  • Growth: minimum - 44 centimeters, maximum - 51 centimeters.
  • The weight: 18-25 kilograms.
  • characteristic color: any solid color other than pure white, stains are not allowed.
  • Wool length: short, harsh, without undercoat.
  • Lifespan: 8-10 years.
  • Breed advantages: has excellent guard and security qualities. Gently treats children.
  • The complexity of the breed: wayward, prone to dominance. Often suffers from.
  • dog price: undocumented Shar Pei puppies cost from $100 to $200, the price of a puppy with an excellent pedigree can vary from $500 to $1,500.

The history of the origin of the breed

Shar Pei is considered a very ancient breed; dogs with a similar genotype lived in China three thousand years ago. For such a long time of its existence, the breed experienced periods of popularity and almost disappeared during the reign of Mao. In the seventies, sharpei were even listed in the Red Book as the rarest breed dogs.

The merit in the revival of the breed belongs to American cynologists, who for several years, using about a dozen purebred sires and infusing them with the blood of dogs of other breeds, saved the Shar-Pei gene pool. In subsequent years, the breed has gained worldwide recognition: puppies that look like small hippos are unusually cute, and adult dogs inspire respect.

The purpose of the breed

Shar Pei is such a versatile breed that in China she was used as guard, herding and fighting dogs helping their masters in everything. It was impossible to find a Chinese family where the Shar Pei did not live, and this small dog could hunt big game, guard the home and nurse children, and also earn money by participating in battles.

In modern conditions, the fighting qualities of the breed have faded into the background, and the main task of these dogs in the city is protection of the owner and territory, as well as playing the role of a companion dog. The high mental qualities of Shar Pei, his ability to subtly feel the mood of people living nearby, make representatives of this breed indispensable in everyday city life. Sharpei are hardy and agile dogs, they easily tolerate physical activity but able to easily adapt to any lifestyle.

Sharpei character

At the first acquaintance with any representative of this breed, a stranger is struck by some unsociableness of the dog and a gloomy, concentrated look. At first glance, these dogs are incorrigible pessimists, but it’s worth getting to know each other better, and it opens kind, cheerful and tactful dog.

  • The main quality of the Shar Pei is its self-sufficiency and desire to dominate, and these qualities are already manifested in puppyhood. A pet, starting from three to four months, begins to test the “strength” of all family members, and it is important not to succumb to his provocations. Dogs of this breed are very accurately understand the hierarchy of their family, and consider it unnecessary to obey low-status households, such as children.
  • Shar Pei meet strangers with caution, not allowing familiarity. Suspicious the noise behind the door will not cause heart-rending barking, however, the dog will be ready to meet the enemy face to face.
  • The fighting qualities of dogs of this breed can lead to aggression towards other animals, especially aggressive males who are not embarrassed by the size of the enemy, and they ready to fight with any unfamiliar dog. In relation to dogs and cats living with them on the same territory, Shar-Peis are friendly and often make friends with them.
  • An interesting feature of the Shar-Pei's character lies in its instant metamorphosis: from a phlegmatic animal sleeping for days into a dog sparkling with energy and joy. If the owner is busy with his own affairs, then the dog sleeps almost all the time, but as soon as the owner takes the leash, and sharpei turns into a choleric.
  • The pet of this breed has a well-developed intuition and prefers to build relationships with the owner on the principle of mutual respect. He will fulfill any order of the owner, only if he recognizes him as the leader. With the rest of the family, the dog is friendly, loves all household members and loves small children, however, all games of kids with a dog should be supervised by an adult.

Video review of the breed

This short film tells about the features of the appearance of Shar Pei dogs, about their character. It is useful for novice owners to listen to advice on the proper maintenance and socialization of Shar-Pei, on the most common diseases in the breed. A few recommendations of a professional trainer will help to avoid mistakes in education. Filming of funny puppies and adult dogs takes place in natural conditions, where they look the most charming.

How to choose a puppy

When deciding to purchase a puppy of the Shar Pei breed, you must first of all calculate the possibilities of your budget, since dogs of this breed must be fed high quality food, and provide for an item of expenses for the treatment of a pet.

The wide range of prices for puppies is explained by the level of the future pet: puppies without documents are cheaper, since their parents most often do not have pedigrees, or do not participate in exhibitions and do not have a breeding permit due to any defect in the exterior. In the worst case, such a puppy may be a half-breed or suffer from some kind of hereditary disease. Reasons for purchasing a pet without documents:

  • Cheap;
  • Why do you need documents if you don’t plan to go to exhibitions;
  • A puppy without papers is easier to keep.

All of them are wrong, since cheapness can cost a large sum for the treatment of a pet, and you will have to feed and care for a puppy of any class in the same way. As a pet it is recommended to buy a puppy with a pedigree, which is marked "not for breeding". Such puppies have all the advantages of promising littermates, but have some lack of conformation. Their price is much lower.

Shar pei puppies can move to a new home immediately after being bred at 45 days of age, and best to take a small puppy. The bred Shar Pei, and even more so, an adult dog, have an already established character, and the owner must have a fair amount of firmness and fortitude in order to re-educate the pet.

Sometimes it is necessary to wait until the babies grow up or are born, since the choice of Shar Pei is a matter that does not tolerate hasty decisions. When choosing a puppy from several thick koloboks, you should definitely ask the breeder about personality traits every baby. Absolutely all puppies are different from each other, and the breeder can advise which one is most suitable for the lifestyle of future owners.

It is worth examining the tongue (it may have a few pink spots on a blue background) and bite (scissor bite). For a show career, it is desirable to purchase a Shar-Pei with a stiffer and longer coat sticking out like needles - dogs with this type of coat look more impressive.

The Shar-Pei's coat does not have an undercoat, so it should not be kept outdoors. This is a dog for life in comfortable conditions., since extreme heat or frost is very poorly tolerated by them. Shar Pei babies quickly learn to be neat, especially if the owner regularly takes out the pet after eating, playing or sleeping.

It is advisable to walk the dog for recovery three times a day, and at least she walk should last at least an hour. Immediately after passing the quarantine, they take him on a leash and begin to walk the streets with him, introduce the pet to public transport, rides in the elevator. sharpei from childhood should know the rules of life in the city, calmly treats people and other people's dogs and cats, in addition, physical activity is important for the correct formation of a young dog.

Shar-Pei is unpretentious in keeping, it is enough to examine the pet's ears once a week for inflammation or allergies, and also to clean the coat with a stiff brush. Particular attention should be paid to the skin in the folds., since when moisture gets in, diaper rash begins to appear. Shar Pei can be washed several times a year, as it gets dirty, and then dried well with a hair dryer.

Briefly about training

Shar-Pei is trained successfully only if training starts early. A four-month-old puppy should visit the site regularly, his must be firmly forced to execute the command given by the owner. An adult Shar Pei has its own view of the learning process, the dog becomes self-willed and stubborn.

Necessarily it is necessary to treat the pet for the execution of commands to reinforce a positive reaction. Particular attention is paid to the call, bringing the execution of the command “to me!” to automatism, as an adult Shar Pei tends to question the owner's orders, and the timely approach of the dog in many cases can save his life.

Advantages and disadvantages of sharpei

Breed advantages:

  • Easily and quickly accustomed to neatness;
  • Practically does not gnaw on furniture and things in puppyhood;
  • Not intrusive;
  • Good guard;
  • Gets along well with other animals in the same territory;
  • Not noisy, not large;
  • Sensitive and affectionate, friendly in the bosom of the family.

Cons of the breed:

  • Aggressive towards other dogs;
  • Likes to dominate;
  • Prone to many hereditary and acquired diseases;
  • Needs a carefully balanced diet, in some cases hypoallergenic food is needed.


Sharpei of either sex love to start fights, and the size of the enemy is not important to them, and the number and severity of injuries do not stop the aggressor.

There is an assumption that the early weaning of the puppy from the mother provokes such behavior in the future, no matter how the puppy is socialized. Is this really so, and a puppy that has grown up with its mother up to 3-5 months is less aggressive in the future?

Shar Pei is an amazing ancient breed that has retained its originality and appearance. Yes, you can't confuse them with any other dog , and their temper is still the same - by no means a gift ... However, until recently, sharpei were in the Guinness Book of Records, and not because of their uniqueness, but rarity. Today, the breed has gained considerable popularity around the world.

As with other breeds that have a long history, not everything is clear with the origin of Shar Pei. Archaeologists at the location of the ruins of the imperial palaces of the Chinese Han Dynasty discovered many figurines and images of dogs that look very similar to the ancestors of modern representatives of the breed.

Experts believe that earlier sharpei were kept by peasants for protection and hunting. But at one, by no means perfect moment, lovers of cruel fun drew attention to the dogs, and for some time they became fighting dogs. At that time, their aggressive attitude towards other animals was highly encouraged.

There are two versions of who became the ancestor of this breed. According to one of them, they were smooth-haired chow-chows (these two breeds have one feature that distinguishes them from other dogs - a blue tongue), according to another - mastiffs.

Description of the appearance of the Shar Pei breed

The appearance of Shar-Pei evokes different emotions in people, as it is quite original. The main feature of these dogs is numerous folds, especially in the muzzle area. It seems that their short fur resembles velor, but this is just an illusion. The coat of these dogs is quite hard.

Not all people, seeing the Shar Pei for the first time, can believe that they were once used for fighting, however, even their skin “for growth” reminds of this. She really once protected dogs from serious damage. For its deep purple, lavender tongue, the Shar-Pei is sometimes referred to as the "sky-licking dog".

If we talk about the standard of this exotic breed, then its representatives are classified as molossoid dogs with a small size:

  • Growth dogs varies from 44 to 51 cm, the weight- from 18 to 35 kg. The average life expectancy is 10 years.
  • Head Shar-Pei has a massive, with a lot of folds and a wide flat skull. The nose is large, black. The mouth is black and blue. The jaws are powerful, with a scissor bite. Eyes small, almond-shaped with a dark iris. auricles small, fleshy.
  • The neck is strong, powerful, of medium length. torso compact, strong, with well-developed muscles. In puppies, the entire body is covered with folds, but in adults, they remain only in the head and neck area.
  • The chest is deep, of decent width. Back shortened, goes into a strong loin.
  • Tail thick, thrown over the back. Front and rear limbs strong, with good muscles.

Sharpei colors

According to the RKF 2005 standard, the following colors of dogs of this breed are allowed:

  • Black. It dominates in representatives of this breed, but the purity of this color is quite rare. More often, the wool has a tint - olive, dark brown, brownish, less often - blue-black.
  • Deer. It belongs to the oldest colors, since the name of the breed is translated as “a dog with sandy hair”. There are several variations - golden and sandy shades, but without a red tint.
  • Red. Quite common in dogs of this breed. The palette of this color is quite wide - from light reddish tones to intense red. The most fashionable today are dogs with mahogany-colored hair - a bright, juicy color.
  • Red deer. In fact, the dogs of this suit have a coat of light red, unsaturated tone. It is more red than deer, "variegation" is allowed, that is, whitishness in some areas.
  • Cream. Varies from milky to caramel. Sometimes light dogs are mistakenly called white, but this color is unacceptable for representatives of this breed. Mandatory are the mask and blackness around the nose.
  • Sable. The scientific name of such a suit sounds like “zonal gray”, the coat of dogs has a gray coating that comes on the muzzle and a little on the limbs.
  • Blue. Shades range from smoky gray to dark gray tones. This color is a weakened black.
  • Isabella. Complex shade, creamy pink with a bluish or grayish tint. There is a gray mask on the muzzle.
  • Chocolate. The palette is rich - from milk chocolate to "bitter shades".
  • Apricot. Derived from deerskin, a complex shade of golden-reddish, characterized by warmth.
  • Purple. It belongs to rare colors, ranging from chocolate with a pink undertone to warm pinkish blue and silvery pink with haze tones. It is distinguished from the chocolate suit by the presence of a “gray” coating on the muzzle.

The nature of the representatives of the breed

Sharpei have a rather complex character. The combination of high intelligence, good-naturedness with distrust and even arrogance towards strangers is especially surprising in him. This makes dogs excellent, incorruptible guards, devoid of blind aggression.

Most dogs of this breed are very attached to their owners, are friends with children and tolerate their pranks. The temperament of modern Shar-Peis has changed, and their natural "anger" manifests itself only in moments of danger. Most often this happens if the dog is provoked by another cocky dog.

The Shar Pei is a great family dog ​​and a wonderful companion. Despite its modest size, it is able to protect both itself and the person. In addition, the Chinese dog is a real intellectual, unobtrusive and quiet.

He is not averse to always being with his family and feels good on trips. If people travel often and do not plan to take a dog with them, then they should not get such a pet. Such a dismissive attitude will necessarily negatively affect the character of the sharpei.

When purchasing a puppy of this breed, you should forget about his fighting past. Shar Pei cannot be provoked to aggression towards other creatures, as this will not lead to anything good.

What captivates in these dogs? Of course, their appearance is worth a lot, but still it's not about her. Sharpei quickly learn new information, they are sociable and understanding. And, besides, they are excellent psychologists and quickly "tread" the path to a person's heart.

Shar Pei training

Pedigree representatives are prone to dominance, and they are quite independent. This can become a problem in education and training. Sharpei needs an owner with strong nerves and a strong spirit, otherwise the dog will quickly seize the initiative.

From the first days it is important to show the puppy who is the boss in the house, only by taking it for granted, the dog will obey and obey. Sharpei are stubborn, and, as the owners put it, “can turn on the stupid”, in this case the owner should be smarter and wiser. With the right approach, the dog will quickly learn the basic principles of living in the house, will not spoil things and get used to the street.

A number of professional recommendations will help facilitate the learning process:

  • The baby should be taught immediately, as soon as he got into the house, and the general training course should be started with a pet from 3 months.
  • For Shar Pei, early socialization is important, that is, the puppy needs to be introduced to other people, pets, change walking routes, etc.
  • When training, the owner needs to be restrained - aggressive behavior and screaming are unacceptable.
  • The dog is obliged to learn the basic set of commands, this will greatly facilitate further learning and comfortable coexistence.
  • Outsiders should not be allowed to raise a dog.

If the Shar-Pei is not brought up, it can grow up aggressive and self-willed. It is almost impossible to re-educate an adult dog.

How to care for Shar Pei

Representatives of this breed do not require complex care. It should be periodically combed out with a brush to get rid of dead hair and improve blood circulation to the skin. Special attention deserves, perhaps, the auricles of dogs. Owners need to be careful when bathing a pet and not wash their hair, as water that gets into the ears immediately contributes to the development of various kinds of diseases, which is not observed in other dogs. This is due to the fact that sharpei have thin auditory canals.

Bathe dogs of this breed monthly, during the procedure you can use a rubber brush to speed up the process of replacing wool. Shar-Pei's skin is quite sensitive, so you should use special detergents. It is necessary to carefully rinse all the folds in the animal, and then dry them with a hair dryer. This will save your pet from the risk of developing skin irritation.

Shar-Peis require significant physical activity, and for this the dog should be taken out for long walks. The more the dog expends energy on the street, the calmer he will behave at home.

These dogs are very sensitive to direct sunlight, and in the heat their head can overheat, so it is better to walk the dog in the morning and evening hours, when the sun is not so active. They are more accustomed to cold than to heat, but moderate climatic conditions are ideal for them.

Update: October 2017

Shar Pei stands out from other breeds due to its unusual appearance. It seems that the skin on the dog is “for growth”. Numerous folds of skin cover the entire body of puppies, as well as the muzzle and neck of adult dogs. Representatives of the breed are strong, majestic, full of restrained dignity, devoted to family and home, able to become excellent companions and guards.

Brief description of the breed

Is it difficult to keep a Shar Pei?
As a rule, dogs are not difficult to maintain and they do not cause much trouble to the owners. However, it is necessary to carefully monitor their diet and care for skin folds.
Is the Shar Pei dog breed suitable for keeping in an apartment?
All representatives of the breed are characterized by short, coarse hair without undercoat, so it is not advisable to keep the animal on the street. Shar Pei does not tolerate extreme heat and will not be able to live in the cold due to the lack of undercoat, so it is recommended to keep the breed in a house or apartment.
How much time should be spent walking?
The sharpei is characterized by a muscular, athletic body and active walks are required to maintain shape. The total duration of stay on the street should be at least 1 hour a day (30 minutes in the morning and evening). It is advisable to give the dog the opportunity to walk on different types of soil, so that the muscles develop harmoniously, and the claws are regularly ground down.
Does the breed have mental health issues?
Sharpei is characterized by amazing balance. Moreover, it is able to calm the owner, and some psychotherapists note that Shar Pei can change the psychological state of the owner for the better, especially when it comes to people with disorders of the nervous system.
How often should you bathe and brush your dog?
Shar-Peis dislike water, and it is so strong that a dog may refuse to cross puddles during a walk. However, it is desirable to carry out water procedures approximately 1 time in several months. Short hair does not cause much trouble to the owner, and molting passes almost imperceptibly. However, it is recommended to comb the dog with a massage brush 2 times a month, and when the dog sheds more often.
How does the dog treat children?
In most cases, the dog is tolerant of children and takes care of them, but leaving children under 12 alone with the dog is not worth it. Both children and animals are different in character and temperament. A child can offend a puppy, not understanding the difference between a toy and a living creature, and an older puppy can scratch the baby or knock him down if he plays too hard or runs as fast as he can to the sound of the doorbell. Starting from the age of 13, a child will be able to consciously care for a pet, walk and communicate with him.
Is it possible to get a Shar Pei if there is a cat or another dog in the house?
An adult dog may react aggressively to the presence of other animals, but a puppy can be completely taught to coexist peacefully and play with other pets, walk and communicate with dogs on the street. Moreover, a sharpei accustomed to the presence of a cat in the house will react much more calmly to other feline representatives when they meet for a walk.


  • Compact size, which allows you to keep a dog in the apartment;
  • Excellent security qualities;
  • Loyalty and sociability;
  • Mind and intuition;
  • Calm and balanced character;
  • Cleanliness.


  • Willfulness and complex character. Constant testing of the host for hardness;
  • Tendency to allergic reactions and skin diseases;
  • May show aggression towards other animals.

Features of character and behavior

The characteristic of the Shar Pei breed affects not only the appearance, but also the behavior of the dog, focusing on the character. They are usually calm and sedate. The official standard states that the dog is noble, majestic, regal, arrogant, wary, but meanwhile very intelligent and devoted to the owner. Even sincere love for the owner of the Shar-Pei will be expressed with restraint, unobtrusively and very cultured.

This breed can be called universal and this is manifested in behavior. Often, it is not necessary to teach a dog to guard the house or the owners, it is well versed in how to behave in different situations. The dog’s intuition is excellently developed, so it will feel the owner’s discord, without any special reason it will not bark and make noise, however, when it sees a threat, the animal will definitely give a voice. Sharpei can play the role of a home guard and a shepherd. The latter quality is pronounced in families where there are children or younger dogs. The animal, as a rule, takes defenseless family members under guardianship, and it is tolerant of the harassment of children and will simply leave if the attention of the baby is excessive.

Problems can arise with cats and smaller animals, because the hunting instincts are very developed in this breed. Some individuals are able to catch mice and cause a lot of trouble to cats. On walks, they tend to hunt for pigeons, as well as behave aggressively towards other dogs. An important aspect of Shar Pei education is early socialization. If you teach a puppy to communicate with other animals from childhood, then he will be tolerant of their presence.

There is an opinion that it is useless to train Shar-Pei. But this does not mean that the animal is not capable of learning. Dogs pick up basic commands fairly quickly, but whether they follow them or not depends on their mood. It is important for the owner not to allow slack and to clearly show the dog who dominates. Otherwise, the dog will take on the role of leader and it will be almost impossible to get obedience from it.

Given the nature of the character, it will be difficult for beginners to cope with the training of representatives of this breed. When training, it is necessary to show firmness and perseverance, but not to allow aggression if the dog does not obey. Reward your pet for good behavior with a favorite treat.

The cleanliness of the dog deserves special attention. Breeders note that puppies from 3-4 months of age begin to go to the toilet on the street and patiently wait for walking. At the age of 5-6 months, most puppies are enough walks 2 times a day.

Shar Pei photo

Opinions of breeders about the complexity of keeping the breed differ. Some classify the Shar-Pei as an easy-to-care breed, others as difficult. Difficulties are most often due to the need to care for numerous skin folds, ears and eyes, as well as a tendency to food allergies. Most dogs also dislike clipping and bathing.

Choosing a place for sharpei

When choosing a place for a bed or a pet house, it is necessary to take into account not only the features of the location, but also the nature of the pet. For bedding, it is better to choose natural materials, while the bed should not be very soft or hard. The litter should not be in the aisle or in a draft. The animal needs its own nook, but at the same time it must be positioned so that it has a view of the front door and the maximum number of rooms. Strongly developed protective qualities make the pet always stay on the alert, and if the house or couch is located in a closed area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment, the animal will be worried, because it will not be able to protect the home.

Features of feeding

Properly selected diet is the main component of a dog's health. Most breeders recommend feeding Shar Pei high quality dry food. At the same time, you should not change your diet often. When choosing a food, special attention must be paid to the composition, since dogs are prone to allergies to some components of dry food. In cases where the food is ideal, it is not worth trying to find other options. The main part of the diet should be as monotonous as possible.

It is forbidden to use food containing:

  • Dyes;
  • Animal fat;
  • Meat and bone meal;
  • beet pulp;
  • Sweeteners.

It is also forbidden to give food and treats from the table, especially various types of smoked meats and sweets.

Some owners, when choosing what to feed their Shar Pei, give preference to natural food. The best option would be boiled rice with lean raw meat (beef, veal, pork, chicken) or boneless fish.

It is worth noting that representatives of the breed are very sensitive to the composition and quality of food and may refuse to eat if they do not like the food offered. Particular attention should be paid to the rationing of food, so as not to lead to overfeeding the dog. Puppies up to 6 months are fed 3 times a day, and then transferred to two meals a day. When gaining excess weight, it is necessary to reduce the carbohydrate part of the diet.

Up to 1.5 years, it is better to give preference to dry food with vitamins and minerals that will help the puppy develop properly. Older dogs can be switched to natural food, but it is worth giving dry food, without broths. You can diversify the diet with fish, boiled eggs and kefir. It is important to understand that proper feeding of Shar Pei is the main factor affecting the health of the pet.


To keep the muscles in good shape, the dog needs fairly intense physical activity. It is good if there is an opportunity to devote time to active games. In addition, Shar Pei can be a great companion for jogging or cycling. It is necessary that the walking time be at least 1 hour a day, and the optimal duration of walking is 60 minutes in the morning and evening.

Summer walks are better to be postponed to the cool time of the day, because short hair does not protect dogs from overheating, and the pet can easily get heatstroke. Prolonged exposure to frost can also be bad for a dog's health.

Hair, skin and ear care

Numerous skin folds look very cute and unusual, but require special attention from the owner. Therefore, newly minted owners often wonder how to care for Shar Pei, taking into account the structural features of the skin.

Often, with a properly selected diet, problems do not arise. The dog does not require frequent washing, and healthy skin does not smell like "dog" even when wet. However, if the maintenance regime is violated, then this immediately affects the integument and the condition of the coat, and the folds create additional care problems.

After bathing, it is especially important to remove all water from the folds, and if necessary, dry the dog with a hair dryer without heating. When combing the dog, it is recommended to straighten and inspect the folds and, if necessary, powder. It is best to use a special glove for combing, because the coat is short and this breed does not require intensive combing.

Sharpei ears require special attention. Tightly pressed to the head, small auricles are poorly ventilated, and when water gets in, they quickly become inflamed. Ear infections are also common. To prevent inflammation and diseases of the ears, it is recommended to inspect and clean regularly.

prone to disease

In general, Shar Pei can be described as a breed with good health, especially if you follow the recommended diet and do not feed the animal from the table. However, there are a number of diseases that Shar Pei owners most often face.


Allergies are most often caused by food products, while allergic reactions to various environmental factors are less common.

Inversion of the eyelid (entropion)

The abundance of folds leads to the wrapping of the eyelid, while the eyelashes begin to scratch the eye. As a rule, this problem is easily solved, but it is necessary to seek help from a veterinarian in a timely manner, because the lack of treatment can lead to the dog's blindness.

Skin diseases
Otitis and other diseases of the ears

Ears are one of the weak points of Shar Pei. Ear care requires special attention, because even a small amount of water can lead to inflammation. Regular examination and cleaning of the auricle helps prevent diseases.

In addition, Shar-Peis often have episodic fever, hypothyroidism, amyloidosis, and joint disease.

Choosing a puppy and features with growth

The choice of a puppy must be approached very seriously. First of all, it is necessary to determine why the dog is purchased: for the soul, participation in exhibitions or breeding. If breed characteristics and compliance with the standard are important, it is better to contact a specialized nursery. You can not only buy a good puppy from them, but also get advice on feeding, care and upbringing. If standards are not important, other options may be considered.

Description of the breed and standards

The Shar Pei is characterized by medium height, a strong muscular body of almost square format, with a wide chest and muscular limbs. The dog is harmoniously built. The head is large, the skull is wide and flat. The muzzle is broad and blunt. The palate, lips and tongue are blue-black, while dilute colors are lavender. The tail is thick and tightly curled.

Wool at first glance seems soft, but this impression is deceptive. The pile is hard, 1-2.5 cm long. Depending on the length of the wool, there are:

  • Horse. Short hard hair no more than 1 cm;
  • Brush. Coarse elastic brush-like wool up to 2.5 cm long;
  • "Bear fur". Wavy and soft, more than 2.5 cm. It is considered non-standard.

Breed standards allow for a variety of coat colors. In total, there are 14 types of coloring, which are usually divided into 2 groups: the main one (with dark pigmentation in the form of a mask) and delut (black color is completely absent).

The main, or group A, includes colors:

  • Cream;
  • Deer;
  • Red deer;
  • Red;
  • Sable;
  • Black;
  • Blue;
  • Isabella.

Group B, or dilute colors, include:

  • Cream delut;
  • Apricot delut;
  • Red delute;
  • Chocolate delut;
  • Lilac delute;
  • Isabella delut.

Particularly noteworthy are non-standard colors, which are considered culling of the breed:

  • Albinos;
  • Spotted;
  • Black-backed.

Recently spotted color is extremely popular in the USA. This color is called flower, and a group of enthusiasts is seeking recognition as a standard.

History of the breed

It is safe to say that this breed is one of the most ancient. Genetic analysis has shown that the age of the breed is about 3 thousand years old, although it is quite difficult to trace the history and pedigree. It is believed that the progenitors of the Shar Pei are the oldest smooth-haired mastiffs and smooth-haired chow-chows.

China is considered the birthplace of the breed, but all the genealogical books that kept the secrets of the origin of the Shar-Pei were destroyed in 213 BC. e. by order of Emperor Qin Shi Huang. There is also earlier evidence confirming the existence of these dogs. During excavations, figurines depicting animals similar to Shar Pei were found. The relics are dated 220 BC. uh..

Shar Pei was extremely popular in China and was kept not only by the nobility, but also by commoners. It is believed that this breed was originally used as a fighting dog. Numerous folds of skin were natural armor that helped protect the animal from bites and severe injuries. Dog fights were one of the most popular entertainment among peasants, port workers, sailors and other segments of the population. However, during the heyday of the Roman Empire, more massive mastiff-like breeds came to China, with which the Shar-Pei simply could not compete in a fight.

Gradually, the breed lost its fighting value and became universal. Peasants used it for hunting, home protection and other tasks. The breed over the course of several centuries either became popular or lost its position. This continued until the onset of the 20th century, when the biggest turning point occurred in the history of the breed. In the 1930s, Shar-Peis were extremely popular and were kept in almost every second home, but in the 1940s the Communist Party came to power, which recognized pets as luxury items and imposed a significant tax. As a result, within 10 years, the breed practically disappeared, and only a few litters remained throughout the country.

In 1965, the first Shar-Pei was brought to the USA, and then, within a few years, 5 more dogs of this breed. However, the real revival began in 1970, when Shar Pei breeder Mato Low, with the assistance of American dog breeders, began to search all over China for surviving dogs in order to prevent the extinction of the breed. For crosses, any found individuals were used, and inbreeding was also resorted to. As a result, in 1976 the first breed standard was developed, and the first pedigree was issued. In 1078, the Shar Pei entered the Guinness Book of Records as the rarest breed.

The Shar Pei, despite its fighting background, deserves the status of a companion dog. For this breed, the most important thing is constant communication with a person, protection of the family and territory. External steadfastness and calmness hide sincere devotion to the family, good disposition, sensitivity and high intelligence. Communication with such a dog will bring a lot of positive emotions, and the content in the apartment will be simple, due to the absence of undercoat and short hair, as well as the amazing cleanliness of dogs.

Lovely skin folds, phlegmatic appearance and calm self-confidence - in appearance, the Shar Pei dog looks extremely cute and attractive. However, inside the cute animal lies an ancient, primal power, rushing out. The Shar Pei breed is capricious, proud and determined, it will never allow a bad attitude towards itself from passing dogs, and at any opportunity will look for opportunities to sort things out. Do not think that by adopting a puppy or an adult of the breed, you will turn your life into a hell and a constant struggle. You just need to devote enough time to education and training, then there will be no problems.

Lovers of strong character traits in an attractive body will definitely appreciate such a dog as a Shar Pei. But if the owner himself is not persistent and demanding regarding the upbringing of this breed of dog, then the Shar Pei will not make him any concessions and will gain leadership. Next to him should be a strong personality.

Breed standard (briefly).

Male weight: 25-30 kg.

Bitch weight: 18-25 kg.

Male height: 46-51 cm.

Female height: 46-51 cm.

Care complexity: light.

Hair care: minimal.

How many times to bathe: about 2 times a year.

Preferred Living Conditions: in a warm room.

Can they live in an apartment: certainly.

Lifespan: about 9 years old.

Country: China.

Date of origin of the breed: about 3000 years old.

FCI Group: Group 2.

FCI Section: Section 2.

FCI Standard No.: 309.

How much does Shar Pei cost.>

"Hand": up to $100.

PET class: up to $200-250.

BRID class: from $400 to $600.

SHOW class: from $600 to $1000 and more.

Education and training:

The complexity of education: above average.

Difficulty of training: average.

You can deal with a child with: 12-14 years old.

purpose of the breed.

Initial purpose: companion.

Where is it currently used: sharpei serves as a friend to man. This is its main and only purpose.

relationship with living beings.

Strangers: incredulous.

Children living in a family: adequate.

Animals: very aggressive, requires socialization.

Activity level and walking:

Need for activity: low.

Playfulness: low.

Walk duration: about 1 hour a day.

Walk intensity: walks and games.

Sharpei character. Who is the breed for?

The Shar Pei dog breed is not for people with a weak character! Self-confident, self-reliant and independent, Shar Pei feel their superiority and strength with every fiber of the soul, and the royal self-esteem may seem somewhat arrogant. Shar Pei is ready to demonstrate the seriousness of the character of any dog ​​that dares to show disrespect. The owner of this lively breed must be strong in spirit no less than the dog itself, otherwise the sharpei will quickly take the place of the head of the house and will dictate conditions from the position of a leader, which cannot be allowed if you want to keep yourself, unrecoverable nerves and surrounding things intact. Not everything is so serious, but control is definitely needed, and the owner is obliged to monitor education.

The character of the Shar-Pei is assertive, but the dog itself does not need extra gestures. It is enough to devote about 1 hour a day to walking. Take a walk or play a little active game - the sharpei still needs physical activity, which will make him waste his strength and be calmer. A single person or a married couple, a large family with grown-up children and ... in general, there are no restrictions, except that a family with small children needs to monitor the communication between the dog and the baby. It is better to give a dog to a child and entrust education not earlier than from 12-14 years old. But even then help the child in the process of training and education. Do not leave him alone to solve difficult problems.

History of the breed (briefly).

Most likely the Shar Pei's ancestors were either ancient mastiffs or smooth-haired Chow Chows. Shar Pei and Chow Chow lived at the same time, and there are similarities in their appearance. In addition, the blue-black color of the tongue is found only in these two breeds. The Shar-Pei is at least 3000 years old, and in the past this dog participated in battles. The physique of the breed speaks eloquently about this: prickly, short hair, which is inconvenient for the enemy to hold in the mouth, folds on the skin and powerful, massive jaws. But soon the fighter's career was over, as large dogs with superior strength were brought to China.

After a while, the sharpei began to guard the houses of the peasants and even helped the hunters in their business. Already in the 1940s, after the communists came to power, the breed was practically exterminated only because it was considered a symbol of the privileged class. In 1971, lovers of the breed began its active restoration, buying dogs and making plans for further revival. Things soon improved, and now Shar Pei is one of the most popular breeds in Russia.

Contrary to the common misconception that caring for a Shar Pei requires special knowledge and a lot of time from the owners, in fact, caring for these creatures is very simple. It is enough from time to time to work with a brush (with short bristles or rubberized) with the dog's hair, bathe 1-2 times a year with a special shampoo for dogs, wipe the eyes from time to time and sometimes wipe the wrinkles on the muzzle. When shedding, you can comb the dog outside so that fine hair does not stay at home, and be sure to teach the animal to calmly endure procedures from an early age, rewarding calmness with treats and praise.

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